By Elizabeth Miller, Scott Schwartz, Eduardo Herrera, Tad Boehmer and Kelly A. Carlson
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Collection Overview
Title: Pietro A Cipollone Music and Personal Papers, 1848-2000
ID: 12/9/56
Primary Creator: Cipollone, Pietro A. (1889-1955)
Extent: 11.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: alphabetical by music title or type of material
Subjects: Composers, Instrumental music, Music - United States, National Music
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of original and published music compositions and arrangements for wind band, original and published band books, photographs, programs, news clippings, business records, sound and videotape recordings, and an award documenting Pietro A. Cipollone's career as a composer, music educator, conductor, and director of wind ensembles in both Italy and the United States between 1905 and 1954. The papers also document Cipollone's involvement and management of the Ferrari Band, the Royal Italian Band, and the Loyal Order of the Moose Band. In addition to Cipollone's original musical compositions there are his and other's arrangements of works by such leading Italian and American composers as Luigi Bertolini, Giuseppe Verdi, John Philip Sousa, and Edwin Franko Goldman. The collection provides unique documentation of the melding of predominantly nineteenth- and twentieth-century Italian orchestral and wind-band composition with early twentieth-century American music traditions. Of particular interest are Cipollone's arrangements of musical compositions by John Philip Sousa.
The collection is organized in four series: Series 1, Music Manuscripts, ca 1848-1954; Series 2, Published Music, ca 1863-1935; Series 3, Band Books, 1895-1937; and Series 4, Personal Papers, 1934-2000. The papers are arranged alphabetically by either title or type of material within each series. A composer/title index for all the music is located at the end of the finding aid.
Biographical Note
Pietro A. Cipollone - musician, band leader, and composer - was born in Tocco Casauria, Italy in 1889 and studied music composition and theory with Ettore Martini, who studied with Puccini and Massenet for over four years. He received wide acclaim in the United States and Italy for his excellence in directing of symphony orchestras and bands, and his music interpretations of traditional western-European orchestral composition. His musicianship won him praise from such renowned Italian music teachers as Cav. Omero Carraro, artistic director of the G. Campi Music House, in Foligno, Italy and Ivo Baffigi.
Pietro Cipollone emigrated to the United States in 1913. While living in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania in 1933 he and local merchant Anthony Ferrari formed the Ferrari Sons Musical Club and the Ferrari Band with Cipollone as its music director. He also conducted the Royal Italian Band in Mount Carmel, PA and the Royal Order of the moose Band in Hammonton NJ. World War II brought about frequent changes of band personnel making it very difficult to sustain the band and its programming. Many of the band's concerts were radio broadcast on WAZL from Hazelton, Pennsylvania. In addition to his work as a band director Cipollone taught private music lessons at his home and at the Philadelphia Music Center until his death in January of 1955.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Source:
source of acq
Acquisition Method:
Papers were transferred to the University of Illinois from the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania's Baron-Forness Library June 14, 2000.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Music Manuscripts],
Series 2: Published Music],
Series 3: Band Books],
Series 4: Personal Papers],
- Series 1: Music Manuscripts

- Box 1

- Folder 1: "#8 Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 2: "A Trieste", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 3: "A 14 Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bertolini
- Folder 4: "Addah Polka per Solo Cornetta", undated

- Folder 5: "Ai Miei Giovani Alumni Marcia Sinfonica", 1925

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 6: "Aida" by Verdi arr by Garofoli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 7: "Gran Finale II Nell'Opera Aida", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 8: "Al Campo di Pouleira, Marica Militare", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Casauria, Lucco
- Folder 9: "Al Duce La Fede Polka", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 10: "Al Mio Paese", 1950

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 11: "Al Passo", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 12: "Alla sentimentale, Tempo di Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fasoli
- Folder 13: "American's Victory", 1941

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 14: "Amore e Speranze", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 15: "Aria Finale, (Nuova ferita, crudele profonda) per Bombardino, Nell'Opera Il Pueggente", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mercandante
- Folder 16: "Fantasia per Bombardina, Sopra Motivi Nell'Opera Attila", 1918

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 17: "Battesimo di Sangue, Marcia Funebre", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Asortoloni
- Folder 18: "Bohemian Girl" (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Balfe
- Folder 19: "Campain Melodies" (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 20: "Cane da Caccia Polcka", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 21: "Cantum Ergo", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 22: "Cantum Ergo per Baritono e Coro", 1905

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 23: "Canzona del Brigante Musullino", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 24: "Canzona Polka" by Cipollone, 1950

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 25: "Canzoni di Piedigrotta" (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 26: "Canzoni di Piedigrotta" (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 27: "Canzoniere" (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gambordella
- Folder 28: "Canzoniere", ca. 1929

- Composer/Arranger: Gambordella
- Folder 29: "Canzoniere 1905 e 1906" (FS), 1906

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 30: "Capricciasa Polcha" and "Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Partiture
- Folder 31: "Caterina Marcia Sinfonica", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 32: "Cavatina per Clarino Si b, Nell'Opera Norma" (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bellini
- Folder 33: "Cilentana, Marcia Militare" (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone
- Folder 34: "Classa Spostata Macia Sinfonica", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 35: "Clementina Mazurka" (FS), 1919

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 36: "Come over On My Veranda, Waltz Song", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 37: "Compliano Valzer (Compliance Waltz)", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 38: "Concerto per Cornetta Sib" (FS/P), ca. 1900

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 39: "Coro, Lanzone e Duetto Nell'Opretta Le Campare de Corneville", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Planquette
- Folder 40: "Creatore", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 41: "Credo per 1 & 2 Tenore per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 42: "Cuore D'Artista, Marcia Militare", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 43: "De Carnibvale dei Studenti", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 44: "Del Mese di Maggio 1905 Ode a Maria S. S." (FS), 1905

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 45: "Delores Waltzer", 1904

- Composer/Arranger: Waldtenfel
- Folder 46: "Disies", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 47: "Dispotismo, Marcia Sinfonica", 1903

- Composer/Arranger: Roberto
- Folder 48: "Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do" (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Burt, Beni
- Folder 49: "Down in Yungle Town, Medley March Two-Step", 1909

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 50: "Duetto per Trombone e Cornetta Nell'Opera I Due Froscari" (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 51: "Duno di Gariboloi in Mi-flat", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 52: "Echtes Wienne Blut, Marcia", 1900

- Composer/Arranger: Romatt
- Folder 53: "Elisa, Marcia" by Sibilla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sibilla
- Folder 54: "Alto III. Nell'Opera Ernani", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 55: "Ester Marcia Militare", 1890

- Composer/Arranger: Egidia Granese
- Folder 56: "Fanfara in Lontanza", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 57: "Fantasia, Bohemian Girl, Redusione per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Balfe
- Folder 58: "Fantasia Caratteristica Musicale per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 59: "Fantasia per Baritono", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 60: "Felice Nozze" by Cipollone, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 61: "Feste Castane, Marcia Sinfonica", 1900

- Composer/Arranger: Rivela
- Folder 62: "Fiar L'aprile, Marcia Sinfonica", 1914

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 63: "Fior d'Aprile Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 64: "Fiori e Lacrime Marcia Funebre (Rock Hill Funeral March)", 1916

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 65: "Fiori e Lacrime! Marcia Funebre", 1915

- Composer/Arranger: Lealla
- Folder 66: "Fortuna e Miseria dei Musicioti, Marcia per Banda", 1904

- Composer/Arranger: Bertolini, Andre
- Folder 67: "Funeral March, All Soul's Day", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 68: "Funeral March All Soul's Day", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Garditi
- Folder 69: "Funeral March: The Blood Baptism", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 70: "G. D'annunzio a Trieste", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 71: "Gatto Ottilio", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 72: "General Lawton's Last Advance", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Torsiello
- Folder 73: "Gimastici Marcia Militare", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rivela
- Folder 74: "Gioconda, Finale 3", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponchielli
- Folder 75: "Gloria Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 76: "Gone, Marcia Funebre", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrella
- Folder 77: "Gran Valtzer L'Usiguolo per Ottavino Re-flat", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Straus
- Folder 78: "Guglielmo Tell", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rossini
- Folder 79: "Histoire d'un Pierrot", 1914

- Composer/Arranger: Costa, Marro
- Folder 80: "I Musicisti Moderni", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 81: "I Pagliocci, Vaudeville in Un Atto", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 82: "I Pappagalli Moderni", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 83: "I Piavoli Rossi, Marcia Sinfonica", ca. 1917

- Composer/Arranger: Rivela, E.
- Folder 84: "I Puritani, aria e Finale II", ca. 1930

- Composer/Arranger: Bellini
- Folder 85: "I'm Glad I'm in America" (FS/P), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 86: "Il Barcousto", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Luciti
- Folder 87: "Il Basento Marcia Sinfonica", 1905

- Composer/Arranger: Orlando, Roberto
- Folder 88: "Il Canto Dellle Villanelle Abru. Se. (The Song of a Country Girl)" (FS), 1920

- Composer/Arranger: Constantini
- Folder 89: "Il Canto Fogli Artisti", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 90: "Il Di dei Morti", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Carditi
- Folder 91: "Il Ireno Lampo, Galopp per Banda" (FS), 1902

- Composer/Arranger: Bertolini, Andre
- Folder 92: "Il Mio Lavoro Sprecato, Marcia Funebre", 1905

- Composer/Arranger: Bertolini, Andrea
- Folder 93: "Il Norge Overture", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 94: "Il Nuovo Canzoniere, Riduzione per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 95: "Il Poeta Cibattino", ca. 1925-1929

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 96: "Scena e Duetto per Soprano e Baritono Nell'Opera Il Rigoletto", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 97: "Selection. Il Trouvatore", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 98: "In Chiesa", 1953

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 99: "Inno di Garibaldi", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 100: "Inno Italiano", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novaro
- Folder 101: "Inno o Marcia Reale", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gabetti
- Folder 102: "Intermezzo Sinfonico Cavalleria Rusticana" by Mascagni and "The Bohemian Girl" (P), undated

- "Bohemian Girl" is on reverse side of select pages.
- Composer/Arranger: Mascagni
- Folder 103: "Cavalleria Rusticana", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mascagni
- Folder 104: "Ione, Marcia Funebre", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrella
- Folder 105: "Jim Dandy", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Corlton, Carl
- Folder 106: "L'America", 1954

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 107: "L'Erudizione", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 108: "L'Ingratitudine E'una Necessita, Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Papra
- Folder 109: "L'Ingratitudine E'una Necessita, Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Papra
- Folder 110: "L'innamorato", 1930

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 111: "L'italia in Africa,Valso Soppio Sinfonica", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Orlando, Roberto
- Folder 112: "L'usignode" by Valteyer, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Valteger
- Folder 113: "La Campana dell'Eremi Taggio", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sarria
- Folder 114: "La Favorita" by Donizetti, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Donizetti
- Folder 115: "La Favorita, Duetto Finale Ultimo per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Donizetti
- Folder 116: "Feretto per Clarino, Cornetta e Bombardino Nell'Opera La Favorita", 1920

- Composer/Arranger: Donizetti
- Folder 117: "Preludio e Coro Alto II, Nell'Opera La Favorita", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Donizetti
- Folder 118: "La Fioraia", 1897

- Composer/Arranger: Marchetti, Luigi
- Folder 119: "Sinfonia Nell'Opera La Forza del Destino", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Box 7

- Folder 36: "La Mia Vacanza" and "Prayer", undated

- Box 2

- Folder 1: "La Forza del Destino, Rimembranze", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 2: "La Giralda, Marcia Sinfonica", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lopez
- Folder 3: "La Liberta dei Prigiomeri Italiani in Africa, Marcia Sinfonica" (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 4: "La Liberta Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lilian, A
- Folder 5: "La Marsigliese" (p), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 6: "La Portenza del Corriere, Polcha Cornette Vintico", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 7: "La Seducente Mazurcka per Piano-Forte"

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 8: "La Violetta Mazurka" (p), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 9: "Le Belle Cose Brutte March" (FS/P), ca. 1925

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 10: "Le Camelie Passo Doppio Sinfonico", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Marchetti
- Folder 11: "Le Campane Cubolari, Scherzo Marcia", 1910

- Composer/Arranger: Benedettini
- Folder 12: "Le Chevan Legirs, Marcia Militare", 1905

- Composer/Arranger: Wattge, M.S.
- Folder 13: "Le Feste a Roma, Marcia Sinfonica", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 14: "Le Rofe, Gran Valzer" and "Mazurcka", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 15: "Les Satineurs, Valtzer per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Waldteufel
- Folder 16: "Libretti Bassi", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 17: "Litanie e tantum Ergo per tenore vocale", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 18: "Litouria", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 19: "Duetto Nell'Opera Lucia di Lamermoor" (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Donzinetti
- Folder 20: "Preludio e Coro d'Introduzione Nell'Opera Lucia di Lamermoor", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Donizetti
- Folder 21: "Lustspiel Overture", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 22: "March and Two Step", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 23: "Marcia untitled #10" and "Canzoni di Piedigrotta", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 24: "Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Schottis
- Folder 25: "Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 26: "Marcia Militare Bidizione per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini, A
- Folder 27: "Marcia degli Alpini Italiani", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Galimberti, Giuseppe
- Folder 28: "Marcia di Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdys", ca. 1917

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 29: "Marcia e Lentano", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Costanlinopoli, Maria
- Folder 30: "Marcia Facile per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Laviano
- Folder 31: "Marcia Funebre" and "Marca Funebre", undated

- Contains two pieces: "Marcia Funebre" by Borcelli and "Marcia Funebre" by Ciparisso, both are undated
- Composer/Arranger: Borcelli and Ciparisso
- Folder 32: "Marcia Funebre", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pianto, Terus
- Folder 33: "Marcia Funebre" and "Fiori e Lacrime Marcia Funebre" (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 34: "Marcia Funebre", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 35: "Marcia Funebre", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 36: "Marcia Funebre", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 37: "Marcia Funebre, Il oh dei Morti", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 38: "Marcia Il Bosco Martinese", 1899 and ca. 1931

- Composer/Arranger: Costantini
- Folder 39: "Marcia La Scermitrice" and "Marcia D'annungio a Trieste!", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 40: "Marcia Lapra Motivi Nopsletian", 1904-1905

- Composer/Arranger: Redigrolta
- Folder 41: "Marcia Lingresso" and "Lucia-Sorcka", 1894 and 1898

- Composer/Arranger: Romy, Emanuele
- Folder 42: "Marcia Mazurcka per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Napoliello
- Folder 43: "Marcia Mi Mariland Long Ago"

- Composer/Arranger: Laurie, Annie
- Folder 44: "Marcia Militare", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Phila
- Folder 45: "Marcia Militare", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Phila
- Folder 46: "Marcia Militare", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lelmeger
- Folder 47: "Marcia Militare per Banda", ca. 1917

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 48: "Marcia Militare, La Padume", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 49: "Marcia Quannomammeta nun ce sta", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 50: "Marcia Re e Patria", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Canzano
- Folder 51: "Marcia Religiosa", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Morento
- Folder 52: "Marcia Religiosa", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 53: "Marcia Ricarata Ballo Leodora da Ascolese cari Raff deil aele", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 54: "Marcia Sinfonica", 1928

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 55: "Marcia Sopra Motini Mazionale e Francese", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 56: "Marcia Universale Risurzione", 1918

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 57: "Marcialena Maestro Pietro D'orsi", 1914

- Composer/Arranger: Polidoro, Antonio
- Folder 58: "Mazurcka", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 59: "Mazurcka Facile per Piccola Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolino, Andre
- Folder 60: "Mazurcka per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone
- Folder 61: "Mazurcka per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 62: "Mazurcka Veresino", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 63: "Mazurka Clementira", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 64: "Mazurka nel Ballo Exelsior", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mariuco
- Folder 65: "Melodies sull'opera Faust", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gounod
- Folder 66: "Messa a Due Voci con accompagnamento d'Orchestra", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 67: "Messa di Gloria a tre Voci per Banda" and "Litanie alla Benedettina Strumentzione per Piccola Banda", 1905

- Composer/Arranger: Unidentified and Bartolini
- Folder 68: "Messa Solemna due Voci", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 69: "Mi Partitura - Puce Firmata Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 70: "Miranda Il Cielo Mazurcka", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 71: "Moonlight Waltz" (FS/P) and "Waltz", 1952

- "Waltz" on reverse of front page of parts.
- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 72: "Napoli Marcia", 1897

- Composer/Arranger: Neupo, Luigi
- Folder 73: "Narsola Mia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 74: "National Guardia March" (FS/P), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 75: "New Ford March" (FS/P), 1929

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 76: "No. 7 Lettura A", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 77: "Norcia Funebre", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 78: "No Sapete Chi i Buoni, Prima o Dolpo, la Vincomo Sempre", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 79: "Omaggio a Verdi, Perodia Musicale", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 80: "Omaggio per 1906", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 81: "Palermo, Marcia per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 82: "Pardon...Mazurcka", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 83: "Pastorale", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 84: "Piedimonte gran Passo doppio Sinfonico", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 85: "Pierrot in Festa, Fantasia Caratteristica", 1930

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolucci
- Folder 86: "Pirott, Puorri sui motivi Napoletoni"

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 87: "Poeta e Contadino, Marcia Sinfonica", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lecke
- Folder 88: "Polka del A", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Casselan, G
- Folder 89: "Polcka, donna che Nide", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 90: "Pout Pourri, sull'Opera Mefistofele", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borito
- Folder 91: "Primavera Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 92: "Primavera, Marcia Sinfonica", 1912

- Composer/Arranger: Perazzetti
- Folder 93: "Primuroso Ritorno Marcia" and "Civilta Valzer" (FS/P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 94: "Put Your Arms Around Me Honey, Medley March", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tilger, Albertron
- Folder 95: "Quadriglie", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 96: "Reminiscenze", 1930

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 97: "Resurrezione Pensiero Lugubre", 1915

- Composer/Arranger: Bilancia, Rocco
- Folder 98: "Riduzione per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 99: "Rimembranzedel del 1848", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 100: "Ripertorio di Marce e Ballabili", 1917

- Contains a combination of sketches and transcriptions of several works, including: Marcia, Marcia Reale, St. Defile Marcia Militare, Reqq- Fanlorina, Mazurcha Zariata, Polcha, Mazurcha, Volyer Sono Loieti, Mazurcha, Mazurcha, Volyer, Polcha, Rainbow (in Italiano) Arco Baleno, I'm Afriad to Come Home in the Dark, Volyer Get in My Air Ship, Juno dei Laveratori, Parodia Musicale - Aida, Forza del Destino, Traviata, Marcia Funebre, and Uncle Sammy March et Two Step.
- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 101: "Risogimento Marcia" and "Marcia Militare" (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 102: "Ritirata Marcia Polcha", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 103: "The Roamer Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 104: "Savoia Marcia per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 105: "Scena e Cavatina Nell'Opera L'assedio di Leida", 1921

- Composer/Arranger: Petrella
- Folder 106: "Scena e Cavatina Nell'Opera L'assedio di Leida", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrella
- Folder 107: "Se io Folsi Re Sinfonia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Adani
- Folder 108: Unidentified Composition, undated

- Handwritten Note on final page reads: "Segue al Fiscolo N 87- Lettera A." See also box 3 folder 29.
- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 109: "Silver Threads Among the Gold, Song and Chorus", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Danke, H.P
- Folder 110: "Sinfonia Nell'Opera Oberto Conte di Bonifacto", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 111: "Sinfonia Nell'Opera Mignon", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Thomas
- Folder 112: "Sinfonia Originale per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Accordio, Bartolomeo
- Folder 113: "Sinfoniale di Maggio", 1952

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 114: "Sinfonica Giovanna D'Arco", 1927

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 115: "Slickeryet", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mutchler, E.
- Folder 116: "La Farfolla Liriliana Polcka", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 117: "Sotta per la Pagnotta, Mazurcka", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 118: "Spa Sckerzosa, Marcia Militare", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 119: "Finale II Nell'Opera Polinto", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Donizetti
- Box 3

- Folder 1: "Staborti Mader", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 2: "Stala, Mazurka", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Montefiori
- Folder 3: "Standchen Serenade" and "Ave Maria" for Solo Cornet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Schubert, Franz
- Folder 4: "The Stars and Stripes Forever", "Kyrie," and "Gloria", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sousa, John Philip
- Folder 5: "Stretto di Mano, Marcia per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 6: "Strike Settled March" (P), ca. 1924-1930

- Second work on the back of Trombone part "Oi miui giovani alunni - Marcia Sinfonica".
- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 7: "Suite Arleoienne", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bizet
- Folder 8: "Sulla Gamba di mian Giovinetta, Marcia Funebre", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 9: "Sulle Rive del Krich", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Valzer
- Folder 10: "Symphony", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Alotore
- Folder 11: "Tempo di Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 12: "Tutti Allegri Marcia" and "Primavera Marcia" (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 13: Book of Dances, undated

- Dances include: "Two Step Princeton", "Schottiscke Ladies Delight", "Two Step Puritan", "Two Step Yorktown," "Maple Leaf Polcka", "Callie Walzer", "Fairy Belle Waltzer", "Marie Polcka", "Sunshine Waltzer", and "Take me back to New York Town."
- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 14: "Un Amblesso, Mazurka" and "Entusiastico Mazurka", 1916

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 15: "Un Millione", undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 16: "Un Pensiero in Villeggiatura, Marcia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 17: "Una Lagrima Sullo Mio Tomba, Marcia Funebre", 1907

- Composer/Arranger: Andrea, Bertolino
- Folder 18: "Under the Double Eagle = Aquila, Marcia per Banda", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Wagner
- Folder 19: "Unsaluto di miei Concittadini Polka di Marchetti", 1905

- Composer/Arranger: Polidoro, Antonio
- Folder 20: Untitled, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 21: Untitled (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 22: Untitled (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 23: Untitled, undated

- small ensemble sketchbook
- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 24: Untitled, undated

- small ensemble sketchbook
- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 25: Untitled, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 26: Untitled Book of Dances, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 27: Untitled, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 28: Untitled, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 29: Untitled, undated

- See also Box 2 Folder 108
- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 30: Untitled Harp arrangement, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 31: Valzer a Luetto, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 32: Valzer, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Probita, Caccia
- Folder 33: Valzer Nell'Opera La Vedova Allegra (FS/P), ca. 1915

- Composer/Arranger: Lehar
- Folder 34: Variazioni Brillanti per Clarino, Sopra Motivi Della Canzone Veneziana, Vieni la Barca Pronta, 1876 and 1917

- Composer/Arranger: Mirio
- Folder 35: Vita Spensierata, Canzone Mazurcka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Carraro
- Folder 36: When They Dance the Tarantella, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Box 8

- Folder 1: No. 12 Marcia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 2: Al Signor Andrico Guiseppe une la Presto Marcia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 3: Bagatella, undated

- Composer/Arranger: E. Wandenfel
- Folder 4: Battaglia Navale, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Orlando, Roberto
- Folder 5: Canzone Napoleona, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 6: Canzone per Mese Mariano e Litanie della Beata Virgine, 1901

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 7: Cucu Valzer, 1929

- Arranger: P. Cipollone
Composer: E. Jonasson
Composer/Arranger: E. Jonasson (composer), P. Cipollone (arranger)
- Folder 8: Danze Spagnola, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Espinosa
- Folder 9: Domenica Sinfonia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: S. Filippa
- Folder 10: Donna di Coppe!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: A. Bertolini
- Folder 11: Ester Marcia Militare, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 12: Genee Waltzer, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pietro Cipollone
- Folder 13: Girardengo, One-Step, undated

- Composer/Arranger: E. Firpo
- Folder 14: Gone - Marcia Funebre, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrella
- Folder 15: Gutro Quzione, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 16: Harrigan, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 17: I'm Glad I'm in America March, 1940

- Composer/Arranger: P. Cipollone
- Folder 18: Inglesina Scherzo Marciabile, undated

- Composer/Arranger: D. Delle Cese
- Folder 19: La Discussione Musicale, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Silvino Tracanna
- Folder 20: La Marsigliese imno Francese, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bertolini
- Folder 21: Lantermaro, Marcia Sinfonica, 1931

- Composer/Arranger: F. Sciarappa
- Folder 22: Litiania: Facile per Banda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 23: Lucia Tarantino, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bertolini
- Folder 24: Lugete Veneres, Marcia Funebre, 1916

- Composer/Arranger: Pietro Bennati, Pietro Cipollone
- Folder 25: Lugete Veneres, Marcia Funebre, 1925

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 26: March Sudependentia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B.B. Hall, A. Bartolini
- Folder 27: No. 8 Marcia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 28: Marcia: Lo Sbarco dei Coseritti, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 29: Marcia Militare, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 30: Marcia Militare, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 31: Marcia Militare, 1917

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 32: Marcia Miliatre composta con Anni Patriottici e Canzoni Populari Italiani, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Audre Bertolini
- Folder 33: Marcia Padova, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 34: Marcia Trento, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 35: Mazurka nell Ballo Exelsior, 1916

- Composer/Arranger: Marenco, Pietro Cipollone
- Folder 36: Morziale, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 37: Musica Sacra, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sauliano
- Folder 38: No. 1 Kyrie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 39: Nazional Emblem March, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 40: No. 9 Lettera B, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 41: Preludio, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 42: Messa Funebre, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrus Magri
- Folder 43: Sempre Avanti, 1902

- Composer/Arranger: Lorenzo Porcetti
- Folder 44: Scottisch, 1906

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 45: No. 11 Valzer - Scherzi Carnivaleschi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 46: Sinfonia Originale per Banda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Filippa
- Folder 47: Tautum Ergo e Sitounie per Piccola Banda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 48: Ultimo Pensiero, Marcia Funebre, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 49: Page from Untitled Score, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 50: Incomplete score, untitled, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 51: Incomplete Score, untitled, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Box 10

- Folder 1: Allo di Gloria, Marcia Sinfonica, 1931

- Composer/Arranger: Cognato, Guiseppe
- Folder 2: Blue Danube (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Strauss
- Folder 3: Cantum Ergo per Tenore Vocale con accompagnomento d'orchestra, 1911

- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 4: Canzoniere (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 5: Carmena (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Wilson
- Folder 6: Cavatina per Clarino Si-flat Nell'Opera Norma (FS/P), 1896

- Composer/Arranger: Bellini
- Folder 7: Cuban Independance March, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Herminger, C.D.
- Folder 8: Cucu Valzer, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Jomasson
- Folder 9: Discussione Bandistica, Fantasia Scherzasa Concertatae, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Filippa
- Folder 10: Encore, Overture, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kiefer
- Folder 11: Eterno Pianto (FS), undated

- Folder 12: Fantasia Caratteristica Musicale, Fanfaretta, and Faust, undated

- Folder 13: Fantasia per Baritono from Attila, 1927

- Composer/Arranger: G. Peroli and P. Cipollone
- Folder 14: Forza dell'Amore and Omaggio a Verdi (FS/P), 1930

- Backside of instrumental parts include parts for Omaggio a Verdi.
- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 15: Gioia e Sorriso Marcia Sinfonica, 1926

- Note on several parts reads, "dedicata a mia Figlio;" full score reads, "a mia Figlio Antony Cipollone." Or "Dedicated to my son Antony Cipollone."
- Folder 16: Ho Gesu Bambino, 1952

- Includes text and explaination of work in Italian.
- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Box 11

- Folder 1: I'm Glad I'm In America March (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 2: Il Norge Overture, 1928 and 1934

- Contains brief biography of Pietro Cipollone and certificate for commission of the piece. Backside of instrumental parts contain parts for Sentimenti dell' Amino Serenata by Cipollone.
- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 3: Il Saspiro Dell'Anima - The Sigh of the Soul (FS/P), 1948

- Folder also contains Solo cornet part to Il Cacciatore alla Festa del Villagio by G. Novauta; the solo cornet and baritone part to Cucu Valzer; and the snare drum part to Scene e Cavatine L'assedio di Liva by Petrella.
- Composer/Arranger: Frosali
- Folder 4: In Old Wisconsin, Waltzer, 1911

- Composer/Arranger: Lennent
- Folder 5: Inno a Pirgilio nel Secondo Millenario, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pusoa
- Folder 6: L'Enigma, 1928

- Sketches on backside of full score for 'My Darling Polka.'
- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 7: La Forza del Destino (FS/P), 1938

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 8: Melodie nell'Opera La Traviata, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 9: Sestetto e Finale Nell'Opera Lucia (FS), undated

- Includes Trombone di Canto part.
- Composer/Arranger: Donizzetti
- Folder 10: Lucia di Lammermoor (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Donizetti
- Folder 11: Mafalda (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Labella
- Box 12

- Folder 1: Maid in Germany Waltz, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Morris
- Folder 2: Marcia Amaggio a Wagner, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Franieri
- Folder 3: Marcia Cinese (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Musso
- Folder 4: Marcia King of All, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 5: Mass (FS/P), undated

- Includes Bass and Soprano parts and full score. Folder also contains 2nd trombone part to 'Grand Medley Superba'.
- Composer/Arranger: Lopey
- Folder 6: Mazurcha Variata per Clarino in Si-flat con accompagnamento per Banda (FS), 1918

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone
- Folder 7: Mazurcka Variata per Trombone (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 8: Oi Miu Giovanni Alunni, 1927

- composer/arranger: Cipollone
- Folder 9: Overture Sincerita (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 10: Pagliacci (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Leoncavallo, R.
- Folder 11: Polcha Variata per Cornetta Si-Flat (FS), 1909

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 12: Polka Brillante, 1935

- Folder contains Free Library of Philadelphia Record for "Sorriso di' Amore" (composed 1935).
- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 13: Ranger Marcia Riduzione per Banda, undated

- Contains only sketches of melody and title.
- Composer/Arranger: Bartolini
- Folder 14: Regina Marzkerita, Marcia Militare (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 15: Rigoletto (FS), 1928

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 16: Rigoletto (P), undated

- Contains instrumental part books for solo clarinet, 1st clarinet, Eb clarinet, solo cornet, 1st horn, 2nd horn, 3rd horn, 1st baritone, 2nd baritone, trombone di cantus, trombone, Bb bass, and bass drum.
- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 17: Scena Cavalina nell'Opera L'assedio di Leida (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrella
- Folder 18: Selection from Opera Marta (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: St. Clair
- Box 13

- Folder 1: Sentimenti dell'Amino (FS/P), 1932

- Alternate title: Sentiments of my Soul.
- Composer/Arranger: Cipollone, Pietro
- Folder 2: Sinfonia Nell'Opera Giovanna D'arco (FS/P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 3: Sulle Rivedel Krich Valzer (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Valtyer
- Folder 4: Tenebre e Luce - Darkness and Light (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Billi
- Folder 5: Tosca (P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Puccini
- Folder 6: La Traviata (FS/P), 1927

- Folder 7: Trovatore, Finale Ultimo per Banda (FS/P), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verdi
- Folder 8: Underwood March (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Westmoreland, Caroline
- Folder 9: Untitled sketches (FS), undated

- Composer/Arranger: unidentified
- Folder 10: Untitled sketches (FS), undated

- Folder 11: When I Met You Last Night in Dreamland, undated

- Composer/Arranger: McDonaldo
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Music Manuscripts],
Series 2: Published Music],
Series 3: Band Books],
Series 4: Personal Papers],