by type of material and chronologically thereunder
Administrative History of Creating Unit
The University of Illinois Dad's Association was organized on November 4, 1922.1 It was formed for the purpose of furthering the interests of the University of Illinois and cooperating with the students and faculty.2 The organization includes an elected board of directors, an annually elected advisory committee composed of the county chairmen, a treasurer, and an executive director who is a member of the University administrative staff, assigned to the Office of Campus Programs and Services.3 It is an associated agency, which is an independent, non-profit corporation with formal University ties.4 Membership is open to fathers and guardians of students attending the University, residing in Illinois.5 There is a monthly newsletter, Dads Illini, mailed to each member from October through June.6 The association supports programs, among which is an emergency loan program for undergraduate students.7
1. Dads' Day Program, 1925, p. 10.
2. Constitution and By-laws of the Dads' Association.
3. Organization and Government (mimeographed sheet).
4. Ibid.
5. Constitution and By-laws of the Dads' Association.
6. University of Illinois Dads Association (pamphlet).
7. Ibid.