By Joseph Ansel Hoisington
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Vertical Subject File, 1893 - 2019

ID: 35/3/402
Extent: 155.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by subject
Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Chamber of Commerce, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce, United States, Collective Bargaining, Commerce, United States Department of, Commerce and Business Administration, College of, Communism, Economics, Economics Department, Education, Government, Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, Illinois Labor-Management Relations, Immigration, Industrial Democracy, Industrial Relations Research Association, International Labor Organization, International Relations, Labor, United States Department of, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Education, Labor History, Labor Journalism, Labor Relations, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions, Law, Law, College of, Management, New Deal, Political Science, Political Science Department, Psychology Department, Socialism, Social Psychology, Social Security, Sociology, Sociology Department, Strikes, Unions, Wage and Price Controls, War Labor Board, Workmen's Compensation
Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish;Castilian, Russian, Swedish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Labor Library Vertical Subject File (1893 - 2019) contains scholarly, legal, political, journalistic and popular literature about labor relations and related topics collected by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library from labor unions, governments, international organizations, political parties, interest groups and scholars and academic institutions and pertaining to relations between employers and employees, the role of government in maintaining fair labor relations, the rights of workers to organize, the structure and function of labor organizations, and the interaction between labor relations and society.
This series includes source material from eras of labor history which presented unique issues and problems including the Progressive Era, the New Deal, World Wars I and II and Post-war Anticommunism.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Processing Information:
All documents in Boxes 1-8 are listed at the item-level in the finding aid.
For boxes 9-154, the finding aid is a combination of folder-level and item-level description. For these boxes, only selected documents were listed at the item-level. Documents have been selected for item-level description on the basis of factors including age, connection to important historical figures and events, lack of availability elsewhere, connection to now-defunct organizations and movements, and connection to the University of Illinois and the the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.
**Denotes subjects which have additional materials at the end of the record series, in the last boxes.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
[Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],
- Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia

- Box 25

- Folder 1: Education and Business

- Item 1: Undereducated Uncompetitive USA, 1989

- Creator: Corporate Task Force on Education
- Item 2: Who Will Do The Work? A Business Guide for Preparing Tomorrow's Workforce, 1989

- Creator: National Alliance of Business
- Folder 2: Education and Labor

- Item 1: Building Labor-Campus Alliances, November 30 - December 1, 1989

- Creator: Labor/Higher Education Council
- Item 2: Unions and Youth: A Step in the Right Direction, circa 1977

- Creator: Les Cupper, lecturer in Industrial Relations, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia
- Item 3: The Role of Organized Labor in Effecting School Integration, June 21-26, 1955

- Creator: Herbert Hill, Labor Secretary, NAACP
- Item 4: Unions, Education and Employment, December 1972

- Creator: John A. Sessions, AFL-CIO Education Dept.
- Item 5: Proceedings of the National Meeting of the Labor/Higher Edcation Council, September 19-20, 1985

- Creator: Labor/Higher Education Council
- Item 6: Labor and Education: Report of American Federation of Labor Committee on Edeucation on Social Studies in the Public Schools, August 28, 1923

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 7: Labor and Education: A brief outline of the resolutions and pronouncements of the American Federation of Labor in support of the general principles and practices of education from 1881-1938, circa 1938

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 8: Labor and Education: Yearly Convention Reports, 1939-1957

- Creator: American Federation of Labor/AFL-CIO
- Folder 3: Education and Labor--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Educational Assistance

- Item 1: Where are the Women? A Study of Worker Underutilization of Tuition Refund Plans, December 1977

- Creator: Mimi Abramovitz, Project Research Director, New York State School of Industrial Relations
- Item 2: The Economics of a Zero State Funding of EOP Programs at San Diego State Univ., May 15, 1972

- Creator: Waymon Johnson, George Baca and Nancee Williamson, Institute of Labor Economics, Sand Diego State Univ.
- Item 3: Negotiating Educational Opportunities for Workers and Their Families, January 12, 1972

- Creator: Prof. Herbert A. Levine, Director of the Labor Education Center at Rutgers Univ.
- Folder 5: Educational Institutions

- Folder 6: Electronic Data Processing

- Folder 7: Electronics Industry

- Item 1: Perspectives in an Age of Protest, October 2, 1968

- Creator: L.I. Wood, Vice President-Washington Relations, General Electric Co.
- Folder 8: Emergency Employment Act of 1971

- Item 1: Some Questions Concerning Certification of the Disadvantaged under the Emregency Employment Act, Spring 1973

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek and William N. Cook, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Folder 9: Employee Attitudes

- Item 1: Minnesota Studies in Vocational Rehabilitation XII: Manual for the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, October 1967

- Creator: Univ. of Minnesota Industrial Relations Center
- Item 2: Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey, 1975

- Creator: Richard Hackman, Yale Univ. and Greg R. Oldham, UIUC
- Item 3: Employer-Employee Attitudes in Iowa's Economy: Proceedings of the First State Univ. of Iowa Labor-Management Conference, June 22-23, 1951

- Creator: Bureau of Labor and Management, State Univ. of Iowa
- Item 4: Beliefs about an object and the attitude toward that object, circa 1960

- Creator: Martin Fishbein
- Item 5: A Comparative Study on Conceptual Differences between the Japanese and American Workers, 1962

- Creator: Mitsuo Ando, Tohoku Univ., Japan
- Folder 10: Employee Attitudes--Bibliographies

- Folder 11: Employee Attitudes: Surveys

- Item 1: Triple Audit Sample Report to a Firm, August 1954

- Creator: Univ. of Minnesota Industrial Relations Center
- Item 2: Triple Audit: Employee Attitude Scale Development and Preliminary Norms, December 1954

- Creator: Univ. of Minnesota Industrial Relations Center
- Item 3: Final Report on an Employee Attitude Survey of the Illinois Central Railroad, June - August 1950, February 13, 1951

- Creator: David R. Flebbe and Edward V. Wood, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Worker Commitment Interview Schedule, 1957

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Box 26

- Folder 1: Employee Attitudes: Surveys--Bibliographies

- Folder 2: Employee Investigation

- Folder 3: Employee Investigation--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Employee Ownership

- Item 1: Three Existing Democratized Enterprises in the US and Britain, 1972

- Creator: Paul Bernstein
- Item 2: Rath Packing Company Tutorial Research, November 21, 1986

- Creator: John Wallace Roslansky
- Folder 5: Employee Polygraph Protection Act, 1988

- Folder 6: Employee Publications

- Folder 7: Employee Publications--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Employee Representation

- Item 1: Employee Representation: The Story of the Goodyear Industrial Assembly, 1935

- Creator: Hugh Allen
- Item 2: The Goodrich Coopeartive Plan, by and for Factory Employees of B.F. Goodrich Co., October 1, 1935

- Creator: B.F. Goodrich Co.
- Item 3: Works Councils in Germany, March 1951

- Creator: Paul Fisher, Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany
- Item 4: Worker Participation in Management in Israel, with some General Speculations, November 1962

- Creator: Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 9: Employee Representation--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 1974

- Item 1: Memorandum to members of the FMCS (Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service) from the Office of Arbitration Services concerning arbitrators' fiduciary responsibility

- Item 2: Evaluating ERISA, May 1984

- Creator: Beverly M. Klimowski, Intl. Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
- Folder 11: ERISA--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Employers' Associations

- Item 1: A Theory of the Origin and Development of Employer Associations, no date

- Creator: Kenneth M. McCaffree, Univ. of Washington
- Item 2: The Local Chamber of Commerce and Labor Relations, June 23, 1946

- Creator: Henry H. Bolz, Secretary-General Manager, Assn. of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 3: Influences of Employer Bargaining Associations in Manufacturing Firms, no date

- Creator: Max S. Wortman, Jr., Univ. of Iowa
- Folder 13: Employers' Associations--Bibliographies

- Box 27

- Folder 1: Employment

- Item 1: Employment in Europe, 1997

- Creator: European Commission
- Item 2: Forum Special: Jobs Summit, 1997

- Creator: European Commission
- Item 3: Energy, Environment and Jobs, June 11-12, 1981

- Creator: Gladys W. Gruenberg, St. Louis Univ.
- Item 4: Symposium on Full Employment Issues, Energy, Environment and Jobs, June 11-12, 1981

- Creator: International Union of Operating Engineers
- Item 5: Employment and Income of Rural Families in Southern Illinois, August 1954

- Creator: J.E. Wills and Harold L. Koeller, UIUC Agricultural Experiment Station
- Item 6: Schooling and Urban Employment Growh: 1980-1984, December 1987

- Creator: Peter V. Schaeffer and William Sander, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, UIUC
- Folder 2: Employment--Bibliographies

- Item 1: An Indigenous-based Employment Strategy for African Economies: Conceptual Framework and Policy, March 1978

- Creator: Mudiayi Ngandu, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 3: Employment: Africa--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Employment: Arizona

- Folder 5: Employment: California

- Box 28

- Folder 1: Employment: Canada

- Item 1: New Brunswick Labor Force Report, March 1982

- Creator: New Brunswick Labour Market Services Branch, Dept. of Labour and Manpower
- Folder 2: Employment: Developing Countries

- Folder 3: Employment: Engineers

- Item 1: Interdisciplinary Occupational Employment Profiles, no date

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, UIUC
- Item 2: Labor Market Experience for Engineers During Periods of Changing Demand, August 1973

- Creator: Trevor Bain, Queens College of the City Univ. of New York
- Folder 4: Employment: Farm Laborers

- Folder 5: Employment: Georgia

- Folder 6: Employment: Germany

- Item 1: Statistical Report, September 1949

- Creator: Labour Department of the Combined Zones, Allied Occupation
- Item 2: Preliminary Report on Employment and Unemployment, Federal Republic of Germany and Western Berlin, September 1951

- Creator: Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany
- Folder 7: Employment: Great Britain

- Item 1: The Unemployed Problem, The Socialist Solution, December 1892

- Creator: D. Campbell, SDF.
- Item 2: The Trade Unionist and Full Employment, 1955

- Creator: John Vaizey, St. Catherine's College, Cambridge
- Folder 8: Employment: Illinois

- Item 1: Labor Area Trends, Peoria Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, March-August, 1977

- Creator: Illinois State Employment Service
- Item 2: Monitoring Manufacturing Employment Trends in Chicago and Illinois: Implications for NAFTA Impacts, May 1994

- Creator: University of Illinois at Chicago Center for Urban Economic Development
- Item 3: Minority Employment in Chicago, October 1, 1971

- Creator: Fred Dansereau, Ian McAndrew and Anthony L. Redwood, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Minority Employment Patterns in an Urban Labor Market: The Chicago Experience, no date

- Creator: Robert B. McKersie, Univ. of Chicago
- Box 29

- Folder 1: Employment: Indiana

- Box 30

- Folder 1: Employment: Iowa

- Folder 2: Employment: Israel

- Item 1: Unemployment, Vacancies and Matching in the Israeli Economy, April 10 and 11, 1992

- Creator: Eli Berman, Harvard Univ. and Eran Yashiv, NYU
- Folder 3: Employment: Japan

- Item 1: The Need for and the Process of Employment Adjustment in Japanese Electrical and Electronic Industries, April 1982

- Creator: Prof. Koji Taira, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 2: The Structure of the Labor Supply in Japan

- Creator: Keio Econometric Research Project on the Structure of Labor Force in Japan
- Item 3: Employment in the Japanese Small and Medium Enterprises, 1957

- Creator: Prof. Tokutaro Yamanaka, Economics Dept. of Hitotsubashi Univ. and Prof. Takeshi Mizuno, asst. prof. in the Economics Dept. of Kobe Univ.
- Item 4: Materials for LIR Colloquium '82: "Employment Adjustment in Japanese Industry", September 17, 1982

- Creator: Prof. Koji Taira, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 5: Japan's Lifetime Employment Revisited, April 1985

- Creator: Prof. Koji Taira, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Folder 4: Employment: Louisiana

- Folder 5: Employment: Maine

- Folder 6: Employment: Massachusetts

- Folder 7: Employment: Michigan

- Box 31

- Folder 1: Employment: Minnesota

- Folder 2: Employment: Minority Groups

- Folder 3: Employment: Nevada

- Folder 4: Employment: New Jersey

- Item 1: Employment Growth Projections for Six Counties Surrounding Bernards Township, New Jersey, April 1977

- Creator: James C. Ohls and Peter Bearse, Mathematica Policy Research
- Item 2: Post-War Trends in Employment and Earnings in New Jersey, May 1960

- Creator: Rutgers Univ. Institute of Management and Labor Relations
- Folder 5: Employment: New York

- Folder 6: Employment: Ohio

- Box 32

- Folder 1: Employment: Oklahoma

- Folder 2: Employment: Oregon

- Folder 3: Employment: Pakistan

- Item 1: Employment 1961 and Tentative Patterns of Employment 1961-90, June 1967

- Creator: Prepared by Mr. K. Ruud, UN Manpower Planning Project
- Item 2: Programme for Projecting Manpower Requirements of the Fourth Plan, December 30, 1966

- Creator: Prepared by Mr. K. Ruud, UN Manpower Planning Project
- Folder 4: Employment: Pennsylvania

- Folder 5: Employment: Performing Arts

- Item 1: Artist Employment and Unemployment 1971-1980, circa 1984

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Folder 6: Employment: Philippines

- Item 1: Current Labor Statistics, Second Quarter 2002

- Creator: Dept. of Labor and Employment, Philippines
- Item 2: Employment Effects of Multinational Enterprises in the Philippines, 1979

- Creator: Chita Tanchoco-Subido, Presidential Committee on Agricultural Credit, Philippines
- Folder 7: Employment: Public Utilities

- Folder 8: Employment: Service Sector

- Folder 9: Employment: South Carolina

- Folder 10: Employment: South Dakota

- Folder 11: Employment: Statistics

- Folder 12: Employment: Sweden

- Item 1: Safeguarding Employment, February 1977

- Creator: Ministry of Labor, Intl. Secretariat, Sweden
- Item 2: Employment Tomorrow: Terms of Reference for a Royal Commission on Long-Term Employment Policy, May 1974

- Creator: Ministry of Labor, Intl. Secretariat, Sweden
- Item 3: Working Party on Employment: Inventory of short-term measures taken in the light of the employment situation, April 1976

- Creator: Ministry of Labor, Sweden
- Item 4: Swedish Employment Policy 1975/76, circa 1976

- Creator: National Labour Market Board/County Labour Boards/Employment Service
- Item 5: Swedish Employment Policy 1974/75 and 1976/77, circa 1977

- Creator: National Labour Market Board/County Labour Boards/Employment Service
- Folder 13: Employment: Tennessee

- Folder 14: Employment: Texas

- Box 33

- Folder 1: Employment: Utah

- Folder 2: Employment: Virgin Islands

- Folder 3: Employment: Virginia

- Folder 4: Employment: Washington

- Folder 5: Employment: Wisconsin

- Folder 6: Employment Act 1946

- Item 1: A Full Employment Program, circa 1946

- Creator: John H.G. Pierson, Consultant on Postwar Employment Policy, US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: The Employment Act of 1946, April 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
- Folder 7: Employment Agencies

- Item 1: Channels of Employment: Influences on the Operations of Public Employment Offices and Other Hiring Channels in Local Job Markets, 1952

- Creator: Prof. Murrey Edelman, Political Science Dept., UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Public Employment Exchanges: The Committee Appointed by the Trustees of the City Club of New York to inquire into the need of public employment exchanges in New York, 1914

- Creator: The City Club of New York
- Item 3: Jobs and Workers, circa 1955

- Creator: Women in Industry Committee of the League of Women Voters
- Item 4: Proceedings of the forty-third and forty-first annual conventions of the International Associations of Personnel in Employment Security, June 1956 and June 1954

- Creator: Intl. Assn. of Personnel in Employment Security
- Folder 8: Employment Agencies - Public

- Item 1: Employment Policy in Norway: A Survey, May 1950

- Creator: The Norwegian Joint Committee on International Social Policy
- Item 2: Correspondence between Senator Vance Hartke and the United States Labor Dept. concerning Employment Service Operations, circa 1971

- Creator: US Labor Dept. and Senator Vance Hartke
- Item 3: A Case Study of the Neglect of the Local State Employment Service in Serving Disadvnataged Job Seekers, November 1972

- Creator: William N. Cook, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Statement of Position in respone to "Falling Down on the Job," report of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, November 1971

- Creator: Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies
- Box 34

- Folder 1: Employment Agencies - Public (cont.)

- Folder 2: Employment Agencies - Public--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Employment Opportunities

- Item 1: Job Opportunities and Job Security: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Industrial Relations Center Labor Conference, June 1955

- Creator: edited by Walter H. Uphoff, Indusrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 2: Opportunities for Women Trained in Home Economics, 1928

- Creator: Prof. William H. Stead, School of Business Admin., Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 3: School Subjects and Jobs, 1950

- Creator: Science Research Associates, Inc.
- Item 4: Bulletin to Management, 2008-16

Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
18 Bulletin to Management Issues relating to Empolyment Opportunities
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining Bulletin, Facts & Figures, 2008

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Folder 4: Employment Opportunities--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Employment Opportunities: Latin America

- Item 1: Reflections on Employment Opportunities in Latin America, Spring 1971

- Creator: Mahmood A. Zaidi, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Folder 6: Employment Policies

- Folder 7: Employment Procedures

- Item 1: Methodological Analysis of Interview Data fo Personnel Selection, 1957

- Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
- Item 2: Report on the IMRUP Personnel Selection Program, 1957

- Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
- Item 3: Reccomendations for Personnel Selection in India based on the British Selection Methods in the Civil Service and Industry, 1957

- Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
- Item 4: Social Science Research Reports, Vol. II: Selection and Placement, 1962

- Creator: Standard Oil Co.
- Item 5: Pilot Project in Personnel Selection: Hindustan Aircraft (Private) Ltd., 1957

- Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
- Item 6: Factors Affecting Employee Selection in Two Cultures, no date

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 7: Factors in Selecting Engineering and Science Graduates for Employment, 1954

- Creator: Alfred L. Johnson, California Institute of Technology
- Item 8: Comparison of the Leaderless Group Discussion and the Individual Interview in the Selection of Sales and Management Trainees, 1949

- Creator: Bernard M. Bass
- Folder 8: Employment Procedures--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Employment Stabilization

- Item 1: Community Full Employment, August 1981

- Creator: Robert Friedman
- Item 2: Toward Worker Security: The Role of Management. Report of a Special Committee approved by the board of directors, 1951

- Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States
- Item 3: Key Policies for Full Employment, September 1962

- Creator: Conference on Economic Progress
- Item 4: Toward More Production, More Jobs and More Freedom, circa 1945

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 5: A Postwar Federal Tax Plan for High Employment, circa 1945

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 6: Notes on the Meaning, Measurement and Implications of Full Employment, August 1945

- Creator: Emile Benoit-Smullyan, Edgar E. Poulton and John H.g. Pierson, US Labor Dept. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 7: Public Works Planning and Development in Illinois, January 1961

- Creator: Jerome L. Kaufman, Bureau of Community Planning, UIUC
- Item 8: Education for Maintaining Full Employment, March 1945

- Creator: Roland W. Bartlett, UIUC
- Item 9: Less Unemployment Through Stabilization of Operations, November 1930 and June 1931

- Creator: The Governor's Commission on Unemployment Problems for the State of New York
- Item 10: Stable Employment and Flexible Wages, August 1940

- Creator: Prof. Charles A. Myers, MIT
- Item 11: Employment Stabilization and the Wisconsin Act, December 1939

- Creator: Prof. Charles A. Myers, MIT
- Item 12: Sixty Million Jobs, 1945

- Creator: Henry A. Wallace, US Secretary of Commerce
- Item 13: The Effects of Employment Tax Credits, January 1976

- Creator: Gary C. Fethke and Samuel H. Williamson, Univ. of Iowa
- Folder 10: Employment Stability--Bibliographies

- Box 35

- Folder 1: Engineers

- Item 1: A Profile of the Woman Engineer, 1977

- Creator: Society of Women Engineers
- Folder 2: Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1964

- Folder 3: Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972

- Folder 4: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

- Item 1: Justice Denied: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Under the Reagan Administration, February 1986

- Creator: Women Employed Insitute
- Folder 5: Equal Pay Act of 1963

- Folder 6: Equal Pay for Equal Work

- Item 1: Fair Pay For Women: Unions Making the Vision a Reality, circa 1993

- Item 2: Questions and Answers: Pay Equity in the Workplace, circa 1992

- Creator: Ontario Pay Equity Commission
- Item 3: Radio Public Service Announcements on "Fair Pay", no date

- Item 4: A Code of Practice on the Implementation of Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value for Men and Women, 1996

- Creator: European Commission
- Item 5: Step by Step to Pay Equity: Vol.3, circa 1994

- Creator: Ontario Pay Equity Commission
- Item 6: Special Report: Ontario Pay Equity Legislation for Broader Public and Private Sectors, November 27, 1986

- Creator: CCH Canadian Limited
- Item 7: The Case for and Economic Consequences of Comparable Worth: Analytical, Empirical and Policy Questions, September 1983

- Creator: Mark R. Killingsworth, Economics Dept. Rutgers Univ.
- Item 8: National Committee on Pay Equity Update, October 5, 1981

- Creator: National Committee on Pay Equity
- Item 9: Pay Equity Commission Folder, no date

- Creator: Ontario Pay Equity Commission
- Item 10: Commission on the Status of Women: Pilot Project, June 1983

- Creator: Illinois State Commission on the Status of Women
- Item 11: Report of the National Conference on Equal Pay, March 31 - April 1, 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: "Separate but Equal" - Job Segregation and Pay Equity in the Wake of Gunther, 1981

- Creator: Winn Newman and Jeanne M. Vonhof
- Item 13: Pay Equity Reports: Vol.3, 1992

- Creator: Ontario Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal
- Folder 7: Equal Pay for Equal Work--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Equity Theory

- Item 1: Perceptions of Income Equity, no date

- Creator: R.T. Curtin
- Item 2: Equity, Equality and Need: What determines which value will be used as the basis of distributive justice?, 1975

- Creator: Morton Deutsch
- Item 3: New Directions in Equity Research, no date

- Creator: Elaine Walster, G. William Walster and Ellen Bershceid
- Item 4: Comparing "Fair" and Actual Distributions of Income: A Test of Functionalist and Marxist Theories of Stratification, 1977

- Creator: Theodore D. Kemper, Leon Glachman, Angela Ryan and Edward J. Werring
- Item 5: Statistics of Ideal and Actual Income Distribution for 22 Occupations, no date

- Folder 9: Equity Theory--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Executives

- Item 1: Opinions of the Japanese Top Company Executives on the Social Conditions Closely Relating to the Long-Range Development of Business and Industry

- Item 2: The Measurement of Executive Success, October 1962

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, Cornell Univ.
- Item 3: Do Management Attitudes Determine Union-Managemeht Relations?, February 1955

- Creator: Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Businessmen in Fiction: The Capitalist and Executive in American Novels, 1955

- Creator: Prof. Robert Kavesh, Economics Dept., Dartmouth College
- Item 5: How Can Teamwork Among Managers Be Improved?, 1959

- Creator: Reuben J. Robertson, Jr., Bureau of Industrial Relations, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 6: Personal Value Systems and Expected Behavior of Managers: A Comparitive Study in Japan, Korea and the United States, September 1971

- Creator: George W. England, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Folder 11: Executives: Appraisal

- Folder 12: Executives: Appraisal--Bibliographies

- Folder 13: Executive Compensation

- Folder 14: Executive Compensation--Bibliographies

- Box 36

- Folder 1: Executive Compensation (cont.)

- Item 1: Provigo Inc. Management Incentives for Superior Performance, Nov. 17, 1985

- Creator: Harvard Business School
- Item 2: United Airlines Memorandum to all Function Level Managers and Above, concerning the 1985 Merit Program for Management Employees, March 11, 1985

- Creator: United Airlines
- Item 3: Executive Pay Dispersion: Measurement Issues and Evidence, no date

- Item 4: Product Diversification, Performance Criteria and Compensation at the Corporate Manager Level, October 1984

- Creator: Nancy Knox Napier, Univ. of Washington and Mark Smith, Louisiana State Univ.
- Item 5: Correlates of Managerial Preferences for Selected Salary Criteria, May 1976

- Creator: Lee Dyer, Cornell Univ. and Roland D. Theriault, Univ. of Montreal
- Item 6: Managerial Considerations in Salary-Increase Forecasting, 1980

- Creator: D.M. Gluntz, General Electric Co.
- Item 7: The Stock Options Scandal, August 1959

- Creator: Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO
- Item 8: Some Aspects of Executive Compensation, November 1955

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Folder 2: Executive Development

- Item 1: Trends in University-Based Continuing Management Education, September 1976

- Creator: John F. Sullivan, School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 2: Management Extension, May 1973

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: "The purpose of this report is to present the results of a study of succession/replacement planning practices and programs", no date

- Item 4: Perspectives in Management, November 1967

- Creator: Raymond S. Milne
- Item 5: Cultural and Social Handicaps to Management Development in Iraq, October 1966

- Creator: Raymond S. Milne
- Item 6: Management Training: A Course Construction Guide, October 1966

- Creator: Raymond S. Milne
- Item 7: An Alternative Approach to Resources and Development, October 1964

- Creator: Raymond S. Milne
- Item 8: Learning the Skills of Learning, September 1968

- Creator: Raymond S. Milne
- Item 9: An International Perspective in Management, no date

- Creator: Raymond S. Milne
- Item 10: Improving the Effectiveness of Management, 1950

- Creator: Herman .S. Hall, UIUC College of Commerce and Business Administration
- Item 11: Counseling Executives After Merit Rating or Evaluation: A Project in Executive Development, 1957

- Creator: Earl G. Planty, UIUC and Carlos E. Efferson Chicopee Mfg. Corp.
- Item 12: Case Studies in Executive Development II, 1950

- Creator: Earl G. Planty, Johnson & Johnson Co.
- Item 13: Recognition - Beyond Salary, February 8, 1955

- Creator: D.R. Davies, Vice Pres., Illinois POWer Co.
- Item 14: A Survey of Needs and Methods in Executive Development Emphasizing the Method of Directed Guidance, circa 1951

- Creator: Earl G. Planty, Johnson & Johnson Co., and Carlos A. Efferson, Chicopee Mfg. Corp.
- Folder 3: Executive Development--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Executives: Selection

- Folder 5: Exit Interviews

- Folder 6: Eyesight Conservation

- Folder 7: Fact Finding Boards

- Item 1: Fact Finding in Labor Boards, 1946

- Creator: John T. Dunlop, Harvard Univ.
- Item 2: Observations on the Process of Fact-Finding in Michigan Public Education Teacher-School Board Disputes, Agustu 21, 1968

- Creator: Charles T. Schmidt, Jr., Univ. of Rhode Island
- Folder 8: Fair Employment Practices

- Item 1: Equal Opportunities for Women in the Community, 1993

- Creator: European Community
- Item 2: Statistical Report of Minority and Female Employment in Higher Education, September 1978

- Creator: State of Illinois Board of Higher Education
- Box 37

- Folder 1: Fair Employment Practices (cont.)

- Item 1: State "Educational" Fair Employment Practice Laws, February 1960

- Creator: Illinois Legislative Council
- Item 2: The Labor Market Implications of an Economy-Wide Affirmative Action Program, March 1976

- Creator: George E. Johnson, Univ. of Michigan and Finis Welch, UCLA and the Rand Corp.
- Item 3: Affirmative Action Project for the East Central Illinois Area to Provide Equal Employment Opportunity in the Construction Industry

- Folder 2: Fair Employment Practices--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Fair Labor Standards Act

- Item 1: Appendix to Statement of George Meany, AFL-CIO President, before the General Labor Subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and Labor on Legislation to Amend the Fair Labor Standards Act, June 15, 1965

- Creator: George Meany, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Statement of George Meany, President, AFL-CIO before the General Labor Subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and Labor, on Legislation to Amend the Fair Labor Standards Act, June 15, 1965

- Creator: George Meany, AFL-CIO
- Folder 4: Family and Medical Leave Act

- Folder 5: Farm Laborers

- Item 1: Special Report: Farm Labor Committee, Mexican-American Political Association, October 1967

- Creator: Mexican-American Political Association
- Item 2: Stockton's Annual Spring Starving, May 12 1967

- Creator: Mexican-American Political Association
- Item 3: The CIO and the Farmers: Extracts from Speeches by John L. Lewis, John Prophy, Donald Henderson, James Patton and John Bosch, July 10, 1937

- Creator: CIO
- Item 4: Survey of Agricultural Living Conditions in Livingston County, Illinois, October 1937

- Creator: Tom Vasey, Farm Security Administration and Josiah C. Folsom, Bureau of Agricultural Economics
- Item 5: Postwar Farm Jobs and Farmers' Purchase Intentions: An Illinois Survey of Rural Employment Opportunities, October 1945

- Creator: A.T. Anderson and R.C. Ross, UIUC College of Agriculture Extension Service
- Item 6: Making the Most of Available Labor, January 1943

- Creator: Dept. of Agricultural Economics, UIUC
- Folder 6: Farm Laborers--Bibliographies

- Box 38

- Folder 1: Farmers

- Folder 2: Featherbedding

- Folder 3: Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act, 1969

- Folder 4: Federal Employees Compensation Act

- Folder 5: Federal Labor Relations Authority

- Folder 6: Federal Mediation & Reconciliation Service

- Folder 7: Federal Pay Comparability Act, 1970

- Folder 8: Folklore of Labor

- Item 1: Working Americans and the Bicentennial, circa 1976

- Creator: Div. of Performing Arts, Smithsonian Institution
- Item 2: Leadership Training and Planning a Culture Program: Using Clulture to Build the Labor Movement, October 19, 1990

- Creator: Charles Stott, AFL-CIO; Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations & Labor Heritage Foundation; UIC
- Folder 9: Food Products Industry

- Item 1: Guide to Civil Defense Management in the Food Industry

- Folder 10: Food Products Industry--Bibliography

- Folder 11: Forced Labor

- Item 1: Translation by Alex Garber of Michael Rosanov's "Conquerors of the Waste Land: A Personal Account of Russian Forced Labor", December 1947

- Creator: translated from the Russian by Prof. Alex Garber, Univ. of Colorado
- Item 2: Map of the Gulags, 1951

- Creator: AFL Free Trade Union Committee
- Item 3: Stalin's Slave Camps: An Indictment of Modern Slavery, 1951

- Creator: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
- Item 4: Slave Labor in the Soviet World, circa 1953

- Creator: AFL Free Trade Union Committee
- Item 5: Kolmya: Gold and Forced Labor in the USSR, 1949

- Creator: Silvester Mora, Foundation for Foreign Affairs
- Item 6: Slavery Old and New, circa 1951

- Creator: Matthew Woll, AFL Free Trade Union Committee
- Item 7: Forced Labor in the Soviet Union, 1952

- Creator: US State Department
- Item 8: The Economic Role of Forced Labor in Eastern Europe, June 28, 1954

- Creator: Richard Carlton, Mid-European Studies Center
- Item 9: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Romania, 1952

- Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
- Item 10: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Hungary, 1952

- Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
- Item 11: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Czechoslovakia, 1952

- Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
- Item 12: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Bulgaria, 1952

- Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
- Item 13: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Yugoslavia, 1952

- Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
- Item 14: United Nations Bulletin: Forced Labor-Call for World Survey; Progress of Economic and Social Council; Teaching About the United Nations; The Indonesian Situation; Trusteeship in Action; Renewed Efforts Towads Reducing Armaments; Two Membership Bids From Korea, March 1, 1949

- Creator: United Nations Dept. of Public Information
- Item 15: Slave Labor in Russia: The Case Presented by the American Federation of Labor to the United Nations, 1949

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 16: Reparation Labor: A Preliminary Analysis, May 1946

- Creator: Journal of Quarterly Economics
- Item 17: Tell the West: An Eyewitness Account, 1948

- Creator: by Jerzy Gliksman, reprinted/published by National Committee for a Free Europe, Inc.
- Item 18: The Economics of Slave Labor, 1949

- Creator: David J. Dallin, published as part of the Human Affairs Pamphlets
- Item 19: Forced Labor in the Soviet Orbit: A Selective Bibliography, March 15, 1954

- Creator: George Stolz, National Committee for a Free Europe
- Folder 12: Foreign-Born Employees

- Item 1: Relative Earnings of Immigrans and Natives under Changes in the US Wage Structure, 1970-1990: A Quantile Regression Approach, March 28, 2000

- Creator: Maria Tannuri
- Item 2: Profiles of Undocumented Aliens in New York City: Haitians and Dominicans, 1978

- Creator: Charles B. Keely, Patricia J. Elwell, Austin T. Fragomen Jr., and Silvano M. Tomasi, Center for Migration Studies
- Item 3: Managing Immigrants in the Workplace, 1998

- Creator: Zapatito Jiminez, UIUC
- Folder 13: Foreign-Born Employees: Europe

- Item 1: The Economic Impact of Immigrant Workers in Western Europe, 1974

- Creator: Stephen Drewer
- Folder 14: Foreign Branch Employees

- Item 1: Expatriate Relocation and Adjustment: A Case Study, December 12, 1996

- Creator: Karen Kosinski, UIUC
- Folder 15: Foremen and Supervisors

- Item 1: Short Course on Development of Supervisors as Members of Management, circa 1958

- Creator: Martin Wagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Foreman Development in Japan '60, circa 1960

- Creator: Foreman Development Study Team, Japan Productivity Center, International Cooperation Administration
- Item 3: DRAFT: First-Line Supervisors: Facilitators or Victims of Shop Floor Involvement?, September 1983

- Creator: Janice A. Klein
- Item 4: Foreman's Status, 1950

- Creator: Earl C. Wolfe, UIUC ILIR Extension Service
- Item 5: How the Foreman Can Control Costs, March 1956

- Creator: H. Skerry Hall, UIUC College of Commerce and Business Administration
- Item 6: In Re Carnegie Illinois Steel Corp., Gary Sheet and Tin Mill vs. Foreman's Assoc. of America (Ind.) Chapter 42: Brief for Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp. and Abstract of Reord, no date

- Creator: Paul R. Conaghan, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp.
- Folder 16: Foremen and Supervisors--Bibliographies

- Folder 17: Former Offenders

- Folder 18: Fringe Benefits

- Item 1: Employee Benefits and Industrial Relations, 1984

- Box 39

- Folder 1: Fringe Benefits (cont.)

- Item 1: Notes on Fringe Benefits: Class with East ST. Louis AFL-CIO Union Groups taught by S. Moody, 1956

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Employee Benefits, 1984

- Creator: Prof. Jan Jonczyk, Univ. of Wroclow, visiting at UIC
- Folder 2: Fringe Benefits--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Funeral Homes

- Folder 4: Garnishment of Wages

- Item 1: Assignment and Garnishment of Wages in Illinois, December 4, 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
- Item 2: Assignment, Garnishment and Consumer Credit in Illinois, April 1958

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
- Folder 5: General Strikes

- Item 1: The Truth About the Paterson Strike, January 31st, 1914

- Creator: Remarks by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, as recorded by Robert E. Park
- Folder 6: General Strikes--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Glass Industry

- Item 1: Survey of the Glass Container Industry, December 5, 1938

- Creator: Submitted to the Temporary National Economic Committee by the Glass Container Assn. of America
- Folder 8: Government Employees

- Item 1: The Government As Employer, August 1958

- Creator: Alan T. Peacock and T.L. Johnson, Dept. of Political Economy, Univ. of Edinburgh
- Item 2: What Municipal Employees Want from Work: A Pilot Study in Five Suburban City Governments, April 1973

- Creator: F. Gerald Brown and Richard Heimovics
- Item 3: Training for the Public Service: Council-Management Government, 1955

- Creator: Herbert W. Thompson, Robert E. Giltner and Marvin A. Andrews, interns, edtied by Gilbert Y. Steiner, Research Associate Prof., UIUC Institute of Govt. and Public Affairs
- Item 4: The Constitution and Loyalty Programs, December 1954

- Creator: Alan Westin, published by The Carrie Chapman Catt Memorial Fund, inc.
- Folder 9: Government Employees: Federal

- Folder 10: Government Employees: Illinois

- Item 1: Can Anyone Run a City?, 1969

- Creator: By Gus Tyler, Saturday Evening Review
- Item 2: Manpower Trends in Illinois State Government, circa 1971

- Creator: Illinois State Dept. of Personnel
- Folder 11: Government Employees: Municipal

- Item 1: Loyalty Oaths for Municipal Employees, May 1954

- Creator: American Municipal Association
- Folder 12: Government Employees: State

- Item 1: The Vertical and Horizontal Division of Whites and Non-Whites in Employment in Washington State Government, November 1973

- Creator: Gerard Baptiste, Minority Student Coalition of Evergreen State College and Thurston County Urban League
- Item 2: State Workers: How Many? Where? How Well Paid?, December 1975

- Creator: Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, Inc.
- Box 40

- Folder 1: Government Ownership

- Item 1: Is British Socialism a Failure?, October 28, 1948

- Creator: Prof. Roland Gibson, Univ. of Illinois Dept. of Economics
- Item 2: Nationalised Industry: Relations with the Public, 1953

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 3: Nationalised Industry: The Worker's Point of View - A discussion of 'reporting back' based on a study in a coalfield, 1952

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 4: Natinoalized Transport Operations in Great Britain, 1952

- Creator: Assn. of American Railroads, Bureau of Railroad Economics
- Item 5: Some Observations on the Nationalization of Railways in Great Britain/Britain's Great Experiment: Three Months of Socialised Transport, May 1948

- Creator: E.G. Plowman and G. Lloyd Wilson/Christine R. Taylor
- Item 6: Nationalised Industry: The Powers of the Minister, 1952

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 7: Nationalised Industry: Accountability to Parliament, 1950

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 8: Nationalised Industry: The Extent of Centralisation - A discussion based on a case study in the coal industry, 1951

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 9: Industry and Society: Labour's Policy on Future Public Ownership, July 1957

- Creator: Labour Party, United Kingdom
- Item 10: Nationalised Industry: Patterns of Organisation, 1951

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 11: Nationalised Industry: The Future of Unions, 1951

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 12: Nationalised Industry: The Framework of Joint Consultation, 1952

- Creator: The Action Society Trust
- Item 13: Das Britische Verstaatlichungsexperiment, 1950

- Item 14: Problems of Public Ownership, August 1952

- Creator: Ernest Davies MP, Labour Party
- Item 15: Socialism and Nationalisation, July 1956

- Creator: High Gaitskell, MP
- Item 16: Public Ownership: An Interim Report, 1953

- Creator: Trades Union Congress
- Folder 2: Government Service

- Folder 3: Grain Mill Products Industry

- Item 1: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City, Case Study No.1: Grain Processing, circa 1948

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 4: Grievance Procedures

- Item 1: Workplace Grievances: A Case Study in Employee Grievance Activity With and Without Union Representation, Spring 1994

- Creator: Richard A. Wilburs, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: An Empirical Test of the Determinants of the Effectiveness of Workplace Complaint Procedures, july 7, 1988

- Creator: Karen E. Boroff
- Item 3: Grievance Administration: A Training Conference for Local Union Officers and Grievance Representatives, no date

- Creator: United Gas Coke and Chemical Workers of America (CIO) and Pennsylvania State College
- Item 4: Adjustment of Grievances, 1949

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 5: Grievance Principles and Problems, 1948-1949

- Creator: University of Chicago
- Item 6: The Handling and Writing of the Grievance, 1964

- Item 7: The Grievance as an Unfair Labor Practice, 1980

- Creator: Prof. Edgar Moore, Ohio State Univ. Labor Education and Research Service
- Item 8: Handling Grievances: An Outline Manual for Union Shop Stewards and Grievance Committeemen, 1951

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Grievance Procedures in Health Care Establishments, May 1979

- Creator: Prof. Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 10: Why Are People Saying Such Wonderful Things About Grievance Mediation?, November 1990

- Creator: Peter Feuille, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 5: Grievance Procedures--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Group Dynamics

- Box 41

- Folder 1: Group Insurance

- Item 1: Paying More and Losing Ground: How Employer Cost-Shifting is Eroding Health Coverage of Working Families, circa 1996

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Life Insurance Fact Book 1953, circa 1953

- Folder 2: Guaranteed Employment & Wage Plans

- Item 1: Progress Report on the Guaranteed Annual Wage, 1953

- Creator: United Automobile Workers, CIO
- Item 2: Some Problems of Annual Wage Guarantees, 1953

- Creator: Boris Shishkin, Research Director, AFL
- Item 3: Guaranteed Annual Employment, New York State, 1955

- Creator: NY State Dept. of Labor
- Item 4: The Economics of the Guaranteed Wage, 1953

- Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States
- Item 5: Preparing a Guaranteed Employment Plan that Fits UAW Members Like a Glove, 1954

- Creator: United Automobile Workers, CIO
- Item 6: Guaranteed Wages: Report to the President by the Advisory Board, January 31, 1947

- Creator: Office of War Mobilization and Deconversion, Office of Temporary Controls
- Item 7: Le Salaire Annuel Garanti, 1953

- Creator: Emile Bouvier, S.J.
- Item 8: Sixth Annual Mangement Conference: The Guaranteed Wage, April 6, 1954

- Creator: Rutgers Univ. Institute of Management and Labor Relations
- Item 9: Address by Arthur S. Thornbury at the Illinois Manufacturers Assn., March 20, 1947

- Item 10: The Guaranteed Annual Wage, circa 1954

- Creator: Prof. James W. Leonard, Economics, UIUC
- Item 11: Here It Is! The contract changes which make up your new and improved UAW-Ford Agreement, no date

- Creator: United Automobile Workers, CIO
- Folder 3: Guaranteed Employment & Wage Plans--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Guaranteed Income

- Item 1: Mathematica Policy Analysis and Technical Analysis Series

- Folder 5: Guaranteed Income: Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Guards and Watchmen

- Item 1: Plant-Protection Employees Under Current Federal Legislation, June 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
- Folder 7: Handicapped Workers

- Item 1: Percpetion Survey given by Tim Puszkiewicz, UIUC ILIR Student, for information for his tutorial, concerning individuals' percpetions of the physically disabled., no date

- Creator: Tim Puszkiewicz, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Handbook for State and Community Comittees, 1956-1957

- Creator: President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped
- Item 3: A Bibliography With Notes on the subject of: The Employment Handicaps of Older Persons, October 1929

- Creator: Research Bureau, Welfare Council of New York City
- Item 4: The Glass Ceiling and Persons With Disabilities, September 1994

- Creator: David Braddock and Lynn Bachelder, UIC Institute on Disability and Human Development
- Item 5: Defining Disability: A Cross-Country Study of Belgian, French, Dutch, West German, British and Swedish definitions of Disability, 1975

- Creator: Lois S. Copeland, US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
- Box 42

- Folder 1: Handicapped Workers (cont.)

- Item 1: Meeting Minutes: President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, 1949-1955

- Creator: President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped
- Folder 2: Handicapped Workers--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Hatch Act

- Item 1: The Hatch Act: A Civil Libertarian Defense, circa 1975

- Creator: John R. Bolton
- Folder 4: Health Insurance

- Item 1: Hospital Insurance For The Aged: The Conservative Approach, January 5, 1965

- Creator: Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare
- Item 2: The Invisible Providers: Public Sector Primary Care and Medicaid, February 1988

- Creator: James W. Fossett, John A. Peterson and Mary C. King, Institute of Govt. and Public Affairs, UIUC
- Item 3: National Health Insurance: What is it? How would it work? Why is it needed? Alternatives?, 1956

- Creator: Michael M. Davis, Ph.D., League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 4: How Shall We Pay for Health Care?, 1949

- Creator: Oscar R. Ewing and George F. Lull, MD., Public Affairs Committee, Inc.
- Item 5: Health Services in Britain, August 1948

- Creator: British Information Services
- Item 6: How a National Health Program Would Serve the South, May 1949

- Creator: Committee on Research in Medical Economics
- Item 7: A barrier on the road to health: Catastrophic Illness Insurance, May 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: The British Health Service, 1952

- Creator: Julius Manson, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 9: A Refutation of False Statements in Propaganda for Compulsory Health Insurance, October 1919

- Creator: Committee on Constructive Plan Social Insurance Dept., National Civic Federation
- Item 10: Cleveland Asks Better Health For the Nation: Public Hearing on the National Health Bill of 1945, June 21 and 22, 1946

- Creator: Consumers League of Ohio
- Item 11: Materials from the Research Council for Economic Security, circa 1948

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Box 43

- Folder 1: Health Insurance (cont.)

- Item 1: Changing Costs of Medical Care and Voluntary Health Insurance, December 28, 1956

- Creator: Herbert E. Klarman, Associate Director, Hospital Council of Greater New York
- Item 2: A Guide for CIO Representatives on the Governing Boards of Blue Corss Plans, February 1954

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 3: The British National Health Service: The First Two Years, May 1951

- Creator: H.W. Steinhaus, Ph.D., Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 4: Proceedings of the Conference on Health and Welfare and Pension Plans, sponsored by the Chicago Fed. Of Labor, January 9, 1951

- Creator: Chicago Federation of Labor
- Item 5: Economic Aspects of Prolonged Illness, Autumn 1951

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 6: Organized Labor and Social Security, August 2, 1950

- Creator: Harry Becker, dir., UAW-CIO Social Security Dept.
- Folder 2: Health Insurance--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

- Folder 4: Health Service Occupations

- Item 1: Women In Health, circa 1975

- Creator: The Women's Work Project
- Item 2: Human Services Manpower Career Center: The First Year, 1970

- Creator: Human Services Manpower Career Center, State of Illinois
- Folder 5: Holidays

- Folder 6: Industrial Homework

- Item 1: Electronic Homework: Problems and Prospects from a Human Resources Perspective, September 1987

- Creator: Steven S. Wakakami, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Industrial Homework: An Old Problem Lingers On, circa 1959

- Creator: Milton Derber and Gilbert Donahue, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 7: Industrial Homework--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Hosiery Industry

- Item 1: The Hosiery Industry and the National Economy, December 2, 1951

- Creator: North Jersey District Council of American. Fed. Of Hosiery Wkrs., AFL and Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Folder 9: Hospitals and Clinics

- Item 1: Diagnosing Human Relations in Organizations: A Case Study of a Hospital, 1956

- Creator: Chris Argyris, Labor and Management Center, Yale Univ.
- Folder 10: Hotels and Motels

- Folder 11: Hours of Work

- Item 1: Statistics and News, 1996

- Creator: Bureau of European Studies on Time
- Item 2: Eight Hour Day for Women, 1962

- Creator: Illinois State Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Does Labor Supply Explain Fluctuations in Average Hours Worked?, March 1990

- Creator: Joshua D. Angrist, National Bureau of Economic Research/Harvard Univ.
- Item 4: Income Transfer and Work Effort: The Netherlands and the United States in the 1970s, 1984

- Creator: Barbara L. Wolfe, UW-Madison et al.
- Item 5: The Duration, Structure, Reduction and Flexibilisation of Working Time in Australia, May 1989

- Creator: Peter Dawkins and Meredith Baker, Murdoch Univ./Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
- Item 6: Picture, Country by Country and Branch by Branch, of the actual Duration of Time Worked, September 1972

- Creator: D. Maric, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 7: Prospective View on Patterns of Working Time, September 1972

- Creator: G. Rehn, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 8: Distribution of Working Time, September 1972

- Creator: Bernhard Teriet, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 9: Working Hours per Day and Week, September 1972

- Creator: Heinz Allenspach, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Box 44

- Folder 1: Hours of Work (cont.)

- Item 1: Distribution of Working Time, September 1972

- Creator: Lennart Bratt, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 2: Distribution of Working Time, September 1972

- Creator: Jean Hallaire, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 3: Evaluation of General Choices: Policy Problems Involved, September 1972

- Creator: J.A.P. Van Hoof, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 4: Evaluation of General Choices: Policy Problems Involved, September 1972

- Creator: Albert S. Glickman, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 5: Distribution of Working Time, September 1972

- Creator: Archibald Evans, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 6: Economic Development in the 1970s and its Implications for Employment, September 1972

- Creator: Maurice Rustant, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 7: Welfare in Australia, Vol.2, No.9, Winter 1979

- Creator: The Australian Institute of Welfare Officers
- Item 8: Work Less- Or Earn More?, 1936

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 9: Hours of Work, December 1980

- Creator: Confederation of Australian Industry, National Employers' Industrial Council
- Item 10: Working Hours and Employment, February 1983

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 11: The Medical, Psychological and Social Consequences of the Scheduling of Working Hours, December 1978

- Creator: Carina Nilsson, Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 12: The Shorter Work Week and the Constructive Use Of Free Time: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual AFL-CIO National Conference on Community Services, March 31 - April 4, 1963

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 13: Hours Laws in New York State, no date

- Item 14: The Thirty-Hour Week, 1935

- Creator: William Green, AFL
- Item 15: The Eight Hour Bill, circa 1920?

- Creator: Women's Joint Legislative Conference of New York
- Item 16: 40 Hour Week, 1945

- Creator: Institute of Public Affairs, Australia
- Item 17: Can the Work Week Shrink and Wages Grow?, 1928/1935

- Creator: Katherine H. Pollack, Affiliated Schools for Workers Inc.
- Item 18: The Issue of the Shorter Work Week, 1961

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 19: Do Long Work Hours Contribute to Divorce?, March 2000

- Creator: John H. Johnson, IV, UIUC College of Commerce and Business Administration, Office of Research
- Folder 2: Hours of Work--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Housing of Workers

- Item 1: AFL-CIO Survey of Union-sponsored Housing, February 1991

- Creator: Frank Parente, Economic Research Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Report on European Rent Policy, 1953

- Creator: H. Umrath, Standing Housing Committee of the European Regional Orgnization of the Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 3: Report on the European Housing Conference organised by the European Regional Organisation of the ICFTU, February 1952

- Creator: International Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 4: Homes for America: The End of a Slum, December 1, 1953

- Creator: David Dubinsky, Intl. Ladies Garment Workers Union
- Item 5: Activities of the European Labor Movement in the Housing Field, December 1952

- Creator: Heinz Umrath
- Item 6: European Labor Movement and Housing, circa 1953

- Creator: H. Umrath, Standing Housing Committee of the European Regional Orgnization of the Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 7: The Practicability of Improving the Dewllings of the Labouring Classes, with Remarks on the Law of Settlement and Removal of the Poor, 1854

- Creator: Cheyne Brady
- Item 8: Non-white Housing in Illinois, June 1953

- Creator: State of Illinois Commission on Human Relations
- Item 9: Wohnungen, Wohnungen und Nochmas Wohnungen, 1956

- Item 10: Workers' Housing Problem in Japan, 1953

- Creator: Ministry of Construction, Tokyo
- Item 11: Labor's Program for Better Housing, no date

- Creator: CIO
- Item 12: A Guide to Postwar Housing Policy, circa 1946

- Creator: Jean Copeland and Aneurin Bevan, MP, Minister of Health, Labour Party, UK
- Item 13: Address of Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, Secretary of the Interior at the Closing Session of the Presiden'ts Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership, December 4, 1931

- Creator: Dr. Ray L. Wilbur, Interior Secretary
- Item 14: Housing of the Working Classes in France: Cheap, Up-to-date Dwellings in 1915, 1915

- Item 15: Housing in Canada, no date

- Creator: Social Service Council of Canada
- Item 16: The Housing Situation in England and the United States, no date

- Creator: F.T. Miller, President, F.W. Dodge Co.
- Item 17: Speech by H. Umrath on Housing Needs and Social-Economic Development, October 28-29, 1964

- Creator: H. Umrath, Standing Housing Committee of the European Regional Orgnization of the Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 18: Memorandum on Current Litigation Before the United States Supreme Court Involving Race Restrictive Housing Covenants, April 32, 1948

- Creator: National Association of Intergroup Relations Officials
- Folder 4: Housing of Workers--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Human Capital

- Folder 6: Human Engineering

- Item 1: Strains and Sprains: A Worker's Guide to Job Design, July 1985

- Creator: United Auto Workers
- Folder 7: Human Relations in Industry

- Item 1: Improving Intergroup Relations in Industry, circa 1949

- Creator: National Conference of Christians and Jews
- Item 2: The Human Factor in Production, 1948

- Creator: Phillips Bradley, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: An Evaluative Focus on Human Relations, 1954

- Creator: Robert Tannenbaum, Institute of Industrial Relations, UCLA
- Item 4: Human Relations: Rare, Medium, or Well-Done?, 1948-1954

- Creator: Harvard Univ.
- Item 5: An Experimental Study of a Human Relations Training Program, 1949

- Creator: Ralph Raymond Canter Jr.
- Box 45

- Folder 1: Human Relations in Industry (cont.)

- Item 1: Joint Consultation in a Liverpool Manufacturing Firm: A Case Study in Human Relations in Industry, 1950

- Creator: W.H. Scott, BA, Fellow of the University of Liverpool
- Item 2: Man to Man on the Job: A Series of Meetings for Foremen and Executives, 1943

- Creator: General Motors Inc.
- Item 3: Conference on the Development of Desirable Attitudes in Industrial Human Relations, July 31 - August 1, 1947

- Creator: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 4: Proceedings of the Institute on Human Problems in Industry, May 27, 1954

- Creator: Mental Health Committee of the Rotary Club of Montreal and the Montreal Council of Social Agencies
- Item 5: To and Fro: Human Relations in American Industry Seen Through Dutch Eyes, June 1954

- Creator: Contactgroep Opvoering Productiviteit
- Item 6: Research Frontiers in Human Relations, February 6-7, 1948

- Creator: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol.92, No.5
- Item 7: The Will To Work: The Greatest Resource of American Industry, 1948

- Creator: Prof. Phillips Bradley, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 2: Human Relations in Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Humanization of Work

- Folder 4: Hygiene, Industrial

- Item 1: Tuberculosis Labor and Management, 1944

- Creator: William Arkwright Doppler, National Tuberculosis Association
- Item 2: The Worker and His Health, circa 1945

- Creator: Office of Defense Mobilization
- Item 3: Recent Trends in Occupational Disease Legislation, May 1951

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
- Item 4: Industrial Health Dept. Functions and Relationships, 1948

- Creator: C.O. Sappington, Industrial Hygiene Foundation
- Item 5: Health Problems in Industry, December 1, 1948

- Creator: Commerce and Industry Assn. of New York, NY Academy of Medicine, NY County Medical Society, Institute of Industrial Medicine
- Item 6: 1969 Occupational Safety and Health Conference, 1969

- Creator: Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Occupational Deafness: Real or Imaginary?, no date

- Creator: Intl. Bro. of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpes, AFL
- Item 8: At Your Service: Dept. of Public Health, Div. of Industrial Hygiene, circa 1949

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Public Health
- Item 9: About County Health Depts., 1945

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Public Health
- Item 10: General Motors Industrial Hygiene Service, September 1946

- Creator: Frank A. Patty, Industrial Hygiene Association
- Item 11: The Adjustment of the Nervous Veteran in Industry, November 1945

- Creator: Meyer Brown, Industrial Welfare Dept., Zurich Insurance Co.
- Item 12: Transactions of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Industrial Hygiene Foundation, 1946

- Creator: Industrial Hygiene Foundation
- Item 13: Wartime Working Conditions: Minimum Standards for Maximum Production, 1943

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 14: Why You Should Vote for a County Health Department, circa 1948

- Creator: Illinois Statewide Public Health Service
- Item 15: Industrial Health Dept. Functions and Relationships, 1944

- Item 16: Industrial Hygiene Meeting, May 28, 1947

- Creator: Mellon Institute
- Item 17: For Better Work from Healthier Workers: Air Condition in Textile Mills, the case for temperature and humidity control to provide comfort, health, safety and optimum production, 1948

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Of America, CIO
- Item 18: Labour Protection and Industrial Hygiene in Western Germany, 1952

- Creator: Verlag Handelsblatt, Dusseldorf, Germany
- Folder 5: Illinois

- Folder 6: Illness, Non-Occupational

- Item 1: Prolonged Non-Occupational Illness: A Nationwide Study Among Employed Persons, 1952

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 2: Summary: Uniform Demographic and Economic Data, August 1973

- Creator: Illinois State Bureau of the Budget
- Folder 7: Immigration

- Item 1: Immigration, a neglected source of American economic growth: 1790-1912, March 1972

- Creator: Larry Neal and Paul Uselding
- Item 2: The Use of Transfer Payments by Immigrants, April 1981, revised January 1983

- Creator: Prof. Francine D. Blau, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Current Developments in Business Immigration Law and Procedure, August 30, 1989

- Creator: Paul L. Zulkie
- Item 4: Illegal Aliens in the United States Labour Market, 1983

- Creator: Barry R. Chiswick
- Item 5: The Impact of Immigration on the Human Capital of Natives, 1989

- Creator: Carmel U. Chiswick, UIC
- Item 6: The German Working Class of Chicago in 1900, no date

- Creator: Harmut Keil, Chicago Project
- Item 7: German Workers in Chicago's Manufacturing Industries: 1880-1900, no date

- Creator: John B. Jentz, Chicago Project
- Item 8: The Great War Sinks Chicago's German Kultur, circa 1981

- Creator: Prof. Melvin Holli, UIC
- Item 9: German Working Class Culture in Chicago: Problems of Definition and Research, circa 1981

- Creator: Klaus Ensslen, Heinz Ickstadt and Ruth Seifert, Chicago Project
- Item 10: Community Stability and Change: The German Neighborhood on Chicago's North Side, circa 1981

- Creator: Christiane Harzig, Chicago Project
- Item 11: Packingtown Polonia: The Polish Worker and the Development of Community in Chicago's Stockyard District, October 10, 1981

- Creator: Dominic A. Pacyga, Chicago Project
- Item 12: Community-Building in the Town of Lake, October 1981

- Creator: Louise C. Wade, Chicago Project, sponsored by the Univ. of Munich and the Newberry Library
- Item 13: Industrialization, Class and Competing Cultural Systems: Detroit Workers, 1875-1900, circa 1981

- Creator: Richard J. Oestreicher, Univ. of Pittsburgh
- Item 14: The Relation Between Working-Class Cultures and Mass Culture: A View from Late 19th-Early 20th Century Pittsburgh, circa 1981

- Creator: Francis G. Couvares, Clark Univ.
- Item 15: Occupational Patterns of German-Americans in the Nineteenth Century, circa 1981

- Creator: Nora Faires, Univ. of Texas at Arlington, for the Chicago Project
- Item 16: Immigrant Workers and Early Mass Production Industry: Work Rationalization and Control Conflicts in Chicago's Packing Houses 1900-1904, 1981

- Creator: James R. Barrett, North Carolina State Univ. for the Chicago Project
- Item 17: Immigrants, Class and Politics: Chicago's German Population in the Era of the Civil War, 1981

- Creator: Bruce Levine, City Univ. of New York for the Chicago Project
- Item 18: The German Question in Chicago, 1917-1918, 1981

- Creator: Leslie V. Tischauser, UIC for the Chicago Project
- Folder 8: Immigration--Bibliographies

- Box 46

- Folder 1: Immigration: Europe

- Item 1: Current Sweden: Changes in Attitudes Towards Immigrants, April 1992

- Creator: Charles Westin, Center for Research in Intl. Migration and Ethnic Relations, Univ. of Stockholm
- Folder 2: Immigration Reform and Control Act, 1986

- Folder 3: Incentives

- Item 1: Motivating the Employee on Today's Production Front, with a paper on collective bargaining and its effect on over-all planning, circa 1952

- Creator: American Management Association
- Item 2: When Wage Incentive Plans?, September 1954

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Director of Research, Textile Workers Union of America
- Item 3: Science and Incentives in Russia, August 1946

- Creator: Irving Langmuir
- Folder 4: Incentives--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Independent Unions

- Folder 6: Induction

- Folder 7: Induction--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Industrial Conflict

- Folder 9: Industrial Courts

- Item 1: An Argument Against the Passage of a Bill to Create a So-Called Industrial Court, circa 1923

- Creator: Published by the Intl. Union of the United Mine Wkrs. Of America
- Folder 10: Industrial Democracy

- Item 1: Histadrut and Industrial Democracy in Israel: An Interpretive Essay from an American Perspective, circa 1973

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: "Industrial Democracy" as an Organizing Concept for a Theory of Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Some Further Thoughts on the Historical Study of Industrial Democracy, Fall 1973

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Fackforeningsrorelsen och Foretagsdemokratin, 1961

- Creator: Foretagsnamndsutredningen
- Item 5: An Experiment in Industrial Democracy: The Result of Thirteen Years of Self-Government, possibly circa 1935

- Creator: William P. Hapgood, Pres., The Columbia Conserve Co.
- Item 6: Towards Democracy at the Workplace: New Legislation on the Joint Regulation of Working Life, January 1977

- Creator: Sweden Ministry of Labour
- Item 7: Industriell Demokrati at Diskussioninlagg av Torvald Karlbom, 1946

- Item 8: Industrial Democracy in the Affluent Society, no date

- Creator: Prof. Adolf Sturmthal, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Worker Democracy in Socialist France, November 1, 1989

- Creator: Bernard E. Brown, City Univ. of New York
- Item 10: Unions and Industrial Democracy, May 1977

- Creator: Prof. Adolf Sturmthal, UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: New Focus on Industrial Democracy in Britain, May 1977

- Creator: Prof. Andrew W.J. Thomson, Univ. of Glasgow
- Item 12: Industrial Democracy in Scandinavia, May 1977

- Creator: Prof. Bernt Schiller, Roskilde Univ., Denmark
- Item 13: Should Labor Have a Direct Share in Management, Fall 1946

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 14: The Idea of Industrial Democracy in America 1898-1915, May 1964

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 15: Industrial Democracy Newsletter, April 1976 - November 1977

- Creator: Unit for Industrial Democracy, Australia
- Item 16: Annual State Confention: Working Environment Committee Report and Recommendations, June 13-16, 1975

- Creator: Australian Labour Party
- Item 17: Industrial Democracy in the Context of Conciliation and Arbitration, no date

- Creator: J.E. Isaac
- Item 18: Managerial Control and Industrial Democracy: Myths and Realities, August 20, 1973

- Creator: Hon. Clyde R. Cameron, MP, Australian Minister of Labour
- Item 19: Industrial Democracy: Industrial Relations - What Are We Talking About?, August 15, 1976

- Creator: Prof. John Niland, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 20: Grappling with the Giants: Multinational Corporations and Industrial Democracy, July 27, 1973

- Creator: Hon. Clyde R. Cameron, MP, Australian Minister of Labour
- Item 21: Industrial Democracy: Program adapted by the 1971 Congress of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, 1971

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 22: Democracy in Industry: The Problem of Workers Control, January 1944

- Creator: John Price, workers Educational Association
- Item 23: The Democractic Firm, July 1964

- Creator: Prof. Norman Ross, Univ. of Birmingham
- Item 24: Industrial Democracy: Incl. supplementary evidence to the Bullock Committee, 1977

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 25: Bullock and the Aftermath, no date

- Creator: Prof. Adolf Sturmthal, UIUC ILIR
- Item 26: Industrial Democracy: TUC Policy Statement, 1978

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 27: Industrial Democracy-Wirtschafts Demokratie-Democratie Industrielle, 1971

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 28: TUC Report, 1973

- Item 29: Hearing the Worker on the Working Environment

- Item 30: TUC Guide to the Bullock Report on Industrial Democracy, 1977

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Folder 11: Industrial Democracy--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Industrial Engineering

- Item 1: Industrial Engineering for Department Stores, January 1949

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois Bulletin
- Item 2: IE In Japan, 1959

- Creator: International Cooperation Administration, Japan Productivity Center
- Item 3: The Case Against Intuition

- Item 4: Union Attitides Toward Industrial Engineering, possibly circa 1952

- Creator: William Jacko, United Steelworkers of America
- Item 5: Statistical Procedures in Industrial Engineering: A Trade Union Point of View, December 1955

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Textile Wkrs. Union of America, in collaboration with Sumner Shapiro
- Item 6: New Labor Approaches to Indusrial Engineering, February 1955

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 7: A Half-Century of Interaction Between Scientific Management and Industrial Government, 1948

- Creator: William Knowles, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Folder 13: Industrial Engineering--Bibliographies

- Folder 14: Industrial Relations

- Item 1: Strategic Choice and Industrial Relations Theory and Practice, October 1983

- Creator: Prof. Peter Cappelli, UIUC ILIR, and Profs. Thomas A. Kochan and Robert B. McKersie, MIT
- Item 2: Right and Wrong in Labor Relations, no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Protection of the Public in Labor and Management Relations, circa 1946

- Creator: E. Wight Bakke, Yale Labor and Management Center
- Item 4: Industrial Relations Theory: A Critical Review, November 1970

- Creator: A.N.J. Blain and John Gennard, London School of Economics
- Item 5: Summarized Minutes of NPA Meeting on Industrial Relations: A Special Report to Members, circa 1946

- Creator: National Planning Association
- Item 6: "This paper compares and contrasts five theoretical approachs to the study of industrial relations", no date

- Item 7: Industrial Relations Systems in Europe and North America, October 1990

- Creator: Prof Roy J. Adams, McMaster Univ.
- Item 8: Dunlop After Two Decades: Systems Theory as a framework for organizing the field of industrial relations, December1977

- Creator: Prof Roy J. Adams, McMaster Univ.
- Item 9: Some Major Labor Problems Looming Ahead in 1957, circa 1957

- Creator: National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 10: Environmental Variables and Union-Management Accommodation, possibly circa 1957

- Creator: Profs. Milton Derber, W. Ellison Chambers and Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: Strategic Factors in Industrial Relations Systems: The Metalworking Industry, April 1974

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 12: Union-Management Relations in East St. Louis, no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Twentieth Annual Midwest Conference on Industrial Relations, May 14, 1954

- Creator: Univ. of Chicago School of Business/Industrial Relations Assn. of Chicago
- Box 47

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations (cont. I)

- Item 1: Strategic Factors in Industrial Relations Systems: The Metalworking Industry, April 1974

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: What To Do When Labor Problems Confront You: A ready reference for employers in labor relations matters, 1966

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: Transcript of the Government-Industry Conference: Talks by the Hon. John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Luther H. Hodges, Arthur J. Goldberg, Ivan A. Nestingen and Dean Rusk, February 13, 1961

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 4: English Summary of Industrial Relations in the US, circa 1958

- Creator: International Cooperation Administration, Japan Productivity Center
- Item 5: The Balance of Power in Management-Union Relations: An address by Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ. Business School, June 22, 1948

- Creator: National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 6: What's Ahead in Labor-Management Relations: Brief of an address given before the Southern California Meeting of the California Personnel Management Assn. and the Personnel Section of the Western Management Assn., 1952

- Creator: Fred A. Hartley, Jr. (Co-author of the Taft-Hartley Law)
- Item 7: Twenty-Second Annual Midwest Conference on Industrial Relations, May 11, 1956

- Creator: Univ. of Chicago School of Business/Industrial Relations Assn. of Chicago
- Item 8: Union-Management Relations at the Plant Level in Dekalb, Illinois, July 1956

- Creator: Profs. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR and John W. Lloyd, Northern Illinois Univ.
- Item 9: Industrial Relations at the Plant Level in Three Downstate Illinois Communities, 1958

- Creator: Profs. Milton Derber, W.E. Chalmers and Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 10: A Comparative Factorial Analysis of Job Semantic Structure of Managers and Workers, circa 1958

- Creator: Harry C. Triandis, UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: The Operating Man's View of Industrial Relations, April 16, 1954

- Creator: K.B. Nagler
- Item 12: A President's Problems in Labor Relations, September 13, 1954

- Creator: John L. McCaffrey, President of Intl. Haverster Co.
- Item 13: A Theory of Employer Attitudes and Behaviour Towards Trade Unions in Western Europe and North America, February 1981

- Creator: Prof. Roy J. Adams, McMaster Univ.
- Item 14: Industrial Relations, October 1956

- Creator: Bureau of Naval Personnel
- Item 15: Proceedings of the 21st Anniversary Conference, 1958

- Creator: Dept. of Industrial Relations, Queens Univ., Ontario, Canada
- Item 16: Assessing Union-Management Relationships, Fall 1961

- Creator: Profs. Milton Derber, W. Ellison Chambers and Milton Edelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 17: Industrial Relations at the Plant Level in Three Illinois Communities, Fall 1958

- Creator: Profs. Milton Derber, W. Ellison Chambers and Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 18: The Social Control of Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ.
- Item 19: Conflict and Contrat: Industrial relations and the political community in times of crisis, 1975

- Creator: Prof. Ralf Dahrendorf, London School of Economics, published by the Liverpool Univ. Press
- Item 20: Uniformities and Differences in Local Union-Management Relationships, December 1957

- Creator: Profs. Milton Derber, W. Ellison Chambers and Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 21: Seventy Questions on the Labor-Management Relations in the United States, 1960

- Creator: Labor-Management Relations Team, Japan Productivity Center, Intl. Cooperation Admin.
- Item 22: Univ. of Illinois Law Forum: Labor Relations (II), Spring 1955

- Creator: College of Law, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 23: Plant Administration of Labor, July 1919

- Creator: Paul H. Douglas, reprinted from the Journal of Political Economy, Vol.27 No.7
- Item 24: The Political Quarterly Special Number: Employers and Labour Problems, July-September 1956

- Creator: Turnstile Press Ltd., London
- Item 25: Industrial Relations Survey: 600 Participating Companies Covering 353,736 Employees, 1948

- Creator: Employers' Assn. of Chicago
- Item 26: Sociologie du Travail, Aux Editions du Seuil, no date

- Item 27: Study Program in the field of Industrial Relations: A Discussion Paper, December 1968

- Creator: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 28: Final Report: Conference of European University Specialists in Industrial Relations Within the Framework of IIRA, March 7-9, 1973

- Creator: Institute for Empirical Sociology
- Item 29: Competing Values in American Industrial Relations, September 1987

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 30: Changing Values in American Industrial Relations 1933-1985, December 1986

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 31: Management and Union Rights in Industrial Establishments, 1960

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 32: Changing Concepts of Industrial Relations and their Challenge to the Public, to Government, To Labor and To Management, October 1, 1959

- Creator: Speech given by Roy Rollins, Vice Pres. Of Industrial Relations at A.E. Staley Co.
- Item 33: Proceedings of the 9th Annual Labor-Management Conference, April 10-11, 1959

- Creator: West Virginia Univ.
- Box 48

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations (cont. II)

- Item 1: Proceedings of the Eight Annual Labor-Management Conference, April 11-12, 1958

- Creator: West Virginia Univ.
- Item 2: Unions in the Workplace, no date

- Item 3: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Labor-Management Conference, April 12-13, 1962

- Creator: West Virginia Univ.
- Item 4: Third Annual Conference on Industrial Relations: Approaches to the Solution of Employer-Employee Problems, November 1952

- Creator: Univ. of Utah
- Item 5: Ninth Annual Industrial Relations Conference, April 12-13, 1951

- Creator: Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 6: Right and Wrong in Labor Relations, circa 1958

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: The Great Transformation in Union-Management Relatinos: 20 Years in Retrospect, possibly circa 1959

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations--Bibliographies I

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations--Bibliographies II

- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Africa

- Item 1: Backward-Sloping Labor Supply Functions in Dual Economies - The Africa Case, 1961

- Creator: Eliot J. Berg, Inter-Univ. Studies of Labor Problems in Economic Development
- Item 2: Grievances Over Labour Agreement INterpretation, April 1967

- Creator: Intl. Institute for Labour Studies, East African Seminar on Labour Problems in Economic Development, Univ. of Nairobi
- Item 3: A Demarcation Dispute, April 1967

- Creator: Intl. Institute for Labour Studies, East African Seminar on Labour Problems in Economic Development, Univ. of Nairobi
- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Africa--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Antigua and Barbuda

- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Argentina

- Item 1: Labor Relations in the Metal Trades Industries - Argentina, no date

- Creator: Ridhard P. Gale, Univ. of Oregon
- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Australia

- Item 1: Australian Industrial Relations Systems, 1980

- Creator: Australian Dept. of Industrial Relations
- Item 2: Integrating Technology, Work Organisation and Skill Formation: Lessons from Manufacturing for Ports, 1990

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 3: Integrating People, Process and Place- the Workplace of the Future, no date

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 4: Technology Transfer, Technocultures and Skill Formation: Learning from Australian Experience, Summer 1991

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 5: A Learning Society: Japan Through Australian Eyes, September 1985

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 6: Union Initiatives to Restructure Industry in Australia, no date

- Creator: Max Ogden
- Item 7: Grievance Procedures and Australian Arbitration, no date

- Creator: David H. Plowman, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 8: Technology, Women and Employment: The Australian Experience, possibly circa 1981

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 9: Industry and Society: A Discussion Document, April 1974

- Creator: Australian Central Industrial Secretariat
- Item 10: Industrial Relations Aspects and Implications of Manpower Policies, September 3-7, 1979

- Creator: John Niland, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 11: ALP Blueprint for Better Industrial Relations, and Party Policy on Percentage Pay Raises, August 6, 1973

- Creator: Hon. Clyde R. Cameron, MP Australian Minister of Labour
- Item 12: Australian Broadcasting Commissio Heresies: The Increasing Isolation of Traditional Decision Makers from the Industrial Workers of Australia, July 25, 1975

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 13: Who Gets What Job: The Changing Ground Rules in Ownership and Control of Labour Market Opportunities, March 27-31, 1983

- Creator: John Niland, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 14: Employer Associations in New South Wales, May 13, 1981

- Creator: David H. Plowman, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 15: A Comparative Assessment of Labour Market Regulation Through Collective Bargaining and Compulsory Arbitration, May 17-19, 1982

- Creator: John Niland, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 16: Industrial Relations in Australia, November 1963

- Creator: Commonwealth of Australia
- Item 17: Cost and Benefits of Industrial Conflict, October 1968

- Creator: Desmond W. Oxnam, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 18: Managers and Workers at the Crossroads: A Critique, June 1979

- Creator: Howard Gill, Business Researche Centre, North Brisbane College of Advanced Education
- Item 19: Work and Negotiation in the Broken Hill Mining Industry, 1966

- Creator: H.A. Cubbon, G.J. Gardner, O.A. Oeser and R.C.S. Trahair, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Melbourne
- Item 20: The Scientific Study of Industrial Relations: A Framework for Interdisciplinary Research, September 1955

- Creator: Prof. K. F. Walker, Psychology Dept., Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 21: The Western Australian System of Industrial Relations -and- Recent Changes in the Western Australian Arbitration System, April 1963 and July 1964

- Creator: Desmond W. Oxnam, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 22: Industrial Relations and ANZAAS, March 1974

- Creator: Desmond W. Oxnam, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 23: State Government Management: Union Relations in Victoria and New South Wales, no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 24: International Comparisons of Industrial Conflict: An Appraisal, July 1965

- Creator: Desmond W. Oxnam, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 25: "Our objective in writing this book was to provide a text on wages theory under Australian conditions", March 12, 1958

- Creator: Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 26: Public Service Board: Annual Report 1969, 1969

- Creator: Commonwealth of Australia
- Item 27: Six Turbulent Years, possibly circa 1975

- Item 28: How We Ran the Barriar Industrial Council at Broken Hill, no date

- Creator: W.S. O'Neil, Industrial Relations Society of Victoria
- Item 29: Aspects of the Contract of Employment, no date

- Creator: Prof. E.I. Sykes, Industrial Relations Society of Victoria
- Item 30: Industrial Relations in the Metal Trades in Australia, 1966

- Creator: Engineering Employers' Federation
- Item 31: An Introduction to Industrial Relations, 1975

- Creator: Personnel and Industrial Services Div., Industrial Relations Dept.
- Item 32: Procedures to Settle Disputes Over Alleged Wrongful Dismissal, 1966

- Creator: R.L. Green, Victoria Univ. of Wellington
- Item 33: Breaking New Ground: Research for the Green Paper on Industrial Democracy, Winter 1984-1985

- Creator: Employee Participation News, Dept. of Employment and Industrial Relations, Australia
- Item 34: Industrial Relations in the Pilbara Iron Ore Industry, 1984

- Creator: Dr. N.F. Dufty, Western Australian Institute of Technology
- Item 35: The Dispute at Mount Isa, June 1965

- Creator: G. H. Sorrell, Lecturer in Industrial Relations at the Univ. of Sydney
- Item 36: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Australia and the Role of the Central Industrial Secretariata and its Constituent Multi-Industry Organisations, 1974

- Creator: Geoffrey A. Bennett, Asst. Dir., Central Industrial Secretariat
- Item 37: Australia at Risk: An Underskilled and Vulnerable Society, 1984

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 38: Human Resource Development in Australia and the Balance of Skills, September 1982

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 39: Trends in Australian Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Prof. J.E. Isaac, Economics Dept., Univ. of Melbourne
- Item 40: Settling Industrial Disputes-Economic Capacity: Are the Concepts Compatible?, August 1968

- Creator: G. Polites, Industrial Relations Society of Victoria
- Item 41: The Future of Collective Bargaining in Australia, December 1968

- Creator: Prof. Kevin Hince, Economics Dept., Univ. of Melbourne
- Item 42: "Long Service Leave (Metalliferous Mining Industry) Act, 1963", 1963

- Creator: Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly, New South Wales, Australia
- Item 43: Alternatives to Arbitration: Overview of the Debate, 1984

- Creator: Prof. Charles Mulvey, Univ. of Western Australia
- Item 44: The Management of Redundancy: A Consideration of the Employers' Position, 1984

- Creator: Ray Fells, Lecturer, Univ. of Western Australia
- Folder 1: Economic Education

- Item 1: How Our Economy Works, no date

- Creator: Herman Erickson, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 2: Economic Literacy in a Free Society, March 1964

- Creator: Special issues of Challenge Magazine
- Item 3: Educating for Economic Competence, 1960

- Creator: National Education Association and Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation
- Item 4: Economic Education Experiences of Enterprising Teachers, 1962

- Creator: Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation
- Item 5: Kaleidoscope of the New Capitalism, 1958

- Creator: Challenge Magazine
- Item 6: Special Issue: Economic Education, March 1960

- Creator: special issue of The Councilor, publication of the Illinois Council for the Social Sciences
- Folder 2: Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

- Folder 3: Adult Education

- Item 1: Leadership Pamphlets #s 1-18, no date

- Creator: Adult Education Association of the USA
- Item 2: Adult Education and the Nation's Problems, 1980

- Creator: Fred Harvey Harrington
- Item 3: Proceedings of the Invitaional Conference on Continuing Education, Manpower Policy and Lifelong Learning, January 10 and 11, 1977

- Creator: National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education
- Item 4: Adult Learning and the Social Crisis, no date

- Creator: Albert R. Verri
- Item 5: The Battle of the Curriculum, 1958

- Creator: C. Scott Fletcher, the Fund for Adult Education
- Item 6: Adult Education: A New Imperative for our Times, 1961

- Creator: Adult Education Association of the USA
- Item 7: Unfinished Business: Continuing Education for Women, 1961

- Creator: Commission on the Education of Women, American Council on Education
- Item 8: Notes and Essays on Education for Adults #s 20-21, 23, 25-32, no date

- Creator: Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults
- Item 9: Adult Education - A Polemic, October 1959

- Creator: Peter E. Siegle and Andrew P. Torrence
- Item 10: The Part Time College Teacher, 1961

- Creator: D.B. Gowin and George H. Daigneault, Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults
- Item 11: The Next Human Nature, October 16, 1960

- Creator: R.J. Blakely, the Fund for Adult Education
- Folder 4: Education, Higher

- Item 1: Teacher Supply and Demand in Colleges and Universities, 1955-1957

- Creator: National Education Association
- Item 2: The Changing University

- Creator: edited by George H. Daigneault, Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults
- Item 3: Equal Opportunity for Higher Education, January 4-5, 1962

- Creator: Proceedings of a Conference sponsored by the AFL-CIO and the Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
- Folder 5: Higher Education--Bibliographies

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
[Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],