By Spring 2023 IS562A Class: D. Berdan, H. Cox, B. Eskin Shapson, M. Fabian, K. Fata, R. J. Johnston, I. Michael, L. Musil, K. Nowlan.
Collection Overview
Title: American Choral Directors Association Special Collections, ca. 1950-2000
ID: 12/9/172
Primary Creator: American Choral Directors Association (1959-)
Other Creators: Brown, Elaine (1910-1997), Christiansen, F. Melius (1871-1955), Collins, Walter S. (1926-1997), Decker, Harold A. (1914-2003), Farkas, Ferenc (1905-2000), Glarum, L. Stanley (1908-1975), Haberlen, John B. (1940-), Hayes, Morris D. (1919-2006), Hirt, Charles C. (1911-2001), Keister, Elwood (1920-2003), Kirk, Colleen J. (1918-2004), Mathis, Russell (1926-2014), Maze, Glen L. (1928-2002), Page, Ronald Royce (ca. 1940-), Shaw, Robert Lawson (1916-1999), Snyder, Ellis Emanuel (1898-1969), Snyder, Robert Ellis (1930-2021), Waring, Fredrick Malcolm (1900-1984), Yamron, Janet (1932-), Youngberg, Eva Mae Struckmeyer (1930-)
Extent: 72.25 cubic feet
Arrangement: Organized in 15 record groups: Record Group 1, Harold A. Decker Papers and Sound Recordings; Record Group 2, Colleen J. Kirk Papers and Sound Recordings; Record Group 3, Russell Mathis Papers; Record Group 4, Stanley Glarum Papers and Sound Recordings; Record Group 5, Morris D. Hayes Papers and Realia; Record Group 6, Elwood Keister Papers; Record Group 7, Ferenc Farkas Collection; Record Group 8 Charles C. Hirt Papers; Record Group 9, Walter Collins Papers; Record Group 10; Elaine Brown Music and Papers; Record Group 11, Fred Waring Collection; Record Group 12, F. Melius Christiansen Choral Scores; Record Group 13, Robert Shaw Collection; Record Group 14, Robert and Ellis Snyder Choral Library and Personal Papers; and Record Group 15, Small Collections which consists of 5 series including the Eva Youngberg Papers, Ronald Page Collection, John Haberlen Robert Shaw Collection, John Haberlen Research Files on William L. Dawson, and the Glen Maze Collection of Choral Method Books. Record Groups will be processed over time.
Date Acquired: 01/06/2022
Subjects: Books, Choirs, Choral music, Choral singing -- Instruction and study, Choral Society, Church music--Catholic Church, Civil Rights, Class Record Books, Compositions-Music, Folk music, Folk songs, Magazines, Music -- Brazil, Music -- China, Music -- Illinois, Music -- Illinois - Education, Music -- Japan, Music -- Korea, Music -- Russia, Music - United States, Musical Repertoires, Music Library, Music Publishers, Music teachers, Music teachers - Training of, Music Teachers National Association, Teaching Methods, Vocal music
Formats/Genres: Scrapbooks
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Polish, Slovak, Russian, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Hebrew, Yiddish, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish;Castilian, Thai, Swedish, Chinese
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of correspondence, programs, lectures, photographs, research files, newsletters, newspaper clippings, sound recordings, meeting minutes, awards, publications, music scores and parts, and personal papers documenting the careers of major American choral directors and leaders of the American Choral Directors Association between the 1950s and 2000.
Biographical Note
Concerned by the lack of resources available to American choral directors, Robert Landers (director of the US Air Force Choir), Archie Jones (director of choirs at the University of Texas), and Maynard Klein (director of choirs at the University of Michigan) first conceived of a national choral association in 1957. The American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), originally called the American Choirmasters Association following the American Bandmasters Association, was founded two years later in Kansas City, Missouri during the biennial conference of the Music Teachers National Association. The ACDA, which began with 35 members, was established to serve the needs of pubilc school, collegiate, community, sacred, and professional choirs by sponsoring choral workshops, international conventions, concert exchanges, and symposia.
The first executive board was led by Archie Jones (president), R. Wayne Hugoboom (executive director), Earl Willhoite (treasurer), Charles Hirt, Warner Imig, James Aliferis, Elwood Keister, and Harry Robert Wilson. During their first meeting, the executive board established a set of bylaws and yearly dues of $6.
In March 1960, the organization held its first biannual convention in conjunction with the 1960 Music Educator's National Conference. This conference consisted of concerts, reading sessions, workshops, and panel discussions. The following May, the ACDA published the first issue of the Choral Journal. Eleven years later, the organization held its first independent conference in Kansas City. Since then, the ACDA conference has expanded to include honor choirs and multiple sessions.
In addition to their biannual conference, the organization has fostered the annual Schmitt and Pepper Choral Composition Competitions since 1962. In 1991, the ACDA added the Raymond W. Brock Student Composition Competition. In addition, the ACDA also provides awards for dissertations and professional research on choral music.
Since 1961, the ACDA has been governed by both national and regional officers from six regions. In 1979, the ACDA added a seventh region to accomodate expanding membership.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Source:
American Choral Directors Association
Acquisition Method:
Transfer through deed of gift.
Appraisal Information:
10 boxes of loose choral music in the Decker Record Group (box 7-8,10-11, 13-15, 18, 23 and one unlabelled box) was deaccessioned June 24, 2022.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Record Group:
Record Group 1: Harold A. Decker Papers and Recordings, 1902-2009],
Record Group 2: Colleen J. Kirk Papers and Sound Recordings, 1949-2003],
Record Group 3: Russell Mathis Papers, 1960-1977],
Record Group 4: L. Stanley Glarum Papers and Audio Recordings, 1930-1977],
Record Group 5: Morris D. Hayes Papers and Realia, 1956-1991],
Record Group 6: Elwood Keister Papers, 1958-1995],
Record Group 7: Ferenc Farkas Collection, 1933-2001],
Record Group 8: Charles C. Hirt Papers, 1923-2001],
Record Group 9: Walter S. Collins Papers, 1940-1996],
[Record Group 10: Elaine Brown Music and Papers, 1880-2005],
Record Group 11: Fred Waring Collection, 1937-1997],
Record Group 12: F. Melius Christiansen Choral Scores, 1918-1954],
Record Group 13: Robert Shaw Collection, 1954-2005],
Record Group 14: Robert and Ellis Snyder Choral Library and Personal Papers, 1935-1999],
Record Group 15: Small Collections, 1893-2006],
- Record Group 10: Elaine Brown Music and Papers, 1880-2005

- Consists of sheet music, correspondence, programs, photographs, and newspaper clippings documenting the career of Elaine Brown, founder and conductor of the Singing City Choir in Philadelphia, an integrated community ensemble. This record group is organized into three series: Series 1: General Choral Music; Series 2: Temple University Music Library and Singing City Music Library; and Series 3: Elaine Brown Papers, Singing City Records, and Memorial Scrapbook and Recording.
- Series 1: Elaine Brown Music Library, 1887-1988

- Consists of sheet music (primarily choral), much of which contains musical annotations by Brown. Arranged into two sub-series: Sub-Series 1: General Choral Music; and Sub-Series 2: Jewish Choral Music.
- Sub-Series 1: General Choral Music, 1887-1988

- Contains general choral music from Elaine Brown’s personal library, many with annotations by Brown including performance and conducting notes. This music includes both anthologies and individual pieces. Folder 1 and Folder 2 consist of anthologies alphabatized by title, after which all folders consist of individual musical works and are arranged alphabetically by the composer’s last name. Dates listed refer to the date of publication of the editions present in the folders, not by original composition date of the work itself.
- Box 1

- Folder 1: Anthologies: Philip Ledger, "Anthems for Choirs" - Agustino Samuel Rubio, "Antologia Polifonica Sacra, Volume II", 1954-1973

- Ledger, Philip; "Anthems for Choirs." Gregorian Institute of America; "Anthology of Polyphonic Masters of the XV-XVI-XVII Centuries." Rubio, Agustino Samuel; "Antologia Polifonica Sacra, Volume I;" "Antologia Polifonica Sacra, Volume II."
- Folder 2: Anthologies: Edward Lawton, "Catches for three, four and five voices" - Donald B. Eperson, "Two Lute Songs", 1910-1962

- Lawton, Edward; "Catches for Three, Four, and Five Voices." Blume, Friedrich; Das Chorwerk Vol. 14: "Sieben Chromatische Motetten des Barock." Krings, Alfred; Das Chorwerk Vol. 61: "Zwolf Franzosische Lieder." Jacobsen, Maurice and Eperson, Donald B.; "Cupid Plague Thee!" Krings, Alfred; "Der Kammerchor: Deutsche Lieder;" "Der Kammerchor: Italienische Madrigale." Lundquist, Matthew Nathanael; "Later Renaissance Motets." Tobey, Donald F.; "Laudate Pueri, Sacred Music of the XVIth Century." Eperson, Donald B.; "Two Lute Songs."
- Folder 3: A.V. Aleksandrov, "Song of the Plainsman" - Jacob Avshalomov, "How Long, Oh Lord", 1940-1968

- Aleksandrov, A.V.; "Song of the Plainsman." Anerio, Giovanni Francesco; "Cantate Domino (O sing unto the Lord) Motet." Antheil, George; "Cabeza de Vaca." Appenzeller, Benedictus; "Musae Jovis." Arne, Thomas; Where the bee sicks;" "Which is the Properest Day to Sing?" Asola, Giovanni Matteo; "Missa Regina Cœli." Avshalomov, Jacob; "How Long, Oh Lord" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 4: J.S. Bach, "Alleluja" - J.S. Bach, "The Passion According to St. John", 1926-1961

- Bach, J.S.; "Alleluja;" "Cantata No. 6;" "Chorales from The Passion According to St. John;" "Magnificat D-Dur;" "The Passion According to St. John."
- Folder 5: J.S. Bach, "Sixty Chorales harmonized by Johann Sebastian Bach" - J.S. Bach, "Kantate NR. 12", 1934-1985

- Bach, J.S.; "Sixty Chorales harmonized by Johann Sebastian Bach;" "Johannes-Passion;" "Kantate NR. 12."
- Folder 6: Sven-Erik Bäck, "Motets For the Church Year" - Lili Boulanger, "Psaume du Fond de L'abîme", 1916-1977

- Bäck, Sven-Erik; "Motets For the Church Year." Bacon, Ernst; "The Valley of Judea." Banchieri, Adriano; "Counterpoint of the Animals." Beethoven, L.V.; "An die Freude." Bernardi, Stefano; "Dixit Dominus Domino Meo." Biggs, John; "Il Court, Le Furet;" "Two Chorales." Binkerd, Gordon; "Alleluia For St. Francis." Biss, Roderick; "The Sussex Carol." Blow, John; "Awake, Awake, My Lyre;" "Salvator Mundi." Boulanger, Lili; "Psaulme du Fond de L'abime."
- Folder 7: Johannes Brahms, "A German Requiem" - Johannes Brahms, "Requiem", 1925-1981

- Brahms, Johannes; "A German Requiem;" "Im Herbst;" "Marienlieder;" "Nachtwache;" "Requiem" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 8: Johannes Brahms, "Six Folk Songs" - William Byrd, "Venite Comedie", 1888-1973

- Brahms, Johannes; "Six Folk Songs" (3 copies with unique marginalia); "The Trysting Place;" "Zigeunerlieder." Britten, Benjamin; "A Boy Was Born;" "Jubilate Deo;" "Voices for Today." Bruckner, Anton; "Gloria from Mass No. 2 in E Minor;" "Et Incarnatus Est;" "Two Motets: Offertorium and Ecce Sacerdos." Byrd, William; "Ave Verum Corpus" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "I Have Longed for Thy Saving Health;" "Venite Comedite."
- Folder 9: Antonio Caldera, "Ein Madrigal Und Achtzehn Kanons" - William Croft, "God is Gone Up", 1898-1982

- Caldera, Antonio; "Ein Madrigal Und Achtzehn Kanons." Carver, Robert; "Gaude Flore Virginali." dei Cavalieri, Emilio; "L'Ascension de Notre Sauveur." Cavendish, Michael; "Every Bush New Springing." Certon, Pierre; "I Cannot Conceal It (Le Ne L'o Se Dire)." Charpenteur, Marc-Antoine; "Le Reniement de St. Pierre." Child, William; "O God, Wherefore Art Thou Absent from Us." Coleridge-Taylor, S.; "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast." Compère, Loyset; "Le Renvoy." Constantini, Allessandro; "Confitemini Domini (Praise, O Praise Ye The Lord)." Copland, Aaron; "The Promise of Living." Costeley, Guillaume; "Las! Je N'eusse Jamais Pensé." of Cracow, Mikolai; "Sadly I Recall Thy Vow." Croce, Giovanni; "Gesang der Engelschöre." Crivelli, Giovanni Battista; "O Maria Mater Gratiae." Croft, William; "God is Gone Up."
- Folder 10: Nicholas Dalayrac, "Jeune Fillette" - Josquin des Prés, "Parfons Regretz", 1929-1967

- Dalayrac, Nicholas; "Jeune Fillette." Danby, John; "Fair Flora Decks The Flowery Vale." Daniel-Lesur; "Le Cantique des Cantiques." David, Joh. Nep.; "Der Barmherzige Samariter." Dawson, William L.; "There is a Balm in Gilead." Dering, Richard; "Dear Love, Be Not Unkind;" "Jesu, Dulcis Memoria;." des Prés, Josquin; "Bergerotte Savoysienne;" "Christe, Fili Dei;" "La Deploration de Jehan Okeghem;" "Drei Psalmen;" "Faulte d'Argent" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Miserere Mei Deus;" "Missa de Beata Virgine;" "Missa Pange Lingua;" "O Domine Jesu Christ;" "Parfons Regretz."
- Folder 11: Josquin des Prés, "Petite Camusette" - Antonin Dvorak, "Requiem Mass", 1932-1980

- des Prés, Josquin; "Petite Camusette;" "Salve Regina;" "Vultum Tuum." Distler, Hugo; "A Little Advent Music." Donato, Baldassare; "All Ye Who Music Love;" Chi la Gagliarda." Durante, Francesco; "Laudate Pueri." Dvorak, Antonin; "Reqiuem Mass."
- Folder 12: Michael Easte, "When David Heard That Absalom was Slain" - Robert Franz, "Dedication", 1935-1968

- Easte, Michael; "When David Heard That Absalom Was Slain." Eberlin, Ernst; "Trust in the Lord (Bonum est Confiteri)." Engel, Lehman; "I Always Loved to Call My Lady Rose." Episcopius, Lu.; "Laet Varen Alle Fantasie." Faignient, Noé; "These That Be Certain Signs of My Tormenting." Fauré, Gabriel; "Reqiuem;" "Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy)." Feldmann, Fritz; "Kyrie Eleison." Festa, Constanzo; "O Thoughts Which Tear Apart My Life." Fissinger, Edwin; "Oh, Lovely is My Land." Ford, Thomas; "Almighty God, Who Hast Me Brought." Foster, Stephen C.; "Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair." Frackenpohl, Arthur; "Awake, My Soul." Franz, Robert; "Dedication."
- Folder 13: Andrea Gabrieli, "O Passi Sparsi" - Francisco Guerrero, "Ojos Claros y Serenos", 1931-1978

- Gabrieli, Andrea; "O Passi Sparsi." Gallos, Anna; "Nepantzoyaa." Gallus, Jacobus; "Ascendit-Deus (God Goes Up On High)." Garcia, José Mauricio Nunes; "Matinas do Natal." Gardner, Maurice; "Salangadou." Gastoldi, Giacomo; "Il Bell' Umore;" "Come, Let Your Hearts Be Singing;" "This Sweet and Lovely Siren." Gaul, Harvey; "Juniata Bound;" "Ohio River Farewell Song." Gershwin, George; "The Promise' Lan'." Gesualdo di Venosa, Carlo; "8 Madrigale." Gibbons, Orlando; "Lift Up Your Heads;" "The Silver Swan." Grandi, Alessandro; "Exaudi Deus." Gibbs, C. Armstrong; "Five Canadian Folk-Songs." Gonçales, Bernal; "Navego en Hondo Mar." Goudimel, Claude; "Psalm 65." Graun, Karl Heinrich; "Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs." Gregor, C.; "Hosanna, Blessed is He that comes." Guerrero, Francisco; "Ojos Claros y Sernos."
- Folder 14: Andrzej Hakenberger, "Exultate Justi in Domino," - G.F. Handel, "Messiah", 1932-1977

- Hakenberger, Andrzej; "Exultate Justi In Domino" (2 copies with unique marginalia). Handel, G.F.; "Te Deum Laudamus;" "Dettingen Te Deum;" "I Will Extol Thee, My God" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Messiah."
- Folder 15: G.F. Handel, "Oh Lord, In Thee Have I Trusted" - H.L. Hassler, "Missa Secunda", 1930-1984

- Handel, G.F.; "Oh Lord, In Thee Have I Trusted;" "Psalm 112;" "Theodora." Handl, Jacob; "Hodie nobis coelorum rex." Harsanyi, Tibor; "Cantate de Noël." Hassler, H.L.; "Ah, Love, I Laugh While Singing;" "Missa Secunda."
- Box 2

- Folder 1: Joseph Haydn, "The Creation" - Joseph Haydn, "Missa Solemnis in B-flat", 1957-1970

- Haydn, Joseph; "The Creation;" "Evening Song To God;" "Kyrie Eleison;" "Missa Solemnis in B dur: Harmoniemesse;" "Missa Solemnis in B-flat: Heilig-Messe."
- Folder 2: Joseph Haydn, "Salve Regina" - Michael Haydn, "Tenebrae Factae Sunt", 1947-1965

- Haydn, Joseph; "Salve Regina;" "Stabat Mater;" "Te Deum Laudamus;" "Te Deum;" "Vierstimmige Gersänge." Haydn, Michael; "Blessed be He;" "Help us, O Lord, deliver us;" "I cried to God in tribulation;" "Magnificat;" "Now Mine Eyes are Grown Dim;" "So Dim With Tears;" "Tenebrae Factae Sunt" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 3: Lupus Hellinck, "Janne moye, al claer!" - Lara Hoggard, "The Twelve Days of Christmas", 1941-1971

- Hellinck, Lupus; "Janne moye, al claer!" Hennagin, Michael; "Alike and Ever Alike;" "The Creation;" "La Cucaracha." Hesdin; "Grief, Double Grief." Hindemith, Paul; "Apparebit repentina dies" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Five Songs On Old Texts: The Devil a monk would be!" "Five Songs On Old Texts: Lady's Lament;" "Five Songs On Old Texts: Troopers' Drinking Song;" "Five Songs On Old Texts: True Love;" "Fünfstimmige Madrigale;" "Messe;" "The harp that once thro' Tara's halls." Hirt, Charles C.; "Farewell, My Love." Hoggard, Lara; "The Twelve Days of Christmas."
- Folder 4: Arthur Honegger, "King David" - Lewis Henry Horton, "Christmas Oratorio", 1924-1958

- Honegger, Arthur; "King David;" "König David." Horton, Lewis Henry; "One Morning in May."
- Folder 5: Pelham Humphrey, "By The Waters of Babylon" - Ralph Hunter, "Il Etait Un' Bergere", 1907-1974

- Humphrey, Pelham; "By The Waters of Babylon;" "Hear, O Heavens;" "O Lord my God." Hutcheson, Jere; "Lament For a Lost Child." Hunter, Ralph; "Il Etait Un' Bergere."
- Folder 6: Andrew Imbrie, "On the Beach at Night" - John Ireland, "These Things Shall Be", 1937-1959

- Imbrie, Andrew; "On The Beach at Night." Ireland, John; "These Things Shall Be."
- Folder 7: Gordon Jacob, "Highways" - George Jeffreys, "A Music Strange", 1953-1984

- Jacob, Gordon; "Highways;" "Laudate Dominum;" "The New-Born King;" "O My Dear Heart." Jacobson, Betty; "I Will Bow and Be Simple" (2 copies with unique marginalia). Jacobson, Maurice; "The Hound of Heaven." Jannequin, Clement; "Petite Nymphe Folastre." Jeep, Johann; "O Music, Thou Most Lovely Art." Jeffreys, Goerge; "A Music Strange."
- Folder 8: Claude Le Jeune, "Reflections on the Vanity and Inconstancy of the World" - John Joubert, "The Magus", 1958-1983

- Le Jeune, Claude; "Reflections on the Vanity and Inconstancy of the World Mode I: Time, God and The World;" "Reflections on the Vanity and Inconstancy of the World Mode II: All Things are Inconstant Save God;" "Reflections on the Vanity and Inconstancy of the World Mode III: All Pleasure Is but for a Moment;" "Reflections on the Vanity and Inconstancy of the World Mode IV: Earthly Love is Passing;" "Reflections on the Vanity and Inconstancy of the World Mode V: All Things Vanish Like Smoke;" "The Return of Springtime;" "Two Sacred Settings;" "When I Gaze on Thy Lips of Roses." Jones, Robert; "Farewell, Dear Love, Since Thou Wilt Needs Be Gone." Joubert, John; "The Magus."
- Folder 9: B. Kalinnikoff, "Agnus Dei" - Theron Kirk, "Night of Wonder", 1917-1976

- Kalinnikoff, B.; "Agnus Dei;" "Let All Creatures of God His Praises Sing;" "O Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove." Kalinnikoff, Paul; "Sing Praises To Our God." Kastal'sk II, Aleksander; "There Is No Other Comforter." Kay, Ulysses; "Give Ear to My Words, O Lord." Kimball, Jr., Jacob; "Music of Jacob Kimball, Jr. I. Think Mighty God, on Feeble Man." Kirk, Theron; "King David's Deliverance" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Night of Wonder."
- Folder 10: Zoltán Kodály, "Laudes Organi" - Zoltán Kodály, "Te Deum", 1937-1966

- Kodály, Zoltán; "Laudes Organi;" "Missa Brevis;" "Te Deum" (4 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 11: Johann Philipp Kreiger, "For Us A Child is Born" - Gail Kubik, "O, dear! What can the matter be?", 1949-1966

- Krieger, Johann Philipp; "For Us A Child is Born." Kubik, Gail; "Creep Along Moses;" "First Choral Suite from A Mirror For The Sky;" "Polly-Wolly-Doodle;" "Oh Dear! What can the matter be?" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 12: Dr. R Lagas (Arr.) and Herbert Anteliffe: "Wij Comen Hier Gheloopen" - Orlando Di Lasso, "Bicinien", 1950-1975

- Lagas, Dr. R (Arr.) and Herbert Anteliffe: "Wij Comen Hier Gheloopen." de Lalande, M. R.; "Te Deum Laudamus;" "Dixit Dominus." La Montaine, John; "The Nine Lessons of Christmas." Di Lasso, Orlando; "Adoramus;" "Bicinien."
- Folder 13: Orlando Di Lasso, "Busstränen Des Heiligen Petrus" - Henry Lawes, "The Power of Musick", 1931-1964

- Di Lasso, Orlando; "Busstränen Des Heiligen Petrus (2 copies with unique marginalia);" "Come La Notte Ogni Faimmella è Viva;" "Deus Auribus Nostris;" "Echo-Song;" "Frühlingsmadrigal;" "How Long; O Lord;" "Jubilate Deo;" "Lamentatio Prima Tertii Dei;" "Madrigale Und Chansons;" "Madrigale Und Villanellen;" "Our Father, Though in Heaven Above;" "Prophetiae Sibyllarum;" "Salve Regina;" "Surrexit Paster Bonus;" "Three Psalms Ps. 25, 5, 43 (2 copies with unique marginalia);" "Trionfo Del Tempo;" "Valle Profonda." Lawes, Henry; "The Power of Musick."
- Folder 14: Leonardo Leo, "Miserere" - Alexis von Lvov, "Hospodi Pomilui", 1939-1983

- Leo, Leonardo; "Miserere (2 copies with unique margalia)." Leighton, Kenneth; "Columba Mea." Lekberg, Sven; "Weep, O Willow." Lemlin, Lorenz; "The Cuckoo." Lenel, Ludwig; "Magnificat." Lidholm, Ingvar; "Motto." Liszt, Franz; "Benedictus." Lockwood, Normand; "The Closing Doxology;" "Elegy For A Hero;" "Motet." Luebeck, Vincent; "Welcome, Thou King of Glory." Lvov, Alexis von; "Hospodi Pomilui."
- Folder 15: Guillaume de Machaut, "Messe Notre-Dame" - Felix Mendelssohn, "The Conversion of Saint Paul", 1940-1970

- Machaut, Guillaume de; "Messe Notre-Dame." MacMahon, Desmund; "Sundowners' Song Book." Macque, Giovanni di; "The Fair Diana Never More Revived." Martin, Warren; "The Pharisee and the Publican." Martini, Padre; "Come, Sing This Round With Me." McAfee, Don; "Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace." McKay, David; "Come Dance and Sing." Mendelssohn, F.; "Christus;" "The Conversion of Saint Paul."
- Folder 16: Felix Mendelssohn, "Elijah", ca. 1949

- Mendelssohn, Felix; "Elijah" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 17: Felix Mendelssohn, "Hymn of Praise" - Gian Carlo Menotti, "The Death of the Bishop of Brindisi", 1950-1986

- Mendelssohn, Felix; "Hymn of Praise." Mennin, Peter; "The Christmas Story." Menotti, Gian Carlo; "The Death of the Bishop of Brindisi."
- Folder 18: Jan Meyerowitz, "The Glory Around His Head" - Claudio Monteverdi, "Hodie Christus Natus Est", 1939-1968

- Meyerowitz, Jan; "The Glory Around His Head;" "Music for Christmas." Michael, Tobias; "Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates." Milford, Robin; "Days and Moments. De Monte, Philippe; "Se L'Anime Più Belle." Monteverdi, Claudio; "Angelus Ad Pastores Ait" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Baci soavi e cari;" Ch' Ami La Vita Mia;" "A Che Tormi Il Ben Mio;" "Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda;" "Cor Mio Mentre Vi Miro" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Cruel Amaryllis" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Ecco mormorar l'onde;" "Er yet the dawn had come" (3 copies with unique marginalia); "Hodie Christus Natus Est".
- Box 3

- Folder 1: Claudio Monteverdi, "Hor che'l ciel e la terra" - Claudio Monteverdi, "Messa", 1952-1970

- Monteverdi, Claudio; "Hor che'l ciel e la eerra;" "Kisses, dear tender kisses" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Laetatus Sum;" "Lagrime d' Amante al Sepolcro dell' Amata;" "Laudate Dominum;" "Madrigale;" "Messa;" "Missa I."
- Folder 2: Claudio Monteverdi, "O Ciechi Ciechi" - Thomas Morley, "Out of the Deep", 1951-1976

- Monteverdi, Claudio; "O Ciechi Ciechi;" "O com' è gran martire" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "O Mirtillo" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Raving aloud at heaven;" "Su, Su, Su, Che'l Giorno E Fore;" "Then the first one spoke;" "Vespers;" "Voi Ch'ascoltate." Montgomery, Bruce; "He's Gone Away." Morales, Cristobal de; "Salva Nos, Stella Maris." Morata, Ginés de; "Ninpha Gentil." Morley, Thomas; "Agnus Dei;" "Out of the Deep."
- Folder 3: Richard Morse, "Mid-West Scenes" - W. A. Mozart, "Grand Mass", 1952-1967

- Morse, Richard; "Mid-West Scenes." Moulinié, E.; "Missa Pro Defunctis." Mouton, Jean; "Qui Ne Regrettroit Le Gentil Févin." Mozart, W. A.; "Grand Mass;" "Mass in F."
- Folder 4: W. A. Mozart, "Idomeneo" - W. A. Mozart, "Quaerite Primum Regnum Dei", 1949-1975

- Mozart, W.A.; "Idomeneo;" "Kyrie in D Minor;" "Lacrymosa (from the Requiem);" "Laudate Pueri (from Vesperae solennes de confessore, K. 339)" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Missa;" "O God When Thou Appearest;" "Quaerite primum regnum Dei."
- Folder 5: W. A. Mozart, "Requiem" - William Mundy, "O Lord, the World's Savior", 1930-1973

- Mozart, W. A.; "Requiem;" "Requiem Mass;" "Sanctus and Hosanna from the Requiem Mass." Mundy, John; "In Deep Distress." Mundy, William; "O Lord, the World's Savior."
- Folder 6: John Jacob Niles, arr., "I wonder as I wander"- August V. Othegraven, "Zwei Volksleidsätze", 1930-1948

- Niles, John Jacob, and Horton, Henry Louis, arr.; "I wonder as I wander." Offenbach, Jacques; "La Belle Helene." Othegraven, August V.; "Zwei Volksliedsätze."
- Folder 7: Johann Pachelbel, "Magnificat"- Le Peletier, "If My Sad State", 1940-1977

- Pachelbel, Johann; "Magnificat;" "Nun danket alle Gott." Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da; "Assumpta Est Maria;" "Messe 'Brevis;'" "Stabat Mater" (with unique marginalia). Parker, Alice and Robert Shaw; "I Know My Love." Parker Alice; "Melodious Accord." Parry, C. H. H.; "Blest Pair of Sirens." Passereau; "He Is Good And Handsome" (2 copies with unique marginalia). Le Peletier; "If My Sad State."
- Folder 8: Richard M. Peek, "Saint Stephen"- Peter Philipps, "The Nightingale", 1901-1973

- Peek, Richard M.; "Saint Stephen." Peloquin, C. Alexander; "Four Freedom Songs" (with unique marginalia); "Missa à la samba." Pepping, Ernest; "Kleine Messe Für Drei Stimmen." Pergolesi, Giovannia Battista; "Agnus Dei;" "Stabat Mater" (2 copies with unique marginalia). Persichetti, Vincent; "Mass" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Seek the Highest." Peuerl, Paul; "Happy and Gay." Pevernage, Andreas; "I Would, O Lord." Pfleger, Augustin; "Passion Music on the Seven Words of Jesus Chirst on the Cross." Philipps, Peter; "The Nightingale".
- Folder 9: Peter Philips, "O false deceit" - Daniel Pinkham, "Christmas Cantata", 1906-1961

- Philips, Peter; "O false deceit;" "Surgens Jesus" (with unique marginalia). Phinot, Dominique; "Lamentationes Jeremiae: Recordare Domine." Pierné, Gabriel; "The Children at Bethlehem;" "The Children's Crusade." Pilkington, Francis; "The First Book of Songs or Airs;" "O Softly Singing Lute." Pinkham, Daniel; "Christmas Cantata."
- Folder 10: Daniel Pinkham, "Company of the Creche" - Daniel Pinkham, "Wedding Cantata", 1959-1979

- Pinkham, Daniel; "Company at the Creche;" "Daniel in the Lions' Den;" "Easter Cantata;" "An Emily Dickinson Mosaic;" "Five Canzonets;" "Four Elegies;" "In the Beginning of Creation;" "Jubilate Deo;" "The Lament of David;" "Lamentations of Jeremiah;" "Love Can Be Still;" "Saint Mark Passion;" "Wedding Cantata."
- Folder 11: Daniel Pinkham, "Stabat Mater" - Leonel Power, "Ave Regina Caelorum", 1936-1965

- Pinkham, Daniel; "Stabat Mater;" "Requiem." Pitfield, Thomas B.; "A Sketchbook of Animals;" "A Sketchbook of Women." Poston, Elizabeth; "The Nativity." Poulenc, Francis; "Mass in G Major;" "Messe En Sol Majeur;" "Motets" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Sept Chansons" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Un Soir De Neige;" "Timor et tremor;" "Videntes Stellam;" "Tristis Est Anima Mea;" "Motets for the Season of Christimas;" "Vinea Mea Electa." Power, Leonel; "Ave Regina Caelorum."
- Folder 12: Serge Prokofieff, "Alexander Nevsky" - Richard Purvis, "The Ballad of Judas Iscariot", 1932-1974

- Prokofieff, Serge; "Alexander Nevsky." Purcell, Henry; "Come Ye Sons of Art" (with unique marginalia); "Fünf Geistliche Chöre;" "Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes;" "Jubilate Deo" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "My Heart is Inditing." Purvis, Richard; "The Ballad of Judas Iscariot."
- Folder 13: S. Rachmaninoff, "The Bells" - Godfrey Ridout, "Four Sonnets", 1929-1965

- Rachmaninoff, S.; "The Bells." Rameau, Jean-Philippe; "The Singing Masters." Ramírez, Ariel; "Misa Criolla." Ramsey, Robert; "Long Ago My Heart I Gave." Ravenscroft, Thomas; "In The Merry Spring;" "It was the Frog in the Well;" "Willy, Prithee Go to Bed." Riadis, Émile; "Liturgie De Saint Jean Chrysostome." Ridout, Godfrey; "Four Sonnets."
- Folder 14: Earl Robinson, "The Lonesome Train" - Pierre De La Rue, "Pourquoy Non", 1929-1970

- Robinson, Earl; "The Lonesome Train." Rogers, Bernard; "The Raising of Lazarus;" Rohlig, Harald; "Christ is Arisen;" "Magnificat;" "O Holy Jesus." Rossi, Salomone; "Tell Me I Burn No Longer." Roussel, Albert; "Psalm 80". Rue, Pierre de la; "Pourquoy Non."
- Folder 15: Camille Saint-Saëns, "Christmas Oratorio" - Heinrich Schütz, "Four Psalms", 1891-1956

- Saint-Saëns, Camille; "Christmas Oratorio." Scarlatti, Alessandro; "Te Deum Laudamus." Schein, Johann Hermann; "Three Sacred Concerts for the Christmas Season." Schinder, Kurt; "The Dying Harper." Schubert, Franz; "Mass in G." Schumann, Robert; "Spanisches Liederspiel." Schuetky, Franz Joseph; "O Come, Holy Spirit." Schütz, Heinrich; "Five Sacred Songs;" "Four Psalms" (3 copies with unique marginalia).
- Box 4

- Folder 1: Heinrich Schütz, "Give to Jehovah" - Heinrich Schütz, "Psalm 136", 1927-1967

- Schütz, Heinrich; "Give to Jehovah;" "Matthäus-Passion;" "O All Ye Nations;" "The Passion According To Saint John;" "Psalm 100 Echo;" "Psalm 136."
- Folder 2: Heinrich Schütz, "Six Biblical Histories", 1934

- Schütz, Heinrich; "Six Biblical Histories."
- Folder 3: Heinrich Schütz, "Ten Psalms From the Becker Psalter" - Reginald Spofforth, "Hail Smiling Morn", 1914-1974

- Schütz, Heinrich; "Ten Psalms From the Becker Psalter" (2 copies with unique marginalia). Schvedoff, Constantin; "Come, Let Us Sing To the Lord." Schwarz-Schilling, Reinhard; "Der Herr, Der Ewige Gott." Seay, Albert; "The Gold And Blue;" "Has He Left Me?" "The Hurt I Have." Senfl, Ludwig; "Arise, Young And Old;" "Now Have You Heard the Tale?" "Quis Dabit Oculis;" "Song of the Shepherd." de Sermisy, Claudin; "Elle a Aien Ce Ris Gracieux;" "Je Suis Tant Bien." Sheppard, J. Stanley; "Come All You Fair And Tender Ladies." Shield, William; "O Happy Fair." Siegmeister, Elie; "Shenandoah." Smith, Gregg; "Shenandoah." Somervell, Arthur; "Christmas;" "The Passion Of Christ." Spofforth, Reginald; "Hail Smiling Morn."
- Folder 4: John Stainer, "The Crucifixion" - Halsey Stevens, "Hungarian Folksongs", 1896-1970

- Stainer, John; "The Crucifixion" (2 copies with unique marginalia). Stanford, Charles Villiers; "Phaudrig Crohoore." Starer, Robert; "Ariel: Visions of Isaiah;" "Kohelet." Stevens, Halsey; "Hungarian Folksongs."
- Folder 5: Halsey Stevens, "A Testament Of Life" - Igor Stravinsky, "Mass", 1948-1965

- Stevens, Halsey; "A Testament Of Life." Stravinsky, Igor, "Abraham And Isaac;" "Ave Maria" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Cantata" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Choral-Variationen;" "Mass" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 6: Igor Stravinsky, "Perséphone" - Igor Stravinsky, "A Sermon, a Narrative and a Prayer", 1934-1961

- Stravinsky, Igor; "Perséphone;" "A Sermon, a Narrative and a Prayer."
- Folder 7: Igor Stravinsky, "Symphonie de Psaumes" - A.V. Sveshnikov, "In the Forest", 1930-1966

- Stravinsky, Igor; "Symphonie de Psaumes" (3 copies with unique marginalia). Smith, Gregg; "Glädjens Blomster." Surinach, Carlos; "Cantata of St.John." Sveshnikov, A. V.; "Bird Of Youth;" "In the Forest."
- Folder 8: S. Taneiev, "Sunrise in the Orient" - Salli Terri (arr.), "Ten Commandments", 1933-1974

- Taneiev, S.; "Sunrise In the Orient." Telemann, Georg Philipp; "O Praise the Lord, All Ye Nations Laudate Jehovam, Omnes Gentes Psalm 117;" Das Chorwerk Vol. 104: Vier Motetten (1 "Halt was du hast," 2 "Der Gott unsers Herrn Jesu Christi," 3 "Es segne uns Gott," 4 "Amen, Lob und Ehre"). Terry, Sir Richard R.; "Bearnaise And Burgundian Noëls From 200 Folk Carols;" "Dutch And Flemish Carols From 200 Folk Carols;" "German, Alsatian And Polish Carols From 200 Folk Carols." Terri, Salli (arr.); "Around the Year in Rounds;" "Roger Wagner Choral Series" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Salli Terri Choral Series."
- Folder 9: Eric H. Thiman, "The Temptations Of Christ" - Randall Thompson, "Mass Of the Holy Spirit", 1936-1971

- Thiman, Eric H.; "The Temptations Of Christ." Thompson, Randall; "Music For Women's Chorus;" "Frostiana;" "Choral Music;" "Mass Of the Holy Spirit" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 10: Randall Thompson, "Ode To the Virginian Voyage For Chorus And Orchestra" - Randall Thompson, "The Peaceable Kingdom", 1936-1957

- Thompson, Randall; "Ode To the Virginian Voyage For Chorus And Orchestra;" "The Peaceable Kingdom" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 11: Randall Thompson, "A Psalm Of Thanksgiving" - Tschesnokoff, "If Ye Love the Lord", 1943-1970

- Thompson, Randall; "A Psalm Of Thanksgiving;" "Requiem;" "A Setting of Four Passages from the Writings of Thomas Jefferson." Tippet, Michael; "A Child of our Time." Tomkins, Thomas; "Above the Stars;" "O Lord, I Have Loved;" "Then David Mourned." Tschnesnokoff, "Cherubim Song in B Minor;" "For God So Loved the World;" "If Ye Love the Lord."
- Folder 12: May Van Dyke, "Song For Christmas" - Orazio Vecchi, "Let All Our Lives Be Joyous", 1914-1966

- Van Dyke, May; "Song For Christmas." Van Hulsa, Camil; "The Beatitudes;" "Christmas Oratorio." Vaughan Williams, R.; "Dona Nobis Pacem;" "Magnificat;" "O, Clap Your Hands;" "O Praise the Lord Of Heaven;" "Serenade To Music." Vautor, Thomas; "Mother, I Will Have a Husband" (two arrangements by Lehman Engel and Norman Greyson, respectively). Vecchi, Orazio; "Let All Our Lives Be Joyous" (two arrangements by Robert Campbell and Norman Greyson, respectively).
- Folder 13: G. Verdi, "Requiem For Four Solo Voices And Chorus", 1893

- Verdi, G.; "Requiem For Four Solo Voices And Chorus" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 14: G. Verdi, "Te Deum" - Marion Vree, "Shenandoah", 1898-1961

- Verdi, G.; "Te Deum." Vinders, Hieronymus; "O Mors Inevitabilis." Vivaldi, Antonio; "Gloria;" "Gloria per soli, coro ed orchestra." Vree, Marion; "Shenandoah."
- Folder 15: W. A. F., "Good Morrow, Gossip Joan" - Walton, William; "Belshazzar`s Feast for Mixed Choir, Baritone Solo and Orchestra", 1931-1965

- W. A. F.; "Good Morrow, Gossip Joan." Waelrant, Hubert; "Hard By a Fountain." Wagner, Richard; "Act Ⅲ Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg;" "Ayer Te He Visto;" "Eucharist Music From Parsifal." Walton, William; "Belshazzar`s Feast for Mixed Choir, Baritone Solo and Orchestra."
- Folder 16: S. S. Wesley, "For This Mortal Must Put On Immorality" - Hugo Wolf, "Christmas Night (Christnacht)", 1946-1976

- Wesley, S. S.; "For This Mortal Must Put on Immortality;" "The Praise Of Music." Whitner, Mary Elizabeth; "Weep You No More, Sad Fountains." Whyte, Robert; "Christe, Qui Lux Es Et Dies;" "O Praise God In His Holiness." Whythorne, Thomas; "Three Songs For Three-Part Mixed Chorus." Widmann, Erasmus; "O Music, Loveliest Art." Wilbye, John; "Homo Natus De Muliere." Williamson, Malcolm; "Cantate Domino (Psalm 98)." Winstead, Kenneth; "The Humble Heart." Wolf, Hugo; "Christmas Night (Christnacht)."
- Box 10

- Folder 1: Leslie Adams, "Psalm 121", 1971

- Adams, Lesie; "Psalm 121."
- Folder 2: J. S. Bach, "Mass in B minor" - J. S. Bach, "St. John's Passion", 1955-1981

- Bach, J. S.; "Mass in B minor;" "St. John's Passion."
- Folder 3: J. S. Bach, "Magnificat" - J. S. Bach, "Motteten", 1955-1965

- Bach, J. S.; "Magnificat;" "Motteten."
- Folder 4: Leonard Bernstein, "West Side Story" - Günter Bialas, "Im Anfang", 1957-1961

- Bernstein, Leonard; "West Side Story." Bialas, Günter; "Im Anfang."
- Box 11

- Folder 1: Lili Boulanger, "Psaume XXIV" - Lili Boulanger, "Vieille Preière", 1921-1924

- Boulanger, Lili; "Psaume XXIV;" "Psaume "Du Fond De L'abime" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Psaume CXXIX;" "Vieille Priére Bouddhique."
- Folder 2: Anton Bruckner, "Messe in E Moll" - Dietrich Buxthehude, "Werke Band VIII", 1917-1958

- Bruckner, Anton; "Messe in E Moll." Buxthehude, Dietrich; "Werke Band VIII."
- Folder 3: Antonio Caldara, "II. Kanons" - Luigi Cherubini, "Requiem Mass in C Minor", 1951-1974

- Coldara, Antonio; "II. Kanons." Casals, Pau; "Obres Religioses." Cherubini, Luigi; "Requiem Mass in C Minor."
- Box 12

- Folder 1: Claude Debussy, "Invocation" - Maurice Duruflé, "Requiem", 1928-1951

- Debussy, Claude; "Invocation" (2 copies with unique marginalia). Josquin Des Prez; "Missa ad fugam." Duruflé, Maurice; "Requiem."
- Folder 2: G. F. Handel, "The Messiah", 1912

- Handel, G. F.; "The Messiah" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 3: Tibor Harsanyi, "Cantate de Noël" - Arthur Honegger, "J'eanne d'Arr au Bucher", 1919-1947

- Harsanyi, Tibor; "Cantate de Noël." Holst, Gustav; "The Hymn of Jesus." Honegger, Arthur; "J'eanne d'Arr au Bucher" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Box 13

- Folder 1: Arthur Honegger, "King David", 1925

- Folder 2: Arthur Honegger, "King David", 1925-1952

- Honegger, Arthur; "King David" (2 copies with unique marginalia; of particular interest is the 1952 version containing a copy of program notes, as well as in the 1925 version containing several sheets of notes regarding the piece).
- Folder 3: Charles Ives, "Psalm 90", ca. 1924

- Folder 4: Leoš Janáček, "Mša Glagolskaja Festliche Messe" - Alfred Jansen, "Nocturne", 1928-1969

- Janáček, Leoš; "Mša Glagolskaja Festliche Messe." Jansen, Alfred; "Nocturne."
- Box 14

- Folder 1: Zoltán Kodály, "Kálló Folk Dances", 1954

- Kodály, Zoltán; "Kálló Folk Dances" (5 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 2: Zoltán Kodály, "Laudes Organi" - Zoltán Kodály, "Psalmus Hungaricus", 1939-1967

- Kodály, Zoltán; "Laudes Organi;" "Psalmus Hungaricus."
- Folder 3: Burton Lane and E. Y. Harburg, "Finian's Rainbow" - Richard Lamb and Don McAfee, "Joseph", 1947-1966

- Lane, Burton and E. Y. Harburg; "Finian's Rainbow." Lamb, Richard and Don McAfee; "Joseph."
- Folder 4: Orl. di Lasso, "Geesteluke en Profane Liederen" - Isabella Leonarda, "Selected Compositions", ca. 1988

- Lasso, Orl. di; "Geesteluke en Profane Liederen," Nos. 23, 24, 25, 27, and 28; "Le Rossignol," No. 22; "Mein Einiger Trost," No. 26; "Geesteluke en Profane Liederen," No. 24. Leonarda, Isabella; "Selected Compositions".
- Box 15

- Folder 1: G. Francesco Malipiero, "La Cena The Last Supper" - Gian-Carlo Menotti, "The Consul", 1927-1950

- Malipiero, C. Francesco; "La Cena The Last Supper." Menotti, Gian-Carlo; "The Consul."
- Folder 2: Jan Meyerowitz, "The Glory Around His Head" - Douglas Moore, "The Devil and Daniel Webster", 1887-1953

- Meyerowitz, Jan; "The Glory Around His Head;" "New Plymouth Cantata." Monteverdi, Claudio; "Magnificat." Moore, Douglas; "The Devil and Daniel Webster."
- Folder 3: Ron Nelson, "What is Man?" - Carl Orff, "Carmina Burana", 1964-1965

- Nelson, Ron; "What is Man?" Orff, Carl; "Carmina Burana" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Box 16

- Folder 1: Paul Patterson, "Requiem" - Francis Poulenc, "Sécheresses", 1939-1975

- Patterson, Paul; "Requiem." Persichetti, Vincent; "Celebrations for Chorus and Wind Ensemble;" "Winter Cantata." Peters, Flor; "Entrata Festiva Processional and Recessional." Poulenc, Francis; "Sécheresses."
- Folder 2: Bernard Rogers, "The Passion" - Ned Rorem, "Little Prayers", 1944-1976

- Rogers, Bernard; "The Passion." Rorem, Ned; "Little Prayers."
- Folder 3: Ceslovas Sasnauskas, "Requieum ir Kita" - Igor Stravinsky, "Persephone", 1947-1950

- Sasnauskas, Ceslovas; "Reqiuem ir Kita." Saunders, Max and Hal Evans; "West Indian Spirituals & Folk Tunes." Saylor, Bruce; "Meyerke, Mein Zun." Stravinsky, Igor; "Mass;" "Persephone" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Box 17

- Folder 1: Igor Stravinsky, "Persephone" (1 of 2), 1947

- Stravinsky, Igor; "Persephone" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 2: Igor Stravinsky, "Persephone" (2 of 2), 1947

- Stravinsky, Igor; "Persephone" (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 3: Igor Stravinsky, "Persephone" - Igor Stravinsky, "Threni", 1947-1958

- Stravinsky, Igor; "Persephone" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Symphony of Psalms;" "Threni".
- Folder 4: Randall Thompson, "Requiem", 1960

- Box 18

- Folder 1: R. Vaughan Williams "Fantasia on the 'Old 104th' Psalm Tune" - J. G. Vogler "Missa Pastoritia", 1898-1956

- Vaughan Williams, R.; "Fantasia on the 'Old 104th' Psalm Tune;' "Flos Campi;" "The Shepherds of the Delectable Mountains." Verdi, G.; "Te Deum." Vogler, J. G.; "Missa Pastoritia."
- Folder 2: Hugo Weisgall, "Psalm 29", 1971

- Folder 3: Heinz Werner Zimermann, "Psalmkonzert", 1965

- Zimermann, Heinz Werner; "Psalmkonzert" (includes signed order form dated 1968).
- Box 20

- Folder 1: Edward Easton, "I Surrender My Soul to an Ocean of Light", 1983

- Easton, Edward; "I Surrender My Soul to an Ocean of Light" (includes written correspondence between Elaine Brown and Edward Easton, as well as performance notes for the piece).
- Sub-Series 2: Jewish Choral Music, 1932-1973

- Contains Jewish choral music in Hebrew and in English from Elaine Brown's personal library, some with musical annotations by Brown including performance and conducting notes. This library of Jewish choral music is particularly significant as it pertains to Signing City's performances in Israel. The music is arranged alphabetically by the composer's last name. Dates listed refer to the date of publication of the editions present in the folders, not by original composition date of the work itself.
- Box 4

- Folder 17: Hugo Ch. Adler, "The Lights We Have Kindled" - Paul Ben-Haim, "Three Psalms", 1932-1973

- Adler, Hugo Ch.; "The Lights We Have Kindled;" "Prayer." Adler, Samuel; "Hinay Yom Hadin: Four Prayers from the High Holiday Liturgy" 1) "Hayom Harat Olam," 2) "Ayl Melech Yoshayv;" "Set Me As a Seal;" "Shalom;" "A Song Of Hanukkah." Alman, S., arr.; "Potatoes." Altman, Shalom, comp.; "American Jewish Tercentenary Song Book" (includes letter from the compiler). Avshalomov, Jacob; "Prophecy." Ben-Haim, Paul; "I will Lift Up Mine Eyes" (3 copies with unique marginalia); "Ma Tovu" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Selected Songs;" "Sing, O Barren;" "Three Psalms."
- Folder 18: Herman Berlinsky, "Lecho Dodi" - A. W. Binder, "Sabbath for Israel", 1935-1957

- Berlinski, Herman; "Lecho Dodi;" "May the Words." Binder, A.W.; "The Legend Of the Ari;" "Mi Y’mallel" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Morning Service For the New Year;" "Sabbath for Israel."
- Box 5

- Folder 1: Ernest Bloch, "Avodath Hakodesh" - S. G. Braslavsky, "Hebrew Chants", 1934-1962

- Bloch, Ernest; "Avodath Hakodesh" (2 copies with unique marginalia); "Silent Devotion and Response." Braslavsky, S. G.; "Hebrew Chants."
- Folder 2: Solomon G. Braslavsky, "Un'saneh Tokef" - Isadore Freed, "Sacred Service for Sabbath Morning", 1940-1973

- Braslavsky, Solomon G.; "Un'saneh Tokef." Braz, Michael; "Three Hebrew Psalms." Chajes, Julius; "Song of the Jewish Partisans;" "Song of the Pioneers." Cousins, M. Thomas; "Sinai." Diamond, David; "Prayer for Peace." Ellstein, Abraham; "Away, O Far Away." Foss, Lukas; "Adon Olom." Frank, René; "The Spite of Michal." Freed, Isadore; "Three Psalms;" "A Festive Psalm;" "Sacred Service for Sabbath Morning."
- Folder 3: Herbert Fromm, "Adath Israel" - Max Helfman, "The Holy Sabbath", 1932-1971

- Fromm, Herbert; "Adath Israel;" "Six Madrigals." Gaul, Harvey; "How Good and Beautiful It Is;" "Song of the Halutzim." Goldman, Maurice; "Hava Nageela;" "Lameedbar;" "Matai Yavo;" "Song of the Palamach;" "Strange Happenings: The Holiday Calamaties of Avremele Melamed." Gorochov, J.; "Israel Harvest Song." Gottlieb, Jack; "Mah Tovu;" "Silent Meditation (Amidah)." Guttman, Oskar; "Song of David" (2 copies with unique marginalia). Harris, Albert; "The Song of Koheleth." Helfman, Max; "The Holy Sabbath."
- Folder 4: Ralph Hunter, "Horah: 'Chanitah'" - Salomone Rossi, "Sacred Service", 1947-1970

- Hunter, Ralph, arr.; "Horah: 'Chanitah;'" "Niggun;" "Y'minah Y'minah." Janowski, Max; "Avodath Hakodesh Shel Kehilath Anshe Maariv." Kouguell, Arkadie; "For Sabbath Eve." LaFontaine, R. J.; "Hannukah Song." Lewandowski, Manfred; "Shalom-Shalom." Luboff, Norman; "Kum Bachur Atzel." Miron, Issachar; "Havar Nagila." Myerov, Joseph; "Simchat Shabbat." Oliver, Richard; "Dance the Hora." Rochberg, George; "Psalm 23;" "Psalm 43;" "Psalm 150." Rossi, Salomone; "Sacred Service."
- Folder 5: Emanuel Rubin, "Oyf'n Prip'chok" - Yehudi Wyner, "Friday Evening Service", 1940-1965

- Rubin, Emanuel; "Oyf'n Prip'chok." Samlaich, E. E.; "Chassidic Melody." Secunda, Sholom; "Ein Keloheinu." Suchoff, Benjamin; "Rock of Ages." Weinberg, Jacob; "Haganag;" "Salute to Israel." Weiner, Lazar; "Veshomru;" "Tov Lehodos;" "Borchu and Shma Isroel;" "Mi Chomocho." Weisgal, Adolph J.; "V'Shomru." Weisgall, Hugo; "Fortress, Rock of our Salvation;" "So Spake Rabbi Akiba;" "Who Is Like Unto Thee." Wyner, Yehudi; "Friday Evening Service."
- Box 18

- Folder 4: E. Bloch, "Avodath Hakodesh" and D. Milhaud, "Service Sacre", 1950-1972

- Bloch, E.; "Avodath Hakodesh." Milhaud, D.; "Service Sacre."
- Folder 5: Salomon Rossi, "Chants, Psalms et Hymnes", 1954

- Series 2: Temple University Music Library and Singing City Music Library, 1880-1979

- Consists of sheet music from the Temple University and Singing City Music Libraries. The labels constituted a change in the original order of her personal library materials, likely they originated from her personal work but were given a unique alpha-numeric system documenting her work at Temple University. Arranged according to original alpha-numeric system.
- Box 5

- Folder 6: 2-9, 1900-1964

- Adler, Samuel; 002, Glory to God. Ahle, Johann Rudolf; 003, Be Not Afraid. Arne, Thomas Augustine; 004, Libera Me. Avshalomov, Jacob; 006, How Long, Oh Lord. Anthiel, George; 007, Cabeza de Vaca. Beethoven, Ludwig van; 009 (1,2,3 and 4 of 4), Choral Fantasia.
- Folder 7: 11-26, 1931-1964

- Berger, Jean; 011, Psalm 47, O Clap Your Hands; 012 (1 of 2), Vision of Peace. Bloch, Ernest; 013, Sacred Service, Avodath Kakodesh. Brahms, Johannes; 022 (1 of 4), Liebeslieder Walzer, op. 52; 023 (1, 2, 4, and 5 of 5), Schicksalied, Song of Destiny, Op. 54; 026 (1, 4, 6, and 7 of 7), Troste mich wieder mit deiner Hulfe.
- Folder 8: 28-38, 1920-1957

- Brahms, Johannes; 028 (1 and 2 of 2), Requiem; 034, How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place; 035, Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland, BWV 61; 037 (2 and 3 of 3), Gott ist mein Konig, BWV 71; 038, Gott, der Herr, ist Sonn' und Schild, BWV 79.
- Folder 9: 39-41, 1900-1959

- Bach, Johann Sebastian; 039 (1 and 2 of 2), Ein Feste Berg Ist Unser Gott, BWV 80; 040 (1 of 2), Du Hirte Israel, hore!; 041 (1 and 2 of 4), Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140.
- Folder 10: 42-49, 1900-1959

- Bach, Johann Sebastian; 042, Nun danket Alle Gott, BWV 192; 043, Auf, schmetternde Tone, BWV 207; 045 (3 of 5), Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf; 046, Magnificat in D; 048 (1 and 3 of 3), Gottes Zeit is die allerbeste Zeit, BWV 106; 049 (1 and 3 of 3), Gottes Zeit is die allerbeste Zeit, BWV 106.
- Folder 11: 51-52, 1929-1950

- Bach, Johann Sebastian; 051 (1 of 2), Magnificat in D; 052, St. Matthew Passion.
- Folder 12: 53, 1961

- Bach, Johann Sebastian; 053, St. Matthew's Passion.
- Folder 13: 54-55, 1960-1963

- Bach, J.S.; 054 (1 and 2 of 2), St. John Passion (2 copies with unique marginalia); 55, Chorales from The Passion According to St. John.
- Folder 14: 56, 1925-1965

- Bach, J.S.; 056 (1 and 2 of 2), St. John Passion (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 15: 57, 1984

- Bach, J.S.; 057, The Passion of Our Lord.
- Folder 16: 60-85, 1932-1962

- Bach, J.S.; 060, Kantate Nr.150; 062, To Us a Child is Given; 063, Uns Ist Ein Kind Geboren; 066, Es ist ein trong und verzagt Ding; 067, Komm, Leite Mich; 068, Höchter, was ich habe; 070, Himmelskonig, Sei Willkommen; 071, Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied; 072, Wedding Cantata "for the righteous"; 078, The Peasants' Canata; 081, Jesus, Dir Sei Preis; 085, Liebster Immanuel.
- Folder 17: 90-99, 1901-1963

- Bach, J.S.; 090, Warum Betrubst Du Dich, Mein Herz?; 093, Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein; 096, Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland; 097, Sleepers, Wake!; 099, Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme.
- Box 6

- Folder 1: 100-118, 1893-1972

- Bach, J.S.; 100, Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme; 101, Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen; 105, Gott is mein kõnig; 106, Die Himmel erzä hlen die Ehre Gottes; 110, Thou Guide of Israel; 112, Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht; 114, Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit; 117, Christ Lag In Todesbanden; 118, Unser Leben ist ein Schatten.
- Folder 2: 132-181, 1899-1961

- Bach, J.S.; 123 (1 of 2), Cum Sancto Spiritu; 132, O Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly; 149, Sanctus; 159, 160, O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (2 copies with unique marginalia); 161, O Thou in Whom We Live and Move; 163, Praise Him; Temple University Concert Program; 164, Praise Ye The Lord; 165, Praise We the Name of the Lord; 170, 171, Gloria in Excelsis Deo (2 copies with unique marginalia); 172, God of Mercy; 181, Mass in B Minor.
- Folder 3: 183-188, 1963

- Bach, J.S.; 183, Missa Brevis No. 2 in F Major; 185, Messe in A dur; 187 (1 and 2 of 2), 188, Magnificat (3 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 4: 189-191, 1899-1958

- Bach, J.S.; 189, Sing Ye To The Lord; 191, Jesu, meine Freude; 191 (3,4, 5, 6, and 7 of 8), Jesu Meine Freude (5 copies, unqiue marginalia).
- Folder 5: 192-196, 1926-1958

- Bach, J.S.; 192, 193 (1 and 2 of 2), Jesu mein Freude (3 copies with unique marginalia); 195 (1 and 2 of 2) 196 (1 and 2 of 3), Komm, Jesu, Komm.
- Folder 6: 201-218, 1926-1947

- Bach, J.S.; 201, Dazu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes; 202, Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid; 203, 204, 205, Christ lag in Todesbanden (3 copies with unique marginalia); 207, Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden; 216, Du Wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn; 218, Gottleib, nun geht das Jahr zu Ende.
- Folder 7: 230-243, 1933-1975

- Bach, J.S.; 230, Schlage doch, gewünschte Stunde. Beck, Theodore; 233, The Christmas Story. Berger, Jean; 234, The Fiery Furnace; 235, O Clap Your Hands; 236, Psalms of Penitence; 237, Vision of Peace. Baldwin, Ralph Lyman; 241, The Veteran of Heaven. Barrow, Robert; 242, Emmanuel. Bender, Jan; 243, Christmas Concertato.
- Folder 8: 244-248, 1880-1963

- Bender, Jan; 244, From Heaven High I Come to Earth; 245, Psalm 130; 246, Salvation Unto Us Has Come. Berlioz, Hector; 247, Requiem; 248, Childhood of Christ.
- Folder 9: 254-264, 1906-1979

- Bergsma, William; 249, Wishes, Wonders, Portents, Charms. Bright, Houston; 250, Three Quatrains from the Rubaiyat. Beethoven, Ludwig van; 254, The Choral Fantasia; 256, Missa Solemnis; 257, Choral Finale to the Ninth Symphony; 258, The Ninth Symphony. Byrd, William; 259, The Passion According to St. John; 262, Mass for Five Voices. Buxtehude, Dietrich; 264, What is the world to me.
- Folder 10: 270-287, 1947-1971

- Buxtehude, Dietrich; 270, Magnificat; 272, Jesu, meine Freude; 276, Every word and thought; 278, Herzlich Lieb Hab Ich Dich O Herr; 279, Command Thine Angel That He Came; 281, The Infant Jesus. Bush, Alan; 285, The Winter Journey. Busarow, Donald; 286, Te Deum laudamus. Bryan, Charles F.; 287, The Bell Witch.
- Folder 11: 290-297, 1940-1976

- Brubech, Dave; 290, La Fiesta de la Posada; 291, The Gates of Justice. Bruckner, A.; 293, Te Deum. Bernstein, Leonard; 294, Chichester Psalms. Billings, William; 297, Be Glad Then America.
- Folder 12: 301-338, 1887-1975

- Biggs, John; 301, 302, California Mission Music (2 copies with unique marginalia); 303, Epitaph. Bitgood, Roberta; 304, Job. Bloch, Ernest; 306, Avodath Hakodesh. Borodin, A.P.; 310, Prince Igor. Brahms, Johannes; 319, Four songs; 327, Love Songs; 328, O rend the Heavens; 334, Rhapsody; 338 (1 and 2 of 2) The Song of Fate (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 13: 339-350, 1928-1964

- Brahms, Johannes; 339, Song of Fate; 340, Weltliche A Cappella Gesänge; 341, Lass Dich Nur Nichts Nicht Dauren; 344, Four Love Songs; 346, Five Songs; 349, 350, Six Marienlieder (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 14: 359-366, 1942-1962

- Britten, Benjamin; 359 (1 and 4 of 5), A Ceremony of Carols (2 copies with unique marginalia); 362 (1, 2 and 5 of 5), Hymn to St.Cecilia (3 copies with unique marginalia); 366, War Requiem.
- Folder 15: 368-392, 1935-1963

- Britten, Benjamin; 368, Rejoice the Lamb; 372, Cantata Misericordium; 374, A Hymn to the Virgin; 377, Festival Te Deum; 381, There is no Rose; 383, Deo Gracias; 388, Old Abram Brown. Curry, W. Lawrence; 392, Thy Kingdom Come (signed by composer).
- Box 7

- Folder 1: 400-413, 1923-1963

- Charpentier, Marc-Antoine; 400, Messe de Minuit pour Noel (Concordia); 401, Messe de Minuit pour Noel. Cimarosa, Domenico; 404, Te Deum. Carissimi; 405 and 406, Jephthah. Clapp, Philip Greeley; 411, A Chant of Darkness. Clokey, Joseph W.; 412, Adoramus Te; 413, When The Christ Came.
- Folder 2: 415-422, 1947-1978

- Comes, Juan Bautista; 415, Lamentación; 416, Beatus Vir. Claflin, Avery; 418, Lament for April 15. Cork, Peter; 419, A Suite of Carols. Colgrass, Michael; 420, Image of Man. Copland, Aaron; 421, In the Beginning. Chihara, Paul; 422 (1 and 2 of 2), Missa Carminum Brevis (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 3: 427-432, 1945-1965

- Dering, Richard; 427, The Cries of London. De la Rue, Pierre; 428, Magnificat Quinti Toni. Dello Joio, Noman; 431 (1,2, and 3 of 3), The Mystic Trumpeter (3 copies with unique marginalia); 432, Song of Affirmation.
- Folder 4: 434-437, 1939-1968

- Dello Joio, Norman; 434, Proud Music of the Storm. Distler, Hugo; 435, Morite Chorliederbuch; 436, Der Jahrkreis; 437, The Christmas Story.
- Folder 5: 438-448, 1933-1953

- Distler, Hugo; 438, Wo Gott Zu Haus Nit Givit Sein Gunst; 439, Neues Chorliederbuch. Desby, Frank; 441, Iha Mian Agapi. Distler, Hugo; 443, Dance of Death. Dvoràk, Antonìn; 445, Songs of Nature; 447, Stabat Mater. Dett, R. Nathaniel; 448, The Ordering of Moses.
- Folder 6: 449-453, 1921-1962

- D'Astorga, Emanuele; 449, Stabat Mater. Dupré, Marcel; 450, De Profundis. Foss, Lukas; 453 (1,3 and 4 of 7), A Parable of Death (3 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 7: 453-459, 1935-1965

- Foss, Lukas; 453 (6 and 7 of 7), A Parable of Death (2 copies with unique marginalia). Dumler, Martin G.; 455, Stabat Mater. Finney, Ross Lee; 457, Spherical Madrigals. Finzi, Gerald; 458, For St. Cecelia. Fauré, Gabriel; 459, Requiem.
- Folder 8: 460-496, 1898-1971

- Coleridge-Taylor, S.; 460, Hiawatha's Wedding Feast. Gastoldi, Giovanni; 461, Six Balletti. Ginastera, Alberto; 463, The Lamentations of Jeremiah. Des Prés, Josquin; 465, To Solus Qui Facus Mirabilia; 468, Ave Verum Corpus Christi; 469, Stabat Mater; 470, Miserere mei deus; 471, Tu Solus; 474, Ave Maria, Gratia Plena; 477, O Domine Jesu; 478, 479, 480, 481, O Domine Jesu Christe (different parts); 482, O Maria; 483, Ora Pro Nobis; 484, Parfons Regretz; 488, Tu Pauperum Refugium; 490, Vultum Tuum; 493, Ave Maria; 496, Christe, Fili Dei.
- Folder 9: 503-530, 1947-1963

- Des Pres, Josquin; 502, Intemerata Virgo; 503, Mente Tota; 507, Tu Solus, quic facis; 509, 510, Ave Maria (2 copies with unique marginalia); 513, Salve Regina; 514, La Deploration de Jehan Okeghem; 517, Qui Jacuisti Mortuus. Dello Joio, Norman; 524, A Psalm of David. Effinger, Cecil; 525, Set of Three. Franck, Melchior; 526, Meine Schwester, liebe Braut. Elmore, Robert; 529, Psalm of Redemption; 530, The Incarnate Word.
- Folder 10: 531-541, 1946-1974

- Elmore, Robert; 531, Three Psalms. Elwell, Herbert; 532, Lincoln Requiem Auternam. Fetler, Paul; 535, Te Deum. Ficher, Jacobo; 536, 3 Coros A Capella. Finney, Ross Lee; 537, Pilgrim Psalms; 538, Still Are New Worlds; 540, The Martyr's Elegy. Finzi, Gerald; 541, For St.Cecelia.
- Folder 11: 542-545, 1947-1950

- Foss, Lukas; 542 (1 and 2 of 2), Psalms (2 copies with unique marginalia). Finzi, Gerald; 543, Intimations of Immortality. Foss, Lukas; 544, A Parable of Death; 545, The Prairie.
- Folder 12: 546-551, 1904-1963

- Frackenpoll, Arthur; 546, A Child This Day is Born. Franck, Melchior; 547, Revelation Motet. Franck, César; 548, Solemn Mass in A. Frauenholtz, Johann; 549, The Lord Remembers Us. Freed, Isadore; 550, The Prophecy of Micah. Friedell, Harold; 551, The Feast of the Star.
- Folder 13: 554-563, 1934-1978

- Gabrieli, Giovanni; 553, In Ecclesius. Graun, Karl Heinrich; 554, Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs. Gideon, Miriam; 556, Shirat Miriam L'Shabbat. Gabrieli, Giovanni; 557, Jubilante Deo. Gallus, Jacobus; 558, Ascendit Deus. Gibbs, C. Armstrong; 560, The Three Kings. Gillette, James R.; 561, The Divine Mystery. Gluck, Christoph; 563, Iphigenie in Aulis.
- Folder 14: 564-569, 1943-1966

- Gomer, Llywelyn; 564, The Divine Mystery. Gossec, Fançois-Joseph; 565, The Nativité. Gretchaninoff, A.; 567, Missa "Sancti Spiritu." Greenberg, Noah; 569, The Play of Daniel.
- Box 8

- Folder 1: 570-573, 1925-1965

- Greenberg, Noah; 570, The Play of Herod. Honegger, Arthur; 571 (1 and 2 of 2), King David (2 copies with unique marginalia). Hovhaness, Alan; 572, Glory to God; 573, Magnificat.
- Folder 2: 577-592, 1954-1967

- Mennin, Peter; 577, The Christmas Story. Hammerschmidt, Andreas; 582, Jesu meine Freude. Harrison, Lou; 583, Mass. Harris, Roy; 584, Folk Fantasy for Festrivals. Hassler, Hans Leo; 586, Mass in No. 5. Harsanyi, Tibor; 587, Cantate de Noël. Heiden, Bernhard; 588, Divine Poems of John Donne. Hovhaness, Alan; 590, Sing Aloud; 591, Make Haste. Hammerschmidt, Andreas; 592, How Then Shall We Find Bread?
- Folder 3: 593-599, 1928-1967

- Hammerschmidt, Andreas; 593, I am the Resurrection; 594, Ich lieben Hirten, fürchtet euch nicht; 595, O Beloved Sheperds; 596, Now Death is Devoured; 597, Therefore Watch that Ye be ready. Hassler, Hans Leo; 598, Verbum caro factum est; 599, Missa Secunda.
- Folder 4: 602-607, 1966-1969

- Hassler, Hans Leo; 602, Mass Dixit Maria. Hanson, Howard; 605, Song of Democracy. Hanks, Sybil Anne; 606, The Creation. Haydn, Joseph; 607, Missa Sancti Nicolai.
- Folder 5: 610-615, 1958-1974

- Haydn, Joseph; 610, Messe in B. Haydn, Michael; 612, Litany in B-flat. Hadyn, Joseph; 613, Salve Regina; 614, 615, Missa brevis St. Joannis de Deo (2 copies with unique marginalia).
- Folder 6: 621-639, 1923-1955

- Haydn, Joseph; 621, 622, Lord Nelson Mass (2 copies with unique marginalia). Handel, G.F.; 635, L'Allegro, Il Pensieroso; 637, Dettingen Te Deum; 639, Sixth Chandos Anthem.
- Folder 7: 642-648, 1923-1965

- Handel, G.F.; 642, The Passion of Christ; 643, Zadok the Priest; 644, Utrecht Jubilate; 648, The St.John Passion.
- Folder 8: 652-656, 1909-1961

- Handel, G.F.; 652, St.Cecilia's Day; 654, Judas Maccabaeus; 656, Music, Spread They Voice Around.
- Box 19

- Folder 1: 001-371, 1924-1974

- Adler, Samuel; 001, Serenade for Mixed Chorus and Band. ApIvor, Denis; 008, The Hollow Men. Bach, Johann Sebastian; 211, Cantata No. 19 Es erhub sich ein Streit, BWV 19. Bunjes, Paul; 289, Built on the Rock, the Church doth Stand. Boulanger, Lili; 311 (1 of 2), Psaume 24 (Includes signed note from Nadia Boulanger, signed 1968). Britten, Benjamin; 371, Noye's Fludde.
- Folder 2: 373, 1962

- Britten, Benjamin; 373 (2 of 2), War Requiem.
- Folder 3: 407-521, 1948-1950

- Charpentier, Marc-Antoine; 407, Magnificat; 409, Pie Jesu. Carissimi, Giacomo; 424 (1 of 2), Historia di Abraham et Isaac; 425 (2 of 2), Historia di Abraham et Isaac (handwritten score excerpts and parts. Durufle, Maurice; 440, Requiem. Josquin des Prez; 521, Credo from Missa "Pange Lingua."
- Series 3: Elaine Brown Papers, Singing City Records, and Memorial Scrapbook and Recording, 1931-2005

- Consists of correspondence, programs, photographs, and newspaper clippings documenting Elaine Brown's life and death, as well as the activities of Singing City activities (collected by Elaine Brown and Janet Yamron after Elaine's death). Arranged alphabetically by subject, folder titles maintained from original order.
- Box 8

- Folder 9: Articles - ACDA and Elaine Brown Speech, 1989-1991

- Consists of articles pertaining to the American Choral Directors Association and a speech Elaine Brown gave at a 1991 ACDA convention in Phoenix, Arizona.
- Folder 10: Articles - Elaine Brown and Awards, 1958-1988

- Consists of articles pertaining to awards Elaine Brown received during this period and a program for her reception of an Honorary Doctorate from Villanova University in 1981.
- Folder 11: Articles - Nadia Boulanger, ca. 1980

- Consists of articles pertaining to the passing of Nadia Boulanger.
- Folder 12: Articles - Performance of Handel's Messiah, 1970

- Consists of articles pertaining to the 1970 Singing City performance of Handel's Messiah.
- Folder 13: Articles - Singing City, 1949-1999

- Consists of articles pertaining to Singing City's activities and performances. Of particular interest are news clippings on Elaine Brown's awards and retirement from the organization, as well as Eugene Ormandy's conducting of Singing City.
- Folder 14: Conducting Textbooks, 1945

- Consists of two conducting textbooks by Max T. Krone, "The Chorus and Its Conductor" and "Expressing Conducting," with minimal marginalia.
- Folder 15: Correspondence - Elaine Brown (general) and Janet Yamron about Elaine Brown, 1946-2001

- Contains correspondence with and about Elaine Brown, including materials dated between 1946 and 2001. Of special interest are several letters from Don Campbell addressed offering condolences following Brown's death in 1997.
- Folder 16: Correspondence - Eugene Ormandy; Articles and Memorials of Eugene Ormandy, 1949-1988

- Consists of correspondence between Eugene Ormandy and Elaine Brown, correspondence between Ormandy and others regarding Brown and Temple University choirs, and articles and memorials about Ormandy.
- Folder 17: Correspondence - Nadia Boulanger with David Stone, 1968-1969

- Consists of correspondance between Nadia Boulanger and David Stone about a lecture series being held at Temple University. Of particular interest there are handwritten notes regarding Janet Jamerin's research, as well as a handwritten note from Nadia Boulanger to David Stone.
- Folder 18: Correspondence - Robert Shaw; Notes and speeches about Robert Shaw by Elaine Brown, 1980-1988

- Consists of Elaine Brown's correspondence with Robert Shaw as well as notes and speeches regarding Shaw by Brown.
- Folder 19: Correspondence - Singing City Choir Israel Trip and Itinerary, 1974

- Pertains to Singing City's 1974 Israel Trip: "Singing City Mid East Tour." Of particular interest are letters from the Department of State addressed to Brown endorsing the tour.
- Folder 20: Correspondence - Temple University to Elaine Brown; Temple University News about Brown, ca. 1980

- Consists of original article in Temple University regarding a 1980 concert directed by Brown and a copy of the same article, as well as a letter to Brown notifying of her status as "Professor Emeritus" in future Temple University publications.
- Folder 21: Lecture Notes - Elaine Brown (1 of 3), ca. 1987-1992

- Consists of handwritten and typed (with unique marginalia) lecture notes. Of paticular interest there is an envelope sent to Elaine Brown from Ed Hagopian that contains a copy of a magazine article fromYankee Magazine about Reverand William Coffin.
- Folder 22: Lecture Notes - Elaine Brown (2 of 3), ca. 1949-1967

- Consists of handwritten pages of lecture notes and a music traning manual (unqiue marginalia).
- Folder 23: Lecture Notes - Elaine Brown (3 of 3), ca. 1960-1991

- Consists of handwritten and typed (with unique marginalia) lecture notes. Of particular interest there is a typed written speech (3 copies with unique mariginalia) by Kathleen Moyer who presented Elaine Brown her honorary degre at the Doctor of Humane Letters (Honoris Causa), as well as a typed written speech by President Sr. Marian William regarding Elaine Brown as the presenter of the Immaculate College's commencement ceremony of 1983.
- Box 9

- Folder 1: Memorial Scrapbook- Casette Recording of Elaine Brown A Celebration of Life, 1997

- Contains a single casette tape recording of Elaine Brown's Celebration of life at the Old Reformed Church on October 18th, 1997.
- Folder 2: Memorial Scrapbook by Janet Yamron (1 of 2), 1997-2001

- Pertains to Elaine Brown's passing (1997) and memorial, and includes letters of condolences regarding Brown's passing as well as memorial and concert programs. Of particular interest is a 1970 condolence note documenting the passing of her husband Hugh Brown, attached to a 2005 statement by Janet Yamron reflecting on his death and connecting his life to Singing City.
- Folder 3: Memorial Scrapbook by Janet Yamron (2 of 2), 1970-2005

- Consists of Elaine Brown memorial records, including tributes by colleagues and choir members.
- Folder 4: Notes - A. Wallaert, Undated

- Contains undated notes about the historical relevance of Italian composer Adrian Willaert and a photocopy of 5 of Willaert's madrigales.
- Folder 5: Notes - Benjamin Britten's Choral Works, ca. 1965

- Contains handwritten list of 75 choral works of Benjamin Britten, including date and publisher, as well as a list of relevant reference books; a pair of stapled duplicates.
- Folder 6: Notes - Choral Theory, ca. 1958

- Consists of handwritten notes on choral directions for "Lamentations of Jeremiah" as well as a list of sermon, narrative, and prayer notes.
- Folder 7: Photographs - ACDA Bicentennial Photographs, ca. 1976

- Contains 6 photographs in 2 photograph sleeves containing color photographs from the 1976 ACDA Bicentennial celebration.
- Folder 8: Photographs - Printed Photo of Elaine Brown, Undated

- Contains a single printed black and white photo of Elaine Brown that is undated.
- Folder 9: Programs - Church, 1944-1946

- Contains 2 choral programs: 1 from the Chambers Wylie Memorial Presbytarian Church dated December 17th, 1944, the other from Tioga Baptist Church dated April 14th, 1946 (Palm Sunday).
- Folder 10: Programs - Concerts and Holy Family Honorary Doctorate Program, 1939-1989

- Contains several concert programs and a 1989 a Holy Family College honorary commencement program from Elaine Brown's honary doctorate award.
- Folder 11: Programs - Concert and Notes, 1951-1976

- Consists of programs for two concerts, given by the Cambridge University Madrigal Society and the Temple University College of Music; also includes various typed program notes.
- Folder 12: Programs - Jewish Music Concerts and Music Catalog, ca. 1959-1968

- Consists of programs from Jewish music concerts (with unique marginalia) and a single Jewish music catalog. Of particular interest there is a program from the Fifth Annual Festive of Music for the Synagogue with a handwritten note from Elaine Brown, as well as a program from the Sacred Music Press mailed and addressed to Elaine Brown.
- Folder 13: Records - Riverside Church, 1983-1992

- Contains articles and sermons by Coffin, and programs for Riverside Church. Notes pertaining to Dr. William Coffin, senior minister at Riverside Chirch, who was a progressive minister who held sermons on controversial topics within the church and advocated for anti-racism.
- Folder 14: Records - Singing City (1 of 2), ca. 1949-2001

- Pertains to Singing City performances spanning through 1949-2001 and includes Singing City programs, articles about the choir, notes by Brown for the choir, and binded copies of "The St. Matthew Passion" and "XXI. Internationales Heinrich Schütz-Fest."
- Folder 15: Records - Singing City (2 of 2), ca. 1964-1988

- Includes a copy from the Department of State endorsing the choir's 1974 Israel tour, a letter from Elaine Brown to choir members, and several photographs of Brown.
- Folder 16: Research - Bach's B Minor Mass, ca. 1958

- Consists of a copy of "The Mass in B Minor" by C.S. Terry and handwritten notes on the mass.
- Folder 17: Research - Catalogue of Strawinsky's Works, 1957-1961

- Contains a copy of Igor Strawinsky: A Complete Catalogue of his Published Works (1957) with handwritten notes inside.
- Folder 18: Research - Elaine Brown World View Readings, 1954-1963

- Consists of notes and readings of Elaine Brown's lectures and teaching. Of particular interest is a note from Janet Yamron that details the folder contains "articles, readings and poetry and motivated the thinking and actions of Elaine Brown."
- Box 19

- Folder 4: Lecture Notes - Pendle Hill Publications, 1931-1982

- Consists of numbered pamplet listsings and books by Pendle Hill Publications in Wallingford, Pennsylvania. Of particular interest is a 'Meditation of Reflection' printed on the front-side of the Pendle Hill Publications ordering information.
- Folder 5: Memorial Scrapbook - Obituaries, 1997

- Consists of an Elaine Brown obituary (2 copies) and a pamplet from the Cook Christian Traning School. Of particular interest is a note on the pamplet dedicating it to the memory of Elaine Brown, Barbara McNichol and Jack McNichol.
- Folder 6: Music Manuscripts - Helen L. Weiss, ca. 1944

- Consists of music manuscripts composed by Helen L. Weiss.
- Box 20

- Folder 2: Photographs - Portraits of Elaine Brown, ca. 1960s

- Consists of eight unfinished photo proofs and one finished photo potrait of Elaine Brown by Bradford Bachrach.
Browse by Record Group:
Record Group 1: Harold A. Decker Papers and Recordings, 1902-2009],
Record Group 2: Colleen J. Kirk Papers and Sound Recordings, 1949-2003],
Record Group 3: Russell Mathis Papers, 1960-1977],
Record Group 4: L. Stanley Glarum Papers and Audio Recordings, 1930-1977],
Record Group 5: Morris D. Hayes Papers and Realia, 1956-1991],
Record Group 6: Elwood Keister Papers, 1958-1995],
Record Group 7: Ferenc Farkas Collection, 1933-2001],
Record Group 8: Charles C. Hirt Papers, 1923-2001],
Record Group 9: Walter S. Collins Papers, 1940-1996],
[Record Group 10: Elaine Brown Music and Papers, 1880-2005],
Record Group 11: Fred Waring Collection, 1937-1997],
Record Group 12: F. Melius Christiansen Choral Scores, 1918-1954],
Record Group 13: Robert Shaw Collection, 1954-2005],
Record Group 14: Robert and Ellis Snyder Choral Library and Personal Papers, 1935-1999],
Record Group 15: Small Collections, 1893-2006],