By Joseph Ansel Hoisington
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library General Arbitrations File, 1940-1993
ID: 35/3/410
Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Labor and Industrial Relations
Other Creators: Fleming, R. W. (1916-), Garman, Phillips L. (1910-1986), McPherson, William H. (William Heston) (1902-1994)
Extent: 10.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by employer; by arbitrator; no-raiding agreements and federal unit determinations
Date Acquired: 07/28/2009
Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois Labor-Management Relations, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor History, Labor Law, Labor Relations, Labor Unions, Mediation, Steel Industry, United States Steel Company, War Labor Board
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
ILIR Library General Arbitrations File contains briefs, evidence, transcripts and findings from arbitrations of grievances between labor unions and employers, no-raiding agreements between labor unions and unit determination for the representation of federal employees.
Collection Historical Note
Biographical Note
Established in 1945,1 the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations is responsible for fostering and coordinating education, extension, and research activities in labor and industrial relations, including advisory research and information services.2 In 1946, the name Institute for Labor Relations was changed to Institute for Labor and Industrial Relations.3 In 2008, the Institute was redesignated the School of Labor and Employment Relations.4 It offers graduate, professional and extension training for labor, management and civic groups.5 The Chicago Labor Education Program was established to help union leaders improve their leadership skills.6
This unit covers:
-Interdisciplinary Seminar on Economic Development and Comparative Research
-Chicago Labor Education Program (February 1965)
1. Labor and Industrial Relations Building Dedication, November 29, 1962, p. 15.
2. Board of Trustees Transactions, 43rd Report, March 9, 1946, p. 1031.
3. Board of Trustees Transactions, 43rd Report, May 29, 1946, p. 1112.
4. Agenda Item no. 14, Meeting of July 24, 2008, Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda Items, RS: 1/1/801
5. University of Illinois Catalog, 1946-47, p. 280.
6. Announcing Chicago Labor Education Program, p. 1.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Acquisition Source:
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library
Processing Information:
Most of the records are arranged alphabetically by arbitrator, and within those of a given arbitrator they are alphabetical by employer. R.W. Fleming (ILIR director 1952-1958 and Law professor 1957-65) was involved with most of the arbitrations in boxes 1-8.
The arbitrator of the dispute to which an item pertains appears in the finding aid as the creator of that item.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 1],
Box 2],
Box 3],
Box 4],
Box 5],
Box 6],
[Box 7],
Box 8],
Box 9],
Box 10],
- Box 7

- Item 1: Folder containing arbitrations related to internal union affairs, August 5, 1955

- International Harvester Co. And American Federation of Grain Millers Local 179 - Location Not Given
- Creator: Russell A. Smith
- Item 2: Folder containing arbitrations related to the grievance procedure, 1953 to 1955

- International Harvester Co. And United Auto Workers; Harvester Federal Labor Union; UE Farm Equipment Workers; - Location Not Given
- Creator: David L. Cole, Peter M. Kelliher and Harry H. Platt
- Item 3: Folder containing arbitrations related to the arbitration procedure, 1953 to 1955

- International Harvester Co. And UE Farm Equipment Workers - Location Not Given
- Creator: Harry H. Platt
- Item 4: Folder containing arbitrations related to veterans, servicemen and war workers, 1953 to 1954

- International Harvester Co. And United Auto Workers - Location Not Given
- Creator: David L. Cole
- Item 5: Folder containing arbitrations related to wages and other compensation for services, 1953 to 1956

- International Harvester Co. And United Auto Workers and UE Farm Equipment Workers - Multiple Locations
- Creator: David L. Cole and Harry H. Platt
- Item 6: Folder containing arbitrations related to wages and other compensation for services, 1953 to 1957

- International Harvester Co. And Office Employees Intl. Union; United Auto Workers and UE Farm Equipment Workers - Multiple Locations
- Creator: W. Willard Wirtz, David L. Cole and Harry H. Platt
- Item 7: Folder containing arbitrations related to wages and other compensation for services, 1953 to 1957

- International Harvester Co. And United Auto Workers and UE Farm Equipment Workers - Multiple Locations
- Creator: W. Willard Wirtz, David L. Cole and Harry H. Platt
- Item 8: Folder containing arbitrations related to wages and other compensation for services, 1953 to 1955

- International Harvester Co. And United Auto Workers and UE Farm Equipment Workers - Multiple Locations
- Creator: W. Willard Wirtz, David L. Cole and Harry H. Platt
- Item 9: Folder containing arbitrations related to hours, overtime and premium pay, 1953 to 1957

- International Harvester Co. And United Auto Workers; UE Farm Equipment Workers and Intl. Assoc. of Machinists - Multiple Locations
- Creator: David L. Cole, Harry H. Platt, W. Willard Wirtz, Leonard E. Lindquist, Clyde Emery and I Robvert Feinberg
- Item 10: Folder containing arbitrations related to employee benefits: holidays, vacations, etc., 1953 to 1957

- International Harvester Co. And United Auto Workers; UE Farm Equipment Workers, Intl. Bro. of Teamsters, Office Employees Intl. Union and Intl. Assoc. of Machinists - Multiple Locations
- Creator: David L. Cole, Harry H. Platt, W. Willard Wirtz, Robert L. Howard, Sidney A. Wolff, Peter M. Kelliher and Frederick P. Mett
- Item 11: Folder containing arbitrations related to job protection: layoffs, reinstatements, seniority, work restrictions, etc., 1953 to 1957

- International Harvester Co. And United Auto Workers; UE Farm Equipment Workers and Intl. Assoc. of Machinists - Multiple Locations
- Creator: David L. Cole, Harry H. Platt, W. Willard Wirtz, Peter M. Kelliher and Henry J. Tilford
- Item 12: Folder containing arbitrations related to job protection: layoffs, reinstatements, seniority, work restrictions, etc., 1953 to 1957

- International Harvester Co. And United Auto Workers; UE Farm Equipment Workers and Office Employees Intl. Union - Multiple Locations
- Creator: David L. Cole, Harry H. Platt, W. Willard Wirtz, John F. Sembower and Peter M. Kelliher
- Item 13: Folder containing arbitrations related to discharge, discipline and plant rules, 1953 to 1957

- International Harvester Co. And UE Farm Equipment Workers; American Federation of Grain Millers and United Steelworkers of America - Multiple Locations
- Creator: Harry H. Platt
- Item 14: Folder containing arbitrations related to discharge, discipline and plant rules, 1953 to 1957

- International Harvester Co. And UE Farm Equipment Workers - Multiple Locations
- Creator: Harry H. Platt
- Item 15: Folder containing arbitrations related to promotions, demotions and filling vacancies, 1953 to 1957

- International Harvester Co. And United Auto Workers and UE Farm Equipment Workers - Multiple Locations
- Creator: David L. Cole, Harry H. Platt and William B. Lockhart
- Item 16: Folder containing arbitrations related to transfer of employees, 1953 to 1957

- International Harvester Co. And United Auto Workers; UE Farm Equipment Workers and Intl. Bro. of Teamsters - Multiple Locations
- Creator: David L. Cole, Harry H. Platt and Harry Pozefsky
- Item 17: Booklet containing arbitrations related to other work conditions, 1953 to 1957

- International Harvester Co. And United Auto Workers - Multiple Locations
- Creator: David L. Cole and W. Willard Wirtz
- Item 18: Folder containing arbitrations related to other work conditions, 1955 to 1964

- International Harvester Co. And UE Farm Equipment Workers; United Auto Workers; Intl. Assoc. of Machinists; Intl. Bro. of Electrical Workers; Progressive Steel Workers Union; Harvester Federal Labor Union; Office Employees Intl. Union; - Multiple Locations
- Creator: David L. Cole, Harry H. Platt, W. Willard Wirtz, Ralph T. Seward, Willard H. Pedrick, Peter M. Kelliher, Carl A. Warns, Paul M. Edwards, John F. Sembower, Ralph E. Kharas, Arthur C. Miller, Sidney A. Wolff, Henry J. Tilford, Frederick P. Mett, Gabriel N.
- Item 19: Folder containing arbitration findings and decisions, 1955 to 1957

- Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp. and United Steelworkers of America - Multiple Locations
- Creator: Thomas J. Burke, Francis I. Stark, Harry E. Holman, Sidney L. Cahn
- Item 20: Findings and Decision, June 1957

- Kroger Co. and Retail Clerks Union Local 536, AFL-CIO - Peoria, IL
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 21: Agreement between employer and union, no date

- Kroger Co. and Retail Clerks Local No. 1469 - Milwaukee, WI
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 22: Findings and Decision, March 26, 1962

- Kroger Co. and Retail Store Employees Union Local 444 -Milwaukee, WI
- Creator: Bert Luskin
- Item 23: Union's Brief, 1962

- Kroger Co. and Retail Clerks Intl. Assoc. - Milwaukee, WI
- Creator: Bert Luskin
- Item 24: Employer's Brief, 1962

- Kroger Co. and Retail Clerks Intl. Assoc. - Milwaukee, WI
- Creator: Bert Luskin
- Item 25: Findings and Decision, August 1958

- Laclede Steel Co. and United Steelworkers of America Local 3643, AFL-CIO - Alton, IL
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 26: Findings and Decision, December 15, 1956

- Charles O. Larson Co. and Intl. Assoc. of Machinists Lodge 1988, AFL-CIO - Sterling, IL
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 27: Findings and Decision, August 16, 1956

- Magnavox Co. and United Automobile Wkrs. Local 254 - Ft. Wayne, IN
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 28: Stipulation, no date

- Magnavox Co. and Local 254, Allied Industrial Wkrs., AFL-CIO - Ft. Wayne, IN
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 29: Copy of Written Grievance and Management's Reply, no date

- Magnavox Co. and Local 254, Allied Industrial Wkrs., AFL-CIO - Ft. Wayne, IN
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 30: Copy of Step C and D Hearings, no date

- Magnavox Co. and Local 254, Allied Industrial Wkrs., AFL-CIO - Ft. Wayne, IN
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 31: Brief of the union, no date

- Magnavox Co. and Local 254, Allied Industrial Wkrs., AFL-CIO - Ft. Wayne, IN
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 32: Brief of the employer, no date

- Magnavox Co. and Local 254, Allied Industrial Wkrs., AFL-CIO - Ft. Wayne, IN
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 33: Transcript of Proceedings, March 1, 1957

- Magnavox Co. and Local 254, Allied Industrial Wkrs., AFL-CIO - Ft. Wayne, IN
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 34: Copied from Labor Arbitration Cumulative Digest and Index, 1957

- Magnavox Co. and Local 254, Allied Industrial Wkrs., AFL-CIO - Ft. Wayne, IN
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 35: Brief of the Employer, no date

- Magnavox Co. and Local 254, Allied Industrial Wkrs., AFL-CIO - Ft. Wayne, IN
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 36: Transcript of Proceedings, December 3, 1956

- Magnavox Co. and Local 254, Allied Industrial Wkrs., AFL-CIO - Ft. Wayne, IN
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 37: Findings and Decision, February 21, 1957

- Marvel-Schebler Products Div., Borg-Warner Corp. and Allied Industrial Wkrs. Of America Local 979, AFL-CIO - Decatur, IL
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 38: Brief of the union, 1964

- Miehle Co., Div. of Miehle-Goss-Dexter, Inc. and Intl. Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Wkrs. Local 1031, AFL-CIO - Chicago, IL
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 39: Brief of the company, April 29, 1964

- Miehle Co., Div. of Miehle-Goss-Dexter, Inc. and Intl. Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Wkrs. Local 1031, AFL-CIO - Chicago, IL
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 40: Exhibits (Joint, Company and Union ) and Findings and Decision, December 1960

- Miehle Co., Div. of Miehle-Goss-Dexter, Inc. and Intl. Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Wkrs. Local 1031, AFL-CIO - Chicago, IL
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 41: Transcript of Proceedings, March 26, 1964

- Miehle Co., Div. of Miehle-Goss-Dexter, Inc. and Intl. Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Wkrs. Local 1031, AFL-CIO - Chicago, IL
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 42: Partners in Ownership: The Story of the Milwaukee Journal Stock Plan, April 1957

- Milwaukee Journal, Journal Co., Hearst Corp. and Milwaukee Typographical Union No.23 - Milwaukee, WI
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 43: Letter soliciting prof. Fleming's services as arbitrator, June 5, 1958

- Milwaukee Journal, Journal Co., Hearst Corp. and Milwaukee Typographical Union No.23 - Milwaukee, WI
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 44: "Honorable Chairman and Members of the Arbitration Board: This is an action to establish the unfairness of the discharge of Glenn Duffin", 1958

- Milwaukee Journal, Journal Co., Hearst Corp. and Milwaukee Typographical Union No.23 - Milwaukee, WI
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 45: Welcome to the Journal, 1957

- Milwaukee Journal, Journal Co., Hearst Corp. and Milwaukee Typographical Union No.23 - Milwaukee, WI
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 46: Letter from the union to Prof. Fleming, August 4, 1958

- Milwaukee Journal, Journal Co., Hearst Corp. and Milwaukee Typographical Union No.23 - Milwaukee, WI
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 47: Brief of the employer, 1958

- Milwaukee Journal, Journal Co., Hearst Corp. and Milwaukee Typographical Union No.23 - Milwaukee, WI
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 48: Employer's statement to supplement oral argument, 1958

- Milwaukee Journal, Journal Co., Hearst Corp. and Milwaukee Typographical Union No.23 - Milwaukee, WI
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
- Item 49: Transcript of Proceedings, July 21, 1958

- Milwaukee Journal, Journal Co., Hearst Corp. and Milwaukee Typographical Union No.23 - Milwaukee, WI
- Creator: Robben W. Fleming
Browse by Box:
Box 1],
Box 2],
Box 3],
Box 4],
Box 5],
Box 6],
[Box 7],
Box 8],
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Box 10],