Anna Fay Herron Bush Papers, 1847-2019

Title: Anna Fay Herron Bush Papers, 1847-2019
Series Number: 12/9/158
Acquired: 08/10/2017. Additional accruals were made on July 24, 2018; September 1, 2018; June 6, 2019; July 22, 2019; July 7, 2023; October 25, 2023; and July 12, 2024..
Volume: 14.25 cubic feet
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Locations for this record series:
Service Location Boxes
SACAM, Band Building, 1103 S. 6th Street2018.1209158.01 - Lyon Monarch Oboe
SACAM, Band Building, 1103 S. 6th Street2018.1209158.02 - Flute
SACAM, Band Building, 1103 S. 6th Street2018.1209158.03 - oboe reed case
Archives Research Center, 1707 S. Orchard Street2019.1209150.004 - Anna Fay Herron suitcase
Archives Research Center, 1707 S. Orchard StreetBox 01-04
Archives Research Center, 1707 S. Orchard StreetBox 05-06
Archives Research Center, 1707 S. Orchard StreetBox 07-12
Archives Research Center, 1707 S. Orchard StreetBox 13-15
SACAM, Band Building, 1103 S. 6th StreetBox 16 - Hair Bow
Archives Research Center, 1707 S. Orchard StreetBox 17-25
Archives Research Center, 1707 S. Orchard StreetBox 26-27
Archives Research Center, 1707 S. Orchard StreetBox 28
Archives Research Center, 1707 S. Orchard StreetBox 29-30
Archives Research Center, 1707 S. Orchard StreetBox 31-32
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Detailed Description
Series 1: Education Materials and Professional Correspondence, 1890-1999
Series 2: Personal Papers and Objects, 1879-1993
Series 3: Bohumir Kryl Women's Symphony Orchestra Correspondence, Ephemera, Photographs, 1943-1947
Series 4: Church Choir Library Scores and Flyers, 1895-1996
Series 5: Sheet Music Collection, 1863-1963
Series 6: Musical Instruments, undated
Series 7: Sarah Bush Randolf Personal and Instructional Materials, 1973-2019