Description: Papers of Raymond Eliot '32 (1905-1980), football coach (1942-1959) and Associate Athletic Director (1960-1973), including correspondence concerning invitations and letters of appreciation for speaking engagements, letters of appreciation from former players including Alex Agase, promotion and sales of "The Proper State of Mind" recording, letters of appreciation from high school football coaches for advice on plays, defenses, and player motivation, invitations, congratulatory notes for retirement dinner and "Ray Eliot Day" (1973) and football clinics; newspaper clippings concerning Ray Eliot or the Fighting Illini (1947-75); photographs from family, personal, coaching days, and speaking engagements; material for speeches, including biographical sketch, notes for speeches, newspaper clippings and programs; recorded speeches including "The Proper State of Mind," "Leadership Development: (1961) and talk given to Air Force Squadron Officer School (1979); 16 mm film of Orange Bowl, North-South game (1957); play diagrams given to Robert Zuppke by George Halas, Chicago Bears (1938); play notebook of "Red" Grange (cs. 1945), play formations for Rose Bowl game vs. UCLA (1947), and other plays by Eliot; and football programs, notes and scrapbooks.