Administrative History of Creating Unit
Teaching Experiences Laboratory: The Board of Trustees first appropriated funds for the establishment of a "Teaching Techniques Laboratory" under the College of Education in 1966.1 By 1968, its title had been changed to the "Illinois Teaching Experiences Lab"; it was located in 236 Education under the direction of William D. Johnson and was a subsidiary of the Urbana Council on Teacher Education.2 By 1973 the lab had moved to 130 Communications Annex and was known as the "Teaching Techniques Laboratory" once more. It was still directed by Dr. Johnson but now was listed directly under the College of Education.3 The laboratory was eventually dissolved after 1975.4 It had been used for micro-teaching experience.
1. Board of Trustees Transactions, 53rd Report, June 15, 1966, p. 1200.
2. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Staff Directory, 1968-1969, p. 61.
3. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Staff Directory, 1973-1974, p. 15.
4. The last listing for the lab under any title is in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Staff Directory, 1974-1975, p. 17, as the "Teaching Techniques Lab."