By Mandi Goodsett and Emily Schneider
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Collection Overview
Title: Walter J Kasura Russian Folk Music Collection, 1960-1983

ID: 12/5/61
Primary Creator: Kasura, Walter J. (1918-1983)
Other Creators: Grushko, Nicholas
Extent: 98.1 cubic feet
Organized into three series. Series 1: Published Songs, Series 2: Instrumental Music--which contains Sub-Series 1: Russian, Belorussian, and Ukrainian Folk Song Arrangements, Sub-Series 2: Nicholas Grushko Arrangements, Sub-Series 3: Emanuil Sheynkman Arrangements, and Sub-Series 4: Prima Balalaika Music-- Series 3: Personal Papers, and Series 4: American Popular Music.
Processing of this collection was done by multiple people over multiple years; therefore, there is some differences in formatting within the finding aid. Originally, the collection was organized by EC number, some of which are indicated in the finding aid. Some of the records are also cataloged in the University of Illinois Library Catalog. Box 264 was found after the collection was finished--it fits intellectually in Series 2, Sub-Series 1 between Box 90 and 91. Box 265 was also found after the collection was finished--it fits intellectually in Series 2, Sub-Series 1 between Box 113 and 114. Original EC numbers 732 and 1058 are still missing.
Date Acquired: 05/12/1986. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Folk music, Music -- Russia, Vocal music
Formats/Genres: Sheet music
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of manuscripts, research notes, personal papers, and published works, including Russian and gypsy folk songs, other vocal and choral works, instrumental solos, scores and parts for orchestral and chamber performing ensembles (including many arrangements by Kasura), instrumental methods books, and reference books on performance practice, repertory, and historical development of the balalaika, domra, and Slavic folk orchestra.
Note to researchers: Many of these scores are written in Cyrillic, and there are some differences in transliteration. Here are some examples of the same Cyrillic combinations transliterated different ways: ch and zh; yaya and iaia; cz and ts; skaya and skaia; skogo and sky and ski(i). When searching for a particular piece, please use both options. For example "tanecz" and "tanets"; "Rimskogo-Korsakov" and "Rimsky-Korsakov."
See also record series number 35/3/68.
Biographical Note
Walter Kasura was born in New York City to Russian emigre parents. He studied music theory and arrangement under Alexander Ivanoff, a graduate of the St. Petersburg Conservatory. He also received further guidance from the well-known Peter Biljo, who performed regularly on the CBS radio program "Around the Samovar." His performing experience included a small group called the Moscow Balalaika Ensemble, the professional wing of the Balalaika and Domra Society. He played club dates, parties, on radio and television, at leading hotels in Miami, Quebec, and New York, and at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
In 1977 the Ridgewood Symphony Orchestra of New Jersey and the North Jersey Philharmonic with Leonard Davis as balalaika soloist performed one of his arrangements. The latter concert drew a crowd of over 5,000 people. In 1979 Walter was awarded a grant to teach balalaika and domra seminars at the University of Illinois and to direct in concert the University of Illinois Balalaika Orchestra.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Additions acquired from the Music and Performing Arts Library on May 3, 2016.
Acquisition Source:
Walter J. Kasura Family
Acquisition Method:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Published Songs, c.1810-1970],
Series 2: Instrumental Music, c. 1910-1980],
[Series 3: Personal Papers, c. 1905-1987],
Series 4: American Popular Music, 1921-1938],
- Series 3: Personal Papers, c. 1905-1987

- Consists of correspondence, programs, flyers, ephemera, and scores. Arranged into 13 subjects assigned by previous processors of the collection: Associations, Catalog of Russian Music and Instruments, Choral Music, Personal Correspondence, Russian Performers, Russian Folk Music Ensembles, and Published Works.
- Box 249

- Folder 1: Associations: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS), 1979

- Newsletters, conference programs, flyers.
- Folder 2: Associations: Balalaika and Domra Association of America - Conventions, 1978-1980

- Correspondence, convention programs (Pomona, NJ).
- Folder 3: Associations: Balalaika and Domra Association of America - Conventions, 1981

- Convention at University of Illinois correspondence, poster, and programs.
- Folder 4: Associations: Balalaika and Domra Society of America - Conventions, 1982-1983

- 1982 Convention in Glassboro, NJ correspondence, programs, and information packets for presenters. 1983 program of Festival Concert.
- Folder 5: Associations: Balalaika and Domra Society of America - Convention Photographs, 1980-1981

- Folder 6: Associations: Balalaika and Domra Association of American - Newsletters, 1978-1982

- v. 1, no. 1 (Nov 1978); v. 2, no. 1 (Mar 1979); v. 3, no. 1 (Mar 1980); v. 3, no. 2 (June 1980); v. 3, no. 3 (Sept 1980); v.3 no. 4 (Dec 1980); v. 4, no. 3 (June 1981); v. 4, no. 4 (Sept 1981); v.4, no. 5 (Dec. 1981); v. 5, no. 1 (Mar 1982); v. 5, no. 3 (Sept. 1982); v. 5, no. 4 (Dec. 1982).
- Folder 7: Associations: University of Illinois Summer Research Laboratory on Russian and Eastern Europe (SRL), 1981

- Correspondence, programs, Champaign-Urbana Guide.
- Box 250

- Folder 1: Catalogs: Catalogue of Russian Musical Instruments, 1930

- Folder 2: Catalogs: Katalog Muzikalnikh Proizvedenii, 1968

- Catalog of Works for Symphony Orchestra. Publisher: Soyuz Kompozitorov CCCP, Moskva.
- Folder 3: Catalogs: Musical Instruments / Instruments de Musique, c. 1970

- Publisher: Raznoexport, Moscow.
- Folder 4: Catalogs: Muzikalnaya Literatura Iz SSSR, 1969

- Publisher: Bsesoyuznoe Obedinenie "Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga" SSSR, Moskva.
- Folder 5: Catalogs: Muzikalnaya Literature Iz SSSR Katalog Dlia Zayavok No. 2, 1972

- Publisher: Vsesoyuznoe Obedinenie "Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga" SSSR, Moskva.
- Folder 6: Catalogs: Muzikalnaya Literatura Iz SSSR - Katalog Dlia Zayovok No. 2, 1974

- Publisher: Vsesoyuznoe Obedinenie "Mezdunarodnaya Kniga" SSSR, Moskva.
- Folder 7: Catalogs: Russian Music Publisher Catalogs, c. 1924-1968

- Box 251

- Folder 1: Catalogs: Russian Merchandise Catalogs and Brochures, c. 1960-1975

- Folder 2: Catalogs: Russian Recordings, c. 1960-1970

- Box 252

- Folder 1: Choral Music: Incomplete Index

- "Files organized by transliterated title (alphabetical)."
- Folder 2: Choral Music: Sacred Choral Music, Misc., undated

- Photocopies.
- Folder 3: Choral Music: Ah've Gotta Robe, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 4: Choral Music: Angel Vopiiash, undated

- Composer: D. Bortnianskago. Arranger: V. Sokolov. Photocopy.
- Folder 5: Choral Music: Arkhiereiskoe Sluzhenie, undated

- Composer: Bortnianskago. Photocopy.
- Folder 6: Choral Music: The Beatitudes, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 7: Choral Music: Blagoobraznyj Iosif, undated

- Great Friday. Composer: Bolgarskogo Rasp.
- Folder 8: Choral Music: Blagoslovi Dushe, undated

- Psalm 104. For Vesper Service.Composer: D. Allemanova. Photocopy.
- Folder 9: Choral Music: Blagoslovi Dushe Moia, undated

- Composer: Ipolitov'-Nvanova. Photocopy.
- Folder 10: Choral Music: Blazhen' Muz'h, undated

- Composer: Kiovskoo. Photocopy.
- Folder 11: Choral Music: Bless O Lord Thy Servants, undated

- Composer: Degtjaroo. Adapted by Daniel Skvir. For male chorus. Photocopy.
- Folder 12: Choral Music: Bless the Lord, O My Soul (Antiphonal), undated

- Greek Melody. Photocopy.
- Folder 13: Choral Music: Blessed Be The Name, undated

- For male chorus. Photocopy.
- Folder 14: Choral Music: Bogorodicny Kanona Sviatyia Paskhi, undated

- Feofana. Photocopy.
- Folder 15: Choral Music: Cherubinic Hymn, undated

- A. Archangelsky.
- Folder 16: Choral Music: O Come Let Us Worship, undated

- Kievan CHant, St. Vladimirs Sem. Photocopy.
- Folder 17: Choral Music: The Creed, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 18: Choral Music: Da Vozraduetsia, undated

- Composer: A. L'vova.
- Folder 19: Choral Music: Dostojno Est', undated

- No. 3. Composer: A. F. L'vova. Photocopy.
- Folder 20: Choral Music: Dushe Moia, undated

- For male chorus. Photocopy.
- Folder 21: Choral Music: Easter Canon, undated

- Composer: V. Leonovski. Photocopy.
- Folder 22: Choral Music: Edin Sviat, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 23: Choral Music: Ejli Ejli, undated

- Arr. K. Frchak'. Photocopy.
- Folder 24: Choral Music: Ekteniia, undated

- Composer: A. A. Arkhangol'skogo. Photocopy.
- Folder 25: Choral Music: Ekteniia Malaia, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 26: Choral Music: Gimn Sviatomu Kniaziu Vladimiru, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 27: Choral Music: Gospodi Pomiliu, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 28: Choral Music: Great Friday Matins, undated

- Kiev Melody. Photocopy.
- Folder 29: Choral Music: Great Litany, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 30: Choral Music: Great Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Matins, undated

- Kiev melody. Photocopy.
- Folder 31: Choral Music: Griadi, undated

- Degtyareva. Photocopy.
- Folder 32: Choral Music: O Heavenly King, undated

- Adapted by W.G. Soroka. Photocopy.
- Folder 33: Choral Music: Hymn to the Blessed Virgin, undated

- Rev. V. Soroka. Photocopy.
- Folder 34: Choral Music: Kheruvimskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: I. Dvorotski. Photocopy.
- Folder 35: Choral Music: Kheruvimskaia Pesn', 1970

- Prot. Dimitriya Iv. Reshetarya. Text and black-and-white images.
- Folder 36: Choral Music: Khor Strannikov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Serov. The Pilgrims Chorus from the Opera "Rogneda." Photocopy.
- Folder 37: Choral Music: Khvalite Gospoda S Nebes, undated

- Dlia Mukheskogo Khora. Photocopy.
- Folder 38: Choral Music: Khvalite Imia Gospodne, undated

- Znamennogo Raspeva. Photocopy.
- Folder 39: Choral Music: Kolesnitse, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 40: Choral Music: Litany Responses, undated

- Bakhmetiev. Rev. Igor Soroka. Photocopies.
- Folder 41: Choral Music: Lord I Call Upon Thee, undated

- Tone 3. Photocopy.
- Folder 42: Choral Music: Lord, I Have Child, undated

- Tone 4. Photocopy.
- Folder 43: Choral Music: O Lord Save Those Who Fear God, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 44: Choral Music: The Lord's Prayer, undated

- Several versions - one arr. by W.F. Ducrest and re-arr. by C.Y., one adapted by Rev. V. Soroka, one for solo baritone or tenor. Photocopies.
- Folder 45: Choral Music: May the Good Lord, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 46: Choral Music: A Mercy of Peace, undated

- Composer: Ippolitov-Ivanov. Adapted by I. Soroka. Photocopy.
- Folder 47: Choral Music: Milost' Mira, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 48: Choral Music: Na Rekokh Vouilshnskikh, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 49: Choral Music: Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee, undated

- Composer: J.S. Bach. Photocopy.
- Folder 50: Choral Music: Nyne Otpushchaeshi, 1967

- Composer: A. Arkhangel'skago. Photocopy.
- Folder 51: Choral Music: Ode #3, undated

- Composer/Arranger: R. Geleta. Photocopy.
- Folder 52: Choral Music: Of Thy Mystical Supper, 1964

- Tone 6. For male chorus. Photocopy.
- Folder 53: Choral Music: One Wide River, undated

- Arranger: C. Yurchak. Photocopy.
- Folder 54: Choral Music: Only Begotten Son

- Kievan Chant. St. Vladimir Seminary. Photocopy.
- Folder 55: Choral Music: Otche Nash', undated

- Donskoo. Photocopy.
- Folder 56: Choral Music: Ottsa I Syna

- Photocopy.
- Box 253

- Folder 1: Choral Music: Panikhida, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 2: Choral Music: Plachu I Rydaiu, undated

- Kozlovskago. Photocopy.
- Folder 3: Choral Music: Praise Ye the Lord, undated

- Composer: P. I. Tchaikovsky. Photocopy.
- Folder 4: Choral Music: Predstoiashche Krestu, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 5: Choral Music: Priidite Poklonimsia, undated

- Composer: Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Photocopy.
- Folder 6: Choral Music: Prokimeni Osnich Glasov, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 7: Choral Music: Prositel'naia Ekteniia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrova. Photocopy.
- Folder 8: Choral Music: Psalm 96, undated

- Kievan Chant. Photocopy.
- Folder 9: Choral Music: Razboinika Blagorazumnago, undated

- Composer/Arranger: P. Chesnokov. Photocopy.
- Folder 10: Choral Music: The Reapers Song, undated

- Bohemian-Slovak. Photocopy.
- Folder 11: Choral Music: Resurrection Canon, undated

- Tone 8. Photocopy.
- Folder 12: Choral Music: Se Nyne Blagoslovite Gospoda, undated

- Per. P. Chesnokov. Photocopy.
- Folder 13: Choral MusicSei Narechennyi I Sviatui Den', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vortninskago. Photocopy.
- Folder 14: Choral Music: Simvol Very (No. 8), undated

- Score for four-part choir, descant, and piano.
- Folder 15: Choral Music: Slava I Nen, Glas 8-N Tropar' Prepoloveniyu, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 16: Choral Music: Slava ... Edinorodnyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninova. Photocopy.
- Folder 17: Choral Music: Slava Tebe, Bozhe Na Nebesi, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 18: Choral Music: Slava Tebe Gospodi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninova. Photocopy.
- Folder 19: Choral Music: Sugubaia - Ektenik, 1951

- Photocopy.
- Folder 20: Choral Music: Sviatne Bozhe, undated

- Dlya Arkhieronskosh Spuzhenin. Composer/Arranger: Chajkovskago (Tchaikovsky) I Obiknovennoe. Photocopy.
- Folder 21: Choral Music: Tebe Boga Khvalim, undated

- Composer/Arranger: D. S. Vortnyansky. Photocopy.
- Folder 22: Choral Music: Tebe Odeiushchagosia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vinogradova. Photocopy.
- Folder 23: Choral Music: The Thrice Holy, undated

- Traditional Melody. Male chorus. Photocopy.
- Folder 24: Choral Music: Tri Malekh Ektenii, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 25: Choral Music: Trisagion, undated

- So Dukhi Pravednbikh. Photocopy.
- Folder 26: Choral Music: Troinoe Gospodi Pomilui, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 27: Choral Music: Tropar - Pentecost Sunday, undated

- Tone #8. Transcribed by R. Geleta. Photocopy.
- Folder 28: Choral Music: Tropar Glas, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 29: Choral Music: Troparion, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 30: Choral Music: Uletaz Colo (Nightingale), undated

- Folder 31: Choral Music: V Molitvakhe Neusyriaiushchuiu, undated

- Tenor and bass parts. Photocopies.
- Folder 32: Choral Music: V' Tserkvi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chajkovskago (Tchaikovsky). "In Church." Photocopy.
- Folder 33: Choral Music: Vechnaia Pamiat', undated

- "Memory Eternal." Photocopy.
- Folder 34: Choral Music: Velikaia Ekteniia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Smolenskago. Photocopy.
- Folder 35: Choral Music: Velikaia Vechernia, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 36: Choral Music: Velikin Vtornik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: D. Voepbsneczd. Photocopy.
- Folder 37: Choral Music: Venchanie, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 38: Choral Music: Veruiu, undated

- No. 1. Composer/Arranger. A. Kastal'skago. Perelozhil Na Muzhskoj Khor: I Lampart. Photocopy.
- Folder 39: Choral Music: Vo Tsartsvii Tvoem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nanchen'ka. Photocopy.
- Folder 40: Choral Music: Voskliknite Gospodevi, undated

- No. 37. Composer: A. Grechaninova. Arranger: P. Chesnokov. Photocopy.
- Folder 41: Choral Music: Voskresni, Bozhe, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 42: Choral Music: Voznesu Tia Bozhe Moi, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 43: Choral Music: Vskuiu Mia Otrinul, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Riutova. Photocopy.
- Folder 44: Choral Music: Why Are You Blinking Your Eyes, 1943

- Russian Gypsy Song. Composer: Mikhail Shishkin. Transcribed by Gregory Stone. English version by John Alan Houghton. Publisher: Witmark, N.Y.
- Box 254

- Folder 1: Correspondence: Misc., Houston, Texas, 1979-1982

- Folder 2: Correspondence: Maine, 1980-1981

- Includes correspondence with Chris Szigeti-Johnson and Willis Johnson.
- Folder 3: Correspondence: University of Illinois Library, 1980-1982

- Folder 4: Correspondence: University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra, 1981-1982

- Primarily correspondence with Bruce Wood and Sue Wood.
- Folder 5: Correspondence: Joseph Valentich (strings), 1976-1980

- Includes a set of picks.
- Folder 6: Correspondence: Houston Balalaika Society, 1979-1981

- Primarily correspondence with Maichael Skupin.
- Folder 7: Correspondence: Miscellaneous (General), 1977-1981

- Correspondence with Jack Raymond, Eugene Vlasov, George Fesenko, Sergej Jakovenko Jr., Bill Goldes, Roy Torley, Olga Aleshin, Vladimir Popov, and Lynn Carpenter. Includes a photograph of Luba Tcheresky-Mauro.
- Folder 8: Correspondence: Emanuil Sheynkman, 1980-1981

- Correspondence relating to Emanuil Sheynkman's visiting professorship.
- Folder 9: Performers: V.V. Andreyev, undated

- Photograph reproduction.
- Folder 10: Performers: Ivan Rebrof, 1970

- Magazine advertisement with photograph and newspaper article (photocopy).
- Folder 11: Performers: F. I. Shaliapin, 1973

- Two newspaper articles (one in English, one in Russian).
- Folder 12: Performers: Emanuil Shenkman, 1980

- Photocopies of programs and newspaper articles. Part of CV.
- Folder 13: Performers: Olga Voronets, 1976

- Interview with Olga Voronets. "Krasavitsa Narodnaia Pesnia."
- Folder 14: Performers: Well-known Balalaika Soloists, undated

- Photograph reproduction of balalaika soloists S. Trojanowski and A. Zarubin.
- Box 255

- Folder 1: Personal: Biographical Notes, c. 1983

- Biographical notes about Kasura, newspaper articles, professional photograph of Kasura.
- Folder 2: Personal: Miscellaneous Notes and Items

- Photocopies of research material, photocopy of manuscript score, photocopy and manuscript of poem "Looka Moodischev."
- Folder 3: Personal: Photographs, May 1986

- Bruce Wood, Sandy Kasura, and Timothy Kasura.
- Folder 4: Personal: Programs, c. 1937-1973

- Programs for miscellaneous events. Includes some photographs.
- Folder 5: Personal: Walter J. Kasura Collection Dedication Ceremony, May 2, 1987

- Location: University of Illinois Music Library. Correspondence, photographs, programs, newspaper articles, transcript of Bruce Wood speech, guest list.
- Folder 6: Personal: "Golos Rodiny", May 1972

- Periodical.
- Folder 7: Personal: "Russian Herald", July-Sept 1944

- Periodical. No. 135. New York: Russian Consolidated Mutual Aid Society of America.
- Folder 8: Personal: Sheet Music Title Pages, c. 1930-1960

- Photocopies of covers and title pages of published scores.
- Folder 9: Photocopies of Published Works: Russkie Pesni, 1966

- Russian Songs: Contemporary and traditional songs in Russian and English compiled, edited and arranged by Jerry Silverman. Publisher: Oak Publications, New York. Photocopy.
- Folder 10: Photocopies of Published Words: Sinfonia No. 14, Shostakovich, c. 1969

- Symphony No. 14. Composer: D. Shostakovich. Arranger: Federico Gardia Lorca. Russian translation: I. Tynyanova. Full score.
- Folder 11: Photocopies of Published Works: Russki Kadrili, Chizhik, 1956

- Russian Quadrilles. Series: K Vsesoyuznomu Festivalyu Sovetskoj Molodezhi. Publisher: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo "Iskusstvo", Moskva. Text, drawings, music. Photocopy.
- Item 12: Kasura Collection Dedication Ceremony, May 2, 1987

- Cassette tape. Recording location: UI Music Library.
- Box 256

- Folder 1: Russian Instruments and Music: Accordian Instructional Materials, undated

- Photocopies of instructional materials, articles, manuscript scores and notes.
- Folder 2: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Family Construction and Repair, undated

- Photocopies of instructional materials, notes.
- Folder 3: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Family History and Performances, c. 1930

- Photocopies of articles, notes, newsletter, periodicals. In English and Russian.
- Folder 4: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Family Music, undated

- Photocopies of published scores.
- Folder 5: Russian Instruments and Music: "Practical Balalaika Tutor" - Nassonov, c. 1905

- Praktische Schule zum Selbstunterricht fur Balalaika. Theoretische Anleitung, Studien, Lieder, Vortragsstucke und Duette in praktischer Schreibweise. Teil I. (Practical Balalaika Tutor for Self-Instruction. Theory - Studies - Melodies, Pieces and Duets in Modern Notation. Part I.) Author: W. Nassonow. Publisher: Zimmerman, Leipzig. Photocopy.
- Folder 6: Russian Instruments and Music: "Practical Balalaika Tutor" - Nassonov, c. 1905

- Praktische Schule zum Selbstunterricht fur Balalaika. Theoretische Anleitung, Studien, Lieder, Vortragsstucke und Duette in praktischer Schreibweise. Teil I. (Practical Balalaika Tutor for Self-Instruction. Theory - Studies - Melodies, Pieces and Duets in Modern Notation. Part I.) Author: W. Nassonow. Publisher: Zimmerman, Leipzig. Published original.
- Folder 7: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Family Technical Materials, undated

- Photocopies of articles with charts, tunings, ranges, descriptions; notes.
- Folder 8: Russian Instruments and Music: Domra Family Music, undated

- Miscellaneous music for domra. Manuscript scores and photocopies of manuscript scores. Includes a collection of pieces arranged by Kasura.
- Folder 9: Russian Instruments and Music: Domra Family Technical Materials, undated

- Photocopies of instructional materials about tunings, ranges, descriptions, etc. Notes, scores, drawings.
- Box 257

- Folder 1: Russian Instruments and Music: Other Russian Folk Instruments, undated

- Photocopies of instructional materials about tunings, ranges, descriptions, etc. Notes, drawings, scores.
- Folder 2: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Orchestras, History, c. 1981

- Text of newspaper articles, notes, pages from newspapers and magazines, photocopies of articles and images.
- Folder 3: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Orchestras, undated

- Balalaika Orchestra Scores Index. Russian text.
- Folder 4: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Orchestras "Orchestrations. Small Group.", undated

- Index of small group orchestrations compiled by Kasura. Over 700 orchestrations indexed.
- Folder 5: Russian Instruments and Music: Music Theory and Pedagogy, c. 1940-1970

- Photocopies of articles and instructional materials, charts, notes, scores.
- Folder 6: Russian Instruments and Music: Music Theory and Pedagogy - Pedagogical Materials, c. 1960

- Exercises and studies. Posters, notes, photocopied scores.
- Folder 7: Russian Instruments and Music: Russian Folk Music, undated

- "Alphabetical Table of Songs." Compiled by Kasura. Over 450 songs indexed.
- Box 258

- Folder 1: Russian Instruments and Music: Russian Folk Music, 1911

- "Gusel'ki": 128 Kolubel'nykh, Detskihk I Narodnykh Pesen I Pribautok. Published in St. Petersburg.
- Folder 2: Russian Instruments and Music: Russian Folk Music History and Background Materials, c. 1970

- Photocopies of articles and research materials, music score title pages and introductions, periodicals.
- Folder 3: Russian Instruments and Music: Russkaya Muzika - Partial Index to the Kasura Collection, undated

- Incomplete index compiled by Kasura.
- Folder 4: Russian Instruments and Music: Russian Folk Song translations and content descriptions, undated

- Photocopies of lyrics and research material.
- Folder 5: Russian Instruments and Music: Russian Folk Music - "Words and Music Index", undated

- Alphabetical index of Russian music compiled by Kasura.
- Box 259

- Folder 1: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Andreev Balalaika Ensemble (New York), 1977-1980

- Photocopies of articles, flyers. Event and concert programs, correspondence.
- Folder 2: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Balalaika and Domra Society (New York), 1964-1979

- Notes, photocopies of photos, correspondence, rosters, by-laws, repertoire index.
- Folder 3: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Balalaika and Domra Society (New York), 1971-1982

- Programs, photocopies of program notes, correspondence, newspaper articles, flyers.
- Folder 4: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Balalaika Orchestra of Detroit, 1965-1975

- Photocopies of articles, programs, and correspondence.
- Folder 5: American Russian Folk Ensembles: The Balalaika Symphony Orchestra (New York), 1974-1977

- Programs.
- Folder 6: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Glinka Russian Dancers (New Jersey), 1949-1968

- Newspapers and program.
- Folder 7: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Houston Balalaika Society, 1978-1981

- Programs.
- Folder 8: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Massenkoff Russian Folk Festival, 1980

- Programs, newspaper clippings, correspondence, magazine articles.
- Folder 9: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Philadelphia Audreyev Balalaika Orchestra, 1982

- Programs, correspondence, pamphlet.
- Folder 10: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Philadelphia Balalaika Orchestra, 1976

- Program, photocopy of newspaper article.
- Folder 11: American Russian Folk Ensembles: St. John's Russian Folk Ensemble / Troika Balalaika Orchestra, 1969-1973

- Programs, newspaper clippings.
- Folder 12: American Russian Folk Ensembles: University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra, 1979-1982

- Programs, travel documents, newspaper, flyer.
- Folder 13: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Verkhovina Slavic Choral Ensemble, 1979

- Programs, correspondence.
- Box 260

- Folder 1: Performances of American and Soviet Folk Ensembles in US, 1920-1949

- Programs, newspaper clippings, photocopies of photographs, notes.
- Folder 2: Performances of American and Soviet Folk Ensembles in US, 1950-1959

- Programs.
- Folder 3: Performances of American and Soviet Folk Ensembles in US, 1960-1969

- Pamphlet, programs.
- Folder 4: Performances of American and Soviet Folk Ensembles in US, 1970-1979

- Newspapers, programs, flyers.
- Folder 5: Soviet Russian Folk Ensembles: Beryozka Dance Company, c. 1972

- Flyers, newspaper clippings, programs.
- Folder 6: Soviet Russian Folk Ensembles: Krasnayarsk Dance Company of Siberia, 1973

- Flyer, newspaper, programs.
- Folder 7: Soviet Russian Folk Ensembles: Moiseyev Dance Company, c. 1970

- Programs.
- Folder 8: Soviet Russian Folk Ensembles: Moscow Pops, 1979

- Flyers, newspaper clippings, programs.
- Folder 9: Soviet Russian Folk Ensembles: Osipov Balalaika Orchestra of Moscow, 1972-1977

- Programs, magazines, flyers, newspaper clippings.
- Folder 10: Soviet Russian Folk Ensembles: Siberian Dancers and Singers of Omsk, 1971

- Programs.
- Folder 11: United Kingdom Russian Folk Ensembles: Alexeyev Balalaika Ensemble, c. 1970

- Program.
- Folder 12: United Kingdom Russian Folk Ensembles: Tziganka / Bibs Ekkel, c. 1978

- Flyers.
- Box 261

- Folder 1: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Choral Music - Sacred, undated

- Manuscripts and photocopies.
- Folder 2: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Liturgical Choral Music - Soprano, undated

- 1) The Great Litany (Smolensky), 2) Bless the Lord - Little Litany (Plain Chant), 3) Only Begotten Son (Solovyev), 4) Little Litany - The Beatitudes (Plain Chant), 6) [sic] O Come, Let Us Worship - The Thrice Holy (Plain), 7) The Thrice Holy - Alleluia (Verbitsky), 8) Augmented Litany, 9) Litany of the Catechumens & Faithful - Cherubic Hymn (Bortniansky), 10) Litany of Supplication, 11) The Creed (Plain), 13) [sic] A Mercy of Peace, 14) We Praise Thee - Hymn to the Blessed Virgin (Rev I. Soroka), 15) Litany Before the Lord's Prayer - Our Father (Rimsky- Korsakov), 16) After the Lord's Prayer - Blessed Is He, 17) Vkusite I Vidite, 19) [sic] Hymn of Thanksgiving, 20) Litany of Thanksgiving.
- Folder 3: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Liturgical Choral Music - Alto, undated

- Folder 4: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Liturgical Choral Music - Tenor, undated

- Folder 5: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Liturgical Choral Music - Bass, undated

- Box 262

- Folder 1: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Liturgical Music for Alto Voice, 1904

- Published collection of choral music for alto.
- Folder 2: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Daily Church Music - 4 Voices, 1914

- Published scores. Poor condition.
- Folder 3: Russian Orthodox Church Music - "Penie Na Liturgii ..", 1882

- Published text and music. Poor condition.
- Folder 4: Russian Orthodox Church Music: "Tserkovno - Pircheski Sbornik Tom 1", 1900

- For Alto. Published in Petersburg. Published music.
- Folder 5: Russian Orthodox Church: Other, 1961-1972

- Issues of The Russian Orthodox Journal, program (Russian National Chorus of New York), poster.
- Box 263

- Folder 1: Written Works of Kasura: "The Instruments of Andreyev's Balalaika Orchestra", 1980

- Drafts of book. Includes drawings, diagrams, music.
- Folder 2: Written Works of Kasura: "Russian Folk Instruments Orchestras: Organization and Arrangements", undated

- Manuscript drafts.
- Folder 3: Written Works of Kasura: "The Balalika Orchestra in America", undated

- Typed drafts.
- Folder 4: Written Works of Kasura: "Prima Domra Primer", 1970-1972

- Two typed drafts with manuscript music.
- Folder 5: Written Works of Kasura: "Russian Folk Instruments Orchestras: Organization and Arrangements", 1976

- Incomplete typed drafts.
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Published Songs, c.1810-1970],
Series 2: Instrumental Music, c. 1910-1980],
[Series 3: Personal Papers, c. 1905-1987],
Series 4: American Popular Music, 1921-1938],