By Lois Walker, Adriana Cuervo, Kelly A. Carlson, William Fisher, Jana Kelly, Kimberly Sessoms, Florence Paisey, Jared Lofrano, Raquel Flores-Clemons, Noah Lenstra and Scott Schwartz
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Collection Overview
Title: Paul E Bierley Papers, 1864-2015

ID: 12/9/94
Primary Creator: Bierley, Paul E. (1926-2016)
Extent: 102.5 cubic feet
The collection is arranged in eight series:
Series 1, Correspondence, ca.1960-2000: Sub-Series 1, Correspondence: Authors and Researchers; Sub-Series 2, Correspondence: Sousa Band Members; Sub-Series 3, Correspondence: Recording Companies and Record Collectors; Sub-Series 4, Correspondence: Libraries, Museums and Historical Societies; Sub-Series 5, Correspondence: Universities and Colleges; Sub-Series 6, Correspondence: Military and Government; Sub-Series 7, Correspondence: Publishers (Literary and Music); Sub-Series 8, Correspondence: Sheet Music Publishers and Collectors; Sub-Series 9, Correspondence: Loras Schissel; Sub-Series 10, Correspondence: Others.
Series 2, Sousa Research Materials, ca. 1892-1995: Sub-Series 1, Sousa Subject Files; Sub-Series 2, Sousa Band Personnel Files; Sub-Series 3, Oral Histories and Interviews; Sub-Series 4, Articles and Clippings; Sub-Series 5, Operetta Scores and Librettos; Sub-Series 6, Sousa Band Programs; Sub-Series 7, Willow Grove Programs; Sub-Series 8, Sousa Collection Catalogs and Finding Aids; Sub-Series 9, Dissertations and Theses on Sousa and Band; Sub-Series 10, Original Sousa Novels and Other Books; Sub-Series 11, Original Sousa Newspaper Articles; Sub-Series 12, Original Photographs and Tour Maps; Sub-Series 13, Oversized Materials - Japan Sousa Society; Sub-Series 14, Oversized Material; Sub-Series 15, Sousa Correspondence; Sub-Series 16, Photobook Research Materials; Sub-series 17, Sousa Research Photographs.
Series 3, American Band History Materials, ca.1900-2000: Sub-Series 1, Articles and Clippings; Sub-Series 2, Leonard B. Smith and the Detroit Concert Band; Sub-Series 3, Henry Fillmore Materials; Sub-Series 4, Hallelujah Trombone; Sub-Series 5, Robert Hoe V Materials; Sub-Series 6, Fillmore Correspondence.
Series 4, Paul Bierley Professional Papers, ca. 1953-2003: Sub-Series 1, Paul E. Bierley - Personal and Professional Papers; Sub-Series 2, Paul E. Bierley Honoraria; Sub-Series 3, Paul E. Bierley Publications; Sub-Series 4, Paul E. Bierley Organizational Memberships; Sub-Series 5, Paul E. Bierley Speaking Engagements; Sub-Series 6, Paul E. Bierley Personal Photographs.
Series 5, Audio Recordings, ca. 1925-2000: Sub-Series 1, Reel-to-Reel and Cassette Audio Tapes, LPs; Sub-Series 2, Reel-to-Reel Tape Recordings, North American Aviation Band.
Series 6, Photographs, ca. 1864-1964: Sub-Series 1, Digital Photographs, 1864-1964; Sub-Series 2, Barry Furrer Photographs, ca. 1900-1930; Sub-Series 3, Band Members; Sub-Series 4, Candids and Train Wrecks; Sub-Series 5, Performances, Operettas, Undated; Sub-Series 6, Sousa Band Photographs and Sousa with Others; Sub-Series 7, Non-Sousa Band Photographs and Portraits; Sub-Series 8, The American Phenomenon (University of Illinois Press and Integrity Press) Photographs; Sub-Series 9, The Incredible Band of John Philip Sousa (University of Illinois Press) Photographs.
Series 7, Press Books, 1882-1953. The material is organized either alphabetically by author (or recipient in the case of the correspondence), or chronologically when applicable.
And Series 8, Published Books, 1853-2007. Material is Arranged alphabetically by author's last name.
Date Acquired: 04/08/2004. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Aircraft, Band Musicians, Cartooning, Instrumental music, Sousa, John Philip
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of correspondence, subject files, newsclippings, oral histories, account ledgers, programs, audiotape and videotape recordings, digital photographs, dissertations and theses, books, awards, engineering diagrams, cartoon sketch books, photographs, and press books documenting Bierley's career as an aerospace engineer, leading scholar on John Philip Sousa and Henry Filmore, and managing editor of Integrity Press.
Biographical Note
Paul E. Bierley (1926-2016), tubist, engineer and band researcher, is recognized today as the foremost historian of the music and life of John Philip Sousa. Spending over 40 years collecting material about Sousa's life, band, and music, Mr. Bierley conducted meticulous and wide-ranging research that led to the publication of two definitive works on Sousa: John Philip Sousa: A Catalogue of His Works, which provides a wealth of details about Sousa's musical and literary works, and his biography, John Philip Sousa: American Phenomenon. Other Sousa-related works by Mr. Bierley include Hallelujah Trombone (a biography of Henry Fillmore), The Music of Henry Fillmore and Henry Huff, Nineteenth Century American Musical Theater, Later Operetta, Part 1 (El Capitan), and the revised edition of Sousa's Marching Along. Bierley served as editor for the two volume set of William Rehrig's 1991 The Heritage Encyclopedia Band Music (Volume 3, Supplement, 1996), has published many Sousa-related journal articles about the Sousa Band, and has provided liner notes for numerous LPs and CDs.
Bierley was educated as an aeronautical engineer at Ohio State University. During his 35-year career designing airplanes and missiles, he pursued an active career as a musician as well. As a child he began playing the music of Sousa as a tubist in his high school band, and later played the tuba in such ensembles as the Columbus Symphony Orchestra and the Detroit Concert Band. To honor his 40 years of research and scholarly publications on Sousa and American Band History, Ohio Sate University awarded Bierley an honorary doctorate in 2001. He was also awarded the Academy of Wind and Percussion Arts Award from the National Band Association in the same year.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
April 8, 2004, June 4, 2008, March, 2010, October 15, 2013, and May 5, 2015.
Acquisition Method:
The papers were donated to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Paul E. and Pauline J. Bierley on April 8, 2004. Photographs were donated by Paul E and Pauline J. Bierley in June 4, 2008. Sousa Photograph binders and additional Sousa research files donated by Paul E. and Pauline J. Bierley in March 2010. Another addition of books and recordings was donated by Paul E. Bierley on October 15, 2013, and final donation of Sousa and Fillmore research files, books, and recordings was donated by Paul Bierley on May 5, 2015.
Processing Information:
Papers processed in 2006, photographs processed in 2008.
Finding Aid Revision History:
Revisions made July 17, 2008.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Correspondence, ca.1960-2015],
Series 2: Sousa Research Materials, ca.1892-2012],
Series 3: American Band History Materials, ca.1900-2007],
Series 4: Paul Bierley Professional Papers, ca. 1953-2014],
Series 5: Audio-Visual Material, ca. 1925-2000],
Series 6: Photographs, 1864-2013],
Series 7: Press Books, 1882-1953],
Series 8: Published Books, 1853-2007],
- Series 1: Correspondence, ca.1960-2015

- Sub-Series 1: Correspondence: Authors and Researchers

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Adams, Aletha "Lee"

- Folder 2: Adams, Peter H.

- Folder 3: Aiken, Ray

- Folder 4: Akiyama, Toshio (former president, Japan Bandmasters Association)

- Folder 5: Albertson, Joseph K.

- Folder 6: Allen, Barbu (Robert Hoe Branch of International Military Music Society)

- Folder 7: Allen, Ernest E., Jr.

- Folder 8: Anderson, Mark J.

- Folder 9: Anderson, Uno (Sweden)

- Folder 10: Anesa, Marino

- Folder 11: Archambeault, James

- Folder 12: Ashworth, Sam

- Folder 13: Attalla, Sue

- Folder 14: Australian Broadcasting Commission

- Folder 15: Autry, Byron

- Folder 16: Bachman, Harold B.

- Folder 17: Backhaus, Patricia (Helen May Butler re-enactor)

- Folder 18: Backhaus, Patricia (Helen May Butler re-enactor)

- Folder 19: Bakels, Jan

- Folder 20: Baker, Bill

- Folder 21: Baker, Mary Lou

- Folder 22: Baker, Rick

- Folder 23: Ballenger, Ed

- Folder 24: Balloch, Jim

- Folder 25: Banks, Margaret Downie (American Shrine to Music Museum)

- Folder 26: Bapaluna, Mike

- Folder 27: Barber, Thomas P.

- Folder 28: Bardwell, Thomas C., Sr. (Robert B. Hall Memorial Band Tape Anthology)

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Barker, Warren

- Folder 2: Barnes, James

- Folder 3: Barton, Rachel

- Folder 4: Bate, Philip

- Folder 5: Bates, Don

- Folder 6: Beck, John R.

- Folder 7: Behrens, Jack

- Folder 8: Benjamin, Rick

- Folder 9: Berger, Kenneth W.

- Folder 10: Berlin, Edward A.

- Folder 11: Berman, Brian R.

- Folder 12: Bevan, Edward

- Folder 13: Biel, Michael

- Folder 14: Biskin, Miriam Newell

- Folder 15: Blake, Martin R.

- Folder 16: Blankenship, Joseph

- Folder 17: Blazakas, Chris

- Folder 18: Bly, Leon J.

- Folder 19: Bowie, Gordon W.

- Folder 20: Brabec, Harry J.

- Folder 21: Brand, Geoffrey

- Folder 22: Brandenburg, Arthur H.

- Folder 23: Brandt, Thompson

- Folder 24: Brion, Keith (Correspondence )

- Folder 25: Brion, Keith (Correspondence )

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Brion, Keith

- Folder 2: Brion, Keith

- Folder 3: Brion, Keith (New Sousa Band performances)

- Folder 4: Brion, Keith (New Sousa Band performances)

- Folder 5: Brion, Keith (New Sousa Band performances)

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Britain, Radie

- Folder 2: Broeke, A.M.

- Folder 3: Bruce, Neily

- Folder 4: Bryant, Carolyn

- Folder 5: Bufkin, William A.

- Folder 6: Burgardt, Kathy

- Folder 7: Burns, Don

- Folder 8: Burroughs, Buddy

- Folder 9: Burstein, Bob

- Folder 10: Busing, Chris

- Folder 11: Butler, John H.

- Folder 12: Calvin, Michael & Donna

- Folder 13: Camus, Raoul

- Folder 14: Camus, Raoul

- Folder 15: Camus, Raoul

- Folder 16: Camus, Raoul

- Folder 17: Camus, Raoul

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Camus, Raoul

- Folder 2: Carr, Gail A.

- Folder 3: Case, George W. III

- Folder 4: Casselman, Barry

- Folder 5: Ceasar, Dave

- Folder 6: Cedar INT Amusement Land (Thomas Layton, Manager)

- Folder 7: Charles, Chuck

- Folder 8: Circus World Museum

- Folder 9: Clark, David E.

- Folder 10: Clark, Sylvia

- Folder 11: Class, George B., Jr.

- Folder 12: Cole, Sarah

- Folder 13: Conrad, Charlie P.

- Folder 14: Contorno, Nicholas J.

- Folder 15: Cooke, Ernest V., Jr.

- Folder 16: Cooley, Adelaide N.

- Folder 17: Corden, Kenneth

- Folder 18: Corning, Bly

- Folder 19: Corrie, Gay

- Folder 20: Corrie, Gay

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Corrie, Gay 1974-1989

- Folder 2: Corrie, Gay 1974-1989

- Folder 3: Coyle, Margie

- Folder 4: Crane, Fred

- See Also: A. F. Thaviu Band Research Materials Record Series 12/9/94, Box 124, Folders 6-9; Samuel Thaviu Interview: Record Series 12/9/94, Box 113, Folder 9; and A.F. Thaviu Band Recording: Record Series 12/9/94, Box 113, Folder 10.
- Folder 5: Crissey, Harrington E. "Kit"

- Folder 6: Cunningham, Greg

- Folder 7: Cunningham, Michael G.

- Folder 8: Curnow, James

- Folder 9: Dahlinger, Fred, Jr.

- Folder 10: Dall, Cameron M.

- Folder 11: Darling, Matt

- Folder 12: Darrell, R. D.

- Folder 13: Davis, Alan

- Folder 14: Demkee, Ron

- Folder 15: Denn, Marjorie F.

- Folder 16: Dewald, Brian

- Folder 17: Dillon, Steve

- Folder 18: Dolen, William

- Folder 19: Domingue, John E.

- Folder 20: Doughty, Heather

- Folder 21: Doyle, Tracy L.

- Folder 22: Dudd, John E.

- Folder 23: Dutton, Jim

- Folder 24: Dvorak, Raymond F. (University of Wisconsin bands)

- Folder 25: Dvorak, Raymond F. (University of Wisconsin bands)

- Folder 26: Eastep, Michael

- Folder 27: Eberenz, Mathias (Columbian Exposition researcher)

- Folder 28: Elden, Rodney

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Eiland, Dianna

- Folder 2: Eiland, Dianna

- Folder 3: Eliason, Robert E. (Greenfield Village)

- Folder 4: Elkus, Jonathan

- Folder 5: Elrod, Mark and Foulke, Dr. Judy D.

- Folder 6: Erickson, Lucinda

- Folder 7: Erickson, Robert

- Folder 8: Erwin, Paul

- Folder 9: Evans, Ron

- Folder 10: Farrar, Lloyd

- Folder 11: Faucett, Bill F.

- Folder 12: Fennell, Frederick

- Folder 13: Fisher, James S.

- Folder 14: Fisher, Jerrold

- Folder 15: Flint, Richard

- Folder 16: Fonder, Dr. Mark

- Folder 17: Foreman, George

- Folder 18: Fowler, John

- Folder 19: Francis, David

- Folder 20: Fredriksson, Bjorn

- Folder 21: Friedel, Kaid

- Folder 22: Frizane, Daniel

- Folder 23: Fuld, James J.

- Folder 24: Gabler, Edwin

- Folder 25: Gabriele, Charles T.

- Folder 26: Gangware, Edgar B., Jr.

- Folder 27: Gee, Harry R.

- Folder 28: Geerdes, Harold P.

- Folder 29: Geiger, Loren D.

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Geiger, Loren D.

- Folder 2: Genereux, Wayne

- Folder 3: Gerardi, Dr. J. L.

- Folder 4: Girsberger, Russ (U.S. Marine Band Library)

- Folder 5: Girsberger, Russ (U.S. Marine Band Library)

- Folder 6: Glover, Andrew

- Folder 7: Glover, Andrew

- Folder 8: Goldman, Richard Franco

- Folder 9: Goodman, Solomon

- Folder 10: Goodman, Solomon

- Folder 11: Goodman, Stephen Kent

- Folder 12: Gordon, Martin K.

- Folder 13: Gouveia, Georgette

- Folder 14: Graham, Beth

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Grant, Robert J.

- Folder 2: Greenwood, Neva Garner

- Folder 3: Guegold, Dr. Bill

- Folder 4: Gundersen, Egil A.

- Folder 5: Gushee, Marion

- Folder 6: Haas, Karl

- Folder 7: Halvorsen, Arne

- Folder 8: Hammer, Rusty

- Folder 9: Hanson, Gregg I.

- Folder 10: Harlow, Lewis A.

- Folder 11: Harris, Melany

- Folder 12: Harsteine, Emmet

- Folder 13: Hartness, Ed

- Folder 14: Harvey, Paul

- Folder 15: Havens, Dennis M.

- Folder 16: Hazen, Robert M.

- Folder 17: Hedges, Bonnie

- Folder 18: Heilman, Terry M.

- Folder 19: Hemberger, Glen J.

- Folder 20: Herbert, Trevor

- Folder 21: Heslip, Malcolm

- Folder 22: Hayman, Barbara B.

- Folder 23: Higgins, Bill

- Folder 24: Hills, Robert P.

- Folder 25: Hinkel, Norman

- Folder 26: Hitchcock, H. Wiley

- Folder 27: Hodge, Ward F.

- Folder 28: Hoesly, John

- Folder 29: Holvik, Karl M.

- Folder 30: Holz, Ronald

- Folder 31: Hopkins, Steve

- Folder 32: Hubbard, John L.

- Box 10

- Folder 1: Huebel, Frank J.

- Folder 2: Hueter, Bill

- Folder 3: Hultin, Nils

- Folder 4: Hunt, Harrison

- Folder 5: Jenkins, Marty

- Folder 6: Johnson, Carrie

- Folder 7: Johnson, Mrs. Erwin H.

- Folder 8: Johnson, Harold E.

- Folder 9: Johnston, Herbert N.

- Folder 10: Johnston, Herbert N.

- Folder 11: Jones, George W.

- Folder 12: Jorgensen, Michael

- Folder 13: Kaneya, Tchitoshi

- Folder 14: Kapner, Howard

- Folder 15: Kapp, Richard

- Folder 16: Karschner, Richard

- Folder 17: Kato, Zempei

- Folder 18: Kaville, Walter

- Folder 19: Kawashima, Kenji

- Folder 20: Keller, Kate Van Winkle

- Folder 21: Kelly, Steven N.

- Folder 22: Kemp, Peter

- Folder 23: Kennedy, Donald Gerry

- Folder 24: Kilpatrick, James J.

- Folder 25: King, Karl L.

- Folder 26: Kirk, Thomas J.

- Folder 27: Kitcher, Leonard

- Folder 28: Klages, James L.

- Folder 29: Kluball, Jeffrey L.

- Folder 30: Koenig, Karl

- Folder 31: Koehler, Elisa

- Folder 32: Korzun, Jon

- Folder 33: Kreines, Joseph

- Folder 34: Kroesche, Ken

- Folder 35: Kubo, Shuhei

- Folder 36: Kytle, Elizabeth

- Folder 37: Lafferty, Laurie J.

- Folder 38: Laine, Kristen

- Folder 39: Laneer, Larry

- Folder 40: Langton, Basil

- Folder 41: Lannan, Dolan

- Folder 42: Lanning, Michael A.

- Box 11

- Folder 1: Lareau, Marcia

- Folder 2: Larry, Don

- Folder 3: Larsen, Wayne Erik

- Folder 4: Larsen, Wayne Erik

- Folder 5: Lavalle, Paul

- Folder 6: Lawrence, Robert E.

- Folder 7: Lawrence, Vera Brodsky

- Folder 8: Leach, Betty Frye

- Folder 9: Lee, Dr. Jack K.

- Folder 10: Lehman, Arthur

- Folder 11: Lehman, Arthur

- Folder 12: Leist, Bob

- Folder 13: Levy, Lester S.

- Folder 14: Lillehaug, Dr. Leland A.

- Folder 15: Linck, Bonnie J.

- Folder 16: Lincourt, E.

- Folder 17: Lockhart, Lee M.

- Folder 18: Long, Fred E.

- Folder 19: Long, Newell H.

- Folder 20: Lyons, Ruth

- Folder 21: Mackey, Floyd

- Folder 22: MacLeod, Doug

- Folder 23: Madden, Richard

- Folder 24: Madeja, James

- Folder 25: Mahan, Jack

- Folder 26: Mannisto, Richard T.

- Folder 27: Marino, Joseph

- Folder 28: Martin, Dottie

- Box 12

- Folder 1: Martin, Edward

- Folder 2: Martin, Edward

- Folder 3: Martin, Karen A.

- Folder 4: Martin, Michael

- Folder 5: Martin, William

- Folder 6: Masterson, Michael L.

- Folder 7: Mather, Philip

- Folder 8: Maybery, Paul

- Folder 9: McAllister, Alan W.

- Folder 10: McGovern, Dennis

- Folder 11: McGuire, Frank

- Folder 12: McHugh, Jane C.

- Folder 13: McLeod, Karen

- Folder 14: McMahon, William H.

- Folder 15: McMath, Carl F.

- Folder 16: McManus, John M.

- Folder 17: McMullen, John F.

- Folder 18: Meiser, George M.

- Folder 19: Meredith, Dr. Henry

- Folder 20: Miller, William

- Folder 21: Mitziga, Walter

- Folder 22: Monsees, Anita

- Folder 23: Morris, Robert E.

- Folder 24: Mruzek, David M.

- Folder 25: Mucci, Richard V.

- Folder 26: Mungons, Kevin

- Folder 27: Murphy, Joseph

- Folder 28: Myerly, Scott H.

- Folder 29: Myers, Tom

- Folder 30: Nichols, Jan

- Folder 31: Newcomb, Peter

- Folder 32: Neiman, Marcus L. (Sounds of Sousa Band)

- Folder 33: Neiman, Marcus L. (Sounds of Sousa Band)

- Box 13

- Folder 1: Newsome, Roy

- Folder 2: Nigg, Erwin

- Folder 3: Noble, Clyde E.

- Folder 4: Norris, Gerald

- Folder 5: Nowicke, Carole

- Folder 6: Nowicke, Carole

- Folder 7: Nowicke, Carole

- Folder 8: Oates, Bill

- Folder 9: O`Brien, Daniel F.

- Folder 10: Ohman, Marian M.

- Folder 11: Pack, Vernon L.

- Folder 12: Pahr, Art

- Folder 13: Parker, Craig B.

- Folder 14: Paschedag, Theodore W.

- Folder 15: Patterson, Stephen J.

- Folder 16: Paynter, John

- Folder 17: Pearsall, Gay

- Folder 18: Peckham, Bob

- Folder 19: Pemberton, Carol

- Folder 20: Perkins, Jim (Chatfield Brass Band)

- Folder 21: Perkins, Jim (Chatfield Brass Band)

- Folder 22: Perkins, Jim (Chatfield Brass Band)

- Box 14

- Folder 1: Perkins, Jim (Chatfield Brass Band)

- Folder 2: Perkins, Jim (Chatfield Brass Band)

- Folder 3: Petteys, Leslie

- Folder 4: Phillips, Harvey

- Folder 5: Pierson, Linda

- Folder 6: Pieters, Francis

- Folder 7: Pitt, Hamilton

- Folder 8: Pollock, Penny

- Folder 9: Polster, Ian

- Folder 10: Prince, Richard E.

- Folder 11: Prince, Richard E.

- Folder 12: Probst, Werner (re: Sousa's mother's birthplace)

- Folder 13: Proper, David R.

- Folder 14: Pruyn, Bill

- Folder 15: Pugh, Joel

- Folder 16: Railsback, Tom

- Folder 17: Reed, Alfred

- Folder 18: Rehnish, Timothy

- Folder 19: Rehrig, William

- Box 15

- Folder 1: Rehrig, William

- Folder 2: Rehrig, William

- Folder 3: Richards, Wallace

- Folder 4: Rietheimer, Helen M.

- Folder 5: Rife, Jerry

- Folder 6: Roberto, Richard

- Folder 7: Roberts, Chalmers

- Folder 8: Robichaux, R. Gibbens

- Folder 9: Røedbent, Erik Bråten

- Folder 10: Rogers, Mark

- Folder 11: Root, Deana L.

- Folder 12: Rosen, Ted

- Folder 13: Rossi, Nick

- Folder 14: Rothermel, Dan

- Folder 15: Rubinstein, Judah

- Folder 16: Russo, Lois

- Folder 17: Ryon, Toni

- Folder 18: Saied, James

- Box 16

- Folder 1: Salvation Army Band

- Folder 2: Salvation Army Band

- Folder 3: Sams, Lynn L.

- Folder 4: Sandrock, Fred

- Folder 5: Saunders, Ken

- Folder 6: Sayers, Frank

- Folder 7: Schardein, James L.

- Folder 8: Schwab, Alvin R.

- Folder 9: Schwartz, H. W.

- Folder 10: Shaffer, Karen A. (Maud Powell Society)

- Folder 11: Shahin, Raymond J.

- Folder 12: Shannon, Ed

- Folder 13: Shellhammer, Connie L.

- Folder 14: Sherwood, Jackie M.

- Folder 15: Simpson, Anne

- Folder 16: Slagley, Carl

- Folder 17: Smaridge, Norah

- Folder 18: Smith, André M.

- Folder 19: Smith, Clayton F.

- Folder 20: Smith, Clayton F.

- Box 17

- Folder 1: Smith, Jack H.

- Folder 2: Smith, James A.

- Folder 3: Smith, Norman

- Folder 4: Spain, Tom

- Folder 5: Spencer, W. David

- Folder 6: Stackhouse, Dave L.

- Folder 7: Stacy, William

- Folder 8: Stein, George

- Folder 9: Stein, George

- Folder 10: Stein, George

- Folder 11: Stein, George Jr.

- Folder 12: Stein, George Jr.

- Folder 13: Stein, George Jr.

- Box 18

- Folder 1: Stevenson, Ross

- Folder 2: Sullivan, D. Jerome

- Folder 3: Suppan, Wolfgang

- Folder 4: Suzuki, Kozo

- Folder 5: Suzuki, Kozo

- Folder 6: Swann, Amy

- Folder 7: Swayzee, Tom W.

- Folder 8: Takahashi, Seiichiro

- Folder 9: Takahashi, Seiichiro

- Folder 10: Takahashi, Seiichiro

- Folder 11: Taylor, John M.

- Folder 12: Thomas, Tony

- Folder 13: Thompson, Kevin

- Folder 14: Timmel, Rudy

- Folder 15: Toeche-Mittler, Joachim

- Folder 16: Toff, Nancy

- Folder 17: Tomasko, Rosemary

- Folder 18: Trendell, John

- Folder 19: Turner, Jeffrey

- Folder 20: Ullery, Vicki

- Folder 21: Van Doren, Dave

- Folder 22: Van Stanvoord, Rick

- Box 19

- Folder 1: Van Stanvoord, Rick

- Folder 2: Vassella, Oresta

- Folder 3: Wagner, Laverne J.

- Folder 4: Waldo, Terry

- Folder 5: Walker, Lois

- Folder 6: Walker, Stephen

- Folder 7: Warfield, Patrick

- Folder 8: Warren, Christopher

- Folder 9: Weiglin, Peter

- Folder 10: Weisert, George C.

- Folder 11: Welge, Lynn

- Folder 12: Wheeler, George

- Folder 13: Whisler, John A.

- Folder 14: Whitten, Doris

- Folder 15: Whitwell, David

- Folder 16: Wilhjelm, Chris

- Folder 17: Wilkinson, James L.

- Folder 18: Wise, Arthur

- Folder 19: Wittkujle, Larry A.

- Folder 20: Wolfe, Charles K.

- Folder 21: Wyman, John

- Folder 22: Yarbery, Glen

- Folder 23: Yoder, Paul V.

- Folder 24: York, Bill

- Folder 25: Zarzecki, Paul E.

- Folder 26: Ziel, Ron

- Folder 27: Zimmer, Lynda

- Folder 28: Zimmerman, Dick

- Folder 29: Zuck, Barbara

- Box 133

- Folder 1: Furrer, Barry - Part 1, 1984-92

- Folder 2: Furrer, Barry - Part 2, 1992-94

- Folder 3: Takahashi, Seiichiro (Japan Sousa Society), 1992-95

- Folder 4: Nowicke, Carole - Part 1, 1982-96

- Folder 5: Nowicke, Carole - Part 2, 1982-96

- Box 160

- Folder 9: Sousa Researchers and their projects, undated

- Folder 10: Alim, 2011

- Folder 11: Army, undated

- Folder 12: Backhaus, 2008

- Folder 13: Brion, 2007

- Folder 14: Chatfield, 2004

- Folder 15: Corrie, ca. 1977-2015

- Folder 16: Blackburn, 2008-2009

- Contains CD performance of citizen's band concert from Parkersburg, WV.
- Folder 17: Camus Royalties, ca. 1993-2013

- Folder 18: Chevallard, 2009

- Folder 19: Daehler, ca. 2006-2007

- Folder 20: Doughty, 2004-2005

- Folder 21: Ehrke, 2006

- Folder 22: Eiland, ca. 2006-2011

- Folder 23: Force, 2007

- Folder 24: Furrer, ca. 1995-2011

- Folder 25: Elrod, ca. 2002-2008

- Folder 26: Elden, Rod, ca. 2004-2008

- Folder 27: Getz, ca. 2006-2010

- Contains CD recording of Robert Getz and published music for Robert Getz's The Antiquary, dedicated to Paul E. Bierley.
- Folder 28: Graham, 2009

- Folder 29: Sousa Archives photographs, ca. 2010

- Folder 30: Holz, undated

- Folder 31: House, Keith, August 30-31, 2005

- Includes Memorial service program for House.
- Folder 32: Howard/Dixon, 1964-1968, 1995-1997, 2007

- Includes papers about Sousa Memorial and the John F. Kennedy Center. Includes photographs from Seiichino Takahashi.
- Folder 33: Knecht, 1992

- Includes correspondence with James McCloskey.
- Folder 34: Krebs, 2005

- Includes CD of "The Clarinet Soloists of the John Philip Sousa Band: 1892-1929," a lecture recital by Jesse Krebs.
- Folder 35: Lehman, 2005-2006

- Folder 36: Lillihaug, 2005

- Includes Memorial service program for Clayton F. Smith.
- Folder 37: Linker, 2005-2010

- Folder 38: MacNamara, Jarlath, 2010

- Includes a CD of Gilmore compositions.
- Folder 39: Marine Band, 2004-2013

- Folder 40: McGuire, 1987-2012

- Includes Bill Martin correspondence and Varela notes.
- Folder 41: Neiman, 2007

- Folder 42: Nowicke, 2006-2014

- Folder 43: Peterson, 2006

- Folder 44: Pieters, 2006

- Folder 45: Rehrig, 2004-2011

- Folder 46: Seiger, 2002-2008

- Folder 47: Snook, 2010

- Folder 48: S Correspondence, 2004-2011

- Includes correspondence from John Philip Sousa IV, Elizabeth Bobo, Eddy Seger, and James Schardein.
- Folder 49: Takahashi, 2006

- Folder 50: 2003-2013

- Includes correspondence from the Sousa Archives and Center for American Music.
- Folder 51: Wagner, 2004-2011

- Folder 52: Weait, 1988-2011

- Folder 53: Wetzel, 2012

- Folder 54: Loose Correspondence, 2006-2012

- Includes correspondence from Kawashima, Sylvia Browne, Mimi Carlson, David Kish, and D.R. Burian.
- Box 172

- Folder 6: Correspondence: American Bandmasters Association, 1965-2003

- Folder 71: Correspondence: Dave Detwiler, 2013

- Folder 72: Correspondence: Gabor Kelemen, 2014

- Sub-Series 2: Correspondence: Sousa Band Members

- Box 19

- Folder 30: Sousa Band Fraternal Society Fund

- Folder 31: Abert, Helen Sousa (Sousa`s daughter)

- Folder 32: Abert, Jane Priscilla (Sousa`s granddaughter)

- Folder 33: Abert, Thomas (great-grandson; son of Jane Priscilla Abert)

- Folder 34: Abbott, Fred W.

- Folder 35: Arnsten, Percy

- Folder 36: Austin, James C.

- Folder 37: Bachman, Charles A.

- Folder 38: Baldwin, Harry

- Folder 39: Bassett, Don

- Folder 40: Bates, Will E.

- Folder 41: Baxter, Harry

- Folder 42: Bayers, Fred W.

- Box 20

- Folder 1: Becker, Anton (probably not a band member)

- Folder 2: Bell, Jack

- Folder 3: Bell, William

- Folder 4: Bellis, William C. (nephew)

- Folder 5: Bender, Walter

- Folder 6: Bernel, William Frederick

- Folder 7: Berry, Arthur N.

- Folder 8: Blagg, Paul

- Folder 9: Booth, Clarence

- Folder 10: Borrelli, James G.

- Folder 11: Boschek, Charles B.

- Folder 12: Bourke, William (owner of Sousa home, Wildbank at Sands INT)

- Folder 13: Brennan, Dr. John P.

- Folder 14: Brown, Grover Cleveland

- Folder 15: Bryan, Agatha Varela (relative)

- Folder 16: Buxley, Thomas

- Folder 17: Campbell, W. Fred

- Folder 18: Cary, Mrs. (sister of John Philip Sousa III)

- Folder 19: Chapman, Christopher J.

- Folder 20: Christensen, Paul O.

- Folder 21: Cimera, Jaroslav "Jerry"

- Folder 22: Clark, Kathryn Sousa (niece)

- Folder 23: Conrad, Herman C.

- Folder 24: Corey, Ralph H.

- Folder 25: Costa, José

- Folder 26: Crawford, Francis Marion

- Folder 27: Cullen, Beatrice E. (grandniece)

- Folder 28: Dahm, Paul J. (probably not a band member)

- Folder 29: Demms, George B. (probably not a band member)

- Folder 30: Dias, Robert (possible relative)

- Folder 31: Duncan, William Earl

- Folder 32: DuPere, Joseph N. (probably not a band member)

- Folder 33: Evans, Reuben C. "Johnny"

- Folder 34: Falk, Elmer (probably not a band member)

- Folder 35: Fauchald, Nora (see Morgan, Nora Fauchald)

- Folder 36: Field, Earl W.

- Folder 37: Finnegan, Lillian J. (secretary)

- Folder 38: Fitchhorn, Elver J.

- Folder 39: Folts, Lloyd H.

- Folder 40: Foote, Earl V.

- Folder 41: Ford, George F.

- Folder 42: Freeman, Edwin T.

- Folder 43: Freeman, Elvin L.

- Folder 44: Friberg, James A. (copyist/transcriptionist)

- Folder 45: Funaro, Pasquale C.

- Folder 46: Galli, Edna (Priscilla Sousa`s nurse)

- Folder 47: Gardner, Birley

- Folder 48: Gardner, Donald C.

- Folder 49: Gaugler, Guy G.

- Folder 50: Geiger, Vida Varela (niece)

- Folder 51: Glenum, Arthur R.

- Folder 52: Glines, Marjorie Moody

- Folder 53: Goodley, Colonel John

- Folder 54: Goulden, Howard N.

- Folder 55: Grabel, Victor (good friend of Sousa)

- Folder 56: Greenawald, John L. (probably not a band member)

- Folder 57: Guida, Antonio (probably not a band member)

- Folder 58: Ham, Howard

- Folder 59: Haines, Annie (relative of Mrs. Sousa)

- Folder 60: Hall, Clyde L.

- Folder 61: Harper, J. Ernest

- Folder 62: Heney, Edward J.

- Folder 63: Heney, John J.

- Box 21

- Folder 1: Heney, William P.

- Folder 2: Herb, William

- Folder 3: Hofmann, Senta

- Folder 4: Holroyd, Lincoln (probably not a band member)

- Folder 5: Holt, Frank

- Folder 6: Howard, Noble P.

- Folder 7: Howland, Paul E.

- Folder 8: Hoyle, Dorothy "Jennie"

- Folder 9: Hudish, Benjamin

- Folder 10: Hutchings, Katharyn C. (Sousa cook)

- Folder 11: Jeffery, John

- Folder 12: Jellinek, Marcella Lindh

- Folder 13: Johnson, Herman R.

- Folder 14: Keller, Earl

- Folder 15: Kensington, Vane H.

- Folder 16: Kent, Loren E.

- Folder 17: Kent, Richard E.

- Folder 18: Kincaid, Owen D.

- Folder 19: Knecht, Albert A.

- Folder 20: Kraushaar, Otto J.

- Folder 21: Kuhn, Mathias

- Folder 22: Laurendeau, Alexander

- Folder 23: Law, James A.

- Folder 24: Lawrie, William A.

- Folder 25: Lefter, Joseph G.

- Folder 26: Leick, John S.

- Folder 27: Lentz, Donald A.

- Folder 28: Levy, Abraham

- Folder 29: Lewis, Wayne

- Folder 30: Liebling, Estelle

- Folder 31: Lindh, Marcella (see Jellinek, Marcella Lindh)

- Folder 32: Lorenz, Robert J.

- Folder 33: Lower, Graydon C.

- Folder 34: Lower, William H.

- Folder 35: Lyons, Darius A.

- Folder 36: Madden, Albert O.

- Folder 37: Markland, Earl L.

- Folder 38: Mason, Elmore E.

- Folder 39: Mayer, Robert

- Folder 40: McDonnell, Harold L.

- Folder 41: McRitchie, Dr. G. Rowe

- Folder 42: Mehling, Louis C.

- Folder 43: Mejdreck, Charles

- Folder 44: Meyers, Albertus L.

- Folder 45: Miller, Roy

- Folder 46: Mires, Dr. M. Harold

- Folder 47: Moody, Marjorie (see Glines, Marjorie Moody)

- Folder 48: Morgan, Nora Fauchald

- Box 22

- Folder 1: Morrell, J. George

- Folder 2: Morris, Louis

- Folder 3: Newcomb, Edwin E.

- Folder 4: Nutter, Oscar L.

- Folder 5: O`Hara, William C.

- Folder 6: Padgett, Carlton A.

- Folder 7: Pechin, Ernest

- Folder 8: Perfetto, John J.

- Folder 9: Perry, Chester A.

- Folder 10: Pfaff, Fred E.

- Folder 11: Piazza, Carlo

- Folder 12: Pugh, Kathryn (niece)

- Folder 13: Ricciardi, Edgard I.

- Folder 14: Rodbard, Charles

- Folder 15: Rosander, Arthur

- Folder 16: Rose, Eugene C.

- Folder 17: Rundquist, Willard and Carl T.

- Folder 18: Russell, Clarence J.

- Folder 19: Sackett, Maurice

- Folder 20: Schenk, J. Paul

- Folder 21: Schmitt, Herman F.

- Folder 22: Schneider, William

- Folder 23: Schueler, Henry A. (see also Schueler, William)

- Folder 24: Schueler, William

- Folder 25: Schwander, Arthur C.

- Folder 26: Scioli, Giuseppe

- Folder 27: Severance, Elbert

- Folder 28: Sexauer, Paul C.

- Folder 29: Sherwood, Henry W.

- Folder 30: Simon, Frank

- Folder 31: Simon, Frank

- Folder 32: Sims, Jay G.

- Folder 33: Slick, Eugene

- Folder 34: Snyder, Donald

- Folder 35: Spencer, John Henry

- Folder 36: Stahl, Alois

- Box 23

- Folder 1: Stambaugh, Harold O.

- Folder 2: Steinert, Leopold

- Folder 3: Stephens, Harold B.

- Folder 4: Storch, Arthur E.

- Folder 5: Strothkamp, Charles C.

- Folder 6: Sousa, Helen (Mrs. C. A.)

- Folder 7: Sousa, John Phillip (born 1927)

- Folder 8: Sousa, John Philip III

- Folder 9: Sousa, John Philip III

- Folder 10: Sousa, John Philip III

- Folder 11: Sousa, John Philip IV

- Folder 12: Sousa, Thomas A. (grandson)

- Folder 13: Thompson, Sherley

- Folder 14: Tomkins, George B.

- Folder 15: Trinkaus, Molly (relative)

- Box 24

- Folder 1: Trinkaus, Henry (relative)

- Folder 2: Tyrrell, George F.

- Folder 3: Van Fossen, John F.

- Folder 4: Varela, Colonel Osmund L. (nephew)

- Folder 5: Vieira, Marian R.

- Folder 6: Vincinguerra, Michael

- Folder 7: Voltz, Louis

- Folder 8: Wadsworth, Frank W.

- Folder 9: Wall, Edmund C.

- Folder 10: Wall, Edmund C.

- Folder 11: Walsh, Ethel Bent (owner of Sousa home)

- Folder 12: Wardwell, Orlando E.

- Folder 13: Wavrek, Berthold K.

- Folder 14: Webber, Bruce

- Folder 15: Wier, Leon E. "Duke"

- Folder 16: Wige, Ralph N.

- Folder 17: Willaman, Robert G.

- Folder 18: Willson, Cedric

- Folder 19: Willson, Meredith

- Folder 20: Wilson, M. Emett

- Folder 21: Wojahn, Felix

- Folder 22: Woest, Herman

- Folder 23: Woolridge, Harold I.

- Folder 24: Wriggins, Arthur M.

- Folder 25: Yingling, Manuel

- Folder 26: Zimmerman, Leopold A.

- Box 141

- Folder 11: Lyon, Marcus Charles

- Folder 12: Smith, Walter F.

- Folder 13: Smith, Walter F.

- Sub-Series 3: Correspondence: Recording Companies and Record Collectors

- Box 24

- Folder 26: Records and recording research

- Folder 27: Recordings of Sousa`s music

- Folder 28: Recording brochures and lists

- Folder 29: A (including Uno Anderson)

- Folder 30: B

- Box 25

- Folder 1: Bridges, Glenn

- Folder 2: Bridges, Glenn

- Folder 3: C

- Folder 4: Connin, Ted

- Folder 5: Crystal Records, Inc. (liner notes)

- Folder 6: D, E, F

- Folder 7: Fesler, John

- Folder 8: G

- Folder 9: Greene, Edward A.

- Folder 10: Graham, Ollie

- Box 26

- Folder 1: Graham, Ollie

- Folder 2: Graham, Ollie

- Folder 3: Graham, Ollie

- Folder 4: Graham, Ollie

- Folder 5: H

- Folder 6: Hedges, Jim

- Folder 7: Hubbard, John L.

- Folder 8: Hubbard, John L.

- Folder 9: Hudson, Harold

- Folder 10: I, J, K

- Folder 11: L

- Folder 12: Lannan, Dolan

- Box 27

- Folder 1: Linker, Jack E.

- Folder 2: M

- Folder 3: Maurer, Darwin

- Folder 4: McClelland, Howard

- Folder 5: McGuire, Frank

- Folder 6: McGuire, Frank

- Folder 7: Moss Music Group/Erich Kunzel (copyright infringement)

- Folder 8: N, O

- Folder 9: O`Hara, William E., Jr.

- Folder 10: P

- Folder 11: Premier Recordings, Inc. (liner notes)

- Box 28

- Folder 1: R

- Folder 2: Rosen, Sid

- Folder 3: Rosen, Sid

- Folder 4: S

- Folder 5: Smart, Jim

- Folder 6: Smart, Jim

- Folder 7: T, U, V

- Folder 8: W

- Folder 9: Williams, Fred

- Folder 10: Williams, Fred

- Folder 11: X, Y, Z

- Folder 12: Zeiger, Les

- Box 152

- Folder 4: Robert (Bob) Hoe, 1972-1984

- Folder 1 of 2
- Folder 5: Robert (Bob) Hoe, 1972-1984

- Folder 2 of 2
- Sub-Series 4: Correspondence: Libraries, Museums and Historical Societies

- Box 28

- Folder 13: Library holdings

- Box 29

- Folder 1: A

- Folder 2: ABA Research Library (American Bandmasters Association)

- Folder 3: B

- Folder 4: Boston Public Library

- Folder 5: C

- Folder 6: C

- Folder 7: Chatfield Brass Band Music Lending Library

- Folder 8: D

- Box 30

- Folder 1: E

- Folder 2: F

- Folder 3: G

- Folder 4: H

- Folder 5: I

- Folder 6: J

- Folder 7: K

- Folder 8: L

- Folder 9: L

- Folder 10: Library of Congress

- Folder 11: Library of Congress (Bill Lichtenwanger)

- Box 31

- Folder 1: Library of Congress (Jon Newsom)

- Folder 2: Library of Congress (William Parsons; Wayne Shirley)

- Folder 3: Library of Congress (Jim Smart)

- Folder 4: Library of Congress (Harold Spivacke)

- Folder 5: Library of Congress (Edward Waters)

- Folder 6: Library of Congress (Copyright Division)

- Folder 7: Library of Congress (Exchange and Gift Division)

- Folder 8: Library of Congress (Library Division)

- Folder 9: Library of Congress (Manuscript Division)

- Folder 10: Library of Congress (Newspaper Division)

- Folder 11: Library of Congress (Photoduplication Service)

- Folder 12: Library of Congress (Photoduplication Service)

- Folder 13: M (general)

- Folder 14: M (general)

- Box 32

- Folder 1: N

- Folder 2: New York Public Library

- Folder 3: O

- Folder 4: Ohioana Library

- Folder 5: P

- Folder 6: P

- Folder 7: Philadelphia Free Library

- Folder 8: Pennsylvania Historical Society

- Folder 9: Q,R

- Folder 10: S

- Box 33

- Folder 1: S

- Folder 2: S

- Folder 3: T

- Folder 4: U,V

- Folder 5: W (general)

- Folder 6: W (general)

- Folder 7: W

- Folder 8: Washington, D.C. Historical Society

- Folder 9: X,Y,Z

- Box 160

- Folder 1: TOA Music International, ca. 2000

- Folder 2: John Philip Sousa IV Appraisal, ca. 2000

- Folder 3: Appraisals of Sousa's Manuscripts and Letters, ca. 1969-2003

- Folder 4: IRS Correspondence, ca. 2000-2003

- Folder 5: Integrity Research Foundation 501(c)(3) paperwork, ca. 1996-2007

- Folder 6: Kluge Center correspondence and information, ca. 2010-2011

- Folder 7: Loose correspondence, 2010-2012

- Folder 8: International Tuba Euphonium Association packet, 2012

- Box 172

- Folder 35: Correspondence: Portsmouth Area Recognition Society, 1983

- Sub-Series 5: Correspondence: Universities and Colleges

- Box 33

- Folder 10: A

- Folder 11: B

- Folder 12: Begian, Harry (University of Illinois Bands)

- Folder 13: C

- Box 34

- Folder 1: Cipolla, Frank J.

- Folder 2: D

- Folder 3: Droste, Paul

- Folder 4: E

- Folder 5: Elkus, Jonathan

- Folder 6: F

- Folder 7: Fiesel, Dick

- Folder 8: Foeller, George

- Folder 9: Foreman, George

- Folder 10: Foster, Robert E.

- Folder 11: G

- Folder 12: H

- Folder 13: Hester, Michael

- Folder 14: Hindsley, Mark H.

- Folder 15: Holz, Ron

- Folder 16: House, Keith

- Box 35

- Folder 1: Hunsberger, Don

- Folder 2: J

- Folder 3: Jurrens, Jim

- Folder 4: K

- Folder 5: Kelly, Mark S.

- Folder 6: Kopetz, Barry

- Folder 7: L

- Folder 8: Lauber, Earl

- Folder 9: Locke, John R.

- Folder 10: M

- Folder 11: Madden, Dick

- Folder 12: Mahan, Jack

- Folder 13: McGinnis, Donald

- Folder 14: McMillen, Hugh E.

- Folder 15: N

- Folder 16: O

- Folder 17: Ohio State University

- Folder 18: P (general)

- Folder 19: Payne, Barbara

- Folder 20: R

- Folder 21: Revelli, Dr. William D.

- Box 36

- Folder 1: S

- Folder 2: T

- Folder 3: Trimborn, Thomas J.

- Folder 4: U

- Folder 5: University of Illinois

- Folder 6: University of Illinois

- Folder 7: University of Illinois

- Folder 8: University of Illinois

- Folder 9: University of Illinois

- Folder 10: V

- Folder 11: W

- Folder 12: Wagner, Laverne

- Folder 13: WOSU Radio (Ohio State University)

- Folder 14: X,Y,Z

- Sub-Series 6: Correspondence: Military and Government

- Box 37

- Folder 1: A

- Folder 2: Air Force bands (U.S.)

- Folder 3: Army Band (U.S.) (including Gene Allen)

- Folder 4: Arwood, Jeffrey E.

- Folder 5: B

- Folder 6: Beck, Lt Cmdr Allen E.

- Folder 7: Buckley, Lt Lewis J.

- Folder 8: Burroughs, John "Bud"

- Folder 9: C

- Folder 10: Chevellard, Lt Col Philip C. "Carl"

- Folder 11: D

- Folder 12: Dunn, Sir Vivian

- Folder 13: F

- Folder 14: Force, Ken

- Folder 15: G (general)

- Folder 16: Gabriel, Arnald

- Folder 17: Graham, Lowell

- Folder 18: Government agencies

- Box 38

- Folder 1: H

- Folder 2: Howard, George S.

- Folder 3: Howe, Capt Jimme

- Folder 4: I (Department of the Interior)

- Folder 5: J, K, L

- Folder 6: Lehman, Arthur

- Folder 7: M

- Folder 8: Marine Band - Library

- Folder 9: Marine Corps Band - Joan Ambrose

- Folder 10: Marine Corps Band - Jeb E. Bennett

- Folder 11: Marine Corps Band - John Bourgeois

- Folder 12: Marine Corps Band - Frank Byrne

- Folder 13: Marine Corps Band - Chuck Erwin

- Folder 14: Marine Corps Band - Tim Foley

- Folder 15: Marine Corps Band - Jack T. Cline

- Folder 16: Marine Corps Band - Dale Harpham

- Folder 17: Marine Corps Band - Arthur Lehman 1

- Box 39

- Folder 1: Marine Corps Band - Arthur Lehman 2

- Folder 2: Marine Corps Band - Mike Ressler

- Folder 3: Marine Corps Band - William F. Santelmann

- Folder 4: Marine Corps Band - Albert Schoepper

- Folder 5: Marine Corps Band - Others

- Folder 6: Marine Corps Band - Museum Collection

- Folder 7: N

- Folder 8: National Endowment for the Humanities grant application

- Folder 9: Navy Band (U.S.)

- Folder 10: O, P, Q, R

- Folder 11: S

- Folder 12: Shelburne, L. Bryan, Jr.

- Folder 13: Stauffer, Don

- Folder 14: T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

- Box 172

- Folder 38: Correspondence: FAA, 1983

- Sub-Series 7: Correspondence: Publishers (Literary and Music)

- Box 39

- Folder 15: American Legion Magazine

- Folder 16: C. L. Barnhouse

- Folder 17: Brain Music (Japanese distribution rights)

- Box 40

- Folder 1: Da Capo Press (reprint of Marching Along)

- Folder 2: Egon Publishers

- Folder 3: Garland Publishing

- Folder 4: Great Southern Press

- Folder 5: Greenwood Publishing Group

- Folder 6: Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Sousa and Fillmore contributions)

- Folder 7: The Instrumentalist (1992 article)

- Folder 8: The Instrumentalist (2002 article)

- Folder 9: Kosei Publishing Company

- Folder 10: Ludwig Music (Elizabeth Ludwig Fennell)

- Folder 11: Luper, Marilyn

- Folder 12: Scott Meredith Literary Agency

- Folder 13: Montgomery Literary Agency - Senior citizen joke book

- Folder 14: Mullins, Shirley

- Folder 15: Prentice-Hall (Publishers of JPS: American Phenomenon after Univ. of Ill.)

- Box 41

- Folder 1: Prentice-Hall (Publishers of JPS: American Phenomenon after Univ. of Ill.)

- Folder 2: Theodore Presser Company

- Folder 3: Salvation Army

- Folder 4: Saturday Evening Post

- Folder 5: Smithsonian Press

- Folder 6: University of Illinois (Printing of JPS: American Phenomenon)

- Folder 7: University of Illinois - editorial (Dick Wentworth)

- Folder 8: Vienna House

- Folder 9: Publishers - Others

- Sub-Series 8: Correspondence: Sheet Music Publishers and Collectors

- Box 41

- Folder 10: Chappell and Company, Inc.

- Folder 11: Carl Fischer, Inc.

- Folder 12: Keepers, W. Lloyd

- Folder 13: Martin, Eddie

- Folder 14: Marrow, Felix

- Folder 15: Volkwein, Walter

- Sub-Series 9: Correspondence: Loras Schissel

- Box 42

- Folder 1: Schissel, Loras J.

- Folder 2: Schissel, Loras J.

- Sub-Series 10: Correspondence: Others

- Box 42

- Folder 3: AA-AL

- Folder 4: AM-AZ

- Folder 5: ASCAP (American Society of Composers and Publishers)

- Folder 6: BA-BI

- Folder 7: BJ-BO

- Folder 8: BR-BZ

- Folder 9: Bray, Robert H.

- Box 43

- Folder 1: CA-CL

- Folder 2: CO-CZ

- Folder 3: DA-DO

- Folder 4: DQ-DZ

- Folder 5: E (general)

- Folder 6: Ehrke, Carl V.

- Folder 7: Elbel, Louis

- Folder 8: Ewing, Thomas

- Folder 9: F (general)

- Box 44

- Folder 1: Fiedler, Arthur

- Folder 2: Foutch, Dr. Mark R.

- Folder 3: Furrer, Barry O. [RESTRICTED until 11/11/2035]

- Folder 4: G (general)

- Folder 5: HA

- Folder 6: HE-HZ

- Folder 7: I, J (general)

- Folder 8: K (general)

- Folder 9: L (general)

- Box 45

- Folder 1: MA-Mc

- Folder 2: ME-MZ

- Folder 3: Mackey, Floyd and June

- Folder 4: N (general)

- Folder 5: O (general)

- Folder 6: P (general)

- Folder 7: P (general)

- Folder 8: Parks, Harold R.

- Box 46

- Folder 1: Putz, Ronald J.

- Folder 2: Q, R

- Folder 3: SA-SC

- Folder 4: SE-SL

- Folder 5: SM-SZ

- Folder 6: Siple, Charles R.

- Folder 7: Stegeman, Ken (Virginia Grand Military Band)

- Folder 8: T

- Box 47

- Folder 1: U, V

- Folder 2: WA-WE

- Folder 3: WH-WZ

- Folder 4: X, Y, Z

- Box 152

- Folder 23: BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 1967-1969

- Box 172

- Folder 36: Correspondence: Will Burke, 1983

- Folder 37: Correspondence: Clarence Sieling, 1983

- Folder 39: Correspondence: LeBlond Machine Co., 1983

- Folder 40: Correspondence: Russ Burns, 1983

- Folder 70: Correspondence: Gay Corrie, 2013

Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Correspondence, ca.1960-2015],
Series 2: Sousa Research Materials, ca.1892-2012],
Series 3: American Band History Materials, ca.1900-2007],
Series 4: Paul Bierley Professional Papers, ca. 1953-2014],
Series 5: Audio-Visual Material, ca. 1925-2000],
Series 6: Photographs, 1864-2013],
Series 7: Press Books, 1882-1953],
Series 8: Published Books, 1853-2007],