Description: Papers of John J. DeBoer (1903-96), professor of education (1947-69), including correspondence (1934-69), manuscripts (1936-51), workshop and convention papers (1940-56) and publications (1932-74) relating to the Christian Reformed Church (1930-36), League for Independent Political Action (1932), Chicago third party politics (1932-38), Chicago school system (1933, 1944) publishing (1940-65), American Federation of Teachers (1940), National Council of Teachers of English (1942, 1954-59), summer schools at Northwestern (1941) and Wisconsin (1944-47), Roosevelt College (1945-47), the American Education Fellowship (1945-48), National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions (1948-54), the Champaign-Urbana Committee to Oppose the Broyles Bills (1949-55), a foreword for Searchlight - a book on New York City schools (1951), academic freedom, membership in "subversive" organizations and the fifth amendment and the Council on Community Integration (1953-68). The series includes two Ezra Pound letters on economic interests and peace (1936), a recording made with Albert Lybyer for the Illinois Progressive Party (1948) and publications on elementary and secondary education, English instruction, the teaching of reading, mass media and communications, progressive education, human relations and democracy and peace.
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