Description: Scrapbook of Scott Williams (1890-1893) including football game announcements (1890 and 1891) and programs (10/2/1890, 11/21/1891); Athletic Association Field Day programs (1890-1891) and receipts (1889-1891); intercollegiate field meeting programs (10/3/1890, 10/1/1891); class athletic contest schedules (1890-1891); newspaper clippings from the Illini (1891), Champaign Gazette (10/9/1891) and Chicago Herald (2/1/1891); course lists and admission cards (1889-1891); commencement programs (1890); drill programs (1890); flag raising program (1891); YMCA handbooks (1889-1890) and membership certificate (1890); Adelphic Society constitution and meeting programs (1889-1890); Freshman Sociable (1890) and Junior Exhibition (1889-1890), class programs; gymnasium passes (1889-1890); membership cards (1890); Lafayette, Indiana opera house program (11/9/1891); university, boarding house and other receipts (1889-1891); streetcar transfer; laundry ticket; college cheers and class and activity colors.