Title: Advertising Seminar Programs, 1949, 1952

Administrative History of Creating Unit
<p class='main'>Prior to 1959, when the Department of Advertising was created, advertising courses were given in the Department of Economics and the School (after 1957, the College) of Journalism and Communications.<a href='#ftn1'><sup>1</sup></a> The Department supervises work in the advertising curriculum for students expecting to enter advertising agencies or the advertising departments of newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations, industrial organizations or retail stores.<a href='#ftn2'><sup>2</sup></a></p>
<p class='note'><a name='ftn1'>1.�???�??�?� Board of Trustees Transactions, 50th Report, February 19, 1959, p. 301.</a></p>
<p class='note'><a name='ftn2'>2.�???�??�?� Undergraduate Study Catalog, 1971-72, p. 243.</a></p>