By Joseph Hoisington and Bryan Whitledge
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Union Vertical File, 1912-2001

ID: 35/3/403
Extent: 78.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by name of industry category
Date Acquired: 07/29/2007
Languages: English, Spanish;Castilian
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library Labor Union Vertical File (1912-2001) includes constitutions and by-laws, contracts, agreements (wages, salaries, benefits, pensions), correspondence, memoranda, recruitment materials, promotional materials, union campaign and election materials, and reports pertaining to industrial unions, service unions, artistic unions and labor federations and their actions in terms of services for the members, negotiations with the employers and involvement in the community.
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Acquisition Source:
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Actors - Atlantic Maritime Employees],
Series 2: Automobile Workers - Cleaning and Dye House Workers],
Series 3: Clothing Workers - Furniture Workers],
Series 4: Garment Workers - Longshoremen],
Series 5: Machinists - Musicians],
Series 6: National Building Trades - Quarry Workers],
Series 7: Radio Workers - Service Employees],
Series 8: Steelworkers - Teachers],
[Series 9: Teamsters - Writers],
Series 10: International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU), and Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE) Contracts],
Series 11: Additional Contracts],
- Series 9: Teamsters - Writers

- Box 71

- Folder 4: International Brotherhood of Teamsters, chauffeurss

- Item 1: Teamsters Educational Pamphlet (2 items), ca. 1960-ca. 1990

- Creator: IBT
- Item 2: International Brotherhood of Teamsters Communiques to Members (2 items), June, 1997; September, 2001

- Creator: IBT
- Item 3: Abreviated Chronology of Teamsters History / History of the Teamsters Union, ca. 1990

- Creator: IBT
- Item 4: Protection of Your Contractual Gains - Local 743 Stewards' Seminar, May 9, 1981

- Creator: Regina Polk, IBT
- Item 5: Power at Work: Building a Teamster Member-to-Member Action Network, March, 1997

- Creator: IBT
- Item 6: News Stories Regarding Teamsters (3 items), 1994; 1996; 2001

- Item 7: What is the Teamsters Union: A Brief Look at the Largest Trade Union in the Western Hemisphere (2 items), 1977

- Creator: IBT
- Item 8: Cleaning Up the Teamsters union: A Three-Year Progress Report, February, 1995

- Creator: IBT
- Item 9: TeamsterGram, ca. 1993

- Creator: IBT
- Item 10: IBT Focus on Stewards, ca. 1970s

- Creator: IBT
- Item 11: Beck Reports on Europe Booklet, September 1, 1954

- Creator: IBT
- Item 12: Automation Booklet, April 12, 1961

- Creator: IBT
- Item 13: Our Greatest Problem, Unemployment - Reprinted from the International Teamster, September, 1963

- Creator: IBT
- Item 14: Attachments to Statement, Sidney Zagri, International Brotherhood of Teamsters on S. 1986 and Related Bill (Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1965) Before Subcomittee on Labor, Labor and Public Welfare Committee, United States Senate, July 15, 1965

- Creator: IBT
- Item 15: Text of Statement by Dave Beck, General President International Brotherhood of Teamsters, AFL, to the House Interstate Commerce Committee., September 21, 1955

- Creator: IBT
- Item 16: Teamster Labor Institute Booklet, ca. 1969

- Creator: IBT
- Item 17: Some Notes For Trade Union Organizers, April 1, 1955

- Creator: IBT
- Item 18: Our Union's Finances, June 21, 1957

- Creator: IBT
- Item 19: International Brotherhood of Teamsters News Service (1 folder - 6 items), 1953-1964

- Creator: IBT
- Item 20: Labor Monograph No. 6 - A Contemporary Analysis of a labor Union: International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, 1964

- Creator: Miles Hoffman, Temple University
- Item 21: District Council 37 Education Fund Bibliography, ca. 1978

- Creator: IBT
- Item 22: International Teamsers Retiree Association Newsletter, August, 1983

- Creator: ITRA
- Item 23: Council Plaza Event Material, Undated

- Creator: IBT
- Item 24: A Trade Union and Its Medical Service Plan, July 28, 1954

- Creator: N.M. Simon and S.E. Rabushka, St Louis Labor Health Institute
- Item 25: James R. Hoffa's Observations With Respect to Supplement No. 2 to Staff Report for the Committee on Ethical Practices, ca. October, 1957

- Creator: IBT
- Item 26: Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas Pension Plan, February 1, 1964

- Creator: IBT
- Item 27: James R. Hoffa and Continued Underworld Contral of New York Teamster Local 239 - Report of the Committee on Government Operations, US Senate, July 25, 1962

- Creator: US Senate
- Item 28: The Teamster Monitors and the Administration of the International Union, ca. 1961

- Creator: Sam Romer
- Item 29: Life, Accident and Health Insurance Plan - Central States, Southeat and Southwest Areas Health and Welfare Fund (2 editions), April, 1953; ca. 1955

- Creator: IBT
- Item 30: International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, April 1, 1950

- Folder 5: Teamsters - Legislative Materials

- Item 1: Report from Washington (25+ editions), 1953-1956

- Creator: IBT
- Item 2: Special Drive Legislative and Political Action Kit, 1962

- Creator: IBT
- Folder 6: Teamsters - Constitutions and Proceedings

- Item 1: Constitution of International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen (Warehousemen) and Helpers of America - Booklets (6 editions), 1912; 1935; 1947; 1961; 1966; 1971

- Creator: IBT
- Item 2: Constitution of International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America - Photocopies (3 editions), 1976; 1991

- Creator: IBT
- Item 3: Proposed Constitution and By-Laws of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America (2 editions), July, 1961; July, 1996

- Creator: IBT
- Folder 7: UPS Strike - 1997

- Item 1: Newspaper Clippings Regarding the 1997 UPS Strike (20+ items), August, 1997

- Creator: Wall Street Journal
- Folder 8: Proposed Merger of Teamsters and International Typographical Union Materials

- Item 1: Portfolio Presented by the Teamsters Union to Delegates at the International Typographical Union Annual Convention, August, 1983

- Creator: IBT
- Box 72

- Folder 1: Teamsters, Wage and Hours Surveys

- Item 1: Illinois Teamsters Pay Rates and Job Specs (1 folder - 3 items), 1974-1976

- Creator: IBT
- Item 2: Joint Council of Teamsters No. 13, Wage Study Series No. 11, Basic Wage Rates and Hours for Chauffeurs and Helpers in the Greater St. Louis Area, January 1, 1959

- Creator: IBT
- Item 3: Joint Council of Teamsters No. 13, Wage Study series No. 8 (2 editions - Wages and Working Conditions Among St. Louis Warehousemen, Food Processing and Clerical Employees; Basic Wage Rates and Hours for Chauffeurs and Helpers in Greater St. Louis Area), January, 1957; January, 1958

- Creator: IBT
- Item 4: Joint Council of Teamsters No. 13, Wage Study Series No. 4, Wages and Working Conditions Among St. louis Warehousmen and Food Processing Employees as Represented by Teamsters' Local 688, January 1, 1955

- Creator: IBT
- Item 5: Joint Council of Teamsters No. 13, Wage Study Series No. 3, A Summary of Basic Wage Rates and Hours for Chauffeurs and Helpers in the Greater St. Louis Area, January 1, 1955

- Creator: IBT
- Item 6: Joint Council of Teamsters No. 13, Wage Study Series No. 2, Wages and Working Conditions Among St. louis Warehousmen and Food Processing Employees as Represented by Teamsters' Local 688, January 1, 1954

- Creator: IBT
- Item 7: Joint Council of Teamsters No. 13, Wage Study Series No. 1, Summary of Basic Wage Rates and Hours for Chauffeurs and Helpers in the Greater St. Louis Area, November 1, 1953

- Creator: IBT
- Item 8: A Summary of Wages and Working Conditions Negotiated in Local 699 Contracts During 1951, Reported to the 9th Annual City-Wide Shop Conference, January 20, 1952

- Creator: IBT
- Item 9: Illinois Teamsters Conference Supplements and Corrections (5 items), November, 1948; July, 1949; July, 1950; December, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 10: Research Review - Eastern Conference of Teamsters, June, 1957

- Creator: IBT
- Item 11: Provisions of Teamsters' Union Contracts in New York City, July, 1949

- Creator: State of New York Department of Labor
- Folder 2: Teamsters - Central States Conference

- Item 1: Address of Dave Beck, General President International Brotherhood of Teamsters, At Closing Session of First Central States Conference of Teamsters, April 26, 1954

- Creator: IBT
- Item 2: These Changing Times and the Teamsters, Chairman's Annual Report, 8th Annual Meeting Central Conference of Teamsters, July 6, 1961

- Creator: IBT
- Item 3: 1959 Chairman's Annual Report, Central Conference of Teamsters, November 2, 1959

- Creator: IBT
- Item 4: 1958 Chairman's Annual Report, Central Conference of Teamsters, September 23, 1958

- Creator: IBT
- Item 5: Legal Report, Central Conference of Teamsters, September 25, 1958

- Creator: IBT
- Item 6: 1957 Chairman's Annual Report, Cental Conference of Teamsters, September 30, 1957

- Creator: IBT
- Item 7: Annual Report of Chairman, Central Conference of Teamsters, May 10-11, 1956

- Creator: IBT
- Item 8: Annual Report of Chairman, Central Conference of Teamsters, April 16, 1955

- Creator: IBT
- Item 9: Chairman's Annual Report, Central States Conference of Teamsters, April 25-26, 1954

- Creator: IBT
- Folder 3: International Brotherhood of Teamsters, chauffeurs - Western States Conference

- Item 1: Decision of Supreme Court of California - Park and Tilford vs. IB of TCW & H of A, Drivers Local 848 and Warehousemens Local 598, ca. 1946

- Creator: Supreme Court of California, IBT
- Item 2: Releases of Western Conference of Teamsters, Legal Research Division (14 editions), December, 1944 - April, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Folder 4: Unions - Teamsters - Locals and Councils

- Item 1: Grievance Procedure at Local 753 of the Teamsters Union, Paper for Econ. 209, Prof. Orr, ca. 1965

- Creator: Wallace Bendeck
- Item 2: Crain's Chicago Business Articles about Teamsters (2 editions), May, 1996; June, 1998

- Creator: Crain's Chicago Business
- Item 3: By-Laws of Local No. 452, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, January 31, 1963

- Creator: IBT
- Item 4: Milk Drivers and Dairy Employees Annual Report (2 editions - 12th and 13th), March, 1956; March, 1957

- Creator: IBT
- Item 5: Missouri-Kansas Teamsters Potential Membership Series, Sedalia, Missouri, Joint Council of Teamsters No. 13, ca. 1954

- Creator: IBT
- Item 6: By-Laws of Milk Wagon Drivers, Local Union No. 753, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, July, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 7: Milk Drivers' Union, Local 753 - Dealers', Health and Welfare Plan and Service Retirement Program, May, 1960

- Creator: IBT
- Item 8: This is Your Union, Automotive Petroleum and Allied Industries Employees Union, Local 618, IBT, 1953

- Creator: IBT
- Item 9: The Milk Distributor, Newsletter of Milk Drivers Union, Local 753, November, 1963

- Creator: IBT
- Item 10: International Brotherhood of Teamsters Locals Affiliated with Teamsters Joint Council No. 25, ca. 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 11: Review of Operations, Teamsters Joint Council No. 13, St. Louis Mo., July, 1955

- Creator: H.J. Gibbons, IBT
- Item 12: By-Laws of Joint Council No. 65, IB of TCW and H of A, Peoria and Vicinity, October 27, 1941

- Creator: IBT
- Item 13: Pennsylvania Conference Report of Teamsters, January, 1995

- Creator: IBT
- Folder 5: Teamsters - Local 26

- Item 1: Teamsters Local 26 News and Views (5 editions), January, 1992 - January, 1993

- Creator: IBT
- Folder 6: International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs - Local 688

- Item 1: Address of Robert D. Leiter before 15th Annual Shop Conference: Economic Achievements of the Teamsters Union, January 26, 1958

- Creator: IBT
- Item 2: The People Must Act - A Report to the Community Stewards Assembly, February, 1955

- Creator: IBT
- Item 3: Constitution and By-Laws of the Warehouse and Distribution Workers' Union, Local 688, IBT, June, 1960

- Creator: IBT
- Item 4: Meet.Your Union, Warehouse and Distribution Workers' Union , Local No. 688, IBT, November, 1949

- Creator: IBT
- Item 5: Report of Oil Workers Committee on Local 688's Participation Program, Reported to Lockport, IN Local 222, November 24, 1951

- Creator: IBT
- Item 6: Report of Senator Robert Pentland and a General Summary of Local 688's Political Education Program to the Ninth Annual City-Wide Shop Conference, January 20, 1952

- Creator: IBT
- Item 7: The Great Society and the America of the Future, Officer's Report, Teamsters, Local 688, ca. 1965

- Creator: IBT
- Item 8: Officers' Report, City-Wide Shop Conference, Teamsters Local 688 (5 editions - 18th, 15th, 12th, 11th, 9th), November, 1962; January, 1958; January, 1955; January, 1954; January, 1952

- Creator: IBT
- Item 9: 6th Annual Meeting of Unity Welfare Assiciation, Report to Membership, October 30, 1958

- Creator: IBT
- Item 10: General Background in the Matter of Teamsters Local 688 and the Federal Grand Jury Empaneled to Investigate Racketeeing in the St. Louis Area, June 15, 1954

- Item 11: Community Action: A Reprint, Publication of Community Action Program of Teamsters Local 688, January, 1958

- Creator: IBT
- Item 12: Newspaper Clipping from St. Louis Post-Dispatch Regarding Teamsters Local 688, March 8, 1954

- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Item 13: St. Louis Post-Dispatch Feature on Teamsters' Summer Camp, July 8, 1962

- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Item 14: Teamsters Local 688 Health and Medical Camp, ca. 1960

- Creator: IBT
- Item 15: Pennsylvania Conference Report of Teamsters - RR PAC Rats, September, 1996

- Creator: IBT
- Item 16: Ten Years of Trade Union Democracy in Action - Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Warehouse and Distribution Workers Union, Local 688, 1951

- Creator: IBT
- Item 17: Model Contract for Warehouse and Distribution Workers' Union, Local 688, IBT, ca. 1966

- Creator: IBT
- Folder 7: Teamsters - Local 705

- Item 1: Teamsters Local 705 Update (5 editions), June, 2001 - December, 2002

- Creator: IBT
- Item 2: Chicago Reader Article Regarding Teamsters, June 4, 1999

- Creator: Chicago Reader
- Folder 8: Teamsters Local 743

- Item 1: Grey City Journal with Article Regarding Teamsters Local 743, January 14, 1994

- Creator: Grey City Journal
- Item 2: Portrait of a Union, Warehouse and Mail Order Employees, Local 743, ca. 1965

- Creator: IBT
- Item 3: Local 743 Stewards Manual and Work Kit, ca. 1961

- Creator: IBT
- Item 4: Local 743 Stewards Banquet Program (14 editions), 1960-1992

- Creator: IBT
- Item 5: Voice of 743, Newsletter (8 editions), October, 1992 - September, 1994

- Creator: IBT
- Folder 9: Teamsters Contracts - Locals 1 - 100

- Item 1: Gate Gourmet, Dobbs International Master Agreement with International Brotherhood of Teamsters / Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union, June 1, 2000

- Creator: IBT/HERE and Dobbs International
- Item 2: Agreement between Prairie Farms Creamery of Galesburg (IL) and Local 15, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, June 1, 1948

- Creator: IBT and Prairie Farms Creamery
- Item 3: Agreement between Wholesale Food, Beer and Liquor Industries, Galesburg, IL, January 1, 1957

- Creator: IBT and Wholesale Food, Beer and Liquor Industries
- Item 4: Agreement between Gamble-Skogmo, Inc. of Monmouth, IL and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers Local No. 15, IBT, August 15, 1955

- Creator: IBT and Gamble-Skogmo, Inc.
- Item 5: Agreement between Humko, Division of National Dairy Products Corp., Chicago, IL Plant and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers, Local 26, Danville, IL, November 16, 1958

- Creator: IBT and National Dairy Products Corp.
- Item 6: Agreement between Rantoul Products, Inc. and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers, Local 26, IBT, July, 1992

- Creator: IBT and Rantoul Products, Inc.
- Item 7: Agreement between Textron Automotive Co., Rantoul Products and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers, Local 26, IBT, March, 2000

- Creator: IBT and Textron Automotive Co.
- Item 8: Agreement between Kraft Foods Ingredients, Champaign, IL and Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warhousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 26, December 10, 1992

- Creator: IBT and Kraft Food Ingredients
- Item 9: Agreement between Sheriff of Edgar County and Count of Edgar (IL) and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers, Local No. 26, IBT, July 16, 1986

- Creator: IBT and Edgar County
- Item 10: Agreement between Humko Products Division, Kraftco Corp., Champaign, IL and chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers, Local 26, IBT, Undated

- Creator: IBT and Kraftco Corp.
- Item 11: Humko Products, Champaign, IL Company Plant Rules, November 16, 1969

- Creator: Humko Products
- Item 12: Articles of Agreement between General Grocer Co. and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers, Local Union No. 26, IBT, July 2, 1977

- Creator: IBT and General Grocer Co.
- Item 13: Articles of Agreement between Altman Distributing Co. et al. and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local Union No. 26, April 1, 1948

- Creator: IBT and Altman Distributing Co. et al.
- Item 14: Contract between County of Mercer (NJ) and Teamsters, Local 35, Nurses' Union, July 14, 1981

- Creator: IBT and Mercer County
- Item 15: Labor Agreement between Visiting Nurse Association of Trenton, Inc. and Teamsters, Local Union No. 35, October 6, 1981

- Creator: IBT and VNA of Trenton, Inc.
- Item 16: Agreement between Quality Dairy Co., O'Fallon, IL and Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union No. 50, IBT, October 1, 1949

- Creator: IBT and Quality Dairy Co.
- Item 17: Agreement between Illinois Powder Mfg. Co. and Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union No. 50, IBT (2 editions), October, 1946; October, 1947

- Creator: IBT and Illinois Powder Mfg. Co.
- Item 18: Articles of Agreement between Millstadt Creamery Co. and Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union No. 50, IBT (2 editions), January, 1947; January, 1950

- Creator: IBT and Millstadt Creamery Co.
- Item 19: Agreement between St. Louis Dairy Co. and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Union No. 50, August, 1946; August, 1947

- Creator: IBT and St. Louis Dairy Co.
- Item 20: Agreement between Oberbeck Feed Store, O'Fallon, IL and Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union No. 50, IBT, January 1, 1950

- Creator: IBT and Oberbeck Feed Store
- Item 21: Quarry Chauffeurs Agreement International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local No. 50 (2 editions), June, 1946; June, 1947

- Creator: IBT
- Item 22: Agreement between Transfer Truck Owners and Operators, Belleville, IL and Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union No.. 50, IBT (3 editions), July, 1946; July, 1947; July, 1949

- Creator: IBT and Transfer Truck Owners
- Item 23: Transport Oil Drivers Agreement with International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local Union No. 50, June, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 24: Articles of Agreement between Foundry and Stove Cos. Of Belleville, IL and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Union No. 50, January 1, 1947

- Creator: IBT and Foundry and Stove Cos. of Belleville
- Item 25: Agreement between the Wholesale Grocer, Tobacco and Candy Cos., Belleville, IL and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local Union No. 50 (2 editions), November, 1946; November, 1948

- Creator: IBT and Wholesale Grocer, Tobacco and Candy Cos. of Belleville
- Item 26: Articles of Agreement between Beer and Liquor Distributor of Belleville, IL and Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union No. 50, IBT (2 editions), November, 1946; November, 1948

- Creator: IBT and Beer and Liquor Distributors of Belleville
- Item 27: Agreement between Soft Drink Manufacturers of Belleville, IL and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 50 (2 editions), November, 1946; November, 1948

- Creator: IBT and Soft Drink Manufacturers of Belleville
- Item 28: Agreement between Building Material Cos., Belleville, IL and Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union No. 50, IBT (2 editions), May, 1947; May, 1949

- Creator: IBT and Building Material Cos. of Belleville
- Item 29: Agreement between Furniture Delevery Truck Owners and Operators, Belleville, IL and Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union No. 50, IBT (3 editions), August, 1946; August, 1947; August, 1949

- Creator: IBT and Furniture Delivery Truck Owners of Belleville
- Item 30: Agreement between Coal Dealers, Belleville, IL and Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union no. 50, IBT (3 editions), August, 1946; August, 1947; August, 1949

- Creator: IBT and Coal Dealers of Belleville
- Item 31: Agreement between Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Dealers, Belleville, IL and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 50, April 1, 1947

- Creator: IBT and Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Dealers of Belleville
- Item 32: Agreement between Lumber Cos. of Belleville, Freeburg, Millstadt, New Athens, Marissa, O'Fallon and Spart, IL and Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union No. 50, IBT (2 editions), May, 1949; May, 1950

- Creator: IBT and Lumber Cos. of Belleville et al.
- Item 33: Agreement between Liese Lumber Co., Belleville, IL et al. and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 50, May 1, 1946

- Creator: IBT and Liese Lumber Co. et al.
- Item 34: Agreement between Ice Manufacturers and Dealers, Belleville, IL and Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union No. 50, IBT (2 editions), January, 1947; January, 1949

- Creator: IBT and Ice Manufactutrers and Dealers of Belleville
- Item 35: Agreement between Gasoline and Oil Cos., Belleville, IL and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 50 (2 editions), June, 1946; June, 1947

- Creator: IBT and Gasoline and Oil Cos. of Belleville
- Item 36: Agreement between Funeral Homes, Belleville, IL and Vicinity and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 50, April 1, 1947

- Creator: IBT and Funeral Homes of Belleville and Vicinity
- Item 37: Agreement between Oakland Wholesale Fruit and Produce Merchants Association, Inc. and Brotherhood of Teamsters and Auto Truck Drivers, Local No. 50, April 1, 1974

- Creator: IBT and Oakland Wholesale Fruit and Produce Merchants Assn, Inc.
- Item 38: Working Agreement between Mobil Oil Corp. and Drivers, Warehouse and Dairy Employees Union No. 75, Geen Bay, WI, IBT, November 1, 1970

- Creator: IBT and Mobil Oil Corp.
- Item 39: Agreement between Peyton's, Inc. and Teamsters Local Union No. 89, IBT, May 23, 1987

- Creator: IBT and Peyton's, Inc.
- Folder 10: Teamsters Contracts - Locals 101-178

- Item 1: Central Indiana Master Bakery Distribution Agreement Between Local Union Nos. 135, 144 and 153 and 9 Individual Employers, May 1, 1977

- Creator: IBT and 9 employers
- Item 2: Addenda to Central Indiana Master Bakery Distribution Agreement for Colonial Baking Co. and Continental Baking Co., May 1, 1977

- Creator: IBT and Colonial and Continental Baking Cos.
- Item 3: Agreement between Indiana Eby-Brown Co. and Chauffeurs, Teamsters, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 135, IBT, January 3, 1991

- Creator: IBT and Eby-Brown Co.
- Item 4: Agreement between Indiana Oxygen Co. and Teamsters Union Local No. 135, IBT, October 22, 1982

- Creator: IBT and Indiana Oxygen Co.
- Item 5: Agreement between Keebler Co., Indianapolis Distribution Center and Teamsters, Local No. 135, IBT, February 4, 1987

- Creator: IBT and Keebler Co.
- Item 6: Agreement between the Pierce Co., Inc. and Chauffeurs, Teamsters, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local 135, IBT, January 1, 1989

- Creator: IBT and Pierce Co., Inc.
- Item 7: Agreement between Ryder Truck Rental, Inc., Indianapolis, Chauffeurs, Teamsters, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 135, IBT (2 editions), June, 1982; June, 1985

- Creator: IBT and Ryder Truck Rental, Inc.
- Item 8: Agreement between Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers of Muncie, Inc., Muncie, IN and Chauffeurs, Teamsters, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 135, IBT, October 15, 1988

- Creator: IBT and Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers of Muncie, Inc.
- Item 9: Agreement between Smith-Harris, Inc., Indianapolis and Chauffeurs, Teamsters, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 135, IBT, August 26, 1987

- Creator: IBT and Smith-Harris, Inc.
- Folder 11: Teamsters Contracts - Local 179

- Item 1: Blank Local No. 179, IBT Articles of Construction Agreement (2 copies), Undated

- Creator: IBT
- Item 2: Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179 (5 editions), January, 1947; May, 1947; May, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 3: Agreement between Prairie State Paper Mill and General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers, Warehousemen and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT (3 editions), May, 1947; May, 1948

- Creator: IBT and Prairie State Paper Mill
- Item 4: Agreement between Phillips Petroleum Co. and General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local 179, IBT, May 1, 1950

- Creator: IBT and Phillips Petroleum Co.
- Item 5: Cleaners and Dyers Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT, October, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 6: Supplemental Wage Agreement, Suburban Chicago Bakery Drivers Agreement between Suburban Chicago Wholesale Bakery Operators and Locals 179, 301 330, 423 and 438, IBT, December, 1950

- Creator: IBT and Suburban Chicago Wholesale Bakery Operators
- Item 7: Cartage Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT, November, 1948

- Creator: IBT
- Item 8: Area Road and Construction Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers, Local No. 179, IBT, July, 1945

- Creator: IBT
- Item 9: Agreement between the Texas Co. and General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT, May, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 10: Local Transfer Drivers, Helpers, Warehousemen and Dockmen Model Agreement for General Teamsters and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT, November, 1944

- Creator: IBT
- Item 11: Agreement between Joliet Refuse and Garbage Co. and General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT (2 editions), January, 1947; January, 1949

- Creator: IBT and Joliet Refuse and Garbage Co.
- Item 12: Stone Quarry and Gravel Pit Employee's Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT, January, 1947

- Creator: IBT
- Item 13: Agreement between Joliet Clean Towel Service and General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179 (2 editions), November, 1948; November, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 14: Agreement between General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT and Joliet Lumber Yard Employers' Association (4 editions), September, 1946; September, 1948; September, 1950

- Creator: IBT and Joliet Lumber Yard Employers' Association
- Item 15: Produce Drivers Model Agreement for Local No. 179, IBT (3 editions), May, 1947; May, 1948; May, 1949

- Creator: IBT
- Item 16: Agreement between Valley Trucking Co. and General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT (2 editions), July, 1947; July, 1948

- Creator: IBT and Valley Trucking Co.
- Item 17: Milk Drivers Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT (3 editions), July, 1946; July, 1948; July, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 18: Agreement between Barrett Hardware Co. and General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT Regarding Warehouse Employees (4 editions), june, 1946; June, 1947; June, 1948; October, 1985

- Creator: IBT and Barrett Hardware Co.
- Item 19: Coal Drivers Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179 (3 editions), April, 1946; April, 1947; April, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 20: Laundry Drivers Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT, December , 1945; December, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 21: Agreement between F.E. Schundler and Co., Inc. and General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT (2 editions), July, 1948; August, 1950

- Creator: IBT and F.E. Schundler and Co., Inc.
- Item 22: Agreement between Schulze and Burch Biscuit Co., Joliet, IL and Local No. 179 of General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, IBT Regarding Drivers (2 editions), July, 1948; July, 1950

- Creator: IBT and S and B Biscuit Co.
- Item 23: Retail and Wholesale Drivers and Warehousemen Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT (2 editions), February, 1947; February, 1949

- Creator: IBT
- Item 24: Agreement between Barrett Hardware Co. and General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT Regarding Retail and Wholesale Drivers Agreement (3 editions), June, 1946; June, 1947; June, 1948

- Creator: IBT and Barrett Hardware Co.
- Item 25: Inside Dairy and Ice Cream Workers Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT (4 editions), July, 1946; July, 1948; July, 1949; July, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 26: Ice Cream Drivers' Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT, December, 1947

- Creator: IBT
- Item 27: Gasoline Service Station Employees Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT (2 editions), April, 1946; April, 1947

- Creator: IBT
- Item 28: Limestone, Phosphate and Miscellaneous Dump Truck Hauling Model Agreement for Local No. 179, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, June, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 29: Beer and Liquor Drivers and Helpers Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT (3 editions), March, 1946; March, 1947; March, 1949

- Creator: IBT
- Item 30: Ice Drivers, Helpers and Platform Mens' Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT, July, 1948

- Creator: IBT
- Item 31: Bread, Cake and Pie Drivers' Model Agreement for Local No. 179, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers (2 editions), February, 1946; February, 1947

- Creator: IBT
- Item 32: Concrete Block and Material Yard Model Agreement for Local No. 179, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers (4 editions), June, 1946; June, 1947; June, 1948; June, 1949

- Creator: IBT
- Item 33: Concrete Pipe Haulers Model Agreement for Local No. 179, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers (2 editions), August, 1948; August, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 34: Taxi Cab Drivers' Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT, January, 1949

- Creator: IBT
- Item 35: Soda, Mineral Water and Soft Drink Drivers and Helpers Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT (3 editions), May, 1946; May, 1947; May, 1949

- Creator: IBT
- Item 36: Grocery, Parcel and Furniture Drivers and Helpers Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers, and Helpers Union, Local No. 179, IBT (3 editions), April, 1946; April, 1947; April, 1948

- Creator: IBT
- Item 37: Area Wide Master Agreement between Northern Illinois Ready Mix and Material Association and Local Union No. 179, 301, 330, 673, 705 and 786, IBT, May 1, 1989

- Creator: IBT and Northern IL Ready Mix and Materials Assn.
- Box 73

- Folder 1: Teamsters Contracts - Locals 180-399

- Item 1: Agreement between the Board of Control of Ferris State College (MI) and FSC Health Center Registered Nurses Unit, Teamsters Local 214, November 1, 1980

- Creator: IBT and Ferris State College
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining Agreement between HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. and Teamsters Local Union No. 229 (Participants Blacked Out on Title Page. See Article 20 for Names of Contract Paticipants), April 1, 1993

- Creator: IBT and HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.
- Item 3: Agreement between Cedar Rapids Airport Commission (IA) and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers Local Union No. 238, IBT, May 18, 1987

- Creator: IBT and Cedar Rapids Airport Commission
- Item 4: Agreement between City of Cedar Rapids (IA) and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers Local No. 238, IBT, July 1, 1987

- Creator: IBT and City of Cedar Rapids
- Item 5: Agreement between Snap-On Tools Corp. Pittsburgh Branch and General Teamsters, Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union 249, IBT, May 24, 1979

- Creator: IBT and Snap-On Tools Corp.
- Item 6: Agreement between Decatur Contractor's Association and Local 274, Illinois Teamster's Conference, IBT, June 20, 1947

- Creator: IBT and Decatur Contractor's Assn.
- Item 7: Agreement between Union Ice Service, Inc. and Ice Wagon Drivers and Helpers Local 284, IBT, April 30, 1946

- Creator: IBT and Union Ice Service, Inc.
- Item 8: Model Dairy Agreement for Milk Wagon Drivers and Dairy Employees, Local Union No. 314, IBT, Springfield, IL, February, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 9: Agreement between County of DeKalb (IL) and General Chauffeurs, Salesdrivers and Helpers, Local No. 330, IBT (2 editions), April, 1987; April, 1990

- Creator: IBT and DeKalb County
- Item 11: Agreement between Illinois Departments of Central Management Services, Children and Family Services, Corrections, Employment Security, Mental Health, and Transportation and Local 330, General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers, IBT (2 editions), August, 1977; June, 1986

- Creator: IBT and State of Illinois
- Item 12: Agreement between Adapto, Inc., South Bend, IN and Teamsters Local Union No. 364, December 19, 1986

- Creator: IBT and Adapto, Inc.
- Item 13: Agreement between Rock Island County Highway Department, Rock Island, IL and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local No. 371, December 1, 1989

- Creator: IBT and Rock Island County Highway Dept.
- Folder 2: Teamsters Contracts - Locals 400-710

- Item 1: Food Marketing Corp., Division of Super Valu Stores, Inc. and Chauffeurs, Teamsters, and Helpers, Local Union No. 414, IBT, August 14, 1983

- Creator: IBT and Super Valu Stores, Inc.
- Item 2: Agreement between City of Fort Wayne, Indiana and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers Local Union No. 414 Regarding Water Pollution Control Manitenance Department, January 1, 1986

- Creator: IBT and City of Fort Wayne
- Item 3: Agreement between City of Fort Wayne, Indiana and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers Local Union No. 414 Regarding Safe Housing Enforcement Department, November 11, 1987

- Creator: IBT and City of Fort Wayne
- Item 4: Agreement between Wayne Cooperative Milk Producers, Inc. and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers Local Union No. 414, Fort Wayne, Indiana, IBT, October 29, 1972

- Creator: IBT and Wayne Coop. Milk Producers, Inc.
- Item 5: Employye Agreement Regarding Work Procedures between Participating Aurora Sanitary District and Suburban Teamsters of Northern Illinois, Local 423, IBT, January 1, 1983

- Creator: IBT and Participating Aurora Sanitary District
- Item 6: Agreement between Ready-Mix Operators of Buffalo, Niagra Falls and Vicinity, Western New York Dump Truck Operators and the Truck Drivers Local Union No. 449 of Buffalo and Vicinity, IBT, October 24, 1963

- Creator: IBT and Ready-Mix Operators and Western New York Dump Truck Operators
- Item 7: Model Agreement for Milk and Ice Cream Drivers', Dairy Employees' and Independent Distributors', Local Union No. 462, IBT, September 29, 1945

- Creator: IBT
- Item 8: Agreement between Milkwagon Drivers Union, Local No. 482, Rockford, Illinois, IBT and Rockford Milk Dealers, August, 1946

- Creator: IBT and Rockford Milk Dealers
- Item 9: Agreement between Stop and Shop, Inc., Boston, MA and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local No. 494 (3 editions), June, 1953; May, 1955; April, 1957

- Creator: IBT and Stop and Shop, Inc.
- Item 10: Agreement between Shell Oil Co., Wood River, Illinois, Refinery and Seven Unions, including Local No. 525, IBT; Local No. 649, IBEW; Local No. 56, AWIU, Local 917, IUPAT; Local No. 628, SMWIA; Carpenters District Council of Madison County and Vicinity, IL, UBC; LIUNA, January 8, 1977

- Creator: IBT et al. and Shell Oil Co.
- Item 11: Limestone, Phosphate and Miscellaneous Hauling Model Agreement for Local No. 562, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, January, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 12: Coal and Lumber Drivers' Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Sales Drivers and Helpers Union, Local Union No. 562, IBT, Undated

- Creator: IBT
- Item 13: Model Agreement for International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local No. 562, DeKalb, Illinois, January, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 14: Model Wage Agreement of Local No. 600, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, July 1, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 15: Wage Agreement between Local No. 600, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers and Moto Carriers' Council of St. Louis, MO, July 1, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 16: Model Agreement for Local Union No. 604, IBT Regarding Automobile Carrier Truckaway Contract, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 17: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Tazwell, County, IL and Teamsters, Chauffeurs, and Helpers Union, Local No. 627, IBT Regarding Highway Department Maintenance Workers (2 editions), December, 1986; December, 1995

- Creator: IBT and Tazwell County
- Item 18: Agreement between County of Peoria, IL and Teamsters, Chauffeurs, and Helpers Local Union 627, IBT, Laborers Local Union 165, and Operating Engineers Local 649 (2 editions), May, 1988; December, 1989

- Creator: IBT et al. and Peoria County
- Item 19: Model Agreement for Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 627, Peoria, IL, November, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 20: Agreement between Ice Firm of Peoria, Illinois and Ice Handlers' Union, Local No. 660, IBT, February 14, 1946

- Creator: IBT and Ice Firm of Peoria
- Item 21: Model Agreement for Local 673, The DuPage County General Teamsters' Union, IBT, Regarding Live Stock Chauffeurs, Transfer and Freight Drivers, Furniture Chauffeurs, Helpers Dockmen, Warehousemen and Packers, June 1, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 22: Model Agreement for Local 673, The DuPage County General Teamsters' Union, IBT, Regarding Oil Wagon Drivers (2 editions), July , 1944; July, 1945

- Creator: IBT
- Item 23: Model Agreement for Local 673, The DuPage County General Teamsters' Union, IBT, Regarding Transfer, Freight, Furniture Drivers and Helpers (2 editions), June, 1942; June, 1945

- Creator: IBT
- Item 24: Model Agreement for Local 673, The DuPage County General Teamsters' Union, IBT, Regarding Ice Drivers and Pullers, March, 1945

- Creator: IBT
- Item 25: Model Agreement for Local 673, The DuPage County General Teamsters' Union, IBT, Regarding Paving and Constuction, June, 1942

- Creator: IBT
- Item 26: Model Agreement for Local 673, The DuPage County General Teamsters' Union, IBT, Regarding Gravel Pit Drivers, Yardmen and Helpers, June, 1944

- Creator: IBT
- Item 27: Model Agreement for Local 673, The DuPage County General Teamsters' Union, IBT, Regarding Coal and Building Material Drivers (2 editions), May, 1944; May, 1945

- Creator: IBT
- Item 28: Agreement between St. Louis Merchandise Warehousemen's Association and Warehouse and distribution Workers' Union, Local 688, IBT, September 7, 1963

- Creator: IBT and St. Louis Merchandise Warehousemen's Association
- Item 29: Agreement between Dobbs Houses, Inc. (Metropolitan Airport, St.Louis, MO) and Warehouse and Distribution Workers Local 688, IBT, September 3, 1964

- Creator: IBT and Dobbs Houses, Inc.
- Item 30: Agreement between Warehouse and Distribution Workers' Union, Local 688 and Brown Show Co., St. Louis, MO, May 1, 1963

- Creator: IBT and Brown Shoe Co.
- Item 31: Agreement between Warehouse and Distribution Workers' Union, Local 688 and Industrial Engineering and Equipment Co., St. Louis, MO, December 1, 1963

- Creator: IBT and Industial Engineering and Equipment Co.
- Item 32: Warehouse Addenda to Master Agreement between Missouri Illinois Food Distributors and Warehouse and Distribution Workers, Local 688, IBT, October, 1963

- Creator: IBT and Missouri Illinois Food Distributors
- Item 33: Agreement between La Preferida, Inc. and Local 703, IBT, April 1, 1976

- Creator: IBT and La Preferida, Inc.
- Item 34: Model Agreement for Local 705, IBT Salesmen and/or Freight Solicitors, July 1, 1973

- Creator: IBT
- Item 35: Meat Drivers and Helpers, Highway Drivers, Dockmen and Helpers, Local Union No. 710, IBT, Ariticles of Agreement Pamplet (4 editions), November, 1945; March, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 36: Central States Area Over-The-Road Motor Fregiht Agreement Covering Drivers Employed by Private, Common and contract Carriers, Meat Drivers and Helpers, Highway Drivers, Dockmen and Helpers, Local Union No. 710, November 16, 1945

- Creator: IBT
- Folder 3: Teamsters Contracts - Locals 711-742

- Item 1: Meet and Confer Election Agreement between Illinois Department of Transportation and Illinois Professional Employees (IPEC), Statewide Teamsters Local 715, July 20, 1981

- Creator: IBT and IDOT
- Item 2: Memorandum of Understanding between Department of Transportation, State of Illinois and Illinois Professional Employees (IPEC) Teamsters Local 715, July, 1982

- Creator: IBT and IDOT
- Item 3: Agreement between Freightline Corp., Indianapolis and Coal, Ice, Building Material, Supply Drivers, Heavy Haulers, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union No. 716, IBT, January 30, 1970

- Creator: IBT and Freightliner Corp.
- Item 4: Agreement between City of Dixon, Illinios and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Local 722, ca. 1990

- Creator: IBT and City of Dixon
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining Agreement between State and Municipal Teamsters, Chauffeurs and Helpers Union, Local 726, IBT and City of Chicago (3 editions), February, 1986; December, 1982

- Creator: IBT and City of Chicago
- Item 6: Collective Agreement between Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities, Chicago State University and State and Municipal Teamsters, Chauffeurs and Helpers Union, Local 726, IBT, August 11, 1988

- Creator: IBT and Chicago State University
- Item 7: Agreement between Illinois Departments of Central Management Services, Transportation, Mental Health, Public Health, Children and Family Services, Employment Security and Public Aid and State and Municipal Teamsters, Chauffeurs and Helpers Union, Local 726, IBT (3 editions), July, 1977; July, 1989; July, 1991

- Creator: IBT and State of Illinois
- Item 8: Agreement between Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and State and Municipal Teamsters and Chauffeurs Union, Local No. 726, IBT, November 23, 1983

- Creator: IBT and IL State Toll Highway Authority
- Item 9: Agreement between Wholesale Grocery Companies and Grocery and Food Products Warehouse Employees Union, Local No. 738, IBT, November 28, 1941

- Creator: IBT and Wholesale Grocery Cos.
- Item 10: Agreement between D.B. Scully Syrup Co. and Grocery and Food Products Warehouse Employees Enion, Local 738, IBT (2 copies), April 16, 1942

- Creator: IBT and D.B. Scully Syrup Co.
- Item 11: Model Agreement for Grocery and Food Products Warehouse Employees' Union, Local No. 738, IBT (2 editions), 1943; November, 1944

- Creator: IBT
- Item 12: Model Agreement for General Chauffeurs, Union, Local No. 742, IBT (2 editions), August, 1943; July, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 13: Model Agreement for Coal Drivers, Helpers and Handlers' Union, Local No. 742, IBT, April, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 14: Model Wage Agreement of Local 742, IBT, Regarding Truck Drivers, January, 1943

- Creator: IBT
- Folder 4: Teamsters Contracts - Locals 743-899

- Item 1: Agreement between Health Care Service Corp. d/b/a/ Blue Cross-Blue Shield and Warehouse, Mail Order, Office, Technical and Professional Employees Union, Local 743, IBT, April 26, 1986

- Creator: IBT and Health Care Service Corp.
- Item 2: Agreement between Aldens, Inc. and Warehouse and Mail Order, Office, Technical and Professional Employees Union, Local No. 743, IBT, March 23, 1978

- Creator: IBT and Aldens, Inc.
- Item 3: Agreement between Spiegel, Inc. (Warehouse) and Warehouse and Mail Order Employees Union, Local 743, IBT, June 1, 1953

- Creator: IBT and Spiegel, Inc.
- Item 4: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Fearn International, Inc. and Local Union No. 744, of Chicago and Vicinity, IBT, September 11, 1988

- Creator: IBT and Fearn International, Inc.
- Item 5: Bottle Beer Drivers Articles of Agreement between Illinois Association of Breweries, Wholesale Beer Distributors Assocaition, Out-Of-State Shipping Brewers and Beer and Liquoir Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local 744, of Chicago and Vicinity, IBT, May, 1946

- Creator: IBT and IL Assn. of Breweries et al.
- Item 6: Model Contract and Agreement for Drivers and Helpers, Furniture and Appliance Drivers, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Union 752, IBT, November, 1950

- Creator: IBT
- Item 7: Model Agreement for Milk Wagon Drivers' Union, Local 753, IBT (2 editions), May, 1945; May, 1959

- Creator: IBT
- Item 8: Terms of Settlement and Agreement Reached by Associated Milk Dealers and Local Union No. 753, IBT, May 1,1947

- Creator: IBT and Associated Milk Dealers
- Item 9: Agreement between Nicolay-Dancey, Inc. and Coffee, Cheese, Butter and Egg Salesmen's Union, Local 772, IBT, July 29, 1946

- Creator: IBT and Nicolay-Dancey, Inc.
- Item 10: Agreement between Chicago Retail Tea and Coffee Dealers Association and Coffee, Cheese, Butter and Egg Drivers and Salesmens' Union, Local 772, IBT, February, 1946

- Creator: IBT and Chicao Retail Tea and Coffee Dealers Assn.
- Item 11: Agreement between Chicago Food Distributor Co. and Coffee, Cheese, Butter and Egg Salesmen's Union, Local 772, IBT, January 7, 1946

- Creator: IBT and Chicao Food Distributor Co.
- Item 12: Model Agreement for Coffee, Cheese, Butter and Egg Salesmens Union, Local 772, IBT, January, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 13: Agreeent between United States Cold Storage Division and Miscellaneius Warehousmen's Union, Local 781, IBT (6 editions), 1973; 1976; 1979; 1982; 1985; 1988

- Creator: IBT and U.S. Cold Storage
- Item 14: Letter of Understanding from United States Cold Storage, Inc. to Local 781, IBT, June 1, 1988

- Creator: U.S. Cold Storage
- Item 15: Agreement between Chicago Heights Truck Owners of Chicago Heights and Vicinity and Local No. 801, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, ca. 1943

- Creator: IBT and Chicago Heights Truck Owners
- Item 16: Model Agreement for Local Union No. 801, IBT, July, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 17: Agreement with Stop and Shop, Inc. and Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehouse Employees and Helpers Union, Local 829, IBT (2 editions), April, 1949; April, 1956

- Creator: IBT and Stop and Shop, Inc.
- Folder 5: Teamsters Contracts - Locals 900-1049

- Item 1: Agreement between Lompoc Hospital District and California Teamsters Public, Professional and Medical Employees Union, Local 911, July 1, 1980

- Creator: IBT and Lompoc Hospital District
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Logan County, Illinois and General Teamsters Professional Technical, Local No. 916, IBT Regarding Highway Dept. Maintenance Workers, April 18, 1989

- Creator: IBT and Logan County
- Item 3: Agreement between Department of Transportation, State of Illinoi and Teamsters Local Union No. 916, Professional and Technical, December 17, 1983

- Creator: IBT and State of Illinois
- Item 4: Supplemental Agreement between Departments of Transportation and Central Management Services, State of Illinois and Teamster Local 916 Professional and Technical, IBT, ca. 1984

- Creator: IBT and State of Illinois
- Item 5: Agreement between Departments of Transportation and Central Management Services, State of Illinois and General Teamsters Professional / Technical Local 916, IBT (2 editions), July, 1985; September, 1988

- Creator: IBT and State of Illinois
- Item 6: Agreement between Departments of Transportation, Natural Resources and Central Management Services, State of Illinois and General Teamsters Professional / Technical Local 916, IBT, September 28, 1995

- Creator: IBT and State of Illinois
- Item 7: Agreement between Office of the Secretary of State, State of Illinois and Teamsters Local 916, IBT (2 editions), July, 1981; July, 1987

- Creator: IBT and State of Illinois
- Item 8: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Adams County (IL) Highway Department and General Teamsters Professional, Teamsters Local 916, IBT, December 1, 1987

- Creator: IBT and Adams County
- Item 9: Contract between Service Station Attendants and Warehouse Employees Local Union No. 970, IBT and Gasoline Retailers in East St. Louis and Vicinity, 1946

- Creator: IBT and Gasoline Retailers of E. St. Louis and Vicinity
- Item 10: Model Contract for Service Station Operators' Attendants and Warehouse Employee' Local Union No. 971, IBT Regarding Auto Parts Houses and Garages, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 11: Model Contract for Service Station Operators' Attendants and Warehouse Employee' Local Union No. 971, IBT Regarding Tire Builders-Vulcanizers and Recappers, 1946

- Creator: IBT
- Item 12: Model St Clair - Madison Counties Area Gasoline Service Station Agreement with Automotive, Petroleum and Allied Trades, Local 971, IBT, June, 1956

- Creator: IBT
- Item 13: Agreement between LaBour Pump Co. , Division of American Gage and Machine Co. and the United Paper and Allied Workers, Local 1049, IBT, June 15, 1971

- Creator: IBT
- Folder 6: Illinois Conference of Teamsters Agreements

- Item 1: Articles of Construction Agreement between Associated General Contractors of Illinois and Illinoi Conference of Teamsters, IBT (3 editions), May, 1959; April, 1961; May, 1983

- Creator: IBT and Associated General Contractors of IL
- Item 2: Model Articles of Construction Agreement for Illinois Conference of Teamsters, IBT (3 editions), January, 1947; April, 1956; ca. 1960

- Creator: IBT
- Item 3: Agreements between 8 - 10 Departments of the State of Illinois and Illinois Conference of Teamsters, IBT (4 editions), July, 1977; June, 1986; July, 1989

- Creator: IBT and State of Illinois
- Item 4: Supplemental Agreement between Sate of Illinois and Local 726, Local 330 and Illinois Conference of Teamsters, IBT, ca. 1984

- Creator: IBT and State of Illinois
- Folder 7: National Teamsters Contracts

- Item 1: Agreement between Western Airlines, Inc. and Teamsters, Airline Division Regarding Mechanics and Related Employees, November 16, 1976

- Creator: IBT and Western Airlines, Inc.
- Item 2: Agreement between Pan American World Airways, Inc. and Intenational Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehouemen and Helpers, Representing Clerical and Related Employees, December 8, 1975

- Creator: IBT and Pan American World Airways, Inc.
- Item 3: Master Agreement between Beatrice Food Co. and Cental - Southern Conference of Teamsters, IBT, June 1, 1956

- Creator: IBT and Beatrice Foods Co.
- Item 4: Addendum to the Master Agreement between Beatrice Foods Co. and Central - Southern Conferences of Teamsters, IBT, June 1, 1956

- Creator: IBT and Beatrice Foods Co.
- Item 5: Master Agreement between Fairmont Food Co. and Central - Southern Conference of Teamsters, IBT, June 1, 1956

- Creator: IBT andFairmont Foods Co.
- Item 6: Model Central States Area, IBT, Local Cartage Agreement Covering Employees of Private, Common, Contract and Local Cartage Carriers (2 editions), February, 1955; February, 1961

- Creator: IBT
- Item 7: Model National Master Freight Agreement for National Over-The-Road and City Cartage Policy and Negotiating Committee, IBT, April, 1967

- Creator: IBT
- Item 8: Model National Master Freight Agreement for National Fregith Industry Negotiating Committee, IBT, April, 1998

- Creator: IBT
- Item 9: Model Central States Area, IBT, Over-The-Road Motor Freight Agreement Covering Drivers Employes by Private, Common and Contract Carriers (4 editions), August, 1947; November, 1948; February, 1955; February, 1961

- Creator: IBT
- Folder 8: Teamsters for a Democratic Union

- Item 1: Tom Leedham Campaign for Teamster General President Mailing, April 26, 2001

- Creator: Tom Leedham for Teamster Gen. Pres.
- Item 2: Flyer - "Hoffa's Shameful Record", ca. 2001

- Creator: TDU
- Item 3: Teamsters for a Democratic Union, Rank and File Convention Booklet (2 editions), October-November, 1981; October, 1982

- Creator: TDU
- Item 4: Report Submitted to the Delegates of the Convention of the IBT by Teamsters for a Democratic Union (2 editions), June, 1981; May, 1986

- Creator: TDU
- Item 5: TDU - Ten Years and Going Strong, ca. 1986

- Creator: TDU
- Item 6: TDU Membership Bulletin (2 editions), July, 1982; November, 1996

- Creator: TDU
- Item 7: TDU Membership Newsletter, Summer, 1988

- Creator: TDU
- Item 8: Teamster Rank and File Grievance Form, Undated

- Item 9: Teamster Rank and File Workshop: Getting the Most from the Grievance Procedure, ca. 1981

- Creator: TDU
- Item 10: Teamsters for a Democratic Union Promotional and Recruitment Materials (9 items), 1977-1982

- Creator: TDU
- Item 11: UPS Rank and File Contract News, May 29, 1987

- Creator: TDU
- Item 12: UPS / TDU Contract Bulletin, July 9, 1982

- Creator: TDU
- Item 13: A Cause Worth Truckin' For! - TDU Organize for Rank and File Power, ca. 1980

- Creator: TDU
- Item 14: TDU Membership Meeting Announcement, Undated

- Creator: TDU
- Item 15: Teamster Rank and File Education and Legal Defense Foundation Correspondence, September, 1986

- Creator: TDU
- Item 16: Teamster Rank and File Pension Handbook, October, 1981

- Creator: TDU
- Item 17: The Union Builder - Newsletter of Chicago Teamsters for a Democratic Union (1 folder - 11 editions), January, 1982 - July, 1985

- Creator: TDU
- Item 18: TDU Campaig Materials for Teamster Office, Undated

- Creator: TDU
- Item 19: TDU Campaigining and Promotional Materials Regarding Teamsters Local 705 (6 items), Undated

- Creator: TDU
- Item 20: Chicago Teamsters for a Democratic Union Campaign Flyer, Undated

- Creator: TDU
- Item 21: TDU Campaign Flyer Regarding Local 710 Teamsters, ca. 1985

- Creator: TDU
- Box 74

- Folder 1: Telecommunications International Union

- Item 1: History of the Telecommunications Internation Union, Undated

- Creator: TIU
- Item 2: Constitution of the Telecommunications International Union, Undated

- Creator: TIU
- Item 3: By-Laws of the Telecommunications International Union (2 editions), Undated

- Creator: TIU
- Item 4: TIU Legislative Report - TIU Washington Efforts Meet With Success, April 12, 1977

- Creator: TIU
- Item 5: TIU Health and Safety Hotline, January 14, 1977

- Creator: TIU
- Item 6: Memorandum of Understanding between American Telephone and Telegraph and Independent Unions' Bargaining Council, August 5, 1974

- Creator: IUBC and AT&T
- Item 7: U.S. Department of Labor Labor Organization Annual Report for Telecommunications International Union, March 14, 1977

- Creator: TIU
- Item 8: TIU News (2 editions), July - September, 1976

- Creator: TIU
- Item 9: Telecommunications International Union Directory of Member Unions, January 19, 1977

- Creator: TIU
- Folder 2: Commercial Telegraphers Union

- Item 1: Constitution of the Commercial Telegraphers Union (2 editions), 1937; 1963

- Creator: CTU
- Folder 3: Telephone Clerks of Illinois

- Item 1: Agreement between Illinois Bell Telephone Co. and Federation of Telephone Clerks of Illinois (3 editions), March, 1955; September, 1956; September, 1957

- Creator: TC of IL and IL Bell Co.
- Folder 4: Commercial Telephone Workers

- Item 1: The Telephone Flash - A Labor Paper for All Telephone Workers, December, 1985

- Creator: United Telephone Publications, Inc.
- Folder 5: Telephone Workers Organizing Committee

- Item 1: Twelve Questions About the Congress of Industrial Organizations for Telephone Workers, September, 1947

- Creator: TWOC
- Folder 6: Teletype Employees' Industrial Union

- Item 1: General Agreement between Teletype Corp., Skokie, IL and Teletype Employees' Industrial Union, March 15, 1967

- Creator: TEIU and Teletype Corp.
- Folder 7: Television and Radio Artists - AFTRA

- Item 1: AFRA (American Federation of Radio Artists) Handbook, 1947

- Creator: AFRA
- Item 2: AFTRA, A Handbook of Information for all Radio and Television Artists, 1954

- Creator: AFTRA
- Item 3: Standard AFTRA Exclusive Agency Contract between William B. White Agency and Michael Fox, October 1, 1954

- Creator: AFTRA, William B. White and Michael Fox
- Item 4: Cecil B. DeMille, Appellant v. American Federation of Radio Artists, Los Angeles Local et al., Respondents, ca. 1944

- Item 5: American Federation of Radio Artists Code of Fair Practice for Commercial Broadcasting Minimum Terms and Conditions for Radio Artists, ca. 1946

- Creator: AFRA
- Item 6: American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Articles of Agreement, Constitution and By-Laws of the Los Angeles Local, February 1, 1953

- Creator: AFTRA
- Folder 8: Tennessee Valley Authority Contracts

- Item 1: General Agreement between Tennessee Valley Authority and the Tennessee Valley Trades and Labor Council (6 editions), 1940; 1951; 1966; 1967; 1971; 1972

- Creator: TVT&LC and TVA
- Item 2: Articles of Agreement between the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Salary Policy Employee Council (3 editions), May, 1952; May, 1964; January, 1971

- Creator: SPEP and TVA
- Item 3: Manual For Cooperative Committee Members Issued by Central Joint Cooperative Committee, TVA and Tennessee Valley Trades and Labor Council, February, 1963

- Creator: TVT&LC and TVA
- Item 4: Employee Relationship Policy, Tennessee Valley Authority, August, 1935

- Creator: TVA
- Folder 9: Tennessee Valley Trades and Labor Council

- Item 1: Guidelines, Union-Management Cooperative Program (2 editions), October, 1964; April, 1971

- Creator: TVT&LC and TVA
- Item 2: The Copperative Program of the Tennessee Valley Trades and Labor Council and the Tennessee Valley Authority, May, 1966

- Creator: TVT&LC and TVA
- Item 3: Speeches and Panel Discussion from the 22nd Annual Valley-wide Meeting of TVA Union-Management Cooperative Committees, May 24-25, 1967

- Creator: TVT&LC and TVA
- Folder 10: Texaco Tanker Officers

- Item 1: Agreement between Texaco, Inc., Marine Department and Texaco Tanker Officers Association (6 editions), March, 1965; June, 1968; January, 1970; September, 1972; September, 1974; S

- Creator: TTOA and Texaco, Inc.
- Folder 11: United Textile Workers of America

- Item 1: The AFL Textile Workers - A History of the United Textile Workers of America, ca. 1950

- Creator: UTWA
- Item 2: Model Collective Bargaining Agreement for Amalgamated Service and Allied Industries Joint Board, ACTWU and Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union, December 1, 1978

- Creator: ACTWU
- Item 3: Constitution and By-Laws of United Textile Workers of America (5 editions), 1934; 1936; 1950; 1954; 1956

- Creator: UTWA
- Item 4: Notes on the Convention of the A.F.L Textile Workers, 1946, ca. August, 1946

- Creator: UTWA
- Item 5: The Textile Challenger - A Short History, The UTWA - Its Origins and Development, March, 1948

- Creator: UTWA
- Folder 12: Textile Workers Union of America

- Item 1: Constitution of the Textile Workers Union of America, May, 1962

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 2: A Chronology of the Textile Workers Union of America, 1934-1976, November 10, 1984

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 3: Commemorative Brochure for 50th Anniversary of the Textile Workers Union of America, September 7, 1989

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 4: Textile Workers Bibliographies (1 folder - 3 items), ca. 1957

- Creator: J. Marconi; E. Levine
- Item 5: TWUA Songs, 1960

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 6: The Hollow Promise: The Conspiracy to Deny Southern Textile Workerrs the Benefits of Collective Bargaining, ca. 1967

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 7: 70,000 Sil Workers Strike for Bread and Unity, March, 1934

- Creator: John J. Ballam
- Item 8: Building a Textile Union, Textile Workers Union of America, 1948

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 9: The TWUA Story, They Said It Couldn't Be Done: A Silver Anniversary Review, ca. 1964

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 10: This is the Real J.P. Stevens: The Textile Workers Union of America Tells the Story of a Textile Giant, ca. 1976

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 11: TWUA Executive Council Report, 19th Biennial Convention, May 31, 1976

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 12: Almost Unbelievable: The Story of an Industry, a Union, and a Law, January, 1960

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 13: A Handbook for TWUA Shop Stewards and Department Committees, 1948

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 14: Who, What, Why, Where, How: Your Union, TWUA, Undated

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 15: The How, Why, and Who of TWUA, 1951

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 16: This is the Textile Workers Union of America, Pamphlet, Undated

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 17: Topical Outlines for Labor History, March, 1949

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 18: Quotations and Readings in Labor History, For Use With TWUA Labor History Outline, June, 1948

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 19: Instructors Outline on Labor History, December, 1948

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 20: TWUA Education Newsletter, January, 1961

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 21: Manual of Instruction for TWUA Shop Stewards in the Mills of the American Woolen Co., July, 1946

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 22: Arbitration Decision in Matter between Fall River Textile Manufacturers Assn. / New Bedford Cotton Manfacturers' Assn. and Textile Workers of America, January 15, 1949

- Creator: Douglass V. Brown, Arbitrator
- Item 23: Leadership Struggle Within the CIO Textile Workers Union: Excerpt from John Herling's Labor Letter for April 26, 1952, May 2, 1952

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 24: Publications List of the Textile Workers of America, Undated

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 25: The Textile Economy: Restrained Recovery, Excerpted and Reprinted from the Executive Council Report to the 12th Biennial Convention of the TWUA, May, 1962

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 26: Edward Tood Testimonial Program, September 21, 1974

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 27: All Rights Denied, The Effect of the Taft-Hartley Law on the Organizing Efforts of the Employees of the Chatham Manufacturing Co., Elkin, NC, May, 1956

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 28: The Nation's Most Prosperous Industry, An Accounting of the Postwar Financial Experience of Aerican Textile Manufacturers, January 10, 1948

- Creator: TWUA
- Item 29: TWUA in Crisis: A Report to the Membership on the State of The Union, ca. 1952

- Creator: Pre-Convention Committee for a Democratic TWUA
- Folder 13: Textile Workers Contracts

- Item 1: Agreement between Allen Industries, Inc., Herrin, Illinois and Textile Workers Union of America, Local 1374, March 26, 1955

- Creator: TWUA and Allen Industries, Inc.
- Item 2: Agreement between American Viscoe Corp. and Textile Workers Union of America (2 editions), November, 1945; June, 1959

- Creator: TWUA and American Viscoe. Corp.
- Item 3: Agreement between American Wollen Co. and Textile Workers Union of America, February 20, 1946

- Creator: TWUA and American Wollen Co.
- Item 4: Agreement between Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. and Tectile Workers Union of America, April 16, 1959

- Creator: TWUA and Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.
- Item 5: Agreement between Cheney Brothers and Local 63, Textile Workers Union Orgainizing Committee of the CIO, June 1, 1938

- Creator: TWUA and Cheney Bros.
- Item 6: Agreement between Coats and Clark Inc. and Textile Workers Union of America, April 15, 1962

- Creator: TWUA and Coats and Clark, Inc.
- Item 7: Agreement and Shop Rules of Columbia Mills Co., Columbia, SC and Textile Workers Union of America, West Columbia, SC Local Union No. 253, November 19, 1943

- Creator: TWUA and Columbia Mills Co.
- Item 8: Agreement between Consolidated Textile Co., Inc., Lynchburg Division and Textile Workers Union of America, Local Union 549, September 1, 1954

- Creator: TWUA and Consolidated Textile Co.
- Item 9: Agreement between Crown Cotton Mills and Textile Worker's Union of America, December 15, 1953

- Creator: TWUA and Crown Cotton Milles
- Item 10: Agreement between Fall River Textile Manufacturers Assn / New Bedford Cotto Manufacturers' Assn and Textile Workers' Union of America, October 15, 1945

- Creator: TWUA and Fall River TMA / New Bedford CMA
- Item 11: Agreement between Huntsville Manufacturing Co. and Textile Workers Union of America, Local Union No. 38, August 29, 1949

- Creator: TWUA and Huntsville Manufacturing Co.
- Item 12: Agreement between Johnson and Johnson, Ethicon Suture Laboratories, Inc. and Textile Workers Union of America, May 15, 1952

- Creator: TWUA and Johnson and Johnson
- Item 13: Agreement between Johnson and Johnson and Textile Workers Union of America, May 15, 1948

- Creator: TWUA and Johnson and Johnson
- Item 14: Agreement between Kendall Mills, Oakland Plant, Newberry, SC and United Textile Workers of America, Local Union No. 2014, September 17, 1953

- Creator: UTWA and Kendall Mills
- Item 15: Agreement between Kendall Mills, Thrift Plant and Textile Worker Union of America, December 12, 1949

- Creator: TWUA and Kendall Mills
- Item 16: Agreement between Kendall Mills, Mollohon Plant, Newberry, SC and Textile Workers Union of America, Local No. 324, June 12, 1951

- Creator: TWUA and Kendall Mills
- Item 17: Agreement between Kraft General Foods, Fulton Plant and Textile Workers Union, Local 1822, April 1, 1993

- Creator: TWUA and Kraft General Foods
- Item 18: Agreement between Illinios Shade Division, Slick Industrial Co., Chicago Heights, IL and Textile Workers Union of America, Local 1547, November 17, 1966

- Creator: TWUA and Slick Indust. Co.
- Item 19: Agreement between Textron, Inc. and Textile Workers Union of America, September 13, 1950

- Creator: TWUA and Textron, Inc.
- Folder 14: International Association of Theatrical Stage Employees

- Item 1: An Introduction to the I.A.T.S.E, Undated

- Creator: IATSE
- Item 2: 100 Years, Local 2 Chicago, Centennial Celebration Publication, June 4, 1989

- Creator: IATSE
- Item 3: Constitution and By-Laws of the International Allianceof Theatrical Stage Employes and Moving Picture Machine Operators of the Uited States and Canada (4 editions), July, 1920; July, 1926; June, 1936; September, 1962

- Creator: IATSE
- Item 4: History of Local One, IATSE, Undated

- Creator: Jene Youtt
- Folder 15: Tobacco Workers International Union

- Item 1: Constitution of the Tobacco Workers International Union (7 editions), 1900; 1905; 1919; 1938; 1952; 1960; 1972

- Creator: TWIU
- Item 2: Summary of Agreement between American Tobacco Co., Inc. and Locals Nos. 182, 183, 191, 192, 204, 216, Tobacco Workers International Union, March, 1949; April, 1951

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs
- Item 3: Agreement between American Tobacco Co. and Local Nos. 182, 183 and 192 of the Tobacco Workers' International Union, January 15, 1974

- Creator: TWIU and American Tobacco Co.
- Item 4: Employee Benefit Plans in Agreements of AFL Tobacco Workers, ca. 1949

- Creator: U.S. Dept. of Labor
- Folder 16: American Train Dispatchers Association

- Item 1: Constitution and By-Laws of the American Train Dispatchers Association (3 editions), October, 1947; October, 1967; October, 1979

- Creator: ATDA
- Item 2: The Train Dispatcher - Publication of the American Train Dispatchers Association, June, 1949

- Creator: ATDA
- Folder 17: Amalgamated Transit Union

- Item 1: The Amalgamated Transit Union, A Brief History, March, 1985

- Creator: ATU
- Item 2: Obituary from 'In Transit' for Chris Hansen, May, 1979

- Creator: ATU
- Item 3: Labor's Response to Innovation in the Transit Industry, Address by J.M. Elliott, Presiden, Amalgamated Transit Union, May 27, 1970

- Creator: ATU
- Item 4: Manuscript - Amalgamated Transit Union: Historical Development, Structure, and Changing Racial Composition, Undated

- Creator: ATU
- Item 5: Mailing to Amalgamated Transit Union Requesting Donations for the Union's Strike Fund, September, 1990

- Creator: ATU
- Item 6: Unioncare Health Insurance Information and Application, Undated

- Creator: Unionshield
- Item 7: Constitution and General Laws of the Amalgamated Transit Union (4 editions), September, 1963; October, 1967; September, 1969; September, 1992

- Creator: ATU
- Item 8: ATU Handbook on Grievance Arbitration, Undated

- Creator: ATU
- Folder 18: ATU - Local 241

- Item 1: Solidarity Day II Rally Flyer (3 copies), Undated

- Creator: ATU
- Item 2: Cassette Tapes of Local 241, Amalgamated Transit Union, Undated

- Creator: ATU
- Item 3: Photographs of Local 241 Members (1 envelope, 4 photos), 1980

- Creator: ATU
- Item 4: The Transit-Labor Line, News-letter of Local Union 241, Amalgamated Transit Union (16 editions), April, 1986 - July, 1984

- Creator: ATU
- Item 5: L.U. 241 Women's Committee present the 1st President's Ball, April 22, 1989

- Creator: ATU
- Item 6: Anti-John Weatherspoon Flyers and Notices, ca. 1984

- Creator: Committee to Draft Alabama Red
- Item 7: Alabama and Barnett Election Flyer, ca. 1984

- Creator: Committee to Elect S.F. Barnett for President
- Folder 19: ATU - Locals 308, 1433

- Item 1: The 308 Handbook, A Guide to Our Members, ca. 1990

- Creator: ATU
- Item 2: The Union Voice - Newsletter of Local 308, ATU, December, 1991

- Creator: ATU
- Item 3: Sun Traveler - Official Publication ATU, Local 1433 (6 editions), December, 1989 - March, 1990

- Creator: ATU
- Folder 20: ATU - Division 1090

- Item 1: Resolution Recognizing the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District Employees Desire to No Longer be Represented by ATU, March, 1983

- Creator: CUMTD
- Item 2: Chronology of Relevant Events, Local Division 1090, Amalgamated Transit Union v. Champaign - Urbana Mass Transit District, April, 1983

- Item 3: Notice to Amalgamated Transit Union Members Regarding Relations with Champaign - Urbana Mass Transit District, January 20, 1983

- Creator: ATU
- Item 4: Arbitration Decision in Matter of Arbitration between Champaign - Urbana Mass Trasit district and Amalgamated Transit Union, Division 1090, March 4, 1983

- Creator: G.E. Larney, Chairman, Board of Arbitration
- Item 5: Decision in Matter of Arbitration between Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District and Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1090, ca. March, 1982

- Creator: A.S. Wolff, Impartial Chairman
- Item 6: Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District Memo to All Employees Regarding Decertification, March 18, 1983

- Creator: CUMTD
- Item 7: Amalgamated Transit Union Notice of Grievance to C-U Mass Transit District, March 16, 1983

- Creator: ATU
- Item 8: Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District Memo Regarding Request for Arbitration on Various Issues, June 21, 1982

- Creator: CUMTD
- Item 9: Bulletin to All CUMTD Operators Regarding their Uniforms, May 13, 1982

- Creator: CUMTD
- Item 10: Bulletin to All CUMTD Operators Regarding their Uniforms, May 19, 1982

- Creator: CUMTD
- Item 11: Memos to William Volk Regarding Grievances (3 itiems), May, 1982; December, 1982

- Creator: ATU / CUMTD
- Item 12: Decision in Matter of Arbitration between Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District and Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1090, September 1, 1982

- Creator: R. E. Dunham Impartial Chairman, Board of Arbitration
- Item 13: Newpaper Clipping Collage Regardin C-U Mass Transit District Business Practices, January, 1982

- Creator: Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette
- Item 14: Opinoin and Award in the Matter of Arbitration between Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1090 and Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District, March, 1983

- Creator: I.M. Lieberman, Impartial Arbiter
- Item 15: Note from Union Representative to CUMTD Driver, February 21, 1983

- Creator: Bill Volk
- Item 16: Grievance Filed Against the ATU by the CUMTD, December 21, 1978

- Creator: Waaler, Evans and Gordon
- Item 17: Analysis of the Grievance Procedure between the Champaign - Urbana Mass Transit District and Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1090, October, 1980

- Creator: H.C. Weinstein
- Item 18: Paper Regarding Relationship between CUMTD and ATU, ca. August, 1983

- Creator: K. Davis
- Item 19: C-U MTD Decertification Material, Amal. Transit Union (1 folder - 30+ items include newspaper clippings, corrspondence, memos and notes), 1936-37, 1983

- Folder 21: Amalgamated Transit Union - Contracts

- Item 1: Wage and Working Agreement between Amalgamted Transit Union, Local 308 and Chicago Transit Authority (3 editions), December, 1979; December, 1986; Januaray, 1993

- Creator: ATU and CTA
- Item 2: Agreement by and between Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle and Amalgamated Transit Union, Division No. 587, November 1, 1977

- Creator: ATU and Municipality of Metro. Seattle
- Item 3: Copy of Contract between City of Detroit, Department of Street Railways and Amalgamated Transit Union, Division 26, April, 1972

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs
- Item 4: Agreement between Local No. 638, Amalgamated Transit Union and City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, July, 1987

- Creator: ATU and City of Cedar Rapids
- Item 5: Bay Area Rapid Transit District Agreement with Division 1555 Amalgamated Transit Union, July, 1982

- Creator: ATU and BARTD
- Item 6: Agreement between Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District and Local No. 1090, Amalgamated Transit Union, July 1, 1981

- Creator: ATU and CUMTD
- Box 75

- Folder 1: United Transport Service Employees of America

- Item 1: Constitution of the United Transport Service Employees of America (2 editions), May, 1942; June, 1952

- Creator: UTSE
- Item 2: The Birth of a Union, What the Press of the Nation has to Say About the New Red Cap, October 1, 1940

- Creator: UTSE
- Item 3: Newsletter of the United Transport Service Employees, March 21, 1952

- Creator: UTSE
- Folder 2: Transport Workers Union of America

- Item 1: Burning Bright - The Story of Local 101, Transport Workers Union of America, 1981

- Creator: TWU
- Item 2: The TWU Section Office Booklet, ca. 1952

- Creator: TWU
- Item 3: TWU of Greater New York Flyer - Why are Ritchie and McCarthy Burned Up?, ca. 1947

- Creator: TWU
- Item 4: Correspondence from E.C. Collins, VP New York City Omnibus Corp. Regarding Arbitration with Transport Workers Union of America, October 17, 1946

- Creator: E.C. Collins, NYC Omnibus Corp.
- Item 5: TWU and Civil Rights Booklet, 1934-1965, ca. July, 1965

- Creator: TWU
- Item 6: Booklet - And Then Came TWU, Brooklyn Trolley Strike, 1895, January, 1950

- Creator: TWU
- Item 7: Victory Without Strike, Story of the Transport Workers Union Victory aon the New York City Transit System - Without a Strike, Undated

- Creator: D.L MacMahon, TWU
- Item 8: Is the TWU Communist?, Booklet, ca. 1949

- Creator: TWU
- Item 9: New York City Omnibus Corp. Publication Refuting Statements Made by the Transport Workers Union of America, September 3, 1947

- Creator: NYC Omnibus Corp.
- Item 10: Bureau of Labor Statistics Serial No. R. 725 - Collective Bargaining on the New York City Transit Lines, 1937, March, 1938

- Creator: US Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 11: Labor Contract between New York City Omnibus Corp., Eighth Ave. Coach Corp., Madison Ave. Coach Co., Inc. and Transport Workers Union of America, September 18, 1945

- Creator: TWU and NYC Omnibus Corp. et al.
- Item 12: President's Report to the Constitutional Convention of the Transport Workers Union of America (2 editions - 11th Convention; 15th Convention), October, 1961; September, 1977

- Creator: TWU
- Item 13: Agreement between Board of Transportation of New York City and Transport Workers Union of America, Local 100, June 27, 1950

- Creator: TWU and NYC Board of Trans.
- Item 14: Agreement between American Airlines and Transport Workers Union of America, May 27, 1974

- Creator: TWU and American Airlines
- Folder 3: Transport Workers Union of America

- Item 1: Constitution of the Transport Workers Union of America (6 editions), 1937; 1948; 1950; 1961; 1969; 1977

- Creator: TWU
- Item 2: 1995 TWU Calendar, ca. 1994

- Creator: TWU
- Item 3: Memorandum on Behalf of the Company in Matter of Arbitration between New York City Omnibus Corp. et al. and Transport Workers Union of America, ca. 1945-1946

- Creator: Shearman & Sterling & Wright, Atty for NYC Omnibus Corp. et al.
- Item 4: A Studied Review of Certain Data in the Matter of Arbitration between New York City Omnibus Corp. et al. and Transport Workers Union of America, December 29, 1947

- Creator: NYC Omnibus Corp.
- Item 5: Decision of Arbitrator Fred C. Croxton in the Arbitration between New York City Omnibus et al. and Members of the Transport Workers Union, August 10, 1946

- Creator: F.C. Croxton, Arbitrator
- Item 6: Compilation of Certain Data in the Matter of Arbitration between Fifth Avenue Coach Co. and Transport Workers Union of America, September 12, 1946

- Creator: Fifth Ave. Coach Co.
- Item 7: Arbitration Award in the Matter of New York City Omnibus Corp. et al. and Transport Workers Union of America, June 18, 1947

- Creator: NYC Omnibus Corp.
- Item 8: Companies' Memorandum of Points in Arbitration before David L. Cole between New York Omnibus Corp. et al. and Transport Workers Union of America, May, 1947

- Creator: Shearman & Sterling & Wright, Atty for NYC Omnibus Corp. et al.
- Item 9: Decision of Arbitrator in Matter between New York City Omnibus Corp. et al. and Transport Workers Union of America, September 18, 1945

- Creator: F.C. Croxton, Arbitrator
- Item 10: Arbitration Award in the Matter of the Arbitration between Fifth Ave. Coach Co. and Transport Workers Union of America, September 23, 1946

- Creator: Supreme Court of New York County
- Item 11: Memorandum on Behalf of the Company in Matter of Arbitration between Fifth Ave. Coach Co. and Transport Workers Union of America before Adrian P. Burke, ca. 1946

- Creator: Shearman & Sterling & Wright, Atty for NYC Omnibus Corp. et al.
- Item 12: Brief Filed by Counsel of Fifth Ave. Coach Co. with Fred C. Croxton, Arbitrator, August 12, 1946

- Creator: Shearman & Sterling & Wright, Atty for NYC Omnibus Corp. et al.
- Item 13: Decision of Fred C. Croxton in the Arbitration between Fifth Ave. Coach Co., NYC Omnibus Corp. and Transport Workers Union, August 10, 1946

- Creator: F.C. Croxton, Arbitrator
- Folder 4: United Transportation Union

- Item 1: Cliff Merritt Sets the Record Straight - Cartoon Story Book, Undated

- Creator: UTU
- Item 2: Cliff Merritt and the Very Candid Candidate - Cartoon Story Book, Undated

- Creator: UTU
- Item 3: Cliff Merritt, Man on the Move - Cartoon Story Book, Undated

- Creator: UTU
- Item 4: United Transportation Union Mailing Regarding Scholarship Program for 1980-81, ca. 1980

- Creator: UTU
- Item 5: Project Seventies, Booklet (2 copies), Undated

- Creator: UTU
- Item 6: Chicago Terminal Review - Labor-Management Task Force on Rail Transportation', January, 1977

- Creator: Chicago Terminal Project
- Item 7: Transportation and Energy, 1975

- Creator: Al H. Chesser, UTU
- Item 8: Progress Through Unity - Proceedings of the Third Convention of the United Transportation Union, June, 1979

- Creator: UTU
- Item 9: Unification Agreement and Constitution, United Transportation Union, September 20, 1968

- Creator: UTU
- Item 10: Constitution of the United Transportation Union, September 1, 1979

- Creator: UTU
- Item 11: 1969 Report, Board of Appeals, United Transportation Union, 1969

- Creator: UTU
- Item 12: National Railroad Adjustment Board, First Division, Findings in Dispute between Burlington Northern Railroad Co. and United Transportation Union, June 25, 1992

- Creator: National Railroad Adjustment Board
- Item 13: Newspaper Clipping from a United Transportation Union Newsletter, December 18, 1976

- Creator: UTU
- Item 14: A Decade of Progress Through Unity, ca. 1980

- Creator: UTU
- Item 15: Your Labor Union - Pamphlet Published by United Transportation Union, Undated

- Creator: UTU
- Item 16: The UTU - How It Serves You, Undated

- Creator: UTU
- Item 17: Third UTU Convention, 10th Anniversary Report of President Al H. Chesser, June 11, 1979

- Creator: UTU
- Item 18: Transit Technology and Innovation Program (1 folder, 8 items include correspondence, educational materials and pamphlets), 1979-1980

- Creator: UTU
- Folder 5: United Transportation Union - Contracts

- Item 1: Agreement between Toledo, Peoria and Western Railroad Co. and United Transportation Union Covering Trainmen, December 5, 1973

- Creator: UTU and TPW RR Co.
- Item 2: Contract between United Transportation Union and Southern California Rapid Transit District, September 21, 1976

- Creator: UTU and SCRTD
- Item 3: Agreement between United Transportation Union, Local No. 19 and Orange County Transit District, December 22, 1977

- Creator: UTU and OCTD
- Item 4: Coach Operator's Contract between United Transportation Union, Local No. 19 and Orange County Transit District, June, 1978

- Creator: UTU and OCTD
- Item 5: Memorandum of Understanding between City of Santa Monica, California and United Transportation Union, Local 1785, August, 1977

- Creator: UTU and City of Santa Monica
- Folder 6: UTU - Field Manual Appendix

- Item 1: The Railway Labor Act - Reprinted for UTU, ca. 1970

- Creator: UTU
- Item 2: Mediation Agreement between Railroads Represented by the National Carriers' Conference Committee and United Transportation Union (2 editions - Case A-8381; Case A-9152), July, 1972

- Creator: UTU
- Item 3: Agreement between National Carriers' Conference Committee and United Transportation Union, January 29, 1975

- Creator: UTU and Nat. Carriers' Conf. Comm.
- Item 4: Railway Labor Organizations National Group Insurance Plan, March, 1972

- Creator: Travelers Insurance Co.
- Item 5: Code of Federal Regulators, Title 49, Reprinted for UTU (9 editions - Parts 174, 211, 212, 213, 225, 2228, 231, 232 & 233, 235), ca. 1970

- Creator: UTU
- Folder 7: UTU - The Valley Flyer

- Item 1: The Valley Flyer, Official UTU Newsletter, Locals 1241 and 1252 (4 editions), November, 1990 - May, 1991

- Creator: UTU
- Folder 8: Travel Employees Union

- Item 1: Bureau of National Affairs, Union Labor Report Article Regarding the Travel Employees Union, January 14, 1988

- Creator: BNA
- Folder 9: National Treasury Employees Union

- Item 1: Dedication Ceremony, Champaign County Workers' Memorial, September 2, 2002

- Creator: Worker's Memorial Committee
- Item 2: Constitution and Bylaws of National Treasury Employees Union, August, 1975

- Creator: NTEU
- Item 3: Multi-District Agreement between Internal Revenue Service and National Treasury Employees Union, May 3, 1974

- Creator: NTEU and IRS
- Item 4: The Bulletin, Published by the National Treasury Employees Union (2 editions), January, 1977; March, 1977

- Creator: NTEU
- Item 5: NTEU Position Paper: AIDS in the Federal Workplace, Published in Bureau of National Affairs, May, 1988

- Creator: BNA
- Item 6: US Department of Labor, Labor Organization Annual Report for National Treasury Employees Union, December, 1976

- Creator: NTEU
- Item 7: Natioanl Agreement between Internal Revenue Service and National Treasury Employees Union, NORD III, May 2, 1989

- Creator: NTEU and IRS
- Item 8: National Agreement between Internal Revenue Service and National Treasury Employees Union, NC II, July, 1989

- Creator: NTEU and IRS
- Folder 10: Unions - Twin City Federation of Labor

- Item 1: Newspaper Clippings Regarding Twin City Federation of Labor (4 items), 1958; 1996

- Creator: Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette
- Item 2: Union Releases Regarding Legislation in Illinois (3 items), August - September, 1983

- Creator: TCFL
- Item 3: Information Bulletin about the Twin-City Federation of Labor of Champaign County, Undated

- Creator: TCFL
- Item 4: Twin City Federation of Labor News, January, 1977

- Creator: TCFL
- Item 5: Copy of TCFL Resolution in Support of United Farmworkers Union Mailed to Union Members, September, 1973

- Creator: TCFL
- Item 6: Copy of Eighteeth Annual Convention Proceedings of the Illinois State AFL-CIO, pp. 52-53, 1975

- Creator: Illinois State AFL-CIO
- Item 7: Champaign County Labor News, Official Publication of Organized Labor, Champaign County, September 3, 1962

- Creator: Organized Labor, Champaign County
- Item 8: Constitution and By-Laws of the Champaign-Urbana Twin City Federation of Labor of Champaign County, October, 1959

- Creator: TCFL
- Item 9: 50th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet of the Twin City Federation of Labor, April 29, 1958

- Creator: TCFL
- Item 10: Services at Work Pamphlet for the Twin City Federation of Labor, ca. April, 1984

- Creator: TCFL
- Folder 11: I.T.U. Lessons in Proofreading, Proofreading and Copy Preparation, 1949

- Creator: J. Lasky, ITU
- Folder 12: Federal Responsibilty for a Free and Competitive Press Presented before the Antitrust Subcommittee of the House Committee on the Judiciary Investigation of Monopoly Practices in the Newspaper Industry, 1963

- Creator: ITU
- Folder 13: The 78th Annual Convention, ITU, Book

- Item 1: The Seventy Eighth Annual Convention of the International Typographers Union, Book, September, 1934

- Creator: ITU
- Folder 14: International Typographical Union

- Item 1: Book of Laws: International Typographical Union (3 editions), January, 1904; September, 1957; January, 1978

- Creator: ITU
- Item 2: Speaker's Manual for ITU Officers, Representatives, Public Relations Committees, Members, and All Who Would Tell the ITU Story (2 editions - 1, 2), Undated

- Creator: ITU
- Item 3: Statement and Testimony of Woodruff Randolph, President, ITU before Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare on the Proposed "National Labor Relations Act of 1949", February 10, 1949

- Creator: ITU
- Item 4: Facts Concerning (About) the International Typographical Union (7 editions), 1946; 1948; 1949; 1952; 1958; 1962; 1963

- Creator: ITU
- Item 5: Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Order of Danville Typographical Union, No. 230, ITU (2 editions), April, 1956; September, 1960

- Creator: ITU
- Item 6: 110 Years Plus of Democratic Trade Unionism, The Story of the International Typographical Union, ca. 1962

- Creator: ITU
- Item 7: Know-How as to Modern Printing, ca. 1962

- Creator: ITU
- Item 8: Democracy in Private Government: A Case Study of the International Typographical Union, 1952

- Creator: S.M. Lipset, Institute of Indust. Relations, University of California
- Item 9: Profiles of Bertram A. Powers Reprinted from The New Yorker Magazine, Inc., ca. 1970

- Creator: Geoffrey T. Hellman, New Yorker Magazine / ITU
- Item 10: Unite for the Future, A Program for Graphic Arts and Related Trades Unions, Undated

- Creator: Elmer Brown, ITU
- Item 11: America Needs Labor Unions, Undated

- Creator: Elmer Brown, ITU
- Item 12: ITU's Policy on Taft-Hartley and NLRB, Pamphlet, ca. 1959

- Creator: ITU
- Item 13: Report on Defense, Given at 99th Convention of the International Typographical Union, August, 1957

- Creator: ITU
- Item 14: Taft-Hartley and the Printer, Pamphlet reprinted from the Antioch Review, 1948

- Creator: F. Champney, Antioch Review
- Item 15: The ITU's Modern Defense Activities: General Strike Activities; Unitypo - a Corporation; Daily News-Digests, 1952

- Creator: ITU
- Item 16: Correspondence form ITU to Peoria Trades and Labor Assembly Regarding PTLA Member's Vote For or Against the ITU, February, 1958

- Creator: ITU
- Item 17: Defense, Newspaper Published by the Executive Council for All Members of the International Typographical Union, ca. January, 1953

- Creator: ITU
- Item 18: Miami Union Printer, Newspaper of Miami Typographical Union (2 copies), September, 1952

- Creator: ITU
- Item 19: Management Reports, Weekly Report from Printing Industry of America, Inc., January 4, 1952

- Creator: PIA, Inc.
- Item 20: Summary of a Study of Joint Apprenticeship Committee and Training in New Processes in Locals of the ITU, July, 1962

- Creator: U.S. Dept. of Labor
- Item 21: Correspondence Regarding Information about the ITU for and University of Illinois Student Paper, April - May, 1949

- Creator: ITU and M.R. Blue
- Item 22: Bibliographies Regarding the International Typographical Union for LIR 447 (3 items), May, 1949; May, 1950; ca. 1950

- Creator: M.R. Blue; H.E. Tagg: Unknown
- Item 23: ITU Review - 1977 Convention Issue, September 1, 1977

- Creator: ITU
- Item 24: Labor Education Class List, Sponsored by New York Typographical Union No. 6, Fall, 1963

- Creator: ITU
- Box 76

- Folder 1: Typographical Union - Contracts

- Item 1: Agreement between the International Typographical Union, International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union, Internatinal Brotherhood of Bookbinders, International Stereotypers' and Elctrotypers' Union and International Photo-Engravers' Union, March 7, 1911

- Creator: ITU et al.
- Item 2: Agreement between Chicago Mailers' Union No. 2 and Franklin Association of Chicago, February 14, 1945

- Creator: ITU and Franklin Assn. of Chicago
- Item 3: Agreement between Chicago Typographical Union No. 16 and Franklin Association of Chicago, June 27, 1948

- Creator: ITU and Franklin Assn. of Chicago
- Item 4: Daily Newspaper Contract between Pulitzer Publishing Co. and St. Louis Typographical Union No. 8, October 10, 1960

- Creator: ITU and Pulitzer Publishing Co.
- Item 5: Newsapaper Contract between Milwaukee Daily Newspape Publishers and Milwaukee Typographical Union No. 23, October 15, 1956

- Creator: ITU and Milwaukee Daily Newspaper Publishers
- Item 6: Agreement between Lustour Corp. and Murphysboro Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union No. 418, October, 1969

- Creator: IPPAU and Lustour Corp.
- Item 7: Contract between Illinois State Journal-Register, Inc., Copley Press of Sangamon County, Illinois and Springfield, Illinois, Printing Pressmen and Assistatn' Union No. 30, June 23, 1969

- Creator: IPPAU and Illinois State Journal-Register, Inc.
- Item 8: Model Agreement for Peoria Prining Pressmen and Assistant' Union No. 68, July , 1966

- Creator: IPPAU
- Item 9: Model Agreement for Danville Typographical Union, No. 230, Danville, Illinois, February, 1960

- Creator: ITU
- Item 10: New York Typographical Union, No. 6 Scale of Prices for Book and Job Work, ca. 1915

- Creator: ITU
- Item 11: Contract for Book and Job Work between New York Typographical Union No. 6 and Printer League Section, Nw York Employing Printers Association, Inc., August 15, 1957

- Creator: ITU and NY Employing Printers Assn., Inc.
- Item 12: Contract for Book and Job Offices between Printers League Section, New York Employing Printer Association, Inc. and Printing Utilities Branch, New York Typographical Union No. 6, October, 1954

- Creator: ITU and NY Employing Printers Assn., Inc.
- Item 13: Model Agreement for International Typographical Union Locals (2 copies), ca. 1946

- Creator: ITU
- Folder 2: International Typographical Union - Book Of Laws and Constitutions

- Item 1: Book of Laws: International Typographical Union (9 editions), 1927; 1938; 1948; 1949; 1952; 1955; 1958; 1963; 1964

- Creator: ITU
- Item 2: General Laws of the International Typographical Union, January, 1945

- Creator: ITU
- Item 3: Constitution and By-Laws of the New York Typographical Union No. 6, May, 1941

- Creator: ITU
- Folder 3: Typographical Union No. 16 (Chicago)

- Item 1: Constitution and By-Laws of Chicago Typographical Union No. 16 (2 editions), March, 1945; April, 1947

- Creator: ITU
- Item 2: Don't Buy The Chicago Tribune - On Strike, Bumper Sticker, ca. 1985

- Creator: ITU
- Item 3: Don't Buy The Chicago Tribune, Flyer, September, 1985

- Creator: ITU
- Item 4: Typographical Union Flyer Against the Chicago Tribune, ca. 1985

- Creator: ITU
- Item 5: The Chicago Story, Newpaper Published for Information of the Members of the International Typographical Union, ca. 1948

- Item 6: A Message to the Public from Sixteen Hundred Printers on Strike Against Newspapers of Chicago and Hammond, Ind., ca. 1947

- Creator: ITU
- Item 7: Expired Contract and Union's Minimum Recommended Proposal and Publishers' Proposal Together with Statement of Executive Council and Report and Recommendations of Newspaper Scale Committee, ca. 1949

- Creator: ITU
- Item 8: An Urgent Appeal to Help Save Jobs at the Tribune Co., Flyer, 1974

- Creator: ITU
- Item 9: Chicago Typographical Union Centennial Celebration Commemorative Publication, October, 1952

- Creator: ITU
- Folder 4: Upholsterers' International Union of North America

- Item 1: General Laws of the Upholsterers' International Union of North America (3 editions), July, 1923; June, 1937; June, 1942

- Creator: UIU
- Item 2: History of the U.I.U., Pamphlet No. 13, ca. 1944

- Creator: UIU
- Item 3: Instructions for U.I.U. Organizers and Representatives, Pamphlet No. 15, ca. 1943

- Creator: UIU
- Item 4: Procedure of a U.I.U. Trial Board, Pamphlet No. 14, March., 1943

- Creator: UIU
- Item 5: Structure and Administration of the Upholsterers; International Union of N.A., Pamplet No. 12, ca. 1943

- Creator: UIU
- Item 6: The Work of a U.I.U. Business Agent, Pamphlet No. 10, ca. 1942

- Creator: UIU
- Item 7: Construction and Administration of a U.I.U. Local Union, Pamphlet No. 7, ca. 1942

- Creator: UIU
- Item 8: Installing U.I.U. Charters, Pamphlet No. 3, ca. 1940

- Creator: UIU
- Item 9: Financial System of U.I.U. Local Unions, Pamphlet No. 1, ca. 1940

- Creator: UIU
- Item 10: Side Lines Story Regarding Strike-Work Arrangement between Dunbar Furniture Corp. and Upholsterers' International Union, ca. 1966

- Item 11: Conference Program for Upholsterers' International Union, April, 1949

- Creator: UIU
- Item 12: UIU News Releases (1 folder - 5 items), March, 1950; May, 1950; November, 1950; September, 1953; May, 1964

- Creator: UIU
- Item 13: UIU Economic Survey (1 folder - 10 items), May, 1950 - January, 1951

- Creator: UIU
- Item 14: Contract between Kroehler Mfg. Co. and Upholsterers' International Union of North America, April 1, 1974

- Creator: UIU and Kroehler Mfg. Co.
- Item 15: Model Contract for the Upholsterers' International Union, October, 1946

- Creator: UIU
- Folder 5: Urbana Education Association

- Item 1: Professional Negotiation Agreement between Urbana School District # 116 and Urbana Education Association , IEA-NEA (3 editions), August, 1976; August, 1984; August, 1992

- Creator: UEA and Urbana School Dist. 116
- Item 2: Urbana Education Association Flyer Regarding Negotiations with the Urbana School District, September, 1984

- Creator: UEA
- Item 3: Urbana Education Association Strike Information, September, 1984

- Creator: UEA
- Item 4: Decision in Matter of Arbitration between Urbana School District No. 116 and Urbana Education Association, Case No. 51 39 0159 73-W, June 28, 1973

- Creator: R.C. Seitz, Impartial Arbitrator
- Item 5: Semi-Final Draft of Professional Agreement between Urbana School Distrcit #116 and Urbana Education Association, May 15, 1990

- Creator: UEA and Urbana School Dist. 116
- Item 6: Proposal of a Professional Negotiating Agreement between Board of Education of District #116 and Federaion of Teachers, Local 1195 / Urbana Education Association, December, 1965

- Creator: UEA / F of T and Urbana School Dist. 116
- Folder 6: Utility Workers Union of America

- Item 1: Constitution of the Utility Workers Union of America (4 editions), October, 1948; April, 1956; October, 1963; May, 1965

- Creator: UWUA
- Item 2: Constitution and By-Laws of the Michigan State Utility Workers Council, November, 1966

- Creator: UWUA
- Item 3: Constitution and By-Laws of Utility Workers Union of America, Local 103, Muskegon, Michigan, April, 1965

- Creator: UWUA
- Item 4: Constitution and By-Laws of Utility Workers Union of America, Local 106, Battle Creek, Michigan, July, 1960

- Creator: UWUA
- Item 5: Constitution and By-Laws of Utility Workers Union of America, Local 107, Grand Rapids, Michigan, December, 1959

- Creator: UWUA
- Item 6: Constitution and By-Laws of Utility Workers Union of America, Local 150, Kalamazoo, Michigan, November, 1962

- Creator: UWUA
- Item 7: Constitution and By-Laws of Utility Workers Union of America, Local 258, Adrian and Erie, Michigan, July, 1960

- Creator: UWUA
- Item 8: Agreement between Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Co. and Brotherhood of Utility Workers of New England, Inc., Local 340 (2 editions), February, 1971; May, 1973

- Creator: UWUA and Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Co.
- Item 9: Agreement between Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. and Local 270, Utility Workers Union of America (2 editions), May, 1968; July, 1972

- Creator: UWUA and Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.
- Item 10: Agreement between Detroit Edison Co. and Local Union No. 223, Utility Workers Union of America (3 editions), July, 1966; July, 1969; July, 1972

- Creator: UWUA and Detroit Edison Co.
- Item 11: Agreement between Northern Illinois Water Corp., Champaign Division and Utility Workers Union of America, Local 500 (2 editions), December, 1972; December, 1974

- Creator: UWUA and N. IL Water Corp.
- Item 12: Collective Bargaining Contract between Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. and Utility Workers Union of America, Locals 1-2, April, 1973

- Creator: UWUA and Consolidated Edison Co. of NY, Inc.
- Item 13: Agreement between Jamaica Water Supply Co. (New York) and Utility Workers Union of America, January, 1951

- Creator: UWUA and Jamaica Water Supply Co.
- Item 14: Working Agreement between Consumers Power Co. and Utility Workers Union of America, March, 1966

- Creator: UWUA and Consumers Power Co.
- Item 15: Labor Compact of the Members of Local 175, UWUA and Dayton Power and Light Co., 1986

- Creator: UWUA and DP and L
- Item 16: Employee Benefit Plans Pursuant to the Agreement between Southern California Edison Co. and Local 246, Utility Workers Union of America, ca. 1974

- Creator: UWUA and SCE
- Item 17: Agreement between Louisville Gas and Electric Co. and Independen Protective Association of Utility Workers (2 editions), November, 1971; December, 1973

- Creator: IPAUW and Louisville Gas and Electric Co.
- Folder 7: VA State AFL-CIO

- Item 1: Constitution, Rules of Order and Objects and Principles of the Virginia State AFL-CIO (2 editions), 1980; 1982

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 8: Wall Paper Craftsmen and Workers of North America

- Item 1: 1946-1947 Supplement, Standard Form of Union Contract for the Wall Paper Manufacturing Industry, ca. 1946

- Creator: WPCW
- Item 2: Reference Copy, Standard Form of Union Contract for the Wall Paper Manufacturing Industry, ca. 1945-1946

- Creator: WPCW
- Folder 9: Washington State Labor Council

- Item 1: Reports, Newsletter of the Washington State Labor Council (40+ editions), September, 1990 - February, 1995

- Creator: WSLC
- Item 2: Washington State Labor Council Legislative Report (4 editions), 1991-1994

- Creator: WSLC
- Folder 10: American Watch Workers' Union

- Item 1: Agreement between Elgin National Watch Co., Elgin, Illinois Division and Elgin National Watch Workers' Union, AWWU (2 editions), August, 1947; June, 1949

- Creator: AWWU and Elgin National Watch Co.
- Item 2: Agreement between Waltham Watch Co. and Waltham Watch Workers' Union, AWWU, July, 1948

- Creator: AWWU and Waltham Watch Co.
- Folder 11: United Welders of America

- Item 1: Agreement between International Harvester Co., Solar Division, San Diego, CA and United Welders of America, Local No. 52, November, 1965

- Creator: UWA and International Harvester Co.
- Folder 12: International Woodworkers of America

- Item 1: Constitution of the International Woodworkers of America (3 editions), February, 1938; November, 1957; November, 1963

- Creator: IWA
- Item 2: Booklet, It's Your Union - International Woodworkers of America, Undated

- Creator: IWA
- Item 3: Booklet, How to be a Union Reporter - IWA, October, 1953

- Creator: IWA
- Item 4: Booklet, To New Employees - IWA, Undated

- Creator: IWA
- Item 5: Booklet, Bargaining for the Union - A Discussion for IWA Job Stewards and Committeemen, Undated

- Creator: IWA
- Item 6: Booklet, Negotiating a Working Agreement - IWA, Undated

- Creator: IWA
- Item 7: Booklet, Parliamentary Procedure - IWA, Undated

- Creator: IWA
- Item 8: Agreement between Bradley-Southern Division, Potlatch Forests, Inc. and International Woodworkers of America, Local No. 5-484, Warren, Arkansas, May, 1964

- Creator: IWA and Potlatch Forests, Inc.
- Item 9: International Woodworkers of America Educational Pamphlets (4 editions), Undated

- Creator: IWA
- Item 10: The New York Debit, Newsletter of Local 1706, IWA, December, 1957

- Creator: IWA
- Folder 13: Workers Alliance of America

- Item 1: National Constitution and Regulations with Suggested Rules and Procedure for Affiliates of Workers Alliance of America, September, 1938

- Creator: WAA
- Folder 14: Writers Guild

- Item 1: Pay Equity and Employment Opportunities Among Writers for Television and Feature Films, Summary Report, June 16, 1987

- Creator: Writers Guild
- Item 2: The 1987 Hollywood Writers Report: A Survey of Ethnic, Gender and Age Employment Practices, 1987

- Creator: Writers Guild
- Item 3: Constitution and By-Laws of Writers Guild of America, East, Inc., ca. 1955

- Creator: Writers Guild
- Item 4: The 1989 Hollywood Writers' Report: Unequal Access, Unequal Pay, 1989

- Creator: Writers Guild
- Item 5: A Brief History of Writers Guild of America, East, Undated

- Creator: Writers Guild
- Item 6: Brief Outline of History and Organization of the Writers Guild of America, West, February, 1975

- Creator: Writers Guild
- Folder 15: National Writers Union

- Item 1: Bureau of National Affairs, Union Labor Report Weekly Newsletter with Story Regarding National Writers Union, October, 1994

- Creator: BNA
- Item 2: The Write Stuff, National Writers Union Newsletter, Chicago, June, 1984

- Creator: NWA
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Actors - Atlantic Maritime Employees],
Series 2: Automobile Workers - Cleaning and Dye House Workers],
Series 3: Clothing Workers - Furniture Workers],
Series 4: Garment Workers - Longshoremen],
Series 5: Machinists - Musicians],
Series 6: National Building Trades - Quarry Workers],
Series 7: Radio Workers - Service Employees],
Series 8: Steelworkers - Teachers],
[Series 9: Teamsters - Writers],
Series 10: International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU), and Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE) Contracts],
Series 11: Additional Contracts],