Dean of Students Subject File, 1966-2013

Title: Dean of Students Subject File, 1966-2013
Series Number: 41/1/6
Acquired: 2/22/1977; 3/9/1978; 8/1/1978; 7/28/1980; 6/5/1981; 4/1/1982; 12/7/1982; 6/22/2000; 2007; 2008; 7/1/2010; 7/26/2010; 8/16/2010; 6/16/2011; 10/02/2014; 6/14/2019
Volume: 198.2 cubic feet
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Access Restriction: Search files in boxes 85-91, Discipline folders, Box 107, Halloween folder, Box 109, and Student Deaths and Student Discipline folders, Box 119, Box 155, and a folder in Box 157 are restricted. Permission of Dean of Students office required.

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