Records Relating to Political Science Department | University of Illinois Archives
Records filed under "Political Science Department" Show Name Authority File
15 18 10 Graduate File and History, 1901-38

15 18 21 John A. Fairlie Papers, 1885-1947

15 18 22 Clarence A. Berdahl Papers, 1920-89

15 18 23 Robert E. Cushman Papers, 1915-38

15 18 26 Philip Monypenny Papers, 1948-83

15 18 27 George E. Catlin Papers, 1967-68

15 18 28 Charles M. Kneier Papers, 1927-54

15 18 29 Richard L. Merritt Papers, 1963-94

15 18 30 Edward G. Lewis Papers, 1939-74

15 18 31 Dean E. McHenry Papers, 1979

15 18 32 Thomas Page Papers, 1952-76

15 18 33 David F. Linowes Papers, 1950-2000

15 18 34 Stuart Nagel Papers, 1944-2003

15 18 35 A. Belden Fields Papers, 1965-2010

15 18 38 Stephen P. Cohen papers

15 18 39 Morris Davis Papers, 1967-1972

15 18 802 Promotional Brochures, 1934, 1936, 1942

15 18 803 Announcements, 1958-

15 18 805 Lecture Notes, 1944-48

15 18 811 Policy Studies Journal, 1973-2002

15 18 812 Policy Studies Review, 1982-2002

15 18 817 Course Materials, 1932, 1937

15 18 820 Memorials, 1941, 1947