Description: Subject file for the Council of Planning Librarians contains annual meeting minutes, programs and proceedings (1961-95); by-laws and revisions (1960-83); Committee of Planning Librarians meeting minutes and correspondence (1957-60); correspondence (1960-96); CPL Bibliography editorial guidelines and promotions (1978-96); Exchange Bibliographies correspondence and reports (1961-78); Executive Committee correspondence, meeting minutes and agenda items (1960-96); financial statements (1979-87, 1991-92); Vance law suit (1974-79); membership handbooks, lists and requests (1961-96); newsletters (1966-89); president's correspondence and reports (1970-96); and treasurer's reports (1961-85, 1992). The series includes the correspondence of CPL Bibliographies Editor Jean Gottlieb (1978-80), Executive Directors James Hecimovich (1980-84) and Robert Dameron (1984-85), Director of Publications Patricia Coatsworth (1986-89), President Linda Drake (1996-97), and President Margaret de Popolo (1979-80, 1989-92, 1997).