Rehabilitation Films and Videotapes


Scope and Contents

Subject Terms

Administrative Information

Detailed Description


Films Converted to DVD

Film Reels

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Finding Aid for Rehabilitation Films and Videotapes, 1949-2008 | University of Illinois Archives

By Chris Prom, Emma Lincoln, John Milano

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Collection Overview

Title: Rehabilitation Films and Videotapes, 1949-2008Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 16/6/14

Extent: 8.4 cubic feet

Arrangement: by canister size and chronologically thereunder

Date Acquired: 10/11/2007. More info below under Accruals.

Subjects: Intercollegiate Athletics, Olympics, Rehabilitation Education, Sports, Vocational Rehabilitation, Wheelchair Athletics

Formats/Genres: Motion Pictures/Videotapes

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Rehabilitation Films and Videotapes (1949-), includes promotional news clips, interviews with DRES students (Glen and Sylvia Bellows, Tom Jones, and Clarence Crooks), and informational videos and films concerning employment opportunities, job placement, physical therapy, exercise, daily living training for DRES students, adaptive equipment, and athletic events (including the Paralympic Games, the National Wheelchair Games, the Prairie State Games, International Games for the Disabled and the National Wheelchair Basketball Tournament).

Subject/Index Terms

Intercollegiate Athletics
Rehabilitation Education
Vocational Rehabilitation
Wheelchair Athletics

Administrative Information

Repository: University of Illinois Archives

Accruals: 3/15/2015

Access Restrictions: Access will be provided to the DVD copies of the films, not the original films themselves.

Acquisition Source: DRES, Carla Thorpe and Maureen Gilbert

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Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Videotapes],
[Series 2: Films Converted to DVD],
[Series 3: Film Reels],

Series 1: VideotapesAdd to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Item 1: "Big Wheels in Broadcasting," 1962 (U-Matic)Add to your cart.
Tom Jones interviews Timothy J. Nugent, a University of Illinois communications professor, the WDWS station manager about opportunities for people with disabilities to be trained and work in broadcasting.  Video was created by the Illinois Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped for viewing by employers.
Item 2: Tom Jones Videos, 1962-late 1960s (U-Matic)Add to your cart.

Includes 5 clips featuring Tom Jones:

1) "7th National Wheelchair Games ," 1963

2)  Fair scenes-- Jones riding merry-go-round, ferris wheel, playing carnival games

3) "Uncle, Auntie, Sam, Home," 1962

4) "Dizzy Dean" - Interview

5) "Bob Hope" - Interview

Item 3: "Beating the Averages,", 1969 (U-Matic)Add to your cart.
Illustrates the challenges faced by persons with disabilities, especially those confined to wheelchairs, regarding conventionally-designed homes, office buildings, factories, and public transportation. Discusses the value and possibilities offered by barrier-free designs, which can be employed by informed architects to ensure access.  Presented by Social and Rehabilitation Service. Film by John O'Toole and James D. Helliwell.
Item 4: "Bowel and Bladder Techniques," (U-Matic), 1974Add to your cart.
Part of the University of Illinois Rehabilitation-Education Center's "Quadriplegic Functional Skills: a Film Series."  A narrated video explaining what equipment and techniques quadriplegics use for managing bowel and bladder functions.
Item 5: "Dressing," (U-Matic), 1974Add to your cart.
Part of the University of Illinois Rehabilitation-Education Center's "Quadriplegic Functional Skills: a Film Series."  Informational video on the different strategies quadriplegics use in dressing themselves.  Students in this video share their thoughts on activities of daily living (ADL) and functional skills training.
Item 6: "Driving," (U-Matic), 1974Add to your cart.
Part of the University of Illinois Rehabilitation-Education Center's "Quadriplegic Functional Skills: a Film Series."  Narrated video that demonstrates how quadriplegics enter, exit, and drive vehicles.
Item 7: "Showering and Grooming," (U-Matic), 1974Add to your cart.
Part of the University of Illinois Rehabilitation-Education Center's "Quadriplegic Functional Skills: a Film Series."  Informational video on the different strategies quadriplegics use to shower and groom themselves.  Students in this video share their thoughts on their experiences developing skills and strategies.
Item 8: "Mobility for Everyone: an Inherent Right," (U-Matic), 1970sAdd to your cart.
Informational video about making public transportation accessible for the elderly and people with disabilities.  Demonstrates features of accessible buses and contains a message from Timothy J. Nugent on the importance and feasibility of creating accessible public transportation systems.  Filmed at the University of Illinois, featuring students from the Rehabilitation Education program.
Item 9: "The Side Show," April 1979 (U-Matic: 2 videocasettes)Add to your cart.
The performace of a play called "The Side Show" by members of the national rehabilitation service fraternity, Delta Sigma Omicron.  "A DSO Theater Presentation."
Item 10: Artificial Limbs Videos, 1980s (VHS - 2 copies)Add to your cart.
Includes 5 clips taped from television news and talk show programs about artificial limbs and the Institute for the Advancement of Prosthetics.  Clips feature William Barr (founder of the Institute) and Jan J. Stokosa (prosthetist).  Television programs include PM Magazine, Today Show, ABC News (Christmas Special), WILX Saturday Journal, and 700 Club.
Item 11: News Promo: WAND-TV, 1980s (U-Matic)Add to your cart.
Promo for News Sports on Springfield's Channel 17 WAND-TV.  Includes a wheelchair racing shot of Marty Morse.
Item 12: "The 33rd National Wheelchair Basketball Tournament,", April 3, 1981 (U-Matic: 2 videocasettes)Add to your cart.
Game 1 of the 33rd National Wheelchair Basketball Tournament between the Casa Colina Condors and the Westland Sparks.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Item 1: "Just Plain Athletics," 1981 (U-Matic: 2 copies)Add to your cart.
Film about wheelchair athletics and the 24th National Wheelchair Games held at the University of Illinois.  Athletes and participants interviewed in the film include Sharon Rahn (Hedrick), Timothy J. Nugent, George Murray, Curt Brinkman, Sharon Limpert, and Bobby Hall.
Item 2: White House Ceremony, April 1982 (U-Matic)Add to your cart.
Video of President Ronald Reagan accepting the Honorary National Chairmanship of the 1984 Paralympic Games.
Item 3: "VII Paralympic Games," May 1982 (U-Matic: 2 copies)Add to your cart.
Informational video for participants of the VII Paralympic Games to be held at the University of Illinois in 1984 (prior to cancellation).  Includes a walking tour led by Tom Jones and Timothy J. Nugent with information concerning weather, housing, food, athletic facilities, and accessibility on campus.
Item 4: South African Tour Reunion Message - Roger Ebert, 1982 (U-Matic)Add to your cart.
A message from Roger Ebert to the members of the 1962 South African Tour Group for its 30th Anniversary Reunion.  Ebert covered the tour in 1962 for the News-Gazette and shares his favorite memories from the trip in this short video.
Item 5: "Illinois Prairie State Games... in the Olympic Tradition," 1984 (U-Matic)Add to your cart.
Corporate marketing presentation video about the Prairie States Games, featuring highlights of athletic events as well as the opening and closing ceremonies (including speeches from Governor Jim Thompson).
Item 6: International Games for the Disabled - New York City, 1984 (VHS)Add to your cart.
Coverage of the International Games for the Disabled taped from cable television.  Athletic events featured in this video include two wheelchair basketball games and several track events.
Item 7: Nugent Presentation by Governor, Sept. 7, 1985 (U-Matic)Add to your cart.
Governor of Illinois presenting Timothy J. Nugent with an award on what was declared "Tim Nugent Day" during an Illinois v. Univeristy of Southern California football game.
Item 8: Nugent Honors Banquet, Sept. 7, 1985 (U-Matic: 4 of 10 videocasettes)Add to your cart.
Video of the banquet held to honor the accomplishments and career of Timothy J. Nugent upon his retirement.  Footage begins with several interviews with/messages from Nugent's friends, coworkers, and former students about their appreciation of Nugent, wishes for his future, and favorite memories.  The video also contains musical entertainment, speeches, and presentations of gifts and honors.  Tom Jones is Master of Ceremonies and speakers include Stanley Ikenberry, Don Swift, Jack Whitman, Saul Morris, Sharon Hedrick, Peter Garceau, Robert Herron, and Timothy J. Nugent.
Box 3Add to your cart.
Item 1: Nugent Honors Banquet, Sept. 7, 1985 (U-Matic: 6 of 10 videocassettes)Add to your cart.
Video of the banquet held to honor the accomplishments and career of Timothy J. Nugent upon his retirement.  Footage begins with several interviews with/messages from Nugent's friends, coworkers, and former students about their appreciation of Nugent, wishes for his future, and favorite memories.  The video also contains musical entertainment, speeches, and presentations of gifts and honors.  Tom Jones is Master of Ceremonies and speakers include Stanley Ikenberry, Don Swift, Jack Whitman, Saul Morris, Sharon Hedrick, Peter Garceau, Robert Herron, and Timothy J. Nugent.
Item 2: Prairie State Games, July 20, 1986 (U-Matic)Add to your cart.
WGN telecast of the Prairie State Games held at the University of Illinois.  Sport commentators Joe McConnell, John Mengelt, and Dan Roan cover the various athletic competitions.  Coverage includes athlete interviews, standings, and event highlights.
Item 3: "Beyond the Barriers," Jan. 1987 (U-Matic: 2 copies)Add to your cart.
Promotional/recruiting video about the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services and the University of Illinois.  Includes information about student services, campus accessibility, Beckwith Living Center, wheelchair sports, and Delta Sigma Omicron as well as interviews of students and alumni (including Vivian Vahling, Dale Prochaska, Chuck Graham, and Sharon Hedrick).
Item 4: Job Placement Conference, March 9, 1988 (U-Matic: 4 videocassettes)Add to your cart.
Video of the Job Placement Conference held at Sangamon State University in Springfield, IL.  Includes presentations from recruiters, employers, working people with disabilities, Division of Rehabilitation Education Services staff (Joseph Larsen, Tom Jones) and alumni (Dave Mundy, Saul Morris), and labor specialists about the employment of people with disabilities as well as advice for employers and job seekers.
Item 5: Roger Davis's Hall of Fame Video, Oct. 19, 1990 (VHS)Add to your cart.
Home video of the ceremony held in Springfield, Massachusetts for the National Wheelchair Basketball Association's (NWBA) incorportation into the Basketball Hall of Fame.  Speakers include Saul Welger, Timothy J. Nugent, and Joe O'Brian.
Box 4Add to your cart.
Item 1: "Wheelchair Basketball: Volume I," 1994 (VHS)Add to your cart.
Training Guide for coaches of wheelchair basketball.  Volume I deals with the skills, drills, and strategies of individual players.  Instructors/coaches in this video are Dan Byrnes (Wright State University), Bradley N. Hedrick (University of Illinois), and Lew Shaver (Southwest State University).
Item 2: "Wheelchair Basketball: Volume II," 1994 (VHS)Add to your cart.
Training Guide for coaches of wheelchair basketball.  Volume II deals with team skills and strategies.  Instructors/coaches in this video are Dan Byrnes (Wright State University), Bradley N. Hedrick (University of Illinois), and Lew Shaver (Southwest State University).
Item 3: "Centennial Boston Marathon," 1996 (VHS)Add to your cart.
ESPN footage of the men's wheelchair division of the Centennial Boston Marathon.  Featured racers include Hanz Frei, Bob Hall, Tom Sellers, and Scott Hollonbeck.
Item 4: "Bladder Implant #1"Add to your cart.
1/2 " open reel video labeled "Bladder Implant #1."  Sony video tape for helical scan video recorders.
Item 5: College Wheelchair AthleticsAdd to your cart.
Segment on NBC News Today about wheelchair athletics and different colleges' and peoples' attitudes toward wheelchair athletics programs and athletes with disabilities.  Bryant Gumbell interviews Bradley N. Hedrick, head of Recreation and Athletics at University of Illinois's Division of Rehabilitation Education Services as well as Diana Golden (one-legged skier) and Donna Lopiano of the Women's Sports Foundation.
Item 6: "Outdoor Track"Add to your cart.
Video of an outdoor wheelchair track meet, including several races, events, and divisions.  Poor video quality.
Item 7: "Intercollegiate Wheelchair Basketball Tournament Championship Game, UI-Urbana-Champaign versus UT-Arlington", 1993Add to your cart.
Item 8: "Intercollegiate Wheelchair Basketball Tournament, UI-Urbana-Champaign versus Southern Illinois University", 1993Add to your cart.
Item 9: "Illini versus Gophers"Add to your cart.
Item 10: "WSU Womans Wheelchair versus UI-Urbana-Champaign"Add to your cart.
Item 11: "Hedrick"Add to your cart.
Item 12: "Andra Vogel, UI-Urbana-Champaign Sports Camp", 1986Add to your cart.
Item 13: "Women's National Basketball Tournament in Dallas", 1987Add to your cart.
Item 14: "ZONTA UI-Urbana-Champaign versus R.G. and T.C. versus RIC", 1987Add to your cart.
Box 6Add to your cart.
Item 1: "Wheelchair Basketball"Add to your cart.
2 Video Cassettes.
Item 2: "Reggie Colton: USA versus Australia; USA versus Germany; USA versus Spain", 1994Add to your cart.
1 Video Cassette.
Item 3: "Gifts Beyond Healing, The John D. and Minnie R. Schneider Charitable Trust, Hollister Incorporated", 1996Add to your cart.
1 Video Cassette.
Item 4: "Wheelchair Basketball UI-UC Program, CBS Sports Feature, (Not Aired)", 2005Add to your cart.
1 Video Cassette.
Item 5: "The National Foundation of Wheelchair Tennis Presents: Advanced Wheelchair Tennis"Add to your cart.
1 Video Cassette.
Item 6: "Prairie St. Games: Ch. 3, Champaign, July 6, 1985; Ch. 17, Decatur, July 14, 1985"Add to your cart.
1 Video Cassette.
Item 7: "Wheelchair Basketball: Temple versus Illinois, on March 24"Add to your cart.
2 AMPEX-BETACAM-198 BC-20 Video Cassettes.
Item 8: "University of Illinois Wheelchair Sports Camp: Group I and Group II"Add to your cart.
2 Video Cassettes.
Item 9: "National Wheelchair Basketball: Fighting Illini versus Timberwolves", 1990Add to your cart.
1 Video Cassette.
Item 10: "Sports Camp Advanced Group", 1989Add to your cart.
1 Video Cassette.
Item 11: "UI-Urbana-Champaign Wheelchair Camp Promo on Television Station WICD 15"Add to your cart.
1 Video Cassette. 2 minutes duration.
Item 12: "International Paralympics Wheelchair Basketball Game"Add to your cart.
4 Video Cassettes.
Item 13: "Leonard PSG", May 9, 1985Add to your cart.
1 BASF audio cassette.
Item 14: "CIC Nationals: IU versus UTA", March 6, 1995Add to your cart.
1 TDK E-HG TC-30 Compact Video Cassette.
Item 15: "UI versus UTA and UI versus UWW", January 24, 1998Add to your cart.
1 JVC-30 Compact Video Cassette.
Item 16: "CIC Nationals: UI versus UT-A; UI versus UWW", February 28, 1998Add to your cart.
2 JVC TC-20 Compact Video Cassettes.
Item 17: "Illinois Men versus UT-A", November 21, 1998Add to your cart.
1 JVC-30 Compact Video Cassette.
Item 18: "UI versus UWW", January 9, 1999Add to your cart.
1 JVC-30 Compact Video Cassette.
Item 19: "UI versus Dallas", January 1, 1999Add to your cart.
1 JVC-30 Compact Video Cassette.
Item 20: "Recording of Gym Equipment"Add to your cart.
1 Video Cassette. 5 minutes duration.
Item 21: "Wheelchair Basketball"Add to your cart.
4 Video Cassettes.
Item 22: "Athletic Rankings", 1994Add to your cart.
6 floppy diskettes with ".db" files.
Item 23: "DRES Public Presentation Slideshow Slides", 1987-88Add to your cart.
60 35-mm slides including diagrams and student athletic competition and training images.
Item 24: "Film Reels Provenance Information", 1975Add to your cart.
1 Folder.

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Videotapes],
[Series 2: Films Converted to DVD],
[Series 3: Film Reels],

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