By Thornton Miller, Kendall McFarlin, Nolan Vallier
Title: Matthew de Lacey Davidson Music and Papers, 1920-2024
ID: 26/20/249
Primary Creator: Davidson, Matthew de Lacey (1964 -)
Extent: 2.5 cubic feet
Arrangement: Materials are arranged in three series: Series 1) Music Compositons and Research, Series 2) Writings and Visual Art, and Series 3) Personal Papers. Series 1 is further arranged into two subseries: Sub-Series 1) Original Music Recordings and Scores and Sub-Series 2) Music Research and Manuscript Scores by Other Composers. CDs in Series 1 have been arranged first by a three-digit numeric code assigned by Davidson and alphabetically thereafter. Series 2 and 3 have been arranged alphabetically by subject.
Date Acquired: 06/26/2023. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Compositions-Music, Jazz, Music, School of, Piano, University of Illinois Alumni Association
Formats/Genres: Experimental Music
Languages: English
Consists of recordings and scores of original compositions, recordings of collected LPs, correspondence with composers, original research, poems and visual art, and family records documenting the life and career of Matthew de Lacey Davidson.
Mathew de Lacey Davidson (b. 1964) is a composer and performer. Davidson was educated at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand; at the University of Toronto; and at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he studied composition with Salvatore Martirano. His oeuvre includes works in musical theater, chamber music, solo piano music (notably rags), as well as orchestral and electronic music. He has also published articles on ragtime and early jazz, and he is a contributor to The Syncopated Times. Davidson’s interests go beyond just music, he has written poetry, novels, short stories, as well as a non-fictional novel on his experiences in social work. His cartoons have been published in New Zealand, Canada, and the United States.
Repository: The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Accruals: An additional box of CDs and two scrapbooks were received from Davidson on July 20, 2023. A box of music compositions, programs, CDs, DVDs, books, unpublished short stories, and aticles were received from Davidson on March 28, 2024. An additional box of music compositions, programs, CDs, cartoons, correspondence, and contracts were received from Davidson on November 26, 2024.
Acquisition Source: Matthew de Lacey Davidson
Acquisition Method: gift.
Related Materials: Salvatore Martirano Music, Personal Papers, and Sal-Mar Construction
CD Data disc with master folder labeled "Davidson Memoirs," containing Finale files of original compositions; digital master files of compositions; digital master files of original research and writing, including memoire "My Time Has Come;" and digital surrogates of biographical memoires, photographs, and family papers.
Finale files include: Rzewski arrangement, 4 Dances 4 String Quartet, After Brahms, Bergamasques Violin Solo, Das Lied Ohne Worte, Etudes Book 1, Five Vignettes, Le Poeme Inattendu, Magyar Rondo, Menuetto, Music for Piano with Orchestra, Music for Viola and Orchestra, Nicklettes, Nicklettes (orchestra version), Papillons, Quartetto Dell-Arte, Quatre Melodies Quebecoises, Rameau, Schumann Symphony No. 5, Six Chorale Preludes, Sonatina Pastorale, Symphony No. 1, The Singing Lesson, Three Elusive Rags, Trio for Flute Viola and Harp, Trois Melodies Quebecoises, Zwei Moteten, and Love or Money.