Description: Papers of George Washington Goble (1887-1963), professor of Law (1921-1956), including correspondence, reports, minutes, manuscripts, notes, work papers, publications and teaching material relating to contracts (1920-1953) and insurance (1920-49) law, legal curriculum (1920-44), jurisprudence (1920-54), publications, Retirement System (1937-56), University boards and committees (1924-57), War Labor Board (1941-44) and personal and community affairs (1918-46). The series contains material on Professor Goble's casebooks on contracts and insurance, his service as legal advisor to the University Retirement System and public member of a regional War Labor Board panel, revision of the State insurance code, committee work on curriculum and examinations for the Association of American Law Schools, Athletic Boards, Illini Union Board, Student Affairs Committee, University Council and program committees for Labor Relations and Social Work and Personnel Administration.