By Joseph Ansel Hoisington
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Vertical Subject File, 1893 - 2019

ID: 35/3/402
Extent: 155.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by subject
Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Chamber of Commerce, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce, United States, Collective Bargaining, Commerce, United States Department of, Commerce and Business Administration, College of, Communism, Economics, Economics Department, Education, Government, Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, Illinois Labor-Management Relations, Immigration, Industrial Democracy, Industrial Relations Research Association, International Labor Organization, International Relations, Labor, United States Department of, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Education, Labor History, Labor Journalism, Labor Relations, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions, Law, Law, College of, Management, New Deal, Political Science, Political Science Department, Psychology Department, Socialism, Social Psychology, Social Security, Sociology, Sociology Department, Strikes, Unions, Wage and Price Controls, War Labor Board, Workmen's Compensation
Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish;Castilian, Russian, Swedish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Labor Library Vertical Subject File (1893 - 2019) contains scholarly, legal, political, journalistic and popular literature about labor relations and related topics collected by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library from labor unions, governments, international organizations, political parties, interest groups and scholars and academic institutions and pertaining to relations between employers and employees, the role of government in maintaining fair labor relations, the rights of workers to organize, the structure and function of labor organizations, and the interaction between labor relations and society.
This series includes source material from eras of labor history which presented unique issues and problems including the Progressive Era, the New Deal, World Wars I and II and Post-war Anticommunism.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Processing Information:
All documents in Boxes 1-8 are listed at the item-level in the finding aid.
For boxes 9-154, the finding aid is a combination of folder-level and item-level description. For these boxes, only selected documents were listed at the item-level. Documents have been selected for item-level description on the basis of factors including age, connection to important historical figures and events, lack of availability elsewhere, connection to now-defunct organizations and movements, and connection to the University of Illinois and the the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.
**Denotes subjects which have additional materials at the end of the record series, in the last boxes.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
[Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],
- Series 10: Work - Younger Workers

- Box 150

- Folder 1: Work

- Item 1: A New Strategy for Job Enrichment, May 1974

- Creator: J. Richard Hackman, Yale Univ. and Greg Oldham, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 2: Work in a New America, Winter 1978

- Creator: Rosabeth Moss Kanter, reprinted from "A New America? Vol.107 of the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences"
- Item 3: Productive Forces and Industrial Citizenship: An Evolutionary Perspective on Labour Relations, June 4, 1990

- Creator: Prof. Walther Muller-Jentsch, Industrial Relations Research Unit, Univ. of Warwick
- Item 4: The Changing Shape of Work, 1980

- Creator: Charles Handy
- Item 5: The Changing Work Place: Perceptions, Reality, March 1984

- Creator: American Council of Life Insurance TAP (Trend Analysis Program)
- Item 6: The Future of Work: A Report by the AFL-CIO Committee on the Evolution of Work, August 1983

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: The Act of Work, 1985

- Creator: Robert L. Heilbroner
- Item 8: A L'Ouvrage! L'organisation du travail au Quebec, June 1981

- Creator: Institut de Recherche Appliquee sur le Travail
- Item 9: A Culture in Transformation: Toward a Different Societal Ethic?, Fall 1975

- Creator: American Council of Life Insurance TAP (Trend Analysis Program)
- Item 10: The Changing Nature of Work, no date

- Creator: American Council of Life Insurance TAP (Trend Analysis Program)
- Item 11: Comparative Work Ethics: Judeo-Christian, Islamic and Eastern, 1985

- Creator: Jaroslav Pelikan, Joseph Kitagawa and Seyyed Hossein Nasr
- Item 12: Men and Labor, 1962

- Creator: Edited by Ralph D. Fertig, American Foundatin for Continuing Education
- Folder 2: Work--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Work Group Structure (empty folder)

- Folder 4: Work Group Structure--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Work Measurement

- Item 1: Computer Monitoring and Other Dirty Tricks, April 1986

- Creator: 9to5, Natl. Assoc. of Working Women
- Item 2: What Kind of Work Measurement Program?, November-December 1959

- Creator: R.C. Horne, American Management Assoc.
- Folder 6: Work Rules

- Item 1: Work Rules in Japan, 1985

- Creator: Toshiaki Ohta, Intl. Labour Office
- Item 2: Inside Railroading: The Work-Rules Dispute, no date

- Creator: The 5 Rail Operating Brotherhoods
- Item 3: Control of Uneconomic Practices at Government Sites: A Comparative Study of Two Government Panels, August 1964

- Creator: W.S. Price and Armin Behr, Atomic Energy Commission
- Folder 7: Work Satisfaction

- Item 1: Questionnaires on Work Satisfaction, no date

- Item 2: Pay Satisfaction, Market Forces and the Restructuring of Labor Relations: An Economic and Behavioral Approach, November 1986

- Creator: Prof. Peter Sherer, UIUC ILIR and Prof. Peter Capelli, Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania
- Item 3: Work Centrality, Rewards and Role Strains of Israeli Male Occupational Groups, 1972

- Creator: Prof. Bilha F. Mannheim, Yoel Chomsky and Ayala Cohen, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 4: Elements in Job Satisfaction: A Study of Attitudes Among Different Occupational and Status Groups, 1954

- Creator: John P. Troxell, American Management Assoc.
- Item 5: Working on the Railroad: A Study of Job Satisfaction, March 1953

- Creator: Ross Stagner, D.R. Flebbe and E.V. wood, UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: The Effect of the Level of Production Technology on Workers' Orientations and Responses to the Work Situation, 1976

- Creator: Ruth Tenne and Bilha Mannheim, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 7: A Comparative Study of Work Centrality, Job Rewards and Satisfaction: Occupational Groups in Israel, February 1975

- Creator: Prof. Bilha Mannheim, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 8: Bill Moyer's Journal: "Why Work?" Part I, March 21, 1976

- Creator: WNET 13 Television
- Item 9: Multivariate Analyses of Factors Affecting Work Centrality of Occupational Categories, Autumn 1978

- Creator: Bilha Mannheim and Ayala Cojen, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 10: The Effects of Community Characteristics on Measures of Job Satisfaction, no date

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, Psychology Dept., UIUC
- Item 11: Job Satisfaction and Turnover in a Female Clerical Population, January 1967

- Creator: Charles L. Hulin, Psychology Dept., UIUC
- Item 12: Sex Differences in Job Satisfaction, July 1964

- Creator: Patricia Cain Smith, Cornell Univ. and Charles L. Hulin, UIUC
- Folder 8: Work Satisfaction--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Work Sharing

- Folder 10: Work Simplification

- Item 1: Office Work Standards, March 1951

- Creator: Robert L. Peterson, UIUC Business Management Service
- Item 2: Modernizing Office Procedures, June 1952

- Creator: Robert L. Peterson, UIUC Business Management Service
- Item 3: Putting Work Simplification to Work, April 1951

- Creator: H.S. Hall, UIUC Business Management Service
- Folder 11: Worker Adjustment and Retaining Notification Act

- Folder 12: Working-Class Movements

- Item 1: Chapters in working-Class Formation: Worker Resistance, January 1999

- Creator: Prof. Robert Bruno, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Social Movements, no date

- Creator: Joseph R. Gusfield
- Item 3: Working Class Radicalism in the Gilded Age: Some Problems of Interpretation, no date

- Item 4: The New Rebels in Industrial America, January 1970

- Creator: Jim Jacobs and Larry Laskowski, Bay Area Radical Education Project
- Box 151

- Folder 1: Working-Class Movements: Anarchism

- Item 1: Counting Anarchists: The Numbers and Patterns in Anarchist Organizations in Chicago, 1880-1886, October 1981

- Creator: Bruce C. Nelson, Northern Illinois Univ.
- Item 2: A Case Study in Human Rights: Sacco and Vanzetti, circa 1977

- Creator: Italian-American Studies Committee, United Fed. Of Teachers, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Libertarian Labor Review: A Journal of Anarchosyndicalist Ideas and Discussion, May 1, 1986

- Creator: Libertarian Labor Review Collective
- Folder 2: Working-Class Movements: Anarchism--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Working-Class Movements: Communism

- Item 1: The Communist Manifesto, this edition published in 1939

- Creator: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
- Item 2: The Communist Party Line, 1961

- Creator: Prepared by J. Edgar Hoover, Dir., FBI for the US Senate Judiciary Committee subcommittee to investigate the the administration of internal security laws
- Item 3: Steel Labor's road to Economic Security, Peace and Democracy: A Communist Viewpoint, 1953

- Creator: Communist Party, USA
- Item 4: The Struggle Ahead: Time for a Radical Change!, August 1979

- Creator: Communist Party, USA
- Item 5: Reflections of the Organizer Robert Herbin: The Communist Party and Union Organization in the 1930s and 1940s, no date

- Creator: Felice Herbin, UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: A Radical Woman: The Life and Labors of Mollie West, April 16, 1993

- Creator: Chicago Reader Magazine
- Item 7: Witnesses: The faces of "Reds" Reflect a World of Revolution, no date

- Item 8: "Fight or Starve"; The Communist Party and the unemployed Councils, 1929-1936, May 15, 1980

- Creator: David A. Johnson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 9: How to Beat the Communists, February 28, 1948

- Creator: United Auto Wkrs., CIO
- Item 10: The Soviet, The Terror and intervention, no date

- Creator: M. Philips Price, Socialist Publication Society
- Item 11: The Soviets in Russia, 1919

- Creator: M.K. Eroshkin, Russian Information Bureau in the US
- Item 12: Fighting Fascism in the Factories: How The Young Communist League of Germany Fights in the Factories to Overthrow the Fascist Dictatorship, October 1934

- Creator: Youth Publishers
- Item 13: The Truth About Soviet Russia, March 1938

- Creator: Gil Green, Young Communist League of America
- Item 14: Resolutions of the Ninth Convention of the Communist Party, USA, 1936

- Creator: Communist Party, USA
- Item 15: Liberalism and Sovietism, 1946

- Creator: Alfred Baker Lewis
- Item 16: On The Road to Bolshevization, 1929

- Creator: Workers Library Publishers
- Item 17: The World Crisis and the Negro People Today, no date

- Creator: A. Philip Randolph
- Item 18: The Weapon of Fear, September 25, 1952

- Creator: Sidney Hillman Foundation
- Item 19: The Battle for the Minds of Men: An Address by William O. Douglas, Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court, May 14, 1952

- Creator: Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
- Item 20: Social Democracy- Stepping Stone to Fascism -or- Otto Bauer's Latest Discovery, December 1932

- Creator: D.Z. Manuilsky, Communist Youth International
- Item 21: Causes of Fluctuations in Popular Support for the Italian Communist Party Since 1946, September 1958

- Creator: Murray Edelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 22: Report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to the 20th Party Congress, 1956

- Creator: Nikita S. Khrushchov
- Item 23: Report on Communist Propaganda in America, January 1935

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 24: Unconquered: The Story of Milada Horakova, 1951

- Creator: Natl. Committee for a Free Europe, Inc.
- Item 25: For Your Lecture Program Raya Dunayevskaya: Philosopher, Author, Political Analyst, no date

- Item 26: The Red Front in the United States: Communists, Socialists, Radicals, Left Wingers and Red-Front Organizations in America, no date

- Creator: National Research Bureau
- Item 27: Communist Popular Fronts 1917 - 1956: Four Decades of Perfidy, circa 1956

- Creator: Intsitute of International Labor Research
- Item 28: The American Negro in the Communist Party, December 22, 1954

- Creator: House Un-American Activities Committee
- Item 29: The Greater Danger: The Post-Stalin Pattern for Communist World Conquest, 1956

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 30: Report of Commission on Subversive Activities to Governor Wm. Preston Lane, Jr. and the Maryland General Assembly, Januar 1949

- Creator: Maryland Commission on Subversive Activities
- Item 31: Railroad Workers, Forward!, Octover 1937

- Creator: William Z. Foster
- Item 32: How Vulnerable is Communism? Five Facets of the World Conflict, September 1952

- Creator: The Southwestern Social Science Quarterly, Vol.33 No.2
- Item 33: Guide to the Communist Tactics Among the Unemployed, 1961

- Creator: US Senate Judiciary Committee
- Folder 4: Working-Class Movements: Socialism

- Item 1: A Guide to the Elements of Socialism, 1947

- Creator: G.D.H. Cole, Labour Party, UK
- Item 2: A.B.C of Socialism, 1924

- Creator: Socialist Party of America
- Item 3: The Socialist Call, Vol.XXVIII No.1, Spring 1960

- Item 4: The Socialist Call, Vol.XXVIII No.2, Summer 1960

- Item 5: How Much Socialism is there in the USA?, 1978

- Creator: Harry Kelber
- Item 6: Forward - Journal of Socialist Thought, Vol.7 No.2, Summer 1987

- Item 7: Factory Work As It Is And Might Be, 1922

- Creator: William Morris, New York Labor News Co.
- Item 8: Incentives Under Capitalism and Socialism, 1933

- Creator: Harry W. Laidler, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 9: Socialism in the United States: A Brief History, 1952

- Creator: Harry W. Laidler, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 10: Democratic Socialism: A New Appraisal, 1953

- Creator: Norman Thomas, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 11: The Virus of Anarchy, 1932

- Creator: Arnold Petersen and Olive M. Johnson, New York Labor News Co.
- Item 12: Stalinists on the Waterfront, April 1947

- Creator: Art Preis, Socialist Workers Party
- Item 13: Why No Socialism in the United States?, 1977

- Creator: Seymour Martin Lipset
- Item 14: The Origins of Western Working Class Radicalism 1890 - 1905, Spring 1966

- Creator: Prof. Melvin Dubofsky, History Dept., Northern Illinois Univ.
- Item 15: The NRA, "National Retrogression Act": A "New Deal" for the Workers or the same old Ordeal of exploitation and poverty?, 1934

- Creator: New York Labor News Co.
- Item 16: Some Weak Points in Christian Socialism: A Defence of the Middle Classes, 1912

- Creator: W. Sanday
- Item 17: Manifesto of the Socialist Labor Party to the Working Class of America, 1921

- Creator: Socialist Labor Party
- Item 18: "All Power to the Socialist Industrial Union": Proletarian Democracy vs. Dictatorship and Despotism, 1934

- Creator: Arnold Petersen, New York Labor News Co.
- Item 19: From Reform to Bayonets, 1941

- Creator: Arnold Petersen, New York Labor News Co.
- Item 20: Socialism: Hope of Humanity, 1942

- Creator: Socialist Labor Party
- Item 21: The Position of the Middle-Class Worker in the Transition to Socialism, March 1935

- Creator: The Labour Party, UK
- Item 22: Is This Socialism?, 1954

- Creator: G.D.H. Cole, Fabian Society, UK
- Item 23: War Why?, possibly circa 1945

- Creator: Socialist Labor Party
- Item 24: Can the Workers Run the Country?, 1978

- Creator: New York Labor News Co.
- Item 25: Shop Talks on Economics, 1911

- Creator: Mary E. Marcy
- Item 26: Historical Materialism, 1892

- Creator: Frederick Engels, Published by New York Labor News Co.
- Item 27: The Americanism of Socialism, 1941

- Creator: Eric Hass, Socialist Labor Party
- Item 28: Craft Unionism vs. Industrial Unionism, 1934

- Creator: New York Labor News Co.
- Item 29: Basic Social Trends in African Socialism, 1964

- Creator: Prof. William H. Friedland, NY St. School of Industrial and Labor Relations
- Item 30: Socialism and Economic Development in Tropical Africa, 1964

- Creator: Elliot J. Berg
- Item 31: A Laboring Man's View of Government Ownership, October 17, 1924

- Creator: W.N. Doak, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
- Item 32: Marx on Mallock -or- Fact Vs. Fiction, 1925

- Creator: Daniel DeLeon, New York Labor News Co.
- Item 33: The Socialists, January 16, 1918

- Creator: E.C. Miller, NY State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 34: Peace, Plenty, Freedom - Socialism: The 1956 Platform of the Socialist Labor Party, May 6, 1956

- Creator: Socialist Labor Party
- Item 35: The Split Between Asian and Western Socialism, no date

- Creator: David J. Saposs
- Item 36: German-American Socialists and Chicago: A Cultural Perspective, no date

- Creator: Paul Buhle
- Item 37: Max S. Hayes: A Study of Labor and Socialism, June 1977

- Creator: Timothy J. Miller, Univ. of Akron
- Item 38: Big Auto Sets Up Shop in Chile, Layoffs in US, April 1975

- Creator: New American Movement Vol.IV No.8
- Folder 5: Working-Class Movements: Socialism--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Working-Class Movements: Syndicalism

- Item 1: Syndicalism: Article reprinted from the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 1968

- Creator: Crowell Collier and MacMillan, Inc.
- Folder 7: Working Conditions

- Item 1: Conditions of Work: Research in Progress, 1987

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 2: Report on the Workplace Environment, 1974

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation and Swedish Central Organisation of Salaried Employees
- Folder 8: Working Conditions in Germany

- Item 1: Work in a Nationally-Owned Factory: Facts, Figures and Reports on the NARVA Bulb Factory in Berlin, August 1976

- Creator: German Democratic Republic
- Folder 9: Workmen's Compensation

- Item 1: IAIABC Journal Vol.40 No.2, Fall 2003

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
- Item 2: Workmen's Compensation in the United States, August 1958

- Creator: Harold A. Katz
- Item 3: Workmen's Compensation, September 1952

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 4: Workmen's Compensation Statistics and Cost: Proceedings of Special Meeting of National Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, January 12-13, 1915

- Creator: Natl. Assoc. of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
- Item 5: Don't Let Them Scuttle Workmen's Compensation, no date

- Creator: NY State CIO Council
- Item 6: Industrial Accident Compensation in Eastern Europe: An Empirical Inquiry, 1971

- Creator: Prof. Jan Gorecki, Sociology Dept., UIUC
- Item 7: Guide to Work Injury Reporting, United States and Canada, 1960

- Creator: Intl. Assoc. of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
- Item 8: Some Monetary Aspects of Workmen's Compensation, 1955

- Creator: American Medical Assoc.
- Box 152

- Folder 1: Workmen's Compensation (cont.)

- Item 1: Methods of Financing Workmen's Compensation Administrations and Funds, 1936

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Federal-State Cooperation in Improvement of Workmen's Compensation Legislation, October 24, 1964

- Creator: David B. Johnson, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 3: "NOTE: Since the date of the attached memorandum to members of the Atmoic Energy Labor-Management Advisory Committee on Employee Radiation Hazards", October 30, 1964

- Item 4: A Follow-up Study of Permanent Disability Under Wisconsin Worker's compensation, 1976

- Creator: Richard Edward Ginnold, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 5: Adequacy of Workers' Compensation Benefits, no date

- Creator: William G. Johnson, Paul R. Cullinan and William P. Curington
- Folder 2: Workmen's Compensation--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Workmen's Compensation in Canada

- Item 1: Putting Our Vision to Work: Five Year Plan 2001 - 2005, circa 2000

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 2: Focus on Fairness: 1999 Appeal Commission Annual Report, circa 2000

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 3: Fairness for All: 1998 Appeal Commission Annual Report, circa 1999

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 4: Reaching for New Levels of Service: 1996 Appeal Commission Report, circa 1997

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 5: Reaching for New Levels of Service: 1996 Annual Report, circa 1997

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 6: Reaching for New Levels of Service: Five Year Strategic Plan, 1997

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 7: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba 1996 Five Year Strategic Plan, 1996

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 8: Five Year Plan: New Directions, A Continued Commitment to Service 1998-2003, circa 1998

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 9: 1997 Appeal Commission Annual Report: Building on Service, circa 1997

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 10: Working Together: A Continued Commitment to Service 1998-2002, circa 1998

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 11: 1995 Five Year Operating Plan, March 1995

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 12: 1994 Five Year Operating Plan, March 1994

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 13: 1989 Annual Report: "A Commitment to Service", circa 1990

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Item 14: 70th Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1986, circa 1987

- Creator: Workers Compensation Board of British Columbia
- Item 15: Sisty-Sixth Annual Report, 1984

- Creator: New Brunswick Workers' Compensation Board
- Item 16: Workmen's Compensation in Canada Compensation, 1969

- Creator: Legislation Branch, Canadian Labour Dept.
- Item 17: La Protection du Revenu de la Famille en cas de Deces du Travailleur: Bulletin No.1, no date

- Creator: Raymond Depatie, Institut de Recherche Appliquee sur le Travail, Montreal
- Item 18: La Protection du Revenu de la Famille en cas d'Invalidite du Travailleur: Bulletin No.2, September 1974

- Creator: Raymond Depatie, Institut de Recherche Appliquee sur le Travail, Montreal
- Folder 4: Workmen's Compensation in Germany

- Item 1: Die Berutsgenossenschaften, no date

- Creator: Industrial Injuries Insurance Institutes
- Folder 5: Workmen's Compensation in Illinois

- Item 1: Workmen's Compensation in Illinois, October 1955

- Creator: Arnold R. Weber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Ready Reference Handbook on Workmen's Compensation in Illinois, July 1966

- Creator: Illinois Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: The Illinois Workmen's Compensation Law: What Every Steel Worker Should Know, June 1960

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 4: How Can We Improve the Workmen's Compensation Law and its Administration?, January 9, 1954

- Creator: Reuben G. Soderstrom, Illinois St. Fed. Of Labor
- Item 5: Annual Report: Compensable Work Injuries Reported, Part I - 1964, March 1967

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Annual Report: Compensable Work Injuries Reported, Part I - 1963, March 1965

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Annual Report: Compensable Work Injuries Reported in 1963, Part II: Compensation Claims Closed, May 1965

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Annual Report: Compensable Work Injuries Reported - 1962, June 1964

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries in 1962 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, December 1963

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Annual Report of Compensable Work Injuries in Illinois - 1961, Part I - Work Injury Reports, December 1962

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries in 1961 Part II - Compensaion Claims Closed, December 1962

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries in Illinois - 1960 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, March 1962

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 13: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1960 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, March 1962

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 14: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1959 Part I - Work Injuries Reported in Illinois, May 1961

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1959 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, January 1961

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1958 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, November 1959

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 17: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1958 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, August 1960

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Box 153

- Folder 1: Workmen's Compensation in Illinois (cont.)

- Item 1: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1957 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, November 1958

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1957 Part II - Compensatin Claims Closed, December 1958

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1956 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, August 1957

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1956 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, December 1957

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1955 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, August 1956

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1955 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, November 1956

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1954 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, August 1955

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1954 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, December 1955

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1953 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, no date

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1953 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, December 1954

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1952 Part I - Work Injuries Reported, June 1953

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Annual Report on Compensable Work Injuries 1952 Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, November 1953

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 13: 1951 Annual Report on Industrial Accidents Part I - Work Injuries Reported, June 1952

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 14: 1951 Annual Report on Industrial Accidents Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, December 1952

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Annual Report on Industrial Accidents in Illinois Part I - Work Injuries Reported in 1950, June 1951

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Annual Report on Industrial Accidents in Illinois Part II - Compensation Claims Closed, December 1951

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 17: Annual Report on Industrial Accidents in Illinois 1948 Part I - Industrial Injuries Reported in 1948, no date

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Annual Report on Industrial Accidents in Illinois 1948 Part II - Compensation Cases Closed in 1948, December 15, 1949

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 19: Organized Labor and Workmen's Compensation in Illinois: An Interim Study 1974 - 1977, 1978

- Creator: John B. Parrish, Foundation for the Advancement of the Public Trust Inc.
- Item 20: State of Illinois Workmen's Safety Commission Report, March 1, 1955

- Creator: Illinois Workmen's Safety Commission
- Item 21: The Illinois Workmen's Compensation Law: What Every Steel Worker Should Know, December 1947

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America, CIO
- Item 22: Workmen's Compensation in Illinois: Urgent Need for Legislative Action in 1977, circa 1977

- Creator: Associated Employers of Illinois et al.
- Item 23: What Every Construction Worker Should Know About the Structural Work Statutes, no date

- Item 24: New Illnois Comp Law: We've got it let's use it!, no date

- Creator: Chicago Area committee on Occupational Safety and Health
- Item 25: What's Happening to Workmen's Compensation Costs in Illinois And Why?, March 1963

- Creator: Illinois Chamber of Commerce
- Item 26: Workmen's Compensation Studies, May 18, 1976

- Creator: Illinois Legislative Council
- Item 27: Digest of Worker's Compensation and Rehabilitation, possibly circa 1975

- Creator: Douglas F. Stevenson
- Item 28: Testimony of the Illinois Manufacturers' Association Before the House Legislative Committee Concerning Workers' Compensation Dosts, December 10, 1979

- Creator: Illinois Manufacturers' Assoc.
- Item 29: In the Matter of the Proposed Revision of Workmen's Compensation Rates Filed By: National Council on Compensation Insurance - Opinion, Findings of Fact and Recommendations of Hearing Officer, circa 1979

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Insurance
- Item 30: Final Report of the Workmen's Compensation Insurance Subcommittee of the Illinois Insurance Laws Study Commission, February 1977

- Creator: Illinois Insurance Laws Study Commission
- Item 31: Final Report of the House Special Committee on Workers' Compensation Insurance Rate Containment, June 1980

- Item 32: Workmen's Compensation and Employer Location Decisions, January 1978

- Creator: Illinois Bureau of the Budget
- Item 33: Questions as to the Adequacy of Illinois Workmen's Compensation Provisions in 1953-1954, no date

- Item 34: 1982 is The Year for Desperately Needed Workers' Compensation Changes Four Unjustifiable Drains on the System Must Be Corrected, circa 1982

- Creator: Illinois Chamber of Commerce
- Item 35: Questions and Answers on Illinois Workers' Compensation, January 1977

- Creator: Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Item 36: "In 1964, in the state of Illinois alone, an estimated 89,000 disabling injuries occurred", no date

- Item 37: What's Wrong With Workers' Compensation: Or, The Curse of the Lump Sum Payment!, October 1979

- Creator: Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Item 38: What is Happening to Workmen's Compensation Costs in Illinois And Why?, November 1956

- Creator: Illinois Chamber of Commerce
- Item 39: Costs of Administering Reparation for Work Injuries in Illinois, 1952

- Creator: Prof. Alfred F. Conard, Law School; Prof. Robert I. Mehr, Economics Dept.; Bob A. Hedges, George E. Hill, Philip B. Johnson and John B. Liston, UIUC
- Item 40: Questions and Answers on Illinois Workers' Compensation, February 1977

- Creator: Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 2: Workmen's Compensation in Texas

- Folder 3: Younger Workers

- Item 1: Soviet Youth, 1973

- Creator: Novosti Press Agency
- Item 2: High Hopes, Little Trust: A Study of Young Workers and their Ups and Downs in the New Economy, September 1999

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Essays on the Economics of Crime and Econometric Methodology, 1996

- Creator: Sean Michael May, MIT
- Item 4: Programs for Unemployed Youth, no date

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 5: The Changing Structure of Youth Labour Markets, possibly circa 1990

- Creator: K. Roberts, Sally Dench and Deborah Ricahrdson, Sociology Dept., Univ. of Liverpool
- Item 6: Young Blacks and Jobs - What We Now Know, Winter 1985

- Creator: Richard B. Freeman and Harry J. Holzer, "The Public Interest"
- Item 7: Widening Differentials in Youth Unemployment Rates, October 12, 1967

- Creator: US Govt. Memorandum
- Item 8: Youth Unemployment: Some International Perspectives, August 22, 1969

- Item 9: Madison and ST. Clair Counties Illinois Youth Employment Opportunities Survey, June 1962

- Creator: Illinois State Employment Service and Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Employment of Youth in Illinois Today and Tomorrow, February 1968

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Youth Unemployment: An Economic Analysis, February 1969

- Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR and Economics Dept.
- Item 12: Youth Unemployment: OECD Ministers Discuss Possible Solutions, circa 1976

- Creator: OECD
- Folder 4: Younger Workers--Bibliographies

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
[Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],