By Joseph Hoisington and Bryan Whitledge
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Union Vertical File, 1912-2001

ID: 35/3/403
Extent: 78.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by name of industry category
Date Acquired: 07/29/2007
Languages: English, Spanish;Castilian
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library Labor Union Vertical File (1912-2001) includes constitutions and by-laws, contracts, agreements (wages, salaries, benefits, pensions), correspondence, memoranda, recruitment materials, promotional materials, union campaign and election materials, and reports pertaining to industrial unions, service unions, artistic unions and labor federations and their actions in terms of services for the members, negotiations with the employers and involvement in the community.
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Acquisition Source:
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Actors - Atlantic Maritime Employees],
Series 2: Automobile Workers - Cleaning and Dye House Workers],
Series 3: Clothing Workers - Furniture Workers],
Series 4: Garment Workers - Longshoremen],
Series 5: Machinists - Musicians],
Series 6: National Building Trades - Quarry Workers],
Series 7: Radio Workers - Service Employees],
Series 8: Steelworkers - Teachers],
Series 9: Teamsters - Writers],
Series 10: International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU), and Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE) Contracts],
Series 11: Additional Contracts],
- Series 1: Actors - Atlantic Maritime Employees

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Actors' Equity Association

- Item 1: The Actors' Equity Assoc. Agreement Constitution and Bylaws, March 8, 1926

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc.
- Item 2: The Actors' Equity Assoc. Agreement Constitution and Bylaws, May 15, 1962

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc.
- Item 3: Actors' Equity Association, no date

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc., AFL
- Item 4: Economic and Demographic Characteristics of Actors' Equity Assoc. Membership, 1970

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc. and Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Temple Univ.
- Item 5: The Play's the thing for Theaters, Union, September 28, 1992

- Creator: Jeff Borden
- Item 6: Agreement and Rules governing employment in Reisdent Theatre, March 1, 1999

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc.
- Item 7: Agreement and Rules governing employment in theatre for young audiences, December 27, 1999

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc.
- Item 8: Agreement and Rules governing employment under the Equity/Livent Production Contract, July 1, 1996

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc.
- Item 9: Agreement and Rules governing employment under Cabaret, October 15, 1998

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc.
- Item 10: Agreement and Rules governing employment in non-resident dramatic stock (COST), December 28, 1998

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc.
- Item 11: Agreement and rules governing employment under the Production Contract, July 1, 1996

- includes a few postcards
- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc.
- Item 12: Agreement and Rules governing employment in small professional theatres, no date

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc.
- Item 13: Agreement and Rules governing employment in University/Resident Theatres, February 23, 1998

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc.
- Item 14: Agreement and Rules governing employment in Dinner Theatres, May 25, 1998

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc.
- Item 15: Agreement and Rules governing employment in Chicago Area Theatres, August 31, 1998

- Creator: Actors' Equity Assoc.
- Folder 2: Advertising and Newspaper Distributors

- Item 1: Angelus Laundry: UNFAIR to the Advertising and Newspaper Distributors Union, no date

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 2: Do Not Let That Boy of Yours Become a Strikebreaker, no date

- Creator: AFL, Advertising and Newspaper Distributors Union
- Item 3: The Advertising Matter of Rogers Park Shopping Center, no date

- Creator: AFL, ANDU
- Item 4: Wringing Profits from School Children by Publishers of Community Papers Must Be Stopped, no date

- Creator: AFL, ANDU
- Folder 3: Airline Dispatchers

- Item 1: Constitution and By-laws, October 15, 1949

- Creator: Airline Dispatchers Assoc.
- Folder 4: Airline Pilots

- Folder 5: Airline Pilots #1 of 4

- Item 1: Constitution and By-laws, circa 1965

- Creator: Airline Pilot's Assoc. International
- Item 2: Rights and Duties of Air Carriers, Airline Pilots and Airline Employees under Title II--Railway Labor Act as amended, 1956

- Creator: Airline Pilot's Assoc. International
- Item 3: Why you should belong to ALPA, circa 1967

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 4: Member Protection Plan: Loss of License Insurance, Extended Total Disability, Group Life Program, no date

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 5: The Laws of the Airline Pilots Assoc. International, 1947

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 6: Trouble for UAL Pilots, August 1, 1994

- Creator: Crain's Chicago Business
- Item 7: Special Report: The Productivity Trap, February 1982

- Creator: Air Line Pilot
- Item 8: Special Report: The 13th Annual Air Safety Forum, November 1966

- Creator: Air Line Pilot
- Item 9: Air Line Pilot: The Magazine of the Flight Crews, January, 1967

- Creator: Air Line Pilot
- Item 10: Air Line Pilot: The Magazine of the Flight Crews, December 1966

- Creator: Air Line Pilot
- Item 11: The 14th Convention, December 1958

- Creator: Air Line Pilot
- Item 12: The ALPA Story, September 1966

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 13: Guide for processing grievances, no date

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 14: Guide for System Board Members, 1957

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 15: Airline Pilot's Code of Ethics, no date

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 16: Discussion with representatives of the Airline Pilots Assoc. in Chicago, Febraury 23, 1967

- Item 17: Memorandum on the administration and service within the Airline Pilot's Assoc., no date

- Creator: Univ. of Chicago Graduate School of Business
- Item 18: The Pilot as Organization Man, October 1961

- Creator: Harvey Swados
- Item 19: Educational Seminar Agenda, June 1968

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 20: A New ALPA, July 18, 1985

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 21: Handbook Medical Certification Matters, no date

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 22: Local ALPA Press Relations, no date

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 23: Structure and Fuction: The Airline Pilots Association, International, 8 January 1958

- Creator: Wiliam E. Bonsteel
- Item 24: ALPA's Organization for Safety, no date

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 25: Press Release: An Emergency board reccomended today a ten per cent wage increase for flight engineers employed by Trans World Airlines, August 29, 1952

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 26: Press Release: An increase of $50.00 per month in the monthly wages of flight engineers on the domestic lines of Northwest Airlines was reccomended today, August 29, 1952

- Creator: ALPA Intl., Northwest Airlines
- Item 27: ALPA Legislative Handbook, no date

- Creator: ALPA, AFL-CIO
- Item 28: Processing Federal Aviation Regulation Violations, 1967

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Folder 6: Airline Pilots #2 of 4

- Item 1: Alpa Policy Manual, May 1965

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 2: Every Pilot an Organizer: How you can help Organize non-ALPA Pilots, no date

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 3: Welcome Aboard: A Pilot's Guide to the ALPA, no date

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 4: ALPA Constitution and By-laws, October 30, 1988

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 5: Officers' Reports to the Board of Directors, October 31, 1966

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 6: Airline Pilot's Association principle areas of safety activity, no date

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 7: Contract Administrator's Report, June 13, 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 8: Agenda Items, Nineteenth Biennial Board of Directors Meeting, November 20, 1966

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Folder 7: Airline Pilots #3 of 4

- Item 1: Information Bulletin, February 22, 1967

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 2: New 1966 Revised Protection from ALPA, circa 1966

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 3: ALPA News: Steward and Stewardess division, January 1967

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 4: Shop Talk: Are you 100% Safety Conscious?, January 1967

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 5: Tech Talk, January 31, 1967

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 6: ALPA Intl. to All ALPP Members, February 16, 1966

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 7: Memo: Shall the Board of Directors Establish Area or Regional Offices?

- Item 8: The Widget (a publication of the Delta MEC): Contract Signed, October 1990

- Creator: Delta MEC
- Item 9: The Widget: Are Times Changing?, June 1990

- Creator: Delta MEC
- Item 10: The Widget: Record-setting numbers of pilots attend negotiators' road shows, March 1990

- Creator: Delta MEC
- Item 11: The Widget: Progress on contract slow; negotiators begin road shows, February 1990

- Creator: Delta MEC
- Item 12: The Widget Special Drug Testing Issue: Delta Ready to Implement Drug Testing Dec. 18th, November 1989

- Creator: Delta MEC
- Item 13: The Widget: Delta MEC says OK to new ESOP, August 1989

- Creator: Delta MEC
- Item 14: The Widget: PDX Council 124 Becomes newest member of Delta MEC, May 1989

- Creator: Delta MEC
- Item 15: The Widget: Openers exchanged as contract talks begin, January 1989

- Creator: Delta MEC
- Item 16: Labor's Long, Hard Road, 1976

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Folder 8: Airline Pilots #4 of 4

- Item 1: Agreement between American Airlines and the Airline Pilots in the service of American Airlines as represented by the Airline Pilots Association, April 1, 1973 and November 4, 1983

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and American Airlines
- Item 2: Local Executive Council administrative manual: a description of standard operating procedures, November 1966

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Folder 9: ALPA Contracts -- A

- Item 1: ALPA-Altair Airlines Labor Agreement, March 1, 1982

- Creator: ALPA intl. and Altair
- Item 2: Agreement between Aloha Airlines, inc. and The Airline Pilots in the service of Aloha Airlines, inc. as represented by Airline Pilots Assoc., Intl., November 1, 1983

- Creator: ALPA and Aloha
- Item 3: Agreement between Allegheny Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Allegheny Airlines, inc. as represented by Airline Pilots Assoc., intl., circa 1975

- Creator: ALPA and Allegheny
- Item 4: Letter of agreement between Alaska Airlines, inc. and the Airline Pilots in the service of Alaska Airlines, inc. as represented by the Airline Pilots Assoc., intl., March 2, 1983

- Creator: ALPA and Alaska
- Item 5: Agreement between Alaska Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Alaska Airlines, inc. as represented by The Airline Pilots Assoc., Intl., May 1, 1984

- Item 6: Contract Administrator's report: Air Wisconsin, August 5, 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 7: Contract Administrator's report: 1984-1986 Alaska Pilot Agreement, April 16, 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 8: Agreement between Air North and the airline pilots in the service of Air North as represented by Air Line Pilot's Assoc., intl., October 1, 1983

- Creator: ALPA and Air North
- Item 9: Agreement between Western Airlines and the airline pilots in the service of Western Airlines as represented by ALPA, Intl., September 1, 1987

- Creator: ALPA intl. and Western Airlines
- Item 10: Agreement between Trans World Airlines and the airline pilots in the service of Trans World Airlines as represented by ALPA Inlt., July 20, 1977

- Creator: ALPA and TWA
- Item 11: Agreement between Aspen Airways and the airline pilots in the service of Aspen Airways as represented by ALPA Intl., January 1, 1983

- Creator: ALPA intl. and Aspen Airways
- Folder 10: ALPA Contracts -- B-D

- Item 1: Agreement between Braniff Airways, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Braniff Airways, inc. as represented by the ALPA intl., November 3, 1976

- Creator: ALPA intl. and Braniff
- Item 2: Contract Administrator's Report: Cascade Airways, June 13, 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 3: Agreement between Northwest Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Northwest Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., circa 1983

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Northwest
- Item 4: Agreement between Delta Air Lines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Delta Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., January 28, 1977

- Creator: ALPA and Delta
- Item 5: Agreement between Cascade Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Cascade Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., October 31, 1983

- Creator: ALPA and Cascade
- Item 6: Contract Administrator's Report: Comair, inc., August 1, 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 7: Agreement between Comair Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Comair Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA intl., August 1, 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Comair
- Item 8: Agreement between Continental Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Continental Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA intl., March 4, 1968

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Continental
- Box 2

- Folder 1: ALPA Contracts -- E

- Item 1: Agreement between Express Airlines I, Inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Express Airlines I, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., November 1, 1989

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Express
- Item 2: Summary of New CAL and TI Working agreements and Fence Agreement, September 9, 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 3: Letter of Agreement between Texas International airlines, inc. and Continental Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots presently in the service of Texas International Airlines, inc. and Continental Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl. and the Mas, August 18, 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl, &c.
- Item 4: Contract Administrator's Report: Crown Air/Dorado Wings, January 25, 1985

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 5: Agreement between Crown Air/Dorado Wings and the airline pilots in the service of Crown Air/Dorado Wings as represented by the ALPA Intl., January 22, 1985

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Crown Air/Dorado Wings
- Item 6: Supplemental agreement between Delta Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Delta Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., July 22, 1983

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Delta
- Item 7: Letter of Agreement between Eastern Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Eastern Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., May 27th, 1983

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Eastern
- Item 8: Contract Administrator's Report: Eastern Airlines, inc., August 1, 1983

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 9: Agreement between Eastern Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Eastern Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., May 1, 1977

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Eastern
- Folder 2: ALPA Contracts -- F-N

- Item 1: Agreement between Flying Tiger Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Flying Tiger Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., July 1, 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Flying Tiger
- Item 2: Agreement between Frontier Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Frontier Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., March 4, 1980

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Frontier
- Item 3: Contract Administrator's Report: Frontier Airlines, May 25, 1983

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 4: Agreement between Imperial Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Imperial Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., May 1 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Imperial
- Item 5: Agreement between Metroflight, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Metroflight, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., September 1, 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Metroflight
- Item 6: Contract Administrator's Report: Mississippi Valley Airlines, March 23, 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Metroflight
- Item 7: Agreement between National Airlines, inc. and airline pilots in the service of National Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., June 28, 1977

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and National
- Item 8: Amendment to agreement between North Central Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of North Central Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA, Intl., April 28, 1977

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and National
- Folder 3: ALPA Contracts -- N-O

- Item 1: Agreement between Northwest Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Northwest Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., August 7, 1975

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Northwest
- Item 2: Northwest & ALPA 1980 Agreement, June 1980

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Northwest
- Item 3: Contract Administrator's Report: Ozark, January 20, 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 4: Letter of agreement between Ozark Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Ozark Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., December 6, 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Ozark
- Item 5: Agreement between Ozark Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Ozark Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA intl., January 31, 1978

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Ozark
- Folder 4: ALPA Contracts -- P

- Item 1: Agreement between Ponoco Airlines, inc. and airline pilots in the service of Ponoco Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., May 14, 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Ponoco
- Item 2: Contract Administrator's Report: Pan Am, January 1, 1985

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 3: Memorandum of Agreement between Pan American World Airways, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Pan American World Airways, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., January 19, 1983

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Pan Am
- Item 4: Agreement between Pan American World Airways and ITS Airline Pilots as represented by the ALPA Intl., March 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Pan Am
- Item 5: Pan Am & ALPA 1978 Contract, February 11, 1978

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Pan Am
- Item 6: Agreement between Pan American World Airways and ITS Airline Pilots as represented by the ALPA Intl., June 1, 1976

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Pan Am
- Item 7: Airline Pilot Agreement: Piedmon Aviation, inc., April 1, 1977

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Piedmont
- Item 8: Agreement between Piedmon Aviation, inc. and airline pilots in the service of Piedmont Aviation, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., June 12, 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Piedmont
- Item 9: Agreement between Precision Valley Aviation, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Precision Valley Aviation, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., May 5, 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Precision Valley Aviatoin
- Folder 5: ALPA Contracts -- R-T

- Item 1: Contract Administrator's Report: Republic Airlines, October 19, 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 2: Letter of Agreement between Republic Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Republic Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., August 10, 1983

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Republic
- Item 3: Agreement Between Republic Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Republic Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., October 1, 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Republic
- Item 4: Agreement between Ross Aviation, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Ross Aviation, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., July 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Ross
- Item 5: Agreement between Southern Airways, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Southern Airways, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., June 15, 1972

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Southern Airways
- Item 6: Contract Administrator's Report: Suburban Airlines, January 2, 1985

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 7: Agreement between Suburban Airlines, division of Reading Aviation Service, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Suburban Airlines, division of Reading Aviaton Service, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., May 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Suburban Airlines/Reading Aviation Services inc.
- Item 8: Agreement between Suburban Airlines and the airline pilots in the service of Suburban Airlines as represented by the ALPA Intl., October 1, 1984

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Suburban Airlines
- Item 9: Agreement between Trans World Airlines and the airline pilots in the service of Trans World Airlines as represented by ALPA Inlt., April 7, 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl and TWA
- Item 10: Agreement between Texas International Airlines, inc. and the airline pilots in the service of Texas International Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., June 1, 1975

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Texas International
- Item 11: TWA - ALPA 1979 Agreement, July 1979

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and TWA
- Box 3

- Folder 1: ALPA Contracts -- U-Z

- Item 1: UAL-MEC Negotiating committee notice to UAL Pilots, July 30, 1981

- Creator: UAL-MEC
- Item 2: Contract Administrator's Report: USAir, December 20, 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 3: Agreement between USAir Inc. and the air line pilots in the service of USAir, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., June 4, 1981

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and USAir, inc.
- Item 4: Contract Administrator's Report: Western Airlines, April 8, 1982

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 5: Agreement between Western Airlines, inc. and the air line pilots in the service of Western Airlines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., May 1, 1982

- Creator: ALPA intl. and Western Airlines
- Item 6: Agreement between Wien Air Alaska, inc. and the air line pilots in the service of Wien Air Alaska, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., September 30, 1983

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and Wien, inc.
- Item 7: Contract Administrator's Report: Wien, November 14, 1983

- Creator: ALPA Intl.
- Item 8: Amendment to 1974 Agreement between United Air Lines, incl and the air line pilots in the service of United Air Lines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., December 1, 1976

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and United Air Lines, inc.
- Item 9: 1981 Agreement between United Air Lines, inc. and the Air Line Pilots in the service of United Air Lines, inc. as represented by the ALPA Intl., Fall 1981

- Creator: ALPA Intl. and United Air Lines, inc.
- Folder 2: Air Traffic Controllers

- Item 1: Agreement between the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization affiliated with Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, AFL-CIO and the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, July, 1975, July 1975

- Creator: PATCO and the FAA
- Item 2: Agreement between the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization affiliated with Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, AFL-CIO and the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, March 1978, March 1978

- Creator: PATCO and the FAA
- Item 3: Agreement between the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization affiliated with Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, AFL-CIO and the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, March, 1978 (Revised October 1979), October 1979

- Creator: PATCO and the FAA
- Item 4: The Metamorphasis of a Labor Organization: PATCO 1968-1972, January 1973

- Creator: James F. Cashman
- Item 5: Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration WHITE PAPER: Air Traffic Controllers Situation, April 7, 1970

- Creator: FAA
- Item 6: AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center introduction and outline, September 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: PATCO's protest, August 27, 1981

- Creator: Union Labor Report
- Item 8: Controlling the Air Lanes, December 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO American Federationist
- Item 9: Insight PATCO: PATCO Resurfaces, Disaffiliates From AFL-CIO Over Organizing, November 3, 2006

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Folder 3: Air Traffic Controllers -- NATCA

- Item 1: The NATCA Voice - the Great Lakes Regional NATCA Newsletter, March 1995

- Creator: NATCA
- Item 2: Intentionally Left Blank: Official Newsletter of Chicago O'Hare C90 NATCA, February 1995

- Creator: NATCA local C90
- Item 3: New Air Traffic Controllers' Union, June 18, 1987

- Creator: What's new in Collective Bargaining Negotiations and Contracts
- Item 4: Air Controller Union Forms, no date

- Creator: Union Labor Report
- Folder 4: Alabama Labor Council

- Item 1: Constitution, Alabama Labor Council, AFL-CIO, Adopted by the First Constitutional Convention October, 1956 and Amended by the 1958 and 1960 Conventions, circa 1960

- Creator: Alabama Labor Council
- Item 2: Constitution, Alabama Labor Council, AFL-CIO, Adopted by the First Constitutional Convention October, 1956 and Amended by the 1958, 1960, 1962 and 1964 Conventions, circa 1964

- Creator: Alabama Labor Council
- Folder 5: Alliance for Labor Action

- Item 1: "To Find Answers to the Urgent Problems of Our Society:" Alliance for Labor Action, August 1969

- Creator: UAW and UAW Solidarity
- Folder 6: Allied Industrial Workers

- Item 1: Allied Industrial Workers: Constitution of the International Union and laws governing Local Unions, September 25, 1961, September 16, 1963 and September 27, 1965

- Creator: Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Proceedings 16th Convention, October 1967

- Creator: Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: United for Progress: 13th Convention, September 1961

- Creator: Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 4: By-laws and rules of order of local union no. 955 A.I.W. -- AFL-CIO, no date

- Creator: Union Local 955, Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Standard By-laws for AIW-AFL-CIO Locals, March 1962

- Creator: Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Folder 7: Allied Industrial Workers (2)

- Item 1: AIW Education Conference, October 1960

- Creator: Region 8 District Council, AIW, AFL-CIO and University of Illinois ILIR
- Item 2: Allied Industrial Workers: Constitution of the International Union and laws governing Local Unions, October 12, 1959

- Creator: Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Allied Industrial Workers: Constitution of the International Union and laws governing Local Unions, September 1977

- Creator: Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 4: Labor Organization Annual Report, April 14, 1977

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Manual for Stewards and Committeemen: A Guide to Leadership, no date

- Creator: Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 6: AIW Directory, circa 1966

- Creator: Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Now, A Specially designed Mastercard for Union Members Only!, no date

- Item 8: Allied Industrial Workers Local 209 Fiftieth Anniversary Yearbook, 1987

- Creator: Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 9: Staley Strike subject folder, mid '90s

- Creator: Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Folder 8: Allied Industrial Workers -- Contracts

- Item 1: Contract between Wagner Castings Company and Local no. 728 International Union, Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, 1977-1980

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Wagner Castings Company
- Item 2: Contract between Wagner Castings Company and Local no. 728 International Union, Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, 1968-1971

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Wagner Castings Company
- Item 3: Agreement between Lebanon Chemical co. and Local 975 Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, December 16, 1975

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Lebanon Chemical Co.
- Item 4: Agreement between Lauhoff Grain Company and Local 972 Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, February 8, 1988

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Lauhoff Grain Co.
- Item 5: Agreement between Lauhoff Grain Company and Local 972 Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, September 11, 1963

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Lauhoff Grain Co.
- Item 6: Agreement between Lauhoff Grain Company and Local 972 Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, October 23, 1975

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Lauhoff Grain Co.
- Item 7: Agreement between Essex Wire Corp. of Fort Wayne and Local Union no. 184 of the Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, no date

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Essex Wire Corp.
- Item 8: Agreement between General Electric Company and Local no. 955 of the Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, 1970

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and General Electric Co.
- Item 9: Agreement between Aerosol Techniques, inc. Continental Div., and Local 356 Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, March 24, 1975

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Aerosol Techniques, inc.
- Item 10: Agreement between Aerosol Techniques, inc. Continental Div., and Local 356 Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, May 15, 1969

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Aerosol Techniques, inc.
- Item 11: Labor Agreement between Vickers Div. Sperry Rand Corp. Omaha Plants and AIW-AFL-CIO and its local no. 171, October 15, 1970 to September 24, 1973

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Sperry Rand Corp.
- Item 12: Labor, Pension and Insurance Agreements between York Div., Borg-Warner Corp. Decatur Works and Allied industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO Local 979, April 21, 1974 to April 21 1977

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Borg-Warner Corp.
- Item 13: Labor and Pension Agreements between Decatur Works, York Div., Borg-Warner Corp. and Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO Local 979, March 1971 to March 27, 1974

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Borg-Warner Corp.
- Item 14: Agreement between Circle Steel Corp. and Local Union no. 321 of the Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO, April 28, 1970

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Circle Steel Corp.
- Item 15: Agreement between Dana Corp. Universal Joint Div., Marion Plant and AIW-AFL-CIO Locla no. 113, January 21, 1968 to January 21, 1971

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Dana Corp.
- Item 16: Agreement between Spencer Kellogg and Sons, inc. Soybean Products Div. and Allied Industrial Workers of America local no. 876, June 9, 1958

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and Spencer Kellogg and Sons, inc.
- Item 17: Agreement between A.E. Staley Mfg. Co. and Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO local no. 837, October 1, 1974

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and A.E. Staley Mfg. co.
- Item 18: Agreement between A.E. Staley Mfg. Co. and Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO local no. 837, July 23, 1968

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and A.E. Staley Mfg. co.
- Item 19: Agreement between A.E. Staley Mfg. Co. and Allied Industrial Workers of America, AFL-CIO local no. 837, July 1, 1958

- Creator: AIW, AFL-CIO and A.E. Staley Mfg. co.
- Folder 9: Aluminium Workers

- Item 1: Agreement between Anaconda Aluminium Company and Aluminium Workers International Union AFL-CIO and Local no. 103, November 6, 1968 to February 1, 1972

- Creator: Aluminium Workers International Union, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Constitution and by-laws of the Aluminium Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, May 1963

- Creator: Aluminium Workers International Union, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Agreement negotiated with the Aluminium Company of America by the Aluminium Workers' Unions, and local unions of International Unions, of the American Federation of Labor, October 15, 1935

- Creator: Aluminium Workers International Union, AFL-CIO
- Item 4: Photograph, Resolution and Agreement from the Merger of the Aluminum Workers of America and the United Steelworkers of America, June, 1944

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 5: History of the Aluminum Industry and the Aluminum Workers of America, circa 1986

- Creator: Aluminum Workers of America
- Item 6: History Here at Home: Local 343, United Steelworkers of America, circa 1970

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 7: The Aluminum Workers-USWA Merger, no date

- Item 8: History of the Alcoa Aluminum Workers Union, June 1971

- Creator: Lamar Taylor, Local 309 United Steelworkers of America
- Item 9: Information on a Visit to New Kensington Area Aluminum Companies by US Navy Personnel, circa April 1945

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 10: Report to International Union, Aluminum Workers of America from Main And Company, Accountants and Auditors, April-July 1944

- Creator: Aluminum Workers of America
- Item 11: 1945 Union Election Posters, Early 1945

- Creator: AFL and CIO (against one another)
- Item 12: Folder containing photographs, reports, questionnaires, and notes on AWA operations

- Folder 10: American Association of University Professors (AAUP)

- Item 1: Fall 2000 Footnotes: The Governance Battles, Fall 2000

- Creator: AAUP
- Item 2: Nearing Retirement - End Moves to Check, February 7, 2000

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 3: Teaching + Technology = Tension, Fall 1999

- Creator: Footnotes
- Item 4: Academic Work: Redefining Teachers and Classrooms, Fall 1998

- Creator: Footnotes
- Item 5: It is time to act. Join with us in defending higher education, no date

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 6: AAUP Membership form, no date

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 7: Tenure Under Attack, Fall 1997

- Creator: Footnotes
- Item 8: Membership Issue: Illinois Acaceme, Fall 1997

- Creator: Illinois Academe
- Item 9: Invitation to attend Open Meeting: The Tenure Seminar Report, April 22, 1997

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 10: Membership letter, December 6, 1997

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 11: AAUP Conference form, Fall 1996

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 12: "The Fight for America's Future: A Teach-in with the Labor movement.", October 1996

- Creator: AFL-CIO and AAUP
- Item 13: Support for Higher Education in Illinois: Faculty Salary and Benefits Trends at UIUC, February 1, 1995

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 14: AAUP Announces Academic Freedom and Tenure investigation at Bennington College, no date

- Creator: AAUP
- Item 15: Faculty Participation in University Governance at UIUC: A Statement by the UIUC Chapter of the AAUP, September 1994

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 16: "Downsizing" and Faculty Governance, Fall 1994

- Creator: Footnotes
- Item 17: Statement on Collective Bargaining, September-October, 1993

- Creator: Academe
- Item 18: AAUP Statement on Collective Bargaining, May 1977

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 19: Statement on Collective Bargaining, Summer 1973

- Creator: AAUP
- Item 20: A Special Message from the president of the AAUP on Collective Bargaining Legislation and the University of Illinois, no date

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 21: Fiscal Crunch at the U of I., no date

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 22: Urbana-Champaign Chapter, University of Illinois, circa 1978

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 23: AAUP 1984 Election letter, April 2, 1984

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 24: Letter concerning motion to increase Illinois Conference AAUP dues., January 26, 1983

- Creator: Illinois Conference AAUP
- Item 25: Letter to Richard D. Wagner, Director, Illinois Board of Higher Education, March 20, 1982

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 26: Memo concerning Collective Bargaining Poll, no date

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 27: Letter concerning referendum sponsored by the UPE, April 3, 1979

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 28: Protecting Quality Education at the University of Illinois: State Appropriations needed in Fiscal 1979, circa 1978

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 29: In the matter of: State of New York, State University of New York (Empire State College) -and- United University Professions, inc. AFL-CIO Local 2190, April 8, 1977

- Creator: New York State Public Employment Relations Board
- Item 30: Reports, March 1985

- Creator: Rutgers Council of AAUP Chapters
- Item 31: What has the Illinois Conference AAUP done for you lately?, no date

- Creator: Illinois Conference AAUP
- Item 32: Letter concerning meeting on Monday, December 7, 1970, November 27, 1970

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 33: Letter concerning Chapter Activities for the coming year, September 28, 1970

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 34: First Membership Meeting for 1975-76, Vice Chancellor Morton W. Weir: Problems, Present and Future, Schedule of meetings for the rest of the year, November 1975

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 35: Various Matters relating to professional employees of the university, January 26, 1971

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 36: RESOLVED that the Urbana Chapter of the AAUP endorse the guidelines &c., no date

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 37: Membership Letter, February 1, 1971

- Item 38: AAUP Ilini Academe folder, late '70s to mid '90s

- Creator: AAUP UIUC Chapter
- Item 39: UIUC-AAUP endorses Thompsons's proposed income tax increase, April 1987

- Creator: The Examiner
- Item 40: May is the time of year to evaluate &c., May 1985

- Creator: The Examiner
- Item 41: Chapter Meeting: Academic Tenure Management, January-February 1984

- Creator: The Examiner
- Item 42: Chapter Meeting: Morton Weir will speak on the Academic Budgeting Process, September 1983

- Creator: The Examiner
- Item 43: Retrenchment: The AAUP View, May 1983

- Creator: The Examiner
- Item 44: Policy Committee Meetings, January-February 1983

- Creator: The Examiner
- Item 45: The Faculty Role in governance of the University: An Agenda, December 1982

- Creator: The Examiner
- Item 46: Funding the State Universities Retirement System, October 1982

- Creator: The Examiner
- Item 47: Examiner Back Issues, late '70s to early '80s

- Creator: The Examiner
- Item 48: Footnotes Back Issues, early '80s to early '90s

- Creator: Footnotes
- Item 49: "Get What You Bargain For" recruiting poster for AAUP, January 1978

- Creator: AAUP
- Box 4

- Folder 1: AAUP Contracts -- A-N

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining agreement by and between the administration of Adelphi University and Adelphi University Chapter, American Association of University Professors, September 1, 1973

- Creator: AAUP and Adelphi University
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining agreement between University of Cincinnati and AAUP, Univ. of Cincinnati Chapter, September 1, 1989

- Creator: AAUP and Univ. of Cincinnati
- Item 3: Agreement: This agreement made and entered into by and between Ashland College and the Ohio Conference, AAUP, no date

- Creator: Ashland College and AAUP Ohio Conference
- Item 4: Agreement between Bard College and the Bard College Chapter of the AAUP, circa 1970

- Creator: Bard College and AAUP
- Item 5: A Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of Trustees and Faculty of Belleville Area College, district no. 522-1973-1974, circa 1973

- Creator: Belleville Area College and AAUP
- Item 6: Collective Bargaining agreement by and between University of Bridgeport and University of Bridgeport chapter, AAUP, January 31, 1975

- Creator: University of Bridgeport and AAUP
- Item 7: Agreement between University of Cincinnati and AAUP, Univ. of Cincinnati Chapter, September 1, 1975

- Creator: AAUP and Univ. of Cincinnati
- Item 8: Collective Bargaining Agreement between University of Delaware and AAUP University of Delaware Chapter, May 17, 1974 and May 9, 1973 and unspecified date

- Creator: AAUP and Univ. of Delaware
- Item 9: Agreement made between Dowling College and the Dowling College Chapter of the AAUP, December 1973

- Creator: AAUP and Dowling College
- Item 10: Agreement between Eastern Michigan University and the Eastern Michigan Univ. chapter of the AAUP, December 1974

- Creator: Eastern Michigan Univ. and AAUP
- Item 11: Agreement between Fairleigh Dickinson University and Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Council of AAUP Chapters, September 1, 1974

- Creator: AAUP and Fairleigh Dickinson Univ.
- Item 12: Collective Bargaining Agreement by and between Hofstra University and the Hofstra University chapter of the AAUP, September 1, 1973

- Creator: AAUP and Hofstra Univ.
- Item 13: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Lincoln University of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education and Lincoln University Chapter of the AAUP, September 28, 1973

- Creator: Lincoln Univ. and AAUP
- Item 14: Agreement between the College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and the AAUP, June 8, 1973

- Creator: College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and AAUP
- Item 15: Agreement Between New York Institute of Technology and Council of Metropolitan and Old Westbury Chapters of the American Association of University Professors at the New York Institute of Technology, September 1, 1974

- Creator: New York Institute of Technology and AAUP
- Item 16: Memorandum of Agreement between New York Institute of Technology and Council of Metropolitan and Old Westbury Chapters, AAUP, December 16, 1971

- Creator: New York Institute of Technology and AAUP
- Item 17: Agreement between the Board of Trustees of Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan and The Oakland University Chapter of the AAUP, November 11, 1971

- Creator: AAUP and Oakland Univ.
- Folder 2: AAUP Contracts -- O-Z

- Item 1: Faculty Agreement 1971-1972 Oakland University, circa 1971

- Creator: AAUP and Oakland Univ.
- Item 2: Faculty Agreement 1972-1973 Oakland University, circa 1972

- Creator: AAUP and Oakland Univ.
- Item 3: The 1973-1974 Faculty Agreement, circa 1973

- Creator: AAUP and Oakland Univ.
- Item 4: Faculty Agreements 1974-1975 Oakland University, circa 1974

- Creator: AAUP and Oakland Univ.
- Item 5: Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Agreement 1971-1974, circa September 1, 1971

- Creator: AAUP and Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
- Item 6: Collective Bargaining Agreement 1973-1975 Between Regis College and the Regis College Chapter of the AAUP, circa 1973

- Creator: AAUP and Regis College
- Item 7: Agreement between Rhode Island Board of Regents and University of Rhode Island Chapter, AAUP, July 8, 1974

- Creator: Rhode Island Board of Regents and AAUP
- Item 8: Agreement 1974-1976 Between Rider College and the Rider College Chapter of the AAUP, September 1, 1974

- Creator: Rider College and AAUP
- Item 9: Agreement between Rutgers, The State University and Rutgers Council of the AAUP Chapters, July 1, 1972

- Creator: Rutgers Council of AAUP Chapters and Rutgers Univ.
- Item 10: Agreement between Rutgers, The State University and Rutgers Council of the AAUP Chapters, circa 1970

- Creator: Rutgers Council of AAUP Chapters and Rutgers Univ.
- Item 11: Agreement between Administration of St. John's University New York and the St. John's Chapter of the AAUP-Faculty Assoc. at St. John's Univ. 1972-1974, June 6, 1972

- Creator: St. John's Univ. and AAUP
- Item 12: Agreement between administration of St. John's University New York and the St. John's Chapter of the AAUP-Faculty Assoc. at St. John's Univ. 1970-1972, July 1, 1970

- Creator: St. John's Univ. and AAUP
- Item 13: Agreement between Temple University of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education and the AAUP Temple chapter, July 1, 1976

- Creator: AAUP and Temple Univ.
- Item 14: Agreement between Vermont State Colleges and Vermont State Colleges Faculty Federation, Local 3180, AFL-CIO, September 1, 1974

- Creator: Vermont State Colleges and AFL-CIO
- Item 15: Wagner College AAUP Contract, December 18, 1974

- Creator: Wagner College and AAUP
- Item 16: Agreement between Wayne State University and the Wayne State University Chapter of the AAUP, July 1, 1974

- Creator: Wayne State and AAUP
- Item 17: Agreement between Wayne State University and the Wayne State University Chapter of the AAUP, July 1, 1972

- Creator: Wayne State and AAUP
- Folder 3: American Federation of Labor (before merger)

- Item 1: George Meany and his job as president of the American Federation of Labor, May 25, 1954

- Creator: John W. Beckwith
- Item 2: Structural Organization of the American Federation of Labor, circa 1955

- Creator: AFL
- Item 3: Constitution of the American Federation of Labor as adopted at the sixty-ninth Convention hedl at Houston, Texas, September 1950

- Creator: AFL
- Item 4: List of Organizations affiliated with the AFL, 1935

- Creator: AFL
- Item 5: List of organizations affiliated with the AFL, 1919

- Creator: AFL
- Item 6: Constitution of the American Federation of Labor as adopted at the fifty-fourth annual convention held at San Francisco, California, October 1934

- Creator: AFL
- Item 7: Constitution of the American Federation of Labor as adopted at the 51st annual convention held at Vancouver, B.C. Canada, October 1931

- Creator: AFL
- Item 8: Constitution of the American Federation of Labor as adopted at the 49th Annual Convention held at Toronto, ont., Canada, October 1929

- Creator: AFL
- Item 9: American Federation of Labor membership book and working card, no date

- Creator: AFL
- Item 10: Plan for settling jurisdictional disputes nationally and locally, October 1, 1949

- Creator: AFL
- Item 11: A.F. of L. News Budget, October 1924

- Creator: AFL
- Item 12: Reports of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor to the Conventions, 1951-1955

- Creator: AFL
- Item 13: Summary of provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act, circa 1947

- Creator: AFL
- Item 14: Wage Negotiations in Wartime: President's Wage Stabilization Order of October 3, 1942, circa 1942

- Creator: AFL
- Item 15: Unfair Practices of Employers, unfair practices of employees, and the Union Shop, circa 1947

- Creator: AFL
- Item 16: Suggested Clauses for Collective Bargaining Contracts, circa 1947

- Creator: AFL
- Item 17: The A.F. of L. fights Bigotry!, circa 1946

- Creator: Jewish Labor Committee
- Item 18: A reading list of the American Federation of Labor, 1923

- Creator: Workers Education Bureau of America
- Item 19: Legislative Achievements of American Federation of Labor, January 1, 1952

- Creator: AFL
- Item 20: How We Have Served, circa 1953

- Creator: AFL
- Item 21: AFL vs. CIO: The Record, November 20, 1939

- Creator: AFL
- Item 22: The Right to Work, 1931

- Creator: AFL
- Item 23: Industrial Unionism in its relation to Trade Unionism, 1912

- Creator: AFL
- Item 24: A Great American Institution, 1937

- Creator: AFL
- Item 25: Congress, Labor and the Election, December 15, 1938

- Creator: AFL
- Item 26: Fifty Years of Service, 1931

- Creator: AFL
- Item 27: President Green Sounds Warning Against Continued Existence of Committee for Industrial Organization, no date

- Creator: AFL
- Item 28: AF of L Reccomendations Compared with State Provisions in Unemployment Insurance, no date

- Creator: AFL
- Item 29: The Great Tax Fraud, circa 1952

- Creator: AFL
- Item 30: Conference of International Officers, American Federation of Labor for the purpose of discussing proposed merger and constitution for merged federation, August 12, 1955

- Creator: AFL
- Item 31: American Federation of Labor: a brief sketch, circa 1950

- Creator: AFL
- Item 32: Samuel Gompers' Creed, 1934

- Creator: AFL
- Item 33: 1945 an Epochal Year, January 1946

- Creator: AFL
- Item 34: Conference of Representatives of National and International Unions affiliated with the American Federatin of Labor, May 1937

- Creator: AFL
- Item 35: Trade Unions: Their origin and objects, influence and efficacy with an appendix showing the history and aims of the American Federation of Labor, 1928

- Creator: AFL
- Item 36: The American Federation of Labor: A Discussion outline for Trade Union Groups, September 1935

- Creator: AFL
- Item 37: International Bulletin I: The United Nations Charter, circa 1946

- Creator: AFL
- Item 38: International Bulletin II: The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 1946

- Creator: AFL
- Item 39: Labor's Charter of Rights, April 1935

- Creator: AFL
- Item 40: Constitution of International Union: United Steelworkers of America, September 3, 1992

- Creator: AFL
- Folder 4: AFL Federal Unions

- Item 1: Agreement between Western Cartridge Company and American Federation of labor and Affiliated Organizations, August 28, 1944

- Creator: AFL and Western Cartridge Company
- Item 2: Rules governing directly affiliated local unions issued by the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, February 14, 1956

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Agreement between the Aluminium Company of America and Aluminium Workers Unions no.s 18789, 19256, 23336, and 23120 affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, May 20, 1945

- Creator: AFL and Aluminium Company of America
- Item 4: Union Agreement between Victor Casket Hardware Company and Federal Labor Union no. 23410, September 1, 1949 to September 1, 1950

- Creator: AFL and Victor Casket Hardware Company
- Item 5: Contract between Moline Iron Works and Federal Labor Union no. 22737 affiliated with AFL, April 30, 1946

- Creator: AFL and Moline Iron Works
- Item 6: Agreement between Seeger Refirgerator Company and Refrigerator Workers' Union local no. 20459 affiliated with the AFL, October 15, 1951

- Creator: AFL and Seeger Refrigerator Company
- Item 7: Agreement between Indiana General Division Electro-mechanical products and United Motor workers Federal Labor Union no.23158 AFL-CIO, October 14, 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Electro-Mechanical Products
- Item 8: Agreement between Federal Labor Union no. 23923 affiliated with the AFL and the Elgin Metal Casket Co., April 26, 1946

- Creator: AFL and Elgin Metal Casket Co.
- Item 9: Agreement: Roofing and Veneer Products Workers Local no. 22341, October 21, 1941

- Creator: AFL and Ford Roofing Products Company
- Item 10: Agreement and Scale of Wages between Pen and pencil Workers Union no. 19593 and the Parker Pen Company, no date

- Creator: &c.
- Item 11: Agreement between Abigdon Potteries, inc. and the Federal labor Union no.24554 AFL, circa 1950

- Creator: &c.
- Item 12: Agreement between Ford Roofing Products and Roofing and Veneer Products Workes Union Local 22341 AFL, October 21, 1945

- Creator: &c.
- Item 13: Agreement between Federal Labor Union no. 23794 and Gale Products (a division of Outboard Marine and Manufacturing Company), 1948

- Creator: &c.
- Item 14: Working Agreement: General Chemical Company Calumet Works and Chemical Workers Union Local 20430 AFL, August 10, 1944

- Creator: &c.
- Item 15: Union Contract between Hourly Workers' Unit, Chemical and Biological Workers Union Local 23141, AFL and Lederle Laboratories, inc., October 1, 1943

- Creator: &c.
- Item 16: Agreement between Lehon Company and Federal Labor Union Local no. 21206, circa 1946

- Creator: &c.
- Item 17: Agreement between Ford Roofing Products and Roofing and Veneer Products Workes Union Local 22341 AFL, October 21, 1945

- Creator: &c.
- Item 18: In the matter of arbitration between Geuder, Paeschke & Frey Co. and Fabricated Metal Workers Union no. 19340, January 31, 1948

- Creator: &c.
- Item 19: Grain Processors Council, AFL folder, 1940s

- Creator: American Federation of Grain Processors and General Foods Corporation
- Item 20: Working Agreement between Phillips Petroleum Company and Federal Labor Union no. 18980, March 16, 1946

- Creator: AFL and Phillips Petroleum Products
- Item 21: A Brief Explanation of Federal Labor Unions, July 1952

- Creator: AFL
- Item 22: Agreement between Valley Steel Products Co. and Fabricated Metal and Enamelware Workers Federal Labor Union no. 22199, August 24, 1946

- Creator: &c.
- Box 5

- Folder 1: AFL-CIO

- Item 1: Political Power Its in YOUR hands: A program for Trade Union Retirees, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: George Meany Memorial Archives, circa 1983

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: American Labor Counts!, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: The Union Difference: Fast facts on Union Membership and Pay 1998, 1998

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: American Works Better When Workers Have a Voice, mid '90s

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: AFL-CIO Employees' Contract Promotes education, July 16, 1998

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: The AFL-CIO and Civil Rights, October 1987

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: Working Women Working Together, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: Working Women Working Together Activist Guide, 1998

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: Faculty @ Work: Inspiring Activism and supporting working families, 1998

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 11: Make a Difference! Become an organizer for today's unions, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 12: Answers to common questions about Union Summer, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 13: Voice @ Work: Freedom to choose a Union, 1999

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 14: Lookout Below! Union-busting tactics, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 15: Rules Governing AFL-CIO Local Central Bodies, February 26, 1973

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 16: Collective Bargaining: Democracy on the Job, March 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 17: The Changing Situation of Workers and their Unions, February 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 18: The Future of Work, August 1983

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 19: AFL-CIO Collective Bargaining Report, June 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 20: AFL-CIO No Raiding Pact, September 1953

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 21: AFL-CIO Manual for Federal Employees, 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 22: AFL-CIO Manual for Shop Stewards, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 23: Energy: A Modern Crisis, February 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 24: Financing the Schools: An AFL-CIO Overview, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 25: Labor and the Bicentennial: Unions in America, 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 26: Why Unions?, September 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 27: What are Unions?, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 28: Teaching High School Students about Labor Unions, 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 29: Disaffiliation of the UAW, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 30: What is the Union?, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 31: Labor's Views on Selective Service, 1968

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 32: This is the AFL-CIO, January 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 33: Labor's Role in a Free Society, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 34: Structural Organization of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 35: AFL-CIO Advertising Section from the NY Times, November 17, 1963

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 36: AFL-CIO Advertising Section from the NY Times, May 8, 1960

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 37: The Many-sided Mr. Meany, March 1970

- Creator: John Corry
- Item 38: Evaluation of possibilities bearing upon AFL-CIO Merger, circa 1955

- Item 39: AFL-CIO Minority Workers folder

- Item 40: AFL-CIO guidelines on a renewed commitment to America's Displaced workers, May 4, 1993

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 41: AFL-CIO Guidelines on skill training and school-to-work rtansition in the 1990s and beyond, May 4, 1993

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 42: A report on National training Policy to the AFL-CIO Executive Council, May 1993

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 43: Fair Pay for Women: Unions making the vision a reality, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO and other labor groups
- Item 44: AFL-CIO Handbook for Central Labor Councils, circa 1989

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 45: Philip Taft: Historian Of American Labor 1902-1976, December 17, 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 2: AFL-CIO Constitution and Procedures

- Item 1: National Conference 2000, circa 2000

- Creator: Working for America Journal
- Item 2: Keynote AFL-CIO President Tom Donahue AFL-CIO Convention, NY City, October 23, 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Summary Analysis of Constitution of proposed AFL-CIO Merger, September 19, 1955

- Creator: National Assoc. of Manufacturers
- Item 4: Constitution as agreed upon by the Joint AFL-CIO Unity Committee, 1955

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Constitution of the American Federation of Labor and Contress of Industrial Organizations, October 1955

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: AFL-CIO Constitution, 1987

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: AFL-CIO Constitution, 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: AFL-CIO Constitution, 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: AFL-CIO Constitution, 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: AFL-CIO Constitution, 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 11: AFL-CIO Constitution, 1955

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 12: Constitution of the AFL-CIO and other official documents relating to the achievement of Labor Unity, January 1956

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 13: Resolutions numbers 1 to 166, 1967

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 14: Resolutions Committee report no. 1 to the Second Constitutional Convention, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 15: Resolutions Committee report no. 2 to the second constitutional convention, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 16: Resolutions Committee report no. 3 to the Second Constitutional Convention, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 17: Supplementary Material: "Highlights of the AFL-CIO Convention", December 1957

- Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Center, Michigan State Univ.
- Folder 3: AFL-CIO on the Economy

- Item 1: Memorandum concerning the Boskin Commission Report, December 16, 1966

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Economics Education for Working Families, August 1996

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Balanced Budget Amendment: Bad deal for America There's a better way, February 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: The Madness called a Federal Budget, March 1981

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: The Pocketbook Issues: AFL-CIO policy recommendations for 1992, November 1991

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: The Pocketbook Issues: AFL-CIO policy recommendations for 1990, November 1989

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: The Economy: Domestic Issues, Employment and training, trade: AFL-CIO Policy Reccomendations for 1988, October 1987

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: The National Economy 1981: Background and policy recommendations for 1982, November 1981

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: The National Economy 1977, December 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: The Natinal Economy 1975, October 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 11: The National Economy 1973, October 1973

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 12: The National Economy 1969, October 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 13: Labor Looks at the Nation's Economy: 1963, November 1963

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 14: Labor Looks at the National Economy, September 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 15: Policies for Economic Growth, February 9, 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 16: Revenue Sharing: Passing the Buck, November 1970

- Creator: American Federationist
- Item 17: The Merger's Impact on the Community, June 1971

- Creator: American Federationist
- Item 18: The Fast Write-off Tax Gimmick, June 1971

- Creator: American Federationist
- Item 19: Public Investment: America's New Frontier, March 1971

- Creator: American Federationist
- Item 20: An Action Program to Put America Back to Work, Jan 23, 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 21: Get America Back to Work: An AFL-CIO Program for Action, circa 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 22: The Export of American Jobs: An AFL-CIO Analysis, May 19, 1970

- Creator: Statement before the House Committee on Ways and Means
- Item 23: The Jobs Deficit, April 26, 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 24: Meany on Controls, April 20, 1972

- Creator: Based on testimony by George Meany before the Congressional Joint Economic Committee
- Item 25: Immediate Measures needed to Reverse the Downturn, January 5, 1961

- Creator: AFL-CIO Economic Policy Committee
- Item 26: Long-range program required for sustained and balanced economic growth, January 5, 1961

- Creator: AFL-CIO Economic Policy Committee
- Item 27: Reaganomics: The Second Dose, February 1982

- Creator: American Federationist
- Item 28: The Reagan Budget and Gramm-Rudman-Hollings: Twin Threats to Meeting America's Needs, February 1986

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 29: Jobs: The Agenda for Recovery, January 8, 1983

- Creator: American FEderationist
- Item 30: Reagan's Unbalanced Budget, February 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 31: Unemployment still a key issue, April 21, 1984

- Creator: American Federationist
- Folder 4: AFL-CIO on Foreign Policy

- Item 1: The AFL-CIO Abroad, August 1987

- Creator: Labor Perspectives on the World
- Item 2: The AFL-CIO's Foreign Policy, August 1987

- Creator: Labor Perspectives on the World
- Item 3: Taming the Economic Jungle: A World Safe for Human Values, October 1990

- Creator: Labor Perspectives on the World
- Item 4: Solzhenitsyn: The Voice of Freedom, 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: For World Peace and Freedom, April 1960

- Creator: AFL-CIO Conference on World Affairs
- Item 6: Noticiero Obrero Norteamericano, October 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Nordamerikanische Arbeiter Nachrichten, October 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: Menschenrechte in Vietnam, September 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 5: AFL-CIO on Trade

- Item 1: Time to Choose: Good Jobs and Strong Communities or NAFTA times 10?, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: NAFTAmath, August 1994

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: A Program to Build America's Jobs in the Seventies, May 17, 1973

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: The National Economy and Trade: AFL-CIO Policy Recommendations for 1986, October 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: A Trade Policy for America: an AFL-CIO Program, May 18, 1971

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: A Modern Trade Policy for the Seventies, October 26, 1972

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Why More Trade?, circa 1960

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: An Analysis of the Kennedy Trade Program, circa 1960

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: Statement by the AFL-CIO Executive Council on Fair Labor Standards in International Trade, February 24, 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 6: AFL-CIO on Health Care

- Item 1: Union file, no date

- Item 2: Health Care for All Americans Act, 1979

- Creator: Committee for National Health Insurance
- Item 3: Health Care With Dignity: an appeal to Congress, July 27, 1961

- Creator: Statement by AFL-CIO president George Meany before the House Ways and Means committee
- Item 4: Catastrophic Insurance: Blessing or Disguise?, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Health Security: Best Buy for Union Members, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: A Complete National Health Plan, no date

- Creator: Committee for National Health Insurance
- Item 7: National Health Insurance: Labor's No. 1 Goal, September 7, 1970

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: Only Health Security: Understanding YOUR plan for National Health Insurance vs. President Nixon's Plan or the Mills-Kennedy Bill, April 24, 1974

- Creator: Committee for National Health Insurance
- Item 9: Q&A on Health Security, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: Health Care for All Americans Act of 1979: Preliminary Plan, 1979

- Item 11: Health Security, 1975

- Creator: Committee for National Health Insurance
- Item 12: AFL-CIO Reviews the Issues: Trashing the CPI (Consumer Price Index), June 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 13: Strategy Session: National Health Security, December 1972

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 7: AFL-CIO Executive Council Statements

- Item 1: Statement by the AFL-CIO Executive Council on Company Unions, February 22, 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Chicago, August 1-2 1995, August 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Statement Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council on Full Participation in the labor Movement, Washington DC, September 21, 1995, September 21, 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: Statements Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Washington DC, August 9-10 1994, August 1994

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Statements Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Bal Harbour, Florida, February 21-24 1994, February 1994

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: Statements Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Chicago, Illinois, August 3-4 1993, August 1993

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Statements Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Washington DC, May 4, 1993, May 4, 1993

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: statements Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Bal Harbour, Florida, February 15-18 1993, February 1993

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive council, Chicago, Illinois, August 4-5, 1992, August 1992

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Washington DC, May 5-6 1992, May 1992

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 11: Statements Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Bel Harbour, Florida, February 18-22, 1991

- Item 12: Statements Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Bel Harbour, Florida, February 20-24, 1989, February 1989

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 13: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive council, Washington DC, May 16-17, 1988, May 1988

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 14: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Bel Harbour, Florida, February 15-19 1988, February 1988

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 15: Statements Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Washington DC, August 17-19, 1987, August 1987

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 16: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Washington DC, May 5-6, 1987, May 1987

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 17: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, New York, October 26, 1995, October 26, 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 18: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Washington DC, May 9-10, 1995, May 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 19: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Bel Harbour, Florida, February 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 20: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 21: Statements Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Washington DC, May 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 22: Statements Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Bel Harbour, Florida, February 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 23: Statenents adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Denver, Colorado, August 1984

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 24: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Piney Point, Maryland, May 1984

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 25: Statements and Reports adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Bal Harbour, Florida, February 1984

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 26: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Boston, Massachusetts, August 1983

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 27: Statements and Reports Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Linthicum Heights, Maryland, May 1983

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 28: Statements and Reports adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Bal Harbour, Florida, February 1983

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 29: Statements adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council, Chicago, Illinois, July 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 30: Union Policy Statement: AFL-CIO Draft Resolution on part-time work, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 31: The New Nixon Game Plan, August 19, 1971

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 32: Statement by the AFL-CIO Executive Council on Universal Voter Registration Law, February 23, 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 33: Statement by the AFL-CIO Executive Council on the National Economy, February 24, 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 34: Statement by the AFL-CIO Executive Council on Tax Justice, February 24, 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 35: Statement by the AFL-CIO Executive Council on International Trade and Investment, February 24, 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 36: Statement by the AFL-CIO Executive Council on Education, February 24, 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 37: Statement by the AFL-CIO Executive Council on Energy, February 25, 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 8: Health Care Reform Training Program Manual, 1994

- Creator: AFL-CIO Health Care Task Force
- Folder 9: African American Labor Center

- Item 1: South Africa Newsletter: AFL-CIO protests South African Jail Death, February 1982

- Item 2: African American Labor Center, no date

- Creator: AALC
- Item 3: African-American Labor Center, 1965-1970, October 1970

- Creator: AALC
- Item 4: A Brochure about the Institute of Tailoring and Cutting, Kenya, October 1970

- Creator: AALC
- Item 5: AALC 1965-1973, circa 1973

- Creator: AALC
- Item 6: African Trade Unionists Participate in Election Study Tour, December 1992

- Creator: AALC
- Folder 10: American Institute for Free Labor Development

- Item 1: Social Action Projects for Free Trade Unions in Latin America, no date

- Creator: AIFLD
- Item 2: Labor's New Weapon for Democracy, 1966

- Creator: Reader's Digest
- Item 3: Annual Progress Report, circa 1980

- Creator: AIFLD
- Item 4: Annual Progress Report, circa 1975

- Creator: AIFLD
- Item 5: List of AIFLD Board of Directors, no date

- Creator: AIFLD
- Item 6: Three Men: Three Speeches. Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, Samual F. Pryor Jr., and Amb. Celso Pastor call for support of the American Institute for Free Labor Development, no date

- Creator: AIFLD
- Item 7: Social Projects Dept., AIFLD, no date

- Creator: AIFLD
- Item 8: Conference the Story of the 1965/66 Social Project Planning of the AIFLD, circa 1966

- Creator: AIFLD
- Item 9: Goal: A Better Manana. Democratic Labor Schools for the Americas, circa 1965

- Creator: AIFLD
- Item 10: The Latin Labor Leader: Democratic and Dedicated, April 1964

- Creator: AFL-CIO American Federationist
- Item 11: The American Institute for Free Labor Development: Buttressing Democracy in the Americas with Strong, Free Trade Unions, no date

- Creator: AIFLD
- Item 12: Labor and "Dtente", October 1, 1974

- Creator: Testimony by AFL-CIO President George Meany before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Item 13: AIFLD 1962-1972: A Decade of Worker to Worker Cooperation, circa 1972

- Creator: AIFLD
- Item 14: AIFLD: A Union to Union Program for the Americas, circa 1972

- Creator: AIFLD
- Item 15: AIFLD Action Bulletin: Nicaragua: Funds Needed for L Prensa Workers Aid Fund, August 13, 1986

- Creator: AIFLD
- Folder 11: Asian-Pacific American Labor Alliance

- Item 1: News Memo "Perspective" announcing the founding of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, May 14, 1992

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 2: Call to the Founding Confention of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, January 24, 1992

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Box 6

- Folder 1: AFL-CIO on Labor Law

- Item 1: An urgent message to our US Senators and Representatives: HONOR AMERICA'S WORKERS (advertisement), October 9, 2001

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: No Permanent Replacements, no date

- Creator: Committee for Workplace Fairness
- Item 3: The Truth about "Right to Work" laws, January 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: The Truth about "Right to Work" laws, March 1984

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: RTW 14(b) Anything but, June 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: An Important Law of this Land is being broken every day by hundreds of "Respectable" citizens. Would you like to know more/, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Union Security: The Case against the Compulsory Open Shop, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: The Workers' Law: Make it work, make it fair, March 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: Sample Speeches on Labor Law Reform, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: Speakers Handbook on Labor Law Reform, circa 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO Task force on labor law reform
- Item 11: Memorandum concerning the Labor Law Reform Bill, February 2, 1978

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 12: Letter from the director of the labor law reform task force concerning the labor law reform act, April 10, 1978

- Creator: AFL-CIO Task force on labor law reform
- Folder 2: AFL-CIO Testimony

- Item 1: Kirkland Interview, no date

- Item 2: Statement of AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland, January 11, 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Summary of the statement of Dr. Rudolph Oswald, Director, Dept. of Economic Research, AFL-CIO, before the Subcommittee on Trade, Senate Committee on Finance, on the automobile industry, January 14, 1981

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Congress
- Item 4: Summary of principle points, statement of Sol C. Chaikin, VP, AFL-CIO and president, International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, before the Subcommittee on Savings, Pensions and Investment Policy of the Senate Committee on Finance on the Enterprise Zone, April 21, 1982

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Transcript of President George Meany's press conference, February 22, 1973

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: Transcript of President George Meany's press conference, August 2, 1973

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Statement of Dr. Rudolph Oswald, Director of Economic Research, AFL-CIO to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs on current economic conditions and unemployment, January 8, 1981

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: Testimony by George Meany, president, AFL-CIO before the Subcommittee on Labor of the Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee, March 4, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: Statement by George Meany before the Housing Subcommittee of the Senate Banking and Currency Committee on the President's Message vetoing the House bill, July 28, 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: Statement of George Meany before the Senate Budget Committee, September 24, 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 11: Statement of George Meany before the subcommittee on Economic Development of the House Committee on Public Works and Transportation on emergency local public works capital development and investment act of 1975, April 22, 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 12: Testimony of Andrew J. Biemiller, Director, Department of Legislation, AFL-CIO, before the House Committee on Ways and Means on proposals to tax windfall profits, February 7, 1974

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 13: Statement of Andrew J. Biemiller, Director, Dept. of Legislation, AFL-CIO, before the subcommittee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs on the role of the export-import bank and export controls in the United States International Economic Policy, April 10, 1974

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 14: Testimony of Andrew J. Biemiller, Director, Dept. of Legislation, AFL-CIO, before the House Budget Committee on the third concurrent budget resolution, January 25, 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 3: Labor's Key Role in Workplace Training, September 1994

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 4: Americans' Views on Key National Issues, January 1998

- Creator: Peter D. Hart Research Associates
- Folder 5: AFL-CIO Periodicals, 1956

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 6: AFL-CIO Periodicals, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 7: AFL-CIO Periodicals, 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 8: AFL-CIO Periodicals, 1961

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 9: AFL-CIO "Stand Up" folder

- Folder 10: Building and Construction Trades Dept., AFL-CIO

- Item 1: Report of the Proceedings of the Forty-third annual convention of the Building and Construction Trades Dept., aFL, September 1950

- Creator: AFL and Building and Const. Trades Dept.
- Item 2: Organizer's Handbook, 1986

- Creator: AFL and Building and Const. Trades Dept.
- Item 3: Plan for settling jurisdictional disputes nationally and locally, July 11, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Building and Const. Trades Dept.
- Item 4: Constitution of the Building and Construction Trades Dept., AFL-CIO, February 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Building and Const. Trades Dept.
- Item 5: Safety and Construction Trades Maual for Building and Construction Trades Councils, circa 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Building and Const. Trades Dept.
- Item 6: Construction Safety and Health Training and Educational Programs, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Building and Const. Trades Dept.
- Item 7: Congressional Voting Record 94th Congress, circa 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Building and Const. Trades Dept.
- Item 8: Building Trades' Georgine: Union Activist with an open mind, September 18, 1975

- Item 9: Profile of the Construction Industry - 1976, circa 1977

- Item 10: Georgine Charges Opponenets to Situs Picketing Bill are motivated primarily by chance to destroy labor, March 1, 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Building and Const. Trades Dept.
- Item 11: Public Opinion Poll shows support of equal treatment by almost two-to-one, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO and Building and Const. Trades Dept.
- Item 12: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept. prepares "profile" of construction industry as basis for discussions at National conference in Washington, February 16, 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.
- Item 13: On this Labor Day in 1980, Union Members should consider how much organized labor has done for all workers, Fall 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 14: Georgine endorses congressional action on breeder reactor funds, circa 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.
- Item 15: Fact Sheet on National Jobs Conference, April 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.
- Item 16: Voting Records of members of 94th Congress on issues of importance to building trades distributed by thousands throughout nation, October 8, 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.
- Item 17: 1976 National Jobs Conference of the Building and Construction Trades Dept., AFL-CIO, April 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.
- Item 18: 1976 National Jobs Conference Resolutions, April 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.
- Item 19: 1975 National Jobs Conference, April 21, 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.
- Item 20: Resolutions presented to the National Jobs Conference 1975, April 21, 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.
- Item 21: Our First 50 Years, 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.
- Item 22: There's a Rat at the Marriott!!, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.
- Item 23: Building and Construction Trades Impact folder

- Item 24: Center to Protect Workers' Rights folder

- Folder 11: AFL Labor Studies Center binder

- Item 1: Building Trades Business Agents Institute, November 12-16, 1973

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 12: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept. Builders 1989-

- Folder 13: AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept. Builders 1979-1988

- Box 7

- Folder 1: AFL-CIO Community Services

- Item 1: "Helping America" newsletters, May 1990, June 1990, July 1990, February 1991

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: George Meany obituary, January 11, 1980

- Creator: The Community
- Item 3: "The Community" newsletters, July 1978 to November 1979

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: press release of radio broadcast concerning community service by unions, September 9, 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO Community Services
- Item 5: Selected community service activities from twenty communities, May 1953

- Creator: National CIO Community Services Committee
- Item 6: Foundations of the AFL-CIO Community Services Program, January 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO Community Services
- Item 7: What every worker should know about Alcoholism, April 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO Community Services
- Item 8: The Aging and the Community, circa 1963

- Creator: AFL-CIO Community Services
- Item 9: Strike Assistance, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: Voluntary Giving for Community Health and Welfare Services, May 1964

- Creator: AFL-CIO Community Services
- Item 11: "The Shorter Work Week and The Constructive Use of Free Time", April 1963

- Creator: AFL-CIO Community Services
- Item 12: Public Assistance and the Community, May 1962

- Creator: AFL-CIO National Conference on Community Service
- Item 13: Community Leadership through Community Service, May 1961

- Creator: AFL-CIO National Conference on Community Service
- Item 14: Proceedings of the fifth annual AFL-CIO National Conference on Community Services, May 1960

- Creator: AFL-CIO Community Services
- Item 15: Citizens, First, 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO National Conference on Community Service
- Item 16: AFL-CIO Community Services Danville folder

- Item 17: For Our Neighbors for Our Families, American Red Cross and Labor, Making a Difference Every Day, May 1999

- Creator: AFL-CIO and American Red Cross
- Item 18: When Disaster Strikes Unions are there to Help, July 1999

- Creator: AFL-CIO and American Red Cross
- Folder 2: AFL-CIO Department of Economic Research

- Item 1: America Needs a Raise, February 1996

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research
- Item 2: The Trade Picture: Year End 1995, April 1996

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public policy dept.
- Item 3: If you earn the minimum wage, and you want a raise, call 1-800-786-4975, circa 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research
- Item 4: Slash and Burn: 1996 Republican Budget Resolution, May 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research
- Item 5: The Trade Picture: Year End 1990, April 1991

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research
- Item 6: The Trade Picture: Year End 1989, April 1990

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research
- Item 7: Recession 1991, February 1991

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research
- Item 8: Multinational Corporations: An Analysis, August 1989

- Creator: AFL-CIO Economic Research Dept.
- Item 9: American Workers in the 1990s: Who we are, how our jobs will change, March 1990

- Creator: AFL-CIO Economic Research Dept.
- Item 10: The Federal Budget, A Labor Perspective: Up with Fairness, Down with Deficits, August 1990

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research
- Item 11: The Inflation Picture mid-1980, August 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research
- Item 12: The Recession of 1980, August 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research
- Item 13: Labor Looks at Automation, July 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research
- Item 14: Inflation 1978. What's Happening to: prices, interest rates, profits, productivity, wages, income, distribution, October 30, 1978

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research
- Folder 3: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research: "AFL-CIO Reviews the Issues"

- Item 1: "AFL-CIO Reviews the Issues", March 1987 to January 1996

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Economic Research
- Folder 4: AFL-CIO Department of Education

- Item 1: Connors Heads new AFL-CIO Education Department, January 1956

- Creator: AFL-CIO Education News and Views
- Item 2: AFL-CIO Songbooks, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO Education Dept.
- Item 3: A Teaching Guide for AFL-CIO Stewards, January 1979

- Creator: AFL-CIO Education Dept.
- Item 4: Leadership Training Manual, circa 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO Education Department
- Item 5: Group Processes and Communications in Unions, December 1973

- Creator: AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center
- Item 6: Annual AFL-CIO Education Conference 1978, March 1978

- Creator: AFL-CIO Education Dept.
- Item 7: Summary of Proceedings, 1976 Annual AFL-CIO Education Conference, March 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Education
- Item 8: Conference Report of the 1972 Annual AFL-CIO Labor Education Conference, February 1973

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Education
- Item 9: 1972 Annual AFL-CIO Education Conference, December 1972

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 5: AFL-CIO Education Update

- Item 1: "Education Update" newsletters, December 1978 to March 1996

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Education
- Folder 6: AFL-CIO Department of Employee Benefits

- Item 1: Pension-net Conference, January 1992

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Employee Benefits
- Folder 7: AFL-CIO Committee on Ethical Practices

- Item 1: AFL-CIO Codes of Ethical Practices, June 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: The Role of the AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Committee, no date

- Creator: International Association of Machinists
- Item 3: Report of the AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Committee to the AFL-CIO Executive Council regarding the United Textile Workers of America, September 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Committee
- Item 4: Report of the Ethical Practices Committee to the AFL-CIO Executive Council regarding the Bakery and Confectionery Workers International Union of America, September 16, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Committee
- Item 5: Report of the Ethical Practices Committee to the AFL-CIO Executive Council regarding the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, September 16, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Committee
- Item 6: Opening Statement of Chairman Hayes at the May 6th 1957 Hearing of the AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Committee, May 6, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Committee
- Item 7: Staff Report for the Committee on Ethical Practices concerning the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, AFL-CIO, May 6, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Committee
- Item 8: Letter from George Meany to Dave Beck, president of International Brotherhood of Teamsters, May 9, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Committee
- Item 9: Code of Ethical Practices with respect to Financial Practices of Unions, May 22, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Committee
- Folder 8: How to Win: A Handbook for Political Education

- Folder 9: Government Employees Council, AFL-CIO

- Item 1: AFGE: Lending a Hand, January/February 1995

- Creator: Government Standard
- Item 2: Government Employees Council of the AFL-CIO, circa 1963

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 10: AFL-CIO Food and Allied Service Trades Dept.

- Item 1: Letter from Food & Allie Service Trades dept. to ILIR, July 27, 1984

- Creator: Food and Allied Service Trades dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 2: F.A.S.T. Dept. order form (for books, reports, etc.), no date

- Creator: Food and Allied Service Trades dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Fast Checkmate: Comprehensive Organizing Program, no date

- Creator: Food and Allied Service Trades dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 4: Manual of Corporate Investigation, circa 1981

- Creator: AFL-CIO Food and Beverage Trades Dept.
- Item 5: Business Leaders Called on to help curb use of "lie-detector", March 27, 1979

- Creator: AFL-CIO Food and Beverage Trades Dept.
- Item 6: Broadcasters Challenged on Conflict of Interest, March 23, 1979

- Creator: AFL-CIO Food and Beverage Trades Dept.
- Item 7: F&B Topics: Convention Special Issue, winter 1979

- Creator: AFL-CIO Food and Beverage Trades Dept.
- Item 8: F&B Topics FBTD Special Report: Safety and Health on the job, Summer 1979

- Creator: AFL-CIO Food and Beverage Trades Dept.
- Item 9: F&B Topics: The Truth About Lie Detectors, August 1979

- Creator: AFL-CIO Food and Beverage Trades Dept.
- Item 10: F&B Topics: Worker and Consumer Rights at Winn-Dixie Stockholders Meeting Rejected, Fall 1979

- Creator: AFL-CIO Food and Beverage Trades Dept.
- Item 11: F&B Topics FBTD Special Report: The First Two Years, circa 1978

- Creator: AFL-CIO Food and Beverage Trades Dept.
- Item 12: F&B Topics FBTD Councils: A Force for Organizing, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO Food and Beverage Trades Dept.
- Item 13: F&B Topics early issues, circa 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO Food and Beverage Trades Dept.
- Folder 11: AFL-CIO Human Resources Development Institute

- Item 1: Human Resources Development Institute: Manpower Arm of the AFL-CIO, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO HRDI
- Item 2: "What's Happening" newsletter, fall 1971

- Creator: AFL-CIO HRDI
- Item 3: Welfare-to-Work Grants: A guide for Organized Labor, April 1998

- Creator: AFL-CIO HRDI
- Box 8

- Folder 1: AFL-CIO Industrial Union Department

- Item 1: The Polarization of America: The loss of good jobs, falling incomes and rising inequality, 1986

- Creator: AFL-CIO Industrial Union Dept.
- Item 2: IUD Save Our Jobs Rally: Summary Fact Sheet of Foreign Trade and Investment Act of 1972, October 4, 1971

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 3: OSHA: Labor's political Litmus Test, circa 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 4: Agenda for Tomorrow: Report to the Industrial Union Dept., afl-cio, 1965

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 5: Union Shop and the Public Welfare, May 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 6: Proceedings: Second Constitutional Confention, Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO, October 31st to December 1st, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 7: What everyone should know about Government spending and Full Employment, 1963

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 8: Samples of Reports available from the IUD data center, no date

- Creator: IUD Data Center
- Item 9: The Developing Crisis in International Trade, 1970

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 10: Almost 1,000,000 Jobless! Pass the Burke-Hartke Bill NOW!, circa 1972

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 11: The Developing Crisis in International Trade pamphlet, March 19, 1970

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 12: By Intelligence and By Faith, December 3, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 13: A Guidebook for Union Organizers, September 1961

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 14: Industrial Union Dept. (AFL-CIO): A Two-Year Report, circa 1990

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 15: Needed: A constructive Foreign Trade Policy, October 1971

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 16: The Time is Now for a Reasonable Foreign Trade Policy, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 17: The Values We Cherish, November 7, 1963

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 18: Labor Looks at the White Collar Worker, February 20, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 19: Stop Exporting American Jobs: Many Foreign Imports don't make Dollars or Sense, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 20: Today's Civil Rights Revolution, November 8, 1963

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 21: A Time For Anger, April 16, 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 22: Labor Day Statement of Howard D. Samuel, President, Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO, September 6, 1981

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 23: Priorities for Peace and Survival, January 7, 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 24: How to Meet the People's Needs, December 15, 1966

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 25: Rules governing the establishment and conduct of Industrial union Councils, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 26: What has happened to the American Federation of Hosiery Workers: A Taft-Hartley Case Study, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 27: Today's Forgotten People, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 28: Tent City "Home of the Brave", no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 29: Revitalizing American Manufacturing, 2003

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Folder 2: IUD Folder Two

- Item 1: News and Views from the Free Trade Union Institute, AFL-CIO, Vol.3 no.1, 1996

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 2: Problems in Collective Bargaining and the Law, March 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 3: Casebook: Selected Extracts from Decisions of National Labor Relations Board and Courts, July 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Item 4: Staff Training Handbook, March 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Folder 3: IUD Coordinated Bargaining Quarterly

- Item 1: issues of CBQ (Coordinated Collective Bargaining Quarterly), from Winter 1980 to 4th quarter 1986

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Folder 4: IUD Spotlight on Health and Safety

- Item 1: issues of Spotlight on Health and Safety, from fourth quarter 1972 to first quarter 1979

- Creator: AFL-CIO IUD
- Folder 5: Labor Heritage Foundation

- Item 1: Catalog of Music, Art, Books and Video, no date

- Creator: Labor Heritage Foundation
- Item 2: Art Works, Fall/Winter 1990-1991

- Creator: Labor Heritage Foundation
- Folder 6: Labor Institute for Public Affairs

- Item 1: pamphlet on the Labor Communications Resource Service, no date

- Creator: Labor Institute of Public Affairs, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Union Yes: New Items for Purchase not Listed in Current LIPA Resource Catalog, circa 1992

- Creator: LIPA
- Item 3: Resource Catalog: Video, audio, print, advertising and prootional materials, Fall 1991

- Creator: LIPA
- Item 4: Programs and Resources from LIPA, 1985

- Creator: LIPA
- Item 5: Video Works For You! Programs on cassette from the LIPA, AFL-CIO, no date

- Creator: LIPA
- Item 6: issues of the Relay newsletter, 1985 to 1987

- Creator: LIPA
- Item 7: issues of Union Yes newsletter, no dates

- Creator: LIPA
- Folder 7: Labor Institute for Human Enrichment

- Item 1: Labor and the Humanities: Unions seek to improve the lives of their members, August 1981

- Creator: Humanities Project, Labor Institute for Human Enrichment
- Folder 8: Labor Participation Dept., AFL-CIO

- Item 1: newsletter issues, December 1976 to January 1979

- Creator: Labor Participation Dept., AFL-CIO and the National Council on Crime and Delinquency
- Folder 9: AFL-CIO Legislative Dept.

- Item 1: Report on Congress, 1987

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 2: Report on Congress, 1993

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 3: Report on Congress, 1994

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 4: Report on Congress, February 19, 1996

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 5: A Report on Congress, 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO News
- Item 6: Report on Congress, 1988

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 7: Report on Congress: 1990-Year of the Veto, 1990

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 8: Report on Congress, 1991

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 9: Report on Congress: 1989 Voting Record, January 22, 1990

- Creator: AFL-CIO News
- Item 10: A Report on Congress, September 27, 1986

- Creator: AFL-CIO News
- Item 11: The "Teamwork for Employees Act" (H.R.743/S.295), no date

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 12: Repeal of Service Contract Attacks Low-wage Workers, November 28, 1995

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 13: The Davis-Bacon Act Protects Workers and Wages, November 28, 1995

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 14: The Minimum Wage is not a Living Wage, November 28, 1995

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 15: Say Goodbye to the 40-Hour Week and Overtime, November 28, 1995

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 16: Why We Say Congressional Republicans are Cutting Education and College Loans, no date

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 17: How the Republican Congress blocked an increase in the minimum wage on March 28, 1996, no date

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 18: Why We Say Congressional Republicans are Giving Tax Breaks to Corporations and the Rich, no date

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 19: Why We Say Congressional Republicans are Cutting Medicare and Medicaid, no date

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 20: Workers' Safety at Risk with OSHA "Reform", November 28, 1995

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 21: Leadership Manual--Current Issues: Instructor's Guide, 1994

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 22: Memo to Congress: A positive program for America, January 1960

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 23: America Takes a Beating: The Crisis in Foreign Trade, April 3, 1987

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 24: The Truth about Lie Detectors and their abuse of Workers' Rights, November 14, 1985

- Creator: AFL-CIO Issue Alert!
- Item 25: A Fair Tax Policy, 1967

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 26: Accelerated Public Works and Area Redevelopment, 1964

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 27: Civil Rights, 1964

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Item 28: Legislative Alert! Folder, July 2, 1989 to February 3, 1986

- Creator: Legislative Dept.
- Folder 10: Maritime Trades Dept., AFL-CIO

- Item 1: S.O.S. Maritime Parley seeks Action to Save U.S. Shipping, May-June 1966

- Creator: The Maritime Register
- Item 2: LBJ Weighs Vital Decision on Merchant Marine Future, January-February 1966

- Creator: The Maritime Register
- Item 3: Convention Asks LBJ to Heed Findings of Public Advisors, November-December 1965

- Creator: The Maritime Register
- Item 4: Editorials: Labor Day Theme, Support the Rogers Bill, &c, July-August 1965

- Creator: The Maritime Register
- Item 5: Summary of Board Activities, January-February 1965

- Creator: The Maritime Register
- Item 6: Editorial: Campaign Mystery Solved, September-October 1964

- Creator: The Maritime Register
- Item 7: The People's Forum: The Privacy Battleground, June 1971

- Creator: AFL-CIO Maritime Trades dept., and Transportation Institute
- Item 8: A Forum Report: The Privacy Battleground, June 1971

- Creator: AFL-CIO Maritime Trades dept., and Transportation Institute
- Item 9: The Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO, May 21, 1957

- Creator: James O. Haehn
- Folder 11: Metal Trades Dept., AFL-CIO

- Item 1: Agreement between Shell Oil Company, Inc. and Metal Trades Dept. of the AFL and Thirteen International Unions affiliated with the Metal Trades Council, Wood River, Illinois, May 1, 1945

- Creator: Shell Oil Co., Metal Trades Dept. of AFL and Intl. Unions
- Item 2: Constitution and By-laws of the Metal Trades Dept. of the AFL, Fall 1926

- Creator: Metal Trades Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 3: The Hands of Progress, circa 1983

- Creator: Metal Trades Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 4: Pacific Coast Shipbuilding Companies and Metal Trades Dept. (AFL): Master Agreement Covering Employees in 14 Trades, August 11, 1947

- Creator: AFL and Shipbuilding Companies
- Item 5: Agreement between Argonne National Laboratory and Argon Atomic Trades council, July 1, 1961

- Creator: Argonne Atomic Trades Council (AFL-CIO Megal trades Dept.) and Argonne Natl. Lab. (Univ. of Chicago)
- Item 6: Agreement between Shell Oil Company, Inc. and Metal Trades Dept. of the AFL and Twelve International Unions affiliated with the Metal Trades Council, Wood River, Illinois, May 1, 1946

- Creator: Shell Oil Co., Metal Trades Dept. of AFL and Intl. Unions
- Item 7: Memorandum of Agreement between Shell Oil Company, inc. and the Metal Trades Dept. of the AFL and Thirteen Intl. Unions affiliated with the Metal Trades Council, Wood River, Illinois, May 1, 1940

- Creator: Shell Oil Co., Metal Trades Dept. of AFL and Intl. Unions
- Item 8: Metaletter folder, October 1992 to September 1993

- Creator: Metal Trades Dept., AFL-CIO
- Folder 12: Dept. of Organization and Field Service, AFL-CIO

- Item 1: Fight For Economic Justice: Apply to be a Campaign Researcher, no date

- Item 2: Love of Labor: Training the newest generation of AFL-CIO Organizers, October 26, 1995

- Creator: Wall Street Journal
- Item 3: "Into the Streets!" Workers Rally for Organizing Rights in Las Vegas and Washington, DC, January 1995

- Creator: the Organizers
- Item 4: AFL-CIO Organizing Institute Spring '92 Newsletter - Campus Edition, Spring 1992

- Creator: AFL-CIO Organizing Institute
- Item 5: Some remarks made at the Organizational Conference of AFL-CIO Region 10, May 21, 1964, May 21, 1964

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: letter concerning Fall Latino Training in New York, September 20, 1994

- Creator: AFL-CIO Organizing Institute
- Item 7: Wanted: Asian Pacific American Organizers, November 1994

- Creator: Joint Organizer Training Program, AFL-CIO Organizing Institute
- Item 8: Si Se Puede!, circa 1994

- Creator: AFL-CIO Organizing Institute
- Item 9: Campus Teach-ins Draw Student Activists, March 1994

- Creator: the Organizers
- Item 10: Become a Union Organizer!, circa 1994

- Creator: AFL-CIO Organizing Institute
- Item 11: AFL-CIO Organizing Institute Application, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO Organizing Institute
- Item 12: "We'll Never Get Run Over Again!" 2300 Southern Textile Workers Win Union Representation, September 1994

- Creator: the Organizers
- Item 13: Lessons of the Harvard Union Drive, June/July 1998

- Creator: S.T.I.R. (Statistical and Tactical Information Report)
- Item 14: Janitors Organizer for Justice, March 1988

- Creator: S.T.I.R. (Statistical and Tactical Information Report)
- Item 15: S.T.I.R. Folder, January 1986 to July 1987

- Creator: National Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO
- Item 16: Vital Links folder, June 1986 to January 1988

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 17: Number One Objective A report of the First AFL-CIO National Organizing Conference, January 6-7, 1959

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Organization
- Item 18: Quality Circles: An Organizing Manual, no date

- Creator: National Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO
- Item 19: "Organize! AFL-CIO" Stickers, no date

- Creator: Houston Organizing Project
- Folder 13: AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education

- Item 1: Group Piloted by Former Union Political Director Hits Turbulence, no date

- Creator: Union Labor Report
- Item 2: How to Win: A Handbook for Political Education, circa 1964 to 1966

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 3: The AFL-CIO Platform Proposals: Presented to the Democractic and Republican National Conventions 1984, June 1984

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 4: The AFL-CIO Platform Proposals: Presented to the Democractic and Republican National Conventions 1980, June 1980

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 5: The AFL-CIO Platform Proposals: Presented to the Democratic and Republican National Conventions 1976, June 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 6: Platform Proposals of the AFL-CIO to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions 1964, 1964

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 7: The AFL-CIO Platform Proposals: Presented to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions 1968, 1968

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 8: For those who care it's "NO" on 1, no date

- Creator: No on 1 News
- Item 9: Labor and Politics, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 10: When You Write Your Legislator, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 11: Union Political Activity Spans 230 years of American History, July 1960

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 12: How Your COPE Voluntary Dollar is Used, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 13: It's Time to Say Yes: DUKAKIS For President, circa 1988

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 14: A Step-by-Step Plan for organizing and conducting an effective register and vote campaign at the community level, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 15: The Extremists, circa 1964 to 1966

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 16: Your Local Union's C.O.P.E., no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 17: You can count on Republicans (to stick it to you every time well, darn near every time), no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 18: An Analysis of the AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education, January 4, 1965

- Creator: Ron Nelson
- Item 19: The BossesAren't they Swell!, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Item 20: Organization Chart of Committee on Political Education, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO COPE
- Box 9

- Folder 1: Dept. for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO, various

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 2: AFL-CIO Public Employee Department

- Item 1: Clerical/Custodial Pool negotiated by Council 13 AFSCME and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1991

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public Employee Department
- Item 2: Prison Labor: Are We Heading Back to the Future?, February 1997

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public Employee Department
- Item 3: Letter from the PED Staff to Trade Union Activists, September 1998

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 4: Good Government News, by the People, for the people, various

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 5: "Poll Shows More Citizens Satisfied with Government", January 28, 1998

- Creator: Newspaper clipping from The Washington Post
- Item 6: Remarks by Bob Chase, President of the National Education Assoc., before the Northeast Regional Leadership Conference, January 25, 1998

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: "Government Isn't the Root of All Evil", January 30, 1998

- Creator: Newspaper clipping from The Wall Street Journal
- Item 8: Welfare Reform Needs Rethinking because "The Jobs Aren't There", January 30, 1998

- Creator: UAW Washington Report
- Item 9: Competition by the Book, January/February 1998

- Creator: State Government News
- Item 10: State Trends, January/February 1998

- Creator: State Government News
- Item 11: Lockheed Martin: From Warfare to Welfare, March 2, 1998

- Creator: The Nation
- Item 12: Public Service and Government Effectiveness: The View of Young Americans, November 1997

- Creator: Hart-Teeter and AFL-CIO PED
- Item 13: Working Massachusetts, April 1997

- Creator: Working Massachusetts Coalition
- Item 14: Work Experience Program with the NYC Board of Education, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
- Item 15: The Governors' Welfare Proposal, February 13, 1996

- Creator: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- Item 16: Governors Proposals Could Lead to Sharp State Funding Reductions in Medicaid and AFDC, February 21, 1996

- Creator: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- Item 17: Making Government Work, April 1991

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 18: Why Paris Works, July 19, 1992

- Creator: New York Times Magazine
- Item 19: Public Employees: Working Together to make America Work, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 20: Contracting Human Services: Recurring Scandals and Malperformance: A Special Report, June 1997

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 21: Report of the 1994-1996 Advisory Council on Social Security, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 22: Congress Should End the Economic War Among the States, March 1995

- Creator: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 1994 Annual Report
- Item 23: Privatizing Foster Care Services in Milwaukee County: An Analysis and Comparison of Public and Private Delivery Systems, April 1996

- Creator: The Institute for Wisconsin's Future
- Item 24: Tax Loss Mandates, no date

- Creator: Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
- Item 25: Secretary's Task Force on Excellence: Survey, no date

- Item 26: The GOP's "Contract With America", December 8, 1994

- Creator: Citizens for Tax Justice
- Item 27: The New Fiscal Agenda: What Will It Mean and How Will It Be Accomplished?, December 7, 1994

- Creator: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- Item 28: Fact Sheet: HR 10-- A Bill to Revise the Hatch Act, May 2, 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 29: Responses to PED Questionnaire on the Postal Service, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 30: Legislative Memo: The Hatch Act Revision, May 25 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 31: AFL-CIO Public Employee Department Convention Calls for Federal Bargaining Laws, Help for New York City, September 8, 1975

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 32: Occupational Safety and Health: A Promise Left Unfulfilled for Public Employees, February 19, 1977

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 33: Not Far Enough: The Budget Act of 1990, January 1991

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 34: Public Employee Department: AFL-CIO, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 35: Surviving the Welfare Maze, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 36: Reinvigorating The Public Service: Union Innovations to Improve Government, March 1992

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 37: Congressional Voting Record, first session, 98th Congress, February 1984

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 38: Public Employee Department AFL-CIO 94th Congress Voting Record, circa 1976

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 39: The 1996 Development Report Card for the States, 1996

- Creator: Corporation for Enterprise Development
- Item 40: The 1993 Development Report Card for the States, 1993

- Creator: Corporation for Enterprise Development
- Item 41: Public Employees at a Glance, 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 42: The Public Sector Facts at a Glance, 1997

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 43: PED News Releases, various

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Folder 3: PED Forum, various

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Folder 4: PED Issues & Answers, June 1989 to September 1998

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Folder 5: PED Convention Documents

- Item 1: Policy Resolutions of the Public Employee Department, AFL-CIO, September 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 2: Special Convention Report, Fall 1997

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 3: PED Executive Baord Statements, various

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED Executive Board
- Item 4: 1997 Convention Resolutions Adapted by the Public Employee Department, AFL-CIO, September 1997

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 5: Public Employees: Serving America with Pride. Program of Action Adopted by the Public Employee Department, AFL-CIO in Convention, September 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 6: Adopted Resolutions: PED Constitutional Convention, September-October, 1993

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 7: Adopted Resolutions: PED Constitutional Convention, October 1991

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Item 8: Adopted Resolutions: PED Constitutional Convention, October 1989

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Folder 6: PED Privatization Update, June 1996-Fall 1998

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Folder 7: PED Revenews, January-February 1982

- Creator: AFL-CIO PED
- Folder 8: AFL-CIO Railway Employees' Department

- Item 1: Illinois Central System: Schedule of Rules governing the Working Conditions of Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Sheet Metal Workers, Electrical Workers, Carmen, and their Helpers and Apprentices represented by System Federation No. 99 Railway Emplo, April 1935

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 9: Department of Social Security

- Item 1: Security in Time of Need, March 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO Dept. of Social Security
- Folder 10: Office of State Government Liaison

- Item 1: State Ties, September 1988 - December 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO Office of State Gov. Liaison
- Folder 11: Union Label and Service Trades Dept.

- Creator: NB "AFL-CIO" denotes specifically the AFL-CIO Label and Services Trades Dept. for this folder unless otherwise noted
- Item 1: Made in the USA-- The Union Label Way!, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Coors by any other name IS STILL COORS!, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Hands that Build and Serve America, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: 25 Million a Year!, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO/International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- Item 5: Boycott Guide to JP Stevens Products, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 6: How To Organize your Union Label & Service Trades Council, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Union Hotel Guide, 1995

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 8: Symbols of Distinction in Craftsmanship Skills and Services, no date

- Creator: AFL CIO
- Item 9: Letter from Joseph Lewis (secretary-treasurer) to Prof. James Scoville, Harvard, November 13, 1967

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: News Release: Marshalltown Trowel Company added to "Don't Buy", April 22, 1988

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 11: Issues of "Official News: Union Label and Service Trades Dept., AFL-CIO", 1967

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 12: Union Privilege

- Item 1: "Union Plus" newsletters, Winter 1994-Summer 1999

- Creator: Union privilege, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Union Privilege "Update" Newsletter, April 1993 - Fall 1996

- Creator: Union privilege, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Union Privilege News, November 1990

- Creator: Union privilege, AFL-CIO
- Item 4: Letter to Union Privilege Leaders, no date

- Creator: Union Privilege, AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Service Numbers, Union Privilege, AFL-CIO, no date

- Creator: Union privilege, AFL-CIO
- Folder 13: AFL-CIO Working For America Institute

- Item 1: Working for America Journal, no dates

- Creator: AFL-CIO Working for America Institute
- Item 2: Working For America Institute Connections, December 2001 - June 2003

- Creator: AFL-CIO Working for America Institute
- Folder 14: Argonne Guards Union

- Item 1: Agreement Between Argonne National Laboratory and Argonne Guards Union, June 1959

- Creator: Argonne Guards Union, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Agreement Between Argonne National Laboratory and Argonne Atomic Trades Council, July 1959

- Creator: Metal Trades Dept., AFL-CIO
- Folder 15: Aspen Prof. Ski Patrol Assn.

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining Agreeement between Aspen Ski Corporation and Aspen Professional Ski Patrol Association, December 1986

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 16: Association of Academic Professionals

- Item 1: AAP Advocate, June 2006

- Creator: AFL-CIO AAP
- Folder 17: Atlantic Maritime Employees

- Item 1: Agreement Between Atlantic Maritime Officers Association (unaffiliated) and Atlantic Richfield Company for US Flag Vessels, September 1975

- Creator: Atlantic Maritime Officer's Association
- Item 2: Agreement between Atlantic Maritime Employees Union and Atlantic Richfield Company for US Flag Vessels, March 1978

- Creator: Atlantic Maritime Employees Union
- Item 3: Agreement between Atlantic Maritime Employees Union for Stewards and Atlantic Richfield Company for US Flag Vessels, March 1978

Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Actors - Atlantic Maritime Employees],
Series 2: Automobile Workers - Cleaning and Dye House Workers],
Series 3: Clothing Workers - Furniture Workers],
Series 4: Garment Workers - Longshoremen],
Series 5: Machinists - Musicians],
Series 6: National Building Trades - Quarry Workers],
Series 7: Radio Workers - Service Employees],
Series 8: Steelworkers - Teachers],
Series 9: Teamsters - Writers],
Series 10: International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU), and Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE) Contracts],
Series 11: Additional Contracts],