By Joseph Ansel Hoisington
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Vertical Subject File, 1893 - 2019

ID: 35/3/402
Extent: 155.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by subject
Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Chamber of Commerce, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce, United States, Collective Bargaining, Commerce, United States Department of, Commerce and Business Administration, College of, Communism, Economics, Economics Department, Education, Government, Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, Illinois Labor-Management Relations, Immigration, Industrial Democracy, Industrial Relations Research Association, International Labor Organization, International Relations, Labor, United States Department of, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Education, Labor History, Labor Journalism, Labor Relations, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions, Law, Law, College of, Management, New Deal, Political Science, Political Science Department, Psychology Department, Socialism, Social Psychology, Social Security, Sociology, Sociology Department, Strikes, Unions, Wage and Price Controls, War Labor Board, Workmen's Compensation
Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish;Castilian, Russian, Swedish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Labor Library Vertical Subject File (1893 - 2019) contains scholarly, legal, political, journalistic and popular literature about labor relations and related topics collected by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library from labor unions, governments, international organizations, political parties, interest groups and scholars and academic institutions and pertaining to relations between employers and employees, the role of government in maintaining fair labor relations, the rights of workers to organize, the structure and function of labor organizations, and the interaction between labor relations and society.
This series includes source material from eras of labor history which presented unique issues and problems including the Progressive Era, the New Deal, World Wars I and II and Post-war Anticommunism.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Processing Information:
All documents in Boxes 1-8 are listed at the item-level in the finding aid.
For boxes 9-154, the finding aid is a combination of folder-level and item-level description. For these boxes, only selected documents were listed at the item-level. Documents have been selected for item-level description on the basis of factors including age, connection to important historical figures and events, lack of availability elsewhere, connection to now-defunct organizations and movements, and connection to the University of Illinois and the the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.
**Denotes subjects which have additional materials at the end of the record series, in the last boxes.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
[Series 7: Labor Union Officers
and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],
- Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change

- Box 95

- Folder 1: Labor Union Officers and Staff

- Item 1: The Technical Engineering Service of an American Trade Union, possibly circa 1950

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 2: The Union Business Agent's Perspective of his Job, July 1957

- Creator: Hjalmar Rosen and R.A. hudson Rosen, Univ. of Illinois
- Folder 2: Labor Unions in Ohio

- Folder 3: Labor Union Organization and Administration

- Item 1: How to Conduct a Union Meeting, possibly circa 1950

- Creator: Federation of Glass, Ceramic and Silica Sand Workers of America, CIO
- Item 2: Making Union Meetings Effective: Manual prepared for educational projects with labor groups in Illinois, no date

- Creator: Prof. Richard Murphy, speech dept., UIUC and UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: Women's Project For Union Democracy, no date

- Creator: Association for Union Democracy
- Item 4: The Vital Links of the AFL-CIO: Role and function of state and local central bodies, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: The Challenge Facing Central Labor Bodies, May 1961

- Creator: Stanton E. Smith, Tennessee State AFL-CIO, printed in "American Federationist"
- Item 6: Problems of Union Organization, no date

- Creator: Sponsored by Council 34, Amer. Fed. Of State, County and Municipal employees and conducted by UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: The Impact of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 on internal Union Organization and Operations, January 1976

- Creator: Doris B. McLaughlin and Anita W. Schoonmaker, Univ. of Michigan/Wayne St. Univ. ILIR for the US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: How to Run a Union Meeting, 1923-1969

- Creator: Workers Education Bureau, AFL and AFL-CIO
- Item 9: The Role of Law in Preserving Union Democracy, no date

- Creator: Archibald Cox
- Item 10: Judicial Procedure in Labor Unions, may 1945

- Creator: Philip Taft, Quarterly Journal of Economics
- Item 11: Union Self-Discipline and the Freedom of Individual Workers, April 30, 1958

- Creator: David L. Cole
- Item 12: Bureaucracy and Democracy in Labor Unions, Fall 1943

- Creator: Will Herberg
- Item 13: The Coal Miners: A Study of Union Control, August 1954

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, UIUC ILIR and Jack London, Univ. of California at Berkeley
- Item 14: Democracy in Trade Unions: A survey, with a program of action, May 1949

- Creator: American Civil Liberties Union
- Item 15: Democracy in Labor Unions: A Report and Statement of Policy, June1952

- Creator: American Civil Liberties Union
- Item 16: Democracy in Trade Unions: A Comment on an Article by Philip Taft, May 1946

- Creator: Lloyd G. Reynolds
- Item 17: Power and the Pattern of Union Government, May 2, 1958

- Creator: Jack Barbash, Prof. of Labor Education, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 18: The Voluntary Basis of Trade Unionism, February 20, 1925

- Creator: Samuel Gompers, published by the Workers Education Bureau of America
- Item 19: A Labor Union "Bill of Rights," Democracy in Labor Unions, The Kennedy-Ives Bill: Statements by the ACLU, September 1958

- Creator: American Civil Liberties Union
- Item 20: Some Efforts at Democractic Union Participation, December 30, 1957

- Creator: Ben Segal, Intl. Union of Electrical Wkrs., AFL-CIO
- Item 21: Local Union Government: Sample constitutions and by-laws for local unions, June 30, 1947

- Creator: Intl. Bro. of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers, AFL
- Item 22: IUMSWA Training program: Public Speaking, no date

- Creator: Intl. Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Wkrs. Of America, CIO
- Item 23: Concerning the Local Union meeting The heart of self-government, April 1948

- Creator: A.G. Host, reprinted by the Intl. Bro. of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Wkrs., AFL
- Item 24: Handbook for Local Union Fair Practices Comittees, August 17, 1946

- Creator: UAW-CIO
- Item 25: Case Studies in Union Administration: Relationships Between Local Union Leaders and Their Constituents, October 1965

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Folder 4: Labor Union Organization and Administration--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Labor Union Organizing Activities

- Item 1: Breaking Up Old Hatreds and Breaking Through the Fear: The Emergence of the Packinghouse Workers Organizing Committee in Chicago, 1933-1940, no date

- Creator: Paul Street
- Item 2: Handbook of Trade Union Methods, 1948

- Creator: Intl. Ladies' Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 3: Do's and Don'ts for Supervisors: legal information to help you during a union organizing campaign, no date

- Creator: Wessels & Pautsch, Attorneys at Law
- Item 4: "Organising for Keeps" - Trade Union Organising in the United States: Report to the TUC New Unionism Task Group and Organising Academy Steering Group, July 7, 1998

- Creator: Edmund Heery, Cardiff Univ., and Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 5: "ILIR Colloqium. The South and Organizing, which is the general subject that I' going to talk about somewhat, is obviously a frontier for the American Labor Movement", December 5, 1980

- Creator: Scott Hoyman
- Item 6: Winning the Hearts and Minds of your Employees, 1986

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Box 96

- Folder 1: Labor Union Organizing Activities (cont. I)

- Item 1: Hospital Employer's Campaign! Memoranda to Member Hospitals: "How to beat the union organizing", no date

- Creator: American Hospital Assoc.
- Item 2: Union Free Refresher, November 12, 1995

- Creator: Timber Products Mfg./Solberg Trucking
- Item 3: Numbers that Count: A Manual on Internal Organizing, June 1988

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: The Union Organizer's Contact Form, December 1956

- Creator: Union Research and Education Projects, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 5: Fighters and Facilitators: The Class Consciousness of Union Organizers, Spring 1994

- Creator: Masters Paper by Sam Smucker, readers: Prof. John Walsh and Prof. Stanley Rosen
- Item 6: Materials from the ICWU campaign to organize workers at Abbott Co., circa 1964

- Creator: Intl. Chem. Wkrs. Union-Abbott Organizing Committee
- Item 7: Southern Exposure Vol.IV, Nos.1 and 2: "Here Come a Wind: Labor on the Move.", no date

- Creator: "Southern Exposure"
- Item 8: Tips for Supervisors: A Guide to Answering Questions Most Often Asked During a Union Organizing Campaign, no date

- Creator: Wessels & Pautsch, Attorneys at Law
- Item 9: Developing New Tactics: Winning with coordinated corporate campaigns, 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: "What is this all about? This questionnaire is the beginning of a project sponsored by the Oil Workers District Council No.6", December 1951

- Creator: Oil Wkrs. Dist. Council No.6 and Univ. of Chicago Industrial Relations Center
- Item 11: "Notes on Delegate Responses: The responses to the pretest of the oil workers questionnaire administered in Hammond Oct. 27, 1951 to 56 delegates", Nov. 27, 1951

- Creator: John Hammond, Project Dir.
- Item 12: Why some workers don't join unions, December 1956

- Creator: Union Research and Education Projects, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 13: What Can Be Done to Build a Stronger Union?, December 1953

- Creator: Union Research and Education Projects, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 14: "Chicago Staff Meeting: John McCollum presenting Univ. of Chicago Union Survey on why some workers don't join unions", Jan. 19, 1957

- Creator: Union Research and Education Projects, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 15: Materials from JP Stevens Organizing Campaingns, circa 1970s

- Creator: Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Wkrs. Union, AFL-CIO-CLC
- Item 16: A Handbook for Organizers, 1950

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Machinists
- Item 17: Oganizing Work Book, no date

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Machinists
- Item 18: Why Workers Join Unions, 1945

- Creator: E Wight Bakke, Yale Univ. and American Management Assoc.
- Item 19: The Legal Setting for the Emergence of the Union Avoidance Strategy, June 1983

- Creator: Janice A. Klein, Ph.D. Candidate and David Wagner Esq., Labor Law Lecturer, presented at the MIT/Union Conference
- Item 20: All Rights Denied: The effect of the Taft-Hartley Law on the Organizing Efforts of the Employees of the Catham Mfg. Co., Elkin, North Carolina, December 1955 and May 1956

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America, AFL-CIO
- Box 97

- Folder 1: Labor Union Organizing Activities (cont. II)

- Item 1: Correspondence Between Dave Minnis, Intl. Representative of the UAW, and Gov. Bill Clinton of Arkansas, circa 1990

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs.
- Item 2: Correspondence within the UAW about the aforementioned controversy in Arkansas, circa 1990

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs.
- Item 3: Industrial Democracy Vol.V, No.7 "This Issue: Fordism", October 1937

- Creator: Carl Raushenbush et al, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 4: "This is the story of what happens in a Southern community when working people try to organize a Union", circa 1957

- Creator: Intl. Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, AFL-CIO
- Item 5: First Aids for Organizers, 1947

- Creator: Educational Dept., Intl. Ladies' Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 6: Ethical Guidelines for a Religious Institution Confronted by a Union, Spring 1984

- Creator: Ed Marciniak, Institute of Urban Life, Loyola Univ. Chicago
- Item 7: Excerpts from the San Fernando State College Survey Report: "Attitudes of Voters in Collective Bargaining NLRB Elections, Los Angeles and Orange Counties Calif., 1966-1967", 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: "Almost Unbelievable" The Story of an Industry, a Union and a Law, 1961

- Creator: Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 9: The Supervisor's Handbook on Maintaining Non-Union Status, 1974

- Creator: Executive Enterprises Publications Co.
- Item 10: Organizing the New Immigrants: The Hispanic Trade Unionists' Perspectives, May 1983

- Creator: Geoffrey Fox, Occaisonal Paper No. 40 of the New York Univ.
- Item 11: A Proposed Framework for the Study of the Process of Organizing Unions, December 17, 1971

- Creator: Mike Meyers, tutorial for Prof. Stanley Rosen
- Item 12: Local Administration: Building the Union Through Organizing - READINGS, no date

- Creator: Prof. Stan Rosen, UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Bayway Refinery Study, no date

- Item 14: A Report on the OCAWIU Organizing Effort and the Representation Election at the Whiting Refinery of the Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, September 1956

- Creator: Union Research and Education Project, Univ. of Chicago
- Folder 2: Labor Union Organizing Activities--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Unions in Papua New Guinea

- Item 1: Workers' Organizations in Papua and New Guinea

- Folder 4: Labor Unions in the Philippines

- Item 1: Philippine Labor Monitor - Philippine Trade Unionism: A Situationer, 1985

- Creator: Institute for Labor Research and Documentation
- Item 2: Philippine Labor Data File, circa 1971

- Creator: UP. Asian Labor Education Center
- Folder 5: Labor Union Policies and Program

- Item 1: Is Innovation a Management Prerogative? Changing Employment Relationships, Innovative Unions, May 1993

- Creator: Peter Leisink, Univ. of Warwick
- Item 2: The Extended Meaning and Dminished Relevance of "Job Conscious" Unionism, no date

- Creator: Abraham J. Siegel, MIT
- Item 3: Labor's Aims in War and Peace, 1944

- Creator: Amy Hewes, Commission to Study the Organization of Peace
- Item 4: Proposal to Limit Campaign Contributions Submitted to Congress, July 1956

- Creator: United Automobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Implement Wkrs. Of America
- Item 5: Labor and the Liberal Tradition, 1971

- Creator: Lane Kirkland, AFL-CIO, published by the League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 6: Taxation The Key to Mass Buying Power and Full Employment in an Expanding Economy, April 13, 1954

- Creator: Walter P. Reuther, Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Folder 6: Labor Union Political Activities

- Item 1: The Labor Bosses: America's Third Party, July 1958

- Creator: Senate Republican Policy Committee
- Item 2: Trying to get your union on record against the war? Here's Your Ammunition!, circa 1971

- Creator: National Coordinating Committee for Trade Union Activity and Democracy
- Item 3: National Survey of AFL-CIO Union Members, August 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education
- Item 4: Organized Labor Casts its Vote: 1998 Illinois Post-Election Survey, circa 1998

- Creator: Prof. Robert Bruno, Chicago Labor Education Program, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: The Labor Vote in Danville, January 3, 1973

- Creator: Michael Hansell, for LIR 447, taught at the UIUC ILIR by Prof. Philips Garman
- Item 6: Political Consciousness in a Labor Union, June 10, 1951

- Creator: J. Seidman et al., Univ. of Chicago
- Item 7: An Evaluation of the Political Education Program of the Rubber Workers' Union, November 1, 1966

- Creator: Paula J. Paley, for LIR 447, taught at the UIUC ILIR by Prof. Philips Garman
- Item 8: History of Labor Party Movements in the United States, no date

- Creator: Fred Whitehead, People's Culture
- Item 9: Union Political Action: The Member Speaks, April 1954

- Creator: Profs. Ruth Alice Hudson and Hjalmar Rosen, UIUC
- Item 10: Citizenship In Operation (CIO), circa 1950

- Creator: Wisconsin State Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 11: Guide to Political Action, 1948

- Creator: United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America
- Item 12: Labour Politics in USA, circa 1949

- Creator: Mark Starr, w/ a foreword by Margaret Cole, Fabian Intl. Bureau
- Item 13: Manual of Practical Political Action, no date

- Creator: National Citizens' Political Action Committee
- Item 14: Mask for Reaction (Report NO.2, Los Angeles County AFL-CIO), May 1962

- Creator: Los Angeles County Fed. Of Labor, AFL-CIO
- Box 98

- Folder 1: Labor Union Political Activities (cont.)

- Item 1: War, Jobs, Parity, McCarthy: Influences in the 1954 Mid-Term Elections, 1954

- Creator: Public Affairs Institute
- Item 2: 1964 Speaker's Handbook, circa 1964

- Creator: Committee on Political Education, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Questions About the Battle in Korea, May 1951

- Creator: CIO Political Action Committee
- Item 4: Congress, Labor and the Election, December 15, 1938

- Creator: Address by William Green, AFL, to the Economic Club of Chicago
- Item 5: The Two-Thirds Society, circa 1986

- Creator: Peter Glotz, Intl. Metalworkers' Fed.
- Item 6: California Labor League for Political Education, December 8, 1958

- Creator: California AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Rule 22: An Unconstitutional Roadblock to Democratic Legislation, possibly circa 1950

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 8: Here's the Answer: Fact book on key legislation, September 1950

- Creator: Labor's League for Political Education
- Item 9: Labor Lobby Day, Springfield, IL, June 2, 1981

- Creator: Ronald W. Cullinan
- Item 10: The Wallace Labor Record, circa 1968

- Creator: Southern Committee on Political Ethics
- Item 11: George C. Wallace: The Man and the Men Behind Him, circa 1968

- Creator: Southern Committee on Political Ethics
- Item 12: "Leading Southerners Establish SCOPE", October 1968

- Creator: Southern Committee on Political Ethics
- Item 13: Modern Democracy and Labor's Rights, August 1963

- Creator: Herman Erickson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 14: The Politics of US Labor from the Great Depression to the New Deal, Fall 1982

- Creator: David Milton, Monthly Review Press
- Item 15: For "Limited" as against "Total" Unionism, 1946

- Creator: Will Herberg, ILGWU
- Item 16: Governmental Organization and Public Policy, January 1953

- Creator: Prof. Murray Edelman, Political Science Dept., UIUC
- Item 17: The Impact of the Political Left, no date

- Creator: Bernard Karsh and Philips L. Garman, from "Labor and the New Deal"
- Item 18: Labor Relations and Political Action - The Challenge to Management, with a paper on social insurance, 1949

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Folder 2: Labor Union Political Activities--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Union Public Relations

- Item 1: Intl. Labor Press Assoc. Pres Relations Guide, circa 1961

- Creator: Intl. Labor Press Assoc.
- Item 2: Radio Handbook, circa 1944

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 3: Strike Publicity Guide for Local Unions, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: Public Relations Manual for Local Unions, 1949

- Creator: American Fed. Of Musicians of the United States and Canada
- Item 5: Union Public Relations: Working Manual for the Steward Officer, 1953

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 6: "How People Make Up Their Minds About Unions", January 28, 1950

- Creator: Prof. Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: IAM Television Entertainment Report - Parts I and II, 1980

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Machinists
- Item 8: "Drumming Up Support for the 35-Hour Week", February 12, 1984

- Creator: German Tribune, No.1120
- Item 9: Are You Planning a Union Booth at Your State or County Fair? Learn from the experience of other CIO Unions, July 1950

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 10: There Are No Master Races!, 1944

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations and True Comics
- Item 11: Public Relations for Labor, no date

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., affiliated with the AFL
- Item 12: Unions Talk to the Public, October 12, 1958

- Creator: Conference Sponsored by Labor Bodies in Madison and St. Clair Counties, AFL-CIO and the UIUC ILIR
- Folder 4: Labor Union Public Review Boards

- Item 1: A More Perfect Union The UAW Public Review Board: Why, What, How, circa 1957

- Creator: United Auto Workers
- Item 2: AFT's Public Review Board: Lessons from another union, 1967

- Creator: David Y. Klein
- Folder 5: Labor Unions in Puerto Rico

- Item 1: Union Membership in Puerto Rico in June 1970, circa 1970s

- Creator: Ruven A. Vilches, Puerto Rico Labor Dept.
- Folder 6: Labor Unions Radio and Television Broadcasting

- Folder 7: Labor Union Rights and Responsibilities

- Item 1: Yes- Human Rights: An Account of Labor's New Role in the Community, circa 1943

- Creator: Matthew Woll, Labor League for Human Rights, AFL
- Item 2: A New Field for Labor: Its Social Responsibilities in the Postwar World, May 24, 1944

- Creator: Matthew Woll, Labor League for Human Rights, AFL
- Item 3: Piercing the Duty of Fair Representation: The Dichotomy Between Negotiations and Grievance Handling, 1979

- Creator: Fredric C. Leffler, Univ. of Illinois Law Forum
- Item 4: Union Powers and Union Functions: Toward a better balance, March 1964

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 5: Should Unions Be Incorporated?, 1947

- Creator: Louis Waldman, Attorney, New York
- Item 6: "Labor and Responsibility", Spring 1940

- Creator: Philip Murray, CIO, reprinted from The Virginia Quarterly Review Vol.16, No.2
- Item 7: Union-Employer Responsibility, January 16, 1939

- Creator: Lyle Cooper, Industrial Economist, Natl. Labor Relations Board
- Item 8: Collective Bargaining Provisions: Union Rights, Activities and Responsibilities, October 1948

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 8: Labor Unions in South Africa

- Item 1: A Question of Solidarity: Independent Trade Unions in South Africa, October 1982

- Creator: Socialst Forum for Southern African Solidarity, UK
- Item 2: Trade Union Action on Namibian Uranium, 1982

- Creator: SWAPO of Namibia
- Item 3: Black Workers Under Siege: The repression of black trade unions in South Africa, circa 1985

- Creator: Africa Fund and District Council 37, AFSCME
- Folder 9: Labor Unions in Spain

- Item 1: Material from The Chicago Committee to Defend Labor Victims of Franco, circa 1953

- Creator: Chicago Committee to Defend Labor Victims of Franco
- Item 2: Labor Unions in Spain--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Labor Union Structure

- Item 1: Problem of Structure in American Labor, March 1937

- Creator: Philip Taft, American Economic Review
- Item 2: The USWA's Internal Structure for Bargaining Purposes, January 5, 1972

- Creator: Terry R. Hindmarch, for LIR 447 taught by Prof. Garman at the UIUC ILIR
- Folder 11: Labor Unions in Sweden

- Item 1: This is How the Trade Unions Work Together With Verdandi: Trade union social work in practice, November 1986

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 2: Academic Trade Unions in Sweden, 1953

- Creator: Central Organisation of Academics in Sweden
- Item 3: The Trade Union Movement and the Newly Industrialized Countries: Report of the Swedish Trade Union Confed. Mission to East Asia, no date

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 4: Trade Union Organization in the Future: Summary of a Report to the 1991 LO Congress, circa 1991

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 5: Fackforeningsrorelsen: Trade Unions in Sweden, 1961

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 6: "US and Canadian Union Members Trade Views with Scandinavian Workers", July 1954

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 7: RESEARCH: A Question for the Trade Union Movement, no date

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 8: The Trade Union Movement and the Multinationals, 1976

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 9: The Trade Union Movement and the Social Policy, 1976

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 10: The Trade Union Movement and the Family Policy, 1976

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Folder 12: Labor Unions in Taiwan (empty)

- Folder 13: Labor Union Trusteeships

- Folder 14: Labor Unions in the USSR

- Item 1: Journey to the Soviet Trade Unions: An American Eyewitness Report, 1965

- Creator: Charles R. Allen, Jr.
- Item 2: Soviet Trade Unions Today: Organisation and Activities, 1972

- Creator: All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions
- Item 3: Soviet Workers and their Unions: A reply to the British Iron and Steel Trades' Confed., 1946

- Creator: Ernest Thornton, Natl. Secretary, Fed. Ironworkers Assoc. of Australia
- Item 4: "Trade Unions" In the USSR, September 26, 1979

- Creator: Paul Barton, AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News
- Item 5: The Local Union in Soviet Industry: Its Relations With Members, Party and Management, January 1960

- Creator: Prof. Emily Clark Brown, Economics Dept., Vassar College
- Item 6: Trade Unions in the USSR, February 1953

- Creator: Solomon M. Schwartz
- Item 7: USSR Information Bulletin Vol. XI, No. 24, December 1951

- Creator: Soviet Embassy in Washington, DC
- Item 8: Labor's Stake in American-Soviet Friendship: Addresses by William Green, R.J. Thomas, William McFetridge, Joseph Curran and others to commemorate the tenth anniversary of American-Soviet Relations, 1943

- Creator: National Council of American-Soviet Friendship
- Item 9: Soviet Trade Unions -and- Workers and Management at a Textile Mill, no date

- Creator: Andrei Verbin
- Item 10: What Happened to the Trade Unions Behind the Iron Curtain, November 1948

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor Intl. Labor Relations Committee
- Item 11: Labor and the Soviet System, April 1951

- Creator: Romuald Szumski, Natl. Committee for a Free Europe
- Item 12: Soviet Trade Unions: Fifty Questions Answered, circa 1943

- Creator: Lawrence and Wishart Publishers, London
- Item 13: Norwegian Labor Looks At The United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, circa 1950

- Creator: Norwegian Natl. Trade Union Delegations
- Item 14: Organized Labor in The Soviet Union, 1943

- Creator: Edwin Smith, National Council of American-Soviet Friendship
- Folder 15: Labor Unions in Venezuela

- Item 1: El Movimiento Sindical de Venezuela Vctima del Despotismo Militar, no date

- Creator: Organizacion Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores
- Folder 16: Labor Unions in Vermont

- Folder 17: Labor Union Wage Policies

- Item 1: Wage Policy in our Expanding Economy, circa 1952

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Folder 18: Labor Union Wartime Policies and Practices

- Item 1: The CIO Defense Plan, circa 1940

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 2: Do We Have a Stake in this War?, March 1941

- Creator: Alfred Baker Lewis, Trade Union Div. Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies
- Item 3: Labor's Year of Decision: 1944, circa 1943

- Creator: Sidney Hillman, Win the War and Win the Peace Pamphlet Series
- Item 4: Labor's Role in Government Agencies During World War II, 1957

- Creator: Bruno Stein
- Folder 19: Labor Union Welfare Activities

- Item 1: The Picture that Came to Life The story of the Sidney Hillman Medical Center of the Male Apparel Industry, Philadelphia, 1951

- Creator: Amalgamated Clothing Wkrs. Of America
- Folder 20: Labor Unions in Wyoming

- Folder 21: Labor Unions in Yugoslavia

- Item 1: Yugoslav Trade Unions Under New Conditions, 1959

- Creator: Yugoslav Confed. of Trade Unions
- Item 2: The Truth About Yugoslav Trade Unions, 1952

- Creator: Yugoslav Confed. of Trade Unions
- Item 3: Trade Unionism in Yugoslavia, October 1964

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 4: Significant Visits to Belgrade: Yugoslav Review, 1955

- Creator: Yugoslav Review
- Box 99

- Folder 1: Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Industries

- Folder 2: Layoffs

- Item 1: Can Downsizing of Older, Well-Educated Males in the 1990s be attributed to Frm Reneging on Implicit Contrcts?, November 1999

- Creator: David J. Balan, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 2: Exploring Alternatives to Downsizing, 1998

- Creator: Rick Maurer, Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's Univ., Ontario
- Item 3: Military Base Closures: Federal Programs to Assist Civilian Employees and their Communities, 1993

- Creator: Public Employee Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 4: E.J. Brach: A Misadventure in Candyland, May 1994

- Creator: Economic and Social Analysis by the Midwest Center for Labor Research, for the Garfield Austin Interfaith Action Network and the Intl. Bro. of Teamsters, Local 738
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining Bulletin: Facts & Figures, 2008

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Folder 3: Layoffs--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Lea Act

- Folder 5: Leadership in Industry

- Item 1: Leadership and Executive Performance, 1949

- Creator: Carroll L. Shartle
- Item 2: The Contingency Model: Some Implications of its Statistical and Methodological Properties, August 1972

- Creator: Cpt. Samuel C. Shiflett, US Army Medical Research Laboratory
- Folder 6: Leadership in Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Learning Theory

- Folder 8: Leather and Leather Products Industry

- Folder 9: Leaves of Absence

- Folder 10: Leaves of Absence--Bibliographies

- Folder 11: Leisure

- Item 1: International Symposium: Social Tourism, International Tourism and Workers Rights, November 1984

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. for Social Tourism and Workers' Leisure
- Folder 12: Librarians

- Item 1: The Most Effective Method of Acquiring Meaningful Status for Librarians is Through a Union, October 24, 1968

- Creator: Jack Goldener, Exec. Sec., AFL-CIO, remarks at the 17th Annual Conference of the Calif. Library Assoc.
- Folder 13: Library Services in Industrial Relations

- Item 1: Labour Agreements Information Retrieval System, no date

- Creator: McGill Univ. Industrial Relations Centre
- Item 2: American Labor Research Institute, Inc.: Clearinghouse for Material on Labor, no date

- Creator: American Labor Research Institute
- Item 3: The Industrial Relations Section Today, no date

- Creator: Prof. Robert D. Foerster, Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Item 4: Information in Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Carol Smart, City of Coventry Libraries, Arts and Museums Dept.
- Item 5: Labor Archives: Supplement to "Collection Development for Labor Materials: Selection/Acquisition Aids", July 1, 1975

- Creator: Gwendolyn Lloyd and Geraldine Scalzo, Univ. of California at Berkeley
- Item 6: Collection Development for Labor Materials: Selection/Acquisition Aids, July 1, 1975

- Creator: Gwendolyn Lloyd and Geraldine Scalzo, Univ. of California at Berkeley
- Item 7: A Survey of Industrial Relations Research Libraries in the US, 1962

- Creator: Rose Beck Shapiro, Master's Thesis, Grad. Library School, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 8: The Japan Institute of Labor: Current Activities of the Labor Reference Library, no date

- Creator: Kazu Uchiyama, Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 9: Special Libraries and Research in Labor and Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Philips Bradley, Director, UIUC ILIR
- Item 10: Developing Library Service to Labor Groups, 1967

- Creator: Joint Committee on Library Service to Labor Groups: AFL-CIO and the Amer. Library Assoc.
- Item 11: Library Service to Labor Groups: A Guide for Action, 1989

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Amer. Library Assoc.
- Item 12: Service to Labor: The Chicago Public Library, no date

- Creator: Chicago Public Library
- Item 13: Services to the Labor Community, Summer 2002

- Creator: Library Trends, Vol.51, No.1
- Item 14: Your Library can Help Your Union, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 15: Your Library can Serve Your Union, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Amer. Library Assoc.
- Item 16: Public Library Service to Labor Groups, Five Case Studies: Akron, Boston, Milwaukee, New York, Newark, 1950

- Creator: American Library Assoc.
- Item 17: Guide for Developing a Public Library Service to Labor Groups, 1958

- Creator: Joint Committee on Library Service to Labor Groups: AFL-CIO and the Amer. Library Assoc.
- Item 18: Librarians and Labor, March 1946

- Creator: Mark Starr, Ed. Dir., Intl. Ladies Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 19: The Library Helps Labor, October 1954

- Creator: Mark Starr, Ed. Dir., Intl. Ladies Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 20: Round Table with the Illinois Library Assoc. and John E. Cosgrove, Asst. Dir. Of Ed., AFL: The Mutual Challenge of Library Services to Labor, October 28, 1955

- Creator: Illinois Library Assoc. and Amer. Fed. Of Labor
- Item 21: 60th General Conference: IFLA, Havana, Cuba, 1994

- Creator: IFLA
- Folder 14: Locations of Industry

- Item 1: Why, Where, How, and would they do it again? A review of the site selection process and subsequent experience of forty-two industries locating in Ontario's Smaller Centres, 1967

- Creator: Ontario Economic Council
- Folder 15: Longshore Industry

- Item 1: Report of the Port Transport Study Group, June 1966

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Folder 16: Longshoremen and Dockworkers

- Item 1: Report and Recommendations of the Pacific Coast Longshore Fact Finding Board, April 5, 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: The Stabilisation of Dockworkers' Earnings, 1951

- Creator: A.A.P. Dawson, Intl. Labour Office
- Folder 17: Loyalty-Security Programs

- Item 1: Security, Civil Liberties and Unions, July 1956

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Comments from Counsel Vol.2, No.4: Industrial Security Program, March 17, 1955

- Creator: Intl. Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Wkrs., CIO
- Item 3: "Memorandum: This is to announce a new and valuable - and very inexpensive - tool for union political and educational work", no date

- Creator: Workers Defense League
- Item 4: The Motivations of "Deep Throat": The Case of Anonymous Whistle-Blowers, 1985

- Creator: Bonnie L. Roach, UIUC ILIR et al.
- Folder 18: Management

- Item 1: Some Problems of Product Planning, June 1962

- Creator: Shoji Murata, Institiute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
- Item 2: Modern Marketing Management, June 1962

- Creator: Shoji Murata, Institiute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
- Item 3: The High Growth of the Japanese Economy and the Problems of Small Enterprises, March 1964

- Creator: Taikichi Ito, Institiute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
- Item 4: Bottom-Up Management: People Working Together, no date

- Creator: William B. Given, Jr., pres. Of American Brake Shoe Co.
- Box 100

- Folder 1: Management (cont.)

- Item 1: "Corporate Strategy", September 21, 1984

- Creator: John T. Hackett, Exec. Vice-Pres., Cummins Engine Co., for the Joint Colloquium of Business Admin. Dept. and ILIR at UIUC
- Folder 2: Management--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Management by Objectives

- Item 1: Management by Whose Objectives?, no date

- Creator: Harry Levinson
- Item 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of MBO as a Leadership Style, no date

- Creator: R.L. Heneman, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Folder 4: Management Information Systems

- Item 1: Computer Applications in Personnel and Industrial Relations, September 16, 1987

- Creator: Nancy A. Puccini, tutorial for LIR 494, UIUC ILIR taught by Prof. John Lawler
- Folder 5: Management Philosophy

- Item 1: "United Airlines will generate profits necessary to remain the largest privately owned air transportation company", no date

- Creator: United Airlines
- Item 2: "Leadership in Serving People: Vision, Values and Strategies", no date

- Creator: Bank of America Corp.
- Item 3: The Objectives, Principles and Basic Policies of the Bemis Bro. Bag Co., no date

- Creator: Bemis Bro. Bag Co.
- Item 4: "Honeywell Principles: Honeywell is an international corporation whose goal is to work together with customers to develop and apply advanced technologies through products, systems and services", no date

- Creator: Honeywell Co.
- Item 5: Relations with Employees - Western Electric Company, Inc., March 1949, first edition May 1924

- Creator: Western Electric Co., Inc.
- Item 6: A Statement of Personnel Policy for All Segments of Management, no date

- Creator: Bemis Bro. Bag Co.
- Item 7: The Cummins Philosophy, no date

- Creator: Cummins Engine Co.
- Item 8: Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, no date

- Creator: Zenith Radio Corp.
- Item 9: Statement of Company Policy, April 2, 1964, first edition April 5, 1957

- Creator: Iowa-Illinois Electric Co.
- Folder 6: Management Rights and Responsibilities

- Item 1: Preserving the Management Function in Collective Bargaining -Some Highlights-, May 1956

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 2: Executive Opinion The Social Responsibilities of Business, 1967

- Creator: Opinion Research Corp.
- Folder 7: Managerial Organization

- Item 1: The Influence of Cultural Values on Work-Related Attitudes and Organizational Structure: A Comparative Study, July 1994

- Creator: Master's Thesis presentd by S. Arzu Wasti, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Middle East Tech. Univ., Ankara
- Item 2: Business and Management Associations' Activities in Japan, 1961

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 3: Principles of the Realization Theory in Management, 1984

- Creator: Lidmila Nesterova, Institute of Management, Prague
- Item 4: The Implementation Phase of Management, 1984

- Creator: Lidmila Nesterova, Institute of Management, Prague
- Item 5: Management in Western Europe, no date

- Creator: Frederick H. Harbison and Eugene W. Burgess
- Item 6: Soziale Welt, Zeitschrift fur Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 1979

- Creator: Verlag Otto Schwartz & co., Gottingen
- Item 7: Conceptual Management of Top-Level Managers, 1977

- Creator: Jaroslav Smrcka, Institute of Management, Prague
- Item 8: Notes on the Design of Organizations, December 1963

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 9: Japanese Views on Industrial Organization, no date

- Creator: Robert S. Ozaki
- Item 10: Personal Values and Expected Behavior of Managers - A Comparative Study in Japan, Korea and the United States, no date

- Creator: G.W. England
- Item 11: Contextual Variables and Bureaucratic Types of Israeli Service Organizations, August 1975

- Creator: Bilha F. Mannheim and Nathan Moskovitz, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 12: SA's Annual Report of the Consolidated Amalgamated Conglomerate Inc., Ltd., 1973

- Creator: "S.A. Parker," Uniprint
- Item 13: Capitalism, Socialism and Energy, no date

- Creator: Michael Harrington, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 14: Looking Forward: The Social-Industrial Complex, May 1968

- Creator: Michael Harrington, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 15: People's Capitalism (Part I), no date

- Creator: American Roundtable, Yale Univ. and the Ad Council
- Item 16: Improving the Effectiveness of Management, May 1950

- Creator: Herman S. Hall, College of Commerce and Business Admin, UIUC
- Item 17: Seven Control Techniques for Effective Management, May 1950

- Creator: Proceedings of the Second Semi-Annual Industrial Management Institute, College of Commerce and Business admin., UIUC with the cooperation of the Illinois Mfg. Assoc. and Illinois Industrial Council
- Box 101

- Folder 1: Managerial Organization--Bibliographies

- Folder 2: Manpower Development and Training Act (1962)

- Item 1: Federally Supported Experimental, Demonstration and Research Programs in Manpower, no date

- Creator: Manpower Information, Inc.
- Folder 3: Manpower Utilization

- Item 1: Labour Mobility - National Rural Manpower: Adjustment to Industry, 1965

- Creator: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 2: "Race, Poverty and the Environment: A Journal for Social and Environmental Justice" Vol.14, No.1, Spring 2007

- Creator: Urban Habitat Program
- Item 3: A Review of Economic Evaluations of Manpower Programs: Evidence of Success Amid Possible Storm Warnings, no date

- Creator: Neil A. Palomba, West Virginia Univ.
- Item 4: Manpower Planning for Aircraft Manufacturing Operation, May 6, 1971

- Creator: H.F. Chiang and C.E. Clark, JR., Northrop Corp., presented at the 39th Natl. ORS Meeting
- Item 5: Our Manpower Control Problems, December 1, 1951

- Creator: Reuben G. Soderstrom, Pres., Illinois St. Fed. Of Labor, published by the UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: Proceedings of a Conference on Labor Relations in a Mobilized Economy, April 13 and 14, 1951

- Creator: West Virginia Univ.
- Item 7: Universal Military Training and the Problem of Military Manpower, February 1951

- Creator: S. Arthur Devan, Library of Congress
- Item 8: "Human Resources of the US", September 1951

- Creator: Scientific American, Vol.185, No.3
- Item 9: Utilization of Older Professional and Scientific Workers, May 1961

- Creator: National Council on the Aging
- Item 10: Papers of the Fourth Conference on Scientific Manpower, December 1954

- Creator: National Science Foundation
- Item 11: "An Examination of our Future Manpower Supply and Requirements": Address to the Interstate Conference on Labor Statistics, Panel on Manpower Planning for the Future, June 25, 1958

- Creator: Sol Swerdloff, US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: The Potential Transfer of Industrial Skills from Defense to Non-Defense Industries, April 1968

- Creator: Prepared for the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency by the California St. Dept. of Employment
- Item 13: Job Relationships Between Defense and Non-Defense Occupations: A Study of Aircraft Manufacturing Operations, no date

- Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
- Item 14: Appendix A: "Excellence in the Eighties" - A leading eduge platform for human resources 1984-1988, no date

- Creator: Merck & Co., Inc.
- Box 102

- Folder 1: Manpower Utilization (cont.)

- Item 1: Computing Staffing for State Police Services, no date

- Creator: Richard A. Raub, Illinois Dept. of State Police
- Item 2: Tools for Manpower Planning - The World Bank Models, Vol. I: Technical Presentation of the Models, no date

- Creator: Ismail Serageldin and Bob Li, World Bank
- Item 3: Development of a Model University Human Resources Program, July 1971

- Creator: Melvin Rothbaum and Walter Franke, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Current Manpower Problems: An Introductory Survey, 1964

- Creator: Adolf Sturmthal, with the assistance of Walter H. Franke, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Progress Report on the Development of a Large-Scale Conditional Consistent Economic and Manpower Forecasting Model, July 27, 1971

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 6: Populatoin Projections for Manpower Planning, February 15, 1973

- Creator: Anthony L. Redwood, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 7: Some Fundamental Policy Questions for Manpower Planning, 1974

- Creator: John Niland, Dept. of Industrial Relations, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 8: The Uses and Limits of Manpower Policy, no date

- Creator: Lloyd Ulman
- Item 9: Maximum Utilization of Employed Manpower: A Check List of Company Practice, 1943

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Item 10: The Use of Part-Time Workers in the War Effort, 1943

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Item 11: Manpower Planning, February 1974

- Creator: Central Industrial Secretariat, Australia
- Folder 2: Manpower Utilization--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Manpower Utilization in Michigan

- Folder 4: Manpower Utilization in Nigeria

- Folder 5: Manufacturing Industries

- Item 1: Crossroads for America: Choosing a Better Future for American Industry and the American People, no date

- Creator: Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO
- Folder 6: Maritime Employees

- Item 1: Nautical Training Systems and the Occupational Behavior or Seamen, January 1976

- Creator: Eliezar Rothstein, Bilha F. Mannheim & Sara Nutes-Kinberg, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 2: Occupational Behaviour and Commitment of Seamen: I. Activity and its Correlates, April 1974

- Creator: Bilha F. Mannheim and Eliezar Rothstein, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 3: Occupational Behaviour and Commitment of Seamen: II. Staying or Leaving the Occupation, April 1974

- Creator: Bilha F. Mannheim and Eliezar Rothstein, Technion Univ., Israel
- Folder 7: Maternity Benefits

- Folder 8: Maternity Benefits--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Meat Packing Industry

- Item 1: Economic Trends in the Meat Packing Industry, with particular reference to employment prospects as of 1975, January 15, 1961

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR, submitted to the Armour Automation Committee
- Box 103

- Folder 1: Meat Packing Industry (cont.)

- Item 1: Labor Productivity Functions in Meat Packing, June 1952

- Creator: William H. Nichols, reviewed by Milton Derber
- Item 2: Background Information on Trends and Patterns in Meat Consumption, March 1960

- Creator: Consumption Section, Statistical and Historical Research Branch, Agricultural Economics Div.
- Item 3: Economic Trends in the Meat Packing Industry, with particular reference to employment prospects as of 1975, September 15, 1960

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR, submitted to the Armour Automation Committee
- Folder 2: Mediation and Conciliation

- Item 1: Report of President's Mediation Commission to the President of the United States, 1918

- Creator: President's Mediation Commission
- Item 2: Mediator Resource Cards, no date

- Creator: Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 3: Some Thoughts on Mediation for New Mediators: Mini tools of mediation, no date

- Item 4: The Changing Role of the Neutral in Dispute Resolution, 1997

- Creator: The Honourable Mr. Justice George W. Adams, Canadian Labour Court, published by Industrial Relations Centre, Queens Univ., Kingston, Ontario
- Item 5: Who Should Be a Labor Mediator?, 1950

- Creator: Irving R. Weschler, American Management Assoc.
- Item 6: 6th Annual Conference: Association of State Mediation Agencies, July 16-18, 1957

- Creator: Assoc. of State Mediation Agencies, hosted by the UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: The Conciliation Process, April 1948

- Creator: Prof. W. Ellison Chambers, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 8: Municipal Mediation Plans, October 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Fifty Years of Handling Labor Disputes, 1953

- Creator: Thomas E. Larkin, American Mining Congress
- Item 10: Public Mediation in Illinois, February 1987

- Creator: Michel J. Madden, Commissioner, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 11: Report on the work of the National Defense Mediation Board from its establishment March 19, 1941 to the outbreak of war December 7, 1941, together with some statistical information, circa 1942

- Creator: Natl. Defense Mediation Board
- Item 12: Contingencies in the Mediation of Disputes, September 1, 1989

- Creator: Rodney G. Lim and Peter J.D. Carnevale, UIUC, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
- Item 13: Conciliator's Diary, circa 1946

- Folder 3: Mediation and Conciliation--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Medical and Health Services

- Item 1: Restrictions on Free Enterprise in Medicine, April 1949

- Creator: Committee on Research in Medical Economics
- Item 2: It's Your Hospital and Your Life!, no date

- Creator: Lucy Freeman, Public Affairs Committee
- Item 3: The Hospital Service Labor Wants -- A Formula for Progress, September 26, 1949

- Creator: Harry Becker, UAW-CIO Social Security Dept.
- Folder 5: Prepaid Medical Care -and- Medical Care Benefits

- Folder 6: Prepaid Medical Care--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Medical Care Benefits--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Medical Economics

- Item 1: How Shall We Pay for Health Care?, 1949

- Creator: Oscar R. Ewing and George F. Lull, MD, Public Affairs Committee
- Item 2: Healthcare Cost Containment: Labor Takes a Stand, December 5, 1983

- Creator: John J. Sweeney, Pres., Service Employees' Intl. Union, address given to the AFL-CIO Conference on Health Benefits
- Item 3: HMOs: Medical Reform or Marketing Ploy? Vol. I: Local utilization rates, 1984-1988, 1989

- Creator: Champaign County Health Care Consumers
- Item 4: To The Rescue: Toward Solving Americ'as Health Cost Crisis, November 1990

- Creator: Families USA Foundation, in cooperation with Citizen Action
- Item 5: "Economics of Medicine Today and Tomorrow", April 17, 1961

- Creator: Opening Statement of Mr. Leonard Woodcock, Vice Pres. Of the UAW and Chairman of the Board of Governors of Wayne St. Univ., before the thirteenth annual scientific assembly of the American Academy of General Practice
- Item 6: Health Care in Illinois: A System in Transition, March 1986

- Creator: Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council
- Item 7: Certificate of Need, State Health Planning, and the State Bonding Authority for Health Facilities Construction and Development, January 1986

- Creator: Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council
- Item 8: Cost Shifting, Hospital Financial Viability and Accessibility of Hospital Care, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council
- Item 9: Database Evaluation, Quality of Care and Utilization Review, October and November, 1985

- Creator: Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council
- Box 104

- Folder 1: Medical Economics--Bibliographies

- Folder 2: Medical Services

- Item 1: The Company Doctor: Pro Personnel or Management Man?, January 1975

- Creator: Current Sweden No.56, published by the Swedish Institute
- Item 2: The Company Doctor, 1952

- Creator: Address by Al Hayes, pres., Intl. Assoc. of Machinists, before the Annual Council of Industrial Health, American Medical Assoc.
- Folder 3: Industrial Medicine

- Folder 4: Industrial Mergers (Personnel Aspects)

- Item 1: Company Take-Overs, Management Organization and Industrial Relations, 1981

- Creator: Neil Millward and John McQueeney, Dept. of Employment, UK
- Folder 5: Industrial Mergers (Personnel Aspects)--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Merit Awards

- Item 1: Evaluation of the Chancellor's Distinguished Staff Award Program at the Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, May 1999

- Creator: Barbara Hartman, submitted to the tutorial committee of Profs. Joseph Martocchio, Fritz Drasgow and Michael LeRoy in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Labor and Industrial Relations
- Folder 7: Metal Processing Industry

- Folder 8: Metal Products Industry

- Item 1: The Foundry Industry in Illinois, March 1950

- Creator: Prof. Harry Czyzewski, Metallurgy Dept., UIUC ILIR and Burton C. Person, Mettalurgist with Esso Standard Oil Co.
- Item 2: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City, Case Study 2: Metal Products, no date

- Creator: Robert Dubin and Donald E. Wray, withy the assistance of Dale Good and Richard Wilcock, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 9: Metropolitan Transportation Industry

- Item 1: Photos of Early Mass Transit in Chicago

- Item 2: Economics and Public Policy of Mass Transit, no date

- Creator: Anthony M. Pagaon, Management Dept., Univ. of Illinois Chicago
- Folder 10: Metropolitan Transportation Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 11: Migrant Labor

- Item 1: Migrant Farm Workers: Conditions better--jobs fewer in 1963, circa 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Major Agricultural Migrant Labor Demand Areas (by month and principal crops), no date

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Migratory Agricultural Labor in the United States, May 1953

- Creator: Josiah C. Folson, US Agriculture Dept.
- Item 4: The Many Faces of Farm Labor, circa 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: The Position of Farm Workers in Federal and State Legislation, 1959

- Creator: Robin Myers, National Advisory Committee on Farm Labor
- Item 6: The British Journal of Sociology Vol.XXV, No.3: "Exploitation in Migrant Labour Camps" and other articles, September 1974

- Creator: Edited by Terence Morris and Angus Stewart
- Item 7: The Pecan Shellers of San Antonio: The problem of underpaid and unemployed Mexican labor, 1940

- Creator: Selden C. Menefee and Orin C. Cassmore, under the supervision of John N. Webb, Work Projects Administration, Federal Works Agency
- Item 8: Mexican Migratory Workers of South Texas, 1941

- Creator: Selden C. Menefee under the supervision of John N. Webb, Work Projects Administration, Federal Works Agency
- Item 9: Seasonal Workers in American Agriculture: Background and Issues, March 1985

- Creator: Philip L. Martin, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Univ. of California at Davis
- Item 10: The Condition of Farm Workers in 1960, circa 1960

- Creator: Fay Bennett, report to the Natinoal Sharecroppers Fund, Inc.
- Item 11: Migrant Workers and their Problems, no date

- Creator: World Fed. Of Trade Unions
- Item 12: No Harvest for the Reaper: The Story of the Migratory Worker in the United States, no date

- Creator: Herbert Hill and George Moffett, NAACP
- Folder 12: Migrant Labor--Bibliographies

- Folder 13: Internal Migration

- Item 1: Determinants and Impact of Rural-Urban Migration: A Case Study of Selected Communities in Western Nigeria, 1974

- Creator: Sunday M. Essang and Adewale F. Mabawonku, African Rural Employment Research Network, Depts. Of Agricultural Economics at Michigan State Univ. and the Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria
- Item 2: An Analysis of Internal Migration in Peninsular Malaysia: Dimensions, Causes and Some Policy Implications, June 1977

- Creator: Soon Lee Ying, Council for Asian Manpower Studies, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 3: Farm-City Migration and Industry's Labor Reserve, 1939

- Creator: David Weintraub, Works Projects Administration
- Item 4: Changes in Distribution of Manufacturing Wage Earners, 1899-1939

- Creator: Harold D. Kube and Ralph H. Danhof, under the supervision of Thomas J. Fitzgerland and Carl C. Taylor, US Census Bureau and US Agricultural Economics Bureau
- Folder 14: Military Personnel

- Item 1: Role of Women in the Military Examined, September 14, 1977

- Creator: Notes from the Joint Economic Committee, Vol.III, No.22
- Folder 15: Military Service

- Item 1: The Persian Gulf Callup: Basic Reservist Rights, August 31, 1990

- Creator: taken from Human Resource Management Ideas & Trends Issue 229
- Item 2: Students and the Armed Forces, April 1, 1952

- Creator: US Defense Dept.
- Item 3: The Big Hand in Your Pocket! Your taxes, your livelihood and the growing power of the Military, August 1960

- Creator: E. Raymond Wilson, Frances E. Neely and Constance Longshore, Peace Education Program, American Friends Service Committee
- Item 4: The Militarization of America: A Report Issued by Albert Einstein, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Reuben Gustavson, William J. Millor, S.J., Arthur Morgan, Ray Lyman Wilbur and fifteen others, January 1948

- Creator: National Council Against Conscription
- Item 5: New Evidence of the Militarization of America: A report issued by Pearl Buck, Louis Bromfeld, Albert Einstein, W.J. Millor, S.J., Victor Reuther, Ray Lyman Wilbur and others, February 1949

- Creator: National Council Against Conscription
- Item 6: Training for War Service, circa 1950

- Creator: Editorial Research Reports, Inc.
- Item 7: Universal Military Training: Foundation of Enduring National Strength, October 1951

- Creator: First Report to Congress by the National Security Training Commission
- Item 8: Labor Says No to Peacetime Military Conscription

- Item 9: Universal Military Training: Do the people of the United States want the coming session of congress to enact into law the system of permanent peace-time conscription propsed by the UMT National Security Training Commission?, circa 1951

- Item 10: Hiring and Promotion of Reservists: A survy of employer practices in the employment and promotion of men in the military reserves or eligible for selective service induction, March 1951

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 16: Mineworkers (empty)

- Folder 17: Minimum Wages

- Box 105

- Folder 1: Minimum Wages (cont.)

- Item 1: Industry and a Minimum Wage The Universities and Management, February 1950

- Creator: Dr. J.J. Mallon and Lord Lindsay of Baker, respectively, British Institute of Management
- Item 2: How to Help Win The $1.25/hr. Federal Minimum Wage and Extended Coverage, no date

- Creator: ACWA National Education Dept.
- Item 3: Economics of Mimimum Wage Legislation, 1955

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 4: Brief of the US Chamber of Commerce to the US Labor Dept. in re Notice of Proposed Rule Making, Rules of practice relating to determination of minimum wages for seperable groups of jobs, no date

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 5: Meeting of Experts on Mimimum Wage-Fixing and Related Problems with Special Reference to Developing Countries, 1967

- Creator: Intl. Labour Organization
- Item 6: Closing the Minimum Wage Gap, January 1976

- Creator: Clara F. Scholss, AFL-CIO
- Item 7: It's Time to Raise the Minimum Wage, March 1987

- Creator: Jay Mazur, Intl. Ladies' Garmen Wkrs. Union, AFL-CIO
- Item 8: State Minimum Wage Laws and Orders: 1942, 1942

- Creator: Florence P. Smith, US Labor Dept.
- Folder 2: Minimum Wages--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Minority Groups

- Item 1: Studies of Subjective Culture Relevant to Minority Employment, 1972

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 2: Culture Training, Cognitive Complexity and Interpersonal Attitudes, 1972

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 3: Illinois History Vol.28, No.8: Ethnic Groups in Illinois, May 1975

- Creator: Illinois History Magazine
- Item 4: A Study of the Social and Economic Conditions of the Negro Population of Gary, Indiana, December 1944

- Creator: J. Harvey Kerns, Survey Director, conducted for the Gary Council of Social Agencies by the Natl. Urban League
- Item 5: The Use of Social Networks by Hispanics, January 1993

- Creator: Sandra Jordan, UIUC ILIR, submitted to Prof. Elissa Perry
- Folder 4: Minority Groups--Bibliography

- Folder 5: Missile and Space Industry

- Item 1: Success Before Countdown: Second Annual Report of the President's Missile Sites Labor Commission, circa 1962

- Creator: President's Missile Sites Labor Commission
- Folder 6: Employee Morale

- Item 1: Adaptation, Persistence and Commitment in Organizations: A chapter to appear in "Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed.)" edited by Marvin D. Dunnette, October 1986

- Creator: Charles Hulin, UIUC
- Item 2: The Scientific Beauty of Valid Measures of General Constructs with Special Reference to Job Satisfaction and Job Withdrawal: Chapter to appear in "Job Satisfaction: Advances in Research and Applications," edited by P.C. Smith, C.J. Cranny and E.F. Stone, no date

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, UIUC and Mary Roznowski, Ohio State Univ.
- Item 3: Studies of Black and White Interaction in Job Settings, no date

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis and Roy S. Malpass, UIUC
- Item 4: Labour/Management Programme: The Emerging Attitudes and Motivations of Workers - Report of a management experts' meeting, May 1971

- Creator: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 5: Trends in Product Quality and Worker Attitude: Highlights of the literature, no date

- Creator: Work in America Institute
- Box 106

- Folder 1: Motivation

- Item 1: Task Interdependence and Internal Motivation: Application of Job Characteristic Model to "Collectivist" Cultures, 1983

- Creator: Motohiro Morishima, Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology at Keio Univ., studying at the UIUC ILIR, and Prof. Takao Minami, Social Psychology Dept., Keio Univ.
- Item 2: Motivation Through the Design of Work: Test of a Theory, December 1974

- Creator: J. Richard Hackman, Yale Univ. and Greg R. Oldham, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 3: Employee and Supervisory Rankings: Employees ranked "What Motivates You?" and Supervisors ranked "What do you think motivates workers?", no date

- Item 4: Predicting Protestant Work Ethic Beliefs, June 1986

- Creator: Adrian Furnham, Univ. College London
- Item 5: Relationships Between Protestant Work Ethic and Work Effort in a Field Setting, 1988

- Creator: Richie G. Poulton and Sik Hung Ng, Univ. of Otago, New Zealand
- Item 6: The Protestant Ethic in Australia, 1982

- Creator: John J. Ray, Univ. of New South Wales, Australia
- Item 7: Alternative Ethics: The Relationship Between the Wealth, Welfare, Work and Leisure Ethic, 1987

- Creator: Adrian Furnham and Maria Rose, Univ. College London
- Item 8: The Protestant Work Ethic: A review of the psychological literature, 1983

- Creator: Adrian Furnham, Univ. College London
- Item 9: What can the manager do to motivate others?, no date

- Item 10: Work Performance, Interests, Power and Environment: The Case of Cyclical Slowdowns in a Hungarian Factory, 1972

- Creator: Lajos Hethy and Csaba Mako, Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Item 11: Work Motivation of Engineers and Scientists in Industry, July 1973

- Creator: M. Erez and Y. Rim, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 12: Instrumentality Theory of Work Motivation: Some experimental results and suggested modifications, April 1969

- Creator: George Graen, UIUC Psychology Dept.
- Item 13: Job Characteristics and Internal Motivation: The Moderating Effect of Interpersonal and Individual Variables, April 11, 1975

- Creator: Greg R. Oldham, UIUC College of Commerce and Business Administration
- Folder 2: Motivation--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Motor Bus Transportation Industry

- Item 1: Report and Reccomendations of the Fact Finding Panel in the Greyhound Bus Dispute, February 21, 1946

- Creator: Greyhound Fact Finding Panel
- Folder 4: Multinational Bargaining

- Item 1: Multinational Corporations and British Labour: A Review of Attitudes and Responses, circa 1970

- Creator: John Gennard, Lecturer in Industrial Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science, sponsored by the British-North American Research Assoc., Natl. Planning Assoc. and Private Planning Assoc. of Canada
- Item 2: World Company Councils: Auto Workers' Answer to World Company Power, 1967

- Creator: Intl. Metalworkers' Fed., Geneva, Switzerland
- Item 3: Aus Politik und Zeit Geschichte, March 1974

- Creator: Siegfried Mielke and Ernst Piel
- Item 4: Multinational Corporation and Collective Bargaining: A view from the United States, January 12, 1972

- Creator: William J. Curtin, parter at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, to be presented at the intl. Conference on Trends in Industrial and Labor Relations, Tel Aviv
- Item 5: Multinational Enterprise and Labour, no date

- Creator: B.C. Roberts
- Item 6: Multinational Corporations and Collective Bargaining, January 1972

- Creator: Prof. John J. Flagler, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota, delivered to intl. conference on trends in industrial and labor relations, Tel Aviv
- Item 7: Multinational Bargaining in the Telecommunications Industry, no date

- Creator: Richard L. Rowan and Herbert R. Northrup, British Journal of Industrial Relations
- Folder 5: Multinational Corporations

- Item 1: Contemporary US Opinions on Japanese Influence in America, January 1, 1991

- Creator: Mid-American Project: A study of foreign investment in Mid-America
- Item 2: International Companies, October 21, 1970

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 3: Multinationale Konzerne: Zur Deformation Pluralisticher Systeme, no date

- Creator: Siegfried Mielke, Sonderdruck Hoffmann und Campe Verlag
- Item 4: Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, November 1977

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 5: A Trade Unionist's View of Multinational Corporations, November 1975

- Creator: Ben sharman, Intl. Assn. of Machinists and Aerospace Wkrs.
- Item 6: Incentives for Multinational Corporation Expansion, November 6, 1975

- Creator: Ben sharman, Intl. Assn. of Machinists and Aerospace Wkrs.
- Item 7: International Economic Organizations and Multinational Corporations, 1986

- Creator: Jaroslav Smrcka, Institute of Managemen, Prague
- Item 8: The Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (The ILO Declaration), 1980

- Creator: Hans Gunter, Kluwer, the Netherlands
- Folder 6: Multinational Corporations--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Multiple Job Holding

- Item 1: Labour Supply and Time Constraints With More Than One Job: Australian Evidence, May 1989

- Creator: A.H. Harris, Economics Dept., Murdoch Univ., published by the Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
- Item 2: The Economics of Multiple Job Holding in Australia, April 1989

- Creator: A.H. Harris, Economics Dept., Murdoch Univ. and A.C. Preston, Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
- Folder 8: Music in Industry

- Item 1: The Effects of Occupational Music on Scrappage in the Manufacture of Radio Tubes, October 1941

- Creator: John F. Humes, Pennsylvania State College
- Item 2: Music in Industry, 1947

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Folder 9: National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)

- Item 1: Labor and the NRA, 1934

- Creator: Prof. Lois Macdonald, NYU; Prof. Gladys Palmer, Univ. of Pennsylvania and Prof. Theresa Wolfson, Brooklyn College, for the Affiliated School for Workers
- Item 2: Supreme Court's Challenge to Labor: The NIRA decision a signal for intensified attacks on the workers, circa 1935

- Creator: Workers Library Publishers
- Item 3: Labor Under the NRA, 1934

- Creator: Prof. Carroll R. Daugherty, Economics Dept., Univ. of Pittsburgh
- Item 4: NRA: A Working Class Analysis, August 1934

- Creator: Workers Socialist Party of the United States
- Item 5: Hours, Wages and Employment Under the Codes, January 1935

- Creator: National Recovery Admin., prepared for the hearings on employment provisions of codes of fair competition
- Item 6: Tabulation of Labor Provisions in Codes Approved by August 8, 1934, January 1935

- Creator: National Recovery Admin., prepared for the hearings on employment provisions of codes of fair competition
- Folder 10: National Labor Relations Act (1935)

- Item 1: Policy Development Under the National Labor Relations Act: A concise presentation of the way in which the national labor rleations board has interpreted and applied important parts of the Wagner Act, 1947

- Creator: Charles O. Gregory and Harold A. Katz, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 2: Protect the National Labor Relations Act! The facts and figures on the act, the board and their achievements, no date

- Creator: Labor's Non-Partisan League
- Item 3: A Guide to the National Labor Relations Act: Procedures and Practices, 1946

- Creator: Louis G. Silverberg, dir. Of information, National Labor Relations Board
- Item 4: National Labor Relations Act, 1936

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 5: The Wagner Labor Relations Act: A manual for dept. heads and foremen, circa 1940

- Creator: National Foremen's Institute, Inc.
- Item 6: Save the Wagner Act: Your union and your jobs are at stake. What the Norton and Smith Amendments would do to destroy unions and rob labor of its rights, and what to do about it, April 1940

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 7: What Should Be Done About the Wagner Act?, February 1947

- Creator: Charles S. Craigmile, Vice-Pres., Belden Mfg. Co., Chicago and chairman of the Industrial Relations Committee, Illinois Mfg. Assoc.
- Item 8: Statement Submitted by William Green, Pres., AFL, at a hearing of proposed amendments to the National Labor Relations Act, ordered by the Houston Convention of the AFL, May 1, 1939

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 9: Why the Wagner Act Should NOT be Amended, October 1938

- Creator: Committee for Industrial Organization
- Item 10: A guide for supervisors dealing with employees in compliance with the Wagner Act, no date

- Creator: Research Institute of America
- Item 11: Free Speech, Propaganda and the National Labor Relations Act, 1963

- Creator: Thomas G.S Christensen, Prof. of Law, NYU
- Item 12: Collective Bargaining Under the Wagner Act, Spring 1938

- Creator: Law and Contemporary Problems Vol.V, No.2, Duke Univ. Law School
- Item 13: The Significance of the Wagner Act, no date

- Creator: R.W. Fleming
- Item 14: Sit-Down: What's happened in the automobile industry since enactment of the NLRA, circa 1939

- Creator: William J. Cronin, Automobile Mfg. Assoc.
- Box 107

- Folder 1: National Labor Relations Board

- Item 1: White Paper on the Reagan Labor Board, circa 1983

- Creator: Edited by Paul Alan Levy, National Labor Committee, National Lawyers Guild
- Item 2: The National Labor Relations Board: From 1970 and Into the Future, circa 1982

- Creator: Edward B. Miller, former chairman of the NLRB
- Item 3: Administrative Practice and Procedure in National Labor Relations, April 1940

- Creator: Aaron W. Warner, regional (Denver) dir. Of the NLRB, published in the Rocky Mountain Law Review Vol.12 No.3
- Item 4: Problems of the National Labor Relations Board, circa 1939

- Creator: American Association for Economic Freedom
- Item 5: A Study of the Factors Determining the Exercise of Jurisdiction by the National Labor Relations Board in Three Selected Industries: Abstract of a dissertation submitted to the faculty of the school of social science of the Catholic Univ. of America in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 1954

- Creator: Algernon S. Belcher, Catholic Univ. of America
- Item 6: Principles Established by the National Labor Relations Board, December 1934

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 7: When You Have a Case Before a Regional Labor Board, December 1934

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 8: Studies of the Results of National Labor Relations Board Activities: A summary of operations analysis, 1942-1944, 1946

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Item 9: Changing NLRB Policies 1953-1954, July 1955

- Creator: Fred Witney, Indiana Univ.
- Item 10: Folder of NLRB Materials (Transcripts of Hearings etc.), no date

- Folder 2: National Labor Relations Board--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: National Mediation Board

- Item 1: Correspondence and memoranda concerning hearings about the Airline Industry, circa 1972

- Creator: National Mediation Board
- Folder 4: Negro Employees

- Item 1: The Negro in the St. Louis Ecomony, 1954

- Creator: Profs. Irwin Sobel and Werner Z. Hirsch, Economics Dept., Washington Univ. St. Louis and Harry C. Harris, Urban League of St. Louis
- Item 2: Negroes in the Work Group, February 1950

- Creator: Jacob Seidenberg, NY State School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 3: The Negro Worker in Minnesota: A report to the governor, March 10, 1945

- Creator: Governor's Interracial Commission of Minnesota
- Item 4: The Problems of the Negro Workers, no date

- Creator: Merlyn S. Pitzele, George McCray, Isadore Bernick and Elberta Richards, Wkrs. Ed. Teching Staff, Works Progress Admin. Of Illinois
- Item 5: Black Craftsmen Through History, circa 1969

- Creator: Robin Myers, Institute of the Joint Apprenticeship Program, Workers Defense League
- Item 6: Labor Survey of Negro Workers, 1949

- Creator: Milwaukee Urban League
- Item 7: Summary Report of "A Workshop on Problems and Opportunities Confronting Negro Youth", April 1945

- Creator: Dillard Univ., New Orleans
- Item 8: Management Experience in the Employment of Negroes, 1959

- Creator: from "Employing the Negro in American Industry," Industrial Relations Counselors Inc.
- Item 9: The Status of the Non-White Labor Force in Illinois and the Nation, August 1957

- Creator: Illinois Commission on Human Relations
- Item 10: Job Success for the Negro Worker - And His Employer: A practical guide for the businessman, April 1968

- Creator: Chicago Urban League
- Item 11: Datagraph: Corporate Support for Black Causes, 1974

- Creator: Earl G. Graves Publishing Co., Inc.
- Item 12: The Detroit Riot: A profile of 500 prisoners, March 1968

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 13: The Changing Profile of Black Workers, April 1974

- Creator: Thomas R. Roth, AFL-CIO
- Folder 5: Negro Employees--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Neighborhood Youth Corps

- Folder 7: Newspaper Industry

- Item 1: Arbitration Award Index 1958 - 1982, circa 1982

- Creator: Newspaper Guild, AFL-CIO
- Folder 8: Industrial Nurseries

- Item 1: A Commitment to Children: The report of the Coalition of Labor Union Women child care seminar, sponserd by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, 1977

- Creator: Ruth Jordan
- Item 2: Childcare - Almost Ours: A guide to implementing child-care laws, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Bargaining for Child Care: Contract language for union parents, 1985

- Creator: Coalition of Labor Union Women
- Item 4: Child Care in the Workplace, 1990

- Creator: Commerce Clearinghouse Inc.
- Item 5: Planning Services for Children of Employed Mothers, May 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Working Mothers and their Child Care Arrangements, 1970

- Creator: Canada Dept. of Labor
- Item 7: Child Care: The Time is Now!, 1987

- Creator: Children's Defense Fund and American Fed. Of Teachers, AFL-CIO
- Item 8: The Case Against Day Care, circa 1976

- Creator: Marjorie Boyd
- Item 9: Child Care Centers at Illinois Public and Private Colleges, Universities and Community Colleges, November 13, 1980

- Creator: Illionis Legislative Council
- Item 10: Minutes of the Hearing on Day Care, September 19, 1977

- Creator: Illinois Commission on the Status of Women: Family Committee
- Item 11: Labor's Stake in Child Care, January 1973

- Creator: Day Care Crisis Council and AFL-CIO of Chicago
- Item 12: Standards for Licensed Day Care Centers and Night-Time Centers, January 1, 1970

- Creator: Illinois St. Dept. of Children and Family Services
- Folder 9: Industrial Nurseries--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Nurses

- Item 1: Preparing Tomorrow's Nurses, August 1952

- Creator: National League for Nursing
- Item 2: The Registered Nurse: A Comparative Analysis of American Nurses' Association Members, Ex-Members and Non-Members, no date

- Creator: Prof. Margaret K. Chandler and Philip Marden, Sociology Dept. and UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: The Registered Nurse and the Professional Organization: Factor Analysis of Opinion Inventory, November 8, 1960

- Creator: Prof. Margaret K. Chandler, Sociology Dept. and UIUC ILIR
- Box 108

- Folder 1: Nurses (cont.)

- Item 1: The Highway Called Professionalism, no date

- Creator: M. Lieberthal
- Item 2: The Nursing Profession and Economic Security: The Individual and the Organization - Some Problems of Mutual Adjustment, June 1957

- Creator: Chris Argyris, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: Who Will Care for Each of Us? America's Coming Health Care Labor Crisis, May 2001

- Creator: Panel on the Future of the Health Care Labor Force in a Graying Society, Univ. of Illinois Chicago College of Nursing
- Folder 2: Nurses--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Occupational Diseases

- Item 1: Report of the UEF-NCI Workgroup on Environmental and Occupational Cancer Information/Education, May 8, 1979

- Creator: Urban Environment Foundation and National Cancer Institute
- Item 2: Results of the NCI Survey of OSHA's New Directions Grantees, October 1980

- Creator: US Health and Human Services Dept., National Institute of Health and National Cancer Institute
- Item 3: The Case of the Workplace Killers: A Manual for Cancer Detectives on the Job, November 1980

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs.
- Folder 4: Occupational Diseases--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Occupational Safety and Health

- Item 1: HIV/AIDS: A Union Training Guide, Circa 1991

- Item 2: What Everyone Should Know About Stress, 1978

- Creator: Swedish Covenant Hospital, Chicago
- Item 3: Address by Joseph P. Brennan, Pres. Of the Bituminous Coal Operators Assoc. before the Tenth Annual Institute on Coal Mining Health, Safety and Research, August 28, 1979

- Creator: Bituminous Coal Operators' Assoc.
- Item 4: Unintended Consequences: Organizational Practices and Their Impact on Workplace Safety and Productivity, 2001

- Creator: Michelle Kaminski, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Signs of Burn-Out, no date

- Item 6: Job-Related Stress Disease: Program and Prevention, no date

- Creator: Rick Kunnes: New American Movement and Research Institute
- Item 7: Work Abuse: Hidden Violence in the Workplace, 1988

- Creator: Judith L. Wyatt
- Item 8: Manual of Industrial Radiation Protection, 1963

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 9: Safety and Health in Forestry Work, 1969

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 10: Facing Workplace Violence: Recommendations from the Committee on Safety and Violence, no date

- Creator: American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
- Item 11: What You Should Know About Coping With Threats and Violence in the Federal Workplace, no date

- Creator: Federal Protective Service, US General Services Administration
- Item 12: Strains and Sprains: A Worker's Guide to Job Design, 1982

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs.
- Box 109

- Folder 1: Occupational Health and Safety (cont.)

- Item 1: Meatpacking and Dressing: A Safety Committee Walkaround Guide for the Workplace, no date

- Creator: United Food and Commercial Workers
- Item 2: Food Processing: A Safety Committee Walkaround Guide for the Workplace, no date

- Creator: United Food and Commercial Workers
- Item 3: Occupational Safety and Health: Proceedings of a Seminar, November 1985

- Creator: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand - Industrial Relations Centre
- Item 4: Truth or Consequences: The Job Safety and Health Joke on Public Workers, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public Employee Dept.
- Item 5: Prisoners of Life: A Study of Occupational Stress among State Corrections' Officers, March 1982

- Creator: American Fed. Of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
- Item 6: Leather Tanning and Finishing: A Safety Committee Walkaround Guide for the Workplace, no date

- Creator: United Food and Commercial Workers
- Item 7: Boot and Shoe: A Safety Committee Walkaround Guide for the Workplace, no date

- Creator: United Food and Commercial Workers
- Item 8: Improving US Occupational Safety and Health Policy: Some Conclusions from a Three-Country Study, July 1979

- Creator: Prof. Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Basic Provisions of a State Occupational Safety and Health Act for Public Employees, April 9, 1974

- Creator: Dept. of Research, AFL-CIO
- Item 10: A Process for Reducing Occupational Stress, May 1975

- Creator: Neal Q. Herrick, Senior Fellow, Academy for Contemporary Problems, written for a symposium on reducing stress
- Item 11: Resolution Concerning Health and Safety and the Work Environment in the Iron and Steel Industry, December 1986

- Creator: International Labour Organization, Iron and Steel Committee
- Item 12: Winning at the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission: Workers' Handbook on Enforcing Safety and Health Standards, no date

- Creator: Bert Cottine, Lindal Birrel and Robert Jennings, Public Citizen's Health Research Group
- Item 13: Japanese Industrial Relations Series: Industrial Safety and Health, 1982

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 14: A Job Health and Safety Program on Limited Budget, May 1972

- Creator: Daniel M. Berman, Phyllis Cullen MD and Donald Whorton MD, Medical Committee on Human Rights, in conjunction with the Alliance for Labor Action and Teamster Local 688, St. Louis
- Item 15: Nixon, the Business Community and the 1970 Job Safety Law, January 1972

- Creator: Vincent K. Pollard, Urban Training Center, Chicago
- Item 16: Our Lives Are At Stake: Workers Fight for Health and Safety - Shell Strike, 1973, July 1973

- Creator: Barry Weisberg, United Front Press
- Item 17: Illinois Right-to-Know Compliance Kit, no date

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Warning: Office Work May Be Hazardous to Your Health, 1982

- Creator: American Fed. Of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
- Item 19: What Every Representative Should Know About Health and Safety, 1979

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs.
- Item 20: Love Canal: The Truth Seeps Out, February 1981

- Creator: Reason Magazine
- Item 21: MillerComm89: AIDS, Science and Society, circa 1989

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois
- Folder 2: Occupational Health and Safety--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Occupational Health and Safety in Europe

- Item 1: Soviet Workers' Health and Holidays, no date

- Creator: Ivan Kozlov, Chairman of the Central Council for the Management of Trade-Union Health Resorts and member of the Presidium of the All0Union Central Trade Union Council, USSR
- Item 2: Labour Protection in the USSR, 1970

- Creator: A. Semyonov
- Item 3: Menschengerechte Arbeitsgestaltung, 1975

- Creator: Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund et al.
- Item 4: Foreign Labor Information: Occupational Health Services in the Soviet Union - A Description and Appraisal, November 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: IDS Studies Issue No.8, October 1982

- Creator: Incomes Data Services Ltd., London
- Item 6: Health and Safety at Work, September 1979

- Creator: Maclaren Publishers Ltd., London
- Box 110

- Folder 1: Occupational Health and Safety in Sweden

- Item 1: Fact Sheets on sweden: Occupational Safety and Health in Sweden, August 1985

- Creator: Swedish Institute
- Item 2: Current Sweden: Improving the Work Environment, circa 1975

- Creator: Swedish Institute
- Item 3: Current Sweden: Working Environment in Sweden - Industry Investing Billions in Fight Against Hazardous Jobs, circa 1974

- Creator: Swedish Institute
- Item 4: Current Sweden: Working Environment in Sweden - New Dangers Revealed by Studies of Solvents, circa 174

- Creator: Swedish Institute
- Item 5: Deltagarforteckning, no date

- Item 6: Granges Environmental Policy Standards, November 1972

- Creator: Granges
- Item 7: Trade Union Programme of Action Against Asbestos, no date

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 8: The Working Environment, Part of Our Standard of Living, 1980

- Creator: Elmia Arbetsmiljo
- Item 9: Working Environment: Abstract from a report of the LO Executive Board to the 1971 Congress of the Swedish Trade Union Confed., 1971

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 10: Arbetsmiljo77, September 1977

- Creator: Arbetsmiljon
- Item 11: Occupational Health and Safety in Sweden, 1972

- Creator: Kjell Wase et al.
- Item 12: Arbetarskyddsfonden: The Swedish Work Environment Fund, no date

- Creator: Swedish Work Environment Fund
- Item 13: The Joint Industrial Safety Council, no date

- Creator: Swedish Employers Confed. and Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 14: Working Environment: Arbetsmiljo International 1980, circa 1980

- Creator: Foreningen For Arbetarskydd
- Item 15: Arbetsmiljo77, circa 1977

- Creator: Almia Arbetsmiljo
- Item 16: Health Hazards in the Working Environment: Trade Union Programmes of Action, May 1981

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 17: Trade Unions and the Working Environment, January 1985

- Creator: Central Org. of Salaried Employees in Sweden and Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 18: Working Environment Agreement: A Short Introduction, no date

- Creator: Arbetarskyddsnamnden
- Item 19: Workers Protection Act and Workers Protection Ordinance, February 1976

- Creator: Ministry of Labour, Stockholm, Sweden
- Item 20: The National Occuaptional Safety and Health Administration, no date

- Creator: Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen
- Item 21: Proposals for a new Work Environment Legislation, 1976

- Creator: Ministry of Labour, Stockholm, Sweden
- Item 22: Occupational Health and Safety in SWeden, no date

- Creator: Sven Kvarnstrom, Swedish Assn. of Industrial Physicians
- Folder 2: Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1970

- Item 1: OSHA: A 10-Year Success Story, circa 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: State of Illinois Occupational Safety and Health: State Plan, no date

- Creator: State of Illinois
- Item 3: Presentation on Recordkeeping Guidelines for Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, no date

- Item 4: A Unionist's Guide to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, no date

- Creator: Urban Planning Aid
- Item 5: Questions and Answers About the OSHA Standards for Commercial Diving Operations, 1979

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the Future of Health and Safety on the Job in Illinois, June 1972

- Creator: Vincent K. Pollard, Chicago Regional Hospital Study
- Item 7: Workers at Jeopardy: OSHA Under the Reagan Administration, September 1984

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (The Williams-Steiger OSHA of 1970), no date

- Creator: Univ. of Wisconsin Extension
- Item 9: Employment Safety and Health Guide: Comments and Recommendations for Revision of OSHA General Industry Stanards on: Walking-Working Surfaces, Fire Protection and Anhydrous Ammonia, May 7, 1976

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Item 10: Employment Safety and Health Guide: The Toxic Substances List, 1972

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Item 11: Employment Safety and Health Guide: The Toxic Substances List, 1973

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Item 12: Employment Safety and Health Guide: Injury and Illness Record Log, July 1971

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Item 13: Employment Safety and Health Guide: OSHA Recordkeeping Forms, 1975

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Box 111

- Folder 1: Occupations

- Item 1: A Psychological Classification of Occupations, November 1970

- Creator: John L. Holland et al, Johns Hopkins Univ.
- Item 2: The Classification of Occupations: Some Problems of Sociological Interpretation, July 1966

- Creator: Robert W. Hodge and Paul M. Siegel, Univ. of Chicago, prepared for a meeting of the American Statistical Assoc.
- Item 3: The Occupational Composition of American Classes: Results from Cluster Analysis, no date

- Creator: Reeve D. Vanneman, Sociology Dept., UIUC
- Item 4: Dynamics of Occupational Structure: A Comparative Analysis of USA, Japan and India, no date

- Creator: Gopal Kadekodi and Raghav Gaiha, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi
- Item 5: Intraindustry Div. of Labor: The States of Mexico, circa 1971

- Creator: Harley L. Browning and Jack P. Gibbs, Univ. of Texas at Austin
- Item 6: Occupational Licensing: Questions a Legislator Should Ask, no date

- Creator: Council of State Governments
- Item 7: Occupational and Educational Structures of the Labour Force and Levels of Economic Development: Some nternational Evidence, 1969

- Creator: Louis Emmerij, OECD
- Item 8: Peers' Perceptions of Negro and White Occupational Preferences, November 1967

- Creator: Edward T. Clark and Kenneth F. Misa, St. Johns Univ.
- Item 9: Educational and Occupational Aspirations Among Working Class Negro, Mexican-American and White Elementary School Children, no date

- Creator: Michael James Hindelang, NY St. Univ. at Albany
- Item 10: Skill, January 1946, reprinted from August 1922

- Creator: Ann Bezanson, Industrial Relations Section, Caltech.
- Item 11: Women's Interest: Fact or Fiction, May 1967

- Creator: Lenore W. Harmon, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 12: Occupational Power, 1976

- Creator: William H. Form and Joan Althaus Huber, UIUC
- Folder 2: Occupations--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Dangerous Occupations

- Item 1: Estimates of the Probability of Job-Related Death in 347 Occupations, no date

- Creator: Prof. J. Paul Leigh, Economics Dept., San Jose St. Univ.
- Folder 4: Office of Federal Contract Compliance

- Folder 5: Office Management

- Item 1: Office Work Standards, October 1951

- Creator: Robert L. Peterson, Business Management Service, College of Business, UIUC
- Item 2: Production Planning and Control in Office Operations, October 1949

- Creator: Executive Office of the President, Office of the Budget
- Folder 6: Older Workers

- Item 1: The Effectiveness of Older Personnel in Retailing, May 1953

- Creator: Robert L. Peterson, Business Management Service, College of Commerce and Business Administration, UIUC
- Item 2: Older Workers in Wartime, 1944

- Creator: Mary T. Waggaman, Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 3: Pensions are not Enough: The Individual Company and its Older Workers, April 1951

- Creator: Edwin Shields Hewitt and Associates, under the direction of Sidney B. Scoville, for the Univ. of Chicago
- Item 4: Social and Fiscal Welfare Program and Policies Relating to the Income and Tax Status of the Aged: Exploration of the Present Situation and Possible Modification of Existing Policies, November 1959

- Creator: Prof. Wilbur J. Cohen, Public Welfare Admin. Dept., Univ. of Michigan, prepared for the House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means
- Item 5: The Older American, 1963

- Creator: President's Council on Aging
- Item 6: Company Practices Regarding Older Workers and Retirement, 1952

- Creator: Edwin Shields Hewitt and Associates
- Item 7: Economic Status and Attitudes of Older Men in Selected Rural and Urban Areas of Kentucky, October 1961

- Creator: E. Grant Youmans, Rural Sociology Dept., Univ. of Kentucky
- Item 8: Senior Citizens in a Free Society, no date

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 9: Company Practices Regarding Older Workers and Retirement: Report of a Survey of Members, February 1952

- Creator: National Metal Trades Assoc.
- Item 10: Labor Market Experience of Unemployed Older Workers, 1962

- Creator: Walter H. Franke, UIUC ILIR, prepared for a meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
- Item 11: The Effectiveness of Older Personnel in Industry, August 1954

- Creator: Robert L. Peterson, Business Management Service, College of Commerce and Business Administration, UIUC
- Item 12: How Old is Old? A study of the older worker problem, 1965

- Creator: National Employment Service
- Item 13: Who's Too Old to Work? Employment problems of the older worker, September 1950

- Creator: Richard C. Wilcock, UIUC ILIR
- Item 14: Older Workers in the Nova Scotian Economy, no date

- Creator: Labour Dept., Nova Scotia
- Item 15: The Economics of an Aging Population: A Syllabus and Annotated Bibliography, no date

- Creator: Prepared by Walter H. Franke and Richard C. Wilcock of the UIUC ILIR for the Univ. of Michigan ILIR
- Folder 7: Older Workers--Bibliographies (two folders)

- Folder 8: Older Workers Benefit Protection Act

- Folder 9: Organization Development Programs

- Item 1: Strategies for Improving Organizations in Underground Mining, August 31, 1982

- Creator: J.E. Uhlaner and W.H. Crooks, Perceptronics Inc.
- Item 2: Organizational Dynamics, Autumn 1978

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Folder 10: Organization Structure

- Item 1: Concentration, Cooperation and Flexible Organizational Structures, 1986

- Creator: Jaroslav Smrcka, Institute of Management, Prague
- Folder 11: Organizational Change

- Item 1: Overcoming Resisitance to Change, 1993

- Creator: Joel R. DeLuca, Evergreen Business Group
- Item 2: Effective Introduction of Change, no date

- Item 3: Management Change Inventory, 1970

- Creator: Organizational Tests, Ltd.
- Item 4: Coordination Change: Employee Resistance and its Effects on Employee Performance, 1994

- Creator: David K. Carroll, tutorial submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Labor and Industrial Relations, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Navigating the Whitewater of Corporate Change: Analysis of Total Organizational Change in the Health Care Industry, 1997

- Creator: Kathy A. McCasky, Masters Tutorial Submitted to the UIUC ILIR
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
[Series 7: Labor Union Officers
and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],