By Joseph Ansel Hoisington
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Vertical Subject File, 1893 - 2019

ID: 35/3/402
Extent: 155.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by subject
Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Chamber of Commerce, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce, United States, Collective Bargaining, Commerce, United States Department of, Commerce and Business Administration, College of, Communism, Economics, Economics Department, Education, Government, Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, Illinois Labor-Management Relations, Immigration, Industrial Democracy, Industrial Relations Research Association, International Labor Organization, International Relations, Labor, United States Department of, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Education, Labor History, Labor Journalism, Labor Relations, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions, Law, Law, College of, Management, New Deal, Political Science, Political Science Department, Psychology Department, Socialism, Social Psychology, Social Security, Sociology, Sociology Department, Strikes, Unions, Wage and Price Controls, War Labor Board, Workmen's Compensation
Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish;Castilian, Russian, Swedish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Labor Library Vertical Subject File (1893 - 2019) contains scholarly, legal, political, journalistic and popular literature about labor relations and related topics collected by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library from labor unions, governments, international organizations, political parties, interest groups and scholars and academic institutions and pertaining to relations between employers and employees, the role of government in maintaining fair labor relations, the rights of workers to organize, the structure and function of labor organizations, and the interaction between labor relations and society.
This series includes source material from eras of labor history which presented unique issues and problems including the Progressive Era, the New Deal, World Wars I and II and Post-war Anticommunism.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Processing Information:
All documents in Boxes 1-8 are listed at the item-level in the finding aid.
For boxes 9-154, the finding aid is a combination of folder-level and item-level description. For these boxes, only selected documents were listed at the item-level. Documents have been selected for item-level description on the basis of factors including age, connection to important historical figures and events, lack of availability elsewhere, connection to now-defunct organizations and movements, and connection to the University of Illinois and the the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.
**Denotes subjects which have additional materials at the end of the record series, in the last boxes.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
[Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],
- Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force

- Box 129

- Folder 1: Suggestion Systems

- Item 1: What's Your Idea?, no date

- Creator: Western Electric Company
- Item 2: Zenith Radio Corp. Suyggestion Award System Booklet, no date

- Creator: Zenith Radio Corp.
- Folder 2: Supervision

- Item 1: Improving Human Relations: Action Steps to Develop Better Supervisor-Employee Relations in the Plant, November 1956

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 2: ABC of Supervision, April 1949

- Creator: Business Management Service, UIUC
- Item 3: The Role of Supervision in University Administration, May 1973

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois
- Item 4: Improving Industrial Relations Through Selection and Development of Supervision, March 13-14, 1952

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 5: Supervision of Scientific and Engineering Personnel, 1956

- Creator: John T. Lloyd and Robert D. Gray, Industrial Relations Section, California Institute of Technology
- Folder 3: Sweatshops

- Item 1: Bangladesh: Ending the Race to the Bottom, the Role of US Universities and Student Solidarity, circa 2002

- Creator: National Labor Committee
- Folder 4: Tax Reform

- Item 1: Status of Tax or Expenditure Limitation Activites by State, circa 1978

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public Employee Dept.
- Item 2: Analysis of Proposition 13, June 29, 1978

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED Research Dept.
- Item 3: A Close-up Look at Taxes: What they pay for and who pays, May 1983

- Creator: League of Women Voters of Chicago
- Item 4: Citizen Control of Local Government: Budgets and Taxes, no date

- Creator: Dick Simpson and Cathy Colton, with James Chan, John Gardiner, Rowan Miranda and Barry Rundquist of the Office of Social Science Research, Univ. of Illinois Chicago
- Item 5: A Far Cry From Fair: CTJ's Guide to State Tax Reform, April 1991

- Creator: Robert S. Mcintyre, Michael P. Ettlinger, Douglas P. Kelly and Elizabeth A. Fray of Citizens for Tax Justice, with the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
- Folder 5: Teachers

- Item 1: Rules and Regulations Governing the Procedure for the Dismissal of Tenured Teachers in the State of Illinois, February 1976

- Creator: State Board of Education, Illinois
- Item 2: A survey of teachers salary schedules in efect in 208 Illinois communities and in selected cities in 42 other states, May 1954

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: Styles of Teaching in Two New Public Colleges, November 1965

- Creator: David Riesman, Harvard Univ. and Joseph Gusfield, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 4: Education in the Fifty States, 1966

- Creator: AFL-CIO Education Dept.
- Folder 6: Technicians

- Folder 7: Technological Changes

- Item 1: Cooperation or Conflict: European experiences with technological change at the workplace, March 1981

- Creator: AFL-CIO Professional Employees Dept.
- Item 2: The Information Revolution: A Union Perspective, April 1997

- Creator: Charley Richardson, AFL-CIO Professional Employees Dept.
- Item 3: The Microelectronics Revolution: Consequences for Labor, no date

- Creator: Intl. Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Wkrs.
- Item 4: Microelectronics and Employment, no date

- Creator: International Metalworkers' Federation
- Item 5: Silicon, Satellites and Robots: The Impacts of Technological Change on the Workplace, circa 1979

- Creator: Denis Chamot and Joan M. Baggett, AFL-CIO Professional Employees Dept.
- Item 6: Notes on Report and Recommendations of the Honourable MR. Justice Jack Richards on the Inquiry into Recent Mechanisation and Other Technological Changes in Industry, no date

- Item 7: UIUC ILIR Chicago Labor Education Program Forum on Technological Change, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: High Tech: Societal Conditions of the Introduction of New Technologies and Impacts on the Society of Japan, August 1987

- Creator: Kazutoshi Koshiro, Faculty of Economics, Yokohama Natl. Univ., Japan
- Item 9: Japan's Industrial Policy for New Technologies, May 1985

- Creator: Kazutoshi Koshiro, Faculty of Economics, Yokohama Natl. Univ., Japan
- Item 10: Union-Management Relations and Technical Change: A Case Study, January 1952

- Creator: Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: A Second Survey of Electronic Data Processing in Canada, 1962

- Creator: Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 12: TUAC Seminar on Trade Unions and Technological Gaps, Discussion Paper No.1: Trade Unions and Change, April 1968

- Creator: Erwin Kempf
- Item 13: Social Implications of Technological Change: A Selection of Provisions Adopted Under the Auspices of the ILO, 1958

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 14: International Conference on Automation, Full Employment and a Balanced Economy: Technological Change and the Occupational Structure, June 27, 1967

- Creator: D.C. Barnes, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour
- Item 15: The Rush to 1984: The Acceleration of the Development and Application of Information Technologies in the 1980s: Some Neglected Human and Organizational Issues -and- Adult Education: 1990 and Now, no date

- Creator: Prof. G.W. Ford, Dept. of Organisational Behaviour, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 16: The New Industrial Revolutions: Economic Progress and Social Change, June 1956

- Creator: United Nations
- Box 130

- Folder 1: Technological Changes (cont.)

- Item 1: Impact of Microtechnology on Workers, 1981

- Creator: World Fed. Of Trade Unions, Prague
- Item 2: The Acceleration of Technological Progress and its Influence on the Effective Utilization of Manpower and the Improvement of Workers' Incomes, 1962

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 3: Technological Changes and their Impact on Employment and Occupations: A report prepared for the Special Committee of the Senate of Canada on Manpower and Employment, February 1, 1961

- Creator: Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 4: Microchips and Industrial Relations, 1980

- Creator: Greg Bamber, Durham Univ., UK
- Folder 2: Technological Changes--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Telecommunications Industry

- Item 1: An American Story: The Story of the Independent Telephone Industry in the United States, June 1953

- Creator: United States Independent Telephone Assoc.
- Folder 4: Temporary Employees

- Folder 5: Testing

- Item 1: Drug and Alcohol Testing on the Job: Safety with Personal Dignity, circa 1986

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: A Tremor in the Blood: Uses and Abuses of the Lie Detector, no date

- Creator: David Thoreson Lykken
- Item 3: Ethical Issues in Testing and Evaluation for Personnel Decisions, October 1980

- Creator: Manuel London and Douglas W. Bray, employees of AT&T, published in American Psychologist
- Item 4: An Investigation of Item Bias in a Test of Reading Comprehension, March 1980

- Creator: Robert L. Linn, Michael V. Levine, C. Nicholas Hastings and James L. Wardrop, UIUC Center for the Study of Reading
- Item 5: Principles for the Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures: Second Edition, 1980

- Creator: American Psychological Association
- Item 6: Army General Classification Test Scores for Civilian Occupations, no date

- Creator: Thomas W. Harrell, UIUC and US Army Air Corps, and Margaret S. Harrell
- Item 7: Testing the Abilities of Textile Workers, July 1940

- Creator: Willard Harrell, Georgia School of Technology
- Item 8: Testing Cotton Mill Supervisors, April 1938

- Creator: Willard Harrell, UIUC
- Item 9: The Use of Tests in Improving Personnel Procedures at the AC Spark Plug Div., General Motors Corp., 1944

- Creator: Orlo L. Crissey, Ph.D, Industrial Psychologist
- Item 10: What Tests Can Do For Industry, December 1948

- Creator: Thelma B. Fox, UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: The Ethics of Personality Testing, 1958

- Creator: Saul W. Gellerman, American Management Assoc.
- Item 12: Employment Testing: Guide Signs, not Stop Signs, no date

- Creator: Myron Kandel, US Civil Rights Commission
- Box 131

- Folder 1: Testing (cont.)

- Item 1: Towards Equalizing Educational and Employment Opportunity, Spring 1976

- Creator: Melvin R. Novick, Univ. of Iowa and Nancy S. Petersen, Development and Research Unit, Cambridge, England
- Item 2: A Note on the Use of Evidence in The Organization Man, August 1958

- Creator: Prof. Stanley Stark, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Development and Validation of a Battery of Aptitude Tests for Card Punch Operators, no date

- Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
- Item 4: Testing of Minority Group Applicants for Employment, March 1966

- Creator: Phyllis Wallace, Beverly Kissinger and Betty Reynolds, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Item 5: Cultural Influences on the Validity of Psychological Testing of Leadership in Fiji, June 1977

- Creator: George H. and Anne B. Hines, Business Faculty, Massey Univ, New Zealand
- Item 6: Consent Decree Regarding PACE

- Item 7: Application of Modern Measurement Theory, November 1980

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, Univ. of Illinois; Fritzv Drasgow, Yale Univ. and Charles Parsons, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Folder 2: Testing--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Tests

- Folder 4: Textile Industry

- Item 1: Trends and Problems in Textile and Garment World Trade, October 1960

- Creator: Intl. Textile and Garment Wkrs. Fed.
- Folder 5: Theft by Employees

- Folder 6: Time and Motion Study, 1942-

- Item 1: Motion and Time Study, no date

- Creator: L.C. Pigage and J.L. Tucker
- Item 2: Predetermined Motion Time Systems in the USA, no date

- Creator: Bertram Gottlieb, Industrial Engineer with the AFL-CIO Research Dept.
- Item 3: Union Attitudes Toward Predetermined Motion Time Systems, no date

- Creator: Bertram Gottlieb, Industrial Engineer with the AFL-CIO Research Dept.
- Item 4: Concepts in the Measurement of Human Application, October 1953

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Dir. Of Research, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 5: Production Standards from Time Study Analysis, 1942

- Creator: Local No.2, United Auto Wkrs.
- Item 6: Statistical Procedures in Industrial Engineering: A trade union point of view, December 1955

- Creator: Solomon Barkin and Sumner Shapiro, reprinted from "Time and Motion Study, Vol.4, No.12"
- Item 7: Work Study for Small Scale Industry in Japan, 1962

- Creator: Osamu Umeda, Japan Productivity Center
- Item 8: Labor's Attitude Toward Time and Motion Study, December 6, 1937

- Creator: Spencer Miller, Jr.
- Item 9: Motion and Time Study, June 1954

- Creator: Prof. L.C. Pigage, Mechanical Engineering Dept., UIUC and J.L. Tucker, Chief Industrial Engineer, Coffing Hoist Co.
- Folder 7: Time Utilization

- Item 1: Strategies for Effective Time and Stress Management, August 1989

- Creator: Charles Kozoll, UIUC
- Folder 8: Trade Act, 1974

- Folder 9: Training

- Item 1: Education and Training: Tackling Unemployment, 1996

- Creator: European Commission
- Item 2: Developing a Training Program, 1975

- Creator: E.C. Wolfe, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: Vocational Training of Jews in Europe, September 1948

- Creator: B.M. Joffe, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
- Item 4: Shortchanged and Slighted: An Assessment of the Department of Labor's National Response to Women's Employment and Training Needs, January 1979

- Creator: Women's Work Force, Wider Opportunities for Women Inc.
- Item 5: The Training of Workers and the Competitiveness of Firms: A Search for a Solution to the Crisis, no date

- Creator: Alain d'Iribarne and Jean-Jacques Silvestre, Laboratoire D'Economie et de Sociologie du Travail
- Item 6: Is Developing a New Training Program Really the Best Answer to Your Problem?, November-December, 1977

- Creator: Prof. Lee L. Ahsmann and Prof. Donald Bernstein, Management Faculty, Roosevelt Univ.
- Box 132

- Folder 1: Training (cont.)

- Item 1: Psychological Factors in Employee Training, November 1951

- Creator: Prof. Homer L. Gammill, Psychology Dept., UIUC
- Item 2: Proceedings of the Training Directors Conference, December 2-3, 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension and Industrial Training Directors Assoc.
- Folder 2: Training--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Training of Disadvantaged Workers

- Item 1: New Dimensions in Manpower, circa 1968

- Creator: Cook County Dept. of Public Aid, Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity and Illinois State Employment Service
- Item 2: Employment, Manpower Training and the Black Worker, no date

- Creator: Herbert Hill, Natl. Labor Dir., NAACP
- Folder 4: Training of Disadvantaged Workers--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Evaluation of Training

- Item 1: Teaching and its Evaluation: A Handbook of Resources, no date

- Creator: John C. Ory, dir., Office of Instructional Resources, UIUC
- Item 2: Why Training Programs Fail to Carry Over, no date

- Creator: Prof. James N. Mosel, Psychology Dept., Georgetown Univ., published by the UIUC Bureau of Business Management
- Folder 6: Evaluation of Training--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Foreign Training

- Item 1: In-plant Labour Market Training, February 1976

- Creator: Swedish Labour Ministry
- Item 2: Personnel Training and Development in East African Industries, April 1967

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies, East African Seminar on Labour Problems in Economic Development, Univ. College of Nairobi
- Item 3: Acquisition of Skills, April 1960

- Creator: Canadian Labour Dept., Research Program on the Training of Skilled Manpower
- Item 4: Cosmos Imperial Mills: A Case Study in Labour Force Recruitment and Training, no date

- Creator: Nova Scotia Labour Dept.
- Item 5: Industrial Training in the Soviet Union, 1956

- Creator: Prof. Walter Galenson, Industrial Relations Dept., Univ. of California at Berkeley
- Item 6: Empact: EMPloyment ACTivities in the Republic of South Africa, Vol.II No.2 - Vol.III No.2, 1979 - 1980

- Creator: Empact
- Folder 8: Training of Foremen and Supervisors

- Item 1: Supervisory Training - Why, What, How, August 1949

- Creator: John F. Humes
- Item 2: Residential Study Group "Leadership", 1954

- Creator: Joseph Lucas Ltd.
- Item 3: Development of Supervisory Training in India, no date

- Creator: TWI Centre, Ministry of Labour, Government of India
- Item 4: Selection and Training of Foremen in Europe, no date

- Creator: Organisation for European Economic Cooperation
- Box 133

- Folder 1: Training of Foremen and Supervisors (cont.)

- Item 1: A Practical Short Course on Development of Supervisors as Members of Management on the Campus at the Univ. of Illinois, 1957

- Creator: UIUC
- Item 2: "SUPERVISORY DEVELOPMENT: By Way of Introduction This program is undertaken in order to provide an opportunity to consider some of the important responsibilities of the supervisor", no date

- Item 3: A Report of the Training Program in Production and Supervisory Methods, Conference and Leadership, for Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., 1945

- Creator: Illinois Board for Vocational Training
- Item 4: Report of the Foreman Conference, Electric Auto-Lite Company, 1944

- Creator: Illinois Board for Vocational Training
- Folder 2: Training in Great Britain

- Item 1: An Empirical Analysis of YTS, Employment and Earnings, July 1989

- Creator: Keith Whitfield and Constantine Bourlakis, Institute for Employment Research, Univ. of Warwick
- Item 2: Training for Employment, 1988

- Creator: UK Employment Dept.
- Item 3: Training for Industrial Employment, no date

- Creator: Institute of Labour Management
- Item 4: Education and Training in Industry, October 1949

- Creator: British Iron and Steel Federation
- Item 5: A Challenging Role for British Businesses, no date

- Item 6: Education and Training in the Iron and Steel Industry, October 1950

- Creator: British Iron and Steel Federation
- Item 7: The Guide to Training and the Future, 1972

- Creator: G. Terry Page, Kogan Page Ltd.
- Item 8: Some Impractical Aspects of Human Capital Investment: Training Standards in Five Occupations in Britain and Germany, no date

- Creator: S.J. Prais and Karin Wagner, Natl. Institute of Economic and Social Research
- Folder 3: Training in Japan

- Item 1: Panel Discussion: Motivation of People in the Steel Industry, Personal Development as a Motivator, October 1973

- Creator: Tsutomu Tsuchiya, managing dir., Japan Iron and Steel Fed.
- Item 2: Problems and Prospects of In-Company Human Resources Development in a New Era: Towards the New Concept of "Learning Company", November 1984

- Creator: Research and Development Institute of Vocational Training
- Item 3: Japanese Approach to Human Resources Development: Traditional Systems and Future Challenges, no date

- Creator: Jinnosuke Miyai, Japan Productivity Center
- Item 4: Synergetic Partnership in Training in Japan, 1986

- Creator: Prof. Kenji Okuda, Sophia Univ.
- Item 5: Human Resource Development and Labor Management Relations, February 1987

- Creator: Kazuo Koike, Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto Univ.
- Item 6: The Use of Technology for Training in Japan, July 1990

- Creator: Prof. Sam Stern, Oregon State Univ.
- Item 7: Outline of Training Activities, December 30, 1956

- Creator: Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co.
- Item 8: Human Resource Development in Industry, 1983

- Creator: Tadashi Amaya, Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 9: Questionnaire, 1957

- Creator: Japan Industrial Training Productivity Study Team
- Item 10: Present Situation of Vocational Training in Japan, 1957

- Creator: Japan Labour Ministry
- Item 11: Present Situation of Vocational Training in Japan, 11955

- Creator: Japan Labour Ministry
- Item 12: Management, Supervision and Skill Development in Japan, March 1961

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 13: Japan Industrial Training Association, May 1956

- Creator: Japan Industrial Training Assoc.
- Item 14: Examples of Training Procedures, September 1956

- Creator: Japan Industrial Training Assoc.
- Item 15: Foreman Development in Japan, 1960

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 16: Present Status of Industrial Training in Japan, March 22, 1957

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 17: Japan as a Learning Society, no date

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Organizational Behaviour Programme, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 18: Japanese Industrial Relations Series: Vocational Training, 1981

- Creator: Toshio Ishikawa, Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 19: Industrial Training in Japan, no date

- Folder 4: Training Techniques

- Item 1: A Theory of Training by Group Methods, 1956

- Creator: Herbert A. Shepard and Warren G. Bennis
- Folder 5: Training Within Industry Program

- Folder 6: Transfers

- Folder 7: Transportation Industry

- Item 1: Fuel Taxes? What disinterested authorities say about deficiencies of fuel taxes as a a source of revenue for financing highways, February 1956

- Creator: Association of American Railroads
- Item 2: Modernizing the Nation's Highways, January 1956

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Folder 8: Transportation Industry--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Trucking Industry

- Folder 10: Turnover of Labor

- Item 1: Labour Turnover, no date

- Creator: British Institute of Management
- Item 2: Quitting and Labor Turnover: Microeconomic Evidence and Macroeconomic Consequences, February 1999

- Creator: Tom Krebs and William F. Maloney, World Bank
- Item 3: Self-Employment and Labor Turnover: Cross-Country Evidence, April 1999

- Creator: William F. Maloney, World Bank
- Item 4: Labor Turnover: A Selected Bibliography, March 1979

- Creator: Douglas Armstrong and Carol Anne Wolfe, Ontario Labour Ministry
- Item 5: Workers on the Move, September 1952

- Creator: Kenneth Leymann and C. Edward Weber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: Patterns of Job Duration in Japan and the United States, June 1984

- Creator: William Sterling, General Motors Corp.
- Item 7: Alternative Opportunities and Withdrawal Decisions: Empirical and Theoretical Discrepancies and an Integration, no date

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, Mary Roznowski and Donna Hachiya, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 11: Underemployment

- Item 1: Meeting of Experts on Measurement of Underemployment, August 1963

- Creator: International Labour Office
- Folder 12: Unemployment

- Item 1: The Jobless: What Business Can Do, April 13, 1965

- Creator: Laurence I. Wood, General Electric Co.
- Item 2: Distressed Workers in the Eighties, 1983

- Creator: Daniel H. Saks, Committee on New American Realities
- Item 3: Military Spending: An Occupational Hazard, 1984

- Creator: Employment Research Associates
- Item 4: Chicago Steelworkers: The Cost of Unemployment, January 1985

- Creator: Julie S. Putterman, Steelworkers Research Project
- Item 5: Automation and Unemployment: A Debate, February 1965

- Creator: Detroit Industrial Mission
- Item 6: Unemployment Reserves, November 1931

- Creator: Sidney Hillman
- Box 134

- Folder 1: Unemployment (cont.)

- Item 1: The Employment Problems of Individuals and Groups, 1967

- Creator: Rudolf Meidner, Swedish Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 2: Die "Phillips Kurve" in Deutschland, 1969

- Creator: Walther G. Hoffmann
- Item 3: Model, Regressions and Results: Unemployment by Race and Sex in Disequilibrium, February 25, 1972

- Creator: C. Duncan MacRae and Ralph E. Smith
- Item 4: An Active Manpower Policy for East African Countries?, April 1967

- Creator: C. Carnap, Swedish National Labour Market Board
- Item 5: Unemployment and the Need for Full Employment Policy, June 1972

- Creator: Intl. Metalworkers' Fed.
- Item 6: American Dream or Nightmare? Unemployment and Mental Health in America, 1985

- Creator: National Mental Health Association
- Item 7: When Unemployment Hits: Manual for CIO councils and local unions on developing services to meet the immediate help and welfare needs of unemployed members

- Item 8: Overproduction and Unemployment: A Plea for Freedom, May 1940

- Creator: James Mill
- Item 9: "Unemployment Must Be Abolished!", June 1940

- Creator: American Assoc. for Economic Freedom and Interfaith Conference on Unemployment
- Item 10: Unemployment and its Problems, February 1935

- Creator: John C. Kennedy, Affiliated Schools for Workers
- Item 11: Statsistics of Unemployment and the Work of Employment Offices, October 15, 1912

- Creator: US Dept. of Commerce and Labor
- Item 12: Unemployment: Its Cause and Cure, February 1915

- Creator: Walter Lincoln Sears
- Item 13: The Transient Unemployed: A description and analysis of the transiet relief population, 1935

- Creator: John N. Webb, Works Progress Admin.
- Item 14: The Problem of Unemployment, 1936

- Creator: Don L. Thompson
- Item 15: Unemployment: An address delivered at the Parrish Art Museum, September 6, 1931

- Creator: Nicholas Murray Butler
- Item 16: Some Determinants of the Level of Frictional Unemployment, September 14, 1966

- Creator: Vladimir Stoikov, Intl. Labour Office and UIUC ILIR
- Item 17: Unemployment and Wage-Price Politics, no date

- Creator: Murray Edelman and R.W. Fleming
- Item 18: Unemployment: Causes and Cures, April 1961

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 19: The Role of Government in Promoting Full Employment, March 1966

- Creator: Arthur Ross
- Item 20: Planned Protection Against Unemployment and Dependency: Report on a tentative plan for a proposed investigation, November 1934

- Creator: Social Science Research Council
- Item 21: Unemployment: A Discussion Outline, no date

- Creator: Harrison S. Elliott, Erdman Harris, Nellie M. Day and James Myers
- Item 22: The Meaning of "Excess Supplies of Labour", no date

- Creator: Simon Rottenberg
- Item 23: Women: The New Reserve Army of the Unemployed, 1976

- Creator: Marianne A. Ferber, UIUC and Helen M. Lowry, Oregon St. Univ.
- Item 24: Unemployment and its Remedies, 1932

- Creator: Harry W. Laidler, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 25: Fifty Million Unemployed, 1952

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Folder 2: Unemployment--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Unemployment in Asia--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Unemployment in Belgium

- Item 1: Unemployment in Belgium during the German Occupation and its General Causes, 1917

- Creator: Fernand Passelecq
- Folder 5: Unemployment in Canada

- Item 1: Unemployment in Ontario: A submission to the Government of Ontario by the Ontario Fed. Of Labor, CLC, March 15, 1961

- Creator: Ontario Fed. Of Labor
- Item 2: Report: Study Conference on Unemployment, February 1961

- Creator: Ontario Fed. Of Labor
- Folder 6: Unemployment in the Construction Industry

- Folder 7: Unemployment in Georgia (empty folder)

- Folder 8: Unemployment in Great Britain

- Item 1: Unemployment: An Analysis and Policy Proposals, October 1972

- Creator: General Fed. Of Trade Unions, UK
- Item 2: The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates: A Comment, November 1959

- Creator: Guy Routh
- Item 3: Sectoral Shifts and Unemployment in Interwar Britain, January 1992

- Creator: S. Lael Brainard, MIT
- Item 4: Liberal Unemployment Plans Exposed, March 21, 1929

- Creator: Rt. Hon Stanley Baldwin
- Item 5: Report on "The Raising of the School Age and its Relation to Employment and Unemployment", 1928

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. for Social Progress (British Section)
- Item 6: The Ecological Approach to Unemployment, August 1978

- Creator: Edward Goldsmith
- Item 7: Input Price Shocks and the Slowdown in Economic Growth, Part I: Estimates for UK Manufacturing, July 1981

- Creator: Michael Bruno, Univ. of Jerusalem and Jeffrey Sachs, Harvard Univ.
- Item 8: How Exactly is Unemployment Measured, no date

- Creator: Government Statistical Service and Employment Dept. Group, UK
- Folder 9: Unemployment in New Yorkl

- Folder 10: Unemployment in Ohio

- Folder 11: Unemployment in Tennessee

- Folder 12: Unemployment in West Virginia

- Folder 13: Unemployment of Younger Workers

- Item 1: The Problem of Youth Unemployment, circa 1967

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 2: Youth Unemployment: An Economic Analysis, February 1969

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Folder 14: Seansonal Unemployment

- Folder 15: Structural Unemployment

- Item 1: Technological Unemployment: "The Social and Economic Consequences of Technology", 1940

- Creator: Philip Murray, Steel Workers Organizing Committee
- Item 2: The Fight for Jobs: The European Growth Initiative, 1993

- Creator: European Commission
- Item 3: Manpower Implications of Reordering National Priorities: A Simulation of the Employment Effects of Counterbudget, June 1971

- Creator: James G. Scoville and Roger H. Bezdek, UIUC ILIR, prepared for the National Urban Coalition
- Box 135

- Folder 1: Structural Unemployment (cont.)

- Item 1: Defense Policy Implications for Professional, Scientific and Technical (PST) Manpower, October 1971

- Creator: Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Item 2: Work and Change: Labor Market Adjustment Policies in a Competitive World, 1987

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 3: Unemployment and Structural Change, 1962

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office
- Item 4: Microelectronics at Work: Productivity and Jobs in the World Economy, October 1980

- Creator: Colin Norman
- Item 5: The Displaced Worker n American Society: An Overdue Policy Issue, February 1983

- Creator: National Council on Employment Policy
- Item 6: Work and Employment in Post-Manufacturing Society: Work and Social Change, December 1981

- Creator: Michael Shanks, European Centre for Work and Society
- Item 7: The Economic Impact of Reductions in Defense Spending, no date

- Creator: United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- Item 8: Managing the Response to Industrial Decline, September 1984

- Creator: Prof. Joseph L. Bower, Harvard Business School, for the British-North American Committee
- Item 9: The 1980 Economic Impact - Regional and Occupational - of Compensated Shifts in Defense Spending, December 1974

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek
- Item 10: Occupational Employment Sensitivity to Shifting Patterns of Federal Expenditures, July 30, 1973

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek
- Item 11: The Aftermath: The Problems Communities Face After a Military Installation Closes, February 1978

- Creator: Coneg Policy Research Center, Inc. and Northeast-Midwest Institute
- Item 12: Utilization of Defense Scientists and Engineers for Civilian Purposes, no date

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 13: Jobs and Energy, Spring 1977

- Creator: Environmentalists for Full Employment
- Folder 2: Supplemental Unemployment Benefits

- Item 1: Why Supplemental Unemployment Benefits Are Not Permissible Under Illinois State Law, 1955

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 3: Unemployment Insurance

- Item 1: Illinois Employers Ready Reference on Unemployment Compensation, 1951

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 2: Unemployment Insurance: The Urgency for Reform, April 1974

- Creator: James R. O'Brien, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Trends and Prospects of Unemployment Compensation in Virginia, September 1953

- Creator: Bureau of Population and Economic Research, Univ. of Virginia
- Item 4: History of Indiana Employment Security Legislation, January 1954

- Creator: Indiana Employment Security Div.
- Item 5: Improving Unemployment Insurance, August 1954

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 6: Measuring the Effects of Unemployment Benefits on the Economy, September 1954

- Creator: Marvin K. Blook, Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 7: Repeaters: A Study of Unemployment Insurance Claimants who Established Two or More Consecutive Benefit Years During the Period 1950-1953, October 1954

- Creator: Mississippi Employment Security Commission
- Item 8: Unemployment Compensation: A Legislative-Educational Program in the Issues Series, 1959

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Box 136

- Folder 1: Unemployment Insurance (cont.)

- Item 1: The Federal Unemployment Tax, no date

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 2: Should State Unemployment Insurance be Federalized?, 1946

- Creator: Herman Gray, American Enterprise Assoc.
- Item 3: The American Labor Legislation Review: Federalization of Employment Security -and- Standards for Efficiency Now and After the War, March 1942

- Creator: American Assoc. for Labor Legislation
- Item 4: Trends and Problems in Unemployment Insurance, August 1950

- Creator: Irving N. King, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Privatre Unemployment Benefit Plans in Canadian Industry, 1957

- Creator: Industrial Relations Dept., Queens Univ., Ontario
- Item 6: The Employer's Stake in Effective Unemployment Compensation (Vol.VI, No.3, a special issue of American Economic Security), April-May 1949

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 7: A Plan for the Restoration of Employment: Arguments for the enactment of an emergency employment act making equal grants of purchasing power to all citizens, January 20, 1933

- Creator: Prof. Edward Bennett, Electrical Engineering Dept., Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 8: Justice for the Unemployed and Aged, possibly circa 1933

- Creator: Socialist Party of Massachusetts
- Item 9: Needed Improvements in our Unemployment Compensation System, December 2, 1960

- Creator: Nelson H. Cruikshank, AFL-CIO
- Item 10: Confessions of an Unemployment Cheat, May 1977

- Creator: Lenny Marx, The Washington Monthly
- Item 11: Some Observations on British Experience in the Field of Employment Relations and Social Insurance, December1934

- Creator: John C. Gall, Associate Counsel of the Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 12: Unemployment Insurance, 1952

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 13: Unemployment Compensation in a Stable Economy, July 1948

- Creator: H.W. Steinhaus, Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 14: Financing Unemployment Compensation, 1953

- Creator: The Tax Foundation
- Item 15: Unemployment Compensation in a Free Economy, July 1952

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 16: A Program for Rectification of Inequities in Unemployment Compensation Laws, October 1939

- Creator: American Photo-Engravers Association
- Folder 2: Unemployment Insurance--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Unemployment Insurance in Illinois

- Item 1: Unemployment Insurance Highlights for December 1994, February 1995

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 2: Unemployment Insurance Highlights, November 1986

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 3: Legislation by Collective Bargaining: The Agreed Bill in Illinois Unemployment Compensation Legislation, no date

- Creator: Gilbert Y. Steiner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: The Current Status of the Unemployment Compensation Program, January 4, 1957

- Creator: Samuel Bernstein, Div. of Unemployment Compensation, Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Unemployment Compensation During the War Years: Activities of the div. of placement and unemployment compensation, April 1, 1940 - September 30, 1945, October 1946

- Creator: Samuel Bernstein, Illinois Commissioner of Placement and Unemployment Compensation
- Item 6: "The Role of State Government in Combating Unemployment in Illinois: Unemployment Compensation, Training and Retraining", December 4, 1964

- Creator: Samuel C. Bernstein, Employment Security Administrator, Illinois Labor Dept.
- Box 137

- Folder 1: Unemployment Insurance in Illinois (cont.)

- Item 1: Effects Of An Increase in the Tax Base for Unemployment Compensation in Illinois, October 1967

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Employment Security in the Year Following V-J Day: Activities of the division of placement and unemployment compensation, August 1, 1945 - July 31, 1946, October 1946

- Creator: Samuel Bernstein, Illinois Commissioner of Placement and Unemployment Compensation
- Item 3: Save Money: Where? A Low Unemployment Insurance Tax. How? This Booklet Tells You., April 1956

- Creator: Illinois Manufacturers Assoc.
- Item 4: Further Amendment of the Illinois Unemployment Compensation Law, May 1951

- Creator: Illinois St. Chamber of Commerce
- Item 5: Financing Unemployment Compensation in Illinois, January 1952

- Creator: Prof. Richard C. Wilcock, UIUC ILIR; Illinois Labor Dept. and US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Study of Alternative Systems of Experience Rating, June 1959

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Unemployment Compensation in Illinois, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 8: Report of the Conference of Local Office Managers of the Div. of Unemployment Compensation, Illinois Labor Dept., September 13-15, 1955

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Folder 2: Unemployment Insurance in New York

- Item 1: Unemployment Insurance in the Second Year of War: Annual Report 1943, 1944

- Creator: New York St. Labor Dept.
- Folder 3: Unemployment Relief

- Item 1: Description and Analysis of the First Year of the Emergency Employment Act High Impact Programs in Illinois, October 1972

- Creator: Roger Bezdek, Ava Butler, James Hribal, George Paulin and Guy Standing, UIUC ILIR and Center for Advanced Computation
- Item 2: The EDA Experience in the Evolution of Public Policy: A Brief History, September 1965 to January 1972, February 1972

- Creator: US Commerce Dept.
- Item 3: "Dear Governor Ogilvie: We are responding to your request for guidance in helping the Department of Public Aid", November 29, 1971

- Creator: Robert Bennett, Northwestern Univ. Law School and Harold A. Richman, School of Social Service Admin., Univ. of Chicago
- Item 4: Unemployment Relief Through "Made Work:" Report of the Emergency Work Committee, Inc. of the Indianapolis Commission for Stabilization of Employment, August 1931

- Creator: George E. Gill and William H. Book
- Item 5: A Consumer Credit Technique for Restoring Employment: Arguments for the Enactment of a National Consumer Credit Act Making Equal Grants of Purchasing Power to All Citizens, December 1933

- Creator: Edward Bennett, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 6: Unemployment: A Practical Program, 1930

- Creator: Henry Raymond Mussey, League for Independent Political Action
- Item 7: Public Service Employment Jobs for All, July 1972

- Creator: Robert Lekachman, Public Affairs Committee
- Item 8: Alleviating Unemployment: A Report to the Governor's Emergency Committee on Employment in Nevada, 1931

- Creator: Letson Balliet
- Item 9: How Share The Work Has Been Applied: Different Methods That Have Succeeded in Widely Differing Cases, no date

- Creator: Federal Reserve Banking and Industrial Committees
- Item 10: Central Versus Local Responsibility for Unemployment Relief, 1947

- Creator: Daniel Scheinman, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 11: Two Top-Priority Programs to Reduce Unemployment, December 1963

- Creator: Conference on Economic Progress
- Item 12: Unemployment and Public Works Policies in Pacific Countries, 1933

- Creator: Institute of Pacific Relations
- Box 138

- Folder 1: Unemployment Relief (cont.)

- Folder 2: Unemployment Relief--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Unfair Labor Practices

- Item 1: Views and Recommendations of Members of Special Committee Concerning Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Unfair Labor Practices to United States District Courts, June 15, 1961

- Folder 4: Union Label

- Item 1: Proceedings of the Forty-Second Convention of the Union Label Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor, 1950

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 2: Constitution and By-Laws of the Tri-City Union Label League of Granite City, Madison and Venice, 1907

- Creator: Tri-City Union Label League
- Item 3: 25 Million a Year!, 1952

- Creator: Intl. Bro. of Electrical Wkrs.
- Item 4: 39.9 Million a Year!, circa 1965

- Creator: Intl. Bro. of Electrical Wkrs.
- Item 5: Official 1951 Union Label Directory, 1951

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Folder 5: Union Security

- Item 1: Legislative Restrictions on Union Security Agreements, 1948

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Academic Freedom and the "Agency Shop", 1974

- Creator: Russell Kirk
- Item 3: Must School Boards Force Teachers to Join Unions?, September 1980

- Creator: Susan E. Staub, Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism
- Item 4: Compulsory Unionism: A Real and Present Danger, no date

- Creator: Susan E. Staub, Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism
- Item 5: The Truth About "Right to Work" Laws: Facts vs. Propaganda, February 1965

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: Who Wants the Closed Shop?, 1942

- Creator: Russell L. Greenman, National Foremen's Institute, Inc.
- Item 7: Facts About the Union Shop: A Statement by United Steelworkers of America, CIO, 1952

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America, CIO
- Item 8: Proceedings of the Second Annual Industrial Relations Conference of the Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO, June 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: "Right-to-Work" Laws: Three Moral Studies by an Oblate Father, an Eminent Rabbi, a Methodist Dean, 1954

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Machinists
- Item 10: Tell Your Congressman - Repeal Section 14(b), End So-called "Right-to-Work!", no date

- Creator: Natl. Council for Industrial Peace
- Item 11: Right-To-Work Laws: Unjust and Harmful, October 1957

- Creator: Jerome L. Toner
- Item 12: The Case for Voluntary Unionism: A Discussion of the Merits of "Right-to-Work" Laws and the Dangers of Compulsory Unionism, circa 1955

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 13: Union Security As Ordered by National War Labor Board in Its First Action of This Kind, April 1942

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 14: The Taft-Hartley Act Section 14(b): A Threat to Women's Right to Organize, 1980

- Creator: National Organization for Women
- Item 15: Twenty Questions About the Right-to-Work, July 1957

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 16: Union Membership as a Condition of Employment, July 1956

- Creator: National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA
- Item 17: The Legal and Moral Basis of Right-to-Work Laws, August 23, 1955

- Creator: J.C. Gibson
- Item 18: Why Distinguished Educators Favor Voluntary Unionism, October 1962

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 19: Twenty Questions About "The Right to Work", no date

- Creator: Catholic Council on Working Life
- Item 20: The Closed Shop in Great Britain, no date

- Creator: Jerome L. Toner
- Item 21: What's Wrong with Right-to-Work Laws, March 1958

- Creator: Willliam J. Smith, S.J.
- Item 22: "Right-to-Work" Laws: A Trap for America's Minorities, no date

- Creator: Cesar E. Chavez and Bayard Rustin, A. Philip Randolph Institute/United Farm Wkrs., AFL-CIO
- Item 23: Speaker's Manual on the Case Against So-called "Right-to-Work" Laws, no date

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 24: Fair-Share Fees: The Balance Between Practicality and Constitutionality, no date

- Item 25: Senator Goldwater Sets the Record Straight on Right-to-Work, circa 1963

- Creator: National Right to Work Committee
- Item 26: Union Security Plans: Maintenance of Membership and the Check-Off, 1945

- Creator: Industrial Relations Dept., Queen's Univ., Ontario
- Item 27: Professional Responsibility vs. Collective Bargaining, August 1963

- Creator: National Society of Professional Engineers
- Folder 6: Union Security--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Unionization (empty folder)

- Folder 8: Unionization of Banks and Financial Agencies

- Folder 9: Unionization of Engineers

- Item 1: Unionization Among American Engineers, 1956

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 2: Current Aspects of Unionisation of Engineers, Managerial Staff and Technicians, no date

- Creator: WFTU Commission of Engineers, Managerial Staff and Technicians
- Item 3: Our Concept of the Role and Function of Engineers and Supervisory Staff in the Trade Union Movement, October 1961

- Creator: Paul Alba, Secretaire du Syndicat des Ingenieurs de la Regie Autonome des Petroles
- Item 4: The Role and Place of Engineers and Executives in the Trades Union Movement in the Context of the General Technical and Economic Development of European Countries, October 1961

- Creator: Jean-E. Humblet, Dr. en Droit, Dr. en Econ. Et Leg ouvr., Lic en Sc. Comm. Et fin., Fellow of the American Sociological Society and Administrator of the Belgian Assoc. for Social Progress
- Item 5: Organizing Engineers: Professional Control as an Alternative to Labor Unions, December 1972

- Creator: Melvin Filler, Hughes Aircraft Co.
- Item 6: Engineers and Workers: A Case Study, no date

- Creator: William F. Whyte, NY St. School of Industrial and Labor Relations
- Folder 10: Unionization of Farm Laborers

- Item 1: Boycott Lettuce, Grapes and Gallo Wine Unless You See the UFW Label, no date

- Creator: United Farm Wkrs., AFL-CIO
- Folder 11: Unionization of Farm Laborers--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Unionization of Foremen and Supervisors

- Item 1: Some Effects of Foreman Unionization, August 1945

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 2: History of the Movement to Organize Foremen in the Automotive Industry: December 1938 to May 1945, May 1945

- Creator: General Motors Corp.
- Item 3: Memorandum: The Right of Foremen to Organize for the Purpose of Collective Bargaining in Sweden, June 1, 1943

- Creator: James J. Robbins
- Item 4: Foremen's Unions: A New Development in Industrial Relations, March 1948

- Creator: J. Carl Cabe, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining by Foremen, September 1947

- Creator: J. Carl Cabe, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Folder 13: Unionization of Foremen and Supervisors--Bibliographies

- Box 139

- Folder 1: Unionization of the Insurance Business (empty folder)

- Folder 2: Unionization of Lawyers and Judges

- Folder 3: Unionizatino of Medical and Health Services

- Folder 4: Unionization of Military Personnel

- Item 1: Unions in the Military? Pro by David Cortright and Con by Strom Thurmond, 1977

- Creator: American Enterprise Institute
- Folder 5: Unionization of Professional Employees

- Folder 6: Unionization of Public Utilities

- Item 1: Future of Unionism for Water Utility Employees, October 30, 1963

- Creator: Garvin H. Dyer, Missouri Water Co.
- Folder 7: Unionization of Social Workers

- Item 1: Special Issue of "Catalyst" on Labor and Human Services, 1985

- Creator: Catalyst, Vol.V, Nos.17-18
- Folder 8: Unionization of the Textile Industry

- Item 1: The Morristown Story, no date

- Creator: William Michael Goldsmith, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Folder 9: Unionization of White Collar Workers

- Item 1: Do White Collar Workers Need Unions? An Analysis of the Economic Status of White Collar Workers in Wartime, circa 1944

- Creator: American Fed. Of Teachers
- Item 2: Spotlight on Problems of White Collar Organization, January 10-12, 1957

- Creator: Labor Education Div., Roosevelt Univ.
- Item 3: The Growth of White-Collar Unionism in Britain and Sweden: A Comparative Analysis, 1974

- Creator: Roy J. Adams
- Item 4: Craft Unionism Revisited: The Case of the Waitress Locals, no date

- Creator: Prof. Dorothy Sue Cobble, Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Folder 10: Unionization of White Collar Workers--Bibliographies

- Folder 11: United States Employment Service Act

- Folder 12: Vacations

- Item 1: Vacation and Holiday Practices, 1946

- Creator: Natl. Industrial Conference Board
- Item 2: Paid Vacations in American Industry in 1943 and 1944, January 1945

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Five Weeks' Vacation: Summary of a report of a committee of enquiry set up by the government in 1974 in order to make a general review of the legislation concerning vacations, December 1975

- Creator: Swedish Labour Ministry
- Folder 13: Veterans in Industry

- Item 1: Going to War and Going to College: Did World War II and the GI Bill Increase Educational Attainment for Returning Veterans?, no date

- Creator: John Bound, Univ. of Michigan and Sarah Turner, Univ. of Virginia
- Item 2: Persian Gulf Veterans in the Reserves and National Guard: Effects on Employment, Income and Family, no date

- Creator: Lee Strunin, Boston Univ. School of Public Health
- Item 3: Experience for Hire: Closing the Skills Gap with Army Alumni, no date

- Item 4: Report of the Commission on Post-War Training and Adjustment: A statement of principles relating to the educational problems of returning soldiers, sailors and displaced war industry workers, 1942

- Creator: Columbia Univ. Teacher's College, NY
- Item 5: As You Were: Vietnam Era Veterans in Federal Employment, July 1972

- Creator: US Civil Service Commission
- Item 6: Marching Home: Educational and Social Adjustment After the War, 1944

- Creator: Columbia Univ. Teacher's College, NY
- Item 7: Profile: The Disabled Vietnam-Era Veteran, 1971

- Item 8: 1972 Annual Report of the Jobs for Veterans Natl. Committee, 1973

- Creator: Jobs for Veterans
- Item 9: Plan for Reinstatement: Industrial Welfare Society, April 1945

- Creator: Industrial Welfare Society, UK
- Item 10: Employment Rights Handbook: Questions and Answers About Veterans' Reemployment Rights, October 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Medically Trained Servicemen Where Do You Go From Here?, no date

- Creator: US Health, Education and Welfare Dept.
- Item 12: Evaluation: Operation MEDIHC, March 1970 to December 1971, 1972

- Item 13: Major Benefits Compared for Veterans of WWII, Korea and the Vietnam Era, circa 1970

- Item 14: Current Status of the "Physician's Assistant", January 1972

- Creator: American Medical Association Informational Bulletin
- Item 15: State Veterans' Programs, October 1945

- Creator: The Council of State Governments
- Item 16: Reemployment of Veterans atDTD, circa 1945

- Creator: Detroit Transmission Div., General Motors Corp.
- Item 17: Postwar Jobs for Veterans, March 1945

- Creator: Edited by Paul Webrink, Social Science Research Council
- Item 18: Question and Answer Handbook (revised): Veterans' Reemployment Rights, July 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 19: Project Transition, no date

- Item 20: Our Servicemen and Economic Security, May 1943

- Creator: Edited by Robert H. Skilton, Univ. of Pennsylvania Law School
- Item 21: The Disabled Veteran, May 1945

- Creator: Edited by Prof. Wilma T. Donahue, Psychology Dept. and Clark Tibbitts, Dir. of the Institute for Human Adjustment and Veterans Service Bureau, Univ. of Michigan
- Folder 14: Vocational Education

- Item 1: The Governor's Vocational-Technical Education Conference Report, circa 1970

- Creator: Illinois Governor's Office
- Item 2: Vocational Training in Japan, 1967

- Creator: Vocational Training Bureau, Ministry of Labor
- Item 3: The Institute of Vocational Training, no date

- Creator: Employment Promotion Projects Corp., Japan
- Item 4: Japanese Industrial Relations Series: Vocational Training, 1981

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 5: Outline of Vocational Training in Korea, 1967

- Creator: Office of Labor Affairs, Republic of Korea
- Item 6: The Role of Government in Developing and Utilizing Human Resources in Economic Growth in Latin America, March 1962

- Creator: Luis Escobar, Chilean Minister of Economics, Development and Reconstruction and Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Univ. of Chile
- Item 7: Vocational Secondary Schools Can Be More Cost-effective than Academic Schools: The Case of Israel, 1989

- Creator: Shoshana Neuman and Adrian Ziderman
- Item 8: A System Analysis Approach to Human Resource Development Planning: Nigeria, Summer 1967

- Creator: Frederick H. Harbison, Inter-Univ. Study of Labor Problems in Economic Development
- Item 9: The Concept of Vocational Education in the Thinking of the General Educator 1845 to 1945, July 1, 1946

- Creator: Prof. Arthur Beverly Mays, Industrial Education, UIUC
- Item 10: Report of the Director of Canadian Vocational Training, March 31, 1959

- Creator: Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 11: Vocational Education in Illinois: Research and Development Services: Key to Tomorrow, no date

- Creator: Illinois Board of Vocational Education and Rehabilitation
- Item 12: Coordination of Vocational Education Program Delivery System Assisted Under the Carl D. Perkins Vocatinal Education Act of 1984 and the Job Training Partnership Act, circa 1986

- Creator: Illinois Council on Vocational Education
- Item 13: Career Education and Vocational Education: Similarities and Contrasts, January 2, 1975

- Creator: Rupert N. Evans, UIUC
- Folder 15: Vocational Education--Bibliographies

- Box 140

- Folder 1: Vocational Education--Bibliographies (cont.)

- Folder 2: Vocational Education Directories

- Folder 3: Vocational Education in Germany

- Item 1: Vocational Training in the German Democratic Republic, no date

- Creator: Council of Ministers, German Democratic Republic
- Folder 4: Vocational Education Act, 1963

- Folder 5: Vocational Guidance

- Item 1: Jobs for Which You Can Qualify If You're a High School Graduate, 1979

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Jobs for Which You Can Qualify If You're Not a High School Graduate, 1979

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Jobs for Which You Can Train Through Apprenticeship, 1979

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Jobs for Which You Probably Will Need a College Education, 1979

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Jobs for Which You Probably Will Need Some College or Specialized Training, 1979

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: A Development of a Job Interest Index (JII) by Item Response Theory (IRT): Based on "Company - Job Choice Model", October 25, 1994

- Creator: Naotaka Watanabe and Koji Takahashi, Nanzan Univ. and Hiroyuki Noguchi, Nagoya Univ.
- Item 7: Job Guide for Young Workers: 1960-61 Edition, circa 1960

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Job Guide for Young Workers: 1956-57 Edition, circa 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Job Guide for Young Workers: 1953 Edition, circa 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: After Teenagers Quit School: Seven Community Programs Help Would-Be Workers, 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Jobs For Which a High School Education is Generally Required, circa 1973

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Counseling Girls Toward New Perspectives: A report of the Middle Atlantic Regional Pilot Conference, December 2-4, 1965

- Creator: US Labor Dept. and US Health, Education and Welfare Dept.
- Item 13: New Approaches to Counseling Girls in the 1960s: A report of the midwest regional pilot conference, February 26-27, 1965

- Creator: US Labor Dept. and US Health, Education and Welfare Dept.
- Folder 6: Vocational Guidance--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Vocational Rehabilitation

- Item 1: Supported Employment in Illinois: Assessment Issues Vol.2, 1987

- Creator: Lizanne DeStefano and Frank R. Rusch, UIUC College of Education
- Item 2: Report to the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare by the National Citizens Advisory Committee on Vocational Rehabilitation, June 26, 1968

- Creator: National Citizens Advisory Committee on Vocational Rehabilitation
- Item 3: Brass Tacks: Some pertinent facts about the economic and social aspects of the State-Federal system of vocational rehabilitation for civilians, 1949

- Creator: Federal Security Agency
- Item 4: Demand for Rehabilitation in a Labor Union Population: Part One: Research Report, 1964

- Creator: Hyman J. Weiner, Shelley H. Akabas and Bruce Grynbaum, Sidney Hillman Health Center of New York
- Item 5: Road to Work: A Guide to Rehabilitation and Resettlement, circa 1953

- Creator: Swedish Royal Labour Board
- Item 6: Illinois Vocational Rehabilitation: Concerned with Industry's Needs, no date

- Creator: Illinois Vocational Rehabilitation Div.
- Folder 8: Vocational Rehabilitation--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Voting Time

- Item 1: Time Off For Voting Under State Laws, 1964

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Time Off For Voting Under State Laws, 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Time Off For Voting Under State Laws, 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 10: Wage Adjustments

- Item 1: Wage Drift, 1965

- Creator: Sven Schwartz, Swedish Employers' Confederation
- Item 2: Alternative Wage Reopening and Escalator Clauses, no date

- Item 3: L'Inflation et la Negociation des Salaires, May 1975

- Creator: Marcel Bellemare, Institut de Recherche Applique Sur le Travail
- Item 4: Bulletin to Management, 2008

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Folder 11: Wage Adjustments--Bibliographies

- Box 141

- Folder 1: Wage and Salary Administration

- Item 1: Union Effects on Compensation Policies and Pay Attitudes: A Theoretical Synthesis and Research Proposal, no date

- Creator: Peter D. Sherer
- Item 2: The Changing Basis for Pay, no date

- Creator: Rosabeth Moss Kanter
- Item 3: Pay for Performance: Exploring the Merit System, no date

- Creator: Robert L. Heneman, Ohio St. Univ., for the Work in America Institute Studies in Productivity
- Item 4: "BELIEF: People will strive for desired results when they view that: -Expectations are achievable", no date

- Item 5: A Position Paper, Submitted by the American Compensation Association to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Connection With its Hearings on Job Segregation and Wage Discrimination, June 1980

- Creator: American Compensation Association
- Item 6: Conference Report: Wage and Salary Administration Seminar, July 16-20, 1956

- Creator: NY St. School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 7: Your Pay Rewarding Performance, no date

- Creator: Ford Motor Co.
- Item 8: Employee Mutuals of Wausau, no date

- Creator: Wausau
- Item 9: Corprorate Policy - Subject: Compensation of Employees, February 26, 1973

- Creator: Boeing Corp.
- Item 10: AEG (Aircraft Engine Group)Exempt Compensation, no date

- Creator: General Electric Corp.
- Item 11: Lets Talk Pay Some important facts about salaries at Bank of America, September 1980

- Creator: Bank of America
- Item 12: Compensation Policy, no date

- Creator: RCA Corp.
- Item 13: How Standard Determines Your Pay, no date

- Creator: Standard Oil Co.
- Item 14: Salary Program: Your Total Compensation A Reflection of Your Value to Alcoa, no date

- Creator: Alcoa Corp.
- Item 15: Pay Philosophy, no date

- Creator: Honeywell Corp.
- Item 16: Your Salary, no date

- Creator: RCA Corp.
- Item 17: Staff Compensation Program, no date

- Creator: Pfizer Corp.
- Item 18: Pay Program for Salaried Employees, no date

- Creator: 3M Corp.
- Item 19: Non-Staff Compensation Program, no date

- Creator: Pfizer Corp.
- Item 20: Performance Evaluation by Objective: Instructions, no date

- Creator: Pfizer Corp.
- Folder 2: Wage and Salary Administration--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Wage and Salary Determination

- Item 1: Labor and Product Markets as Wage Determinants: A Local Market Study, September 1966

- Creator: Yohko Sano and Toshiaki Izeki, Institute of Management and Labor Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
- Item 2: Internal and External Forces in Sectoral Wage Formation: Evidence From The Netherlands, October 1996

- Creator: Johan J. Graafland and Marcel H. Lever
- Item 3: Salary Payments, Age and Learning, May 1971

- Creator: Keith Hartley, Lecturer in Economics, Univ. of York
- Item 4: Wage Determination in Canada, April 1965

- Creator: George Saunders, Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 5: Insiders and Outsiders in Wage Formation: The Dutch Case, 1992

- Creator: J.J. Graafland
- Item 6: Wages, Plant Size, and Spillover Effect: An Exploration, 1975

- Creator: Koji Taira, UIUC
- Item 7: A Program of Salary Administration, 1947

- Creator: Edward N. Hay, American Management Assoc.
- Item 8: Principles of Wage Determination by Analysis, 1944

- Creator: J.M. Tedford, Pacific Coast Assn. of Pulp and Paper Manufacturers
- Item 9: From Phillips Curve to Wage Curve, 1992

- Creator: J.J. Graafland
- Item 10: Unionism and Non-Union Wage Rates, September 16, 1976

- Creator: Prof. Lawrence M. Kahn, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 11: The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom 1862-1957: A Further Analysis, February 1960

- Creator: Richard G. Lipsey, London School of Economics
- Item 12: Unionism and Relative Wages: Direct and Indirect Effects, no date

- Creator: Prof. Lawrence M. Kahn, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 13: Union Strength and Wage Inflation, no date

- Creator: Prof. Lawrence M. Kahn, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 14: A Test of the "Expectations Hypothesis" Using Directly Observed Wage and Price Expectations, April 30, 1971

- Creator: Stephen J. Turnovsky, Univ. of Toronto and Michael L. Wachter, Univ. of Pennsylvania
- Item 15: The Effect of Market Structure on Union Wage Levels in US Manufacturing, January 1974

- Creator: Prof. Wallace Hendricks, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 16: The Effects of Industrial, Occupational and Sex Stratification on Wages in Blue Collar Markets, circa 1977

- Creator: Robert C. Bibb and William H. Form, UIUC Sociology Dept.
- Folder 4: Wage and Salary Determination--Bibliographies

- Box 142

- Folder 1: Wage Differentials

- Item 1: Airlines: A Two-Tier Industry in Trouble, 1990

- Creator: Kim Moody, Labor Notes
- Item 2: Inter-Industry Wage Differentials: Evidence from Sweden and a Comparison with the United States, September 1989

- Creator: Per-Anders Edin and Johnny Zetterberg, Economics Dept., Uppsala Univ.
- Item 3: Intra-Organizational Bargaining: A Study of Inter-Class Wage Differentials Among Saskatchewan School Teachers, no date

- Creator: P.Y. Walmsley, M. Ohtsu and A. Verma, Univ. of Saskatchewan
- Item 4: Women's Wages and Job Segregation, Fall 1973

- Creator: Mary Stevenson
- Item 5: Sexist Earnings Differences: The Cost of Female Sexuality, January 1977

- Creator: Albert W. Niemi, Jr.
- Item 6: The Effects of Unions on Industrial Wage Differentials, no date

- Item 7: Assessing Worker Attitudes Under a Two-Tier Wage Plan, July 1988

- Creator: Peter Cappelli, Univ. of Pennsylvania and Peter D. Sherer, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: In Re Labor Union Women, Employment and Pensions Committee Hearing on the Wage Gap, June 26, 1980

- Creator: Illinois Commission on the Status of Women
- Item 9: International Comparison of Wage Structures, 1955

- Creator: John T. Dunlop and Melvin Rothbaum, Intl. Labour Office
- Item 10: Impact of the Recent Inflation on Labor Skill Differentials, April 25, 1975

- Creator: Robert N. Schoeplein, UIUC
- Item 11: Women at Work: Barriers to Economic Equality, 1980

- Creator: Women Employed Institute
- Item 12: Towards a Theory of Intra-Urban Wage Differentials and Their Influence on Travel Patterns, 1962

- Creator: Prof. Leon N. Moses, Northwestern Univ.
- Item 13: Behavior of Wage Rates During Business Cycles, February 1950

- Creator: Daniel Creamer and Martin Bernstein, Natl. Bureau of Economic Research
- Folder 2: Wage Incentive Plans

- Item 1: Wage Incentive Schemes, 1951

- Creator: Ministry of Labour and National Service, UK
- Item 2: A Review of Wage-Incentive Practice, 1949

- Creator: Dept. of Labour and National Service, Australia
- Item 3: A Handbook on Wage Incentive Plans, April 1945

- Creator: War Production Board
- Item 4: When Wage Incentive Plans?, September 3, 1954

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 5: The Trade Union Approach to Wage Incentive Plans, June 1953

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 6: Work Incentives for your Personnel, August 1951

- Creator: Robert L. Peterson, UIUC
- Item 7: A Critical Review of Experience Under the Scanlon Plan (A Propsed Study), May 1968

- Creator: Fred J. Furman
- Item 8: Wage Incentive Plans, no date

- Creator: Mitchell Fein, American Institute of Industrial Engineers
- Item 9: The Murray Wage Incentive Plan, August 1943

- Creator: Murray Corp.
- Folder 3: Wage Incentive Plans--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Wage Payment Systems

- Item 1: Return to Skills, Comparative Advantage and the Effect of Pay-for-Performance Contracts on Wages, February 2000

- Creator: W. Bentley Macleod, Economics Dept. and Law School, USC and Daniel Parent, Economics Dept., McGill Univ.
- Item 2: Illinois Labor Laws Handbook No.1: Wage Payment, 1964

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Payment By Results in the Building Industry in Eastern Europe, 1953

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 4: A Wage-Earners' Investment Fund Under Steady-State Inflation and Growth, October 22, 1973

- Creator: Hans Brems, UIUC
- Item 5: Grading of Clerical Work, 1953

- Creator: Office Management Assoc., UK
- Item 6: Wage Systems, 1923

- Creator: Keppele Hall
- Folder 5: Wage Payment Systems--Bibliographies

- Box 143

- Folder 1: Wage Policies

- Item 1: A National Wage Policy for 1947, December 1946

- Creator: Robert R. Nathan and Oscar Gass, Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 2: Wage Policy in Our Expanding Economy, circa 1951

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 3: Wages Policy in Sweden, 1958

- Creator: T.L. Johnson
- Item 4: Problems of Wage Policy After the War, April 12, 1944

- Creator: Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ.
- Item 5: Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Vol.V No.2, June 1958

- Creator: Scottish Economic Society
- Item 6: Inflation, Unions and Wage Policy, 1960

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 2: Wage Rates

- Item 1: Impact of World War II on Internal Wage Rate Structures, October 1948

- Creator: John B. Parrish, UIUC
- Folder 3: Wages and Salaries

- Item 1: Wages and the Public Interest, January 1958

- Creator: Conference on Economic Progress
- Item 2: Just Wages and Salaries: A Commentary, 1948

- Creator: Raymond J. Miller, C.Ss.R.
- Item 3: Purchasing Power for Prosperity: The Case of the General Motors Workers for Maintaining Take-Home Pay, October 1945

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 4: A Living Wage, 1930

- Creator: Herbert J. Weber
- Item 5: Basic Criteria Used in Wage Negotiations, 1947

- Creator: Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ. for the Chicago Assoc. of Commerce and Industry
- Item 6: Economics of a Fourth Round Wage Increase (Answer to the Nathan Report), August 1949

- Creator: Prof. Jules Backman, Economics Dept., NYU, Testimony on behalf of the steel companies before the Presidential Steel Board
- Item 7: Wage Drives and the Outlook for Tomorrow, March 1948

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 8: History of Wages in the United States from Colonial Times to 1928 9Revision of Bulletin No.499 with Supplement, 1929-1933), 1934

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Report of Chemists' Salaries and Employment Status, Based on the 1973 Combined Salary/Employment Status Survey of ACS Members, 1973

- Creator: American Chemical Society
- Item 10: How to Raise Real Wages, June 1950

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 11: Determinants and Conequences of General Wage Rate Changes in the Bituminous Coal Industry, circa 1950

- Item 12: Wages, Prices, Profits: The Automobile Workers' Case for a 23.5-cent Wage Increase, March 1947

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Folder 4: Wages and Salaries in Afghanistan

- Item 1: Remuneration in Afghan Industry, 1969

- Creator: Prof. James G. Scoville, Economics Dept., Harvard Univ.
- Folder 5: Wages and Salaries in the Air Transportation Industry

- Folder 6: Wages and Salaries in the Aircraft Industry

- Item 1: Aircraft, Missile and Aircraft Overhaul and Repair Wage and Job Comparison Study, May 1968

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Machinists, AFL-CIO
- Folder 7: Wages and Salaries in Amusements and Sports

- Item 1: Who's on First?, April 1985

- Creator: Larry E. White
- Folder 8: Wages and Salaries in Australia

- Item 1: Metal Trades Award, Incorporating Metal Trades (Long Service Leave) Award, 1968

- Creator: Australian Metal Industries Assoc. and Metal Trades Employers Assoc.
- Item 2: Inquiry into Principles of Wage Fixation Vol. I: Report, 1978

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 3: INquiry into Principles of Wage Fixation Vol. II: Apendices, 1978

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 4: National Wage Case, April 3, 1985

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 5: National Wage Case, April 4, 1984

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 6: National Wage Case, November 4, 1985

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 7: National Wage Case, September 23, 1983

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 8: Decision: Inquiry Into Wage Fixing Principles, April 7, 1981

- Creator: Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 9: Award Restructuring and Education in the Metal Trades, July 1989

- Creator: Norm Dufty, Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
- Item 10: Paid Rates Awards, March 1976

- Creator: Central Industrial Secretariat, Australia
- Item 11: Relative Wages, Institutions and Australian Labour Markets, May 1973

- Creator: Keith Nacock and Barry Hughes, Institute of Labour Studies, Flinders Univ., Australia
- Folder 9: Wages and Salaries in Austria (empty folder)

- Folder 10: Wages and Salaries in Banks and Financial Agencies

- Folder 11: Wages and Salaries in Brazil

- Item 1: Determinants of Wage Differentials in Sao Paulo's Industrial Labor Force, April 9, 1974

- Creator: Jose Pastore, Univ. of Sau Paulo; Archibald O. Haller, Univ. of Wisconsin and Hernando Gomez-Buendia, Univ. of Pittsburgh
- Folder 12: Wages and Salaries in California

- Folder 13: Wages and Salaries in Canada

- Item 1: Major Wage Settlements: Annual and Fourth Quarter 1988, circa 1989

- Creator: Bureau of Labour Information, Canada
- Item 2: Spline Function Estimates of the Impact of Equal Pay Legislation, no date

- Creator: Morley Gunderson, Economics Dept., Univ. of Toronto
- Item 3: Trends in Wages by Industry for Nova Scotia: 1961 to 1967, no date

- Creator: Nova Scotia Labour Dept.
- Item 4: 1970 Wage Rates, Salaries and Hours of Labour in Nova Scotia, circa 1971

- Creator: Nova Scotia Labour Dept.
- Box 144

- Folder 1: Wages and Salaries in the Chemical Industry

- Item 1: Earnings and Hours in the Soap Industry, January 1938, June 15, 1938

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 2: Wages and Salaries in China

- Item 1: Average Annual Money Earnings of Workers and Staff in Communist China, 1949-1960, October 1960

- Creator: Central Intelligence Agency
- Folder 3: Wages and Salaries in the Clothing Industry

- Folder 4: Wages and Salaries in the Construction Industry

- Item 1: Wages Gains of Construction Workers: Relationship to the CPI and Productivity, April 1975

- Creator: Leon Greenberg, Contractors Mutual Assoc.
- Item 2: The Escalation of Wages in Construction, June 1970

- Creator: Alan Greenspan, published by the Associated General Contractors of America
- Item 3: Occupational Wage Rates in the US Virgin Islands: Construction, 1986, circa 1986

- Creator: US Virgin Islands Labor Dept.
- Folder 5: Wages and Salaries in the Container Industry

- Folder 6: Wages and Salaries in Europe

- Item 1: Sowjet-Lohnsystem in der Sowjetzone, possibly circa 1952

- Item 2: Das Sozialversicherungswesen in der Sowjetzone, no date

- Item 3: Die Lohnpolitik in Deutshcland in den Jahren 1945 zur Wahrungsfeform, possibly circa 1948

- Item 4: Total Remuneration in the European Community, Japan, and the United States, 1973

- Creator: Towers, Perrin, Forster & Crosby Consultants
- Folder 7: Wages and Salaries of Farm Laborers

- Item 1: Farm and Nonfarm Wage Income of the Hired Farm Working Force in 1946, June 1947

- Creator: US Agriculture Dept.
- Item 2: Employment and Wages of the Hired Farm Working Force in 1945, June 1946

- Creator: US Agriculture Dept.
- Folder 8: Wages and Salaries of Firefighters

- Item 1: Economic Justice: The Needs of Firefighters, January 1970

- Creator: Stanley H. Ruttenberg and Associates, inc.
- Folder 9: Wages and Salaries of Forestry

- Folder 10: Wages and Salaries in France

- Item 1: Ambiguite de la Politique des Salaires en France, no date

- Creator: F. Sellier
- Folder 11: Wages and Salaries in Germany

- Folder 12: Wages and Salaries of Government Employees

- Item 1: An Approach to Resolution of the Fire/Police "Parity" Issue, October 1975

- Creator: Hay Associates, Inc., Chicago
- Item 2: Slary Rate Structure of the Local Governments of Chicago, 1946

- Creator: Civic Federation
- Item 3: An Ordinance Establishing the Salaries Received by the Officers and Employees of the City of Galesburg, Illinois, March 26, 1994

- Creator: City of Galesberg, Illinois
- Folder 13: Government Regulation and Policy on Wages and Salaries

- Item 1: The "Double Standard" of Stabilization, May 19, 1952

- Creator: C.L. Austin, Pres. Of Jones and Laughlin Steel Co.
- Item 2: Statements made before the Steel Panel of the Wage Stabilization Board by: R. Conrad Cooper regarding the rates of pay structure, W.L. Lohrentz concerning "Local Working Conditions" and R.H. Larry on the proposals of the parties regarding the functions of management, circa 1952

- Creator: Steel Panel, Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 3: Directive Orders and Opinions of the National War Labor Board in the "Little Steel" Case, July 16, 1942

- Creator: Natl. War Labor Board
- Item 4: US Steel Replies to the Union Demand for a $2 a Day Wage Increase, circa 1945

- Creator: US Steel Corp.
- Item 5: Steelworkers Need a $2.00-a-Day Wage Increase, circa 1945

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America, CIO
- Item 6: In Re United Steelworkers of America and Various Steel and Iron Ore Companies, Before the US Wage Stabilization Board: Statement of Philip Murray, Pres.; Statement of Arthur J. Goldberg, General Counsel and Union and Company Proposals (US Steel Corp.), January 10-12, 1952

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America, CIO
- Item 7: Steelworkers and the Fight for Labor's Rights, June 1952

- Creator: William Z. Foster
- Item 8: Settlement of Labor Disputes and Wage Stabilization, May 2, 1951

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 9: Wage Stabilization General Orders and Interpretations, 1945

- Creator: Natl. War Labor Board
- Item 10: Wages in a National Emergency: The Why and How of Wage Stabilization

- Item 11: Steel Wages, Prices and Reconversion, November 13, 1943

- Creator: Benjamin F. Fairless, US Steel Corp.
- Item 12: National Economic Planning by Collective Bargaining: The Formation of Austrian Wage, Price and Tax Policy After World War II, 1954

- Creator: Prof. Murray Edelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Conditions Necessary for Effective Price-Wage Controls, 1951

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 14: Wages, Prices, and Profits: Phase II Guidelines vs. Appropriate Policies, December 1971

- Creator: Leon H. Keyserling, Conference on Economic Progress
- Item 15: Ending Price-Wage Controls, June 1952

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 16: Wage Stabilization and Defense Mobilization, December 20, 1950

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 17: Wage Stabilization and Post-War Security, 1943

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 18: Wage Report to the President on the Wartime Relationship of Wages to the Cost of Living, February 22, 1945

- Creator: Natl. War Labor Board
- Item 19: Wage Stabilization Problems- Supervisory Development Techniques, 1951

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Item 20: Co-ordination and Solidarity: An Approach to Wages Policy, 1974

- Creator: Rudolf Meidner, Swedish Trade Union Confed.
- Item 21: Statement by Enders M. Voorhees, Chairman of the Finance Committee of US Steel, before the Presidential Steel Board concerning United Steelworkers of America, CIO and various members of the steel industry, August 22, 1949

- Creator: Enders M. Voorhees, US Steel Corp.
- Box 145

- Folder 1: Government Regulation and Policy on Wages and Salaries (cont.)

- Item 1: The Wage-Price Freeze in Historical Perspective, circa 1971

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: A Position Statement on the Revised Voluntary Wage Guidelines, August 28, 1979

- Creator: American Compensation Assoc.
- Item 3: Wage-Price Guidelines and the Rate of Wage Changes in US Manufacturing, 1951-1966, July 1971

- Creator: Stanley S. Wallack, UIUC
- Item 4: Selected Wage Adjustment Cases, National and Regional, Listed by Issue and Special Industry, May 1953

- Creator: Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 5: Selected Pension Cases Listed by Issue, no date

- Creator: Wage Stabiliztion Board
- Item 6: National Enforcement Commission Procedure Manual, no date

- Creator: National Enforcement Commission
- Item 7: Phase III: Economic Stabilization, Januar y12, 1973

- Creator: Cost of Living Council
- Item 8: Control and Decontrol of Wages in the US: An Empirical Analysis, February 1977

- Creator: Frank Reid, Centre for Industrial Relations, Univ. of Toronto
- Item 9: Wage Stabilization in Theory and Practice, 1954

- Creator: John T. Dunlop, Industrial College of the Armed Forces
- Item 10: Agricultural Wage Stabilization in World War II, 1950

- Creator: Arthur J. Holmaas, US Agriculture Dept.
- Item 11: Health, Welfare and Pension Programs Under Wage Stabilization, October 22, 1951

- Creator: Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 12: Wages Under WSB Rebulations: A Guide for TWUA Representatives on How to Prevent the Regulations From Interfering with Collective Bargaining and What to do When WSB Approval is Needed, November 1951

- Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America
- Item 13: Price and Wage Controls, December 1951

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 14: Wage Stabilization Manual, June 1, 1944

- Creator: Natl. War Labor Board
- Item 15: Wage Stabilization: Orders-Regulations-Interpretations, no date

- Creator: Natl. Industrial Conference Board
- Item 16: Wage and Salary Stabilization Manual, possibly circa 1952

- Creator: Union Employers Section, Printing Industry of America
- Item 17: Current Board Developments, March 1952

- Creator: Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 18: Information About the Government's Wage-Price Policy (With the Regulation), March 11, 1946

- Creator: Office of Economic Stabilization, Natl. Wage Stabilization Board and Office of Price Administration
- Folder 2: Government Regulation and Policy on Wages and Salaries--Bibliography

- Folder 3: Government Regulation and Policy on Wages and Salaries in Great Britain

- Item 1: Fair Pay, Relativities and a Policy for Incomes, 1974

- Creator: Baroness Wootton of Abinger, Univ. of Southampton
- Item 2: Heath's War on Your Wage Packet: The Latest Tory Attack on Living Standards and Trade Union Rights, no date

- Creator: Bert Ramelson, UK Communist Party
- Item 3: A Policy for Wages, July 1950

- Creator: Allan Flanders, Fabian Society
- Item 4: Incomes Policy: Report of a Conference at Ditchley Park, June 11-14, 1971

- Creator: Derek Robinson, Ditchley Foundation
- Item 5: Full Employment on Trial: A Case Study of British Experience, no date

- Creator: Paul E. Sultan, Univ. of Buffalo
- Item 6: Prices and Incomes Theory, September 23, 1968

- Creator: Conservative Research Dept.
- Folder 4: Wages and Salaries in the Grain Mill Products Industry

- Folder 5: Wages and Salaries in Great Britain (empty folder)

- Folder 6: Wages and Salaries in Hawaii

- Item 1: Pay Rates in Hawaii: Private Employment, Government Employment, February 1960

- Creator: Hawaii Employers Council
- Folder 7: Wages and Salaries in Hospitals

- Folder 8: Wages and Salaries in Hosiery Industry

- Folder 9: Wages and Salaries in Hotels and Motels

- Folder 10: Wages and Salaries in Illinois

- Item 1: Why Some Communities' Earnings Can't Keep Up, Spring 1996

- Creator: Carole M. Amidon, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 2: 1997 Occupational Employment Statistics: Wage Data, Chicago Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area, circa 1998

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security and Employment and Training Center
- Item 3: 1997 Occupational Employment Statistics: Wage Data, Kankakee Metropolitan Statistical Area (Kankakee County), circa 1998

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security and Employment and Training Center
- Item 4: 1997 Occupational Employment Statistics: Wage Data, Davenport-Moline-Rock Island Metropolitan Statistical Area (Illinois Section: Henry and Rock Island Counties), circa 1998

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security and Employment and Training Center
- Item 5: 1997 Occupational Employment Statistics: Wage Data, Springfield Metropolitan Statistical Area (Menard and Sangamon Counties), circa 1998

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security and Employment and Training Center
- Item 6: 1997 Occupational Employment Statistics: Wage Data, Bloomington-Normal Metropolitan Statistical Area (McLean County), circa 1998

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security and Employment and Training Center
- Item 7: 1997 Occupational Employment Statistics: Wage Data, Rockford Metropolitan Statistical Area (Boone, Ogle and Winnebago Counties), circa 1998

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security and Employment and Training Center
- Item 8: Examination and Analysis: Wage Determination Methods at Illinois Universities in the State Universities Civil Service System, July 1997

- Creator: Anne-Marie J. Hicks, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: Area Wage Survey: Champaign-Urbana, Various

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Occupational Compensation Survey: Pay and Benefits, Central Illinois, March 1996

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Area Wage Survey: Springfield, Illinois, Various

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Occupational Compensation Survey: Pay and Benefits, Joliet, Illinois, Various

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 13: Occupational Compensation Survey: Pay Only, Vermillion County, Illinois, Various

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 14: Area Wage Survey: Peoria, Illinois, Various

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Area Wage Survey: Decatur, Illinois, Various

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 16: UIUC Personnel Services Office Local Area Salary Survey, March 1978

- Creator: UIUC Personnel Services Office
- Item 17: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 2, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 18: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 3, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 19: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 4, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 20: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 5, Decmeber 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 21: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 6, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 22: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 7, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 23: 1984 Illinois Wage Survey for Region 8, December 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 24: Types and Sources of Wage Data in Illinois, September 1949

- Creator: Richard C. Wilcock, UIUC ILIR
- Item 25: Bloomington-Normal Area Labor Market Trends, January 1986

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 26: East Side Mfg. Assoc. Wage Survey, no date

- Creator: East Side Mfg. Assoc.
- Item 27: Association of Commerce Decatur Wage Survey, no date

- Creator: Assoc. of Commerce
- Item 28: Association of Commerce Industrial Wage Survey, Deatur, Illinois, February 1948

- Creator: Assoc. of Commerce
- Box 146

- Folder 1: Wages and Salaries in India

- Item 1: Incomes Policy in India: Scope and Limitations, circa 1978

- Creator: Prof. C.K. Johri, Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources
- Item 2: Wage Differentials in West Bengal, no date

- Creator: P. Chakraborty, Joint Labour commissioner, Govt. of West Bengal
- Item 3: Indebtedness Among Telco Workers: A Case Study in Indian Labour Problems, 1964

- Creator: Prof. Julius Rezler, Industrial Relations Dept., Loyola Univ., Chicago
- Item 4: Money and Real Wages in India, 1965

- Creator: C.P. Thakur, Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources
- Folder 2: Wages and Salaries in Indiana

- Folder 3: Wages and Salaries in Israel

- Item 1: Cross-Productivity Effects of Education and Origin on Earnings - Are they Really Refleting Productivity?, June 1988

- Creator: Shoshana A. Grossbard-Shechtman, Economics Dept. of San Diego St. Univ. and Shoshana Neuman, Economics Dept., Bar-Ilan Univ., Israel
- Item 2: National Wage Policy in Israel 1948-1962, October 1962

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 4: Wages and Salaries in Japan

- Item 1: The Rising Yen, Employment Adjustment and Wage Determination, no date

- Creator: Kazutoshi Koshiro, Yokohama Natl. Univ.
- Item 2: A Quantitative Analysis of Wage Determination in Japan, 1968

- Creator: Yoko Sano
- Item 3: Wage Problems in Japan, 1962

- Creator: Foreign Affairs Ministry and Labor Ministry, Japan
- Item 4: Working Conditions in Japan, 1959

- Creator: Foreign Affairs Ministry, Japan
- Item 5: Struggle of Japanese Workers for the Establishment of Guaranteed Minimum Wage system - Low Wages of Japanese Workers, February 10, 1957

- Creator: General Council of Trade Unions, Japan
- Item 6: For Genuine "Minimum Wage Law" of Japan, June 1959

- Creator: General Council of Trade Unions, Japan
- Item 7: The Determination of Wages in Japanese Industry, August 1963

- Creator: Kiyotaka Yoneda
- Item 8: Working Conditinos in the Japanese Textile Industry, 1955

- Creator: Labor Ministry, Japan
- Item 9: Wages and Labor Situation in Today's Japan, January 1965

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assoociations
- Item 10: The Changes in Real Wages of Construction Workers in Tokyo, 1830-1894, January 1963

- Creator: Yohko Sano, Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ.
- Item 11: Annual Survey of Wages and Working Conditions of the IMF-JC Affiliates, November 1970

- Creator: Intl. Metalworkers Fed., japan council
- Item 12: Wages and Hours of Work, 1984

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 13: Salary and Wage Administration in Japan, 1961

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 14: Interfirm Wage Differentials in Postwar Japan, October 1962

- Creator: Makoto Sakurabayashi and Esturo Nagasawa, Sophia Univ.
- Item 15: Kobe Shipyard: Male Blue Collar Wages Per Day by Age and Length of Service, no date

- Item 16: Labor Conditions in the Japanese Textile Industry, 1952

- Creator: Labor Ministry, Japan
- Item 17: (documents are entirely in Japanese), no date

- Folder 5: Wages and Salaries in Kentucky

- Folder 6: Wages and Salaries in Korea

- Item 1: Bonuses, Overtime and Employment: Korea vs. Japan, 1989

- Creator: Takatoshi Ito and Kyoungsik Kang
- Folder 7: Wages and Salaries of Librarians

- Item 1: Library Job Top Minimums in 102 Contracts as of April 1, 1986, circa 1986

- Creator: Newspaper Guild, AFL-CIO
- Folder 8: Wages and Salaries in Louisiana

- Folder 9: Wages and Salaries in Maine

- Folder 10: Wages and Salaries in Manufacturing

- Folder 11: Wages and Salaries of Maritime Employees

- Folder 12: Wages and Salaries in Medical and Health Services

- Folder 13: Wages and Salaries in the Metropolitan Transportation Industry

- Folder 14: Wages and Salaries in Mexico

- Item 1: Los Salarios en Mexico, 1947

- Folder 15: Wages and Salaries in Michigan

- Folder 16: Wages and Salaries in Minnesota

- Folder 17: Wages and Salaries in the Moving and Storage Industry

- Folder 18: Wages and Salaries in the Netherlands

- Item 1: National Wage Policy: The Experience of the Netherlands, 1955

- Creator: Bert Zoeteweij, Intl. Labour Office
- Folder 19: Wages and Salaries in Nevada

- Folder 20: Wages and Salaries in New York

- Folder 21: Wages and Salaries in Industrial Nurseries

- Folder 22: Wages and Salaries of Nurses (empty folder)

- Folder 23: Wages and Salaries in Ohio

- Folder 24: Wages and Salaries in the Paper and Pulp Industry

- Folder 25: Wages and Salaries in Pennsylvania

- Folder 26: Wages and Salaries in Personnel Administration

- Item 1: "Compensation" Pay Survey, June 1981

- Creator: American Compensation Assoc.
- Folder 27: Wages and Salaries in the Petroleum Industry

- Folder 28: Wages and Salaries of Police Officers

- Item 1: the Effects of Unionism on the Wage and Employment levels of Police and Firefighters, August 1977

- Creator: Richard B. Victor
- Folder 29: Wages and Salaries of Professors and Instructors

- Item 1: Report on Faculty Salaries for Women, May 1979

- Creator: Northwestern Univ. Committee to Review the Status of the Women Faculty: Prof. Janet Abu-Lughod, Sociology; Arlene Kaplan Daniels, dir. of the Program on Women; Prof. Lucile Hac, Biochemistry and Prof. Niles Newton, Psychology
- Item 2: Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession: 1982-83, July-August 1983

- Creator: American Assoc. of Univ. Professors
- Folder 30: Wages and Salaries in the Printing and Publishing Industry

- Folder 31: Wages and Salaries in Public Utilities

- Item 1: Survey on Compensation of Water Utility Managers: Committee Report, December 1959

- Creator: American Water Works Assoc.
- Folder 32: Wages and Salaries in the Railroad Industry

- Item 1: Railroad Men and Wages, 1947

- Creator: J. Elmer Monroe, Assoc. of American Railroads
- Folder 33: Wages and Salaries in Restaurants and Taverns

- Folder 34: Wages and Salaries in the Steel Industry

- Item 1: Survey of Wages and Conditions in the Iron and Steel Industry in 1960, May 1962

- Creator: Intl. Metalworkers' Fed.
- Item 2: Survey of Wages and Conditions in the Iron and Steel Industry in 1955-1957, March 1959

- Creator: Intl. Metalworkers' Fed.
- Item 3: Wages-Prices-Profits in the Steel Industry, June 30, 1949

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America, CIO
- Item 4: Postwar Wage Determination in the Basic Steel Industry, June 1951

- Creator: Prof. Albert Rees, Economics Dept., Univ. of Chicago
- Item 5: Report and Recommendatinos of the Wage Stabilization Board In Re united Steelworkers of America, CIO and Various Steel and Iron Ore Companies, March 1952

- Creator: Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 6: Wage Chronology: US Steel Corp., 1937-1960, no date

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 35: Surveys of Wages and Salaries

- Folder 36: Surveys of Wages and Salaries--Bibliographies

- Box 147

- Folder 1: Wages and Salaries in Sweden

- Item 1: Job Mobility and Subsequent Wages in Sweden, March 1988

- Creator: Anders Bjorklund, Univ. of Stockholm and Bertil Holmlund, Uppsala Univ.
- Item 2: Wages Policy in Sweden, August 1958

- Creator: T.L. Johnston
- Item 3: Taxes in Sweden, February 1976

- Creator: The Swedish Institute
- Item 4: Wage Policy for the Future: Summary of a Report to the 1991 LO Congress, circa 1992

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO)
- Item 5: Wage Linkages Between Private and Public Sectors in Sweden, 1990

- Creator: Betil Holmlund and Henry Ohlsson, Economics Dept., Uppsala Univ.
- Folder 2: Wages and Salaries of Teachers

- Item 1: Goals for Teachers' Salaries in Our Public Schools, December 1967

- Creator: Leon H. Keyserling, Conference on Economic Progress
- Item 2: Employment and Compensation in Education, 1950

- Creator: George J. Stigler, Natl. Bureau of Economic Research
- Item 3: Illinois Teacher Salary Study, 1971-1972

- Creator: Office of the Superintendent of Public Education, Illinois Education Assoc. and Illinois Assoc. of School Boards
- Item 4: Economic Status of Teachers in 1963-1964, April 1964

- Creator: National Education Assoc.
- Folder 3: Wages and Salaries in Telecommunications

- Folder 4: Wages and Salaries of Temporary Employees

- Folder 5: Wages and Salaries in the Textile Industry

- Item 1: Cotton Textile Wages in the United States and Great Britain: A Comparison of Trends, 1860-1945, 1948

- Creator: Roland Gibson, UIUC
- Folder 6: Wages and Salaries in the Trucking Industry

- Folder 7: Wages and Salaries in the Soviet Union

- Item 1: Labour Remuneration, Labour Incentive Funds and Soviet Trade Unions, 1972

- Creator: Novosti Press Agency, Moscow
- Item 2: The Soviet Wage Reform, 1961

- Creator: Walter Galenson, Univ. of California, Berkeley
- Item 3: Wage Structure and Administration in Soviet Industry, 1964

- Creator: Walter Galenson, Univ. of California, Berkeley
- Folder 8: Wages and Salaries of White Collar Workers

- Item 1: What About White Collar Wages?, 1951

- Creator: Office Employees Intl. Union, AFL and Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Item 2: Can You Afford a White Collar Job?, possibly circa 1947

- Creator: Mike Monroney
- Item 3: Office Salaries: A Guide to 1959 Salary Rates, circa 1959

- Creator: Natl. Office Management Assoc.
- Item 4: Salary Determination for White-Collar Civil Servants in Great Britain, November 1960

- Creator: H.M. Douty, US Labor Dept.
- Folder 9: Wages and Salaries in Wisconsin

- Folder 10: Wages, Prices and Productivity

- Item 1: Productivity, Efficiency Wage Cost and Price Competitiveness of Japanese Exports in the 1950s, June 1963

- Creator: Yoko Kawashima, Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ.
- Item 2: Wages, Costs and Prices, June 1962

- Creator: Yohko Sano, Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ.
- Item 3: Wages, Prices and Production Today (May, 1948), May 1948

- Creator: Dr. N. Arnold Tolles, NY St. School of Industrial and Labor Relations
- Item 4: The Role of Productivity in Controlling Inflation: A Study Paper, December 1974

- Creator: Natl. Commission on Productivity and Work Quality
- Item 5: Wage-Price Guidelines and the Rate of Wage Changes in US Manufacturing, 1951-1966, July 1971

- Creator: Stanley S. Wallack, UIUC
- Item 6: Labor Productivity, Wages and Inflation, June 5, 1975

- Creator: Dr. Mahmoud Suwwan and Ms. Rima Kamal, Natl. Planning Council, Amman, Jordan
- Item 7: The Relationship of Price to Economic Stability and Growth: Commentaries Submitted by Economists from Labor, Appearing Before the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress, October 31, 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: Economic Strategy, Growth and Unemployment, 1971

- Creator: Labour Party, UK
- Folder 11: Wages, Prices and Productivity--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: War and Defense Labor Policies

- Item 1: Labor Policies of the National Defense Advisory Commission and the Office of Production Management: May 1940 to April 1942, October 31, 1946

- Creator: Civilian Production Administration, Bureau of Demobilization
- Item 2: An Oral History of Phillips Garman's Experiences with Organized Labor, Including: The War Labor Board and Shipbuilding Commission 1932-1948, January 30, 1989

- Creator: Mary R. Cosgrove, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: An Introduction to Economic Conversion, May 1988

- Creator: Jonathan Feldman, National Commission for Economic Conversion and Disarmament
- Item 4: Military Base Closures: Federal Programs to Assist Civilian Employees and their Communities, possibly circa 1978

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public Employee Dept.
- Item 5: Wartime Manpower Mobilization, 1951

- Creator: Leonard P. Adams, Cornell Univ.
- Item 6: Labor Relations and the War, November 1942

- Creator: Edited by Prof. Herman Feldman, Dartmouth College
- Item 7: As We Win: Report No.1 of the CIO Post-War Planning Committee, January 1944

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 8: From War to Peace: A Challenge, circa 1945

- Creator: Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion
- Item 9: Public Works of Public Charity? How to met the labor crisis arising from the demobilization of troops and war workers, 1919

- Creator: Harold G. Moulton, Union League Club of Chicago
- Item 10: War Program of American Industry, December 1942

- Creator: War Congress of American Industry
- Item 11: Labor and the War, 1918

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 12: Problems and Policies of Dispute Settlement and Wage Stabilization During World War II: Summary and Conclusions, March 1951

- Creator: W. Ellison Chalmer, Milton Derber and William H. McPherson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Labor Problems and Labor Administration in the United States During the World War, Part I: Nature and Analysis of the Problem, September 1919

- Creator: Prof. Gordon S. Watkins, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 14: Labor Problems and Labor Administration in the United States During the World War, Part II: The Development of War Labor Administration, December 1919

- Creator: Prof. Gordon S. Watkins, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 15: Postwar Plans of Metropolitan Washington Employers, June 20, 1945

- Creator: Washington Board of Trade and Committee for Economic Development
- Item 16: Federal Demobilization and Reconversion Programs, March 1945

- Creator: Council of State Governments
- Item 17: St. Paul Aircraft Parts Workers in Wartime, December 1945

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Mobile Shipyard Workers in Wartime, June 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 19: War and Post-War Experiences of Skilled Cotton Textile Workers in New England, June 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 20: Wartime Shipbuilding Workers of Wilmington, Delaware, June 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 21: Workers' Experiences During the First Phase of Reconversion, June 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 22: Veterans' Adjustment to Civilian Life: A Resurvey, November 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 23: From War to Peace: Civilian Production Achievements in Transition, December 6, 1946

- Creator: John D. Small, Civilian Production Administration
- Item 24: Labor Relations and the War, February 18, 1942

- Creator: William M. Leiserson, Natl. Labor Relations Board
- Item 25: Peace, Jobs and Freedom: Report of a Conference Held in Chicago, IL, April 14-15, 1961, April 1961

- Creator: American Friends Service Committee
- Item 26: War Control of Labor, 1940

- Creator: Natl. Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 27: Labor-Management in World War II, March 1966

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 13: War and Defense Labor Policies--Bibliographies

- Folder 14: War Labor Board

- Item 1: Wage Stabilization General Orders and Interpretations, 1945

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 2: Wage Report to the President on the Wartime Relationship of Wages to the Cost of Living, February 22, 1945

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 3: Disputes Before the War Labor Board, April 1944

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 4: The National Wage Stabilization Code and its Practical Application, May 1944

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 5: "For Release in Morning Papers of Sunday, Sept. 10, 1944: The National War Labor Board today announced it will appoint a three-man panel of public members to conduct hearings in dispute cases involving coal companies", September 1944

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 6: The Stabilization of Wages in the Reocnversion Period: May 1945 - April 1946, May 1, 1946

- Creator: National Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 7: The Settlement of Labor Disputes and Stabilization of WAGes by the National War Labor Board: January 1942 - December 1944, April 1, 1945

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 8: Report on the Activities of the National War Labor Board in Carrying Out the Stabilization Program: Statement of William H. Davis, Chairman, before the Senate Committee on Banking and Finance, March 23, 1944

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Item 9: "Thinking Aloud" or "The Present Thoughts of One Employer", Februay 28, 1942

- Item 10: Labor-Management Disputes, Subsequent to August 17, 1945, Involving Possession of Properties by the Federal Government, October 23, 1946

- Creator: National Wage Stabilization Board
- Item 11: Memorandum Concerning NWSB Research and Statistics Report No.1, October 8, 1946

- Creator: Memorandum from Moses Lukaczer, Chief of the Research and Statistics Branch of the Natl. Wage Stabilization Board, to W. Willard Wirtz, Chairman
- Item 12: "William H. Davis, Chairman of the National War Labor Board, today made public the report of the Board's fact-finding panel", June 30, 1942

- Creator: National War Labor Board
- Folder 15: Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act, 1958

- Box 148

- Folder 1: White-Collar Employees

- Item 1: Satisfying the Salaried Employee, April 1957

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 2: Salaried Employees in Modern Society, 1954

- Creator: Fritz Croner, Intl. Labour Office
- Item 3: Labor Looks at the White Collar Worker, February 20, 1957

- Creator: Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 4: The Registered Nurse and the Professional Organization: Preliminary Analysis of Selected Portions of the Data, July 1960

- Creator: Prof. M.K. Chandler, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: The White Collar Worker in the Technological Age: Containing Information on Nigeria and Other Countries, November 1970

- Creator: A.J. Etukudo, Nigeria Bankers (Employers) Assoc.
- Folder 2: WIN (Work Incentive) Program

- Folder 3: Women in Industry

- Item 1: Survey about pregnant women in the workplace, circulated as part of the research for a Master's Degree tutorial, March 1997

- Creator: Jennifer C. Goveia, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Does Attending Predominantly-Female Schools Make a Difference? Labor Market Outcomes for Women, November 9, 1999

- Creator: Sherrilyn M. Billger, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 3: Tradeswomen: A Quarterly Magazine For Women in Blue-Collar Work, Vol.6 No.1, 1987

- Creator: Tradeswomen Magazine
- Item 4: Women Workers in Oregon: A Portrait in Time, Spring 1978

- Creator: Jan Newton and Sandy Gill, Labor Education and Research Center, Univ. of Oregon
- Item 5: South Bend Women: Work, Life and Family - Status Report and Resource Guide for Working and Poor Families in Michiana, no date

- Creator: Ann Clark and Teresa Ghilarducci, Working Women's Coalition
- Item 6: Women, Men and the Division of Labor, May 1980

- Creator: Kathleen Newland, Worldwatch Institute
- Item 7: The ILO and Women, 1953

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 8: ILO and Women in Employment and Occupation, 1976

- Creator: Nordic Council and Council of Ministers
- Item 9: American Women in the Postwar World: A Symposium on the Role Women Will Play in Business and Industry, 1944

- Creator: Newsweek Club Bureau
- Item 10: Women and Work in US History: An Annotated Selected Bibliography, 1976

- Creator: Business and Professional Women's Foundation
- Item 11: Employment Problems of Women: A Classic Example of Discrimination, March 1972

- Creator: Melba L. Lee and Valentina J. Jackson, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Item 12: A Women's Place is Everywhere: A Working Woman's Guide to Employment Facts, December 1979

- Creator: Women's Advisory Council
- Item 13: Women in the Public Sector, no date

- Item 14: Hidden Violence Against Women at Work, Fall 1995

- Creator: Women in Public Service No.5, from The Center for Women in Government and the American Fed. Of State, County and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO
- Item 15: Into the Marketplace: Working-Class Women in 20th Century Hawaii, no date

- Creator: Hawaii Committee for the Humanities
- Item 16: The Economic Value of a Housewife, no date

- Creator: American Council of Life Insurance
- Item 17: Wartime Pay of Women in Industry, 1943

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 18: Working Women Count!, no date

- Creator: US Labor Dept. and UIUC ILIR
- Item 19: Progress and Prospects: Report of the Second National Conference of Governors' Commissions on the Status of Women, July 1965

- Creator: National Conference of Governors
- Item 20: What Have Women Done? A Photo Essay on Working Women in the United States, no date

- Creator: San Francisco Womens' History Group
- Item 21: Determinants of Women's Career Aspirations, September 1989

- Creator: Margaret Nowak and Steven Ward, Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
- Item 22: The Wage-Earning Woman and the State, 1912

- Creator: Minnie Bronson, published by the Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women
- Item 23: Report of A Consultation on the Status of Household Employment, May 20, 1967

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois Chicago
- Item 24: Some Attitudes and Opinions of Employed Women, April 1963

- Creator: Glenn V. Ramsey
- Item 25: Is This Really Funny? Hear Local Women Speak Out About Sexual Abuse on the Job and How to Stop It!, no date

- Creator: Working Women United, NOW
- Item 26: Working Women and "Women's Work": A Demographic Perspective on the Breakdown of Sex Roles, June 1976

- Creator: Peter A. Morrison and Judith P. Wheeler
- Item 27: The Economic Status of Women: Cross-Cultural Comparisons, June 20, 1974

- Creator: Marianne A. Ferber and Helen Lowry, UIUC
- Item 28: Report on Progress in 1965 on the Status of Women, December 31, 1965

- Creator: Citizens' Advisory Council on the Status of Women
- Item 29: Future Jobs for High School Girls, circa 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 30: Women at Work: A Century of Industrial Change, 1933

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 31: Today's Woman in Tomorrow's World: Report of A Conference Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Women's Bureau, June 2-3, 1960

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 32: Job Horizons for the College Woman, 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 33: Women in Nontraditional Occupations: Choice and Turnover, March 1985

- Creator: Linda J. Waite and Sue E. Berryman, Rand Corp.
- Item 34: Government Careers for Women: A study of the salaries and positions of women white-collar employees in the federal service, 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 35: Negro Women in the Population and in the Labor Force, December 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 36: Women in Scientific Careers, July 1961

- Creator: National Science Foundation
- Item 37: Report of Univ. of Iowa Conference on Employment Problems of Working Women, May 10-11, 1963

- Creator: Univ. of Iowa
- Item 38: The Years Between: The Role Today of Women in Middle Age, A Collection of Viewpoints on Today's Number One Social Problem, Februry 29, 1956

- Creator: Jewish Vacation Assoc.
- Item 39: Negro Women and Their Jobs, January 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 40: Industrialism and Woman's Status, Autumn 1964

- Creator: Jack Barbash, Univ. of Wisconsin Industrial Relations Research Institute
- Item 41: Salaried and Professional Women: Relevant Statistics, January 1988

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. for Professional Employee
- Item 42: College Women Seven Years After Graduation: Resuvey of Women Graduates, Class of 1957, 1964

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Box 149

- Folder 1: Women in Industry (cont.)

- Item 1: Women in Industry: A Survey Covering Employment of Women in Industry, 1943

- Creator: Edward J. Kunze, Natl. Metal Trades Assoc.
- Item 2: Part-Time Jobs for Women: A Study in 10 Cities, 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: -and- The Potential Contribution to the GNP of Valuing Household Work, 1973

- Creator: Kathryn E. Walker and William H. Gauger respectively, American Home Economics Assoc.
- Item 4: Time Used by Husbands for Household Work, June 1970

- Creator: Family Economics Review
- Item 5: How Much Help for Working Mothers?, Autumn 1970

- Creator: Kathryn E. Walker, Human Ecology Forum
- Item 6: Women's Labor, 1973

- Creator: Radical America Vol.7 Nos. 4 and 5
- Item 7: Women Workers and Their Dependents, 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: State Labor Laws for Women with Wartime Modifications, December 15, 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Women: Then and Now, an illustrated discussion of the role of working women in American life, September 1954

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 10: The Federal Women's Program: A Point of View, 1972

- Creator: US Civil Service Commission
- Item 11: Report Made During World War I by Elizabeth Arnold on Problems of the Employment of Women Workers in War Industries, 1918

- Creator: Elizabeth Arnold
- Item 12: Womanpower Committees During World War II, 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 13: Womanpower: A Statement and Recommendations, 1957

- Creator: National Manpower Council
- Item 14: Working Women and Children in Pennsylvania: An analysis of the occupational and the manufacturing sections of the 14th United States Census, December 1923

- Creator: Grace Pugh, Consumers' League of Eastern Pennsylvania
- Item 15: The Outlook for Women in Social Work Administration, Teaching and Research, 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Women in Higher-Level Positions, circa 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 17: Equal Opportunity for Women Wage Earners: Fact vs. Fiction, possibly circa 1920

- Creator: National Consumers' League
- Folder 2: Women in Industry--Bibliographies I

- Folder 3: Women in Industry--Bibliographies II

- Folder 4: Women in Industry in Foreign Countries

- Item 1: The Working Woman in the Soviet Union, 1932

- Creator: Cooperative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR
- Item 2: Industrial Occupations of Women, 1919

- Creator: Enid M. Price, Canadian Reconstruction Assoc., published by the McGill Univ. Economics and Political Science Dept.
- Item 3: Woman as Worker, and Trade Unionist, no date

- Creator: World Fed. Of Trade Unions
- Item 4: Women, Subsistence and the Informal Sector: Towards a Framework of Analysis, August 1981

- Creator: Noeleen Heyzer, Institute of Development Studies, Univ. of Sussex
- Item 5: 50 Million Captive Women, no date

- Creator: Institute of International Labor Research
- Item 6: Women in the Global Factory, 1983

- Creator: Annette Fuentes and Barbara Ehrenreich
- Item 7: The Woman Worker in Germany, January 1952

- Creator: Rhea F. Maxson, US High Commissioner for Germany
- Item 8: The Politics of Female Labor in the Soviet Union, September 1978

- Creator: Joel C. Moses, Western Societies Program, Cornell Univ.
- Item 9: Working Women in Nova Scotia, Fall 1976

- Creator: Nova Scotia Labour Dept.
- Item 10: Women in the Soviet Economy, July 1972

- Creator: Marily Power Goldberg
- Item 11: The One World of Working Women, August 1978

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 5: Women in Industry in Japan

- Item 1: "Promotion of Equality of Men and Women at Work: The importance of the role of women workers in econoimc society has gradually been more highly estimated", no date

- Item 2: Women in Japanese Economy: Productivity and Economic Growth Study Team (Women Leaders), no date

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 3: Status of Women Workers in Japan, 1957

- Creator: Labor Ministry, Japan
- Item 4: Japanese Industrial Relations Series: Problems of Working Women, 1981

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labour
- Folder 6: Women in Labor Unions

- Item 1: UAW Activist Tries to Keep Women's Issues Alive, January 8, 1981

- Creator: Detroit Free Press
- Item 2: An Investigation of the Participation of Women in Local Unions of the Midwest: Motivational Forces and Barriers, June 1988

- Creator: Dawn Emerson Addy, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 3: Women, The Unions and Work, or What is Not to be Done and the Perspective of Winning, 1976

- Creator: Selma James
- Item 4: "Today, working women in America are again organizing and marching for their rights, as they have many times before", no date

- Item 5: The Modern Woman in the Modern Union: A Presentation to the American Psychological Association, September 7, 1976

- Creator: Gloria T. Johnson, Treasurer of the Coalition of Labor Union Women and Education & Women's Activities Director of the Intl. Union of Electrical Workers
- Item 6: "You Can't Scare Me" Labor Heroines 1930s - 1980s, no date

- Creator: Union WAGE (Women's Alliance to Gain Equality)
- Item 7: Breaking New Ground: The National Women's Trade Union League, 1903 - 1929

- Creator: Kay Argo, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 7: Women in Labor Unions--Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Women in the Labor Force

- Item 1: Schooling and Labor Market Consequences of the 1970 State Abortion Reforms, January 1996

- Creator: Josha D. Angrist, Economics Dept., Hebrew Univ. and William N. Evans, Economics Dept., Univ. of Maryland
- Item 2: Wives Who Earn More Than Their Husbands, November 1983

- Creator: Suzanne M. Bianchi, US Commerce Dept.
- Item 3: Against All Odds: The Surprising Labor Market Success of Young Mexican Women, November 1998

- Creator: Heather Antecol, Economics Dept., Illinois St. Univ. and Kelly Bedard, Economics Dept., Claremont McKenna College
- Item 4: Employment Equity Programs and the Job Search Outcomes of Unemployed Men and Women: Actual and Percieved Results, July 1999

- Creator: Heather Antecol, Economics Dept., Illinois St. Univ. and Peter Kuhn, Univ. of California Santa Barbara and McMaster Univ.
- Item 5: Women and Work: Issues of the 1980s, 1982

- Creator: Marianne A. Ferber
- Item 6: One Job or Two Jobs: The Implications for Young Wives, December 1980

- Creator: Marianne A. Ferber and Bonnie Birnbaum, Economics Dept., UIUC
- Item 7: National Survey of Working Women: Perceptions, Problems and Prospects, June 1979

- Creator: National Commission for Working Women
- Item 8: Labor Force Participation of Married Women When Wages and Employment are Risky: Theory and Estimation, 1986

- Creator: Adam J. Grossberg, UIUC Economics Dept.
- Folder 9: Women in the Labor Force--Bibliographies

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
[Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],