Description: Papers of Coleman R. Griffith, Provost (1943-53), Director - Bureau of Institutional Affairs (1921-62), includes correspondence with faculty, university presidents, Adlai Stevenson, Griffith's father and son about publications, speeches, research, university presidency, organizations, students, books, dismissal of George Stoddard and Griffith, politics, conferences, athletics and the University Press; speeches; curriculum vitae and newspaper clippings; Educational Psychology (1919-1962) - correspondence with psychologists and students; experiment notes and projects; student papers and theses' bulletins; workbooks; speeches; psychology departmental scrapbook; course lecture notes, exam questions and research project synopsis; University Administration (1925-1962) - correspondence with presidents, department heads, faculty and trustees; reports and publications about regulations, Bu. Institutional Research, administrative organization and controversies in the College of Commerce and Education and the School of Music; advanced degrees, Stoddard removal, Krebiozen, Division of Humanities, Defense Research Coordinating Committee, Council of Ten, Allerton Conf. on Education, Chicago Undergraduate Division, Koch Case, Arthur Bestor and honors program; Higher Education (1935-62) - correspondence with educators, foundations and publishers about conferences, academic freedom, research, Office of Statistical Information and Research; budgets, programs, Division of Higher Education and Adult Education; classroom use and minutes of meetings; Publications (1919-20, 1927-29, 1942) on instinctive behavior, nystagmus, effects of rotation, balance, genetics, psychology and mental balance and photographs of research activities and apparatus in education psychology laboratory; manuscripts of published and unpublished books and articles, including a study of the Chicago National League Ball Club (Cubs).
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