Description: Mumford House Relocation/Restoration Documents contain print and CD copies of January 22, 2009 Public Meeting (including transcript, PowerPoint Presentations by UIUC and Johnson-Lasky, and public letters) and The Farm House Relocation by the Historic Preservation Mediation Committee of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (February 16, 2009) relating to the proposals to relocate the Mumford House from Lorado Taft Drive on the South Quad to Windsor Road and including architectural drawings and plans, statements of historical significance, site relevance, and renovations and restoration needs as well as the Historic Stucture Report and Concept Design produced by Vinci-Hamp Architects, Inc., designed to document the Mumford House and to "assist UIUC Facilities and Services Planning Division in finding a new and on-going use fo the building and site."