By K. Corcella
Collection Overview
Title: John Bardeen Papers, 1910-2018
ID: 11/10/20
Creator: Bardeen, John (1908-1991)
Extent: 59.4 cubic feet
Arrangement: by type of material and chronologically thereunder
Languages: English [eng]
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Papers of John Bardeen (1908-91), Professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics (1951-91), include publications (1930-91), dissertations and theses by Bardeen students (1952-85), correspondence (1945-70, 1972-91) and reports, certificates and diplomas for honorary degrees and honors, preprints, reprints, drafts, speeches, notes, photographs, slides, tape recorded interviews, & motion pictures (1910-91) concerning theoretical physics, solid state physics, development of the transistor, xerography, development of the theory of superconductivity with J. R. Schrieffer & Leon Cooper, Bardeen's 1956 and 1972 Nobel prizes and lectures, the applications of transistors & superconductivity, many body theory, Russian & Chinese physics research, American Physical Society, Army Research Office, Bell Laboratories & the transistor (1936-68), Center for Advanced Study, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Research Office, Sony Corporation, Supertex, Inc., White House Science Council (1979-83), Xerox Corporation, electrolytic transistor invention patents (1910-60), consulting work, and the Physics Department. Correspondents include Walter H. Brattain, P. W. Bridgman, Leon Cooper, Harry G. Drickamer, H. Frohlich, Nick Holonyak, Jr. (BS '50, MS '51, PhD '54), Charles Kittel, J. R. Schrieffer (MS '54, PhD '57), Karlheinz Seeger, Frederick Seitz, William B. Shockley, & J. H. Van Vleck. Tape recorded interviews contain comments on theoretical physicists, experimental physics, theory of superconductivity, many body theory, scientific publication, education, Dr. Charles Bardeen, solid state physics, considerations in coming to Illinois, recruitment of new faculty, scientific understanding & communication between & education of non-scientists & scientists. Motion pictures include a May, 1972 interview with Bardeen, and a December, 1972 Swedish film on the contributions of Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer to the theory of superconductivity. Papers also contain Illiniwek cap.
Biographical Note
May 23, 1908 Born, Madison, Wisconsin - son of Medical School Dean Charles R. Bardeen and Althea Harmer
1923 University High and Madison Central
1928 B.S. Wisconsin, Electrical Engineering. Western Electric. Edward Bennett electrodynamics course
1929 M.S. Wisconsin, Electrical Engineering. J. H. Van Vleck
1930-33 Geophysicists, Gulf Research and Development Corporation - Leo J. Peters
1936 Ph.D. Princeton, Mathematics and Physics. E. P. Wigner
1935-38 Junior Fellow, Harvard. J. H. Van Vleck and P. W. Bridgman
1938 Married Jane Maxwell, July 18
1939-41 Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Minnesota
1941-45 Principal Physicist, U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory (Washington D.C.), magnetism and minesweeping
1945-51 Radar, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey
1947 Surface physics - properties of contacts between metals of semi-conductors depend on electron behavior in surface energy levels
1948 Transistors with William B. Shockley and Walter Brattain. Point contact type
1951-75 Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois. Louis Ridenour. Xerox Corporation
1952 Transistor literature
March 1953 Fortune article on transistors
Theoretical understanding of semiconductors
Explained why metal-germanium contact gives effect of a PN junction in a emiconductor - in terms of surface energy states
1956 National Academy of Science member
1957 Theory of Superconductivity - vanishing of electrical resistance of some metals at low temperatures
1975 Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois
January 30, 1991 Died, Boston, Massachusetts
Research Areas:
Electrical conduction in semiconductors and metals; surface properties of semiconductors; theory of superconductivity; and diffusion of atoms in solids
Prizes and Honors:
1952 Ballantine Medal, Franklin Institute
1954 Buckley Prize (solid state)
1955 Scott Medal, D.Sc. Union
1956 Nobel Prize for Physics
1960 D.Sc. University of Wisconsin
1962 London Prize
1972 Nobel Prize for Physics
1974 D.Sc. University of Illinois
1977 Presidential Medal of Freedom
1987 Lomonosov Award, Soviet Academy of Sciences
1990 John Bardeen Chair in Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering Established at University of Illinois
Box and Folder Listing
- Box 1
- Folder 1: Complete list of John Bardeen's publications, 1930-91
- Folder 2: Interview with John Bardeen by Maynard Brichford, University Archives, (two 7" open reel audio tapes), February 8, 1965
- Folder 3: "An Interview with the Transistor Inventors," Bell Laboratories (sound color motion picture featuring J. Bardeen, W. B. Shockley, and W. H. Brattain, 12 min.), May 1972
- Folder 4: Swedish Broadcasting Company, Nobel Fysik (three 5" audio tape reels), October 1972
- Folder 5: U-matic videocassette
- Contains March 19 1990 dubs of 16 mm films: "An Interview with the Transistor Inventors," May 1972, and "Nobelpriset i fysik m�¶te med John Bardeen, Leon N. Cooper, John Robert Schrieffer"
- Folder 6: "Nobelpriset i fysik m�?�¶te med John Bardeen, Leon N. Cooper, John Robert Schrieffer, December 6, 1972
- "Prize in Physics," 16 mm color film in English of meetings with Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer, produced for Swedish Radio by Bengt Feldreich and Ake Gustavson (one 10.5" reel, 20 min.)
- Box 2
- Folder 1: Interview with John Bardeen by Louise Geislers, WILL (one 7" audio tape reel, 3 3/4 IPS), November 6, 1973
- Folder 2: Interview with John Bardeen by Lillian Hodeson for the American Institute of Physics, May, 1977-April, 1978
- Three audio cassette copies and typed manuscripts (4 folders) accessioned from AIP in September 2004
- Folder 3: "The Early Days of the Transistor," a talk by Bardeen delivered to the student branch of the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (one audio cassette), February 28, 1979
- Folder 4: Interview with John Bardeen by Lillian Hodeson for the American Institute of Physics, May, 1977-April, 1978
- Folder 5: Interview with John Bardeen by Lillian Hodeson for the American Institute of Physics, February 1980.
- Typed transcripts accessioned from AIP in September 2004
- Folder 6: NBI computer diskettes (four 8" disks), 1982-88
- Folder 7: Bardeen lecture at U of I, recorded by R. T. Gladin and reproduced November-December 1991 for Nick Holonyak, Jr. (one VHS videotape), May 12, 1987
- Folder 8: Bardeen and Holonyak interview with NHK - Japanese TV (one VHS videotape), 1990
- Folder 9: Swedish TV presentation on 1972 Nobelists Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer, reproduced by Nick Holonyak, Jr. and Jack Gladin (one VHS videotape), April 1992
- Folder 10: John Bardeen Memorial, the Illini Union (one VHS videotape), February 8, 1991
- Folder 11: Presentation of John Bardeen's medals, UIUC Board of Trustees meeting (one audio cassette), October 10, 1991
- Folder 12: Nick Holonyak, Jr. correspondence on Bardeen and Holonyak interview with NHK, October 1992
- Box 3
- Folder 1: Photocopy of Transistor Press Release, 1948
- Folder 2: Bell Telephone System Technical Publication: Some Contributions to Transistor Electronics, 1949
- Folder 3: Biographical sketches, Bardeen vitae, IRS and Department of Defense personnel questionnaires, draft lists of publications, U of I Physics Department personal annual report, sabbatical leave report, 1954, 1959, 1960-61
- Folder 4: Photographs of Bardeen accepting Nobel Prizes, 1956, 1972, 1986
- Folder 5: "Nobel Prize Awarded to Transistor Inventors," Bell Laboratories Record November, 1956
- Folder 6: Reprints of articles by Shockley, Holonyak, Schrieffer, and V. L. Ginzburg, 1961, 1970, 1973, 1982
- Folder 7: New Year's note from Stockholm, ca. 1972
- Folder 8: "Three Men Who Changed Our World - 25 years later," Bell Laboratories Record December, 1972
- Folder 9: Bardeen's Nobel Lecture, "Electron-Phonon Interactions and Superconductivity", December 11 1972
- Folder 10: List of Publications, J. Bardeen, 1974
- Folder 11: Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prizes, Washington Award Banquet program, 1983-84
- Folder 12: Nobel Foundation Directory, American Academy of Achievement Salute to Excellence, 1978, 1983-84, 1989
- Folder 13: Report of the White House Science Council: Federal Laboratory Review Panel May, 1983
- Folder 14: Popular press articles relating to superconductivity, 1986-88
- Folder 15: "Partial Listing of Certain of John Bardeen's Scientific Papers in his Physics Building office" by Jerome Rowley, (83 pages), 1988
- Box 4
- Folder 1: "New Horizons in Physics," A Symposium in Celebration of John Bardeen's Eightieth Birthday (2 folders), 1988
- Folder 2: Science and Technology Center for High Temperature Superconductivity Site Visit Briefing, July 18-19, 1988
- Folder 3: Bardeen's nomination for the Charles Stark Draper Prize, 1989
- Folder 4: The Office Library of Professor John Bardeen, Master List of Books, ca. 1991
- Folder 5: John Bardeen Memorial, program and transcription, 1991
- Folder 6: Nick Holonyak, Jr. correspondence, Physics Today John Bardeen Special Issue, 1991-92
- Folder 7: Nick Holonyak, Jr., "John Bardeen 1908-1991," NAE Memorial Tributes, vol. 6, 1993
- Box 5
- Folder 1: Complete list of John Bardeen's publications, 1930-91
- Folder 2: #1, 3-47, 49-52, 54, 1930-54
- Box 6
- Folder 1: #55-69, 71-75, 77-80, 82-100, 1955-64
- Box 7
- Folder 1: #101-127 129-136, 1965-79
- Box 8
- Folder 1: #137-173, 1980-91
- Series 3: DISSERTATIONS (produced by Bardeen students)
- Box 9
- Folder 1: Paul J. Lurgans, 1952
- Folder 2: Nick Holonyak, Jr., 1954
- Folder 3: Thomas Nolan Morgan, 1955
- Folder 4: Newton Bernardes, 1957
- Folder 5: Daniel Charles Mattis, 1957
- Folder 6: John Robert Schrieffer, 1957
- Folder 7: R. C. Sirrine, 1957
- Folder 8: Michael Francis Millea, 1958
- Folder 9: Milton William Valenta, 1958
- Box 10
- Folder 1: Ling Yun Wei, 1958
- Folder 2: Stephen Reynolds Arnold, 1959
- Folder 3: William Manos Portnoy, 1959
- Folder 4: Richard Elmo Coovert, 1960
- Folder 5: Piotr B. Miller, 1960
- Folder 6: R. A. Missman, 1960
- Folder 7: 1960 Kendal True Rogers (2 folders)
- Box 11
- Folder 1: Toshihito Truneto, 1960-61
- contains only John Bardeen's notes
- Folder 2: Kenneth Rose, 1961
- Folder 3: Jerome Luther Hartke, 1961
- Folder 4: Daniel Warren Hone, 1962
- Folder 5: Peter Vance Gray, 1962
- Folder 6: John Warren Wilkins, 1963
- Folder 7: W. L. McMillan, 1963
- Folder 8: Toshiyuki Yamada, 1964
- Folder 9: Wayne Earl Tefft, 1964
- Box 12
- Folder 1: John Richard Clem, 1965
- Folder 2: Sang Boo Nam, 1966
- Folder 3: Wesley N. Mathews, Jr., 1968
- Folder 4: Reiner K�¼mmel, 1968
- Folder 5: Preprints by K. N. Bennemann, Wesley N. Mathews, Jr. et al./doctoral dissertation of Joseph N. Ross, Jr. (1986) (2 folders), 1972-73,1986
- Folder 6: Socrates Theodorus Pantelides (1973), 1972-73
- Box 13
- Folder 1: David Lee Miller (2 folders), 1973
- Folder 2: David William Allender, 1974
- Folder 3: James William Bray, 1974
- Folder 4: Samuel Cheng-Sheng Pan (1986) (2 folders), 1985-86
- Folder 5: John Harris Miller, Jr., 1985
- Incoming and outgoing correspondence is arranged chronologically. Folders containing only outgoing correspondence are so indicated.
- Box 14
- Folder 1: Early Correspondence, 1945, 1947-50
- Folder 2: 1950-51
- Folder 3: 1952-54
- Folder 4: 1954 (outgoing only)
- Folder 5: January-May 1955 (outgoing only)
- Folder 6: January-May, 1955
- Folder 7: June-December, 1955
- Folder 8: January-April, 1956
- Folder 9: May-December, 1956
- Folder 10: 1956 (outgoing only)
- Box 15
- Folder 1: January-May, 1957
- Folder 2: June-December, 1957
- Folder 3: January-June, 1957
- Folder 4: July-December, 1957
- Folder 5: January-May, 1958
- Folder 6: June-December, 1958
- Folder 7: January-June, 1958
- Folder 8: July-December, 1958
- outgoing only
- Box 16
- Folder 1: 1959 (2 folders)
- Folder 2: January-May, 1959
- Folder 3: June-December, 1959
- Folder 4: 1960 (3 folders)
- Folder 5: 1960 (outgoing only)
- Folder 6: 1961 (2 folders)
- Box 17
- Folder 1: 1961 (outgoing only)
- Folder 2: 1961-62
- Folder 3: 1962 (3 folders)
- Folder 4: 1963
- Box 18
- Folder 1: January-June, 1963
- Folder 2: July-December, 1963
- Folder 3: Personal correspondence, 1963-64
- Folder 4: 1963-64
- Folder 5: January-June, 1964
- Folder 6: July-December, 1964
- Box 19
- Folder 1: 1964 (2 folders)
- Folder 2: 1965 (outgoing only)
- Folder 3: January-June, 1965
- Folder 4: July-December, 1965
- Folder 5: Europe correspondence, 1965
- Folder 6: 1966 (outgoing only)
- Box 20
- Folder 1: January-June, 1966
- Folder 2: July-December, 1966
- Folder 3: 1967 (outgoing only)
- Folder 4: January-June, 1967
- Folder 5: July-December, 1967
- Box 21
- Folder 1: 1968 (2 folders)
- Folder 2: 1968 (outgoing only)
- Folder 3: Personal correspondence, 1968, 1986
- Folder 4: 1969
- Folder 5: 1969 (outgoing only)
- Box 22
- Folder 1: La Jolla correspondence, 1969-70
- Folder 2: 1970 (4 folders)
- Box 23
- Folder 1: 1972
- Folder 2: January-August, 1972
- Folder 3: September-December, 1972
- Folder 4: January-June (2 folders), 1973
- Folder 5: August-December, 1973
- 2 folders
- Box 24
- Folder 1: 1974 (2 folders)
- Folder 2: January-December, 1974
- Folder 3: January, 1975 - July, 1977
- Folder 4: 1976 (2 folders)
- Box 25
- Folder 1: 1977
- Folder 2: August 1977 - April, 1980 (2 folders) (outgoing only)
- Folder 3: 1978 (3 folders)
- Folder 4: Charge density wave correspondence, 1978-80
- Folder 5: 1979
- Box 26
- Folder 1: 1980 (2 folders)
- Folder 2: June - December (3 folders), 1982
- Folder 3: 1981
- Folder 4: 1981-82
- Folder 5: 1982
- Folder 6: Japan correspondence, 1982
- Folder 7: 1982-84
- Box 27
- Folder 1: 1983
- Folder 2: (2 folders), 1983, 1986, 1989-90
- Folder 3: 1984
- Folder 4: 1984-85
- Folder 5: 1985
- Folder 6: 1986 (2 folders)
- Box 28
- Folder 1: 1986-89
- Folder 2: Robert E. Thorne, 1986-90
- Folder 3: (2 folders), 1986 1989-91
- Folder 4: 1987
- Folder 5: 1987-88
- Folder 6: 1988
- Box 29
- Folder 1: Birthday letters, 1988
- contains photographs
- Folder 2: 1988-90
- Folder 3: 1989
- Folder 4: 1989-90
- Folder 5: Karl Seeger, 1989-90
- Folder 6: William A. Bardeen correspondence regarding John Bardeen's death, 1991
- Series 5: SUBJECT FILE
- Documents on research, projects, lectures, and speaking engagements, arranged by date of earliest document, and containing notes, calculations, preprints, reprints, and photographs.
- Box 30
- Folder 01-07: Superconductivity, tunneling, charge density wave transport, soliton transparencies
- Folder 01-42: Theory/Tunneling, N.A.T.O. AGARD parts, ca. 1961
- Folder 04-29: Materials Research Lab progress reports
- Folder 04-45: Diagrams and charts for talk
- Folder 04-47: Critical fields and currents
- Folder 08-01: Research problems, phono-scattering
- Folder 09-07: Understanding Superconductivity, notes and rough draft of article
- Folder 09-11: Talk on recent developments
- Folder 09-34: Excitonic superconducting, talk at Meeting Electronics Review
- Folder 09-35: Solid State Physics Chicago Area Colloquium Talk, non-homogenous current flow in superconductors and list of slides
- Folder 12-06: Surface states paper, ca. 1946
- Folder 12-18: Theory of l/f noise
- Folder 12-20: Self-trapping of electrons
- Folder 12-24: Cu2O, impedance, data
- Folder 12-25: Calculation of tunneling
- Folder 12-27: Field effect across CU2O rectifier
- Folder 12-30: Surface conductivity
- Folder 12-33: Neutron multiplication, ca. 1940
- Folder 12-39: Formal theory of conductivity, ca. 1942
- Folder 12-41: A.C. impedance rectifiers
- Folder 12-53: I-V characteristics Van Roosbroeck units
- Folder 12-61: H. Fr�¶hlich's manuscript, "Theory of the Superconducting State"
- Folder 12-65: W. G. Pfann's units
- Box 31
- Folder 12-70: 12-68 free path
- Folder 12-82: Herring, thermo polarizable media
- Folder 13-39: Vortex lines talk, ca. 1969
- Folder 13-55: Colloid and interface science-M. L. Hair, John R. Harbour, Vlad J. Norotny, Michael A. Hopper
- Folder 14-22: Exact symmetry and exact solution of kondo problem, ca. 1970
- Folder 15-17: Calculations notebook
- Folder 16-08: Lectures and notes on "Theory of a Fermi Liquid" by D. Hone
- Folder 16-10: Case 3-9 patent, ca. 1948
- Folder 17-21: Notes and calculations, Japan
- Folder 18-03: Partial listing of certain of John Bardeen's scientific papers by Jerome Rowley
- Folder 19-04: IBM Executary 224 Dictating Unit
- Folder 19-08: Copy of Betamax videocassette of aerial view from a helicopter of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory sent to Etori Yamane from John Bardeen
- Folder 19-09: John Bardeen photographs (10 identical 8" X 10" glossies)
- Box 32
- Folder 20-01: Experiments on temperature changes and superfluids with explanatory narrative (VHS videotape, 15 min.), and slides
- Folder 20-02: Slides
- Folder 21-01: Notes and calculations
- Box 33
- Folder 23-07: Vortex structure report by L. Tewordt
- Folder 23-20: "Depinning of Charge-Density Waves by Quantum Tunneling" draft by Bardeen
- Folder 24-02: Benjamin Abeles, biographical sketch, list of publications, ca. 1971
- Folder 24-03: W. H. Brattain
- Folder 24-10: J. G. Dash
- Folder 24-12: William L. Clinton
- Folder 24-14: Peter J. Feibelman
- Folder 24-33: Preprints, H. G. Drickamer (folder 1)
- Folder 24-34: Preprints, H. G. Drickamer (folder 2)
- Box 34
- Folder 25-05: Bardeen's handbook article - theory of superconductivity
- Folder 24-35: . G. Drickamer, "X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Lattice Parameters of Solids Under Very High Pressure" and "The Effect of High Pressure On the Electronic Structure of Solids" (2 folders)
- Folder 26-07: Original work on charge density waves tunneling paper
- Folder 26-18: Research notes, ca. 1976
- Box 35
- Folder A-02-02: d Bardeen rafts of papers and chapters
- Folder A -02-07: University Microfilms Inc. microfilm catalogue
- Folder A -02-08: "Materials Research Laboratory Program" and "Additional Projects in Materials Science"
- Folder B -07-02: Illinois Science Advisory Council members
- Folder E -27: Information for low temperature commission, ca. 1968
- Folder I -03: Charge density wave transparencies
- Folder I -04: 17th International Low Temperature Physics Conference, Karlsruhe talk transparencies
- Folder I -08: Lecture - "Superconductivity: Past and Future"
- Folder I -19: Chapter VI - Selected Topics from the History of Semiconductor Physics and its Applications-Ernst Braun
- Folder I -26: Basis for semiconductor model - transparencies
- Folder I -27: Superconductivity transparencies
- Folder J -02: "Super-conductivity" handwritten manuscript on problem of magnetic superconductors
- Folder J -28: Electrolytic Analogues of the Transistor - talk at the symposium of the Institute of Fundamental Chemistry
- Folder J -29: Charge density wave notes, ca. 1985
- Folder J -31: Bardeen draft, "Universal Threshold Polarization for Depinning of Charge Density Waves: Application to Blue Bronze"
- Folder J -38: Charge density wave graphs
- Folder J -47: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers award talk
- Folder J -54: Charge density wave transparencies
- Box 36
- Folder 04-50: Electrolytic transistor invention patent application, 1910, 1919-20, 1924-25, 1932-35, 1953-54, 1956-60
- Folder 26-15: Haloid Xerox Company correspondence, xerographic patents, 1929, 1955, 1958, 1960, 1962, 1965-67, 1979-80
- Folder 12-37: Cu2O rectifier manuscript, 1929, 1934-35, 1947
- Folder 19-06: The collected works of John Bardeen from 1930 to 1968, microfiche (15 copies), 1930-68
- Folder 16-17: Lilienfeld patents, 1930, 1932-33, 1940-41, 1948-49, 1952, 1966, 1988
- Folder 18-12: Correspondence, drafts, and reprints on superconductivity, low temperature, and solid state physics, 1934, 1957, 1973-78, 1989
- Folder 12-04: Notes on semiconductors, summer session, 1935, 1949, 1951-53
- Folder 07-01: Abrikosov - Aubrey reprints, 1936, 1938, 1951, 1954, 1959-60, 1962-63
- Box 37
- Folder 12-54: Bell Labs manuscripts and graphs, 1936, 1946-47, 1949
- Folder 26-17: Hydrofoil invention, 1937, 1941-42, 1952, 1956, 1977
- Folder 12-31: Diffusion equation for D.C. bias, 1938, 1946
- Folder 11-03: Notes on superconductivity, 1939, 1941, 1945
- Folder 12-69: Analysis Purdue Ge data, 1939, 1946
- Folder E -15: Calculations and a letter from the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at the Carnegie Institution, 1940
- Folder 12-36: Manuscript CU2O impedance theory, 1940, 1943, 1947
- Folder 11-13: Drafts of superconductivity paper, outlines of 1952 Bell Labs talk 1957, 1940, 1952,
- Box 38
- Folder 05-09: John Bardeen, "Electroprovodnost' Metallov," Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, T. xxv, vyp. I, 1941 ("The Electric Conductivity of Metals," Progress of Physics, vol. xxv, part I), 1941
- Folder 11-20: Bell Labs reprint for W. H. Brattain, table and charts, 1941
- Folder 12-44: Absorption infrared in Si (Briggs data), 1945, 1949-51, 1953-55
- Folder 12-52: Theory of conduction in Ge and Se, 1945, 1949
- Folder 12-42: Photoconductivity in infra-red, 1946
- Folder 12-14: Search for surface states, 1946-47
- Folder 12-38: Oxidation of CU, 1946
- Folder 12-21: Hall effect, thermo power, 1946
- Folder 12-73: General Si and Ge, 1946-47, 1950
- Folder 12-72: Ge-Sb units, 1946-47
- Folder 12-23: American Physical Society Talk, Debyl conference, 1946-47
- Folder 12-35: Talk on rectifiers, 1946
- Folder 12-71: Conductivity date of Ge and Si, 1946
- Folder J -50: Reprints, technical reports, and status reports on germanium, copper oxidation, semi-conductors, and transistor electronics, 1946, 1948, 1953, 1955-56
- Box 39
- Folder 12-47: Resistance Fe2O3, Ti, 1947
- Folder 12-10: Surface levels, 1947
- Folder 12-16: Si and Ge property analysis, 1947
- Folder 11-31: Bell Labs silicon analysis, charts and tables, 1947-48
- Folder 12-11: Nuclear quadruple moments, 1947
- Folder 12-62: Theory of A.C. impedance of Cu2O Rectifier, 1947
- Folder 12-12: Second order quadruple interaction, 1947-48
- Folder 12-17: Triode, 1948
- Folder 19-01: Reprints, drafts, newsletters, and publications 1967, 1976, 1978-80, 1984-85, 1990, 1948-51, 1954-55, 1957, 1964,
- Box 40
- Folder 16-12: Patent applications for cases 3-9, 1-7, and 4-11 (2 folders), 1948-49
- Folder 12-55: Pressure change of resistance of Te and Ge, 1948-49
- Folder 12-58: Notes on conference on X-rays, University of Wisconsin, 1948, 1950
- Folder 12-15: Notes on Purdue program report, 1948
- Folder 12-70: Calculations of Si conductivity, 1948
- Folder 12-08: Transistor history (folder 1), 1948-49, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1968, 1976, 1978
- Folder 12-09: Transistor history (folder 2), 1948-49, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1968, 1976, 1978
- Folder 11-15: "A Semi-Conductor Triode" draft and paper, 1948
- Box 41
- Folder I -37: National Academy of Sciences - Walter H. Brattain biography (3 folders), 1948-50, 1953, 1956, 1959, 1967-68, 1973, 1983, 1985, 1987-90
- Folder 09-15: Transistor History, documents regarding history of the transistor by William B. Shockley and Charles Weiner, correspondence and reprints, John Scott Award, 1948-49, 1958, 1972-75
- Folder 12-07: Ge-Diode theory, 1948-50
- Folder 12-63: Physics Today article correspondence and notes, 1948
- Folder 12-66: Pfann P-N transistors, 1948
- Folder 12-64: Transistor talks, 1948
- Folder 05-11: Reprints on germanium, the early transistor, magnetic interpretation, and superconductivity, 1948-50, 1954, 1956-58, 1990
- Folder 05-16: "The Transistor -- A Crystal Triode," Electronics, September, 1948
- Folder 18-02: Early days of transistor reprints and speech, 1948, 1952, 1988
- Box 42
- Folder 12-57: Diode characteristics, 1948
- Folder 12-50: Talk on energy bands and mobilities, 1948-50
- Folder 12-13: Comments on transistor paper, 1948
- Folder 12-48: Ge thermal expansion, 1949
- Folder 12-67: Transistor calculations and Holmdel-Deal talk, 1949
- Folder 12-40: Change of contact potential with light, 1949, 1951
- Folder 12-26: A.C. impedance spot on Ge Moore's Data, 1949
- Folder 12-22: Calculations on range of α's in Ge, 1949
- Folder 12-49: Data of price, 1949
- Folder 12-28: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, 1949
- Folder 12-51: "Diffusion in Binary Alloys," 1949
- Folder 12-32: Mobilities, 1949-50
- Folder 12-19: Theory of A-C Impedance, 1949
- Folder 12-34: Diffusion in alloys, 1949
- Folder 05-17: Leo J. Peters, "The Direct Approach to Magnetic Interpretation and its Practical Application," Geophysics, vol. 14, no. 3, July, 1949
- Folder 12-29: Forming and p-type transistors, 1949
- Folder 12-46: Radial flow at large fields, recombination at surface, 1949
- Folder 09-16: Semiconductors Talks, notes of 13 talks on semiconductors and transistors 1956-57, 1959-61, 1963, 1966, 1949,
- Folder 12-45: Absorption, Ge and Si, 1949-50
- Box 43
- Folder 18-13: Reprints, drafts, publications, and correspondence regarding history of superconductivity, 1950-51, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1971, 1973-75, 1978-80, 1983
- Folder 09-05: Superconductivity literature, notes, Fr�¶hlich's theory of superconductivity, reprints and correspondence on superconductivity, 1950-51
- Folder 12-59: Charge of resistance in magnetic field, 1950
- Folder 12-56: National Research Council Imperfections Conference, 1950
- Folder 12-43: Superconductivity, 1950
- Folder 25-08: Drafts on electron-phonon interactions and superconductivity for Herbert Fr�¶hlich article, abstracts and reprints on superconductivity 1973, 1950-51, 1961, 1963, 1968,
- Folder 25-09: "Electron-Phonon Interactions and Superconductivity" by John Bardeen for Herbert Fr�¶hlich volume, Cooperative Phenomena, 1950-51, 1960, 1966, 1971-73
- Box 44
- Folder 01-25: Talk, Ottawa, Canada, 1950, 1953-56
- Folder 11-01: Electrons - vibration interactions, Bardeen, Shockley reprint, 1950, 1955
- Folder 09-17: Patents, three electrode circuit, oscillation generator, xerographic plate patents, 1950, 1952, 1962
- Folder 11-09: "Isotope Effect in Superconductivity" and "Criterion For Superconductivity" and "Field Variation of Superconducting Penetration Depth," with notes, correspondence, and calculations, 1950-51
- Folder 04-23: Nobel Foundation, code of statutes, 1952, 1972
- Folder 17-25: Grade books and grade rosters, Physics 381, 435, 463, 481, 489, 490, 491, 498 (folder 1), 1951, 1953-59, 1961-72, 1974
- Folder 17-26: Grade books and grade rosters, Physics 381, 435, 463, 481, 489, 490, 491, 498 (folder 2), 1951, 1953-59, 1961-72, 1974
- Folder 11-04: Superconductivity surface (boundary) energy, drafts and calculations, 1951
- Folder 11-05: Talk on superconductivity, "Superconductivity and Lattice-Vibrations," 1951
- Box 45
- Folder 11-41: Galley proofs, reprints, manuscripts, and correspondence for published articles, 1951, 1955-57, 1961
- Folder 12-60: Atomic constants, 1951
- Folder J -08: Haloid Company, 1951, 1954-55
- Folder 11-30: International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Kyoto and Tokyo '53, 1951-54
- Folder 11-02: Superconductivity, manuscripts and notes, American Physical Society talk at Washington, 1951-52
- Folder 04-26: IBM American Physical Society international prize for new materials, 1952, 1974
- Folder 11-07: Washington American Physical Society talk '52, notes and calculations, "Calculation Of Surface Energies," draft, reprints, 1952
- Folder 11-14: Draft and reprint of "Surface Properties of Germanium," drafts of "The Motion of Slow Electrons in a Polar Crystal," 1952-54
- Folder 18-05: Drafts, reprints, and publications on the history of the transistor and superconductivity (2 folders), 1952, 1958, 1961, 1964, 1966-67, 1969, 1972, 1975-76, 1978, 1980-81, 1984,
- Box 46
- Folder 17-17: Plans for semiconductor research, 1952
- Folder 18-17: , drafts, conferences, and talk on superconductivity, 1952, 1961-62, 1965, 1969, 1971, 1978
- Folder 18-06: Drafts, reprints, and publications (2 folders), 1952, 1966, 1984-85, 1987
- Folder I -06: The early days of the transistor, 1952, 1960, 1990
- Folder 11-18: Notes for Purdue report, 1952
- Folder 05-08: Navy Research Office contracts - proposals, 1952-54, 1958, 1961
- Folder 09-01: IRE-AIEE Solid Device Meeting, Institute of Radio Engineers and American Institute of Electronic Engineering Conference on Semiconductor Devices Research, 1952
- Folder 09-37: Superconductivity talks, 21 talks on superconductivity, 1952, 1955-63, ca. 1975
- Box 47
- Folder 12-05: Summer session on semiconductors, 1952-53, 1968
- Folder 12-80: Conduction in solids, University of Wisconsin, summer, 1952
- Folder 09-32: Transistor summer school, summer school program, lecture notes at MIT, class experiments, Physics of Transistors Talk at Bell Labs, 1952-53
- Folder 16-09: Bell Labs talks, outline and reprints on low temperature physics and superconductivity, 1952, 1955
- Folder 26-16: Haloid Xerox Battelle correspondence, research and conferences on xerographic plates (2 folders), 1952-55, 1958-59
- Folder 09-02: Electrical Engineering Department information and graduate colloquium rules for '67, graduate committee, staff seminars, calendar of graduate college 1962, 1967, 1952-53,
- Folder 05-03: Army Research Office contracts - progress reports67, 1969, 1973, 1975, 1952, 1954-55, 1957-59, 1961-
- Folder 09-27: American Physical Society Talk, Detroit, Michigan, Surface Barrier effects, notes and reprints on surface properties, correspondence, 1953-54
- Folder 16-04: Semiconductor reprints, notes, draft, lectures, and publication, 1953-54, 1957, 1975
- Box 48
- Folder 24-17: Nick Holonyak, Jr. 60th birthday, 1953, 1962, 1972, 1976, 1986, 1988
- Folder 03-12: National Academy of Sciences condensed matter physics panel, 1953, 1955, 1957-58, 1962, 1965, 1966, 1981-82
- Folder 11-10: Correspondence relating to Bardeen's article in Handbuch der Physik, 1953-55
- Folder 11-11: Superconductivity notes, "Theory of the Meisner Effect in Superconductors," 1951-55
- Folder 05-04: Army Research Office contracts - proposals, 1953-54, 1957-59, 1962, 1964-67, 1970-71, 1973
- Folder 04-42: Transistor devices lectures given by John Bardeen, R. N. Hall, R. M. Ryder, William B. Shockley at the Graduate Summer School in Semiconductors and Transistor Electronics, 1953
- Folder 04-43: Semiconducting materials lectures given by E. Conwell, A. Rose, F. Seitz, H. L. Vink, E. K. Weise at the Graduate Summer School in Semiconductors and Transistor Electronics, 1953
- Folder 03-43: Fritz London endowment, 1953, 1972-74, 1977-78, 1982
- Folder 05-02: Navy Research Office technical reports, 1953, 1956
- Box 49
- Folder 05-10: Navy Research Office technical reports, numbers 2-8, 1953-56
- Folder 05-12: S. R. Morrison, "Some Surface Effects on Germanium Technical Report" no. 2, 1953
- Folder 09-47: Light Amplification Papers and Correspondence, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers AdCom meeting, articles and reprints, Gordon Teal letter, 1953, 1962-63, 1986-87
- Folder 01-22: Semiconductors Amsterdam meeting, 1953-54
- Folder 01-21: Low Temperature Conference, Houston, Texas, 1953
- Folder 23-14: TCNQ fluctuation superconductivity, 1954, 1973
- Folder 05-07: Navy Research Office contracts - progress reports, 1954-67
- Box 50
- Folder 01-23: Buckley committee solid state physics, 1954-57
- Folder 07-04: Electrolytic analog transistor and patent documents, 1954, 1964, 1974, 1983, 1986, ca, 1987
- Folder 05-13: Hubert Bulliard, "Photomagnetic Effect in Germanium and Silicon," The Physical Review vol. 94, no. 6, June 15, 1954
- Folder 11-28: European trips, 1954, 1958, 1962
- Folder 14-26: Correspondence and notes of Raydong Sun (2 folders), 1954, 1958
- Folder 09-51: Wave Functions for Li and Na Correspondence, correspondence, tables and calculations, 1955-56, 1964
- Folder 05-06: Air Force Office of Scientific Research contracts - progress reports, 1955, 1957-64
- Folder 09-36: General Electric agreement, consulting agreements and correspondence, 1955-59
- Box 51
- Folder 12-81: Noise in semiconductors, drafts and correspondence Bardeen, J. M. Richardson, S. Roy Morrison, 1955
- Folder J-22: U.S. Army Research Office technical reports, 1955, 1961, 1974
- Folder 12-83: Summer school at Les Houches, Paris, 1955-56
- Folder 04-37: Ge and Si Diffusion, reports, notes, correspondence (M. W. Valenta, M. F. Millea, G. L. Pearson, Ramasastry, W. W. Tyler), 1955-56, 1958-59, 1961
- Folder 11-06: Book review, Cohen tenure, correspondence, calculations, and abstracts, 1955-56
- Folder 26-19: Haloid Xerox Company correspondence and notes on meetings, includes photograph of John Bardeen, 1955-58
- Folder 09-33: Solid state physics history project, fundraising letters by John Bardeen to industries, minutes and summaries of organizational meetings, correspondence, question list, 1955, 1979-83
- Box 52
- Folder 12-75: Book o n superfluids, 1955, 1957-59
- Folder 01-11: National Science Foundation Low Temperature Physics Program Conference, 1955
- Folder 04-44: Foreign reprints by John Bardeen through 1933, 1956, 1961, 1964, 1972-74, 1983
- Folder 04-52: Nobel Prize lectures, National Science Foundation award, and history of superconductivity, 1956-57, 1966, 1972, 1975, 1978
- Folder 05-15: Harry Letaw, Jr., "Thermal Acceptors in Germanium," Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol. 1, 1956
- Folder 15-04: Notes and lectures on low temperature physics and reprints on superconductivity, 1956, 1958-59, 1962
- Folder 1: -02 Notes, drafts, and reprints (2 folders), 1956-57, 1959-63
- Folder 2: -09 Reprints, Stephen Brunauer, "Einstein in the Navy," 1956, 1979, 1985-86
- Folder 13-33: Symposium on technology of diffusion devices by the staff of Bell Telephone Laboratories for licensees of Western Electric Company, 1956
- Box 53
- Folder 09-52: Refereed articles and comments for Physics Review, correspondence
- Folder 3: -01 P. C. Banbury, correspondence and application for a visiting professorship at UIUC, 1956
- Folder 01-24: Semiconductors Conference, Garmisch, 1956
- Folder 27-01: Technical panel on semi-conductors, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, 1956
- Folder Z: -07 Toll correspondence regarding Maryland loyalty oath requirement for centennial lecturers, 1956
- Folder 09-44: Surface properties talks, talk at San Francisco, talk on semi-conductors surface physics Gulf Research Lab, notes for Copenhagen lecture, 1956, 1958-59
- Folder A -03: Ph.D. Preliminary Exam for Emery Wisman, 1956, 1961-62
- Folder 11-32: International symposium at Garmisch, John Bardeen's paper "Methods for Determination of Distribution of Surface States in Ge and Si," 1956
- Folder 19-02: Drafts and reprints by John Bardeen and others, 1956-57, 1960-62, 1964, 1976-77, 1979-81, 1983-85, 1989
- Folder 01-29: Nobel Prize Stockholm trip, 1956-57
- Folder 18-19: Correspondence, drafts, and reprints on superconductor, 1956-58, 1961, 1976
- Folder 16-11: Drafts, galleys, reprints, and correspondence, 1956-58
- Folder 15-14: Collected papers and tables on the theory of conductivity, 1956-58
- Box 54
- Folder 09-14: Nobel lecture, semiconductor research leading to the point contact transistor correspondence, 1956-57, 1960
- Folder 11-12: Drafts of chapters, Theory of Superconductivity, 1957
- Folder 25-11: Proofs for 1972 Nobel lecture and World Book Encyclopedia, 1964 American Society for Testing Materials lecture, reprints on superconductivity, 1957, 1963-64, 1969, 1972-73
- Folder 05-05: Air Force Office of Scientific Research - proposals, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1965-66, 1968, 1970
- Folder 01-34: Rochester Semiconductors Conference, 1957-58
- Folder 01-30: Superconductivity Conference, Brussels-Leiden, 1957-58
- Folder 11-35: National Science Foundation committee for atmospheric sciences, theory of superconductivity technical report (John Bardeen, L. Cooper, and J. R. Schrieffer), 1957, 1961
- Box 55
- Folder A-01: Quantum Chemistry Group for Research in Atomic State Theory, Uppsala University, Sweden, technical notes numbers 1-4, 1957
- Folder 17-20: Tetsuo Tsukamoto, new germanium NPN grown junction crystal for high frequency transistor, July, 1957
- Folder 26-33: Japanese Universities information, drafts and reprints, 1957, 1968, 1973-77
- Folder 03-39: Transistor early days address, electrical engineering symposium, Ohio University, 1957, 1979
- Folder 09-25: Science and government talk, Normal University, Bloomington, Illinois, science and government talk and 2/24/60 talk on President's Science Advisory Council activities and need for better public understanding of science, 1957, 1960-61
- Folder 23-03: Superconductivity history, 1957, 1966, 1972
- Folder A -02: Office of Naval Research, directories of scientists and physicists in Europe, 1957, 1959-60
- Box 56
- Folder 04-18: Nobel nominations, reprints, nominations, biographies (2 folders), 1957, 1960-62,1966-68, 1971, 1974
- Folder 09-43: Michelson Award talks, also talk at American Physical Society Meeting (1970), Bell Labs record (Jul/Aug 68), special report "Electronics Magazine" (2/19/68), 1957, 1961, 1968, 1970
- Folder 04-09: Superconductivity Conference, Stanford, reprints, papers and notes, 1957, 1965-66, 1968-69
- Folder 18-15: Publication, reprints, and draft regarding superconductivity, 1957, 1962, 1973
- Folder 18-04: Reprints, drafts, and notes on the history of the transistor and superconductivity (2 folders), 1957-58, 1962, 1973, 1975-76, 1978, 1980-82, 1987-88
- Folder 16-13: Physics class papers for 436D, 490, and 491, and reprints, 1957, 1962, 1965-67
- Box 57
- Folder 16-15: Physics 362, 436D, 490, and 491 class papers, reprints, and drafts, 1957, 1961-62, 1965-67
- Folder 09-49: Superconductivity talk, four reprints on superconductivity, notes, talk Advances in the Theory, 1958, 1963, 1968
- Folder 14-25: Bardeen notebooks (3 folders), 1958-60, 1963-64, 1966, 1968
- Folder 18-10: Transistor history, 1958, 1964, 1968
- Box 58
- Folder 01-35: Proceedings of Midwest Conference on Theoretical Physics, St. Louis, 1958
- Folder 01-33: Rochester Semiconductors Conference, 1958
- Folder A -01-01: Quantum Chemistry Group for Research in Atomic, Molecular, and Solid-State Theory, Uppsala University, Sweden, technical notes, nos. 10, 12-13,, 1958
- Folder 18-18: Correspondence regarding publication, recommendations, European trip, and physics, 1958-59
- Folder 11-29: Navy Department's "European Scientific Notes" '59, superconductivity conference booklet '59, summary of papers given at exposition in Brussells '58, 1958-59
- Folder 04-01: Flux Flow in Low-K Superconductors with Richard D. Sherman 1974-75, 1958, 1961, 1971,
- Folder 23-12: Current flow superconducting and normal boundaries, 1958, 1969-72
- Box 59
- Folder A-01-02: Quantum Chemistry Group for Research in Atomic, Molecular, and Solid-State Theory, Uppsala University, Sweden, technical notes, nos. 15, 16, 18, 1958
- Folder J -10: Papers of students under my direction, 1958-59, 1965, 1973
- Folder 01-32: Rochester Semiconductors Conference, 1958
- Folder 01-36: International Conference on Electrical Properties of Metals, 1958
- Folder A -02-03: Lists of Nobel Prize winners, American Physical Society Division of Solid State Physics membership, ARPA-SSSP meeting attendees, recipients of superconductivity reports, Electron Tunneling in Solids Symposium attendees, 1958-59, 1961
- Folder A -01-03: Quantum Chemistry Group for Research in Atomic, Molecular, and Solid-State Theory, Uppsala University, Sweden, technical notes, nos. 17 23, 1958-59, 19-21,
- Folder 09-03: Karlheinz Seeger final reports to Signal Corps on investigations of microwave duplexer switching mechanism, diagrams, 1958
- Box 60
- Folder 12-74: Book on superconductivity by Bardeen and J. R. Schrieffer, 1958-59
- Folder 04-04: Physics 490, notes, problems, and lectures, 1958, 1961-63
- Folder 15-03: Calculations notebook, 1958, 1963, 1965
- Folder 09-40: President's Science Advisory Committee, announcement of decision to put National Science Foundation in charge of coordinating scientific information, advised by President's Science Advisory Committee, travel details, 1958, 1960
- Folder 09-48: Strengthening American Science, President's Science Advisory Committee pamphlet and two newspaper clippings with short paragraphs on two colleges, 1958
- Folder 09-54: European trips, Hotel Ukraine, Moscow, closing speech, notes, reprint, 1959
- Folder 12-77: Correspondence and notes on manuscript on superfluids, 1959-60, 1962
- Folder 22-07: "Quantum Fluids" The Physical Society of Japan, "The Theory of Fermi Liquid" by Abrikosov and Khalatinikov, "The Structure of and Properties of Metal - Semi Conductor Interfaces" by Brillson, and "The Impact of Energy on Industrial Growth," by K�¼mmel, 1959, 1979, 1982
- Folder 13-32: Texas Instruments, Jack Kilby integrated circuit patent, 1959, 1970
- Box 61
- Folder 23-06: Gapless superconductor, thin films, 1959, 1962-64
- Folder J-09: Superconductivity and solid state physics talks, 1959, 1964-66, 1968, 1972
- Folder A -01-04: Quantum Chemistry Group for Research in Atomic, Molecular, and Solid-State Theory, Uppsala University, Sweden, technical notes, nos. 24-26, 28, 1959
- Folder 14-20: Science Advisory Council correspondence, application, itinerary, reprints, and newspaper clippings, 1959, 1970, 1978, 1980-83
- Folder 01-20: Semiconductor Conference, London, 1951
- Folder B: -11 Graduate fellowships pamphlets, 1959
- Folder 01-48: Low Temperature Physics Conference, Columbus, Ohio, 1959, 1963-65
- Folder 01-28: Europe summer, 1958, 1962
- Box 62
- Folder A-01-05: Quantum Chemistry Group for Research in Atomic, Molecular, and Solid-State Theory, Uppsala University, Sweden, technical notes, nos. 30, preprint numbers 125, 127-130, 143, 1959, 1964-65
- Folder 01-47: Russia trip reports, 1959
- Folder 15-11: Tunneling calculations, notes, drafts, publications and reprints, 1959, 1961
- Folder A -02-04: National Academy of Sciences, Science preprint, organization information, and membership lists, 1959-62
- Folder 18-16: Reprints on superconductivity, Bardeen "Advances in Superconductivity" drafts and reprints, 1959, 1961-63, 1969-70, 1973
- Folder 04-30: Physics class problems, 1959-60, 1963, 1965
- Folder 01-37: Semiconductor Physics Conference, Prague, 1960
- Folder 01-51: Superconductivity Research Conference, IBM, Yorktown Heights, New York, 1960-61
- Folder 03-54: Yale correspondence, 1960-62
- Box 63
- Folder 12-02: Proposal for a midwest electronics research laboratory (folder 1), 1960, 1962-64
- Folder 12-03: Proposal for a midwest electronics research laboratory (folder 2), 1960, 1962-64
- Folder 13-12: Revision for Condon and Odishaw, Handbook of Physics, second edition, 1960, 1962-63
- Folder 09-24: Semiconductor specialists dinner talk, Chicago, correspondence and reprint on semiconductor research, 1960, 1963
- Folder 11-24: Trips to Prague and Russia, International Conference on Semiconductor Physics, Prague, report, correspondence, programs, and abstracts, 1960
- Folder 1312: -52 J. Bardeen and J. R. Schrieffer, Recent Developments in Superconductivity, 1960
- Folder 27-05: Haloid Xerox Incorporated, 1960-65
- Box 64
- Folder 13-13: Notes and drafts for talks on superconductivity, Stockholm and University of Utah, 1960, 1966, 1971-72
- Folder 11-39: Reports on federal support of science, 1960-61
- Folder 11-36: Funding, recruitment, and management of federally financed research and development projects, 1960-62
- Folder 01-45: Semiconductor Talk, ACS, Rochester, land grant college dinner, 1960-61
- Folder 22-27: Correspondence with and reprints of E. G. D. Cohen, 1960-62, 1966-68, 1970-71, 1977, 1984, 1989
- Folder 09-21: Prague and U.S.S.R. trip report, report to National Academy of Sciences on 8/25 - 9/25 visit to solid state laboratories, 1960
- Box 65
- Folder 01-38: N.A.T.O./AGARD Materials Science Symposium, Advanced Group Materials Science, Paris, 1960-61
- Folder 01-39: N.A.T.O./AGARD Materials Science Symposium, Advanced Group Materials Science, Paris, 1960-61
- Folder 01-41: N.A.T.O./AGARD Materials Science Symposium, Paris, 1960-61
- Folder 01-44: IBM Superconductivity Conference, 1960-61
- Folder 09-38: Rochester talk, semiconductors, 1961
- Folder 15-08: Low temperature physics notes, physics 498C lecture notes and He3 draft, 1961-62
- Folder B -05-01: Lecture notes-Physics 498C, 1961-62
- Folder 27-03: Federal Council on Science and Technology, Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Science and Technology - Xerox Corporation, 1960-61
- Folder 27-04: Atmospheric science, 1961-62
- Box 66
- Folder 01-40: Gordon Conference, 1961
- Folder 01-26: Travel vouchers, 1961
- Folder 01-54: Conferences, 1961-62
- Folder 01-49: Midwest Conference on Theoretical Physics, 1961
- Folder 01-46: N.A.T.O./AGARD Materials Science Symposium, Paris, 1961
- Folder 27-10: Excitonic superconductivity, 1961-78
- Folder 09-22: Center for Advanced Studies dinner talk, 1961
- Folder 04-48: Physics 435, Physics 490, and diagrams, 1961-63, 1973
- Folder 18-11: International Conference on the Science of Superconductivity, Hamilton, New York, 1961-63, 1974
- Folder 11-35: President's Science Advisory Committee, 1961-62
- Folder 11-37: Review of effectiveness of private contracts for government research and development, 1961
- Folder 11-08: Notes on Critical Fields and Currents, draft of "Quantization of Flux in a Superconducting Cylinder", 1961
- Folder President': 01-27 Science Advisory Committee travel, 1961
- Box 67
- Folder 11-19: Notes and calculations for papers, "Calculation of Critical Current Density," "Calculation of Free Energy as a Function of Gap for General T," "Calculation of Current Density, small z, y," "Tunneling from a Many-Particle Point of View," 1961-62
- Folder 18-26: Reprints and conference information on superconductivity and low temperature physics, Industrial Research, "Scientist of the Year" article, 1961, 1964-65, 1968, 1970-72, 1974-76
- Folder 07-39: Field effect transistor, three reprints, 1961-62, 1986
- Folder 15-09: Physics problems notebooks, Physics 489 and 490, 1961-62, 1964
- Folder 12-76: Bardeen paper on critical fields and currents in superconductors, 1961-62
- Folder 23-05: Notes on Mathias seminar and superconductivity drafts and reprints, 1962, 1966-70
- Folder 23-15: Superconductivity materials notes, drafts, and reprints, 1962, 1970-72
- Box 68
- Folder 07-07: Superconductive tunneling, 1962
- Folder 22-13: Draft for "The Early Days of the Transistor," reprints of "Review of the Present Status of the Theory of Superconductivity," other articles by Seeger, Ginley, Baker, Richards, Shen, Harris, Lloyd, and Clarke, 1962, 1979-80
- Folder 11-34: Federal Council for Science and Technology, 1962
- Folder A-02-01: Hughes Aircraft Company, information retrieval program, progress report, 1962
- Folder 01-43: Superconductivity Conference planning, Hamilton, New York, 1962-63
- Folder 11-23: President's Science Advisory Committee Atmospheric Sciences Group, 1962
- Folder 13-15: The Quantum Theory of Atoms, Molecules, and the Solid State - drafts and correspondence, 1962, 1965-66
- Folder 01-31: Eta Kappa Nu Talk, 1962
- Folder 09-26: Eta Kappa Nu Talk, need for quality people in the civil service, 1962
- Folder 11-40: Report of the Advisory Panel on Nuclear Structure Physics (formerly Low Energy Physics), 1962-63
- Folder 01-53: "Clear Surfaces" Conference, New York, 1962
- Folder 11-38: "Strengthening the Behavioral Sciences," pamphlet, 1962
- Folder 09-30: Microelectronics talk, ITT, engineering education and changing technology notes with correspondence and article by Gordon Brown, 1962-63
- Folder 01-58: French theoretical physics, superconductivity, Corsica, 1962
- Folder 01-52: Midwest Conference on Theoretical Physics Proceedings, 1962
- Box 69
- Folder 15-07: Tunneling drafts, reprints, and notes, 1962
- Folder 01-55: Low Temperature, London, 1962
- Folder G-05: Army Research Office correspondence DA-HC04-69-C0007 C0005, 1962, 1964-75
- Folder 13-35: SN boundaries, 1962, 1972
- Folder J-24: Superconductivity talks, China and Leiden, 1962, 1975, 1979
- Folder 15-05: Physics 491 notes, 1962
- Folder 14-05: Reprint, correspondence, and drafts on motion of flux lines, 1962, 1965-66
- Folder 22-20: Documents relating to Charles F. Gallo, 1962-63, 1967, 1973-74, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1987
- Folder 27-02: Atmospheric Science Panel, questions concerning meterological satellites, 1962
- Folder 27-25: Ga (As1-X PX) p-n junction laser diode (color photograph)[oversize box 30], 1962
- Folder Z-12: John Bardeen chair of the International Conference on the Science of Superconductivity, August 26-28, 1963, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York, 1962-63
- Folder 01-59: Russian documents, 1963
- Folder B-04-02: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, report, American Physical Society Council, preliminary agenda and minutes, Washington, D. C. meeting, 1963-67
- Folder 03-53: Nobel correspondence, draft, 1972 Nobel acceptance speech, 1963, 1972-73
- Folder 22-34: Drafts and reprints on charge density waves and superconductivity, encyclopedia article correspondence, Five Continent Peace Initiative, 1963, 1981-82, 1984-86
- Box 70
- Folder 18-27: Xerox Corporation talks and correspondence, 1963-65
- Folder 14-12: Current oscillation in silicon reprints and drafts, 1963-67
- Folder 01-50: Solid State Theory Conference, Moscow, 1963
- Folder 09-06: Talk - Moscow, notes reprints, pamphlet in Russian, translated Russian interview of John Bardeen, 1963-64
- Folder 09-28: Industrial Research Conference talk, Purdue, Basic Research talk and Industry-University Research Forum talk 4/18/63, 1963, 1965-66
- Folder 09-39: Industry - University Research Forum talk, talk on industrial visitors program (and Sloan Foundation Grant Notice) at Illinois (4/25/63), 1963
- Folder 01-57: Xerox fall planning conference, London, 1963
- Folder 18-01: John Bardeen photographs [oversize box OS-30], 1963, 1985
- Folder 16-14: Notebooks concerning physics classes, 1963, 1965, 1967
- Folder 09-12: Physics of Solid Surfaces Conference talk, Providence, notes, reprints, correspondence regarding various conferences, International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, 1963-64
- Folder 01-56: Transport phenomena in many-particle systems, Banff, 1963
- Folder E-19: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, location of 13th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 1963, 1968-72
- Box 71
- Folder 13-01: American Society for Testing Material talk, 1963-64
- Folder 18-25: Drafts, reprints, notes, papers, University of Illinois at Chicago faculty search committee, travel and conference itinerary, prize nominations, 1963, 1971, 1974-77, 1988
- Folder 12-78: Bardeen and Michael Stephen, abstract on calculation of free energy of superconducting, 1963-64
- Folder 04-49: Diagrams and charts for talk (contains photograph), 1964, 1968, 1972
- Folder 15-10: Calculations and lecture notes for Physics 131B and 463, superconductor and superfluids reprint, 1964, 1966-67
- Folder 27-24: Club and organization membership cards, international postage stickers, Johnson/Humphrey pin, 1964, 1977, 1988, 1990
- Folder B-04-04: American Physical Society minutes (folder 1), 1964-66
- Folder B-04-05: American Physical Society minutes (folder 2), 1964-66
- Box 72
- Folder 09-08: American Society for Testing and Materials talk, Philadelphia, notes and correspondence, 1964
- Folder 17-32: Bardeen photographs and University of Illinois Photo Services work orders, 1964, ca. 1975, 1978, 1981, 1985, 1989-90
- Folder 09-19: Talk - Recent Developments: Phenomenological Theories, 1964
- Folder 12-79: Ultrasonic attenuation, V. M. Bobetic, 1964
- Folder E-14: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics correspondence, general assembly, 1964, 1966, 1968-71
- Folder 14-01: Patent information, 1964-66
- Folder 13-28: President's commission on the patent system (contains photographs), 1964-67
- Folder D-13: American Physical society executive committee meeting, New York, 1964-65, 1967
- Folder E-10: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, commission on very low temperatures, 1964-67, 1971
- Folder 01-61: Solid Surfaces Conference, Brown University, 1964
- Box 73
- Folder 13-31: Texas Instruments, Jack Kilby integrated circuit patent, 1964, 1969-70
- Folder 25-01: Autograph requests (4 folders), 1964-68, 1970-74, 1976-77, 1979-81, 1984, 1990-91
- Folder 18-28: Xerox Corporation and Bell Laboratories correspondence, memos, and talks, Air Force Office of scientific research news reports, meetings, and drafts, 1964-66
- Folder B-07-03: Report on automatic teaching and full employment, 1964
- Folder B-07: Governor's Advisory Committee, 1964
- Folder 14-16: Fluctuation relaxation notes, reprints, correspondence, and drafts, 1964, 1968-70
- Box 74
- Folder B-07-12: Proposal for the establishment of a computation center, 1964
- Folder B-07-01: Illinois Science Advisory Council minutes, 1964-65
- Folder 01-60: 9th Low Temperature Physics Conference, Columbus, Ohio, 1964
- Folder 19-03: Correspondence, blank UIUC post-doc position application, draft of superconducting magnet research, notes, list of publications, 1964-65, 1971, 1986
- Folder B-07-11: Report by the Pennsylvania Governor's Council of Science and Technology, 1964
- Folder G-04: Army Research Office financial statement DA-HC04-69-C0007 C0005, 1964-72
- Folder E-1: Correspondence concerning International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, 1964-72
- Folder 09-04: Engineers, Scientists, Physicians for Johnson/Humphrey, pamphlets, letters, and newsletters of this group. (A letter by Satterthwaithe says Bardeen helped make an ad for the News Gazette, 1964
- Folder C-04: Robert W. Hellwarth correspondence (outgoing only), 1964-65
- Folder B-07-07: Report on the need to increase human environment and economic activity, 1964
- Folder 16-07: Basic research notes, drafts, reprints, and lectures, 1964-66, 1974
- Folder Z-02: Talk presented at Xerox dedication ceremonies, "The Role of Basic Research", 1964
- Folder 13-18: Solution of Gor'kov equation, 1964-65
- Folder 04-35: Collective excitations on electrodynamics of superconductors paper, A. I. Larkin and notes, 1964-65
- Folder 14-06: Vortex motion, 1964-65
- Folder 24-27: Sang Boo Nam, 1964, 1967, 1969-72, 1974
- Folder B-07-09: Article by Dr. John C. Frye on activities of state geological survey, 1965
- Box 75
- Folder 11-16: "Hall Effect and Vortex Motion," paper as part of Physics 463 course, 1965, 1971, 1973-75
- Folder B-07-04: Report on development of forest and associated land resources of Illinois, 1965
- Folder D-12: American Physical Society council meeting, New York (3 folders), 1965, 1967
- Folder B-07-10: Chicago Engineering and Science Center, Incorporated, goals and purposes, 1965
- Folder 15-12: Sussex summer meeting on quantum fluids correspondence, notes, and drafts, 1965
- Folder C-03: Philipp e Choquard correspondence (outgoing only), 1965
- Folder B-04-08: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, minutes and correspondence, Washington, D.C. (folder 1), 1965-66
- Folder B-04-09: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, report, Washington, D.C. (folder 2), 1965-66
- Folder 09-09: Talk - Xerox, Basic Research in the Industrial Labs, 1965
- Folder 09-46: Superconductivity Talk, Pittsburgh, Bardeen photographs, outline for talk, 1965
- Folder D-07: American Physical Society Executive Committee, New York, 1965-69
- Folder 15-13: 10th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (2 folders), 1965-67
- Box 76
- Folder 26-31: Notes , correspondence, travel itinerary, reprints, and drafts, 1965, 1977, 1979-81
- Folder 16-16: Reprint requests, 1965-66
- Folder 13-14: The Quantum Theory of Atoms, Molecules, and the Solid State - correspondence, 1965-66
- Folder 04-05: Bardeen, Baym, Pines Manuscript on He3 atoms, papers, calculations, correspondence with Baym and Pines, 1965-66
- Folder 15-02: He3-He4 solutions reprints and drafts, 1965-67
- Folder 14-07: Minneapolis talk, 1965-68
- Folder 14-19: Mixtures talk and low temperature physics notes, drafts, and reprints, 1965-66
- Folder 24-09: Robert M. Cleary, 1965, 1968, 1070-71
- Folder 14-02: Recommendations for national document handling systems, 1965
- Box 77
- Folder 15-01: Image display regarding PLATO computer system, 1965-66
- Folder 27-12: Talk on patents for AAAS meeting, December '66,, 1965-67
- Folder 14-04: Correspondence, drafts, and notes on flux flow, 1965-66
- Folder 13-11: Superconductors and superfluids - proofs and correspondence, 1965-67
- Folder 03-40: Iran superconductivity and semiconductor lectures, 1965, 1973-76
- Folder 13-10: Superconductors and superfluids proofs, 1965-66
- Folder 13-34: Xerox advisory group, 1965, 1974
- Folder 15-16: Mattic D.C. exact solution of a many-fermion system and its association boson field notes, drafts, and correspondence, 1965-68
- Folder 25-10: Reprints on superconductivity, notes on fluctuations (2 folders), 1965, 1970-73
- Box 78
- Folder 26-27: Reprints and notes on superconductivity, 1965, 1969, 1972, 1974-76
- Folder 04-32: W. L. Everitt and Wheeler Loomis nominations for honorary degree, 1965, 1968-69
- Folder B-04-06: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Gaseous Electronics Conference, Atlanta, 1965-66
- Folder B-04-03: American Physical Society auditor's report, 1965-67
- Folder 13-16: Drafts, history of superconductivity research, Center for Theoretical Studies, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, 1966, 1969
- Folder 14-24: Department letters, newsletters, and publications (2 folders), 1966-67, 1969-70, 1976
- Folder 23-10: Talk in Japan, 1966, 1968-70
- Folder 27-13: Talks - Japan, Purdue, India, Hungary, and Korea, 1966, 1972, 1976-77
- Folder 14-14: Vladimir Galaixo correspondence regarding his theory, 1966
- Folder B-04-01: American Physical Society Council, minutes, meeting in New York, 1966
- Folder B-04-07: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Physics of Free Atoms Conference, Berkeley, 1966
- Box 79
- Folder E-21: American Institute of Physics directories of officers and members of governing bodies, 1966-70
- Folder D-02-02: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, New York meeting, 1966-68
- Folder B-07-06: Progress report - land and resources, 1966
- Folder D-06: American Physical Society meeting, 1966-68
- Folder D-08: American Physical Society Los Alamos, New Mexico meeting, 1966-68
- Folder 14-11: Paper for 10th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 1966-67
- Folder 09-23: Conference on Superconductivity in Science and Technology Talk, Chicago, 1966
- Folder D-03: American Physical Society Washington, D.C. meeting (3 folders), 1966-68
- Folder 11-27: Second International Conference On Tunneling Phenomena In Solids, 1966-67
- Folder 13-17: National Inventors Council talk, 1966-67
- Folder B-07-08: Report on minerals and energy, 1966
- Folder B-07-05: Report on land and natural resources, 1966
- Box 80
- Folder 09-42: Vortex lines talk, notes, calculations, paper "Macroscopic Quantum Effects and Vortex Motion in Superconductors,", 1966,1969
- Folder E-08: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, reports on the commission on very low temperatures, 1966-68
- Folder 13-30: Patent commission material, 1966-68
- Folder D-01-11: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Gaseous Electronics Conference, San Francisco, 1966
- Folder 09-29: Electron devices meeting talk, University-Industry interaction in solid state research, 1966
- Folder D-01-08: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Conference on II-VI Compounds, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 1966
- Folder E-03: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics membership, 1966-67, 1969, 1972
- Folder B-05: Bardeen - Physics 491, 1966-67
- Folder B-04: American Physical Society meeting in Nashville, 1966
- Folder D-01-12: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Hyperfine Interactions Detected by Nuclear Radiation, 1966-67
- Folder D-01-09: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Computers in Chemistry, California, 1966-67
- Folder 04-16: O. B. Buckley Solid State Physics Prize, nomination of C. P. Slichter, 1967, 1972
- Folder 04-34: Michelson-Morely Award, Cleveland, Ohio, Basic Research in Industrial Laboratory booklet in Industrial Research, 1967-68
- Folder D-14: American Physical Society Washington, D.C. meeting, 1967
- Folder D-15: American Physical Society executive committee meeting, Chicago, 1967
- Folder D-17: American Physical Society meeting Stanford, California, 1967
- Folder D-02-04: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, correspondence with Karl Darrow, W. W. Havens, Jr., John Archibald Wheeler, 1967
- Box 81
- Folder D-02-03: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Washington, D.C. meeting (2 folders), 1967
- Folder D-16: American Physical Society meeting, New York, 1967
- Folder E-16: International meetings, 1967-68
- Folder 11-26: Glasgow trip, correspondence regarding honorary degree, 1966-67
- Folder 24-31: Preprints and reprints, M. E. Hawley, Y. Suzumura, S. Abe, A. Schmid, J. K. Jain, K. Kawabata, J. P. Carbotte, L. Kramer, A. E. Jacob, et al., 1966-68, 1970-72, 1985-86
- Folder 15-06: Physics 463 problems course, Spring, 1967
- Folder 14-13: Fluxline motion correspondence, notes, drafts, and reprints, 1966-67
- Box 82
- Folder 04-07: Superconductivity Conference, Stanford, program and correspondence, 1967-69
- Folder 04-10: Type II Superconductivity, notes, 1967
- Folder D-01-13: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Neutron Cross Sections and Technology, Washington, D.C., 1967
- Folder A-01-06: Quantum Chemistry Group for Research in Atomic, Molecular, and Solid-State Theory, Uppsala University, Sweden, preprint numbers 190-191, and preliminary research reports, nos. 200, 209, 212-213, 1967-68
- Folder 15-18: Welch Foundation talk rough draft and summary, 1967-68
- Folder D-01-03: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics-Interaction with Solids Conference, 1967
- Folder D-02-01: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Change in Date for New York meeting, 1967
- Folder E-17: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics 13th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, executive committee, 1967-69, 1971
- Folder E-24: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics 13th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 1967-69
- Folder D-01-04: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Conference on Intrinsic Noise in Superconductors, 1967-68
- Folder 14-03: Calculations, drafts, and correspondence on vortex core, 1967-68
- Folder D-01-05: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, International Conference on the Metal-Nonmetal Transition, San Francisco, 1967-68
- Folder E-13: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics-sponsored conferences, 1967-70, 1972
- Folder E-25: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics 12th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (folder 1), 1967-70
- Folder E-26: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics 12th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (folder 2), 1967-70
- Box 83
- Folder 04-46: Diagrams , charts, and photographs for talk, 1967
- Folder D-11: American Physical Society New York meeting, 1967-68
- Folder 25-04: Paraconductivity, 1967, 1969-72
- Folder 13-37: Xerox technical advisory panel, 1967-70
- Folder D-01-07: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Gas Phase Molecular Structure Conference, Austin, Texas, 1967
- Folder 24-20: Reiner K�¼mmel, 1967, 1969-74
- Folder D-01-10: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Topical Conference on Exploding Wires, Boston, 1967
- Folder 15-15: Welch Foundation itinerary and correspondence, 1967
- Folder D-01-02: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Plasma Instability in Astrophysics, Pacific Grove, California, 1967
- Folder D-01-01: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Dallas, Texas, 1967
- Folder 18-14: Publication, reprint, and correspondence regarding superconductivity, 1967, 1975, 1977
- Folder D-01-06: American Physical Society, Committee on the Character of APS Meetings, Physical Electronics Conference, Minneapolis, 1967
- Box 84
- Folder 14-08: K�¼mmel normal and superconducting boundary correspondence and drafts, 1967-69
- Folder D-09: American Physical Society Berkeley, California meeting, 1967-68
- Folder 24-32: Preprints and reprints, A. E. Jacobs, J. A. Cohen, H. G. Drickamer, et al., 1968, 1971
- Folder E-11: International Council of Scientific Unions, yearbooks and bulletin, 1968-69, 1971
- Folder J-48: Comstock Award presentation, 1968
- Folder D-05: American Physical Society meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, 1968-69
- Folder 14-10: Vortex structure notes, correspondence, drafts, and reprints, 1968-69
- Box 85
- Folder 01-66: U.S.-Soviet Symposium, Moscow, 1968
- Folder E-32: American Institute of Physics journals and publications (folder 1), 1968-69
- Folder E-33: American Institute of Physics journals and publications (folder 2), 1968-69
- Folder 14-18: Xerox correspondence, 1968-69
- Folder 24-15: Nick Holonyak, Jr., 1968-69, 1971-72, 1974, 1985-86
- Folder 03-28: Transistor history, 1968, 1971, 1979-81
- Folder D-10: American Physical Society meeting Boston, Massachusetts, 1968
- Folder 16-23: 60th birthday, 1968
- Box 86
- Folder A-02-06: Conference on fluctuations in superconductors, 1968
- Folder E-23: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, replies to Low Temperature questionnaire, 1968
- Folder 25-12: European trip, 1968, 1971-72
- Folder A-01-07: Quantum Chemistry Group for Research in Atomic, Molecular, and Solid-State Theory, Uppsala University, Sweden, preliminary research reports, nos. 214-215, 218-221, 226, 1968
- Folder E-06: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics 13th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (folder 1), 1968-72
- Folder E-07: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics 13th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (folder 2), 1968-72
- Folder 23-04: Vortex lines, 1968-69
- Folder 24-25: Jared Logan Johnson, 1968-70, 1972-73
- Folder 25-03: Papers on superfluidity and amorphous semiconductors (2 folders), 1968, 1971, 1973
- Folder D-04: American Physical Society meeting, La Jolla, California, 1968-69
- Box 87
- Folder A-01-08: Quantum Chemistry Group, International Summer Institute, Uppsala University, Sweden, list of preliminary research reports, nos. 1-208, 1968
- Folder E-28: Low Temperature commission meeting, Kyoto, 1968-70
- Folder 13-38: Xerox technical advisory panel, 1968-69
- Folder G-06: Bardeen DA-HA04-69-C0007, Army Research Office DA-HC04-74-C0005, 1968-76
- Folder G-07: Progress reports C0005 and Army Research Office DA-HC04-69-C0007, 1968-75
- Folder E-31: Protest letters on holding 1970 American Physical Society Annual Meeting in Chicago in light of the 1968 Chicago riots, 1968-69
- Folder E-30: American Physical Society meeting, Miami Beach, November, 1968
- Folder 09-55: Solid State Physics and Graduate Education, American Physical Society, Dallas, notes, visit to Argonne (1970), physics club of Chicago, correspondence, 1968, 1970
- Folder E-29: American Physical Society meeting, New York, February, 1969
- Folder 04-33: Langmuir Prize, Charles P. Slichter, 1968
- Folder 13-29: Comments on shielding by surface states-talk for Near Zero Conference, Stanford, 1968, 1976-78, 1981-82
- Folder 14-15: Talk at Case Western Reserve University, drafts and reprint on superconductivity, 1968-69
- Box 88
- Folder 04-24: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Very Low Temperature Committee correspondence, 1969, 1972
- Folder 13-27: Reprint - O. H. LeBlanc, Jr. "Tetraphenylborate Conductance Through Lipid Bilayer Membranes," Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1969
- Folder 23-11: Utah Frontiers of Science Series, 1969-71
- Folder 25-17: Specific heat, 1969, 1971-72
- Folder 01-62: U.S.-U.S.S.R. Physics Symposium, New York, 1969-70
- Folder 24-13: H. J. Deuling, 1969, 1974-75
- Folder 24-19: Vincent Bendix Award for Nick Holonyak, Jr., 1969-70, 1972-74
- Folder 14-09: Vortex lines reprint, correspondence, drafts, notes and calculations, 1969
- Folder E-22: American Physical Society executive committee meeting minutes, 1969
- Folder 23-01: Intermediate state, 1969
- Folder E-09: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, memos, report on the commission on very low temperatures, 1969-70
- Folder E-20: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics 13th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, national organizing committee, 1969-72
- Folder 04-12: 13th Low Temperature Physics Conference, Boulder, Los Alamos and London Award, 1969, 1971-72
- Folder 04-13: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Ballot, Very Low Temperature Commission, 1969, 1972
- Folder 22-04: Superconductivity talk at Berkeley, March 2, '83,, 1969, 1978, 1983
- Folder E-05: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, commission on very low temperatures meeting report, 1969, 1972
- Box 89
- Folder E-02: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics helium conservation, 1969-71
- Folder 25-07: Diamagnetism, 1969-73
- Folder 25-20: Reprints by Bardeen and others on fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter (2 folders), 1969-72
- Folder 04-31: Industrial Research & Development, DOD, National Science Policy, Emilio Daddario statements, correspondence, 1969-70
- Folder 25-16: Exciton mechanism, 1970-72
- Folder 25-19: Reprints by P. C. Hohenberg, Bardeen, R. D. Park on fluctuations, Josef T. Devreese on polarons (2 folders), 1970-73
- Box 90
- Folder 04-36: Astronomy Head Search Committee, Icko Iben, 1970-72
- Folder 14-23: UIUC Electrical Engineering department letters, Washington Science Trends newsletters, 1970
- Folder 01-63: 12th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Kyoto, 1970
- Folder 09-50: Superconductivity article for Encyclopedia Americana, draft galleys, photos, correspondence, 1970
- Folder 13-36: Reprints, notes, correspondence on superconductivity, 1970-72, 1974
- Folder 07-41: Excitonic mechanisms of superconductivity, excitonic mechanisms paper, 3M talk abstract (1/28/86), correspondence, 1970, 1972-73, 1986
- Folder 24-22: B. Lischke reprints on flux penetration in superconducting cylinders, 1970
- Folder 24-28: C. T. Sah, 1970-72, 1974, 1976, 1985
- Folder A-02-05: Conference and symposium pamphlets, 1970, 1972, 1974
- Folder 13-52: Xerox consulting-technical advisory panel, 1970, 1976, 1978-79
- Folder J-14: John Bardeen vita, 1970
- Folder G-03: Army Research Office progress report DA-HC04-69-C0007 (2 folders), 1970-73
- Folder E-04: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics correspondence, 1970-72
- Folder 24-11: Ross A. Deegan, 1970-72
- Box 91
- Folder 26-35: Reports on China trip (folder 1), 1970, 1975-76
- Folder 26-36: Reports on China trip (folder 2), 1970, 1975-76
- Folder 13-04: XIV General Assembly - International Union of Pure and Applied Physics talk, Washington, D.C., September 20-25, 1972, 1971-72
- Folder 13-22: Vortex motion, 1971-72, 1975-77
- Folder 19-05: UIUC Center for Advanced Study announcement of faculty and activities, 1971-72
- Folder E-18: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, national committee, 1971-72
- Folder 23-09: "Non-Homogenous Superconductors" Chicago area colloquium, 1971
- Folder 24-07: William L. Clinton, 1971-72
- Folder 23-02: Statistical physics seminar, 1971
- Folder 04-21: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Meeting agenda, correspondence with Dr. T. Sugawara, minutes, news bulletin, reports, 1971-72
- Box 92
- Folder 25-02: Reprint requests (4 folders), 1971-76
- Folder 23-16: Nobel letters of congratulations, 1971-73
- Folder 23-08: Talk at Northwestern University, 1971
- Folder J-06: Industrial affiliates program in physical electronics, 1971
- Folder 16-06: European visit, drafts, reprints, notes, chemistry symposium, U.S. patent information, 1971, 1974-75
- Folder 22-35: Notes, drafts, and reprints on charge density waves and superconductivity, Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies workshop, and Gordon Conference (2 folders), 1971, 1974, 1977, 1979, 1983-85
- Folder 13-46: Xerox expense accounts, 1971-75
- Box 93
- Folder B-02: National Science Foundation, Army Research Office papers and reprints (2 folders), 1971-74
- Folder 04-19: 13th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Boulder, correspondence on speakers, 1971-72
- Folder 24-23: E. F. Hammel, 1971
- Folder 13-05: China Trip '76, 1971, 1974-76
- Folder 13-23: 44th Steinmetz Memorial Lecture, Schenectady, New York, 1971, 1973
- Folder 13-48: Xerox Corporation memos and correspondence, 1971-73, 1977-78
- Folder 07-30: Charge density waves article, reprints, and transparencies for 3M talk on January 28, 1986 in Chicago, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1983, 1985-86
- Box 94
- Folder 24-30: Preprints and reprints, M. B. Maple, G. S. Cohen, D. M. Ginsberg, A. D. Singh Nagi, et al., 1972, 1984, 1986
- Folder 18-29: Reprints, drafts, and notes (2 folders), 1972-76
- Folder 04-11: U.S.-U.S.S.R. Institute of Theoretical Physics Proposal, D. Pines correspondence, 1972, 1974
- Folder 13-54: Xerox consulting - technical advisory panel, 1972-78
- Folder 04-14: National Academy of Sciences meeting, Washington, correspondence, invitations, travel vouchers, 1972
- Folder I-16: Landau's contribution, 1972, 1987-88
- Folder 04-17: American Institute of Physics, Friends of the Center for History of Physics, 1972
- Folder 25-14: Correspondence, European trip 1972, Walter Schottky colloquium, Erlanger, Germany, 1972
- Folder 13-06: American Solid State Physics delegation to the People's Republic of China, 1972-75
- Box 95
- Folder 22-06: "Fluctuations dans les Supraconducteurs (variations du param�¨tre d'ordre dans l'espace et le temps)", 1972
- Folder 24-18: A. Barry Kunz, 1972
- Folder 04-20: J. Bardeen, William B. Shockley statements for Bell Laboratories Record article, 1972
- Folder I-21: May Bradford Shockley (1879-1977) commemorative booklet, 1972, 1977, 1989
- Folder 23-22: Notes, drafts, reprints, and correspondence on superconductivity, 1972-73
- Folder E-12: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, remarks on very low temperature commission and report on very low temperature, 1972
- Folder 01-64: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Intercon, NYC, 1972-73
- Folder 25-13: XIV General Assembly International Union of Pure and Applied Physics talk, 1972
- Folder 24-06: J. P. Carbotte, 1972
- Folder 24-24: Frank E. Jaumot, Jr., 1972
- Folder 24-16: Award nomination materials, including Holonyak's biography, 1972, 1975-79
- Folder 09-45: Nobel prize award for BCS theory, 6 copies of Nobel Prize article from Nature (May 1972), nomination of John Bardeen for Nobel Prize by Slichter, 1972
- Folder 09-10: Rockford Talk, copy of talk and list of slides, 1972
- Folder 11-25: Correspondence for travel and visits in Europe-Lindau, 1972-73
- Folder 04-22: Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow, 1972-73
- Folder 09-31: Electron-Phonon interactions in superconductivity talk, Stockholm, 1972
- Folder 04-38: "Supercold Superprize" article, National Observer, 1972
- Folder 01-65: Penn-Princeton superconductivity lectures, 1972-73
- Folder J-44: U.S.-Japan joint seminar - "Technological Applications of Tetrahedral Amorphous Solids," July 19-23, 1982 Palo Alto, California, 1972, 1982
- Box 96
- Folder G-02: Army Research Office reports DA-HC04-69-C0007 C0005, 1972-73
- Folder 13-26: Calculation of Str�¤ssler-Toombs diagrams, 1973-74
- Folder 27-22: University of Illinois publications, 1973,1975, 1982, 1989
- Folder 04-27: Cecil Lane symposium, Yale University, 1973
- Folder 25-15: David Miller correspondence on superconductivity in the PbTe surface, reprints on superconductivity and solid state physics, 1973
- Folder 04-40: Physics Appointment and Promotions Committee documents, 1973-74
- Folder 18-31: Reprints, preprints, drafts, and notes (2 folders), 1973, 1975-76
- Folder 25-06: Electron-phonon interactions and superconductivity, 1973
- Folder 13-42: Publications and memoranda, Xerox Research Laboratories and Xerox Research Centre of Canada, 1973-75
- Folder B-03: Superconducting fluctuations, Bardeen, 1973
- Box 97
- Folder 07-43: Unity of Concepts in Physics background papers, copies and reprints of articles, 1973-79
- Folder J-40: Macroscopic quantum phenomena from pairing in superconductors, 1973
- Folder 09-13: "The Invention of the Transistor - An Example of Creative-Failure Methodology," William B. Shockley draft, 1973
- Folder 17-18: Leo Esaki nomination, 1973-74, 1984-89
- Folder 24-08: Kai-Yuan Chung, 1973
- Folder 04-15: National Science Foundation development grant review at University of Maryland, 1973
- Folder 13-56: Xerox consulting, 1973, 1975, 1977-80, 1982
- Folder 07-09: High Tc conductors, transparencies, papers, 1973, 1978, 1984-86
- Folder G-01: National Science Foundation proposal GH 33634, 1974-75
- Folder 13-40: Paraconductivity, 1974
- Box 98
- Folder 23-24: Notes , drafts, and reprints on charge density waves, notes from Sapporo, Japan meeting, and Nishina talk, 1974, 1983
- Folder 26-14: Drafts and reprints regarding NbSe3 (2 folders), 1974, 1977, 1979-80
- Folder 04-25: Nobel laureates dinner talk, NYC, 1974
- Folder 11-22: Reprints and preprints, Physics Bulletin November '75, 1974-76
- Folder 04-06: Technology assessment program, energy assessment, Emilio Daddario, 1974
- Folder 04-28: 14th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Helsinki, Finland, 1974
- Folder 24-04: M. Alterelli's trip, 1974
- Folder 03-44: Reprints, 1974-76
- Box 99
- Folder 03-45: Reprints, 1974-75
- Folder 04-39: 3rd International Conference on Unity of the Sciences, London, also Roger Larson to Shareholder on Larson safety caps, 1974
- Folder 18-30: Draft of "The Design and Synthesis of Organic Metals" by A. F. Garito and A. J. Heeges, 1974
- Folder 24-01: M. Altarelli, report on three conferences, 1974
- Folder 27-20: Pamphlets - Bangalore, American Physical Society, Bell Labs, Institute for Solid State Physics, also preprints and reprints, Bardeen, L. P. Vor'kov, O. N. Dorokhov, A. A. Gogolin, V. I. Mel'nikov, 1974-76, 1982
- Folder 17-19: Makoto Kikuchi, Sony Corporation, correspondence (contains photograph), 1974-75, 1990
- Folder 24-26: R. D. Sherman, The Aerospace Corporation, 1974
- Folder 13-24: Meeting 3He, 1974-76
- Folder 27-17: Grenoble Conference on Low Temperature Physics, "Evolution of Superconductivity", 1974,1977-78
- Folder 04-02: Los Alamos consultancy visit, security clearance forms, 1974-75
- Folder 24-05: J. P. Carbotte, Steacie Prize, 1974
- Box 100
- Folder 04-03: American Academy of Arts and Sciences Meeting, Wingspread, Wisconsin, 1974
- Folder 13-41: Dr. Uzi Landman Suit against Xerox, Bardeen, et. al, 1974-75
- Folder 04-41: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Midwest Center, Racine, Wisconsin, 1974
- Folder 22-01: Notes for Physics 463, 1974
- Folder 13-20: One-dimensional systems, 1975-77
- Folder 17-22: Physics postdoctoral research staff 1945-75 University of Illinois Physics postdoctoral research staff, 1975, 1975
- Folder 17-23: Doctors of Philosophy in Physics 1910-1975, University of Illinois, 1975
- Folder 17-24: Department of Physics newsletter, University of Illinois, 1975, 1979
- Folder 26-26: Japanese companies and draft of "Chapter III: The Superconducting Transition Temperature", 1975-77,1980
- Folder 16-03: Iran lectures correspondence, itinerary, and journal, 1975-76
- Folder 13-47: Visiting committee for the Materials Research Laboratory at Brown University, 1975-76
- Folder 13-03: CECAM/ZWO meeting, Nijmegen, Netherlands, September 13-14, 1976, Conference on Organic Conductors and Semiconductors, Si�³fok, Hungary, September 1976, 1975-76
- Box 101
- Folder 27-21: Letter from Max Bardeen, memo, notebook, Congressional Record (vol. 128 no. 20), life insurance, and postcards, 1975, 1982, 1989
- Folder 27-15: Trips - India and Japan, 1975-77
- Folder 18-22: General Electric publication on metal complexes, draft on nickel, and National Academy of Engineering membership nomination, 1975-76
- Folder 26-28: India and Japan trip, 1975-77, 1980
- Folder 17-28: C. Herring, reports on tour of physics institutes in China, 1975
- Folder 07-33: High Temperature Superconductors, reprints and correspondence about visitors, 1976-78, 1984-85
- Folder 11-17: Solutions of Gor'kov equations, talk at San Diego, Russian preprint, 1976
- Folder Z-08: Reprint of W. W. Fenton's "Fluctuation Conductivity Near A Pearls Lattice Distortion" with notes to Bardeen in the margins, 1976, 1981
- Folder 22-14: Correspondence relating to the second Rochester Conference on Superconductivity, 1976
- Folder 13-21: Superfluids, Gordon Research Conference, Brewster Academy, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, 1976-77
- Folder 03-41: "Local Gauge Invariance and the Bound State Nature of Hadrons" by W. A. Bardeen and R. B. Pearson, 1976
- Folder 16-05: John Bardeen visit to Brown University draft of comments, 1976
- Box 102
- Folder J-53: Articles on pressure tuning spectroscopy, macroscopic quantum tunneling, high temperature superconductivity, thermoelectrical effects in superconductors, 1976, 1980
- Folder 27-14: Trips-Hungary and Holland, 1976
- Folder 03-59: "Electron Spectroscopy" by Kai Siegbahn, 1976
- Folder 13-44: Gordon K. Teal, Nick Holonyak, 1976, 1978
- Folder 13-08: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Stanford, 1976
- Folder 03-34: Industrial Research Scientist of the Year Award lecture, Chicago, 1976
- Folder 13-02: Sixth joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. symposium on current topics in the theory of condensed matter, Boston, October 18-22, 1976
- Folder 13-09: Superconductivity: past and future, lecture Industrial Research Magazine, 1976
- Folder 13-25: Frontiers in condensed matter physics symposium, UIUC, includes group photograph with identifications of participants, 1976
- Folder 18-09: Industrial Research, October 1976 with "Scientist of the Year" (Bardeen) article, 1976
- Folder 18-20: Talk at St. Andrews, Scotland, 1979 on the history of superconductivity, 1976, 1978
- Folder 27-23: "Scientist of the Year," Industrial Research article, 1976
- Folder 03-25: China trip, 1976, 1979-80
- Folder 13-07: Sixth joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. symposium on current topics in the theory of condensed matter, Boston, 1976
- Folder 16-43: Memorandum on Xerox Company meetings, 1976
- Folder 26-32: Correspondence, notes, peer review, conference material, 1976-77
- Folder 27-18: Fiftieth anniversary of Bose statistics - Japan, and visits to institutes in Delhi, Madras, Bangalore and Bombay, 1976-77
- Folder 27-11: Correspondence concerning National Academy of Sciences conference, Gordon Research Conference, Dictionary of International Biography, Collier's Encyclopedia, consulting for Xerox, 1976-77
- Box 103
- Folder 27-19: Honorary degree from Cambridge, 1976-77
- Folder 13-19: Karlheinz Seeger - nonlinear electronic transport in TTF-TCNQ, 1977-78
- Folder 24-21: Chih-Tang Sah nomination for National Academy of Engineering, Heineman Prize committee, 1977
- Folder 18-23: Notes on phase transition, 1977
- Folder 22-23: Charge density wave depinning, 1977, 1982
- Folder 27-16: Notes, drafts, charts, reprints, and IBM Research Report on Nbse3, superconductivity, and charge density waves, 1977
- Folder 13-49: Karlsruhe-Humboldt Prize, 1977-78
- Folder 13-50: International Conference on Quasi One-Dimensional Conductors, Dubrovnik Yugoslavia, 1977-78
- Folder 03-36: Venezuela National Academy of Science foreign member, 1977-80
- Folder 09-18: Bell Labs Dinner Talk, 1977 Nobel for solid state research by Anderson, Mott and Van Vleck, 1977-78
- Folder 18-21: Transparencies and draft on superconductivity, 1977
- Folder 13-43: Seventh U.S.- U.S.S.R. Symposium on Current Problems in the Theory of Condensed Matter, Moscow, 1977
- Folder 22-02: "Transport by Charge-Density Waves in Linear-Chain Conductors," M. B. Maple, "Superconductivity and Magnetic Order," Bardeen's vita, "Reminiscences from the Early Days of Solid State Physics", 1978-79, 1983
- Folder 27-06: Papers on China (contains photographs), 1978-80
- Box 104
- Folder J-51: Drafts on superconductivity and charge density wave motion in NbSe3, 1978, 1980-82, 1991
- Folder 27-09: International Conference on Quasi One-Dimensional Conductors, Dubrovnik Yugoslavia, 1978
- Folder 22-16: Preprints and reprints by Greenstein, Wolfe, Kamimura, and Gourley, 1978
- Folder 03-55: Xerox Corporation visit report, Rochester, 1978-81
- Folder 27-07: Correspondence concerning China trip, 1978-80
- Folder 09-53: History of Solid State Physics Meeting, London, draft of talk, history of solid state physics for Venezuela, correspondence regarding meeting, draft of talk for Bell Labs dinner, report on HSSP project, 1978-79
- Folder 07-06: Venezuela National Academy of Sciences, correspondence with Miguel Parra Leon, 1978-79
- Folder 03-35: Evolution of superconductivity, 1978
- Folder 13-45: Charles B. Duke - nomination for 1979 Davisson-Germer Prize, 1978
- Folder 26-10: Charge density waves, 1978-79
- Folder 13-51: Xerox visit, Webster, New York, technical advisory panel, 1978
- Folder 01-12: Classical vs. quantum model charge density wave transport, 1978, 1985
- Folder 26-22: Notes and correspondence on charge density waves, 1978, 1982, 1984
- Folder 13-53: Xerox consulting - technical advisory panel visit to Xerox Research Centre of Canada, 1978-79
- Folder 18-07: History of solid state physics article to be published in World Book Encyclopedia, correspondence, notes, galley proof, 1978, 1982
- Box 105
- Folder J-41: Evolution of Superconductivity - 15th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Grenoble France, August 23-29, 1978
- Folder Z-09: B. I. Verkin correspondence regarding Soviet exchange of scientific information, 1978
- Folder 15-33: Superconductivity conference booklet, scientific publications, and lab booklets, 1978, 1981-82
- Folder 15-28: Scientific research for N.A.S.A. and U.S. Navy and White House Science Council lab reviews, 1979-82
- Folder 26-05: Publication, essays, research notes, correspondence from George Gr�¼ner, and notes for talk at Northwestern University, 1979-81
- Folder 22-05: Articles photocopied from: The Institute, Current Contents, Business Week, Applied Physics Letters, also a Bardeen vita, lecture notes, and calculations, 1979-81, 1984
- Folder 26-34: Interview of John Bardeen by Lillian Hoddeson and Hoddeson's "The Emergence of Basic Research in the Bell Telephone system, 1875-1915," 1979
- Folder J-45: Early Days of the Transistor - E. W. Mueller memorial lecture, April 17, 1980, 1979-80
- Folder 22-12: Calculations, drafts, and reprints relating to charge density waves, 1979-82
- Folder J-01: Ashrok Misra, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India, 1979
- Box 106
- Folder 15-23: White House Science Council notes, correspondence, reprints, and agendas, 1979, 1982
- Folder 07-42: Unity of concepts in the structure of matter, expansion of 1980 article for publication in Chinese Progress in Physics, 1979-81
- Folder 14-17: Unity of concepts notes, reprints, correspondence, 1979-80
- Folder 01-10: Nobel meeting, Lindau, 1979, 1983-85
- Folder 03-22: John Bardeen, "Reminiscences of the Early Days of Solid State Physics," correspondence, notes, and agenda for February 7-8, 1980 Meeting on Proposed Historical Study of Solid-State Physics, Santa Barbara, 1978-80
- Folder 26-03: Notices of the American Math Society, 1979
- Folder 26-13: Correspondence, notes, preprints on low temperature charge density waves semi-conducting (2 folders), 1979-81
- Box 107
- Folder 26-21: Correspondence and reprints on charge density waves, 1979, 1983-85
- Folder 03-23: Japan, Taiwan Visit, 1979, 1981-82, 1987
- Folder 03-37: Faculty Allerton Conference on Industry and University Research, 1979-80
- Folder 15-31: White House Science Council documents, 1980, 1982
- Folder 22-08: Reprints by Frank Herman, Nick Holonyak, Jr., Bardeen, and Lillian Hoddeson, 1980-83
- Folder 22-15: Notes on "Ground State" and "Non-Equilibrium Phenomena In Superconductors" by Bardeen, and "Quantum-Well Heterostructure Lasers" by Holonyak, 1980
- Folder 03-18: Math Department Search Committee, 1980
- Folder J-43: Correspondence, drafts, abstracts, notes on solid state physics, linear-chain conductors, origins of the transistor, 1980-81, 1983-85, 1989
- Folder 26-29: Honorary degree ceremony at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, 1980
- Folder 03-15: 16th International Conference of Low Temperature Physics, 1980-81
- Folder I-18: Report on a visit to The Peoples Republic of China as an exchange lecturer, 1980
- Folder 03-42: China exchange trip, 1980
- Folder 26-09: Charge density waves, 1980-81
- Folder 26-04: Tunneling theory of charge density waves depinning, 1980-81
- Box 108
- Folder 26-01: Quantum detector or mixer making use of linear-chain charge-density-wave materials proposal, 1980-82
- Folder 03-16: University of Illinois Medical Center centennial talk, 1980-81
- Folder 03-30: University of Illinois Medical Center centennial talk, 1980-81
- Folder 26-02: Talk on charge density waves, 1980
- Folder 15-37: Hanford lab reports and Los Alamos lab newsletter, 1980-81
- Folder 03-38: Charge density waves depinning by tunneling paper, 1980-81
- Folder 26-08: Charge density waves notes, reprints, 1980-81
- Folder 03-24: Nobel Prize winners convocation, Pittsburgh, 1980
- Folder 03-17: Wolf Foundation Physics Prize Award Committee, 1980-81
- Folder 03-27: FBI Security Clearance, 1981
- Folder 15-35: Lab reports, notes, and papers for Department of Energy review, 1981-82
- Folder J-04: Superconductivity: Theory and Critical Temperatures, 1981, 1986
- Box 109
- Folder 15-36: Progress reports of Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility, 1981
- Folder 26-06: Correspondence from George Gr�¼ner regarding results of experiments proposed by Bardeen, 1981
- Folder 07-40: Superconductive materials and theory, article for Pergamon Press Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Engineering, reprints and correspondence, 1981-82
- Folder 26-11: Paper with Gr�¼ner, 1981
- Folder 15-27: Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD and U of I research agreement with Agrigenetics Research Associates, Ltd., 1981-83
- Folder I-24: Transparencies high Tc, 1981, 1986-87
- Folder Z-03: Masayuki Ido, Hokkaido University Department of Physics, Sapporo, Japan, correspondence and preprints and reprints for charge density waves, hall effect, and NbSe3, 1981-82
- Folder 03-56: Low-Dimensional Semiconductors Conference, Boulder, Colorado, 1981
- Folder I-01: Drafts on superconductivity and other macroscopic quantum phenomena (2 folders), 1981, 1987-88, 1990
- Folder I-20: William B. Shockley obituaries, 1981, 1989
- Folder 03-26: Charge Density Waves Gordon Research Conference, 1981
- Folder 17-11: Nobel Prize nomination forms, 1981, 1984-85, 1988-90
- Box 110
- Folder 15-25: Reports, presentation, article, minutes, agreement, and talk on scientific research, 1981-83
- Folder 15-32: White House Science Council Lab Review Panel documents, 1981-82
- Folder 03-33: Washington Award Dinner "Electronics and Medicine" talk, 1981, 1983
- Folder 03-32: International project meeting, history of solid state physics, 1981
- Folder 03-11: Mac Arthur Chair, 1981-82
- Folder 03-14: Near Zero Conference, Shielding by Surface States, Stanford, 1982
- Folder 15-22: White House Science Council reports, correspondence, and agendas, 1982
- Folder 15-34: White House Science Council Lab Review Board reports, 1982
- Folder 03-13: White House Science Council travel (contains photograph), 1982-83
- Box 111
- Folder 17-03: National Academy of Sciences, election of members ballot, constitution and bylaws, 1982-83
- Folder 15-29: White House Science Council lab reviews and articles, 1982
- Folder 15-30: White House Science Council lab reviews and research and development, 1982
- Folder 15-24: White House Science Council Lab Review Panel reports, 1982-83
- Folder 26-23: Science 84, American Association for the Advancement of Science publication, 1982, 1984
- Folder J-36: Growth of Semiconductor Technology and Devices - Nihan University talk, 1982
- Folder 07-32: Akira Tonomura reprints and correspondence regarding visit to University of Illinois, 1982-83, 1985-86
- Folder 26-20: Federal Laboratory Review Panel proposed agenda, 1982
- Folder J-55: Charge density wave motion in NbSe3, macroscopic phase coherence, charge density wave tunneling, 1982-83
- Box 112
- Folder 15-21: White House Science Council report and correspondence on lab panel, 1982-83
- Folder J-26: Current oscillations and stability of charge density wave motions in NbSe3, 1982
- Folder 03-20: Nonlinear transports Sapporo meeting, 1982-83
- Folder 15-26: Final reports of the Energy Research Advisory Board, volumes II and III, 1982
- Folder 22-03: Notes and calculations, Physical Review Letters v. 51, no. 11, 1982-83
- Folder 26-30: Reprints and drafts from other scholars (2 folders), 1982-84
- Folder 11-21: Reprint "Die Fr�¼hzeit des transistors: 1946 bis 1955" ("Early Days of the Transistor"), 1983
- Folder 17-10: Nobel Foundation directory, 1983
- Folder 23-18: Drafts on charge density waves, NbSe3, and TaS3, 1983
- Box 113
- Folder 23-21: Reports and reprints on non-linear conductivity, 1983
- Folder J-05: A. Zawadowski, 1983
- Folder 03-21: "Electronics and Medicine" Washington award dinner, 1983
- Folder 03-10: Supertex Board of Directors meeting, 1983-84
- Folder 23-23: Drafts, reprints, and correspondence on charge density waves, 1983-84
- Folder 23-17: Charge density waves drafts and reprints, correspondence, 1983-84
- Folder 17-02: National Academy of Sciences biographical supporting material, members and foreign associates, 1983
- Folder 17-05: National Academy of Sciences press releases, 1983-84
- Folder 03-06: Saporo Conference, 1983
- Folder 14-21: Memoranda for White House Science Council, 1983
- Box 114
- Folder Z-04: Mahandra Prasad, head of the Physical Chemistry Division, National Sugar Institute - Kanpur, letter and "Electronic Current from Electron-Hole Conductor In Absence of External Potential", 1983
- Folder 22-09: Notes and calculations, preprints and reprints by Bardeen, Tasaki, Wonneberger, Kuper, and Seeger, 1983-85
- Folder 03-02: Supertex Corporation semiconductors correspondence, 1983-84, 1987
- Folder 18-08: Meester Flim, et al. correspondence regarding superconductivity, 1983
- Folder I-29: "Background Leading to the Microscopic Theory of Superconductivity" - draft for Kostas Gavroglu's book, 1983, 1989-90
- Folder 07-15: Narrow band noise and steps, George Gr�¼ner correspondence, reprints, notes, calculations, 1983-85
- Folder 04-08: Supertex Board Meeting, clippings, history, plan, reports, 1983-86
- Folder 23-19: Drafts and reprints on charge density waves, 1983-84
- Folder 07-18: Yamada Conference, Lake Yamanaka, Japan, also International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals, Kyoto, Japan, 6/1 - 6/86, 1983, 1985-86
- Box 115
- Folder 22-28: Charge density wave depinning, 1983-84
- Folder 01-09: Gr�¼ner paper on blue bronze, 1984, 1988
- Folder 07-02: "Beginnings of Solid State Physics & Engineering" in The Bridge, 1984, 1986
- Folder 17-12: List of Nobel Prize winners, 1984-86
- Folder 22-10: Drafts by Bardeen, preprints by Bardeen and Barisic, 1984-85
- Folder 02-06: John Tucker correspondence, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1984, 1986-88
- Folder J-35: "Depinning of Charge-Density Waves by Quantum Tunneling," draft for Las Vegas talk, 1984-86
- Folder 03-03: Supertex business plan, 1984
- Folder 17-01: National Academy of Sciences election of members, preference ballot, 1984
- Folder 07-37: Charge density wave tunneling correspondence, reprints, notes, 1984-86
- Box 116
- Folder 17-30: "John Bardeen The Inventor of the Transistor" by elementary school student Melissa Epstein, 1984
- Folder 26-25: Draft of Lillian Hoddeson, Gordon Baym, and Michael Eckart's "Chapter 2: Development of the Quantum Mechanical Theory of Solids: 1926-33", 1984
- Folder 27-08: Condensed matter physics in the 1980s, 1984
- Folder 03-29: Princeton mathematics in 1930s interview, 1984
- Folder J-07: Federal Laboratory Review Panel progress report, volumes I and II, 1984
- Folder I-28: Superconductivity - transparencies and notes, 1984-85
- Folder 22-11: Physical Review Letters papers, 1984-85
- Folder 07-36: Charge density wave depinning, tunneling theory, Karlheinz Seeger's 60th birthday article, notes and reprints, 1984-87
- Folder 03-31: National Academy of Engineering Founders Award, beginnings of solid state physics talk, 1984
- Folder 03-05: Supertex travel, 1984-87
- Folder 07-38: Fred Brown reprints and preprints, 1984-86
- Box 117
- Folder 22-19: Reprints by Bardeen and others relating to charge density waves, 1984-87
- Folder 22-33: Proof, drafts, and reprints on charge density waves, 1984-86
- Folder 26-24: Draft, reprints, and preprints regarding charge density waves, 1984-85
- Folder 07-21: Founders Award, National Academy of Engineering, beginnings of solid state physics and engineering talk for Founders Award, 1984, 1986
- Folder 07-03: Forward to Carolyn Caddes' Silicon Valley Portraits, 1984-86
- Folder J-20: Death of William L. McMillan, 1984-85
- Folder 17-31: The Institute "Engineering Academy Honors Prominent Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Members", 1984
- Folder J-46: Beginnings of solid state physics and engineering - abstract, 1984
- Folder 02-25: Charge density waves pinning by quantum tunneling, 1985-88
- Folder 17-04: National Academy of Sciences election of members, 1985
- Box 118
- Folder J-03: Condensed matter physics in the 1980s (2 folders), 1985
- Folder 17-14: American Philosophical Society, suggestion for membership form and class ballot, 1985, 1991
- Folder 03-01: Supertex, fiscal year 1986 business plan, 1985
- Folder 01-17: Physics Review Physica Scripta paper, drafts, and referees' comments, 1985, 1988
- Folder J-30: Notes for charge density wave talks, 1985
- Folder J-39: Notes on charge density waves, 1985-86
- Folder 03-19: Supertex, Inc.: Superior Technologies in Superconductors August 9,1985 Sunnyvale, CA board meeting,, 1985
- Folder 07-35: Charge density wave alloys, George Gr�¼ner correspondence, reprints, 1984-86
- Folder 07-34: Antique Wireless Association Conference, Applied Superconductors Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 1985-86
- Folder I-15: Clippings on superconductivity, 1985, 1987
- Folder 07-23: Star Wars, Arms Control Today article, "Origins of Star Wars," Union of Concerned Scientists, Senate Hearing on strategic defense initiative, 1985-86
- Folder 07-29: Charge density waves, Shapiro Steps papers, letters, notes, 1985
- Box 119
- Folder 01-19: Reprints on charge density waves, 1985-87, 1989
- Folder I-05: Draft of "Basis for Tunneling Theory of Charge Density Wave Depinning", 1985
- Folder 01-01: Karlheinz Seeger visit, 1985, 1987-89
- Folder 07-28: Robert E. Thorne drafts on phase locking in charge density wave transport; Shapiro Step reprints, 1985
- Folder 07-22: Strategic defense initiative article with Hans A. Bethe, New York Times, anti-SDI article, staff report to three senators, 1985-86
- Folder 07-34-01: Applied Superconductivity Conference, foundations and small scale applications, 1985-86
- Folder 07-20: Yamada Conference, Lake Yamanaka, Japan, also International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals, Kyoto, Japan, Korean Physical Society Meeting, 5/13-21/86, 1985-86
- Folder 22-24: Ginzburg article and drafts, 1985-86
- Folder J-19: Robert J. Meyer - requests for letters of recommendation, 1985-86
- Folder 07-25: Ernest Braun Article, draft of and comments on Braun "semiconductors" for solid state history book, 1985-86
- Folder 02-10: John Tucker Letter, 1986-87
- Folder 17-13: Douglas D. Osheroff, Robert C. Richardson, David M. Lee - nomination for Nobel Prize, 1986
- Folder 07-12: Aspen winter Condensed Matter Physics Conference, charge density waves in solids, 1986-87
- Folder 03-08: Supertex board meeting, 1986
- Box 120
- Folder 03-07: Supertex , expenses, 1986
- Folder 07-16: Depinning of charge density waves by quantum tunneling talk, Las Vegas, NV, 1986
- Folder J-27: Depinning of charge density waves by quantum tunneling -Las Vegas talk, 1986
- Folder 07-24: Physics and Engineering College information, 1986
- Folder 22-18: Robert E. Thorne manuscript, 1986-87
- Folder 01-15: Physics Review paper, 1986, 1989
- Folder J-25: Synthetic Metals paper, Physica paper, V. L. Ginzburg anniversary article and notes, 1986
- Folder J-34: Tunneling model of charge density wave transport-abstract for the Yamada conference, 1986
- Folder 07-13: Hans Dehmelt Nobel Prize nomination, 1986-87
- Folder 07-19: Yamada conference, charge density waves papers and notes, 1986
- Folder 07-14: Transistor history '46-'55, 1986
- Folder 07-08: John Wheatley Low Temperature Symposium, Los Alamos, 1986
- Folder J-33: 14th Midwest Solid State Theory Symposium, 1986
- Folder 07-05: High Temperature Superconductors Symposium, Anaheim, California, 1986-87
- Folder 07-10: V.L. Ginzburg anniversary article, microscopic theory of charge density wave transport, 1986
- Folder 07-11: Sid Shapiro Award ceremony, Rochester, New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers fellow, 1986-87
- Folder 07-31: Golden Plate Award, 1986 banquet of the Golden Plate book and correspondence, 1986-87
- Folder 07-17: American Academy of Achievement, Golden Plate Award, Malibu, California, 1986
- Folder I-33: Theories of High Tc Superconductors - abstract, 1986-87
- Folder 22-17: Proposal to the National Science Foundation, "Microscopic Structure and Dynamics of Charge Density Waves", 1987
- Folder 22-31: Notes, drafts, and transparencies for Sony meeting in Tokyo, 1987, 1990
- Folder I-25: Superconductivity transparencies, 1987
- Box 121
- Folder 03-04: Supertex board meeting, 1987
- Folder 02-08: H. Takayama letters, 1987-88
- Folder 37: J: Superconductivity: Past and Present - abstract for PEAP meeting, 1987
- Folder 03-09: Supertex board agenda, 1987
- Folder 01-05: Article for Gr�¼ner volume, 1987-88
- Folder 01-13: Semiconductor Research American Physical Society, New Orleans, 1987-89
- Folder I-13: Superconductivity, 1987-88
- Folder 01-03: Wigner Meetings Nobel Symposium, London, Copenhagen, 1987-88
- Folder 01-14: Excitonic superconductivity in layer structures, 1987
- Folder 22-21: Drafts of Van Vleck lecture and forward for the Hatfield volume, 1987
- Folder Z-05: Nick Holonyak, Jr., correspondence with Hisashi (Sam) Schichijo at Texas Instruments, 1987
- Folder 09-41: Spacetime Symmetries Symposium, talk in honor of E. Wigner, College Park, Maryland, 1987-88
- Folder 01-08: Charge density waves visuals, 1988
- Folder 02-27: Hatfield Book high temperature SC material, 1988
- Folder J-42: Shapiro Steps - La Jolla talk, 1988
- Folder J-32: SuperconiX Inc. list of high temperature superconductors for sale, 1988
- Folder 02-26: PEAP Physical Electronics workshop, University of Illinois, 1988
- Folder I-23: High Tc, 1988
- Folder 01-16: Landau Symposium, 1988
- Folder J-12: Phase coherence in charge density wave transport, 1988
- Folder 02-09: Xerography 80th anniversary meeting, Rochester, 1988
- Folder I-35: Karen Fitzgerald articles for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Spectrum, 1988-89
- Folder 01-06: High temperature superconductors meeting, Stanford, 1988-89
- Folder 01-04: Singivi Symposium, 1988
- Folder 01-02: Thorne talk, 1989
- Box 122
- Folder 17-27: The Center for Advanced Study, faculty and staff, University of Illinois, 1989-91
- Folder I-36: Charge density waves, 1989-90
- Folder 01-18: Charge density wave systems physics review letters, 1989
- Folder 22-25: Kilby/Noyce Nobel nomination, Leroy Chang's nomination for the National Medal of Science, the Morton Award, the Sarnoff Award, and the Liebmann Award, 1989-90
- Folder I-10: Masters of Modern Physics - American Institute of Physics, 1989
- Folder 22-32: Meeting in Madison, Mack lecture, 1989-90
- Folder I-09: 3rd International New Materials Conference and Exhibition, Osaka, Japan, October 1-5, 1990, and Sony Corporation, May 1990, 1989-90
- Folder I-07: NHK Broadcast Program (Japanese television), 1989
- Folder G-10: College conference programs, Rochester and Boston, 189-91
- Folder 22-29: Drafts, notes, and transparencies on superconductivity, reprint on charge density waves, and Japanese newspaper clipping and correspondence, 1989-90
- Folder I-32: NHK interview, 1989-90
- Folder I-11: Microelectronics building dedication and Sony endowed chair, 1989
- Folder 17-09: National Research Council preferred hotels, 1990
- Folder 17-16: Harry G. Drickamer, "Forty Years of Pressure Tuning Spectroscopy," American Review of Materials Science, 1990
- Folder Z-10: R. Robert Brattain personal correspondence, 1990
- Box 123
- Folder 17-15: National Medal of Science nomination form, 1990
- Folder 22-26: Talk at University of Illinois materials workshop, June 25, 1990, 1989-90
- Folder I-30: Superconductivity lecture, 1990
- Folder 17-07: National Academy of Engineering nomination for membership packet, 1990
- Folder I-14: Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity - International Conference, Kanazawa, Japan, July 22-26 1991, 1990
- Folder I-12: Papers on superconductivity, H. Monien, D. Pines, and others, 1990
- Folder 19-07: Slides regarding transistors and conductivity, diagrams, early transistors, invitation to physics department luncheon, 1990
- Folder 22-22: Physics World, May '90 and American Heritage of Invention and Discovery, Spring/Summer '90, 1990
- Folder 02-02: Patent and Copyright Bicentennial Conference, Washington D.C., 1990
- Folder I-02: "Superconductivity and Other Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena" - talk for Sony, May 13, 1990, Tokyo, 1990
- Folder I-22: Third International New Materials Conference and Exhibition, October 1-5, Osaka, Japan, 1990
- Folder I-31: Articles by K. K. Likharev, 1990
- Folder 17-06: National Academy of Sciences, 1991 election ballot, 1990
- Folder Z-11: Yung Woo Park correspondence regarding high Tc superconductor, 1990
- Folder Z-06: George Gr�¼ner, University of California at Los Angeles, Department of Physics, correspondence, 1990
- Folder J-11: Richard Chasman, Argonne National Laboratory, 1990
- Folder J-13: Oxford honorary degree, 1990
- Folder J-15: Vintage Electrics, 1990
- Folder 17-08: National Academy of Engineering, ballot and nomination forms, 1991
- Folder 18-24: National Academy of Engineering ballot for election of members and foreign associates and vita of Arkadii G. Aronov, 1991
- Note: Boxes 124-130 were created from material that was accessioned September 27, 2002, from Professor Lillian Hoddeson who had held this additional material in an office in Engineering Sciences Building since the main body of Bardeen materials had been moved out of his office in 1991-92. The 2002 addition was processed upon receipt and added to the end of the existing collection, and modifications were made to the existing finding aid.
- Sub-Series 1: Biographical Information
- Box 124
- Folder 1: The Vincent Bendix Research Medal Presented to John Bardeen by American Society for Engineering Education, 1964
- Folder 2: Nomination of John Bardeen for the IEEE Medal of Honor, 1969
- Folder 3: Newspaper and Magazine Clippings on John Bardeen, 1965-1987
- Folder 4: Pakistan Academy of Sciences Certificate of Membership, 1982
- Folder 5: Symposium in Celebration of Bardeen Eightieth Birthday, 1988
- Folder 6: Appointment Book, 1988
- Folder 7: Appointment Book, 1989
- Folder 8: Supercurrents: The Superconductivity Magazine - Interview with Colleagues of Bardeen, 1988-1989
- Sub-Series 2: Incoming Correspondence
- (Note: Letters of Recommendation were written by Dr. Bardeen primarily for students and colleagues)
- Box 124
- Folder 1: Letters of Recommendation A-J, 1957-1990 (4 folders)
- Box 125
- Folder 1: Letters of Recommendation K-Z, 1957-1990 (6 folders)
- Box 126
- Folder 1: Second Nobel Prize: Letters of Congratulations from Corporations, Personal Letters, Phone Messages, 1972-1973
- Folder 2: Second Nobel Prize: Remarks at the Banquet, Itinerary, Letters from Corporations, Government and Academic Institutions, 1972-1973
- Folder 3: Second Nobel Prize: Henry-Marsh Fund Committee Correspondence (Chairman: John Bardeen) (4 folders), 1975-1979
- Folder 4: Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics: Symposium in Honor of Professor John Bardeen, 1976
- Folder 5: Department of Mathematics Head Search Committee, 1979NAS Panel on Condensed Matter Physics, 1981-1982
- Folder 6: White House Science Council, 1982-1983
- Sub-Series 3: Outgoing Correspondence, 1985
- Box 127
- Folder 1: 1985
- Folder 2: 1986
- Folder 3: 1987
- Folder 4: 1988
- Folder 5: 1989
- Folder 6: 1990
- Folder 7: 1990-1991
- Folder 8: Award Nomination for National Model of Science for Gordon K. Teal by John Bardeen, 1986 (2 folders)
- Sub-Series 4: SUBJECT FILE
- Box 127
- Folder 1: Walter Houser Brattain (1902-1987): A Biographical Memoir
- Folder 2: Technical Memoranda on Transistor Related Research at Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1948-1949
- Box 128
- Folder 1: Technical Memoranda on Transistor Related Research at Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1948-1950 (4 folders)
- Folder 2: Publication Reprints of Other Physics Professors' Work at UIUC, 1964-1970
- Folder 3: Theory of Superconductivity - Talk Given at Conference on Superconductivity, May 1966
- Folder 4: Solid State Physics: Past and Future Paper for Lecture, Sept. 1968
- Box 129
- Folder 1: Encyclopedia Americana "Superconductivity" Article Agreement and Manuscript, Mar. 1970
- Folder 2: Non-homogeneous Current Flow in Superconductors Paper for Talk at Sandia Lab, Nov. 1970
- Folder 3: The Past and Future of Solid State Physics and Superconductivity: Past and Future - Talk Given at University of Utah, Nov. 1971
- Folder 4: Outline of Lectures on Space and Time Changes of the Order Parameter and Fluctuations in Superconductors, May 1972
- Folder 5: The Transistor after 25 Years - Paper for Talk, Nov. 1972
- Folder 6: Manuscripts on Superconductivity and Solid State Physics, 1973-1986
- Folder 7: Potential Applications of Superconductivity, Jan. 1971
- Folder 8: Talk at Depauw, Sept. 1973
- Folder 9: China Project, Oct. 1975
- Folder 10: Basic Research and Industrial Development - Lecture in Iran, Oct. 1975
- Folder 11: Development of Semiconductor Electronics - Lecture at Pahlavi University, Dec. 1975
- Folder 12: Comments on Visit to Brown University, Feb. 1976
- Folder 13: Introduction of Speak at Tykociner Lecture, Mar. 1976
- Folder 14: Comments on Superconducting Science and Technology at Stanford, CA, Aug. 1976
- Folder 15: Summary Remarks Presented at Conference on Organic Conductors and Semiconductors, Aug. 1976
- Folder 16: Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Superconductors - Manuscript, 1978
- Folder 17: Recent Development and Comments - Manuscript for Chapter in Highly Conducting One-Dimensional Solids, Feb. 1978-1979
- Folder 18: Excitonic Superconductivity - Manuscript for Journal of Less Common Metals, Aug. 1978
- Folder 19: Concluding Remarks for International Conference on Quasi-one-dimensional Conductors, Sept. 1978
- Folder 20: A Brief History of Solid State Physics - Notes for Presentation to Academia de Ciencias Fisicas Matematicus, Venezuala, 1979
- Folder 21: Theory of Nonohmic Conduction from Charge Density Waves - Manuscript, 1979
- Folder 22: Unity of Concepts in the Structure of Matter - Manuscript and Correspondence, Sept. 1979-1981
- Folder 23: Report on Visit to People's Republic of China, 1980
- Folder 24: Invention Proposal - Quantum Detector or Mixer Making Use of Linear Chain Charge Density Wave Materials, Sept. 1980
- Folder 25: Tunneling Theory of Charge Density Wave Depinning Manuscript and Correspondence on Publication, Nov. 1980
- Folder 26: Field and Frequency Dependence of Charge Density Wave Conduction in NbSe3 - Manuscript, 1981
- Folder 27: Discussion Group on Ã?Â?Interaction of Industry and University Research' Summary Statement, 1981
- Folder 28: Introductory Remarks for Tykociner Lecture, 1981
- Folder 29: Talk for TSH Sing, Spring 1981
- Folder 30: Talk at Clarkson, May 1981
- Folder 31: Electronics and Medicine: Past and Future - Address to College of Medicine on Centennial of the University, Oct. 1981
- Folder 32: Stability and Noise of Charge-Density-Wave Motion in NbSe3 Manuscript, Feb. 1982
- Folder 33: Superconductivity Theory - Manuscript for Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Engineering, Mar. 1982
- Box 130
- Folder 1: Comments on Shielding by Surface States - Talk for Near Zero Conference, Stanford, Mar. 1982
- Folder 2: Current Oscillations and Stability of Charge Density Wave Motion in NbSe3 Manuscript, Aug. 1982
- Folder 3: Electronics and Medicine - Paper for Talk at Washington Award Dinner, Feb. 1983
- Folder 4: Charge Transport by Charge Density Waves - Vareena Lectures Paper, June 1983
- Folder 5: Depinning of Charge-density Waves by Quantum Tunneling - Manuscript, Feb. 1984
- Folder 6: Origins of the Transistor and Solid State Electronics - Manuscript, June 1984
- Folder 7: IEEE Spectrum - Comments for Supplement, Apr. 1984
- Folder 8: Solition Theory of Charge Density Wave Depinning - Manuscript for Conference, Sept. 1984
- Folder 9: Solition Model of Charge Density Wave Depinning - Manuscript, Oct. 1984
- Folder 10: Dynamics of Charge-Density Waves in Orthorhombic TaS3 - Manuscript, Oct. 1984
- Folder 11: Beginning of Sold State Physics in Engineering - Paper for Talk, Oct. 1984
- Folder 12: Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling in Quasi-One Dimensional Metals - Manuscript and Correspondence, May 1985
- Folder 13: Depinning of Charge-Density Waves by Quantum Tunneling - Lecture Notes for Las Vegas Meeting, Mar. 1986
- Folder 14: Basis for Tunneling Theory of Charge Density Wave Depinning - Manuscript Submitted to Zeitsf Phys. B, Feb. 1987
- Folder 15: Prehistory of Semiconductor Laser - Manuscript for Optoelectronics Forum, Mar. 1987
- Folder 16: Excitonic Superconductivity In Layer Structures - Manuscript, June 1987
- Folder 17: Development of a Tunneling Model of Charge Density Wave Depinning - Manuscript, June 1987
- Folder 18: Superconductivity: History and Recent Developments - Von Vleck Lecture, Oct. 1987
- Folder 19: Theories of High Tc Superconductors - Materials for Res. Society Meeting, Nov. 1987
- Folder 20: Solid State Physics - Manuscript for Article to Appear in Solid State Technology Special Issue, Dec. 1987
- Folder 21: Superconductors - Forward by John Bardeen, Dec. 1987
- Folder 22: Obituary for Walter Brattain in Physics Today, Jan. 1988
- Folder 23: Classical vs. Quantum Models of Charge-Density Wave Depinning in Quasi-One-Dimensional Metals - Manuscript and Correspondence, Feb. 1988
- Folder 24: "A Collection of John Bardeen's Publications on Semiconductors and Superconductivity," Oct. 1989
- Folder 25: Theory of Size Effects in Depinning of Charge Density Waves - Manuscript, Jan. 1990
- Folder 26: Superconductivity Theory - Revised Manuscript for Encyclopedia of Magnetic and Superconducting Materials, Jan. 1991