By Scott Schwartz, Nolan Vallier, and Hollis Wittman
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Collection Overview
Title: Peter Michalove Music and Papers, 1772-1894 and 1924-2014

ID: 26/20/189
Primary Creator: Michalove, Peter A (1951-2013)
Extent: 3.5 cubic feet
Arrangement: The collection is organized into two distinct series. Series 1: Personal Papers, 1963-2013 is organized chronologically by schools and universities attended. Series 2: Music and Audio Recordings, 1970-2006 is organized chronologically.
Date Acquired: 05/10/2013
Subjects: Compositions-Music, Martirano, Salvatore, Music, School of
Languages: English, Russian, German, Hebrew, Latin, French, Mongolian, Georgian, Manchu, Turkish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of news clippings, photographs, music programs, correspondence, and original music compositions documenting his educational experiences growing up in Greensboro, North Carolina as well as his tenure as a composition student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Michigan, and the University of Illinois between 1963 and 1976.
Biographical Note
Born and raised in Greensboro, North Carolina, and attended Grimsley High School between 1966 and 1969 where he began composing at an early age. He earned his bachelors of music from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1972 and masters degree in composition from the University of Michigan in 1973. He later attended the University of Illinois between 1974 and 1976, and studied composition with Salvatore Martirano and Ben Johnson. He completed his DMA in composition in 1976. Shortly after completing his doctoral studies he took a position with the Internal Revenue Service, and remained with the IRS until 1979 when he accepted an accounting position in the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois. In addition to music, Michalove was an active philatelist in the Rossica Philately Society where he researched and presented on stamps and letters from Soviet Georgia. He later worked for Illinois' Alumni Association (1981-1989), Geology Department (1989-1999), and the Foreign Language Department (1999-2006). After retiring from the University of Illinois in 2006, he returned his focus to music composition.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Source:
Peter A. Michalove
Acquisition Method:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Personal Papers, 1772-2014],
Series 2: Music and Audio Recordings, 1965-2006],
- Series 1: Personal Papers, 1772-2014

- Sub-Series 1: Physical Files

- Physical files must be accessed in person at the Sousa Archives and Center for American Music except in cases of select digitization, which will be indicated by a green arrow to the right of the item title.
- Box 1

- Folder 1: Musical Materials: Junior High, 1963-1966

- Folder 2: Musical Materials: High School, 1966-1969

- Folder 3: Musical Materials: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1969-1972

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Musical Materials: The University of Michigan, 1972-1973

- Folder 2: Musical Materials: The University of Illinois, 1974-1976

- Folder 3: Musical Materials: Programs and Articles, 2010-2013

- Folder 4: Rossica Philately Society, 1990-1993

- Folder 1 of 3
- Folder 5: Rossica Philately Society, 1993-1996

- Folder 2 of 3
- Folder 6: Rossica Philately Society, 1997-2008

- Folder 3 of 3
- Folder 7: Philately Exhibiting Programs, 1989-1995

- Folder 1 of 3
- Folder 8: Philately Exhibiting Programs, 1996-1998

- Folder 2 of 3
- Folder 9: Philately Exhibiting Programs, 2009-2011

- Folder 3 of 3
- Folder 10: Philately Correspondence and Folder, 1980-1992

- Folder 11: Philately Project, Soviet Georgia, 1924-1950, 2008

- Project covers Soviet Georgian stamps and letters, presented 2008 at Rossica Convention. It can be viewed online at Exponet, website is as follows: http://www.japhila.cz/hof/0417/index0417a.htm
- Folder 12: One German Stuber and One USSR Ruble, 1772 and 1989

- Two Coins used in Michalove's project on Soviet Georgia. One Brandendurg- Preussen, Friedrich II, (1740-1786) Stuber dated 1772. One USSR Ruble, 1989 commemorative coin for 175th Anniversary of the Birth of Taras Shevchenko.
- Folder 13: Philately Exhibition Photographs, ca. 1989-2008

- Folder 14: Carp Family Research and Photographs, 1894-2009

- Includes research on his maternal family members
- Folder 15: Photographs of Phillip and Ruth Michalove, ca. 1920-1959

- Folder 16: Paula and Peter Baby Book, ca. 1946-1960

- Folder 17: Family Photographs, ca. 1946-1968

- Folder 18: Family Photograph Books, ca. 1953-1954

- Includes 7 photograph books
- Folder 19: Family Circus Awards and Photographs, 1954-1968

- Folder 20: Family Photographs, ca. 1974-1989

- Folder 21: Wedding Photographs and Programs, 1975

- Folder 22: Professional and Work Photographs, 1971-1987

- Folder 23: Phillip Michalove Funeral, 1970

- Folder 24: Paula Michalove Missing Persons Request, 1946-1992

- Folder 25: Peter Michalove birth and death materials, 1951-2014

- Folder 26: High School Year book, 1969

- Box 3

- Folder 17: Family Awards and Degrees, 1953-1985

- Sub-Series 2: Born Digital Files

Digital folder structure and folder names remain as designated by Peter Michalove. Folders and files are arranged and described alphabetically within Michalove's structure. Dates indicated are "last modified."
The green arrow to the right of the folder titles provides access to either the named folder in the digital library.
- Folder 1: Documents, 1999-2014

- Contains personal files divided by Peter Michalove into six folders: Linguistics files; Music; Personal files; Philatelic documents; Philatelic files; Scores.
- Folder 1A: Linguistics Files, 1999-2013

- Contains documents pertaining to Peter Michalove's work in linguistics, including syllabi and course materials, Michalove's CV and bibliography, reference documents, handouts, and conference notes.
- Folder 1A-1: Mongolian, 2001-2006

Contains materials related to a Classical Mongolian course taught by Peter Michalove. Files include grade summaries, syllabi, handouts, text examples, and other teaching materials; items of particular interest are "bibliography," a list of publications in which Michalove was an attributed creator, and "Michalove CV," which is exactly what is purports to be: Michalove's full CV.
Two files are dated 2018, presumably in error. Folder includes several levels of subfolders: "classical" with subfolder "chaz", containing Mongolian characters in charts and image files.
- Folder 1B: Philatelic documents, December 12, 2007 - August 12, 2013

Contains informally published documents and personal lists related to various philatelic societies and stamp-focused organizations. Initially contained catalogs and periodicals available commercially for free download or for purchase.
Several items are dated October 22, 2019; this is presumed to be an error.
- Folder 1C: Philatelic files, July 23, 2007 - January 19, 2012

- Contains photos and documents from Peter Michalove's philatelic activities; primarily documents pertaining to exhibits, in particular one on 1901 stamps. Items of note include many images of stamps owned by Michalove as well as Michalove's philatelic bibliography.
- Folder 1D: Personal Files, 2000-2014

Contains files pertaining to Peter Michalove's personal life, including documentation pertaining to his cancer diagnosis and management, travel arrangements, poetry, blog posts, financial documentation, and job applications, as well as a file with Michalove's planning materials for the classes he taught with OLLI. The bulk of these files are Michalove's writing on personal topics.
Includes 5 subfolders: "BMO", "Cruise", "M&I", "Malecare Application", and "National Do Not Call Registry_files".
- Folder 1D-1: BMO, October 15, 2012 - June 29, 2013

- Contains letters requesting disbursement to Peter and Michalove of funds from the Ruth Doctor trust account, for home remodeling due to Michalove's cancer, his concert series project, and a planned trip.
- Folder 1D-2: Cruise, September 22, 2013

- Contains one document, a cruise insurance claim filed when Peter Michalove was unable to travel due to his rapidly declining health.
- Folder 1D-3: M&I, February 10, 2000 - February 13, 2003

- Contains correspondence from Peter Michalove to Barbara Lutjen requesting the withdrawl of funds from Michalove's mother's trust to finance several overseas trips for personal and academic purposes.
- Folder 1D-4: Malecare application, May 2-5, 2012

- Contains materials included in Peter Michalove's application to participate in the Malecare program as an evaluator.
- Folder 1D-5: National Do Not Call Registry_files, 2006-2013

Initially contained production materials for a National Do Not Call Registry, which have been deaccessed; contains planning and educational materials for the classes Peter Michalove taught at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
Includes one subfolder: "OLLI". The subfolders listed as part of folder 3E are all contained within the OLLI subfolder, as are several other documents pertaining to Michalove's work with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Champaign, Illinois.
- Folder 1D-5A: Bartok Quartets, January 24 - November 1, 2013

- Contains a proposal, course schedule, sources, and written out lectures for a course on Bartok's quartets that Peter Michalove taught through OLLI.
- Folder 1D-5B: Beethoven course, February 8 - November 2, 2008

- Contains a week-by-week plan (divided into week-designated subfolders) for an eight-week OLLI course taught by Michalove in 2008. Includes powerpoints, images, audio examples, and administrative materials.
- Folder 1D-5C: Beethoven Quartets, May 10, 2011 - February 26, 2012

- Contains materials related to a course on Beethoven's quartets taught at OLLI, including chronology, readings, written out lecture notes, and power points.
- Folder 1D-5D: Color of Pomegranates, March 6 - April 18, 2013

- Contains materials for a lecture given by Peter Michalove and Teresa Prussak-Wieckowska on April 17, 2013 on the film The Color of Pomegranates. Includes a power point, written out lecture, and proposal document.
- Folder 1D-5E: Istanbul course, January 16 - April 28, 2011

- Contains materials for a course on Istanbul taught by Sharon and Peter Michalove. Includes power points, written out lectures, and course evaluations.
- Folder 1D-5F: Opera course, December 13, 2009 - October 31, 2010

- Contains materials for a course Peter Michalove taught in 2010 regarding the dramatic role of music in opera. Includes written out lectures, power points, handouts, and images.
- Folder 1D-5G: Secret History, May 6, 2009 - June 2, 2009

Contains materials for a class taught by Peter Michalove on Chinggis Khan, including the proposal, images, power point, written out lecture, and supplementary material.
Includes a subfolder: "What to Listen For in Music".
- Folder 1D-5G-1: What to Listen for in Music, November 16, 2008 - May 27, 2009

- Contains materials for a study group led by Peter Michalove loosely addressing the concepts covered by Aaron Copland in his book What to Listen For in Music; includes proposal, disussion plan and outlines, and session plans.
- Folder 1D-5H: St. Anthony, March 3 - May 10, 2013

- Contains materials for a lecture given by Peter Michalove on May 16, 2013 addressing "The Musical Peregrinations of St. Anthony of Padua." Includes power point, proposal, and written out lecture.
- Folder 1D-5I: Stravinsky course, November 10, 2008 - 2012

- Contains administrative and educational materials for a course on Stravinsky taught by Peter Michalove in fall 2009. Includes proposal, powerpoints, handouts, outlines, and images. Materials are divided into session folders; one further folder called "Variations Course" contains materials for what looks like a separate class.
- Folder 1D-5I-1: Variations Course, November 17, 2011 - October 31, 2012

- Contains materials for a class on Variations taught by Peter Michalove for OLLI in fall 2012. Includes powerpoint presentations, lecture text, and musical examples, including Sibelius files.
- Folder 1D-5J: Venice Course, August 28 - October 28, 2011

- Contains a power point and other documentation for a class on Venice taught (or possibly co-taught) by Peter Michalove in 2011.
- Folder 2: Pictures, 2004-2013

- Contains digital images from various sources. Michalove's organization and folder titles have been retained and used in this finding aid.
- Folder 2A: Photo Stream- My Photo Stream, April 26, 2013 - November 11, 2013

- Contains images of Michalove with family, friends, plus a reference photo of Alphorn pitches.
- Folder 2B: LifeFrame, March 19, 2004 - February 9, 2013

- Contains a headshot of Michalove; event photos; one travel photo; photos from recording sessions; Michalove with family, friends, and colleagues; cats.
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Personal Papers, 1772-2014],
Series 2: Music and Audio Recordings, 1965-2006],