By Joseph Ansel Hoisington
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Vertical Subject File, 1893 - 2019

ID: 35/3/402
Extent: 155.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by subject
Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Chamber of Commerce, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce, United States, Collective Bargaining, Commerce, United States Department of, Commerce and Business Administration, College of, Communism, Economics, Economics Department, Education, Government, Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, Illinois Labor-Management Relations, Immigration, Industrial Democracy, Industrial Relations Research Association, International Labor Organization, International Relations, Labor, United States Department of, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Education, Labor History, Labor Journalism, Labor Relations, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions, Law, Law, College of, Management, New Deal, Political Science, Political Science Department, Psychology Department, Socialism, Social Psychology, Social Security, Sociology, Sociology Department, Strikes, Unions, Wage and Price Controls, War Labor Board, Workmen's Compensation
Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish;Castilian, Russian, Swedish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Labor Library Vertical Subject File (1893 - 2019) contains scholarly, legal, political, journalistic and popular literature about labor relations and related topics collected by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library from labor unions, governments, international organizations, political parties, interest groups and scholars and academic institutions and pertaining to relations between employers and employees, the role of government in maintaining fair labor relations, the rights of workers to organize, the structure and function of labor organizations, and the interaction between labor relations and society.
This series includes source material from eras of labor history which presented unique issues and problems including the Progressive Era, the New Deal, World Wars I and II and Post-war Anticommunism.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Processing Information:
All documents in Boxes 1-8 are listed at the item-level in the finding aid.
For boxes 9-154, the finding aid is a combination of folder-level and item-level description. For these boxes, only selected documents were listed at the item-level. Documents have been selected for item-level description on the basis of factors including age, connection to important historical figures and events, lack of availability elsewhere, connection to now-defunct organizations and movements, and connection to the University of Illinois and the the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.
**Denotes subjects which have additional materials at the end of the record series, in the last boxes.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
[Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],
- Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Boycott, Secondary

- Item 1: Amendment to Section 8(b)(4) of the National Labor Relations Act as Amended, April 27, 1960

- Creator: US House of Representatives
- Item 2: Answers to your questions about Secondary Boycotts, Undated

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: Labor's Dreaded Squeeze Play: The Secondary Boycott, 1956

- Creator: Lester Velie
- Item 4: How the Federal Courts and NLRB have dealt with Secondary Boycotts, February 1954

- Creator: Charles H. Tower
- Item 5: A Survey of Recent Legislation Regarding Secondary Boycotts, Undated

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 6: Secondary Boycott Picketing- A Labor Reform Loophole, 1960

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 7: Neutrality and Secondary Boycotts: An Economic Evaluation of a Legal Question, circa 1966

- Creator: School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State Univ.
- Item 8: The Secondary Boycott Issue, March 14, 1957

- Creator: Ray Clymer, pres., Dension Poultry and Egg co.
- Item 9: A Businessman discusses: The Secondary Boycott, March 1956

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 10: Secondary Pressure and Consumer Boycotts, 1984

- Creator: the Michie Company
- Item 11: Oregon Law Review, February and June, 1956

- Creator: University of Oregon
- Item 12: Secondary Boycott Loopholes, Differences among Secondary Boycotts and the Taft-Hartley Act, circa 1959

- Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Center, Michigan State Univ.
- Item 13: Unfair Boycotts in the Electrical Industry and Other Industries, February 12, 1947

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 14: Boycotts as affected by the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947, June 24, 1947

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 15: More About Boycotts in the Electrical Industry, August 17, 1949

- Creator: Benjamin Electric Manufacturing Company
- Item 16: The Facts on Secondary Boycotts, Undated

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 17: Statement on Secondary Boycotts to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, February 3, 1954

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 18: Comments on Proposed Amendment to Boycott Provisions under Taft-Hartley, December 29, 1953

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 19: Prohibition of Secondary Boycotts Strengthened and Clarified by Supreme Court, July 10, 1951

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 20: Secondary Boycotts, circa 1954

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 21: The Law and Secondary Boycotts in perspective, February 12, 1960

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Item 22: Secondary Boycotts and your Freedom of Choice: How Union officials keep products off the market, Undated

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 23: Secondary Boycotts: How do you fight them?, Undated

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 24: The Facts on Secondary Boycotts, Undated

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 25: The Case Against Secondary Boycotts, circa 1954

- Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
- Folder 2: Business Ethics

- Item 1: Business Ethics Selected References, September 1967

- Creator: Princeton Univ.
- Item 2: Bibliography of Books on Socio-ethical issues, September, 1983

- Creator: Loyola Center for Values in Business
- Folder 3: Business Intelligence

- Item 1: Filing Rules and Competitive Intelligence in Germany, Undated, possibly circa 1990

- Creator: D-S Marketing
- Item 2: Advanced Hidden Company Research: Digging up dirt on divisions, subsidiaries and private companies, Undated

- Creator: Washington Information Group, ltd.
- Item 3: How to research a corporation, January 1980

- Creator: Union for Radical Political Economics
- Item 4: Building Profiles of Public and Private Companies: Manual of Corporate Investigation, circa 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Spying on your employer: A guide to researching your employer in your local public library (industrial corporations), Undated

- Creator: Labor Education and Research Project
- Item 6: Company Investigations: Planning and Performance, Undated

- Creator: Washington Researchers
- Item 7: Finding Information on Competitors, May-June, 1978

- Creator: Washington Researchers
- Item 8: Spying on your employer: A guide to researching your employer in your local public library (trucking companies), 1979

- Creator: Teamsters for a Democratic union
- Item 9: The Use of Corporate Financial Statements and Related Data by Organized Labor, November 1954

- Creator: Bureau of Business Research, Indiana Univ.
- Item 10: How to trace UK Company Information, Undated

- Creator: Manchester Public Library
- Folder 4: Business Services

- Item 1: Growth in the Business Services Industry, June 26, 1986

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Folder 5: Canning Industries

- Item 1: Productivity Trends in the Canning and Preserving Industries, 1939 to 1950, January 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Automation and Employment Trends in the Fruit and Vegetable Canning Industry, circa 1960

- Creator: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
- Folder 6: Chemical Industry

- Item 1: The United States Economy and the Chemical Industry in 1961, circa 1961

- Creator: International Chemical Workers Union
- Item 2: The United States Economy and the Chemical Industry: A Report on Employment Earnings Production and Profits, June 1971

- Creator: International Chemical Workers Union
- Item 3: The United States Economy and the Chemical Industry: A Report on Employment Earnings Production and Profits, June 1973

- Creator: International Chemical Workers Union
- Item 4: Chemicals and Allied Products I: A Statistical Compendium, 1960

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 5: Chemicals and Allied Products II: Soap and Related Products, Paints and allied products: A Statistical Compendium, 1960

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 6: Chemicals and Allied Products III: Gum and Wood Chemicals, Fertilizers, Vegetable and Animal Oils, Misc. Chemicals: A Statistical Compendium, 1960

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 7: Chemicals and Allied Products IV: Industrial Chemicals, Drugs, and Medicines: A Statistical Compendium, 1960

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 8: Chemicals and Allied Products: General Statistics, 1955

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 9: Foreign Competition in Chemicals and Allied Products, January 1965

- Creator: Manufacturing Chemists Assoc.
- Item 10: Chemical Prices, Productivity, Wages and Profits, November 1964

- Creator: Manufacturing Chemists Assoc.
- Item 11: Competition in the Chemical Industry, 1964

- Creator: Manufacturing Chemists Assoc.
- Item 12: Chemicals in the National Economy, December 1964

- Creator: Manufacturing Chemists Assoc.
- Folder 7: Child Labor (Folder 1 of 2)

- Item 1: Child Slave Labor--USA, September 1962

- Creator: Information: The Catholic Church in American Life
- Item 2: Why--Child Labor Laws?, 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: International Child Labor Problems, circa 1993

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: International Child Labor Study, circa 1994

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Danger: Children at Work: A Bibliographical Time Capsule, January 23, 1998

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Child Labor Fact Book 1900-1950, April 1950

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 7: The Changing Years: 1904-1954, circa 1954

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 8: The National Child Labor Committee, Founded 1904. What it is, what it does, Undated

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 9: Youth Employment: Opportunity and Protection, circa 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Child-Labor Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, circa 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Young Workers under 18: 1958 Supplement, 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Child Labor at the Mid-century, December 1950

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 13: Child Workers in Agriculture, 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 14: Design for Community Action, 1962

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Report of Work Injuries to Minors under 18 years of age, Undated

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Youth Employment Act, February 1963

- Creator: Sar A. Levitan
- Item 17: Children and Work: Protection and Opportunity, Summer 1971

- Creator: National Committee on Employment of Youth
- Item 18: My pinsetters and I: A guide to good practice, April 1954

- Creator: Bowling Proprietors Assoc. of America
- Item 19: An Abstract of Laws governing Employment of Minors in New York State, circa 1951

- Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
- Item 20: Child Labor: A Primer for Trade Unions and Study Classes, 1925

- Creator: AFL
- Item 21: Federal Regulation of Child Labor: A Criticism of the policy represented in the Beveridge-Parsons Bill, March 9, 1907

- Creator: Alabama Child Labor Committee
- Item 22: National Policy on Employment of School-age Youth, May 27, 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 23: Child Labor and Youth Employment in this nation's third year of war, December 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 24: Youth- The Nation's Richest Resource: Their education and Employment needs, 1951

- Creator: Interdepartmental Youth Committee, Federal Govt.
- Item 25: Child Labor: A Summary of New Jersey and Federal Laws, 1952

- Creator: Rutgers Univ.
- Item 26: The Child Labor Amendment, circa 1925

- Creator: Missouri Women's Legislative Committee
- Item 27: A Study of the Physical Examinations of Children Entering Industry, 1930

- Creator: National Tuberculosis Assoc.
- Item 28: Child Labor Amendment Argument for Ratification, April 1934

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 29: New York Committee for the Ratification of the Child Labor Amendment, Undated

- Item 30: When Children are injured in industry, 1933

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 31: Child Labor Law in New York State, Undated

- Item 32: Proposed modification of Child Labor Regulation 3, Hazardous Occupation Orders Generally, and Hazardous Occupation Orders 2,7, and 13 specifically, Undated

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 33: Labor Has Always Led: An Account of the accomplishments of organized labor in the United States, April 1948

- Creator: UAW-CIO
- Item 34: "Children Preffered:" A study of Child labor in Pennsylvania, 1937

- Creator: Pennsylvania Labor Dept.
- Item 35: School or Work in Indiana?, 1927

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Folder 8: Child Labor (Folder 2 of 2)

- Item 1: Child Labor, 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Child Labor and the Law, April 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Policy and Reguations of the Department of Defense regarding employment of minors, August 24, 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept. and US Defense Dept.
- Item 4: Bulletin of National Consumers League for Fair Labor Standards, Winter 1951

- Creator: National Consumers League for Fair Labor Standards
- Item 5: History of the Federal Regulation of Child Labor, April 20, 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Summary of Findings and Reccomendations of Work Group on Working Conditions and Experiences as related to personality development of youth, December 7, 1950

- Item 7: Press Release: Secretary Tobin sets hearing October 11 on proposed hazardous occupations order for youths in occupations in and about mines, August 30, 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Employment Status of Youth, April 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Young workers under 18: Today and Tomorrow, circa 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: How good are YOUR State Child Labor Laws, circa 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Occupations particularly hazardous for the employment of minors between 16 and 18 years of age or detrimental to their health of well-being, January 1, 1962

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Child Labor, Undated

- Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Item 13: Are These Your Children, Undated

- Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Item 14: Labor Laws in New York State: Child Labor, 1947

- Creator: NY State Dept. of Labor
- Item 15: Child Labor, December 1945

- Creator: NY State Joint Legislative Committee on Industrial and Labor Conditions
- Item 16: The American Child: Testimony on Amendments to Federal Child Labor Law, February 1949

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 17: The Why and How of Amending the Federal Child Labor Law, January 1949

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 18: Child Labor after Ten Years of Federal Regulation, December 1948

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 19: Major Standards reccomended by the international association of governmental labor officials for state child-labor legislation and the extent to which existing state child-labor laws meet these standards., November 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 20: Ten Years' Progress in State Protection of Child Workers: Child-labor standards show net gain, 1939-48, April 1949

- Creator: Social Security Administration
- Item 21: Mayor's committee on Youth Employment Opportunities, October 1963

- Creator: City of Chicago
- Item 22: Youth Employment Act, February 9, 1963

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 23: Child Labor: Facing the twenty-first century, November 1992

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Item 24: Selected Current References on Child Labor and Youth Employment, November 1953

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 25: Early School Leavers: List of Reference Materials, circa 1955

- Item 26: Child Labor Law, April 1950

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 27: Handbooks on Labor Law: No.1 Child Labor, June, 1950

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 28: Child Labor and School Attendance in Illinois, circa 1953

- Creator: National Child Labor Committee
- Item 29: Summary of State Child Labor Laws, circa 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 9: Church and Labor

- Folder 10: Church and Labor (Folder 1 of 2)

- Item 1: A dialogue between the Religious and Labor community on social and ethical concerns in a changing society, January 1989

- Creator: AFL-CIO, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Theological Seminary, Instotute for Mission in the USA, and the Washington Theological Consortium
- Item 2: Remembering the Labor priest, January 16, 2004

- Creator: Doug Pokorski
- Item 3: Organized Labor (adopted at the 96th Annual Convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis), June 1985

- Creator: Central Conference of American Rabbis
- Item 4: "On the condition of workers in 1991", June 10, 1991

- Creator: Dialogue Between Religious Community and Organized Labor
- Item 5: "Jewish Law commands us to uphold the dignity of all workers", November 1988

- Creator: Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
- Item 6: Jewish Labor Movement: A Living Legacy, Undated

- Creator: Jewish Labor Committee
- Item 7: Jewish Religious Tradition, Social Action, and Organized Labor, Undated

- Creator: Jewish Labor Committee
- Item 8: Resource List: Jewish Religious Tradition, Social Action and Organized Labor, Undated

- Creator: Jewish Labor Committee
- Item 9: Catholics and US Labor, September 1954

- Creator: Jubilee
- Item 10: Consultation on the Church and Labor-management Relations, June 1955

- Item 11: The Church: Labor's Southern Cross, October 1949

- Creator: David S. Burgess, Congregatonal-Christian Church and CIO
- Item 12: The Common Good: The Need for a Reaffirmation of its nature and claims, 1954

- Creator: The Rev. John J. Wright
- Item 13: The Church speaks on Labor Unions, Undated

- Creator: United Food and Commercial Workers
- Item 14: The 18th Annual Session of the Institute on Industry and Social Action, June 1954

- Creator: Social Action Dept. of the National Catholic Welfare Conference
- Item 15: Bishop Bernard J. Sheil's historic speech describing McCarthyism as morally evil, April 9, 1954

- Creator: UAW-CIO Education Conference
- Item 16: The guideposts of the almighty to Permanent Industrial Peace, Copyright 1946

- Creator: Archbishop of Boston
- Item 17: The Labor Problem: What it is, how to solve it. A Catechism of the Social Question, 1921

- Creator: National Catholic Welfare Conference
- Item 18: The Ethics of Labor, 1922

- Item 19: Rerum Novarum - Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII on the Condition of Labor, 1939

- Item 20: Quadragesimo Anno - Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius XI on Reconstructing the Social Order, 1939

- Item 21: A Socialist Ritual, 1893

- Item 22: European Catholics and the Social Question, 1943

- Creator: Catholic Social Guild
- Item 23: Communism and Union Labor, October 21, 1937

- Creator: Raymond T. Feely, S.J.
- Item 24: Labor and Society: A Roundtable discussion on Catholic Social Thought, Undated

- Creator: The League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 25: The Catholic Church and the Labor Movement, 1933

- Item 26: Industrial Relations and Christian Ethics, September 15, 1950

- Creator: Social Action
- Item 27: Thirteen Years in a Labor School, 1953

- Creator: Cathedral College, NY
- Item 28: The Christian at his Daily Work, 1951

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 29: Report of the North American Lay Conference on The Christian and his Daily Work, February 1952

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 30: Christianity in Industry, Undated

- Creator: National Council of Catholic Men
- Item 31: Christian Principles and Assumptions for Economic Life, September 15, 1954

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 32: The Church and Labor-Management Relations of Our Day, October 1947

- Creator: Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Item 33: Economic Life: A Christian Responsibility, August 1947

- Creator: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
- Item 34: Human Rights for Working People, 1988

- Creator: Trade Union Leadership Institute, AFL-CIO
- Item 35: Report of the National Study Conference on The Church and Economic Life, February 1947

- Creator: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
- Item 36: "The Common Good" The Need for a Reaffirmation of its Nature and Claims, 1954

- Creator: Rev. John J. Wright, D.D., Bishop of Worcester
- Item 37: Responsibility at Mid-Century, October 9, 1956

- Creator: Rev. William T. Mulloy, D.D., Bishop of Covington
- Item 38: Seven Pillars of Industrial Orders, no date

- Creator: Rev. Francis J. Haas, C.C., Bishop of Grand Rapids
- Item 39: National Religion and Labor Foundation: What It Is, Purposes, Program, and What Can You Do?, possibly circa 1955

- Creator: National Religion and Labor Foundation
- Item 40: Walking Together: Religion and Labor, no date

- Creator: National Religion and Labor Foundation
- Item 41: Buiding Projects and Religions Values: Ethical Questions for Congregations to Ask Building Contractors, no date

- Creator: National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice
- Item 42: Equality and the Unions, February 1961

- Creator: Harry Fleischman, Religion and Labor Council of America and Jewish Labor Committee
- Folder 11: Church and Labor (Folder 2 of 2)

- Item 1: The Catholic Church and the Workingman, 1914

- Creator: Catholic Truth Society of Ireland
- Item 2: Conflict or Cooperation, 1949

- Creator: Industry Council Assoc.
- Item 3: On-the-job dilemmas of Christian Laymen, February 1952

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 4: A Subversive Revolution against constitutional government and Christian ethics, circa 1946

- Creator: Southern States Industrial Council
- Item 5: Seven Pillar of Industrial Order, circa 1953

- Creator: Catholic Conference on Industrial Problems
- Item 6: Social or anti-Social Wages?, 1937

- Creator: I.W. Cox, S.J.
- Item 7: Economic Theory and Practice in light of Basic Christian Principles, Undated

- Creator: National Protestant Council on Higher Education
- Item 8: The Wages and Hours of American Labor, 1937

- Creator: National Catholic Welfare conference
- Item 9: Social and Industrial Peacemaking: A Quaker Program, 1946

- Creator: American Friends Service Committee
- Item 10: Religion Speaks to Labor, January 1955

- Creator: CIO
- Item 11: What the Church Thinks of Labor, May 31, 1944

- Creator: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
- Item 12: The Church and Industrial Relations, 1950

- Creator: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
- Item 13: The Catholic and his Trade Union, 1958

- Creator: George E. Lucy
- Item 14: The Problem of the Worker in light of the Social doctrine of the Church, 1950

- Creator: Bishops and Archbishops of the Civil Provence of Quebec
- Item 15: Religion Speaks to Labor, Undated

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 16: The Church Believes in Unions, Undated

- Creator: UAW
- Item 17: You, Your Church and Your Job, Copyright 1955

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 18: The Camel and the Needle's Eye: Christian Conscience and the American Economy, August 1954

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 19: Problems of Labor, 1950

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 20: History of the Christian Labor Assoc., circa 1963

- Creator: School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State Univ.
- Item 21: William Ellery Channing on Labor, May 25, 1937

- Creator: American Unitarian Assoc.
- Item 22: Christian Advocate Labor Sunday Message, September 3, 1953

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 23: Five Year Peace Pact in N.Y. Trucking Industry, February 1953

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 24: Migratory Labor in Michigan, October, 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 25: West Virginia Reports Progress, November 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 26: Cooperation in the Garment Industry, September 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 27: Our President honored at capitol, June 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 28: Necessity of Unions Especially in the South, May 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 29: American Trends toward Cooperation, April 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 30: 7 Million Women urge Labor-Management Conference, December 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 31: Message from the President, January 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 32: Thousands attend February lectures, March 1952

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 33: 400 Lawyers endorse industry councils, February 195

- Creator: Cooperator
- Item 34: The Taft-Hartley Law in Operation, January 31, 1948

- Creator: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
- Item 35: Presbyterian Institute of Industrial Relations pamphlets, Undateds

- Creator: Presbyterian Institute of Industrial Relations
- Item 36: Applying Christianity in the Day's Work, 1954

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 37: What Pulpit and Press are saying about the Church and Labor, 1954

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 38: Christian Action in Industrial Relations, December 1953

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 39: Recent Actions of the Churches concerning Unemployment and Labor-Management Relations, June 1958

- Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
- Item 40: Will Churches and Industry ever be brought together?, October 14, 1946

- Creator: Otto P. Cherdon
- Item 41: The University of Illinois The Catholic Church The Employer, April 1978

- Creator: Kenneth L. Schultz
- Folder 12: Church And Labor (Labor Letter), 1952

- Folder 13: Civil Rights Act, 1964

- Item 1: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 1964

- Folder 14: Civil Rights Act of 1991

- Item 1: Analysis of the Civil Rights Act of 1991, November 1991

- Creator: Warren Gorham Lamont
- Item 2: Civil Rights Act 1991 Summary and Full Text, November 11, 1991

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 3: Civil Rights Act 1991 Summary And Full Text Special Supplement, November 12, 1991

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 4: Civil Rights Act 1991 Summary and Full Text EEOC Compliance Manual

- Folder 15: Civil Service Reform Act, 1978

- Item 1: Civil Service Reform Act of 1978

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Civil Service Systems

- Item 1: State Merit Systems, 1972

- Creator: United States Civil Service Commission
- Item 2: Excellence in Public Service: Illinois' Challenge for the '90s, January 1991

- Creator: The Chicago Community Trust/Government Assistance Project and Illinois Commission on the Future of Public Service, State of Illinois
- Item 3: Nationwide Survey of Classification Reconsideration and Appeal Process, circa 1985

- Creator: Illinois State Central Management Services Dept.
- Item 4: State Civil Service (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 24 1/2 Paragraphs 1-37), Undated

- Creator: Illinois Revised Statutes
- Item 5: State Personnel and Employee Relations System, December 1968

- Creator: Oregon State Legislative Fiscal Committee
- Item 6: Sabatoge of the Merit System, 1939

- Creator: NY State Assoc. of State Civil Service Employees
- Item 7: Good Government: NCSL's "Model Law", Fall 1974

- Creator: National Civil Service League
- Item 8: State Universities Civil Serice System Statute and Rules, March 1980

- Item 9: The Government Personnel System, November 1960

- Creator: United States Civil Service Commission
- Item 10: The Merit System in Mobile County: 51st Annual Report of the Personnel Board for Mobile County, Alabama, February 14, 1991

- Creator: Supervisory Committee of the Mobile County Personnel Board
- Item 11: A Sketch of the History of Civil Service Reform in England, India and the United States, December 1904

- Creator: General Federation of Women's Clubs
- Item 12: Why We Need the Merit System: An Explanation of the principles of public personnel management, November, 1936

- Creator: Indiana League of Women Voters
- Item 13: The Civil Service: The Nation's Largest Business, circa 1938

- Creator: Union League Club of Chicago
- Item 14: The Responsibilities of a Civil Service Commissioner, 1959

- Creator: Public Personnel Assoc.
- Folder 2: Clerical Employees

- Item 1: Degraded and Deskilled: The Proletarianization of Clerical Work, October 1977

- Creator: Evelyn Glenn and Roslyn Feldberg
- Item 2: White Collar Office Workers (Their working conditions, benefits and status), April 1952

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs
- Item 3: Management Programs for the Salaried Worker, February 18, 1947

- Creator: Executive Seminar Series on Industrial Relations
- Item 4: Henry A. Wallace speaks to the White Collar Workers, February 19, 1946

- Creator: United Office and Professional Workers of America, CIO
- Item 5: Radical America: Women in Office Work, Work Place Organizing, Birth Control and Eugenics, circa 1974

- Creator: Radical America
- Item 6: Training Office Workers, circa 1955

- Creator: Earl P. Strong
- Item 7: White Collar Regulations under the Federal Wage and Hour Law, circa 1950

- Item 8: Worker Quality and Wage Dispersion: An analysis of a clerical labor market in Boston, Undated

- Creator: Robert Evans, Jr., MIT
- Item 9: White Collar Exemptions: Text of Final Regulations and Official Explanation under the Wage-Hour law together with BNA Editorial Analysis, December 28, 1949

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 10: Office Workers look at their trade, March 1947

- Creator: Office Employees International Union, AFL
- Item 11: "White Collar" Production up 35 per cent, July 1949

- Creator: American Business Magazine
- Item 12: Selected References on the White Collar Worker, circa 1951

- Creator: White Collar Workshops
- Folder 3: Clothing Industry

- Item 1: Statement of Lazare Teper, Director of Research, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union before the Subcommittee on Study of Monopoly Power, Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, July 22, 1949

- Creator: International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and US Congress
- Item 2: National Coat and Suit Industry Recovery Board Reports and Resolutions, Fourteenth Annual Meeting, circa 1950

- Creator: National Coat and Suit Recovery Board
- Item 3: National Coat and Suit Industry Recovery Board Reports and Resolutions, Sixteenth Annual Meeting, circa 1952

- Creator: National Coat and Suit Recovery Board
- Item 4: National Coat an Suit Industry Recovery Board Reports and Resolutions Nineteenth Annual Meeting, circa 1955

- Creator: National Coat and Suit Recovery Board
- Folder 4: Coal Industry

- Folder 5: Coal Industry (Folder 1 of 3)

- Item 1: State's 1st coal mine located along Big Muddy, May 12, 2000

- Creator: Stu Fliege
- Item 2: Remembering Coal Country, September 1995

- Creator: Illinois Issues
- Item 3: Coal is a Dirty Word, November 1993

- Creator: Illinois Issues
- Item 4: Illinois Coal Facts '85, circa 1986

- Creator: Illinois Coal Assoc.
- Item 5: Illinois Coal and the Energy Crisis, December 1972

- Creator: Illinois Coal Operators Assoc.
- Item 6: The Inland Coal Mine: Sesser, Illinois, Undated

- Creator: Inland. Sesser, Illinois
- Item 7: Bituminous Coal Mining Towns: Pictoral story of their progress, December 1946

- Creator: Bituminous Coal Institute
- Item 8: Research Data on Productivity, Job Satisfaction and Health and Safety, August 31, 1982

- Creator: Conference on Productivity, job satisfaction, and health and safety in the coal industry: the participatory alternative
- Item 9: Good times and bad in Appalachia: Wrestlin' for a Livin' with King Coal, June 1983

- Creator: Michael E. King
- Item 10: The Threat of Western Coal, Undated

- Creator: United Mine Workers of America
- Item 11: Coal Periodicals, Undated

- Item 12: The Scoop: Coal holds its own in 1986, January 1987

- Creator: National Coal Assoc.
- Item 13: Productivity Trends in Pennsylvania Soft Coal Mining 1919-1946, circa 1947

- Creator: Charles M. James
- Item 14: Coal Information: A guide to locating published information on coal, Undated

- Creator: National Coal Assoc.
- Item 15: History of Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal, 1955

- Creator: Pennsylvania Mines Dept.
- Item 16: The Worker's Point of View: A Discussion of "Reporting Back" based on a study in a coalfield, 1952

- Creator: Acton Society Trust
- Item 17: Mine 32: Pittsburgh Consolidation coal mine in a magnificent West Virginia seam is among the best in the US, circa 1947

- Creator: Fortune
- Item 18: More Capital Equipment: Coal's Foremost Economic Need, July 1, 1948

- Creator: National Coal Assoc.
- Folder 6: Coal Industry (Folder 2 of 3)

- Item 1: Technological Change and Productivity in the Bituminous Coal Industry 1920-1960, November 1961

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: The Case for a National Fuels Policy Study, December 1959

- Creator: National Coal Policy Conference
- Item 3: Address by Charles O'Neill, President, Central Pennsylvania Coal Producers' Assoc. before the Coal Mining Institute of America, December 9, 1948

- Creator: Central Pennsylvania Coal Producers Assoc. and Coal Mining Institute of America
- Item 4: Sharing the Income of Soft Coal Mining, May 1947

- Creator: C.M. James
- Item 5: Statement of George M. Humphrey, Chairman, Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Company, before the Congressional Joint Committee on the Economic Report, July 15, 1947

- Creator: Pittsburgh Consolidated Coal Company and US Congress
- Item 6: Mines in Government Possession, 15 November 1946

- Creator: Coal Mines Administration, Interior Dept.
- Item 7: Bituminous coal Wages, Profits and Productivity, February 1950

- Creator: Southern Coal Producers Assoc.
- Item 8: The Economics of Strip Coal Mining, October 1948

- Creator: Herman D. Graham
- Item 9: Bituminous Coal movements in the United States, January 1942

- Creator: Illinois State Geological Survey
- Item 10: Manual of Statistical Information, 1944

- Creator: Anthracite Institute
- Item 11: Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal, June 1953

- Creator: Pennsylvania Commerce Dept.
- Item 12: Pennsylvania Anthracite, March 1952

- Creator: Pennsylvania Commerce Dept.
- Folder 7: Coal Industry (Folder 3 of 3)

- Item 1: Employment and Related Statistics of Mines and Quarries, 1935: Coal, July 1937

- Creator: Works Progress Administration
- Item 2: Survey of Conditions in the Anthracite Industry, circa 1922

- Creator: Richard J. Beamish
- Item 3: Pennsylvania's Coal Industry, 1954

- Creator: Robert D. Billinger
- Item 4: Pennsylvania Anthracite Minerals Yearbook review of 1940, 1941

- Creator: US Interior Dept.
- Item 5: Public Ownership of Coal is Imperative, November 1946

- Creator: People's Lobby Bulletin
- Item 6: Coal '74, February 17, 1974

- Creator: The Herald Advisor, Huntington, W. Va.
- Item 7: Coal Miners and the Economy, circa 1975

- Creator: United Mine Workers of America
- Folder 8: Coal Miners Research Project

- Item 1: This folder contains information relating to a Penn State research projects on the lives of coal miners and the communities they lived in. It was funded at least in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities., circa 1977

- Folder 9: Coal Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Co-determination

- Folder 11: Co-determination (Folder 1 of 2)

- Item 1: Workers and Management: The German Co-determination experiment, June 1, 1953

- Creator: Fabian Society Research Series
- Item 2: Co-determination in Iron and Steel Concerns in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1963

- Creator: International Metalworkers' Federation
- Item 3: Co-determination in Germany: Report on a visit by the Engineering Employers' Federation, August 1977

- Creator: Engineering Employers' Federation
- Item 4: Works Councils in Germany, March 1951

- Creator: United States High Commissioner for Germany, office of Labor Affairs
- Item 5: The Codetermination model of workers' participation: Where is it leading?, Spring 1977

- Creator: G. David Garson
- Item 6: Workers' Participation in Management in West Germamy: Impact on the Worker, the Enterprise and the Trade Union, Spring 1977

- Creator: Roy J. Adams and C.H. Rummel
- Item 7: Labor Relations and Industrial Democracy in the Federal Republic of Germany, Undated

- Creator: German Information Center
- Item 8: Industrial Democracy in Germany, June 1976

- Creator: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in London
- Item 9: Workers in Management: Myth or Reality?, April 1979

- Creator: Bruce Stokes
- Item 10: Co-determination in Sweden, March 1979

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 11: Negotiations in Co-determination, June 1977

- Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation
- Item 12: Trade Union Identity and Workplace Representation: Do Works-Councils Make a Difference?, May 1996

- Creator: Adelheide Hege
- Folder 12: Co-determination (Folder 2 of 2)

- Item 1: European Players in Global Competition, 1998

- Creator: Mitbestimmung special English Language Edition
- Item 2: Co-determination: A report of the Mission to Germany, July 1951

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 3: Codetermination Right of Labor in German Business Enterprises, circa 1953

- Creator: Ernest C. Steefel and Walter Herzfeld
- Item 4: Agreement on Rationalization, June 1, 1972

- Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation and Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions
- Item 5: The Right of Co-determination in heavy industry, February 11, 1951

- Creator: Neue Zuercher Zeitung
- Item 6: Workers' control of industry in Europe, 1958

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 7: Participative Management: A Debit or a Credit?, Undated

- Item 8: The hard hats in Europe's Boardrooms, June 1976

- Creator: Robert Ball
- Item 9: Worker Participation in Management, April 1973

- Creator: Committee on Worker Participation in Management, Adelaide, Australia
- Item 10: Speech by Premier of South Australia, September 25, 1973

- Creator: Labour and Industry Dept.
- Item 11: Worker Participation in Sweden - A Survey, September 1977

- Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation
- Item 12: Worker Participation: the Prospects for Australia, circa 1974

- Creator: Victorian Fabian Pamphlets
- Item 13: 1975 Policy Platform, Agenda Items, Committee Reports, June 1975

- Creator: Australian Labor Party
- Item 14: Sharing Power in the Private Sector, 1976

- Creator: Labor Council of New South Wales
- Item 15: Worker Participation- A New Policy, Undated

- Creator: The Radical
- Item 16: The Changing World of Work and Workers, circa 1975

- Creator: Labour and Industry Dept., South Australia
- Item 17: Works Councils in Sweden, August 1955

- Item 18: Works Councils in Sweden, December 1950 and January 1951

- Creator: Anglo-Swedish Review
- Item 19: Worker Participation in the Service, circa 1975

- Creator: B.N. Moore
- Item 20: Co-determination through collective agreements and legislation, February 1982

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 21: University Labor Education Association: Yugoslavia, circa 1973

- Creator: University Labor Education Assoc.
- Item 22: Personnel Opinions: Hourly Employees on the Board?, May 4, 1978

- Creator: Bulletin to Management
- Item 23: Highlights of Current Legislation and Activities in Mid-Europe: Workers' Self Government, May and June 1958

- Creator: Mid-European Law Project
- Item 24: Employers reveal their secret thoughts to Ruth Link on Co-decision and the labor movement and the Government who are forcing them to accept it., 1976

- Creator: Sweden Now
- Box 9

- Folder 1: Co-Determination Publications, 1951-77

- Folder 2: Co-Determination Bibliographies, 1978

- Creator: D.A. Richardson (M.I.T.); Ontario Ministry of Labour
- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Bureau of National Affairs Publications, 1945-2008, 2016

- Creator: BNA
- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Conference Proceedings, 1939-75

- Item 1: "Making the Collective Agreement Work", April 13, 1939

- Creator: William P. Clarke
- Item 2: "Collective Bargaining and Wage Policies", March 16, 1944

- Creator: F.V. Morley, F. Quigley, G. Connors, H. Wines
- Item 3: "The Economics of Collective Bargaining", 1948

- Creator: Sumner H. Slighter
- Item 4: "Outline of Lectures on Collective Bargaining Trends", 1950

- Creator: Rev. Van F. Christoph
- Item 5: "Labor Relations - The Practical View", September 20, 1956

- Creator: Georges Laverdure
- Item 6: Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Conference, Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers, May 14, 1957

- Creator: Rutgers University
- Item 7: Cornell Conference Report- "The Economic Climate and Collective Bargaining", May 8-9, 1957

- Creator: Cornell University
- Item 8: "Collective Bargaining Today" - Proceedings of 3rd Annual Industrial Relations Conference of the Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO, June 15-16, 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: "The Future of Col.lective Bargaining", October 26, 1961

- Creator: R. Heath Larry
- Item 10: "The N.L.R.B. and Collective Bargaining", November 15, 1973

- Creator: Edward B. Miller
- Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Course Materials, 1949-76

- Item 1: University of Wisconsin, School for Workers, Course in Economic and Historic Background for Collective Bargaining, October, 1949

- Creator: University of Wisconsin
- Item 2: Elements of Collective Bargaining - Material for Adult Education Classes, University of Illinois Extension, 1950

- Creator: University of Illinois
- Item 3: Power Balance in Collective Bargaining as Seen by 36 Labor Relations Men, ca. 1976

- Creator: ILIR 33, University of Illinois
- Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - International Publications, 1957-81

- Item 1: International Labour Organisation, Asian Regional Conference, Labour-Management Relations, 1957

- Creator: International Labour Organisation
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining and Productivity, Final Reports on the Trade Union Seminar in Berlin, June 18-22, 1957

- Creator: Organisation for European Economic Co-Operation
- Item 3: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Manpower and Social Affairs Directorate, International Seminar Reports (2 editions), 1969, 1971

- Creator: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
- Item 4: "Collective Bargaining - Traditional Analysis and Empirical Findings", Undated

- Creator: J.Y. Tabb and A. Galin
- Item 5: International Labour Conference, Provisional Record, 67th Session, Geneva, 1981

- Creator: International Labout Conference
- Folder 7: Collective Bargaining - Journal and Review Reprints, 1935-83

- Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - State of California Calendars of Collective Bargaining, 1963-67

- Creator: State of California, Department of Industrial Relations
- Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Unidentified Publications

- Item 1: "Collective Bargaining", ca. 1947

- Creator: D. Carmell
- Item 2: "The Sources and Meaning of Economic Data for Collective Bargaining", ca. 1958

- Creator: B. Seligman
- Item 3: "Win-Win Bargaining: Thirty Days to a Contract", Undated

- Creator: K.M. Moriarty
- Folder 10: Collective Bargaining - Union, Company, Organization and Association Publications, 1947-84

- Folder 11: Collective Bargaining - University Labor Institute Publications, Boston College - University of Illinois, 1948-81

- Item 1: "New Theories of Industrial Justic to Bring Freer, Fairer and More Civilized Collective Bargaining", April 23, 1963

- Creator: Stuart Rothman
- Item 2: "Some Trends in Collective Bargaining", ca. 1960

- Creator: Joseph Shister
- Item 3: "Labor: Hard Times, Little Radicalism", June 15, 1975

- Creator: Arnold R. Weber
- Item 4: "Versatility of Collective Bargaining", Undated

- Creator: Adolf Sturmthal
- Item 5: "Collective Bargaining", ca. 1949

- Creator: E.L. Warren and I. Bernstein
- Item 6: "Nonfactory Unionism and Labor Relations", 1955

- Creator: Van Duysen Kennedy
- Item 7: "Ideological Obsolescece in Collective Bargaining", September, 1963

- Creator: Jack T. Conway
- Item 8: "Mature Collective Bargaining: Prospects and Problems", 1952

- Creator: University of California
- Item 9: "Free and Responsible Collective Bargaining and Industrial Peace", May, 1962

- Creator: Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy
- Item 10: "Collective Bargaining at the Crossroads", January, 1963

- Creator: Edwin C. Pendleton
- Item 11: "Toward and Understanding of 'The Public Interest' in Collective Bargaining", May, 1968

- Creator: Harold S. Roberts
- Item 12: "The Effect of Reaganomics on Collective Bargaining", December, 1981

- Creator: Sam Kagel
- Item 13: "Goals of Effective Collective Bargaining" (2 editions), March, 1948

- Creator: George M. Harrison
- Item 14: "New Trends in Collective Bargaining", 1949

- Creator: Edward L. Phillips
- Item 15: "Master Agreements in Collective Bargaining", November, 1949

- Creator: W.E. Chalmers and S. MacEachron
- Item 16: "Union Decision-Making in Collective Bargaining", 1951

- Creator: Arnold R. Weber
- Item 17: "The Nursing Profession and Economic Security", 1959

- Creator: Frederick H. Harbison
- Item 18: "Union-Management Relations at the Plant Level in DeKalb, Illinois, July, 1956", Undated

- Creator: J.W. Lloyd and M. Derber
- Item 19: "New Challenges for Collective Bargaining", Undated

- Creator: R.W. Fleming
- Folder 12: Collective Bargaining - University Labor Institute Publications, University of Iowa - University of Wisconsin, 1941-82

- Item 1: "The Scope of Collective Bargaining", 1951

- Creator: Walter L. Daykin
- Item 2: "Innovation in Collective Bargaining", 1968

- Creator: Stanley Young
- Item 3: "The Structure of Collective Bargaining and Some of Its Determinants", December, 1966

- Creator: David H. Greenberg
- Item 4: "Concession Bargaining and the National Economy" (2 editions), December, 1982

- Creator: Peter Cappelli
- Item 5: "The Use of Informed Neutrals in Difficult Bargaining Situations", 1961

- Creator: George H. Hildebrand
- Item 6: "Collective Bargaining in the West Coast Paper Industry", January, 1941

- Creator: Princeton University
- Item 7: "Constructive Labor Relations: Experience in Four Firms", 1948

- Creator: R.A. Lester and E.A. Robie
- Item 8: "Union Decisions in Collective Bargaining", 1955

- Creator: Robert R. France
- Item 9: "The Future of Collective Bargaining in the United States", May, 1963

- Creator: Richard A. Lester
- Item 10: "Economic Basis of Collective Bargaining", 1948

- Creator: Ben Stephansky
- Folder 13: Collective Bargaining - US Government Publications, 1946-79

- Creator: Government of the United States of America
- Box 10

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Bibliographies, 1946-91

- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Agricultural Machine Industry, 1973-94

- Item 1: "Union-Management Relations: McCormick Harvesting Machine Company 1862-1886", Undated

- Creator: Robert Ozanne
- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Air Transportation Industry, 1948-97

- Item 1: "Labor Relations in the Air Transportation Industry Under the Amended Railway Labor Act", 1948

- Creator: E.B. McNatt
- Item 2: "Labor Relations in the Air Transport Industry, 1947-57", 1958

- Creator: E.B. McNatt
- Item 3: "Industrial Relations in the California Aircraft Industry", 1956

- Creator: A.P. Allen, B.V.H. Schneider
- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Amusements and Sports, 1971-95

- Item 1: "The NFL Owners v. The NFL Players Association: The Line of Scrimmage has been Drawn, But are They on the Same Field?", 1991

- Creator: Steve Bauer
- Item 2: "Labor Relations in Professional Sports: Baseball Salaries and Final-Offer Arbitration", Undated

- Creator: Creator Unknown
- Item 3: "Wage Determination and the Development of Collective Bargaining in Baseball", ca. 1976

- Creator: James G. Scoville
- Item 4: "'Defensive Manchester': A History of the Professional Footballers Association", 1977

- Creator: Braham Dabscheck
- Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Atomic Energy Industry, 1954-59

- Item 1: "Changing Industrial Relations Problems in Atomic Energy", 1959

- Creator: Oscar S. Smith
- Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Automobile Industry (Folder 1 of 2), 1950-93

- Folder 7: Collective Bargaining - Automobile Industry (Folder 2 of 2), 1934-93

- Item 1: Negotiating with the Automobile Employer Course Outline, 1934

- Creator: Creator Unknown
- Item 2: "Testing the Limits: Collective Bargaining and Industrial Policy Concerns", March, 1985

- Creator: Owen Bieber
- Item 3: "Industrial Relations and Industrial Change in the Motor Industry: An International View", 1985

- Creator: Wolfgang Streeck
- Item 4: "Volkswagen: The Challenge of Change", April, 1993

- Creator: International Metalworkers' Foundation
- Item 5: "Flat Rock, Home of Mazda: The Social Impact of a Japanese Company on an American Community", March, 1988

- Creator: R.C. Hill, M. Indergaard, K. Fujita
- Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - Chemical Industry, 1942-58

- Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Clothing Industry, 1911-2004

- Item 1: "Industry Planning Through Collective Bargaining", 1941

- Creator: Julius Hochman
- Item 2: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City: Case Study 3 - Garment Manufacture, Undated

- Creator: Margaret K. Chandler
- Item 3: "Why This Strike", ca. 1912

- Creator: Julius Hochman
- Item 4: Womens' Trade Union League of Chicago - Official Report of the Strike Committee, 1911

- Creator: Women's Trade Union League of Chicago
- Folder 10: Collective Bargaining - Coal Industry (Folder 1 of 2), 1916-81

- Folder 11: Collective Bargaining - Coal Industry (Folder 2 of 2), 1925-79

- Item 1: "The Anthracite Operators' Reply to the Miner' Demands", 1925

- Item 2: Statement by J.P. Brennan, President, Bituminous Coal Operator' Assn., Inc. befroe the President's Commission on Coal, March, 1979

- Creator: Joseph P. Brennan
- Item 3: Materials for the 1977-78 Wage Negotiations fo the Bituminous Coal Operators' Assn., Inc., ca. 1978

- Item 4: "The New Labor Contract in the Bituminous Coal Industry", July, 1947

- Creator: United States Steel Corp.
- Item 5: "National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1950", 1950

- Creator: United Mine Workers
- Item 6: "Collective Bargaining in the Bituminous Coal Mining Industry", April, 1953

- Creator: Harry M. Moses
- Item 7: "Experience Under National Wage Agreements: The Bituminous Coal and Flint Glass Industries of West Virginia", June, 1953

- Creator: Gerald G. Somers
- Item 8: "The Economic Impact of an Industry-wide Strike: A Case Study of the 1949-50 Coal Strike", July, 1950

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 9: "Historical Description of the 1920 Wage Change in the Bituminous Coal Industry", Undated

- Creator: Creator unknown
- Folder 12: Collective Bargaining - Construction Industry (Folder 1 of 2), 1962-98

- Folder 13: Collective Bargaining - Construction Industry (Folder 2 of 2), 1955-87

- Item 1: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City: Case Study 5 - Building Construction, Undated

- Creator: Milton Derber
- Item 2: "Attitudes Toward Union Constuction", 1987

- Creator: Jeffrey Vincent
- Item 3: "Coming to Grips With Some Major Problems in the Construction Industry", 1974

- Creator: The Business Roundtable
- Item 4: "The Industrial Relations System in Construction: The Geographical Scope of Bargaining" (2 copies), 1960

- Creator: John T. Dunlop
- Item 5: Information relating to the Sardis Building Trades Agreement of CDLIX for the University of Illinois ILIR Program, Undated

- Item 6: "Industrial Relations in the Construction Industry", 1955

- Creator: G.W. Bertram, S.J. Maisel
- Item 7: "Report of a Study on Labour Relations in the Construction Industry in New Brunswick", August, 1968

- Creator: Ronald G. Storey
- Folder 14: Collective Bargaining - Electrical Equipment and Appliance Industry, ca. 1987

- Box 11

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Electronics Industry

- Item 1: A Practical Approach to Labor Relations, October 12, 1960

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 2: Addresses by Virgil B. Day, Vice President of Management Development and Employee Relations, General Electric., 1963-1967

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 1: Labor-Management Relations and Economic Growth: The Role of Industry, December 5, 1963

- Address before the Congress of American Industry National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 2: Labor Management Relations in a Newly Competitive World, February 14, 1964

- Address before 1964 Midwinter Personnel Conference American Management Association
- Item 3: Truth in Bargaining and Free Speech: A General Electric View, February 4, 1965

- Address before the Cincinnati Personnel Association and Society for the Advancement of Management
- Item 4: Management Freedom and Responsibilities: Some Industrial Relations Issues, January 26, 1966

- Address before the Kansas City Personnel Management Association
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining - A Look Ahead, January 9, 1967

- Seminar Program Remarks, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 6: Pressures on Management and Management's Own Initiatives: A Two-Way Street, September 27, 1967

- Remarks delivered at the 20th Annual Roundtable Conference, Industrial Relations Committee of the Edison Electric Institute
- Item 3: Collective Bargaining and the "Suffocating Blanket", April 14, 1965

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 4: Materials on Boulwarism from GE

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 5: Westinghouse Industrial Relations, 1936-1937

- Creator: Westinghouse Co.
- Item 6: Industrial Relations Source Material: Employee Relations Newsletter and Report for Managers

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 7: General Electric Corp. Employee Relations News, January 1964 - December 1966

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Engineers

- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Farm Laborers

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining--Farm Laborers--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Government Employees

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining--Government Employees--Glossary

- Item 2: What public management can learn from the private sector, June 24, 1967

- Creator: Martin Wagner, Director of the UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Maine Collective Bargaining Contract Analysis: Municipal Sector, 1980

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Ed., Univ. of Maine at Orono
- Item 4: Citations to News Items about Public Employee Bargaining in Illinois

- Item 5: Public employee organization and bargaining in states without comprehensive legislation, February 27, 1973

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: The Emergence of Collective Bargaining in Local Government, April 15, 1980

- Creator: Paul F. Gerhart, Case Western Reserve Univ.
- Item 7: Employee Relations Workshop

- Creator: Public Employers' Association of Illinois
- Item 8: Public Sector Bargaining: Policy and Practice, Fall 1980

- Creator: Peter Feuille and John C. Anderson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: The Impact of Collective Bargaining on Park and Recreation Districts, September 15 and 16, 1978

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 10: Part Two: The Impact of Collective Bargaining on Park and Recreation Districts, October 1 and 2, 1978

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: Labor Relations and Disputes Settlement in the Public Service: Japan, February 1984

- Creator: Dr. Kazutoshi Kishiro, Economics Dept., Yokohama Natl. Univ.
- Item 12: Labour Relations in the Public Service and the Impact of Union Activity on Public Administration's Actual Organization and Functioning, March 1985

- Creator: Dr. Kazutoshi Kishiro, Economics Dept., Yokohama Natl. Univ.
- Item 13: Proseminar in Public Sector Labor Relations, June 8-9, 1978

- Creator: Northern Illinois Univ. Center for Governmental Studies
- Item 14: Steward Training and Collective Bargaining for State, County and Municipal Employees, September 1962, revised March 1963

- Creator: Joseph S. Smolen, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 15: Collective Bargaining for Public Employees: Problems from the Viewpoint of State and Local Govt. Agencies, December 9, 1966

- Creator: Frank P. Zeidler, Public Administration Consultant
- Item 16: Collective Bargaining in State and Local Government, March 29-31, 1973

- Creator: School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michgan State Universy; Institute of Labor and Industrial Relaions, Wayne State/Univ. of Michigan; The American Asembly, Columbia Univ.
- Item 17: Report from Serbia, 1985

- Creator: Jack G. Day
- Item 18: Collective Bargaining for State and Local Public Employees, December 9, 1966

- Creator: Illinois State AFL-CIO and UIUC ILIR
- Item 19: Collective Bargaining by State Governments in the Twelve Midwestern States, December 1974

- Creator: Milton Derber, Peter Pashler and Mary Beth Ryan, UIUC ILIR
- Box 12

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Government Employees (cont.)

- Item 1: Who Bargains for the Employer at the County Level?, no date

- Creator: Paper by James Baird; attorney at Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson
- Item 2: Public Sector Labor Law and Collective bArgaining, 1987

- Creator: Labor Education and Research Service
- Item 3: Labor Relations for Supervisors and Managers in the Michigan Civil Service System, March 4, 1986

- Creator: Lawrence J. Poe and Theodore H. Curry II, Scuhhol of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State Univ.
- Item 4: The Other Fourteen Percent: Public Employees as Workers and Citizens in the US, circa 1965

- Creator: Al Bilik, pres., Cincinnati Central Labor Union
- Item 5: Public Sector Concession Bargaining: Lessons for the Private Sector, December 1982

- Creator: Prof. David Lewin, Columbia Univ.
- Item 6: Unionization of Institutions: A Therapeutic Event, 1970

- Creator: Dr.s Charles C. Cleland and Floyd S. Brandt
- Item 7: Problems of a State Public Employment Relations Law in Practice, circa 1965

- Creator: Robert G. Howlett, Chairman of the Michigan Labor Relations Board
- Item 8: The Present Status of Municipal Employee Negotiations in Iowa

- Creator: Tom Gilroy and Richard Simon
- Item 9: Labor Relations in State and Local Governments, 1970

- Creator: Prof. Felix Nigro, Political Science Dept. , Univ. of Georgia at Athens
- Item 10: Collective Bargaining in the Public Service: A Reappraisal, 1972

- Creator: Organized by Prof. Felix Nigro
- Item 11: Collective Bargaining? Professional Negotiations?, circa 1968

- Creator: Cook County Educational Digest
- Item 12: Public Employee Union Contracts, June 6, 1945

- Creator: A.E. Garey, civil servce counsel, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
- Item 13: Union Agreements in Municipal Employment, Febraruy 1948

- Creator: Rollin B. Posey, dean and prof. of Political Science, Northwestern Univ.
- Item 14: Labor Relations in Public Employment, April 19, 1958 and February 7, 1959

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California at Berkeley
- Item 15: The US Experience in Collective Bargaining in Public Employment, August 22, 1966

- Creator: Arvid Anderson, commissioner of the Wisconsin Employment Relations Board
- Item 16: Collective Dealing by Units of Local Government in Connecticut, May 1960

- Creator: Robert L. Stutz, Labor-Management Institute, Univ. of Connecticut
- Item 17: Public Employee Unionization in Texas, 1962

- Creator: Prof. Chester A Newland, Univ. of Texas
- Item 18: New Patterns for Bargaining in the Public Service, June 12, 1967

- Creator: Saul Frankel, vice dean of social sciences, McGill Univ.
- Item 19: A Management View of Public Management Responsibilities (negotiating at the Local Government Level)

- Creator: Robert C. Garnier, City Personnel Director, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 20: Government Labor Relations in the United States: Some Issues and Alternatives, October 21, 1969

- Creator: Prof. Martin Wagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 21: Municipal Collective Bargaining: A Model an Analysis of Bargaining Outcomes, June 1976

- Creator: James B. Dworkin and Stuart A. Youngblood
- Item 22: Some Impacts of Collective Bargaining on Local Government: A Diversity Thesis

- Creator: Raymond D. Horton, David Lewkin and James W. Kuhn, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University
- Item 23: Public-Private Sector Multi-Employer Collective Bargaining: The Role of the Employer Representative, June 1971

- Creator: Cyrus F. Smythe, Jr., Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 24: Future Developments in the Public Service and the Implications for the Trade Union Movement, October 10, 1973

- Creator: Rudolf Meidner
- Item 25: Collective Bargaining in American Government, May 1972

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, UCLA
- Item 26: Collective Bargaining in the Quasi-Public Sector: A Survey of Policies and Practices in the United States, 1969

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derper, UIUC ILIR
- Item 27: State Legislation Affecting Labor Relations in State and Local Government, 1968

- Creator: James E. Young and Betty L. Brewer, Kent State Univ.
- Item 28: Labor-Management Conflict in Local Government -- What Lies Ahead?, June 1970

- Creator: Louis Ancel
- Item 29: Collective Bargaining and Dispute Settlement in the Public an Private Sectores: A review and evaluation, July 31, 1969

- Creator: Harold S. Roberts and John B. Ferguson, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Hawaii
- Item 30: An Overview of Recent Developments in Public Employee Bargaining, August 15, 1962

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derper, UIUC ILIR
- Item 31: Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector, April 8, 1970

- Creator: E. Wight Bakke, prof. of Economics, Yale Univ.
- Item 32: New York State Public Employment Labor Relations, April 1968

- Creator: edited and compiled by Edward Levin
- Item 33: Problems of Employment and Industrial Relations in the Public Sector, November 1971

- Creator: Guy Routh, prof. of Univ. of Sussex
- Item 34: Analysis of the 1968 New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act, April 14, 1971

- Creator: Leon J. Loichle
- Item 35: Canadian Review: Vol.2, No.2, July - December 1969

- Creator: Canadian International Center of Research and Information on Public and Cooperative Economy
- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining--Government Employees--Bibliographies

- Box 13

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Government Employees (federal)

- Item 1: A Manual for Employee-Management Cooperation in the Federal Service, August 1964

- Creator: Edited by Harold S. Roberts
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining and the Federal Civil Service, 1964

- Creator: B.V.H. Schneider, Univ. of California
- Item 3: Collective Bargaining, no date

- Creator: American Federation of Government Employees
- Item 4: Unionism in Federal Employment, no date

- Creator: Dr. Louis L. Friedland, prof. of Political Science, Wayne State Univ.
- Item 5: Federal Labor-Management Relations: A Program in Evolution, Spring 1972

- Creator: Robert E. Hampton
- Item 6: Section 7106: Management Rights. A Qualitative and Statistical Analysis of the Negation of Feceral Sector Collective Bargaining under the Civil Service Reform Act, July 11, 1991

- Creator: Cole A. Meisinger
- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Government Employees (state)

- Item 1: Labor-Mnagement Relations in the Illinois State Service, 1954

- Creator: Richard C. McFadden, UIUC ILIR and Institute of Government and Public Affairs
- Item 2: New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations, 1986

- Creator: Prof. Harry F. Stark, Rutgers Univ. Institute of Management and Labor Relations
- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Govt. Regulation and Policy

- Item 1: The Role of the State in Collective Bargaining, September 1960

- Creator: Joseph Shister, Prof. and Chairman of Industrial Relations, Univ. of Buffalo
- Item 2: Proceedings of the Conference on Labor Law, November 28-29, 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and College of Law
- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Hospitals

- Item 1: Issues Confronting Unionized Health Care Workers: Report of the Health Care Employee Union Representative Conference, March 10-12, 1985

- Creator: edited by Ronald J. Peters and Neil Vandevord
- Item 2: Unionization and the Health-Care Industry: Hospital and Nursing Home Employee Union Leaders' Conference Report, August 1980

- Creator: edited by Ronald J. Peters, Helen Elkiss and Helen T. Higgins
- Item 3: Hospitals and Collective Bargaining, March 1959

- Creator: Illinois Nurses Association
- Item 4: Labor-Management Relations in the Health Care Industry in the Chicago Area, October 1981

- Creator: Frank A. Marcin
- Folder 5: Collective Bargaining--Hospitals--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Issues

- Item 1: Babies and Bargaining: Working Parents Take Action, Novembe 1987

- Creator: by Mindy Fried
- Item 2: Outline of UAW-CIO Collective Bargaining for Supplementary Security Programs, March 1949

- Creator: UAW-CIO
- Item 3: Formulation of Social Security pRograms under Collective Bargaining, January 1949

- Creator: UAW-CIO
- Item 4: Collective Bargaining and Social Security, January 31, 1950

- Creator: Prof. Arthur M. Ross, Univ. of California
- Item 5: Library Trends: Employee Organizations and Collective Bargaining in Libraries, October 1976

- Creator: edited by Margaret A. Chaplan
- Folder 7: Collective Bargaining - Libraries

- Item 1: Employee Relations in Libraries: The Current Scene, November 10, 1974

- Creator: Archie Kleingartner, prof. of industrial relations, UCLA and Jean R. Kennelly, prof. of Librarianship, Univ. of Washington
- Item 2: Academic Librarian Contract Clauses, various

- Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - Meat Packing Industry

- Item 1: History of Vienna Sausage Mfg. Co., Inc., no date

- Creator: Terry Nolen
- Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Metal Products Industry

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining in US Metalworking, September 1970

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 10: Collective Bargaining - Metropolitan Transportation Industry

- Folder 11: Collective Bargaining--Metropolitan Transportation Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Collective Bargaining - Mining Industry

- Folder 13: Collective Bargaining - Missiles and Space Industry

- Folder 14: Collective Bargaining--Motion Picture Industry--Bibliography

- Box 14

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Petroleum Industry

- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Multi-Unit

- Item 1: Towards a European System of Collective Bargaining? Perspectives before and after Maastricht, June 30, 1994

- Creator: Berndt Keller
- Item 2: Experience Under National Wage Agreements: The Bituminous Coal and Flint Glass Industries of West Virginia, June 1953

- Creator: Gerald G. Somers
- Item 3: Wide-area Coordinated Employer Bargaining: The Solution to the Major Problems in the Construction Industry?, 1976

- Creator: David F. Jasinski
- Item 4: Unions and Multinational Companies, 1984

- Creator: Klaus von Beyme
- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining--Multi-Unit--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Newspaper Industry

- Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Performing Arts

- Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Physicians and Surgeons

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining and the Young Doctor, January 15, 1972

- Folder 7: Collective Bargaining - Policemen

- Item 1: Hostility and Conflict Spiral: A Study of Police and Firefighter Negotiations, 1981

- Creator: Peter Daniel Sherer
- Folder 8: Collective Bargaining--Policemen--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Procedures

- Item 1: Bargaining Committee Training, December 14-16, 1999

- Creator: Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Extension
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining: Procedures and Issues for Labor Unions, revised 1973

- Creator: Herman Erickson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Negotiating the Labor Contract, March 18, 1947

- Creator: Franzy Eakin, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Collective Bargaining: The terms and procedures which are used, no date

- Creator: Margaret W. Dagen
- Item 5: Computer Assistance in Labor-Management Negotiations, April 1981

- Creator: Niall M. Fraser and Keith W. Hipel, dept. of Systems Design Engineering, Univ. of Waterloo, Ontario
- Box 15

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Professional Employees

- Item 1: Bibliography, Spring 1982

- Creator: Mary Pat O'Connell
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining for Professional and Technical Employees, May 20-21, 1965

- Creator: hosted by UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Unions of Professionals: Prototypes for coming decades?, no date

- Creator: George W. Zinke and Earl Madsen, Center for Labor Education and Research, Univ. of Colorado
- Item 4: The Nursing Profession and Economic Security, no date

- Creator: Herbert Blumer, Univ of California at Berkeley
- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining--Professional Employees--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Professors and Instructors

- Item 1: AAP Almanac 2001: A Compendium of Information for Academic Professionals at UIUC, 2001

- Creator: Assn. of Academic Professionals
- Item 2: A Comparison of Economic and Non-Economic Factors in Predicting Faculty Vote Preference in a Union Representation Election, no date

- Creator: Mary D. Zalesny, Dept. of Psychology, Michigan State Univ.
- Item 3: Developing Trends of Faculty Unionism in Higher Education, 1977

- Creator: Dean W. Collinwood, Dept. of Education, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 4: Report of the Committee on General Policy, February 21, 1968

- Creator: Chicago Circle Fed. Of Teachers
- Item 5: Report of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee to study the Question of Faculty Collective Bargaining, February 11, 1980

- Creator: UIUC
- Item 6: The Determination of the Appropriate Collective Bargaining Unit in Higher Education: NLRB vs. Michigan Employment Relations Commission

- Creator: Martin Jay Galvin
- Item 7: Faculty Pay Negotiations, August 1973

- Creator: Hilary W. Moore, Univ. Office of Nonacademic Personnel
- Item 8: Administrative Employee Job Satisfaction and Collective Bargaining: The Case of Higher Education, July 1974

- Creator: Paul F. Gerhart and Charles Maxey, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, October 29, 1970

- Creator: Milton Derber and Martin Wagner, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining--Professors and Instructors--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Public Utilities

- Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Radio and TV Broadcasting

- Folder 7

- Item 1: Frustrations in the face of Victory, June 1972

- Creator: Ronald J. Zabinski
- Item 2: Deregulation and Labor Relations Outcomes in the Regional Railroad Industry, May 18, 1989

- Creator: Laurence J. Pearlman
- Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - Retail Stores

- Folder 9: Collective Bargaining--Retail Stores--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Collective Bargaining - Shipping Industry

- Item 1: A Study of Comparative Industrial Relations Systems on the Sydeny and San Francisco Waterfronts; a proposal for continuing research in the United States and Australia

- Creator: Frank Stevens, Economics Dept., Univ . Of California Riverside
- Folder 11: Collective Bargaining - Simulations

- Folder 12: Collective Bargaining--Simulations--Bibliographies

- Box 16

- Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Social Workers

- Item 1: Labor Relations and the Unionization of Professional Social Workers: A Neglected Area in Social Work Education, March 1, 1977

- Creator: Gary L. Shaffer, prof., UIUC School of Social Work
- Item 2: Social Work Unionization: Current Perceptions and Contract Trends, 1983

- Creator: Gary L. Shaffer and Kathleen Ahearn, UIUC School of Social Work
- Item 3: Preparation of Social Workers for Unionization an Collective Bargaining Practice, 1983

- Creator: Gary L. Shaffer and Kathleen Ahearn, UIUC School of Social Work
- Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Steel Industry

- Item 1: Living the First Labor Agreement: A Case History, May 11, 1966

- Creator: Harry Olson
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining in the Basic Steel Industry: An Analysis of the 1971 Steel Negotiations, Fall 1971

- Creator: Terry R. Hindmarch
- Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Teachers

- Item 1: Professionalism, Unionism and Collective Negotiation: Teacher Negotiations Experience in California, July 1970

- Creator: James A. Craft
- Folder 4: Collective Bargaining--Teachers--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Telecommunications Industry

- Item 1: Labor-Management Relations in the Telephone Industry, January 10, 1949

- Creator: Robert Leopold
- Item 2: Wage Structure in the Telephone Industry, 1943

- Creator: Melvin K. Bers
- Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Textile Industry

- Item 1: Causes of Industrial Peace under Collective Bargaining, 1953

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 2: Labor Relations in the United States Textile Industry, 1957

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 3: Taft-Hartleyism in Southern States: Feudalism with a new face, October 9, 1950

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Folder 7: Collective Bargaining--Textile Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - Transportation Industry

- Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Trucking Industry

- Item 1: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City: Case Study No.4 - Trucking

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Documents used in negotation of Central State On-the-road Motor Freight Agreement, 1949, 1949

- Creator: Stephens, Cannon, Bieberstein & Cooper, Attorneys at Law
- Folder 10: Collective Bargaining Unit

- Item 1: IELRB Decisions Define Scope of Representation Procedures, no date

- Creator: Illinois Education Labor Relations Board
- Item 2: Industrializing the Construction Workforce, October 1976

- Creator: Frederick J. Ruppel
- Folder 11: Collective Bargaining Unit--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Collective Bargaining - Railroad Industry

- Folder 13: Collective Labor Agreements

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining: The Legal Enforceability of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, March 1945

- Creator: National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 2: The Collective Bargaining Agreement on Paper and in Practice, no date

- Creator: Milton Derber, W.E. Chalmers and Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Sardis Building Trades Agreement [text of the oldest known collective bargaining agreement, ~459 AD], January 14, 1980

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Folder 14: Collective Labor Agreements--Bibliographies

- Box 17

- Folder 1: Collective Labor Agreements - Administration

- Folder 2: Collective Labor Agreements - Canada

- Folder 3: Collective Labor Agreements - Provisions

- Item 1: Some Sample Provisions sor Collective Bargaining Agreements, 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Bargaining on Women's Issues and Family Concerns: Clauses from ACTWU Contracts, November 1990

- Creator: Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union
- Item 3: Selected Clauses from Police Collective Bargaining Agreements, 1973, circa 1973

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Determinants of Negotiated Agreements for Public School Teachers, Fall 1979

- Creator: Univ. of Kansas School of Business
- Item 5: A Statistical Analysis of Agreements in California Local Govt., 1979

- Creator: Univ. of California Berkeley Institute of Industrial Relations
- Item 6: Memorandum of Understanding between the State of Illinois and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, July 22, 1977

- Creator: Illinois and Amer. Fed. Of State, County and Municipal Employees
- Item 7: Method of Indexing Provisions of Collective Labor Agreements, circa 1963

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, California Institute of Technology
- Item 8: An Analysis of Teacher-School Board Agreements in Nineteen Southwestern Michigan Communities, circa 1967-1968

- Creator: Ilse H. Burke, Kalamazoo College, MI
- Item 9: Collective Bargaining Agreements in New Jersey Educational Institutions, January 1970

- Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Folder 4: Collective Labor Agreements - Ratification

- Item 1: The Contract Rejection Problem, January 5, 1972

- Creator: Jean Russo
- Folder 5: Collective Labor Agreements--Ratification--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: College Graduates in Industry

- Item 1: The Effects of Educational Attainment on Labor Market Experiences, circa 1972

- Creator: Robert E. Allen and Thomas G. Gutteridge
- Item 2: The Surplus of College Graduates, Spring 1971

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 7: College Graduates in Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Color in Industry* (refers to the colors which work environments are painted, and the effect on safety, communication, etc.)

- Folder 9: Communication in Industry

- Item 1: Cross-Cultural Perspecives - Context: Internal and External Environments, no date

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, UIUC and Rosita D. Albert Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 2: Communications in Business and Industry, March 1, 1949

- Creator: summary of a conference with operating executives of Johnson & Johnson, Inc.
- Item 3: The Union Leader as a Communicator, 1964, reprinted 1982

- Creator: Prof. Halbert E. Gulley, UIUC ILIR
- Box 18

- Folder 1: Communication in Industry (cont.)

- Item 1: Second Meeting of the Industrial Communication Council, July 30 - August 3, 1956

- Creator: Cornell Univ.
- Item 2: Communication in Industry (A Study of Principles and Current Practices), January 1949

- Creator: Esso Standard Oil Company
- Item 3: Transmitting Information through management and union channels: Two Case Studies, 1949

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Item 4: Proceedings of the Conference on Improving Communications, May 17, 1956

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, San Jose State College
- Folder 2: Communication in Industry: Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Community Relations

- Item 1: Elements of a Steel Company's Community Relations Program, no date

- Creator: American Iron and Steel Institute
- Item 2: Preparing a Community Profile: The Methodology of a Social Reconaissance, May 1952

- Creator: Bureau of Community Service, Univ. of Kentucky
- Item 3: The Public Responsibility of Big Companies, November 8, 1948

- Creator: Address by Eugene Holman, pres., Standard Oil Co.
- Item 4: Fourth Annual Seminar in Community Relations for Business and Industry, July 23-27, 1956

- Creator: Cornell Univ.
- Item 5: Community Relations for Business and Industry, July 18-22, 1955

- Creator: Cornell Univ.
- Folder 4: Community Relations--Bibloigraphies

- Folder 5: Company Unions

- Item 1: The Company Union in Plan and Practice

- Folder 6: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act

- Folder 7: Conference Method

- Item 1: The Union Leader as a Communicator, July 1958

- Creator: Steelworkers Summer Institute, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: How to Run a Conference, no date

- Creator: Anne H. Nelson, Institute of Women and Work, Cornell Univ.
- Folder 8: Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

- Box 19

- Folder 1: Construction Industry

- Item 1: Dango Comes to Kentucky, December 1990

- Creator: Kentucky State Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Blacks in The Construction Trades and Effect on Connecticut Economy, June 1970

- Creator: Labor Education Center, Univ. of Connecticut
- Item 3: Manpower in Construction: A Profile of the Industry and Projections to 1975, April 1968

- Creator: J.T. Dunlop and D. Q. Mills, Harvard Univ.
- Item 4: Cisco, Construction News Briefs, 2012-16

- Creator: Construction Industry Service Corporation
- Folder 2: Construction Industry: Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Consultants

- Folder 4: Convict Labor

- Item 1: Sunfighter, Vol.2, No.4, July-August 1974

- Item 2: The Outlaw Vol.3, No.5, August-September 1974

- Folder 5: Cooperative Enterprises

- Item 1: Self-Management in Kibbutz Industry: Organizational Patterns and Psychological Effects, no date

- Creator: Menahem Rosner, Center for Social Research on the Kibbutz Givat Chaviva
- Item 2: Ideology and Organization - the Case of Kibbutz Industrialization, no date

- Creator: Menachem Rosner and Michal Palgi, Institute for Research and Study of the Kibbutz and the Cooperative Idea
- Folder 6: Cost and Standard of Living

- Item 1: Irreversability of Consumer Behavior in Terms of Numerical Preference Fields, December 1964

- Creator: Kotaro Tsujimura and Tamotsu Sato, Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
- Item 2: Consumption: Key to Full Prosperity, circa 1957

- Creator: Conference on Economic Progress
- Item 3: Family Budget Data and the Market Analysis, 1961

- Creator: K. Tsujimura, Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
- Item 4: A Study of the Honolulu Consumer Price Index, 1960

- Item 5: Intercity Wage and Cost-of-Living Differentials in the United States, 1889-1939, April 1974

- Creator: Lonny L. Wilson, William Penn College
- Item 6: Labor and Taxes, 1967

- Creator: Allan J. Harrison and Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: CPI and Consumer Expenditure Forms, no date

- Item 8: Prices and Earnings Around the Globe, 1979-1980

- Creator: Union Bank of Switzerland
- Folder 7: Cost and Standard of Living--Bibliographies

- Box 20

- Folder 1: Cost-Saving Incentive Plans

- Item 1: Social Services and Work: Initiation of Social Workers into Labor and Industry Settings

- Folder 2: Employee Counseling Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Credit Unions

- Item 1: Credit Union Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Decertification

- Item 1: Decertification in Mass Transit: A Case Study Analysis of the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District and the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1090, May 6, 1945

- Creator: Sally Obringer
- Folder 5: Decision Making

- Item 1: Bounded Rationality, Ambiguity and the Engineering of Choice, October 1977

- Creator: James G. March
- Folder 6: Decision Making--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Disability Benefits

- Item 1: Report of the Univ. of Illinois Committee on Accident Compensation, July 1, 1961 - June 30, 1962

- Creator: UIUC Committee on Accident Compensation
- Folder 8: Disability Insurance

- Item 1: State Disability Insurance 1951, April 1951

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Stability
- Item 2: Provision for Permanent Disability, May 1948

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Stability
- Folder 9: Disability Insurance--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Disadvantaged Workers

- Item 1: Help Wanted or is it? A look at white collar job inequalities for minorities and women, no date

- Creator: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Item 2: Employment Reports by the National Alliance of Businessmen, 1971, 1971-1972, 1973, 1984 and 1985

- Creator: National Alliance of Businessmen
- Item 3: Black and White Hardcore ahnd Middle Class Subjective Cultures: a Cross-Validation, April 1972

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, David Weldon and Jack Feldman, Univ. of Illinois
- Folder 11: Discharges

- Item 1: Termination of Employment Relationships: Legal Situation in the Member States of the European Union, April 1997

- Creator: European Commission
- Item 2: Retaliatory Discharge: Whether the Illinois Supreme Court Should Allow the Unionized Employee to Sue in Tort for Retaliatory Discharge, October 7, 1983

- Creator: Helen T. Higgins
- Folder 12: Discharges--Bibliographies

- Box 21

- Folder 1: Discipline

- Item 1: Discipline and Discharge in the United States Postal Service: Adverse Action and Appeal, no date

- Creator: Harry R. Blaine, Eugene C. Hagburg and Frederick A. Zeller
- Item 2: Industrial Relations in Supervision: Discipline, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: What a Foreman Should Know About Constructive Discipline, 1965

- Creator: The Dartnell Corporation
- Folder 2: Discrimination in Employment

- Item 1: Multinational Firms, National Culture and Employment Discrimination, September 1994

- Creator: John J. Lawler, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
- Item 2: Work Design as an Approach to Person-Environment Fit, 1987

- Creator: Carol T. Kulik of Carnegie Mellon Univ., Greg R. Oldham of UIUC and J. Richard Hackman of Harvard
- Item 3: Double Standard on Appeal: An empirical analysis of employment discrimination cases in the US Courts of Appeals, July 16, 2001

- Creator: Theodore Eisenberg and Stewart J. Schwab, Cornell Univ. Law School
- Item 4: Physical Attractiveness: Effects on Selection, April 18, 1999

- Creator: Scott D. Rozzi, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
- Item 5: The Aye of the Beholder: Susceptibility to Sexism and Beautyism in the Evaluation of Managerial Applicants, 1985

- Creator: Thomas F. Cash and Robert N. Kilcullen, Old Dominion Univ.
- Item 6: Citizens First: Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men in the European Union, no date

- Creator: Information Programme for the European Citizen
- Item 7: Adam and Even, 1972

- Creator: Elizabeth Blake
- Item 8: Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO Seminar on Sexual Harassment, May 19, 1993

- Creator: Transport Wkrs. Union of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 9: The Impact of Sexism and Racism on Employment Status and Earnings, with Addendum, no date

- Creator: Jessie Bernard, Research Scholar Honoris Causa, Pennsylvania State Univ.
- Item 10: The Social Construction of Organizational Tokens, no date

- Creator: Thomas Reed et al., Texas A&M Univ.
- Item 11: Black Labor, the NLRB and the Developing Law of Equal Employment Opportunity, April 1975

- Creator: NAACP
- Item 12: Step by Step: Affirmative Action for Women, 1971

- Creator: A Womanpower Publication
- Item 13: Human Relations in Chicago: Reports of Commissions and Charter of Human Resources, October-November, 1945

- Creator: Chicago Conference on Home Front Unity, Mayor's Committee on Race Relations
- Item 14: The Negro's Stake in the Future of American Industry, possibly circa 1950

- Creator: Mark Starr, Educational Directory, Intl. Ladies Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 15: Memo from the US Postal Service Labor Law Div. to employee relations directors regarding recent appelate court rulings, January 27, 1976

- Creator: United States Postal Service
- Item 16: Discrimination Against Women: Theory and Evidence, April 1982

- Creator: Prof. Francine D. Blau, UIUC ILIR
- Item 17: A Test of Human Capital Theory and an Indirect Estimate of Discrimination - the Travel Agent Occupation, November 14, 1988

- Creator: Rose Marie Schmidt
- Item 18: Compound Discrimination: The Interaction of Race and Sex in Employment Discrimination, November 1980

- Creator: Prof. Elaine W. Shoben, UIUC Law School
- Item 19: Race Discrimination in Employment: What Price Equality?, 1976

- Creator: Harry T. Edwards
- Item 20: From Discrimination to Affirmative Action: Public Attitudes 1935-1977, circa 1977

- Creator: Seymour Martin Lipset and William Schneider
- Item 21: Developing Concepts in Anti-Discrimination Law, September 29, 1976

- Creator: Prof. Kenneth T. Lopatka, UIUC Law School
- Item 22: Merit Employment in Chicago, February 1956

- Creator: Mayor's Committee on Community Welfare, subcommittee on Employment and Community Service
- Item 23: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: Negro Employment in the Birmingham Metropolitan Area, April 1954

- Creator: National Planning Assoication
- Item 24: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: 3 Southern Plants of Intl. Harvester Company, September 1953

- Creator: National Planning Assoication
- Item 25: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: 4 Studies of Negro Employment in the Upper South, October 1953

- Creator: National Planning Assoication
- Item 26: Cracking the Color Line

- Creator: Congress of Racial Equality
- Item 27: We Open the Gates: Labor's Fight for Equality, September 1958

- Creator: National Labor Service
- Box 22

- Folder 1: Discrimination in Employment (cont.)

- Item 1: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: 2 Plants-Little Rock, 3 Companies-New Orleans Area, May 1954

- Creator: National Planning Association
- Item 2: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: Negro Employment Practices in the Chattanooga Area, December 1954

- Creator: National Planning Association
- Item 3: Report of Progress, 1957

- Creator: New York State Commission Against Discrimination
- Item 4: The War's Greatest Scandal! The Story of Jim Crow in Uniform, 1943

- Creator: March on Washington Movement
- Item 5: Recent Development in Employment Discrimination Based on National Origin, April 1978

- Creator: John D. Blackburn, Ohio State Univ.
- Item 6: Unemployment Among Negroes, March 1958

- Creator: Chicago Urban League Report
- Item 7: Report on Eighteen State Anti-Discrimination Agencies and the Laws they Administer, November 1959

- Creator: Commission on Law and Social Action of the American Jewish Congress
- Item 8: A View from the National Labor Relations Board, April 11, 1974

- Creator: Remarks of Edward B. Miller before the Kansas City Bar Assn.
- Item 9: Five Years of Progress: 1953 - 1958, 1958

- Creator: Report to President Eisenhower by the President's Committee on Government Contracts
- Item 10: The Influence of Discrimination on Minority Group Members in its relation to Attempts to Combat Discrimination, June 1948

- Creator: Gerhart Saenger, New York Univ. and Norma S. Gordon, New School for Social Research
- Item 11: Some Factors Influencing Union Racial Practices, December 1961

- Creator: Ray Marshall, Louisiana State Univ.
- Item 12: The trend since 1944 on The Color Line in Industry, December 1951

- Creator: The Public Opnion Index for Industry
- Item 13: Reducing the Pervasiveness of Discrimination, no date

- Creator: Prof. Barbara R. Bergman, Economics Dept., Univ. of Maryland
- Item 14: Customer Reactions to the Integration of Negro Sales Personnel, no date

- Creator: Gerhart Saenger, New York Univ. and Emily Gilbert, Columbia Univ.
- Item 15: The Negro Wants Full Equality, 1944

- Creator: Roy Wilkins, NAACP
- Item 16: A More Productive Role for the Negro in the South's Economy, no date

- Creator: W. Ellison Chalmers
- Item 17: Testimony of Herbert Hill, Labor Secretary, NAACP before the New York City Commission on Human Rights, September 26, 1966

- Creator: NAACP
- Item 18: Intergroup Relations Within Labor and Industry, 1949

- Creator: National Conference of Christians and Jews
- Folder 2: Discrimination in Employment--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Dismissal Compensation

- Folder 4: Dismissal Compensation--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Labor Disputes

- Item 1: The Pacific Coast Longshoremen's Strike of 1934: Statement of Waterfront Employers Union President Thomas G. Plant of San Francisco to the National Longshoremen's Board, July 11, 1934

- Creator: Waterfront Employers Union of San Francisco and Natinoal Longshoremen's Board
- Folder 6: Labor Disputes--Adjustment Procedures

- Item 1: ADR in the Public Sector: The Case of Illinois, May 1986

- Creator: Miriam K. Mills, New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Item 2: Impasse Resolution in the Police and Fire Services, December 5, 1975

- Creator: Raymond M. Forster
- Box 23

- Folder 1: Labor Disputes--Adjustment Procedures (cont.)

- Item 1: Original ENA Agreement, no date

- Folder 7: Labor Disutes--Adjustment Procedures--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Domestic Service Employees

- Folder 9: Domestic Service Employees--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Donations

- Folder 11: Drug Abuse

- Folder 12: Drug Free Workplace Act (1988)

- Folder 13: Earnings

- Item 1: The Effects of Metropolitan Job Growth on the Size Distribution of Family Income, June 1991

- Creator: Timothy J. Bartik, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
- Folder 14: Economic Aspects of Education

- Item 1: Does the Human Capital/Educationa. Sorting Debate Matter for Development Policy?, April 1992

- Creator: Kevin Lang, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
- Item 2: Postsecondary Education as Triage: Returns to Academic and Technical Programs, June 1992

- Creator: Kevin Hollenbeck, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
- Item 3: Education: The Key to Job Market Success, 1990

- Creator: Dr. Janet L. Norwood
- Item 4: How Convincing is the Evidence Linking Education and Income?, 1991

- Creator: Orley Ashenfelter
- Item 5: Education and the Decline of the American Economy: Guilty or Not?, 1989

- Creator: Clark Kerr
- Item 6: Levels of Nineteenth Century American Investment in Education, 1967

- Creator: Albert Fishlow, Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ of California at Berkeley
- Item 7: Planning Models of Education Requirements for Economic Development, September 1963

- Creator: J. Tinbergen, L. Emmerij, J. Blum and G. Williams,
- Folder 15: Economic Development

- Item 1: Does Schooling Cause Growth or the Other Way Around?, September 1997

- Creator: Prof. Mark Bils, Economics Dept., Univ. of Rochester and NBER and Peter J. Klenow, Graduate School of Business, Univ. of Chicago and NBER
- Item 2: Toward a Service-oriented Growth Strategy, 1981

- Creator: Prof. Werner Baer, UIUC and Prof. Larry Samuelson, Syracuse Univ.
- Item 3: Technology, Employment and Development: Empirical Findings, 1976

- Creator: Prof. Werner Baer, UIUC
- Item 4: Competitiveness Index 1990, circa 1990

- Creator: Council on Competitiveness
- Item 5: Science Education and Economic Growth, no date

- Creator: Ingvar Svennilson, prof. of Economics, Univ. of Stockholm
- Item 6: Political Community and Group Interests in Modern India, September 16, 1966

- Creator: Joseph R. Gusfield
- Item 7: Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 1959

- Creator: Hoffman & Campe Verlag
- Item 8: The Role of the Universities in the Economic Development of the West, November 19-21, 1961

- Creator: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
- Item 9: Income Distribution and Ecnomic Development: A Survey, and tests for selected Latin American Cities, October 1973

- Creator: William R. Cline, the Brookings Institution
- Item 10: Relaxation of Tensions Through the Industrialization of Underdeveloped Countries, September 1958

- Creator: P.C. Mahalanobis
- Item 11: Educational Institutions in the Process of Economic and National Development, September 19, 1966

- Creator: Joseph R. Gusfield
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
[Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],