ILIR Library Vertical Subject File


Scope and Contents

Subject Terms

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Absenteeism - Boycotts

Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher

Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia

Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain

Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act

Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York

Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change

Overtime - Subcontracting

Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force

Work - Younger Workers

Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America

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Finding Aid for ILIR Library Vertical Subject File, 1893 - 2019 | University of Illinois Archives

By Joseph Ansel Hoisington

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Collection Overview

Title: ILIR Library Vertical Subject File, 1893 - 2019Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 35/3/402

Extent: 155.6 cubic feet

Arrangement: Alphabetically by subject

Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Chamber of Commerce, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce, United States, Collective Bargaining, Commerce, United States Department of, Commerce and Business Administration, College of, Communism, Economics, Economics Department, Education, Government, Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, Illinois Labor-Management Relations, Immigration, Industrial Democracy, Industrial Relations Research Association, International Labor Organization, International Relations, Labor, United States Department of, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Education, Labor History, Labor Journalism, Labor Relations, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions, Law, Law, College of, Management, New Deal, Political Science, Political Science Department, Psychology Department, Socialism, Social Psychology, Social Security, Sociology, Sociology Department, Strikes, Unions, Wage and Price Controls, War Labor Board, Workmen's Compensation

Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish;Castilian, Russian, Swedish

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Labor Library Vertical Subject File (1893 - 2019) contains scholarly, legal, political, journalistic and popular literature about labor relations and related topics collected by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library from labor unions, governments, international organizations, political parties, interest groups and scholars and academic institutions and pertaining to relations between employers and employees, the role of government in maintaining fair labor relations, the rights of workers to organize, the structure and function of labor organizations, and the interaction between labor relations and society.

This series includes source material from eras of labor history which presented unique issues and problems including the Progressive Era, the New Deal, World Wars I and II and Post-war Anticommunism.

Subject/Index Terms

American Arbitration Association
American Federation of Labor
American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO)
Chamber of Commerce, Illinois
Chamber of Commerce, United States
Collective Bargaining
Commerce, United States Department of
Commerce and Business Administration, College of
Economics Department
Government and Public Affairs, Institute of
Illinois Labor-Management Relations
Industrial Democracy
Industrial Relations Research Association
International Labor Organization
International Relations
Labor, United States Department of
Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of
Labor Education
Labor History
Labor Journalism
Labor Relations
Labor Union Organization
Labor Unions
Law, College of
New Deal
Political Science
Political Science Department
Psychology Department
Social Psychology
Social Security
Sociology Department
Wage and Price Controls
War Labor Board
Workmen's Compensation

Administrative Information

Repository: University of Illinois Archives

Accruals: 9/1/2018

Processing Information:

All documents in Boxes 1-8 are listed at the item-level in the finding aid.

For boxes 9-154, the finding aid is a combination of folder-level and item-level description. For these boxes, only selected documents were listed at the item-level. Documents have been selected for item-level description on the basis of factors including age, connection to important historical figures and events, lack of availability elsewhere, connection to now-defunct organizations and movements, and connection to the University of Illinois and the the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.

**Denotes subjects which have additional materials at the end of the record series, in the last boxes.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
[Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
[Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
[Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
[Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
[Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
[Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
[Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
[Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
[Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
[Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],

Series 1: Absenteeism - BoycottsAdd to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Absenteeism**Add to your cart.
Item 1: Sample 1999 attendance calendar, circa 1999Add to your cart.
Creator: G. Neil Companies
Item 2: Datagraph "Time off the job", April 12, 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 3: Second Progress Report: Nationwide Study of prolonged illness, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Item 4: Datagraph "Employee Absences", October 11, 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 5: Controlling Absenteeism, June, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 6: Controlling Absenteeism: A record of war plant experience, circa 1943Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labour Dept. - Div. of Labor Standards
Item 7: Office Personnel Turnover: AMS Latest Findings, May, 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: AMS
Item 8: Bulletin to Management, September 21, 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 9: 1991 Attendance controller, circa 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: G. Neil Companies
Item 10: Prolonged nonoccupational illness: a nationwide study among employed persons, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Item 11: Personality, Performance, and Absenteeism of Professionals: The Case of Public School Teachers, unknownAdd to your cart.
Creator: T. Gregory Bergin
Item 12: Personnel Policies Forum, June,1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 13: Absences and employee attitudes in an electric power company, circa 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Floyd Mann and Howard Baumgartel
Item 14: Faculty Working Papers, February, 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: Dept. of Economics and Business, NC State Univ.
Item 15: Union Labor Report: Weekly Newsletter, October 11, 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 16: How to cure those costly "I've got a cold" absences, circa 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Management Magazines, inc.
Item 17: Auditing Absenteeism, circa 1943Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept. Div. of Labor Standards
Item 18: Bulletin to Management, March 2008-16Add to your cart.

Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.

17 Bulletin to Management issues relating to Absenteeism.

Folder 2: Absenteeism BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Accidents, IndustrialAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Pysical environment, productivity, and injuries in underground coal mines, Spring 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: C.L. Christenson and W.H. Andrews
Item 2: Work-related deaths in 1984, July 10, 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 3: Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, 1982-1983, January 10, 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 4: Fatal Occupational Injuries 1994, January, 1996Add to your cart.
Creator: Rhode Island Dept. of Health
Item 5: Congressional Testimony: economic consequences of work-related injuries, May, 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: M. Susan Marquis
Item 6: Making Steel and Killing Men, November, 1907Add to your cart.
Creator: William Hard
Item 7: OHSA Enforcement, Industrial Compliance and Workplace Injuries, July, 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: Ann P. Bartel and Lacy Glenn Thomas
Item 8: Injries to Crewmen on Inland Waterways, circa 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: United States Labor Dept.
Item 9: Injury Rates by Industry, 1966 and 1967, circa 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 10: Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in Nebraska by Industry, 1977, circa 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Nebraska Workmen's Compensation Court
Item 11: Employment Safety and Health Guide: The President's Report on Occupational Safety and Health for 1972 and Occupational Injuries and Illnesses July 1 - December 31, 1971, February 21, 1974Add to your cart.
Item 12: Injury Rates in the Construction Industry, New York State, 1966, November, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
Item 13: Occupational Injury and Illness Information for 1977 Now Available from Supplementary Data System, March, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 14: Work Injury Report: An administrative report on accidents involving foot injuries, February, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 15: Work Injuries in the State of Michigan 1966, circa 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Michigan Labor Dept.
Item 16: Part of Body injured in work accidents, circa 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: National Safety Council
Item 17: Work injuries in Michigan 1967, circa 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Michigan Labor Dept.
Item 18: Women and Job Safety, October 23, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 19: The Control of Industrial Accidents: Economic Theory and Empirical evidence, circa 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: James R. Chelius
Item 20: The Blast in Centralia No.5:  A Mine Disaster no one stopped, March, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: John Bartlow Martin
Item 21: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience for the transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary service industries, 1973, circa 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 22: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience for the wholesale and retail trade industries, 1973, circa 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 23: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience for the construction industries, 1973, circa 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 24: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience for the manufacturing industries, 1973, circa 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 25: Accident Facts: At work and at home, August 23, 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: National Safety Council
Item 26: Construction Goal: "A Workplace Free of Recognized Hazards", December 20, 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Richard Ginnold
Item 27: Injury and Illness Data available from 1980 Workers' Compensation Records, March, 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 28: Characteristics of Recordable Occupational Injuries and Illnesses 1987, Dec., 1988Add to your cart.
Creator: Wyoming Labor Dept.
Item 29: Accident Facts 1978 Edition, circa 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: National Safety Council
Item 30: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience national emphasis program: foundries, circa 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Folder 4: Accidents, Industrial--CanadaAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Statistical Analysis of Accidents Reported during the year 1964, circa 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: Workmen's Compensation Board, Manitoba
Item 2: Statistical Analysis of Accidents Reported during the year 1966, circa 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Workmen's Compensation Board, Manitoba
Item 3: Statistical Analysis of Accidents Reported during the year 1968, circa 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: Workmen's Compensation Board, Manitoba
Item 4: Statistical Analysis of Accidents Reported during the year 1969, circa 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Workmen's Compensation Board, Manitoba
Folder 5: Accidents, Industrial--IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Primary Metal and Fabricated Metal Products Industries Compensible Work Injuries Reported in Illinois in 1964, February 9, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
Item 2: Work Injuries: State of Illinois Employees and their cost 1962-1963, September, 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
Item 3: Annual Industrial Accident Cost in Illinois - An estimate, May, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
Item 4: Springfield-Decatur Area, May 3, 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
Item 5: East St. Louis-Alton-Belleville Area, May 5-7, 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
Item 6: Work Injury Frequency Rates in Illinois, 1955-1958, March 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
Item 7: Work Injury Frequency Rates in Illinois, 1954 and Compensable Work Injury Rates in Illinois, 1955, circa 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
Item 8: Work Injury Frequency Rates 1948-1953, April 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
Folder 6: Accidents, Industrial--New YorkAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Occupational Industries and Illnesses in New York State, 1974, April, 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
Item 2: Work Injuries in New York State Agriculture 1970, February 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
Item 3: Injury Rates: New York State Industries 1960, December 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
Item 4: Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in New York State 1972 and 1973, July 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
Item 5: Injury Rates in Factories: New York State 1970, December 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
Folder 7: Age & EmploymentAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Who's Too Old to Work?, September 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 2: Older People, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: R.K. McNickle
Item 3: Employment Opportunities in Later Years, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: James R. Morris
Item 4: Employment Problems of Older Workers, January 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Jack F. Culley and Fred Slavick
Item 5: Workers are Young Longer, circa 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 6: Retirement, April 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Journal of Business
Item 7: Aging and Labor Force Participation: A Review of Trends and Explanations, 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Robin L. Lumsdaine and David A. Wise
Item 8: Employment Policies with Respect to Older Workers in South Dakota, March 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Business Research Bureau
Item 9: Old Age and Retirement in Connecticut I. East Haddam: A Summer Resort Community, June 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Walter C. McKain, Jr. and Elmer D. Baldwin
Item 10: Area Development Policies and the Older Worker, 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Relations Research Institute, Univ. of Wisconsin
Item 11: Work Options for Older Employees, circa 1984Add to your cart.
Item 12: The Senescent in Industry: Medical Evaluation of His Employability and Maintenance, circa 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: National Advisory Committee, American Geriatrics Society
Item 13: Economic Aspects of the Aging of Our Population, March 20, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Frank G. Dickinson
Item 14: Findings and Recommendations of the New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging
Item 15: Safest Occupations for the Aged Worker, April 1926Add to your cart.
Creator: L.J. Carey
Item 16: Working Environment in Sweden: The Aging Worker in Industrialized Society, July 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Sven Forssman
Item 17: Income Maintenance, August 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: National Conference on Aging
Item 18: Tables of Working Life, August 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 19: A Comparison of Age Levels of Farmers and Other Self-employed Persons, November 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Economic Research Service, US Agriculture Dept.
Item 20: The Age Problem in Research Workers from the Sociological Viewpoint, Fall 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 21: Older Worker Employment Comes of Age: Practice and Potential, January 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: National Commission for Employment Policy
Item 22: Old Age - An American Problem, October 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Chicago
Item 23: Utilization of Employees over 65 in Minnesota, October 18, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: H. Fox
Item 24: After Age 65 What?, October 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: University of Minnesota Industirla Relations Center
Item 25: Employment Services Survey Job Prospects of Older Applicants, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 26: Older Workers Seek Jobs, August 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Employment Security
Item 27: Age Changes in Psychomotor Capacity and Productivity, April 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert W. Kleemeier
Item 28: Employment of the Older Worker, March 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Clark Tibbetts et al.
Item 29: Aging and Income Security, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 30: The Productive Years: Ages 45-65, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
Item 31: Employing Older Workers, May 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Employment Security
Item 32: The "Aged" - Management's Dilemma, January 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Office Management
Folder 8: Age & Employment BibilographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: Age Discrimination in Employment Act 1967Add to your cart.
Item 1: 1978 Age Discrimination Act Ammendments, April 10, 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
Item 2: Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, As Amended, July 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Congress
Item 3: Uncapping the Age Discrimination in Employment Act: Consequences for Tenure and Higher Education, September 25, 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Folder 10: Agri-Labor CooperationAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Farmer and The Telephone Worker, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: CIO-CCL
Item 2: Breadwinners: A Statement on the Common Problems of Farmers and Workers, circa 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: UAW-CIO
Item 3: Why Farmers Should Get a Fair Break, March 15, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Testimony of Walter Reuther before the House Committee on Agriculture
Item 4: Farmer-Labor Understanding --And Action, February 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Education Conference of Farmers and Workers
Item 5: Targeted for Extinction:  Family Farms, February 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: UAW Education Department
Item 6: Farmers and Workers Win Together, circa 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: CIO Department of Education and Research
Item 7: Labor's Aims and What they mean to Agriculture, August 17, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: UAW-CIO
Folder 11: Air Transportation IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Vol.17, no.21 of Chicago Business newspaper, May, 1994Add to your cart.
Creator: Crain's
Item 2: Air Travel Comes of Age, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: John Stuart
Item 3: Labor Relations in the Air Transport Industry 1947-1957, November, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Univ. of Illinois Institute of Aviation
Item 4: Airline Dispute: Hearing before the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, United States Senate, July 27-28, 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: Congress
Item 5: Labor Relations in the Air Transport Industry under the Amended Railway Labor Act, June 26, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Univ. of Illinois Institute of Aviation
Item 6: In the matter of representation of employees of Friedkin Aeronautics, Inc., March 18, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Natoinal Mediation Board
Item 7: Session One:  Airline Grievance Procedures: Some Observations and Questions, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Journal of Air Law and Commerce
Item 8: In the matter of representation of employees of Pan American World Airways, inc., March 16, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: National Mediation Board
Item 9: In the matter of Representation of employees of Northwest Airlines, inc., August 28th, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: National Mediation Board
Item 10: Business Leadership in Air Transportation, circa 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
Item 11: Air Transportation, circa 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 12: In the matter of representation of employees of National Airlines, inc., September 4, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: National Mediation Board
Item 13: Airlines: Investigate then invest, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Merill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane
Item 14: Economics of Air Transport: An overview, circa 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Air Transport Association of America
Item 15: People Express, 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Harvard Business School
Folder 12: Aircraft IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Union Agreements in Aircraft Manufacturing, 1940Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 2: Union Agreements in the Airframe Industry, 1944, August, 1944Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 3: Work and Wage Experience of Willow Run Workers, December, 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 4: Airframe Assemblers Average $1.52, November 23, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 5: St. Paul Aircraft Parts Workers in Wartime, December 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 6: North American Aviation, 1941-, circa 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 7: Wage Structure - Airframes 1949, late 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 8: Aircraft, circa 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 9: Aircraft and Air Transportation: Basic Industrial Data, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
Item 10: Training in the Aircraft Industry, October 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 11: Collective Bargaining - Aircraft Industry, January 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 12: Wage Structure - Aircraft Engines and Parts 1945, June, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Folder 13: AlcoholismAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Alcoholism and Employee Relations: A BNA Special Report, September 11, 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 2: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, April 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Society on Alcoholism
Item 3: Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace: Costs, Controls and Controversies, 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 4: Identifying the Problem Drinker on the job, circa 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell Univ.
Item 5: Alcoholism in the Workplace: What you can do, 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: Krames Communications
Item 6: Alcoholism and Iowa Business and Industry, May 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor and Management, College of Commerce
Item 7: The Alcoholic Employee, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: The Alcohol Foundation
Item 8: Decision in Labor-Management Case on Alcoholism Makes History, January 16, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: not given
Item 9: The Special Case of Women and Alcohol in the Workplace, November 1, 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: Fair Employment Practices
Item 10: The Economic Cost of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1971, 31 March 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Item 11: Studies on Alcohol: Development of Comprehensive Language on Alcoholism in Collective Bargaining Agreements, circa 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Carl J. Schramm
Item 12: The Problem Drinker in Industry, circa 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company
Item 13: Alcohol and Health (third special report to the US Congress), June 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
Item 14: Alcoholism: Group Factors in Etiology and Therapy, circa 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell Univ.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Alcoholism BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990Add to your cart.
Item 1: Facts and Figures: Discrimination, circa 2000Add to your cart.
Creator: Union Labor Report
Item 2: Consequences of Employee Protection:  The Case of the Americans with Disabilities Act, December 1997Add to your cart.
Creator: Daron Acemoglu and Joshua Angrist
Item 3: The Evolution of the Americans With Disabilities Act: A Content Analysis of Federal District Court Cases, Octobe 16, 1995Add to your cart.
Creator: Dena Lynn Broughton
Item 4: The Americans with Disabilities Act and Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector, circa 1993Add to your cart.
Creator: Nyemaster, Goode, Mclaughlin,Voigts, West, Hansell & O'Brien, P.C.
Item 5: ADA: Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 Special Report, August 1, 1994Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor Relations Reporter
Item 6: Fair Employment Practices: Summary of Latest Developments, August 15, 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 7: Perspective: ADA and Union Contracts, December 12, 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 8: ADA: Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 Text and Analysis, July 16, 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor Relations Reporter
Item 9: Americans with Disabilities Act, June 10, 1997Add to your cart.
Creator: Ballard, Rosenberg & Golper
Item 10: ADA Checklist A: Allegation of Disability Discrimination, 1996Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 11: A closer look at the Americans With Disabilities Act: Does it create more problems than it solves?, June 28th, 1993Add to your cart.
Creator: Master's Tutorial of Sheryl Netherton
Item 12: The Disabled in the Workplace: Analysis of the Americans With Disabilties Act, 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Institute of America
Item 13: The ADA Primer: A Concise Guide to the ADA, August 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Personnel Policies and Practices
Item 14: Lengthening the Arm of the ADA, June 13, 1994Add to your cart.
Creator: TakeOut
Item 15: Fair Employment Practices: Summary of Latest Developments, June 24, 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 16: The Americans With Disabilities Act: Questions and Answers, September, 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: US Equal Employment Opportunity Commision and US Justice Dept. Civil Rights Division
Item 17: ADA Factsheet for Employers, April 15, 1993Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 18: Union Labor Report: Weekly Newsletter, March 14, 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Folder 3: Anti-Injunction Act (Norris-Laguardia Act)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Public-no.64-72d Congress HR 5315 (the bill itself), 1932Add to your cart.
Creator: US Congress
Folder 4: Anti-Union ActivitiesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: "Yellow Dog" Contract: Menace to American Liberties, 1930Add to your cart.
Creator: American Federation of Labor
Item 2: The Anatomy of a Wildcat, May 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: National Right to Work Committee
Item 3: Yellow Dog Contracts condemned by experts, 1930Add to your cart.
Creator: American Federation of Labor
Item 4: Firms identified by AFL-CIO Department of Organization and Field Services as Engaging in Union Busting Tactics - 3 or more occasions, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 5: The Business Roundtable and American Labor, May 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO
Item 6: A Report on the Plight of the Collective Bargaining System, January 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: Nw York State Assembly Standing Committee on Labor
Item 7: 200 Plus boycott Union-busting Firms, October 24, 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: Harvard Law Review
Item 8: Conference of American Small Business Organizations:  The President's Labor-Management Conference has Failed, Period., circa 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Conference of American Small Business Organizations
Item 9: "Marxist Left Produces a New Leader", April 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute for American Democracy and AFL-CIO
Item 10: "Today's Manager is Searching for Strategies Which Will Involve and Motivate Employees", no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Modern Management, Inc.
Folder 5: Apprenticeships (Folder 1 of 6)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Apprenticeship, circa 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: United States Department of Labor
Item 2: Apprenticeship past and present, circa 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: United States Department of Labor
Item 3: Setting up an Apprenticeship Program, circa 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: US Dept. of Labor
Item 4: Build your future with a career in construction: A 1996-1997 guide to apprenticeship programs in Northeastern Illinois, circa 1996Add to your cart.
Creator: Construction Indsutry Service Corporation
Item 5: Apprenticeship Schedules covering Building and Construction Trades (includes shipbuilding), 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 6: The National Apprenticeship Program, circa 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 7: Apprenticeship Policy Manual, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: International Association of Machinists and Aerospae Workers
Item 8: Getting a Good Trade: Apprenticeship, Industrial Relations and the Labor Market, July 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: Business Research Centre
Item 9: Apprenticeship past and present, 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 10: Apprenticeship past and present, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 11: Apprenticeship Training in Nova Scotia, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Nova Scotia Labour Dept.
Folder 6: Apprenticeships (Folder 2 of 6)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Apprentice Training: Sure way to a skilled craft, July 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 2: Women in Apprenticeship There's a Future in It!, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 3: The Resolution on Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Training, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 4: A Woman's Guide to Apprenticeship, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 5: Blue Collar Trades Handbook for Women, February 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Women Working in Construction
Item 6: Apprenticeship 2000 Short Term Research Projects, August 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 7: Apprenticeship and Economic Change, 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 8: An Economic Evaluation of Apprenticeship Training in Western Nigerian Small-scale Industries, 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Adewale F. Mabawonku
Item 9: Apprenticeship in foreign countries, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Folder 7: Apprenticeships (Folder 3 of 6)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Training and Entry into Union Construction, 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 2: An Appraisal of Machinist-Apprenticeship Training Programs by Means of a Follow-up Study of Trainees, June 13, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 3: Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Statistics, 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Nova Scotia Labor Dept.
Item 4: Council for Apprenticeships in Arts and Crafts, May, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Council for Apprenticeships in Arts and Crafts
Item 5: Apprenticeship and Training Program, circa 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: International Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union of North America
Item 6: Is Apprenticeship seen as Worthwhile?, circa 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: New Brunswick Labour Dept.
Item 7: Registered Apprentice Separations 1949, June 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 8: 1951 Annual Report Bureau of Apprenticeship, circa 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 9: Apprenticeship and Training in the Electircal Contracting Company, April 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Folder 8: Apprenticeships (Folder 4 of 6)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Age and Veteran Status of Apprentices, November 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 2: Employment of Apprentices, pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, March 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 3: Apprenticeship 2000: The Public Speaks, August 1988Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 4: Apprenticeship and Training Standards for Draftsmen, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 5: Gaining Skill A Report of an investigation into the training of industrial apprentices in western Germany, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Birmingham Productivity Association
Item 6: A guide to productive apprenticeships, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: The Maine State Apprenticeship Council
Item 7: Setting up an Apprenticeship Program, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 8: California Apprenticeship Council, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: State of California Division of Apprenticeship Standards
Item 9: Apprenticeship Standards, September 1, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Audomotive Body Division, Chrysler Corporation and CIO
Item 10: Labor-Management Cooperation in Training Patternmakers, June, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 11: Joint National Apprenticeship Scheme, October 30th, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: National Joint Council for the Building Industry
Item 12: Apprenticeship Training in the Chicago Public Schools, June 30th, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Vocational Dept., Chicago Public Schools
Item 13: New Mexico Apprenticeship Act and Rules of Procedure Governing the State Apprenticeship Council, July 1, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: New Mexico State Apprenticeship Council
Item 14: The Road Ahead, June 28, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
Item 15: Toward Broader Skills, September 19, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
Item 16: Raising the Quality of Apprenticeship, October 30, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
Item 17: Apprenticeship Through Teamwork, September 25, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
Item 18: Importance of Related Instruction to Apprenticeship, December 4, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
Item 19: Building a Skilled Workforce in the Construction Industry, October 27, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
Item 20: Craft Training in the Bricklayer Trade, Octobe 13, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
Item 21: Registered Apprentices in the United States - Detailed Occupation Distribution, June 1952, September 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 22: Registered Apprentices in the United States - Detailed Occupation Distribution, June 1954, October , 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 23: Registered Apprentices in the United States - Detailed Occupational Distriubtion June 1953, October 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 24: Special Report: Preventing Pirating, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Union Labor Report
Item 25: News from the US Department of Labor: Apprenticeship meets modern needs, October 8, 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 26: Apprenticeship and Training in the Contract Tool and Die Industry, November 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 27: Sources of Assistane for Recruiting Women for Apprenticeship Programs and Skilled Nontraditional Blue-collar work, July 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Folder 9: Apprenticeship (Folder 5 of 6)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Union Participation in Apprenticeship in 32 Selected States and Territories, November 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 2: Apprenticeship Program Today and Tomorrow, November 19, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
Item 3: Building a National Apprenticeship Program, October 29, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
Item 4: Occupation Statistics of Registered Apprentices December 1948, April 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 5: Machinist Apprenticeship Standards, October 21, 1941Add to your cart.
Creator: Representative Employers and International Association of Machinists
Item 6: EEOC's Proposed Apprenticeship Report Form EEO-2 and Labor Organiztion Report Form EEO-3 and Instructions, February 20, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor Relations Reporter
Item 7: Research on Skill Development in Industry, October 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 8: National Trucking Industry Apprenticeship Standards for Truck Mechanics, 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 9: Associated Retail Bakers of America National Apprenticeship and Training Policy, March 22, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 10: Apprenticeship Standards for Tool and Die Makers, June 26, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: National Tool and Die Manufacturers Association
Item 11: Apprenticeship Training in Vermont, circa 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Vermont State Apprenticeship Council
Item 12: National Pattern for local apprenticeship standards in the roofing industry, circa 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 13: National Apprenticeship and Training Standards for the Sheet Metal Industry, circa 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 14: National Painting and Decorating Apprenticeship and Training Standards, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 15: Evaluating Apprentices, World War IIAdd to your cart.
Creator: War Manpower Commission
Item 16: Apprenticeship and on-the-job training for veterans, January, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Apprenticeship Committee
Item 17: Apprenticeship Credit for Previous Experience, July 1, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 18: Labor Education Advancement Program, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: National Urban League
Item 19: Standards of Apprenticeship, 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 20: National Apprenticeship Standards Photoengravers, June 10, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 21: The Wartime Program of the Apprentice Training Service, 1943Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 22: National Policy of Apprenticeship for Machinist (Automatic Screw-Machines), 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: National Screw Machine Products Association
Item 23: National Apprenticeship Policy for Orthalmic Finisher-Dispenser, 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 24: Evaluating Apprentices, 1950sAdd to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 25: Follow-up Study of Former Apprentices, December 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 26: Operating Engineer Apprenticeship, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: International Union of Operating Engineers
Item 27: National Carpentry Apprenticeship and Training Standards, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 28: National Apprenticeship Standards and Training Standards for the Stained Glass Industry, 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 29: Local Apprenticeship and Training Standards for the Utility Industry, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Item 30: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Text of the Equal Employment Opportunity Apprenticeship Information Report EEO-2, July 25, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 31: Apprenticeship Program, October 25, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: UAW and Ford Motor Corp.
Item 32: National Standards of Apprenticeship for the Lathing Industry, 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 33: National Apprenticeship and Training Standards for Cement Masonry, Asphalt, and Composition Trade, 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 34: Operating Engineers Apprenticeship Standards, circa 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Allied Builders Assoc. et al. and International Union of Operating Engineers
Folder 10: Apprenticeships (Folder 6 of 6)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Black Builders: A Job Program that Works, 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: League for Industrial Democracy
Item 2: Negroes in Apprenticeship, August 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 3: Workers Defense League letter and info, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Workers Defense League
Item 4: State and Local Sources of Information and Programs Region V, July 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Women's Bureau
Item 5: The Negro Wage-earner and Apprenticeship Training Programs, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: NAACP
Item 6: Minority Workers in Apprenticeship Programs 1970-1975, November 11, 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 7: Metal Working Trades, April 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 8: Outreach: Skills for Minority Youth, April 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 9: National Lead Burner Apprenticeship Standards, 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: National Joint Lead Burner Apprenticeship Committee
Item 10: Report on Apprentice Training Program of the Tennessee Valley Authority, July 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 11: Cancellations from the Tennessee Valley Authority Apprenticeship Program 1936-1948, June 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 12: Craftsmanship Apprenticeship Training Program 1957, circa 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
Item 13: Tenth Annual Report: Apprentice Training Program, circa 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
Folder 11: Apprenticeship BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Box 3Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Arbitration, Labor**Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 1 of 10)**Add to your cart.
Item 1: Arbitration Policy Under Collyer--Revised Guidelines, May 10, 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: National Labor Relations Board
Item 2: Chicago-Kent Law Review, 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Symposium on Labor Arbitration
Folder 3: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 2 of 10)**Add to your cart.
Item 1: The Role of Interest Arbitration in a Collective Bargaining System, 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Relations Law Journal
Item 2: The NLRB and Arbitration: Recent Developments, April 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor Relations & Research Center, Univ. of Massachusetts
Item 3: Arbitration in the Public Sector, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Robert G. Howlett
Item 4: Arbitration Provisions in Union Agreements, April 1944Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 5: The Arbitration of Discharge Dases: What Happens After Reinstatement, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 6: How to Avoid Grievance Arbitration, Fall 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: Rebecca Ballard and Michael D. Crino
Item 7: Is Arbitration Addictive?  Evidence From the Laboratory and the Field, January 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: Janet Currie and Henry S. Farber
Item 8: Case Record Form, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 9: Ethical Concerns in Grievance Arbitration, 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert A. Giacalone et al.
Item 10: "Bargaining Techniques" and "Discipline and Discharge", UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 11: Individual Employee Rights, August 29, 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 12: Public Education Arbitration: Transferring Jurisdiction from the Circuit Courts, April 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: B. Douglas Anderson
Item 13: The Future of Labor Arbitration - A Challenge, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: an address by Edwin E. White
Item 14: United States Supreme Court Holds a Union Liable for Backpay in a Duty of Fair Representation Suit, February 11, 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Asher, Goodstein, Pavalon, Gittler, Greenfield and Segall, Ltd.
Item 15: Sample Arbitration Decisions in the Postal Service, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 16: Arbitration Provisions in Union Agreements, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 17: Report of Committee on Law and Legislation, January 26, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
Item 18: Arbitration of Labor Disputes: Public Utilities other than those under the Railway Labor Act, 1961Add to your cart.
Item 19: Untitled (a research paper on appealing arbitrator decisions, esp. for education professionals), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Ellen J. Alexander
Item 20: Interest Arbitration: Measuring Justice in Employment, 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: Joseph M. Weiler, Univ. of British Columbia
Item 21: Arbitration of Grievance and Salary Disputes in Professional Baseball: Evolution of a System of Private Law, August 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: Cornell Law Review
Item 22: What's Different About AAA Labor Arbitration?, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Association
Item 23: Arbitration: Methods and Costs, December 30, 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 24: Deferral to Labor Arbitration in the Public Sector: Unclear Guidancee from the Private Sector., 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Local Labor Relations Board
Folder 4: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 3 of 10)**Add to your cart.
Item 1: A Profile of Arbitrators' Decisions in Cases involving National Labor Relations Act questions, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 2: Arbitrators and the National Labor Relations Board, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 3: Arbitration Handbook, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: United Steelworkers of America
Item 4: Battle Report: The Problem of Stenographic Records in Arbitration, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Samuel H. Jaffee
Item 5: The Labor Arbitration Process: 1943-1963, Summer 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 6: Arbitration of Grievances, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 7: The Arbitration of two "Management Rights" Issues: Work Assignments and Contracting out, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Cornell University
Folder 5: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 4 of 10)**Add to your cart.
Item 1: National Academy of Arbitrators Oral History Project, Fall 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
Item 2: Understanding Grievance Arbitration in the Public Sector, 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 3: Discharge Cases, 1963-1967, circa 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: School of Business, Univ. of Michigan
Item 4: Digest of Employee Protections:  Urban Mass Transit Act 13(c) and Rail Passenger Service Act C1 & C2, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 5: The Law and Labor-Management Relations: Permanent Arbitration Systems, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Appeal Board, Chrysler Corp. and UAW-CIO
Folder 6: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 5 of 10)**Add to your cart.
Item 1: Contributions of Grievance Arbitration to Industrial Relations and Industrial Peace, March 25, 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Harry T. Edwards
Item 2: Arbitration of Interest Disputes, 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 3: Past and Current Trends in Negligence and Incompetence Arbitration, November 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Personnel Journal
Item 4: Labor Arbitration Procedures and Techniques, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Association
Item 5: When and Where Issue of Arbitrability can be raised, July 23, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Herbert Schmertz
Item 6: An Economic Analysis of Final-Offer Arbitration as a confilct resolution device, July 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue Univ.
Item 7: Stipulation to Arbitrate (blank form), January 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Item 8: Demand for Arbitration (blank form), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Association
Item 9: Submission to Arbitration (blank form), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Association
Item 10: Reason, Contract and Law in Labor Relations, February 9, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Harry Shulman
Item 11: Labor Arbitration and the Law in Utah, Fall 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Univ. of Utah
Item 12: The Supreme Court and Arbitration: The Musings of an Arbitrator, March, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: Harold W. Davey
Item 13: The Increasing Importance of Labor Arbitration, January 23, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: George E. Strong
Item 14: Defense of Jurisdiction by the National Labor Relatinos Board and the Arbitration Clause, October 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: A.C. Rosser
Item 15: The Impact of Final Offer Interest Arbitration on Bargaining: The Case of Major League Baseball, June 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: James B. Dworkin
Item 16: Arbitration and the Law, 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Joel A. D'alba
Item 17: Judicial Review of Labor Arbitration, circa 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Clyde W. Summers
Item 18: An Evaluation of Final Offer Arbitration in Massachusetts, November 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Paul C. Somers
Item 19: Sample Results of Duration and Cost Data in Arbitration, Fiscal Years 1971, 1972, 1973, and 1974, November 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 20: Evolution of Labor Protection Agreements, circa 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Division of Employee Protections
Item 21: Arbitration and the NLRB: A Second Look, March 3, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: National Labor Relations Board
Folder 7: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 6 of 10)**Add to your cart.
Item 1: Problems of Procedural Irregularity in Labor Arbitration, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 2: Some Problems of Evidence Before the Labor Arbitrator, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 3: Arbitration of Job Evaluation Disputes, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor and Mangement, College of Commerce
Item 4: The Supervisor's Role in Aribtration, circa 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Association
Item 5: Voluntary Labor Arbitraton is Threatened!, March 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Herbert M. Syme
Item 6: Labor Arbitration Series: A Symposium Review, July 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Stanford Univ.
Item 7: The Conciliation and Arbitration of Labour Disputes in Canada, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Queen's Univ.
Item 8: Arbitration Clauses in Connecticut Labor Contracts, November 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor-Management Institute, Univ. of Connecticut
Item 9: Arbitration in Britain, March 22, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: British Information Service
Item 10: Arbitration in the San Fransico Hotel and Restaurant Industries, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 11: The Well-Aged Aribtration Case, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 12: Connecticut Board of Mediation and Arbitration: Organization and Arbitration, October 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor-Management Institute, Univ. of Connecticut
Item 13: Transcript of Hearing on Bils 87-S and 94-A before the Joint Senate and Assembly Labor Committee - Madison, Wisconsin, February 23, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Wisconsin State Legislature and Wisconsin State Fed. Of Labor
Item 14: Labor Relations and Arbitration, May 23, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 15: Arbitration and the Dilemma of Possible Error, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 16: Labor Arbitration and its Critics, 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 17: On first looking into the Lincoln Mills Decision, 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 18: Supreme Court Enforces Arbitrator's Award in Face of EEOC Conciliation Agreement With Employer, 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: Asher, Pavalon, Gittler, Greenfield and Segall, Ltd.
Item 19: The Use of Arbitration on the West Coast, 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 20: Labor Arbitration and the Individual Worker, May 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Louis L. Jaffe
Folder 8: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 7 of 10)**Add to your cart.
Item 1: Arbitration Institute, May 24-28, 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center
Item 2: The Hart Schaffner & Marx Labor Agreement, 1916Add to your cart.
Creator: Hart, Schaffner & Marx, and Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
Item 3: Industrial Arbitration as developed and practiced in the laundry industry, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 4: The First American Labor Case, December 1931Add to your cart.
Creator: Walter Nelles
Item 5: Toward Effective Arbitration, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 6: Transfer and Sale of Plant Operations in Arbitration, May 16, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: I. Robert Feinberg
Item 7: Labor Arbitration in Wartime, 1941Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Arbitration Tribunal, American Arbitration Assoc.
Folder 9: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 8 of 10)**Add to your cart.
Item 1: Selection and Tenure of Arbitrators in Labor Disputes, circa 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Graduate Div. for Training in Public Service, NYU
Item 2: Labor-Management Arbitration:  "There Ought to be a Law" - Or Ought There?, January 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert L. Howard
Item 3: Facts for Bargaining: Financial and Administrative Practices of Arbitrators, September 22, 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 4: Financial and Administrative Costs of Arbitrators, October 6, 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 5: Arbitration and Federal Rights under Collective Agreements in 1970, circa 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: William B. Gould and James P. Kurtz
Item 6: Arbitration and Federal Rights under Collective Agreements in 1968, circa 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Edgar A. Jones and David G. Finkle
Item 7: Alexander v Gardner-Denver Co.: The Supreme Court's Refusal to accommodate the Public Policy favoring Labor Arbitration with Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Dec. 18, 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Fred Leffler
Item 8: Mediation and Arbitration under the New York State Board of Mediation in 1947, November 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
Item 9: Grievances and Arbitration: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Labor Relations Conference, April 13-14 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, W. Virginia Univ.
Item 10: Arbitration of Labor Disputes, circa 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Wayne L. Morse
Item 11: Labor Arbitration: A Current Appraisal, October 1, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Harold W. Davey
Item 12: Problems in Labor Arbitration, April 2, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 13: The Arbitration Process, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 14: Compromise and Principle in the Decisions of Labor Arbitrators, circa 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Univ. of Southern California
Folder 10: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 9 of 10)**Add to your cart.
Item 1: Situation Ethics and the Arbitrator's Role, April 4, 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Harold W. Davey
Item 2: Labor Arbitration, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor and Management
Item 3: Arbitration Comes of Age, October 20, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
Item 4: Current Problems in Labor Relations and Arbitration, April 12-13, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Cornell Univ.
Item 5: Arbitration of Labor-Management Grievances: Bethlehem Steel Company and United Steelworkers of America 1942-1952, April, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 6: Procedures for Application of the Dubo Policy to Pending Charges, May 14, 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: NLRB
Item 7: Advisory Arbitration: A conflict in terms?, 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 8: Books: Symposium; Labor Arbitration, February 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Stanford Law Review
Item 9: Conference on Arbitration in Labor-Management Relations, October 16, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
Box 4Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 10 of 10)**Add to your cart.
Item 1: Labor Arbitration in the Federal Service, May 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: The George Washington Law Review
Item 2: The Use of Tripartite Boards in Labor, Commercial, and International Arbitration, December 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Harvard Law Review
Item 3: Arbitration: A Study of Industrial Experience, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Fabian Society Research Series
Item 4: Arbitration as an Industrial Relations Technique: The Bethlehem Experience, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
Item 5: Report on the Comments and Suggestions ofMembers of the AAA Arbitration Law Committee on the Draft of a Uniform Arbitration Act Prepared by a Sub-Committee of the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws headed by Dean Maynard E. Pirsig of the University Of Minnesota, July 7, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 6: United States Labor Arbitration Act, November 24, 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: US Gov't.
Item 7: Statement on behalf of The National Academy of Arbitrators concerning a proposed United States Labor Arbitration Act, circa 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
Item 8: Arbitration in a New Key, April 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Kenneth F. Walker
Item 9: The Peacemakers, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: National Labor Relations Board
Item 10: Collective Bargaining Agreement and Arbitral Jurisdiction, September 7 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: American Federaion of Grain Millers
Item 11: Arbitration as a part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, September 7, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Alli-Chalmers Mfg. Co.
Item 12: An Advantageous Application of the Umpire System for Management and Labor Groups, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: David A. Wolff
Item 13: Model Arbitration Clauses to Protect Management Rights, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
Item 14: Labor Arbitration Procedures and Techniques, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 15: Reducing the Risks of Labor Arbitration, 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relaions, Univ. of California
Folder 2: Arbitration, Labor--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Arbitration, CompulsoryAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Arbitration, Compulsory (Folder 1 of 3)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Discussion of Michigan's Police and Fire Fighter Compulsory Arbitration Act, April, 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Meyer S. Rider and Russell A. Smith
Item 2: Australian Compulsory Arbitration 1900-1970, 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Commisioner under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act of the Commonwealth
Item 3: The Regulation of Negotiating Disputes: Interest Arbitration in Government, November 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: John Delaney et al.
Item 4: Compulsory Interest Arbitration comes to Illinois, March 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 5: Collective Bargaining, Interest Arbitration and Police Salaries, October 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 6: Compulsory Arbitration and the Motive to Reach Agreement Through Negotiations--Recent Australian Experience in Federal Public Sector Arbitration, June 1, 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: Roger D. Beale, asst. secretary, Australia dept. of Urban and Regional Development
Item 7: The Argument Against Compulsory Arbitration, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: United Steelworkers of America
Item 8: Compulsory Arbitration in Public Sector Dispute Settlement: An Affirmative View, April 22, 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
Item 9: no title, it's a book with a table of contents, circa 1970Add to your cart.
Item 10: Compulsory Arbitration: A Broad View, 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: Paul L. Kleinsorge and Robert F. Smith
Item 11: The Michigan Experience: An Analysis of last offer compulsory arbitration of police and fire labor disputesAdd to your cart.
Item 12: Getting Nothing for Something: When Women Prevail in Employment Arbitration Awards, 2005Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Michael H. LeRoy, UIUC ILIR
Item 13: Integrity Review of Statutory Arbitration Awards, January 2003Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Calvin William Sharpe, Case Western Reserve Univ. Law School
Item 14: Ethical Concerns in Drafting Employment Arbitration Agreements After Circuit City and Green Tree, 2003Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Martin H. Malin, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology
Item 15: Where Are We Heading With Mandatory Arbitration of Statutory Claims in Employment, 1999Add to your cart.
Creator: Harry T. Edwards, Chief Judge, US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit
Item 16: Compulsory Arbitration of Statutory Discrimination Claims Under a Collective Bargaining Agreement, Fall 1998Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. David E. Feller, Univ. of California-Berkeley Law School
Folder 5: Arbitration, Compulsory (Folder 2 of 3)Add to your cart.
Item 1: A Review of Compulsory Arbitration in Michigan, January 1972Add to your cart.
Item 2: Compulsory Arbitration, circa 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Eastern Conference of Teamsters
Item 3: An Outline of Conciliation and Arbitration in Australia, January 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Central Industrial Secretariat
Item 4: Compulsory Arbitration in Australia, March, 1938Add to your cart.
Creator: W. Ruper Maclaurin
Item 5: Compulsory Arbitration in New Jersey, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: NYU Institute of Labor Relations and Social Security
Item 6: Compulsory Arbitration of Utility Disputes in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Princeton Univ.
Item 7: Compulsory Arbitration Opposed: The Case Against Adoption, September 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
Item 8: Compulsory Arbitration in Action: The New Jersey Bell Telephone Case, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Bernard Cushman
Item 9: Is Compulsory Arbitration Inevitable?, circa 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: George W. Taylor
Item 10: Australian Arbitration System: An Analytical Description, August 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Mark Perlman
Folder 6: Arbitration, Compulsory (Folder 3 of 3)Add to your cart.
Item 1: The Effectiveness and Acceptability of Compulsory Arbitration for the Protective Services, January 19, 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 2: Compulsory Interest Arbitration in New York State-- Experience Under the 1977 Amendments, February 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Mary E. Gallo and Robert E. Doherty
Item 3: Compulsory Arbitration in Britain, October 30, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: British Information Services
Item 4: Compulsory Arbitration in the Public Sector: A Selected Bibliography, May 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: Ontario Ministry of Labour
Folder 7: Arbitration, Labor--ProceduresAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Arbitration Procedures (Folder 1 of 2)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Questions and Answers on Resolving Employment Disputes, June 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 2: Code of Ethics for Arbitrators, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 3: Preparing and Presenting Arbitration Cases: Selected Addresses from the 1954 Conference on Arbitration & Labor Relations, circa 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 4: Labor Arbitration Procedures and Techniques, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 5: Guides for Labor Arbitration, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor Relations Council
Item 6: Code of Ethics and Procedural Standards for Labor-Management Arbitration, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 7: Preparing and Presenting Your Arbitration Cases: A Manual for Union Representatives, September 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 8: Labor Arbitration Procedures, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Dept. of Industrial Relations, Queen's Univ.
Item 9: Hearing Observations Checklist, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 10: Arbitration Case A: (Denial of Step Increase) Local 56 vs. City of Rainbow, February, 1971Add to your cart.
Item 11: Arbitration Case H: (Contract Interpretation--Vacation Scheduling) Local 1645 vs. Noble Appliance Company, circa 1979Add to your cart.
Item 12: Case B: Fourteen Day Suspension, Failure to Take Proper Care to Avoid Personal Injury, circa 1980Add to your cart.
Item 13: Case A: Letter of Warning, Failure to use mail satchel, circa 1981Add to your cart.
Item 14: Case D  In the matter of:  US Postal Service, Metropolis, Michigan vs. APWU Local 84, circa 1978Add to your cart.
Item 15: Cas A Suspension of Thirty Days for Dereliction of Duty, circa 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Arbitration Procedures (Folder 2 of 2)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Cross Examination Exercise, circa 1979Add to your cart.
Item 2: Cross-Examination Techniques, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 3: Notes on the Management Case and Cross-Examination, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 4: Sample Arbitration Case 1: Local 550 vs. Acme Iron Works (Proper Rate of Pay), circa 1975Add to your cart.
Item 5: Seniority vs. Ability: A Promotion Grievance, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 6: Background Facts for Arbitration between XYZ Company and Local 123, circa 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 7: Closing Arguments and Briefwriting, circa 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 8: Procedural and Substantive Aspects of Labor-Management Arbitration, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 9: Expedited Labor Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Assoc., circa 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 10: Employee Benefit Plan Claims Arbitratin Rules, January 1, 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 11: Voluntary Labor Arbitration Tribunals of the American Arbitration Assoc., April 30, 1941Add to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 12: Impartial Umpire Procedures for Arbitration between trustees of joint trust and pension funds, January 1, 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 13: Voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules, March 1, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 14: Resolving Employment Disputes: Model Employment Arbitration Procedures, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
Item 15: Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes, circa 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
Item 16: Principles of Arbitration and Cross-Examination Workbook, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: UAW
Item 17: Presenting A Case for Arbitration, circa 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: Union Labor Report Weekly News
Item 18: Proving Your Arbitration Case, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: Boaz Siegel
Item 19: How to Write an Arbitration Brief, 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Samuel H. Jaffee
Item 20: Materials on cross examination techniques, closing arguments, brief writing and post-hearing briefs used by the George Meany Center for Labor Studies in its Advanced Arbitration School, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: George Meany Center for Labor Studies
Item 21: AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center Arbitration Institute: Preparing An Arbitration Case, circa 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center
Item 22: Investigation Procedures and Preparation for Discipline and Discharge Cases, no dateAdd to your cart.
Item 23: AFL-CIO Arbitration Conference, January 16, 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Folder 10: ArbitratorsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: An Investigation into the Nature of Values and Attitudes of Labor Arbitrators as Influenced by Education, Age and Experience, 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: Eddie Wilson Bankston
Item 2: The Education and Training of Labor Arbitrators, 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Western Michigan Univ.
Item 3: The Arbitration Profession in Transition: A Survey of the National Academy of Arbitrators, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Michel Picher, Ronald L. Seeber and David B. Lipsky, Natl. Academy of Arbitrators
Folder 11: Area Redevelopment Act 1961Add to your cart.
Item 1: Planning for New Growth - New Jobs, circa 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: US Commerce Dept.
Item 2: Public Law 87-27  87th Congress, S.1  "Area Redevelopment Act", May 1, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: Congress
Item 3: An Evaluation of ARA in Southern Illinois as of June, 1963, circa June 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 4: The "Little" Economies: Problems of US Area Development, May 29, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Committee for Economic Development
Item 5: Training for Jobs in Redevelopmen Areas, June 30, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 6: Occupational Training: Pathway to Employment, circa 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 7: Share in Area Growth, April 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: US Commerce Dept.
Folder 12: ArtistsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Selected Characteristics of Artists: Self Employment, Migration, Household and Family, November 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
Item 2: Artists Compared by Age, Sex, and Earnings in 1970 and 1976, January 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
Item 3: Minorities and Women in the Arts: 1970, January 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
Item 4: Employment and Unemployment of Artists: 1970-1975, April 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
Item 5: Artist Employment and Unemployment 1971-1980, January 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
Item 6: Understanding the Employment of Actors, September 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
Folder 13: Atomic Energy IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Report of the Department of Labor Atomic Energy Study Group on Labor Implications of Atmoic Energy, July 30, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 2: Report of the Atomic Power Investigating Commision of the State of Illinois, March 1, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: State of Illinois
Folder 14: AutomationAdd to your cart.
Folder 15: Automation (Folder 1 of 2)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Methods of Adjusting to Automation and Technological Change, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 2: The Computer and the Systems Age: The Second Industrial Revolution, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Communication Workers of America
Item 3: Social Consequences of Automation, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: International Social Sciences Bulletin
Item 4: Strengthening Management for the New Technology, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: American Management Assoc.
Item 5: Progress Report Automation Committee, June 19, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: Armour And Company, and AFL-CIO
Item 6: Labor Looks at Automation and Civil Rights, February 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 7: Does Automation Raise Skill Requirements?, Fall 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Harvard Business Review
Item 8: Automation and the Prospects for the Automatic Reabsorption of Displaced Labor, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: James G. Witte, Jr.
Item 9: Automation, Production and Manpower Problems, circa 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 10: Rebuilding America: Workers' Technology Bill of Rights, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 11: Automation, Jobs and Manpower, September 20, 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: Charles C. Killingworth statement before Subcommittee on Employment and Manpower, United States Senate
Item 12: Marking Time: Technology and Transition at the Work Place, July 1, 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Item 13: Cooperation of Conflict: European Experiences with Technological Change at the Workplace, March, 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Folder 16: Automation (Folder 2 of 2)Add to your cart.
Item 1: The Impact of Automation, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: The Religion and Labor Foundation
Item 2: Impact of Automation on Employment, June 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: US Congress
Item 3: Cybernation and Social Change, April, 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 4: Meeting the Problems of Automation through Collective Bargaining, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: International Association of Machinists
Item 5: Automation: Its Impact on Business and Labor, May 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: National Planning Association
Item 6: Automation, Skill and Manpower Predictions, September 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 7: Automation in Perspective, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 8: Automation and Major Technological Change: Impact on Union Size, Structure and Function, April 22, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 9: Impact of Automation and Technological Change on Employment and Unemployment, September 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 10: Automation's Unkept Promise, June 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 11: Cybernation: The Silent Conquest, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions
Item 12: Automation in the Perspective of Long-term Technological Change, December, 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 13: Automation in the Railroad Industry, May 22, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Brotherhood of Railroad Trainsmen
Item 14: 1960 Statement on Automation, submitted on request to Subcommittee on Automation and Energy Resources, Joint Congressional Committee on the Economic Report, July 25, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: General Electric Co.
Item 15: Ralph J. Cordiner Testimony on Automation before the Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization, Joint Congressional Committee on the Economic Report, October 26, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: General Electric Co.
Item 16: Automation, Employment and Unemployment, February 15, 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: General Electric Co.
Box 5Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Automation, ContinuedAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Automation, cont. (Folder 1 of 5)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Manpower Implications of Automation, September 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 2: Automation: Nationwide Studies in the United States, circa 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 3: Report of the California Assembly on Automation and Technological Change, November, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Town Hall and American Assembly
Item 4: Report of the Director-General Part I:  Automation and Other Technological Developments, Labor and Social Implications, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: International Labour Conference
Item 5: The Meaning of Work in an Age of Automation, August 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Bernard Karsh, ILIR
Item 6: Facing the Future: AFSCME's approach to technology, 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employes, AFL-CIO
Item 7: The Human Factor in the factory of the future, November 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Item 8: Perception and Attitudes towards Automation: A Study of Local Union Leaders, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Steven E. Deutsch
Item 9: Technology and People, June 25, 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: James E. Noe, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Item 10: Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the Commision on Manpower, Automation and Technology, 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: State of California
Item 11: Automation and the Employee, circa 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Ctr., Michigan State Univ.
Item 12: Manpower Adjustments to Automation and Technological Change in Western Europe, February 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: Michigan State Univ. School of Labor and Industrial Relations
Item 13: Address of Albert Whitehouse, Director, Industiral Union Dept., AFL-CIO to the conference on automation and major technological change, April 22, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 14: Labor's State Program to meet the problems of Automation, November 29, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 15: The Impact of Automation and the Workers, October 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: National CIO Headquarters Staff
Item 16: Automation and Technological Change: A Challenge to the American Labor Movement, June 17, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Everett M. Kassalow, Professional, Technical & Salary Conference Board of the InternationalUnion of Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers, AFL-CIO
Folder 3: Automation, Cont. (Folder 2 of 5)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Atomic Power and Automation, April 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: D.G. Arnott, J.D. Bernal, Les Cannon, Ron Francis and S. Lilley
Item 2: Labor Looks at Automation, May, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 3: Automation Abstracts, circa 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: International Labour Office
Item 4: Changes in Managerial Manpower with Mechanization of data-processing, April 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Graduate School of Business, Univ. of Chicago
Item 5: Automation: The President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy, January 11, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy
Item 6: Adjusting to Automation, January 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 7: The effects of Automation on Job content, August 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: International Social Science Council
Item 8: The effects of modernisation of office work on staff attitudes and behavior, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International institute for labour studies
Item 9: Labor Looks at Automation, December 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 10: Automation: A New Dimension to Old Problems, December 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: George B. Baldwin and George P. Schulz, MIT
Item 11: Modern Science and Management Creating a New Industrial Revolution, December, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
Item 12: Fact, Fallacy and Fantasy of Automation, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: James Stern, UAW, AFL-CIO
Item 13: Impact of Automation on Stability of Manufacturing Output, May 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Julius Rezler
Item 14: The Effects of Changing Industrial Methods and Automation on Personnel, circa 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Center,  Michigan State Univ.
Item 15: Automation and Job Trends, October 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Council for Technological Advancement
Item 16: Office Automation and the non-manual worker, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Item 17: Automation: Technology's new face, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 18: Life in the Automatic Factory, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: The Technology Project of Yale University
Item 19: Automation, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 20: The Industrial and Economic Implications of Automation, April 14, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Walter S. Buckingham, Georgia Institute of Technology
Item 21: The Total Challenge of Automation, November 19, 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: John I. Snyder, Jr.
Item 22: Industrial Relations and Automation, circa 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Center,  Michigan State Univ.
Folder 4: Automation, Cont.  (Folder 3 of 5)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Impact of Automation on Wages and Working Conditions in Ford Motor Company - UAW RelationshipsAdd to your cart.
Item 2: Luncheon Address to the Industrial Union Dept. Conference on Automation and Major Technological Change, April 22, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Union Dept.
Item 3: The Impact of Advanced Technology on Managerial Decision-making, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 4: Measurement of Technological Change, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 5: The influence of advanced technology on the structure of management organization, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 6: Programming of Technical Changes and Manpower Adjustments, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 7: Technological advance in the Common Market Countries, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 8: Methods of Studying the Social and Economic Effects of Automation: A Report on the Meeting of Experts Convened by the I.L.O. 16-25 March 1964, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 9: A New Definition of Work and Leisure under advanced technology, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 10: The Relationship Between Full Employment and Technological Change in Western Europe, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 11: Changing Technology and the Supervisor, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 12: Background Paper: Survey of Literature on Social and Economic Effects of Technological Change, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 13: Advanced Technical Education in the Soviet Union, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 14: The Influence of Automation on Top Level Management, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 15: The Impact of Changing Technology on Employment in Yugoslavia, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 16: Technological Change in the Socialist Countries, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 17: Conference on Employment Problems of Arbitration and Advanced Technology Attendees, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 18: Educational Goals for an Age of Advanced Technology, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 19: The Problems of Consent for Change: The Fawley Refinery Case, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
Item 20: Technological Changes and Skilled Manpower: The Household Appliance Industry, July 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: Department of Labour, Canada
Item 21: Farm Mechanization and Technology as reported in the Press, circa 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Folder 5: Automation, Cont. (Folder 4 of 5)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Automation, July 9th, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Dept. of Labour and National Service, Melbourne
Item 2: Technology and a Changing Economy, November 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: National Conference of Labor Educators
Item 3: Adjustments to the Introduction of Office Automation, May 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 4: How automation has effected IBEW Members in the Electric Light and Power Industry, June 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: International Brotherhood of Electric Workers
Item 5: An approach to Wage Incentive Problems associated with major technological change in the rubber industry, April 22, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, AFL-CIO
Item 6: Statement of Joseph A Beirne, President of the Communication Workers of America, regarding automation-- before Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report, October 25, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Communication Workers of America
Item 7: London Trade Union Seminar on Automation: Final Report, May 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Trade Union Research and Information Service
Item 8: Automation and the Longshoremen: A West Coast Solution, December 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: William Glazier, International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's union
Item 9: How Necessary is Automation to america?, November 14, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 10: Human Factors in Automation (abstract), May 7, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Ted F. Silvey, American Society of Training Directors
Item 11: Impact of Automation on Managerial Function, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Julius Rezlar
Item 12: Automation and the Future of Society, March, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Arnold M. Rose, Univ. of Minnesota
Item 13: Correlates of Automation in Power Plants, circa 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute for Social Research, Univ. of Michigan
Item 14: Practical Approaches to the Problems Raised by Automation, May 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Nat Weinberg
Item 15: Automation in Relation to Community Planning, June 25 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 16: A Review of Automatic Technology, Spring 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 17: An inquiry into the effects of automation, January 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 18: Automation in the Metal Trades, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: International Labour Office
Item 19: Automation and the Manager, June 26, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: John Diebold
Item 20: Impact of office Automation in the Internal Revenue Service, July 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Folder 6: Automation, Cont. (Folder 5 of 5)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Twenty-first Annual Midwest Conference on Industrial Relations, May 20, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Industial Relations Association of Chicago and Univ. of Chicago School of Business
Item 2: Man and automation: Report of the Proceedings of a Conference sponsored by the society for applied anthropology at Yale Univ., Dec. 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: The Technology Project, Yale Univ.
Item 3: Technology and Cultural Lag, Februar 25, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Ted F. Silvey, CIO
Item 4: Automation from the Viewpoint of Labor, March 9, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Ted F. Silvey, AFL-CIO
Item 5: Labor in an Automatic Society, circa 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Nat Weinberg
Item 6: Implications of Automation, Dec. 27, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: James Stern, UAW
Item 7: Automation and the Second Industrial Revolution, April 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: UAW Constitutional Convention
Item 8: Automation and Collective Bargaining, November 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Victor G. Reuther, UAW
Item 9: Steelworkers and Automation, circa 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: United Steelworkers of America
Item 10: Automation-- It touches all of us., February 26, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Gordon S. Brown, MIT
Item 11: Mechanization - the Key to the future, November 15, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Sylvania Electric Products, inc.
Item 12: Statement of Harold J. Gibbons, Executive Vice-president, International Brotherhood of Teamsters before the Subcommittee on Unemployment and the Impact of Automation of the House Committee on Education and Labor, April 12, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Item 13: Information and Union Comment on the 1960 Mechanization and Modernization Fund Agreement between the Longshoremen of the Pacific coast and the Steamship and Stevedoring Employers, November 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union
Item 14: Keeping Pace with Automation:  Practical Guides for the Company Executive, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: American Management Assoc.
Item 15: Office Automation in Japan, 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: Ida R. Hoos and Brownie Lee Jones
Item 16: Automation and the Problems of Management, October 14, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Clarence H. Thayer, Sun Oil Company
Item 17: The American Economy: An Appraisal of its Social Goals and the Impact of Science and Technology, circa 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO
Item 18: Problems of Automation and Unemployment, November 12, 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: Thomas J. Watson, Chairman, IBM statement before US Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare
Item 19: Automation Requires Changes in Economic and Employment patterns, March 27, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: Ted F. Silvey, AFL-CIO
Item 20: Technology and CulturalAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Automation--Bibliographies (two folders)Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Automobile IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Canadian Automobile Agreement:  Sixth Annual Report of the President to the Congress on the Operation of the Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965, February 1, 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Committee on Finance, United States Senate
Item 2: Canadian Automobile Agreement:  Seventh Annual Report of the President to the Congress on the Operation of the Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965, January 24, 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Committee on Finance, United States Senate
Item 3: Canadian Automobile Agreement:  Eighth Annual Report of the President to the Congress on the Operation of the Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965, November 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Committee on Finance, United States Senate
Item 4: Saturn:  GM Finally has a Winner., August 17, 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: BusinessWeek
Item 5: Lean Production: Myth and Reality, October 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: IMF Automotive Dept.
Item 6: The Japanese Connection: Diamond-Star on the Prairie, July 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Issues
Item 7: Summary of the 1955 Settlements in the Automobile Industry, circa 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL
Item 8: Detroit South--Mexico's Auto Boom:  Who wins, who loses, March 16, 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: BusinessWeek
Item 9: US and Canadian Auto Policies in a changing world, July 1987Add to your cart.
Creator: Canadian-American Committee
Item 10: Technological Change & Employment in the Automotive Industry, cicrca 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: Automobile Manufacturers Assoc., inc.
Item 11: Nissan Makes a Stand in Dixie, September 15, 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: New York Times Magazine
Item 12: The Future of the Automobile, 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: Harry Katz, Wolfgang Streeck, A. Altschuler et al.
Item 13: Saturn: A different kind of company (a little basic company info/publicity material), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: GM inc.
Box 6Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Banks and Finance AgenciesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Our Money: How it works, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Jerry Voorhis
Item 2: Summary of State Laws prohibiting or regulating the business of debt pooling, November 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Folder 2: Banks and Financial Agencies--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Benefit PlansAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Benefit Plans (Folder 1 of 3)Add to your cart.
Item 1: BNA Pension Reporter:  Exerpts from Labor Dept. Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration Enforcement Manual, January 9, 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 2: BNA Pension and Benefits Reporter: IRS Worksheets for Field Agents' use in determining plan compliance with nondiscrimination requirements, May 2, 1994Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 3: BNA Pension and Benefits Reporter: IRS Non-Discrimination Regulations Package for Qualified Plans, September 13, 1993Add to your cart.
Item 4: Summary Plan Description: Group Insurance and Medical Benefits Plan for Hourly Employees Thermoid Division Amco Works, February 1, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: H.K. Porter Company, inc.
Item 5: Hospitalization Plan for Wage Employees, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: B.F. Goodrich
Item 6: Plan for Hospital Care for Employees of Western Electric Company, inc, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Western Electric Company, inc.
Item 7: Sickness and Accident Benefit Plan for Wage Employees, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: B.F. Goodrich
Item 8: Flexible Spending Accounts: A Fact-sheet for Employees, June 22, 1995Add to your cart.
Creator: Bulletin To Management
Item 9: Your Pension Plan (employees of Keystone Steel & Wire Company, Peoria Illinois), April 1, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Keystone Steel & Wire Company
Item 10: Facts about the Benefit Plan for Bell Systems men and women, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Bell Companies
Item 11: Plan For Employees' Pensions, Disability Benefits and Death Benefits, Western Electric Company, inc., July 1, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Western Electric Company, inc.
Item 12: Payroll Deduction Plan for National Service Life Insurance Premiums, Western Electric Company, inc., August 1, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Western Electric Company, inc.
Item 13: Plan for Employees' Pensions, Disability Benefits and Death benefits, The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, November 29, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company
Item 14: Flexible Benefits:  Will they work for you?, June 10, 1988Add to your cart.
Creator: Commerce Clearinghouse, inc.
Item 15: Employee Benefits for American Workers: Research Report, June 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: The National Commission for Employment Policy
Item 16: Pension Plan for wage employees, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: B.F. Goodrich
Item 17: Life Insurance and Survivor Income Plans for wage employees, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: B.F. Goodrich
Item 18: Impact of ADA on Health Benefits, May 20, 1993Add to your cart.
Creator: Fair Employment Practices
Item 19: COBRA Benefit Plan Continuation Coverage: A Fact sheet for Employees, March 18, 1993Add to your cart.
Creator: Bulletin To Management
Item 20: Work and Family Life, December 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: FOCUS
Item 21: OPEB: The New Direction:  Understanding and Applying FAS106, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Price Waterhouse
Item 22: Employee Welfare and Benefit Programs, circa 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Relations ctr., Univ. of Minnesota
Folder 5: Benefit Plans, (Folder 2 of 3)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Employee Benefit Plans: Nationwide Survey, twelve metropolitan areas, May 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Item 2: IRS Section 89 Rules: Some Relief, but complexity remains, March 30, 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: Bulletin to Management
Item 3: Life after 89: Testing employee benefit plans for discrimination, November 30, 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: Bulletin to Management
Item 4: Health, Welfare and Pension Programs under Wage Stabilization, October 22, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Tripartite Panel on Health, Welfare and Pension Programs
Item 5: Facts for Bargaining:  Part 2 of What's New in Collective Bargaining Negotiations and Contracts, March 25, 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 6: Health and Welfare Plans in New York State, June 1954, May 6, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
Item 7: Employee Welfare: A lecture given February 9, 1942 in the Special Industrial Relations Course under the Auspicies of MIT, February 9, 1942Add to your cart.
Creator: William J. Barrett
Item 8: Pension, Profit-sharing and Related Plans: Preliminary tabulation of reports received to date from members of the Illinois State Chamber of Commerce, December 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Federal Taxation Committee, Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
Item 9: Employee Benefit Plans providing Hospital Surgical Medical Care, December 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Item 10: Statement of George Meany, president, AFL-CIO before the subcommittee on Welfare and pension plan legislation of the Senate Committee on labor and public welfare, June 11, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 11: Administration of Health and Welfare Plans, July 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Personnel Policies Forum
Item 12: Controlling Health and Welfare Costs, October 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Personnel Policies Forum
Item 13: Highlights in the Development of Welfare Funds, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Personnel Benefit Plans
Item 14: Private Employee Benefits in Distribution covering Retail, Wholesale, Service, Combination Business, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
Item 15: Health and Life Insurance Benefit Plans, March 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: Personnel Policies Forum
Item 16: Employee benefits, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Lever Brothers Company
Item 17: Characteristics of 163,500 Plans filed as of July 1, 1965, circa 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 18: Report of Committee on Benefit Financing, September 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies
Folder 6: Benefit Plans, (Folder 3 of 3)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Controlling Employee Benefit and Pension Costs, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: American Management Assoc.
Item 2: The Role of Local Unions in Social Security, January 25, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: William Smith, American Federation of Hosiery Workers (CIO)
Item 3: Toward Worker Security: The Role of Management.  Report of a Special Committee approved by the board of directors, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
Item 4: 1949 Industrial Relagions Survey and "Fringe" benefits report, circa 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Employers' Assoc. of Chicago
Item 5: Your Employee Benefits: How to find out what they provide, circa 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 6: Pros and Cons of Insurance and Self-Insurance of Health and Welfare Benefits, October 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Foundation on Employee Health, Medical Care and Welfare, inc.
Item 7: Problems and Solutions of Health and Welfare Programs, May 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Foundation on Employee Health, Medical Care and Welfare, inc.
Item 8: Parts B and C:  Service Benefits--and how to compare service vs. indemnity benefits, June 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Foundation on Employee Health, Medical Care and Welfare, inc.
Item 9: Royalties, Taxes and Assessments: Industry-paid and union-administered forLabor Welfare Benefits, August 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Inter-Union Institute for Labor and Democracy
Item 10: Survey of Employee Benefit Plans, Chicago Metropolitan Area: A Complete Report, January 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Item 11: Employee Benefit Plans, Chicago Metropolitan Area:  General Summary, September 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Item 12: Employee Benefit Plans, Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area: A Preliminary Survey, December 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Item 13: Survey of Employee Benefit Plans, Indianapolis Metropolitan Area:  A Complete Report, August 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Item 14: Survey of Employee Benefit Plans, Houston Metropolitan Area:  A Complete Report, November 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Item 15: The Midwest Survey of Employee Benefit Plans: Six Metropolitan Areas, August 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Item 16: Survey of Employee Benefit Plans, St. Louis Metropolitan Area: A Complete Report, January 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Item 17: Administration of Health and Welfare Funds, circa 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Folder 7: Benefit Plans:  BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Benefit Plans Collectively BargainedAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: Benefit Plans Collectively Bargained (Folder 1 of 3)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Decisions Decisions, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Blue Cross-Blue Shield
Item 2: Economic Data and Issues affecting negotiated health benefit programs, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 3: The development of Health and Welfare Plans for Labor in the United States, with emphasis on collectively bargained plans since 1945, December, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Dept. of Research, School of Business, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute
Item 4: Worker Welfare Funds, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Helen B. Shaffer
Item 5: Health and Welfare Funds in the Building and Construction Trades in Washington, D.C. and vicinity as of June 30, 1953, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Washington Building and Construction Trades Council
Item 6: Nineteen Employee Benefit Plans in the Airframe Industry, January, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Federal Security Agency, Social Security Administration
Item 7: Labor Plans for Health: A study of Health and Welfare plans under collective bargaining among unions affiliated with the San Francisco Labor Council, June, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: San Francisco Labor Council
Item 8: Health, Insurance, Welfare and retirement plans under collective bargaining, July 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 9: Some Issues Raised by Union Health and Welfare Plans, February 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: John M. Brumm
Item 10: Employee Welfare and Security, February 9, 1943Add to your cart.
Creator: C.J. Walker, New England Power Service Company
Item 11: Fifty Employee-Benefit Plans in the Basic Steel Industry, November 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Federal Security Agency, Social Security Administration
Item 12: Union and Union-management health insurance plans in New York State, January 1949, January 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
Folder 10: Benefit Plans Collectively Bargained (Folder 2 of 3)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Digest of Selected Health, Insurance, Welfare, and Retirement Plans under Collective Bargaining, August 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 2: Company Medical and Health Programs, Copyright 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: National Industrial Conference Board, inc.
Item 3: Statement of John L. Lewis before the Subcommittee on Welfare and Pension Funds of the United States Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare and extracts from the Subcommittee's hearings on the United Mine Workers of America Welfare and Retirement Fund, November 28, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: US Congress
Item 4: Health Programs in Collective Bargaining, February 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR
Item 5: Future Aspects of Benefit Plan Bargaining, November 29, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations
Item 6: Union Management Welfare Plans, November 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert J. Rosenthal, Johns Hopkins Univ.
Item 7: Welfare Collective Bargaining in Action-- A Case Study, July 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
Item 8: A Community view of Health Plans under Collective Bargaining, January, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: Anne R. Somers, American Public Health Assoc., Group Health Assoc.
Item 9: Adequacy of Medical Benefits in Collectively Bargained Health Insurance Plans-Recent and Future Research, June 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor and Management, State Univ. of Iowa
Item 10: Sick Benefit Plan By-laws for Local Unions which operate sickness benefit plans for their members, April 1, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: United Steelworkers of America
Item 11: Labor-Management Negotiated Health and Welfare Plans, Northern California, May, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Div. of Labor Statistics and Research, California dept. of Industrial Relations and Dept. of Preventative Medicine, Stanford Univ. Medical School
Item 12: Group Health Insurance and Sickness Benefit Plans in Collective Bargaining, 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
Item 13: Collective Bargaining Provisions - Employee Benefit Plans, circa 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 14: Union Health and Welfare Plans, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 15: Health and Welfare Funds in the Needle Trades, January 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Adolph Held, international Ladies Garment Workers Union
Item 16: Medical Care Plans Sponsored by Unions in the United States, September 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Morris Brand, Sidney Hillman Health Center
Item 17: Trends in Employee Benefit Clauses, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Collective Bargaining Negotiations and Contracts
Item 18: Pensions, Proft-Sharing and the Labor Board, March 15, 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Edward B. Miller, National Labor Relations Board
Folder 11: Benefit Plans Collectively Bargained (Folder 3 of 3)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Labor Plans for Health: Conclusions of the San Francisco Labor Council Survey, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: San Francisco Labor Council
Item 2: Seventh Annual Labor-Management Conference:  Benefit Plans in Collective Bargaining, April 26, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
Item 3: Health and Welfare Benefits under collective bargaining, circa 1947Add to your cart.
Item 4: Winning New Benefits for Members Through Welfare Plans, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Building Service Employees' International Union
Item 5: Employee-Benefit Provisions: Selected Excerpts from Collective Bargaining Agreements, March 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 6: Summary Discussion of Union-Management Welfare Plans and their relatinship to Social Security at a Meeting between members of the Social Security Administration Staff and Region 4 Commissioners of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, November 10, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Wilbur J. Cohen, staff of Commisioner For Social Security
Item 7: Health and Welfare Plans Part 1-Hospital, Maternity and outpatient diagnostic benefits; Paid Holidays, March 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Div. of Labor Statistics and Research, California Department of Industrial Relations
Folder 12: Benefit Plans, Collectively Bargained--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 13: Beverage IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Brewing and Distilling: Basic Industrial Data, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
Item 2: The Alcoholic Beverage Industry in an Expanding Economy, circa 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
Item 3: Growth/Stability Responsibility: Facts about the Licensed Beverage Industries, 1962, circa 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
Item 4: Facts about the Licensed Beverage Industries, circa 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
Item 5: Facts about the Licensed Beverage Industries, circa 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
Item 6: Facts about the Licensed Beverage Industries, circa 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
Folder 14: Black Lung Benefits ActAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Compliance Guide to the Black Lung Benefits Act, June 2002Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Folder 15: Blue Collar WorkersAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Dissent--Special Issue: The World of the Blue Collar Worker, Winter 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Dissent Magazine
Folder 16: BonusesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Analog Devices, Inc., 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Harvard Business School
Item 2: Collective Bargaining Bulletin: Facts & Figures, 2008Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
Folder 17: BoycottsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Boycotts and Strikes, circa 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL
Item 2: Boycotts can Backfire!, August 19, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Thurman Sensing, Southern States Industrial Council
Item 3: Management During a Boycott, May 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Thomas W. Murphy
Item 4: The Wrath of Grapes, April 1988Add to your cart.
Creator: Chris Hartmire, United Farm Workers
Item 5: Big Labor Mounts and Offensive Game Plan, Winter 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Tom Mechling
Item 6: Consumer Boycotts and Consumer Sovereignty, circa 1987Add to your cart.
Creator: N. Craig Smith, Cranfield School of Management
Item 7: Campbell Soup in Hot Water with Organized Labor, Summer 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Jim Terry
Item 8: The Boycott and Public Opinion, 1908Add to your cart.
Creator: American Anti-Boycott Assoc.
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, HigherAdd to your cart.
Box 7Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Boycott, SecondaryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Amendment to Section 8(b)(4) of the National Labor Relations Act as Amended, April 27, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: US House of Representatives
Item 2: Answers to your questions about Secondary Boycotts, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
Item 3: Labor's Dreaded Squeeze Play:  The Secondary Boycott, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Lester Velie
Item 4: How the Federal Courts and NLRB have dealt with Secondary Boycotts, February 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Charles H. Tower
Item 5: A Survey of Recent Legislation Regarding Secondary Boycotts, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
Item 6: Secondary Boycott Picketing- A Labor Reform Loophole, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
Item 7: Neutrality and Secondary Boycotts:  An Economic Evaluation of a Legal Question, circa 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State Univ.
Item 8: The Secondary Boycott Issue, March 14, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Ray Clymer, pres., Dension Poultry and Egg co.
Item 9: A Businessman discusses: The Secondary Boycott, March 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
Item 10: Secondary Pressure and Consumer Boycotts, 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: the Michie Company
Item 11: Oregon Law Review, February and June, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: University of Oregon
Item 12: Secondary Boycott Loopholes, Differences among Secondary Boycotts and the Taft-Hartley Act, circa 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Center, Michigan State Univ.
Item 13: Unfair Boycotts in the Electrical Industry and Other Industries, February 12, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
Item 14: Boycotts as affected by the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947, June 24, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
Item 15: More About Boycotts in the Electrical Industry, August 17, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Benjamin Electric Manufacturing Company
Item 16: The Facts on Secondary Boycotts, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
Item 17: Statement on Secondary Boycotts to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, February 3, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
Item 18: Comments on Proposed Amendment to Boycott Provisions under Taft-Hartley, December 29, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
Item 19: Prohibition of Secondary Boycotts Strengthened and Clarified by Supreme Court, July 10, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
Item 20: Secondary Boycotts, circa 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
Item 21: The Law and Secondary Boycotts in perspective, February 12, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: National Labor Relations Board
Item 22: Secondary Boycotts and your Freedom of Choice: How Union officials keep products off the market, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
Item 23: Secondary Boycotts: How do you fight them?, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
Item 24: The Facts on Secondary Boycotts, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
Item 25: The Case Against Secondary Boycotts, circa 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: National Electric Manufacturers Assoc.
Folder 2: Business EthicsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Business Ethics Selected References, September 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Princeton Univ.
Item 2: Bibliography of Books on Socio-ethical issues, September, 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Loyola Center for Values in Business
Folder 3: Business IntelligenceAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Filing Rules and Competitive Intelligence in Germany, Undated, possibly circa 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: D-S Marketing
Item 2: Advanced Hidden Company Research:  Digging up dirt on divisions, subsidiaries and private companies, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Washington Information Group, ltd.
Item 3: How to research a corporation, January 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Union for Radical Political Economics
Item 4: Building Profiles of Public and Private Companies: Manual of Corporate Investigation, circa 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 5: Spying on your employer: A guide to researching your employer in your local public library (industrial corporations), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Labor Education and Research Project
Item 6: Company Investigations: Planning and Performance, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Washington Researchers
Item 7: Finding Information on Competitors, May-June, 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Washington Researchers
Item 8: Spying on your employer: A guide to researching your employer in your local public library (trucking companies), 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Teamsters for a Democratic union
Item 9: The Use of Corporate Financial Statements and Related Data by Organized Labor, November 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Business Research, Indiana Univ.
Item 10: How to trace UK Company Information, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Manchester Public Library
Folder 4: Business ServicesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Growth in the Business Services Industry, June 26, 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Folder 5: Canning IndustriesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Productivity Trends in the Canning and Preserving Industries, 1939 to 1950, January 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 2: Automation and Employment Trends in the Fruit and Vegetable Canning Industry, circa 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Folder 6: Chemical IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The United States Economy and the Chemical Industry in 1961, circa 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: International Chemical Workers Union
Item 2: The United States Economy and the Chemical Industry: A Report on Employment Earnings Production and Profits, June 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: International Chemical Workers Union
Item 3: The United States Economy and the Chemical Industry: A Report on Employment Earnings Production and Profits, June 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: International Chemical Workers Union
Item 4: Chemicals and Allied Products I: A Statistical Compendium, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
Item 5: Chemicals and Allied Products II: Soap and Related Products, Paints and allied products: A Statistical Compendium, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
Item 6: Chemicals and Allied Products III: Gum and Wood Chemicals, Fertilizers, Vegetable and Animal Oils, Misc. Chemicals: A Statistical Compendium, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
Item 7: Chemicals and Allied Products IV: Industrial Chemicals, Drugs, and Medicines: A Statistical Compendium, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
Item 8: Chemicals and Allied Products: General Statistics, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
Item 9: Foreign Competition in Chemicals and Allied Products, January 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: Manufacturing Chemists Assoc.
Item 10: Chemical Prices, Productivity, Wages and Profits, November 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: Manufacturing Chemists Assoc.
Item 11: Competition in the Chemical Industry, 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: Manufacturing Chemists Assoc.
Item 12: Chemicals in the National Economy, December 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: Manufacturing Chemists Assoc.
Folder 7: Child Labor (Folder 1 of 2)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Child Slave Labor--USA, September 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Information: The Catholic Church in American Life
Item 2: Why--Child Labor Laws?, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 3: International Child Labor Problems, circa 1993Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 4: International Child Labor Study, circa 1994Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 5: Danger: Children at Work:  A Bibliographical Time Capsule, January 23, 1998Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 6: Child Labor Fact Book 1900-1950, April 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: National Child Labor Committee
Item 7: The Changing Years: 1904-1954, circa 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: National Child Labor Committee
Item 8: The National Child Labor Committee, Founded 1904.  What it is, what it does, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: National Child Labor Committee
Item 9: Youth Employment: Opportunity and Protection, circa 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 10: Child-Labor Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, circa 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 11: Young Workers under 18: 1958 Supplement, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 12: Child Labor at the Mid-century, December 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: National Child Labor Committee
Item 13: Child Workers in Agriculture, 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 14: Design for Community Action, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 15: Report of Work Injuries to Minors under 18 years of age, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 16: Youth Employment Act, February 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: Sar A. Levitan
Item 17: Children and Work: Protection and Opportunity, Summer 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: National Committee on Employment of Youth
Item 18: My pinsetters and I: A guide to good practice, April 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Bowling Proprietors Assoc. of America
Item 19: An Abstract of Laws governing Employment of Minors in New York State, circa 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
Item 20: Child Labor: A Primer for Trade Unions and Study Classes, 1925Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL
Item 21: Federal Regulation of Child Labor: A Criticism of the policy represented in the Beveridge-Parsons Bill, March 9, 1907Add to your cart.
Creator: Alabama Child Labor Committee
Item 22: National Policy on Employment of School-age Youth, May 27, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 23: Child Labor and Youth Employment in this nation's third year of war, December 1944Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 24: Youth- The Nation's Richest Resource: Their education and Employment needs, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Interdepartmental Youth Committee, Federal Govt.
Item 25: Child Labor: A Summary of New Jersey and Federal Laws, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Rutgers Univ.
Item 26: The Child Labor Amendment, circa 1925Add to your cart.
Creator: Missouri Women's Legislative Committee
Item 27: A Study of the Physical Examinations of Children Entering Industry, 1930Add to your cart.
Creator: National Tuberculosis Assoc.
Item 28: Child Labor Amendment Argument for Ratification, April 1934Add to your cart.
Creator: National Child Labor Committee
Item 29: New York Committee for the Ratification of the Child Labor Amendment, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 30: When Children are injured in industry, 1933Add to your cart.
Creator: National Child Labor Committee
Item 31: Child Labor Law in New York State, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 32: Proposed modification of Child Labor Regulation 3, Hazardous Occupation Orders Generally, and Hazardous Occupation Orders 2,7, and 13 specifically, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 33: Labor Has Always Led: An Account of the accomplishments of organized labor in the United States, April 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: UAW-CIO
Item 34: "Children Preffered:" A study of Child labor in Pennsylvania, 1937Add to your cart.
Creator: Pennsylvania Labor Dept.
Item 35: School or Work in Indiana?, 1927Add to your cart.
Creator: National Child Labor Committee
Folder 8: Child Labor (Folder 2 of 2)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Child Labor, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 2: Child Labor and the Law, April 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 3: Policy and Reguations of the Department of Defense regarding employment of minors, August 24, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept. and US Defense Dept.
Item 4: Bulletin of National Consumers League for Fair Labor Standards, Winter 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: National Consumers League for Fair Labor Standards
Item 5: History of the Federal Regulation of Child Labor, April 20, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 6: Summary of Findings and Reccomendations of Work Group on Working Conditions and Experiences as related to personality development of youth, December 7, 1950Add to your cart.
Item 7: Press Release: Secretary Tobin sets hearing October 11 on proposed hazardous occupations order for youths in occupations in and about mines, August 30, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 8: Employment Status of Youth, April 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 9: Young workers under 18: Today and Tomorrow, circa 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 10: How good are YOUR State Child Labor Laws, circa 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 11: Occupations particularly hazardous for the employment of minors between 16 and 18 years of age or detrimental to their health of well-being, January 1, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 12: Child Labor, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
Item 13: Are These Your Children, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
Item 14: Labor Laws in New York State:  Child Labor, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: NY State Dept. of Labor
Item 15: Child Labor, December 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: NY State Joint Legislative Committee on Industrial and Labor Conditions
Item 16: The American Child: Testimony on Amendments to Federal Child Labor Law, February 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: National Child Labor Committee
Item 17: The Why and How of Amending the Federal Child Labor Law, January 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: National Child Labor Committee
Item 18: Child Labor after Ten Years of Federal Regulation, December 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: National Child Labor Committee
Item 19: Major Standards reccomended by the international association of governmental labor officials for state child-labor legislation and the extent to which existing state child-labor laws meet these standards., November 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 20: Ten Years' Progress in State Protection of Child Workers: Child-labor standards show net gain, 1939-48, April 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Social Security Administration
Item 21: Mayor's committee on Youth Employment Opportunities, October 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: City of Chicago
Item 22: Youth Employment Act, February 9, 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
Item 23: Child Labor: Facing the twenty-first century, November 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
Item 24: Selected Current References on Child Labor and Youth Employment, November 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: National Child Labor Committee
Item 25: Early School Leavers: List of Reference Materials, circa 1955Add to your cart.
Item 26: Child Labor Law, April 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
Item 27: Handbooks on Labor Law: No.1  Child Labor, June, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
Item 28: Child Labor and School Attendance in Illinois, circa 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: National Child Labor Committee
Item 29: Summary of State Child Labor Laws, circa 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Folder 9: Church and LaborAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Church and Labor (Folder 1 of 2)Add to your cart.
Item 1: A dialogue between the Religious and Labor community on social and ethical concerns in a changing society, January 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Theological Seminary, Instotute for Mission in the USA, and the Washington Theological Consortium
Item 2: Remembering the Labor priest, January 16, 2004Add to your cart.
Creator: Doug Pokorski
Item 3: Organized Labor (adopted at the 96th Annual Convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis), June 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Central Conference of American Rabbis
Item 4: "On the condition of workers in 1991", June 10, 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Dialogue Between Religious Community and Organized Labor
Item 5: "Jewish Law commands us to uphold the dignity of all workers", November 1988Add to your cart.
Creator: Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
Item 6: Jewish Labor Movement: A Living Legacy, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Jewish Labor Committee
Item 7: Jewish Religious Tradition, Social Action, and Organized Labor, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Jewish Labor Committee
Item 8: Resource List: Jewish Religious Tradition, Social Action and Organized Labor, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Jewish Labor Committee
Item 9: Catholics and US Labor, September 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Jubilee
Item 10: Consultation on the Church and Labor-management Relations, June 1955Add to your cart.
Item 11: The Church: Labor's Southern Cross, October 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: David S. Burgess, Congregatonal-Christian Church and CIO
Item 12: The Common Good:  The Need for a Reaffirmation of its nature and claims, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: The Rev. John J. Wright
Item 13: The Church speaks on Labor Unions, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: United Food and Commercial Workers
Item 14: The 18th Annual Session of the Institute on Industry and Social Action, June 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Social Action Dept. of the National Catholic Welfare Conference
Item 15: Bishop Bernard J. Sheil's historic speech describing McCarthyism as morally evil, April 9, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: UAW-CIO Education Conference
Item 16: The guideposts of the almighty to Permanent Industrial Peace, Copyright 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Archbishop of Boston
Item 17: The Labor Problem: What it is, how to solve it.  A Catechism of the Social Question, 1921Add to your cart.
Creator: National Catholic Welfare Conference
Item 18: The Ethics of Labor, 1922Add to your cart.
Item 19: Rerum Novarum - Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII on the Condition of Labor, 1939Add to your cart.
Item 20: Quadragesimo Anno - Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius XI on Reconstructing the Social Order, 1939Add to your cart.
Item 21: A Socialist Ritual, 1893Add to your cart.
Item 22: European Catholics and the Social Question, 1943Add to your cart.
Creator: Catholic Social Guild
Item 23: Communism and Union Labor, October 21, 1937Add to your cart.
Creator: Raymond T. Feely, S.J.
Item 24: Labor and Society: A Roundtable discussion on Catholic Social Thought, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: The League for Industrial Democracy
Item 25: The Catholic Church and the Labor Movement, 1933Add to your cart.
Item 26: Industrial Relations and Christian Ethics, September 15, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Social Action
Item 27: Thirteen Years in a Labor School, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Cathedral College, NY
Item 28: The Christian at his Daily Work, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
Item 29: Report of the North American Lay Conference on The Christian and his Daily Work, February 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
Item 30: Christianity in Industry, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: National Council of Catholic Men
Item 31: Christian Principles and Assumptions for Economic Life, September 15, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
Item 32: The Church and Labor-Management Relations of Our Day, October 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Item 33: Economic Life: A Christian Responsibility, August 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
Item 34: Human Rights for Working People, 1988Add to your cart.
Creator: Trade Union Leadership Institute, AFL-CIO
Item 35: Report of the National Study Conference on The Church and Economic Life, February 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
Item 36: "The Common Good" The Need for a Reaffirmation of its Nature and Claims, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Rev. John J. Wright, D.D., Bishop of Worcester
Item 37: Responsibility at Mid-Century, October 9, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Rev. William T. Mulloy, D.D., Bishop of Covington
Item 38: Seven Pillars of Industrial Orders, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Rev. Francis J. Haas, C.C., Bishop of Grand Rapids
Item 39: National Religion and Labor Foundation: What It Is, Purposes, Program, and What Can You Do?, possibly circa 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: National Religion and Labor Foundation
Item 40: Walking Together: Religion and Labor, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: National Religion and Labor Foundation
Item 41: Buiding Projects and Religions Values: Ethical Questions for Congregations to Ask Building Contractors, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice
Item 42: Equality and the Unions, February 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: Harry Fleischman, Religion and Labor Council of America and Jewish Labor Committee
Folder 11: Church and Labor (Folder 2 of 2)Add to your cart.
Item 1: The Catholic Church and the Workingman, 1914Add to your cart.
Creator: Catholic Truth Society of Ireland
Item 2: Conflict or Cooperation, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Industry Council Assoc.
Item 3: On-the-job dilemmas of Christian Laymen, February 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
Item 4: A Subversive Revolution against constitutional government and Christian ethics, circa 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Southern States Industrial Council
Item 5: Seven Pillar of Industrial Order, circa 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Catholic Conference on Industrial Problems
Item 6: Social or anti-Social Wages?, 1937Add to your cart.
Creator: I.W. Cox, S.J.
Item 7: Economic Theory and Practice in light of Basic Christian Principles, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: National Protestant Council on Higher Education
Item 8: The Wages and Hours of American Labor, 1937Add to your cart.
Creator: National Catholic Welfare conference
Item 9: Social and Industrial Peacemaking: A Quaker Program, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: American Friends Service Committee
Item 10: Religion Speaks to Labor, January 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: CIO
Item 11: What the Church Thinks of Labor, May 31, 1944Add to your cart.
Creator: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Item 12: The Church and Industrial Relations, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Item 13: The Catholic and his Trade Union, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: George E. Lucy
Item 14: The Problem of the Worker in light of the Social doctrine of the Church, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Bishops and Archbishops of the Civil Provence of Quebec
Item 15: Religion Speaks to Labor, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: United Steelworkers of America
Item 16: The Church Believes in Unions, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: UAW
Item 17: You, Your Church and Your Job, Copyright 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
Item 18: The Camel and the Needle's Eye: Christian Conscience and the American Economy, August 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
Item 19: Problems of Labor, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: United Steelworkers of America
Item 20: History of the Christian Labor Assoc., circa 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State Univ.
Item 21: William Ellery Channing on Labor, May 25, 1937Add to your cart.
Creator: American Unitarian Assoc.
Item 22: Christian Advocate Labor Sunday Message, September 3, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
Item 23: Five Year Peace Pact in N.Y. Trucking Industry, February 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Cooperator
Item 24: Migratory Labor in Michigan, October, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Cooperator
Item 25: West Virginia Reports Progress, November 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Cooperator
Item 26: Cooperation in the Garment Industry, September 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Cooperator
Item 27: Our President honored at capitol, June 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Cooperator
Item 28: Necessity of Unions Especially in the South, May 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Cooperator
Item 29: American Trends toward Cooperation, April 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Cooperator
Item 30: 7 Million Women urge Labor-Management Conference, December 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Cooperator
Item 31: Message from the President, January 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Cooperator
Item 32: Thousands attend February lectures, March 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Cooperator
Item 33: 400 Lawyers endorse industry councils, February 195Add to your cart.
Creator: Cooperator
Item 34: The Taft-Hartley Law in Operation, January 31, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
Item 35: Presbyterian Institute of Industrial Relations pamphlets, UndatedsAdd to your cart.
Creator: Presbyterian Institute of Industrial Relations
Item 36: Applying Christianity in the Day's Work, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
Item 37: What Pulpit and Press are saying about the Church and Labor, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
Item 38: Christian Action in Industrial Relations, December 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
Item 39: Recent Actions of the Churches concerning Unemployment and Labor-Management Relations, June 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
Item 40: Will Churches and Industry ever be brought together?, October 14, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Otto P. Cherdon
Item 41: The University of Illinois The Catholic Church The Employer, April 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Kenneth L. Schultz
Folder 12: Church And Labor (Labor Letter), 1952Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Civil Rights Act, 1964Add to your cart.
Item 1: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 1964Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Civil Rights Act of 1991Add to your cart.
Item 1: Analysis of the Civil Rights Act of 1991, November 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Warren Gorham Lamont
Item 2: Civil Rights Act 1991 Summary and Full Text, November 11, 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 3: Civil Rights Act 1991 Summary And Full Text Special Supplement, November 12, 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 4: Civil Rights Act 1991 Summary and Full Text EEOC Compliance ManualAdd to your cart.
Folder 15: Civil Service Reform Act, 1978Add to your cart.
Item 1: Civil Service Reform Act of 1978Add to your cart.
Box 8Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Civil Service SystemsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: State Merit Systems, 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: United States Civil Service Commission
Item 2: Excellence in Public Service: Illinois' Challenge for the '90s, January 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: The Chicago Community Trust/Government Assistance Project and Illinois Commission on the Future of Public Service, State of Illinois
Item 3: Nationwide Survey of Classification Reconsideration and Appeal Process, circa 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois State Central Management Services Dept.
Item 4: State Civil Service (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 24 1/2 Paragraphs 1-37), UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Revised Statutes
Item 5: State Personnel and Employee Relations System, December 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Oregon State Legislative Fiscal Committee
Item 6: Sabatoge of the Merit System, 1939Add to your cart.
Creator: NY State Assoc. of State Civil Service Employees
Item 7: Good Government:  NCSL's "Model Law", Fall 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: National Civil Service League
Item 8: State Universities Civil Serice System Statute and Rules, March 1980Add to your cart.
Item 9: The Government Personnel System, November 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: United States Civil Service Commission
Item 10: The Merit System in Mobile County: 51st Annual Report of the Personnel Board for Mobile County, Alabama, February 14, 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Supervisory Committee of the Mobile County Personnel Board
Item 11: A Sketch of the History of Civil Service Reform in England, India and the United States, December 1904Add to your cart.
Creator: General Federation of Women's Clubs
Item 12: Why We Need the Merit System: An Explanation of the principles of public personnel management, November, 1936Add to your cart.
Creator: Indiana League of Women Voters
Item 13: The Civil Service: The Nation's Largest Business, circa 1938Add to your cart.
Creator: Union League Club of Chicago
Item 14: The Responsibilities of a Civil Service Commissioner, 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Public Personnel Assoc.
Folder 2: Clerical EmployeesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Degraded and Deskilled: The Proletarianization of Clerical Work, October 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Evelyn Glenn and Roslyn Feldberg
Item 2: White Collar Office Workers (Their working conditions, benefits and status), April 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs
Item 3: Management Programs for the Salaried Worker, February 18, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Executive Seminar Series on Industrial Relations
Item 4: Henry A. Wallace speaks to the White Collar Workers, February 19, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: United Office and Professional Workers of America, CIO
Item 5: Radical America: Women in Office Work, Work Place Organizing, Birth Control and Eugenics, circa 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Radical America
Item 6: Training Office Workers, circa 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Earl P. Strong
Item 7: White Collar Regulations under the Federal Wage and Hour Law, circa 1950Add to your cart.
Item 8: Worker Quality and Wage Dispersion: An analysis of a clerical labor market in Boston, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Robert Evans, Jr., MIT
Item 9: White Collar Exemptions: Text of Final Regulations and Official Explanation under the Wage-Hour law together with BNA Editorial Analysis, December 28, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
Item 10: Office Workers look at their trade, March 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Office Employees International Union, AFL
Item 11: "White Collar" Production up 35 per cent, July 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: American Business Magazine
Item 12: Selected References on the White Collar Worker, circa 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: White Collar Workshops
Folder 3: Clothing IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Statement of Lazare Teper, Director of Research, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union before the Subcommittee on Study of Monopoly Power, Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, July 22, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and US Congress
Item 2: National Coat and Suit Industry Recovery Board Reports and Resolutions, Fourteenth Annual Meeting, circa 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: National Coat and Suit Recovery Board
Item 3: National Coat and Suit Industry Recovery Board Reports and Resolutions, Sixteenth Annual Meeting, circa 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: National Coat and Suit Recovery Board
Item 4: National Coat an Suit Industry Recovery Board Reports and Resolutions Nineteenth Annual Meeting, circa 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: National Coat and Suit Recovery Board
Folder 4: Coal IndustryAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Coal Industry (Folder 1 of 3)Add to your cart.
Item 1: State's 1st coal mine located along Big Muddy, May 12, 2000Add to your cart.
Creator: Stu Fliege
Item 2: Remembering Coal Country, September 1995Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Issues
Item 3: Coal is a Dirty Word, November 1993Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Issues
Item 4: Illinois Coal Facts '85, circa 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Coal Assoc.
Item 5: Illinois Coal and the Energy Crisis, December 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Coal Operators Assoc.
Item 6: The Inland Coal Mine:  Sesser, Illinois, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Inland.  Sesser, Illinois
Item 7: Bituminous Coal Mining Towns: Pictoral story of their progress, December 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Bituminous Coal Institute
Item 8: Research Data on Productivity, Job Satisfaction and Health and Safety, August 31, 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: Conference on Productivity, job satisfaction, and health and safety in the coal industry: the participatory alternative
Item 9: Good times and bad in Appalachia: Wrestlin' for a Livin' with King Coal, June 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Michael E. King
Item 10: The Threat of Western Coal, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: United Mine Workers of America
Item 11: Coal Periodicals, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 12: The Scoop: Coal holds its own in 1986, January 1987Add to your cart.
Creator: National Coal Assoc.
Item 13: Productivity Trends in Pennsylvania Soft Coal Mining 1919-1946, circa 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Charles M. James
Item 14: Coal Information: A guide to locating published information on coal, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: National Coal Assoc.
Item 15: History of Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Pennsylvania Mines Dept.
Item 16: The Worker's Point of View: A Discussion of "Reporting Back" based on a study in a coalfield, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Acton Society Trust
Item 17: Mine 32: Pittsburgh Consolidation coal mine in a magnificent West Virginia seam is among the best in the US, circa 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Fortune
Item 18: More Capital Equipment: Coal's Foremost Economic Need, July 1, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: National Coal Assoc.
Folder 6: Coal Industry (Folder 2 of 3)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Technological Change and Productivity in the Bituminous Coal Industry 1920-1960, November 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 2: The Case for a National Fuels Policy Study, December 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: National Coal Policy Conference
Item 3: Address by Charles O'Neill, President, Central Pennsylvania Coal Producers' Assoc. before the Coal Mining Institute of America, December 9, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Central Pennsylvania Coal Producers Assoc. and Coal Mining Institute of America
Item 4: Sharing the Income of Soft Coal Mining, May 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: C.M. James
Item 5: Statement of George M. Humphrey, Chairman, Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Company, before the Congressional Joint Committee on the Economic Report, July 15, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Pittsburgh Consolidated Coal Company and US Congress
Item 6: Mines in Government Possession, 15 November 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Coal Mines Administration, Interior Dept.
Item 7: Bituminous coal Wages, Profits and Productivity, February 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Southern Coal Producers Assoc.
Item 8: The Economics of Strip Coal Mining, October 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Herman D. Graham
Item 9: Bituminous Coal movements in the United States, January 1942Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois State Geological Survey
Item 10: Manual of Statistical Information, 1944Add to your cart.
Creator: Anthracite Institute
Item 11: Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal, June 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Pennsylvania Commerce Dept.
Item 12: Pennsylvania Anthracite, March 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Pennsylvania Commerce Dept.
Folder 7: Coal Industry (Folder 3 of 3)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Employment and Related Statistics of Mines and Quarries, 1935:  Coal, July 1937Add to your cart.
Creator: Works Progress Administration
Item 2: Survey of Conditions in the Anthracite Industry, circa 1922Add to your cart.
Creator: Richard J. Beamish
Item 3: Pennsylvania's Coal Industry, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert D. Billinger
Item 4: Pennsylvania Anthracite Minerals Yearbook review of 1940, 1941Add to your cart.
Creator: US Interior Dept.
Item 5: Public Ownership of Coal is Imperative, November 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: People's Lobby Bulletin
Item 6: Coal '74, February 17, 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: The Herald Advisor, Huntington, W. Va.
Item 7: Coal Miners and the Economy, circa 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: United Mine Workers of America
Folder 8: Coal Miners Research ProjectAdd to your cart.
Item 1: This folder contains information relating to a Penn State research projects on the lives of coal miners and the communities they lived in.  It was funded at least in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities., circa 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Coal Industry--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Co-determinationAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Co-determination (Folder 1 of 2)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Workers and Management: The German Co-determination experiment, June 1, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Fabian Society Research Series
Item 2: Co-determination in Iron and Steel Concerns in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: International Metalworkers' Federation
Item 3: Co-determination in Germany: Report on a visit by the Engineering Employers' Federation, August 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Engineering Employers' Federation
Item 4: Works Councils in Germany, March 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: United States High Commissioner for Germany, office of Labor Affairs
Item 5: The Codetermination model of workers' participation: Where is it leading?, Spring 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: G. David Garson
Item 6: Workers' Participation in Management in West Germamy: Impact on the Worker, the Enterprise and the Trade Union, Spring 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Roy J. Adams and C.H. Rummel
Item 7: Labor Relations and Industrial Democracy in the Federal Republic of Germany, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: German Information Center
Item 8: Industrial Democracy in Germany, June 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in London
Item 9: Workers in Management: Myth or Reality?, April 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Bruce Stokes
Item 10: Co-determination in Sweden, March 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
Item 11: Negotiations in Co-determination, June 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation
Item 12: Trade Union Identity and Workplace Representation: Do Works-Councils Make a Difference?, May 1996Add to your cart.
Creator: Adelheide Hege
Folder 12: Co-determination (Folder 2 of 2)Add to your cart.
Item 1: European Players in Global Competition, 1998Add to your cart.
Creator: Mitbestimmung special English Language Edition
Item 2: Co-determination: A report of the Mission to Germany, July 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
Item 3: Codetermination Right of Labor in German Business Enterprises, circa 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Ernest C. Steefel and Walter Herzfeld
Item 4: Agreement on Rationalization, June 1, 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation and Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions
Item 5: The Right of Co-determination in heavy industry, February 11, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Neue Zuercher Zeitung
Item 6: Workers' control of industry in Europe, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
Item 7: Participative Management: A Debit or a Credit?, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 8: The hard hats in Europe's Boardrooms, June 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert Ball
Item 9: Worker Participation in Management, April 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Committee on Worker Participation in Management, Adelaide, Australia
Item 10: Speech by Premier of South Australia, September 25, 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Labour and Industry Dept.
Item 11: Worker Participation in Sweden - A Survey, September 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation
Item 12: Worker Participation: the Prospects for Australia, circa 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Victorian Fabian Pamphlets
Item 13: 1975 Policy Platform, Agenda Items, Committee Reports, June 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: Australian Labor Party
Item 14: Sharing Power in the Private Sector, 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor Council of New South Wales
Item 15: Worker Participation- A New Policy, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: The Radical
Item 16: The Changing World of Work and Workers, circa 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: Labour and Industry Dept., South Australia
Item 17: Works Councils in Sweden, August 1955Add to your cart.
Item 18: Works Councils in Sweden, December 1950 and January 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Anglo-Swedish Review
Item 19: Worker Participation in the Service, circa 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: B.N. Moore
Item 20: Co-determination through collective agreements and legislation, February 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
Item 21: University Labor Education Association:  Yugoslavia, circa 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: University Labor Education Assoc.
Item 22: Personnel Opinions: Hourly Employees on the Board?, May 4, 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Bulletin to Management
Item 23: Highlights of Current Legislation and Activities in Mid-Europe: Workers' Self Government, May and June 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Mid-European Law Project
Item 24: Employers reveal their secret thoughts to Ruth Link on Co-decision and the labor movement and the Government who are forcing them to accept it., 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Sweden Now
Box 9Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Co-Determination Publications, 1951-77Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Co-Determination Bibliographies, 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: D.A. Richardson (M.I.T.); Ontario Ministry of Labour
Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Bureau of National Affairs Publications, 1945-2008, 2016Add to your cart.
Creator: BNA
Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Conference Proceedings, 1939-75Add to your cart.
Item 1: "Making the Collective Agreement Work", April 13, 1939Add to your cart.
Creator: William P. Clarke
Item 2: "Collective Bargaining and Wage Policies", March 16, 1944Add to your cart.
Creator: F.V. Morley, F. Quigley, G. Connors, H. Wines
Item 3: "The Economics of Collective Bargaining", 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Sumner H. Slighter
Item 4: "Outline of Lectures on Collective Bargaining Trends", 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Rev. Van F. Christoph
Item 5: "Labor Relations - The Practical View", September 20, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Georges Laverdure
Item 6: Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Conference, Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers, May 14, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Rutgers University
Item 7: Cornell Conference Report- "The Economic Climate and Collective Bargaining", May 8-9, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Cornell University
Item 8: "Collective Bargaining Today" - Proceedings of 3rd Annual Industrial Relations Conference of the Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO, June 15-16, 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 9: "The Future of Col.lective Bargaining", October 26, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: R. Heath Larry
Item 10: "The N.L.R.B. and Collective Bargaining", November 15, 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Edward B. Miller
Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Course Materials, 1949-76Add to your cart.
Item 1: University of Wisconsin, School for Workers, Course in Economic and Historic Background for Collective Bargaining, October, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: University of Wisconsin
Item 2: Elements of Collective Bargaining - Material for Adult Education Classes, University of Illinois Extension, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: University of Illinois
Item 3: Power Balance in Collective Bargaining as Seen by 36 Labor Relations Men, ca. 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: ILIR 33, University of Illinois
Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - International Publications, 1957-81Add to your cart.
Item 1: International Labour Organisation, Asian Regional Conference, Labour-Management Relations, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: International Labour Organisation
Item 2: Collective Bargaining and Productivity, Final Reports on the Trade Union Seminar in Berlin, June 18-22, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Organisation for European Economic Co-Operation
Item 3: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Manpower and Social Affairs Directorate, International Seminar Reports (2 editions), 1969, 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
Item 4: "Collective Bargaining - Traditional Analysis and Empirical Findings", UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: J.Y. Tabb and A. Galin
Item 5: International Labour Conference, Provisional Record, 67th Session, Geneva, 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: International Labout Conference
Folder 7: Collective Bargaining - Journal and Review Reprints, 1935-83Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - State of California Calendars of Collective Bargaining, 1963-67Add to your cart.
Creator: State of California, Department of Industrial Relations
Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Unidentified PublicationsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: "Collective Bargaining", ca. 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: D. Carmell
Item 2: "The Sources and Meaning of Economic Data for Collective Bargaining", ca. 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: B. Seligman
Item 3: "Win-Win Bargaining: Thirty Days to a Contract", UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: K.M. Moriarty
Folder 10: Collective Bargaining - Union, Company, Organization and Association Publications, 1947-84Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Collective Bargaining - University Labor Institute Publications, Boston College - University of Illinois, 1948-81Add to your cart.
Item 1: "New Theories of Industrial Justic to Bring Freer, Fairer and More Civilized Collective Bargaining", April 23, 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: Stuart Rothman
Item 2: "Some Trends in Collective Bargaining", ca. 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Joseph Shister
Item 3: "Labor: Hard Times, Little Radicalism", June 15, 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: Arnold R. Weber
Item 4: "Versatility of Collective Bargaining", UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Adolf Sturmthal
Item 5: "Collective Bargaining", ca. 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: E.L. Warren and I. Bernstein
Item 6: "Nonfactory Unionism and Labor Relations", 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Van Duysen Kennedy
Item 7: "Ideological Obsolescece in Collective Bargaining", September, 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: Jack T. Conway
Item 8: "Mature Collective Bargaining: Prospects and Problems", 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: University of California
Item 9: "Free and Responsible Collective Bargaining and Industrial Peace", May, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy
Item 10: "Collective Bargaining at the Crossroads", January, 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: Edwin C. Pendleton
Item 11: "Toward and Understanding of 'The Public Interest' in Collective Bargaining", May, 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Harold S. Roberts
Item 12: "The Effect of Reaganomics on Collective Bargaining", December, 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: Sam Kagel
Item 13: "Goals of Effective Collective Bargaining" (2 editions), March, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: George M. Harrison
Item 14: "New Trends in Collective Bargaining", 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Edward L. Phillips
Item 15: "Master Agreements in Collective Bargaining", November, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: W.E. Chalmers and S. MacEachron
Item 16: "Union Decision-Making in Collective Bargaining", 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Arnold R. Weber
Item 17: "The Nursing Profession and Economic Security", 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Frederick H. Harbison
Item 18: "Union-Management Relations at the Plant Level in DeKalb, Illinois, July, 1956", UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: J.W. Lloyd and M. Derber
Item 19: "New Challenges for Collective Bargaining", UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: R.W. Fleming
Folder 12: Collective Bargaining - University Labor Institute Publications, University of Iowa - University of Wisconsin, 1941-82Add to your cart.
Item 1: "The Scope of Collective Bargaining", 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Walter L. Daykin
Item 2: "Innovation in Collective Bargaining", 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Stanley Young
Item 3: "The Structure of Collective Bargaining and Some of Its Determinants", December, 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: David H. Greenberg
Item 4: "Concession Bargaining and the National Economy" (2 editions), December, 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: Peter Cappelli
Item 5: "The Use of Informed Neutrals in Difficult Bargaining Situations", 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: George H. Hildebrand
Item 6: "Collective Bargaining in the West Coast Paper Industry", January, 1941Add to your cart.
Creator: Princeton University
Item 7: "Constructive Labor Relations: Experience in Four Firms", 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: R.A. Lester and E.A. Robie
Item 8: "Union Decisions in Collective Bargaining", 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert R. France
Item 9: "The Future of Collective Bargaining in the United States", May, 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: Richard A. Lester
Item 10: "Economic Basis of Collective Bargaining", 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Ben Stephansky
Folder 13: Collective Bargaining - US Government Publications, 1946-79Add to your cart.
Creator: Government of the United States of America
Box 10Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Bibliographies, 1946-91Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Agricultural Machine Industry, 1973-94Add to your cart.
Item 1: "Union-Management Relations: McCormick Harvesting Machine Company 1862-1886", UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Robert Ozanne
Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Air Transportation Industry, 1948-97Add to your cart.
Item 1: "Labor Relations in the Air Transportation Industry Under the Amended Railway Labor Act", 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: E.B. McNatt
Item 2: "Labor Relations in the Air Transport Industry, 1947-57", 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: E.B. McNatt
Item 3: "Industrial Relations in the California Aircraft Industry", 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: A.P. Allen, B.V.H. Schneider
Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Amusements and Sports, 1971-95Add to your cart.
Item 1: "The NFL Owners v. The NFL Players Association: The Line of Scrimmage has been Drawn, But are They on the Same Field?", 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Steve Bauer
Item 2: "Labor Relations in Professional Sports: Baseball Salaries and Final-Offer Arbitration", UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Creator Unknown
Item 3: "Wage Determination and the Development of Collective Bargaining in Baseball", ca. 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: James G. Scoville
Item 4: "'Defensive Manchester': A History of the Professional Footballers Association", 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Braham Dabscheck
Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Atomic Energy Industry, 1954-59Add to your cart.
Item 1: "Changing Industrial Relations Problems in Atomic Energy", 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Oscar S. Smith
Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Automobile Industry (Folder 1 of 2), 1950-93Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Collective Bargaining - Automobile Industry (Folder 2 of 2), 1934-93Add to your cart.
Item 1: Negotiating with the Automobile Employer Course Outline, 1934Add to your cart.
Creator: Creator Unknown
Item 2: "Testing the Limits: Collective Bargaining and Industrial Policy Concerns", March, 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Owen Bieber
Item 3: "Industrial Relations and Industrial Change in the Motor Industry: An International View", 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Wolfgang Streeck
Item 4: "Volkswagen: The Challenge of Change", April, 1993Add to your cart.
Creator: International Metalworkers' Foundation
Item 5: "Flat Rock, Home of Mazda: The Social Impact of a Japanese Company on an American Community", March, 1988Add to your cart.
Creator: R.C. Hill, M. Indergaard, K. Fujita
Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - Chemical Industry, 1942-58Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Clothing Industry, 1911-2004Add to your cart.
Item 1: "Industry Planning Through Collective Bargaining", 1941Add to your cart.
Creator: Julius Hochman
Item 2: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City: Case Study 3 - Garment Manufacture, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Margaret K. Chandler
Item 3: "Why This Strike", ca. 1912Add to your cart.
Creator: Julius Hochman
Item 4: Womens' Trade Union League of Chicago - Official Report of the Strike Committee, 1911Add to your cart.
Creator: Women's Trade Union League of Chicago
Folder 10: Collective Bargaining - Coal Industry (Folder 1 of 2), 1916-81Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Collective Bargaining - Coal Industry (Folder 2 of 2), 1925-79Add to your cart.
Item 1: "The Anthracite Operators' Reply to the Miner' Demands", 1925Add to your cart.
Item 2: Statement by J.P. Brennan, President, Bituminous Coal Operator' Assn., Inc. befroe the President's Commission on Coal, March, 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Joseph P. Brennan
Item 3: Materials for the 1977-78 Wage Negotiations fo the Bituminous Coal Operators' Assn., Inc., ca. 1978Add to your cart.
Item 4: "The New Labor Contract in the Bituminous Coal Industry", July, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: United States Steel Corp.
Item 5: "National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1950", 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: United Mine Workers
Item 6: "Collective Bargaining in the Bituminous Coal Mining Industry", April, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Harry M. Moses
Item 7: "Experience Under National Wage Agreements: The Bituminous Coal and Flint Glass Industries of West Virginia", June, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Gerald G. Somers
Item 8: "The Economic Impact of an Industry-wide Strike: A Case Study of the 1949-50 Coal Strike", July, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
Item 9: "Historical Description of the 1920 Wage Change in the Bituminous Coal Industry", UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Creator unknown
Folder 12: Collective Bargaining - Construction Industry (Folder 1 of 2), 1962-98Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Collective Bargaining - Construction Industry (Folder 2 of 2), 1955-87Add to your cart.
Item 1: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City: Case Study 5 - Building Construction, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Creator: Milton Derber
Item 2: "Attitudes Toward Union Constuction", 1987Add to your cart.
Creator: Jeffrey Vincent
Item 3: "Coming to Grips With Some Major Problems in the Construction Industry", 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: The Business Roundtable
Item 4: "The Industrial Relations System in Construction: The Geographical Scope of Bargaining" (2 copies), 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: John T. Dunlop
Item 5: Information relating to the Sardis Building Trades Agreement of CDLIX for the University of Illinois ILIR Program, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Item 6: "Industrial Relations in the Construction Industry", 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: G.W. Bertram, S.J. Maisel
Item 7: "Report of a Study on Labour Relations in the Construction Industry in New Brunswick", August, 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Ronald G. Storey
Folder 14: Collective Bargaining - Electrical Equipment and Appliance Industry, ca. 1987Add to your cart.
Box 11Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Electronics IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: A Practical Approach to Labor Relations, October 12, 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: General Electric Co.
Item 2: Addresses by Virgil B. Day, Vice President of Management Development and Employee Relations, General Electric., 1963-1967Add to your cart.
Creator: General Electric Co.
Item 1: Labor-Management Relations and Economic Growth: The Role of Industry, December 5, 1963Add to your cart.
Address before the Congress of American Industry National Association of Manufacturers
Item 2: Labor Management Relations in a Newly Competitive World, February 14, 1964Add to your cart.
Address before 1964 Midwinter Personnel Conference American Management Association
Item 3: Truth in Bargaining and Free Speech: A General Electric View, February 4, 1965Add to your cart.
Address before the Cincinnati Personnel Association and Society for the Advancement of Management
Item 4: Management Freedom and Responsibilities: Some Industrial Relations Issues, January 26, 1966Add to your cart.
Address before the Kansas City Personnel Management Association
Item 5: Collective Bargaining - A Look Ahead, January 9, 1967Add to your cart.
Seminar Program Remarks, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Item 6: Pressures on Management and Management's Own Initiatives: A Two-Way Street, September 27, 1967Add to your cart.
Remarks delivered at the 20th Annual Roundtable Conference, Industrial Relations Committee of the Edison Electric Institute
Item 3: Collective Bargaining and the "Suffocating Blanket", April 14, 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: General Electric Co.
Item 4: Materials on Boulwarism from GEAdd to your cart.
Creator: General Electric Co.
Item 5: Westinghouse Industrial Relations, 1936-1937Add to your cart.
Creator: Westinghouse Co.
Item 6: Industrial Relations Source Material: Employee Relations Newsletter and Report  for ManagersAdd to your cart.
Creator: General Electric Co.
Item 7: General Electric Corp. Employee Relations News, January 1964 - December 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: General Electric Co.
Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - EngineersAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Farm LaborersAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Collective Bargaining--Farm Laborers--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Government EmployeesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Collective Bargaining--Government Employees--GlossaryAdd to your cart.
Item 2: What public management can learn from the private sector, June 24, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Martin Wagner, Director of the UIUC ILIR
Item 3: Maine Collective Bargaining Contract Analysis:  Municipal Sector, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor Ed., Univ. of Maine at Orono
Item 4: Citations to News Items about Public Employee Bargaining in IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Item 5: Public employee organization and bargaining in states without comprehensive legislation, February 27, 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
Item 6: The Emergence of Collective Bargaining in Local Government, April 15, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Paul F. Gerhart, Case Western Reserve Univ.
Item 7: Employee Relations WorkshopAdd to your cart.
Creator: Public Employers' Association of Illinois
Item 8: Public Sector Bargaining: Policy and Practice, Fall 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Peter Feuille and John C. Anderson, UIUC ILIR
Item 9: The Impact of Collective Bargaining on Park and Recreation Districts, September 15 and 16, 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR
Item 10: Part Two: The Impact of Collective Bargaining on Park and Recreation Districts, October 1 and 2, 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR
Item 11: Labor Relations and Disputes Settlement in the Public Service:  Japan, February 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: Dr. Kazutoshi Kishiro, Economics Dept., Yokohama Natl. Univ.
Item 12: Labour Relations in the Public Service and the Impact of Union Activity on Public Administration's Actual Organization and Functioning, March 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Dr. Kazutoshi Kishiro, Economics Dept., Yokohama Natl. Univ.
Item 13: Proseminar in Public Sector Labor Relations, June 8-9, 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Northern Illinois Univ. Center for Governmental Studies
Item 14: Steward Training and Collective Bargaining for State, County and Municipal Employees, September 1962, revised March 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: Joseph S. Smolen, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
Item 15: Collective Bargaining for Public Employees: Problems from the Viewpoint of State and Local Govt. Agencies, December 9, 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: Frank P. Zeidler, Public Administration Consultant
Item 16: Collective Bargaining in State and Local Government, March 29-31, 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michgan State Universy; Institute of Labor and Industrial Relaions, Wayne State/Univ. of Michigan; The American Asembly, Columbia Univ.
Item 17: Report from Serbia, 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Jack G. Day
Item 18: Collective Bargaining for State and Local Public Employees, December 9, 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois State AFL-CIO and UIUC ILIR
Item 19: Collective Bargaining by State Governments in the Twelve Midwestern States, December 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Milton Derber, Peter Pashler and Mary Beth Ryan, UIUC ILIR
Box 12Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Government Employees (cont.)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Who Bargains for the Employer at the County Level?, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Paper by James Baird; attorney at Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson
Item 2: Public Sector Labor Law and Collective bArgaining, 1987Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor Education and Research Service
Item 3: Labor Relations for Supervisors and Managers in the Michigan Civil Service System, March 4, 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: Lawrence J. Poe and Theodore H. Curry II, Scuhhol of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State Univ.
Item 4: The Other Fourteen Percent: Public Employees as Workers and Citizens in the US, circa 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: Al Bilik, pres., Cincinnati Central Labor Union
Item 5: Public Sector Concession Bargaining: Lessons for the Private Sector, December 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. David Lewin, Columbia Univ.
Item 6: Unionization of Institutions: A Therapeutic Event, 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Dr.s Charles C. Cleland and Floyd S. Brandt
Item 7: Problems of a State Public Employment Relations Law in Practice, circa 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert G. Howlett, Chairman of the Michigan Labor Relations Board
Item 8: The Present Status of Municipal Employee Negotiations in IowaAdd to your cart.
Creator: Tom Gilroy and Richard Simon
Item 9: Labor Relations in State and Local Governments, 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Felix Nigro, Political Science Dept. , Univ. of Georgia at Athens
Item 10: Collective Bargaining in the Public Service:  A Reappraisal, 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Organized by Prof. Felix Nigro
Item 11: Collective Bargaining?  Professional Negotiations?, circa 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Cook County Educational Digest
Item 12: Public Employee Union Contracts, June 6, 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: A.E. Garey, civil servce counsel, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Item 13: Union Agreements in Municipal Employment, Febraruy 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Rollin B. Posey, dean and prof. of Political Science, Northwestern Univ.
Item 14: Labor Relations in Public Employment, April 19, 1958 and February 7, 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California at Berkeley
Item 15: The US Experience in Collective Bargaining in Public Employment, August 22, 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: Arvid Anderson, commissioner of the Wisconsin Employment Relations Board
Item 16: Collective Dealing by Units of Local Government in Connecticut, May 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert L. Stutz, Labor-Management Institute, Univ. of Connecticut
Item 17: Public Employee Unionization in Texas, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Chester A Newland, Univ. of Texas
Item 18: New Patterns for Bargaining in the Public Service, June 12, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Saul Frankel, vice dean of social sciences, McGill Univ.
Item 19: A Management View of Public Management Responsibilities (negotiating at the Local Government Level)Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert C. Garnier, City Personnel Director, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Item 20: Government Labor Relations in the United States:  Some Issues and Alternatives, October 21, 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Martin Wagner, UIUC ILIR
Item 21: Municipal Collective Bargaining:  A Model an Analysis of Bargaining Outcomes, June 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: James B. Dworkin and Stuart A. Youngblood
Item 22: Some Impacts of Collective Bargaining on Local Government:  A Diversity ThesisAdd to your cart.
Creator: Raymond D. Horton, David Lewkin and James W. Kuhn, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University
Item 23: Public-Private Sector Multi-Employer Collective Bargaining:  The Role of the Employer Representative, June 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Cyrus F. Smythe, Jr., Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
Item 24: Future Developments in the Public Service and the Implications for the Trade Union Movement, October 10, 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Rudolf Meidner
Item 25: Collective Bargaining in American Government, May 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, UCLA
Item 26: Collective Bargaining in the Quasi-Public Sector: A Survey of Policies and Practices in the United States, 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Milton Derper, UIUC ILIR
Item 27: State Legislation Affecting Labor Relations in State and Local Government, 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: James E. Young and Betty L. Brewer, Kent State Univ.
Item 28: Labor-Management Conflict in Local Government -- What Lies Ahead?, June 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Louis Ancel
Item 29: Collective Bargaining and Dispute Settlement in the Public an Private Sectores: A review and evaluation, July 31, 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: Harold S. Roberts and John B. Ferguson, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Hawaii
Item 30: An Overview of Recent Developments in Public Employee Bargaining, August 15, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Milton Derper, UIUC ILIR
Item 31: Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector, April 8, 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: E. Wight Bakke, prof. of Economics, Yale Univ.
Item 32: New York State Public Employment Labor Relations, April 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: edited and compiled by Edward Levin
Item 33: Problems of Employment and Industrial Relations in the Public Sector, November 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Guy Routh, prof. of Univ. of Sussex
Item 34: Analysis of the 1968 New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act, April 14, 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Leon J. Loichle
Item 35: Canadian Review:  Vol.2, No.2, July - December 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: Canadian International Center of Research and Information on Public and Cooperative Economy
Folder 2: Collective Bargaining--Government Employees--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Box 13Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Government Employees (federal)Add to your cart.
Item 1: A Manual for Employee-Management Cooperation in the Federal Service, August 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: Edited by Harold S. Roberts
Item 2: Collective Bargaining and the Federal Civil Service, 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: B.V.H. Schneider, Univ. of California
Item 3: Collective Bargaining, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: American Federation of Government Employees
Item 4: Unionism in Federal Employment, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Dr. Louis L. Friedland, prof. of Political Science, Wayne State Univ.
Item 5: Federal Labor-Management Relations: A Program in Evolution, Spring 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert E. Hampton
Item 6: Section 7106: Management Rights.  A Qualitative and Statistical Analysis of the Negation of Feceral Sector Collective Bargaining under the Civil Service Reform Act, July 11, 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Cole A. Meisinger
Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Government Employees (state)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Labor-Mnagement Relations in the Illinois State Service, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Richard C. McFadden, UIUC ILIR and Institute of Government and Public Affairs
Item 2: New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations, 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Harry F. Stark, Rutgers Univ. Institute of Management and Labor Relations
Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Govt. Regulation and PolicyAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Role of the State in Collective Bargaining, September 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Joseph Shister, Prof. and Chairman of Industrial Relations, Univ. of Buffalo
Item 2: Proceedings of the Conference on Labor Law, November 28-29, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR and College of Law
Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - HospitalsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Issues Confronting Unionized Health Care Workers:  Report of the Health Care Employee Union Representative Conference, March 10-12, 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: edited by Ronald J. Peters and Neil Vandevord
Item 2: Unionization and the Health-Care Industry: Hospital and Nursing Home Employee Union Leaders' Conference Report, August 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: edited by Ronald J. Peters, Helen Elkiss and Helen T. Higgins
Item 3: Hospitals and Collective Bargaining, March 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Nurses Association
Item 4: Labor-Management Relations in the Health Care Industry in the Chicago Area, October 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: Frank A. Marcin
Folder 5: Collective Bargaining--Hospitals--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - IssuesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Babies and Bargaining:  Working Parents Take Action, Novembe 1987Add to your cart.
Creator: by Mindy Fried
Item 2: Outline of UAW-CIO Collective Bargaining for Supplementary Security Programs, March 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: UAW-CIO
Item 3: Formulation of Social Security pRograms under Collective Bargaining, January 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: UAW-CIO
Item 4: Collective Bargaining and Social Security, January 31, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Arthur M. Ross, Univ. of California
Item 5: Library Trends: Employee Organizations and Collective Bargaining in Libraries, October 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: edited by Margaret A. Chaplan
Folder 7: Collective Bargaining - LibrariesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Employee Relations in Libraries:  The Current Scene, November 10, 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Archie Kleingartner, prof. of industrial relations, UCLA and Jean R. Kennelly, prof. of Librarianship, Univ. of Washington
Item 2: Academic Librarian Contract Clauses, variousAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - Meat Packing IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: History of Vienna Sausage Mfg. Co., Inc., no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Terry Nolen
Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Metal Products IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Collective Bargaining in US Metalworking, September 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
Folder 10: Collective Bargaining - Metropolitan Transportation IndustryAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Collective Bargaining--Metropolitan Transportation Industry--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: Collective Bargaining - Mining IndustryAdd to your cart.
Folder 13: Collective Bargaining - Missiles and Space IndustryAdd to your cart.
Folder 14: Collective Bargaining--Motion Picture Industry--BibliographyAdd to your cart.
Box 14Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Petroleum IndustryAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Multi-UnitAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Towards a European System of Collective Bargaining?  Perspectives before and after Maastricht, June 30, 1994Add to your cart.
Creator: Berndt Keller
Item 2: Experience Under National Wage Agreements:  The Bituminous Coal and Flint Glass Industries of West Virginia, June 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Gerald G. Somers
Item 3: Wide-area Coordinated Employer Bargaining:  The Solution to the Major Problems in the Construction Industry?, 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: David F. Jasinski
Item 4: Unions and Multinational Companies, 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: Klaus von Beyme
Folder 3: Collective Bargaining--Multi-Unit--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Collective Bargaining - Newspaper IndustryAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Performing ArtsAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Physicians and SurgeonsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Collective Bargaining and the Young Doctor, January 15, 1972Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Collective Bargaining - PolicemenAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Hostility and Conflict Spiral:  A Study of Police and Firefighter Negotiations, 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: Peter Daniel Sherer
Folder 8: Collective Bargaining--Policemen--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - ProceduresAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Bargaining Committee Training, December 14-16, 1999Add to your cart.
Creator: Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Extension
Item 2: Collective Bargaining:  Procedures and Issues for Labor Unions, revised 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Herman Erickson, UIUC ILIR
Item 3: Negotiating the Labor Contract, March 18, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Franzy Eakin, UIUC ILIR
Item 4: Collective Bargaining:  The terms and procedures which are used, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Margaret W. Dagen
Item 5: Computer Assistance in Labor-Management Negotiations, April 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: Niall M. Fraser and Keith W. Hipel, dept. of Systems Design Engineering, Univ. of Waterloo, Ontario
Box 15Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Professional EmployeesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Bibliography, Spring 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: Mary Pat O'Connell
Item 2: Collective Bargaining for Professional and Technical Employees, May 20-21, 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: hosted by UIUC ILIR
Item 3: Unions of Professionals:  Prototypes for coming decades?, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: George W. Zinke and Earl Madsen, Center for Labor Education and Research, Univ. of Colorado
Item 4: The Nursing Profession and Economic Security, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Herbert Blumer, Univ of California at Berkeley
Folder 2: Collective Bargaining--Professional Employees--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - Professors and InstructorsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: AAP Almanac 2001:  A Compendium of Information for Academic Professionals at UIUC, 2001Add to your cart.
Creator: Assn. of Academic Professionals
Item 2: A Comparison of Economic and Non-Economic Factors in Predicting Faculty Vote Preference in a Union Representation Election, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Mary D. Zalesny, Dept. of Psychology, Michigan State Univ.
Item 3: Developing Trends of Faculty Unionism in Higher Education, 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Dean W. Collinwood, Dept. of Education, Univ. of Chicago
Item 4: Report of the Committee on General Policy, February 21, 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Chicago Circle Fed. Of Teachers
Item 5: Report of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee to study the Question of Faculty Collective Bargaining, February 11, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC
Item 6: The Determination of the Appropriate Collective Bargaining Unit in Higher Education:  NLRB vs. Michigan Employment Relations CommissionAdd to your cart.
Creator: Martin Jay Galvin
Item 7: Faculty Pay Negotiations, August 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Hilary W. Moore, Univ. Office of Nonacademic Personnel
Item 8: Administrative Employee Job Satisfaction and Collective Bargaining:  The Case of Higher Education, July 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Paul F. Gerhart and Charles Maxey, UIUC ILIR
Item 9: Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, October 29, 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Milton Derber and Martin Wagner, UIUC ILIR
Folder 4: Collective Bargaining--Professors and Instructors--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Public UtilitiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Radio and TV BroadcastingAdd to your cart.
Folder 7Add to your cart.
Item 1: Frustrations in the face of Victory, June 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Ronald J. Zabinski
Item 2: Deregulation and Labor Relations Outcomes in the Regional Railroad Industry, May 18, 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: Laurence J. Pearlman
Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - Retail StoresAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: Collective Bargaining--Retail Stores--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Collective Bargaining - Shipping IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: A Study of Comparative Industrial Relations Systems on the Sydeny and San Francisco Waterfronts; a proposal for continuing research in the United States and AustraliaAdd to your cart.
Creator: Frank Stevens, Economics Dept., Univ . Of California Riverside
Folder 11: Collective Bargaining - SimulationsAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: Collective Bargaining--Simulations--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Box 16Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Collective Bargaining - Social WorkersAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Labor Relations and the Unionization of Professional Social Workers:  A Neglected Area in Social Work Education, March 1, 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Gary L. Shaffer, prof., UIUC School of Social Work
Item 2: Social Work Unionization:  Current Perceptions and Contract Trends, 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Gary L. Shaffer and Kathleen Ahearn, UIUC School of Social Work
Item 3: Preparation of Social Workers for Unionization an Collective Bargaining Practice, 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Gary L. Shaffer and Kathleen Ahearn, UIUC School of Social Work
Folder 2: Collective Bargaining - Steel IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Living the First Labor Agreement:  A Case History, May 11, 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: Harry Olson
Item 2: Collective Bargaining in the Basic Steel Industry: An Analysis of the 1971 Steel Negotiations, Fall 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Terry R. Hindmarch
Folder 3: Collective Bargaining - TeachersAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Professionalism, Unionism and Collective Negotiation:  Teacher Negotiations Experience in California, July 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: James A. Craft
Folder 4: Collective Bargaining--Teachers--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Collective Bargaining - Telecommunications IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Labor-Management Relations in the Telephone Industry, January 10, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert Leopold
Item 2: Wage Structure in the Telephone Industry, 1943Add to your cart.
Creator: Melvin K. Bers
Folder 6: Collective Bargaining - Textile IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Causes of Industrial Peace under Collective Bargaining, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America
Item 2: Labor Relations in the United States Textile Industry, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America
Item 3: Taft-Hartleyism in Southern States: Feudalism with a new face, October 9, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Textile Wkrs. Union of America
Folder 7: Collective Bargaining--Textile Industry--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Collective Bargaining - Transportation IndustryAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: Collective Bargaining - Trucking IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City:  Case Study No.4 - TruckingAdd to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR
Item 2: Documents used in negotation of Central State On-the-road Motor Freight Agreement, 1949, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Stephens, Cannon, Bieberstein & Cooper, Attorneys at Law
Folder 10: Collective Bargaining UnitAdd to your cart.
Item 1: IELRB Decisions Define Scope of Representation Procedures, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Education Labor Relations Board
Item 2: Industrializing the Construction Workforce, October 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Frederick J. Ruppel
Folder 11: Collective Bargaining Unit--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: Collective Bargaining - Railroad IndustryAdd to your cart.
Folder 13: Collective Labor AgreementsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Collective Bargaining:  The Legal Enforceability of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, March 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: National Assn. of Manufacturers
Item 2: The Collective Bargaining Agreement on Paper and in Practice, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Milton Derber, W.E. Chalmers and Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
Item 3: Sardis Building Trades Agreement [text of the oldest known collective bargaining agreement, ~459 AD], January 14, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR
Folder 14: Collective Labor Agreements--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Box 17Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Collective Labor Agreements - AdministrationAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Collective Labor Agreements - CanadaAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Collective Labor Agreements - ProvisionsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Some Sample Provisions sor Collective Bargaining Agreements, 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 2: Bargaining on Women's Issues and Family Concerns:  Clauses from ACTWU Contracts, November 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union
Item 3: Selected Clauses from Police Collective Bargaining Agreements, 1973, circa 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR
Item 4: Determinants of Negotiated Agreements for Public School Teachers, Fall 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Univ. of Kansas School of Business
Item 5: A Statistical Analysis of Agreements in California Local Govt., 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Univ. of California Berkeley Institute of Industrial Relations
Item 6: Memorandum of Understanding between the State of Illinois and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, July 22, 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois and Amer. Fed. Of State, County and Municipal Employees
Item 7: Method of Indexing Provisions of Collective Labor Agreements, circa 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Relations Section, California Institute of Technology
Item 8: An Analysis of Teacher-School Board Agreements in Nineteen Southwestern Michigan Communities, circa 1967-1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Ilse H. Burke, Kalamazoo College, MI
Item 9: Collective Bargaining Agreements in New Jersey Educational Institutions, January 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
Folder 4: Collective Labor Agreements - RatificationAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Contract Rejection Problem, January 5, 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Jean Russo
Folder 5: Collective Labor Agreements--Ratification--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: College Graduates in IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Effects of Educational Attainment on Labor Market Experiences, circa 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert E. Allen and Thomas G. Gutteridge
Item 2: The Surplus of College Graduates, Spring 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Hugh Folk, UIUC ILIR
Folder 7: College Graduates in Industry--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Color in Industry* (refers to the colors which work environments are painted, and the effect on safety, communication, etc.)Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Communication in IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Cross-Cultural Perspecives - Context: Internal and External Environments, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Harry C. Triandis, UIUC and Rosita D. Albert Univ. of Minnesota
Item 2: Communications in Business and Industry, March 1, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: summary of a conference with operating executives of Johnson & Johnson, Inc.
Item 3: The Union Leader as a Communicator, 1964, reprinted 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Halbert E. Gulley, UIUC ILIR
Box 18Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Communication in Industry (cont.)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Second Meeting of the Industrial Communication Council, July 30 - August 3, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Cornell Univ.
Item 2: Communication in Industry (A Study of Principles and Current Practices), January 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Esso Standard Oil Company
Item 3: Transmitting Information through management and union channels: Two Case Studies, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
Item 4: Proceedings of the Conference on Improving Communications, May 17, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, San Jose State College
Folder 2: Communication in Industry: BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Community RelationsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Elements of a Steel Company's Community Relations Program, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: American Iron and Steel Institute
Item 2: Preparing a Community Profile:  The Methodology of a Social Reconaissance, May 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Community Service, Univ. of Kentucky
Item 3: The Public Responsibility of Big Companies, November 8, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Address by Eugene Holman, pres., Standard Oil Co.
Item 4: Fourth Annual Seminar in Community Relations for Business and Industry, July 23-27, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Cornell Univ.
Item 5: Community Relations for Business and Industry, July 18-22, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Cornell Univ.
Folder 4: Community Relations--BibloigraphiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Company UnionsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Company Union in Plan and PracticeAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Comprehensive Employment and Training ActAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Conference MethodAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Union Leader as a Communicator, July 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Steelworkers Summer Institute, UIUC ILIR
Item 2: How to Run a Conference, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Anne H. Nelson,  Institute of Women and Work, Cornell Univ.
Folder 8: Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation ActAdd to your cart.
Box 19Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Construction IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Dango Comes to Kentucky, December 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Kentucky State Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO
Item 2: Blacks in The Construction Trades and Effect on Connecticut Economy, June 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor Education Center, Univ. of Connecticut
Item 3: Manpower in Construction: A Profile of the Industry and Projections to 1975, April 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: J.T. Dunlop and D. Q. Mills, Harvard Univ.
Item 4: Cisco, Construction News Briefs, 2012-16Add to your cart.
Creator: Construction Industry Service Corporation
Folder 2: Construction Industry: BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: ConsultantsAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Convict LaborAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Sunfighter, Vol.2, No.4, July-August 1974Add to your cart.
Item 2: The Outlaw Vol.3, No.5, August-September 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Cooperative EnterprisesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Self-Management in Kibbutz Industry:  Organizational Patterns and Psychological Effects, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Menahem Rosner, Center for Social Research on the Kibbutz Givat Chaviva
Item 2: Ideology and Organization - the Case of Kibbutz Industrialization, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Menachem Rosner and Michal Palgi, Institute for Research and Study of the Kibbutz and the Cooperative Idea
Folder 6: Cost and Standard of LivingAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Irreversability of Consumer Behavior in Terms of Numerical Preference Fields, December 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: Kotaro Tsujimura and Tamotsu Sato, Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
Item 2: Consumption:  Key to Full Prosperity, circa 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Conference on Economic Progress
Item 3: Family Budget Data and the Market Analysis, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: K. Tsujimura, Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
Item 4: A Study of the Honolulu Consumer Price Index, 1960Add to your cart.
Item 5: Intercity Wage and Cost-of-Living Differentials in the United States, 1889-1939, April 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Lonny L. Wilson, William Penn College
Item 6: Labor and Taxes, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Allan J. Harrison and Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
Item 7: CPI and Consumer Expenditure Forms, no dateAdd to your cart.
Item 8: Prices and Earnings Around the Globe, 1979-1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Union Bank of Switzerland
Folder 7: Cost and Standard of Living--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Box 20Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Cost-Saving Incentive PlansAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Social Services and Work:  Initiation of Social Workers into Labor and Industry SettingsAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Employee Counseling BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Credit UnionsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Credit Union BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: DecertificationAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Decertification in Mass Transit:  A Case Study Analysis of the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District and the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1090, May 6, 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Sally Obringer
Folder 5: Decision MakingAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Bounded Rationality, Ambiguity and the Engineering of Choice, October 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: James G. March
Folder 6: Decision Making--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Disability BenefitsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Report of the Univ. of Illinois Committee on Accident Compensation, July 1, 1961 - June 30, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC Committee on Accident Compensation
Folder 8: Disability InsuranceAdd to your cart.
Item 1: State Disability Insurance 1951, April 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Stability
Item 2: Provision for Permanent Disability, May 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Stability
Folder 9: Disability Insurance--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Disadvantaged WorkersAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Help Wanted or is it?  A look at white collar job inequalities for minorities and women, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Item 2: Employment Reports by the National Alliance of Businessmen, 1971, 1971-1972, 1973, 1984 and 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: National Alliance of Businessmen
Item 3: Black and White Hardcore ahnd Middle Class Subjective Cultures:  a Cross-Validation, April 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Harry C. Triandis, David Weldon and Jack Feldman, Univ. of Illinois
Folder 11: DischargesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Termination of Employment Relationships:  Legal Situation in the Member States of the European Union, April 1997Add to your cart.
Creator: European Commission
Item 2: Retaliatory Discharge: Whether the Illinois Supreme Court Should Allow the Unionized Employee to Sue in Tort for Retaliatory Discharge, October 7, 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Helen T. Higgins
Folder 12: Discharges--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Box 21Add to your cart.
Folder 1: DisciplineAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Discipline and Discharge in the United States Postal Service:  Adverse Action and Appeal, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Harry R. Blaine, Eugene C. Hagburg and Frederick A. Zeller
Item 2: Industrial Relations in Supervision: Discipline, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
Item 3: What a Foreman Should Know About Constructive Discipline, 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: The Dartnell Corporation
Folder 2: Discrimination in EmploymentAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Multinational Firms, National Culture and Employment Discrimination, September 1994Add to your cart.
Creator: John J. Lawler, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
Item 2: Work Design as an Approach to Person-Environment Fit, 1987Add to your cart.
Creator: Carol T. Kulik of Carnegie Mellon Univ., Greg R. Oldham of UIUC and J. Richard Hackman of Harvard
Item 3: Double Standard on Appeal:  An empirical analysis of employment discrimination cases in the US Courts of Appeals, July 16, 2001Add to your cart.
Creator: Theodore Eisenberg and Stewart J. Schwab, Cornell Univ. Law School
Item 4: Physical Attractiveness:  Effects on Selection, April 18, 1999Add to your cart.
Creator: Scott D. Rozzi, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Item 5: The Aye of the Beholder:  Susceptibility to Sexism and Beautyism in the Evaluation of Managerial Applicants, 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Thomas F. Cash and Robert N. Kilcullen, Old Dominion Univ.
Item 6: Citizens First:  Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men in the European Union, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Information Programme for the European Citizen
Item 7: Adam and Even, 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Elizabeth Blake
Item 8: Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO Seminar on Sexual Harassment, May 19, 1993Add to your cart.
Creator: Transport Wkrs. Union of America, AFL-CIO
Item 9: The Impact of Sexism and Racism on Employment Status and Earnings, with Addendum, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Jessie Bernard, Research Scholar Honoris Causa, Pennsylvania State Univ.
Item 10: The Social Construction of Organizational Tokens, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Thomas Reed et al., Texas A&M Univ.
Item 11: Black Labor, the NLRB and the Developing Law of Equal Employment Opportunity, April 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: NAACP
Item 12: Step by Step:  Affirmative Action for Women, 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: A Womanpower Publication
Item 13: Human Relations in Chicago: Reports of Commissions and Charter of Human Resources, October-November, 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Chicago Conference on Home Front Unity, Mayor's Committee on Race Relations
Item 14: The Negro's Stake in the Future of American Industry, possibly circa 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Mark Starr, Educational Directory, Intl. Ladies Garment Wkrs. Union
Item 15: Memo from the US Postal Service Labor Law Div. to employee relations directors regarding recent appelate court rulings, January 27, 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: United States Postal Service
Item 16: Discrimination Against Women:  Theory and Evidence, April 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Francine D. Blau, UIUC ILIR
Item 17: A Test of Human Capital Theory and an Indirect Estimate of Discrimination - the Travel Agent Occupation, November 14, 1988Add to your cart.
Creator: Rose Marie Schmidt
Item 18: Compound Discrimination:  The Interaction of Race and Sex in Employment Discrimination, November 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Elaine W. Shoben, UIUC Law School
Item 19: Race Discrimination in Employment:  What Price Equality?, 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Harry T. Edwards
Item 20: From Discrimination to Affirmative Action:  Public Attitudes 1935-1977, circa 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Seymour Martin Lipset and William Schneider
Item 21: Developing Concepts in Anti-Discrimination Law, September 29, 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Kenneth T. Lopatka, UIUC Law School
Item 22: Merit Employment in Chicago, February 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Mayor's Committee on Community Welfare, subcommittee on Employment and Community Service
Item 23: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: Negro Employment in the Birmingham Metropolitan Area, April 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: National Planning Assoication
Item 24: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: 3 Southern Plants of Intl. Harvester Company, September 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: National Planning Assoication
Item 25: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: 4 Studies of Negro Employment in the Upper South, October 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: National Planning Assoication
Item 26: Cracking the Color LineAdd to your cart.
Creator: Congress of Racial Equality
Item 27: We Open the Gates:  Labor's Fight for Equality, September 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: National Labor Service
Box 22Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Discrimination in Employment (cont.)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: 2 Plants-Little Rock, 3 Companies-New Orleans Area, May 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: National Planning Association
Item 2: Selected Studies of Negro Employment in the South: Negro Employment Practices in the Chattanooga Area, December 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: National Planning Association
Item 3: Report of Progress, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: New York State Commission Against Discrimination
Item 4: The War's Greatest Scandal!  The Story of Jim Crow in Uniform, 1943Add to your cart.
Creator: March on Washington Movement
Item 5: Recent Development in Employment Discrimination Based on National Origin, April 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: John D. Blackburn, Ohio State Univ.
Item 6: Unemployment Among Negroes, March 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Chicago Urban League Report
Item 7: Report on Eighteen State Anti-Discrimination Agencies and the Laws they Administer, November 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Commission on Law and Social Action of the American Jewish Congress
Item 8: A View from the National Labor Relations Board, April 11, 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Remarks of Edward B. Miller before the Kansas City Bar Assn.
Item 9: Five Years of Progress: 1953 - 1958, 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Report to President Eisenhower by the President's Committee on Government Contracts
Item 10: The Influence of Discrimination on Minority Group Members in its relation to Attempts to Combat Discrimination, June 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Gerhart Saenger, New York Univ. and Norma S. Gordon, New School for Social Research
Item 11: Some Factors Influencing Union Racial Practices, December 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: Ray Marshall, Louisiana State Univ.
Item 12: The trend since 1944 on The Color Line in Industry, December 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: The Public Opnion Index for Industry
Item 13: Reducing the Pervasiveness of Discrimination, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Barbara R. Bergman, Economics Dept., Univ. of Maryland
Item 14: Customer Reactions to the Integration of Negro Sales Personnel, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Gerhart Saenger, New York Univ. and Emily Gilbert, Columbia Univ.
Item 15: The Negro Wants Full Equality, 1944Add to your cart.
Creator: Roy Wilkins, NAACP
Item 16: A More Productive Role for the Negro in the South's Economy, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: W. Ellison Chalmers
Item 17: Testimony of Herbert Hill, Labor Secretary, NAACP before the New York City Commission on Human Rights, September 26, 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: NAACP
Item 18: Intergroup Relations Within Labor and Industry, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: National Conference of Christians and Jews
Folder 2: Discrimination in Employment--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Dismissal CompensationAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Dismissal Compensation--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Labor DisputesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Pacific Coast Longshoremen's Strike of 1934: Statement of Waterfront Employers Union President Thomas G. Plant of San Francisco to the National Longshoremen's Board, July 11, 1934Add to your cart.
Creator: Waterfront Employers Union of San Francisco and Natinoal Longshoremen's Board
Folder 6: Labor Disputes--Adjustment ProceduresAdd to your cart.
Item 1: ADR in the Public Sector: The Case of Illinois, May 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: Miriam K. Mills, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Item 2: Impasse Resolution in the Police and Fire Services, December 5, 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: Raymond M. Forster
Box 23Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Labor Disputes--Adjustment Procedures (cont.)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Original ENA Agreement, no dateAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Labor Disutes--Adjustment Procedures--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Domestic Service EmployeesAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: Domestic Service Employees--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: DonationsAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Drug AbuseAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: Drug Free Workplace Act (1988)Add to your cart.
Folder 13: EarningsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Effects of Metropolitan Job Growth on the Size Distribution of Family Income, June 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Timothy J. Bartik, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Folder 14: Economic Aspects of EducationAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Does the Human Capital/Educationa. Sorting Debate Matter for Development Policy?, April 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: Kevin Lang, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
Item 2: Postsecondary Education as Triage: Returns to Academic and Technical Programs, June 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: Kevin Hollenbeck, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Item 3: Education: The Key to Job Market Success, 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Dr. Janet L. Norwood
Item 4: How Convincing is the Evidence Linking Education and Income?, 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Orley Ashenfelter
Item 5: Education and the Decline of the American Economy: Guilty or Not?, 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: Clark Kerr
Item 6: Levels of Nineteenth Century American Investment in Education, 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Albert Fishlow, Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ of California at Berkeley
Item 7: Planning Models of Education Requirements for Economic Development, September 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: J. Tinbergen, L. Emmerij, J. Blum and G. Williams,
Folder 15: Economic DevelopmentAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Does Schooling Cause Growth or the Other Way Around?, September 1997Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Mark Bils, Economics Dept., Univ. of Rochester and NBER and Peter J. Klenow, Graduate School of Business, Univ. of Chicago and NBER
Item 2: Toward a Service-oriented Growth Strategy, 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Werner Baer, UIUC and Prof. Larry Samuelson, Syracuse Univ.
Item 3: Technology, Employment and Development: Empirical Findings, 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Werner Baer, UIUC
Item 4: Competitiveness Index 1990, circa 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Council on Competitiveness
Item 5: Science Education and Economic Growth, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Ingvar Svennilson, prof. of Economics, Univ. of Stockholm
Item 6: Political Community and Group Interests in Modern India, September 16, 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: Joseph R. Gusfield
Item 7: Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Hoffman & Campe Verlag
Item 8: The Role of the Universities in the Economic Development of the West, November 19-21, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Item 9: Income Distribution and Ecnomic Development: A Survey, and tests for selected Latin American Cities, October 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: William R. Cline, the Brookings Institution
Item 10: Relaxation of Tensions Through the Industrialization of Underdeveloped Countries, September 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: P.C. Mahalanobis
Item 11: Educational Institutions in the Process of Economic and National Development, September 19, 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: Joseph R. Gusfield
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in AustraliaAdd to your cart.
Box 25Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Education and BusinessAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Undereducated Uncompetitive USA, 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: Corporate Task Force on Education
Item 2: Who Will Do The Work?  A Business Guide for Preparing Tomorrow's Workforce, 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: National Alliance of Business
Folder 2: Education and LaborAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Building Labor-Campus Alliances, November 30 - December 1, 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor/Higher Education Council
Item 2: Unions and Youth: A Step in the Right Direction, circa 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Les Cupper, lecturer in Industrial Relations, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia
Item 3: The Role of Organized Labor in Effecting School Integration, June 21-26, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Herbert Hill, Labor Secretary, NAACP
Item 4: Unions, Education and Employment, December 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: John A. Sessions, AFL-CIO Education Dept.
Item 5: Proceedings of the National Meeting of the Labor/Higher Edcation Council, September 19-20, 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Labor/Higher Education Council
Item 6: Labor and Education: Report of American Federation of Labor Committee on Edeucation on Social Studies in the Public Schools, August 28, 1923Add to your cart.
Creator: American Federation of Labor
Item 7: Labor and Education: A brief outline of the resolutions and pronouncements of the American Federation of Labor in support of the general principles and practices of education from 1881-1938, circa 1938Add to your cart.
Creator: American Federation of Labor
Item 8: Labor and Education: Yearly Convention Reports, 1939-1957Add to your cart.
Creator: American Federation of Labor/AFL-CIO
Folder 3: Education and Labor--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Educational AssistanceAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Where are the Women? A Study of Worker Underutilization of Tuition Refund Plans, December 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Mimi Abramovitz, Project Research Director, New York State School of Industrial Relations
Item 2: The Economics of a Zero State Funding of EOP Programs at San Diego State Univ., May 15, 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Waymon Johnson, George Baca and Nancee Williamson, Institute of Labor Economics, Sand Diego State Univ.
Item 3: Negotiating Educational Opportunities for Workers and Their Families, January 12, 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Herbert A. Levine, Director of the Labor Education Center at Rutgers Univ.
Folder 5: Educational InstitutionsAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Electronic Data ProcessingAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Electronics IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Perspectives in an Age of Protest, October 2, 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: L.I. Wood, Vice President-Washington Relations, General Electric Co.
Folder 8: Emergency Employment Act of 1971Add to your cart.
Item 1: Some Questions Concerning Certification of the Disadvantaged under the Emregency Employment Act, Spring 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Roger H. Bezdek and William N. Cook, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
Folder 9: Employee AttitudesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Minnesota Studies in Vocational Rehabilitation XII: Manual for the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, October 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Univ. of Minnesota Industrial Relations Center
Item 2: Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey, 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: Richard Hackman, Yale Univ. and Greg R. Oldham, UIUC
Item 3: Employer-Employee Attitudes in Iowa's Economy: Proceedings of the First State Univ. of Iowa Labor-Management Conference, June 22-23, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of Labor and Management, State Univ. of Iowa
Item 4: Beliefs about an object and the attitude toward that object, circa 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Martin Fishbein
Item 5: A Comparative Study on Conceptual Differences between the Japanese and American Workers, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Mitsuo Ando, Tohoku Univ., Japan
Folder 10: Employee Attitudes--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Employee Attitudes: SurveysAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Triple Audit Sample Report to a Firm, August 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Univ. of Minnesota Industrial Relations Center
Item 2: Triple Audit: Employee Attitude Scale Development and Preliminary Norms, December 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Univ. of Minnesota Industrial Relations Center
Item 3: Final Report on an Employee Attitude Survey of the Illinois Central Railroad, June - August 1950, February 13, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: David R. Flebbe and Edward V. Wood, UIUC ILIR
Item 4: Worker Commitment Interview Schedule, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR
Box 26Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Employee Attitudes: Surveys--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Employee InvestigationAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Employee Investigation--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Employee OwnershipAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Three Existing Democratized Enterprises in the US and Britain, 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Paul Bernstein
Item 2: Rath Packing Company Tutorial Research, November 21, 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: John Wallace Roslansky
Folder 5: Employee Polygraph Protection Act, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Employee PublicationsAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Employee Publications--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Employee RepresentationAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Employee Representation: The Story of the Goodyear Industrial Assembly, 1935Add to your cart.
Creator: Hugh Allen
Item 2: The Goodrich Coopeartive Plan, by and for Factory Employees of B.F. Goodrich Co., October 1, 1935Add to your cart.
Creator: B.F. Goodrich Co.
Item 3: Works Councils in Germany, March 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Paul Fisher, Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany
Item 4: Worker Participation in Management in Israel, with some General Speculations, November 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
Folder 9: Employee Representation--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 1974Add to your cart.
Item 1: Memorandum to members of the FMCS (Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service) from the Office of Arbitration Services concerning arbitrators' fiduciary responsibilityAdd to your cart.
Item 2: Evaluating ERISA, May 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: Beverly M. Klimowski, Intl. Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
Folder 11: ERISA--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: Employers' AssociationsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: A Theory of the Origin and Development of Employer Associations, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Kenneth M. McCaffree, Univ. of Washington
Item 2: The Local Chamber of Commerce and Labor Relations, June 23, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Henry H. Bolz, Secretary-General Manager, Assn. of Commerce of Decatur
Item 3: Influences of Employer Bargaining Associations in Manufacturing Firms, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Max S. Wortman, Jr., Univ. of Iowa
Folder 13: Employers' Associations--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Box 27Add to your cart.
Folder 1: EmploymentAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Employment in Europe, 1997Add to your cart.
Creator: European Commission
Item 2: Forum Special: Jobs Summit, 1997Add to your cart.
Creator: European Commission
Item 3: Energy, Environment and Jobs, June 11-12, 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: Gladys W. Gruenberg, St. Louis Univ.
Item 4: Symposium on Full Employment Issues, Energy, Environment and Jobs, June 11-12, 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: International Union of Operating Engineers
Item 5: Employment and Income of Rural Families in Southern Illinois, August 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: J.E. Wills and Harold L. Koeller, UIUC Agricultural Experiment Station
Item 6: Schooling and Urban Employment Growh: 1980-1984, December 1987Add to your cart.
Creator: Peter V. Schaeffer and William Sander, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, UIUC
Folder 2: Employment--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: An Indigenous-based Employment Strategy for African Economies: Conceptual Framework and Policy, March 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Mudiayi Ngandu, UIUC ILIR
Folder 3: Employment: Africa--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Employment: ArizonaAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Employment: CaliforniaAdd to your cart.
Box 28Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Employment: CanadaAdd to your cart.
Item 1: New Brunswick Labor Force Report, March 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: New Brunswick Labour Market Services Branch, Dept. of Labour and Manpower
Folder 2: Employment: Developing CountriesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Employment: EngineersAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Interdisciplinary Occupational Employment Profiles, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, UIUC
Item 2: Labor Market Experience for Engineers During Periods of Changing Demand, August 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Trevor Bain, Queens College of the City Univ. of New York
Folder 4: Employment: Farm LaborersAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Employment: GeorgiaAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Employment: GermanyAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Statistical Report, September 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Labour Department of the Combined Zones, Allied Occupation
Item 2: Preliminary Report on Employment and Unemployment, Federal Republic of Germany and Western Berlin, September 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany
Folder 7: Employment: Great BritainAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Unemployed Problem, The Socialist Solution, December 1892Add to your cart.
Creator: D. Campbell, SDF.
Item 2: The Trade Unionist and Full Employment, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: John Vaizey, St. Catherine's College, Cambridge
Folder 8: Employment: IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Labor Area Trends, Peoria Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, March-August, 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois State Employment Service
Item 2: Monitoring Manufacturing Employment Trends in Chicago and Illinois: Implications for NAFTA Impacts, May 1994Add to your cart.
Creator: University of Illinois at Chicago Center for Urban Economic Development
Item 3: Minority Employment in Chicago, October 1, 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Fred Dansereau, Ian McAndrew and Anthony L. Redwood, UIUC ILIR
Item 4: Minority Employment Patterns in an Urban Labor Market: The Chicago Experience, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Robert B. McKersie, Univ. of Chicago
Box 29Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Employment: IndianaAdd to your cart.
Box 30Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Employment: IowaAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Employment: IsraelAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Unemployment, Vacancies and Matching in the Israeli Economy, April 10 and 11, 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: Eli Berman, Harvard Univ. and Eran Yashiv, NYU
Folder 3: Employment: JapanAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Need for and the Process of Employment Adjustment in Japanese Electrical and Electronic Industries, April 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Koji Taira, Economics Dept., UIUC
Item 2: The Structure of the Labor Supply in JapanAdd to your cart.
Creator: Keio Econometric Research Project on the Structure of Labor Force in Japan
Item 3: Employment in the Japanese Small and Medium Enterprises, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Tokutaro Yamanaka, Economics Dept. of Hitotsubashi Univ. and Prof. Takeshi Mizuno, asst. prof. in the Economics Dept. of Kobe Univ.
Item 4: Materials for LIR Colloquium '82: "Employment Adjustment in Japanese Industry", September 17, 1982Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Koji Taira, Economics Dept., UIUC
Item 5: Japan's Lifetime Employment Revisited, April 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Koji Taira, Economics Dept., UIUC
Folder 4: Employment: LouisianaAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Employment: MaineAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Employment: MassachusettsAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Employment: MichiganAdd to your cart.
Box 31Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Employment: MinnesotaAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Employment: Minority GroupsAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Employment: NevadaAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Employment: New JerseyAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Employment Growth Projections for Six Counties Surrounding Bernards Township, New Jersey, April 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: James C. Ohls and Peter Bearse, Mathematica Policy Research
Item 2: Post-War Trends in Employment and Earnings in New Jersey, May 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Rutgers Univ. Institute of Management and Labor Relations
Folder 5: Employment: New YorkAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Employment: OhioAdd to your cart.
Box 32Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Employment: OklahomaAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Employment: OregonAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Employment: PakistanAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Employment 1961 and Tentative Patterns of Employment 1961-90, June 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Prepared by Mr. K. Ruud, UN Manpower Planning Project
Item 2: Programme for Projecting Manpower Requirements of the Fourth Plan, December 30, 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: Prepared by Mr. K. Ruud, UN Manpower Planning Project
Folder 4: Employment: PennsylvaniaAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Employment: Performing ArtsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Artist Employment and Unemployment 1971-1980, circa 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
Folder 6: Employment: PhilippinesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Current Labor Statistics, Second Quarter 2002Add to your cart.
Creator: Dept. of Labor and Employment, Philippines
Item 2: Employment Effects of Multinational Enterprises in the Philippines, 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Chita Tanchoco-Subido, Presidential Committee on Agricultural Credit, Philippines
Folder 7: Employment: Public UtilitiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Employment: Service SectorAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: Employment: South CarolinaAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Employment: South DakotaAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Employment: StatisticsAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: Employment: SwedenAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Safeguarding Employment, February 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Ministry of Labor, Intl. Secretariat, Sweden
Item 2: Employment Tomorrow: Terms of Reference for a Royal Commission on Long-Term Employment Policy, May 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Ministry of Labor, Intl. Secretariat, Sweden
Item 3: Working Party on Employment: Inventory of short-term measures taken in the light of the employment situation, April 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Ministry of Labor, Sweden
Item 4: Swedish Employment Policy 1975/76, circa 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: National Labour Market Board/County Labour Boards/Employment Service
Item 5: Swedish Employment Policy 1974/75 and 1976/77, circa 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: National Labour Market Board/County Labour Boards/Employment Service
Folder 13: Employment: TennesseeAdd to your cart.
Folder 14: Employment: TexasAdd to your cart.
Box 33Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Employment: UtahAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Employment: Virgin IslandsAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Employment: VirginiaAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Employment: WashingtonAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Employment: WisconsinAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Employment Act 1946Add to your cart.
Item 1: A Full Employment Program, circa 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: John H.G. Pierson, Consultant on Postwar Employment Policy, US Labor Dept.
Item 2: The Employment Act of 1946, April 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
Folder 7: Employment AgenciesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Channels of Employment: Influences on the Operations of Public Employment Offices and Other Hiring Channels in Local Job Markets, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Murrey Edelman, Political Science Dept., UIUC ILIR
Item 2: Public Employment Exchanges: The Committee Appointed by the Trustees of the City Club of New York to inquire into the need of public employment exchanges in New York, 1914Add to your cart.
Creator: The City Club of New York
Item 3: Jobs and Workers, circa 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Women in Industry Committee of the League of Women Voters
Item 4: Proceedings of the forty-third and forty-first annual conventions of the International Associations of Personnel in Employment Security, June 1956 and June 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Intl. Assn. of Personnel in Employment Security
Folder 8: Employment Agencies - PublicAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Employment Policy in Norway: A Survey, May 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: The Norwegian Joint Committee on International Social Policy
Item 2: Correspondence between Senator Vance Hartke and the United States Labor Dept. concerning Employment Service Operations, circa 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept. and Senator Vance Hartke
Item 3: A Case Study of the Neglect of the Local State Employment Service in Serving Disadvnataged Job Seekers, November 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: William N. Cook, UIUC ILIR
Item 4: Statement of Position in respone to "Falling Down on the Job," report of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, November 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies
Box 34Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Employment Agencies - Public (cont.)Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Employment Agencies - Public--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Employment OpportunitiesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Job Opportunities and Job Security: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Industrial Relations Center Labor Conference, June 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: edited by Walter H. Uphoff, Indusrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
Item 2: Opportunities for Women Trained in Home Economics, 1928Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. William H. Stead, School of Business Admin., Univ. of Minnesota
Item 3: School Subjects and Jobs, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Science Research Associates, Inc.
Item 4: Bulletin to Management, 2008-16Add to your cart.

Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.

18 Bulletin to Management Issues relating to Empolyment Opportunities

Item 5: Collective Bargaining Bulletin, Facts & Figures, 2008Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
Folder 4: Employment Opportunities--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Employment Opportunities: Latin AmericaAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Reflections on Employment Opportunities in Latin America, Spring 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Mahmood A. Zaidi, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
Folder 6: Employment PoliciesAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Employment ProceduresAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Methodological Analysis of Interview Data fo Personnel Selection, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
Item 2: Report on the IMRUP Personnel Selection Program, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
Item 3: Reccomendations for Personnel Selection in India based on the British Selection Methods in the Civil Service and Industry, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
Item 4: Social Science Research Reports, Vol. II: Selection and Placement, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Standard Oil Co.
Item 5: Pilot Project in Personnel Selection: Hindustan Aircraft (Private) Ltd., 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Rhea S. Das, Indian Statistical Institute
Item 6: Factors Affecting Employee Selection in Two Cultures, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Harry C. Triandis, Univ. of Illinois
Item 7: Factors in Selecting Engineering and Science Graduates for Employment, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Alfred L. Johnson, California Institute of Technology
Item 8: Comparison of the Leaderless Group Discussion and the Individual Interview in the Selection of Sales and Management Trainees, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Bernard M. Bass
Folder 8: Employment Procedures--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: Employment StabilizationAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Community Full Employment, August 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert Friedman
Item 2: Toward Worker Security: The Role of Management.  Report of a Special Committee approved by the board of directors, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States
Item 3: Key Policies for Full Employment, September 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Conference on Economic Progress
Item 4: Toward More Production, More Jobs and More Freedom, circa 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Committee for Economic Development
Item 5: A Postwar Federal Tax Plan for High Employment, circa 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Committee for Economic Development
Item 6: Notes on the Meaning, Measurement and Implications of Full Employment, August 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Emile Benoit-Smullyan, Edgar E. Poulton and John H.g. Pierson, US Labor Dept. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Item 7: Public Works Planning and Development in Illinois, January 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: Jerome L. Kaufman, Bureau of Community Planning, UIUC
Item 8: Education for Maintaining Full Employment, March 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Roland W. Bartlett, UIUC
Item 9: Less Unemployment Through Stabilization of Operations, November 1930 and June 1931Add to your cart.
Creator: The Governor's Commission on Unemployment Problems for the State of New York
Item 10: Stable Employment and Flexible Wages, August 1940Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Charles A. Myers, MIT
Item 11: Employment Stabilization and the Wisconsin Act, December 1939Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Charles A. Myers, MIT
Item 12: Sixty Million Jobs, 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Henry A. Wallace, US Secretary of Commerce
Item 13: The Effects of Employment Tax Credits, January 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Gary C. Fethke and Samuel H. Williamson, Univ. of Iowa
Folder 10: Employment Stability--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Box 35Add to your cart.
Folder 1: EngineersAdd to your cart.
Item 1: A Profile of the Woman Engineer, 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Society of Women Engineers
Folder 2: Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1964Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Equal Employment Opportunity CommissionAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Justice Denied: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Under the Reagan Administration, February 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: Women Employed Insitute
Folder 5: Equal Pay Act of 1963Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Equal Pay for Equal WorkAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Fair Pay For Women: Unions Making the Vision a Reality, circa 1993Add to your cart.
Item 2: Questions and Answers: Pay Equity in the Workplace, circa 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: Ontario Pay Equity Commission
Item 3: Radio Public Service Announcements on "Fair Pay", no dateAdd to your cart.
Item 4: A Code of Practice on the Implementation of Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value for Men and Women, 1996Add to your cart.
Creator: European Commission
Item 5: Step by Step to Pay Equity: Vol.3, circa 1994Add to your cart.
Creator: Ontario Pay Equity Commission
Item 6: Special Report: Ontario Pay Equity Legislation for Broader Public and Private Sectors, November 27, 1986Add to your cart.
Creator: CCH Canadian Limited
Item 7: The Case for and Economic Consequences of Comparable Worth: Analytical, Empirical and Policy Questions, September 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Mark R. Killingsworth, Economics Dept. Rutgers Univ.
Item 8: National Committee on Pay Equity Update, October 5, 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: National Committee on Pay Equity
Item 9: Pay Equity Commission Folder, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Ontario Pay Equity Commission
Item 10: Commission on the Status of Women: Pilot Project, June 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois State Commission on the Status of Women
Item 11: Report of the National Conference on Equal Pay, March 31 - April 1, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: US Labor Dept.
Item 12: "Separate but Equal" - Job Segregation and Pay Equity in the Wake of Gunther, 1981Add to your cart.
Creator: Winn Newman and Jeanne M. Vonhof
Item 13: Pay Equity Reports: Vol.3, 1992Add to your cart.
Creator: Ontario Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal
Folder 7: Equal Pay for Equal Work--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Equity TheoryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Perceptions of Income Equity, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: R.T. Curtin
Item 2: Equity, Equality and Need: What determines which value will be used as the basis of distributive justice?, 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: Morton Deutsch
Item 3: New Directions in Equity Research, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Elaine Walster, G. William Walster and Ellen Bershceid
Item 4: Comparing "Fair" and Actual Distributions of Income: A Test of Functionalist and Marxist Theories of Stratification, 1977Add to your cart.
Creator: Theodore D. Kemper, Leon Glachman, Angela Ryan and Edward J. Werring
Item 5: Statistics of Ideal and Actual Income Distribution for 22 Occupations, no dateAdd to your cart.
Folder 9: Equity Theory--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: ExecutivesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Opinions of the Japanese Top Company Executives on the Social Conditions Closely Relating to the Long-Range Development of Business and IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 2: The Measurement of Executive Success, October 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Charles L. Hulin, Cornell Univ.
Item 3: Do Management Attitudes Determine Union-Managemeht Relations?, February 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Ross Stagner, UIUC ILIR
Item 4: Businessmen in Fiction: The Capitalist and Executive in American Novels, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Robert Kavesh, Economics Dept., Dartmouth College
Item 5: How Can Teamwork Among Managers Be Improved?, 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Reuben J. Robertson, Jr., Bureau of Industrial Relations, Univ. of Michigan
Item 6: Personal Value Systems and Expected Behavior of Managers: A Comparitive Study in Japan, Korea and the United States, September 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: George W. England, Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
Folder 11: Executives: AppraisalAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: Executives: Appraisal--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 13: Executive CompensationAdd to your cart.
Folder 14: Executive Compensation--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Box 36Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Executive Compensation (cont.)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Provigo Inc. Management Incentives for Superior Performance, Nov. 17, 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: Harvard Business School
Item 2: United Airlines Memorandum to all Function Level Managers and Above, concerning the 1985 Merit Program for Management Employees, March 11, 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: United Airlines
Item 3: Executive Pay Dispersion: Measurement Issues and Evidence, no dateAdd to your cart.
Item 4: Product Diversification, Performance Criteria and Compensation at the Corporate Manager Level, October 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: Nancy Knox Napier, Univ. of Washington and Mark Smith, Louisiana State Univ.
Item 5: Correlates of Managerial Preferences for Selected Salary Criteria, May 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Lee Dyer, Cornell Univ. and Roland D. Theriault, Univ. of Montreal
Item 6: Managerial Considerations in Salary-Increase Forecasting, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: D.M. Gluntz, General Electric Co.
Item 7: The Stock Options Scandal, August 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO
Item 8: Some Aspects of Executive Compensation, November 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR
Folder 2: Executive DevelopmentAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Trends in University-Based Continuing Management Education, September 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: John F. Sullivan, School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Univ. of Michigan
Item 2: Management Extension, May 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR
Item 3: "The purpose of this report is to present the results of a study of succession/replacement planning practices and programs", no dateAdd to your cart.
Item 4: Perspectives in Management, November 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Raymond S. Milne
Item 5: Cultural and Social Handicaps to Management Development in Iraq, October 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: Raymond S. Milne
Item 6: Management Training: A Course Construction Guide, October 1966Add to your cart.
Creator: Raymond S. Milne
Item 7: An Alternative Approach to Resources and Development, October 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: Raymond S. Milne
Item 8: Learning the Skills of Learning, September 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Raymond S. Milne
Item 9: An International Perspective in Management, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Raymond S. Milne
Item 10: Improving the Effectiveness of Management, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Herman .S. Hall, UIUC College of Commerce and Business Administration
Item 11: Counseling Executives After Merit Rating or Evaluation: A Project in Executive Development, 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Earl G. Planty, UIUC and Carlos E. Efferson Chicopee Mfg. Corp.
Item 12: Case Studies in Executive Development II, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Earl G. Planty, Johnson & Johnson Co.
Item 13: Recognition - Beyond Salary, February 8, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: D.R. Davies, Vice Pres., Illinois POWer Co.
Item 14: A Survey of Needs and Methods in Executive Development Emphasizing the Method of Directed Guidance, circa 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Earl G. Planty, Johnson & Johnson Co., and Carlos A. Efferson, Chicopee Mfg. Corp.
Folder 3: Executive Development--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Executives: SelectionAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Exit InterviewsAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Eyesight ConservationAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Fact Finding BoardsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Fact Finding in Labor Boards, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: John T. Dunlop, Harvard Univ.
Item 2: Observations on the Process of Fact-Finding in Michigan Public Education Teacher-School Board Disputes, Agustu 21, 1968Add to your cart.
Creator: Charles T. Schmidt, Jr., Univ. of Rhode Island
Folder 8: Fair Employment PracticesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Equal Opportunities for Women in the Community, 1993Add to your cart.
Creator: European Community
Item 2: Statistical Report of Minority and Female Employment in Higher Education, September 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: State of Illinois Board of Higher Education
Box 37Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Fair Employment Practices (cont.)Add to your cart.
Item 1: State "Educational" Fair Employment Practice Laws, February 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Legislative Council
Item 2: The Labor Market Implications of an Economy-Wide Affirmative Action Program, March 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: George E. Johnson, Univ. of Michigan and Finis Welch, UCLA and the Rand Corp.
Item 3: Affirmative Action Project for the East Central Illinois Area to Provide Equal Employment Opportunity in the Construction IndustryAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Fair Employment Practices--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Fair Labor Standards ActAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Appendix to Statement of George Meany, AFL-CIO President, before the General Labor Subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and Labor on Legislation to Amend the Fair Labor Standards Act, June 15, 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: George Meany, AFL-CIO
Item 2: Statement of George Meany, President, AFL-CIO before the General Labor Subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and Labor, on Legislation to Amend the Fair Labor Standards Act, June 15, 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: George Meany, AFL-CIO
Folder 4: Family and Medical Leave ActAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Farm LaborersAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Special Report: Farm Labor Committee, Mexican-American Political Association, October 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Mexican-American Political Association
Item 2: Stockton's Annual Spring Starving, May 12 1967Add to your cart.
Creator: Mexican-American Political Association
Item 3: The CIO and the Farmers: Extracts from Speeches by John L. Lewis, John Prophy, Donald Henderson, James Patton and John Bosch, July 10, 1937Add to your cart.
Creator: CIO
Item 4: Survey of Agricultural Living Conditions in Livingston County, Illinois, October 1937Add to your cart.
Creator: Tom Vasey, Farm Security Administration and Josiah C. Folsom, Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Item 5: Postwar Farm Jobs and Farmers' Purchase Intentions: An Illinois Survey of Rural Employment Opportunities, October 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: A.T. Anderson and R.C. Ross, UIUC College of Agriculture Extension Service
Item 6: Making the Most of Available Labor, January 1943Add to your cart.
Creator: Dept. of Agricultural Economics, UIUC
Folder 6: Farm Laborers--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Box 38Add to your cart.
Folder 1: FarmersAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: FeatherbeddingAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Federal Employees Compensation ActAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Federal Labor Relations AuthorityAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Federal Mediation & Reconciliation ServiceAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Federal Pay Comparability Act, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Folklore of LaborAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Working Americans and the Bicentennial, circa 1976Add to your cart.
Creator: Div. of Performing Arts, Smithsonian Institution
Item 2: Leadership Training and Planning a Culture Program: Using Clulture to Build the Labor Movement, October 19, 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Charles Stott, AFL-CIO; Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations & Labor Heritage Foundation; UIC
Folder 9: Food Products IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Guide to Civil Defense Management in the Food IndustryAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Food Products Industry--BibliographyAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Forced LaborAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Translation by Alex Garber of Michael Rosanov's "Conquerors of the Waste Land: A Personal Account of Russian Forced Labor", December 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: translated from the Russian by Prof. Alex Garber, Univ. of Colorado
Item 2: Map of the Gulags, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL Free Trade Union Committee
Item 3: Stalin's Slave Camps: An Indictment of Modern Slavery, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Item 4: Slave Labor in the Soviet World, circa 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL Free Trade Union Committee
Item 5: Kolmya: Gold and Forced Labor in the USSR, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Silvester Mora, Foundation for Foreign Affairs
Item 6: Slavery Old and New, circa 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Matthew Woll, AFL Free Trade Union Committee
Item 7: Forced Labor in the Soviet Union, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: US State Department
Item 8: The Economic Role of Forced Labor in Eastern Europe, June 28, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Richard Carlton, Mid-European Studies Center
Item 9: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Romania, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
Item 10: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Hungary, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
Item 11: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Czechoslovakia, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
Item 12: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Bulgaria, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
Item 13: Forced Labor and Confinement Without Trial in Yugoslavia, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Mid-European Studies Center
Item 14: United Nations Bulletin: Forced Labor-Call for World Survey; Progress of Economic and Social Council; Teaching About the United Nations; The Indonesian Situation; Trusteeship in Action; Renewed Efforts Towads Reducing Armaments; Two Membership Bids From Korea, March 1, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: United Nations Dept. of Public Information
Item 15: Slave Labor in Russia: The Case Presented by the American Federation of Labor to the United Nations, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: American Federation of Labor
Item 16: Reparation Labor: A Preliminary Analysis, May 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Journal of Quarterly Economics
Item 17: Tell the West: An Eyewitness Account, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: by Jerzy Gliksman, reprinted/published by National Committee for a Free Europe, Inc.
Item 18: The Economics of Slave Labor, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: David J. Dallin, published as part of the Human Affairs Pamphlets
Item 19: Forced Labor in the Soviet Orbit: A Selective Bibliography, March 15, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: George Stolz, National Committee for a Free Europe
Folder 12: Foreign-Born EmployeesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Relative Earnings of Immigrans and Natives under Changes in the US Wage Structure, 1970-1990: A Quantile Regression Approach, March 28, 2000Add to your cart.
Creator: Maria Tannuri
Item 2: Profiles of Undocumented Aliens in New York City: Haitians and Dominicans, 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Charles B. Keely, Patricia J. Elwell, Austin T. Fragomen Jr., and Silvano M. Tomasi, Center for Migration Studies
Item 3: Managing Immigrants in the Workplace, 1998Add to your cart.
Creator: Zapatito Jiminez, UIUC
Folder 13: Foreign-Born Employees: EuropeAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Economic Impact of Immigrant Workers in Western Europe, 1974Add to your cart.
Creator: Stephen Drewer
Folder 14: Foreign Branch EmployeesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Expatriate Relocation and Adjustment: A Case Study, December 12, 1996Add to your cart.
Creator: Karen Kosinski, UIUC
Folder 15: Foremen and SupervisorsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Short Course on Development of Supervisors as Members of Management, circa 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Martin Wagner, UIUC ILIR
Item 2: Foreman Development in Japan '60, circa 1960Add to your cart.
Creator: Foreman Development Study Team, Japan Productivity Center, International Cooperation Administration
Item 3: DRAFT: First-Line Supervisors: Facilitators or Victims of Shop Floor Involvement?, September 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Janice A. Klein
Item 4: Foreman's Status, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Earl C. Wolfe, UIUC ILIR Extension Service
Item 5: How the Foreman Can Control Costs, March 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: H. Skerry Hall, UIUC College of Commerce and Business Administration
Item 6: In Re Carnegie Illinois Steel Corp., Gary Sheet and Tin Mill vs. Foreman's Assoc. of America (Ind.) Chapter 42: Brief for Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp. and Abstract of Reord, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Paul R. Conaghan, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp.
Folder 16: Foremen and Supervisors--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 17: Former OffendersAdd to your cart.
Folder 18: Fringe BenefitsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Employee Benefits and Industrial Relations, 1984Add to your cart.
Box 39Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Fringe Benefits (cont.)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Notes on Fringe Benefits: Class with East ST. Louis AFL-CIO Union Groups taught by S. Moody, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR
Item 2: Employee Benefits, 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Jan Jonczyk, Univ. of Wroclow, visiting at UIC
Folder 2: Fringe Benefits--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Funeral HomesAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Garnishment of WagesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Assignment and Garnishment of Wages in Illinois, December 4, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
Item 2: Assignment, Garnishment and Consumer Credit in Illinois, April 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
Folder 5: General StrikesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Truth About the Paterson Strike, January 31st, 1914Add to your cart.
Creator: Remarks by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, as recorded by Robert E. Park
Folder 6: General Strikes--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Glass IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Survey of the Glass Container Industry, December 5, 1938Add to your cart.
Creator: Submitted to the Temporary National Economic Committee by the Glass Container Assn. of America
Folder 8: Government EmployeesAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Government As Employer, August 1958Add to your cart.
Creator: Alan T. Peacock and T.L. Johnson, Dept. of Political Economy, Univ. of Edinburgh
Item 2: What Municipal Employees Want from Work: A Pilot Study in Five Suburban City Governments, April 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: F. Gerald Brown and Richard Heimovics
Item 3: Training for the Public Service: Council-Management Government, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: Herbert W. Thompson, Robert E. Giltner and Marvin A. Andrews, interns, edtied by Gilbert Y. Steiner, Research Associate Prof., UIUC Institute of Govt. and Public Affairs
Item 4: The Constitution and Loyalty Programs, December 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Alan Westin, published by The Carrie Chapman Catt Memorial Fund, inc.
Folder 9: Government Employees: FederalAdd to your cart.
Folder 10: Government Employees: IllinoisAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Can Anyone Run a City?, 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: By Gus Tyler, Saturday Evening Review
Item 2: Manpower Trends in Illinois State Government, circa 1971Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois State Dept. of Personnel
Folder 11: Government Employees: MunicipalAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Loyalty Oaths for Municipal Employees, May 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: American Municipal Association
Folder 12: Government Employees: StateAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Vertical and Horizontal Division of Whites and Non-Whites in Employment in Washington State Government, November 1973Add to your cart.
Creator: Gerard Baptiste, Minority Student Coalition of Evergreen State College and Thurston County Urban League
Item 2: State Workers: How Many? Where? How Well Paid?, December 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, Inc.
Box 40Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Government OwnershipAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Is British Socialism a Failure?, October 28, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Roland Gibson, Univ. of Illinois Dept. of Economics
Item 2: Nationalised Industry: Relations with the Public, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: The Action Society Trust
Item 3: Nationalised Industry: The Worker's Point of View - A discussion of 'reporting back' based on a study in a coalfield, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: The Action Society Trust
Item 4: Natinoalized Transport Operations in Great Britain, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Assn. of American Railroads, Bureau of Railroad Economics
Item 5: Some Observations on the Nationalization of Railways in Great Britain/Britain's Great Experiment: Three Months of Socialised Transport, May 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: E.G. Plowman and G. Lloyd Wilson/Christine R. Taylor
Item 6: Nationalised Industry: The Powers of the Minister, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: The Action Society Trust
Item 7: Nationalised Industry: Accountability to Parliament, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: The Action Society Trust
Item 8: Nationalised Industry: The Extent of Centralisation - A discussion based on a case study in the coal industry, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: The Action Society Trust
Item 9: Industry and Society: Labour's Policy on Future Public Ownership, July 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: Labour Party, United Kingdom
Item 10: Nationalised Industry: Patterns of Organisation, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: The Action Society Trust
Item 11: Nationalised Industry: The Future of Unions, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: The Action Society Trust
Item 12: Nationalised Industry: The Framework of Joint Consultation, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: The Action Society Trust
Item 13: Das Britische Verstaatlichungsexperiment, 1950Add to your cart.
Item 14: Problems of Public Ownership, August 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Ernest Davies MP, Labour Party
Item 15: Socialism and Nationalisation, July 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: High Gaitskell, MP
Item 16: Public Ownership: An Interim Report, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Trades Union Congress
Folder 2: Government ServiceAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Grain Mill Products IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Labor-Management Relations in Illini City, Case Study No.1:  Grain Processing, circa 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
Folder 4: Grievance ProceduresAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Workplace Grievances: A Case Study in Employee Grievance Activity With and Without Union Representation, Spring 1994Add to your cart.
Creator: Richard A. Wilburs, UIUC ILIR
Item 2: An Empirical Test of the Determinants of the Effectiveness of Workplace Complaint Procedures, july 7, 1988Add to your cart.
Creator: Karen E. Boroff
Item 3: Grievance Administration: A Training Conference for Local Union Officers and Grievance Representatives, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: United Gas Coke and Chemical Workers of America (CIO) and Pennsylvania State College
Item 4: Adjustment of Grievances, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
Item 5: Grievance Principles and Problems, 1948-1949Add to your cart.
Creator: University of Chicago
Item 6: The Handling and Writing of the Grievance, 1964Add to your cart.
Item 7: The Grievance as an Unfair Labor Practice, 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Edgar Moore, Ohio State Univ. Labor Education and Research Service
Item 8: Handling Grievances: An Outline Manual for Union Shop Stewards and Grievance Committeemen, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR
Item 9: Grievance Procedures in Health Care Establishments, May 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
Item 10: Why Are People Saying Such Wonderful Things About Grievance Mediation?, November 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Peter Feuille, UIUC ILIR
Folder 5: Grievance Procedures--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Group DynamicsAdd to your cart.
Box 41Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Group InsuranceAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Paying More and Losing Ground: How Employer Cost-Shifting is Eroding Health Coverage of Working Families, circa 1996Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 2: Life Insurance Fact Book 1953, circa 1953Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Guaranteed Employment & Wage PlansAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Progress Report on the Guaranteed Annual Wage, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: United Automobile Workers, CIO
Item 2: Some Problems of Annual Wage Guarantees, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Boris Shishkin, Research Director, AFL
Item 3: Guaranteed Annual Employment, New York State, 1955Add to your cart.
Creator: NY State Dept. of Labor
Item 4: The Economics of the Guaranteed Wage, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States
Item 5: Preparing a Guaranteed Employment Plan that Fits UAW Members Like a Glove, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: United Automobile Workers, CIO
Item 6: Guaranteed Wages: Report to the President by the Advisory Board, January 31, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: Office of War Mobilization and Deconversion, Office of Temporary Controls
Item 7: Le Salaire Annuel Garanti, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Emile Bouvier, S.J.
Item 8: Sixth Annual Mangement Conference: The Guaranteed Wage, April 6, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Rutgers Univ. Institute of Management and Labor Relations
Item 9: Address by Arthur S. Thornbury at the Illinois Manufacturers Assn., March 20, 1947Add to your cart.
Item 10: The Guaranteed Annual Wage, circa 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. James W. Leonard, Economics, UIUC
Item 11: Here It Is! The contract changes which make up your new and improved UAW-Ford Agreement, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: United Automobile Workers, CIO
Folder 3: Guaranteed Employment & Wage Plans--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Guaranteed IncomeAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Mathematica Policy Analysis and Technical Analysis SeriesAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Guaranteed Income: BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Guards and WatchmenAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Plant-Protection Employees Under Current Federal Legislation, June 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
Folder 7: Handicapped WorkersAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Percpetion Survey given by Tim Puszkiewicz, UIUC ILIR Student, for information for his tutorial, concerning individuals' percpetions of the physically disabled., no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Tim Puszkiewicz, UIUC ILIR
Item 2: Handbook for State and Community Comittees, 1956-1957Add to your cart.
Creator: President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped
Item 3: A Bibliography With Notes on the subject of: The Employment Handicaps of Older Persons, October 1929Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Bureau, Welfare Council of New York City
Item 4: The Glass Ceiling and Persons With Disabilities, September 1994Add to your cart.
Creator: David Braddock and Lynn Bachelder, UIC Institute on Disability and Human Development
Item 5: Defining Disability: A Cross-Country Study of Belgian, French, Dutch, West German, British and Swedish definitions of Disability, 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: Lois S. Copeland, US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
Box 42Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Handicapped Workers (cont.)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Meeting Minutes: President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, 1949-1955Add to your cart.
Creator: President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped
Folder 2: Handicapped Workers--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Hatch ActAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Hatch Act: A Civil Libertarian Defense, circa 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: John R. Bolton
Folder 4: Health InsuranceAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Hospital Insurance For The Aged: The Conservative Approach, January 5, 1965Add to your cart.
Creator: Wilbur J. Cohen, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare
Item 2: The Invisible Providers: Public Sector Primary Care and Medicaid, February 1988Add to your cart.
Creator: James W. Fossett, John A. Peterson and Mary C. King, Institute of Govt. and Public Affairs, UIUC
Item 3: National Health Insurance: What is it?  How would it work?  Why is it needed?  Alternatives?, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Michael M. Davis, Ph.D., League for Industrial Democracy
Item 4: How Shall We Pay for Health Care?, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Oscar R. Ewing and George F. Lull, MD., Public Affairs Committee, Inc.
Item 5: Health Services in Britain, August 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: British Information Services
Item 6: How a National Health Program Would Serve the South, May 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Committee on Research in Medical Economics
Item 7: A barrier on the road to health:  Catastrophic Illness Insurance, May 1957Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 8: The British Health Service, 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Julius Manson, League for Industrial Democracy
Item 9: A Refutation of False Statements in Propaganda for Compulsory Health Insurance, October 1919Add to your cart.
Creator: Committee on Constructive Plan Social Insurance Dept., National Civic Federation
Item 10: Cleveland Asks Better Health For the Nation: Public Hearing on the National Health Bill of 1945, June 21 and 22, 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Consumers League of Ohio
Item 11: Materials from the Research Council for Economic Security, circa 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Box 43Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Health Insurance (cont.)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Changing Costs of Medical Care and Voluntary Health Insurance, December 28, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Herbert E. Klarman, Associate Director, Hospital Council of Greater New York
Item 2: A Guide for CIO Representatives on the Governing Boards of Blue Corss Plans, February 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
Item 3: The British National Health Service: The First Two Years, May 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: H.W. Steinhaus, Ph.D., Research Council for Economic Security
Item 4: Proceedings of the Conference on Health and Welfare and Pension Plans, sponsored by the Chicago Fed. Of Labor, January 9, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Chicago Federation of Labor
Item 5: Economic Aspects of Prolonged Illness, Autumn 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
Item 6: Organized Labor and Social Security, August 2, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: Harry Becker, dir., UAW-CIO Social Security Dept.
Folder 2: Health Insurance--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability ActAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Health Service OccupationsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Women In Health, circa 1975Add to your cart.
Creator: The Women's Work Project
Item 2: Human Services Manpower Career Center: The First Year, 1970Add to your cart.
Creator: Human Services Manpower Career Center, State of Illinois
Folder 5: HolidaysAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Industrial HomeworkAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Electronic Homework: Problems and Prospects from a Human Resources Perspective, September 1987Add to your cart.
Creator: Steven S. Wakakami, UIUC ILIR
Item 2: Industrial Homework: An Old Problem Lingers On, circa 1959Add to your cart.
Creator: Milton Derber and Gilbert Donahue, UIUC ILIR
Folder 7: Industrial Homework--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 8: Hosiery IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: The Hosiery Industry and the National Economy, December 2, 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: North Jersey District Council of American. Fed. Of Hosiery Wkrs., AFL and Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
Folder 9: Hospitals and ClinicsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Diagnosing Human Relations in Organizations: A Case Study of a Hospital, 1956Add to your cart.
Creator: Chris Argyris, Labor and Management Center, Yale Univ.
Folder 10: Hotels and MotelsAdd to your cart.
Folder 11: Hours of WorkAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Statistics and News, 1996Add to your cart.
Creator: Bureau of European Studies on Time
Item 2: Eight Hour Day for Women, 1962Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois State Labor Dept.
Item 3: Does Labor Supply Explain Fluctuations in Average Hours Worked?, March 1990Add to your cart.
Creator: Joshua D. Angrist, National Bureau of Economic Research/Harvard Univ.
Item 4: Income Transfer and Work Effort: The Netherlands and the United States in the 1970s, 1984Add to your cart.
Creator: Barbara L. Wolfe, UW-Madison et al.
Item 5: The Duration, Structure, Reduction and Flexibilisation of Working Time in Australia, May 1989Add to your cart.
Creator: Peter Dawkins and Meredith Baker, Murdoch Univ./Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre
Item 6: Picture, Country by Country and Branch by Branch, of the actual Duration of Time Worked, September 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: D. Maric, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Item 7: Prospective View on Patterns of Working Time, September 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: G. Rehn, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Item 8: Distribution of Working Time, September 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Bernhard Teriet, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Item 9: Working Hours per Day and Week, September 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Heinz Allenspach, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Box 44Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Hours of Work (cont.)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Distribution of Working Time, September 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Lennart Bratt, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Item 2: Distribution of Working Time, September 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Jean Hallaire, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Item 3: Evaluation of General Choices: Policy Problems Involved, September 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: J.A.P. Van Hoof, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Item 4: Evaluation of General Choices: Policy Problems Involved, September 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Albert S. Glickman, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Item 5: Distribution of Working Time, September 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Archibald Evans, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Item 6: Economic Development in the 1970s and its Implications for Employment, September 1972Add to your cart.
Creator: Maurice Rustant, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Item 7: Welfare in Australia, Vol.2, No.9, Winter 1979Add to your cart.
Creator: The Australian Institute of Welfare Officers
Item 8: Work Less- Or Earn More?, 1936Add to your cart.
Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
Item 9: Hours of Work, December 1980Add to your cart.
Creator: Confederation of Australian Industry, National Employers' Industrial Council
Item 10: Working Hours and Employment, February 1983Add to your cart.
Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
Item 11: The Medical, Psychological and Social Consequences of the Scheduling of Working Hours, December 1978Add to your cart.
Creator: Carina Nilsson, Swedish Trade Union Confederation
Item 12: The Shorter Work Week and the Constructive Use Of Free Time: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual AFL-CIO National Conference on Community Services, March 31 - April 4, 1963Add to your cart.
Creator: AFL-CIO
Item 13: Hours Laws in New York State, no dateAdd to your cart.
Item 14: The Thirty-Hour Week, 1935Add to your cart.
Creator: William Green, AFL
Item 15: The Eight Hour Bill, circa 1920?Add to your cart.
Creator: Women's Joint Legislative Conference of New York
Item 16: 40 Hour Week, 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Institute of Public Affairs, Australia
Item 17: Can the Work Week Shrink and Wages Grow?, 1928/1935Add to your cart.
Creator: Katherine H. Pollack, Affiliated Schools for Workers Inc.
Item 18: The Issue of the Shorter Work Week, 1961Add to your cart.
Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
Item 19: Do Long Work Hours Contribute to Divorce?, March 2000Add to your cart.
Creator: John H. Johnson, IV, UIUC College of Commerce and Business Administration, Office of Research
Folder 2: Hours of Work--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Housing of WorkersAdd to your cart.
Item 1: AFL-CIO Survey of Union-sponsored Housing, February 1991Add to your cart.
Creator: Frank Parente, Economic Research Dept., AFL-CIO
Item 2: Report on European Rent Policy, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: H. Umrath, Standing Housing Committee of the European Regional Orgnization of the Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions
Item 3: Report on the European Housing Conference organised by the European Regional Organisation of the ICFTU, February 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: International Confed. of Free Trade Unions
Item 4: Homes for America: The End of a Slum, December 1, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: David Dubinsky, Intl. Ladies Garment Workers Union
Item 5: Activities of the European Labor Movement in the Housing Field, December 1952Add to your cart.
Creator: Heinz Umrath
Item 6: European Labor Movement and Housing, circa 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: H. Umrath, Standing Housing Committee of the European Regional Orgnization of the Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions
Item 7: The Practicability of Improving the Dewllings of the Labouring Classes, with Remarks on the Law of Settlement and Removal of the Poor, 1854Add to your cart.
Creator: Cheyne Brady
Item 8: Non-white Housing in Illinois, June 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: State of Illinois Commission on Human Relations
Item 9: Wohnungen, Wohnungen und Nochmas Wohnungen, 1956Add to your cart.
Item 10: Workers' Housing Problem in Japan, 1953Add to your cart.
Creator: Ministry of Construction, Tokyo
Item 11: Labor's Program for Better Housing, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: CIO
Item 12: A Guide to Postwar Housing Policy, circa 1946Add to your cart.
Creator: Jean Copeland and Aneurin Bevan, MP, Minister of Health, Labour Party, UK
Item 13: Address of Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, Secretary of the Interior at the Closing Session of the Presiden'ts Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership, December 4, 1931Add to your cart.
Creator: Dr. Ray L. Wilbur, Interior Secretary
Item 14: Housing of the Working Classes in France: Cheap, Up-to-date Dwellings in 1915, 1915Add to your cart.
Item 15: Housing in Canada, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Social Service Council of Canada
Item 16: The Housing Situation in England and the United States, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: F.T. Miller, President, F.W. Dodge Co.
Item 17: Speech by H. Umrath on Housing Needs and Social-Economic Development, October 28-29, 1964Add to your cart.
Creator: H. Umrath, Standing Housing Committee of the European Regional Orgnization of the Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions
Item 18: Memorandum on Current Litigation Before the United States Supreme Court Involving Race Restrictive Housing Covenants, April 32, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: National Association of Intergroup Relations Officials
Folder 4: Housing of Workers--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Human CapitalAdd to your cart.
Folder 6: Human EngineeringAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Strains and Sprains: A Worker's Guide to Job Design, July 1985Add to your cart.
Creator: United Auto Workers
Folder 7: Human Relations in IndustryAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Improving Intergroup Relations in Industry, circa 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: National Conference of Christians and Jews
Item 2: The Human Factor in Production, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Phillips Bradley, UIUC ILIR
Item 3: An Evaluative Focus on Human Relations, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Robert Tannenbaum, Institute of Industrial Relations, UCLA
Item 4: Human Relations: Rare, Medium, or Well-Done?, 1948-1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Harvard Univ.
Item 5: An Experimental Study of a Human Relations Training Program, 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Ralph Raymond Canter Jr.
Box 45Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Human Relations in Industry (cont.)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Joint Consultation in a Liverpool Manufacturing Firm: A Case Study in Human Relations in Industry, 1950Add to your cart.
Creator: W.H. Scott, BA, Fellow of the University of Liverpool
Item 2: Man to Man on the Job: A Series of Meetings for Foremen and Executives, 1943Add to your cart.
Creator: General Motors Inc.
Item 3: Conference on the Development of Desirable Attitudes in Industrial Human Relations, July 31 - August 1, 1947Add to your cart.
Creator: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
Item 4: Proceedings of the Institute on Human Problems in Industry, May 27, 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Mental Health Committee of the Rotary Club of Montreal and the Montreal Council of Social Agencies
Item 5: To and Fro: Human Relations in American Industry Seen Through Dutch Eyes, June 1954Add to your cart.
Creator: Contactgroep Opvoering Productiviteit
Item 6: Research Frontiers in Human Relations, February 6-7, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol.92, No.5
Item 7: The Will To Work: The Greatest Resource of American Industry, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Prof. Phillips Bradley, UIUC ILIR
Folder 2: Human Relations in Industry--BibliographiesAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Humanization of WorkAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Hygiene, IndustrialAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Tuberculosis Labor and Management, 1944Add to your cart.
Creator: William Arkwright Doppler, National Tuberculosis Association
Item 2: The Worker and His Health, circa 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Office of Defense Mobilization
Item 3: Recent Trends in Occupational Disease Legislation, May 1951Add to your cart.
Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
Item 4: Industrial Health Dept. Functions and Relationships, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: C.O. Sappington, Industrial Hygiene Foundation
Item 5: Health Problems in Industry, December 1, 1948Add to your cart.
Creator: Commerce and Industry Assn. of New York, NY Academy of Medicine, NY County Medical Society, Institute of Industrial Medicine
Item 6: 1969 Occupational Safety and Health Conference, 1969Add to your cart.
Creator: Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO
Item 7: Occupational Deafness: Real or Imaginary?, no dateAdd to your cart.
Creator: Intl. Bro. of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpes, AFL
Item 8: At Your Service: Dept. of Public Health, Div. of Industrial Hygiene, circa 1949Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Dept. of Public Health
Item 9: About County Health Depts., 1945Add to your cart.
Creator: Illinois Dept. of Public Health
Item 10: General Motors Industrial Hygiene Service, September 1946