Description: Papers of Marcus S. Goldman (1894-1984), A.M. '17, Ph.D. '31, and Professor of English (1936-62); and Olive R. Goldman (1897-1984), A.M. '41, and Assistant in Speech (1942-46). Marcus Goldman collection includes reviews; copies of his dissertation, Sir Philip Sidney and The Arcadia (1931), and Poems of the Past (1969); a tape recorded class lecture on Wordsworth (1940); and a tape recorded interview (1972) with comments on growing up in MIddletown, Ohio, his experiences at the University, his service with the American Field Service Ambulance Unit in France during World War I and with Military Intelligence during World War II, serving as ground operations officer for the first Bikini atomic bomb tests, life as a student at the University of Paris, the Bernbaum-Zeitlin English Department feud, his teaching career at Illinois, his admiration for Irving Babbitt and criticism of Herbert Hoover, and his views on military service and American politics. Olive Goldman collection includes articles on her service with the United States U.N. delegation (1949-50), papers of the Champaign-Urbana Committee on Atomic Energy (1946-47), and 12 tape-recorded interviews by Mrs. Goldman with several inidividuals on subjects including her U.N. experiences, pollution and the environment, and Prayer Book revision and the ordination of women in the Episcopal Church.