By Joseph Hoisington and Bryan Whitledge
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Union Vertical File, 1912-2001

ID: 35/3/403
Extent: 78.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by name of industry category
Date Acquired: 07/29/2007
Languages: English, Spanish;Castilian
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library Labor Union Vertical File (1912-2001) includes constitutions and by-laws, contracts, agreements (wages, salaries, benefits, pensions), correspondence, memoranda, recruitment materials, promotional materials, union campaign and election materials, and reports pertaining to industrial unions, service unions, artistic unions and labor federations and their actions in terms of services for the members, negotiations with the employers and involvement in the community.
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Acquisition Source:
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Actors - Atlantic Maritime Employees],
Series 2: Automobile Workers - Cleaning and Dye House Workers],
Series 3: Clothing Workers - Furniture Workers],
Series 4: Garment Workers - Longshoremen],
Series 5: Machinists - Musicians],
Series 6: National Building Trades - Quarry Workers],
Series 7: Radio Workers - Service Employees],
Series 8: Steelworkers - Teachers],
Series 9: Teamsters - Writers],
Series 10: International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU), and Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE) Contracts],
[Series 11: Additional Contracts],
- Series 11: Additional Contracts

- Sub-Series 1: General Contracts

- Arranged alphabetically by union and numerically by local or alphabetically by agreement partner and chronologically thereunder
- Box 79

- Folder 1: Index of Union Constitutions in ILIR Library Union Vertical File, circa 1980s

- Item 1: Index of Union Constitutions donated to the ILIR Library, circa 1980s

- This index does not cover the entirety of the materials in this series, merely those donated by the specific donor.
- Folder 2: General Contracts - AFSCME - Chemical Workers, 1979

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining Agreement - American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 590, District Council 33 with the Trustees o the University of Pennsylvania, 1979-83

- Pertains to designated library and archives supporting staff classifications
- Item 2: Agreement - Bakery, Confectionery, and Tobacco Workers' International Union, Local 300, Chicago with Nabisco, Inc., 1979-81

- Item 3: Agreement - United Cement, Lime, and Gypsum Workers International Union, Local 452, Castle Hayne, North Carolina with Ideal Cement Company, a Division of Ideal Basic Industries, Inc., 1978-81

- Item 4: Agreement - International Chemical Workers Union, Local 60 with Johns-Manville Sales Corporation, Waukegan Plant, 1979-82

- Item 5: Agreement - International Chemical Workers Union, Local 414 with Monsanto Plastics and Resins Co., Bircham Bend Plant, 1979-82

- Folder 3: General Contracts - Communications Workers - Plumbers and Pipe Fitters, 1970-81

- Item 1: Agreement - Communications Workers of America and GTE Sylvania, Inc., Smithfield, North Carolina, 1979-82

- Item 2: Agreement - Communications Workers of America and American Telephone and Telegraph Co., Long Lines Department, 1977-80

- Item 3: Agreement - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1672 and the St. Joseph Division Plants of the Whirlpool Corporation, 1979-82

- Item 4: Agreement - Glass Bottle Blowers Association of the United States and Canada, Local 51 and Johns-Manville Sales Corporation, Defiance Plants 2 - 3 - 8, Defiance, Ohio, 1977-80

- Item 5: Working Agreement - Ivorydale and St. Bernard Employees' Representation Association and the Proctor and Gamble Company, 1979-82

- Item 6: Wage Agreement - National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1981, International Union, United Mine Workers of America, 1981-83

- Item 7: Agreement - Pipe Fitters Local Union 120, United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada and Mechanical Contractor's Association of Cleveland, Inc., 1970-73

- Item 8: Continuing Agreement - United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada, Local 741 et al. and Phelps Dodge Corporation, Morenci Branch, 1977-80

- Complete with all modification agreed upon as of Conclusion of 1977 Negotiations. Other unions included are Morenci-Clifton Metal Trades Council, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, Local 506, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Local 221, and International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades, Local 1644
- Item 9: Agreement - United Association of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada with Cleveland Plumbing Contractors' Association, 1970-73

- Folder 4: General Contracts - Professional and Technical Engineers - United Transportation Union, 1976-79

- Item 1: Agreement - International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 13 with General Electric Company, Philadelphia, 1979-82

- Item 2: Agreement - International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 176 with General Electric Company, Philadelphia, 1979-82

- Item 3: Agreement - Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union, Local 194 with Campbell Soup Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1979-81

- Item 4: Agreement - General Service Employees Union, Local 73, SEIU with Cracker Jack, Division of Borden Foods, Borden, Inc., 1979-82

- Item 5: Agreement - General Service Employees Union, Local 73, SEIU with Cracker Jack, Division of Borden Foods, Borden, Inc., 1976-79

- Item 6: Agreement - Philadelphia Federation of Teacher, Local 3, American Federation of Teachers with Board of Education of the School District of Philadelphia, 1978-80

- Item 7: Agreement - Federation of Telephone Workers of Pennsylvania and Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, 1977-80

- Item 8: Agreement - United Transportation Union, Lodge 1668 with Phelps Dodge Corporation, Morenci Branch, 1977-80

- Complete text as modified by 1977 negotiations
- Folder 5: General Contracts - Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers, 1970-80

- Item 1: Agreement - International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers with General Electric (National Agreement), 1979-82

- Item 2: Agreement - United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America with General Electric (National Agreement), 1979-82

- Item 3: Agreement - International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers with General Electric (National Agreement), 1976-79

- Item 4: Agreement - International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers, Local 291 with GTE Sylvania, Loring Avenue, Salem, Massachusetts Plants, 1979-82

- Item 5: Agreement - United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America with GTE Products Corporation, Emporium Plants, 1979-82

- Item 6: Agreement - International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers, Local 908 with Honeywell, Inc., Wabash, Indiana, 1970-73

- Item 7: Agreement - International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers, Local 945 with Sperry Vickers, Division of Sperry Corporation, 1980-83

- Item 8: Agreement - International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers, Local 808 with Whirlpool Corporation, Evansville, Indiana, 1977-80

- Folder 6: General Contracts - United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, 1980-86

- Item 1: Agreement - United Food and Commercial Workers International Workers, Local 80, Food and Allied Service Workers with Campbell Soup Company, Camden, New Jersey, 1980-82

- Item 2: Agreement - United Food and Commercial Workers International Workers, Local 146, Cannery and Allied Food Workers with Campbell Soup Company, Napoleon, Ohio, 1980-81

- Item 3: Agreement - United Food and Commercial Workers International Workers, Local P-9 with George A. Hormel and Company, Austin, Minnesota, 1986-90

- Folder 7: General Contracts - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, 1959-61, 1977-80

- Item 1: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers with United Air Lines, Inc., 1978-81

- regarding Food Services
- Item 2: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers with United Air Lines, Inc., 1978-81

- regarding Mechanics
- Item 3: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers with United Air Lines, Inc., 1978-81

- regarding Ramp and Stores
- Item 4: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local 224 with Monsanto Company, El Dorado Chemical Plant, El Dorado, Arkansas, 1979-82

- Item 5: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Aeronautical Industrial District Lodge 776 with General Dynamic Corporation, Fort Worth Division, 1978-81

- Item 6: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local Lodge 851 with Caterpillar, Joliet, Illinois, 1980-83

- Item 7: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local Lodge 1233, Local Lodge 2659, and District 120 with General Dynamics, Pomona Division, 1978-82

- Item 8: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local Lodge 1357 with Phelps Dodge Corporation, New Cornella Branch, 1977-80

- Complete with all modification agreed upon as of conclusion of 1977 Negotiations.
- Item 9: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local Lodge 1609 with Johns-Manville Sales Corporation, Denison, Texas, 1978-81

- Item 10: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local Lodge 1717 with the Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company, Yale Materials Handling Division, Philadelphia, 1961-64

- Item 11: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local Lodge 1717 with the Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company, Yale Materials Handling Division, Philadelphia, 1959-61

- Item 12: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local Lodge 1918 with Whirlpool Corporation, St. Joseph Division Plants, 1979-82

- Item 13: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Delaware Valley Lodge 2031 with Campbell Soup Company, Camden, New Jersey, 1980-82

- Item 14: Agreement - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local Lodge 2275 with GTE Sylvania, Inc., Titusville Plant, Titusville, Pennsylvania, 1979-82

- Folder 8: General Contracts - Amalgamated Meat Cutter and Butcher Workmen of North America, 1964-78

- Item 1: Agreement - Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America with Armour and Company, 1964-67

- Item 2: Agreement - Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, District Union 271 with Campbell Soup Company, 1978-81

- Item 3: Agreement - Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America with Iowa Beef Processors, Inc., Fort Dodge, Iowa, 1976-79

- Item 4: Agreement - Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Local Union No. 222 with Iowa Beef Processors, Inc., Dakota City, Nebraska, 1974-77

- Item 5: Agreement - Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America with Iowa Beef Processors, Inc., Dakota City, Nebraska, 1970-73

- Folder 9: General Contracts - Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers International Union, 1978-82

- Item 1: Articles of Agreement - Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers International Union with Getty Oil Company, Western Exploration and Production Division, 1982-84

- Covering Daily Rated Production and Maintenance Employees in the Production Department
- Item 2: Articles of Agreement - Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers International Union, Local 4-367 with Shell Oil Company and Shell Chemical Company, A Division of Shell Oil Company, Houston, Texas, 1979-81

- Item 3: Agreement - Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Worker's International Union, Local 8-575 with Merck and Company, Inc., Plant Unit at Pathway, New Jersey, 1978-81

- Item 4: Agreement - Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers Union, Westville Local 8-638 with Texaco, Inc, Eagle Point Plant, Westville, New Jersey, 1979-80

- Item 5: Agreement - Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers Union, Local 8-898 with Getty Refining and Marketing Company, Delaware Refinery, 1982-84

- Folder 10: General Contracts - United Paperworkers International Union, 1977-79

- Item 1: Agreement - United Paperworkers International Union, Local 448 with Scott Paper Company, Chester Plant, 1979-81

- Item 2: Agreement - United Paperworkers International Union, Local 800 with Johns-Manville Sales Corporation, Manville, New Jersey, 1977-80

- Item 3: Agreement - United Paperworkers International Union, Local 987 with Sun Chemical Corporation, Pigments Division, Muskegon, Michigan, 1979-81

- Folder 11: General Contracts - International Union, United Plant Guard Workers of America, 1966-79

- Item 1: Agreement - International Union, United Plant Guard Workers of America, Local 506 with General Electric Company, 1979-82

- Item 2: Agreement - International Union, United Plant Guard Workers of America, Local 602 with Martin Marietta Aerospace, Orlando Division, 1973-76

- Item 3: Agreement - International Union, United Plant Guard Workers of America, Local 602 with Martin Marietta Corporation, Martin division, Orlando Facility, 1966-70

- Folder 12: General Contracts - United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum, and Plastic Workers of America, 1979-86

- Item 1: Agreement - United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum, and Plastic Workers of America, Local 2 with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 1979-82

- Item 3: Agreement - United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum, and Plastic Workers of America, Locals 5, 715, 241, 351, 318, and 281 with the BFGoodrich Company, 1982-85

- re: Supplemental Unemployment Benefits
- Item 4: Agreement - United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum, and Plastic Workers of America, Locals 5, 715, 241, 351, 318, and 281 with the BFGoodrich Company, 1982-85

- re: Employee Benefits Program
- Item 5: Agreement - United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum, and Plastic Workers of America, Local 5 with the BFGoodrich Company, Akron, Ohio Plant, 1982-85

- Item 6: Agreement - United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum, and Plastic Workers of America, Local 9 with the General Tire and Rubber Company, Tire and Tube Plant, Akron, Ohio, 1979-82

- Item 7: Agreement - United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum, and Plastic Workers of America, Local 285 with Armstrong Cork Company, Lancaster Floor Plant, 1979-82

- Item 8: Agreement - United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum, and Plastic Workers of America, Local 713 with the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, 1986-88

- Folder 13: General Contracts - United Steelworkers of America (folder 1 of 2), 1977-81

- Item 1: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America with ACF Industries, Inc., Amcar Division, 1978-81

- Item 2: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America with Aluminum Company of America, 1980-83

- re: plants located at Alcoa, Tenn.; Badin, N.C.; Bauxite, Ark.; Marshall, Tex.; Mobile, Ala.; Nantahala Power and Light Co., N.C.; New Kensington, Penn.; Point Comfort, Tex.; Richmond, Ind.; and Rockdale, Tex.
- Item 3: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America with Continental Can Company, U.S.A., 1981-84

- Item 4: Continuing Agreement - United Steelworkers of America with Phelps Dodge Corporation, Copper Queen Branch, 1977-80

- Item 5: Continuing Agreement - United Steelworkers of America with Phelps Dodge Corporation, Morenci Branch, 1977-80

- Item 6: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America with U.S. Metals Refining Company, Carteret, New Jersey, 1980-83

- Item 7: Pension Agreement - United Steelworkers of America with United States Steel Corporation, 1980-83

- Item 8: Program of Insurance Benefits - United Steelworkers of America with United States Steel Corporation, 1979

- Item 9: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America with United States Steel Corporation, Eastern, Central, and Western Steel Divisions, 1980-83

- re: Production and Maintenance Employees
- Item 10: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America with United States Steel Corporation, Eastern, Central, and Western Steel Divisions, 1980-83

- re: Salaried Employees
- Folder 14: General Contracts - United Steelworkers of America (folder 2 of 2), 1974-87

- Item 1: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America with United States Steel Corporation, Eastern, Southern, Central, and Western Steel Divisions, 1977-80

- re: Production and Maintenance Employees
- Item 2: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America with USS, a Division of USX Corporation, 1987-91

- re: Salaried Employees
- Item 3: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America with USS, a Division of USX Corporation, 1987-91

- re: Production and Maintenance Employees
- Item 4: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America, Locals 2018, 7171, 7555, and 7673 with Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation, Los Angeles Container - Plant, Houston Plant, Jacksonville Plant, and Edison Plant, 1980-83

- Item 5: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America, Local 8521 with GTE Sylvania Inc., Walmet Cemented Carbides Division, 1979-82

- Item 6: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America, Local 12610 with Monsanto Company, Nitro, West Virginia Plant, 1978-81

- Item 7: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America, Local 12886 with ICI Americas, Inc., Atlas Point Plant, Wilmington, Delaware, 1978-80

- Item 8: Agreement - United Steelworkers of America, Local 14482 with Ideal Cement Company, a Division of Ideal Basic Industries, Inc., Portland, Colorado, 1978-81

- Item 9: Consent Decree I - in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama, Southern Division, 1974

- Civil Action No. 74 P339 re: Allegheny Ludlum Industries, Inc.; Armco Steel Corporation; Bethlehem Steel Corporation; Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation; National Steel Corporation; Republic Steel Corporation; United States Steel Corporation; Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corporation; Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company; and United Steelworkers of America
- Folder 15: General Contracts - International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of America, 1977-87

- Note: See Record Series 35/3/415for additional Teamsters Contracts
- Item 1: Tank Truck Agreement - Locals of the Central Conference of Teamsters with Employers in the States of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin, 1979-82

- This copy is a general agreement not applied to any specific Local or employer.
- Item 2: Agreement - Teamsters Local No. 42 with GTE Sylvania, Inc., Danvers Plant, 1979-82

- Item 3: Agreement - Food Process Workers and Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union 228, International Brotherhood of Teamsters with Campbell Soup Company, Sacramento, California, 1979-82

- Item 4: Agreement - International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of America, Local 310, International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 428, and International Chemical Workers Union, Local 184 with Phelps Dodge Corporation, New Cornelia Branch, 1977-80

- Item 5: Agreement - The Southern Conference of Teamster, Local Union 577 with IBP, Inc., 1987-81

- Item 6: Agreement - The Southern Conference of Teamster, Local Union 577 with Iowa Beef Processors, Inc., 1977-81

- Item 7: Agreement - Teamsters Local 738, Grocery and Food Products, Processors, Canneries, Frozen Food Plants, Coffee Vending, Miscellaneous Drivers and Salesmen, Warehousemen, and Related Office Employees with E. J. Brach and Sons, Inc., 1980-83

- Folder 16: General Contracts - UAW (folder 1 of 6), 1973-80

- Item 1: Central Agreement - International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local 689, Terre Haute, Indiana with J. I. Case Company, 1980-83

- Item 2: Central Agreement - UAW with Caterpillar Tractor Company, including Local Supplement for Local Union 751 with Caterpillar Tractor Company, Decatur Plant, 1979-82

- Item 3: Central Agreement - UAW with Caterpillar Tractor Company, including Local Supplement for Local Union 974 with Caterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria Area Facilities, 1983-86

- Item 4: Central Agreement - UAW with Caterpillar Tractor Company, including Local Supplement for Local Union 974 with Caterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria Area Facilities, 1979-82

- Item 5: Central Agreement - UAW with Caterpillar Tractor Company, including Local Supplement for Local Union 974 with Caterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria Area Facilities, 1976-79

- Item 6: Agreement, Major Improvements and Changes - UAW, Agricultural Implement Department with Caterpillar, 1979-82

- Item 7: Agreement, Major Improvements and Changes - UAW, Agricultural Implement Department with Caterpillar, 1976-79

- Item 8: Agreement - UAW and Locals 450, 94, 865, 81, 79, 74, 434, and 838 with Deere and Company - Des Moines Works, Dubuque Works, East Moline Works, Foundry (East Moline), Industrial Parts Warehouse (East Moline), Ottumwa Works, Plow and Planter Works (Moline), and Waterloo Tractor Works, 1973-76

- Item 9: Benefit Plans - UAW and Locals 281, 450, 94, 81, 865, 74, 79, 434, 838, 472, 186, 1710, 1004, and 125 with Deere and Company - Davenport, Des Moines Works, Dubuque Works, Foundry (East Moline), Harvester Works (Moline), Ottumwa Works, Parts Distribution Warehouse (Milan, Ill.), Plow and Planter Works (Moline), and Waterloo Tractor Works, and John Deere Company (Atlanta, Denver, Memphis, and Minneapolis), 1979-82

- Item 10: Agreement, Major Improvements and Changes - UAW, Agricultural Implement Department with Deere, 1979-82

- Item 11: Agreement, Major Improvements and Changes - UAW, Agricultural Implement Department with Deere, 1976-79

- Folder 17: General Contracts - UAW (folder 2 of 6), 1979-84

- Item 1: Agreement - UAW with Fruehauf Canada, Inc., Dixie, Ontario, Manufacturing Plant, 1982-85

- Item 2: Letters of Understanding - UAW with Ford Motor Company, 1982

- Item 3: Agreements - UAW with Ford Motor Company, Volume 1, 1982-84

- Item 4: Benefit Plans and Agreements - UAW with Ford Motor Company, Volume II, 1984-87

- Item 5: Benefit Plans and Agreements - UAW with Ford Motor Company, Volume II, 1982-84

- re: Retirement Plan and Insurance Program
- Item 6: Benefit Plans and Agreements - UAW with Ford Motor Company, Volume III, 1982-84

- re: Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan, Guaranteed Income Stream Benefit Program, and Tax Reduction Act Stock Ownership Plan
- Item 7: Agreements - UAW with Ford Motor Company (copy 1 of 2), 1979-82

- Item 8: Agreements - UAW with Ford Motor Company (copy 1 of 2), 1979-82

- Box 80

- Folder 1: General Contracts - UAW (folder 3 of 6), 1982-87

- Item 1: Benefit Plans and Agreements - UAW with Ford Motor Company (copy 1 of 2), 1979-82

- re: Retirement Plan, Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan, Insurance Program, and Tax Reduction Act Stock Ownership Plan
- Item 2: Benefit Plans and Agreements - UAW with Ford Motor Company (copy 2 of 2), 1979-82

- re: Retirement Plan, Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan, Insurance Program, and Tax Reduction Act Stock Ownership Plan
- Item 3: Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation (copy 1 of 2), 1987-90

- Item 4: Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation (copy 2 of 2), 1987-90

- Folder 2: General Contracts - UAW (folder 4 of 6), 1982-84

- Item 1: Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, 1984-87

- Item 2: Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, 1982-84

- Item 3: Supplemental Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, Exhibit A to Agreement re: Pension Plan (copy 1 of 2), 1982-84

- Item 4: Supplemental Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, Exhibit A to Agreement re: Pension Plan (copy 2 of 2), 1982-84

- Item 5: Supplemental Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, Exhibit B to Agreement re: Insurance Plan (copy 1 of 2), 1982-84

- Item 6: Supplemental Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, Exhibit B to Agreement re: Insurance Plan (copy 2 of 2), 1982-84

- Folder 3: General Contracts - UAW (folder 5 of 6)

- Item 1: Supplemental Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, Exhibit C to Agreement re: Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan (copy 1 of 2), 1982-84

- Item 2: Supplemental Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, Exhibit C to Agreement re: Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan (copy 2 of 2), 1982-84

- Item 3: Supplemental Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, Exhibits D and F to Agreement re: Employe Stock Ownership Plan and Profit Sharing Plan, 1982-84

- Item 4: Supplemental Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, Exhibit E to Agreement re: Guaranteed Income Stream Benefit Plan (copy 1 of 2), 1982-84

- Item 5: Supplemental Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, Exhibit E to Agreement re: Guaranteed Income Stream Benefit Plan (copy 2 of 2), 1982-84

- Item 6: Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation (copy 1 of 2), 1979-82

- Item 7: Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation (copy 2 of 2), 1979-82

- Item 8: Supplemental Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, Exhibit A to Agreement re: Pension Plan, 1979-82

- Item 9: Supplemental Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, Exhibit B to Agreement re: Insurance Program, 1979-82

- Item 10: Supplemental Agreement - UAW with General Motors Corporation, Exhibit C to Agreement re: Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan, 1979-82

- Folder 4: General Contracts - UAW (folder 6 of 6)

- Item 1: Agreement - UAW, Local 1608 with GTE Sylvania, Inc., 1979-82

- Item 2: Agreement - UAW and affiliated Local Unions with International Harvester Company, 1980-82

- Item 3: Agreement - UAW and affiliated Local Unions with International Harvester Company, 1976-79

- Item 4: Agreement, Highlights of the Revised Agreement - UAW, Agricultural Implement Department with Massey-Ferguson, 1982-84

- Item 5: Agreement, Major Improvements and Changes - UAW, Agricultural Implement Department with Massey-Ferguson, 1976-79

- Sub-Series 2: Railroad Contracts

- Arranged alphabetically by railroad company and chronologically and alphabetically by union thereunder
- Box 80

- Folder 5: Railroad Contracts - Central Railroad Company of New Jersey - Erie Lackawanna Railroad, 1950, 1971-75

- Item 1: Agreement - The Central Railroad Company of New Jersey with United Transportation Union re: Conductors (2 copies), 1973

- Item 2: Agreement - The Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad Company with the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1950

- Rules and rates of pay covering Conductors and Trainmen
- Item 3: Agreement - Erie Lackawanna Railroad Company with United Transportation Union-E (Erie District), 1971

- Rules and rates of pay covering Firemen
- Item 4: Agreement - Erie Lackawanna Railroad Company with United Transportation Union-T (Eastern District), 1975

- Rules and rates of pay covering Road Conductors and Trainmen
- Folder 6: Railroad Contracts - Conrail (folder 1 of 3), 1976-81

- Item 1: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation (former Penn central Transportation Company and Erie-Lackawanna Railway Company) with American Railway Supervisors Association, 1976

- Item 2: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with American Railway Supervisors Association, 1979

- re: Technicians located on the property of the former New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad
- Item 3: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with American Train Dispatchers Association, 1981

- Folder 7: Railroad Contracts - Conrail (folder 2 of 3), 1976-82

- Item 1: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with American Train Dispatchers Association, 1979

- re: Train Dispatchers
- Item 2: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1979

- re: Electricians
- Item 3: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers, 1976

- re: Maintenance of Equipment Department Laborers, Power Plant Employees, Motor Equipment Operators, Fuel Truck Drivers, and Hostler Helpers
- Item 4: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, 1979

- re: Locomotive Engineers
- Item 5: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with Interantional Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, 1979

- re: Machinists
- Item 6: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes, 1982

- re: Truck and Bridge and Building Department Employees
- Item 7: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen, 1981

- re: Signalmen
- Folder 8: Railroad Contracts - Conrail (folder 3 of 3)

- Item 1: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with Railroad Yardmasters of America, 1978

- re: Yardmasters and Assistant Yardmasters
- Item 2: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with Brotherhood of Railway, Airline, and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes, 1979

- re: TC Division
- Item 3: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with Brotherhood of Railway, Airline, and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes, 1979

- re: Clerks
- Item 4: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, 1979

- re: Sheet Metal Workers
- Item 5: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with Teamsters, 1979

- re: Police Officers Below the Rank of Captain
- Item 6: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of United States and Canada, 1980

- re: Carmen
- Item 7: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with United Transportation Union (E), 1981

- re: Firemen (Helpers) and Hostlers
- Item 8: Agreement - Consolidated Rail Corporation with United Transportation Union (C) and (T), 1981

- re: Trainmen
- Folder 9: Railroad Contracts - Long Island Railroad Company (folder 1 of 2), 1978-84

- Item 1: Pay Schedule, ca. 1982

- List of wage rates for various Long Island Railroad Company employee positions represented by various Unions. Rates effective as of June 1, 1981
- Item 2: Agreements and Wage Rates - Long Island Railroad Company (and Metropolitan Transportation Authority) with Transport Workers Union of America, 1978, 1980

- Reproductions of the1978 and 1980 agreements sent by Metropolitan Transportation Authority upon request
- Item 3: Agreement - Long Island Railroad Company with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 589, 1984

- re: Electricians, Their Helpers and Apprentices
- Item 4: Agreement - Long Island Railroad Company with the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, 1980

- re: Schedule of Working Conditions for Engine Service Employees
- Item 5: Agreement - Long Island Railroad Company with the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen, 1984

- re: Signals and Communications Department Employees
- Folder 10: Railroad Contracts - Long Island Railroad Company (folder 2 of 2), 1980-84

- Item 1: Agreement - Long Island Railroad Company with Sheet Metal Workers International Association, 1984

- re: Sheet Metal Workers, and the Helpers and Apprentices in Maintenance of Equipment and Maintenance of Way Departments
- Item 2: Agreement - Long Island Railroad Company with Teamsters, Local 808, 1984

- re: Maintenance of Way Employees
- Item 3: Agreement - Long Island Railroad Company with United Transportation Union, Local Numbers 645 and 1831, 1980

- re: Trainmen
- Item 4: Agreement - Long Island Railroad Company with United Transportation Union, Local 645-B, 1984

- re: Subordinated Officials and Employees Represented by UTU
- Folder 11: Railroad Contracts - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company (folder 1 of 4) (Letter Size Contracts), 1982-83

- Item 1: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers, 1983

- Item 2: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, 1982

- re: Passenger Engineers
- Item 3: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, 1983

- re: Machinists, Helpers, and Apprentices
- Box 81

- Folder 1: Railroad Contracts - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company (folder 2 of 4) (Letter Size Contracts), 1982-83

- Item 1: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with Brotherhood of Railway, Airline and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handler, Express and Station Employees (T-C Division), 1983

- Item 2: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with United Transportation Union (C) and (T), ca. 1983

- Item 3: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with United Transportation Union (E), 1982

- Folder 2: Railroad Contracts - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company (folder 3 of 4) (booklet size), 1983

- Item 1: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with American Railway Supervisors Association, 1983

- re: Technicians on Property of Former Conrail Railroad
- Item 2: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with American Railway Supervisors Association, 1983

- re: Maintenance of Way Supervisors
- Item 3: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with American Railway Supervisors Association, 1983

- re: Maintenance of Equipment Foremen
- Item 4: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers, and Helpers, 1983

- Item 5: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1983

- re: Employees in the Electric Traction Department
- Item 6: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1983

- Item 7: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1983

- re: Communications Workers
- Folder 3: Railroad Contracts - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company (folder 4 of 4) (booklet size), 1982-83

- Item 1: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, 1983

- re: Bridge and Building and Track Department Employees
- Item 2: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen, 1983

- Item 3: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with Brotherhood of Railway, Airline and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handler, Express and Station Employees (T-C Division), 1982

- Item 4: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, 1983

- Item 5: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with Transport Workers Union of America, 1983

- Item 6: Agreement - Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company with Railroad Yardmasters of America, 1983

- re: Yardmasters and Assistant Yardmasters and Stationmasters
- Folder 4: Railroad Contracts - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. (folder 1 of 8), 1983

- Item 1: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with the American Railway and Airway Supervisors' Association, 1983

- re: Foremen in the Maintenance of Equipment Department
- Item 2: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with the American Railway and Airway Supervisors' Association, 1983

- re: Assistant Claims Managers and Claim Agents
- Item 3: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with the American Railway Supervisors' Association, 1983

- re: Subordinate Officials in the Maintenance of Way, Structures, Communication and Signal, and Electric Traction Departments
- Item 4: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with American Train Dispatchers Association, 1983

- re: Train Dispatchers and Power Supervisors
- Folder 5: Railroad Contracts - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. (folder 2 of 8), 1983

- Item 1: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Ironship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers, and Helpers, 1983

- Item 2: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1983

- re: Special Rules of the Electric Traction Department
- Item 3: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1983

- re: Communications Workers
- Folder 6: Railroad Contracts - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. (folder 3 of 8), 1983

- Item 1: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1983

- re: Assistant Engineers, Supervisors, Assistant Supervisors, and Foremen in the Electric Traction Department
- Item 2: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1983

- re: Communications Supervisors and Foremen
- Item 3: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1983

- re: Electricians in Maintenance of Equipment Department
- Item 4: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers, 1983

- Folder 7: Railroad Contracts - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. (folder 4 of 8), 1983

- Item 1: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, 1983

- Item 2: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, 1983

- Item 3: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, 1983

- Folder 8: Railroad Contracts - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. (folder 5 of 8), 1983

- Item 1: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen, 1983

- Item 2: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with the Brotherhood of Railway, Airline, and Steamship Clerks, TC Division, 1983

- Folder 9: Railroad Contracts - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. (folder 6 of 8), 1983

- Item 1: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with the Brotherhood of Railway, Airline, and Steamship Clerks, 1983

- Folder 10: Railroad Contracts - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. (folder 7 of 8), 1983

- Item 1: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc with Brotherhood Railway Carmen of the United States and Canada, 1983

- Folder 11: Railroad Contracts - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. (folder 8 of 8), 1983

- Item 1: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with the United Transportation Union (C) and (T), 1983

- Item 2: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with the United Transportation Union (E), 1983

- Item 3: Agreement - New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc. with Railroad Yardmasters of America, 1983

- re: Yardmasters and Assistant Yardmasters
- Folder 12: Railroad Contracts - New York Central Railroad - New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, 1946-57

- Item 1: Agreement - New York Central Railroad, Buffalo and East with Order of Railway Conductors, 1946

- Rules and Rates of Pay for Road Conductors
- Item 2: Agreement - New York Central Railroad Company, Eastern District (Except Boston and Albany Division) and New York District with Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1957

- re: Assistant Conductors, Ticket Collectors, Baggagemen, and Brakemen
- Item 3: Agreement - New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company with the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1954

- Folder 13: Railroad Contracts - Pennsylvania Railroad Company - Transport of New Jersey, 1955-66, 1981

- Item 1: Agreement - Pennsylvania Railroad Company and Baltimore and Eastern Railroad Company with Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1966

- re: Road and Yard Conductors, Road and Yard Brakemen, Baggagemen, Ticket Collectors, Car Retarder Operators, Switchenders, and Hump Motor Car Operators
- Item 2: Agreement - Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines with Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1955

- re: Road and Yard Conductors, Road and Yard Brakemen, Baggagemen, Ticket Collectors, and Switchenders
- Item 3: Agreement - Reading Company with Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1959

- re: Conductors in Yard Service and Trainmen in Road and Yard Service
- Item 4: Agreement - Transport of New Jersey with Amalgamated Transit Union, Division Nos. 819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, and 880, 1981

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Actors - Atlantic Maritime Employees],
Series 2: Automobile Workers - Cleaning and Dye House Workers],
Series 3: Clothing Workers - Furniture Workers],
Series 4: Garment Workers - Longshoremen],
Series 5: Machinists - Musicians],
Series 6: National Building Trades - Quarry Workers],
Series 7: Radio Workers - Service Employees],
Series 8: Steelworkers - Teachers],
Series 9: Teamsters - Writers],
Series 10: International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU), and Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE) Contracts],
[Series 11: Additional Contracts],