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Collection Overview
Title: Willie T. Summerville and Summerville Family Papers, 1930-2019
ID: 15/42/20
Extent: 37.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Organized in five series, divided to reflect Summerville's two primary careers as music educator and religious leader. Series 1, Education Materials, has two subseries: Sub-series 1, Elementary and Secondary School Papers; and Sub-series 2, College and University Papers. Series 1 consists of materials relating to Summerville's career as a music educator. Series 2, Church Papers, relates to his career as a religious leader in the Canaan Baptist Church. Series 3, Scores and Sheet Music has six sub-series arranged topically, suggesting the context in which the music was used: Sub-series 1, General Music; Sub-series 2, Pedagogical Music; Sub-series 3, Sacred Music; and Sub-series 4, Hymnals; Subseries 5, Shape-note Gospel Song Books; Subseries 6, Workshop Music and Programs. Series 4, Audio-Visual Recordings, has three sub-series: Sub-series 1, Education Audio-Visual Recordings; Sub-series 2: Church Audio-Visual Recordings; Sub-series 3: Commercial Recordings. Series 5: Personal and Family Papers and Photographs, includes four sub-series: Sub-series 1, Personal and Family Papers and Photographs; Sub-series 2, Personal Education Materials; Sub-series 3, Personal Study Books and Materials; Sub-series 4, Valerian A. Summerville's Personal Papers.
Date Acquired: 01/13/2020
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of music, audio-visual recordings, photographs, event programs, correspondence, awards and other recognitions, personal notes, pedagogical materials, and administrative records documenting Willie T. Summerville's careers as a music educator in the Urbana public school system, and a deacon, treasurer, and music minister at the Canaan Baptist Church. The collection also reflects the numerous workshops and seminars he led across the country, and his courses taught at Parkland College, Millikin University, and the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign as the campus and community affairs specialist in the Department of African-American Studies. Of particular interest are the substantial collections of gospel music (sheet music and recordings), and newspaper clippings, photographs, and correspondence relating to the Urbana High School Concert Choir's 1999 trip to Rome.
Collection Historical Note
Willie T. Summerville (1944-2017) was born in Sunshine, Arkansas. He attended Arkansas AM&N College and the University of Illinois, where he graduated with a B.S. in Music Education and a M.S. in Music Education, respectively. As a music educator, Summerville taught for over 30 years in the Champaign and Urbana public school systems as music teacher at Thornburn School and Brookens Junior High, Choral Music Director of the Urbana Middle School 8th Grade Chorus, and Director of the Urbana High School Concert Choir. He also frequently led workshops and music clinics in Churches and Schools across the country. After retiring from public school teaching, he taught courses at Parkland College, Millikin University, and the University of Illinois within the African American Studies department. An active member and deacon of the Canaan Baptist Church, Summerville served there in many roles such as treasurer and Minister of Music. He received numerous awards and other recognitions throughout his life, both for his music education and for his community service.
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Source:
Shandra Summerville
Acquisition Method:
Box and Folder Listing
- Series 1: Professional Teaching Materials, 1942-2017

- Consists of lesson plans, teaching materials, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and certificates related to the teaching career of Willie T. Summerville. Beginning with his early career teaching music programs at elementary schools like Lincoln-Thornburn School and Brooken Junior High, through his many years at Urbana Middle and High Schools, and finally teaching college courses at Parkland College, Millikin University, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The series is organized into two subseries: Subseries 1, Elementary and Secondary School Papers; Subseries 2, College and University Papers. Both subseries are organized chronologically.
- Sub-Series 1: Elementary and Secondary School Papers, 1967-2017

- Consists of teaching materials, newspaper clippings, correspondence, certificates, programs, and administrative papers pertaining to Willie T. Summerville's elementary and secondary school teaching positions from 1967-2017. Organized chronologically.
- Box 1

- Folder 1: Lincoln-Thornburn Schools lesson plans, 1967

- Folder 2: Elementary school lesson plans, 1967-1968

- Folder 3: Teaching materials and newpaperclippings, 1967-1970

- Folder 4: Music festivals and Yearbook, 1971-1972

- Folder 5: Newspaper clippings, 1971-1972

- Folder 6: Letters, programs, articles, 1972-1977

- Folder 7: Teaching materials, 1977-1978

- Folder 8: Teaching materials, correspondence, programs, 1980-1989

- Folder 9: Teaching materials and The Herald newspaper, 1988-1989

- Folder 10: Teaching materials and newspaper clippings, 1990-1992

- Folder 11: Teaching materials and letter of reference, 1993

- Folder 12: Correspondence, certificates, programs, newspapers, 1994-1999

- Folder 13: Administrative materials, correspondence, newpapers, 2000-2002

- Folder 14: Quality Mentoring Seminar, 2003

- Folder 15: Administrative papers, correspondence, programs, 2002-2003

- Folder 16: Urbana High School Advisory Groups, 2003

- Folder 17: Practical Strategies Seminar and reunion program, 2003

- Folder 18: Programs, correspondence, teaching materials, 2004-2010

- Folder 19: Correspondence, newspapers, programs, 2011-2017

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Pedagogical materials, handwritten notes, undated

- Folder 2: K-12 student work, newspaper clippings, varsity letters, W.E.B DuBois flash drive, undated

- Folder 3: Certificates and Thank you cards, undated

- Folder 4: Rehearsal Guide for the Choral Director and Music Educators' National Conference, 1977-1978

- Folder 5: Progressive Harmony and Metronome Techniques, 1942-1947

- Folder 6: Making Friends with Music: Progress and At Home and Abroad, 1940-1949

- Folder 7: World of Popular Music: Afro American and Urbana High School Rosemary, 1966, 1996

- Folder 8: Urbana High School Rosemary, 1998

- Oversize Portfolio Case 1: Summerville Oversize Items, 1988-2013

- Item 3: Print of a Sketch by Bennie Drake, 1988

- Print of a black/sepia and white sketch by Bennie Drake, Summerville's colleague from Urbana Middle School.
- Sub-Series 2: College and University Papers, 1970-2017

- Consists of teaching materials, newspaper clippings, correspondence, certificates, programs, and administrative papers pertaining to Willie T. Summerville's College and University teaching positions from 1970-2017. Organized chronologically.
- Box 2

- Folder 9: "Exploring Singing Styles and Historical Settings of African American Music", undated

- Folder 10: Black Chorus Concerts, 1970-1982

- Folder 11: Black Chorus Concerts, 1983-2007

- Folder 12: Fax and correspondence, 2009

- Folder 13: Class Record Book-AFRO 498 and Community Engagement, 2011-2102

- Folder 14: Hinds Community College Tour, 2014

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Programs, Teaching Materials, Resume, 1990-2006

- Musical "Sarafina!" Program; A Black Sacred Music Symposium and Concert: The Music, the Methods, the Message; Parkland College Presents: Sing Gospel!; Schiller Institute: The African-American Spiritual and the Resurrection of Classical Art; Heidelberg College-Community Chorus; Illinois State University 143rd Annual Commencement; Milikin University ME 414, exams; Amendment to the Myron A. and Jewel A, Ash Endowment Fund Agreement; University of Illinois Concert Choir Russia Tour; Parkland College: One Voice, Greater World Fall Choral Concert; Letter of Application-Resume-Professional History; Minority Requirement Calendar; Black & Minority Student Organizational Roster; African American Outreach Teach: Stress Management Packet
- Folder 2: Roster of Black Student Organizations-Correspondence, 2006

- Roster of Black Student Organizations; Appeal Letter for Black Student Organization Assistance; Correspondence; MENC Book Proposal Guidelines; Notification of Appointment; African American Studies and Research Program Directory; Darlene Clark Hines bio; Criterion Standards for Contextualizing Teaching and Learning about People of African Descent; Email correspondence
- Folder 3: Resume-The History Makers, 2006

- Resume; University of Illinois Task Force on Civic Commitment in the 21st Century: Request for Proposals; Grant Proposal for Afro Continuing Education Music Class; "Harmonizing Races & Cultures Through the Use of The New African American Hymnal and Select Gospel Music"; Letters of Commitment; African American Studies 101: History of Black America 1619-Present syllabus; Afro/Anth 261: Introduction to the African Diaspora syllabus; hand written notes; Fall 2006 Course Descriptions; Salina Journal October 3, 2006; The History Makers
- Folder 4: Ollie Watts Davis Vocal Institute, African American Studies Program, 2006

- Ollie Watts Davis Vocal Institute; volunteer fliers; Grow Your Own Teachers Initiative; Majors and Minors Fair; grant review; African America Studies & Research Program Year in Review; African America Studies & Research Program: Black Women, Gender, Family, and Community
- Folder 5: Administrative documents and correspondence, 2007

- Folder 6: Course Evaluations and Academic Professional Review, 2007

- Millikin University Elementary Skills and Methods of Music course evaluations; Afro 498 course evaluations; Academic Professional Review Willie T. Summerville
- Folder 7: Teaching Materials, 2007

- "Harmonizing Races & Cultures Through the Usage of African American Hymnal & Select Gospel Music" syllabus; "Singing with Children"; "Black Music of the Early 20th Century" slides; "A Brief and Incomplete History of Resistance at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign"; African American music research
- Folder 8: Summer institutes, correspondence, programs, 2007

- African American Studies and Research Program Summer Institute; Kufundisha Institute: "Memory is Power: Restoring Our Learning Tradition for Cultural Well-Being"; Lesson plan for Kufundisha Institute; "Planning Summer Institute" meeting notes; Academic sick-leave report; correspondence; Hinds Community College Choir Midwest Tour Agenda; Afro 498 Harmonizing Differences through African American Sacred Music concert program; African American Studies and Research Program End of Year Celebration program, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Choir concert program
- Folder 9: Teaching Materials, 2008

- Afro 498 WS: Special Topics, Harmonizing Differences Through African American Music, syllabus; Exploring Singing Styles & Historical Settings of African American Sacred Music, syllabus; Millikin University, ME 414: Music Skills and Methods, syllabus and course materials
- Folder 10: OLLI course materials, administrative documents, programs, 2008

- Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) lesson plans and highlights; adminstrative documents and correspondence; University of Illinois Black Alumi Renunion program; concert programs
- Folder 11: Administrative documents, certificate, programs, teaching materials, 2009

- Administrative documents; certificate; concert program; Afro 498, lesson plans; The Music, the Method, and the Message: Observations on 2009 Black Sacred Music Symposium; Ninth Black Sacred Music Symposium and Concert program; Illustrating Innovation: Black Congratulatory 2009
- Folder 12: Administrative records and class materials, 2010

- Community Engagement Research and Service at University of Illinois; Historical Overview of Equity and Diversity lunch; Tenth Black Sacred Music Symposium and Concert program; concert programs; ME 414: Millikin University, Musical Skills and Methods syllabus; Afro 498: Harmonizing Difference Using African American Sacred Music, syllabus, student work, and course evaluations; adminsitrative documents and correspondence
- Folder 13: ME 414 course materials and student work, 2012

- Millikin University ME 414: Music Skills and Methods course materials and student work
- Folder 14: "Fun with the Recorder," correspondence, Welcome Home Illinois Black Alumni Reunion program, 2012

- Folder 15: Concert program, administrative papers, teaching materials, 2013-2014

- Restoration: Eleventh Black Sacred Music Symposium and Concert program, administrative papers, Afro 498: Harmonizing Select Differences, teaching materials
- Folder 16: Teaching materials, administrative documents, concert programs, 2015

- Afro 498 WTS/WS: Special Topics: "Harmonizing Select Differences"; 2015 Itinerary for the Midwest Tour for the Hinds Community College Choir; 2015 ML King Burgess-Freiberg Humanitarian award Selection Committee; correspondence; concert programs; The Twelfth Black Sacred Music Symposium and Concert
- Folder 17: Teaching materials, administrative documents, correspondence, 2016-2017

- Afro 498 WS: Special Topics "Harmonizing Select Differences" course materials; 2016 Hinds Community College Annual Midwestern Choir Tour, itinerary; administrative documents and correspondence
- Box 56

- Folder 1: Black Sacred Music Symposium Posters, 1991-1995

- Series 2: Church papers, 1947-2011

- Series 2 includes materials documenting Summerville's work for Canaan Baptist Church, as well as other church and religious activities. Of particular interest are Summerville's personal notes pretaining to religious study and events held at Canaan, administrative documents for the church, and numerous programs for church services and music performances in which Summerville participated. Also included are Bibles that Summerville collected, correspondence related to church activity, and several newspaper clippings detailing Summerville's work.
- Box 4

- Folder 1: Holy Bible Red Letter Edition, 1947

- Folder 2: Certificates and church programs, 1965-1970

- Folder 3: Bible Adventures, Grades 5-6 and church programs, 1971-1972

- Folder 4: The News Gazette Churches Section, January 22, 1972

- Folder 5: Church Programs, Songs Lists, Notes, and Foundations for Faith No. 5, 1972-1973

- Folder 6: Holy Bible New International Version, 1973

- Folder 7: The News Gazette St. Luke Youth Choir, March 3, 1973

- Folder 8: Church Budgets and Programs, Correspondence, Rosters, Workshop Schedules, 1974-1975

- Folder 9: Church Service and Workshop Programs, Meeting Plan, 1976-1977

- Folder 10: The Ryrie Study Bible, 1978

- Folder 11: Correspondence, Notes, and Programs, 1978

- Folder 12: Holy Bible: The New King James Version, 1979

- Folder 13: Canaan Programs and Souvenir Journal, 1979-1980

- Folder 14: Lessons on Christian Living and Successful Home Cell Groups, 1980-1981

- Folder 15: Bible Expositor and Illuminator Spring and Winter Quarter, 1981-1882

- Folder 16: Canaan Baptist Church Papers and Programs, 1982-1983

- Folder 17: Correspondence, Certificates, and Church Programs, 1983

- Folder 18: The News Gazette Gospel Music in Champaign-Urbana, December 28, 1984

- Folder 19: Concert and Workshop Programs, Certificate of Appreciation, Notes, 1984-1986

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Church Workshop and Concert Programs, Notes, 1987

- Folder 2: Canaan Yearbook, Budget, and Calendar, 1987

- Folder 3: The Everyday Bible, 1987

- Folder 4: Church Workshop and Concert Programs, Notes, 1988

- Folder 5: Canaan Yearbook, Anniversary Celebration Program, Notes, 1988

- Folder 6: Church Programs and Budgets, Recital Programs, Bible Study Notes, 1988-1989

- Folder 7: Sunday School and Bible Study Notes, Church Event Programs, 1990

- Folder 8: Bible Study Notes, Canaan Yearbook, Black History Bowl Information Sheets, 1990

- Folder 9: Crossett Club and Founder's Day Programs, Beyond Roots: In Search of Blacks in the Bible, 1990-1991

- Folder 10: Rehearsal and Workshop Notes, Programs, Canaan Yearbook, 1991-1992

- Folder 11: Workshop, Festival, and Church Programs, Correspondence, 1993

- Folder 12: NAACP Certificate, Notes, Church Directory, 1994-1995

- Folder 13: Canaan Annual Report, Copyright Registration, Notes, 1996-1997

- Folder 14: Church Administration and Bible Study Notes, 1997

- Folder 15: Canaan Annual Report, Notes, Correspondence, 1997-1999

- Folder 16: Discipleship Student Manual, Correspondence, Certificates, Programs, 2000-2001

- Folder 17: Notes, Workshop Program, Canaan Annual Report, 2001

- Folder 18: New Spirit Filled Life Bible, 2002

- Folder 19: Church Programs, Notes, Religious Publications, 2002

- Folder 20: Programs, Notes, Canaan Annual Report, 2002

- Folder 21: The News Gazette Church Ministries a Story of Success, August 22, 2002

- Folder 22: Articles, Workshop and Recital Programs, Certificates, 2003

- Folder 23: Notes, Church and Concert Programs, 2003

- Folder 24: Church and Workshop Programs, Calendars, Correspondence, and Church Records, 2004

- Folder 25: Church and Workshop Programs, Correspondence, 2005

- Folder 26: Church and Workshop Programs, Correspondence, Administrative Documents, 2005

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Canaan Annual Report, Notes, Correspondence, Programs, 2006

- Folder 2: Church Administrative Documents, Notes, Correspondence, Programs, 2006

- Folder 3: Church Administrative Documents, Church Programs, Notes, 2006

- Folder 4: Salina Journal Choir Gets Singing, Life Lessons, October 30, 2006

- Folder 5: Church Administrative Documents, Notes, Programs, Correspondence, Certificate, 2007

- Folder 6: Canaan Administrative Documents, Correspondence, 2007

- Folder 7: Administrative Documents and Correspondence, 2007

- Folder 8: Canaan Administrative Workshop and Financial Documents, Programs, 2008

- Folder 9: Church Programs, Canaan Administrative Documents, and Notes, 2008

- Folder 10: Bible Expositor and Illuminator, Programs, Correspondence, 2008

- Folder 11: Church Administrative Documents, Rosters, Directory, and Programs, 2009

- Folder 12: A Year with the Bible Booklet, Krannert Center and Church Program, 2010

- Folder 13: The Leader Newspaper Gospel Concert, April 19, 2010

- Folder 14: Notes, Correspondence, Reunion Program, 2010

- Folder 15: Disciplines: A Book of Daily Devotions and Bible Expositor and Illuminator, 2010

- Folder 16: Notes, Correspondence, Canaan Administrative Documents, Programs, 2011

- Folder 17: Disciplines: A Book of Daily Devotions, 2012

- Folder 18: Correspondence and Programs, 2012

- Folder 19: Notes, Correspondence, Programs, Administrative Documents, 2013

- Folder 20: Take Time or Time Will Take You, 2014

- Folder 21: Church Administrative Documents, Programs, Notes, Correspondence, 2014

- Folder 22: Correspondence, Workshop Itineraries, Rehearsal Notes, 2014

- Folder 23: Bible Expositor and Illuminator Spring and Summer Quarters, 2014

- Folder 24: Canaan Service Award, 2014

- Folder 25: Itineraries, Notes, Correspondence, Programs, 2015

- Folder 26: Church Administrative Documents, Correspondence, Programs, Rehearsal Notes, 2015-2016

- Folder 27: Programs, Correspondence, Certificate of Appreciation, 2016

- Folder 28: Programs, Notes, Church Rosters and Administrative Documents, undated

- Folder 29: Notes, Canaan Administrative Documents, Programs, undated

- Folder 30: Notes, Church Budgets and Rosters, Programs, undated

- Folder 31: Workshop Program, Articles and Study Materials, undated

- Folder 32: Church Event and Study Group Notes, 2007-2011

- Series 3: Scores and Sheet Music, 1919-2017

- Consists of sheet music and scores related to the education and career of Willie T. Summerville. Arranged in five suberies: Subseries 1, General Music; Subseries 2, Pedagogical Music; Subseries 3, Sacred Music; Subseries 4, Workshop Music and Programs; Suberies 5, Hymnals. Each subseries is organized in alphabetical order by title.
- Sub-Series 1: General music, 1919-2007

- Consists of sheet music and scores that are copied, handwritten, published sources, or printed from online sources. Organized alphabetically by title.
- Box 7

- Folder 1: "Almost Like Being In Love"-"Ask Anyone Who Knows", 1947-1967

- Folder 2: "Bad Bad Leroy Brown"-"Brother Love", 1918-1973

- Folder 3: "Canadian Sunset"-"Colossus", 1941-1963

- Folder 4: "Death of Floyd Collins"-"Dueling Banjos", 1972-1973

- Folder 5: "Easter Parade"-"Flow Joy", 1933-1972

- Folder 6: "He's a Friend of Mine"- "The Hustle", 1943-1975

- Folder 7: "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles", 1919

- Folder 8: "Jimmy Loves Mary-Ann"-"Jungle Fever", 1970-1973

- Folder 9: "Land Of Hope And Glory"-"Love's There", 1954-1973

- Folder 10: "Mack The Knife"-"Misty", 1928-1955

- Folder 11: "Music! Music! Music!"-"My Wild Irish Rose", 1899-1950

- Folder 12: "Music By Gershwin", 1975

- Folder 13: "The Night Chicago Died"-"Now is the Hour", 1946-1974

- Folder 14: "The Nine Symphonies of Beethoven", 1935

- Folder 15: "Oh Girl"-"Pay To The Piper", 1970-1972

- Folder 16: "Porgy and Bess", 1935

- Folder 17: "People Make The World Go Round", 1935

- Folder 18: "Rhythm of the Night"-"Romeo and Juliette", 1946-1984

- Folder 19: "Sack Waltz"-"Stout Hearted Men", 1936-1943

- Folder 20: "Tea For Two"-"Tweedlee Dee", 1947-1954

- Folder 21: "Use Ta Be My Girl"-"World Famous Blues", 1960-1978

- Folder 22: "Yes We Can"-"You're Having My Baby", 1970-1974

- Box 8

- Folder 1: "Ah, The Lovely Springtime"-"Americana Collection", 1942-1966

- Folder 2: "Anywhere I Wander"-"Blowin' in the Wind", 1951-1962

- Folder 3: "The Best Love Songs Ever", 1994

- Folder 4: "Born Free"-"By An' By", 1966-1994

- Folder 5: "Can My Life Make a Difference?"-"Climb Every Mountain", 1973-1980

- Folder 6: "The Collected Works of R. Nathaniel Dett", 1973

- Folder 7: "Come Saturday Morning"-"Cripple Creek", 1969-1981

- Folder 8: "Danny Boy"-"Dry Bones", 1946-1969

- Folder 9: "Family Is"-"For Thee Oh Dear Dear Country", 1938-1978

- Folder 10: "Hail To The Chief"-"I Write The Songs", 1974-2008

- Folder 11: "Jabberwocky"-"Kum Ba Ya", 1969-1972

- Folder 12: "Lamentation"-"Lullabies and Nightsongs", 1971-1983

- Folder 13: "Madrigal of the Bells"-"Mighty Day", 1982-1996

- Folder 14: "Martin Luther King"-"MLK Community Choir Music", 1987-2016

- Folder 15: "Modern Music"-"My Wild Irish Rose", 1956-1971

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Mahler Symphony No. 2 in C minor, undated

- Folder 2: "Never Would Have Made It"-"Now Let All Sing", 1964-2007

- Folder 3: "O Land of Home"-"Poor Wayfarin' Stranger", 1971-1984

- Folder 4: "Paglicci", 1934

- Folder 5: "Partner Songs"-"Queen of Soul", 1958-1968

- Folder 6: "The Rainbow Connection"-"Russian Medley", 1964-1979

- Folder 7: "Sadly I Recall Thy Voice"-"The Singers", 1949-1963

- Folder 8: "Smile"-"The Sound of Music", 1954-1960

- Folder 9: "A Special Wish"-"Things Starting To Grow Again", 1967-1989

- Folder 10: "Think of Tomorrow"-"Three Inventions", 1971-1972

- Folder 11: "Three Late Renaissance Choruses"-"Time for Tunes", 1955-1978

- Folder 12: "A Treasury Of Grand Opera", 1946

- Folder 13: "Tres Cantos Nativos"- "20 All-Time Hit Parades", 1967-1996

- Folder 14: "Twentieth Century Jazz Standards"-"Tyger, Tyger", 1951-1973

- Folder 15: "Under the Bower of Night"-"We Shall Overcome", 1956-1980

- Folder 16: "What A Wonderful World"-"Wonderful Copenhagen", 1951-1967

- Folder 17: "A World of Music"-"World's Favorite Marches", 1962-2000

- Folder 18: "Yankee Doodle"-"Youth Sing Irving Berlin", 1963-1966

- Box 56

- Folder 2: Stevie Wonder "Songs in the Key of Life" Album Insert, 1976

- Sub-Series 2: Pedagogical music, 1966-2016

- Consists of sheet music and scores that were used by Wille T. Summerville for pedagogical purposes. Organized alphabetically by title.
- Box 10

- Folder 1: "AFRO 498 WS", 2012-2014

- Folder 2: "AFRO 498 WS", 2015-2016

- Folder 3: "AFRO 498 WS: Harmonizing Select Differences", 2016

- Folder 5: "Community Chorus Schedule", 2016

- Folder 4: "All City Choral Festival"-"Children's Unison Choir", 1965-1983

- Folder 7: Discovering Music Together 4-"Easy Songs For Boys", 1936-1966

- Folder 8: Edison Middle School Jazz Band Manual, 2007

- Folder 9: Exploring Music 3-Teacher's Edition, 1966

- Folder 6: "Chorus Builder"-"Eddy Arnold Songs", 1961-1967

- Folder 10: "Fighting Illini Songbook"-"Music Fundamentals", 1986-1990

- Folder 11: "Music"-"Musician's Helper Vol. I", 1950-1975

- Folder 12: "Oskee-Wow-Wow"-"Thirteen Essential Drum Rudiments", 1974-1983

- Folder 13: "Shattinger Music Co. High School Clinic", 1972

- Folder 14: Understanding Music, 1966

- Folder 15: UHS Choral Song Sheets-Urbana High School Concert Choir, 2001-2002

- Folder 16: Urbana Singers and Concert Choir-Workshop Booklet, 1960-2001

- Folder 17: Urbana Singers, 1999-2000

- Box 11

- Folder 1: "Attractive Teaching Pieces", 1919

- Folder 2: "Alfred d'Auberge Piano Course"-"Discovering Music Together, Early Childhood", 1962-1968

- Folder 3: "The Ella Jenkins Songbook for Children"-Exploring Music 1, 1952-1972

- Folder 4: Exploring Music 2, 1966

- Folder 5: "Howard Kasschau Piano Course Note Speller"-"John Thompson Easiest Piano Course", 1960

- Folder 6: "In Sunny Summer", 1913

- Folder 7: Music Near and Far, 1956

- Folder 8: Music: The Universal Language, 1954

- Folder 9: "Pathways of Song"-"String Builder", 1938-1960

- Sub-Series 3: Sacred music, 1941-2017

- Consists of sheet music and scores pertaining to religious worship or the Church. Organized alphabetically by title.
- Box 11

- Folder 10: "All Power"-"God Will Make a Way for You", 1968

- Folder 11: "Hallelujah, Hosanna!"-"How Excellent Is Thy Name", 1963-1992

- Folder 12: "Integrity's I-Worship", 2002

- Folder 13: "I Love the Lord"-"Keep Your Lamps Trimmed", undated

- Folder 14: "The Kurt Carr Songbook", 2001

- Folder 15: "Land of Hope and Glory"-"The Lord's Prayer", 1902-1946

- Folder 16: "Magnify Him"-"Psalm 134", undated

- Folder 17: "Rejoice"-"Sacred Christmas Music", 1961-1999

- Folder 18: "Satisfied"-"Sweet Little Jesus Boy", 1934-1967

- Folder 19: "Thank You Lord"-"We've Come Together To Praise", undated

- Box 12

- Folder 1: "A La Nanita Nana"-"All To Thee", 1958-2003

- Folder 2: "Alleluia"-"And To The Glory of The Lord", 1964-1977

- Folder 3: "Angels"-"Awesome", 1976-1996

- Folder 4: "Battle Hymn of The Republic"-"Better", 1941-2016

- Folder 5: "Bill Gaither Choir Series"-"The Blood Still Works", 1970-2009

- Folder 6: "Born A King"-"But Now Is Christ Risen", 1961-2013

- Folder 7: "Call On Jesus"-"Celebration Alleluia", 1956-1989

- Folder 8: "Celebration of Life Music", undated

- Folder 9: "Change"-"Children Get Together", 1958-1972

- Folder 10: "Choir Favorites"-"Christ Whose Glory Fills The Sky", 1926-1961

- Folder 11: "The Christian Children's Songbook"-"Christmas Songs For Children", 2000

- Folder 12: "Christmas Calypso"-"The Church's One Foundation", 1969-1972

- Folder 13: "City of the King"-"Come Glad Hearts", 1968

- Folder 14: "Come Here Jesus"-"Cum Sanctus Spiritu", 1961-1991

- Folder 15: "Dark/Light"-"Dwell In Me", 1960-1976

- Folder 16: "The Earth is the Lord's"-"Edwin Hawkins and The Edwin Hawkins Singers", 1972-1976

- Folder 17: "Elijah"-"Elijah Rock", 1903-1955

- Folder 18: "En Ego Campana"-"Ezekial Saw De Wheel", 1954-1975

- Box 13

- Folder 1: "The Failure Is Not In God"-"Fight On", 1964-2009

- Folder 2: "Finally"-"Full Coverage Under The Blood", 1982-1993

- Folder 3: "Gates of Justice"-"Give Thanks", 1970-2000

- Folder 4: "Gloria!"-"Glory To His Holy Name", 1987-2002

- Folder 5: "Go Down Moses"-"The Goodly Child", 1968-1999

- Folder 6: "Gospel Choir Favorites"-"Gospel Train", 1937-1959

- Folder 7: "Grace and Mercy"-"Great Songs", 1967-1994

- Folder 8: "Had He Not Been #1"-"Have Thine Own Way Lord", 1967-1977

- Folder 9: "He Brought Me"-"Hezekiah Walker & LFC", 1967-1980

- Folder 10: "High and Lifted Up"-"His Yoke Is Easy", 1964-1998

- Folder 11: "Hold On!"-"Hymn To David", 1968-1974

- Folder 12: "I Ain't Gonna Let"-"I Lift My Voice", 1964-2001

- Folder 13: "I Look and Behold A White Cloud"-"I'll Trust You", 1907-2007

- Folder 14: "I'm Available To You"-"It's All About You", 1988-2006

- Folder 15: "It's All Right Now"-"I've Got A Right", 1949-1977

- Folder 16: "Jazz Gloria"-"John W. Peterson Anthems", 1970-1972

- Folder 17: "John Saw Duh Numbuh"-"Just When You Need Him", 1965-2001

- Box 14

- Folder 1: "Keep On Singing"-"Kyrie", 1971-1987

- Folder 2: "Lacrymosa"-"Let The Redeemed Say So", 1940-1987

- Folder 3: "Let There Be Peace On Earth"-"Let's Just Praise the Lord", 1955-1974

- Folder 4: "Lift Him Up"-"A Little More Grace", 1979-1981

- Folder 5: "Lo, God Is Here"-"Lullaby For A Christmas Eve", 1971-1984

- Folder 6: "Made A Way"-"Master's Touch", 1968-1970

- Folder 7: "Martin & Morris' Singing Caravans" -"Martin & Morris Joyous Songs of the Spirit", 1953-1955

- Folder 8: "Masterworks of Choral Literature"-"May the Work I've Done Speak for Me", 1969

- Folder 9: "Mercy and Grace"-"Messiah", 1967

- Folder 10: "Messiah", 1912

- Folder 11: "Michael"-"Music of the Masters", 1968-1973

- Folder 12: MLK Community Choir Music-MLK Rehearsal, 2016-2017

- Folder 13: "The Musician's Helper", undated

- Folder 14: "My All In All"-"My Soul's Been Anchored In De Lord", 1972-1991

- Folder 15: "Nativity"-"Night of Miracles", 1958-1979

- Folder 16: New Songs for the Dynamic Year, 2008

- Folder 17: "No Greater Love"-"Now Thank We All Our God", 1965-1966

- Folder 18: "O Be Joyful In The Lord"-"O Shepherds Go Quickly", 1974-1985

- Folder 19: "O Sing Unto The Lord"-"The Old Book and The Old Faith", 1970-1977

- Folder 20: "An Old-Fashioned Christmas"-"Order My Steps", 1969-1978

- Folder 21: "The Ordering of Moses"-"Over My Head", 1916-1965

- Box 15

- Folder 1: 122nd Psalm, undated

- Folder 2: "Paen of Praise"-"Peter, Do You Love Me?", 1973-1994

- Folder 3: "Pitch In"-"Praise We The Name of The Lord", 1971-1973

- Folder 4: "Prase Worship"-"Put Your Trust In God", 1981-1987

- Folder 5: "Psalm and Alleluia"-"Put Your Hand in the Hand", 1970-1991

- Folder 6: "Radical for Christ"-"Remember Now Thy Creator", 1903-2000

- Folder 7: "Requiem"-"Roll, Jordan Roll", 1956-1999

- Folder 8: "Sacred Choral Music"-"Saved, Saved!", 1964-1973

- Folder 9: "Seasoned Spirituals"-"Set Me As A Seal", 1990-2001

- Folder 10: "The Seven Last Words of Christ"-"The Strife Is O'er", 1926-1969

- Folder 11: "Shall We Gather At the River?"-"Some Children See Him", 1954-1970

- Folder 12: "So Many Reasons To Rejoice"-"Sounds of a New Generation", 1970-2009

- Folder 13: "Speak To My Heart"-"Springs of Living Water", 1962-1991

- Folder 14: "Stand Up and Bless The Lord"-"The Sweetest Name", 1966-2011

- Folder 15: "Take Me Back"-"The Ten-Minute Messiah", 1973-19995

- Folder 16: "Thank You Lord"-"This Too Will Pass", 1964-1983

- Folder 17: "This Train"-"Tithes and Offering", 1964-1996

- Folder 18: "To My Father's House"-"Two Hymns of Praise", 1964-1974

- Box 16

- Folder 1: "Ubi Caritas"-"Victory Ahead", 1960-1969

- Folder 2: "Vineyard Music Classics"-"What Are These That Are Arrayed?", 1972-2006

- Folder 3: "Wade In The Water"-"The Wayfaring Stranger", 1966-1975

- Folder 4: "We Adore Thee"-"We'll Take It Over", 1949-1972

- Folder 5: "We're Crossing Over"-"We've Come To Praise The Lord", 1967-1997

- Folder 6: "What A Friend"-"Why So Troubled, O My Heart?", 1955-1985

- Folder 7: "Will It Bee Soon?"-"Wounded For Me", 1968-1972

- Folder 8: Wow Gospel 2004, 2004

- Folder 9: Wow Gospel 2005, 2005

- Folder 10: "Ye Shall of God"-"Your Grace and Mercy", 1966-1993

- Folder 11: "Your Righteous Mercy"-"Zion's Walls", 1954-2011

- Sub-Series 4: Hymnals, 1914-2006

- Consists of hymnals, both denominational and non-denominational. Organized alphabetically by title.
- Box 16

- Folder 12: African American Heritage Hymnal, 2001

- Folder 13: A.M.E. Hymnal, 1954

- Folder 14: The African Methodist Episcopal Zion, 1996

- Folder 15: Baptist Hymnal, 2003

- Folder 16: Country and Western Gospel Hymnal Volumes 1-3, 1972-1985

- Box 17

- Folder 1: Great Songs of the Church, 1937

- Folder 2: Hymnal: A Worship Book, 1992

- Folder 3: Hymns of the Heart, 1914

- Folder 4: The New National Baptist Hymnal, 1977

- Folder 5: The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition, 2008

- Folder 6: Sacred Selections for the Church, 1973

- Folder 7: Sing the Journey, 2005

- Folder 8: Then Sings My Soul: Keepsake Edition, 2006

- Folder 9: Total Praise, 2011

- Folder 10: United Methodist Hymnal, 1989

- Folder 11: Youth Folk Hymnal: A New Now, 1971

- Sub-Series 5: Shape Note Gospel Song Books, 1952-1981

- Consists of gospel song books with shape-note musical notation as well as standard musical notation. Organized alphabetically by title.
- Box 18

- Folder 1: Chapel Chords-Endless Joy, 1963-1964

- Folder 2: Eternal Praise-Golden Crown, 1969-1974

- Folder 3: Golden Songs of Glory-Gospel Pearls, 1962-1972

- Folder 4: Gospel Praise-Gospel Way, 1962-1972

- Folder 5: Heading For Heaven-Higher Ground, 1954-1980

- Folder 6: Holy Light- Hymns of Love, 1952-1961

- Folder 7: Keep On Singing-Let All Rejoice, 1984-1986

- Folder 8: Morning Sunbeams-Notes of Praise, 1965-1981

- Folder 9: Praising Him-Redeeming Love, 1965-1979

- Folder 10: Sacred Chimes-Sharing His Grace, 1968-1973

- Folder 11: Silver Gleams-Songs of Rejoicing, 1958-1977

- Folder 12: What A Singing- Wonderous Love, 1966-1981

- Folder 13: Wonderous Love-Upward Way, 1963-1966

- Sub-Series 6: Workshop music and programs, 1989-2017

- Consists of compliations of sheet music and iternaries, with staples or plastic comb binding, used for Church music workshops taught by Willie T. Summerville. Organized alphabetically by title.
- Box 35

- Folder 1: Annual Lenten Service, An, 2017

- Group: The Central Illinois CME Pastors. Date: March 1, 2017. Program, announcements, scores.
- Folder 2: Behold, Bless Ye the Lord, undated

- Gospel Music Workshop, undated. Contents, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 3: Bethel A.M.E. Annual Conference Songs, 2002

- Group: Adult Choir. Date: September 11-14, 2002. Table of contents, lyrics and scores. for songs.
- Folder 4: Blessed Are the People Who Know the Joyful Sound, 2003

- Table of contents, lyrics and music.
- Folder 5: Brighten Each Day With One of God's Songs, undated

- Table of contents, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 6: Brotherhood, undated

- Table of contents, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 7: By Our Love Shall Men Know, undated

- Table of contents, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 8: C.M.E. Church Spring Convocation of the Regions, 2006

- The Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Spring Convocation of the Regions, April 20-21, 2006. Lyrics and scores.
- Folder 9: Changing Songs to Please an Unchanging God, undated

- Table of contents, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 10: ChicagoMass XV, 2011

- Commercially published songbook with scores and lyrcs.
- Folder 11: Choose Ye This Day, undated

- Table of contents, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 12: Choral Helper, The, undated

- Table of contents, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 13: E.C. Morris Ministers Institute: Sacred Music, 2013

- Held at Arkansas Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas, March 22-29, 2013. Notes for program, scores.
- Folder 14: Evangelism Thru Music, undated

- Table of contents, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 15: Every Day I Will Bless Thee, undated

- Table of contents, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 16: Everybody Ought to Praise Hs Name, undated

- Table of contents, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 17: Faithful Singers, Fresh and Flourishing, 2002

- Table of contents, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 18: Gospel Music Workshop: Give Him the Praise, undated

- Gospel Music Workshop. Table of contents, lyrics.and scores.
- Folder 19: Great Is the Lord, undated

- Table of contents, lyrics, scores.
- Folder 20: He Chose Me, undated

- Various choral pieces with different titles, composers and arrangers. Title of booklet is the title of the first piece. Many pieces have copyright date of 1979.
- Folder 21: He's Worthy To Be Praised, undated

- Course outline and discussion manual for Bible Based Strategies in Effective Communication for Sacred Music Organizations, compiled by Willie T. Summsrville. Includes lyrics and scores.
- Folder 22: I Will Sing With the Spirit, undated

- Table of contents, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 23: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop, 1989

- Table of contents, scores including lyrics.
- Folder 24: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop, 1991

- Twelfth Annual Music Workshop, August 5-9, 1991. Workshop program.
- Folder 25: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop, 2006

- 27th Annual Music Workshop, August 7-11, 2006. Workshop Program.
- Folder 26: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop, 2008

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 27: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop, 2009

- 2009 Annual Church Music Workshop, August 3-7, 2009. Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 28: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop, 2010

- 2010 Annual Church Music Workshop, August 2-6, 2010. Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 29: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop, 2011

- 2011 Indiana Street Baptist Church Music Workshop, August 8-12, 2011. Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 30: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop, 2012

- 2012 Indiana St. Baptist Church Music Workshop, August 6-10. 2012. Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 31: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop, 2013

- 2013 Annual Music Workshop, August 5-9, 2013. Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 32: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop, 2014

- 2014 Indiana St. Baptist Church Music Workshop, August 4-8, 2014. Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 33: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop, 2015

- Thirty-Sixth Annual Music Workshop, August 3-7, 2015. Workshop program includes lyrics and scores.
- Folder 34: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop (1 of 2), 2016

- 2016 Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop, August 8-12, 2016. Workshop program includes table of contents, scores with lyrics.
- Folder 35: Indiana Street Annual Music Workshop (2 of 2), 2016

- Workshop director's (Willie Summerville's) study guide. .
- Folder 36: Joy of the Lord Is Your Strength, The, 1999

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 37: Leadership Training School Music Workshop, 2007

- Southeast Missouri, Illinois, and Wisconsin Region Music Workshop, August 13-14, 2007. Workshop program includes table of contents, music song list, lyrics and scores.
- Folder 38: Let All the People Praise Thy Name, undated

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 39: Let the Saints Be Joyful, undated

- Lyrics and scores.
- Folder 40: Let Us Sing His Praises, 1999

- Workshop program with lyrics and scores.
- Box 36

- Folder 1: Lord, Increase Our Faith, undated

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 2: Lord Is My Strength and Song, The, undated

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 3: Lord, Make Us One, undated

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 4: Make a Joyful Noise All Ye Lands, undated

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 5: Messiah, The, undated

- Selected scores with lyrics.
- Folder 6: Music To Serve This Present Age, 1993

- Lyrics and scores.
- Folder 7: Music Workshop, 2003

- Music Workshop, March 27-30, 2003. Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 8: Musician's Helper, The - #1, undated

- Scores with lyrics.
- Folder 9: Musician's Helper, The - #2, undated

- Scores with lyrics.
- Folder 10: Musician's Helper, The - #3, undated

- Scores and lyrics.
- Folder 11: Musician's Helper, The - #3, undated

- Scores with lyrics. Not a duplicate of item in Folder 10.
- Folder 12: National Baptist Congress of Christian Education, 107th Annual Session, 2012

- Session program including scores and lyrics.
- Folder 13: O Come Let Us Exalt and Magnify His Name, undated

- Lyrics, no scores.
- Folder 14: O Give Thanks, 2010

- Adult Choir calendar for April 2010. Includes lyrics and scores.
- Folder 15: O Sing Unto the Lord, undated

- Lyrics and scores.
- Folder 16: O Sing Unto the Lord a New Song, 1984

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 17: Oh Lord, We Magnify Your Name, 1998

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 18: On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, undated

- Lyrics and scores.
- Folder 19: Praise Book, The, undated

- Lyrics, no scores.
- Folder 20: Praise the Lord, undated

- Lyrics and scores.
- Folder 21: Praise the Lord, 1994

- Workshop program with lyrics and scrores. Not a duplicate of Folder 20.
- Folder 22: Praising God With a United Heart, 2004

- Educational material, including lyrics, scores and brief summary of key musical terms.
- Folder 23: Praising God With Joyful Lips, 2005

- Workshop program with scores and lyrics.
- Folder 24: Redeeming the Time With Praise, undated

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 25: Rejoice Evermore, undated

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 26: Rejoice In the House Of the Lord, undated

- Lyrics, no scores.
- Folder 27: Shattinger Music Co., Church Clinic Materials, 1970

- Various published scores with lyrics.
- Folder 28: Singers, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, 2006

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 29: Songs of Praise, undated

- Lyrics, no scores.
- Folder 30: Stressing Evangelism In Song, 1984

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 31: True Bible Baptist Church Music Workshop, undated

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 32: True Praise, undated

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 33: USAFE Gospel Choir Workshops, undated

- Song booklet including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 34: Unity In the Community, 2012

- Canaan Baptist Church 36th Pre-Pastoral Anniversary Service, October 6, 2013. Program including scores with lyrics.
- Folder 35: Untitled, undated

- Booklet of scores with lyrics.
- Folder 36: W.T. Summerville Gospel Music Workshop Series, undated

- Lyrics and scores for a few songs.
- Folder 37: We Lift Our Hands In the Sanctuary, 2001

- Lyrics and scores. Pianist's copy.
- Folder 38: We've Come to Praise Him, undated

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 39: Winning Pine Bluff for Christ, undated

- Workshop program including lyrics and scores.
- Folder 40: Winter 2014 SAFE House Music, 2014

- Scores with lyrics.
- Folder 41: Workshop '98, 1998

- Lyrics and scores.
- Folder 42: Worship the Lord in Song, undated

- Lyrics and scores.
- Folder 43: Worthy Of the Praise, undated

- Lyrics and scores.
- Series 4: Audio-visual Recordings, 1967-2016

- Series 4 includes audio and audio-visual recordings from Summerville's work as an educator and minister. This includes rehearsals, workshops, concerts, and tours, on CDs, audio cassettes tape, VHS tapes, and floppy disks. Also included is a substantial collection of commercial worship CDs and a small number of commercial LPs. The series contains 3 subseries: Subseries 1, Recordings of School Events and Rehearsals; Subseries 2, Recordings of Church Events and Rehearsals; Subseries 3, Commercial Recordings.
- Sub-Series 1: Recordings of School Events, Rehearsals, and Personal Recordings, 1967-2015

- Consists of records, audio-cassette tapes, CDs, video recordings, VHS, and DVD pertaining to school events led by Willie T. Summerville. Organized by media, and then chronologically.
- Box 19

- Audio-Visual Recording 1: Christmas Concert Urbana Middle School Chorus, 1989

- Audio-Visual Recording 2: King Assembly Urbana Middle School, 1990

- Audio-Visual Recording 3: Urbana High School Concert Choir ft. U of I Black Chorus and Women's Glee Club, October 18, 1990

- Audio-Visual Recording 4: Urbana High School Choir Award Concert, October 22, 1990

- Audio-Visual Recording 5: The Sound of Joy, Parkland College Television, 1992

- Audio-Visual Recording 6: City of Champaign 3rd Annual MLK Foellinger Hall, January 15, 1992

- Audio-Visual Recording 7: Urbana High School 92nd Annual Holiday Concert, December 10, 1992

- Audio-Visual Recording 8: Urbana High School Choir Concert, 1993

- Audio-Visual Recording 9: Urbana High School Choir Concert, March 28, 1995

- Audio-Visual Recording 10: Urbana High School Choir Concert/Urbana Singers, NIU/Highland Park High School On Tour, April 26, 1995

- Audio-Visual Recording 11: Ms. Biggers (Rosa Parks), January 5, 1996

- Audio-Visual Recording 12: Urbana Middle School Christmas Concert, December 16, 1996

- Audio-Visual Recording 13: Urbana Middle School Sixth Grade Band/Chorus Winter Concert, December 8, 1997

- Audio-Visual Recording 14: Urbana High School Annual Fall Concert, October 27, 1998

- Audio-Visual Recording 15: Urbana High School Annual Holiday Choral Music Concert, Urbana Singers/UHS Madrigals, December 17, 2001

- Audio-Visual Recording 16: Urbana High School Choir Annual Awards Concert, 2005

- Audio-Visual Recording 17: Spring Choral Concert, Mahomet-Seymour and Urbana HS Choirs, March 8, 2005

- Audio-Visual Recording 18: Chorus, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 19: The Concert, Rosemary Boykins-Soloist, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 20: Golden Apple Award, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 21: Mr. Summerville, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 22: Parkland College Black Student Association 2nd Annual Black History Month Gospel Concert, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 23: Summerville Channel 3 Profile, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 24: Urbana High School Concert Choir, undated

- Box 20

- Disk 1: UHS Christmas Program, 1998

- Disk 2: UMS Lessons, Piano Students, 8th Grade Chorus Field Trip, 1998

- Disk 3: May Urbana High School Info, 1999

- Disk 4: Middle School, High School Office Info, 2002

- Disk 5: Urbana High School, 2005

- Disk 6: UHS Music (Because of Who You Are and others), 2005

- Disk 7: Info for Concert Choir, Urbana High School Concert Choir Field Trip, undated

- Disk 8: Program Information for Urbana High School, Middle School, undated

- Disk 9: Tour Info (Honors Choir), undated

- Disk 10: Major Letters, undated

- Disk 11: School Lesson, Resume, etc., undated

- Disk 12: UMS Stuff, undated

- Disk 13: Songs, School, undated

- Box 26

- Disc 1: Urbana High School Concert Choir, April 10, 1997

- Disc 2: Make A Difference, Urbana Middle School, May 20, 1999

- Disc 3: Champaign-Urbana Interracial Interdenominational Community Choir, January 20, 2002

- Disc 4: Champaign-Urbana Interracial Interdenominational Community Choir, January 18, 2004

- Disc 5: Urbana High School Commencement, 2005

- Disc 6: Community Choir of Champaign-Urbana, 2005

- Disc 7: A March Concert Celebrating Music in Our Schools, March 8, 2005

- Disc 8: Urbana High School Concert Choir Annual Spring Break Tour, 2005

- Disc 9: The University of Arkansas Pine Bluff in Concert, March 20, 2005

- Disc 10: Urbana High School Choir Annual Awards Concert, May 10, 2005

- Disc 11: NIA, A Delta Night of Purpose: Bridging Scholarship and Excellence, December 9, 2006

- Disc 12: Graduation, 2007

- Disc 13: String Recital, 2008

- Disc 14: Jazz Band 1, 2008-2009

- Disc 15: MLK Celebration-Honored Guest--The Westbrook Singers, January 2008

- Disc 16: Christmas Concert, 2009

- Disc 17: Season's Greetings-UAPB Band, January 2009

- Disc 18: African-American Church Music from GIA Sampler, 2009

- Disc 19: Hinds Community College Choir, 1 of 3, March 15, 2011

- Disc 20: Hinds Community College Choir, 2 of 3, March 15, 2011

- Disc 21: Hinds Community College Choir, 3 of 3, March 15, 2011

- Disc 22: Davion Eugene Williams, Senior Recital, March 17, 2011

- Disc 23: Hinds Community College Choir, March 13, 2012

- Disc 24: Choir Day, September 9, 2012

- Disc 25: Central Choir Senoir Solos, 2013

- Disc 26: WICD-TV Honor Willie T. Summerville, 2013

- Disc 27: Harmonizing Difference, Annual Spring Concert, April 29, 2013

- Disc 28: History, Human Rights, and the Power of One, 2014

- Disc 29: MLK Choir Rehearsal, January 3, 2015

- Disc 30: MLK Rehearsal, January 10, 2015

- Disc 31: MLK 2015, January 18, 2015

- Disc 32: "The Journey: African American's making a positive impact in Central Illinois", February 2015

- Disc 33: University of Illinois Black Chorus, Mom's Day Concert, April 11, 2015

- Disc 34: AFRO 498 WS Class, End of Semester Concert, May 4, 2015

- Disc 35: AFRO 498, undated

- Disc 36: Central State Chorus, 1 of 2, undated

- Disc 37: Central State Chorus, 2 of 2, undated

- Disc 38: Central State University Chorus, 1 of 2, undated

- Disc 39: Central State University Chorus, 2 of 2, undated

- Disc 40: Knoxville College Celebrate, 1967-1969

- Disc 41: Nfinite Soul, featuring Erica Smith, undated

- Disc 42: Urbanology, Rhyme Clinic, undated

- Disc 43: The Sounds of Christmas, undated

- Disc 44: UH, undated

- Disc 45: Vocal Grace, University of Illinois Black Chorus, undated

- Disc 46: Youth Conference Osler 5, Watch and Enjoy, undated

- Box 29

- Cassette 1: Central JB I, Jazz 1982, 1982

- Barb Decker vocalist
- Cassette 2: UJHS Christmas Concert, 1982

- Cassette 3: Full Concert, October 19, 1982

- Cassette 4: UHS Choir Concert, October 25, 1982

- Cassette 5: Urbana Chorus Concert, 1983

- Cassette 6: High School Choir, May 23, 1983

- Cassette 7: UJHS Fall Concert, 1983

- Cassette 8: 7th-8th-9th Choir and Solos, March 12, 1985

- Cassette 9: Governor's School Vocal Ensembles, 1986

- Cassette 10: School Music, 1987

- Cassette 11: Urbana JHS Chorus, 1988

- Cassette 12: UJHS Fall Concert, 1988

- Cassette 13: Spring Concert, April 18, 1991

- Cassette 14: Urbana Middle School Chorus, 1996

- Cassette 15: Ensembles Tape #1, 1997

- Cassette 16: UMS 8th Grade Chorus State Contest, 1997

- Cassette 17: Elizabeth City State University Choir, undated

- Cassette 18: Howard University, 1 of 2, undated

- Cassette 19: Howard University, 2 of 2, undated

- Cassette 20: Krannert Center YS-"The Elixir of Love", undated

- Cassette 21: Men's Choir Concert-A Night of Song, undated

- Cassette 22: ORU Black Chorus, undated

- Cassette 23: Concert Choir of Dillard University, undated

- Directed by S. Carver Davenport
- Cassette 24: UHS, undated

- Cassette 25: UHS Choir Concert, undated

- Cassette 26: UI Black Chorus, February 23, 1992

- Cassette 27: Urbana Middle School Chorus, undated

- Box 33

- Cassette 1: Andrey C., undated

- Cassette 2: April and Jalker, undated

- Cassette 3: Ben, undated

- Cassette 4: Charles Workbook, undated

- Cassette 5: Derrick, undated

- Cassette 6: District Festival Tenor Part, undated

- Cassette 7: Houston, McCay, undated

- Cassette 8: John P. Kee, undated

- Cassette 9: Mattie, undated

- Cassette 10: May 4th

- Cassette 11: Miami, undated

- Cassette 12: Miami III, undated

- Cassette 13: Michael's "95" Jams, undated

- Cassette 14: Military Polonaise, Jewel Kelly, undated

- Cassette 15: No Man's An Island, undated

- Cassette 16: Pam's Concert, undated

- Cassette 17: Palace Theater, undated

- Cassette 18: Roger Coyne, undated

- Cassette 19: Sara Hodges, undated

- Cassette 20: Smokey, undated

- Cassette 21: Soprano I and II, District, 1997

- Cassette 22: Steven Kelly, undated

- Cassette 23: Study Tape, 1991

- Cassette 24: Tamara Nance, undated

- Cassette 25: Tiffany Moreland, undated

- Cassette 26: Tiffany Ross, undated

- Cassette 27: Tramaniya Hawkins, undated

- Cassette 28: United We Stand, undated

- Cassette 29: untitled, August 12, 1990

- Cassette 30: Vince and Mike, undated

- Cassette 31: W.T. Summerville, undated

- Box 34

- Reel 1: Air & Bouree-J.S. Bach, undated

- Performed by Willie T. Summerville
- Reel 2: First Grade-Bottenfield, undated

- Reel 3: Northern Illinois, undated

- Reel 4: Oberlin College, May 8, 1971

- Reel 5: Robeson Christmas, undated

- Disc 6: The 4th of May, 1981

- Disc 7: Adventures in Negro History, 1963

- Disc 8: The Frederick Douglass Years, 1966

- Disc 9: Happiness Is Being With The Spinners, 1976

- Disc 10: Mozart-Requiem, 1977

- Disc 11: Mozart Sernades-The Netherlands Wind Ensemble, 1969

- Disc 12: Readings from The Journey, 1971

- Disc 13: Readings from The Search, 1971

- Disc 14: Readings from The Scene, 1971

- Disc 15: Urbana Junior High 9th Grade Chorus, 1985

- Disc 16: W.E.B. DuBois: A Recorded Autobiography, 1961

- Item 17: Baby Pictures

- Box 59

- Reel 1: Unidentified 8mm Film Reel, undated

- Included within scrapbook folder, See Box 58, F. 2.
- Sub-Series 2: Recordings of Church Events and Rehearsals, 1986-2016

- Consists of records, audio-cassette tapes, CDs, video recordings, VHS tapes, and DVDs pertaining to school events led by Willie T. Summerville. Organized by media type, and then chronologically.
- Box 19

- Audio-Visual Recording 25: Young People's Choir, Solid Rock Baptist Church, August 31, 1986

- Audio-Visual Recording 26: Workshop, August 14, 1987

- Audio-Visual Recording 27: Musical Workshop, August 21, 1987

- Audio-Visual Recording 28: Gospel Music Concert, October 4, 1987

- Audio-Visual Recording 29: Bethel Baptist Church, Richmond Heights FL, From the Stinsons to Deacon Summerville, March 25, 1989

- Audio-Visual Recording 30: Workshop, 1990

- Audio-Visual Recording 31: Working, October 26, 1991

- Audio-Visual Recording 32: 13th Annual Music Workshop Concert Indiana Street M.B. Church, 1992

- Audio-Visual Recording 33: Gospel Workshop Concert, June 14, 1992

- Audio-Visual Recording 34: St. Luke C.M.E. Church's New Life Choir, 1993-1994

- Audio-Visual Recording 35: Julio's 1st Sermon St. Luke's CME Church, October 30, 1994

- Audio-Visual Recording 36: The Little Rock 9 (7) on Oprah Winfrey Show, January 15, 1996

- Audio-Visual Recording 37: Crossett Reunion, 1997

- Audio-Visual Recording 38: Davis Memorial 25th Annual Homecoming Church of God in Christ Tape 1, November 26, 1999

- Audio-Visual Recording 39: Davis Memorial 25th Annual Homecoming Church of God in Christ Tape 2, November 26, 1999

- Audio-Visual Recording 40: 25th Annual Praise and Worship (Testimonials), November 28, 1999

- Audio-Visual Recording 41: Master Tape, December 14, 1999

- Audio-Visual Recording 42: Willie T. Summerville, February 4, 2002

- Audio-Visual Recording 43: Rev. William Moses Summerville, March 24, 2002

- Audio-Visual Recording 44: Min. Steve Gilbert Sermon and Concert, December 30, 2002; October 3, 2004

- Audio-Visual Recording 45: 5th Hour Dec. Tour, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 46: Gospel Presentation Reel, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 47: Israel and New Breed, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 48: Jesus of Nazareth, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 49: Master, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 50: Say Amen Somebody, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 51: Summerville, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 52: Willie T. Summerville, undated

- Audio-Visual Recording 53: Dubbed, January 18, 1995

- Box 20

- Disk 14: Gospel, W.T., 1996

- Disk 15: Pine Bluff, Willie, 1999

- Disk 16: Songs for New Book, 1999

- Disk 17: Back Up, May, 2000

- Disk 18: Envelope Setting, Linda's Song List, Rome Specialized Song List, Special Back Up, July 17, 2000

- Disk 19: Added St. Louis Info, 2003

- Disk 20: Back up, 2003

- Disk 21: Indiana St. Workshop, 2003

- Disk 22: W.T. Year End Stuff, 2003

- Disk 23: Pine Bluff Music, 2003

- Disk 24: Pine Bluff Info, 2003

- Disk 25: Recovered Stuff, 2004

- Disk 26: Robert and Maril Re: Kendra Y, 2004

- Disk 27: March Stuff, 2004

- Disk 28: WTS December Memo, 2004

- Disk 29: Awards, 2005

- Disk 30: Office Stuff, 2005

- Disk 31: B-U-2, 2005

- Disk 32: B-U-4, 2005

- Disk 33: Community Steering Committee Info/Meeting, March-May, 2007

- Disk 34: CUperstar, Ad book to Parents, 2008

- Disk 35: Adrian's Notes, David Williams Letter, undated

- Disk 36: Auditions, undated

- Disk 37: Auditions, CUperstar Audition and Kick off Flyer, undated

- Disk 38: Auditions, CUperstar Audition Flyer, Denial Letter, Finalist Letter, Score Card, undated

- Disk 39: Back up #4, undated

- Disk 40: Back up #5, undated

- Disk 41: Back up #6, undated

- Disk 42: Back up #7, undated

- Disk 43: Back up #8, undated

- Disk 44: Back up for W.T. Pine Bluff, undated

- Disk 45: Catch up work, Check list, Class sessions, undated

- Disk 46: Chenelle, undated

- Disk 47: Christ the Savior is Born, For Your Name is to be Praised, undated

- Disk 48: Combined Memos #1, undated

- Disk 49: Combined Memos #2, undated

- Disk 50: Combined Memos #3, undated

- Disk 51: Contest Backup, undated

- Disk 52: Data Program, undated

- Disk 53: December Office Work, 53

- Disk 54: Extra backup, undated

- Disk 55: Green Forest Music, undated

- Disk 56: He Reigns, undated

- Disk 57: Hey Got the Word Lecture Outlines, undated

- Disk 58: Holiday Backup, undated

- Disk 59: Important Stuff, undated

- Disk 60: Instructional Music, undated

- Disk 61: ML King Carnegie Hall, undated

- Disk 62: More Memos, undated

- Disk 63: Netscape #3 NCSA Telnet #6, undated

- Disk 64: Program #1, undated

- Disk 65: Roots: Draft/S.G., undated

- Disk 66: Saved UMS #2, undated

- Disk 67: Shandra Resume, undated

- Disk 68: Stylewriter System Extensions, undated

- Disk 69: Stylewriter Printer Application, undated

- Disk 70: Summerville Credit Report, Birth Home, undated

- Disk 71: There is a Balm, undated

- Disk 72: W. Summerville, undated

- Disk 73: W.T., undated

- Disk 74: W.T. Pine Bluff Info, undated

- Disk 75: W.T.S. Job Appeal, undated

- Disk 76: W.T.S. Special Info for Choir, undated

- Disk 77: W.T.S. Very Important, undated

- Disk 78: W.T.S. Resume, Workshop Forms, undated

- Box 26

- Disc 47: Saint Luke CME Youth Choir, August 2012

- Disc 48: Saint Luke CME Youth Choir, 1968, 1972

- Disc 49: Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, First Anniversary, 1978

- Disc 50: untitled, 1978

- Disc 51: Saint Luke CME Church New Life Choir, 1993-"present"

- Disc 52: 16th Annual Music Workshop Indiana Street M.B. Church, August 10, 1995

- Disc 53: UHS Keeping the Dream Alive, 1997

- Disc 54: Alive Reunion, The Barnes Family, 1 of 2, 1999

- Disc 55: Alive Reunion, The Barnes Family, 2 of 2, 1999

- Disc 56: Carter Met CME Church, March 25, 2011

- Disc 57: All Gospel Trinity Program, Heidelberg College-Community Chorus, November 10, 2001

- UAS Middle School CD
- Disc 58: The Music of John Stafford II, 2003

- Disc 59: Thanks You for Sharing Our Day, Darrin and Yavonnda Smith, August 2, 2003

- Disc 60: Thank You Lord For Your Angels, 2004

- Psalmist Annetta Cooks
- Disc 61: Third Street Church of God 95th Anniversary, 2005

- Disc 62: Summerville, Spring 2005

- Disc 63: Chris Jordan, March 15, 2005

- Disc 64: Shalom Church (City of Peace) Family Enrichment, October 12, 2005

- Disc 65: Master CD, 2006

- Disc 66: Anointed Voices Workshop, 2006

- Disc 67: Singing the Old Time Way vol. 2, 2006

- Disc 68: Master CD, 2006

- Disc 69: Workshop, 2006

- Disc 70: Workshop AMDS Temple, 2006

- Disc 71: Rev. B. J. Jackson, March 3, 1923-May 5, 2006

- Disc 72: How to Be/Find a Man After God's Own Heart, October 29, 2006

- Faithful Central Bible Church
- Disc 73: The True Meaning of Christmas, December 24, 2006

- Disc 74: Workshop, 1 of 2, 2007

- Disc 75: Workshop, 2 of 2, 2007

- Disc 76: Indiana Street Baptist Church Workshop, 1 of 2, 2007

- Disc 77: Indiana Street Baptist Church Workshop, 2 of 2, 2007

- Disc 78: The Westbrook Singers, January 27, 2007

- Disc 79: "The Gift of Tongues" Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, June 3, 2007

- Disc 80: The Holy One, November 5, 2007

- Disc 81: Merry, 2007

- Disc 82: Annual Musical Celebration: Strengthening Our Churches, 2008

- Fellowship Baptist District Association
- Disc 83: Workshop, 1 of 2, 2008

- Disc 84: Workshop, 2 of 2, 2008

- Disc 85: Workshop, 1 of 2, 2008

- Disc 86: Workshop, 2 of 2, 2008

- Disc 87: Hampton University Ministers' Conference, June 2, 2008

- Disc 88: Hampton University Ministers' Conference, Choir Guild Workshop, 1 of 2, June 2, 2008

- Disc 89: Hampton University Ministers' Conference, Choir Guild Workshop, 2 of 2, June 2, 2008

- Disc 90: Hampton University Ministers' Conference, morning preacher, June 3, 2008

- Rev. Gina Stewart
- Disc 91: Hampton University Ministers' Conference, noon day preacher, June 3, 2008

- Dr. Joel Gregory
- Disc 92: Hampton University Ministers' Conference, evening worship, June 3, 2008

- Bishop Charles Blake
- Disc 93: Hampton University Ministers' Conference, June 3, 2008

- Dr. Joel Gregory
- Disc 94: Hampton University Ministers' Conference, June 3, 2008

- Wendell P. Whalum Recital
- Disc 95: Hampton University Ministers' Conference, June 4, 2008

- Dr. Joel Gregory
- Disc 96: Hampton University Ministers' Conference, June 4, 2008

- Whalum Recital III
- Disc 97: Hampton University Ministers' Conference, June 5, 2008

- The Charles H. Flax Memorial Concert
- Disc 98: Saints Giving Thanks And Praise to God Forever, August 8, 2008

- Disc 99: Ordination Service of Rev. Steve Gilbert, December 7, 2008

- Disc 100: "A Promise For Dark Times", December 21, 2008

- Pastor Brandon B. Porter
- Disc 101: "Another Way", December 25, 2008

- Pastor Brandon B. Porter
- Disc 102: Workshop, 2010

- Disc 103: "The Marriage in the Sky", August 22, 2010

- Pastor B.J. Tatum
- Disc 104: Gospel Jams, 2011

- Disc 105: Workshop, Dics 2, 2011

- Disc 106: Spring Revival, master copy, 2011

- Disc 107: Carter Metropolitan CEM Church, Spring Revival, May 23, 2011

- Rev. Julio A. Andujo and Pastor Roland Brown
- Disc 108: Spring Revival, Carter Metropolitan CEM Church, May 24, 2011

- Box 27

- Disc 1: The New Living Way, June 26, 2011

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Disc 2: Unity In The Community, October 6, 2011

- Disc 3: Crossett Reunion Concert, 2012

- Disc 4: Crossett Reunion Welcome Program Parade, 2012

- Disc 5: Crossett Reunion Dance Prayer Breakfast, 2012

- Disc 6: Crossett Reunion Concert T.W. Daniel, 2012

- Disc 7: The Power of Being Empty, 2012

- Pastor Eric L. Alexander
- Disc 8: Saving the Best For Last, December 16, 2012

- Disc 9: Summerville, April 2013

- Disc 10: Singers Surrounded With Songs of Deliverane, 1 of 2, 2013

- Indiana Street Baptist Annual Music Workshop
- Disc 11: Singers Surrounded With Songs of Deliverane, 2 of 2, 2013

- Indiana Street Baptist Church Annual Music Workshop
- Disc 12: Musical Celebration for the Life of Valerian Summerville, September 14, 2014

- Disc 13: Saints Singing God's Praises Forever, August 4-8, 2014

- Indiana Street Baptist Church Annual Music Workshop
- Disc 14: He's Calling For Your Heart, August 10, 2014

- Pastor Eric L. Alexander, St Luke Baptist Church
- Disc 15: Which Laugh Are You On?, September 21, 2014

- Pastor Eric L. Alexander, St Luke Baptist Church
- Disc 16: Get Connected, Septmeber 7, 2014

- Pastor Eric L. Alexander, St Luke Baptist Church
- Disc 17: 1, 2015

- Disc 18: 2, 2015

- Disc 19: 3, 2015

- Disc 20: 1-3, 2015

- Disc 21: Passing the Generational Blessing, pt 4, 2015

- Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer, Faithful Central Bible Church
- Disc 22: Webber Street Christian Church, 100th Year Anniversary, 1915-2015

- Disc 23: Bethel Morning Speaker: Presiding Elder Tyson J. Parks, February 15,2015

- Disc 24: Educating Through Discipleship-Part II, June 10, 2015

- Baptsit State Convention, Rev. B.J. Tatum
- Disc 25: Educating Through Discipleship-Part IV, June 11, 2015

- Baptist State Convention, Rev. B.J. Tatum
- Disc 26: "Saints Praising Him To The Last Breath!", 1 of 3, August 3-7, 2015

- Indiana Street Baptist Church Annual Music Workshop
- Disc 27: "Saints Praising Him To The Last Breath!", 2 of 3, August 3-7, 2015

- Indiana Street Baptist Church Annual Music Workshop
- Disc 28: "Saints Praising Him To The Last Breath!", 3 of 3, August 3-7, 2015

- Indiana Street Baptist Church Annual Music Workshop
- Disc 29: You Did Right By Me, August 30, 2015

- Pastor Steve Gilbert, Faith Covenant Baptist Church
- Disc 30: Mama Pearl's Visitation, September 13, 2015

- Disc 31: Mama Pearl's Going Home Celebration, September 14, 2015

- Disc 32: Madea Dedication Celebration, October 30, 2015

- Disc 33: Canaan Baptist Presents Excerpts from Handel's Messiah, December 13, 2015

- Disc 34: Canaan Baptist Presents Excerpts from Handel's Messiah, DVD, December 13, 2015

- Disc 35: Workshop, 1 of 2, 2016

- Disc 36: Workshop, 2 of 2, 2016

- Disc 37: Singers Waiting On The Lord!, Disc 1, August 8-12, 2016

- Indian Street Baptist Church Annual Music Workshop
- Disc 38: Singers Waiting On The Lord!, Disc 2, August 8-12, 2016

- Disc 39: Singers Waiting On The Lord!, Disc 3, August 8-12, 2016

- Disc 40: Forever Holding The Light and Praising His Name, DVD 1, July 17, 2016

- 50 year choir reunion DVD
- Disc 41: Forever Holding The Light and Praising His Name, DVD 2, July 17, 2016

- 50 year choir reunion DVD
- Disc 42: Adrian Study CD, undated

- Disc 43: All Hail The Power of Jesus Name, undated

- Disc 44: Alvin Darling & Celebration, undated

- Disc 45: The Angels of Harmony, undated

- Disc 46: Anthony Brown & Group Therapy, undated

- Disc 47: ARF James Clark, undated

- Disc 48: Artist In Residency, undated

- Disc 49: "At Last", Etta James, undated

- Disc 50: Aug 19, undated

- Disc 51: Barber's Adagio, undated

- Disc 52: Be Exalted-Rev. Marvin Sapp, undated

- Disc 53: Because He's God, undated

- Disc 54: Bishop Trotter, Victory Is Mine, undated

- Disc 55: Black Sacred Music, undated

- Disc 56: Born Blessed, Jimmy Hicks, undated

- Disc 57: Boyz II Men, Song For Mama, undated

- Disc 58: Bridal Dreams, undated

- Disc 59: Canaan Flyer, undated

- Disc 60: Can't Nobody, Regina Belle, undated

- Disc 61: Carlton Pearson, E.V.H.Jl, undated

- Disc 62: Certificates All, undated

- Disc 63: Chicago Mass Choir, We Give You Praise, undated

- Disc 64: Christmas & Easter, undated

- Disc 65: Deacon Summerville, undated

- Disc 66: Denver 2, undated

- Disc 67: The Do It Yourself Messiah-Alto, undated

- Disc 68: The Donnie McClerkin Story, undated

- Disc 69: Duke Ellington's Sacred Concerts, undated

- Disc 70: Earl Byonym, undated

- Disc 71: Eddie Robinson, Because He's Worthy, undated

- Disc 72: Emanuel, undated

- Disc 73: Everyone Can Sing, The Do It Yourself Messiah, Alto, undated

- Disc 74: Everyone Can Sing, The Do It Yourself Messiah, Soprano, undated

- Disc 75: Everything, Canaan Booklet, undated

- Disc 76: The Experience, undated

- Disc 77: Experiencing God's Call To Service, undated

- Pastor Steve Gilbert, Faith Covenant Baptist Church
- Disc 78: Faithful Central, undated

- Disc 79: FBD Songs, undated

- Disc 80: First Lady Glenda Searcy, "Wait", undated

- Disc 81: For Willie T, From T.B., undated

- Disc 82: Fred Wesley, undated

- Disc 83: Funk, Disc 3, undated

- Disc 84: God's Got It, undated

- Disc 85: God Is Calling: It's For You, undated

- Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer, Faithful Central Bible Church
- Disc 86: God Is Great, undated

- James Bignon & The Deliverance Mass Choir
- Disc 87: Good News, undated

- Vanessa Bell Armstrong
- Disc 88: Gospel Mix, 1 of 3, undated

- Disc 89: Gospel Mix, 2 of 3, undated

- Disc 90: Gospel Mix, 3 of 3, undated

- Disc 91: Gospel Music, undated

- Disc 92: Grace & Canaan, 1 of 2, undated

- Disc 93: Grace & Canaan, 2 of 2, undated

- Disc 94: Grade Machine, undated

- Disc 95: Handel's Messiah, Jubilee Temple CME, undated

- Disc 96: Heart of a Love Song, undated

- Disc 97: Heavenly 4, undated

- Disc 98: He's Worthy, undated

- Disc 99: Hezekiah Walker, undated

- Disc 100: Holding On To Your Faith, undated

- Pastor Steve Gilbert, Faith Covenant Baptist Church
- Disc 101: I Recommend Jesus, undated

- Pastor Steve Gilbert, Faith Covenant Baptist Church
- Disc 102: In His Presence: Live!/Selah, undated

- Disc 103: In His Presence: Live!, undated

- Disc 104: India, Arie-Testimony: Vol. 1, Life & Relationship, undated

- Disc 105: An Invitation To Worship, undated

- Disc 106: Israel & New Breed, Another Level 1, undated

- Disc 107: J.J. Johnson, undated

- Disc 108: James Bignan, undated

- Disc 109: John Halter, DVD, undated

- Disc 110: Johnathan Blanchard, undated

- Disc 111: Juanita Bynum, undated

- Disc 112: Knowledge Is Power, "Big D", undated

- Disc 113: Larine, undated

- Disc 114: Little Rock Music, undated

- Disc 115: Lori's Song, For Deacon, undated

- Disc 116: Master Copy, 1 original, undated

- Disc 117: Master Copy, 2 original, undated

- Disc 118: Messiah, Alto, undated

- Disc 119: Messiah, Bass, undated

- Disc 120: Messiah, Bass, undated

- Disc 121: Messiah, Soprano, undated

- Disc 122: Messiah, Tenor, undated

- Disc 123: Misty, undated

- Disc 124: Mo Betta Music, Premier #1, undated

- Disc 125: Mr. Summerville, Gospel, undated

- Disc 126: Mrs. Willia Mae Brown, DVD Video Tribute, undated

- Disc 127: My Praise Is My Weapon-Gospel Today 4, undated

- Disc 128: No Battle, undated

- Disc 129: Noah I. Brown And Company, undated

- Box 28

- Disc 1: Northern Stars, undated

- Disc 2: Nothin But Church, undated

- Disc 3: Ode to Val, undated

- Disc 5: Passion Disc 1, undated

- Disc 6: "Praise and Worship", undated

- Pastor Craig L. Oliver, Sr.
- Disc 7: Pictures & ETC, undated

- Disc 8: Rev. Larry Coleman, Baptize Me Jesus, undated

- Disc 9: Robert Alan Bridgewater, "How Great Thou Art", undated

- Disc 10: Rosa Parks, undated

- Disc 11: Safe House Gospel Fest Promo, undated

- Disc 12: The Scroll, Vol. 1, undated

- Disc 13: Shalom City of Peace/Worth, undated

- Disc 14: Shalom City of Peace/Worth, copy 2, undated

- Disc 15: Shri Addison, undated

- Disc 16: Soprano, undated

- Disc 17: Speak Life, Jose Pace, undated

- Disc 18: Spend My Life With You, undated

- Disc 19: Spirituals by Simon Estes, undated

- Disc 20: Spring Revival FBDA, "Let It Go", undated

- Dr. Sedric Veal
- Disc 21: Stevie Wonder, "As", undated

- Disc 22: Summerville Cover, undated

- Disc 23: Summerville & Kids, undated

- Disc 24: Teel & Sharie + More, undated

- Disc 25: Their a Blessing, undated

- Disc 26: Toone X, Gospel Hiphop, undated

- Disc 27: UNITY Choir, undated

- Disc 28: untitled playlist 9, undated

- Disc 29: Val's Retirement Soundtrack, undated

- Disc 30: WCG, undated

- Disc 31: Wedding CD 6 Songs, undated

- Disc 32: Wedding Songs, undated

- Disc 33: The Wedding of Ebony and William Summerville, undated

- Disc 34: The Westbrook Singers Concert DVD, undated

- Disc 35: The Westbrook Singers, Fire and Rain, undated

- Disc 36: Workshop disc 1, undated

- Disc 37: Workshop disc 2, undated

- Disc 38: You for Me, undated

- Disc 39: One-1 of 3, undated

- Disc 40: Two, 2 of 3, undated

- Disc 41: Three, 3 of 3, undated

- Disc 42: 3, 2015

- Disc 43: Mr. and Mrs. Freedom, 2012

- Box 29

- Cassette 28: Crusade, 1980

- Cassette 29: David Bauer Proposal Workshop, November 19, 1980

- Cassette 30: Two Numbers from Workshop Concert, September 11, 1982

- Cassette 31: Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, March 18, 1984

- Cassette 32: Workshop Master, 1985

- Cassette 33: Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, June 27, 1985

- Cassette 34: Black Chorus Rehearsal, 1 of 2, September 11, 1985

- Cassette 35: Black Chorus Rehearsal, 2 of 2, September 11, 1985

- Cassette 36: Three Is Not Company, November 9, 1986

- Rev. Harold Davis, Canaan Missionary Baptist
- Cassette 37: May 29 Workshop Morning Session, August 9, 1987

- Cassette 38: God Wants More, February 7, 1988

- Rev. Ullmer, Canaan Missionary Baptist
- Cassette 39: A. Jones, July 24, 1988

- Cassette 40: Mother Grace or Mother Law, August 14, 1988

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist
- Cassette 41: Choir Anniversary, November 13, 1988

- Cassette 42: Let Us Pass Over Unto the Other Side, December 18, 1988

- Rev. Kupara, Canaan Missionary Baptist
- Cassette 43: Study Tape, 1 of 2, 1989

- Cassette 44: Study Tape, 2 of 2, 1989

- Cassette 45: Music Concert, March 25, 1989

- Cassette 46: Canaan Missionary Baptist, May 3, 1989

- Cassette 47: Christian Seperation Worship, October 15, 1989

- Cassette 48: Canaan Missionary Baptist, October 29, 1989

- Cassette 49: Canaan Missionary Baptist, December 10, 1989

- Cassette 50: Kelly's Twist Christmas and New Year, 1990

- Cassette 51: Jealousy, June 6, 1990

- Cassette 52: Not sure about this one, September 2, 1990

- Canaan Missionary Baptist
- Cassette 53: The Widows Mite, October 1990

- Canaan Missionary Baptist
- Cassette 54: New Life, 1991

- Cassette 55: Please Don't Crucify Him Again, March 24, 1991

- Rev. Jones
- Cassette 56: Case ofthe Missing Disciple, June 7, 1991

- Rev. Odis Floyd
- Cassette 57: Secrets of A Great Church, August 11, 1991

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist
- Cassette 58: Vowing To Keep God's Law, August 15, 1991

- Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Box 30

- Cassette 1: Umoja-Trinity UCC, December 1991

- Cassette 2: ML King Practice Tape, 1992

- Cassette 3: Pastor's Anniversary Concert, March 13, 1992

- Cassette 4: Bible Study, May 6, 1992

- Rev. Tatum
- Cassette 5: WEP Bible Study Infancy, June 3, 1992

- Rev. B.J. Tatum
- Cassette 6: To Love Is To Serve, April 15, 1993

- Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 7: Workshop, 1993

- Indiana Street Baptist
- Cassette 8: The Holy Spirit Promised, May 27, 1993

- Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 9: Michael's House-There is No Failure, July 1993

- Cassette 10: Insight For Living, January 21, 1994

- Cassette 11: The First Man To Miss Death, May 22, 1994

- Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 12: An Old Sin Repeated, July 31, 1994

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 13: 4th Annual Music Workshop-"Oneness in Praise", October 2, 1994

- Rev. Steve Bland, Jr., Pilgrim Baptist Church
- Cassette 14: The Glory of Preaching, November 13, 1994

- Rev. Hubbard, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 15: Meeting, December 3, 1994

- Cassette 16: James Bignon-Use Me, 1995

- Cassette 17: Mt. Calvan Baptist Church, 1995

- Cassette 18: Workshop #1, 1 of 2, 1995

- Cassette 19: Workshop #1, 2 of 2, 1995

- Cassette 20: Workshop Booklet, 1996

- Cassette 21: Workshop complete, 1996

- Cassette 22: Choir 2nd Annual Workshop Musical, July 28, 1996

- St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 23: You're In The Body Now, August 18, 1996

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 24: Pine Bluff, Tape 1, 1997

- Cassette 25: Pine Bluff, Tape 2, 1997

- Cassette 26: Sounds of the Holidays, 1997

- Cassette 27: Workshop, 1 of 2, 1997

- Cassette 28: Workshop, 2 of 2, 1997

- Cassette 29: Bring Daddy Home, January 5, 1997

- Rev. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 30: Significance of A Sign, January 26, 1997

- Rev. Davis, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 31: Workshop #1, 1 of 2, 1998

- Cassette 32: Workshop #1, 2 of 2, 1998

- Cassette 33: Choir Monthly Musical, June 28, 1998

- Cassette 34: Divine Guidance, Pt. XI, July 1, 1998

- Rev. B.J. Tatum Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 35: Workshop, 1999

- Cassette 36: Union Grove Workshop, 1999

- Cassette 37: What's Love Got to Do WIth It?, February 14, 1999

- Judy Grant
- Cassette 38: The Tabernacle: Where God Lives, May 9, 1999

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 39: A Thousand Points Of Light, June 13, 1999

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 40: Union Grove Baptist Church, Workshop Concert, July 11, 1999

- Cassette 41: Workshop, 2000

- Cassette 42: 90th Anniversary Concert, November 12, 2000

- Third Street Church of God
- Cassette 43: Timithy Wright, 2001

- Cassette 44: Pray Again, March 11, 2001

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 45: Workshop #1, 2002

- Cassette 46: Pine Bluff Workshop Study Tape, 2002

- Cassette 47: Workshop, 1 of 2, 2002

- Cassette 48: Workshop, 2 of 2, 2002

- Cassette 49: Workshop, 1 of 2, 2003

- Cassette 50: Worshop, 2 of 2, 2003

- Cassette 51: Workshop, master, 2003

- Cassette 52: Unleashing the Power Within, August 20, 2003

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 53: Greenforest Community Baptist Church, January 16, 2005

- Pastor Willie J. Smith
- Cassette 54: Last of All, He Sent His Son, February 13, 2005

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 55: The Christmas Journey, December 18, 2005

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 56: Courageous Faith, December 3, 2006

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 57: The Real Birth, December 16, 2006

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 58: Handel's Messiah, 2007

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 59: Workshop, 2007

- Cassette 60: Tempted, March 25, 2007

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 61: Tested, April 1, 2007

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 62: Pastor Tatum, "Building Self-Confidence", undated

- Cassette 63: Carla's Helpful Hints, February 28, 2007

- Box 31

- Cassette 1: The Mountain, August 8, 2007

- Rev. Denny Davis, Mt. Olive Baptist Church
- Cassette 2: Giant Matters, November 11, 2007

- Bryant Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 3: Why Turn Back Now?, March 9, 2008

- Rev. B.J. Tatum, Canaan Missionary Baptist Church
- Cassette 4: Workshop, 2011

- Cassette 5: Alto Messiah, undated

- Cassette 6: Amos Davis & The Angelic Choralers, undated

- Cassette 7: Angela Spirey, "It Shouldn't Be In Church", undated

- Cassette 8: Bass I, master, undated

- Cassette 9: Bass, Messiah, undated

- Cassette 10: Bro. Andreas, Hotest Tape, undated

- Cassette 11: Buyers Beware, undated

- Cassette 12: Calvin Bridges, undated

- Cassette 13: Canaan Study Tape, Messiah, Soprano section, undated

- Cassette 14: Chi Mass, undated

- Cassette 15: Christmas Songs, undated

- Cassette 16: Christmas Concert, undated

- Cassette 17: Clay Evans, undated

- Cassette 18: Clay Evans & Ed Hawkins, undated

- Cassette 19: Closer Than Close, undated

- Cassette 20: Come By Here, undated

- Cassette 21: Come Unto Jesus, undated

- Rev. Charles Nicks Jr. and the St. James Choir
- Cassette 22: Count Your Blessings, undated

- Cassette 23: Copy of Master, Great Praise, undated

- Cassette 24: Daryl Coley, "In My Dreams", undated

- Cassette 25: Dr. Amberg's Songs, undated

- Cassette 26: Dr. Dana Carson, "I Believe In Miracles", undated

- Cassette 27: Earl Simmons, undated

- Cassette 28: Every Day With Jesus, undated

- Rev. R.E. West, Greater Strangers Rest Baptist Church
- Cassette 29: Ezekiel Saw the Wheel, undated

- Cassette 30: Flesh of My Flesh, undated

- Cassette 31: For W.T., undated

- Cassette 32: God of Another Chance, undated

- Cassette 33: God's Trombone, undated

- Cassette 34: God Wants More, undated

- Re. Ulmer
- Cassette 35: Gospel 3, undated

- Cassette 36: Gospel Songs, undated

- Cassette 37: Graduation of Junior Church, undated

- Cassette 38: Handel's Messiah, Pt 1, undated

- Cassette 39: Hosanna (only), undated

- Cassette 40: I Want To See the Blessed Face, undated

- Cassette 41: I've Come Too Far, undated

- Cassette 42: In Our Hands, undated

- Cassette 43: James Bignon, undated

- Cassette 44: James Bignon, "Use Me", undated

- Cassette 45: James Johnson & Willie T. Summerville, undated

- Cassette 46: James Morre, "I Get A Blessing", undated

- Cassette 47: Jesus Is Real, undated

- Cassette 48: Julian Bond, undated

- Cassette 49: Kelly Deauer, undated

- Cassette 50: Ken Workshop, undated

- Cassette 51: Kirk F. and The Family "Christmas", undated

- Cassette 52: Mora Park Young, Adult Choir, undated

- Cassette 53: Let Thy Spirit, undated

- Cassette 54: Light of The World Christian Church, The Power of Praise II, undated

- Dr. T. Garrott Benjamin, Jr.
- Cassette 55: Lisa Rogers, undated

- Cassette 56: Making Friends with Money, undated

- Cassette 57: Marilyn Mosley, undated

- Cassette 58: Mary Williams, undated

- Cassette 59: Mattie Moss Clark, "The Beatitudes", undated

- Cassette 60: Messiah Practice, undated

- Cassette 61: Michael's Jams, undated

- Cassette 62: Michelle, undated

- Box 32

- Cassette 1: M. Durant, undated

- Cassette 2: Mt. Calvary, undated

- Cassette 3: Mt. Calvary's Choir, undated

- Cassette 4: Mueir Choral Classic, undated

- Cassette 5: Pam in Concert, undated

- Cassette 6: Phillip Bailey, undated

- Cassette 7: Pre service, undated

- Cassette 8: Rev. James, undated

- Cassette 9: Rehearsal Church, undated

- Cassette 10: Road to Khabbarr, 1992

- Cassette 11: Ruby Black Now, undated

- Cassette 12: Shandra's Church James, undated

- Cassette 13: Slow Gospel, undated

- Cassette 14: So Amazing, Luther Vandross, undated

- Cassette 15: Soprano I, Master, undated

- Cassette 16: Soprano Messiah, undated

- Cassette 17: Teacher Meeting: Humility SS, undated

- Cassette 18: Teaching Tape, undated

- Cassette 19: Tenor Master Messiah, undated

- Cassette 20: Tenor Messiah, undated

- Cassette 21: There Has Benn A Change, undated

- Cassette 22: There's No One, undated

- Cassette 23: The Thought, undated

- Cassette 24: Tina Cunningham, undated

- Cassette 25: Tonight, undated

- Cassette 26: Trinity Wright, "Be Alright", undated

- Cassette 27: Tony King's Jams, undated

- Cassette 28: Tuskegce Spirituals, undated

- Cassette 29: Various Choirs, undated

- Cassette 30: Victory Chorale Concert, undated

- Cassette 31: Virgin Islands, undated

- Cassette 32: We Are One, undated

- Cassette 33: Why Are People Abusive?, undated

- Cassette 34: You All My Life, undated

- Cassette 35: You Can Learn A Lot From A Dummy, undated

- Rev. Steve Gilbert
- Sub-Series 3: Commercial Recordings, 1970-2014

- Consists of commercially published recordings, LPs, audio-cassette tapes, CDs, and DVDs. Organized alphabetically by title.
- Box 21

- Disc 1: "A Grown A$$ Woman Talkin", undated

- Disc 2: Acoustics of Rockford, 1998

- Disc 3: Advance Records Inc, Upcoming Releases, 2001

- Disc 4: African American Church Music from GIA, 2009

- Disc 5: Alevia Williams, "Still Keep Holding", 2004

- Disc 6: All God's Children, 1993

- Disc 7: Alto Do It Yourself, undated

- Disc 8: Alvin Green and The Unlimited Sounds, Words, Wisdom, and Music, 2004

- Disc 9: Ami Rushes, "Already Been to the Water" and "Holy Ghost", 2004

- Disc 10: Anderson Sanctuary Choir, Lord I Thank You 5:17, 2004

- Disc 11: Angela Spivey and the Voice of Victory, Eyes on the Prize, 2008

- Disc 12: Anointed, If We Pray, 2001

- Disc 13: Anthony Brown and Group Therapy, Everyday Jesus, 2015

- Disc 14: Anthony Evans, Devotional Radio Work Disk, undated

- Disc 15: Benny Hinn Easter Musical, "Go Change the World", 1995

- Disc 16: Beverly Crawford, Live in Los Angeles, undated

- Disc 17: Billy Lester and AWP The Annointed Women of Praise, Praize'm, 2002

- Disc 18: Bishop Clarence E. McClendon presents the Harvest Fire Mega Mass Choir, Shout Hallelujah, 2000

- Disc 19: Bishop James Dixon, II and The Community of Faith Mass Choir, Hymns to Hang On To, 2005

- Disc 20: Bishop Larry Trotter and the Sweet Holy Spirit Choir, Inspirational Thoughts, 2005

- Disc 21: Bishop Michael Blue and The Voices of Hope Sanctuary Choir, God Shall Supply, 2004

- Disc 22: Bishop Nathaniel Bond and The DHP Mass Choir, Keep Your Mind On Jesus, 2001

- Disc 23: Bishop Paul S. Morton, Still Standing, 2006

- Disc 24: Bishop Paul S. Morton, The FGBCF Mass Choir, 2003

- Disc 25: Bob Brozman, A Truckload of Blues, 1992

- Disc 26: Bobby Jones, Gospel Countdown, undated

- Disc 27: Brenda Waters, Believers and Friends, 1999

- Disc 28: Brian Courtney Wilson, Worth Fighting For, 2014

- Disc 29: BriLee Music Publishing Company, New Choral Music, 2001-2002

- Disc 30: Byron Cage, I Will Bless The Lord, 2005

- Disc 31: Byron Cage, Live at the Apollo The Proclamation, 2007

- Disc 32: The Very Best of Byron Cage, 2011

- Disc 33: Byron Cage, 2003

- Disc 34: Calvin Suggs and the Carolina Spirituals, Lord I'm Sorry, 2004

- Disc 35: Catt, Just Dreamin, 2010

- Disc 36: CeCe Winans, Alabaster Box, 1999

- Disc 37: Celebrate the Heritage of Gospel 2: 15 Gospel Favorites by the Original Artists, 2000

- Disc 38: Cesaria Evora, Cabo Verde, 1997

- Disc 39: Champaign Underground, 1994

- Disc 40: Charles Ford and The Charles Ford Singers, Live in Cincinnatti, 1996

- Disc 41: Charles Sampson, "The Class of 64" and "Turn it Over to Jesus", undated

- Disc 42: Chester D.T. Baldwin and Music Ministry Mass, Sing it On Sunday Morning II, undated

- Disc 43: Chicago Mass Choir, Just Having Church Live, 2007

- Disc 44: Chicago Mass XV Live, 2011

- Disc 45: Choson, Jesus Comin' Back!, undated

- Disc 46: Choson, Wake Up! Let's Go Pray Tonight, undated

- Disc 47: Christ Church Choir, He Still Leads, 2008

- Disc 48: Christmas Harp, 2005

- Disc 49: C.L. Fairchild and The Voices, Live in Church!, 2000

- Disc 50: Colors of Christmas: A Joyful Celebration of the Season, 2002

- Disc 51: Darwin G. Jackson and Praise Ministry, Hungry Soul, 2005

- Disc 52: Daryl Coley, Live in Oakland - Home Again, 1998

- Disc 53: Daywind Radio Disc 45, 2002

- Disc 54: Dea. Robert Burgess and The Might Soul Searchers, undated

- Disc 55: DeAndre Patterson, 2004

- Disc 56: Debra Killings, Surrender, 2003

- Disc 57: Deitrick Haddon's League of Xtraordinary Worshippers, 2014

- Disc 58: Derek Lee Ragin, The Choral and Vocal Arrangements of Moses Hogan, 1995

- Disc 59: DeWitt Johnson, Touching the World, 2003

- Disc 60: Diana Bush-Harris, By My God, 2003

- Disc 61: Dobbins Mass Choir, Stop For a Moment, 1992

- Disc 62: Doc McKenzie and The Hi-Lites, Standing on the Rock - Live, 2003

- Disc 63: Don Juan, Gospel Mix, undated

- Disc 64: Donald Lawrence, I Speak Life, 2004

- Disc 65: Donald Lawrence presents The Tri-City Singers, 2000

- Disc 66: Donald Lawrence presents The Tri-City Singers Finale, 2006

- Box 22

- Disc 1: Donald Lawrence presents The Tri-City Singers, Finale, 2006

- Disc 2: Donald Lawrence & Company, "Healed", 2004

- Disc 3: Donnie McClurkin, "I Call You Faithful", 2004

- Disc 4: Donnie McClurkin, We Are All One (Live In Detroit), 2009

- Disc 5: Dorinda Clark-Cole, "I'm Coming Out," "Need Him" and "No Not One", undated

- Disc 6: Dorinda Clark-Cole, "Great is The Lord", 2005

- Disc 7: Dorothy Norwood, An Incredible Journey, 2014

- Disc 8: Dottie Peoples, God Can and God Will, undated

- Disc 9: Dottie Peoples, snippets of selected cuts from the album The Water I Give, undated

- Disc 10: Dottie Peoples, Songs of Love & Faith, undated

- Disc 11: Dr. Dana Carson presents Praise Tabernacles' Voices of Praise, I Believe in Miracles, undated

- Disc 12: Dr. F. James Clark and Shalom Church (City of Piece) Mass Choir, Simply Amazing, 2015

- Disc 13: Dr. R. L. White, Jr. & Mt. Ephraim Mass Choir, Angels Charge Over Me, 2003

- Disc 14: Dr. Ruth Singletary & Steven Jones with the W.E.D.C. Voices, Thank God - The Caribbean Sound CD, 2000

- Disc 15: Earl Bynum, My Change Has Come, 2004

- Disc 16: Earnest Pugh, Just Worship, undated

- Disc 17: Earnest Pugh, The W.I.N. (Worship in Nassau) Experience, 2015

- Disc 18: Eddie Robinson presents The Voices of Mount Olive, Singing Hallelujah All Day, undated

- Disc 19: Eddie Ruth Bradford, Too Close to the Mirror, 2003

- Disc 20: Edwin Hawkins Music & Arts Seminar Mass Choir, "Give you the Glory" and "New Creature", 2004

- Disc 21: Elder Carl Joseph and the Spiritual Gospel Tru-Tones, Gotta Wait, 2005

- Disc 22: Elder Henry Davis Featuring El Shaddai, For the Rest of My Days, 2004

- Disc 23: Evelyn K. Willingham, Wounded Children Ye Are Healed, 1998

- Disc 24: Evelyn Turrentine Agee, Break Forth Praise from the album Go Through, 2005

- Disc 25: Evelyn Turrentine-Agee & The Warriors, undated

- Disc 26: Faithful Central Bible Church, A Journey of Faith: The Acquisition of the Forum, undated

- Disc 27: Faithful Central Bible Church Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer, Burnt Offering, October 1, 2006

- Disc 28: Faithful Central Bible Church Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer, The Joy of Easter, 2005

- Disc 29: Faithful Central Bible Church Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer, When Love is Hurt, August 13, 2006

- Disc 30: Favorite Gospel Melodies with Organ & Strings for Prayer and Meditation, undated

- Disc 31: Organ and Strings for Prayer and Meditation Favorite Gospel Melodies volume 3, 2000

- Disc 32: First Creation, Just Don't Want to Go Back, 2004

- Disc 33: Fontella Bass,The Gospel Radio Sampler, 2001

- Disc 34: Fred Hammond, Radical for Christ Chapters I & II, 1998

- Disc 35: FTM Records Presents Music for the Soul, 2001

- Disc 36: Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship Super Mass Choir, The Kingdom Sound, 2015

- Disc 37: Gerald Hinton and the New Redeemers, "I'll Meet You In the Middle", 2005

- Disc 38: Gerald Hinton and the New Redeemers, You Don't Know How Blessed You Are, 2004

- Disc 39: Gerald Hinton and the New Redeemers, "You Don't Know How Blessed Your Are", 2004

- Disc 40: Give A Little, undated

- Disc 41: Gospel Music Workshop of America Women of Worship, Jesus is the Name!, 1995

- Disc 42: Gospel Music Workship of America, Live in Milwaukee, 2005

- Disc 43: Gospel Music Workshop of America Women of Worship, When I Get Home, 1997

- Disc 44: Gospel Music Workshop of America The New Jersey Chapter, Live in Concert Volume 1, 1997

- Disc 45: Gospel Artists United, The 411 on New Artists, undated

- Disc 46: Gospel Kids Present Sunday Praise, 1997

- Disc 47: Gospel Skate Jams Volume 1, 2005

- Disc 48: Gospel Superstars SoulLink Live 2 Promotional Disc, The Christianaires and 7 Sons of Soul, "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and "He Can Change Your Day", 2005

- Disc 49: Gospel Today Presents Praise and Worship Volume 2, 2003

- Disc 50: Gospel Today Entertainment Presents My Praise is My Weapon, 2005

- Disc 51: Gospel Truth Magazine Disc 1, 2005

- Disc 52: Gotta Have Gospel, Disc 1 - On the Street, 2008

- Disc 53: Greg Hoover and the Charlotte Community Singers, Celebrate, 2000

- Disc 54: Harris Memorial Church of God in Christ Choir, In the Sanctuary, 1998

- Disc 55: Harvey Watkins, Jr., It's In My Heart, 2003

- Disc 56: Hezekiah Walker and LFC, Lift Him Up, 2005

- Disc 57: Howard University Choir, Our Heritage: Negro Spirituals and Work Songs, undated

- Disc 58: Inez Andrews, Raise Up A Nation, 1991

- Disc 59: Israel New Breed, Live A Deeper Level, 2007

- Disc 60: J'Nette, Hot Out of Memphis, 2004

- Disc 61: James Bignon and the Deliverance Mass Choir, What A Mighty God We Serve!, 1996

- Disc 62: Jamie Jones, Illuminate, 2004

- Disc 63: Jarian, "New Level", 2005

- Disc 64: Jarian, "Very Special", 2005

- Box 23

- Disc 1: JDI Records Step out on Faith and Just Do It!, undated

- Disc 2: Jessy Dixon Taking it Back to Church, 2000

- Disc 3: Joe Pace and the Colorado Mass Choir, Glad About It, 2001

- Disc 4: Joe Pace Presents Sunday Morning Service, 2004

- Disc 5: Joe Pace and the Colorado Mass Choir, 2003

- Disc 6: John P. Kee presents Lil' Rufus & The Melody Train

- Disc 7: John P. Kee presents The New Artist Showcase, 2005

- Disc 8: John P. Kee & New Life, Blessed by Association, 2002

- Disc 9: Juanita Fletcher, "What Makes you Think?", and "Day Away", undated

- Disc 10: Judith Christie McAllister, In His Presence Live!, 2006

- Disc 11: Kerry Douglas, Gospel Mix 08, 2008

- Disc 12: Kim McFarland, Waiting for You, 1996

- Disc 13: Kirk Franklin, Declaration (This is it!), 2007

- Disc 14: Kirk Franklin, Kingdom Come The Soundtrack, 2001

- Disc 15: Kirk Franklin, Looking For You, 2005

- Disc 16: Kurt Carr, One Church Project, 2005

- Disc 17: L. Spenser Smith & Testament, Assignment No. 1, 2004

- Disc 18: L.A. Mass Choir, Go Tell it on the Mountain, 1996

- Disc 19: L'Tanya Moore, Radiant, 2006

- Disc 20: Larry Coleman, The Music in Me, undated

- Disc 21: LaShun Pace, Just Because God Said It, 1998

- Disc 22: Mour, Escaped, 2003

- Disc 23: Lee Williams and the Spiritual QC's, Good Time, 2000

- Disc 24: Lemmie Battles, Testify, 2013

- Disc 25: Leomia Boyd, On Time, undated

- Disc 26: Leonard Williams, Praise His Name, undated

- Disc 27: Lonnie McNamee Presents The Compilation Masterpiece, 2005

- Disc 28: Luther Barnes and The Sunset Jubilaires, It's Your Time, 2003

- Disc 29: Lynda Randle, God On The Mountain, 2005

- Disc 30: Mark Jones and Prosperity, The Psalms: Make a Joyful Noise, 2003

- Disc 31: Marvin Sapp, Diary of a Psalmist, 2003

- Disc 32: Marvin Sapp, Standing on the Rock, 2002

- Disc 33: Marvin Sapp, Thirsty, 2007

- Disc 34: Sneak Preview, Masque and Tony Tidwell & Righteous Living, 1999

- Disc 35: Men of Standard, Can't Stop Now, 2004

- Disc 36: Minister Timothy Britten & Shabach Praise Co., Can't Nobody Do Me Like Jesus, undated

- Disc 37: Mississippi Children's Choir, When God's Children Get Together, 1998

- Disc 38: Mississippi Mass Choir, It Remains to be Seen..., 1993

- Disc 39: Mississippi Mass Choir, Not by Might Nor by Power, 2005

- Disc 40: Mississippi Mass Choir, ...Then Sings My Soul, 2011

- Disc 41: The Wedding Album, 1998

- Disc 42: Molly Davis & The Eastern Carolina Mass Choir, Try Jesus, 2005

- Disc 43: Music 2 Live 4, 2003

- Disc 44: Nathan Bartell and Reality, Which Road, 2004

- Disc 45: Neal Roberson, My Story, My Testimony, 2003

- Disc 46: Noah I. Brown Featuring The Company, Sovereign King, 2016

- Disc 47: Noah I. Brown and Company, You've Done 'A Mighty!, 2013

- Disc 48: Old School Medly Jam, undated

- Disc 49: Northeast Ohio Mass Choir, Right Away, undated

- Disc 50: Ollie Watts Davis, Spiritual Songs, 2003

- Disc 51: Ollie Watts Davis, University of Illinois Black Chorus, Vocal Grace: Six Spiritual in Solo and Choral Settings, 2013

- Disc 52: On Time God, 30 Gospel Greats, 2004

- Disc 53: Oscar Williams Jr. & Perfected Praise, You Are The One, 2005

- Disc 54: Pastor Brandon B. Porter, Greater Community Temple Cogic, Another Way, 2008

- Disc 55: Pastor Eric Alexander & The Voices of St. Luke Presents It's The Lord's Doing, 2012

- Disc 56: Pastor Kathy A.E. Jones, Warfare Tears, 1999

- Disc 57: Pastors Richard & Marilyn Hogue, Making the Most of a Second Chance, undated

- Disc 58: Pastor Rudolph McKissick Jr. and the Word & Worship Mass Choir, Right Place, 2005

- Disc 59: Pat Carson & Answered Prayer, Song of the Redeemed, 2004

- Disc 60: Patriotic Favorites, undated

- Disc 61: Paul Turner and Creation Ministries Inc, A Singer's Point of View, 2011

- Disc 62: Pepperco Music Group, Power Picks Vol. 1, 1996

- Disc 63: Pilgrim Jubilees, The Year of Jubilee, 2003

- Disc 64: Queen, "Do What You Gotta Do" and "No Greater Love", undated

- Disc 65: Quiet Times, Volume 4, Instrumental Interpretations, 2001

- Disc 66: Quita Lumzy, Live in Charlotte, 2005

- Disc 67: Racy Brothers, There's Not a Friend Live in Little Rock, 2005

- Box 24

- Disc 1: Randall Fears and Blessed Through Christ, Christmas Praise, 2007

- Disc 2: R.E.A.L., Real Blessings, 1995

- Disc 3: Renita Allen Dixon, Lord, You're My Umbrella, undated

- Disc 4: Rev. Andrew Cheairs and the Songbirds, Make Up Your Mind, 2005

- Disc 5: Rev. E. Stewart and The Stewart Singers, 1996

- Disc 6: Rev. Gordon A. Humphrey, Jr., presents Olivet/Oakland, Sunday Night Live!, 1996

- Disc 7: Reverend John Morris, God Reversed the Curse, 1997

- Disc 8: Rev. Milton Biggham and the Georgia Mass Choir, I Still Have a Praise, 2012

- Disc 9: Rev. Richard Frank and Friends, Hold On, Your Change Has Come, 2004

- Disc 10: Rev. Timmothy Flemming, Old Time Camp Meeting Songs, Volume 2, 2001

- Disc 11: Rev. Timothy Wright and The New York Fellowship Mass Choir, From the Upcoming Album "Let's Celebrate", undated

- Disc 12: Rhonda and Randy, "Don't Give Up" and "I Love You More", 2010

- Disc 13: Richard Allen Farmer, Zion Is Calling Me, 1995

- Disc 14: Richard Smallwood, With Vision Anthology Live, 2015

- Disc 15: Ricky Dillard and New G, Amazing, 2014

- Disc 16: Ricky Dillard and New G, The 7th Episode: Live in Toronto, Limited Deluxe Edition, 2007

- Disc 17: Ricky Dillard and New G, The Best Of, 2011

- Disc 18: Rizen, 2003

- Disc 19: The Return of Robert Dixon and the Original Salem Travelers, 2004

- Disc 20: Robert Lowe and Generations, Total Experience, 2001

- Disc 21: Rodnie Bryant ft. CCMC, Yet Unseen, and IYGMC, I am a Worshiper, 2005

- Disc 22: Rodnie Bryant, What Would I Do Without You, 2005

- Disc 23: Roscoe Robinson, The Gospel Stroll, 2005

- Disc 24: Roslyn, Yet Dreaming, 2005

- Disc 25: Ruby Terry, God Can Do It, 1996

- Disc 26: Salvation Music Ministry, Inc., Personal Expressions, undated

- Disc 27: Sean Reed, Impossible, undated

- Disc 28: Shadrach, I Won't Worry No More, 2004

- Disc 29: Shadrach, "I Won't Worry No More", 2005

- Disc 30: Shekinah Glory Ministry, Praise is What I Do, undated

- Disc 31: Speak Life, undated

- Disc 32: Spencer Taylor and The Highway QC's, The Legend, 2001

- Disc 33: Spring Sampler, 2004

- Disc 34: Stan'n Up ft. Betty Lea and Vicky Loonie, 2004

- Disc 35: Stephen Hurd, A Call to Worship, 2004

- Disc 36: Steve Kelly presents K-Cru, Kingdom's Cru, 2002

- Disc 37: Stile Records Hot Singles, undated

- Disc 38: Still Standing: The 30th Anniversary Tribute to Rev. William H. Copland, Jr., 2002

- Disc 39: TALKS Mentoring Movement, Year-end Banquet, May 23, 2009

- Disc 40: Tammye, There's Nothing Too Hard, undated

- Disc 41: Tasha Cobbs, Grace, 2013

- Disc 42: Ted and Sheri, Celebrate, 2004

- Disc 43: The A.D.T. Rapture Ready Choir, 2004

- Disc 44: The Bell Sisters, Friends, 2002

- Disc 45: The Canton Spirituals, Live In Memphis, 1993

- Disc 46: The Canton Spirituals, Nothing But the Hits, 2004

- Disc 47: The Caravans, The Best of The Caravans, 23 of their Greatest Hits, 1977

- Disc 48: The Dedicated Voices, 2005

- Disc 49: The Elders, Closer to Jesus, 2003

- Disc 50: The Family of Faith, In His Image Part 2, October 9, 2005

- Disc 51: The Georgia Mass Choir, Hold On, Help is On The Way, undated

- Disc 52: The Powell Family, the Gift, undated

- Disc 53: The Gospel Crown, Trying to Make It To The Kingdom, 2000

- Disc 54: The Gospel Gents, Carry a Torch for God, 2003

- Disc 55: The Ingrams, "It's Gonna Rain," "Cast Your Cares," and "He's My Shepherd", 2002

- Disc 56: The Ingrams "Live", Southern Cooking, 2001

- Disc 57: The Inspirations of God, To God Be The Glory, 1999

- Disc 58: The J Moss Project, 2004

- Disc 59: The Kurt Carr Singers, Together, 1991

- Disc 60: The Louisiana State Mass Choir, "His Name Is Jesus", 2005

- Disc 61: The Luckett Brothers, Fly Away to Be With Jesus, 2000

- Disc 62: The Lumzy Sisters, Memories..., 1995

- Disc 63: The Making of Andre Crouch, The Journey, 2011

- Disc 64: The Mighty Clouds of Joy, In the House of the Lord, Live in Houston, 2005

- Disc 65: The Mississippi Mass Choir, Declaration of Dependence, 2014

- Disc 66: The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, The Hallelujah Chorus, The Great Handel Choruses, undated

- Box 25

- Disc 1: The New Jersey Mass Choir, Look Up and Live, 1986

- Disc 2: The New Life Community Choir ft. John P. Kee, Sampler, 2000-2001

- Disc 3: The New Life Community Choir ft. John P. Kee, Show Up!, 1994

- Disc 4: The Next Dimension, Down Da Hill, 2005

- Disc 5: The Passion of the Christ Soundtrack, 2004

- Disc 6: The Soulful Sounds of Heaven, Be Sincere, 1995

- Disc 7: The Swanee Quintet, undated

- Disc 8: The Tommies, Real, 2000

- Disc 9: The True Heart Consolers, I'm Alright Now, undated

- Disc 10: The VIP Music and Arts Seminar presents The Power of Worship ft. John P. Kee, 2003

- Disc 11: The Williams Brothers, Greatest Hits, 2005

- Disc 12: The Williams Brothers and Their Superstar Friends, Love Train, 2004

- Disc 13: The Zion Travelers of East St. Louis, IL, Jesus Said "Welcome My Child", 2002

- Disc 14: Three Mo' Tenors, 2001

- Disc 15: Til God Says So, 2008

- Disc 16: Tim "Bishop" Brown and The Miracle Mass Choir, He's Done Enough, 2001

- Disc 17: Tommy Jones and The Christian Mass Workshop Choir, Breakthrough!, 2001

- Disc 18: Toni Stone, May 30, 2012

- Disc 19: Tony Griffen and the Bethlehem Young Adult Choir, "Lift Him Up", 2007

- Disc 20: Total Music Praise Project, Until Then, 2006

- Disc 21: Troop Nation, Joshua's Troop, 2010

- Disc 22: Troy Sneed presents Praisers BonaFide, Destined to Worship, 2008

- Disc 23: Twinkie Clark, Everything You Need Is Right Here/He Lifted Me, 2004

- Disc 24: Tyscot Presents Fresh 4 Fall, undated

- Disc 25: Tyscot Presents Sampler, 2000

- Disc 26: Valerie Boyd, Grace, 2005

- Disc 27: Valerie Boyd, Symphony of the Heart, 2002

- Disc 28: Vanessa Bell Armstrong, The Secret is Out!, 1995

- Disc 29: Vashawn Mitchell, Believe in Your Dreams, 2005

- Disc 30: Vashawn Mitchell, "No Way", 2005

- Disc 31: Vashawn Mitchell and Friends, Promises, 2007

- Disc 32: Verity, Going for the Gold, August, 2004

- Disc 33: Verity Presents The Gospel Greats Volume 3, Praise and Worship, 2005

- Disc 34: Vickie Winans, Greatest Hits, 2005

- Disc 35: Vincent Powell, Praise From My Heart Volume 2, 2014

- Disc 36: Vision of Harmony, 2003

- Disc 37: Walk by Faith, undated

- Disc 38: Walter Hawkins and the Hawkins Family, New Dawning, 1995

- Disc 39: Walter Howard and The Dedicated Christ Ensemble, Whatever You Want, God's Got It, 1995

- Disc 40: Will Smith, Ali Original Soundtrack, 2001

- Disc 41: Wow Gospel Radio Sampler, 2004

- Disc 42: Wow Gospel MegaMix, 2005

- Disc 43: Wow Gospel, 2007

- Disc 44: Wow Gospel Radio Sampler, 2008

- Disc 45: Wow Gospel, 2008

- Disc 46: Wow Gospel, 2012

- Disc 47: Wow Gospel, 2013

- Disc 48: Wow Gospel, 2016

- Disc 49: Zomba Gospel Summer Snippet Sampler, 2005

- Box 32

- Cassette 36: Aaliyah, "Age Ain't Nothing But A Number", 1994

- Cassette 37: Andrae Crouch, "I'll Be Thinking of You", 1979

- Cassette 38: Celtic Music, 1998

- Cassette 39: Choral Celebration!, undated

- Cassette 40: Christian World Inc., "At the Table", 2001

- Cassette 41: David Eden, "Songs From The School of Jesus", 1992

- Cassette 42: Decatur Park Singers, undated

- Cassette 43: Donald Vails, "My Soul Loves Jesus", 1996

- Cassette 44: Edwin Hawkins, "If You Love Me", 1993

- Cassette 45: Ice Cube, 1992

- Cassette 46: La Toya Jackson, 1980

- Cassette 47: Magical Moods, undated

- Cassette 48: Marvin Gaye Hits, undated

- Cassette 49: Mike Hayward, 1988

- Cassette 50: Myrna Summers, 1991

- Cassette 51: Nicholas, "The Closer Get To You", 1990

- Cassette 52: Rev. Timothy Wright & The Interdenominational Choir, 1991

- Cassette 53: Ron Ellerson, "Sounds Unlimited", 1994

- Cassette 54: Scott Joplin, undated

- Cassette 55: Saints in Praise vol. 1, 1989

- Cassette 56: Sing, 1991

- Cassette 57: Stevie Wonder, undated

- Cassette 58: Victory Praise Music and The Arts Seminar Mass Choir, undated

- Series 5: Personal Papers and Photographs, 1945-2017

- Consists of materials related to Summerville's own education and his personal affairs, including photographs, study materials, personal organizational tools, newspaper clippings, event records, and ties to friends and family. The series also contains materials documenting the life and career of his wife, Valerian Summerville, and the couple's children, including photographs, programs, cards, and newspaper clippings. The series contains 10 subseries: Subseries 1, Photographs; Subseries 2, Educational Papers and Documents at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff; Subseries 3, African American History, People, and Events; Subseries 4, Anniversaries, Celebrations, Events, and Reunions; Subseries 5, Planners, Calendars, Notes, and Business Cards; Subseries 6, Awards and Recognitions; Subseries 7, Summerville Children's Papers and Activities; Subseries 8, Obituaries and Funeral Services; Subseries 9, Bible and Bible Study; Subseries 10, Valerian A. Summerville's Personal and Professional Papers.
- Sub-Series 1: Photographs and Scrapbooks, 1945-2014

- Consists of photographs and photo albums, including portraits of Summerville and Valerian, event photos and albums, trip photos and albums, photos and albums of the Summerville family and family reunions, photos and albums of friends of the family, and scrapbooks created by the family, which contain loose photographs. Photos received together or in albums are maintained that way. Photos are divided by type (event, portrait, etc) and individuals depicted, then arranged by date range when possible.
- Box 39

- Folder 1: Willie Summerville's Portraits, ca. 1950-2008

- Professional, staged, and snapshot portraits of Willie from various points in his life; includes a CD with digital copies of several portraits.
- Folder 2: Portraits and Photos of Val, ca. 1945-2005

- Includes undated photos from Val's childhood as well as professional and casual portraits.
- Folder 3: Portraits of Willie and Val Together, undated

- Formal portraits of the couple.
- Folder 4: Photographs of Willie with Awards, ca. 2000-2004

- Folder 5: Negatives, ca. 1967-1993

- Negatives from various portraits of Willie.
- Folder 6: School and Reunion Class Photos, 1962-1982

- Folder 7: Yearbook: "The Lion", 1966

- Published A M & N yearbook from 1966.
- Box 40

- Folder 1: Photo Album Including 1966-2004, ca. 1966-2004

- Photos received in an album.
- Folder 2: Photo Album for 1987 (1 of 2), ca. 1987

- Photos from this folder were received in an album and are divided between folders 2 and 3.
- Folder 3: Photo Album for 1987 (2 of 2), ca. 1987

- Photographs were received together in an album, which is divided between folders 2 and 3.
- Folder 4: Photo Album of 2000 Summerville Reunion, September 2-3, 2000

- Photographs received in an album.
- Box 41

- Folder 1: Family Photo Album 1964-1968, ca. 1964-1968

- Photographs received in an album.
- Folder 2: Photo Album of 1965-1967, 1965-1967

- Photographs received in an album more like a scrapbook; contains photographs, receipts, news clippings, and programs, among other things.
- Folder 3: Personal Photo Album from 1974, ca. 1974

- Photographs received in an album.
- Folder 4: Photo Album for 1974, ca. August 1974

- Photographs received in an album.
- Folder 5: Photo Album of 2001 Los Angeles Trip, ca. January 5, 2001

- Photographs in an album.
- Folder 6: 60th Birthday Album, ca. 2004

- Photo album received in an envelope reading "Happy 60th Birthday Willie T. Summerville"
- Box 42

- Folder 1: Photo Album of Urbana High School Choir, ca. 1983

- Photographs received in an album.
- Folder 2: Photo Album of Urbana High School Choir, ca. 1996

- Photographs are in an album.
- Folder 3: Photo Album of Urbana High School Choir, March 31, 2005

- Photographs received in an album.
- Folder 4: Photo Album of Seminary Graduation, undated

- Photographs received in an album.
- Folder 5: Photo Album of School Event, undated

- Photographs received in an album.
- Box 43

- Folder 1: Photo Album of Rome Tour 1999 (1 of 2), March 13-19, 1999

- Photographs with an album, often with handwritten captions. Half of the album in this folder, half in folder 2.
- Folder 2: Photo Album of Rome Tour 1999 (2 of 2), March 13-19, 1999

- Photographs with an album, often with handwritten captions. Half of the album in this folder, half in folder 1.
- Folder 3: Willie and Choir Workshop, January 16-17, 2005

- A hard copy of an email containing primarily photographs, printed on 8 1/2 x 11 white computer paper.
- Folder 4: Photo Album of DC Tour, undated

- Photographs received in an album.
- Folder 5: Photo Album of School Choir Event, undated

- Photographs received in an album.
- Folder 6: Photo Album of School Choirs, undated

- Photos received in an album. Contains primarily photos of students and Willie in various activities.
- Box 44

- Folder 1: Willie with his Family, Friends, and Students (1 of 2), ca. 1970-2014

- Multiple events represented.
- Folder 2: Willie with his Family, Friends, and Students (2 of 2), ca. 1970-2014

- Multiple events represented.
- Folder 3: Friend at a Radio Station and a Performance on TV, ca. August 1987

- Three photographs in different formats and sizes.
- Folder 4: Summerville Family Trip, ca. September 4, 2000

- Photos received together.
- Folder 5: 50th Birthday/ 51st Anniversary Tribute, November 29, 2003

- Photos received and maintained in an album.
- Folder 6: Two Summerville Events, ca. 2004

- Two CD-R discs; received together in a commercial CD sleeve reading "Alexis Tyler." Damage to "Summerville Gala" disk possible.
- Folder 7: Anniversary Event, undated

- Family anniversary event.
- Folder 8: Birthday photos- multiple events, undated

- Birthday themed photos from various events.
- Folder 9: Conference: ACT-SO, undated

- Photos from a conference speculated to be the Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological, and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO).
- Folder 10: Military Portrait of Darryl Adams, undated

- Formal military portrait in a card with handwritten note.
- Folder 11: Music Educators National Conference, undated

- Performance, posed, and scenic shots.
- Folder 12: Summerville Birthday Gala, undated

- Photos and negatives.
- Box 45

- Folder 1: Wedding photos, ca. 1975-1996

- Folder 2: Choir events and performances, ca. 1978-2005

- Folder 3: Graduation photos, ca. 1999-2013

- Folder 4: Summerville family reunion, September 2-3, 2000

- Folder 5: Concert Choir, undated

- Folder 6: Choir Tour, undated

- Folder 7: Choir Tour, Washington D.C., undated

- Folder 8: Summerville Family Event, undated

- Folder 9: Summerville Family Reunion, undated

- Box 46

- Folder 1: School and Church Choirs, ca. 1986-2005

- Folder 2: Willie and Choirs, ca. 1974-2004

- Folder 3: Tours, Buildings, and Nature, ca. 1974-2000

- Box 47

- Folder 1: Willie's family, friends, and students, ca. 1968-2005

- Folder 2: Willie's family, friends, students, and choir, ca. 1970-1979

- Folder 3: Willie's family, friends, and students (1 of 3), ca. 1971-2012

- Folder 4: Willie's family, friends, and students (2 of 3), ca. 1971-2012

- Folder 5: Willie's family, friends, and students (3 of 3), ca. 1971-2012

- Box 48

- Folder 1: Willie's family, friends, and students, ca. 1972-2005

- Folder 2: Willie's family, friends, and students (1 of 3), ca. 1993-2005

- Folder 3: Willie's family, friends, and students (2 of 3), ca. 1993-2005

- Folder 4: Willie's family, friends, and students (3 of 3), ca. 1993-2005

- Folder 5: Willie's family, friends, and students (1 of 2), undated

- Folder 6: Willie's family, friends, and students (2 of 2), undated

- Box 56

- Folder 3: Photo Album with Photos from Several Occasions, undated

- Photos received in an album.
- Box 58

- Folder 1: Family Photographs, ca. 1974-1989

- Folder 2: Scrapbook Containing Marriage Certificate, High School Photos, and Travel Photos, ca. 1965-2012

- Folder 3: Urbana Music New York Trip Photographs, 2002

- Folder 1 of 2.
- Folder 4: Urbana Music New York Trip Photographs, 2002

- Folder 2 of 2.
- Box 59

- Folder 1: Urbana Music Photograph Book, ca. 1999-2005

- Folder 1 of 2.
- Folder 2: Urbana Music Photograph Book, ca. 1999-2005

- Folder 2 of 2.
- Sub-Series 2: Educational Papers and Documents at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, 1958-2016

- Consists of Summerville's educational papers at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and other materials related to the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and the University of Arkansas. Materials are grouped by type and arranged chronologically.
- Box 37

- Folder 1: Binding of Papers, Course Guide, and Brochures (1 of 2), 1958 - 1964

- Documents relating to String Method Courses; includes papers, course guide, score, and string teacher supply list.
- Folder 2: Binding of Papers, Course Guide, and Brochures (2 of 2), 1958 - 1964

- Documents relating to String Method Courses; includes scores and brochures.
- Folder 3: Notebooks and Music Note, 1964 - 1965

- Includes two note books and music note for the courses of Theory and Form and Percussion Methods.
- Folder 4: Notebook and Paper, 1964 - 1966

- Includes a notebook and music history course paper.
- Folder 5: Programs, Newspaper Clipping, and News Letters, 1965 - 2007

- Student ID Card (1965-66 academic year); Fraternity Founders' Day celebration program; Sigma the "Torchbearer" news letter; newspaper clipping "Johnson Steps Down, Young Named UA-PB Coach"; the University Vesper Choir programs; and Alumni news letter "The Lion".
- Folder 6: Conference Program and Commemorative Book, July 31, 2014 - April 23, 2016

- Investiture program; 26th Annual Summer Conference "Golden Opportunities: Finding the You in UAPB" Program; Sorority's Commemorative Book.
- Folder 7: Term Project Papers, Brochure, and Newspaper Clippings, undated

- Term Project Paper of Music 433 course; Term Project Paper of School Music Organization & Administration Course "The Effects of Pre-Band Instruments on a Beginning Band Program" (Some pages missing); Couesnon harmony instruments brochure; and Newspaper Clippings "Acting Chancellor Named for UA-PB" and "Davis Resigning As UA-PB Head"
- Oversize Portfolio Case 1: Summerville Oversize Items, 1988-2013

- Item 2: Phi Beta Sigma Photo Poster, undated

- An undated photo printed on foam board depicting Willie in his middle years next to a tree painted with the Phi Beta Sigma logo and the year of its creation (1914). The borders above and below the photo bear the name of the fraternity and its logo.
- Sub-Series 3: African American History, People, and Events, 1971-2015

- Consists of books, handouts, leaflets, programs, and news clippings relating to African-American history and people as well as events. Materials are grouped by type and arranged chronologically.
- Box 37

- Folder 8: Booklet, Journal, Newspaper Clippings, and Pamphlet, 1971 - March 12, 1990

- Pamphlet "A Blue-Print for Planning and Developing: A Unique Birthday Party in Observance of Martin Luther King, JR's Birthday"; Booklet "Dionne Warwicke"; Journal Patterns October 1990; and Newspaper Clippings "Black Chorus Helps Ray in Lecture on Wednesday," "'Porgy and Bess' - A Slice of Life," and "Effective Black Parenting in C-U"
- Folder 9: Leaflet and News Letter, 1994 - 1999

- Leaflet of The African-American Cultural Program and lyrics of "Willie's Song"; and News letter "Through the Years"
- Folder 10: Second African American Symposium Program, March 8-10, 2001

- Folder 11: A Wealth of Wisdom: Legendary African American Elders Speak, 2004

- Hardcover (Summerville read in 2004).
- Folder 12: Journal and Newspapers, March, 2008 - November 5, 2008

- Consits of Journal Ebon, The News-Gazette, The Daily Illini, and USA Today which reported United States President Election in 2008.
- Folder 13: Leaflet and Program, 2011-2015

- Leaflet, The Beloved Community January 2012 Calendar; and Program of 11th Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Countywide Celebration "Striving for Genuine Brotherhood"; various other programs for events honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- Folder 14: Handouts and Newspaper Clipping, undated

- Handouts "Mythbusters Quiz: Putting the Movement Back into Civil Rights Teaching"; and Newspaper clipping "Director Willie Summerville leads the Community Chorus"
- Sub-Series 4: Anniversaries, Celebrations, Events, and Reunions, 1967-2016

- Consists of wedding ceremony announcements, birth announcements, correspondence, and news clippings. Materials are grouped by type and arranged alphabetically.
- Box 37

- Folder 15: Appreciation, Greeting, and Present from Friends and Students, 1967 - 2015

- Consists of Cards, Postcards, Letters, and books as a present.
- Folder 16: Family and Friends Wedding Ceremony and Anniversary, August 27, 1983 - July 12, 2008

- Consists of wedding invitation cards, wedding service programs, and news clippings. Includes a program from a "testimonial" event.
- Folder 17: Family Genealogy, September 24, 2006

- Folder 18: Family Reunion, cf. 2016

- Summer 2017 Summerville Small Ceremony Agenda Draft; Tributes list; and lyrics written by Shandra, Derick, Roslyn, and William Summerville.
- Folder 19: Local Events and News, April 19, 1969 - September 21, 2005

- Program, Dedication Festival at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts (April 19 to MMay 18, 1969); Newspaper clipping "The Courier living '73 (Summerville interview, May 27, 1973); Newspaper clipping "Urbana proud of Harold" (Summerville interview, September 24, 2002); and News clipping "20th anniversary of Pillars program marked at event" (September 21, 2005).
- Folder 20: School and Friends Reunions, June 28, 2012- November 25, 2012

- T.W.Daniel High School Class Reunion of 1962 Ribbon (undated); 2012 50 Year Reunion Program; Family and Friends Day Program.
- Folder 21: Summervilles' Anniversary and Celebrating (1 of 2), 2000 - 2009

- Birthday and anniversary cards between Valerian and Wille Summerville; Celebrating books from Wille to Valerian Summerville.
- Folder 22: Summervilles' Anniversary and Celebrating (2 of 2), February 15, 1969 - December 19, 2012

- Cards and letters from the Summervilles' children.
- Folder 23: Summerville's Birthday Tribute and Biography, August 18, 2004 - January 6, 2006

- Newspaper clipping "Birthday bash set for choral director" (August 18, 2004); a birthday tribute for Willie T. Summerville program (August 20, 2004); Summerville' biography on Early American Museum (last updated on January 6, 2006; printed on March 20, 2006); and newspaper clipping "Retire" (undated).
- Folder 24: Summervilles' Marriage, September 9, 1996 - September 19, 1966

- Marriage Certificate and Wedding flower bill.
- Oversize Portfolio Case 1: Summerville Oversize Items, 1988-2013

- Item 1: Carl Wyatt and the Delta Voodoo Kings Poster, 2013

- Poster from the 2013 European Tour of Carl Wyatt and the Delta Voodoo Kings featuring Ms Silky Sol. Ms Silky Sol is the stage name of Summerville's neice Felicia, who inscribed the poster to her uncle. Carl Wyatt's signature is also present.
- Sub-Series 5: Planners, Calendars, Notes, and Business Cards, 1984-2014

- Consists of planners, calendars, notes, and business cards; grouped by type and arranged chronologically.
- Box 37

- Folder 25: Calendar and planner, 1984, 1991

- Folder 26: Calendar, Planner, and Note, 2000 - 2007

- Folder 27: Planners, 2008 - 2009

- Folder 28: Notes, cf. 2012-2014

- Folder 29: Business Cards, undated

- Box 56

- Folder 4: 1985 Calendar of Black Children, 1985

- Sub-Series 6: Awards and Recognitions, 1960-2015

- Certificates, plaques, and trophies awarded to Summerville over the course of his life and career; boxes arranged chronologically.
- Box 37

- Folder 30: Recognitions, Newsletter, Newspaper Clippings, and Correspondence, May 24, 1960 - April 9, 1997

- Science Fair Award (May 24, 1960); National Honor Society of Secondary Schools Membership Certificate and Card (May 16, 1961); News letter "The Last Step" (See page 11; May 1962); Royal Knight Society Membership Certificate (December 17, 1964); Certificate of Award (John Brown Watson Sunday School, May 9, 1965); letter of gratitude to the Scholarship board (March 29, 1966); Letter of recommendation from Lawrence A. Davis (May 2, 1966); Letter of recommendation from R. P. Meredith (May 3, 1966); Letter of congratulations from Mark H. Hindsley (November 23, 1966); Newspaper clipping "Lodge Honors Accorded to Summerville" (1972); Fred Waring Music Workshop Certificate (1979); Certificate for Outstanding Young Men of America (1980); Certificate of Appreciation (The Exchange Club of Urbana, Illinois, March 8, 1995); Certificate of Recognition (Gamma Upsilon Psi Society, March 29, 1997); Correspondence (April 8, 1997); and Proclamation (City of Pine Bluff, April 9, 1997).
- Folder 31: Newspapers, January 29, 1998 - February 1, 1998

- The News-Gazette. According to the News-Gazette in February 1, 1998, "Willie and Val Summerville were honored by the president for their leadership in the black community and work with local youths."
- Folder 32: Recognitions, Program, and Newspaper Clipping, October 24, 2006 - June 15, 2008

- Newspaper clipping "Scouting Award to honor Two Men" (Octobeer 24, 2006); The Whitney M. Young Recognition Dinner Program (October 26, 2006); Certificate of Appreciate (Kenwood Elementary School, February 4, 2008); and Certificate of Appreciation (Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, Junee 15, 2008)
- Folder 33: Invitation Card, Program, and Photographs, January 20, 2009

- Invitation to the Inauguration of the President and Vice President of the United States; Inauguration Ceremonies program and ticket; and photographs.
- Folder 34: Programs and Correspondence, April 28, 2011 - June 10, 2014

- ACT-SO 2012 "Today's Youth...Tomorrow's Legends Awards Luncheon" Program (April 28, 2012); 2014 Star Awards program (April 17, 2014); and correspondence (June 10, 2014).
- Folder 35: Recognitions, undated

- Certificate for Meritorious Service (The Chief of Chaplains, United States Air Force); Certificate of Appreciate (Rotary Club of Urbana, Illinois); Certificate of Appreciate (The North Central Association); and Paul Harris Fellow Recognition (Rotary International).
- Folder 36: Diplomas and Certificates, 1962-1976

- High school, undergraduate, and graduate diplomas; Phi Delta Kappa initiation certificate; ordination certificate
- Box 49

- Item 1: "The Temple Musician" Appreciation Award, July 2, 2000

- Awarded from Minister of Music & Arts
- Item 2: 22nd Annual YWCA Black Women's Achievement Dinner, 2008

- Valerian Summerville awarded as an Unsung Achiever.
- Item 3: Centennnial Gala Essence of Pearl Award, March 2, 2013

- Awarded from Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Champaign-Urbana Alumnae Chapter & the Crimson Founation, Inc.
- Item 4: ACT-SO Judge 2015, 2015

- Box 50

- Item 1: "Yes, We Can" Education Award, February 2012

- Awarded from National Association for the Advanvement of Colored People.
- Item 2: Dedication of Servive Award, 2014

- Lone Star Lodge #18, Prince Hall Affiliation F&AM.
- Item 3: Service to the Choir Award, 2013 - 2014

- Awarded from Urbana Choral Department.
- Box 51

- Item 1: Excellent Service Award Plaque (ACT-SO), 2012

- Item 2: Service Together Archieves Results Award Plaque, April 17, 2014

- Difference Maker Award for Excellence in Community Service from the City of Champaign.
- Box 52

- Item 1: Canaan Missionary Baptist Church Victory Chorale, Plaque, December 14, 1997

- Item 2: United States of America, Department of The Air Force, Plaque, July 1990

- Box 53

- Item 1: CUper Star, Outstanding Service to Youth Award, August 31, 2007

- Item 2: Tolerant "Team Mate" Award to Val Summerville, undated

- Box 54

- Item 1: Department of The Air Force, Chaplain Service, Plaque, June 1977

- IV USAFE Gospel Choir Workshop
- Item 2: Mount Calvary Mission Baptist Church, Certificate of Appreciation, September 15, 1996

- Box 55

- Item 1: Mountain Home Air Force Base, Gospel Choir Workshop, 1978

- Includes patch from the 366 TAC (Tactical Air Command) FTR WING (Fighter Wing).
- Box 56

- Folder 5: Award Certificates, 1962-2010

- Folder 6: Award Plaques, 1974-1994

- Three metal plaques
- Sub-Series 7: Summerville Children's Papers and Activities, 1982-2013

- Consists of news clippings, commencement, concert programs, certificate, and diploma.
- Box 38

- Folder 1: Newspaper Clippings, Programs, and Recognitions, 1982 - April 17, 1990

- Program for "LAMBAN" (1982); Gamma Upsilon Psi Cotillon booklet for Derrick (April 14, 1984); Jackson State University Dining Hall card for Derrick; Newspaper clippings "Madrigal dinner concert" (November 15, 1984); Handwriting Award to William Summerville (February 14, 1985); Symmetry's Children's Plays program including Shandra; Certificate of Appreciation to William Summerville (April 20, 1988); Program, Annual Holiday Choral Concert (December 18, 1989); and Certificate of Academic Achievement to Derrick Summerville (April 17, 1990).
- Folder 2: Calendar, Commencement, Flyer, and Newspaper Clippings, 1991 - May 16, 1998

- University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Calendar for 1991 - 1992; Newspaper clippings "Summerville stomps Rantoul" (September 16, 1995); etc! (Novermber 17, 1995); newspaper clippings "Parkland starts long roads" (May 16, 1996); Parkland College Commencement (May 17, 1996); Flyer of William Summerville's Graduation Reception (June 2, 1996); newspaper clippings "making the grade" (1996); and University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff commencement (May 16, 1998).
- Folder 3: Commencements, Newspaper Clippings, Recognition, and Programs, 2000 - April 5, 2013

- Program "True West" (2000?); Henderson State University Diploma (May 13, 2000); Alabama Agricultural and Merchanical Univeresity Commencement (May 11, 2002); Derrick Summerville Senior Recital Program (April 6, 2003); University of Arkansas at Monticello Commencement (May 12, 2005); newspaper clipping "Goodbye, Mother Ruby"; newspaper clippings " Adventures abound during VBS" (June 24, 2006); newspaper clippings "35th Annual Cotillion Gamma Upsilonn Psi Society" (April 11, 2007); Dalta State University Commencement (May 12, 2007); University of Illinois Convocation (December 17, 2011); and Eagle Scout Court of Honor program (April 5, 2013).
- Folder 4: Newspaper Clippings, undated

- "Willie Summmerville Senior, Champaign Cenntral Football"; captioned photo that includes Shandra Summerville
- Sub-Series 8: Obituaries and Funeral Services, 1978-2017

- Consists of obituaries and guestbooks.
- Box 38

- Folder 5: Condolence Letters and Sympathy Cards, July 21, 1980 - March 3, 2005

- Folder 6: Family and Friends Obituaries and Services, December 22, 1978 - May 21, 2016

- Folder 7: Floral Tribute Cards to Summerville Services, undated

- Folder 8: Summerville's Obituary and Service (1 of 2), March 13, 2017 - April 4, 2017

- Obituary, newspaper articles regarding Willie's life, biography, condolence letter from House of Representatives; and funeral guestbooks.
- Folder 9: Summerville's Obituary and Service (2 of 2), March 7, 2017

- Funeral guestbooks.
- Folder 10: Valerian Summerville's Obituary and Service, July 14, 2014-September 16, 2014

- Obituary; Valerian's funeral service info with her photo; program of celebration of life service for Valerian
- Box 56

- Folder 7: Church Service Collection Poster, 2017

- Church donation taken in honor of Willie Summerville, to be given to "his charity."
- Sub-Series 9: Bible and Bible Study, 1980-2012

- Box 38

- Folder 11: Bible Expositor and Illuminator, 2008 - 2010

- Folder 12: First Place 4 Health and Prayer Journal, 2009 - 2012

- Folder 13: Forth Days of Prayer and Fasting, 2002 - 2003

- Folder 14: Holy Bible, August 21, 2010

- A gift from Willie Summerville to Valerian Summerville.
- Folder 15: Praying Effectively for the Lost, cf. 2003

- Folder 16: Wednesday Bible Study, 2001 - 2013

- Folder 17: Year with the Bible, A, 2006 - 2007

- Folder 18: Deacon W.T. Summerville's Holy Bible, 1994

- Box 57

- Item 1: Bible, November 17, 1982

- Holy Bible. The Open Bible Edition. Heaviliy annotated; several enclosures.
- Sub-Series 10: Valerian A. Summerville's Personal and Professional Materials, 1967-2010

- Box 38

- Folder 19: Career Fair '91, April 29, 1983 - May 10, 1991

- Career Fair '91 Project SOARS schedule, career fair outlines, career resources, and corresponndences.
- Folder 20: Celebration and Greeting, 1980 - 2009

- 55 year birthday invitation, birthday, appreciate, and greeting cards, and correspondences.
- Folder 21: Continuing Education, August 20, 1992 - August 10, 1999

- Request for University/Board Credit and Acceptance forms.
- Folder 22: Counseling Documents, January 27, 1987 - 1990

- Documents related to counselor phylosophy and roles, personal notes, and Newspaper clipping "Orientation for counselors"
- Folder 23: Educational Papers, September 11, 1967 - January 13, 1972

- Curriculum in the Teaching of Social Studies; book review; and short essay.
- Folder 24: Evaluation and Professional Growth Plan, April 22, 1985 - May 26, 1999

- Summative evaluation and professional growth plan at Urbana School District 116; meeting memo, and correspondences.
- Folder 25: Parent Teacher Student Association, October 7, 1997 - October 19, 1998

- Issues of Concern for Urbana School District 116 (October 7, 1997); Office of Civil Rights Resolution regarding the aforementioned Issues of Concern (October 9, 1997); Notes on parent training activities for November 1997; Booklet "Realizing the Dreeam: Career Planning for the 21st Century"; Book I am Loveable and Capable; Notes; Quips; and registration form.
- Folder 26: Performance, January 15, 1980

- Newspaper clippings "In Honor of Dr. King"
- Folder 27: Recognitions, May 1991 - May 3, 2010

- Certificate of Appreciation for Excellennt Leadeership of the Canaan Tutoring Ministry; Ceertificatee of Completion from Institute for Reality Therapy; Honorary Alumnus Award from Urbana School District 116; Certificate of Honorary Life Membeership (Illinois Congress of Parennts and Teachers); Education Awards Program "Those Who Excel" Program and Correspondence; Recognition from Gammma Upsilon Psi Society; Certificate of Appreciation (National Collegiate Athletic Association); YWCA Corneerstone Award; YWCA Black Women's Achievement Dinner Program; Certificate of Achievement for Teacher of the Week; Certificate of Completion (Issues in Attention Deeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder at Parkland College); Newspaper clippings "Bernice Harrinngton, other mothers citeed at luncheon event"; Certificate by Zeta Phi Beeta Sorority, Inc.; Certificate of Appreciation for AFRO 498 WS Academic Outreach (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign); and Certificate of Appreciation for UMS Teacheer of the Week.
- Folder 28: Recommendation, July 30, 1990

- Letter of Recommendation written by Valerian Summerville.
- Folder 29: GESA Workshop Materials, 1994-1996

- A bound workbook for GESA (Gender/Ethnic Expectations and Student Achivement) training co-led by Val. Enclosures indicate possible dates in 1994 and/or 1996.
- Folder 30: Work History, January 21, 1969 - October 14, 2004

- Curriculum Vitae; Teacher's Application Form at Urbana School District #116; Notification of Retirement; and Career profile.
- Folder 31: Commencement Commemorative Folder- Val, undated

- Leather-bound folder to the graduate's family commemorating the graduation of Valerian Alexander