School of Music Audio Department Sound Recordings


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Subject Terms

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

University of Illinois Ensembles

Faculty Recitals and Lectures

Student Recitals

Festival of Contemporary Arts

Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra

Convocations, Symposia, Forums, and Guest Recitals

Special Requests and Donations

Card Catalogs

Transcription Discs

DAT Sound Recordings

F1 Audio and Betamax Video Recordings

CD-R and DVD Sound Recordings

Rex Anderson Master Recordings

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Collection Overview

Title: School of Music Audio Department Sound Recordings, 1945-2009Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 12/5/64

Primary Creator: School of Music Audio Department

Other Creators: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. School of Music

Extent: 334.0 cubic feet


Organized in thirteen series: Series 1, University of Illinois Ensembles; Series 2, Faculty Recitals; Series 3, Student Recitals; Series 4, Festival of Contemporary Arts, 1953-1978; Series 5, Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra; Series 6, Convocations, Symposia, Forums and Guest Recitals; Series 7, Special Requests and Donations; Series 8, Card Catalogs; Series 9, Transcription Discs; Series 10: DAT Sound Recordings; Series 11: F1 Audio and Betamax Video Recordings; Series 12: CD-R and DVD Sound Recordings, 1951-2009; and Series 13: Rex Anderson Master Recordings, 1977-1991.

Recordings in series 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 are arranged by call numbers as originally assigned by the Music and Performing Arts Library, which begin with a MO number or Music Archive Tape number. All items included within these series that do not have identifying numbers are arranged chronologically at the end of the series. Recordings in Series 4, Series 7, Series 9, Series 10, and Series 11 are arranged chronologically, with the exception of the end of Series 7, which contains items arranged by call number beginning with the letter "R". Series 9 in particular, has been arranged chronologically rather than by record label number because several of the original label numbers duplicate, many are missing, many appear out of order, and the record labels changed in early 1949 from a four digit label (ex. 5000/5001) to a single digit label (ex. 1/2). Series 12 is arranged by item number as originally assigned by the School of Music Audio Department, and is largely, though not consistently, chronological by recording date. Some cases include duplicate recordings of concerts, each assigned a unique item number despite sharing the same archival number. Some recordings dated prior to 2000 are noted as either remastered copies, reel-to-reel transfers, and DAT to CD-R transfers. Series 13 is arranged alphabetically by the performer's surname.

Note: Cards in Series 8 include all extant cards from the Music and Performing Arts Library that correspond to the recordings; cards marked "Withdrawn" indicate tapes that were deaccessioned based on their being duplicates or on other appraisal decisions.

Date Acquired: 03/07/2013. More info below under Accruals.

Subjects: Compositions-Music, Computer Music, Contemporary Arts Festival, Electronic Music, Faculty, Instrumental music, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Music, School of, Music Composition, Smith Music Hall, Speakers, Visiting, Student Performance, Symphony Orchestra

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Consists of original 1/4"-inch reel to reel, 12'' inch transcription discs, 10'' inch audio recordings, and CD-R and DVD audio recordings of performances by university ensembles, faculty, students, and guest performers between 1945 and 2009. The audio tapes were recorded either as mono or stereo on 2- and 4-track acetate and polyester tape, while the transcription discs were recorded on acetate discs. In addition to the recordings of University of Illinois ensemble performances and faculty/student recitals, this collection includes recordings of performances associated with the University's Festival of Contemporary Arts, Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, SPICMACAY, Enescu Ensemble, and lectures, concerts, music forums and symposia given by visiting performers and scholars. Of particular note are recordings of performances and lectures by Harry Partch, John Cage, Aaron Copland, Paul Hindemith, Igor Stravinsky, Soulima Stravinsky, Georges Enesco, Benjamin Britten, Peter Pears, Ben Johnston, Frederic Rzewski, Béla Bartók, Max Roach, Gunther Schuller, Harrison Birtwhistle, George Crumb, Salvatore Martirano, Carl Dahlhaus, Joel Chadabe, Lucas Foss, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Cornelius Cardew, Morton Feldman, Iannis Xenakis, Stefan Wolpe, David Tudor, Milton Babbit, David Rosenboom, Pauline Oliveros, Sudhir Phadke, Jon Faddis, the Astor Piazzolla Quintet.

Biographical Note

The School of Music purchased its first recording equipment in 1948 (University of Illinois, 1948).  Since then, the School of Music Audio Department has provided recording services for student, faculty, and guest performers at University venues including Smith Music Hall, the Krannert Center for Performing Arts, and the Music Building Recording Studios (University of Illinois School of Music, 2013).  Past Directors of the Audio Department include Jim Campbell, Carl Volkers (ca. 1950s-1976), Jeff Whimsatt (1976-78), and Rex Anderson (1978-2010). Following Anderson's retirement in 2010, audio engineers Frank Horger and Bill Demkov jointly managed the department until Demkov left the position in 2015. Horger then solely oversaw the recordings until 2020, when the management of the recordings was transferred to Graham Duncan. Duncan worked for the Audio Department as a part-time employee from 2002-2005 and 2007-2021, at which point he was appointed the full-time audio director.

The Festival of Contemporary Arts, first organized in 1948, included as part of its programming dance, theater, landscape architecture, music and an Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting and Sculpture. The Festival's music events included a variety of concerts, lectures, and workshops that were produced by University faculty and student ensembles, and guest composers and performers.  The styles of new music performance incorporated into these festivals encompassed everything from contemporary orchestral, jazz, opera, and choral music to new forms of performance art.  Initially held annually, the five- to six-week festival of performing and studio arts became a biennial event after 1953. Budgetary concerns led to the effective end of the festival after 1971, however, a related Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts was held in 1978.

Subject/Index Terms

Computer Music
Contemporary Arts Festival
Electronic Music
Instrumental music
Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Music, School of
Music Composition
Smith Music Hall
Speakers, Visiting
Student Performance
Symphony Orchestra

Administrative Information

Repository: The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music

Accruals: Originally obtained from the Music and Performing Arts Library on March 7, 2013. A second set of recordings, Series 9, was found within the Music and Performing Arts library in 2014 and were transferred to the Sousa Archives on August 9, 2015 and December 7, 2015. Additional reel-to-reel recordings of the 1970 and 1971 performances of the University of Illinois Opera Group and 1971 performances of the John Wustman studio were transferred to the Sousa Archives from the Library's Audio Preservation Unit on August 18, 2016. Recordings of the University wind band and men's glee club tapes were transferred from the the University Press Building on September 26, 2017, and a third addition of reel-to-reel tapes from the Music and Performing Arts Library was transferred to the Center on May 1, 2018. The CD-R and DVD sound recordings were transferred to the Sousa Archives from the School of Music Audio Department on October 26, 2023. Additional CD-Rs and 1/4" reel-to-reel tapes were transferred to the Sousa Archives from the Department on November 14, 2023.

Acquisition Source: School of Music Audio Department

Appraisal Information: Several items within all series were deaccessioned due to decay, lack of information on the object, and duplication elsewhere within the collection or at other archives. Several discs in series 9 were deaccessioned due to acetate breakdown, but a description of the record number and works performed have been retained within the collection record.

Related Materials: Festival of Contemporary Arts Programs Announcements, 1948- (record series: 12/1/806) For more information please see

Related Publications: For further information about other Lejaren Hiller sound recordings and personal papers please visit the University at Buffalo's Lejaren Hiller Papers which can be accessed using the following URL [].

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: University of Illinois Ensembles, 1950-92],
[Series 2: Faculty Recitals and Lectures, 1949-1992],
[Series 3: Student Recitals, 1955, 1963-1992],
[Series 4: Festival of Contemporary Arts, 1953-1978],
[Series 5: Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, 1960-1985],
[Series 6: Convocations, Symposia, Forums, and Guest Recitals, 1952-1986],
[Series 7: Special Requests and Donations, 1950-1988],
[Series 8: Card Catalogs, 1945-1992],
[Series 9: Transcription Discs, 1948-1951],
[Series 10: DAT Sound Recordings, 1979-2001],
[Series 11: F1 Audio and Betamax Video Recordings, 1984-1991],
[Series 12: CD-R and DVD Sound Recordings, 1951-2009],
[Series 13: Rex Anderson Master Recordings, 1977-1991],

Series 7: Special Requests and Donations, 1950-1988Add to your cart.
Consists of audio recordings (primarily reels) either created by the School of Music Audio Depatment as the result of special requests for recordings or duplications, or donated to the School of Music Audio Department from the personal collections of Harold A. Decker and Paul Vermel.
Box 272Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Wichita Concert Choir, February 24, 1956Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Lum Schluss - J. Brahms; Edward - Christy; Ching, Ching - A. Copland; When the Saints - Schumann

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 2: Concert Choir, March, 1957Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Caligaverunt Oculi Mei - Vittoria; Hosanna to the Son of David - Gibbons; Ave Maria - Bruckner; Jubilate Deo - G. Gabrieli; Liebeslieder Waltzer - Brahms

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 3: Concert Choir, March, 1957Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Liebeslieder Waltzer (cont.) - Brahms; Brazilian Psalm - J. Berger; Tree of Sorrow - Chavez; It Lies Not on the Sunlit Hill - J. Lekberg; Spring - Carl Parrish; Yonder, Yonder - Russian folk song; Go Down, Death - Tom Scott

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 4: Concert Choir, March, 1957Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

I Dream of Jeannie - S. Foster; Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho - Hairston

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 5: University Choir and Madrigal Singers, March, 1958Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

O Musica - Peuerl; Tantum Ergo - Palestrina; Be Not Afraid - J.S. Bach; Sing We and Chant It - Morley; The Silvre Swan - Gibbons; Tanzen und Springen; Fair Maid Thy Loveliness - Hassler; Il est bel et bon - Passereau; Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bred? - Burrill Phillips; Lord, How Long? - Alf Houkom

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 6: University Choir and Madrigal Singers, March, 1958Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Concord; Ballad of Green Broom - Banjamin Britten; Laughing Song - Earl George; Quodlibet: On Kid's Calls - Jack Gottlieb; An Eriskay Love Lilt - Roberton; Cindy - Henderson; Niggun and Horah: Chanitah - arr. Ralph Hunter; Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel? - Jack Gottlieb

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 7: Oratorio Society, Concert Choir, and Women's Glee Club, May, 1959Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Sancta Civitas - Ralph Vaughan Williams

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 8: Summer Youth Camp, 1959Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Mass in G - F. Schubert

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 9: Summer Youth Camp and Concert Choir, 1959Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Mass in G (cont.) - F. Schubert; Serenade to Music; Finale of Sancta Civitas - Ralph Vaughan Williams

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 10: Concert Choir, Spring, 1963Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 11: Concert Choir, Spring, 1963Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Madrigal - Gordon Binkerd; Motet III: Jesu, Meine Freude - J.S. Bach

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 12: Concert Choir, October 19, 1963Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Ich lasse dich nicht - Johann Christoph Bach; In manus tuas, Domine - William Byrd; Jauchet dem Herren (Psalm 100) - Heinrich Schutz; Jephte - Giacomo Carissimi

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 13: Concert Choir, October 19, 1963Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Jephte (cont.) - Giacomo Carissimi

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 14: Concert Choir, May 16, 1965 and May 22, 1966Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Five Lieder and Romanzen - J. Brahms; Friede auf Erden - A. Schonberg

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 15: Concert Choir, Spring, 1967Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Exultate Deo - A. Scarlatti; The Terrible People - James M. Cohen; I Can't Sit Down - Gershwin; O Bone Jesu - P. de Monte; Brazilian Psalm - J. Berger; Yonder, Yonder - Russian folk song; Roll, Chariot, Roll - spiritual

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 16: Concert Choir, May 2, 1967Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Stabat Mater - Penderecki

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 17: Oratorio Society, November 9, 1967Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Te Deum - J.A. Hasse

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 18: University Chorale, November 24, 1968Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Introit for March 27th (American premiere) - John Taverner

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 19: Concert Choir and Wind Ensemble, May 11, 1969Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

A Joyous Procession - Lou Harrison; Lux Eterna - Gyorgy Ligeti; A Lincoln Letter - Ulysses Kay; Canto LXXXI (Ezra Pound) - Ingvar Lidholm; The Tomb of Akr Caar (Ezra Pound) - Bengt Johansson; Etude and Patterm - Brock McElheran; The Ebb and Flow - Gordon Binkerd; Aria della Battaglia - Andrea Gabrieli; Three Japanese Dances - Bernard Rogers

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 20: University Chorale, Women's Glee Club, and Varsity Men's Glee Club, May 18, 1969Add to your cart.

Klaus Fischer-Dieskau, conductor

Choral Music of Hugo Distler

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 21: University Chorale, Women's Glee Club, and Varsity Men's Glee Club, May 18, 1969Add to your cart.

Klaus Fischer-Dieskau, conductor

Choral Music of Hugo Distler

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Box 273Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Concert Choir and Madrigal Singers, May 23, 1969Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Musica Dei donum optimi - Orlandus Lassus; Missa sine nomine: Kyrie, Gloria - Philippe de Monte; Gelobet sei Gott - Melchior Franck; Motet VI: Psalm 117 - J.S. Bach; Three Folk Songs: Erlaube mir, In stiller Nacht, Da unten im Tale - Johannes Brahms; Madrigal - Gordon Binkerd; Fair Phyllis I Saw - John Farmer; Lightly She Whipped O'er the Dales - John Mundy; Vier Zigeunerlieder - Johannes Brahms; Lux Eterna - Gyorgy Ligeti

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 2: Concert Choir and Madrigal Singers, May 23, 1969Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 3: Concert Choir and Madrigal Singers, May 23, 1969Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 4: University Chorale and Chamber Orchestra, April 3, 1973Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

The Passion According to Saint John: I. Prologue, II. The Betrayal, III. Before Caiaphas  - Johann Sebastian Bach

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 5: University Chorale and Chamber Orchestra, April 3, 1973Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

The Passion According to Saint John: IV. Peter's Denial, V. Christ Before Pilate  - Johann Sebastian Bach

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 6: University Chorale and Chamber Orchestra, April 3, 1973Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

The Passion According to Saint John: V. Christ Before Pilate, VI. The Crucifixion, VII. The End  - Johann Sebastian Bach

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 7: University Chorale and Chamber Orchestra, April 3, 1973Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

The Passion According to Saint John: VII. The End, VIII. The Burial  - Johann Sebastian Bach

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 8: Summer Chorus, July 1, 1976Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Requiem (K. 626) - Mozart

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 9: Summer Chorus, July 1, 1976Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Requiem (K. 626) (cont.) - Mozart

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 10: Summer Chorus, July 1, 1976Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Requiem, Op. 48 - Faure

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 11: Concert Choir, Illinois Dance Theatre, October 7, 8, 9, 1977Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Carmina Burana - Orff

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 12: Concert Choir, Illinois Dance Theatre, October 7, 8, 9, 1977Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Carmina Burana - Orff

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 13: Women's Glee Club, October 30, 1977Add to your cart.

William Olson, director

Pueri Hebraeorum - Randall Thompson; Duo Seraphim - Tomas Luis de Victoria; Ave Maria - Francis Poulenc; Festival response - David Stocker; Two Choruses from a Ceremony of Carols - Benjamin Britten

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 14: Women's Glee Club, October 30, 1977Add to your cart.

William Olson, director

Five Japanese Love Poems - Walter Watson; Four Songs - Johannes Brahms

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 15: Szczecin Technical University Choir Tour, April 9, 1978Add to your cart.

Jan Szyrocki, conductor

Gaude Mater Polonia - anonymous; My Dear Eyes - anonymous; Echo Song - di Lasso; Io tacero - Marenzio; Zebrzydowski's Song of rebellions - anonymous; Three Psalms - Gomolka; Tota pulchra es Maria - Gorczycki; It Already Grows Dusk - Szamotul; Exaltabo te Domine - Palestrina; otet VI "Lobet den Herrn" - J.S. Bach; Ave Maria - Bruckner; Magnificat for Three Choirs - Zielenski; Stabat Mater for Three Choirs - Penderecki; Wesola spiewka - Krenz; The Willow Tree - Sikorski' On the Jug of Clay - Wiechowicz; Kurpie's SOng - Szymanowski; Choral Concerto #21 - Bortnianski

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 16: Szczecin Technical University Choir Tour, April 9, 1978Add to your cart.

Jan Szyrocki, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 17: Szczecin Technical University Choir Tour, April 9, 1978Add to your cart.

Jan Szyrocki, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 18: Szczecin Technical University Choir Tour, April 9, 1978Add to your cart.

Jan Szyrocki, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 19: Women's Glee Club and Varsity Men's Glee Club, April 15, 1978Add to your cart.

Blaine Shover, director; Rene Clausen, director

Let All the World in Every Corner Sing - Lekberg; Duo Seraphim - Victoria; Repleti Sunt - Handl; Eucaristica; Nigra Sum - Casals; How Excellent Thy Name - Hanson; Standchen - Schubert; First Person Feminine - Barab; That's Entertainment - arr. Simon; Gaudeamus Igitur - international student song; Rise Up O Men of God - arr. Kenneth Jennings; Exultate Deo - A. Scarlatti; Fahr wohl du goldne sonne - Beethoven; Die Rose stand in Tau; R. Schumann; Rimfrosten - Bergman; Biergesengel - Rein; Pretty Saro - arr. Rene Clausen; Ain'a That Good News - Dawson; selections from "Fiddler on the Roof" - arr. Thomas Mitchell; "Get Happy" medley - arr. Hawley Ades

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 20: Women's Glee Club and Varsity Men's Glee Club, April 15, 1978Add to your cart.

Blaine Shover, director; Rene Clausen, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 21: Women's Glee Club and Varsity Men's Glee Club, April 15, 1978Add to your cart.

Blaine Shover, director; Rene Clausen, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Box 274Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Women's Glee Club and Varsity Men's Glee Club, April 15, 1978Add to your cart.

Blaine Shover, director; Rene Clausen, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 2: University Chorale, April 27, 1978Add to your cart.

Kenneth Hodgson, conductor

Cantate Domino; Domine, ne in furore tuo - Schutz; Jauchzet dem Herrn - Pachebel; Cantate de la Guerre - Milhaud; Drei Motetten, Op. 110 - Brahms

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 3: Oratorio Society, University Chorale, and University Symphony, December 10, 1978Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Elijah - Felix Mendelssohn

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 4: Oratorio Society, University Chorale, and University Symphony, December 10, 1978Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 5: Oratorio Society, University Chorale, and University Symphony, December 10, 1978Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 6: Oratorio Society, University Chorale, and University Symphony, December 10, 1978Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 7: Oratorio Society, University Chorale, and University Symphony, December 10, 1978Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Elijah (rehearsal) - Felix Mendelssohn

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 8: Oratorio Society, University Chorale, and University Symphony, December 10, 1978Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 9: Glen Ellyn Children's Choir, March 22, 1979Add to your cart.

Doreen Rao, conductor

"An Evening Falls" from Sung Under a Silver Umbrella (two takes) - Gordon Binkerd

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 10: Madrigal Singers, April 3, 1979Add to your cart.

Carl Chapman, conductor

Three Elizabethan Part Songs - Ralph Vaughan Williams; Five Part Songs - Franz Joseph Haydn; Hark, All the Lovely Saints Above - Thomas Weelkes; O Wretched Man - John Wilbye; Four Arms, Two Necks, One Wreathing - Thomas Weelkes; Fair Phyllis I Saw - John Harmer; Trois Chansons de Charles d'Orleans - Claude Debussy

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 11: Women's Glee Club, Varsity Men's Glee Club, and The Girls Next Door, April 21, 1979Add to your cart.

Carl Chapman, conductor

Salut Printemps - Claude Debussy; Serenity - Charles Ives; Die Heiligen Zehn Gebote - Franz Joseph Haydn; Laudi Alla Vergine Maria - G. Verdi

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 12: Varsity Men's Glee Club and The Girls Next Door, April 21, 1979Add to your cart.

Carl Chapman, conductor

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 13: Women's Glee Club, Varsity Men's Glee Club, and The Girls Next Door, April 21, 1979Add to your cart.

Carl Chapman, conductor

Aglepta - Arne Mellnas; "Prologue" and "Spring" from Folk Songs of the Four Seasons - Ralph Vaughan Williams; Spiritual Medley - Michael Richardson; Twentiana - arr. Hawley Ades

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 14: Oratorio Society, May 6, 1979Add to your cart.

Chester L. Alwes, conductor

Lecture on "Victorian Cathedral Music" by Nicholas Temperley; Wash Me Thoroughly; The Wilderness - S.S. Wesley; Two Introits - G.A. MacFarren; Agnus Dei - Henry H. Pierson; Blessed Are the Dead; Magnificat and Nune Dimittis in A - Stanford

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 15: Oratorio Society, May 6, 1979Add to your cart.

Chester L. Alwes, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 16: Oratorio Society, May 6, 1979Add to your cart.

Chester L. Alwes, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 17: Master's Choir, May 8, 1979Add to your cart.

Donald Story, Carole Wysocki, Mary K. Rauscher, and Daniel Sytsma, conductors

Festival Te Deum, Op. 32 - Britten; Gilead; Funeral Anthem; David's Lamentation; Cration - Billings; Die mit Tranen saen - Schein; Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt - Schutz; Magnificat - Buxtehude; Mirjams Siegesgesang, Op. 136 - Schubert; Ne irascaris - Byrd; Collegium Regale - Howells

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 18: Master's Choir, May 8, 1979Add to your cart.

Donald Story, Carole Wysocki, Mary K. Rauscher, and Daniel Sytsma, conductors

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 19: Unknown contents, May 10, 1979Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 20: Unknown contents, May 10, 1979Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Box 275Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Unknown contents, May 10, 1979Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 2: Summer Chorus, Capella Festiva, July 6, 1979Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Ceremonial/ Choruses from Saul; Aeis and Galatea - G.F. Handel

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 3: Summer Chorus, Capella Festiva, July 6, 1979Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 4: Summer Chorus, Capella Festiva, July 6, 1979Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 5: Summer Chorus, Capella Festiva, July 6, 1979Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 6: Summer Chourus, July 31, 1979Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Missa Brevis St. Johannis De Deo - Haydn; Drei Lieder - Brahms; Chichester Psalms - Bernstein

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 7: Summer Chourus, July 31, 1979Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 8: Women's Glee Club, November 8, 1979Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 9: Women's Glee Club, November 8, 1979Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 10: University Chorus and Illini Women's Chorus, November 20, 1979Add to your cart.

Mark Meehan and Paul Almjeld, conductors

Contitemini Domino - Constantini; Like As a Father - Cherubini; Magnificat - Porpora; Laudate pueri - M. Haydn; Carol of the Orphaned Children - Debussy; All the People Clap Your Hands - Weelkes; Ave Regina Coelorum - Bruckner; David's Lamentation - Billings; Notre Pere - Durufle; Singt ihr lieben Christen all - Praetorius

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 11: University Chorus and Illini Women's Chorus, November 20, 1979Add to your cart.

Mark Meehan and Paul Almjeld, conductors

Three Hungarian Folk Songs - arr. Sieber; Hush-a-bye - arr. Richardson; Personent hodie - arr. R. Schultz; Evergreen - Pinkham; Holiday Song - W. Schuman; Weep O Mine Eyes - Bennet; Music, Spread Thy Voice Around - Handel; Old Abram Brown - Britten; The Blue Bird - C.V. Stanford

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 12: University Chorus and Illini Women's Chorus, November 20, 1979Add to your cart.

Mark Meehan and Paul Almjeld, conductors

Three Hungarian Folk Songs - Bartok; Rondes (1967) - Rabe; Finale from "The Gondoliers" - Gilbert and Sullivan; The Rhythm of Life - arr. Barnes

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 13: University of Illinois Symphony, April 16, 1980Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, conductor

Concerto No. 1 in E-flat Major - Franz Liszt; Concerto for Trumpet and Bassoon with Strings (1949) - Paul Hindemith; Rapsodie Espagnole (1907) - Maurice Ravel

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 14: Graduate Chorale, July 22, 1980Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

Laudate Dominum; Regina Coeli - Felipe Rogier; Stabat Mater - G. Pierluigi da Palestrina; La Battaglia; Il festino della sera del giovedi grasso avanti cena - Andriano Banchieri

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 15: Graduate Chorale, July 22, 1980Add to your cart.

Harold A. Decker, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 16: WCIA Christmas, November, 1980Add to your cart.

Carol at Bells; Birthday of Our King; White Christmas; Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas; Boar's Head Carol

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 17: University of Illinois Russian Choir and Slava, December 10, 1980Add to your cart.

Daniel Sytsma and Judith Ellison, directors

Svete tikhy, no. 1 - A. Kastalsky; Little Ektenia - traditional chant; Hvalite Gospoda - A. Grechaninov; Spasi Gospodi - arr. P. Jermihov; Hvalite Ima Gospodne - P. Chesnekov; Bog sa rozhdaye - trad.; Nova radist stala - trad.; Rozhdestvo Tvoye - Greek chant; Nova Radost' stala - trad.; Shchedrik - arr. M. Leontovich; Polegala trova detela - Croatian harvest song; Pile pee na konope - Croatian field-work song; Potekla e mutna voda - Bulgarian New Year's song; Dobar vecar, Dobri ljudi - Croatian New Year's song; Stranszansko pravo horo - Bulgarian dance tune; Sredi doliny - arr. A. Shvedoff; Zapletisia pleten - arr. N. Rimsky-Korsakoff; Nochevala tuchka - arr. P. Chesnokov; Za rekoyu, za bistroy - arr. P, Chesnokov; Korobushka - arr. A. Shvedoff

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 18: University of Illinois Russian Choir and Slava, December 10, 1980Add to your cart.

Daniel Sytsma and Judith Ellison, directors

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 19: Women's Glee Club, April 11, 1981Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 20: Women's Glee Club, April 11, 1981Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Box 276Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Summer Chorus, July 21, 1981Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 2: Summer Chorus, July 21, 1981Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 3: Summer Chorus, July 21, 1981Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 4: Purcell Festival, August 4, 1981Add to your cart.

Messe de minuit pour Noel - M. Charpentier; Hail! Bright Cecilia - H. Purcell; Welcome to all the Pleasures - H. Purcell; Scene of the Drunken Poet from "The Fairy Queen" - H. Purcell; Come Ye Sons of Art - H. Purcell; Bring gentlest thoughts from "Begin the Song" - John Blow; The Bell Anthem - H. Purcell; Soul of the World - H. Purcell

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 5: Purcell Festival, August 4, 1981Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 6: Purcell Festival, August 4, 1981Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 7: Varsity Men's Glee Club, October 3, 1981Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 8: Varsity Men's Glee Club, October 3, 1981Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 9: Varsity Men's Glee Club, October 3, 1981Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 10: Carol Concert (2pm), December 6, 1981Add to your cart.

Robert Gray, William Olson, Leonard Rumery, and Nina Monahan, conductors

Intrumental prelude; I Wonder As I Wander - Appalachian Carol, arr. John Jacob Niles; Advent Carol - Lloyd Pfautsch; Mary Had a Baby - spiritual, arr. William L. Dawson; Christmas Fanfare - Lloyd Pfautsch; He Is Born - traditional, arr. Robert Wetzler; Ave Maria, Francis Poulenc; Deck the Halls - traditional, arr. James McKelvy; Wassail Song - Ralph Vaughan Williams; Ein Kind ist uns geboren; Das ist je gewisslich wahr - H. Schutz; A Hymn to the Virgin - B. Britten; O magnum mysterium - G. Gabrieli; Christmas Day - G. Holst

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 11: Carol Concert (2pm), December 6, 1981Add to your cart.

Robert Gray, William Olson, Leonard Rumery, and Nina Monahan, conductors

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 12: Carol Concert (4pm), December 6, 1981Add to your cart.

Robert Gray, William Olson, Leonard Rumery, and Nina Monahan, conductors

Intrumental prelude; I Wonder As I Wander - Appalachian Carol, arr. John Jacob Niles; Advent Carol - Lloyd Pfautsch; Mary Had a Baby - spiritual, arr. William L. Dawson; Christmas Fanfare - Lloyd Pfautsch; He Is Born - traditional, arr. Robert Wetzler; Ave Maria, Francis Poulenc; Deck the Halls - traditional, arr. James McKelvy; Wassail Song - Ralph Vaughan Williams; Ein Kind ist uns geboren; Das ist je gewisslich wahr - H. Schutz; A Hymn to the Virgin - B. Britten; O magnum mysterium - G. Gabrieli; Christmas Day - G. Holst

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 13: Carol Concert (4pm), December 6, 1981Add to your cart.

Robert Gray, William Olson, Leonard Rumery, and Nina Monahan, conductors

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 14: Graduate Chorale, December 8, 1981Add to your cart.

Elaine Brown, guest conductor

Beatus Vir (Psalm 112) - Antonio Vivaldi; Mass (1948) - Igor Stravinsky; Magnificat in D (BWV 243) - J.S. Bach

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 15: Graduate Chorale, December 8, 1981Add to your cart.

Elaine Brown, guest conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 16: Graduate Chorale, December 8, 1981Add to your cart.

Elaine Brown, guest conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 17: Mom's Day Concert, April 17, 1982Add to your cart.

Nina Monahan, conductor

Psalm 150 - Kent Newbury; Op. 39 - Felix Mendelssohn; Suoni (Sounds) - Knut Nystedt; Sacred Songs of the Night - Houston Bright; Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child - arr. Harry T. Burleigh; Ching-a-Ring Chaw - arr. Aaron Copland; Medley from "Pippin" - Steven Schwartz; Mom, He's Making Eyes at Me - arr. Dave Stevens

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 18: Mom's Day Concert, April 17, 1982Add to your cart.

Nina Monahan, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 19: Mom's Day Concert, April 17, 1982Add to your cart.

Nina Monahan, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Box 277Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Summer Chorus, July 8, 1982Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 2: Summer Chorus, July 8, 1982Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 3: Women's Glee Club, September 25, 1982Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 4: Graduate Chorale, October 10, 1982Add to your cart.

Louis Halsey, conductor

El Grillo; Parfons regretz - Josquin des Pres; Ich weiss mir ein Meidlein - Orlando di Lasso; Il est bel et bon - Pierre Passerau; Weep, O mine eyes - John Bennet; Flora gave me fairest flowers - John Wilbye; Come sable night - John Ward; Now Is the Month of Maying - Thomas Morley; Improptu in E-flat, Op. 90, No. 2 - Franz Schubert; Motet: Warum ist das Licht gegeben - Johannes Brahms; Motets on Gregorian Themes - Maurice Durufle; Take him, earth, for cherishing - Herbert Howells; Two pieces from Suite for Piano - Gordon Binkerd; Four Slovak Folksongs - Bela Bartok; Australian Up-country Song - Percy Grainger; Love Is Here to Stay - George Gershwin; Lullaby of Broadway - Harry Warren

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 5: Graduate Chorale, October 10, 1982Add to your cart.

Louis Halsey, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 6: Choral Consortium: Concert Choir, October 30, 1982Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 7: Choral Consortium: Men's and Women's Glee Club, October 30, 1982Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 8: Women's Glee Club, November 12, 1982Add to your cart.

Monte Atkinson, director

Introit: Alleluia - Philipp Hayes; Introit: Benedictus - Giovanni Gabrieli; Ave Maria, Op. 13 - Johannes Brahms; Tantum Ergo, Op. 65, No. 2 - Gabriel Faure; Five Choruses for Women's Voices - Bela Bartok; Simple Gifts - adpt. Aaron Copland; God's Bottles - Randall Thompson; Caroline Million - Irving Fine; Good-Night? ah! no - C.M. Shearer; Wenn ich ein Voglein war - Robert Schumann; West Side Story Medley - Leonard Bernstein

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 9: Women's Glee Club, November 12, 1982Add to your cart.

Monte Atkinson, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 10: Graduate Chorale, December 5, 1982Add to your cart.

Canite tuba - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; Beata viscera - William Byrd; Surge illuminare Jerusalem - Francesco Corteccia; Alma redemporis Mater - Orlando di Lasso; Hodie Christus natus est - Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck; Motets from Geistliche Chormusik - Heinrich Schutz; Mass in G - Joseph Haydn; Quatre Motets pour le temps de Noel - Francis Poulenc; Variations on "W zlobie lezy!" - Theodor Duda; Of a rose - Bernard Naylor; Exultet coelum laudibus - John Paynter; Infant holy - trad. Polish; I saw three ships come sailing in - trad. English

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 11: Graduate Chorale, December 5, 1982Add to your cart.

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 12: Graduate Chorale, December 5, 1982Add to your cart.

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 13: Carol Concert, December 12, 1982Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 14: Carol Concert, December 12, 1982Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 15: Carol Concert (2nd), December 12, 1982Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 16: Chor-fest '83, January 29, 1983Add to your cart.

Illini Women's Ensemble; Russian Choir; Concert Choir; Madrigal Singers; Black Chorus; University Chorus; Women's Glee Club; Girls Next Door; Other Guys; Men's Glee Club; Graduate Chorale; Combined Choirs

Barbara Allen - arr. Ron Nelson; I Believe in Music - Mac Davis; A mi proso seyali - arr. Evetz; Ya vyechnor mlada - arr. Shvedoff; Stardust - Hoagy Carmichael; The Frisco Whale - Jean Berger; Dainty Fine Sweet Nymph - Thomas Morley; O Stay Sweet Love - John Farmer; selections from the Black Chorus; O Musica; O My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose - R. Scott Coulter; I Love - Tom T. Hall; Allelulia - Philipp Hayes; selections from the Girls Next Door and Other Guys; selections from the Men's Glee CLub; I Love My Love - Gustav Holst; Lullaby of Broadway - Harry Warren; Turn Back O Man - Gustav Holst

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 17: Chor-fest '83, January 29, 1983Add to your cart.

Illini Women's Ensemble; Russian Choir; Concert Choir; Madrigal Singers; Black Chorus; University Chorus; Women's Glee Club; Girls Next Door; Other Guys; Men's Glee Club; Graduate Chorale; Combined Choirs

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 18: Chor-fest '83, January 29, 1983Add to your cart.

Illini Women's Ensemble; Russian Choir; Concert Choir; Madrigal Singers; Black Chorus; University Chorus; Women's Glee Club; Girls Next Door; Other Guys; Men's Glee Club; Graduate Chorale; Combined Choirs

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Box 278Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Women's Glee Club, April 23, 1983Add to your cart.

Monte Atkinson, director

Brother James' Air - arr. Gordon Jacob; Remember, O Lord - Michael Hicks; Tota pulchra es, op. 10 - Maurice Durufle; Laudi alla vergine Maria - Giuseppe Verdi; Everyone Suddenly Burst Out Singing - Peter Willsher; Prelude in G-sharp Minor, op. 32, No. 12 - Sergei Rachmaninov; selections from the Varsity Men's Glee Club; Salut printemps - Claude Debussy; Come, Let's Begin - Thomas Weelkes; selections from Zwolf Romanzen und Lieder, op. 44 - Johannes Brahms; selections by the Girls Next Door; Big Rock Candy Mountain - arr. Brian Trant; I Love - Tom T. Hall; Walk Him Up the Stairs - Gary Geld

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 2: Women's Glee Club, April 23, 1983Add to your cart.

Monte Atkinson, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 3: Women's Glee Club, April 23, 1983Add to your cart.

Monte Atkinson, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 4: Summer Chorus, July 9, 1983Add to your cart.

Chester L. Alwes, conductor

Gypsy Songs, Op. 103 - Johannes Brahms; Vesperae Solennes de Confessore (K. 339) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 5: Summer Chorus, July 9, 1983Add to your cart.

Chester L. Alwes, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 6: Summer Chamber Choir, July 17, 1983Add to your cart.

Chester L. Alwes, conductor

Four Madrigals - Claudio Monteverdi; Two Quartets, Op. 31 - Johannes Brahams; Missa brevis in G (SWV 236) - Johann Sebastian Bach

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 7: Summer Chamber Choir, July 17, 1983Add to your cart.

Chester L. Alwes, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 8: Summer Chorus, August 4, 1983Add to your cart.

Louis Halsey, conductor

Laetentur coeli - William Byrd; Hosanna to the Son of David - Orlando Gibbons; Salvator mundi - John Blow; In exitu Israel - Samuel Wesley; My soul, there is a country - C. Hubert H. Parry; Coelos ascendit hodie - Charles Villiers Stanford; Cantata: Rejoice in the Lamb - Benjamin Britten; O clap your hands - Ralph Vaughan Williams;

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 9: Summer Chorus, August 4, 1983Add to your cart.

Louis Halsey, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 10: Concert Choir and Men's Glee Club, October 22, 1983Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 11: Illini Women's Ensemble, University Chorus, and Madrigal Singers, October 22, 1983Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 12: Goblins, Ghosts, and Glee: Women's Glee Club Fall Concert, October 29, 1983Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

Let All the World in Every Corner Sing - Sven Lekberg; Missus est Gabriel - Cristobal de Morales; Three Sacred Choruses, Op. 37 - Johannes Brahms; Five Japanese Love Poems - Walter Watson; Vier Gesange, Op. 17 - Johannes Brahms; Es tont ein voller Harfenklang - Friedrich Ruperti; Lied von Shakespeare - A.W. von Schlegel; Der Gertner - Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff; Gesang aus Fingal - Johannes Brahms; O Waly Waly - Somerset folk song; This Girl's in Love with You - Burt Bacharach; Daybreak - Barry Manilow; Bridge Over Troubled Water - Paul Simon

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 13: Goblins, Ghosts, and Glee: Women's Glee Club Fall Concert, October 29, 1983Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 14: Carol Concert (2pm), December 11, 1983Add to your cart.

Instrumental Prelude; O Come All Ye Faithful - arr. Blaine Shover; Once in Royal David's City - H.J. Gauntlett; Fanfare for Christmas Day - Martin Shaw; Carol of the Drum - arr. Katherine K. Davis; Rise Up Early - Richard Kountz; Joy to the World - trad.; Hodie Christus Natus Est - Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck; A Hymn to the Virgin - Benjamin Britten; Ding Dong Merrily on High - Chester L. Alwes; The First Noel - English carol; Alleluia, puer natus - Colin Hand; Nativity Carol - John Rutter; Deck the Halls - James McKelvy; Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Mendelssohn

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 15: Carol Concert (2pm), December 11, 1983Add to your cart.

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 16: Carol Concert (4pm), December 11, 1983Add to your cart.

Instrumental Prelude; O Come All Ye Faithful - arr. Blaine Shover; Once in Royal David's City - H.J. Gauntlett; Fanfare for Christmas Day - Martin Shaw; Carol of the Drum - arr. Katherine K. Davis; Rise Up Early - Richard Kountz; Joy to the World - trad.; Hodie Christus Natus Est - Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck; A Hymn to the Virgin - Benjamin Britten; Ding Dong Merrily on High - Chester L. Alwes; The First Noel - English carol; Alleluia, puer natus - Colin Hand; Nativity Carol - John Rutter; Deck the Halls - James McKelvy; Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Mendelssohn

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 17: Carol Concert (4pm), December 11, 1983Add to your cart.

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 18: Chor-Fest '84, January 28, 1984Add to your cart.

Illini Women's Ensemble; University Chorus; Madrigal Singers; Concert Choir; Black Chorus; Women's Glee Club; Girls Next Door; Other Guys; Varsity Men's Glee Club; Oratorio Society; University Chorale; Combined Choirs

Dominic Has a Doll - Vincent Persichetti; Ave Maria - Alan Hovhaness; Ave Maria - Jacob Arcadelt; Old Joe Has Gone Fishing - Benjamin Britten; Viver lieto voglio - Giovanni Gastoldi; Mailied, Op. 41, No. 5 - Felix Mendelssohn; Shenandoah - arr. James Erb; It Was a Lover and His Lass - John Rutter; His Name So Sweet - Hail Johnson; For God So Loved the World - Lanny Wolfe; Let All the World in Every Corner Sing - Sven Lekberg; O Waly, Waly - arr. John Phillips; Sincerely; Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; Cry Out and Shout - Knut Nystedt; Jesu, dulcis memoria - Tomas L. Victoria; Somebody's Calling My Name - Wendell Whalum; Heilig, Heilig - Felix Mendelssohn; Te lusic ante terminum - Thomas Tallis; My soul, there is a country - C. Hubert H. Parry; Dance to Your Daddy - arr. David Stone; Let Their Celestial Concerts All Unite - G.F. Handel

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 19: Chor-Fest '84, January 28, 1984Add to your cart.

Illini Women's Ensemble; University Chorus; Madrigal Singers; Concert Choir; Black Chorus; Women's Glee Club; Girls Next Door; Other Guys; Varsity Men's Glee Club; Oratorio Society; University Chorale; Combined Choirs

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 20: Summer Chorus, July 7, 1984Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Box 279Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Summer Chorus, July 7, 1984Add to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 2: Summer Chorus, August 1, 1984Add to your cart.

Louis Halsey, conductor

Alleluia, ascendit Deus - William Byrd; Sicut cervus - Giovanni da Palestrina; Il bianco e dolce cigno - Jacques Arcadelt; Viver lieto voglio - Giovanni Gastoldi; Ave maris stella - Claudio Montiverdi; Kyrie - Joseph Haydn; Ave verum - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Der Tanz - Franz Schubert; Mailied - Felix Mendelssohn; Cantique de Jean Racine - Gabriel Faure; Ching-a-ring Chaw - Aaron Copland; Oliver Cromwell - arr. Benjamin Britten

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 3: Summer Chorus, August 1, 1984Add to your cart.

Louis Halsey, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 4: Dad's Incredible: Varsity Men's Glee Club, September 22, 1984Add to your cart.

William Olson, director

Marching Song - trad.; Gaudeamus Igitur - international student song; Fratres In Unum - B. Fitzgerald; Allelulia - R. Thompson; Civil War medley - G. Root; selections from Porgy and Bess - G. Gershwin; O Sacrum Convivium - Trilogy for Women's Voices - H. Bright; See the Gipsies - Z. Kodaly; El Condor Pasa - J. Michburg/P. Simon; Songs of the Sufferagettes - arr. M. Richardson; Brothers, Sing On! - E. Grieg; Scarborough Fair - arr. F. Bock; The Wayfaring Stranger - arr. K. Mechem; Hold On - arr. M. Richardson; Big Ten Medley - arr. Larson-Moreen; Hail to the Organge - trad.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 5: Dad's Incredible: Varsity Men's Glee Club, September 22, 1984Add to your cart.

William Olson, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 6: Dad's Incredible: Varsity Men's Glee Club, September 22, 1984Add to your cart.

William Olson, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 7: Dad's Incredible: Varsity Men's Glee Club, September 22, 1984Add to your cart.

William Olson, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 8: University of Illinois Chorale, October 14, 1984Add to your cart.

Louis Halsey, conductor

Il bianco e dolce cigno - Jacques Arcadelt; Chi la gagliarda - Giovanni da Nola; Ancor che col partire - Cipriano de Rore; Viver lieto voglio - Giovanni Gastoldi; A Music Strange - George Jeffreys; O God, thou hast cast us out - Henry Purcell

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 9: University of Illinois Chorale, October 14, 1984Add to your cart.

Louis Halsey, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 10: A Choral Consortium, October 27, 1984Add to your cart.

Selections from East Peoria High School; selections from Macon High School; selections from J.D. Darnell Senior High School; selections from Oak Park and River Forest High School; selections from the University Chorus; selections from York Community High School; selections from Maine Township High School West; selections from Addison Trail High School; selections from Varsity Men's Glee Club; selections from the Women's Glee Club; selections from the Concert Choir

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 11: A Choral Consortium, October 27, 1984Add to your cart.

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 12: Women's Glee Club and The Girls Next Door: United We Sing, October 28, 1984Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

O Sacrum Convivium - Thomas Luis de Victoria; Two Psalms - Orlando di Lasso; Trilogy for Women's Voices - Houston Bright; Songs from "The Tempest" - Williametta Spencer; Die Boten der Liebe; Am Strande - Johannes Brahms; Herbstlied; Abendlied - Felix Mendelssohn; One Voice - Manilow; Save All Your Lovin' - Kraintz; S.O.S. - Shury; Over the Rainbow - Arlem; Puttin' on the Ritz - arr. Chachula; See the Gipsies - Zoltan Kodaly; El Condor Pasa - Pail Simon; Three Women's Sufferage Songs - arr. Michael Richardson

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 13: Women's Glee Club and The Girls Next Door: United We Sing, October 28, 1984Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 14: For Your Moms Only: Women's Glee Club, April 27, 1985Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

Prepare the Hymn, Prepare the Song - George Frederic Handel; Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten - Johann Sebastian Bach; You Lovers That Have Loves Astray; If It Be Love; My Master Frowns - John Hilton; You Say There Is No Love? - Kirke Mechem; Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy - arr. Frank Metis; My Funny Valentine - arr. Marty Sirvatka; I Got Rhythm - arr. Amy Anderson; Stormy Monday - arr. Michael Hanley; Tuxedo Junction - arr. Amy Anderson; Mom - trad.; The Riddle Song - Kentucky folk song; Can You Read My Mind? - John Williams; medley from CATS - Andrew Lloyd Weber

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 15: For Your Moms Only: Women's Glee Club, April 27, 1985Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 16: For Your Moms Only: Women's Glee Club, April 27, 1985Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 17: For Your Moms Only: Women's Glee Club, April 27, 1985Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 18: Summer Chorus, July 24, 1985Add to your cart.

Chester L. Alwes, conductor

Deutsches Magnificat 1671 (SWV 494) - Heinrich Schutz; Coronation Anthem No. 3 - George Frederic Handel; Mass in G Minor - Johann Sebastian Bach

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 19: Summer Chorus, July 24, 1985Add to your cart.

Chester L. Alwes, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 20: Celebration 85: Oratorio Society, November 8, 1985Add to your cart.

Ralph Woodward, conductor

Gloria - Antonio Vivaldi; Chandos Anthem No. XI (1718) - George Frederic Handel; NANIE (Schiller), Op. 82 (1880-81) - Johannes Brahms; Festival Magnificat - Daniel Pinkham

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Box 280Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Celebration 85: Oratorio Society, November 8, 1985Add to your cart.

Ralph Woodward, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 2: Celebration 85: Oratorio Society, November 8, 1985Add to your cart.

Ralph Woodward, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 3: Fall into Music: Women's Glee Club, November 10, 1985Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

Seek Ye the Lord - Knut Nystedt; Vere Languores Nostros - Antonio Lotti; E'en So Lord Jesus Come Quickly - Paul Manz; Ave Maris Stella - Lajos Bardos; Canticles of the Virgin Queen - Michael Hurd; Songs of Late Summer - Robert Baksa; Side by Side; When I Fall in Love; The Boy from New York City; Java Jive; A Song of Music - Paul Hindemith; Broadway medley; Sigh No More, Ladies - Robert A. Boyd; Now Let Me Fly - Franklin Kinsman

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 4: Fall into Music: Women's Glee Club, November 10, 1985Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 5: University of Illinois Chorale, March 16, 1986Add to your cart.

Ralph Woodward, conductor

O Musica - Paul Peuerl; Crucifixus - Antonio Lotti; O Herr, mache mich zum Werkzeug deines Friedens, Op. 37, No. 1 - Kunt Hessenberg; Missa Brevis - Ruth Watson; Tre citat, Op. 59 - Lars-Erik Larsson; Trois Chansons - Maurice Ravel; Psalm 121 - Heinz Werner Zimmerman; I wanna be ready - arr. Ralph Woodward; Gloria - Dominick Argento

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 6: University of Illinois Chorale, March 16, 1986Add to your cart.

Ralph Woodward, conductor

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 7: Here's Looking at You Mom: Women's Glee Club, April 19, 1986Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

Veni Domine, Op. 39, No. 1; Laudate Peuri Dominum, Op. 39, No. 1 - Felix Mendelssohn; Tantum Ergo, Op. 56, No. 2 - Gabriel Faure; Laudi alla Vergine Maria - Guiseppe Verdi; Psalm 150 - Zolton Kodaly; Die Braut; Die Brautigam - Johannes Brahms; selections from the Varsity Men's Glee Club; selections from the Girls Next Door; Hodu Ladonai - arr. David Bernstein; Come All You Fair and Tender Ladies - arr. Walter Ehret; I Know Where I'm Goin' - arr. Luigi Zaninelli; Tchum Bi-Ri Tchum - arr. Maurice Goldman

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 8: Here's Looking at You Mom: Women's Glee Club, April 19, 1986Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 9: Here's Looking at You Mom: Women's Glee Club, April 19, 1986Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 10: In Praise of Autumn: Women's Glee Club, November 16, 1986Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

Pueri Hebraeorum - Randall Thompson; Repleti Sunt - Jacob Handl (Gallus); Gloria, Sanctus, and Benedictus - Benjamin Britten; Petites Voix - Francis Poulenc; selections from the Girls Next Door; Three Love Songs - James Mulholland; Mountain Nights - Zoltan Kodaly; Sometimes I Feel Like a Moanin' Dove - arr. R. Lee Gilliam; Good Night? Ah! No - C.M. Shearer

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 11: In Praise of Autumn: Women's Glee Club, November 16, 1986Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 12: Women's Glee Club, November 15, 1987Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

Let All the World in Every Corner Sing - Sven Lekberg; The Steps to Wisdom - Samuel Adler; Wisdom and Understanding - Kent Newbury; Magnificat Anima Mea Dominum - Francisco Durante; Deposuit Potentes - arr. Delores Armbrister; Sicut Erat In Principio; First Person Feminine - Seymour Barab; selections from the Girls Next Door; If I Had a Ribbon Bow - arr. Robert De Cormier; Three Mountain Ballads - arr. Ron Nelson; Artsah Alinu - arr. Abraham Schwadron; I Wan' To Be Ready - William Dawson

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 13: Women's Glee Club, November 15, 1987Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

cont. from previous tape.

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 14: Men's Glee Club, April 23, 1988Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 15: Men's Glee Club and Girls Next Door, April 23, 1988Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 16: Women's Glee Club, April 23, 1988Add to your cart.

Joe Grant, director

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 17: Concert ChoirAdd to your cart.
From the Harold A. Decker collection.
Reel 18: Bartok TV interviewAdd to your cart.

"From Rudi Herzog."

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 19: Bartok TV interviewAdd to your cart.

"From Rudi Herzog."

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Reel 20: Viking Men's Glee ClubAdd to your cart.

Illinois, Illinois (takes 1-4)

From the Harold A. Decker collection.

Box 281Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Dean Sanders, Piano, November 22, 1960Add to your cart.

Faculty Woodwind Quintet

Concerto for Piano and Woodwind Quintet, Op. 53 - Wallingford Riegger

Call Number: RA-1
Reel 2: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 13, 1961Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Prairie Overture - Robert Ward

Call Number: RA-7
Reel 3: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 10, 1959Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor; John Haynie, trumpet

Suite for Trumpet and Band - William Latham

Call Number: RA-10
Reel 4: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 10, 1959Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Chester - William Schuman

Call Number: RA-11
Reel 5: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 13, 1961Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Charles County Overture - Joseph Willcox Jenkins

Call Number: RA-13
Reel 6: Robert Swenson, Cello; Joanna Stern Lange, Piano, January 19, 1951Add to your cart.
Intermezzo, Candenza, and Finale for Cello and Piano (1949-50) - Halsey Stevens
Call Number: RA-14
Reel 7: 71st Anniversary Concert, March 22, 1961Add to your cart.
An Evening in the Village - Bartok; Pyramid Dance - Anderson
Call Number: RA-15
Reel 8: 71st Anniversary Concert, March 22, 1961Add to your cart.
El Capitan - Sousa; March Electric - Creatore
Call Number: RA-18
Reel 9: Lucy Joseph, Violin; Dale Newton, CelloAdd to your cart.

Charles Joseph, piano

Variant - Robert Kelly

Call Number: RA-21
Reel 10: The Staley Carillon, July 1, 1963Add to your cart.

Played by Paul Pettinga

Chester - William Billings; The President's March (1798) - Philip Phile (possibly Phyla); George Washington's March - unknown

Call Number: RA-25
Reel 11: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 10, 1959Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

The Happy Slaves, Overture - Juan Arriaga

Call Number: RA-27
Reel 12: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 22, 1961Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Prairie Saga - Philip Gordon; Holiday in Naples - Maurice Whitney

Call Number: RA-28
Reel 13: Wesley K. Morgan, Organ, April 27, 1960Add to your cart.
Cantilena - Gordon Binkerd
Call Number: RA-29
Reel 14: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 8, 1960Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Toccata - Mary Snow McCarty

Call Number: RA-30
Reel 15: University of Illinois Concert Band, 1959Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Jubilation - Robert Ward

Call Number: RA-34
Reel 16: Jack Winsor Hansen, PianoAdd to your cart.
Sonatina No. 2 (1961) - Ellis Schuman
Call Number: RA-35
Reel 17: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 31, 1955Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Chorale and Alleluia - Howard Hanson

Call Number: RA-36
Reel 18: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 22, 1961Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Passacaglia and Fugue - William Latham

Call Number: RA-37
Reel 19: Faculty Chamber Music Concert, November 15, 1950Add to your cart.

Homer Schmitt, violin; Bernard Goodman, violin; Gerald Snyder, viola da gamba; George Hunter, harpsichord

Trio Sonata in C - Henry Purcell; Don Quichotte a Dulcinee - Maurice Ravel

Call Number: RA-45
Reel 20: University of Illinois Symphony OrchestraAdd to your cart.

Rafael Kubelik, guest conductor

Symphony, Miniature - Robert Kelly

Call Number: RA-46
Reel 21: Mary Kelly, Violin; Alcestis Perry, Viola, February 26, 1957Add to your cart.

Betty Fredrickson, piano

Theme and Variations for Violin, Viola, and Piano, Op.2 - Robert Kelly

Call Number: RA-49
Reel 22: Blaine Edlefsen, Oboe; Charles Kleinsteuber, Harpsichord, January, 1965Add to your cart.
Sonata for Oboe and Harp - Robert Kelly
Call Number: RA-50
Reel 23: Faculty Woodwind QuintetAdd to your cart.

DeLaney; Zepp; McDowell; Barry; Holden

Passacaglia and Fugue, Op. 15 (1949) - Robert Kelly

Call Number: RA-53
Reel 24: University of Illinois Concert BandAdd to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Allerseelen - Richard Strauss

Call Number: RA-55
Reel 25: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 21, 1957Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Country Dance - Maurice Whitney

Call Number: RA-56
Reel 26: University of Illinois Concert Band, January, 1959Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Metamorphoseon (excerpts) - Ottorino Respighi

Call Number: RA-58
Reel 27: Bernard Steinberg, Trombone; John Winking, PianoAdd to your cart.
Sonata in B-flat Major, Op. 19 (1951) - Robert Kelly
Call Number: RA-60
Reel 28: Mary Kelly, Violin; Claire Richards, PianoAdd to your cart.
Sonata for Violin and Piano, Op. 22 - Robert Kelly
Call Number: RA-62
Reel 29: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 10, 1959Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Antiphony for Winds - Gerald Kechley

Call Number: RA-66
Reel 30: The Walden QuartetAdd to your cart.
Quartet No. 2 for Strings - Gordon Binkerd
Call Number: RA-67
Reel 31: Wesley K. Morgan, Organ, April 27, 1960Add to your cart.
Sinfonia Brevis - Burrill Phillips
Call Number: RA-71
Reel 32: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 8, 1953Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Das Rheingold - Richard Wagner

Call Number: RA-73
Reel 33: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 8, 1953Add to your cart.

Edwin Franko Goldman, guest conductor

Overture in F - Etienne Henri Mehul

Call Number: RA-75
Reel 34: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 8, 1953Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Andante for Band - Albert Ingalls

Call Number: RA-76
Reel 35: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 8, 1953Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor; Edwin Franko Goldman, guest conductor

Suite Algerienne: Marche Militaire Francaise - Saint-Saens; Happy-Go-Lucky - Edwin Franko Goldman

Call Number: RA-77
Reel 36: Rita Gorr, Soprano; Jacques Mars, BaritoneAdd to your cart.
Illinois State Song; Herodiade: Ah! Phanuel! - Massenet
Call Number: RA-79
Reel 37: University of Illinois Concert BandAdd to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor; Lt. Col. Geo. S. Howard, conductor

The Black Horse Troop - Sousa; March of the Little Fauns - Pierne; The Army Air Corps - Crawford

Call Number: RA-80
Reel 38: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 8, 1960Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

King Karl King - Henry Fillmore; Night Flight to Madrid - Kermit and Walter Leslie

Call Number: RA-81
Reel 39: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 19, 1953Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Manhattan Beach - Sousa; Lohengrin: Prelude to Act 3 - Wagner

Call Number: RA-82
Reel 40: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 21, 1957Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

The Improvisator, Overture - Eugene D'Albert

Call Number: RA-86
Reel 41: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 11, 1957Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Neapolitan Rhapsody - Savino

Call Number: RA-87
Reel 42: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 22, 1957Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Fanfare and Allegro - Clifton Williams

Call Number: RA-89
Reel 43: Bernard Goodman, Violin; George Hunter, Harpsichord, November 27, 1956Add to your cart.
Sonata No. 9 in F Major - Francesco Geminiani
Call Number: RA-92
Reel 44: Marilyn Hindsley Haynie, Flute; Gordon Binkerd, Piano, April 24, 1951Add to your cart.
Prelude and Allegro for Flute and Piano - Gordon Binkerd
Call Number: RA-95
Reel 45: Stanley Fletcher, PianoAdd to your cart.
Entertainments: Brief Encounter, Nearer Than Hands and Feet, Trumpet, Tuba, and Metronome, Rain, Being Beauteous, Tristan and the Magic Brookstick, Legend, Graceful Exit
Call Number: RA-96
Reel 46: Soulima Stravinsky, Piano, January 9, 1951Add to your cart.
Sonata in B-flat (1947) - Soulima Stravinsky
Call Number: RA-98
Reel 47: University of Illinois Concert BandAdd to your cart.

George Townsend, clarinet

Solo de Concours, Clarinet, and Band - Henri Rabaud

Call Number: RA-103
Reel 48: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 13, 1962Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Sebastian Ballet (excerpts) - Gian-Carlo Menotti

Call Number: RA-104
Reel 49: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 12, 1962Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor; George Townsend, clarinet

Scherzo for Clarinet and Band - Phil Cardew

Call Number: RA-105
Reel 50: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 30, 1962Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

The Sinfonians - Clifton Williams

Call Number: RA-106
Reel 51: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 29, 1962Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Semper Fidelis - John Philip Sousa; El Portavoz del Pueblo - Rafael Juarez

Call Number: RA-107
Reel 52: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 29, 1962 and January 12, 1962Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Hail to Alaska - Resta; Folk Suite, Overture - Gould

Call Number: RA-108
Reel 53: University of Illinois Symphony OrchestraAdd to your cart.

Charles DeLaney, conductor

Scrambling - Charles DeLaney

Call Number: RA-126
Box 282Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Chicago Symphony Orchestra, May 20, 1959Add to your cart.

Rafael Kubelik, conductor

Tom Paine Overture - Burrill Phillips

Call Number: RB-5
Reel 2: Miriam Stewart Hamilton, Soprano; Richard Angeletti, Piano, April, 1962Add to your cart.
Song Cycle on Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay - Robert Kelly
Call Number: RB-20
Reel 3: Roger Drinkall, Cello, 1961Add to your cart.
Suite for Solo Cello, Op. 28 (1955) - Robert Kelly
Call Number: RB-21
Reel 4: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 24, 1960Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg, Prelude to Act 1 - Richard Wagner

Call Number: RB-35
Reel 5: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 7, 1954Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Rosamunde, Overture - Franz Schubert

Call Number: RB-43
Reel 6: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 7, 1954Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor; Robert Neill, piano

Sussex Psalm - Russell Howland; Warsaw Concerto - Richard Addinsell

Call Number: RB-44
Reel 7: Kilbourn Hall Chamber Orchestra, July 19, 1962Add to your cart.

Frederick Fennell, conductor

Concerto for Viola, Clarinet, Piano, and Orchestra (1953) - Burrill Phillips

Call Number: RB-51
Reel 8: University of Illinois Concert Band, March, 1956Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Eight Russian Folk Songs - Anatol Liadov

Call Number: RB-52
Reel 9: The Walden Quartet, February 26, 1954Add to your cart.

Stanley Fletcher, piano

Quintet for Piano and String Quartet - Wallingford Riegger

Includes correspondence from Wallingford Riegger to Kenneth Cutler.

Call Number: RB-54
Reel 10: University of Illinois Concert Band, March, 1954Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Suite No. 3 in D Major: Air; Komm, Susser Tod; Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - J.S. Bach

Call Number: RB-55
Reel 11: University of Illinois Concert Band, March, 1954Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Ballet for Band - Don Gillis

Call Number: RB-56
Reel 12: University of Illinois Concert Band, March, 1954Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Welsh Rhapsody - German

Call Number: RB-57
Reel 13: Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, October 28, 1966Add to your cart.

Bernard Goodman, conductor

Triptych (1961) - Alvin Etler

Call Number: RB-58
Reel 14: University of Illinois Concert Band, March, 1954Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Sketches in Miniature - Leonard Belton

Call Number: RB-59
Reel 15: University of Illinois Concert Band, December, 1954Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Psalm for Band - Vincent Persichetti

Call Number: RB-65
Reel 16: University of Illinois Concert Band, December, 1954Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Prince Igor: Dances of the Polovetzki Maidens - Alexander Borodin

Call Number: RB-67
Reel 17: University of Illinois Concert Band, March, 1956Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Carnival in Paris - Johan Svendsen

Call Number: RB-81
Reel 18: University of Illinois Concert Band, March, 1956Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Gotterdammerung: Siegfried's Rhine Journey - Richard Wagner

Call Number: RB-82
Reel 19: University of Illinois Concert Band, March, 1956Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Concertino for Clarinet - Carl Maria von Weber

Call Number: RB-85
Reel 20: University of Illinois Concert Band, 1956Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Finlandia - Jean Sibelius

Call Number: RB-86
Box 283Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Bernard Goodman, Violin; Stanley Fletcher, Piano, November 27, 1956Add to your cart.
Sonata in A Major (1919) - Ildebrando Pizzetti
Call Number: RB-92
Reel 2: Elisabeth Spooner Hamp, Organ, February, 1958Add to your cart.
Cantilena in A Minor; Andante in C Major - Gordon Binkerd
Call Number: RB-97
Reel 3: The Walden Quartet, October 15, 1957Add to your cart.
Quartet in F Major, Op. 77, No. 2 - Franz Josef Haydn
Call Number: RB-98
Reel 4: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, February 18, 1958Add to your cart.

Bernard Goodman, conductor

Adirondack Suite - Robert Kelly

Call Number: RB-99
Reel 5: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra; University of Illinois Concert Choir, March 30, 1958Add to your cart.

Charles DeLaney, conductor; William Olson, narrator

The Marshes of Glynn - Charles DeLaney

Call Number: RB-100
Reel 6: The Walden Quartet, October 7, 1958Add to your cart.
Quartet No. 4, Op. 22 - Paul Hindemith
Call Number: RB-103
Reel 7: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 10, 1959Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Holiday in Paris - Jacques Offenbach

Call Number: RB-104
Reel 8: University of Illinois Concert Band, January, 1959Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor; John Haynie, trumpet

Rose Variations - Robert Russell Bennett

Call Number: RB-106
Reel 9: University of Illinois Concert Band, January, 1959Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor; John Haynie, trumpet

Concerto for Trumpet - Franz Josef Haydn

Call Number: RB-110
Reel 10: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, March 19, 1965Add to your cart.

Bernard Goodman, conductor

Letter to the World - Hunter Johnson

Call Number: RB-114
Reel 11: Mary Kelly, Violin; Alcestis Bishop Perry, Violin, March 27, 1956Add to your cart.
Sonata for Two Violins, Op. 5 (1943) - Robert Kelly
Call Number: RB-115
Reel 12: Varsity Men's Glee ClubAdd to your cart.

Harold Decker, conductor

The First Day of the World - Burrill Phillips

Call Number: RB-119
Reel 13: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 22, 1961Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Academic Festival Overture, Op. 80

Call Number: RB-130
Reel 14: University of Illinois Concert Band, March 22, 1961Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks - Richard Strauss

Call Number: RB-132
Reel 15: New York Philharmonic OrchestraAdd to your cart.

Leonard Bernstein, conductor

Elegie - Kenneth Gaburo

From broadcast.

Call Number: RB-139
Reel 16: The Walden QuartetAdd to your cart.
Quartet in E Minor - Herbert Elwell
Call Number: RB-142
Reel 17: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, December, 1962Add to your cart.

Charles DeLaney, conductor

American Waltzes - Charles DeLaney

Call Number: RB-149
Reel 18: Claire Richards, Piano; Stanley Fletcher, Piano, 1951Add to your cart.

Paul Price and Robert Bankert, percussion

Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion - Bela Bartok

Call Number: RB-150
Reel 19: Stanley Fletcher, Piano, April 1, 1951Add to your cart.
Chorale Prelude: Wachet Auf! Ruft uns die Stimme; Chorale Prelude: Rejoice, Beloved Christians! - J.S. Bach; Sonata No. 3 for Piano Solo - Fuleihan
Call Number: RB-151
Reel 20: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 12, 1962Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Scheherazade: The Sea and Sinbad's Ship - Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov

Call Number: RB-153
Box 284Add to your cart.
Reel 1: University of Illinois Concert Band, January 12, 1962Add to your cart.

Mark Hindsley, conductor

Scheherazade: The Story of the Kalandar Prince - Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov

Call Number: RB-154
Reel 2: Bernard Goodman, Violin; Evelyn Garvey, Piano, January 6, 1952Add to your cart.
Sonata for Violin and Piano (1950) - Sir William Walton
Call Number: RB-157
Reel 3: Paul S. Pettinga, Organ, 1965Add to your cart.
Toccata - Giovanni Gabrieli; Toccata No. 3; Toccata per l'elevazione - Girolamo Frescobaldi
Call Number: RB-167
Reel 4: Paul S. Pettinga, Organ, 1965Add to your cart.
Toccata - Johann Jakob Froberger; Toccata No. 11 - Georg Muffat
Call Number: RB-168
Reel 5: University of Illinois Concert ChoirAdd to your cart.

Robert Kelly, conductor

The White Gods: Four Aztec Dances - Robert Kelly

Call Number: RB-169
Reel 6: Jack Winsor Hansen, Piano, August 7, 1969Add to your cart.
Aria variata alla maniera Italiana - J.S. Bach
Call Number: RB-185
Reel 7: Jack Winsor Hansen, Piano, August 7, 1969Add to your cart.
Sonetto No. 104 del Petrarca - Liszt; Preludes 1, 15, 20, 7; Album Leaf - Scriabin
Call Number: RB-186
Reel 8: Masters in Miniature #1 and #2, November 1 and 2, 1965Add to your cart.
WILL broadcasts.
Call Number: RB-197
Reel 9: The Composer in the World Today, with Burrill Phillips, November 6, 1957Add to your cart.

Program No. 3: Two Young American Copmposers, Part 2

WILL broadcast.

Call Number: RC-33
Reel 10: University of Illinois Summer Chorus and Orchestra, August 4, 1971Add to your cart.

Joyce Whisnant, contralto; Frederick Black - tenor; John Stephens, bass; Paul Steinitz, conductor

Cantata No. 34, O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe - J.S. Bach

Call Number: RR-215
Reel 11: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, November 11, 1975Add to your cart.

Compositions by Berlioz, Debussy, and Beethoven

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 12: Unknown performer, January, 1979Add to your cart.

Joan of Arc at the Stake (Pt 1) - Honegger

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 13: Unknown performer, January, 1979Add to your cart.

Joan of Arc at the Stake (Pt 2) - Honegger

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 14: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, February 15, 1979Add to your cart.

Unfinished Symphony - Schubert; Rococo Variations - Tchaikovsky; Pictures at an Exhibition - Mussorgsky

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 15: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, February 18, 1979Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, conductor

Tape 1: Compositions by Mussorgsky and Ravel

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 16: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, February 18, 1979Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, conductor

Tape 2

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 17: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, February 18, 1979Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, conductor; Kim Cook, cello; Mary Alice Wittrig, violin

Tape 3: Rococo Variations - Tchaikovsky

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 18: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, February 18, 1979Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, conductor

Pictures at an Exhibition - Mussorgsky

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 19: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, Oratorio Society, and Concert Choir, December 9, 1979Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, Harold Decker, and Leonard Rumery, conductors

Romeo and Juliet (part 1) - Hector Berlioz

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 20: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, Oratorio Society, and Concert Choir, December 9, 1979Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, Harold Decker, and Leonard Rumery, conductors

Romeo and Juliet (part 2) - Hector Berlioz

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Box 285Add to your cart.
Reel 1: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, Oratorio Society, and Concert Choir, December 9, 1979Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, Harold Decker, and Leonard Rumery, conductors

Romeo and Juliet (part 3) - Hector Berlioz

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 2: Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, February 10, 1980Add to your cart.
From the Paul Vermel collection.
Reel 3: Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, February 10, 1980Add to your cart.

Capriccio Sinfonico - Puccini; Two Piano Concerto - Poulenc; Tod und Verklarung - Strauss

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 4: Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, April 13, 1980Add to your cart.

Program II

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 5: Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, April 13, 1980Add to your cart.

Program III

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 6: Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, November 8, 1981Add to your cart.

Reel 1 of 3: Requiem - Verdi

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 7: Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, November 8, 1981Add to your cart.

Reel 2 of 3

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 8: Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, November 8, 1981Add to your cart.

Reel 3 of 3

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 9: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, October 27, 1983Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, conductor

Reel 1 of 3: Symphony No. 4 (1950) - Walter Piston; Symphony Fantastique (1830) - Hector Berlioz

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 10: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, October 27, 1983Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, conductor

Reel 2 of 3

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 11: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, October 27, 1983Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, conductor

Reel 3 of 3

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 12: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, March 7, 1984Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, conductor; Guillermo Perich, viola; Alberto Jaffe, guest conductor

Reel 1 of 2: Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21 - Ludwig van Beethoven; Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune - Claude Debussy; Brasiliana (U.S. premiere) - Edino Krieger; Capriccio Espagnol, Op. 34 - Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 13: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, March 7, 1984Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, conductor; Guillermo Perich, viola; Alberto Jaffe, guest conductor

Reel 2 of 2

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 14: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, September 28, 1984Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, conductor

Reel 1 of 4: Symphony in D Minor (1886-88) - Cesar Franck

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 15: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, September 28, 1984Add to your cart.

Paul Vermel, conductor

Reel 2 of 4

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 16: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, September 25, 1985Add to your cart.

Reel 1 of 3: Compositions by Kabalevsky, Sculthorpe, and Rossini

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 17: University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra, March 20, 1986Add to your cart.

Reel 1 of 3: Symphony No. 3 - Brahms

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 18: Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, October 26, 1986Add to your cart.

Yuri Mazurkevich, violin

Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D, Op. 36: Movement I - Tchaikovsky

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 19: Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, October 26, 1986Add to your cart.

Yuri Mazurkevich, violin

Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D, Op. 36: Movements II and III - Tchaikovsky

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Reel 20: Unknown performer, undatedAdd to your cart.

Der Freishutz: Overture - Weber; Music for a Festive Occasion (1974) - Donald Erb; Pines of Rome - Respighi

From the Paul Vermel collection.

Box 286Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Faculty Recital, October 11, 1966Add to your cart.

Jane Schleicher, soprano; Bruce Foote, baritone; Paul Ulanowksy, piano

Recitative: Non piu! Tutto ascoltai!: Aria, Non temer, amato bene! - W.A. Mozart; Le Rossignol des Lilas: La Delaisse, Infidelite, Le Printemps - Reynalda Hahn; The Old Sexton: The Newfoundland Dog, Woodman, Spare That Tree, The Maniac - Henry Russell

Reel 2: Faculty Chamber Music Concert, November 21, 1961Add to your cart.
Trio. Tafelmusik II, No.4 - G.P. Telemann; Night (1955) - Benjamin Johnston; Trio in B-flat Major, Op. 11 - Beethoven
Reel 3: Contemporary Players, Warsaw Autumn, undatedAdd to your cart.
Plot - Herbert Brun; wyk. Michael Ranta (Michael Ranta lecture); Nagrania z koncertu ze sp. z Illinois 21.XI.1966 (Recording of Illinois concert on September 21, 1966); Trio na trabke, puzon I perkusje (Trio for Trumpet, Trombone, and Percussion) - Herbert Brun; Knocking Piece - Benjamin Johnston; Underworld - Salvatore Martirano; Music for 5 instr. - Thomas Frederickson; Poeme VI - David Gilbert; All the Way Around am Boek - Charles Ives; Primarity Act III - Lejaren Hiller (John Garvey, conductor)
Reel 4: London Session 3 Psalms, undatedAdd to your cart.
Edwin London recording session: II. 5. Complete, III. 1. Complete, 2. fs, 3. fs, 4. Complete
Reel 5: Rzewski: Zoological Gardens MasterAdd to your cart.
Zoological Garden (1965) - Frederic Rzewski
Reel 6: Summer Workshop of Contemporary Music, July 23, 1967Add to your cart.
Concert No. 5: Ci-Git-Satie, for 8 singers, drums, and bass - Ben Johnston; Fantasy on a Theme by Alban Berg - Larry Austin; Concert Piece No. 1 (1964) - Donald Erb; Anadge (1966) - Robert Morgan
Reel 7: Summer Workshop of Contemporary Music, July 30, 1967Add to your cart.
Concert No. 7: Six Stoicheia - Yuji Takahashi; Eonta (1965) - Iannis Xenakis
Box 287Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Festival of Contemporary Arts Concert, March 18, 1967Add to your cart.

Gertie Charlent, soprano; Marie-Therese Cahn, alto; William Pearson, baritone

Moirologi on Verses from Homer's Illiad: The Lament of Andromache on Hector's Death - Gunther Becker; Au Jour Ultime Liesse - Giuseppe Englert; Phonophonie: Melodramas for Two Voices and Other Sound Sources - Mauricio Kagel

Tape appears to be missing a second volume, and may include only the Becker and Englert compositions, or the Kagel composition.

Reel 2: Summer Workshop of Contemporary Music, July 16, 1967Add to your cart.

Contemporary Chamber Players, Salvatore Martirano, conductor

Concert No. 4: It Grew and Grew (1967) - Patrick Purswell; Quick Are the Mouths of Earth (1965)- Roger Reynolds

Reel 3: Wind Ensemble: Kenton Brass Carols, undatedAdd to your cart.
Silent Night; Tannenbaum (takes 1 and 2); Holly and Ivy (takes 1-3); Good King (takes 1 and 2); Seven Days (takes 1 and 2); Once in Royal David's City (takes 1 and 2)
Reel 4: University of Illinois Chamber and Symphony Orchestras, August 5, 1966Add to your cart.

John Garvey, conductor

Overture to "The Italian in Algiers" - Giachimo Rossini; On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring - Frederick Delius; Brandenberg Concerto No. 2: Allegro, Andante, Allegro assai - J.S. Bach; Brigg Fair - Frederick Delius

Reel 5: Percussion Ensemble Concert, May 13, 1964Add to your cart.

Jack McKenzie, conductor

13 Pomes-A Prelude and Postlude - Paul Zukovsky (text, James Joyce)

Reel 6: Alfred Blatter, March (possibly April) 20, 1975Add to your cart.
Alfred Blatter talk on Ghent meeting
Reel 7: MacDowell Songs, 1957 or 1958Add to your cart.

Elena Fels Noth, voice; Violet Archer, piano

August 2, 1976 note indicates: "Norman, Oklahoma memorial performance.Three songs by V.A. may be on it. Copies are at the MacDowell Colony."

Box 326Add to your cart.
Item 32: 1987 Illinois Computer Music Conference - University of Illinois, August 23 and August 24, 1987Add to your cart.
1987 Intenational Computer Music Conference. Charles Dodge, "Roundelay," August 24, 1987. Iannis Xenakis, "Khal Perr," August 23, 1987. Both live recordings. Format: CD. Case contains program.
Item 33: John Cage Lecture (Copy 1), undatedAdd to your cart.
John Cage Lecture, University of Illinois. Introduction by Ben Johnston. Copy 1. CD format.
Item 34: John Cage Lecture (Copy 2), undatedAdd to your cart.
John Cage Lecture, University of Illinois. Introduction by Ben Johnston. Copy 2. CD format.
Item 35: 19th Century Campaign Songs, undatedAdd to your cart.
19th Century Campaign Songs. Recorded in the WILL studios. Performed by the American Music Group. Notes on tape box. Format: 7-inch reel-to-reel polyester tape, full track, mono, head out.

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: University of Illinois Ensembles, 1950-92],
[Series 2: Faculty Recitals and Lectures, 1949-1992],
[Series 3: Student Recitals, 1955, 1963-1992],
[Series 4: Festival of Contemporary Arts, 1953-1978],
[Series 5: Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, 1960-1985],
[Series 6: Convocations, Symposia, Forums, and Guest Recitals, 1952-1986],
[Series 7: Special Requests and Donations, 1950-1988],
[Series 8: Card Catalogs, 1945-1992],
[Series 9: Transcription Discs, 1948-1951],
[Series 10: DAT Sound Recordings, 1979-2001],
[Series 11: F1 Audio and Betamax Video Recordings, 1984-1991],
[Series 12: CD-R and DVD Sound Recordings, 1951-2009],
[Series 13: Rex Anderson Master Recordings, 1977-1991],

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