Organized in two series: Series 1, Research Materials; and Series 2, Charles Boschek Uniform.
Biographical Note
James L. Schardein, MS, Fellow ATS, was born in 1934 in Mt. Ayr, Iowa and had a long career as a research scientist in the area of pharmaceutical drug safety and has published several scientific textbooks on teratology and toxicology. He also earned a Lifetime Achievement Award in this field. Schardein was also a cornet player and avid Sousa scholar, and this collection, along with his final publication The Legendary Sousa Band: 40 Years from Plainfield to Atlantic City, 1892-1931, is a culmination of long-term research in the area of band music.
Schardein passed away on April 21, 2017 in Chelsea, MI.
Sources:The Legendary Sousa Band: 40 Years from Plainfield to Atlantic City, 1892-1931 (ISBN:978-1-4327-4105-1)