Description: Records of the Theta Sigma Phi professional fraternity for women in Journalism and Communications. In 1972 Theta Sigma Phi became Women in Communications. Includes certificates and awards, handbooks, publications, minutes, programs, reports, The Matrix magazine and Matrix Table banquet, alumni information, correspondence (1952-74), a brief history (c. 1980), Certificate of Charter (1952), Women in Communications newletters (1976-77, 1989-91), newspaper clippings (1954-75), photographs (1959-1964), Constitutions and By-Laws (1954-70), memberships lists (1947, 1962-1968, 1974-76), officer lists (1953-1974), chapter roster (1967), Ann Landers photographs and promotional material (1960), papers from the national conventions (1965-1966, 1968), annual reports for the Champaign-Urbana chapter (1961-1968), annual reports for the national organization (1967-1968), and materials on the annual Ladies of the Press Breakfast (1960-1966).
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