Description: Files of the Commission on English Language (established in 1961) containing correspondence; agendas and minutes of meetings; nominating ballots and invitations for membership; preliminary drafts of articles "Ain't Snobbish" by Sumner Ives and "Teaching Shakespeare's Henry IV, part I" by Hallet D. Smith; notes and comments on problems with source acknowledgement in the revised edition of Dialects U.S.A. (1963); program for joint meeting between NCTE and the Center for Applied Linguistics on "Discovering American Dialects" (1966); proposal for a national clearinghouse for Urban Language Studies (1966); policy statements on the teaching of usage and minimal linguistics requirements for teacher certification (1972); copy of A Word Geography of The Eastern United States by Hans Kurath. Principal correspondents include: H.B. Allen, W. Nelson Francis, Robert Hogan, Sumner Ives, Ravin McDavid and James Squire.