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Paul A. Beck Papers, 1907-97

Collection Overview

Title: Paul A. Beck Papers, 1907-97

ID: 11/9/24

Extent: 8.0 cubic feet

Date Acquired: 09/14/2011

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Papers of Paul A. Beck (1908-97), Professor of Metallurgy (1951-76) contain biographical material, correspondence, publications, research reports and photographs, correspondence with the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)(1952-1963), Army Research Office Durham (AROD), Ordinance District (ORD), and General Electric aircraft, correspondence with metallugial scientists and academics. This series also includes reports relating to metallugical reserarch at American Smelting and Refining Co. (1937-41), Beryllium Corporation (1941-42), Cleveland Graphite Bronze Co (1943-45) especially relating to bearings.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Source: Jay Menacher, Assistant to Head, Materials Science & Engineerng

Other Note: 7 pages

Other URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/1109024.pdf