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Collection Overview
Title: Sound Recordings, 1927-1999

ID: 13/6/5
Extent: 154.2 cubic feet
Arrangement: By disk or tape and numerically thereunder
Subjects: Commencement, Lectures, Radio Station - WILL
Formats/Genres: Sound Recordings
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Sound Recordings, including disks and magnetic tapes of lectures, convocations, symposia, sports and musical events and public ceremonies, recorded by radio station WILL and news and feature programs rebroadcast by the station concerning the University, higher education, international relations, politics, fine arts, humanities, literature and science.
Subject/Index Terms
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Disks 1-250],
Series 2: Disks 251-500],
[Series 3: Disks 501-750],
Series 4: Disks 751-1000],
Series 5: Disks 1001-1250],
Series 6: Disks 1251-1500],
Series 7: Disks 1501-1750],
Series 8: Disks 1751-2000],
Series 9: Disks 2001-2250],
Series 10: Disks 2251-2500],
Series 11: Disks 2501-2750],
Series 12: Disks 2751-3000],
Series 13: Disks 3001-3132],
Series 14: Disks 3133-3188],
Series 15: Audiotapes],
- Series 3: Disks 501-750

- Box 21

- Item 501A: The Life and Adventures of the American Family Robinson (program #1), ca. 1944

- Subject(s): American Economy; Radio
Speaker: Radio actors
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0501_A
- Item 502A: The Life and Adventures of the American Family Robinson (program #76), ca. 1944

- Subject(s): American Economy; Radio
Speaker: Radio actors
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0502_A
- Item 503A: War Prisoners' Aid of the YMCA (spot announcenments), ca. 1944

- Subject(s): World War II; YMCA
Speaker: Cantor, Eddie; Bankhead, Tallulah; Huston, Walter; Cornell, Katherine; Lee, Canada; Guros, John
Duration: 6m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0503_A
- Item 504A: "Must They Starve", ca.1945

- Subject(s): World War II
Program: The National Committee on Food for the Small Democracies (Radio Dramatic Series No. 1)
Speaker: Hoover, Herbert; Carter, Boake
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0504_A
- Item 505A: Discuss aims and organization of National Student Association, 8/20/1949

- Subject(s): National Student Association; Student Government
Program: "National Student Congress" program
Speaker: Officers of the National Student Association
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0505_A
- Item 506A: Kansas City Flood Roundups (KCMO), 7/13/1951

- Subject(s): Kansis City Flood
Speaker: Williams, Tony; White, Larry
Duration: 13m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0506_A
- Item 507A: Opera audition on selected music ("Herodias", "Hamlet"), 1/15/1940

- Subject(s): Opera
Program: Metropolitan Opera Audition
Speaker: Foote, Bruce
Duration: 14m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0507_A
- Item 508A: "Egyptian Round Table'', ca. 1946

- Subject(s): Egypt
Program: Journeys Behind the News (University of Denver)
Speaker: Porter, Russel; Badeau, John F.; Gindi, leta; Atia, Ahab; Other Egyptians
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0508_A
- Item 509A/B: Inspired words of Abe Lincoln ("House Divided" and other anti- slavery speeches), ca. 1946

- Subject(s): Lincoln, Abraham
Program: "Words of Thunder" (National Youth Association)
Speaker: actors
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0509_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0509_B
- Item 510A: Fiscal Year Report (part 2), 7/5/1950

- Subject(s): State Government Illinois
Speaker: Stevenson, Adlai
Duration: 13m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0510_A
- Item 511A: Discuss the National 4-H Club Camp in Washington, D.C., 6/20/1940

- Subject(s): 4-H
Speaker: Illinois delegates
Duration: 13m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0511_A
- Item 512A/B: All State High School Orchestra and Chorus, 11/3/1939

- Subject(s): Music
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0512_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0512_B
- Item 513A/B: All State High School Orchestra and Chorus, 11/3/1939

- Subject(s): Music
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0513_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0513_B
- Item 514A: Speaking for citizen support of Hoover Report (spot announcements), ca. 1950

- Subject(s): Hoover Report
Speaker: Bellamy, Ralph; Capp, Al; Farley, James A.; Ford, Henry (II); Montgomery, Robert; Rickenbacker, Eddie; Stewart, Jimmie
Duration: 10m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0514_A
- Item 515A: Taxes and Savings, ca. 1950

- Subject(s): Savings; Taxes
Speaker: Fisher, Irving
Duration: 7m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0515_A
- Item 515B: "Uncle John and his Nephews: A Parable about Taxes", ca. 1950

- Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0515_B
- Item 516A: Recovery and integration of the European economy, ca. 1947

- Subject(s): European Economy
Program: "American Security and European Recovery"
Speaker: Conant, James B.; Folsom, Marion B.; Kestenbaum, Meyer
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0516_A
- Item 517A: Non-Partisan Spot Announcements on Voting, 10/1944

- Subject(s): Voting
Speaker: Truman, Harry S.; Snyder, John W.; McGrath, J. Howard; Donaldson, Jess; Chapman, Oscar; Sawyer, Charles; Tobin, Maurice
Duration: 8m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0517_A
- Item 518A: calling his people to support the war effort against Germany, 9/3/1939

- Subject(s): England; World War II
Speaker: King George
Duration: 8m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0518_A
- Item 519A/B: WAC Recruiting Drive (spot announcements), ca. 1943

- Subject(s): World War II; Women
Speaker: Boyle, Leo M.; Green, Dwight H.
Duration: 5m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0519_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0519_B
- Item 520A/B: Political and military aspirations in Europe and Russia, 9/1/1939

- Subject(s): Germany; World War II
Program: Reichstag Speech (last part)
Speaker: Hitler, Adolph
Duration: 20m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0520_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0520_B
- Item 521A: Is monopoly still an economic problem?, 1946

- Subject(s): Economics; Monopoly
Program: "Wake Up, America!" - prog. 311
Speaker: Haake, Alfred P.; Wedsh, J. Raymond
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0521_A
- Item 521B: Does the right to strike infringe the right to work?, 1946

- Subject(s): Labor
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 312
Speaker: Fairchild, Henry P.; Seiberling, J. B.
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0521_B
- Item 522A: Is monopoly still an economic problem?, 1946

- Subject(s): Economics; Monopoly
Program: "Wake Up, America!" - prog. 311
Speaker: Haake, Alfred P.; Wedsh, J. Raymond
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0522_A
- Item 522B: Does the right to strike infringe the right to work?, 1946

- Subject(s): Labor
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 312
Speaker: Fairchild, Henry P.; Seiberling, J. B.
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0522_B
- Item 523A: Has the War Strengthened American Democracy?, ca. May 1946

- Subject(s): Democracy; World War II
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 319
Speaker: Hays, Arthur G.; Hughs, Rupert
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0523_A
- Item 523B: Does the industrial progress of the South require increased unionization of labor?, 1946

- Subject(s): South; Labor
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 320
Speaker: Mitchell, Broadus; Haynes, Williams
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0523_B
- Item 524A: Has the War Strengthened American Democracy?, ca. May 1946

- Subject(s): Democracy; World War II
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 319
Speaker: Hays, Arthur G.; Hughs, Rupert
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0524_A
- Item 524B: Does the industrial progress of the South require increased unionization of labor?, 1946

- Subject(s): South; Labor
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 320
Speaker: Mitchell, Broadus; Haynes, Williams
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0524_B
- Item 525A: Have post war strikes been against the public interest?, 1946

- Subject(s): Labor; Strikes
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 321
Speaker: Rucker, Allen W.; Walsh, J. Raymond
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0525_A
- Item 525B: Should we have national compulsory healtkh insurance?, 1946

- Subject(s): Health Insurance; Social Security
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 322
Speaker: Pepper, Claude; Taft, Robert A.
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0525_B
- Box 22

- Item 526A: Have post war strikes been against the public interest?, 1946

- Subject(s): Labor; Strikes
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 321
Speaker: Rucker, Allen W.; Walsh, J. Raymond
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0526_A
- Item 526B: Should we have national compulsory health insurance?, 1946

- Subject(s): Health Insurance; Social Security
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 322
Speaker: Pepper, Claude; Taft, Robert A.
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0526_B
- Item 527A: Should selective service be scrapped?, 1946

- Subject(s): Draft
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 323
Speaker: Eliot, George F.; Thomas, Norman
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0527_A
- Item 527B: Should the Wagner Act be amended?, 1946

- Subject(s): Labor Legislation
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 324
Speaker: Desvernine, Raoul E.; Waldman, Louis
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0527_B
- Item 528A: Should selective service be scrapped?, 1946

- Subject(s): Draft
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 323
Speaker: Eliot, George F.; Thomas, Norman
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0528_A
- Item 528B: Should the Wagner Act be amended?, 1946

- Subject(s): Labor Legislation
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 324
Speaker: Desvernine, Raoul E.; Waldman, Louis
Duration: 28m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0528_B
- Item 529A: Is the Franco Regime a threat to peace?, 1946

- Subject(s): Franco; Spain
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 325
Speaker: Flynn, John T.; Vandercook, John W.
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0529_A
- Item 529B: Is Russia a threat to peace?, 1946

- Subject(s): Peace; Soviet Union
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 326
Speaker: Michalopoulos, Andre; Wells, Zetta C.
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0529_B
- Item 530A: Is the Franco Regime a threat to peace?, 1946

- Subject(s): Franco; Spain
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 325
Speaker: Flynn, John T.; Vandercook, John W.
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0530_A
- Item 530B: Is Russia a threat to peace?, 1946

- Subject(s): Peace; Soviet Union
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 326
Speaker: Michalopoulos, Andre; Wells, Zetta C.
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0530_B
- Item 531A: Is Socialism working in England?, 1946

- Subject(s): England; Socialism
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 327
Speaker: Harris, Murray G.; Soule, George
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0531_A
- Item 531B: Would wage incentives promote industrial peace?, 1946

- Subject(s): Labor; Wages
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 328
Speaker: Lincoln, James F.; Mitchell, Broadus
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0531_B
- Item 532A: Is Socialism working in England?, 1946

- Subject(s): England; Socialism
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 327
Speaker: Harris, Murray G.; Soule, George
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0532_A
- Item 532B: Would wage incentives promote industrial peace?, 1946

- Subject(s): Labor; Wages
Program: Wake Up, America! - prog. 328
Speaker: Lincoln, James F.; Mitchell, Broadus
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0532_B
- Item 534A: Activities of the 4-H camp, ca. 1940

- Subject(s): 4-H
Program: 15th Annual National 4-H Club Camp
Speaker: Illinois delegates
Duration: 10m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0534_A
- Item 535A/B: Feeding and Management of Layers, ca. 1940

- Subject(s): Poultry
Program: "Poultry Short Course"
Speaker: Alp, Herbert H.
Duration: 12m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0535_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0535_B
- Item 536A: Fertilizing the corn crop, 4/15/1940

- Subject(s): Corn; Agriculture
Speaker: Lang, Alvin L.
Duration: 8m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0536_A
- Item 537A/B: Pasture Progress, 3/3/1942

- Subject(s): Agriculture
Program: "Food for Victory"
Speaker: Hackleman, Jay C.; Rhode, Chris S.; Davis, James E.; Linsley, Clyde M.; Robbins, Ernest T.
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0537_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0537_B
- Item 538A: 4-H Forestry Plans, 7/16/1940

- Subject(s): 4-H; Forestry
Speaker: Davis, Janes E.; Gaebe, Oliver F.
Duration: 10m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0538_A
- Item 538B: Rural Organization in Illinois, 7/16/1940

- Subject(s): Agriculture; Illinois
Speaker: Bartlett, Roland W.; Hudson, Gerald T.; Lindstrom, David E.
Duration: 11m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0538_B
- Item 539A: How can we reduce unemployment and increase farm income?, 7/25/1940

- Subject(s): Agriculture
Program: Agriculture Economics Forum
Speaker: Bartlett, Roland W.; Norton, Laurence J.; Jordan, Garret L.
Duration: 12m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0539_A
- Item 540A/B: Clipping Red Clover; Something About Milk; Goats, 8/2/1940

- Subject(s): Agriculture
Speaker: Hackleman, Jay C.; Ormiston, Emmett E.
Duration: 20m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0540_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0540_B
- Item 541A: Farm Earnings in 1939, 5/8/1940

- Subject(s): Agriculture
Speaker: Ross, Robert C.; Johnston, Paul E.; Mutti, Ralph J.
Duration: 10m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0541_A
- Item 542A/B: Discuss the 4-H camp, 7/31/1941

- Subject(s): 4-H; Agriculture
Program: Junior Leadership Camp (Lake Bloomington)
Speaker: Mynard, Frank H.; delegates
Duration: 11m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0542_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0542_B
- Item 543A: Illinois agricultural outlook for 1 942, 12/12/1941

- Subject(s): Agriculture; Illinois
Speaker: Russell, Harry G.; Hughes, Earl M.; Hackleman, Jay C.; Mangner, Theodore N.
Duration: 10m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0543_A
- Item 544A: Illinois agricultural outlook for 1 941, 11/18/1940

- Subject(s): Agriculture; Illinois
Speaker: Hurley, Candace A.; Hackleman, Jay C.; Hughes, Earl M.; Freeman, Ruth C.
Duration: 11m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0544_A
- Item 545A: 1940 Farm Retrospect, 12/24/1940

- Subject(s): Agriculture; Illinois
Speaker: Stewart, Charles L.; Mosher, Martin L.; Hannah, Harold W.
Duration: 12m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0545_A
- Item 546A/B: University of Illinois; Concert Band Broadcast, 2/19/1940

- Subject(s): Band, University Music
Speaker: Harding, A, Austin, director
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0546_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0546_B
- Item 547A/B: University of Illinois; Concert Band Broadcast, 11/7/1942

- Subject(s): Band, University Music
Speaker: Harding, A, Austin, director
Duration: 20m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0547_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0547_B
- Item 548A/B: University of Illinois; Concert Band Broadcast, 6/10/1939

- Subject(s): Band, University Music
Speaker: Harding, A, Austin, director
Duration: 20m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0548_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0548_B
- Item 549A/B: University of Illinois; Concert Band Broadcast, 10/21/1940

- Subject(s): Band, University Music
Speaker: Harding, A, Austin, director
Duration: 17m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0549_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0549_B
- Item 550A: Pledge support of war effort (also band music), ca. 1942

- Subject(s): University of Illinois
Program: University of Illinois Band Concert
Speaker: Willard, Arthur C.
Duration: 2m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0550_A
- Box 23

- Item 551A/B: Selected numbers by University of Illinois Concert Band, ca. 1942

- Subject(s): Band, University Music
Speaker: Harding, A, Austin, director
Duration: 26m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0551_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0551_B
- Item 552A/B: Selected numbers by University of Illinois Concert Band, ca. 1942

- Subject(s): Band, University Music
Speaker: Harding, A, Austin, director
Duration: 26m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0552_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0552_B
- Item 553A: Selected numbers by University of Illinois Concert Band, ca. 1942

- Subject(s): Band, University Music
Speaker: Harding, A, Austin, director
Duration: 26m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0553_A
- Item 554A/B: Awarding letters to players, 3/2/1939

- Subject(s): Basketball
Program: University of Illinois Basketball Banquet
Speaker: Mills, Douglas R.
Duration: 36m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0554_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0554_B
- Item 555A/B: Awarding letters to players, 3/2/1939

- Subject(s): Basketball
Program: University of Illinois Basketball Banquet
Speaker: Mills, Douglas R.
Duration: 36m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0555_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0555_B
- Item 556A/B: Notre Dame vs. University of Illinois, 2/42

- Subject(s): Basketball
Speaker: Ebel, James A., announcer
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0556_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0556_B
- Item 557A/B: Northwestern vs. Illinois, 2/12/1942

- Subject(s): Basketball
Duration: 10m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0557_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0557_B
- Item 558A: Illinois Wesleyan vs. University of Illinois (pts. 2, 4 and 5), 1/16/1942

- Subject(s): Basketball
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0558_A
- Item 558B: Illinois vs. Iowa

- Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0558_B
- Item 559A/B: Illinois Wesleyan vs. University of Illinois (pts. 2, 4 and 5), 1/16/1942

- Subject(s): Basketball
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0559_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0559_B
- Item 560A/B: Illinois Wesleyan vs. University of Illinois (pts. 2, 4 and 5), 1/16/1942

- Subject(s): Basketball
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0560_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0560_B
- Item 561A: 4-H Camp Crafts, 8/4/1949

- Subject(s): 4-H Recreation
Speaker: Walker, Corina
Duration: 12m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0561_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0561_B
- Item 562A/B: Ohio State vs. University of Illinois, 1/12/1942

- Subject(s): Basketball
Duration: 50m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0562_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0562_B
- Item 563A/B: Ohio State vs. University of Illinois, 1/12/1942

- Subject(s): Basketball
Duration: 50m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0563_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0563_B
- Item 564A: The modern school, ca. 1942

- Subject(s): Education
Program: Forum on Public Education
Speaker: Reeder, Edwin H.; Pupils from Champaign-Urbana public schools
Duration: 12m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0564_A
- Item 565A/B: Relation of Education to "Air-Conditioned" People (aviation education), ca. 1942

- Subject(s): Aviation; Education
Duration: 20m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0565_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0565_B
- Item 566A: Fuel Wasting, 10/15/1942

- Subject(s): Fuel Conservation Rationing
Program: "Save Fuel for Victory"
Speaker: Harris, W.S.
Duration: 10m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0566_A
- Item 566B: Winter air conditioning, 11/11/1942

- Subject(s): Fuel Conservation Rationing
Program: "Save Fuel for Victory"
Speaker: Konzo, Seichi B.
Duration: 10m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0566_B
- Item 567A/B: Speeches by students on World War II topics, 11/11/1942

- Subject(s): Speech; World War II
Program: Verbal Expression Course
Speaker: Class of L.W. Houtchens
Duration: 45m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0567_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0567_B
- Item 568A/B: Speeches by students on World War II topics, 11/11/1942

- Subject(s): Speech; World War II
Program: Verbal Expression Course
Speaker: Class of L.W. Houtchens
Duration: 45m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0568_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0568_B
- Item 569A/B: Students reading a "John Doe Story" or other material, 11/4/1939

- Subject(s): Speech
Program: Verbal Expression Course
Speaker: Class of W.D. Templeman
Duration: 20m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0569_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0569_B
- Item 570A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0570_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0570_B
- Item 571A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0571_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0571_B
- Item 572A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0572_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0572_B
- Item 573A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0573_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0573_B
- Item 574A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0574_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0574_B
- Item 575A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0575_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0575_B
- Box 24

- Item 576A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0576_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0576_B
- Item 577A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0577_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0577_B
- Item 578A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0578_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0578_B
- Item 579A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0579_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0579_B
- Item 580A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0580_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0580_B
- Item 581A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0581_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0581_B
- Item 582A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0582_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0582_B
- Item 583A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0583_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0583_B
- Item 584A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0584_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0584_B
- Item 585A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0585_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0585_B
- Item 586A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0586_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0586_B
- Item 587A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0587_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0587_B
- Item 588A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0588_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0588_B
- Item 589A/B: Fire Service Training, 6/6-9/44

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 20th Annual Illinois Fire College
Duration: 501m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0589_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0589_B
- Item 590A: History of the Illinois Fire College, 5/1/1951

- Subject(s): Fire Fighting; Fire Prevention
Program: 26th Annual Illinois Fire College
Speaker: Provine, Loring H.
Duration: 17m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0590_A
- Item 591A/B: Coach Zuppke and University of Illinois football, 11/22/1937

- Subject(s): Football; University of Illinois
Program: 19th Annual Rotary Club Banquet
Speaker: Mills, Douglas; Lindgren, Justa
Duration: 55m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0591_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0591_B
- Item 592A/B: Coach Zuppke and University of Illinois football, 11/22/1937

- Subject(s): Football; University of Illinois
Program: 19th Annual Rotary Club Banquet
Speaker: Mills, Douglas; Lindgren, Justa
Duration: 55m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0592_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0592_B
- Item 593A/B: Coach Zuppke and University of Illinois football, 11/22/1937

- Subject(s): Football; University of Illinois
Program: 19th Annual Rotary Club Banquet
Speaker: Mills, Douglas; Lindgren, Justa
Duration: 55m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0593_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0593_B
- Item 594A/B: Coach Zuppke and University of Illinois football, 11/22/1937

- Subject(s): Football; University of Illinois
Program: 19th Annual Rotary Club Banquet
Speaker: Mills, Douglas; Lindgren, Justa
Duration: 55m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0594_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0594_B
- Item 595A: Salute to Coach Robert C. Zuppke; 1913-1941, 10/27/1949

- Subject(s): Football; University of Illinois; Zuppke, Robert C.
Program: Testamonial Banquet at Urbana-Lincoln Hotel
Speaker: Grange, Harold (Red); Willard, Arthur C.; Zuppke, Robert C.; Former Players
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0595_A
- Item 596A: Salute to Coach Robert C. Zuppke; 1913-1941, 10/27/1949

- Subject(s): Football; University of Illinois; Zuppke, Robert C.
Program: Testamonial Banquet at Urbana-Lincoln Hotel
Speaker: Grange, Harold (Red); Willard, Arthur C.; Zuppke, Robert C.; Former Players
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0596_A
- Item 597A/B: UCLA vs. Illinois, 1/1/1947

- Subject(s): Football
Program: Rose Bowl Game
Speaker: Stern, William
Duration: 187m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0597_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0597_B
- Item 598A/B: UCLA vs. Illinois, 1/1/1947

- Subject(s): Football
Program: Rose Bowl Game
Speaker: Stern, William
Duration: 187m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0598_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0598_B
- Item 599A/B: UCLA vs. Illinois, 1/1/1947

- Subject(s): Football
Program: Rose Bowl Game
Speaker: Stern, William
Duration: 187m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0599_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0599_B
- Item 600A/B: UCLA vs. Illinois, 1/1/1947

- Subject(s): Football
Program: Rose Bowl Game
Speaker: Stern, William
Duration: 187m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0600_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0600_B
- Box 25

- Item 601A/B: UCLA vs. Illinois, 1/1/1947

- Subject(s): Football
Program: Rose Bowl Game
Speaker: Stern, William
Duration: 187m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0601_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0601_B
- Item 602A/B: UCLA vs. Illinois, 1/1/1947

- Subject(s): Football
Program: Rose Bowl Game
Speaker: Stern, William
Duration: 187m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0602_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0602_B
- Item 603A/B: UCLA vs. Illinois, 1/1/1947

- Subject(s): Football
Program: Rose Bowl Game
Speaker: Stern, William
Duration: 187m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0603_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0603_B
- Item 604A: Illinois' Rose Bowl Victory, 1/7/1947

- Subject(s): Rose Bowl; Football
Program: Pep Rally
Speaker: Griffith, Coleman R.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0604_A
- Item 604B: BBC London Letter, 9/6/1946

- Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0604_B
- Item 605A: Illinois' Rose Bowl Victory, 1/7/1947

- Subject(s): Rose Bowl; Football
Program: Pep Rally
Speaker: Griffith, Coleman R.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0605_A
- Item 605B: BBC London Column #148, 8/14/1946

- Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0605_B
- Item 606A: New Illini Union; Illini loyalty, 3/1/1941

- Subject(s): Founders Day; University of Illinois
Program: University's 73rd Anniversary Program
Speaker: Willard, Arthur C.; Van Doren, Carl; Concert Band; Men's Glee Club
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0606_A
- Item 607A: New Illini Union; Illini loyalty, 3/1/1941

- Subject(s): Founders Day; University of Illinois
Program: University's 73rd Anniversary Program
Speaker: Willard, Arthur C.; Van Doren, Carl; Concert Band; Men's Glee Club
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0607_A
- Item 608A/B: History and achievements of 83 years; Reactions to his first sound movies; Uses of betatron; Illinois' land-grant founding, 2/12/1951

- Subject(s): Founders Day; University of Illinois
Program: University's 83rd Anniversary Program
Speaker: Tykociner, Joseph T.; Kerst, Donald W.; Stoddard, Geroge D.
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0608_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0608_B
- Item 609A/B: Moussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition", 2/29/1940

- Subject(s): Music
Program: Music Appreciation Class
Speaker: Kitchell, Velma I.
Duration: 40m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0609_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0609_B
- Item 610A/B: Moussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition", 2/29/1940

- Subject(s): Music
Program: Music Appreciation Class
Speaker: Kitchell, Velma I.
Duration: 40m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0610_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0610_B
- Item 611A/B: Rockefeller Foundation; Educational Broadcasting; Municipal radio in New York City; British educational radio; Phillipine radio; Korean Radio; Japanese Radio; Commercial documentaries; Opinion/education broadcasts, 12/19/1949

- Subject(s): Radio, Educational
Program: 1st International Seminar on Educational Broad-casting
Speaker: Marshall, John; Hull, Richard B.; Siegel, Seymour; Baird, Thomas; Abelardo, Victoria; Park, Chung Ho; Nino, Hiroshi; Ahearn, Mary; Hudson, Robert B.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0611_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0611_B
- Item 612A/B: Rockefeller Foundation; Educational Broadcasting; Municipal radio in New York City; British educational radio; Phillipine radio; Korean Radio; Japanese Radio; Commercial documentaries; Opinion/education broadcasts, 12/19/1949

- Subject(s): Radio, Educational
Program: 1st International Seminar on Educational Broad-casting
Speaker: Marshall, John; Hull, Richard B.; Siegel, Seymour; Baird, Thomas; Abelardo, Victoria; Park, Chung Ho; Nino, Hiroshi; Ahearn, Mary; Hudson, Robert B.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0612_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0612_B
- Item 613A: National War Fund, 4/28/1945

- Subject(s): World War II
Speaker: Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Duration: 5m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0613_A
- Item 614A: Musical Selections, 5/8/1947

- Subject(s): Music
Speaker: University of Illinois Men's Glee Club; Sawhill, Clarene E., dir.
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0614_A
- Item 614B: College of Pharmacy, 2/27/1947

- Subject(s): Pharmacy; University of Illinois
Speaker: Serles, Earl R.
Duration: 13m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0614_B
- Item 615A: Musical Selections, 5/8/1947

- Subject(s): Music
Speaker: University of Illinois Men's Glee Club; Sawhill, Clarene E., dir.
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0615_A
- Item 615B: College of Pharmacy, 2/27/1947

- Subject(s): Pharmacy; University of Illinois
Speaker: Serles, Earl R.
Duration: 13m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0615_B
- Item 616A: Musical Selections, 5/8/1947

- Subject(s): Music
Speaker: University of Illinois Men's Glee Club; Sawhill, Clarene E., dir.
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0616_A
- Item 617A/B: Lindbergh's life and contribution to aviation; Greetings from France and Europe, 6/11/1927

- Subject(s): Aviation; Lindbergh, Charles A
Program: Colonel Lindbergh's Welcoming at Washington
Speaker: Coolidge, Calvin; Lindbergh, Charles A.
Duration: 20m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0617_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0617_B
- Item 618A/B: Lindbergh's life and contribution to aviation; Greetings from France and Europe, 6/11/1927

- Subject(s): Aviation; Lindbergh, Charles A
Program: Colonel Lindbergh's Welcoming at Washington
Speaker: Coolidge, Calvin; Lindbergh, Charles A.
Duration: 20m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0618_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0618_B
- Item 619A/B: Sportsmanship in Great Britain; Music honoring Prince of Wales, 1920's

- Subject(s): Sportsmanship
Speaker: Prince of Wales
Duration: 5m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0619_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0619_B
- Item 620A/B: Presidential appointment and senatorial courtesy, 3/9/1939

- Subject(s): American Government
Program: Round Table on Contemporary Affairs
Speaker: Siebert, Fredrick S.; Students (3)
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0620_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0620_B
- Item 621A/B: Presidential appointment and senatorial courtesy, 3/9/1939

- Subject(s): American Government
Program: Round Table on Contemporary Affairs
Speaker: Siebert, Fredrick S.; Students (3)
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0621_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0621_B
- Item 622A: Memorial to Sousa, 11/6/1939

- Subject(s): Band, University Music
Speaker: University of Illinois Concert Band
Duration: 12m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0622_A
- Item 622B: All State High School Orchestra and Chorus, 11/3/1939

- Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0622_B
- Item 623A: Agriculture Tomorrow, 1/27/1939

- Subject(s): Agriculture
Program: Farm and Home Week
Speaker: Blair, Joseph C.
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0623_A
- Item 623B: Musical Selections, 1/31/1939

- Subject(s): Music
Speaker: Sutherlin, Kathryn J.
Duration: 10m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0623_B
- Item 624A: Craft of the Actor, ca. 1940

- Subject(s): Theatre
Program: Theatre Chats
Speaker: Swanson, Wesley
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0624_A
- Item 624B: Typical rehearsal period, ca. 1942

- Subject(s): Music
Speaker: University of Illinois Men's Glee Club
Duration: 14m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0624_B
- Item 625A/B: Dramatic readings and musical selections from the past of the University of Illinois, 3/2/1938

- Subject(s): Founders Day; University of Illinois
Program: University's 70th Anniversary Program (WGN)
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0625_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0625_B
- Box 26

- Item 626A/B: History leading to the invasion of Austria by Hitler, Mar. 1938

- Subject(s): Austria; World War II
Program: European History Class
Speaker: Lybyer, Albert H.
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0626_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0626_B
- Item 627A: The University of Illinois and the war effort (in Spanish), 10/31/1942

- Subject(s): World War II; University of Illinois
Speaker: Spanish Department
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0627_A
- Item 627B: Musical Selections, 11/7/1942

- Subject(s): Band, University Music
Speaker: University of Illinois Concert Band
Duration: 11m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0627_B
- Item 628A/B: Formal renaming; Experiences at the University of Illinois, 4/21/1938

- Subject(s): Engineering
Program: Dedication of Talbot Laboratory
Speaker: Willard, Arthur C., Talbot, Arthur N.; Karraker, Orville M.
Duration: 19m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0628_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0628_B
- Item 629A: Salute to the Navy, 10/27/1944

- Subject(s): Navy; World War II
Program: Special Navy Day Broadcast
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0629_A
- Item 630A: Salute to the Navy, 10/27/1945

- Subject(s): Navy
Program: Special Navy Day Broadcast
Duration: 5m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0630_A
- Item 631A/B: Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Movement, 3/1/1942

- Subject(s): Germany; Hitler, Adolph; World War II
Program: Founder's Day Speech
Speaker: Ziemer, Gregor
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0631_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0631_B
- Item 632A/B: Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Movement, 3/1/1942

- Subject(s): Germany; Hitler, Adolph; World War II
Program: Founder's Day Speech
Speaker: Ziemer, Gregor
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0632_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0632_B
- Item 633A: Unity for the United Nations, 5/23/1943

- Subject(s): United Nations; World War II
Program: Northwestern Reviewing Stand
Speaker: Mac Burney, James H.; Scott, Franklin B.; Foder, M.W.; Galleone, Wilbert H.
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0633_A
- Item 633B: Juvenile Delinquency in Wartime, 5/15/1943

- Subject(s): World War II; Youth
Program: Northwestern Reviewing Stand
Speaker: Hastings, William (Mrs.); Malen, J.J.; Sherman, Mandel; Butler, Walker; Byron, William F.; Mac Burney, James H.
Duration: 31m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0633_B
- Item 634A: Unity for the United Nations, 5/23/1943

- Subject(s): United Nations; World War II
Program: Northwestern Reviewing Stand
Speaker: Mac Burney, James H.; Scott, Franklin B.; Foder, M.W.; Galleone, Wilbert H.
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0634_A
- Item 634B: Juvenile Delinquency in Wartime, 5/15/1943

- Subject(s): World War II; Youth
Program: Northwestern Reviewing Stand
Speaker: Hastings, William (Mrs.); Malen, J.J.; Sherman, Mandel; Butler, Walker; Byron, William F.; Mac Burney, James H.
Duration: 31m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0634_B
- Item 635A/B: "Buy Buy Bonds", ca. 1944

- Subject(s): War Bonds
Speaker: Crosby, Bing
Duration: 2m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0635_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0635_B
- Item 636A/B: "We've Got Another Bond to Buy", ca. 1945

- Subject(s): War Bonds
Speaker: Crosby, Bing
Duration: 3m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0636_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0636_B
- Item 637A: History and achievements of the Coast Guard, 1945

- Subject(s): Coast Guard
Program: 155th Anniversary Salute
Duration: 5m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0637_A
- Item 638A: Announcements of Selective Service Registration Day, 2/16/1942

- Subject(s): Selective Service
Speaker: Armstrong, Paul G.
Duration: 5m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0638_A
- Item 639A: The 4th Registration, 4/27/1942

- Subject(s): Selective Service
Speaker: Armstrong, Paul G.
Duration: 5m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0639_A
- Item 640A/B: A Christmas Message; A letter from Grandfather Frost; Carol of the Russian Children; The Little Fir Tree, ca.12-44

- Subject(s): Russian War Relief
Speaker: Sockman, Ralph; Sullivan Maxine; Manning, William T.; Wicker Ireene
Duration: 17m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0640_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0640_B
- Item 641A/B: A Christmas Message; A letter from Grandfather Frost; Carol of the Russian Children; The Little Fir Tree, ca.12-44

- Subject(s): Russian War Relief
Speaker: Sockman, Ralph; Sullivan Maxine; Manning, William T.; Wicker Ireene
Duration: 17m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0641_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0641_B
- Item 642A: Scenes from Hamlet, ca. 1938

- Subject(s): Theatre
Speaker: member of a class in Shakespeare
Duration: 12m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0642_A
- Item 642B: Liverpool address of Henry Ward Beecher, ca. 1938

- Subject(s): Civil War; Natioanl Youth Administration
Program: Words of Thunder - National Youth Administration
Duration: 14m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0642_B
- Item 643A: Great words of Woodrom Wilson, 12/9/1938

- Subject(s): National Youth Administration; World War I
Program: Words of Thunder - National Youth Administration
Duration: 14m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0643_A
- Item 644A: Methods in use to prevent head colds, 12/11/1937

- Subject(s): Medicine
Program: Illinois Medical Series
Speaker: Arnold, Lloyd; Green, M.L.
Duration: 9m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0644_A
- Item 645A/B: Illinois vs Ohio State (4th Quarter), 9/24/1938

- Subject(s): Football
Duration: 13m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0645_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0645_B
- Item 646A/B: Interviewing students who participated in research on calcium's dietary role, 8/23/1944

- Subject(s): Dental Hygiene
Speaker: Heathmen, Jessie; Kalcium Kids
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0646_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0646_B
- Item 647A: Obesity, 4/10/1941

- Subject(s): Health
Program: Roundtable - U. of I. School of Medicine
Speaker: Bronstein, I. Pat; Wakerlin, George E.; Keeton, Robert W.
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0647_A
- Item 648A/B: Exploring guidance work with students, 12/5/1939

- Subject(s): Student Counselling
Program: PTA Forum - University Personnel Bureau
Speaker: Feder, Daniel D.; Wiley, Carroll C.
Duration: 25m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0648_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0648_B
- Item 649A: Coast Guard's role in National Defense, 9/4/40-B

- Subject(s): Coast Guard
Program: U.S. Government Reports - prog 2
Speaker: Waesche, Russell R.
Duration: 12m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0649_A
- Item 650A: Navy's role in national defense, 8/28/40-B

- Subject(s): Navy
Program: U.S. Government Reports - prog 1
Speaker: Knox, Frank
Duration: 14m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0650_A
- Box 27

- Item 651A/B: Wartime experiences; Greetings to Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands on her birthday, 8/31/1945

- Subject(s): Netherlands; World War II
Program: Democracy's Tribute to a Democratic Queen
Speaker: Queen Wilhelmina; Hoeven, Charles B.; Kingdon, Frank J.; Watson, Thomas J.; Roosevelt, Eleanor
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0651_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0651_B
- Item 652A: Pan-American Cooperation, 4/14/1944

- Subject(s): Latin America
Program: Pan-American Day
Speaker: Crosby, Bing; Simms, Ginny
Duration: 10m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0652_A
- Item 653A: Teaching democray in public schools, 12/18/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy; Education
Program: PTA Program
Speaker: Leonard, Maria
Duration: 12m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0653_A
- Item 653B: Beyond the 3 R's, 12/23/1941

- Subject(s): Education; Youth
Program: PTA Program
Speaker: Lauchner, H.A.
Duration: 12m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0653_B
- Item 654A/B: Hawthorne's novels, 11/12/1940

- Subject(s): American Literature
Program: Great Novelist of the 19th Century
Speaker: Bernbaum, Ernest
Duration: 23m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0654_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0654_B
- Item 655A: Arguments against the proposed lend-lease bill, 1941

- Subject(s): Lend-Lease Bill; World War II
Program: "America First"
Speaker: McNider, Hanford; Wheeler, Burton K.; Landon, Alfred; Taft, Robert A.; Brooks, C. Wayland
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0655_A
- Item 656A: Arguments against the proposed lend-lease bill, 1941

- Subject(s): Lend-Lease Bill; World War II
Program: "America First"
Speaker: McNider, Hanford; Wheeler, Burton K.; Landon, Alfred; Taft, Robert A.; Brooks, C. Wayland
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0656_A
- Item 657A: Arguments against the proposed lend-lease bill, 1941

- Subject(s): Lend-Lease Bill; World War II
Program: "America First"
Speaker: McNider, Hanford; Wheeler, Burton K.; Landon, Alfred; Taft, Robert A.; Brooks, C. Wayland
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0657_A
- Item 658A: Arguments against the proposed lend-lease bill, 1941

- Subject(s): Lend-Lease Bill; World War II
Program: "America First"
Speaker: McNider, Hanford; Wheeler, Burton K.; Landon, Alfred; Taft, Robert A.; Brooks, C. Wayland
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0658_A
- Item 659A: Arguments against the proposed lend-lease bill, 1941

- Subject(s): Lend-Lease Bill; World War II
Program: "America First"
Speaker: McNider, Hanford; Wheeler, Burton K.; Landon, Alfred; Taft, Robert A.; Brooks, C. Wayland
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0659_A
- Item 660A: Student Counselling at the University of Illinois, ca. 1941

- Subject(s): Student Counselling
Speaker: Turner, Fred H.
Duration: 10m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0660_A
- Item 661A/B: Spot announcements for the "I speak for Democracy" contest, Nov. 1948

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: National Radio Week
Speaker: Cantor, Eddie; Godfrey, Arthur; Smith, Kate
Duration: 7m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0661_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0661_B
- Item 662A/B: Platform for Democracy; Freedom of Worship; Education for democracy; Freedom of Expression; Democracy at work, Nov. 1948

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: I Speak for Democracy - National Radio Week
Speaker: Stewart, James; Miller, Luther; Studebaker, John W.; Miller, Justin; Bagwell, Paul
Duration: 20m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0662_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0662_B
- Item 663A/B: Weekly variety show put on by University of Illinois students and fraternities, 10/24/1940

- Subject(s): Student Activities
Program: Guest Night in the House of Overguard (WDWS)
Speaker: Students
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0663_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0663_B
- Item 664A/B: University of Illinois' salute to men in the Armed Forces (entertainment), ca. 1940

- Subject(s): Music; World War II
Speaker: Erwin, Nat; Kaybaker, Mary Ann; Raider, Maxine; Goldstein, Lennie; Hennessey, Betty; Siddel, Jack; Blum, Bob; Douche, Ray; Epstein, Bob; Adams, Marge
Duration: 30m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0664_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0664_B
- Item 665A/B: Rededication for final victory, 5/8/1945

- Subject(s): World War II
Program: VE Day Convocation
Speaker: Chapman, Charles A.; Willard, Arthur C.; University of Illinois Band
Duration: 34m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0665_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0665_B
- Item 666A: Rededication for final victory, 5/8/1945

- Subject(s): World War II
Program: VE Day Convocation
Speaker: Chapman, Charles A.; Willard, Arthur C.; University of Illinois Band
Duration: 34m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0666_A
- Item 666B: The end of the German War, 5/8/1945

- Subject(s): World War II
Program: VE Day
Speaker: Churchill, Winston
Duration: 7m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0666_B
- Item 667A: Why neutrality failed, 2/12/1941

- Subject(s): International Relations; World War II
Program: Political Science Lecture
Speaker: Hambro, Carl J.
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0667_A
- Item 667B: Science on the March: The Lincoln Legend, 2/6/1941

- Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0667_B
- Item 668A/B: Why neutrality failed, 2/12/1941

- Subject(s): International Relations; World War II
Program: Political Science Lecture
Speaker: Hambro, Carl J.
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0668_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0668_B
- Item 669A/B: Why neutrality failed, 2/12/1941

- Subject(s): International Relations; World War II
Program: Political Science Lecture
Speaker: Hambro, Carl J.
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0669_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0669_B
- Item 670A: Why neutrality failed, 2/12/1941

- Subject(s): International Relations; World War II
Program: Political Science Lecture
Speaker: Hambro, Carl J.
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0670_A
- Item 670B: Status of Norway today, 2/13/1941

- Subject(s): Norway; World War II
Program: Political Science Lecture
Speaker: Hambro, Carl J.
Duration: 62m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0670_B
- Item 671A/B: Status of Norway today, 2/13/1941

- Subject(s): Norway; World War II
Program: Political Science Lecture
Speaker: Hambro, Carl J.
Duration: 62m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0671_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0671_B
- Item 672A: Status of Norway today, 2/13/1941

- Subject(s): Norway; World War II
Program: Political Science Lecture
Speaker: Hambro, Carl J.
Duration: 62m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0672_A
- Item 672B: International cooperation and the future, 2/14/1941

- Subject(s): International Relations; League of Nations
Program: Political Science Lecture
Speaker: Hambro, Carl J.
Duration: 78m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0672_B
- Item 673A/B: International cooperation and the future, 2/14/1941

- Subject(s): International Relations; League of Nations
Program: Political Science Lecture
Speaker: Hambro, Carl J.
Duration: 78m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0673_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0673_B
- Item 674A/B: International cooperation and the future, 2/14/1941

- Subject(s): International Relations; League of Nations
Program: Political Science Lecture
Speaker: Hambro, Carl J.
Duration: 78m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0674_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0674_B
- Item 675A: International cooperation and the future, 2/14/1941

- Subject(s): International Relations; League of Nations
Program: Political Science Lecture
Speaker: Hambro, Carl J.
Duration: 78m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0675_A
- Item 675B: Our Common Sanctities, 2/16/1941

- Subject(s): Brotherhood
Program: Sunday Evening Club
Speaker: Bowe, A.J.; Dennis, Ralph; Bamberger, Fritz
Duration: 48m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0675_B
- Box 28

- Item 676A/B: Our Common Sanctities, 2/16/1941

- Subject(s): Brotherhood
Program: Sunday Evening Club
Speaker: Bowe, A.J.; Dennis, Ralph; Bamberger, Fritz
Duration: 48m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0676_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0676_B
- Item 677A: Our Common Sanctities, 2/16/1941

- Subject(s): Brotherhood
Program: Sunday Evening Club
Speaker: Bowe, A.J.; Dennis, Ralph; Bamberger, Fritz
Duration: 48m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0677_A
- Item 677B: Government in South America (pt 2 & 3), 2/17/1941

- Subject(s): South America; World War II
Speaker: Smith, Carleton
Duration: 27m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0677_B
- Item 678A: Government in South America (pt 2 & 3), 2/17/1941

- Subject(s): South America; World War II
Speaker: Smith, Carleton
Duration: 27m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0678_A
- Item 678B: Realistic view of democracy, 2/19/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy - Philosophy
Speaker: Smith, T.V.
Duration: 73m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0678_B
- Item 679A/B: Realistic view of democracy, 2/19/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy - Philosophy
Speaker: Smith, T.V.
Duration: 73m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0679_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0679_B
- Item 680A/B: Realistic view of democracy, 2/19/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy - Philosophy
Speaker: Smith, T.V.
Duration: 73m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0680_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0680_B
- Item 681A/B: Musical Selections, ca. 2/41

- Subject(s): Band, University Music
Speaker: Harding, Austin A.; University of Illinois Band
Duration: 6m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0681_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0681_B
- Item 682A/B: Psychological war and morale (pts 2-6), 2/25/1941

- Subject(s): Propaganda; World War II
Program: Social Sciences Lecture
Speaker: Hall, H. Duncan
Duration: 70m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0682_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0682_B
- Item 683A/B: Psychological war and morale (pts 2-6), 2/25/1941

- Subject(s): Propaganda; World War II
Program: Social Sciences Lecture
Speaker: Hall, H. Duncan
Duration: 70m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0683_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0683_B
- Item 684A: Psychological war and morale (pts 2-6), 2/25/1941

- Subject(s): Propaganda; World War II
Program: Social Sciences Lecture
Speaker: Hall, H. Duncan
Duration: 70m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0684_A
- Item 684B: Why the League of Nations failed, 2/26/1941

- Subject(s): League of Nations
Program: Social Sciences Lecture
Speaker: Hall, H. Duncan
Duration: 57m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0684_B
- Item 685A/B: Why the League of Nations failed, 2/26/1941

- Subject(s): League of Nations
Program: Social Sciences Lecture
Speaker: Hall, H. Duncan
Duration: 57m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0685_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0685_B
- Item 686A: Why the League of Nations failed, 2/26/1941

- Subject(s): League of Nations
Program: Social Sciences Lecture
Speaker: Hall, H. Duncan
Duration: 57m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0686_A
- Item 686B: Democracy and war, 2/26/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy; War
Program: Problems of Democracy: Philosophy
Speaker: Black, Max
Duration: 58m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0686_B
- Item 687A/B: Democracy and war, 2/26/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy; War
Program: Problems of Democracy: Philosophy
Speaker: Black, Max
Duration: 58m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0687_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0687_B
- Item 688A: Democracy and war, 2/26/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy; War
Program: Problems of Democracy: Philosophy
Speaker: Black, Max
Duration: 58m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0688_A
- Item 688B: Democracy and public opinion, 3/11/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy; Public Opinion
Program: Problems of Democracy: Philosophy
Speaker: Albig, John W.
Duration: 47m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0688_B
- Item 689A: Democracy and public opinion, 3/11/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy; Public Opinion
Program: Problems of Democracy: Philosophy
Speaker: Albig, John W.
Duration: 47m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0689_A
- Item 689B: The moral basis of democracy, 3/6/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy - Philosophy
Speaker: McClure, Matthew T.
Duration: 38m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0689_B
- Item 690A: Democracy and public opinion, 3/11/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy; Public Opinion
Program: Problems of Democracy: Philosophy
Speaker: Albig, John W.
Duration: 47m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0690_A
- Item 690B: Historical foundations for a democratic China, 3/12/1941

- Subject(s): China
Program: Edmund J. James Lecture on Government
Speaker: Shih, Hu
Duration: 74m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0690_B
- Item 691A: Democracy and public opinion, 3/11/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy; Public Opinion
Program: Problems of Democracy: Philosophy
Speaker: Albig, John W.
Duration: 47m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0691_A
- Item 691B: Historical foundations for a democratic China, 3/12/1941

- Subject(s): China
Program: Edmund J. James Lecture on Government
Speaker: Shih, Hu
Duration: 74m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0691_B
- Item 692A/B: Historical foundations for a democratic China, 3/12/1941

- Subject(s): China
Program: Edmund J. James Lecture on Government
Speaker: Shih, Hu
Duration: 74m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0692_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0692_B
- Item 693A: Historical foundations for a democratic China, 3/12/1941

- Subject(s): China
Program: Edmund J. James Lecture on Government
Speaker: Shih, Hu
Duration: 74m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0693_A
- Item 693B: Compulsary automobile insurance, 3/14/1941

- Subject(s): Insurance, Auto
Program: Panel Discussion: Insurance Short Course
Speaker: Wiley, Carroll C.; Shepard, Ted; Hanks, Paul; Moore, Robert; Kirpatrick, Louis
Duration: 88m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0693_B
- Item 694A: The moral basis of democracy, 3/6/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy - Philosophy
Speaker: McClure, Matthew T.
Duration: 38m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0694_A
- Item 694B: Compulsary automobile insurance, 3/14/1941

- Subject(s): Insurance, Auto
Program: Panel Discussion: Insurance Short Course
Speaker: Wiley, Carroll C.; Shepard, Ted; Hanks, Paul; Moore, Robert; Kirpatrick, Louis
Duration: 88m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0694_B
- Item 695A/B: Compulsary automobile insurance, 3/14/1941

- Subject(s): Insurance, Auto
Program: Panel Discussion: Insurance Short Course
Speaker: Wiley, Carroll C.; Shepard, Ted; Hanks, Paul; Moore, Robert; Kirpatrick, Louis
Duration: 88m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0695_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0695_B
- Item 696A: Compulsary automobile insurance, 3/14/1941

- Subject(s): Insurance, Auto
Program: Panel Discussion: Insurance Short Course
Speaker: Wiley, Carroll C.; Shepard, Ted; Hanks, Paul; Moore, Robert; Kirpatrick, Louis
Duration: 88m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0696_A
- Item 696B: Women's Debate Discussion Group, 4/18/1941

- Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0696_B
- Item 697A/B: The moral basis of democracy, 3/6/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy - Philosophy
Speaker: McClure, Matthew T.
Duration: 38m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0697_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0697_B
- Item 698A/B: Esential conditions of an enduring peace, 2/27/1941

- Subject(s): Peace
Program: Social Sciences Lecture
Speaker: Hall, H. Duncan
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0698_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0698_B
- Item 699A/B: Esential conditions of an enduring peace, 2/27/1941

- Subject(s): Peace
Program: Social Sciences Lecture
Speaker: Hall, H. Duncan
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0699_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0699_B
- Item 700A/B: A fire insurance claim: determining values, 3/15/1941

- Subject(s): Insurance, Fire
Program: Insurance Short Course
Speaker: Beatty, Robert M.
Duration: 44m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0700_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0700_B
- Box 29

- Item 701A: A fire insurance claim: determining values, 3/15/1941

- Subject(s): Insurance, Fire
Program: Insurance Short Course
Speaker: Beatty, Robert M.
Duration: 44m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0701_A
- Item 701B: The Economic Basis of Democracy, 3/25/1941

- Subject(s): Economics; Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy - Philosophy
Speaker: Gray, Horace M.
Duration: 45m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0701_B
- Item 702A/B: The Economic Basis of Democracy, 3/25/1941

- Subject(s): Economics; Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy - Philosophy
Speaker: Gray, Horace M.
Duration: 45m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0702_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0702_B
- Item 703A: The Economic Basis of Democracy, 3/25/1941

- Subject(s): Economics; Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy - Philosophy
Speaker: Gray, Horace M.
Duration: 45m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0703_A
- Item 703B: Discipline in our democracy, 3/31/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Smith, T. V.
Duration: 77m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0703_B
- Item 704A/B: Discipline in our democracy, 3/31/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Smith, T. V.
Duration: 77m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0704_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0704_B
- Item 705A: Discipline in our democracy, 3/31/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Smith, T. V.
Duration: 77m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0705_A
- Item 705B: The remodeled welfare program, 1941, 4/1/1941

- Subject(s): Welfare, Public
Program: Social Sciences Lecture
Speaker: Brandon, R.H.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0705_B
- Item 706A: Discipline in our democracy, 3/31/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Smith, T. V.
Duration: 77m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0706_A
- Item 706B: The remodeled welfare program, 1941, 4/1/1941

- Subject(s): Welfare, Public
Program: Social Sciences Lecture
Speaker: Brandon, R.H.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0706_B
- Item 707A: Books to read aloud, 10/15/1942

- Subject(s): Reading
Program: PTA Discussion
Speaker: Karraker, Bernice
Duration: 10m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0707_A
- Item 707B: Remedial reading program, 11/6/1942

- Subject(s): Reading, Remedial
Speaker: Scheer, Raymond A.
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0707_B
- Item 708A: History of the amateur radio program on WILL, 3/15/1941

- Subject(s): Radio, Amateur
Program: 6th Anniversary of Ham Forums
Speaker: Schooley, Frank; actors
Duration: 15m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0708_A
- Item 708B: The problem of authority in Western life and education, 5/1/1941

- Subject(s): Education
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Benne, Kenneth D.
Duration: 80m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0708_B
- Item 709A: The problem of authority in Western life and education, 5/1/1941

- Subject(s): Education
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Benne, Kenneth D.
Duration: 80m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0709_A
- Item 709B: Prospects for building new democracy in Germany, 4/30/1941

- Subject(s): European Economy; Germany; World War II
Program: The Post-War World
Speaker: Price, Maurice T.; Rodkey, Fred S.; Hagan, Charles B.
Duration: 32m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0709_B
- Item 710A: The problem of authority in Western life and education, 5/1/1941

- Subject(s): Education
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Benne, Kenneth D.
Duration: 80m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0710_A
- Item 710B: TNEC Report, 5/1/1941

- Program: Graduate Guild Forum
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0710_B
- Item 711A: The problem of authority in Western life and education, 5/1/1941

- Subject(s): Education
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Benne, Kenneth D.
Duration: 80m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0711_A
- Item 711B: TNEC Report, 5/1/1941

- Program: Graduate Guild Forum
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0711_B
- Item 712A: The problem of authority in Western life and education, 5/1/1941

- Subject(s): Education
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Benne, Kenneth D.
Duration: 80m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0712_A
- Item 712B: Threats to communication in lontemporary America, 5/1/1941

- Subject(s): Communications
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Benne, Kenneth D.
Duration: 63m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0712_B
- Item 713A: The remodeled welfare program, 1941, 4/1/1941

- Subject(s): Welfare, Public
Program: Social Sciences Lecture
Speaker: Brandon, R.H.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0713_A
- Item 713B: Democracy in theory and practice, 4/2/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy: Philosophy
Speaker: Harno, Albert J.
Duration: 45m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0713_B
- Item 714A: The remodeled welfare program, 1941, 4/1/1941

- Subject(s): Welfare, Public
Program: Social Sciences Lecture
Speaker: Brandon, R.H.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0714_A
- Item 714B: Democracy in theory and practice, 4/2/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy: Philosophy
Speaker: Harno, Albert J.
Duration: 45m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0714_B
- Item 715A: Democracy in theory and practice, 4/2/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy: Philosophy
Speaker: Harno, Albert J.
Duration: 45m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0715_A
- Item 715B: The spiritual statesmanship of Thomas Jefferson, 4/20/1941

- Subject(s): Jefferson, Thomas
Speaker: Smith, T.V.
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0715_B
- Item 716A: Democracy in theory and practice, 4/2/1941

- Subject(s): Democracy
Program: Problems of Democracy: Philosophy
Speaker: Harno, Albert J.
Duration: 45m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0716_A
- Item 716B: The spiritual statesmanship of Thomas Jefferson, 4/20/1941

- Subject(s): Jefferson, Thomas
Speaker: Smith, T.V.
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0716_B
- Item 717A/B: The spiritual statesmanship of Thomas Jefferson, 4/20/1941

- Subject(s): Jefferson, Thomas
Speaker: Smith, T.V.
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0717_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0717_B
- Item 718A: The spiritual statesmanship of Thomas Jefferson, 4/20/1941

- Subject(s): Jefferson, Thomas
Speaker: Smith, T.V.
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0718_A
- Item 718B: Aristotle and a world of potencies, 4/22/1941

- Subject(s): Aristotle
Program: Philosophy Lecture
Speaker: Montague, W. P.
Duration: 79m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0718_B
- Item 719A/B: Aristotle and a world of potencies, 4/22/1941

- Subject(s): Aristotle
Program: Philosophy Lecture
Speaker: Montague, W. P.
Duration: 79m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0719_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0719_B
- Item 720A/B: Aristotle and a world of potencies, 4/22/1941

- Subject(s): Aristotle
Program: Philosophy Lecture
Speaker: Montague, W. P.
Duration: 79m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0720_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0720_B
- Item 721A: Aristotle and a world of potencies, 4/22/1941

- Subject(s): Aristotle
Program: Philosophy Lecture
Speaker: Montague, W. P.
Duration: 79m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0721_A
- Item 721B: Socrates and a free man's ethic, 4/21/1941

- Subject(s): Socrates
Program: Philosophy Lecture
Speaker: Montague, W. P.
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0721_B
- Item 722A/B: Socrates and a free man's ethic, 4/21/1941

- Subject(s): Socrates
Program: Philosophy Lecture
Speaker: Montague, W. P.
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0722_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0722_B
- Item 723A/B: Socrates and a free man's ethic, 4/21/1941

- Subject(s): Socrates
Program: Philosophy Lecture
Speaker: Montague, W. P.
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0723_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0723_B
- Item 724A: Recent developments in foreign policy, 4/19/1939

- Subject(s): Foreign Policy
Program: Roundtable of Contemporary Affairs (pt 1)
Speaker: Siebert, Fred S.; Bloom, Irwin; Nelson, Richard J.; Swanson, Ralph J.
Duration: 13m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0724_A
- Item 724B: Salvation by faith, 5/1/1939

- Subject(s): Religion
Program: Student Churches: Lutheran
Speaker: Kaiser, J. George
Duration: 8m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0724_B
- Item 725A/B: Bergson and creative evolution, 4/23/1941

- Subject(s): Bergson, Henri; Evolution
Program: Philosophy Lecture
Speaker: Montague, W.P.
Duration: 65m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0725_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0725_B
- Box 30

- Item 726A/B: Bergson and creative evolution, 4/23/1941

- Subject(s): Bergson, Henri; Evolution
Program: Philosophy Lecture
Speaker: Montague, W.P.
Duration: 65m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0726_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0726_B
- Item 727A: Prospects for building new democracy in Germany, 4/30/1941

- Subject(s): European Economy; Germany; World War II
Program: The Post-War World
Speaker: Price, Maurice T.; Rodkey, Fred S.; Hagan, Charles B.
Duration: 32m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0727_A
- Item 727B: Bergson and creative evolution, 4/23/1941

- Subject(s): Bergson, Henri; Evolution
Program: Philosophy Lecture
Speaker: Montague, W.P.
Duration: 65m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0727_B
- Item 728A/B: Threats to communication in lontemporary America, 5/1/1941

- Subject(s): Communications
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Benne, Kenneth D.
Duration: 63m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0728_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0728_B
- Item 729A/B: Threats to communication in lontemporary America, 5/1/1941

- Subject(s): Communications
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Benne, Kenneth D.
Duration: 63m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0729_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0729_B
- Item 730A/B: India's philosophy and religion.I., 11/7/1939

- Subject(s): India; Philosophy; Religion
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 80m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0730_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0730_B
- Item 731A/B: India's philosophy and religion.I., 11/7/1939

- Subject(s): India; Philosophy; Religion
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 80m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0731_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0731_B
- Item 732A: India's philosophy and religion.I., 11/7/1939

- Subject(s): India; Philosophy; Religion
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 80m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0732_A
- Item 732B: India's philosophy and religion.II., 11/8/1939

- Subject(s): India; Philosophy; Religion
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0732_B
- Item 733A: India's philosophy and religion.I., 11/7/1939

- Subject(s): India; Philosophy; Religion
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 80m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0733_A
- Item 733B: India's philosophy and religion.II., 11/8/1939

- Subject(s): India; Philosophy; Religion
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0733_B
- Item 734A: India's philosophy and religion.II., 11/8/1939

- Subject(s): India; Philosophy; Religion
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0734_A
- Item 734B: India and England - political and economic relations.I., 11/9/1939

- Subject(s): British-Indian Relations
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 65m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0734_B
- Item 735A: India's philosophy and religion.II., 11/8/1939

- Subject(s): India; Philosophy; Religion
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0735_A
- Item 735B: India and England - political and economic relations.I., 11/9/1939

- Subject(s): British-Indian Relations
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 65m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0735_B
- Item 736A/B: India and England - political and economic relations.I., 11/9/1939

- Subject(s): British-Indian Relations
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 65m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0736_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0736_B
- Item 737A: India and England - political and economic relations.I., 11/9/1939

- Subject(s): British-Indian Relations
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 65m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0737_A
- Item 737B: India and England - political and economic relations.II., 11/10/1939

- Subject(s): British-Indian Relations
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0737_B
- Item 738A/B: India and England - political and economic relations.II., 11/10/1939

- Subject(s): British-Indian Relations
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0738_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0738_B
- Item 739A: India and England - political and economic relations.II., 11/10/1939

- Subject(s): British-Indian Relations
Program: Social Science Lecture
Speaker: Joshi, Samuel L.
Duration: 60m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0739_A
- Item 739B: The Danish folk high school and its meaning for the United States, 11/27/1939

- Subject(s): Education
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Reisner, E.H.
Duration: 65m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0739_B
- Item 740A/B: The Danish folk high school and its meaning for the United States, 11/27/1939

- Subject(s): Education
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Reisner, E.H.
Duration: 65m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0740_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0740_B
- Item 741A/B: The Danish folk high school and its meaning for the United States, 11/27/1939

- Subject(s): Education
Program: Education Lecture
Speaker: Reisner, E.H.
Duration: 65m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0741_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0741_B
- Item 742A: Your child - protecting his health, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Dentistry; Medicine
Speaker: Hess, Julius H.
Duration: 55m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0742_A
- Item 742B: Your child - Your child's teeth, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Dentistry; Medicine
Speaker: Gerlach, Elsie
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0742_B
- Item 743A: Your child - Dentistry in the national defense, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Dentistry; Medicine
Speaker: Herzberg, Fred
Duration: 55m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0743_A
- Item 743B: Your child - Dentistry as a career, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Dentistry; Medicine
Speaker: Marjerison, Howard M.
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0743_B
- Item 744A: Chicago's Westside Medical Center, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Medicine
Speaker: Meyer, Karl A.
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0744_A
- Item 744B: Strep Infections, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Medicine
Speaker: Pilot, Isadore
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0744_B
- Item 745A: Social Diseases, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Medicine
Speaker: Senear, Francis
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0745_A
- Item 745B: Ears and Hearing, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Medicine
Speaker: Lederer, Francis L.
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0745_B
- Item 746A: Illinois Surgical Institute for children, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Medicine
Duration: 75m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0746_A
- Item 746B: Non-Surgical Foot Problems, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Medicine
Speaker: Thomas, Henry B.
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0746_B
- Item 747A/B: Value of exposure to sun and air, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Medicine
Speaker: Cornbleet, Theodore
Duration: 40m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0747_A
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0747_B
- Item 748A: Neglected sinus disease, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Medicine
Speaker: Van Alyea, Oliver E.
Duration: 40m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0748_A
- Item 748B: Air conditioning and health, 5/19/1941

- Subject(s): Medicine
Speaker: Hick, Ford K.
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0748_B
- Item 749A: Vacation Time; Health Suggestions, 5/20/1941

- Subject(s): Dentistry; Medicine
Speaker: Dalitsch, Walter W
Duration: 50m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0749_A
- Item 749B: Vitamins, 5/20/1941

- Subject(s): Dentistry; Medicine
Speaker: Reed. Carlos I.
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0749_B
- Item 750A: The Doctor Seeks a Clue, 5/20/1941

- Subject(s): Dentistry; Medicine
Speaker: Rappaport, Ben Z.
Duration: 50m
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0750_A
- Item 750B: Tooth Decay, 5/20/1941

- Subject(s): Dentistry; Medicine
Speaker: Kesel, Rob
Filename: UIUC_Archives_1306005_0750_B
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Disks 1-250],
Series 2: Disks 251-500],
[Series 3: Disks 501-750],
Series 4: Disks 751-1000],
Series 5: Disks 1001-1250],
Series 6: Disks 1251-1500],
Series 7: Disks 1501-1750],
Series 8: Disks 1751-2000],
Series 9: Disks 2001-2250],
Series 10: Disks 2251-2500],
Series 11: Disks 2501-2750],
Series 12: Disks 2751-3000],
Series 13: Disks 3001-3132],
Series 14: Disks 3133-3188],
Series 15: Audiotapes],