Description: Papers of Vernon E. Lewis (1925- ) (B.S. 1948), Program Leader at General Motors Institute (1952-55) and management training Program Supervisor in Dayton, Ohio (1955-57), Manager of Employment of Aeroproducts Operations of the Allison Division of GMC (1957-61), and Assistant Manager of Industrial Relations at Frigidaire (1961-ca. 1980) contains memoirs, correspondence, memoranda, minutes of labor negotiations meetings, copies of labor agreements, reports, newspaper clippings, articles, and newsletters relating to labor negotiations between the Frigidaire Division of General Motors (GM) and the International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine and Furniture Workers (IUE) (1971, 1974, 1976, 1979) and his role in the negotiations, GM's internal proposals for how to handle "the Frigidaire Situation" including dividing Frigidaire into two divisions (1974) and selling off of Frigidaire (1979), and GM's administrative restructuring (1992).
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