By Dan Andree, Jessica Ballard, Carol Berthold, Cory Davis, Celia Faux, Jessica Lapinski, Matthew Mayton, Garrett McComas, Katie Nichols, Somer Pelczar, Holly Pletka, Allison Repking, and Nolan Vallier
Title: Hunleth Music Store Sheet Music and Photograph Collection, ca. 1880-1986
ID: 12/9/123
Primary Creator: Hunleth Music Company (1901-1974)
Extent: 39.75 cubic feet
Organized in ten series: Series 1: Autographed Prints, ca. 1880-1950; Series 2: School Wind Band Music Octavos, ca. 1880-1970; Series 3: Mandolin Sheet Music and Method Books, 1888-1969; Series 4: Banjo Sheet Music and Method Books, 1900-1960; Series 5: Hawaiian and Steel Guitar Music and Method Books, 1898-1970; Series 6: Guitar Sheet Music and Method Books, 1891-1969; Series 7: Autoharp and Zither Sheet Music and Method Books; Series 8: Gibson School of Music Records, 1889-1937; Series 9: Accordion, Bandonian, and Concertina Sheet Music and Method Books. Series 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are organized in two sub-series within each series, Sub-series 1: Sheet Music and Sub-series 2: Method Books. Content of all Series 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 arranged alphabetically with untitled materials at the beginning. Series 8: Gibson Music School is organized alphabetically by title for sheet music and method books. Correspondence, advertisement, and minutes have been placed at the beginning. Series 9: Accordion, Bandonian, and Concertina Sheet Music and Method Books is organized alphabetically by composer. Series 10: Silent Film Sheet Music arranged in numerical order as assigned by the Hunleth Music Co.
The original order is no longer evident, except for Series 10. Series containing music have been structured to mimic a music store model in which sheet music and method books are separated by principal instrument. Series order listed in order of processing.
Date Acquired: 02/01/1974
Subjects: Accordion, Autoharp music, Bands (Music), Banjo music, Business Records, Correspondence, Guitar music, Hawaiian guitar music, Mandolin music, Music stores, Photographs, Teaching Methods, Zither music
Formats/Genres: Sheet music
Languages: English, Russian, German, Spanish;Castilian, Italian, French
Consists of unsold published sheet music and method books that were part of the Hunleth Music Company (St. Louis, MO)'s unsold stock when the store closed in 1974. It documents the types of published music typically sold to musicians and band ensembles in the U.S. Midwest during the first half of the 20th century. Also includes a small number of collector photographs documenting Midwestern classical music and opera performers at the turn of the 20th century and records related to local music teacher Robert Lehrmann (1879-1948) and the Gibson School of Music (1889-1937).
The University of Illinois purchased nearly 750,000 pieces of unsold sheet music and unsold 78-rpm sound recordings after the Hunleth Music Co.'s closure in 1974. This collection reflects only a portion of the store's unsold inventory.
After 27 years as proprietor of the Standard Pulley & Foundry, Frank J. Hunleth, sold his shares in the company and opened the Hunleth Music Company in 1901, at the encouragement of his son, Joseph F. Hunleth. Frank J. Hunleth purchased a building located at 9 South Broadway, Saint Louis, Missouri, which was previously owned and occupied by A. T. Walo's Music Company. In 1908, Frank J. Hunleth's sons, Joseph F. Hunleth and Alois J. Hunleth, assumed management of the store. The Hunleth Music Co. moved to a larger building at 516 Locust Street in 1915, where it remained for nearly 40 years. Joseph F. Hunleth traveled to Europe yearly to buy music and instruments for the Hunleth Music Co., introducing Midwest musicians to music published outside the country. He bought sheet music in such a high volume that U.S. publishers would show him scores before deciding whether to publish them to guarantee sales. After the Locust building was purchased by First National Bank in 1952, the store moved to 415 North Broadway, where it remained until it closed in 1974. Joseph and Alois Hunleth operated the company as partners until Alois's death from a heart attack in 1959. Joseph continued to operate the company as sole owner until his death in 1968, when ownership of the company passed to Joseph's widow, Violet B. Hunleth. She retained ownership until the company's closure in 1974. The building housing the music company was demolished to make way for the Mercantile Center between 1975-1979, a redevelopment project that was never completed.
The Hunleth Music Company's store consisted of five floors of music instruments and sheet music, making it an important hub for the music trade in the Midwest. Hunleth Music Co. also dealt in rare instruments and specialized in imported violins from makers in Germany, Italy, and France. It carried Victor, Columbia, and Brunswick sound recordings; Victorolas; and radiolas; and it had its own radio department, indicating that the store not only served musicians but also music listeners. The store also sold tickets for concerts and performances for acts like Bily May and Count Basie at the Casa-Loma Ballroom in Saint Louis connecting the store to St. Louis local music scene. Hunleth Music Co. was the gathering site for musicians both unknown and well-known, such as Fritz Kreisler, Jascha Heifetz, Mischa Elman, Yehudi Menuhim, and Rudolph Ganz. According to a long-time employee, it had "the gemutlicheit of the easy-going business" that attracted customers to the "wonderful family-like organization." In its heyday the Hunleth Music Co. held over a million copies of sheet music and the largest collection of 78-rpm sound recordings in St. Louis.
Autoharp music
Bands (Music)
Banjo music
Business Records
Guitar music
Hawaiian guitar music
Mandolin music
Music stores
Teaching Methods
Zither music
Repository: The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Source: J. F. Hunleth Music Store.
Acquisition Method: Purchase of unsold stock upon closure of the J. F. Hunleth Music Store, 415 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri. The band octavos were transferred from the Press Building basement to the Center in November 2017, and the banjo, mandolin, Hawaiian and steel guitar, zither, and autoharp sheet music was transferred from the Press Building on April 16, 2018. The accordion, bandonian, and concertina sheet music and method books were transferred from the Press Building on December 6, 2018. The silent movie music was transferred from the Press Building on January 8, 2019.
Compiled by John Philip Sousa. Parts. Pieces included (by country, with composer where indicated): United States of America: Hail Columbia (Fyles); Star Spangled Banner; Red, White, and Blue (Shaw); Yankee Doodle; Hail to the Chief; Washington's March; Angel of Peace (Keller); Columbia (Gilmore); God Save our President (Winner); God Save our President (Janvier-Benkert); Hail to our Banner (Millard); My Country 'Tis of Thee; Abyssinia: Song of the Kingsom of Shoa and Song of the Southern Gallas; Afghanistan: Takhmi; Apache Indians: Ma-Ma-Mime Ga-Ga; Arabia: Mizmouna; Argentine Republic National Song; Armenia: Nor Oghchioon, Orje Nees; Austria: God Preserve the Emperor (Haydn), Oh! Thou My Austria (Suppe); Bavaria National and Patriotic songs; Belgium: La Brabanconne; Bengal: Kutch Kewhana; Berar Song of the Deccan; Bohemia: War Song of the Hussites; Bolivia: Bolivia Nos el ha (Vencentte); Bosnia: Mountains Bathed in Morning Light; Brazil: National Air Song; Bulgaria: Maritza; Burmah: Kayah Than; Canada: Viva la Canadienne; Carinthia: Our Valley; Carniola: My Home to the East by Croatia is Bounded; Cashmere, Air; Celebes Island, Song; Chile: National Air song; China: The World's Delight, Patriotic Song, and Woo le Wah; Croatia: Patriotic Air Song; Costa Rica: De la Patria (Gutierrez); Cuba: La Bayamesa, Zapateo Cubano, and La Territorial (Saumell); Dalecarlia: Brave of Heart and Warriors Bold; Dalmatia: Daylight Now Dawns; Denmark: King Christian Stood Beside the Mast (Hartman); Eduador: Salve, Oh Patria; Egypt: National Air Song; Fiji Islands: Autiko Mai Na; Finland: Tho' from Poets; France: La Marseillaise (D'Isle); German Empire: Heil di im Siegerkranz, and Die Wacht am Rhein (Wilhelm); Great Brittain and Ireland: God Save the Queen and Rule Britannia (Arne); Greece: National Song, Royal March, Sons of Greece, Come Arise; Guatemala: Guatemala en tu Limfria Bandera (Alvarez); Hawaii: Hawaii Ponoi (Berger); Hindustan: Air song; Holland: Wilhelmus Van Nassauwen, Wien Neerlandsch; Hungary: Swear, Hungarian, by Thy Country; Ireland: Oh, for the Swords of Former Times, The Minstrel Boy, The Harp that Once Through Tara's Hall; Italy: Royal March, La Nocca de tre Colure, Alarmi (Garibaldi's Hymn); Japan: Fou So Ka, Imygayo; Java: Surunj Dayuni; Lapland: Reindeer, Galop Fast; Malta: Diaisi Maltese; Mexico: Mexicanos, al Gritto de Guerra; Norway: National Anthem, Sonner af Norge; Nukahivah: Song; Panama: Canto Patriotico Istmeno; Persia: National Air Song; Puru: National Air Song; Pfalz: the Hunter of the Palatinate; Poland: Brothers, Poland is in Need! (Sowinski); Polynesia: Song; Portugal: National Air Song; Prussia: Heil di im Siegerkranz, and I am a Prussian; Rome: The Pope's Hymn (Rossini); Roumania: National Anthem; Russia: Lord, God, Preserve the Czar (Svoff), High the Cossack's Heart is Bounding, The Cossacks; Salzburg: Schadahupfl; Salvador: Saludemos la Patria (Aberle); Samoa: Esia Samoa; San Marino: La Sammarinese; Saxony: National Anthem; Schleswig-Holstein: Schleswig-Holstein Meerumschlungen (Bellman); Scotland: Scots, Wha Ha'e, Servia: Rise, Servians, Rise; Siam: National Anthem: Spain: Hymnede Riego (Hueria), and Royal March; Styria: The Lofty Mountains; Sweden: National Anthem; Switzerland: National Anthem; Traman: Aroo Group; Turkey: Azizie, Once the Sultan (Redgeb Pasha); Tyrol: Andreas Hofer: Uruguay: Patriotic Song; Vancouver Indians: Waichee; Venezuela: National Song; Wales: March of the Men of Harlech; Waldeck: National Song; Wallachia: Patriotic Air Song (Nicholas Filipesco); Wurtembert: National Anthem; Zamboanga/Malaysia: Song; Zanzibar: National Song.
Published by Carl Fischer, Cooper Square, New York
Folk songs arranged for six piece combinations. Parts. By Leon V. Metcalf. Pieces include: 1. Czech Holiday; 2. Childrens Songs; 3. Russian Revels; 4. Good Night Ladies; 5. Scandinavia; 6. Big Six; 7. Magyar Nepdal; 8. The Animal Fair; 9. solomon Levi; 10. Cuckoo Nest; 11. Little Susie; 12. My Banjo; 13. German Waltzes; 14. Polish Dances; 15. Spanish Guitar; 16. Tiritomba. Publisher: Fillmore Music House, Cincinnati, OH.
Note: Conductor score (Book 18) may be found in box for oversize items: Box 28, Item 1.
Arrangements by Clair W. Johnson and Harold L. Walters. Conductor's score. Pieces include: 1. O Holy Night; 2. Christmas Greetings; 3. The First Noel; 4. We Three Kings of Orient Are; 5. March of the Three Kings; 6. The Story of Christmas; 7. Adeste Fideles; 8. Christmas Reverence; 9. Jingle Bells Rhapsody; 10. Noel, Noel, Noel; 11. Yuletude at Yorkshire; 12. The Messiah; 13. March of the Little Tin Soldiers; 14. Two Christmas Classics: I. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming & II. Adoramus Te. Publisher: Rubank, Inc., Chicago, IL.
Note: Conductor's score is oversize and may be found in Box 28, Item 2.
Arranged by Erik Leidzen. Parts. Pieces include: 1. Among My Souvenirs; 2. Are You Havin' Any Fun?; 3. The Best Things in Life Are Free; 4. Button Up Your Overcoat; 5. Did Yu Ever See a Dream Walking?; 6. Did Your Mother Come from Ireland?: 7. Good News; 8. Love Thy Neighbor; 9. Mean to Me; 10. Sonny Boy; 11. Stay As Sweet As You Are; 12. The Varsity Drag; 13. Where the Blue of the Night; 14. Wishing; 15. You're the Cream In My Coffee. Publisher: Crawford Music Corp., New York, NY.
Note: Crawford Popular Tune Time Band Book was formerly titled "Crawford Quick-Step Band Book." Selections are the same. Both sets are included in this item.
Selected and arranged by Frank Erickson. Parts. Pieces include: 1. Day Dreams; 2. Scottish March; 3. Two Famous Chorales: I. St. Anthony Chorale & II. Austrian Hymn; 4. This Old Man; 5. Ship Ahoy; 6. The Ash Grove; 7. The Marching Clock; 8. Folk Song Medley; 9. Two Symphonic Themes; 10. Glow Worm; 11. Gay 90's; 12. Spiritual Medley; 13. Tomahawk; 14. Two Popular Melodies; 15. Christmas March. Publisher: Belwin, Rockville Cente, L.I., NY
Note: Conductor's score is oversize and may be found in Box 28, Item 3.
By Leon V. Metcaf. Parts. Pieces include: 1. Cuckoo; 2. Mary's Lamb; 3. Cobbler, Cobbler; 4. Chimes; 5. Bonny Heather; 6. The Gamut; 7. The Turkey; 8. Corporal Callahan; 9. Two for a Shilling; 10. Little River; 11. London Bridge; 12. The Clarinet; 13. Polka; 14. Lovely Evening; 15. Tell Me; 16. Jim and Jerry; 17. Rousseau's Hymn; 18. Hamburg; 19. The Birch Tree; 20. Volga Boatman; 21. A Russian Song; 22. Sun of My Soul; 23. Circus Day; 24. Pass in Review - March; 25. Winter Adieu; 26. Winter Song; 27. A Russian Song; 28. Cuckoo; 29. Lady April; 30. Mary's Lamb; 31. Chimes; 32. Winter Song; 33. Busy Bees; 34. Etude; 35. Bobolink; 36. Little Buttercup; 37. Johnny Jump Up; 38. Lady April; 39. The Penny; 40. Red Boots; 41. From Heaven Above; 42. Chord Study; 43. French Folk Song; 44. Spanish Hymn; 45. A Carol; 46. Paul on the Hill; 47. Ducklings; 48. Cobbler, Cobbler; 49. Mary's Lamb; 50. Gypsy Dance; 51. Honey Bee; 52. A Danish Song; 53. Variations on an Old German Folk Song; 54. Upidee; 55. Mary's Lamb; 56. Cuckoo; 57. Ducklings; 58. Paul on the Hill. Publisher: Fillmore Music House, Cincinnati, OH.
Note: Although titles of some pieces appear more than once, the pieces are in different keys and with dirrerent time signatures.
By Harvey S. Whistler and Herman A. Hummel. Parts. Pieces include: 1. Long, Long Ago; 2. Jingle Bells; 3. Twinkle Little Star; 4. Hansel and Gretel; 5. Buffalo Gals; 6. A-Tisket, A-Tasket; 7. Air from Rigoletto; 8. Gaily the Troubador; 9. Little Brown Jug; 10. Festival Day; 11. The Chatterers; 12. Martha; 13. Emerald Waltz; 14. Poet and Peasant; 15. Barcarolle from Tales of Hoffmann; 16. Loch Lomond; 17. Home on the Range; 18. Red River Valley; 19. Favorite Melody; 20. Exalted Leader; 21. Emerald Waltz; 22. Little Brown Jug; 23. Martha; 24. Air Brigade - March; 25. Clipper Ship, USA - March. Publisher: Rubank, Inc., Chicago, IL.
Note: Some pieces with duplicate names are at different levels of difficulty.
Composed by K.L. King. Parts. Pieces include: 1. Carrollton March; 2. Sons of Veterans; 3. Canton Aero Club; 4. Ponderoso; 5. The Medley Shop; 6. The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea; 7. The Gateway City March; 8. Aviation Tournament March; 9. Neddermeyer Triumphal March; 10. The Viking March; 11. Robinson's Grand Entree March; 12. Woody Van's March; 13. Wanderlust March; 14. Garland Entree; 15. The Mystic Call; 16. Ragged Rozey. Publisher: C.L. Barnhouse, Oskaloosa, IA.
See Also Mark Foutch Brass Band Music (12/9/148) Box 7, Folder 42 [Contains missing part books]
Rhythm studies. By Carl W. Vandre and Adam P. Lesinsky. Parts. Pieces include: 1. Lightly Row; 2. Reuben and Rachel; 3. A,B,C; 4. Little Brown Jug; 5. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow; 6. Humpty Dumpty; 7. When You and I Were Young Maggie; 8. Billy Boy; 9. There's Music in the Air; 10. Yankee Doodle; 11. Blue Bells of Scotland; 12. Old Black Joe; 13. Auld Lang Syne; 14. Dear Evalina; 15. Home, Home, Can I Forget Thee?; 16. Comin' Thro' the Rye; 17. Annie Roonie; 18. Lauterbach Song; 19. Wait for the Wagon; 20. Oh! Susanna; 21. Humpty Dumpty; 22. Good Night Ladies; 23. How Can I Leave Thee; 24. The Band Played On; 25. Listen to the Mocking Bird; 26. Country Gardens; 27. Dixie; 28. Horn Pipe; 29. The Arkansaw Traveler; 30. The Girl I Left Behind Me; 31. Three Blind Mice; 32. Pop! Goes the Weasel; 33. Home Again; 34. Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms; 35. Jack and Jill; 36. When Johnny Comes Marching Home; 37. The Irish Washerwoman; 38. Killarney.
Note: In parts copies, some copies show one publisher and other copies show another publisher. The publishers are: Gamble Hinged Music Co., Chicago, IL. or Remick Music Corp., New York, NY.
Oversize item. Folk songs arranged for six piece combinations. By Leon V. Metcalf. Conductor score (Book 18). Pieces include: Pieces include: 1. Czech Holiday; 2. Childrens Songs; 3. Russian Revels; 4. Good Night Ladies; 5. Scandinavia; 6. Big Six; 7. Magyar Nepdal; 8. The Animal Fair; 9. solomon Levi; 10. Cuckoo Nest; 11. Little Susie; 12. My Banjo; 13. German Waltzes; 14. Polish Dances; 15. Spanish Guitar; 16. Tiritomba. Publisher: Fillmore Music House, Cincinnati, OH.
Note: Octavo parts for instruments may be found in Box 6, Item 5.
Oversize item. Arrangements by Clair W. Johnson and Harold L. Walters. Conductor's score. Pieces include: 1. O Holy Night; 2. Christmas Greetings; 3. The First Noel; 4. We Three Kings of Orient Are; 5. March of the Three Kings; 6. The Story of Christmas; 7. Adeste Fideles; 8. Christmas Reverence; 9. Jingle Bells Rhapsody; 10. Noel, Noel, Noel; 11. Yuletude at Yorkshire; 12. The Messiah; 13. March of the Little Tin Soldiers; 14. Two Christmas Classics: I. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming & II. Adoramus Te. Publisher: Rubank, Inc., Chicago, IL.
Note: Octavo parts for instruments may be found in Box 8, Item 12.
Oversize item. Selected and arranged by Frank Erickson. Conductor's score. Pieces include: 1. Day Dreams; 2. Scottish March; 3. Two Famous Chorales: I. St. Anthony Chorale & II. Austrian Hymn; 4. This Old Man; 5. Ship Ahoy; 6. The Ash Grove; 7. The Marching Clock; 8. Folk Song Medley; 9. Two Symphonic Themes; 10. Glow Worm; 11. Gay 90's; 12. Spiritual Medley; 13. Tomahawk; 14. Two Popular Melodies; 15. Christmas March. Publisher: Belwin, Rockville Cente, L.I., NY
Note:Octavo parts for instruments may be found in Box 10, Item 6.
Up-to-Date Collections for Orchestra. Pieces include: R. Gruenwald, "Bubbles" (Humoresque); Otto Langey, "The Gipsy Caravan" (Decriptive March); John Urich, "Bamboula" (Negro Dance of Trinidad); G. D. Wilson, "Moonlight on the Hudson" (Morceau de Salon); T. H. Rollinson, "The Whirling Desvishes" (A Desert Episode); E. Cazaneuve, "In the Seraglio"; M. Glinka, "Russian Dance"; R. Gruenwald, "Nekayah" (Entr' Acte); T. H. Rollinson, "Fantasia on "O Du Lieber Augustin""; Franz von Blon, "In Cairo" (Oriental Patrol); C. W. Bennet, "March of the Nubians" (Characteristic); Rudolf Wagner, "Parade of the Manikins"; G. C. Santisteban, "Cuba" (Habanera).
Pablo de Sarasate, "Les Adieux" (Melodie); Jose Alvarado, "Adore and Be Still"; P. Mario Costa, " 'A Frangesa March"; George L. Cobb, "After-Glow" (A Tone Picture); R. E. Hildreth, "Frog Frolics"; Neil Moret, "After Vespers" (A Twilight Meditation).
Samuel Siegel's Classical Collection for Mandolin and Paino. Pieces include: Carl Bohm, "Air Melodieux" (Morceau Facile); Felix Mendelssohn, "Song Without Words"; J. Raff, "Cavatina"; M. Hauser, "Cradle Song" (Wiegenlied); M. Hauser, "Dorflied"; Richard Schumann, "Abendlied"; Leybach, "Fifth Nocturne"; Pietro Mascagni, "Intermezzo sinfonica from Cavalleria Rusticana"; Carl Maria von Weber, "Invitation to the Dance"; Gabriel-Marie, "La Cinquantaine"; Charles Goudon, "March Romaine"; F. David, "Scherzo"; Gabriel Pierne, "Serenade"; Franz Ries, "Slumber Song"; Felix Mendelssohn, "Andante Religioso (From Organ Sonata No. 4, Op. 65)"; Franz Schubert, "Serenade"; Francis Thome, "Simple Aveu" (Romance Sans Paroles); Carl Bohm, "Serenade"; Richard Wagner, "Oh! Thou Sublime Sweet Evening Star"; Richard Schumann, "Traumerei" (Reverie).
Charles Miller, "Ali Baba Overture"; Ascher, "Alice, Where Art Thou?"; Charles Brunover, "All the Rage" (March & One Step); C. L. Gregory, "Alumni March"; E. Krones, "America First: Last and All the Time" (National March); Charles Brunover, "The American Club" (March); William Layton, "American Lady Waltzes"; E. Becucci, "Amore!" (Love Waltz).
Victor Herbert, "Selection from "Babes in Toyland""; L. Arditi, "Il Bacio Waltz (The Kiss)"; George Barker, "The Banjo King"; Pyotr Tchaikovsky, "Barcarolle: June from "The Seasons""; Ned West, "Barn Dance: The Bunnies' Gambol"; B. S. Carnes, "Beaumarie" (Caprice-Gavotte); F. E. Bigelow, "The Battle Song of Liberty"; Walter Rolfe, "Revel of the Roses" (Waltz).
The Beaver Mandolin and Guitar Folio. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Harry von Tilzer, "A Bird in a Guilded Cage"; Harry von Tilzer, "Where the Sweet Magnolias Bloom"; Harry von Tilzer, "When the Harvest Days are Over", Harry von Tilzer, "My Jersey Lilly"; Harry von Tilzer, "Her Name is Rose"; Harry von Tilzer, "I'd Leave Ma Happy Home For You"; Harry von Tilzer, "When Wealth and Poverty Meet"; Geo. A. Nichols, "I Love You Honey Love You Deed I Do"; Harry von Tilzer, "I Aint a Goin to Weep No More"; Harry von Tilzer, "After All"; Harry von Tilzer, "Marching to the Music of the Band"; Harry von Tilzer, "Oh! Oh! Miss Phoebe"; Harry von Tilzer, "Ive Got a Gal for Every Day in the Week"; Harry von Tilzer, "The Sentinel Asleep"; Harry von Tilzer, "I Wouldnt Leave My Home If I Were You"; Nathan Bivinis, "You Can't Fool Me No More"; Jean Schwartz, "Dusky Dudes" (Cake Walk); Jean Schwartz, "Across the Continent"; Charles Hoffman, "Ben Hur Waltzes"; Robert Cone, "Sporting Life" (March & Two Step); Al. von Tilzer, "The Absent Minded Beggar" (Waltzes); Furth and Schwartz,"Sapho Gavotte"; Miller and Smith, "The Turtle Waltzes".
The Beaver Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No. 2.Guitar Accompaniment. Pieces include: Harry von Tilzer, "Down Where the Cotton Blossoms Grow"; Harry von Tilzer, "The Spider and the Fly", Horwitz and Bowers, "When I Think of You"; Harry von Tilzer, "My Lady Hottentot"; Horwitz and Bowers, "Sorrow"; Harry von Tilzer, "I Want to be the Leadin' Lady"; Geo. A. Nichols, "My Drowsy Babe"; Harry von Tilzer, "Susie"; Harry von Tilzer, "When the Band Begins to Play"; Harry von Tilzer, "Mamma Number Two"; Maude Nugent, "My Sweet Kimona"; Horwitz and Bowers, "Just as You're Growing Old"; Williams and Walker, "She's Getting Mo' Like the White Folks Every Day"; Horwitz and Bowers, "I needs You Very Badly Liza Jane"; Geo. A. Spink, "Balmoral"; Harry von Tilzer, "My Whip-poor-will"; Theodore F. Morse, "Hypnotizing Lize"; Will Accooe, "My Samoan Beauty"; Harry von Tilzer, "First Comes Your Duty to the Flag"; Harry von Tilzer, "Oh! Malinda"; Harry von Tilzer, "W'hoa Bill" (A Country Characteristic); Frederick V. Bowers, "Quo Vadis Waltzes"; Harry L. Newman, "Under Two Flags" (March and Two Step); Jean Schwartz, "San Anita" (Mexiacan Waltzes); Bernhard Stern, "Aunt Phoebe's Jubilee".
The Beaver Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No. 2. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Harry von Tilzer, "Down Where the Cotton Blossoms Grow"; Harry von Tilzer, "The Spider and the Fly"; Horwitz and Bowers, "When I Think of You"; Harry von Tilzer, "My Lady Hottentot"; Horwitz and Bowers, "Sorrow"; Harry von Tilzer, "I Wants to be the Leadin' Lady"; Geo. A. Nichols, "My Drowsy Babe"; Harry von Tilzer, "Susie"; Harry von Tilzer, "When the Band Begins to Play"; Harry von Tilzer, "Mama Number Two"; Naude Nugent, "My Sweet Kimona"; Horwitz and Bowers, "Just as You're Growing Old"; Williams and Walker, "She's Getting Mo' Like the White Folks Every Day"; Horwitz and Bowers, "I needs You Very Badly, Liza Jane"; Geo. A. Spink, "Balmoral"; Harry von Tilzer, "My Whip-poor-will"; Theodore F. Morse, "Hypnotizing Lize"; Will Accooe, "My Samoan Beauty"; Harry von Tilzer, "First Comes Your Duty to the Flag"; Harry von Tilzer, "Oh! Malinda"; Harry von Tilzer, "W'hoa Bill" (A Country Characteristic); Frederick V. Bowers, "Quo Vadis Waltzes"; Harry L. Newman, "Under Two Flags"; Jean Schwartz, "San Anita Waltzes"; Bernhard Stern, "Aunt Phoebe's Jubilee".
The Beaver Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No. 3. Second Mandolin. Pieces include: James T. Brymn, "Josephine, My Jo"; Jean Schwartz, "Rip Van Winkle Was a Lucky Man"; Harry von Tilzer, "Jennie Lee"; Jean Schwartz, "I'm Tired"; Jerome and Schwartz, "Mister Dooley"; Stanley Crawford, "I'll Wed You in the Golden Summer-time"; Jerome and Schwartz, "Back to the Woods"; Horwitz and Bowers, "Remembrance"; Harry von Tilzer, "Oh, What a Lovely Dream"; Leo. Edwards, "The Message of the Rose"; Jean Schwartz, "My Gypsy Queen"; George Hamilton, "When the Sun Goes Down"; Sterling and Hein, "There's Music in the Air"; Jesse M. Sanford, "The Ping-Pong Girl"; Maude Nugent, "Down At Rosie Riley's Flat"; Mc Pherson and Brymn, "By Wireless Telephone"; Mc Pherson and Brymn, "Those Tantalizing Eyes"; Jerome and Schwartz, "Dreamy Lou"; Jerome and Schwartz, "Just Kiss Yourself Good-bye"; Stanley Crawford, "I Wants to be the Villain in the Show"; Jean Schwartz, "Loop the Loop" (Cake Walk); Monroe H. Rosenfeld, "The Tin-Pan Bridge"; Theodore F. Morse, "On the Mississippi" (A Descriptive Dance); Charles J. Gebest, "Carnival Chimes" (Ballet Characteristique); Theodore F. Morse, "The Jolly Japanese" (Dance Characteristic).
The Beaver Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No. 4. Solo Mandolin and 2nd Mandolin. Pieces include: Jerome and Schwartz, "The Gambling Man"; Stanley Crawford, "Only a Dream of the Golden Past"; Jerome and Schwartz, "I'm Unlucky"; Jerome and Schwartz, "Susie Anna"; Stanley Crawford, "Show the White of Yo' Eye"; Max Hoffmann, "Ching a Ling a Loo"; Jerome and Schwartz, "Julie"; Jean Schwartz, "O' O' O' Brien"; Egbert Vanalstyne, "We've Got to Move To-Day"; Smith and Bowman, "In the Jungle, I'm a Queen"; Max Hoffmann, "Up and Down the Line"; Mc Pherson and Brymn, "Good-Night Lucindy"; Max Hoffmann, "My Little Japaneesee"; Jerome and Schwartz, "Why Don't You Go, Go, Go?"; Kendis and Paley, "If I had a Thousand Hearts"; Jerome and Schwartz, "Hamlet Was a Melancholy Dane"; Max Hoffmann, "It's the Band"; Harry S. Marion, "Roses"; Silvio Hein, "Her Boy in the Rank and File"; Jerome and Schwartz, "When the Stars are Shining Bright"; Jean Schwartz, "Mazeppa" (Intermezzo); Maude Nugent, "My Lady Peggy" (Waltzes); Fred. F. Houlihan, "The Yazoo" (Cake Walk and Two Step); Silvio Hein, "The Maid at Arms" (March & Two Step); Harry O. Sutton, "Moonlight Caprice" (Three Step).
The Beaver Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No. 5. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Egbert Van Alystyne, "Navajo"; Jerome and Schwartz, "Bedelia"; J. B. Mullen, "I Am Longing for My Old Kentucky Home"; Cobb and Edwards, "In Zanzibar (My Little Chimpanzee)"; Herbert Spencer, "Stella"; Jerome and Schwartz, "Cordalia Malone"; J. B. Mullen, "The Man Behind"; Stanley Crawford, "In the Village By the Sea"; Jerome and Schwartz, "Dear Sing Sing"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Seminole";Ã?? Gus. Edwards, "Take Me Back to My Louisiana Home"; Mose Gumble, "Follow the Merry Crowd"; J. B. Mullen, "Down on the Brandywine"; Robert J. Adams, "Daisy Donohue"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Tippecanoe"; Jerome and Schwartz, "Stories Adam Told Eve"; Jerome and Schwartz, "He Was a Sailor"; Robert J. Adams, "Sweetest Girl in Dixie"; Jerome and Schwartz, "In Cincinnati"; Maude Nugent, "The Moon, the Coon, and the Little Octoroon"; Gus. Edwards, "I'm Crazy to Go on the Stage"; Robert J. Adams, "Gooda-Bye Fedora"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Johnnie Morgan"; Robert J. Adams, "Nancy Lee"; J. B. Mullen, "That's How I Love You, Mame".
William Layton, "Belle of New York" (Waltzes); A. Merkler, "Berceuse"; Effie Fulton, "Black Beauty Waltz"; George L. Cobb, "Blue Sunshine" (Waltz); H. Engelmann, "Bohemian Dance"; Michael William Balfe, "Selection from Balfe's Opera "Bohemian Girl""; John Philip Sousa, "The Bride-Elect" (March); Karl hoschna, "Bright Eyes" (Selection); Sister of St. Dominic, "The Bride of God".
The Broadway Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No. 1. Mandolin Solo Part. Pieces include: Gus Edwards and Tom Daly, "All I Want is My Black Baby Back"; M. H. Rosenfeld, "She Was Happy Till She Met You"; M. H. Rosenfeld, "Gold Will Buy'Most Anything But a True Gilr's Heart"; Thurland Chattaway, "Little Black Me"; Andrew Mack, "The Story of the Rose"; J. Fred Helf, "The Perjured Bride"; Paul Dresser, "You'se Just a Little Nigger, Still You'se Mine, All Mine" (Lullaby); Thurland Chattaway, "Mandy Lee"; T. Mayo Geary, "The Rag-Time Hymn"; Ned, Wayburn, "He Ain't No Relation of Mine"; Paul Dresser, "I Wonder Where She is To-Night"; Albert Johns, "For Love of You"; Paul Dresser, "In Good Old New York Town"; Floyd Mc K. Schoonmaker, "Dusky Belle" (Two-Step); William Furst, "Phroso Waltzes"; Louis Tocaben, "American Marines" (Marches); Theodore F. Morse, "Venus" (Intermezzo); Cole and Johnson and Lew Sully, "At a Rag Time Reception" (Medley); Unidentified, "Trip to Coontown" (Melody); Thurland Chattaway, "Foolish William" (Characteristic Two-Step); William Furst, "The Christian Waltzes"; Smart and Williams, Ernest Hogan, Pwers and Gouraud, and Geo. Evans, "A Bunch of Rags" (A Special Rag-Time Study), William Furst, "Children of the Ghetto" (Waltz); William Furst, "Babbie Waltzes"; Jacob Henry Ellis, "Carnation Waltzes"; B. H. Janssen, "In the Day of Love and Roses" (Waltzes), Andrew Mack, "Mack's Lullaby".
The Broadway Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No. 4. Second Mandolin. Pieces include: Cole and Johnson, "Come Out Dinah, On the Green" (A Darkey Serenade); Paul Dresser, "In Dear Old Illinois"; Shields and Evans, "In the Good Old Summer Time"; Dave Reed Jr., "I'm Thinkin' of You All of de While"; Theodore F. Morse, "It's the Man in the Soldier Suit"; Dave Reed Jr., "My Princess Zulu Lulu"; Clifton Crawford, "Nancy Brown"; Cole and Johnson, "Tell Me Dusky Maiden" (A Travesty); Paul Dresser, "The Voice of the Hudson"; M. J. Fitzpatrick, "You Give Me Your Love and I'll Give You Mine"; P. Mascagni, "Cavalleria Rusticana" (Intermezzo); Pauline B. Story, "A Night in Naples" (Waltzes); Unidentified, "Shooting the Chutes" (Medley Lanciers); Spencer - Morse, "Violet Waltzes"; Henry Frantzen, "Rialto Belles March".
The Broadway Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No. 4. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Cole & Johnson, "Come Out Dinah On the Green"; Paul Dresser, "In Dear Old Illinois"; Shields & Evans, "In The Good Old Summer Time"; Dave Reed Jr., "I'm Thinkin' Of You All The While"; Farrell & Morse, "It's The Man In The Soldier Suit"; Dave Reed Jr., "My Pricess Zulu Lulu"; Clifton Crawford, "Nancy Brown"; Cole & Johnson, "Tell Me Dusky Maiden (From The Sleeping Beauty and The Beast)"; Paul Dresser, "Voice of the Hudson"; Fitzpatrick & Kohlman, "You Give Me Your Love And I'll Give You Mine"; P. Mascagni, "Cavalleria Rusticiana (Intermezzo)"; P. Story, "Night in Naples (Waltzes)"; L. Tocaben, "Shooting The Chutes (Medley Lanciers)"; Spencer Morse, "Violet Waltzes"; H. Frantzen, "Rialto Belles (March and Two-Step)".
The Broadway Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No. 5. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: H. Cannon, "Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home"; Buck & Morse, "Dear Old Girl"; Dave Reed Jr., "General Hardtrack On Guard"; Browne & Morse, "Little Boy In Blue"; Fitzpatrick & Kohlman, "My Zulu Lu"; Highes & Kohlman, "She's Sleeping By The Silvery Rio Grand"; Madden & Morse, "Up In A Coconut Tree"; Paul Dresser, "The Boys Are Coming Home To Day"; Maden & Morse, "When We Were Two Little Boys"; Madden & Morse, "Wise Old Owl"; Spencer-Morse, "Dusky Maiden (Two-Step)"; Ben Jerome, "Hiawatha (Intermezzo)"; Charles Kohlman, "Lovey Mary (Characteristic)"; L. Tocaben, "Ping Pong (Lanciers)"; H. Frantzen, "Soul Of The Rose (Waltzes)".
Auguste Van Biene, "The Broken Melody (Intermezzo)"; W. C. Powell, "Bubbles (March-Two Step)"; H. Tobini, "Budding Flowers"; A. J. Weidt, "Butterscotch (Characteristic March)"; Verdi, "Triumphal March (from Aida)"; F. H. Lorsey, "Capitola March".
The Cadenza, Vol. XXVIII, No. 9 (Sept. 1921).
Jacobs' No. 1 Amateur Folio for Orchestra and Mandolin Orchestra. Pieces include: George L. Cobb, "Alhambra" (Spanish One-Step), A. J. Weidt, "Dance of the Dryads"; A. J. Weidt, "Veronica" (Barcarolle); Jack Raymond, "Beautiful Girl of Somewhere" (Waltz), Rubinstein, "Kamennoi-Ostrow"; A. J. Weidt, "Airy Fairy"; A. J. Weidt, "Dawn Fairies" (Waltz), A. J. Weidt, "Sho-Mee, Demonstrating Weidt's Chord System", Schubert, "Marche Militaire"; George M. Kent, "The Runabout" (March and Two-Step); Walter Rolfe, "Dreamily Drifting (Waltz), A. J. Weidt, "The Home Town Band"; F. Drdla, "Souvenir"; A. J. Weidt, "Eventide", George L. Cobb, "Down On Blue Bird Bay"; A. J. Weidt, "The Goose Waddle" (Danse Characteristique), George L. Cobb, "Barbary, Valse, Algerienne", A. J. Weidt, "Waiting For You" (Song Fox Trot); A. J. Weidt, "Strolling Down A Shady Lane" (Old Time Song and Dance), and A. J. Weidt, "Breathe of Spring" (Characteristic Dance); R. E. Hildreth, "Hong Kong Gong" (One-Step or Two-Step), George L. Cobb, "The Three Nymphs" (Dance Classique); George L. Cobb, "Hop-Scotch" (Fox Trot), A. J. Weidt, "Ye Olden Tyme" (Characteristic Dance); Isham Jones, "It Had To Be You" (Fox Trot); Leon Berger, "Just One More Kiss" (Fox Trot); Frank E. Hersom, "Love Notes" (Valse), Theodore Bendix, "The Butterfly" (Morceau Characteristic); Gerald Frazee, "Milady Dainty" (Intermezzo Gavotte); George L. Lansing, "Wedding of the Frogs" (Characteristic March); A. J. Weidt, "Ole Sambo" (A Coon Serenade); R. B. Hall, "The New Colonial March"; Rich Ellenberg, "The Squirrel" (Salon Mazurka); Gaston Borch, "Silv'ry Shadows" (Waltz); A. J. Weidt, "Whispering Leaves" (Reverie); A. J. Weidt, "My Lady Jazz" (Fox Trot); James C. Osborne, "Jazzin' the Chimes" (Fox Trot); George L. Cobb, "Some Shape" (One-Step); Fred Strubel, "Peep o' Day" (Polka); George L. Cobb, "Mississippi Volunteers" (One-Step); George L. Cobb, "There's Someone You've Forgotten Who Has Not Forgotten You" (Waltz), Ernest Smith, "Hindoo Amber" (Novelette); F. E. Bigelow, "The NC-4" (March); Gomer Bath, "Winged Hours"; A. J. Weidt, "Florence" (Waltz); Norman Leigh, "Moment Gai"; A. J. Weidt, "The Goose Waddle" (E-flat Alto Saxophone Solo); A. J. Weidt, "The Home Town Band" (Tenor Banjo Solo); Frank A. Bertram, "The Winner"; George L. Cobb, "Send Me a Line" (1st Mandolin or Violin).
Charles L. Lewis, "La Caravane";
Carl Fischer Progressive Orchestra Folio, Vol. 1. 2nd Mandolin, Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Juventino Rosas, "Sobre las Olas (Over the Waves) Waltz"; G. Rossini, "William Tell Selection"; F. H. Losey, "The United Liberty March"; L. P. Laurendeau, "Flag of Truce March"; L. Tocaben, "The Cup Winner March"; J. C. Heed, "Animation Schottische"; Mozart, "Menuet from the Opera 'Don Juan'"; F. von Suppe, "Poet and Peasant Overture"; Charles Arthur, "Homeless Romance"; W. Balfe, "Bohemian Girl Selection"; Mazurka, "Sparkling Eyes Mazurka"; Julius S. Seredy, "Falling Leaves Waltz"; Julius S. Seredy, "Dancing Dolls Gavotte"; J. Aviles "La Media Noche"; R. Schumann, "Reminiscences"; R. Schumann, "The Merry Peasant"; William H. Potstock, "Around the Maypole"; William H. Potstock, "Little Robin Redbreast"; H. Engrlmann, "The Trumpeter Polka Brilliante"; Richard Wagner, "Bridal Chorus from "Lohengrin".
G. Bizet, "Carmen, First Fantasia"; G. Bizet, "Selection from G. Bizet's "Carmen""; R. J. Hamilton, "Cavalleria Rusticana Intermezzo"; P. Mascagni, "Cavalleria Rusticana"; Pietro Mascagni, "Intermezzo Sinfonico from Cavalaria Rusticana"; Carl Bohm, "Cavatina".
Georges Valensin, "Celebrated Menuet (from "First Symphony")".
W. J. Eckhard, Century Folio. Two Mandolins and a Guitar, Mando Bass and Piano. Pieces include: "Valley of the Moon", "The Grasshopper Hop", "Kaffe Klatsch", "Polly Ann", "Demi Tasse", "In Poppyland", "Spanish Echoes", "The White Dragon", "Sunshine and Shadows", "Bachelor Buttons", "The Hootinany Strut", "Raggedy Ann", "Periwinkle Cappers", "Lydia Lou", "Deltonia", "Hungarian Fox-Trot", "Little of This and That";
G. J. Burgheim, "The Century March"; A. C. Brockmeyer, ""Chic" A Ragtim Two Step"; Lee Barney, "Chicken Charlie"; Gabriel Marie, "La Cinquantaine"; Giuseppe Silvestri, "La Citta Del Fiori"; Zarh Myron Bickford, "Class! Novelty Rag or Fox Trot".
C. Coote Jr., "Corn Flower" (Waltz); M. Hauser, "Cradle Song"; A. Fieldhouse, "Crescent Reverie"; J. P. Morgan, "The Cricket's Parade" (March); Ida Lester, "Crimson Blushes" (Caprice); G. Rocchi Burlamacchi, "Cubana" (Fox Trot);
The Cundy-Bettoney Mandolin Orchestra Folio, No.1. 1st Mandolin, 2nd Mandolin, Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: D. W. Reeves, "Second Regt. Conn. N. G. March"; C. Lavallee, "Overture from The Bridal Rose"; Missud, "Magnolia Serenade"; A. A. Babb, "Recreation March"; Balfe, "The Bohemian Girl from Fantasia"; F. W. Stimson, "The Garden of Dreams"; Otto Langey, "Evening Breeze"; M. Waldow, "Gavotte from Lofty Alps to Silent Dale"; E. C. Ramsdell, "Overture from the Merrie Musician"; W. H. Mackie, "California Exposition March;
Giuseppe Carletti, "Cuor fedele" (Polka Brillante); Louis Tocaben, "The Cup Winner" (March); R. A. Moskowitz, "Czara Mazurka".
Manuel Klein, "The Eagle" (from The Land of Birds); A. H. Plante, "Echoes Du Tyrol"; Ernest Gillet, "Echoes of the Ball"; Zarah Myron Bickford, "Effervescence" (Fox Trot); W. Aletter, "Elegie"; W. Aletter, "Chanson Populaire";
Empire Collection: 15 Choice Melodir Compositions. 1st Mandolin, 3rd Mandolin, Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Theodore F. Morse, "By the River" (Romance); F. Schubert, "Serenade"; F. H. Losey, "Alita (Wild Flower)" (Morceau); Gabriel Marie, "La Cinquantaine" (Air in olden Style); E. Waldteufel, "Estudiantina" (Waltz); Auguste Bosc., "Rose-Mousse" (Valse Lente); F. H. Losey, "Patrol of the Guardsmen"; F. H. Losey, "Crescent Queen" (March); A. Rubinstein, "Melodie"; F. Mendelssohn "Wedding March"; E. Waldteufel, "Espana" (Waltz); Theodore Moses-Tobani, "Warbler's Farewell"; J. C. Heed, "Volcano" (March); Theordore Moses-Tobani, "Poetica" (Waltz); F. H. Losey, "Waldmere" (March);
L. W. Brand, "The Enquirer Club" (March); J. A. LeBarge, "Entre Acte" (Medley); Somly, "Esmeralda March"; J. Sancho, "Espana Romantica" (Valse); George Rosey, "Espanita" (Spanish Waltzes).
H. Engelmann, "Eternal Spring" (Reverie); Bellstedt, "Everett Piano March"; John Philip Sousa, "Fairest of the Fair"; Fred Luscomb, "Farmer Bungtown"; Frank W. Bone, "Fascination" (Waltz); Walter Rolfe, "Yo Te Amo" (Tango Argentino); Charles Gounod, "Faust"; Louis Retter, "Field Day March"; Alfred Roncovieri "La Fiesta March" (Two-Step); Thomas S. Allen, "Fighting Strength" (March); C. A. Duval, "Fin de Siecle Grand March"; Richard Eilenberg, "First Heart Throbs"; Sioly, "First Snow Mazurka"; Effie Fulton, "Flash Light March"; E. S. Phelps, "Floating Echoes Reverie"; W. M. Rice, "Flight of the Birds" (Ballet); Daniel Polk, "The Flower"; A. J. Weidt, "Floriana." (Waltz); Theodore Bendix, "The Broken-Hearted Sparrow" (A Pathetic Appeal); Chauncey Haines, "Tehama" (Intermezzo Romantique); Charles Henlein, "Flowers of Italy" (Mazurka); Sol Smith, "The Flower of the Flock" (Mazukra); G. Lange, "Flower Song" (Blumenlied);
William Foden, Foden's Hawaiian Melodies, No. 1. Mandolin Solo. Pieces include: "Alpine Dreams" (Waltz); "Autumn Bloom" (Fox Trot); "Golden Bell" (Waltz); "Hawaiian Maiden" (Love Song); "Haymakers Frolic"; "Lafayette March" (March); "Moon Glow" (Waltz); "O'er the Meadow"; "Pleasant Memories" (Tango); "Starlight Serenade";
William Foden, Foden's Hawaiian Melodies, No. 2. Mandolin Solo, 2nd Mandolin, Piano Accomaniment. Pieces include: "Shepherds March"; "Grace and Beauty" (Gavotte); "On the Lake" (Boat Song); "Sylvan Dreams" (Romance); "Farewell Sweetheart" (Serenade); "Starry Night" (Tango); "Parade of the Dolls" (March); "Medora" (Waltz); "Merry Days" (Fox Trot); "Sunny Side" (Waltz);
Gustave Lange, "Fond Hearts Must Part"; F. H. Losey, "Forest Whispers".
The Gem Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No. 9. First Mandolin. Pieces include: Donnelly, Burkhardt, and Piantadosi, "Your Wife"; Goodwin and Piantadosi, "What a Wonderful Mother You'd Be"; Halsey K. Mohr, "Cumberland"; Goodwain and Osborne, "That's the Song of Songs for Me"; Burkhardt and Piantadosi, "For the Sake of a Rose"; Goetz and Cooper, "Asia Minor and You"; Macdonald and Carroll, "Down in Bom-Bombay"; Macdonald and Mohr, "Piney Ridge"; Davis and Brookhouse, "All Aboard for Chinatown"; Halsey K. Mohr, "Jane"; Harry Jentes, "Bantam Step"; Robert A. Keiser, "Romany".
Jos. W. Nicomede, "Georgette Waltz"; Jas. H. Johnstone, "The Georgian" (March); A. J. Weidt, "Ger-Ma-Nee" (One Step or Two Step); Eilenberg, "The German Patrol"; George L. Cobb, "The Get-a-Way" (March and Two Step); Alfred E. Aarons, "Get Happy!"; Patrizio Ambrosio, "Giannetta" (Mazurka); Joe Nicomede, "Gibson Favorite" (Military March); Jas. H. Johnstone, "The Gibsonian" (March); Charles Henlein, "Gilda Gavotte"; Flaminio Pignoloni, "La Gioconda"; Ambrosio Patrizio, "Giorgina" (Polka Brillante); Charles L. Lewis, "Gipsy Baron" (March); Emily Smith and Harry Miller, "The Girl I Love" (Waltzes); Thos. S. Allen, "Girl of the Orient" (Persian Dance); Norman Leigh, "The Gob Ashore" (Fox Trot); Thos. S. Allen, "Goodbye Mr. Greenback" (Schottische).
Harry von Tilzer, "The Good Old Days Gone By"; Louis Victor Saar, "Gondoliera" (Boat Song); undifined, "Grand Fantasie" (Rock of Ages); Hal Stoddard, "Grand Opening Polka"; Georges Bizet, "Grand Selection, Carmen"; Cueca and Valverde, "La Gran Via" (Mazurka); F. H. Losey, "Grenadier Guards" (March); M. L. Lake, "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here" (March); John Philip Sousa, "Hail to the Spirit of Liberty";
The Half Dollar Music Series: Favorite Duets for Mandolin and Piano. 1st Mandolin and Piano. Pieces include: P. Sudessi, "A Petit Pas" (By Little Steps); Carl Bohm, "Intermezzo"; G. C. Santisteban, "Cuba" (Habanera); Marius Carman, "Marche Nuptiale"; Richard Eilenberg, "The Mill in the Forest" (Idylle); Franz Lachner, "March from Suite, Op. 113"; Robert Schumann, "Traumerei"; Guido Papini, "Reve de Bonheur (Dream of Happiness)" (Melodie); Francis Thome, "Simple Aveu"; R. Gruenwald, "Czardas" (Hungarian Dance); J. C. Bartlett, "A Dream".
George Rosey, "The Handicap" (March and Two-Step Dance); Aubrey Stauffer, "Harbor Springs" (Waltzes); J. B. Lampe, "Happy Heine" (Characteristic March-Two Step); A. J. Weidt, "Harmony Kid" (Fox Trot).
Harry Von Tilzer's Mandolin, Guitar, and Piano Folio, No. 1. Solo Mandolin. Pieces include: Harry von Tilzer, "The Mansion of Aching Hearts"; Harry von Tilzer, "On a Sunday Afternoon"; Harry von Tilzer, "I'll Be There, I'll Be There Mary Dear"; Harry von Tilzer, "When Kate and I Were Comin' Thro' the Rye"; Harry von Tilzer, "Meet Me When the Sun Goes Down"; Harry von Tilzer, "Watching and Waiting"; Harry von Tilzer, "The Song That the Soldiers Sang"; Harry von Tilzer, "Alphonse and Gaston"; Harry von Tilzer "You Couldn't Hardly Notice It at All"; Harry von Tilzer, "Down Where the Wurzburger Flows"; Harry von Tilzer, "It Must Have Been Svengali in Disguise"; James T. Brymn, "Please Let Me Sleep"; Harry von Tilzer, "My Bamboo Queen", Harry von Tilzer, "I Just Can't Help From Loving That Man"; Harry von Tilzer, "The Train Rolled On"; J. B. Mullen, "Loo Loo Oo Loo Loo (My Dusky Loo)"; Harry von Tilzer, "Oh, The Girls, the Lovely Girls"; Edwin S. Brill, "My Lady Lu" (A Darky Love Lament); William Marion Cook, "On Emancipation Day"; Harry von Tilzer, "Chocolate Drops" (Two Step and Cake Walk); Mike Bernard, "The Rag Time King" (Cake Walk and Two Step); George herrmann, "Early Down Waltzes".
Haviland's Classic and Operatic Album for Two Mandolins, Guitar, and Piano. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Charles Gounod and Vincenzo Bellini, "Faust Waltz" (Introducing "Hear me Norma"); Richard Wagner and Carl Maria von Weber, "Evening Star Waltz" (Introducing "Invitation to the Dance"); Mattei Mendelssohn, "'Tis Not True Waltz" (Intro: Mendelssohn's Sprin Song); Thome and Silcher, "Simple Confession Waltz" (Introducing "Lorelei"); Giuseppe Verdi, "Il Trovatore Waltz" (Introducing "The Tempest of the Heart" and "Ah, I Have Sighed to Rest Me"); Franz von Suppe, Wallace Flotow, and Giacomo Meyerbeer, "Light Cavalry Two Step" (Intro: Excerpts from "Maritana, Martha and The Huguenots"); Rubenstein and Franz von Suppe, "Melody in F Waltz" (Introducing "Poet and Peasant"); Gioachino Rossini, Jacques Offenbach, Giuseppe Verdi, and Nicolai, "William Tell Two Step" (With Excerpts from "Orpheus", "Rigoletto", and "Merry Wives of Windsor"); Paolo Tosti, Gaetano Braga, and James Molloy, "Good Bye Waltz" (Introducing "The Angel's Serenade" and "Love's Old Sweet Song"); Richard Wagner and Michael W. Balfe, "Lohengrin Two Step" (Introducing Excerpts from "Bohemian Girl"); Michael W. Balfe, "Bohemian Girl Waltz" (Introducing "Then You'll Remember Me" and "I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls"; Charles Gounod and Georges Bizet, "Faust Two Step" (Introducing Toreador Song from "Carmen"); Unidentified, "American Medley Two Step" (Introducing "Arkansas Traveller", "Star Spangled Banner", "Dixie Land", and "Yankee Doodle"); Giuseppe Verdi, Michael W. Balfe, Gautano Donnizeti,Giacomo Meyerbeer, and Richard Wagner, "Operatic Grand March" (From Aida, Bohemian Girl, Lucia, Le Prophete, and Tannhauser); Unidentified, "German Medley Two Step" (Introducing "Ach Ich Bin So Mude" and "Immer Noch Ein Tropschen"); Unidentified, "Irish Medley Two Step" (Introducing "Wearing of the Green", "Low Backed Car", "Kilkenny for Me", and "Down By the Tan Yard Side"; Unidentified, "My Country 'tis of Thee"; Unidentified, "Die Wacht am Rhein"; Unidentified, "La Marseillaise".
Haviland's Mandolin Folio, No. 9. 1st Mandolin or Violin. Pieces include: George W. Meyer, "There's a Dixie Girl Who's Longing For a Yankee Doodle Boy"; George W. Meyer, "Honey Love"; George W. Meyer, "I've Got Your Number"; George W. Meyer, "We All Fall"; George W. Meyer, "That Was Before I Met You"; Thurland Chattaway, "Peggy Gray"; George W. Meyer, "I'm Crazy 'Bout the Turkey Trot"; George W. Meyer, "That Paradise Rag"; James Reese Europe, "Clef Club" (March and Two Step); Henry Frantzen, "It's Time to Close Your Drowsy Eyes and Sleep"; R. M. Stults, "Take Me Back to Dear Old Dixie"; Morrissey and Brown, "The Hobble Rag"; Benjamin Hapgood Burt, "The Owl in the Old Oak Tree"; H. W. Petrie, "Dreaming of You"; Thurland Chattaway, "Can't You Take It Back and Change It For a Boy?".
Haviland's Mandolin Folio, No. 10. 1st Mandolin. Pieces include: George W. Meyer, "A Girlie Was Just Made to Love"; George W. Meyer, "In Dixie Land With Dixie Lou"; C. M. Denison, "My Rosary of Dreams"; Henry Frantzen, "College Chaps" (March and Two-Step); Chris. Smith, "That Puzzlin' Rag"; Kathryn Raymore, "Banjo Tunes"; Henry Frantzen, "Castellano" (Spanish Waltz); Norma Gray, "Forever I Call to Thee"; Charles. N. Grant, "Play Me a Good Old Fashioned Melody"; Henry Frantzen, "Tell Me Sweet Rose"; Smith and Bowman, "That Sneaky Snaky Rag" (The Snake); George W. Meyer, "Dear Old Rose"; E. F. Dusenberry, "The Land of Golden Dreams"; John B. Lowitz, "the Swanee River Bend".
D. Kaiulaua, "Hawaiiana" (An Original Hawaiian One Step); M. L. Lake, "Hawaiian Selection"; E. N. Guckert, "Hazzard Scottische"; Ben. Jansen, "He Laid Away a Suit of Gray, to Wear the Union Blue"; Ernest Smith, "Hindoo Amber" (Novelette); Irving Jones, "Home Aint Nothing Like This";
Home Circle Music Series: Every Day Favorites for Mandolin and Piano, No. 6. Piano Accompaniment and 1ast Mandolin or Violin. Pieces include: Emil Ascher, "La Rose" (Intermezzo); A. Czibulka, "Stephanie" (Gavotte); Thomas Herrmann, "Petite Reverie"; Gustav Saenger, "Lucia Di Lammermoor"; Philipp Fahrbach, "Standard Bearer" (March); Benoni Lagye, "The First Smile" (Le Premier Sourire); Franz Schubert, "Serenade"; Theodore Moses Tobani, "Cupidietta" (Intermezzo); Franz von Blon, "Sizilietta"; Jean-Baptiste Faure, "Les Rameauz" (The Palms); F. Thome, "Simple Aveu" (Romance); Pietro Mascagni, ""Intermezzo Sinfonico" from "Cavalleria Rusticana""; Thomas Herrmann, "Romanesca"; Tavoni, "Memories Di Venezia Polka"; C. Zeller, ""Nightingale Song" from "The Tyrolean""; Robert Schumann, "Traumaerei" (Reverie).
J. Massenet, "Last Dream of the Virgin"; Joseph F. Wagner, "The League of Nations" (March); Fred Strubel, "Castle Chimes" (Gavotte); Romeo Manoni, "L'Encantador" (Tango Argentino); George L. Cobb, "Levee Land" (One-Step); A. J. Weidt, "Phantom Bells" (Gavotte);
Leon's Mandolin Orchestra Album. 1st Mandolin, Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Carrie Lorsch, "The Mephisto March"; Kaula, "Sans Souci" (Overture); R. Wagner, "Evening Star"; Verdi, "Il Trovatore"; E. Waldteufel, "Les Patineurs" (Waltz); Fahrback, "Queen of Hearts" (Polka); Verdi, "Nabucodonosor" (Cavatina); Suppe, "Poet and Peasant" (Overture); Rossini, "Barber of Seville" (Selecton); E. Waldteufel, "L'Esprit Francaise" (Polka); Kela Bela, "On the Beautiful Rhine" (Waltz); Bizet, "March from Carman";
Leo Feist's Collection of Popular Selections:Mandolin & Guitar Folio, No. 2. Guitar Accompaniment. Peces include: Abe Holzmann, "Blaze - Away" (March and Two-STep); Abe Holzmann, "Symphia" (Waltzes); Bernhard Stern, "Eclipse" (March and Two-Step); Robert A. Keiser, "If You Loved Me" (Waltzes); F. Fanciulli, "Gallant 71st" (March and Two-Step); Tony Stanford, "Sambo on Review" (Cake-Walk and Two-Step); Tony Stanford, "Our Naval Cadets" (March and Two-Steps); Kathleen A. Roberts, "Evening Star" (Reverie); George Schweinfest, "Coon Jine" (Cake-Walk and Two-Step); Ted. S. Barron, "If Time Was Money I'd Be a Millionaire"; Tony Stanford, "In the Valley of Kentucky"; Robert A. King, "O Golden Land of Peace"; Harley Wilson, "Dear Old Stars and Stripes Goodbye"; Robert A. King, "Sweet Home of the Angels"; Harry Von Tilzer, "Somebody's Waiting for Me"; Irving Jones, "Home Ain't Nothing Like This"; E. W. Rogers, "Love or Gold"; Harry S. Marion, "In the Sweet Summer Time"; Ben Jansen, "When the Day is Done"; Alfred E. Aarons, "Get Happy";
Thodore M. Tobani, "L. Ganne's Reverie" (Extase); W. K. Bedford, "Line Up" (March); H. F. Odell, "A Little Story"; Johnson C. Bane, "Minuet No. 2"; C. W. Krogmann, "The Little Prince".
James H. Johnstone, "A Live Wire" (March); Porter Steele, "Lobster's Promenade" (Humoresque); Ernest Gillet, "Loin du Bal"; F. J. Bacon, "Love's Awakening Waltz"; E. W. Rogers, "Love or Gold"; Bernisne G. Clements, "The Love Tyrant" (Waltz); George L. Cobb, "The Get-a-Way" (March and Two-Step); Louis Tocaben, "Lullabye"; Karl Hoschna, "Madame Sherry" (March and Two-Step); John Philip Sousa, "The Man Behind the Gun"; Manuelita (Pase doble Flamenco);
The Mandolin Ensemble Album of Plectral Quartets. 1st Mandolin, Mando Bass. Pieces include: Theodore M. Tobani, "Hearts and Flowers" (A Flower Song); Allan Macbeth, "Love in Idleness" (Serenata); Theordore Bendix, "The Dawn of Love" (Morceau Characteristique); Victor Herbert, "Serenade from Suite Op. 3", F. Thome, "Simple Aveu" (Romance); F. v. Blon, "Whispering Flowers" (Characteristic); Edward Elgar, "Salut D'Amour" (Love's Greeting); A. Rubinstein, "Melody in F"; G. Verdi, "Quartet from Rigoletto"; Edward Grieg, "Norwegian Dance No. 2"; G. F. Haendel, "Largo"; Bellini, "March from Norma";
W. A. Mozart, "Marche Alla Turka"; F. H. Losey, "Astaroth" (March); Walter A. Boehm, "March Militaire"; James A. Witter, "March of the American Legion"; F. L. Ryder, "March of the Buffaloes"; F. H. Losey, "March - Oneita"; Versi di V. Russo & E. di Capua, "Maria, Mari!"; M. V. Wallace, "Maritania";
The Markstern Mandolin and Guitar Folio ,No. 2. 2nd Mandolin, Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Max S. Witt, "The Moth and the Flame"; Stanley Carter, "She Was Bred in Old Kentucky"; Deas & Wilson, "All I Wants Is Ma Chickens"; Dave Reed Jr., "My Hannah Lady, Whose Black Baby is You"; Williams & Walker, "Why Don't You Get A Lady of Your Own"; Dave Marion, "It's Not What You Were, It's What You Are To-Day"; Richard Stahl, "One Kiss Tells All"; Gussie L. Davis, "Won't You Take Me Back To Dixie"; Dave Reed Jr., "Oh, Ebenezer"; Charles Kohlman, "My Gal's A Hawaiian Maiden"; Max S. Witt, "You Are So Dear To Me"; Monroe H. Roseufeld, "I Loved You Once, I Scorn You Now"; Safford Waters, "Be Ma Honey Gal"; Safford Waters, "Tell Me What I Always Long To Hear"; Frank A. Howson, "The King's Musketeers"; Paul Linchke, "Folies Bergere"; H. R. Stern, "The Tennessee Jubilee"; Sadie Koninsky, "Boarding-House Johnson"; Max S. Witt, "Diana"; J. W. Wheeler, "Green Corn and Sweet Potatoes"; William, H. Tyers, "La Mariposa" (Dance Characteristic); Stanley Carter, "Hot Time in Mobile" (Cake Walk); William H. Tyers, "Aunt Mandy's Wedding" (March and Cake Walk); Max S. Witt, "First Violin" (Waltzes).
The Mark Stern Mandolin and Guitar Folio No. 6. Mandolin Solo, Piano accompaniment. Pieces include: Bob Cole, "Mexico"; H. W. Petrie, "When the Sunset Turns the Ocean's Blue to Gold"; Cole & Johnson, "Big Indian Chief"; Clare Kummer, "Egypt"; Paul Schindler, "Peggy Brady"; Paul Schindler, "The Goo-Goo Man"; Lamb & Henry, "When the Harvest Moon is Shining on the River"; William Cahill, "I Want to Be a Soldier"; Smith & Larkins, "Shame on You!"; Rosenfeld & Solman, "Upon a Sunday Morning, When the Churchbells Chime"; Rosenfeld & Heinzman, "The Little Rustic Cottage by the Stream"; Smith & Englander, "That Beautiful Isle of the Sea"; Cole & Johnson, "Fishing"; Smith & Englander, "Plain Mamie O'Hooley"; Cole & Johnson, "Save It for Me!"; W. Brookhouse, "When We Listened to the Murmur of the Pine"; Rankin & Kerker, "My Winsome Winnie"; S. R. Henry, "Polly Prim" (Characteristic March and Two-Step); Lowe & Schindler, Lowe & Schindler, "Selection from Lowe, Schindler and Jerome's Opera Comique 'The Isle of Spice'"; Reginald de Koven, "Selection from Reginald de Koven's Comic Opera 'Red Feather'"; Stange & Englander, "March and Two-Step from Ludwig Englander's Comic Opera 'The Two Roses'"; Leo E. Berliner, "Africana" (A Rag Time Classic); J. P. Greenberg, "Koontown Koffee Klatsch" (March and Two-Step);
Stephen C. Foster, "Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground"; Franz Mahl, "Mazeppa" (Overture); Krause, "Mazurka Caprice"; J. Aviles, "La Media Noche"; J. Silvestri, "Meditation sur l'Opera 'Manon Lescaut'".
Charles Miller, "Medley Overture of National Songs"; A. Boito, "Mefistofele" (Selection); S. Rachmaninoff, "Melodie"; A. Rubinstein, "Melody in F"; Adolph Linden, "Merry Shepherd Polka";
Otto Merz, Merz's Graded Compositions for Fretted Instruments. 1st Mandolin, Guitar accompaniment. Pieces include: "Betty Waltz"; "Amphion Waltz"; "La Coquette Waltz"; "Grand-pere et Grand-mere" (Minuet); "The Picket Guard" (March); "'Neath Thy Casement" (Serenade); "Delighted" (Fox Trot); "Billy!" (Fox Trot); "Fleurette" (Valse de Ballet); "Soldiers of Fortune" (March); "The Buccaneers" (March); "In Frills and Furbelows" (Gavotte); "The March Past of the Troops" (Patrol); "Nanna" (Norwegian Dance); "Overture - 'Fairy Gold'";
Fred J. Bacon, "Mia Amorita" (Danza Mexicana); O. Kohler, "The Mice and the Trap"; Leora Haight, "Midnight Waltz"; C. W. Krogmann, "Mignonette Polka"; Norman Leigh, "Mimi" (Danse des Grisettes); A. J. Weidt, "The Hikers" (March and Two-Step); G. Verdi, "Miserere" (from "Il Trovatore"); H. Berger, "Moani Ke Ala" (Hawaiian March and One Step); Lefebure-Wely, "Les Cloches du Monastere (Monastery Bells)" (Nocturne); L. v. Beethoven, "Moonlight Sonata" (First Movement).
The Most Popular Mandolin Dance Folio. Guitar Accompaniment, Piano Accompaniment, and 2nd Mandolin. Pieces include: Oscar Straus, "A Waltz Dream" (Waltzes); Meyer Lutz, "Faust-Up-To-Date" (Schottische); Johann Strauss, "One Heart One Mind" (Mazurka); E. Waldteufel, "L'Espirit Francais" (Polka); Franz Lehar, "The Merry Widow" (Two Step); Louis Tucaben, "Ballroom Strains" (Waltz Quadrille); Louis Tocaben, "College Days" (Quadrille); Louis Tocaben, "La Favorita" (Lanciers); Richard Eilenberg, "Return of the Troops" (Two Step); F. Mario Costa, "A Franzesa" (Two Step-March); T. Turner, "Dancing in the Barn" (Schottische); A. Pestalozza, "Ciribiribin" (Waltz); Louis Tocaben, "Collection of Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes"'; Ernest Alberti, "Plantation Christening" (Cakewalk); F. Budick, "Jolly Brothers" (Galop); Richard Eilenberg, "The First Heart Throbs" (Gavotte); Philipp Fahrbach Jr., "Under the Chesnut Tree" (Spanish Yorke); Navarro, "Amorosa Mazurka" (Three Step); Louis Tocaben, "Danza Habanera"; H. Trotere, "In Old Madrid" (Bolero); Mozart, "Ox Minuet" (from Don Giovanni); Robert Atkinson, "With the Crowd" (Two Step); J. Offenbach, "Barcarolle" (from Les Contes d'Hoffman); Juventino Rosas, "Over the Waves" (Waltzes); Otto Roeder, "Love's Dreamland" (Waltzes); Johann Strauss, "Artist Life" (Waltzes); J. F. Wagner, "Under the Double Eagle" (March);
The Most Popular Mandolin Dance Folio. Piano accompaniment. Pieces include: "A Waltz Dream" (Waltzes), "Faust-Up-To-Date" (Schottische), "One Heart One Mind" (Mazurka), "L'Espirit Francais" (Polka), "The Merry Widow" (Two Step), "Ballroom Strains" (Waltz Quadrille), "College Days" (Quadrille), "La Favorita" (Lanciers), "Return of the Troops" (Two Step), "A Franzesa" (Two Step-March), "Dancing in the Barn" (Schottische), "Ciribiribin" (Waltz), "Collection of Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes", "Plantation Christening" (Cakewalk), "Jolly Brothers" (Galop), "The First Heart Throbs" (Gavotte), "Under the Chesnut Tree" (Spanish Yorke), "Amorosa Mazurka" (Three Step), "Danza Habanera", "In Old Madrid" (Bolero), "Ox Minuet" (from Don Giovanni), "With the Crowd" (Two Step), "Barcarolle" (from Les Contes d'Hoffman), "Over the Waves" (Waltzes), "Love's Dreamland" (Waltzes), "Artist Life" (Waltzes), "Under the Double Eagle" (March).
The Most Popular Mandolin Operatic Pieces. 2nd Mandolin, Guitar Accompaniment, Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: G. Verdi, "Aida (Triumphal Chorus)"; M. W. Balfe, "Bohemian Girl (Galop, I Dreamt I Dwelt, and Then You'll Remember Me)"; Georges Bizet, "Carmen (Habanera and Toreador Song)"; C. M. Von Weber, "Der Freischutz (Huntsmen's Chorus)"; G. Verdi, "Ernani (Ernani, Fly With Me)"; Charles Gounod, "Faust (Gentle Flowers, Once Again I Would Gaze, and Valse from Ballet)"; G. Verdi, "Il Trovatore (Stride la Vampa, Tempest of the Heart, and Miserere)"; G. Verdi, "La Traviata (Ah! Was It Him, Brindisi, and Di Provenza)"; J. Offenbach, "Les Contes d'Hoffman (Barcarolle)"; G. Meyerbeer, "Les Huguenots (Banquet Chorus); G. Donizettie, "Lucia di Lammermoor (Think Not This Heart Can Alter, Though to Heaven from Sorrow Flying, and Sextette)"; G. Donizettie, "Lucrezia Brogia (It is Better to Laugh than be Sighing)"; G. Donizettie, "L'Elisere D'Amore (From Her Dear Eyes So Lonely)"; V. Wallace, "Maritana (In Happy Moments and Scenes that are Brightest)"; Friedrich Von Flotow, "Martha (Come Away Maiden Gay and How So Fair)"; V. Bellini, "Norma (Dearest Norma and Grand March)"; F. Von Suppe, "Poet and Peasant (Excerpts from Overture)"; G. Verdi, "Rigoletto (La Donna e' Mobile and Quartet)"; G. Meyerbeer, "Robert le Diable (Excerpts from Aria)"; Charles Gounod, "Romeo et Juliette (Valse Aria)"; G. Rossini, "Stabat Mater (Cujus Animam)"; R. Wagner, "Tannhauser" (Grand March, Pilgrim's Chorus, and Song to Evening Star); G. Rossini, "William Tell (Finale to Overture and Valse from Ballet Music)"; Herold, "Zampa (Prayer and Finale to Overture)";
Milt H. Hall, "Mr. Thomas Cat"; Victor Herbert, "My Gypsy Sweetheart" (From "Old Dutch"); Stephen C. Foster, "My Old Kentucky Home, Goodnight"; R. Keiser, "National Airs--Medley March"; Dr. Lowell Mason, "Nearer My God to Thee"; Mrs. S. M. B. Dana, "Flee as a Bird"; W. D. Moyer, "The New Club"; Walter A. Boehm, "New Era March"; Samuel Siegel, "New York Ideal March"; Mondo Michele, "Nostalgia" (Mazurka).
Pietrapertosa 12 Pieces Celebres. Mandolin. Pieces include: Franz Shubert, "Serenade"; Franz Shubert, "Ave Maria"; Franz Shubert, "Le Voyageur (The Wanderer)"; Mendelssohn, "Il Gondoliere Veneziano"; Mendelssohn, "Consolation"; Mendelssohn, "Tristesse De L'Ame" (Romance Sans Paroles); Mendelssohn, "Reverie"; Mendelssohn, "Doux Sovenir"; Mendelssohn, "Confiance" (Romance Sans Paroles); Mendelssohn, "Lied"; Mendelssohn, "La Harpe Du Poete"; Mendelssohn, "Espoir" (Hope);
A. J. Weidt, "Pink Lemonade (A Circus Parade)" (March or One-Step); George L. Cobb, "Wild Oats" (One-Step); Leo Delibes, "Pizzicati"; Johann Strauss, "Pizzicato" (Polka);Carl Sontag, "Poet and Peasant Waltz" (From the Opera 'Poet and Peasant' by Suppe); Ignazio Bitelli, "Preziosilla"; A. R. King, "La Prima Donna" (Schottishe); Mondo Michele, "Prime prove" (Valzer); C. J. Hausdorf, "Primrose" (March); F. Beatrice, "Primrose Flower" (Waltz); Louis Tocaben, "The Prize Winner" (March); Mondo Michele, "Punto...e basta!" (Polka Brillante); A. C. Brockmeyer, "Quadrille. The Ballroom Favorite"; Will D. Moyer, "Quite Delightful!" (Waltz); William Ganz, "Qui Vive Galop"; Walter Wallace Smith, "Rain of Pearls" (Valse); Bernard Fenton, "Rainbows" (Novelette); George L. Lansing, "The Darkey's Awakening"; Talamo, "Les Rameurs".
Ambroise Thomas, "Raymond Overture" (The Queen's Secret); A. C. Brockmeyer, "Recreation Melody No. 1 and No. 2"; Tony Biehl, "Remembrances of Switzerland" (Swiss Airs);
Louis Tocaben, The Remick Collection of World's Best Medley Overtures. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: "American Medley Overture"; "Colelge Medley Overture"; "English Medley Overture"; "French Medley Overture"; "German Medley Overture"; "Hungarian Medley Overture"; "Irish Medley Overture"; "Italian Medley Overture"; "Operatic Medley Overture"; "Polish Medley Overture"; "Russian Medley Overture"; "Scotch Medley Overture"; "Songs of the Homestead"; "Spanish Medley Overture"; "Ye Olde Love Song";
The Remick Mandolin and Guitar Colelction No. 12. Guitar. Pieces Include: J. Caldwell Atkinson, "By the Light of the Jungle Moon"; Bert Grant, "Creatore"; Nat Ayer, "Daddy"; Nat Ayer, "Gee, But I Like Music With My Meals"; Nay Ayer, "Honeymoon Love"; Johann C. Schmid, "Hour That Gave Me You"; Neil Moret, "The Island of Roses and Love"; Nat Ayer, "If You Talk in Your Sleep"; Johann C. Schmid, "If the Garden of Roses Should Change to Thorns"; Alfred J. Lawrence, "I Like Your Apron and Bonnet"; Henri Bereny, "Love Never Dies"; Percy Wenrich, "Moonlight Bay"; Le Boy, "The Month of June"; Gus Edwards, "On a Beautiful Night With a Beautiful Girl"; Nat Ayer, "Oh? You Beautiful Doll"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Oh! That Navajo Rag"; Charles N. Daniels, "Only Pal I Ever Had Came From Frisco Town"; Percy Wenrich, "The Skeleton Rag"; Bert Grant, "The Trolley Car Swing"; Albert Gumble, "Somebody Else Will if You Don't"; Bert Grant, "Under the Love Tree"; Bert Grant, "When You're Away"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "When I Was Twenty One and You Were Sweet Sixteen"; Nat Ayer, "You're My Baby"; Neil Moret, "After Vespers" (A Twilight Meditation); Neil Moret, "Brides and Butterflies" (Waltzes); Charles Johnson, "Cum Back" (Rag); Wallie Herzer, "Everybody Two Step" (Rag); George Botsford, "Hyacinth" (Rag); Percy Wenrich, "Rag Time Chimes" (Two Step); J. Bodewalt Lampe, "Universal Peace" (Military March Two Step);
The Remick Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 13. 1st Mandolin or Violin, Piano. Pieces include: Henry I. Marhsall, "Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee"; Percy Wenrich, "Dimples"; Conrad and Whidden, "Down in Dear Old New Orleans"; Max Hoffmann, "The Gertrude Hoffmann Glide" (from "Broadway to Paris"); Jean Gilbert, "Good Bye Everybody" (from "A Modern Eve"); Ray Walker, "Good Night Nurse"; Edmund Eysler, "He Will Take Me to His Heart" (from "The Pretty Little Window"); Gus Edwards, "If I Were In Love With You"; Gus Edwards, "I'll Get You"; Bert Grant, "I'm the Guy"; Henry I. Marshall, "Malinda"; Henry I. Marshall, "My Little Lovin' Sugar Babe"; Anatol Friedland, "My Little Persian Rose" (from "A Persian Garden"); Anatol Friedland, "The Perfume of the Flowers"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Sunshine and Roses"; Berg Grant, "That Broadway Glide (from "Ziegfeld's Follies"); Egbert Van Alstyne, "That Old Girl of Mine"; Albert Gumble, "That Tinkling Tango Tune"; Gifford and Trevor, "When It's Apple Blossom Time in Normandy"; Albert Gumble, "When I Waltz with You"; Henry I. Marshall, "You Can't Stop Me From Loving You"; A. Seymour Brown, "You're a Great Big Blue Eyed Baby"; Uriel Davis, "The Dream Tango (La Conchita)" (Tango Argentino); Uriel Davis, "The Horse Trot" (American Dance); Billy Gaston, "In a Red Rose Garden" (Intermezzo); Fred W. Hager, "Scattering of the Roses" (Danse Parisienne); Goerge Botsford, "Silv'ry Bells" (Intermezzo Two Step); Abe Holzmann, "Spirit of Independence" (Military March and Two-Step); J. Bodewalt Lampe, "Valse Mauve" (Waltz).
The Remick Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 14. 1st Mandolin. Pieces include: Albert Gumble, "Adam and Eve Had a Wonderful Time"; Jean Briquet, "Adele" (from Opera) (Trot, One Step, March, Two Step); Jean Briquet, "Adele" (From Opera) (Valse Hesitation); Henry I. Marshall, "'Cross the Mason-Dixon Line"; George W. Meyer, "Daddy did a Wonderful Thing"; Henry I. Marshall, "Dinah"; Abe Holzmann, "First Love (Premier Amour)" (Valse Boston - Valse Hesitation); Albert Gumble, "Flow Along River Tennessee"; Grace Le Boy "The Good Ship Mary Ann"; Julius Lenzberg, "Hungarain Rag"; George Botsford, "I Want to Go Back to Dixie Land"; Briquet & Phillipp, "The Midnight Girl" (From Opera) (Trot, One Step, March Two Step); Henry I. Marshall, "Oh Mister Railroad Man Won't You Take Me Back to Alabam"; Grace Le Boy "Pass the Pickless" (Tango) (One Step Trot); Henry I. Marshall, "Please Leave Mama Dear"; Henry I. Marshall, "PIck Me a Rose"; Melville Morris, "Ragtime Regiment Band"; Albert Gumble, "Rebecca of Sunny-Brook Farm"; George Bostford, "Sailing Down the Chesapeke Bay"; Joseph M. Daly, "What D'ye Mean You Lost Yer Dog?"; Henry I. Marshall, "When It's Buzz Buzz Buzzin'-time in Bee Bee Bee-Town"; Gus Edwards, "When the Whole World Has Gone Back on You (Come To Me)"; Abe Holzmann, "The Whip" (March and Two-Step); Henry I. Marshall, "Willie Had a Motor Boat (Putt; Putt, Putt)"; Albert Gumble, "You're Never Too Old to Love"; Walter L. Slater, "Yucatango";
The Remick Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 16. 1st Mandolin or Violin. Pieces include: Clare Kummer, "The Bars Are Down in Lover's Lane"; Charles L. Cooke, "Blame It on the Blues" (One or Two Step); Grace Le Boy, "Bring Along Your Dancing Shoes"; Herman Paley, "Dancing the Jelly Roll"; Henry Lodge, "Geraldine" (Valse Hesitation); Melville B. Kaufman, "Good Scout" (One Step, Two Step, or March); Richard A. Whiting, "It's Tulip Time in Holland (Two Lips Are Calling Me)"; George L. Cobb, "Listen to That Dixie Band"; Henry I. Marshall, "Loading Up the Mandy Lee"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Memories"; Henry E. Pether, "Molly Dear, It's You I'm After"; Julius Lenzberg, "Operatic Rag"; Mellor, Gifford, & Godfrey, "Save Your Kisses Till the Boys Come Home"; Henry Lodge, "Silver Fox" (A Raggy Fox Trot); Abe Olman, "Sooner or Latter You Will Cry I Want You"; Herman Paley, "The Sweetest Girl in Monerey"; Briquet & Philipp, "Teach Me Smile" (from "The Girl Who Smiles"); Herbert Spencer, "Underneath the Stars"; Murphy & Gumble, "The Wedding of the Sunshine and the Rose"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "When I Was a Dreamer";
The Remick Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 17a. 1st Mandolin or Violin. Pieces include: Richard A. Whiting, "(They Made It Twice As Nice As Paradise) And They Called It Dixieland"; Henry I. Marshall, "An Old Fashioned Garden in Virginia"; A. Seymour Brown, "Chin Chin (Open Your Heart and Let Me In)" (Fox Trot); Herman Paley, "Come Back to Arizona"; Albert Gumble, "I Learn'd To Love You in Dreamland" (Waltz Song); Richard A. Whiting, "In the Valley of the Nile"; A. Seymour Brown, "Izzie Get Busy"; Melville Morris, "Kangaroo Hop" (Fox Trot); Egbert Van Alstyne, "Love Comes A-Stealing"; Biese & Klickmann, "The Murray Walk" (Fox Trot); Egbert Van Alstyne, "My Dreamy China Lady"; Henry I. Marshall, "No One But Your Dear Old Dad"; Charley Straight, "Red Raven Rag" (One Step); Merle Von Hagen, "Rosemary" (Waltzes); Herman Paley, "Sail on to Ceylon"; Albert Grumble, "That Midnight Frolic of Mine"; Jerome D. Kern, "They Didn't Believe Me"; E. M. Rosner, "Tinkle Bell" (Waltz); A. Seymour Brown, "You'll Always Be the Same Sweet Baby"; Stanley Murphy, "You'll Find a Little Bit of Ireland Everywhere";
The Remick Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 17b. Mandolin Solo. Pieces include: Burtnett & Burke, "Down Honlulu Way" (Fox Trot); Henry I. Marshall, "If You Ever Get Lonely" (Fox Trot); Herbert Spencer, "In Old Brazil" (Fox Trot Song); Harry Tierney, "It's a Cute Little Way of My Own" (Fox Trot); Richard A. Whiting, "Mammy's Little Coal Black Rose" (Fox Trot); Vincent Rose, "Pozzo" (Fox Trot); Jackson & Van Alstyne, "Pretty Baby"; Melville Morris, "Tiddle De Winks" (Fox Trot); Albert Gumble, "What Are You Going to do To-morrow Evening?" (Fox Trot); Egbert Van Alstyne, "Whose Pretty Baby Are You Now?" (Fox Trot); Richard A. Whiting, "Coaling Up in Colon Town" (One Step March); Harry Tierney, "Happyland" (One Step March); Albert Gumble, "How's Every Little Thing in Dixie" (One Step March); Egbert Van Alstyne, "Just a Word of Sympathy" (One Step March); Harry Tierney, "Oh! I Want To Be Good But My Eyes Won't Let Me"; George Botsford, "On the Old Dominion Line" (One Step); Albert Gumble, "Welcome Honey to Your Old Plantation Home" (One Step); Dvorak - Danmark, "Humoreske" (Waltz); Herman E. Schultz, "Mon Jardin De Roses (My Rose Garden)" (Valse Hesitation); Julius Lenzberg, "Valse Inspiration"; Samuel S. Aronson, "Whispering Hearts" (Waltz); J. Bodewalt Lampe, "National Defense" (Military March); J. Bodewalt Lampe, "The Glad Girl" (Idyl);
The Remick Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 19a. Guitar Accompaniment. PIeces include: Lee S. Roberts, "Smiles" (Fox Trot); Richard A. Whiting, "We'll Build a Rainbow in the Sky" (Fox Trot Intermezzo); Herbert Spencer, "Wondrous Eyes of Araby" (Fox Trot); Joe Rosey, "Out of the East" (Fox Trot); De Sylva, Kahn, & Johnson, "'N' Everything" (Fox Trot); Van, Schenck, & Franklin, "Ragtime Mose's Oldtime Boboshay" (Fox Trot); Albert Gumble, "There's a Lump of Sugar Down in Dixie" (Fox Trot); Harry Tierney, "Jerry Mon Cheri" (Fox Trot); "Friscoe" & Martyn, "Peacock Strut" (Fox Trot); Egbert Van Alstyne, "You're in Style When You're Wearing a Smile" (One Step March); Mahoney & Flynn, "Bing! Bang! Bring 'Em on the Rhine" (One Step March); Herman Paley, "Cheer Up Father Cheer Up Mother" (One Step March); Richard A. Whiting, "Derby Day in Dixie" (One Step March); DeSylva, Kahn, & Jolson, "Ev'ry Mroning She Makes Me Late" (One Step March); Egbert Van Alstyne, "On the Road to Home Sweet Home" (One Step March); Harry Tierney, "My Little Service Flag Has Seven Stars" (One Step March); Stanley Murphy, "When We Meet in the Sweet Bye and Bye" (One Step March); Egbert Van Alstyne, "What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys" (March One Step); Seneca G. Lewis, "Columbia" (March); Clare Kummer, "Bluebird" (Waltz); J. Bodewalt Lampe, "Liberty Waltz"; Henry Lodge, "Eveline (Geraldine's Sister)" (Valse Hesitation);
The Remick Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 19b. Guitar Accompaniment. Pieces include: Van & Schenck, "In the Land Where Poppies Bloom" (Fox Trot); Lee S. Roberts, "You Don't Know" (Slow Fox Trot); Kahn & Jolson, "I'll Say She Does" (Fox Trot); Albert Gumble, "Mandy and Me" (Fox Trot); Albert W. Brown, "My Girl of Southland" (Fox Trot); Harry Tierney, "Arya" (Intermezzo Fox Trot); Albert Gumble, "Tackin' 'Em Down" (Fox Trot); Bud DeSylva, "She Was Not So Bad For a Country Girl"; Cooke & Whiting, "I've Got the Blude Ridge Blues" (Fox Trot); Sigmund Romberg, "My Baby-Talk Lady" (Fox Trot); Sigmund Romberg, "The Galli-Curci Rag"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Swingin' Along With Lindy"(Fox Trot); Harry Puck, "It's a Pretty Little Thing"; Richard A. Whiting, "I'll Love You More For Losing You a While" (Fox Trot); Egbert Van Alstyne, "I Can't Get Along Without You"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "It Might As Well Be You" (One Step March); Albert Gumble, "Give a Little Credit to the Navy" (One Step March); Egbert Van Alstyne, "For Your Boy and My Boy" (March One Step); Camille Robert, "Madelon" (One Step); Seneca G. Lewis, "Georgia Land" (Characteristic One Step); Jackson & DeSylva, "If She Means Waht I Think She Means" (One Step); Bud DeSylva, "But-After the Ball Was Over"; Case White, "The Canteen Canter" (Cantonment One Step); Richard A. Whiting, "Cotton Hollow Harmony" (One Step March); Richard A. Whiting, "Till We Meet Again" (Waltz); Lee S. Roberts, "Little Birch Canoe and You" (Waltz); H. B. Blanke, "Loyalty Waltz";
The Remick Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 20a. Guitar Accompaniment. Pieces include: Egbert Van Alstyne, "I'll Wait For You"; Lee S. Roberts, "After All"; Walter Donaldson, "Some Sunny Day"; Albert Siegel, "Cry Baby"; Jean Schwartz, "Sahara (We'll Soon Be Dry Like You)"; Albert Jolson, "On the Road to Calais"; Van & Schenck, "You Cannot Shake That 'Shimmie' Here"; Ralph A. Foote, "O'er the Desert Wide"; Sigmund Romberg, "Monte Christo"; Richard A. Whiting, "You're Still An Old Sweetheart of Mine"; Don Traveline, "Come to Araby"; Harry Carroll, "Girls"; Richard A. Whiting, "Till We Meet Again"; Julius Lenzberg, "Moonlight on the Nile"; Louis Silvers, "I'm the Boy and I'm the Girl"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "My Choc'late Soldier Sammy Boy"; HArry Carroll, "A Little Drop of Irish and A Wee Bit of Scotch"; Bud De Sylva, "Oh Agnes"; Con Conrad, "My Little Sunshine"; Richard A. Whiting, "Salvaton Sal; Julius Lenzberg, "Razzle Dazzle"; Vincent Speciale, "La Guapa Muchacha"; Vincent Speciale, "The Pretty Maiden"; Kenbrovin & Kellette, "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Yesterdays"; Joseph E. Howard, "('Somehow') You're Just My Style"; Merle Von HAgen, "Persuasion";
Remick's Orchestra Folio, No. 4. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: O'Donnell & Smith, "My Pony Boy"; Albert Gumble, "When I Marry You"; Jack Norworth, "Shine on Harvest Moon"; Percy Wenrich, "Rainbow"; Le Boy & Botsford, "I Wish I Had a Girl"; George Botsford, "Black and White"; Anita Owen, "Daisies Won't Tell"; Albert Gumble "The 'Bolo' Rag"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Golden Arrow"; Clare Kummer, "Garden of Dreams"; Wenrich-Burt, "Naughty Eyes"; Williams, Van Alstyne, & Burt, "I Used to Be Afraid to Go Home in the Dark"; George Rosey, "An American Heiress"; Blanke-Belcher & Van Alstyne, "Honey Land"; Chapel & Dailey, "Longing"; Benjamin Hapgood Burt, "Dear Old Dear";Williams & Van Alstyne, "It Looks LIke a Big Night Tonight"; William McKenna, "Mandy Lane".
The Remick Collection of Standard Mandolin Solos. Guitar. Pieces include: Henry Ghys, "Amaryllis" (Air de Louis XIII); E. Waldteufel, "Amour et Printemps" (Valse); Charles Gounod, "Ballet Scene" (from Faust); Jacques Offenbach, "Barcarolle" (from Tales of Hoffman); Pytro Tchaikovsky, "Barcarolle" (June); B. Godard, "Berceus" (from Jocelyn); A. Ilkinsky, " Berceuse" (Lullaby); Felix Mendelssohn, "Consolation" (Song Without Words); Leo Delibes, "Valse Lente" (from "Coppelia" Ballet); A. Monti, "Danse Caracteristique"; Ernest Gillet, "Entr'acte Gavotte"; Giuseppe Verdi, "Grand March" (from Aida); Johannes Brahms, "Hungarian Dance"; Thomas Franke, "Intermezzo Russe"; Carl Bohm, "La Zingara" (Hungarian Dance); A. Bosc, "Marche des Petits Pierrots" (March of the Little Pierrots); Paul Dachs, "March of the Flower Girls" (Carnival); Richard, "Pilgrim's Chours" (from Tannhauser); Fredetic Chopin, "Polonaise" (Op. 40. No. 1); Ludowic, "Reve d'un Ange" (Romance); A. Kazanoff, "Russian Dance", Richard Wagner, "Song to the Evening Star" (from Tannhauser), Emanuel Bach, "Spring's Awakening" (Romance); Serradell, "Spanish Love Song"; Franz von Blon, "Through Battle to Victory" (March).
The Remick Collection of the World's Best Marches for Mandolin. 2nd Mandolin. Pieces include: F. Mario Costa, " 'A Frangesa" (March and Two Step); Unidentified, "American Medley March"; Unidentified, "College Medley March"; Giacomo Meyerbeer, "Coronation March" (from "The Prophet"); Philipp Fahrbach Jr., "Exhibition March" (Two Step); Charles Gounod, "Funeral March of a Marionette", Giuseppe Verdi, "Grand March" (from "Aida"); Unidentified, "Irish Medley March"; Charles Borel-Clerc, "La Sorella" (Spanish March); Unidentified, "March Militaire" (French Military March); Charles Gounod, "March from "Faust"" (Soldier's Chorus); Richard Wagner, "March from Tannhauser"; Franz Lehar, "The Merry Widow" (Two Step); R. Eilenberg, "Return of the Troops" (Two Step); Unidentified, "Scotch Medley March"; Franz von Blon, "Under the Banner of Victory" (March); J. F. Wagner, "Under the Double Eagle" (March); Johann Schrammel, "Vienna Forever" (March); Felix Mendelssohn, "War March of the Priests" (from "Athalie"); Richard Wagner, "Wedding March" (Bridal Chorus from "Lohengrin"); Felix Mendelssohn, "Wedding March" (from "Midsummer Night's Dream").
Manuel Klein, "The Robins" (from "The Land of Birds"); Ethelbert Nevin, "The Rosary"; Victor G. Boehnlein, "Rosemary" (Mazurka); A. J. Weidt, "Pert and Pretty (Waltz); Benjamin M. Jerome, ""Royal Chef" Selections";
The Sam Fox Popular Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 4. 1st Mandolin or 1st Violin. Pieces include: Lionel Baxter, "Valse June" (Hesitation or Boston); George P. Howard, "Sam Fox Trot" (or Rag-Two Step); J. S. Zamecnik, "Co-ed" (March-Two Step); George A. Reeg, Jr., "Jubilee Rag" (A Cake Walk Two Step); J. S. Zamecnik, "Kissamee" (Indian Two Step or One Step); Lionel Baxter, "Valse Elaine" (Hesitation); William Leon Ames, "Melody Maids" (One Step or Two Step); Hal G. Nichols, "Black and Blue Rag"; J. S. Zamecnik, "Zumar" (Oriental) (March-Two Step); Jessie L. Deppen, "Skylark" (Hesitation Waltz); J. S. Zamecnik, "La Petite Coquette" (The Little Flirt; One Step or Two Step); R. M. Stults, "The Birds Ball" (Schottische); C. A. Grimm, "Famabella" (A Spanish Waltz); Hal G. Nichols, "Harmony Rag" (Two Step); J. S. Zamecnik, "The Amazon March" (Two Step).
The Sam Fox Popular Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 5. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: J. S. Zamecnik, "All America" (March); Mel B. Kaufman, "Listen to This" (One Step); Lionel Baxter, "Valse Annette"; Mel B. Kaufman, "Introdue Me" (Fox Trot); Dorothy Lee, "Simplicity" (One Step); J. S. Zamecnik, "Milady" (Three Step); Will T. Pierson, "Ragamuffin Rag" (One Step or Two Step); J. S. Zamecnik, "The Last Farewell" (Waltz); J. S. Zamecnik, "Ole Virginny" (One Step); Theodore O. Taubert, "The Hunt Club" (Fox Trot),; Lionel Baxter, "Captain Betty" (One Step-Two Step); R. B. Brewer, "Student Days" (March-Two Step).
C. W. Krogmann, "Santa Clause Guards" (March); A. Corbin, "Santiago" (Spanish Waltz);
Ascher's Scotch Dance Folio for Orchestra. 1st Violin Mandolin or C Melody Saxophone. Pieces include: Emil Ascher, "Coming Thro' the Rye" (Intro: "Blue Bells of Scotland" and "Auld Lang Syne") (Medley Waltz); Emil; Ascher, "Annie Laurie" (Intro: "The Scottish Blue Bells") (Waltz Medley); Emil Ascher, "The Campbells are Comin'" (Intro: O Whistle, and I'll Come to You My Lad") (Medley Waltz); Emil Ascher, "Within a Mile of Edinborotown" (Intro: "Ye Banks and Brais", "O' Bonnie Doon") (Medley Waltz); Emil Ascher, "Bonnie Dundee" (Intro: "Come O'er the Stream, Charlie") (Medley Waltz); Emil Ascher, "A Highland Lad My Love Was Born" (Intro: "My Love She's But a Lassie Yet", "Green Grow the Rashes", "What's a' the Steer, Kimmer") (Medley Two Step); Emil Ascher, "The Yellow-Hair'd Laddie" (Intro: "Farewell to Lochhaber". Mazurka-Three Step-Redowa); Emil Ascher, "O, Charlie Is My Darling" (Intro: "Fishers Hornpipe", "There's Nae Luck About the House") (Medley Two Step); Harry Lauder, , "Jean McNeil" (Intro: That's the Reason Noo I Wear a Kilt) (March and Two Step); Emil Ascher, "Scotland for Ever" (Lancers); Emil Ascher, "Caledonian" (Medley Quadrille); Emil Ascher, "Petronella" (Cantra Dance); Emil Ascher, "Highland Scotch No. 1 and Virginia Reels"; Emil Ascher, "Highland Scotch No. 2 and Virginia Reels"; J. H. Ellis, "The Bonnie Brier Bush" (Intro: "Annie Laurie" and "Robin Adair") (Characteristic Two-Step March), Emil Ascher, "5 Scotch Songs" ("Within a Mile of Edinburghtown", "Annie Laurie", "The Blue Bells of Scotland", "Comin' through the Rye", and "Auld Lang Syne").
Harry J. Lincohn, "Scotland Bells" (Waltzes); Carl Loveland, "Going Some" (March Two Step); George L. Cobb, "Send Me a Line" (One-Step or Two-Step); Frederic Chopin, "Polonaise Militaire".
Franz von Blon, "Serenade d'Amour"; Thomas S. Allen, "The Battle Royal" (March and Two-Step); Olivier Metra, "La Serenade" (Valse Espagnole); Moszkowsky, "Serenata"; Johannes Brams, "Hungarian Dance, No. 7"; Harry Armstrong, "Shaky Eyes" (March and Two-Step); E. van Alstyne, "Shoulder Straps" (March Two Step); John h. Davies, "Shoulder to Shoulder" (March); Fr. Thome, "Simple Aveu" (Simple Confession); Raymond Howe, "Sissy Giggles" (Characteristic March); Lester W. Keith, "Skidoo" (Characteristic March); Victor Sullig, "Souplesse" (Valse Hesitation);
Smith's All Star Mandolin Folio, No. 4. Mandolin Obligato. Pieces include: Walter T. Holt, "Moonglade", s. Cusenza, "Stat Light" (Serenade), William J. Smith, "Harmony" (March); S. Cusenza, ""Sun Set" March"; William Lange, "Dainty Butterfly"; S. Cusenza, ""May Flower" Waltz"; S. Cusenza, "The Winner" (Fox Trot); Edward Cox, "Western Breezes" (Waltz Reverie); S. Cusenza, "Dance of the Stilts"; S. Cusenza, "The Old Parlor Clock" (Tic-Toc); S. Cusenza, "Beautiful Spring" (Waltz); S. Cusenza, ""Hiram" Overture".
Smith's Hawaiian Melodies, No. 1. Mandolin Solo. Pieces include: Kamiki, "An Hawaiian Frolic"; Harry J. Clarke, "The Belle of Hawaiia" (Song); Harry J. Clarke, "Dance of the Lei Girls" (Hula); Harry J. Clarke, "A Garland of Lehua" (Hawaiian Hula); Harry J. Clarke, "Hawaiian Beauty" (March); Harry J. Clarke, "Hawaiian Butterfly" (Song); Harry J. Clarke, "Hawaiian Rosebud" (Love Song); Unidentified, "Hilo March"; William J. Smith, "A Kentucky Barbecue"; Unidentified, "Kilima Waltz"; Kamiki and Clarke, "Mahina" (Moon Song); Unidentified, "One, Two, Three, Four"; Kamiki, "Pali Waltz"; Unidentified, "Ua Like No Like"; Unidentified, "Sweet Lei Lehua"; Kamiki, "Wai Lanamalie"; Kamiki, "Hawaiian Love Song"; Harry J. Clarke, "Wild Flowers" (Hawaiian Love Song).
Smith's Hawaiian Melodies, No. 1. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Kamiki, "An Hawaiian Frolic"; Harry J. Clarke, "The Belle of Hawaiia" (Song); Harry J. Clarke, "Dance of the Lei Girls" (Hula); Harry J. Clarke, "A Garland of Lehua" (Hawaiian Hula); Harry J. Clarke, "Hawaiian Beauty" (March); Harry J. Clarke, "Hawaiian Butterfly" (Song); Harry J. Clarke, "Hawaiian Rosebud" (Love Song); Unidentified, "Hilo March"; William J. Smith, "A Kentucky Barbecue"; unidetified, "Kilima Waltz"; Kamiki and Clarke, "Mahina" (Moon Song); Unidentified; "One, Two, Three, Four"; Kamiki, "Pali Waltz"; Unidentified, "Ua Like No Like"; Unidentified, "Sweet Lei Lehua"; Kamiki, "Wai Lanamalie"; Kamiki, "Hawaiian Love Song"; Harry J. Clarke, "Wild Flowers" (Hawaiian Love Song).
Smith's Hawaiian Melodies, No. 2. 1st Mandolin (Solo). Pieces include: William J. Smith, "Dance of the Fairies"; Unidentified, "When You and I Were Young Maggie" (Butterfield); Unidentified, "Aloha Oe"; Unidentified, "Kohala March"; William Foden, "Hawaiian Flower" (Polka-March); S. C. Foster, "My Old Kentucky Home"; Unidentified, "Forget Me Not"; Unidentified, "Honolulu March"; William Foden, "With Thee" (Mexican Danza); Unidentified, "Maui Girl" (Waltz); Unidentified, "Hawaiian Waltz".
Smith's Two Hundred Old Favorites for Mandolin and Violin. Guitar and Piano Accompaniments. Pieces include: Foster, "Massa's In the Cold Ground"; Foster, "Oh! Susanna"; Foster, "Some Folks"; Foster, "Old Folks at Home"; Foster, "My Old Kentucky Home"; Foster, "Uncle Ned"; Foster, "Old Black Joe"; Foster, "Hard Times Come Again No More"; Foster, "Nelly Was a Lady"; Foster, "De Camptown Races"; Foster, "Old Dog Tray"; Unidentified, "Minstrel Boy" (Irish); Unidentified, "Speed the Plow"; Montrose, "My Darling Clementine"; Unidentified, "Dear Evelina"; Unidentified, "Old King Cole"; Unidentified, "Liza Jane"; Unidentified, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"; Unidentified, "Climb Up, Chillun, Climb"; Unidentified, "Little Brown Jug"; Carey, "Sally In Our Alley"; E. Christy, "Carry Me Back to Ole Virginny"; Unidentified, "The Old Cabin Home"; Unidentified, "So Early In the Morning"; Unidentified, "Sweet Lei Lehua" (Hawaian); Unidentified, "One, Two, Three, Four" (Hawaiian); Unidentified, "Forget Me Not" (Hawaiian); Kamiki, "On the Beach"; William J. Smith, "Longing for Hawaiia"; William J. Smith, "Kamiki March"; Unidentified, "Pins and Needles"; William J. Smith and S. Cusenza, "Hawaiian Islands Waltz"; Unidentified, "Old Fiddler's Corner"; J. A. Bland, "Oh! Dem Golden Slippers"; S. Cusenza, "Bonjour Polka"; Unidentified, "Clog and Reel Medley"; Unidentified, "Jig Medley"; Unidentified, "Turkey in the Straw"; Unidentified, "Soldier's Joy" (Hornpipe); Unidentified, "Arkansas Traveler"; Unidentified, "Waltz Medley"; Unidentified, "College Stunts" (Can Be Played As a Medley); Unidentified, "O Du Lieber Augustin" (College Song); Unidentified, "Fourty-Nine Bottles" (College Song); Unidentified, "Solomon Levi" (College Song); Unidentified, "Hail Pennsylvania" (College Song); Unidentified, " Peanut Song" (College Song); Unidentified, "Polly-Wolly Doodle" (College song); Unidentified, "Dutch Warbler" (College Song); Unidentified, "Good Night, Ladies" (College Song); Unidentified, "Upidee" (College Song); Unidentified, "My Bonnie" (College Song); Unidentified, "Soldier's Farewell" (College Song); Unidentified, "Hoop de Dooden do" (College Song); Unidentified, "Billy Boy" (College Song); Unidentified, "Nelly Bly" (College Song); Unidentified, "Angelina Baker" (College Song); Keppel, "Robin Adair"; Unidentified, "Old Rosin, The Beau"; Unidentified, "Landlor, Fill the Flowing Bowl"; Unidentified, "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes" (Old English); C. W. Glover, "Do They Think of Me at Home?"; Thomas Moore, "Those Endearing Young Charms"; Hall, "Ever of Thee"; Unidentified, "How Can I Leave Thee" (German Song); Blamphin, "Whne the Corn is Waving"; Septimus Winner, "Listen to the Mocking Bird"; Unidentified, "Home Again"; Unidentified, "Old Oaken Bucket"; Unidentified, "Nellie Gray"; Unidentified, "Jingle Bells"; J. K. Emmet, "Emmet's Lullaby"; Unidentified, "Juanita"; Unidentified, "Carve dat Possum"; Unidentified, "Bonny Eloise"; Unidentified, "When You and I Were Young, Maggie"; Unidentified, "Coming Through the Rye"; Unidentified, "Carnival of Venice"; Unidentified, "The Quality Party"; Claribel, "Take Back the Heart"; Ascher, "Alice Where Art Thou?"; Abt., "When the Swallows Homeward Fly"; Samuel Lover, "The Low Back'd Car"; Unidentified, "Ring, Ring De Banjo"; Hendrickson, "Spanish Cavalier"; Unidentified, "Hi-Le, Hi-Lo"; Unidentified, "O Come, Come Away"; Unidentified, "Just Before the Battle, Mother"; Unidentified, "Girl I Left Behind Me"; Unidentified, "Marching Through Georgia"; Unidentified, "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp"; Unidentified, "Hail Columbia"; Unidentified, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home"; Unidentified, "Rally Round the Flag"; Unidentified, "Maryland"; Howe, "Battle Cry of Freedom"; Emmet, "Dixie Land"; A. Becket, "Red, White and Blue"; Kittredge, "Tenting To-Night"; Unidentified, "Captain Jinks"; Unidentified, "Yankee Doodle"; Unidentified, "America"; Key, "The Star Spangled Banner"; Unidentified, "The Marseillaise" (French); Unidentified, "St. Patrick's Day" (Irish); Unidentified, "Wacht Am Rhine" (German); Unidentified, "Men of Harlech" (Welsh); Unidentified, "The Blue Bells of Scotland" (Scotch); Unidentified, "Japanese National Hymn"; Unidentified, "La Brabangonne" (Belgian); Unidentified, "Mariner's Medley"; Lady Scott, "Annie Laurie"; Nelson Kneass, "Ben Bolt"; Robert Burns, "Auld Lang Syne"; Claribel, "Come Back to Erin"; Unidentified, "Irish Lilting Song"; Unidentified, "Rock-a-Bye Baby"; Unidentified, "Wearing of the Green"; Unidentified, "Long! Long Ago"; Unidentified, "Home Sweet Home"; Unidentified, "Last Rose of Summer"; F. N. Crouch, "Kathleen Mavourneen"; Unidentified, "Killarney"; Unidentified, "The Harp That Once Through Tara's Hall"; Unidentified, "Plantation Melodies"; Unidentified, "Echoes From the South"; Unidentified, "Ellie Rhee"; Unidentified, "Vivi L'Amour"; Unidentified, "Oh! You Little Darling"; Unidentified, "Sweet Bye and Bye"; Unidentified, "Joy to the World" (Christmas Carol); Mason, "Work, For the Night is Coming"; Lowry, "Shall We Gather at the River"; Dana, "Flee as a Bird"; Marsh, "Jesus, Lover Of My Soul"; Mason, "Nearer My God to Thee"; Hastings, "Rock of Ages"; Doxology, "Old Hundred"; Mason, "There is a Happy Land"; W. H. Monk, "Abide With Me"; S. Webbe, "Come, Ye Disconsolate"; W. H. Monk, "Son of My Soul"; Unidentified, "Wenoah" (Old Hymn); Bradbury, "Sweet Hour of Prayer"; Rubinstein, "Melody in F"; Koschat, "Forsaken"; Unidentified, "De Kingdom Comin'"; Unidentified, "Schubert's Serenade"; Unidentified, "Meerschaum Pipe" (College); William Foden, "Peerless March"; William H. Bordwell, "On the Campus" (March); Oliver F. Bitting, "Smiling Rose Schottische"; S. Cusenza, "Kentucky Rose" (Waltz); Unidentified, "Wailana Waltz" (Drowsy Waltz); Kamiki, "Hawaiian Mountain Waltz"; Balfe, "Then You'll Remeber Me" (Bohemian Girl); Robert Schumann, "Traumerei".
A. Holzmann, "Smoky Mokes" (Cake Walk and Two Step); Thomas S. Allen, "Solaret" (Queen of Light) (Valse Ballet); Harry Temple, "Somewhere in Erin" (One-Step); George L. Cobb, "Ladder of Love" (Waltz); Nikolai rimsky-Korsakow, "A Song of India" (from the Legend "Sadko"); C. W. Krogmann, "Song of the Sea Shell"; L. Gallini, "La Sorella" (March);
The Sousa March Folio Containing the Famous Marches of John Philip Sousa. Piano Accopaniment. Pieces include: "El Capitan" (March); "King Cotton" (March); "The Charlatan" (March); "Manhattan Beach March"; "The Man Behind the Gun" (March); "The Liberty Bell March"; "Hail to the Spirit of Liberty March"; "The Bride-Elect" (March); "Congress Hall March"; "The White Plume March"; "Yorktown's Centennial March"; "The Directorate" (March).
Harry J. Lincoln, "A Southern Dream" (Waltzes); F. Drdla, "The Souvenir"; George L. Lansing, "The Darkies' Patrol"; Louis Tocaben, "Souveniers de Naples" (Fantaisie); H. Engelmann, "Spanish Dance"; Paul Eno, "Spanish Gaiety" (Bolero); Abe Losch, "Spirit of Freedom" (March and Two Step).
J. F. Wagner, "Under the Double Eage" (March); Franz Von Blon, "Under the Flag of Victor" (March); Thomas Roosevelt, "Under the Stars and Stripes" (March); A. R. Montaine, "Up in a Swing" (Reverie); Nicomede-Loar, "The U.S. Army Band" (Military March); E. Mutchler, "U-Te-Zer" (A Rag Two-Step); Thomas S. Allen, "Step Lively" (March and Two Step); A. Margis, "Valse Bleu"; Phillip Lumbye, "Valse Boston"; M. L. Lake, "Valse Pathetique"; P. Tschaikowsky, "Valse des Fleurs (from The Nutcracker Suite)" (Casse Noisette);
Vandersloot Mandolin and Guitar Folio No. 2. 2nd Mandolin. Pieces include: F. H. Losey, "Parade of the Humming Birds" (March and Two Step); Harry J. Lincoln, "Nuptial" (Waltzes); F. H. Losey, "Merry Moments" (Quadrille of Lanciers); F. H. Losey, "Sun Flower" (Three Step); F. H. Losey, "Jolly Sweethearts" (Intermezzo - Two Step); F. H. Losey, "The 74th Regiment Band March"; Harry J. Lincoln, "Tri-Slate" (March and Two Step); Harry J. Lincoln, "Whispering Waves" (Waltzes), C. E. Vandersloot, "Mid-Summer Waltzes"; C. E. Duble, "Salute to Williamsport" (March), Harry J. Lincoln, "Vallamont" (From Valley and Mountain) (Reverie); F. H. Losey, "Under the Palms" (Waltzes); John Hazel, "March - 'Ole Huskie'" (Reel Medley), C. D. Henninger, "Cuban Independence" (March); Herman V. Yeager, "King of Good Fellows" (March & Two-Step), F. H. Losey, "Charity Ball" (Waltzes); Louis L. Comstock, "On the Firing Line" (March); Harry J. Lincoln, "Salute to America" (March & Two Step); C. D. Henninger, "Constitution" (March and Two Step);F. H. Losey, "Grenadier Guards" (March); Caird M. Vandersloot, "Japan's Triumphal March" (Two Step), Abe Losch, "The Joker" (March & Two Step);
Vandersloot Mandolin and Guitar Folio No. 4. 2nd Mandolin. Pieces include: Abe Losch, "The Four Aces" (March & Two Step); Harry J. Lincoln, "The Tournament" (March & Two Step); C. F. Zerbe, "Sounds From the Valley" (Waltzes); Harry J. Lincoln, "The Observatory" (March & Two Step); Harry J. Lincoln, "Nippono" (Intermezzo Two Step or March); C. E. Vandersloot, "L.A.W." (Waltzes); L. Frank Miller, "A Royal Prince" (March - Two Step); F. H. Losey, "Vandersloot's Bomb" (Medley Overture); Harry J. Lincoln, "The Fire Master" (March and Two Step); F. H. Losey, "Capitola March"; C. D. Henninger, "Reciprocity" (March & Two Step); Lee Orean Smith, "King Crap" (Characteristic March or Cake Walk); Lee Orean Smith, "After All" (Waltz); Lee Orean Smith, "When A Lady Leads the Band (March - Two Step); C. M. Vandersloot, "Last Days of Pompeii" (March and Two Step); F. H. Losey "March 'Astaroth'";
The Vandersloot Mandolin and Guitar Folio No. 6. Guitar Accomaniment. PIeces include: Abe Losch, "A Full Hand" (March - Two Step); Abe Losch, "A Royal Flush" (March - Two Step); Harry J. Lincoln, "The Crater" (March Two Step); F. H. Losey, "Dream Visions" (Waltzes); F. H. Losey, "Electric Wizard" (March Two Step); Harry J. Lincoln, "Evening Thoughts" (Waltzes); Charles L. Johnson, "Golden Spider" (Rag) (March - Two Step); Harry J. Lincoln, "Homeland" (Waltzes); F. H. Losey, "Hearts Haven" (Waltzes); Donald Garcia, "Jack Rabbit" (Rag); Abe Losch, "King of the Forest" (March - Two Step); Harry J. Lincoln, "The Lost Phase" (Waltzes); F. H. Losey, "The Magie Mirror" (Waltzes); Harry J. Lincoln, "Midnight Special" (March - Two Step); Charles C. Sweeley, "Our Band" (March - Two Step), Harry J. Lincoln, "Our Victorious Nation" (March - Galop); Harry J. Lincoln, "Pony Maid" (Romanza - Two Step); F. H. Losey, "Prince Charming" (A La Gavotte); F. H. Losey, "Starland" (Serenade); Lee Orean Smith, "There's A Charm About the Old Love Still (Medley Waltz); F. H. Losey, "Thesis" (Barn Dance); Carl Loveland, "Thunder and Lightning" (March Two Step); Harry J. Lincoln, "Vesuvius" (March - Two Step).
The Vandersloot Mandolin and Guitar Folio No. 8. 1st Mandolin (or 1st Violin), 2nd Mandolin. Pieces include: Harry J. Lincoln, "Capitlol City" (March - Two Step); F. H. Losey, "Lurking Cupid" (Waltzes); Harry J. Lincoln, "Schoolmates" (March - Two Step); Harry J. Lincoln, "Garden of Sunshine" (Serenade); Charles C. Sweeley, "Lu Lu Band" (March - Two Step); Charles Cohen, "Fashion Rag"; Reba Vandersloot, "Maryland" (Waltzes); Harry J. Lincoln, "I - X- L" (March - Two Step); F. H. Losey, "Silvery Stars" (Three - Step), Harry J. Lincoln, "Sunlight and Love" (Waltzes); F. H. Losey, "Tanglefoot Rag"; Abe Losch, "King of Hearts" (March Two Step); F. H. Losey, "Queen of the Valley" (Waltzes); Charles C. Sweeley, "Ringgold" (March - Two - Step), Harry J. Lincoln, "Dixie" (A Red Caprice); Harry J. Lincoln, "The Circuit" (March - Two Step); F. H. Losey, "Killarney Waltzes" (Syncopated); Harry J. Lincoln, "The Focus" (March Two Step); Charles Cohen, "Riverside Rag";
C. S. De Lano, "La Veta Schottische"; E. Waldteufel, "Violettes" (Waltzes);
The Victor Mandolin Collection Volume 2 and Piano Part. Mandolin Solo. Pieces include: J. Sancho, "Among the Palms" (Entre Palmeras) (Danza); S. Adelstein, "'Bella' Mazurka" (E. Waldteufel); D. Tipaldi, "Belle of Cleveland Valse"; Johnnie Donigan, "Bonitas Caras (Pretty Faces)" (Spanish Mazurka); J. Sancho, "La Coqueta (The Coquette)" (Polka); J. Donigan, "Diamond Serenade"; LeBarge, "Entre Acte (Between Acts)" (Medley); J. Donigan, "Flower Girl Gavotte"; J. Donigan, "Farewell My Love Waltzes" (Adieu Ma Belle); G. Cipolloni, "Luna Waltz"; J. Donigan, "La Luna Brillante Danza (The Brilliante Moond Dance)"; C. E. Pmeroy, "Marche De La Garde Royale"; J. Sancho, "Mischief" (Travesuras) (Polka); J. Sancho, "Pasionaria (Passion Flower)" (Danza); Samuel Adelstein, "Pomponnette" (Durand); G. Cipolloni, "Rosina Mazurka"; J. Sancho, "Susanita" (Polka); C. E. Pomeroy, "El Vacquero Galop"; C. E. Pomeroy, "Valse Romantique"; J. A. Le Barge, "Tally Ho" (Two Step)l J. A. Le Barge, "Varsity Club March";
Ellen Wright, "Violets"; Paul Dresser, "The Voice of the Hudson"; Vogel, "Vogel Waltz"; George L. Lansing, "When Dixie Smiles"; Maurice Levi, "When Reuben Comes to Town"; Walter Jacobs, "Whirl Schottische".
Whitney-Warner Mandolin & Guitar Folio No. 3. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Egbert Van Alstyne, "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "In Dear Old Georgia"; Jean Schwartz, "My Irish Molly O"; W. C. Powell, "The Troubadour" (Intermezzo Two Step); Kendis & Paley, "Won't You Fondle Me"; Thomas W. Kelley, "My Sweet Little Caraboo"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "My Hindoo Man"; Neil Moret, "Moonlight" (A Serenade); Egbert Van Alstyne, "Back, Back, Back to Baltimore"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Bright Eyes, Good Bye"; Neil Moret, "Poppies" (A Japanese Romance); Jean Schwartz, "My Irish Indian"; Jean Schwartz, "The Radium Dance"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "A-SA-MA" (Two Step - Intermezzo); W. C. Powell, "Bubbles" (March - Two Step);J. B. Mullen, "Under a Panama"; H. B. Blanke, "My Lady of the North" (Waltzes); J. Lawrence Ritchie, "A Bashful Bachelor" (A Congo Serenade); Jean Schwartz, "Birds of a Feather Flock Together"; Jerome & Schwartz, "Down in the Subway"; H. B. Blanke, "Fare Thee Well Annabelle", L. V. Gustin, "In Love's Garden" (Waltzes);
Whitney-Warner Mandolin & Guitar Folio No. 8. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Charley O'Donnell, "My Pony Boy"; Anita Owen, "Daisies Won't Tell"; Grace Le Boy, "I Wish I Had a Girl"; Albert Gumble, "Lady Love"; Johann C. Schmid, "The Garden of Roses"; Johann C. Schmid, "Moon Bird" (An Indian Love Song); J. Hayden-Clarendon, "If I Had the World to Give You"; Percy Wenrich, "Dublin Daisies"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "I Want Somebody to Play With"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Then We'll All Go Home"; Albert Gumble, "Can't You See"; Max Goldstein, "Stingy Kid"; Jean Schwartz, "Honey on Our Honeymoon", Benjamin Hapgood Burt, "Alexander Jones"; Geroge Botsford, "Old Crow Rag"; Edward Buffington, "Floating Along" (Romanza Two-Step); Charles L. Johnson, "Tobasco" (Rag-Time Waltz); Neil Moret, "The Classic Rag"; Clare Kummer, "I Wonder if It's True"; John L. Golden, "Yoo-La! Dear Old Spain"; Clarence M. Chapel, "Longing For You Sweetheart"; Christopher Smith, "Trans-mag-ni-fi-can-bam-dam-i-al-i-ty"; W. C. Powell, "Sweet Violets" (Intermezzo Two Step); Louis Tocaben, "Standard American Airs" (A Medley Overture);
Whitney-Warner Mandolin Collection No. 12. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include:J. Caldwell Atkinson, "By the Light of the Jungle Moon"; Bert Grant, "Creatore"; Nathaniel D. Ayer, "Daddy"; Nathaniel D. Ayer "Gee! But I Like Music With My Meals"; Nathaniel D. Ayer, "Honeymoon Love"; Johann C. Schmid, "The Hour That Gave Me You"; Neil Moret, "The Island of Roses and Love"; Nathaniel D. Ayer "If You Talk in Your Sleep Don't Mention My Name"; Johann C. Schmid, "If the Garden of Roses Should Change to Thorns"; Alfred J. Lawrence, "I Like Your Apron and Your Bonnet and Your Little Quaker Gown"; Henri Bereny, "Love Never Dies"; Percy Wenrich, "Moonlight Bay"; Kahn & Le Boy, "The Month of June is a Song of Love"; Gus Edwards, "On a Beautiful Night With a Beautiful Girl"; Nathaniel D. Ayer, "Oh You Beautiful Doll"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Oh That Navajo Rag"; Charles N. Daniels, "The Only Pal I Ever Had Came from Frisco Town"; Percy Wenrich, "The Skeleton Rag"; Bert Grant, "The Trolley Car Swing"; Albert Gumble, "Somebody Else Will I You Don't"; Bert Grant, "Under the Love Tree"; Bert Grant, "When You're Away"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "When I Was Twenty One and You Were Sweet Sixteen"; Nathaniel D. Ayer, "You're My Baby"; J. Bodewalt Lampe, "Universal Peace" (Military March and Two Step); Neil Moret, "After Vespers" (A Twilight Meditation); Neil Moret, "Brides and Butterflies" (Waltzes); Charles F. Johnson, "Cum Bac" (Rag); Wallie Herzer, "Everybody Two Step" (Rag); George Botsford, "Hyacinth" (Rag); Percy Wenrich, "Rag Time Chimes";
John Philip Sousa, "Who's Who in Navy Blue".
M. Hauser, "Wiegenlied" (Cradle song); Henri Wieniawski, "Kuiawiak" (A Polish National Dance); A. J. Weidt, "Wild Flowers" (Schottische); G. Rossini "William Tell Overture"; Goerge Thornton, "Will I See Them"; Isidor Heidenreich, "Winona: A Wigwam Wooing";
W.M.C. Stahl's Concert Repertoire Album. Pieces include: James H. Johnstone, "The Morning Telegraph" (March); W. R. Williams, "Dirfting" (Waltz - Song); Thomas J. Armstrong, "Persian Princess" (Overture); William C. Stahl, "Zyra" (Tango Fox Trot); George L. Spaulding, "A Hen on the Nest" (A Barnyard Travesty); Cora Salisbury, "Ghost Dance" (Dance Descriptive); Charles Miller, "Medley Overture of National Songs"; Herschel Henlere, "Kismet" (An Arabian Fox Trot); Charles L. Johnson, "The Blushing Rose" (Serenade); W. T. Purdy, "On Wisconsin!" (March Song);
Thomas Allen, "Wonderland Waltz"; Harry Von Tilzer, "Won't You Roll Dem Eyes"; A. J. Weidt, "Woodland Dreams"; A. J. Weidt, "Wood Nymph's Dream"; H. J. Crosby, "Magnificent March"; A. J. Weidt, "Yankee Dandy";
C. W. Krogmann, Zephyrs from Melodyland Op. 15. PIeces include: "The Little Prince" (Valse); "Santa Claus Guards" (March); "Song of the Sea Shell"; The Rainbow Fairy" (Mazurka); "Leola Waltz"; "Primrose Dance" (Polka); "The Little Patriot" (March); "The Pony Race" (Galop); "Vesper Bells"; "The Merry Bobolink"; "Evening Song"; "The Robin's Lullaby" (Waltz).
Easy Mandolin Method;
Unidentified Method. (Aubrey Stauffer's Method?);
A. C. Brockmeyer's Progressive Studies for the Mandolin, Group No. 2;
The Bickford Method for Mando-Cello.
Christofaro Method for Mandolin;
Christofaro's Mandolin, vol. 1;
Duo Primer: A Collection of America's, England's, Scotland's, and Ireland's Best Songs for Unaccompanied Mandolin with Preparatory Exercises.
Mario de Pietro, The First Step: How to Play the Mandolin;
Giuseppe Branzoli's Theoretical and Practical Method for the Mandolin;
The Mel Bay Mandolin Method, vol. 2.
Moyer's Universal Duo Method for the Mandolin, Book 2;
National Self Teacher for Mandolin;
Newton's Conservatory Methods;
Odell Method for the Mandolin, Book 2.
Odell Method for the Mandolin, Book 3;
Peate's Quick Action, Book 1. Mandolin or Banjo Mandolin.
The Singer Method for the Mandolin: A Complete Course of Instruction from the Rudiments through the Positions;
"Wiedt's Chord System" (Assorted Lessons) (Tenor-Banjo or Mandolin);
A. J. Weidt, "Wiedt's Elementary Studies for Tenor Mandola" (The Marionettes' Frolic).
Weidt's Elementary Studies, Book 1. (1st and 2nd Mandolin);
Weidt's Elementary Studies, Book 2. (1st and 2nd Mandolin; Solo Tenor Mandola and Tenor Banjo);
Weidt's Elementary Studies, Book 3. (1st and 2nd Mandolin);
Weidt's Elementary Studies, Book 5. (1st and 2nd Mandolin);
The William Place Jr. Method for the Mandolin, vol. 3.
Guiseppe Verdi, "Celeste Aida"; Richard A. Whiting, "Ain't We Got Fun"; George L. Comb, "All Aboard for Rock-A-Bye!"; A. J. Weidt, "Eventide" (Reverie) (Piano); Alfred S. Gatty, "O Fair Dove! O Fond Dove" (Guitar Solo); Kendis & Brockman, "All I Have Are Sunny Weather Friends";
The American Folio For Banjo Band. 2nd Tenor Banjo. Pieces include: Zarh Myron Bickford, "Gringo" (March); Jimmy Kennedy, "As You Know" (Fox Trot); Joseph W. Nicomede, "Cora?" (Waltz); Jimmy Kennedy, "Sunita" (Fox Trot); Jimmy Kennedy, "Kankakee Blues" (Blue Fox Trot); Warren N. Dean, "Inspiration Waltz";
William Morris, "Antelope" (Fox Trot); A. C. Brockmeyer, "Anthony Waltz"; Irving Berlin, "At Peace With the World" (Fox-Trot); Al Jolson & Vincent Rose, "Avalon" (Fox Trot or March); Egbert Van Alstyne, "Baby" (Fox Trot); Davis & Akst, "Baby Face" (Fox Trot); Donalson, Egan, and Whiting, "Bamboo Bay" (Fox Trot);
The Banjo-Saxo Folio for Two Saxophones and Tenor Banjo. Pieces include: Joseph W. Nicomede, "Sweetheart Be Always True to Me" (Fox Trot); Jimmy Kennedy, "Just a Cottage (Then the Rest of the World Can Go By)" (Waltz); Jimmy Kennedy, "Why Do You Care (When I'm Never Around)" (Fox Trot); Z. M. Bickford, "Barbershop Blues" (Fox Trot); Jimmy Kennedy, "Betty Jane" (Fox Trot); Jimmy Kennedy, "Rainbo Waltz"; Jimmy Kennedy, "That Jazzy One Step"; Jimmy Kennedy, "While Paris Sleeps" (Fox Trot); Jimmy Kennedy, "Virginia's Calling Me Back" (Fox Trot); Jimmy Kennedy, "Irish Rose O'Mine" (Fox Trot);
Richard A. Whiting, "Bimini Bay" (Fox Trot);
Carl Fischer Popular Hit Folio No. 3 for Full Mandolin Club. Banjo Solo. Pieces include: Harry von Tilzer, "There's Someone More Lonesome Than You" (One-Step); Brooks & Shrigley, "Walkin' the Dog" (Fox Trot); Evan Reid & P. de Rose, "When it's Cherry Time in Tokio"; Lake, "One, Two, Three, Four" (Hawaiian Waltz); Harry von Tilzer, "On The South Sea Isle" (Fox Trot); Roy Barton & Jerry Mills, "Brown Skin (Who You For?)" (One-Step); Alexander and William, "There's a Rose in this World for Us All" (Waltz); Lester Brockton, "My Soldier Boy" (One-Step); D. Kaiulana, "Hawaiiana" (Original Hawaiian One Step); Brown & Shrigley, "Bull Frog Blues" (Fox Trot); Harry von Tilzer, "On the Hoko Moko Isle" (One-Step); P. K. Lua & D. Kaili, "Kilama-Wailana" (Hawaiian Waltzes); Slap White, "Pussyfoot" (Fox Trot); Harry von Tilzer, "I Sent My Wife to the Thousad Isles" (One-Step); P. Lua and D. Kaili, "Hilo" (Hawaiian One-Step); Harry Potter, "Blue Monday" (Fox Trot); Hoier & Morgan, "When Northern Eyes of Blue (Surrendered to the Southern Gray)" (One-Step); P. K. Lua & D. Kaili, "Kahola-Honolulu" (Hawaiian Marches) (One-Step); James White, "Morning, Noon and Night" (Fox Trot); M. L. Lake, "Some Jazz Blues" (Fox Trot);
Georges Bizet, "Toreador Song (from Carmen); Pietro Mascagni, "Intermezzo (from Cavalleria Rusticana)"; Henry Creamer & Dave Franklin, "Childhood Days" (Fox-Trot);
Choice Banjo Duets. 1st Banjo. Pieces include: George Barker, "Armanini" (Valse de Concert); Goerge Barker, "The Banjo King" (Quickstep); George Barker, "Brace 'Em Up Galop"; George Barker, "Cadet Galopade"; Goerge Barker, "Dandy Fifth"; George Barker, "The Darktown Military Band"; Goerge Barker, "Flirtation Gavotte"; George Barker, "G. I. B." (Banjo Jig); George Barker, "Grace Note Galop"; H. Trotere, "In Old Madrid Waltz"; Goerge Barker, "La Ballerina Waltz (The Ball Room)"; George Barker, "L'Ingenne March"; Leo Ernst, "Lords and Ladies" (Gavotte); Goerge Barker, "Medley"; George Barker, "Memoirs of Minstresly"; Leo Ernst, "Natalee" (Spanish Mazurka); Goerge Barker, "Santa Lucia" (Spanish Dance); Jakobowski, " Selections from 'Erminie'" (No. 1 & 2); George Barker, "Stock Brokers' Quickstep"; George Barker, "The Tenor Polka"; George Barker, "Venetian Waltz";
Claud C. Rowden's Progressive Elementary Compositions for Banjo. 1st and 2nd Banjo. PIeces include: "March of Progress"; "Rustic Dance"; "Dance of the Nymphs";
William C. Stahl, "College Days" (March and Two Step); Charles Coote, Jr., "Corn Flower Waltz".
Joe Burke, "Dancing with Tears in My Eyes" (Waltz); Clifford Essex, "The Darkies' Dawn"; Albert Gumble, "Darktown Dancin' School"; John Philip Sousa, "The Directorate March"; Walter Donaldson, "Dixie Highway" (Fox Trot);
Charles M. Rothermel, Eight Famous Banjo Solos. Tenor Banjo Solo. Pieces include: "Auto Parade" (March); "Topaz March"; "That's That Rag"; "Hay Seed Jed" (A Rube Strut); "Meadow Dreams"; "The Swan's March"; "Sun Mon Jon" (Chinese Puzzle); "Hot Buns";
Dorothy Fields and Jimmy McHugh, "Exactly Like You" (Fox-Trot); Charles Gounod, "Soldier's Chorus";
M. J. Scheidlmeier, Five Novelty Solos for Plectrum Banjo. Pieces include: "Adoria" (Dance Caprice); "Knights of the Air March"; "Sonia" (Concert Waltz); "Banjophobia"; "I've got the Banjo Blues";
Walter Burke, "Hallowe'en Dance"; Goerge W. Meyer, "Happiness (I Find My Happiness, Dear, With You)" (Fox Trot); Goerge W. Meyer, "Hiawatha's Melody of Love" (Valse); Various Authors, "The Banjo Players Pastime".
James F. Hanley, "I'm in the Market For You" (Fox-Trot); Karyl Norman & Edwin J. Webber, "I'm Through (Shedding Tears Over You)" (Fox Trot); Shields & Evans, "In Good Old Summertime"; Herman Finck, "In The Shadows" (Dance); Floyd & Glaser, "In Your Arms" (Ballad-Fox Trot); Chris Smith, "The Irish Were Egyptians Long Ago" (Fox Trot); Mabel Wayne, "It Happened in Monterey" (Waltz); Harry Reser, "Jade: A Chinese Study"; Richard A. Whiting, "The Japanese Sandman"; Albert Harvey, "Jingle Bells March";
The Junior Folio for Banjo Band. Pieces include: Joseph W. Nicomede, "The Junior March"; Joseph W. Nicomede, "Veno" (Fox Trot); G. Muder, "Thelma Watlz"; Joseph W. Nicomede, "Rudy" (Fox Trot); G. Muder, "Sweet Remembrance" (Waltz); G Muder, "California Rose";
Burtnett & Fisher, "Just Keep a Thought for Me" (Fox Trot); Seymour B. Simons & Nora Bayes, "Just Like a Gipsy" (Fox Trot); Joe Burke, "The Kiss Waltz"; Jean Schwartz, "(Tell Me What's The Matter) Lovable Eyes" (Slow Fox Trot); Gaetano Donizettie, "Sextet" (from Lucia di Lammermoor); Harold B. Freeman, "Lullaby Time" (Waltz); Dee Wells, "March of the Strings"; Artemas Higgs, "Red Cross (Croix Rouge)" (March); W. V. Wallace, "Scenes That Are Brightest" (from Maritana); Artemas Higgs, "Maud Muller" (Waltz); Roy Smeck, "Memories of the South";
Merz's Banjo Band. 1st, 2nd, and 4th Tenor Banjo, 1st and 2nd Plectrum Banjo, Guitar Banjo, Obbligato Mandolin Banjo, and Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: John Anderson, "Gwanda" (Fox Trot); John Anderson, "La Primavera" (Valse Espagnola); S. Cusenza, "Beautiful Spring" (Waltz); Otto Merz, "March - The Guild"; William J. Smith, "Play It Again" (Fox Trot); S. Cusenza, "The Winner" (Fox Trot); C. M. Rothermel, "Auto Parade" (March); William J. Smith, "Harmony March"; Otto Merz, "Ecstasy of Youth" (Waltz); William Lange, "Mediator March".
The Most Popular Banjo Dance Folio. Guitar accompaniment. Pieces include: Oscar Straus, "A Waltz Dream" (Waltzes); Meyer Lutz, "Faust-Up-To-Date" (Schottische); Johann Strauss, "One Heart One Mind" (Mazurka); E. Waldteufel, "L'Espirit Francais" (Polka); Franz Lehar, "The Merry Widow" (Two Step); Louis Tocaben, "Ballroom Strains" (Waltz Quadrille); Louis Tocaben, "College Days" (Quadrille); Louis Tocaben, "La Favorita" (Lanciers); Richard Eilenberg, "Return of the Troops" (Two Step); F. Mario Costa, "A Franzesa" (Two Step-March); T. Turner, "Dancing in the Barn" (Schottische); A. Pestalozza, "Ciribiribin" (Waltz); Louis Tocaben, "Collection of Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes"; Ernest Alberti, "Plantation Christening" (Cakewalk); F. Budick, "Jolly Brothers" (Galop); Richard Eilenberg, "The First Heart Throbs" (Gavotte); Philipp Fahrbach Jr., "Under the Chesnut Tree" (Spanish Yorke); Navarro, "Amorosa Mazurka" (Three Step); Louis Tocaben, "Danza Habanera"; H. Trotere, "In Old Madrid" (Bolero); Mozart, "Ox Minuet" (from Don Giovanni); Robert Atkinson, "With the Crowd" (Two Step); J. Offenbach, "Barcarolle" (from Les Contes d'Hoffman) (Waltzes); Juventino Rosas, "Over the Waves" (Waltzes); Otto Roeder, "Love's Dreamland" (Waltzes); Johann Strauss, "Artist Life" (Waltzes); J. F. Wagner, "Under the Double Eagle" (March);
The Most Popular Banjo Pieces. Pieces include: George Rosey, "Wooing" (Valse Intermezzo); Francis Thome, "Simple Aveu" (Romance); Xaver Scharwenka, "Polish Dance"; A. Rubinstein, "Melody in F"; Gabriel-Marie, "La Cinquantaine (Air a l'antique)"; J. Raff, "Cavatina"; A. E. Wier, "College Medley"; Charles Gounod, "Sing, Smile, Slumber" (Serenade); L. Gauthier, "Le Secret" (Intermezzo); R. Schumann, "Traumerei"; Yradier, "La Paloma" (Mexican Serenade); G. Pierne, "Serenade"; Charles Gounod, "Ave Maria"; Ernest Alberti, "Enchantment" (Waltzes); P. Mascagni, "Cavalleria Rusticana" (Intermezzo); Donizetti, "Sextet" (from Lucia di Lammermoor); Charles Borel-Clerc, "La Sorella"; J. Faure, "The Palms"; Gabriel-Marie "Serenade Badine"; Richard Wagner, "Bridal Chorus" (from Lohengrin); E. Gillet, "Loin du Bal (Echoes of the Ball)"; M. Hauser, "Cradle Song"; L. Delibes, "Pizzicato" (from Ballet Sylvia); Alfred Margis, "Valse Bleue"; F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, "Spring Song"; A. Corbin, "Santiago" (Spanish Waltz); G. Braga, "Angel's Serenade"; A. Thomas, "Mignon" (Entr'acte); Alphons Czibulka, "Love's Dream after the Ball" (Intermezzo);
The Most Popular Banjo Operatic Pieces. Pieces include: Georges Bizet, "Habanera" (from Carmen); Rossini, "William Tell (Selection)"; G. Verdi, "La Traviata (Selection)"; V. Wallace, "Maritana (Selection)"; R. Wagner, "Pilgrim's Chorus" (from Tannhauser); Charles Gounod, "Faust (Selection)"; R. Wagner, "Grand March" (from Tannhauser); G. Meyerbeer, "Excerpts from Aria" (from Robert Le Diable); G. Verdi, "Ah! Was It Him My Heart Foretold" (from La Traviata); M. W. Balfe, "The Bohemian Girl (Selection)"; Verdi, "Tempest of the Heart" (from Il Trovatore); R. Wagner, "Song to the Evening Star" (from Tannhauser); G. Verdi, "Stride La Vampa" (from Il Trovatore); G. Verdi, "Ernani, Fly with Me" (from Ernani); G. Donizetti, "Think not this Heart can Alter" (from Lucia di Lammermoor); G. Donizetti, "From her dear Eyes so lovely" (from L'Elisire D'Amore); G. Donizetti, "It Is Better To Laugh Than Be Sighing" (from Lucrezia Borgia); G. Donizetti, "Tho' To Heaven From Sorrow Flying" (from Lucia di Lammermoor); G. Verdi, "Miserere" (from Il Trovatore); Charles Gounod, "Valse Aria" (from Romeo et Juliette); G. Verdi, "Triumphal Chorus" (from Aida); M. W. Balfe, "Then You'll Remember Me" (from The Bohemian Girl); C. M. Von Weber, "Huntsmen's Chorus" (from Der Freischutz); Chalres Gounod, "Once Again I would Gaze" (from Faust); Friedrich Von Flotow, "Martha (Selection)"; G. Meyerbeer, "Banquet Chorus" (from Les Huguenots); G. Rossini, "Cuius Animam" (from Stabat Mater); Herold, "Zampa (Selection)"; V. Bellini, "Norma (Selection)"; F. Von Suppe, "Excerpts from Overture" (from Poet and Peasant); Georges Bizet, "Toreador Song" (from Carmen); J. Offenbach, "Barcarolle" (from Les Contes d'Hoffman); Donizetti, "Sextet" (from Lucia di Lammermoor); G. Verdi, "Rigoletto (Selection)";
William D. Moyer, Moyer's Plectrum Banjo Solos in C-Notation. Pieces include: "That Winsom Waltz"; "Rainy Day Blues"; "Rushing Through" (One Step); "Red Beard" (Fox Trot); "Soft Soap" (Fox Trot); "Rita" (Spanish Waltz); "The First Prize" (Mazurka); "Bright and Early" (March); "A Little Action" (One Step); "Polka Artistic"; "White Plums" (Waltz); "Little Charleston"; "Cock of the Walk" (Rag); "The Right Way" (March and One Step);
William D. Moyer, Moyer's Folio Vol. II for Tenor Banjo or Tenor Guitar Solos. Pieces include: "Off Side" (Fox Trot); "The Lame Duck" (Fox Trot); "The Best Pal" (Fox Trot); "Minuet Petit"; "Novice Mazurka"; "Sergeant Jim" (March); "Best Days" (Waltz); "In Tune" (Fox Trot); "Waking Up" (Fox Trot); "Bright Lights" (Waltz); "A Little Gem" (Gavotte); "Mazurka--Delightful"; "Brand New" (Fox Trot); "On The Side" (March); "Ivory Bound" (Schottische); "Midnight Blues" (Fox Trot);
Walter Blaufuss, "My Isle of Golden Dreams" (Waltz); William Morris, "Nightengale" (Valse); George W. Meyer, "Nobody to Love" (Fox Trot).
A. D. Grover, "Paragon Waltz";
Peerless Collection of Favorite Solos for the Tenor Banjo. Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Will D. Moyer, "Flim Flam"; William C. Stahl, "On the Go" (March and One Step); William Morris, "Hurry Up" (Galop); William Morris, "Cheerful Tigers" (Valse); William Morris, "The Climax" (March One Step); William Morris, "The Mandarin" (One Step); William Morris, "Dixie Capers" (Rag or Fox Trot); William Morris, "The Purple Blues" (For Trot); Le Barge, "Lingerie" (Caprice); William Morris, "The Dandy" (Rag One-Step or Jazz); William Morris, "Polka Brilliant"; Le Barge, "Alagazam" (Centipede Squirm); Moyer, "Silver Springs" (One Step); Moyer, "Beautiful Night" (Waltz).
The Perfect Orchestra Collection for Banjo. Pieces include: Mackie-Beyer, "Golf Club" (March and Two-Step); "Smart Set Waltzes"; "Overture-Niobe"; "Rough Riders" (March and Two-Step); "Love Letters" (Schottische); "Dixie Land" (Cake-Walk and March); "True Eyes Waltzes"; "Star of Hope" (Overture); "Sword of Honor" (March and Two-Step); "Criterion Quadrille"; "Rosemary Waltzes"; "Soldiers of Fortune" (March and Two-Step); "Words of Love" (Waltzes); "Colored Belles" (Cake-Walk and March); "Jockey Club Lancers"; "Sweet Thoughts" (Waltzes); "Bon Voyage" (March and Two Step); "Love's Messenger" (Waltzes); "Bridesmaids' Gavotte"; "Savoy Lancers"; "Anita Waltzes"; "Galop-Bull's Eye"; "U. S. Blue Jackets" (March and Two-Step); "Army and Navy" (March and Two-Step); "Queen of the Ball" (Quadrille); "College Girls" (March and Two-Step); "Twilight Dreams" (Reverie); "Rosabel Mazurka"; "Polka-Deutschland"; Little Sunbeam" (Schottische); "Dorathea Waltzes"; "Polka-Monte Carlo"; "Autumn Leaves" (Romanze); "Sergeant-at-Arms" (March and Two-Step); "Sweetest Girl of All" (Schottische); "New Maine" (March and Two-Step).
Irene M. Giblin, "Pickaninny Rag" (Two Step); Budd L. Cross, "Silver Spur" (March-Two Step); Billy Rose and Harry Woods, "Poor Papa" (He's Got Nothin' At All) (Fox Trot); A. J. Weidt, "Posies" (Waltz); J. A. Butterfield, "When You and I Were Young, Maggie" (Guitar Solo); Stephen C. Foster, "Old Black Joe" (Guitar Solo);
Radio Favorites for Tenor Banjo. Solo or Duet. Pieces include: Anton Rubinstein, "Kamennoi - Ostrow"; W. V. Wallace, "Scenes That Are Brightest" (From "Maritana"); Giuseppe Verdi, "La Donna E' Mobile" (From "Rigoletto"); G. E. Handel, "Largo"; Edvard Grieg, "Erotic" (Poeme Erotique); Robert Schumann, "Traumerei" (Reverie); Robert Schumann, "Romanza"; Pietro Mascagni, "Intermezzo" (From "Cavalleria Rusticana"); Felix Mendelssohn, "Confidance" (Song Without Words); E di Capua, "O Sole Mio".
A. C. Brockmeyer Collection for Tenor-Banjo. Pieces Include: A. C. Brockmeyer, "Recreation Melody No. 1"; "Recreation Melody No. 2"; "Recreation Melody No. 6".
The Remick Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 14. Banjo. Pieces include: Albert Gumble, "Rebecca of Sunny-Brook Farm"; Henry I. Marshall, "Please Leave Mama Dear"; Albert Gumble, "You're Never Too Old to Love"; Albert Gumble, "Flow Along, River Tennessee"; Henry I. Marshall, "Dinah"; Albert Gumble, "Adam and Eve Had a Wonderful Time"; Henry I. Marshall, "PIck Me a Rose"; Joseph M. Daly, "What D'ye Mean You Lost Yer Dog?"; Henry I. Marshall, "'Cross the Mason-Dixon Line"; George W. Meyer, "Daddy Did a Wonderful Thing"; Henry I. Marshall, "Oh Mister Railroad Man" (Won't You Take Me Back to Alabam); Murphy and Marshall, "Willie Had a Motor Boat" (Putt, Putt, Putt); Gus. Edwards, "When the Whole World Has Gone Back on You" (Come to Me); Grace le Roy, "The Good Ship Mary Ann"; George Botsford, "I want to Go Back to Dixie Land"; George Botsford, "Sailing Down the Chesapeke Bay"; Henry I. Marshall, "When It's Buzz Buzz Buzzin'-time in Bee Bee Bee-Town"; Melville Morris, "Ragtime Regiment Band"; Grace le Roy, "Pass the Pickless" (One-Step Trot); Walter L. Slater, "Yucatango"; Abe Holzmann, "First Love" (Premier Amour) (Valse Boston - Valse Hesitation); Jean Briquet, "Adele" (Trot One Step March Two Step) (From the Opera); Julius Lenzberg, "Hungarian Rag"; Briquet and Philipp, "The Midnight Girl" (Trot, One Step, March Two-Step) (From the Opera); Abe Holzmann, "The Whip" ( March and Two-Step); Jean Briquet, "Adele" (Valse) (From the Opera).
The Remick Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 17b. Banjo Solo. Pieces include: Richard A. Whiting, "Mammy's Little Coal Black Rose" (Fox Trot); Van Alstyne and Gumble, "Pretty Baby and What Are You Going To Do To-morrow Evening?" (Fox Trot); Burtnett and Burke, "Down Honolulu Way" (Fox Trot); Egbert van Alstyne, "Whose Pretty Baby Are You Now" (Fox Trot); Henry I. Marshall, "If You Ever Get Lonely" (Fox Trot); Harry Tierney, "It's A Cute Little Way Of My Own" (Fox Trot); Melville Morris, "Tiddle De Winks" (Fox Trot); Vincent Rose, "Pozzo" (Fox Trot); Herbert Spencer, "In Old Brazil" (Fox Trot Song); Egbert van Alstyne, "Just A Word Of Sympathy" (One Step March); Richard A. Whiting, "Coaling Up In Colon Town" (One Step March); Yellen and Gumble, "Welcome Honey to Your Old Plantation Home" (One Step); Havez and Botsford, "On the Old Dominion Line" (One Step); Albert Gumble, "How's Every Little Thing In Dixie" (One Step March); Harry Tierney, "Oh I Want to Be Good But My Eyes Won't Let Me and Happyland" (One Step March); Dvorak-Danmark, "The Humoreske Waltz"; Julius Lenzberg, "Valse Inspiration"; Herman E. Schultz, "Mon Jardin De Roses" (My Rose Garden) (Valse Hesitation); Samuel S. Aronson, "Whispering Hearts" (Waltz); Unidentified, "The Glad Girl" (Idyl); J. Bodewalt Lampe, "National Defense" (Military March).
The Remick Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 18b. Banjo solo. Pieces include: Herman Paley, "Sweet Little Buttercup and My Mother's Eyes" (Fox Trot); Herbert Spencer, "I'm Yours With Love and Kisses" (Intermezzo For Trot); Harry Raymond, "Cherry Blossom" (Fox Trot); Herbert Spencer, "Last Night" (You Told Me That You Lov'd Me) (Fox Trot); Harry Tierney, "My Yokohama Girl" (Fox Trot); Albert Gumble, "Southern Gals" (Fox Trot); Harry Tierney, "Way Down There and Sweet Petootie" (Fox Trot); Richard A. Whiting, "Some Sunday Morning and Where the Morning Glories Grow" (Fox Trot); Harry Tierney, ""Keep Your Eye On Little Mary Brown and I Want A Good Girl And I Want Her Bad" (Fox Trot); Melville Morris, "Cute and Pretty" (Fox Trot); Arthur M. Kraus, "Smiling Sammy" (Fox Trot); Albert Gumble, "So This is Dixie" (One Step); Egbert van Alstyne, "Sailin' Away on the Henry Clay" (One Step March); Egbert van Alstyne, "So Long Mother" (One Step March); Van and Schenck, "Don't Try To Steal The Sweetheart Of A Soldier" (One Step March); Albert Gumble, "So Long Mother" (One Step March); Harry Tierney, "Cleopatra and I Want You To Want Me With You" (One Step March); J. Bodewalt Lampe, "Camouflage" (One Stpe); Lodge and nichols, "In the Spotlight" (Waltz); Harry Tierney, "For One Sweet Day" (From Oliver Morosco's Musical Comedy Success What Next?) (Waltz); Marshall and Becker, "In the Harbor of Love with You and Someday Somewhere" (Waltz); Van Alstyne and Gumble, "Rock-A Bye Land and Playmates" (Waltz).
Roger's Popular Style Tenor Banjo Duets of Medium Difficulty. Pieces include: Ralph Rogers, "Southern Babe" (Fox Trot); "Phyllis" (Valse); "Hot Toddy" (Blues); "Sky Arrow" (Indian Dance); "Moonlight Shadows" (Fox Trot); "Arlita" (Spanish Valse); "Lady Agnes" (Fox Trot); "Syncopated Sue" (Charleston).
William C. Stahl, "Royal Arms" (March & Two-step); Edward Elgar, "Salut D'Amour" (Love's Greeting) (Solo or Duet for Tenor Banjo with Paino Accompaniment);
The Sam Fox Popular Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No.5. Banjo Solo. Pieces include: J. S. Zamecnik, "All America" (March); Mel B. Kaufman, "Listen to This" (One-Step); Lionel Baxter, "Valse Annette", Mel B. Jaufman,"Introduce Me" ()Fox Trot); Dorothy Lee, "Simplicity" (One-Step); J. S. Zamecnik, "Milady" (Three-step); Will T. Pierson, "Ragamuffin Rag" (One Step or Two Step); J. S. Zamecnik, "The Last Farewell" (Waltz); J. S. Zamecnik, "Ole Virginny" (One Step); Theodore O. Taubert, "The Hunt Club" (Fox Trot); Lionel Baxter, "Captain Betty" (One-Step or Two-Step); R. B. Brewer, "Student Days" (March Two-Step).
Sam Fox Collection of Plectrum Banjo Solos with Piano Accompaniment, Vol. 1. Pieces include: J. S. Zamecnki, "Ole South"; Walter E. Miles, "Sparklets"; Jacob Henry Ellis, "The Drum Major" (March); Walter E. Miles, "Butterfly Dance"; J. S. Zamecnik, "In A Canoe"; Fred Heltman, "Sunflower Babe"; Jules Reynard, "Fair Debutante"; william J. Pierson, "Gavotte Piquante"; Budd L. Cross, "Flirtation" (A Novelette); F. Jackson, "Zouave" (March).
Santos Junior Ensemble for Banjo Bands. Pieces include: Unidentified, "Playmates Waltz"; "Swanee River Fox Trot"; "Lady Luck"; "Russian Fox Trot"; "Strawberry Tarts"; "When You and I Were Young Maggie" (Fox Trot); "The Firefly Flit"; "Golden Dawn"; "Sugar Pie"; "Scottish Fox Trot"; "Among the Violets"; "Dreamy Spain"; "Lovely Lady"; "In Gay Madrid"; "Sweetmeats" (Fox Trot); "Jumping Jacks Jubilee"; "Sweet Magnolia Waltz"; "Spic and Span"; "Cotton Blossoms"; "The End of the Trail" (March); "Nice and Nifty"; "Bonita"; "The California Limited" (March); "Beets and Turnips" (Fox Trot); "Petite and Pretty"; "Madame Queen"; "Sweet Dumpling"; "Crimson Sunset"; "Chocolate Creams"; "Ruby Taylor Waltz"; "Punch and Judy"; "Delta Waltz".
Santos Monarch Ensemble for Banjo Bands. Pieces include: Unidentified, "Circus Galop"; W. J. Eckhard, "Make It Snappy"; W. J. Eckhard, "Sawdust"; W. J. Eckhard, "Step On It"; W. J. Eckhard, "Spanish Belle"; W. J. Eckhard, "Some Pep"; W. J. Eckhard, "Whirligigs" (Novelette); W. J. Eckhard, "Donanveda Waltz"; W. J. Eckhard, "Sleepy Sam"; W. J. Eckhard, "The Crazy Quilt" (Blues); W. J. Eckhard, "In Mangana Land"; W. J. Eckhard, "Crystal Spring" (Waltz); William Morris, "Limpin' Lizzie"; William Morris, "Traffic Lights" (Stop and Go); Unidentified, "Egyptian Ballet"; W. J. Eckhard, "La Petite Overture".
Little Jack Little, "She's Still My Baby" (Fox Trot);
Smith's All Star Mandolin Folio, No. 2. Banjo, C Notation. Pieces include: Walter T. Holt, "March Triumphant" (One Step); Fred J. Bacon, "American Beauty" (Waltzes); John J. Derwin, "Return of the Caravan" (Oriental Fox Trot); Ted Goggin, "The Tantalizer"; Unidentified, "Southern Favorites" (Medley); Ted Goggin, "Patrician Belle" (Waltz); Otto Merz, "Peach Bloom" (Intermezzo); William Lange, "League "E"" (March-Two Step); William J. Smith, "All Star" (Waltz); Oliver F. Bitting, "Possum Billy" (Overture); S. A. Thomson, "March of the Strings"; William Foden, "Pilot March".
Smith's Banjo Band, Book 1. 1st and 4th Tenor Banjo and Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: William J. Smith, "Times Square" (Fox Trot); Thomas J. Armstrong, "Honolulu" (Fox trot); William j. Smith, "Kamiki March"; Smith and Cusenza, "Hawaiian Islands" (Waltz); S. Cusenza, "American Liberty" (March); Thomas J. Armstrong, "Knickerbocker" (Fox Trot); William Morris, "Blue Monday" (A blue Fox Trot); Thomas j. Armstrong, "High Gear" (Fox Trot); William j. Smith, "A Kentucky Barbecue" (Six-eight Fox Trot)".
Smith's Tuneful Solos For Banjo Finger Style with Piano Accompaniment, Book 1. Piano Accopaniment. Pieces include: Ted Goggin, "Forest Dale" (March and Two Step); A. D. Grover, "Banjo March Song"; A. D. Grover, "Romance"; Fred J. Bacon, "The Merry Snowshoers" (Song and Dance Schottische); Fred J. Bacon, "Dance Medley"; Ted Goggin, "Dance of the Butterflies"; Charse H. O'Connell, "Glendora Waltz"; C. H. O'Connell, "The Country Fiddler"; Fred J. Bacon, "American Beauty" (Waltzes); Unidentified, "Dance Medley"; C. H. O'connell, "Swanee River"; F. J. Bacon, "In the Gloaming"; F. J. Bacon, "Wildwood Memories"; C. H. O'Connell, "Field Day March"; Unidentified, "Loves Old Sweet Song".
Smith's Tuneful Solos for Banjo Plectrum Style in C Notation with Piano Accompaniment. Plectrum Banjo and Paino Accompaniment. Pieces include: George L. Lansing, "A Darkey Patter"; Ted Goggin, "Theamona" (Spanish Dance); Ted Goggin, "The Masquerades" (Rag March); Harry S. Six, "Headquarters March"; Harry S. Six, "Hookaloomis"; Unidentified, "Dixieland" (March Medley); Fred J. Bacon, "American Beauty" (Waltzes); George L. Lansing, "Encore" (Waltz); Harry Six, "Innsbruck" (March); George L. Lansing, "The Washingtonian" (March); George L. Lansing, "Teasing the Strings".
B. G. de Sylva, "So Blue" (Waltz); Richard A. Whiting, "Song of Persia" (Persia Rug Song) (Fox Trot); James Walter, "Souvenir Blues" (Classical Jazz Fox Trot); A. J. Weidt, "The Speedway" (Galop); John Philip Sousa, "The Stars and Stripes Forever" (March); Thomas S. Allen, "Stop! Look! and Listen! (A Rail-Road) (Fox Trot); Albert Perfect, "Swedish Fest March"; Richard Wagner, "Evening Star" (From "Tannhauser"), A. J. Weidt, "The Tenor Banjoist" (Chorus "Breaks" For the Dance Orchestra Tenor Banjoist); Howard Johnson, "That's My Hap-Hap-Happiness" (Fox Trot);
Tuneful Melodies for Tenor and Plectrum Banjos with Piano and other parts ad lib, Vol. 1. Pieces include: A. J. Weidt, "Just Smile" (Song Fox-Trot); "Flying Cloud" (March); "Sparkling Spray" (Waltz); "Longing for You" (Song Fox-Trot); "Mammy's Kinky-Head" (Lullaby); "Joyous Hours" (Waltz).
William Morris, "Universal Fame" (March); William H. Williams, "Valley Waltz".
Van Eps Banjo Solos in C Notation with Piano Accompaniment. Banjo Solo and Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Unidentified, "Dixie Medley"; Unidentified, "Chinese Picnic"; Franz Liszt, "Rakoczy" (March); Unidentified, "Rag Pickings"; Foster, "Old Folks At Home"; Brooks and Denton, "Tyro" (Mazurka); Unidentified, "Medley of Southern Melodies"; Brooks and Denton, "Grand Duke Waltz"; Porter Steele, "The Lobsters Promenade"; Brooks and Denton, "Berkeley March"; Brooks and Denton, "White Star Line March"; Brooks and Denton, "Jolly Darkies".
John Alden, "La Veeda" (Castillan Fox Trot); William Morris, "The Vega" (Polka); William Morris, ""Watch-Em"" (March or One-Step); Irving Berlin, "What Does It Matter?" (Waltz); Warren N. Dean, "When I Come Home To You"; Richard A. Whiting, "While Miami Dreams" (Fox Trot); W. C. Bridges, "White Sales March"; Milton Ager, "Who-oo? You-oo! That's Who!" (Fox Trot);
WM. C. Stahl's Banjo Orchestra Collection. Tenor Banjo Obligato. Pieces include: Artemas Higgs, "Isle of Roses" (Waltz); Charles Brunover, "All Set" (One Step); Will D. Moyer, "Mazurka Petit"; Charles Brunover, "Glide Along" (Waltz); Will D. Moyer, "Ruben March"; Charles Brunover, "Waltz Caprice"; Charles Brunover, "Royal Guards" (March); Charles Brunover, "Swing Along" (March); William Morris, "Rag Tag" (Fox Trot); Charles Brunover, "Laughing Eyes" (Caprice); Charles Brunover, "Ace High" (One Step); Charles Brunover, "Rainbow Glide" (Fox Trot); Will d. Moyer, "Dark Blue Blues" (Fox Trot); B. Sheldon Green, "A Syncopated Hesitation" (Fox Trot).
WM. C. Stahl's Concert Repetoire Album for Mandolin and Banjo Orchestra. Tenor Banjo Solo and Obligato. Pieces include: James H. Johnstone, "The Morning Telegraph" (March); w. R. Williams, "Drifting" (Waltz-Song); Thomas J. Armstrong, "Persian Princess" (Overture); William C. Stahl, "Zyra" (Tango Fox Trot); George L. Spaulding, "A Hen On The Nest" (A Barnyard Travesty); Cora Salisbury, "Ghost Dance" (Dance Descriptive); Charles Miller, "Medley Overture Of National Songs"; Herschel Henlere, "Kismet" (An Arabian Fox Trot); Charles L. Johnson, "The Blushing Rose" (Serenade); W. T. Purdy, "On Wisconsin!" (March Song).
WM. C. Stahl's Junior Collection for Banjo and Mandolin Orchestra. Tenor Banjo Solo. Pieces include: Will d. Moyer, "Flight of Fancy" (Waltz); "Street Parade" (March); "Moon Shadows" (Waltz); "May Breezes" (Waltz); "Banjo Boys" (March); "Russian Boots" (Dance); "Bonita" (Fox Trot-March); "There They Go" (March); "Good News" (Fox Trot-March); "Flying Start" (March); "Flag Day" (March); "Dancing in the Shadows" (Fox Trot); "Jamie" Song-Fox Trot); "Little Chink Chinaman" (Pigtail Dance).
Alban Booth, "Yaller Coons" (Cake Walk).
Giuseppe Pettine, 44 Solos in Dou Style for Tenor Banjo;
Ralph Colicchio, 100 Breaks & Strokes for the Tenor Banjo;
Frank Anderson, 100 Original Breaks and Modulations for Tenor Banjo;
A.C. Brockmeyer's Progressive Studies for the Tenor Banjo, Group No. 1;
A.C. Brockmeyer's Progressive Studies for the Tenor-Banjo, Group No. 3;
A.C. Brockmeyer's Progressive Studeis for the Tenor-Banjo, Group No. 4.
At-A-Glance Illustrated Self Instructor for the Tenor Banjo;
Banjo Case Chord Book;
Curry, Banjo Chords;
Carl Fischer's New and Revised Edition of Celebrated Tutors, for the Banjo.
Carl Fischer's New and Revised Edition of Celebrated Tutors for Banjo;
Claud C. Rowden's Progressive Elementary Compositions for 1st and 2nd Banjo;
Jack Lundin, A Course for Tenor Banjo.
Paul deVille, The Eclipse Self-Instructor for Banjo;
Paul deVille, The Eclipse Self-Instructor for Tenor Banjo;
Septimus Winner and John Martell, Eureka Method for the Tenor Banjo;
Thomas J. Armstrong; EZ Method: Banjo C Notation;
EZ Method for Banjo.
Hootenanny Song Book: Traditional Folk Collection Arranged for Banjo;
How to "Jazz" on the Tenor Banjo and Mandolin-Banjo, 2nd Edition;
Pete Seeger, How to Play the 5-String Banjo;
Tim Jumper, How to Play Banjo;
Illustrated "5-Minute Guaranteed Tenor-Banjo Course" for Tenor Banjo.
Karch's Tenor Banjo Method, Book 1;
Littig's New Practical Method for Banjo "C" Notation;
George K. Lansing, Master Instructor for the Tenor-Banjo.
McNeil Chord System for Plectrum (Long-Neck) Banjo;
McNeil Chord System for Tenor Banjo. New and Revised Edition;
McNeil's Progressive Studies for Tenor Banjo, Vol. 2;
Sonny Osborne, Mel Bay Presents Bluegrass Banjo.
The Modern Dance Banjoist. Henri Weber;
Franklin Miller, Modern Tenor Banjo Method. ;
Modern Tenor Banjo Method: Fun to Learn, No. 802;
Modern 5 String Banjo Method, No. 804;
Moyer's Charted Harmony Chords for Tenor Banjo or Tenor Guitar.
National Self Teacher for Banjo Chords;
J. A. le Barge, National Self Teacher for Banjo Chords in "C" Notation;
National Self Teacher for Banjo in "C" Notation;
Will D. Moyer, National Self Teacher for Banjo with Finger Board Chart;
Richard M. Tyrrell, New Standard System for Banjo. C or English Notation;
The Original Guckert's Chords for the Banjo (in C Notation) At Sight: Without Notes or Teacher.
The Original Guckert's Chords for the Tenor Banjo at Sight: Without Notes or Teacher;
F. J. Bacon, Paramount Method for Banjo in C Notation;
William Foden, Paramount Method for Tenor-Banjo;
Lloyd Loar, Play Quick Method for Tenor Banjo (or Tenor Guitar);
Emile Grimshaw, Plectrum Playing for Modern Banjoists;
William J. Eckhard, The Premier Tenor Banjo Method for Class Teaching for the Beginner.
Ralph Colicchio's Modern Method of Improvising for the Tenor Banjo: As Used in the Modern Dance Orchestra;
Reed's "Noteless" Player School of Instruction for Tenor Banjo;
M. Stumpf, Self Instructor for the Tenor or Pelctrum Banjo;
Smith's Banjo in the Blue Grass: Standard and Long Neck Models.
Smith's Modern School Instructor Tenor Banjo: A New Modern Up-To-Date Method for Class Teaching As Well As the Individual, Vol. 2;
Smith's Modern School Instructor Tenor Banjo: A New Modern Up-To-Date Method for Class Teaching As Well As the Individual, Vol. 3;
Tenor Banjo Method, Vol. 1;
Bickford, Tenor Mandola, Tenor Banjo, Cello Banjo and Mando-Cello Chords;
M. B. Eaton, UTD (Up To Date) Method for the Tenor Banjo: A Complete and Easily Understood Instructor;
Warner's Very Easy Method for Beginners for Tenor Banjo, Mandola or Mando-Cello;
White's Excelsior Method for the Banjo.
Winner's New American School for the Banjo;
WM.C. Stahl's International Banjo Method. C Notation. Revised Edition;
WM. C. Stahl's New Banjo Method. Revised Edition.
Euday L. Bowman, "12th Street Rag"; Ed. H. Lemare, "Adantino"; Eddie Seiler, Sol Marcus, and Al Kaufman, "And Then It's Heaven"; Maud Bevans, "Angel's Prayer";
The Artist's Collection of Ukulele Solos. Includes pieces: J. Ascher, "Alice Where Art Thou"; James L. Molloy, "Loves Old Sweet Song"; De Capua, "O Sole Mio"; Denza, "Funiculi Funicula"; Moritz Moszkowski, "Serenade"; Franz Schubert, "Schuberts Serenade"; Gustav Lange, "Flower Song"; Unidentified, "Bonnie Sweet Bessie"; Jaques Offenbach, "Barcarolle" (From "Tales of Hoffmann"); Franz Drdla, "Souvenir"; Gaetano Donizetti, "Sextet" (From "Lucia di Lammermoor");
Unidentified, "Ay, Ay, Ay" (Spanish Creole Song); Jaques Offenbach, "Barcarolle" (from Tales of Hoffman); Unidentified, "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms"; Lee. S Roberts, "Bells of Memory"; Edmund L. Gruber, "The Caissons Go Rolling Along" (Artillery Song); Edwin H. Lemare, "Cathedral Meditation" (Andantino);
Century Hawaiian Guitar Ensemble. Two Hawaiian Guitars and Spanish Guitar. Includes pieces: W. J. Eckhart, "Valley of the Moon"(March); "The Grasshopper Hop"; "Kaffe Klatsch"; "Polly Ann"; "Demi Tasse"; "In Poppyland"; "Spanish Echoes"; "The White Dragon"; "Sunshine and Shadows"; "Bachelor Buttons"; "The Hootinany Strut"; "Raggedy Ann"; "Periwinkle Cappers"; "Lydia Lou"; "Deltonia"; "Hungarian Fox-Trot"; "Little of This and That" (Medley Overture);
Charles Coote Jr., "Corn Flower Waltz"; Buck Ram and Hal Kanner, "Counting the Days Until Christmas" (Hawaiian Guitar Solos); Unidentified, "La Cucaracha" (The Cockroach Song); Unidentified, "Dark Eyes" (Russian Folk Song); Unidentified, "Darling Nelly Gray"; Rudolph A. Steiner, "A Day in Arabia";
De Pressle's Famous Concert Solos for Hawaiian Guitar. Regular Guitar Accompaniment. Includes pieces: E. L. De Pressles, "When the Leaves Are Falling" (Valse Lento); "Chicita" (Spanish Serenade); "I'm Happy When I'm With You" (Fox Trot); "Hawaiian Military March"; "One More Waltz With You"; "Pale Blue Moon" (An Indian Love Song); "When Eyes Are Blue" (And Hearts Are True) (Fox Trot); "Infanta March"; "All Alone With You" (Fox Trot); "Love's Adieu" (Waltz Caprice); "Dixie Bound" (Fox Trot) (Novelty); "Parade of the Toy Band" (March); "Hot Stepping It" (Guitar Novelty); "Dance of the Spectres" (Valse Caprice in A Minor);
Murray Mencher, "Don't Worry, Sweetheart"; Fred C. Bernhardt, "Down Echo Valley".
Favorite Collection of Hawaiian Guitar Solos. Hawaiian Guitar Solo and 2nd Hawaiian Guitar. PIeces include: Unidentified, "Swanee Echoes"; Unidentified, "Santa Lucia" (To Arsen); Unidentified, "Long Long Ago"; Unidentified, "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms" (To Eveline); William T. Pierson, "My Honolulu LuLu" (To Dorothy); Unidentified, "Hilo March" (To Alfred Shamber); Unidentified, "Loves Enchantment Waltz" (To Pete and Goldie); Unidentified, "Susanna" (To George); Sophocles T. Papa, "Berceuse" (To Marian); Unidentified, "Aloha Oe";
"Feist": Popular Hits for Hawaiian Guitar. Pieces include: Gilbert and Baer, "My Mother's Eyes" (Fox-Trot); Baer, Campbell, and Whiting, "High Up on a Hill-top" (Fox-Trot Song); Miller and Cohn, "My Suppressed Desire" (Fox-Trot Song); Gilbert and Shiklret, "Jeannine" (I Dream of Lilac Time) (Waltz Ballad); Kahn and Fiorito, "I'm Sorry Sally" (Fox-Trot Song); Caesar and Friend, "My Blackbirds are Bluebirds Now" (Fox-Trot Song); Sherman, Lewis, and Hoefle, "When the Curtian Comes Down" (Waltz Ballad); Koehler and Wagine, "Rose of Mandalay" (Fox Trot); Gilbert and Baer, "Olaf" (Fox Trot); Caesar and Friend, "My Old Girl's My New Girl Now" (Fox-Trot Song); Joe L. Sanders, "What a Girl! What a Night!" (Fox Trot); Caesar and Friend, "It Goes Like This" (That Funny Melody) (Fox-Trot Song); Gilbert and Wayne, "My Angeline" (My Angel-een) (Waltz Ballad); Simons, Gillespie, and Whiting, "Honey" (Fox-Trot); Wood, Bibo, and Conrad, "Good Night" (Waltz Song);
Foden's Hawaiian Melodies, No. 1. Pieces include: William Foden, "Moon Glow" (Waltz); "Haymakers Frolic"; "Alpine Dreams" (Wa;tz); "Hawaiian Maiden" (Love Song); "O'er the Meadow"; "Golden Bell" (Waltz); "Pleasant Memories" (Tango); "Autumn Bloom" (Fox-Trot); "Starlight Serenade"; "Lafayette" (March);
Foden's Hawaiian Melodies No. 2. Pieces include: William Foden, "Sheperds March"; "Grace and Beauty" (Gavotte); "On the Lake" (Boat Song); "Sylvan Dreams" (Romance); "Farewell Sweetheart" (Serenade); "Starry Night" (Tango); "Parade of the Dolls"; "Medora" (Waltz); "Merry Days" (Fox Trot); "Sunny Side" (Waltz);
Unidentified, "Humoreske"; Narcisso Serradell, "La Golodrina" (The Swallow);
Hawaiian Guitar Solos. Everybody's Favorite Series, No. 62. Pieces include: Johann Strauss, "Blue Danube"; Johann Strauss, "Artist's Life"; Johann Strauss, "Tales from the Viewnna Woods"; J. Rosas, "Over the Waves"; Ludwig van Beethoven, "Minuet in G"; Pyotr Tchaikovsky, "Tschaikowsky's Concerto"; Richard Wagner, "Bridal Chorus" (From Lohengrin); Felix Mendelssohn, "Wedding March" (From Midsummer Night's Dream); Camille Saint-Saens, "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice", Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, "A Song of India"; F. von Flotow, "Ah! So Pure" (From Martha); Richard Wagner, "The Evening STar" (From Tannhauser); "Jacques Offenbach, "Barcarolle" (From Tales of Hoffmann); Franz Liszt, "Liebestraum" (Dearm of Love); Thomas P. Westendorf, "I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen"; Annie F. Harrison, "In the Gloaming"; Franz Schubert, "Serenade"; J. L. Molloy, "Love's Old Sweet Song"; H. P. Danks, "Silver Threads Among the Gold"; Wolfgang A. Mozart, "Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes"; Thomas H. Baily, "Long, Long Ago"; Henry Bishop, "Home Sweet Home"; Jules M. Massenet, "Elegie"; Anton Rubenstein, "Melody in F"; Benjamin Godard, "Berceuse"; Johannes Brahms, "Cradle Song"; Stephen Foster, "My Old Kentucky Home"; S. Foster, "Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair"; Stephen Foster, "Swanee River" (Old Folks at Home); Stephen Foster, "Beautiful Dreamer"; Alice Hawthorne, "Whispering Hope"; James Bland, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny"; Unidentified, "Home on the Range" (American Folk Song); J. Pierpont, "Jingle Bells"; Unidentified, "The Marine's Hymn"; (Official Song of the U. S. Marine Corps.); F. W. Meacham, "American Patrol" (To Arms America); Edmund L. Gruber, "The Caissons Go Rolling Along" (Artillery Song); Unidentified, "Song of the Volga Boatment" (Russian Folk Song); Unidentified, "Dark Eyes" (Russian Folk Song); Unidentified, "Two Guitars" (Russian Folk Song); Unidentified, "Would God I Were the Tender Apple Blossom" (Irish Folk Song); Unidentified, "Auld Lang Syne" (Scotch Folk Song); Unidentified, "Comin' Thro' the Rye" (Scotch Folk Song); E. di Capua, "Oh Marie" (Maria Mari); E. di Capua, "O Sole Mio"; A. Pestalozza, "Ciribiribin"; Unidentified, "Santa Lucia" (Italian Folk Song); E. de Curtis, "Come Back to Sorrento); C. Fernandez, "Cielito Lindo" (Beautiful Heaven); V. di Chiara, "La Spagnola"; N. Sarradell, "La Golondrina" (The Swallow); Ch. de Yradier, "La Paloma" (The Dove); A. G. Villoldo, "El Choclo"; G. H. Rodriguez, "La Cumparsita"; Queen Lilioukalani, "Aloha Oe"; Unidentified, "Ay, Ay, Ay" (Creole Song); Sir Arthur Sullivan and Adelaide A. Proctor, "The Lost Chord"; Bach and Counod, "Ave Maria"; Franz Schubert, "Ave Maria"; Franz Gruber, "Silent Night, Holy Night"; J. Reading, "O Come, All Ye Faithful" (Adeste Fidelis); Unidentified, "America" (Traditional); John Stafford Smith, "Star Spangled Banner" (U. S. National Anthem); C. Lavallee, "O Canada" (Canadian National ANthem); Alexander Muir, "The Maple Leaf Forever" (Canadian National Anthem);
Jos. W. Nicomede, "Hawaiin Jazz" (Fox Trot); Fred C. Bernhardt, "Hawaiian Moon"; Allan Roberts and Doris Fisher, "Her Heart Was Made of Stone" (Hawaiian Guitar Solos); Unidentified, "Hilo" (Introducing "Aloha Oe") (Hawaiian One-Step).
Frank Magine, "I'll See You Later in Slumberland"; Sammy Kaye and Sunny Skylar, "I'll Miss Your Kiss"; Roy Weston, "In My Old Cabin Home in the Moutains"; Annie F. Harrison, "In the Gloaming";
A. J. Weidt, "Just Smile"; Sidney Lippman, "Laroo, Laroo, Lilli Bolero"; John Klenner, "Let Him Go, Let Him Tarry"; Dave Franklin and Irving Taylor, "Lily Belle" (Hawaiian Guitar Solos); Lee S. Roberts, "Lonesome-That's All" (Ballad); A. J. Weidt, "Longing for You" (Song Fox-Trot); Vic Mizzy, "Loop-De-Loo"; Franz Liszt, "Love Dreams" (Liebestraum); W. C. Handy, "Loveless Love"; J. L. Molloy, "Love's Old Sweet Song"; Artie Wayne and Jack Beekman, "Mahzel" (Means Good Luck); C. S. De Lano, "Ma La Serenade"; H. M. Liliuokalani, "My FLower of Mawaii"; Unidentified, "Maui Girl"; Rubinstein and Gatchell, "Melody in F";
Memories of Hawaii. Spanish Guitar Solo and Hawaiian Guitar Solo. Pieces include: King Kalakaua, "Sweet Lei Lehua"; King Kalakaua, "Koni Au I Ka Wai" (Puaena Waves); Mary Robins, "Royal Hawaiin Hotel" (Hawaiian Hula); Charles Kaapa, "Hame Pila" (Hula Song); David Nape, "Tomi Tomi" (Comic Hula); Luciana Kalaau, "Lei E" (Hula Song); Unidentified, "Wahiikaahuula" (To Princess Kawananakoa); Unidentified, "Maui Girl"; Alice Everett, "Ua Like No a Like" (Dear Heart); Unidentified, "Mauna Kea"; Unidentified, "Mai Poina Oe Ia'u" (Forget Me Not); Unidentified, "My Hawaiin Maid"; Queen Liliuokalani, "Aloha Oe" (Farewell to Thee); Jack Alau, "One, Two, Three, Four"; H. Berger, "Hawaii Ponoi" (Hawaiian National Anthem);
Carl Maria von Weber, "Mermaid's Song" (Oberon) (With Sol and Chord Accompaniment);
Mill's Radio Favorites for Guitar, vol. 1. Hawaiian, Electric, and Plectrum Guitars. Pieces include: Con Conrad, "Margie"; Russ Morgan, "Doew Your Heart Beat For Me?"; Sunny Clapp, "Girl of My Dreams"; Ted Snyner, "Who's Sorry Now?"; Peter van Steeden, "Home";
Ludwig van Beethoven, "Minuet";
Moyer's Folio of Steel Guitar Solos and Duets, vol. 1. PIeces include: Will D. Moyer, "Aneeze Waltz"; "Beta Waltz"; "Memories"; "Under the Lazy Tree" (Song without Words); "Battery B March"; "Sea Gulls" (Barcarolle); "Springdale Waltz"; "That Teasing Strain" (Fox Trot); "Mazurka Melodious"; "Orientale"; "Spinning Song"; "Carrie" (Fox Trot); "Lullaby"; "Jack O'Lantern" (Schottische); "Sunkist" (Waltz); "At Dawn" (Waltz); "Honey Dew Waltz";
My Aloha Land. Pieces include: Unidentified, "Merry Widow Waltz"; "My Aloha Land".
The National Folio for the Hawaiian Guitar, Book 2. Hawaiian Guitar Obligato, Hawaiian and Spanish Guitar Accompaniment, and Mando-Bass. Pieces include: Jos. W. Nicomede, "The Junior March"; Jimmy Kennedy, "My Alabama Moon" (Waltz); Unidentified, "One-Two-Three-Four" (Fox Trot); Nick Lucas, "The Serenaders" (Waltz); Jos. W. Nicomede, "Veno" (Fox Trot); Jimmy Kennedy, "You Played with My Heart" (Waltz Ballad); Jimmy Kennedy, "You Told Me of Love" (Fox Trot); Nick Lucas, "Chicoletta" (Mexican Waltz); George Muder, "On Wings of Glory" (March); Jos. W. Nicomede, "Tickling Waves" (Waltz);
Eden Ahbez, "Nature Boy";
Nearer My God to Thee. Pieces include: Unidentified, "Idle Thoughts at Dawn"; "Whispering Breeze"; "Nearer My God to Thee";
Nick Manoloff's Hawaiian Guitar Solos. Pieces include: Unidentified, "Abdul the Bulbul Ameer"; Queen Lydia Liliuokalni, "Aloha Oe" (Farewell to Thee); Unidentified, "Alice, Where Art Thou"; Unidentified, "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms"; Unidentified, "That Big Rock Candy Mountain"; Unidentified, "Bury Me Out on the Prairie"; James Bland, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny"; Unidentified, "Cielito Lindo" (Beautiful Heaven) (Mexican Waltz); unidntified, "Climbing Up the Golden Stairs"; Claribel, "Come Back to Erin"; Unidentified, "Frankie and Johnny"; Unidentified, "God Be With You Till We Meet Again"; Unidentified, "Hand Me Down My Walking Cane"; Unidentified, "Heaven"; Unidentified, "He Leadeth Me"; Unidentified, "A Home on the Range"; Thomas P. Westendorf, "I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen"; Unidentified, "I'm a Pilgrim"; Unidentified, "I Wish I Was Single Again"; Fred Howard and Nat Vincent, "It's Time To Say Aloha"; Unidentified, "Jesus Loves Me"; Unidentified, "Jingle Bells"; Unidentified, "Juanita" (Spanish Air); W. R. Calaway, "Just a Lonely Hobo"; Yradier, "La Paloma" (The Dove); Unidentified, "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning"; Alice Hawthorne, "Listen to the Mocking Bird"; Unidentified, "Little Old Shanty on the Claim"; Unidentified, "The Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane"; Unidentified, "The Letter Edged in Black"; Katherine T. Hinkson, "Landonderry Air"; Amtpm Rubinstein, "Melody in F"; Unidentified, "Nearer My God, to Thee"; Unidentified, "O Come, All Ye Faithful" (Adeste Fidelis); Unidentified, "Golden Slippers"; Stephen C. Foster, "Oh! Susanna"; Unidentified, "Old MacDonald Had a Farm"; Unidentified, "Onward Christian Soldiers"; Unidentified, "Pass Around the Bottle"; Unidentified, "Red River Valley"; Unidentified, "Sally in Our Alley"; Frank and Manoloff, "She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain"; Unidentified, "Silent Night, Holy Night"; H. P. Danks, "Silver Threads among the Gold"; Unidentified, "Song of the Volga Boatmen"; Unidentified, "Sweet and Low" Unidentified, "Sweet By and By"; Henry Tucker, "Sweet Genevieve"; Unidentified, "The Bright Mohawk Valley"; Unidentified, "The Last Rose of Summer"; F. N. Vinard, "The Little Girl Dressed in Blue"; Autry and Long, "The Mississippi Valley Blues"; C. W. Glover and C. M. Spencer, "The Rose of Tralee"; Unidentified, "The Spanish Cavalier" (El Caballero Espanol); W. R. Calaway, "The Written Letter"; Unidentified, "The Yellow Rose of Texas"; Michael W. Barlfe, "Then You'll Remember Me"; STephen C. Foster, "Way Down Upon the Swanee River"; Unidentified, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus"; Unidentified, "When the Work is All Done This Fall"; V. A. Butterfield, "When You and I Were Young Maggie"; Alice Hawthorne, "Whispering Hope"; Franz Schubert, "Who is Sylvia";
Pyotr Tchaikovsky, "March" (From the Nutcracker Suite); Unidentified, "On a Blue Lagoon"; Unidentified, "O Sole Mio"; Ed. di Capua, "O sole Mio" (My Shushine); Carrie Jacobs Bond, "A Perfect Day"; Richard Nelson, "Put Another Chair at the Table";
Robbins Hawaiian Guitar Folio, No. 9. Pieces include: Mack Gordon and Harry Revel, "Goodnight My Love"; Harold Adamson and Jimmy Mc Hugh, "There's Something in the Air"; Harold Adamson and Jimmy Mc Hugh, "Where the Lazy River Goes By"; J. W. Bratton and Leo Edwards, "Sweetheart Let's Grow Old Together"; Arthur Freed and Nacio Herb Brown, "Smoke Dreams"; Johnny Merer and Richard A. Whiting, "Peter Piper";
Robbins Hawaiian Guitar Folio, No. 10. Pieces include: Arthur Freed and Nacio Herb Brown, "Yours and Mine"; Arthur Freed and Nacio Herb Brown, "I'm Feelin' Like a Million"; Arthur Freed and Nacio Herb Brown, "Your Broadway and My Broadway"; Arthur Freed and Nacio Herb Brown, "Everybody Sing"; Gus Kahn, Bronislaw Kaper, and Walter Jurmann, "Blue Venetian Waters"; Gus Kahn, Bronislaw Kaper, and Walter Jurmann, "All God's Cillun Got Rhythm";
Unidentified, "Rosalie" (French Waltz); Ethelbert Nevin, "The Rosary"; Unidentified, "Russian National Hymn".
Billy Baskette, "Same Old Moon";
Santos Junior Hawaiian Guitar Ensemble. PIeces include: W. J. Eckhart, "Playmates Waltz"; "Swanee River" (Fox Trot); "Lady Luck" (Waltz); "Russian Fox Trot"; "Strawberry Tarts"; "When You and I Were Young Maggie" (Fox Trot); "The Fire Fly Flit"; "Golden Dawn"; "Sugar PIe"; "Scottish Fox Trot"; "Among the Violets"; "Dreamy Spain"; "Lovely Lady"; "In Gay Madrid"; "Sweet Meats" (Fox Trot); "Jumping Jacks Jubilee"; "Sweet Magnolia" (Waltz); "Spic and Span"; "Cotton Blossoms"; "The End of the Trail" (March); "Nice and NIfty"; "Bonita"; "The California Limited"; "Beets and Turnips" (Fox Trot); "Petite and Pretty"; "Madame Queen" (Waltz); "Sweet Dumpling"; "Crimson Sunset" (Waltz); "Chocolate Creams"; "Ruby Taylor Waltz"; "Punch and Joy"; "Delta Waltz";
Select Compositions and Arrangements for the Hawaiian Steel guitar and Ukulele. PIeces include: Unidentified, "Sweet Melody Waltz"; Unidentified, "Huna Dance"; C. S. de Lano, "Leona Waltz"; C. S. de Lano, "Evening Lullaby"; Unidentified, "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms";
The Superb Folio for Electric Hawaiian Guitar and Spanich Guitar Accpt. Pieces include: Don Santos, "Laurel March"; William Morris, "Just You" (Waltz); William Morris, "Bison City" (March); William Morris, "Golden Glow" (Waltz); Joe Colby, "Marche Militare" (Concert March); William Morris, "Hop Along" (Fox Trot); William Morris, "Barcelona" (Spanish Dance); William Morris, "American Marine" (March); William Morris, "Winnie" (Waltz); William Morris, "Flower City" (March); William Morris, "Royal Purple" (March); Conrad Gebelein, "March W. B. A. L.".
Ticklin' Tunes for Hawaiian Guitar and Spanich Guitar Accpt. PIeces include: Don Santos, "The Cup Winner" (March); William Morris, "Honey Dew" (Valse); William Morris, "Sweep Stakes" (Polka); Roland J.Le Mieux, "Smiling Sam" (Fox Trot); William Morris, "Lady Lou" (Calse Classic); H. Boote, "Let's Go" (Fox-Trot); William Morris, "The Mastertone" (March); William Morris, "Chinky" (Chinese Novelty Fox-Trot); William Morris, "Jolly Jo" (Novelette); William Morris, "Dolores" (Spanish Waltz); William Morris, "Jumping Jo" (Novelty Fox Trot); Don Santos, "On the Levee" (Novelty Fox Trot).
Horatio Nicholls, "Say a Little Prayer For Me";
Schurman's Folio of Steel Guitar Solos Volume 1. Pieces include: J. D. Schurmann, "At the County Fair"; J. D. Schurmann, "Summer Zephyrs Waltz"; J. D. Schurmann, "On the Move March"; J. D. Schurmann, "La Manola"; J. D. Schurmann, "A Darky Camp-Meeting"; J. D. Schurmann, "Evening Song", Yradier, "La Paloma" (Syncopated) (Arranged by J. D. Schurmann); J. D. Schurmann, "Moonlight Reverie"; J. D. Schurmann, "Little Beauty Mazurka".
Schurman's Folio of Steel Guitar Solos Volume 2. Pieces include: J. D. Schurmann, "Pansy Waltz"; "Egyptian Patrol"; "Teasing the Pup Rag"; "Song of the Pines"; "O Sole Mio" (Arranged by J. D. Schurmann); "Castles in Spain"; "Over the Waves Waltz"; "A Country Dance"; "Harmonic March".
C. A. Bixio and B. Cherubini, "Serenade in the Night" 9Violino Tzigano); Charse L. Johnson, "Shadow - Time" (Reverie); Unidentified, "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain".
Smith's Hawaiian Folio for Hawaiian Guitar Orhestra, Book. 1. Piano Accopaniment. Pieces include: Will D. Moyer, "Here Comes That Band" (Fox Trot); Will D. Moyer, "Every One Happy" (Song Style Fox Trot); Helen E. Davis, "In Loveland" (Waltz); Claudia N. Hollopeter, "Alhambra March"; Will D. Moyer, "My Song to You" (Fox Trot); T. m. Gallagher, "Silver Sands" (Waltz); William H. Cooper, "At Rest"; Will D. Moyer, "Tangerine"; Erich W. Hardt, "The Hawaiian "Go E. Z." March".
Smith's Hawaiian Folio for Hawaiian Guitar Orchestra, Book. 2. Piano Accopmaniment. Pieces include: Robert Yap, "Hilo Maid" (Hula); Harry J. Clarke, "Halona O'Hawaiia" (Beautiful Mountain of Hawaiian); Robert Yap, "On the Trail of the Nodding Fern" (Waltz); Robert Yap, "Hula Medley"; Harry J. Clarke, "The Hula Girl of Honolulu"; Robert Yap, "Pali Breeze" (Breeze from the Mountain); Harry J. Clarke, "The Rose of Hawaiia" (Waltz); Robert Yap, "Liquid Sunshine" (Waltz); Unidentified, "A Home on the Range"; Harry J. Clarke, "Maid of Honolulu" (Love Song); Robert Yap, "Dance of Pele"; Will D. Moyer, "Sensation March"; Harry J. Clarke, "My Hawaiian Hula queen"; Harry J. Clarke, "Mele Hula"; Harry J. Clarke, "My Hula Girl of Waikiki"; Will D. Moyer, "The Lucky Star" (Waltz); Unidentified, "Honolulu March"; Roy Smeck, "Honolulu Capers"; Harry J. Clarke, "Rose O Maunawili" (Rose of Maunawili) (Waltz).
Egbert van Alstyne, "Softly Steals the Night";
Smith's 100 Steel Guitar Solos. Pieces Include: Unidentified, "Home on the Range"; Unidentified, "Red River Valley" (Country/Western Favorite); Unidentified, "Comin' 'Round the Mountain"; Unidentified, "Bury Me out on the Prairie" (I've Got No Use for the Women); Unidentified, "Down in the Valley"; Unidentified, "When the Works All Done This Fall"; Unidentified, "I've Been Workin' on the Railroad"; Unidentified, "Aloha Oe" (Hawaiian Anthem); Unidentified, "Liebestraum" (Dream of Love); Unidentified, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginity"; Unidentified, "My Sweethearts the Man in the Moon"; Unidentified, "Auld Lang Syne"; Unidentified, "My Bonnie"; Unidentified, "Soft Music is Stealing"; Unidentified, "Lightly Row"; Unidentified, "Little Brown Jug"; Unidentified, "Louisiana Belle"; Unidentified, "Turkey in the Straw"; Stephen C. Foster, "Uncle Ned"; F. Silcher, "The Loreley"; Unidentified, "Blue Bells of Scotland"; L. Mason, "Work for the Night is Coming"; Unidentified, "There is a Happy Land"; Sir Henry Bishop, "Home Sweet Home"; B. R. Hamby, "Darling Nelly Gray"; Unidentified, "Sweet Lei Lehua" (Hawaiian Song); Unidentified, "Bonnie Doon"; Unidentified, "The Quilting Party"; Unidentified, "One, Two, Three, Four" (Hawaiian Song); Unidentified, "Forget Me Not" (Hawaiian Love Song); Unidentified, "Oh! Boys Carry Me Along"; Unidentified, "The Campbells Are Coming" (Scotch Air); S. C. Foster, "Nelly Bly"; Unidentified, "Good Night, Ladies"; Robert Burns, "Comin' Thro' the Rye"; Stephen C. Foster, "Old Favorite"; Unidentified, "Old Cabin Home"; Unidentified, "Battle Hymn of the Republic"; William C. Fischer, "I Love to Tell the Story"; J. E. Spilman, "Flow Gently Sweet Afton"; Unidentified, "Hi-Le, Hi-Lo"; Unidentified, "Little Lullaby"; W. T. Wrighton, "The Dearest Spot on Earth"; S. C. Foster, "Oh Susanna"; Mendelssohn, "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"; Unidentified, "The Dutch Warbler"; W. B. Bradbury, "Sweet Hour of Prayer"; H. C. Work, "Kingdom Come"; Unidentified, "Pop! Goes the Weasel"; Unidentified, "Polly Wolly Doodle"; Unidentified, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"; Handel, "Joy to the World"; W. H. Monk, "Sun of my Soul"; Unidentified, "Drink to me Only With Thine Eyes"; J. S. Spilman, "From Greenlands Icy Mountains"; Unidentified, "When the Day With Rosy Light"; Unidentified, "Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be?"; S. Woodworth, "Old Oaken Bucket" (Waltz); R. B. Buckley, "Wait for the Wagon"; Unidentified, "Bingo"; Nageli, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds"; Thomas Moore, "The Harp That Once Through Tara's Hall"; Unidentified, "Oh Come, Come Away" (College song); Unidentified, "On the Campus" (March); L. Lambert, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home"; Unidentified, "Nut Borwn Maiden"; Unidentified, "Lucy Long"; Unidentified, "Wearing of the green"; Nelson Kneass, "Ben Bolt"; Unidentified, "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow"; Unidentified, "Goodbye, My Lover, Goodbye"; Unidentified, "Bonny Eloise"; Stephen C. Foster, "Gentle Annie"; Unidentified, "Minka" (Russian Folk Song); Unidentified, "Dear Evelina"; Stephen C. Foster, "Camptown Races"; George F. Root, "The Vacant Chair"; Unidentified, "Maryland! My Maryland!"; Dan Emmet, "Dixie Land"; Will S. Hays, "Mollie Darling"; Unidentified, "My Love, She's But a Lassie"; Unidentified, "Fishers Hornpipe"; Unidentified, "Santa Lucia" (Neapolitan Song); Unidentified, "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree"; Unidentified, "Robin Adair" (Scotch Song); Unidentified, "Lancashire Clog"; S. C. Foster, "Fairy Bell"; Robert Lowry, "Shall We Gather at the River"; George F. Root, "Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!"; Unidentified, "Mystery Tune"; Unidentified, "Reveille"; T. H. Bayly, "Long, Long Ago"; William J. Smith, "Hawaiian Fandango"; Alice Hawthorne, "Listen to the Mocking Bird"; Unidentified, "At Pierrot's Door" (French Folk Song); Thomas Hastings, "Rock of Ages"; Gottschalk, "Holy Ghost with Light Divine"; Unidentified, "Ua Like No Like" (Hawaiian Song); Jos. A. Bland, "Golden Slippers"; Unidentified, "Russian Mazurka"; Unidentified, "The Carnival of Venice"; H. R. Bishop, "Chime Again Beautiful Bells"; Lady John Scott, "Annie Laurie" (Concert Solo); Unidentified, "Silent Night, Holy Night".
Frankie Carle, "Sunrise Serenade"; Red C. Bernhardt, "Sweetheart in the Rockies"; Fred Rose, "That's Why I'm Jealous of You"; Artur Beul, "Toolie Oolie Doolie" (The Yodel Polka); Allan Grant, "To You, My Love, To You"; Unidentified, "Traumerei";
The Waikiki Folio for the Hawaiian Guitar. Pieces include: Frank L. Buckingham, "To You" (Valse Romantique); "Carlota" (Valse Espagnole); "Sweet Chiming Bells" (Mazurka); "Echo Answers" (March); "Laugh Feet Laugh" (Two Step); "Serenade Waltz"; "Onward Waltz"; "Song Without Words"; "Melody in D" (Air Varie); "Let's Go" (March).
Cal de Voll, "When We Carved Our Hearts on the Old Oak Tree"; Alice Hawthorne, "Whispering Hope".
4 Ways to Play Guitar: Hawaiian;
"Aloha Oe";
The At-A-Glance Illustrated Self Instructor fo Hawaiian Guitar
Alfred L. Greathouse, Hawaiina and Electric Guitar Course;
The Correct Position for Holding and Playing the Hawaiian Guitar;
"Eddie Alkire's Hello Honolulu"; "Eddie Alkire's Kanakas Farwell"; "Eddie Alkire's Music of Hawaii"; "Eddie Alkire's My Hawaii";
Kalani Kalamona, EZ Method: How to Play the Hawaiian Guitar;
George Roberts, EZ Method: How to Play Steel Guitar (Hawaiian);
Frank L. Littig's Method for the Steel Guitar;
First Hawaiian Conservatory of Music, Inc.
Le Stern, The First Step: How to Play the Hawaiian Steel Guitar;
The Hawaiian All-Chord Guitar Method, Book 1.
"Hawaiian Love"; "The Hawaiian School of Music";
The Hawaiian School of Music;
"Hawaian School of Music" (C Major Scale)";
"Hawaiian "Steel" Guitar Fingerboard";l "How to Hold the Guitar";
Illustration Showing the Correct Position of Holding and Playing the Guitar in the Hawaiian Manner;
"Isle of Golden Dreams";
Kaai's Method for Hawaiian Guitar (1919);
Kaai's Method for Hawaiian Guitar (1926).
The Improved Kamiki Hawaiian Guitar Method (Revised Edition);
"I wish I knew";
Kamiki Modern Plan of Instruction (Part One);
Kamiki Modern Plan of Instruction for Hawaiian Steel Guitar (Part One) (Teacher's Lesson Record);
Littig's New Harmony Selft Instructor Diagram Chords and Strokes for Hawaiian Guitar;
Littig's New Practical Method for Hawaiian Steel Guitar;
Pasco Roberts, Master Lessons Hawaiian Steel Guitar, vol. 1;
Julius Bellson, The Mastertone System for Steel Guitar;
"Music by Gibson".
Will D. Moyer, National Self Teach for Hawaiian Guitar;
Woll D. Moyer, National Self Teacher for Hawaiian Ukulele, Banjuke or Tora Patch Fiddle.
The Original Guckert's Chords for the Hawaiian Steel Guitar at Sight;
Myrtle Stumpf, Original Hawaiian Method for the Steel Guitar, Second Edition;
Myrtle Stumpf, Original Hawaiian Method for the Steel Guitar, Enlarged Tenth Edition;
Myrtle Stumpf, Original Hawaiian Method for the Steel Guitar, Enlarged Eleventh Edition.
Myrtle Stumpf, Original Hawaiian Method for Steel Guitar;
N. B. Bailey, The Peterson System of Playing the Guitar With Steel in the Hawaiian Manner, 32nd Edition;
"Racing Waves";
Pasco Roberts, Roberts' Actual PItch Method Electric Hawaiian Steel Guitar High Bass Octave Tuning;
"Royal Parade March".
Santos Diagram Method for the Hawaiian Guitar, Parts 1 and 2;
"San-Fox Trot";
Don Santos, Santos Junior Hawaiian Guitar Method, Parts 1 and 2;
Santos Junior Hawaiian Guitar Method for Class Teaching for the Beginner, Part 1.
Santos Modern Hawaiian Guitar Method, Books 2 and 3;
G. S. DeLano, Select Compositons and Arrangement for the Hawaiian Steel Guitar and Ukulele;
Sherwood's Method and Solos for Hawaiin Guitar, vol. 2.
Smith's Modern School Instructor for Hawaiian Guitar, Books 1, 2, and 3;
"Sweet Hawaiian Dreams"; "Under Waving Palms";
Unidentified Diagram Lessons. Pieaces include: "My Wildirish Rose" (Lesson No. 2); "Hawaiian Memories" (Lesson No. 3); Moonlight Waltz" (Lesson No. 4); One, Two, Three, Four" (Lesson No. 5); "Wabash Blues" " (Lesson No. 6); "When It's Springtime in the Rockies" (Lesson No. 7); "I'm Alone Because I Love You" (Lesson No. 9); "Sweet Jennie Lee" (Lesson No. 10); "Victory March" (Lesson No. 12); "The Waltz You Saved For Me"; "When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain";
Warner's Very Easy Method for Hawaiian Guitar for Beginners;
"Weidt's Chord Chart Lesson 1 and 1a";
Williams Diagram Method For the Hawaiian Guitar.
The Beaver Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No. 4. Guitar. Pieces include: Jerome & Schwartz, "The Gambling Man"; Stanley Crawford, "Only a Dream of the Golden Past"; Jerome & Schwartz, "I'm Unlucky"; Jerome & Schwartz, "Susie Anna"; Stanley Crawford, "Show the White of Yo' Eye"; Max Hoffmann, "Ching a Ling a Loo"; Jerome & Schwartz, "Julie"; Jean Schwartz, "O'O'O'Brien"; Egbert Vanalstyne, "We've Got to Move To-Day"; Smith & Bowman, "In the Jungle I'm a Queen"; Max Hoffmann, "Up and Down the LIne"; McPherson & Brymn, "Good-Night Lucindy"; Max Hoffmann, "My Little Japaneesee"; Jerome & Schwartz, "Why Don't You Go, Go, Go"; Kendis & Paley, "If I Had a Thousand Hearts"; Jerome & Schwartz, "Hamlet Was a Melancholy Dane"; Max Hoffmann, "It's the Band"; Harry S. Marion, "Roses"; Silvio Hein, "Her Boy in the Rank and File"; Jerome & Schwartz, "When the Stars are Shining Bright"; Jean Schwartz, "Mazeppa" (Intermezzo); Maude Nugent, "My Lady Peggy" (Waltzes); Fred F. Houlihan, "The Yazoo" (Cake Walk & Two Step); Silvio Hein, "The Maid at Arms" (March & Two Step); Harry O. Sutton, "Moonlight Caprice" (Three Step);
The Beaver Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No.5. Guitar. Pieces include: Egbert Van Alystyne, "Navajo"; Jerome & Schwartz, "Bedelia"; J. B. Mullen, "I Am Longing For My Old Kentucky Home"; Cobb & Edwards, "In Zanzibar (My Little Chimpanzee)"; Herbert Spencer, "Stella"; Jerome & Schwartz, "Cordalia Malone"; J. B. Mullen, "The Man Behind"; Stanley Crawford, "In the Village By the Sea"; Jerome & Schwartz, "Dear Sing Sing"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Seminole"; Gus Edwards, "Take Me Back to My Louisiana Home"; Mose Gumble, "Follow the Merry Crowd"; J. B. Mullen, "Down on the Brandywine"; Robert J. Adams, "Daisy Donohue"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Tippecanoe"; Jerome & Schwartz, "Stories Adam Told to Eve"; Jerome & Schwartz, "He Was A Sailor"; Robert J. Adams, "Sweetest Girl in Dixie"; Jerome & Schwartz, "In Cincinnati"; Maude Nugent, "The Moon, The Coon, and The Little Octoroon"; Gus Edwards, "I'm Crazy to Go on the Stage"; Robert J. Adams, "Good-bye Fedora"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "Johnny Morgan"; Robert J. Adams, "Nancy Lee"; J. B. Mullen, "That's How I Love You, Mame";
Anthony Antone, "Blue"; Edwin H. Lemare, "Cathedral Meditation" (Andantino); Nicanor Molinare,"Chiu, Chiu"; C. S. DeLano, "Companero Polka"; Paul Beaumont, "Con Amore (With My Love)" (Melodie); Harry Volpe & Frank Victor, "Easy Like";
Empire Collection: 15 Choice Melodic Compositions. Guitar. Pieces include: Theodore F. Morse, "By the River"; F. Schubert, "Serenade"; F. H. Losey, "Alita (Wild Flower)" (Morceau); Gabriel-Marie, "La Cinquantaine"; E. Waldteufel, "Estudiantina" (Waltz); Auguste Bosc, "Rose-Mousse" (Valse Lente); F. H. Losey, "Patrol of the Guardsmen"; F. H. Losey, "Crescent Queen" (March); A. Rubinstein, "Melodie"; Mendelssohn, "Wedding March"; E. Waldteufel, "Espana" (Waltz); Theodore Moses-Tobani, "Warbler's Farewell"; J. C. Heed, "Volcano" (March); Theodore Moses-Tobani, "Poetica" (Waltz); F. H. Losey, "Waldmere" (March);
Favorite Mandolin Collection, Vol. 2. Guitar. Pieces include: P. Mario Costa, "'A Frangesa March"; H. Tobini, "Budding Flowers"; J. Raff, "Cavatina"; Gabriel Marie, "La Cinquantaine"; M. Hauser, "Cradle Song"; J. P. Morgan, "The Crickets Parade" (Characteristic March); S. Seymour, "Dolly Varden"; F. Hills, "Down in Darktown" (Cake Walk); G. Lange, "Flower Song" (Blumenlied); Richard Eilenberg, "First Heart Throbs"; Henry R. Bishop, "Home, Sweet Home"; P. Mascagni, "Cavalleria Rusticana" (Intermezzo); Yama Sen, "Japanesa" (Characteristic); A. Rubinstein, "Melody in F"; F. N. Crouch, "Kathleen Mavourneen"; G. Verdi, "Miserere"; R. Keiser, "National Airs" (March Medley); Stephen C. Foster, "Old Folks at Home"; Leo Delibes, "Pizzicati"; G. Ludovic, "Orange Blossoms"; F. Beatrice, "Primrose Flower" (Waltz); M. Richmond, "Town Tattler" (March); J. F. Wagner, "Under the Double Eagle" (March); G. Verdi, "Il Trovatore"; Thomas Roosevelt, "Under the Stars and Stripes" (March); A. R. Montaine, "Up in a Swing" (Reverie); J. Ivanovici, "Waves of the Danube";
Go Go Guitar! Teen-age Hits Arranged for 1, 2, and 3 Guitars.Pieces include: Chalres Strouse, "Born Too Late"; Leon Carr, "Hotel Happiness"; Stanley A. Kesler and Charlie Feathers, "I Forgot to Remember to Forget"; Beverly Ross and Julius Dixon, "Lollipop"; Bob Montgomery, "Somebody Else's Girl"; Jeff Barry and Ben Raleigh, "Tell Laura I Love Her"; Jeff Barry, "Tell Me What She Said"; Mort Garson, "Theme for A Dream"; Malous Rene and Ritchie Adams, "Tossin' and Turnin'"; Mitch Murray, "You Were Made For Me."
Arling Shaeffer, "Husking Corn" (Syncopated Meditation); Paul Gardie, "After the Victory" (March Militaire); Csepei Tibor, "Improvizaciok a Tanczeneben"; P. K. Lua & D. Kaili, "Kahola-Honolulu (Hawaiian Marches)" (One-Step); Carmen Mastren and Albert Harris, "Lament in E"; Will Grosz, "Let's Sing a Song About Susie"; Walter T. Holt, "Love Song"; William J. Smith, "Kamiki March"; Frederic Chopin, "Maiden's Wish" (A Polish Song); Milton Drake, Al Hoffman, and Jerry Livingston, "Mairzy Doats"; Adolph Linden, "Merry Shepherd Polka"; Trigger Alpert and Barry Galbraith, "Mixup";
Modern Music for Guitars. Pieces include: Alex North, "The Misfits"; Jay Livingston and Ray Evans, "Tammy"; Elmer Bernstein, "The Magnificent Seven"; Chase - Klaus Gunter - Neumann, "Wonderland by Night"; Norman Petty, "Wheels"; Lee Pockriss, Paul J. Vance, and Heino Gaze, "Calcutta"; Johnny Mercer, Jacques Prevert, and Joseph Kosma, "Autumn Leaves"; Buck Ram, Morty Nevins, Al Nevins, and Artie Dunn, "Twilight Time"; Dorcas Cochran, Quincy Jones, and Henri Salvador, "The Midnight Sun Will Never Set";
A. J. Weidt, "New Life" (Gavotte); J. Francis Gilder, "Norwegian Slumber Song"; Fred T. Baker, "Japanese Dance"; Abe Holzmann, "Old Faithful" (March and Two-Step); Fryman-Fritz Gustaf, "Open Door-Open Arms"; Leon Jessel, "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers"; Enrico Granados, "Playera" (Spanish Dance);
The Gold Book: Popular Hits for Guitar. Pieces include: Al Stillman and Robert Allen, "No, Not Much"; Jack Segal and Marvin Fisher, "Nothing Ever Changes My Love for You"; Aaron Collins, Maxwell DAvis, and Sam Ling, "Eddie, My Love"; Al Frisch, Mack Wolfson, and Edward R. White, "Flowers Mean Forgiveness"; Ferdinand Washington and Stan Lewis, "I'll Be Home"; Jerry Bock, Larry Holofcener, and George Weiss, "Mr. Wonderful"; Frank Lymon and George Goldner, "Why Do Fools Fall in Love?"; Al Hoffman and Dick Manning, "Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom)"; Bob Haymes, "Lipstick and Candy and Rubber Sole Shoes"; Noel Sherman and Joe Sherman, "Juke Box Baby";
J. P. Knight, "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep"; Unidentified, Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes"; Kate Dolby, "The Flying Wedge" (Galop); C. W. Padgett, "Salutation Schottische"; N. Rimsky - Korsakoff, "A Song of India"; Anthony Antone, "String Along"; Leonhard von Call, "Suite in C Major Op. 26-Co 180".
Anmando Lavalle, "Suite Para dos Guitarras."
Joseph M. Estella and Sid Kleiner, Swingin' St. Nick: Guitar Combos. Pieces include: "Happy New Year, to All"; "Ho-Ho, Go!"; "Jingle Bell Jump"; "Mistletoe Rock"; "The Night Before Christmas"; "Rock the Halls"; "Swing It, St. Nick"; "Tinsel Tree Twist";
G. Verdi, "Il Travatore"; Abe Holzmann, "Uncle Sammy" (March & Two Step); Alfred Marges, "Valse Bleu";
The Vandersloot Mandolin and Guitar Folio No. 2. Guitar. Pieces include: F. H. Losey, "Charity Ball" (Waltzes); C. D. Henninger, "Cuban Independence" (March); C. D. Henninger, "Constitution" (March and Two Step); F. H. Losey, "Grenadier Guards" (March); F. H. Losey, "Jolly Sweethearts" (Intermezzo-Two Step); Caird M. Vandersloot, "Japan's Triumphal March" (Two Step); Herman V. Yeager, "King of Good Fellows" (March & Two-Step); F. H. Losey, "Merry Moments" (Quadrille or Lanciers); C. E. Vandersloot, "Mid-Summer" (Waltzes); Harry J. Lincoln, "Nuptial" (Waltzes); John Hazel, "Ole Huskie" (March - Reel Medley); Louis L. Comstock, "On the Firing Line" (March); F. H. Losey, "Parade of the Humming Birds" (March and Two Step); F. H. Losey, "Sun-flower" (Three Step); C. E. Duble, "Salute to Williamsport" (March); Harry J. Lincoln, "Salute to America" (March & Two Step); Harry J. Lincoln, "Tri-State" (March and Two Step); Abe Losch, "The Joker" (March & Two Step); F. H. Losey, "The 74th Regiment Band" (March); F. H. Losey, "Under the Palms" (Waltzes); Harry J. Lincoln, "Vallamont (Valley and Mountain)" (Reverie); Harry J. Lincoln, "Whispering Waves" (Waltzes);
The Vandersloot Mandolin and Guitar Folio, No. 4. Guitar. Pieces include: L. Frank Miller, "A Royal Prince" (March - Two Step); F. H. Losey, "Astaroth" (March); Lee Orean Smith, "After All" (Waltz); F. H. Losey, "Capitola March"; Abe Losch, "The Four Aces" (March & Two Step); Harry J. Lincoln, "The Fire Master" (March and Two Step); Lee Orean Smith, "King Crap" (Characteristic March or Cake Walk); C. M. Vandersloot, "Last Days of Pompeii" (March and Two Step); C. E. Vandersloot, "L.A.W." (Waltzes); Harry J. Lincoln, "Nippono" (Intermezzo Two Step or March); Harry J. Lincoln, "The Observatory" (March & Two Step); "Reciprocity"; C. F. Zerbe, "Sounds from the Valley" (Waltzes); Harry J. Lincoln, "The Tournament" (March & Two Step); Lee Orean Smith, "When a Lady Leads the Band" (March - Two Step); F. H. Losey, "Vandersloot's Bomb" (Medley Overture);
Sam H. Stept, "When They Ask About You" (Fox-Trot);
Whitney W.W. Warner Mandolin and Guitar Collection, No. 7. Guitar. Pieces include: Percy Wenrich, "Rainbow" (An Indian Intermezzo); William J. McKenna, "Mandy Lane"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "I Want Someone to Call Me Dearie"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "It Looks to Me Like a Big Night To-Night"; Charles L. Johnson, "Dill Pickles" (Two Step); Benjamin Hapgood Burt, "Hang Out The Front Door Key"; George Botsford, "Pride of the Prairie"; Egbert Van Alstyne, "My Rosie Rambler"; George Botsford, "Black and White Rag"; Clare Kummer, "Garden of Dreams"; Van Alstyne and Burt, "I Used to be Afraid to go Home in the Dark"; Albert Gumble, "When I Marry You"; Charles L. Johnson, "Fine and Dandy"; Percy Wenrich, "Naughty Eyes"; George Botsford, "Love Watches"; Nora Bayes-Norworth, " Shine On, Harvest Moon"; George Evans, "O'Brien Has No Place To Go"; Albert Gumble "The 'Bolo' Rag"; Jack Norworth, "Over on the Jersey Side"; J. Bodewalt Lampe, "Happy-Go-Lucky" (March and Two Step); Albert Gumble, "There's No Moon Like A Honeymoon"; Henriette Balnke-Belcher, "Honey-Land"; Kendis & Paley, "Don't Go Away"; Nora Bayes-Norworth, "When Jack Comes Sailing Home"; J. Bodewalt Lampe, "Pig Tails" (Chinese-American March-Two Step);
The Young Artists: A Collection of Easy Transcriptions. Guitar. Pieces include: John Wiegand, "The Old Oaken Bucket"; Foster-Wiegand, "My Old Kentucky Home"; Foster-Wiegand, "Old Folks at Home"; Foster-Wiegand, "Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground"; Moore-Wiegand, "'Tis the Last Rose of Summer"; J. Wiegand, "The Two Roses"; Bishop-Wiegand, "Home, Sweet Home"; Barnby-Wiegand, "Sweet and Low"; Koschat-Wiegand, "Forsaken"; Wiegand, "Blue Bells of Scotland"; Wiegand, "Robin Adair"; J. Wiegand, "The Cruiskeen Lawn";
C. W. Krogman, Zephyrs from Melodyland, Op. 15. Guitar. Pieces include: "The Little Prince" (Valse); "Santa Claus Guards" (March); "Song of the Sea Shell"; "The Rainbow Fairy" (Mazurka); "Leola Waltz"; "Primrose Dance" (Polka); "The Little Patriot" (March); "The Pony Race" (Galop); "Vesper Bells"; "The Merry Bobolink"; "Evening Song"; "The Robin's Lullaby" (Waltz).
"Richard W. Rightmire's Mexican Guitar";
"Weidt's Chord System: Demonstration";
"Weidt's Chord System: Chord Stroke Chart";
"Simplified Chord Chart";
"Weidt's Practical Course in Composition and Arranging";
"Weidt's Chord System Demonstration: Plectrum Guitar and Guitar";
"Weidt's Chord System: Syncopated 'Fill In'";
"Weidt's Elementary Studies: A Practical Method for Class and Private Instruction."
Ann D. Diers, 21 Folk Spng Arrangments for Autoharp Guitar or Zither. Pieces include: "The Old Lady Swallowed a Fly"; "Grandma Grunts"; "The Riddle Song"; "I Know Where I'm Goin'"; "Simple Gifts"; "At the Gate of Heaven"; "Were You There?"; "All Through the Night"; "Christmas Eve is Here"; "Sandy Land"; "Marching to Pretoria"; "Ol' Texas"; "The Winter it is Past"; "Ye Banks and Braes O' Bonnie Doon"; "Down in that Valley"; "The Bird Song"; "Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier"; "I Know My Love"; "O Waly, Waly"; "Go 'Way from my Window"; "Holla-Hi, Holla-Ho";
George F. Root, "Abegail at Carmel"; Verdi, "Adia March"; Pierre Latour, "Airy Flight Waltz"; Bohm, "Alpine Flower"; Claude Melnotte, "Angels' Visits Song" with "Hymn";
Dorothy Davis, Autoharp Accomaniments to Songs from Music Everywhere. Pieces include: "Alouette"; "Down in the Valley"; "Lead Through that Sugar and Tea"; "If I Could Fly"; "Polly-Wolly-Doodle"; "The Green Dress"; "Strike Up a Waltz Tune"; "Pretty Margarita"; "Sing Together"; "Sinclair Bold"; "La Cucaracha"; "Palapala"; "The Sailor" (O Marinheiro); "Aloha Oe"; "An Old World Tune"; "A Fall Lullaby"; "Farewell to Santa Lucia"; "The Holly and the Ivy"; "Shool"; "Wake Up, Day is Breaking"; "Hail and Farewell"; "Ivan Skivitsky Skivar"; "Old Brass Wagon"; "Joy to the World"; "Full Chorus!"; "Ring, Ring the Banjo"; "The Seasons"; "A Night Voyage"; "A Picture in Memory"; "Noah's Ark"; "The White Dove"; "The Music of the Bells"; "In a Boat"; "Over the Meadows"; "Riches and Power"; Country Evening"; "Queen of the Night"; "Weather"; "If I had the Wings"; "The Shepard's Pie"; "Sing-a-Ling-a-Ling"; "Bavarian Tune"; "Minka"; "A Ladies of Cadiz"; "An Olf Legend"; "Fiesta"; "The Arkansaw Traveler"; "The Steer Roper"; "Tramp Away!"; "Cape Cod Chantey"; "La Cuisiniere"; "Song of Hope"; "Lincoln and Liberty"; "Shuckin' of the Corn"; "Si Senor"; "The Little Pie"; "The Forest Ranger"; "San Serverino"; "Chickadee"; "Danza"; "Autumn Fancies"; "So Far Away"; "Sunday"; "Cielito Lindo";
Unidentified, "Beautiful Moonlight"; Millocker, "Beggar Student Waltz"; Gus Williams, Behind the Parlor Door"; George W. Persley, "You'll Weep When I am Dead"; Lamotte, "Bella Waltz"; J. H. McNaughton, "Belle Mahone"; H. M. Estabrooke, "For You We Are Praying at Home"; E. Mack, "Bertie's Waltz"; John R. Sweney, "Betty and the Baby"; A. P. Danks, "My Little Lost Irene"; Unidentified, "Bluemelein Blau Und Grau"; Unidentified, "Rosalie"; Suppe, "Boccaccio March"; Desormes, "Boulanger's March"; Unidentified, "Campaign March"; Lanner, "Morning Star Waltz"; Millocker, "Carlotta Waltz"; Unidentified, "Cast Aside"; A. J. Abbey, "The Christian's Hope; Or, 'Tis Sweet, Oh! Sweet to Die"; Unidentified, "In the Shadow of the Rock"; Unidentified, "Come Back to Erin"; Will L. Thompson, "Come Where the Lillies Bloom"; H. E. Gordon, "Con-E-Maugh"; Mendelssohn, "Consolation"; Unidentified, "There's Music in the Air"; Barcarolle, "Ensenore"; Emmet, "Cookoo Song"; Unidentified, "Daisy Bell"; Cherry, "Dear Little Shamrock"; Unidentified, "My Old Wife and I"; Unidentified, "Den Schoenen Heil"; Bernhard Fritz, "Der Geigerfranzl Aus'm Bohmerwald" (Marsch); Unidentified, "Der Guit Kamerad"; Unidentified, "Nun Ade, Du Mein Lieb Heimatland"; Unidentified, "Plantation Echo"; Unidentified, "Der J�¤ger Abschied"; Unidentified, "Zweite Hursharfe"; Unidentified, "Der Liebes Kuss, Von F. Wagner"; Unidentified, "Die Capelle"; Unidentified, "Der Soldat"; Unidentified, "Forschen Nach Gott"; Wilhelm, "Die Wacht Am Rhein"; Unidentified, "Der Wirthin Toechterlein"; Unidentified, "Donra Waltz"; Unidentified, "Down on the Farm"; Unidentified, "Dream Faces".
Carl Faust, "Erinnerrung An Petersdorf"; Jakobowski, "Erminie March"; M. Clark, "Ethel Waltz"; Robert Thallon, "Evening Song"; Foley Hall, "Ever of Thee"; Unidentified, "Mabel Waltz"; Pierre Latour, "Fairy Step March"; Chassaigne, "Falka" (Selections); George Boardman, "Farewell Marguerite"; Bucalossi, "Fedora Waltz"; Unidentified, "The First Love"; Mrs. M. S. B. Dana, "Flee As a Bird"; Robert Thallon, "Florence Gavotte"; Giese, "Floweret Forget-Me-Not Gavotte"; Wilhelm Popp, "Forget-Me-Not (Vergissmeinnicht)";
Frances Hall's Christmas Songs for the Autoharp. Pieces include: "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"; "O Tannenbaum"; "Deck the Halls"; "O Little Town of Bethlehem"; "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear"; "Christmas Eve is Here"; "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"; "The First Noel"; "God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen"; "Shepherds at the Cradle"; "O Come, All Ye Faithful"; "Jingle Bells"; "Pat-a-Pan"; "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"; "The Friendly Beasts"; "Up on the House-Top"; "The Holly and the Ivy"; "Coventry Carol"; "OLeave Your Sheep"; "Although You Are So Tiny"; "Chrit Was Born on Christmas Day"; "We Three Kings of Orient Are"; "Angels We Have Heard on High"; "Away in a Manger"; "Ring Out Ye Bells"; "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas"; "Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming"; "What Child is This?"; "Silent Night"; "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks"; "Fairest Lord Jesus"; "Joy to the World!";
Unidentified, "Frohe Botschaft"; Unidentified, "Schier Dreissig Jahre Bist Du Alt"; Unidentified, "Guter Mond"; Watson, "The Frolic of the Frogs Waltz"; Unidentified, "Gallopade of the Note-Monopol"; Unidentified, "Der Madchenfeind"; Will L. Thompson, "Good Night Gentle Folks"; Louis, "Happy Little Folks March"; Louis, "Happy Little Folks Polka"; Louis, "Happy Little Folks Waltz"; Unidentified, "The Harp That Once Thro' Tara's Halls"; Unidentified, "Love's Young Dream"; Neil Moret, "Hiawatha"; Unidentified, "High School Cadets March"; Unidentified, "Hobe Ultersfreuden"; Unidentified, "Home Again"; Unidentified, "Auld Lang Syne"; Unidentified, "Homeward Bound"; Unidentified, "Alletta"; Unidentified, "Greenville"; Unidentified, "I Like the Home"; Unidentified, "Robinson Crusoe" (Waltz); Unidentified, "You Know That Very Well"; Unidentified, "Inaguguration Polka"; Unidentified, "Scottish Polka"; Charles G. Klier, "In Wilder Hast" (Gallop); E. Jakobouski, "Join in Plesure"; Lichner, "Joy and Good Fortune"; Unidentified, "Joy Bells Right To-Day"; Handel, "Angels Ever Bright and Fair"; Adam Geibel, "Joys of Spring"; Angle I. Blaney, "Jeffries' Yacht Club Waltz"; C. L. Ward "Juliette Waltz"; Unidentified, "Passaic Waltz".
"A. Darr Method for Zither";
"Instructor for Autoharp, Style No. 73";
"The Zimmermann Authoharp Instructor: For the Zimmermann Autoharp, Style 2 (3 over 4)".
William C. Stahl, "Among the Roses" (Waltz); Sister of St. Dominie, "The Bride of God"; George Asch, "British Control" (Descriptive Patrol); Gustav Saenger, "Bohemiean Girl" (Selection from Balfe's Opera); Salvator Giannini, "Chant du Gondolier" (Concert Waltz);
Compositions and Arrangements for the Guitar. Pieces include: Sophocles T. Papas, "Valse Fantaisie"; Unidentified, "Peruvian Air"; Karganoff, "Arabesque"; Unidentified, "To Tsopanopoulo" (Greek Folk Song); SOR, "Minuet"; William T. Pierson, "Calling for You"; Sophocles T. Papas, "Berceuse"; Poldini, "Valse Serenade"; Unidentified, "Song Without Words".
H. F. Odell, "The Crescendo" (March and Two Step); Julius S. Seredy, "Dancing Dolls" (Gavotte);
The Eclipse Folio. Plectrum Banjo. Piences include: Warren n. Dean, "Doreen" (Waltz); William C. Stahl, "The Ensign" (March and One Step); Warren N. Dean, "Just You" (Fox Trot); William C. Stahl, "The Eclipse" (March and One Step); Warren N. Dean, "All Over" (Fox Trot); William C. Stahl, "The Merry Maiden" (March and Two Step); Warren N. Dean, "Its So" (Fox Trot); W. D. Moyer, "The New Club" (Waltz); Warren N. Dean, "Streets of Gold" (Fox Trot); William Morris, "Ring Ting" (March); Charse Brunover, "All the Rage" (March and One Step); William D. Moyer, "The Getaway" (March and Two Step); William C. Stahl, "Tar Baby" (March and Two Step); Frank Sherwood, "Princeton March".
W. J. Kitchener, "Fieldston March"; george L. Cobb, "Fleur d' Amour" (Flower of Love) (Hesitation Waltz); Herman Friedrich, "Special Delivery" (March and Two Step); Max Herzberg, "Gavotte Souvenir"; Joe Nicomede, "Gibson Beauty March"; Artemas Higgs, "The Guardsman" (March and One Step); P. Lua and D. Kaili, "Hilo" (Introducing: "Aloha Oe") (Hawaiian One Step);
Collection of Famous Song Hits for Mandolin and Guitar. Folio No. 1. Pieces include: Irving Berlin, "The Song is Ended" (But the Melody Lingers On); Irving Berlin, "Together, We Two"; Jo' Trent and Peter de Rose, "I Just Roll Along" (Havin' My Ups and Downs); Roy Turk and Lou Handman, "Are you Lonesome To-night?"; Benny Davis and Abner Silver, "Mary Ann"; Al Jolson, Billy Rose and Dave Dreyer, "Four Walls"; Al Jolson, Billy Rose and Dave Dreyer, "Back in Your Own Back Yard"; Howard Johnson, Charles Tobias and Al Sherman, "Dew, Dew, Dewy Day"; Abner Silver and Maceo Pinkard, "Dawning"; Herman Ruby, Rubey Cowan and Sam H. Stept, "Mine-All Mine"; Sam Lewis, Joe Young and Little Jack Little, "The Hours I Spent With You".
Unidentified, "Kahola-Honolulu" (Hawaiian Marches) (One-Step); Unidentified, "Kilama - Wailana" (Hawaiian Waltzes); Schubert, "L'eloge Des Larmes"; Auguste Bosc, "The Little Pierrots" (March); D. Acker, "A Love Chat" (Waltz); Frank Sherwood, "Love's Idol Gavotte"; H. F. Odell, "Loyal Friends" (March); Gaetano Donizetti, "Lucia di Lammermoor" (selection); Keler-Bela, "Lustspiel Overture"; Walter A. Boehm, "March Militaire"; Artemas Higgs, "Maud Muller" (waltz);
The Most Popular Mandolin Operatic Pieces. Second Mandolin. Pieces include: Georges Bizet, "Carmen" (Habanera); Gioachino Rossini, "William Tell" (Selection); Giuseppe Verdi, "La Traviata" (Selection); V. Wallace, "Maritana" (Selection); Richard Wagner, "Tannhauser" (Pilgrim's Chorus); Charles Gounod, "Faust" (Selection); Richard Wagner, "Tannhauser" (Grand March); Giacomo Meyerbeer, "Robert le Diable" (Excerpts from Aria); Giuseppe Verdi, "La Traviata" (Ah! Was It Him My Heart Foretold); M. W. Balfe, "The Bohemian Girl" (Selection); Giuseppe Verdi, "Il Trovatore" (Tempest of the Heart); Richard Wagner, "Tannhauser" (Song to the Evening Star); Giuseppe Verdi, "Il Trovatore" (Stride la Vampa); Giuseppe Verdi, "Ernani" (Ernani, Fly with Me); Gaetano Donizetti, "Lucia di Lammermoor" (Think Not This Heart Can Alter); Gaetano Donizetti, "L'Elisire D;amore" (From Her Dear Eyes so Lovely); Gaetano Donizetti, "Lucrezia Borgia" (It Is Better to Laugh Than be Sighing); Gaetano Donizetti, "Lucia di Lammermoor" (Tho' to Heaven from Sorrow Flying); Giuseppe Verdi, "Il Trovatore" (Miserere); Charles Gounod, "Romeo et Juliette" (Valse Aria); Giuseppe Verdi, "Aida" (Triumphal Chorus); M. W. Balfe, "The Bohemian Girl" (Then You'll Remember Me); Carl Maria von Weber, "Der Freischutz" (Huntsmen's Chorus); Charles Gounod, "Faust" (Once Again I Would Gaze); Fr. von Flotow, "Martha" (Selection); Giacomo Meyerbeer, "Les Huguenots" (Banquet Chorus); Gioachino Rossini, "Stabat Mater" (Cujus Animam); Herold, "Zampa" (Selection); Vincenzo Bellini, "Norma" (Selection); F. von Suppe, "Poet and Peasant" (Excerpts from Overture); Georges Bizet, "Carmen" (Toreador Song); Jacques Offenbach, "Les Contes d'Hoffman" (Barcarolle); Gaetano Donizetti, "Lucia di Lammermoor" (Sextet); Giuseppe Verdi, "Rigoletto" (Selection).
Charles Miller, "Medley Overture of National Songs"; O. Kohler, "The Mices and the Trap";
Morris' Superb Mandolin Orchestra Collection. 1st Mandolin or Violin and Piano Accompaniment. Pieces Include: Alfred Solmen, "Would You Take Me Back Again"; Jeff Branen, "In the Valley of the Moon"; Arthur Lange, "Just a Little Bit of Green"; Alfred Solman, "Mine"; Lange and Heath, "On the Old Front Porch"; F. Black, "You're the sweetest Girl in Ireland"; F. Heruri Klickmann, "Just a Dream of Your Dear"; Bobby Heath, "You're My Girl"; Alfred Solman, "Ship of My Dreams"; Rennie Cormack, "I'm going back to Alabama in the Spring"; Alfred Solman, "Why did you Make me care"; H. M. Queen Liliuokalani, "Aloha Oe" (Farewell to Thee); J. A. Butterfield, "When You and I were Young Maggie"; F. W. Meacham, "American Patrol"; Abe Oleman, "Blue Birds" (Hesitation Waltz); F. Henri Klickmann, "Knock Out Drops" (Rag) (A Trombone Jag); Lew Pollack, "Tango Toreador"; Harry L. Alford, "IMP" (March and Two Step); Anton Dvorak, "Humoreske"; R. L. Weaver, "Melodies of Ireland" (Overture); L. A. Drumheller, "Where Memory Dwells" (Meditation).
Walter A. Boehm, "New Era March"; A. A. Babb, "On the Mill Dam" (Galop); Unidentified, "One, Two, Three, Four" (Hawaiian Waltz) (Introducing: "Like, No a Like"); E. di Capua, "'O Sole Mio!" (Waltz) (Introducing "Maria, Marit");
Odell Method for the Mandolin, Book 3.
Walter A. Boehm, "Red Jacket" (March); Charles Brunover, "La Rose" (Contert Waltz); A. Gustufson, "Royal Scepter"; J. E. le Barge, "Sweet Remembrance" (Waltz); William C. Stahl, "The Talisman" (March and Two Step); R. E. Hildreth, "Titania" (Overture); W. L. Dewey, "Triumphant Uncle Sam";
The Victor Mandolin Collection, vol 1. 1st Mandolin and Piano Accompaniment. Pieces include: Alfred Roncovieri, "La Fiesta March" (Two-Step); Samuel Adelstein, "Un Beso (A Kiss) Mazurka" (Mandoline) (Arrillaga); J. Donigan, "Blonde and Brunette" (Mandoline Dance No. 2); Unidentified, "Capodimonte Serenade" (Giannini); Unidentified, "La Czarina" (Mazurka Rusee) (Ganne); J. Lombardero, "Dulce Encanto Waltz"; Samuel Adelstein, "Forget Me Not Gavotte" (Mandoline) (Giese); Unidentified, "Drinking Song" (From La Perichole); J. Donigan, "Gandola Serenade" (The Lover- and the Mandolin); J. Donigan, "Sonando Danza" (Tis Thee I Love Alone); Unidentified, "La Granadina Mazurka" (Granada) (Mandoline); J. Donigan, "Habsburg March" (Kral); A. Czibulka, "Love's Dream After the Ball" (Intermezzo); Unidentified, "Manana Serenade" (Chilian Dance); Paderewski, "Menuet"; E. E. Schmitz, "El Pajaro Waltz"; Samuel Adelstein, "La Paloma" (Spanish Fantasia); C. E. Pomeroy, "Las Cuerdas Majicas" (The Magic Strings); G. Cipolloni, "Prima vera" (Mazurka); Curti, "Recuerdos Mazurka"; Giuseppe Verdi, "Sicilian Vespers"; O. Metra, "La Serenade Valse Espagnole"; Czibulka, "Stephanie Gavotte"; Carlos Curti, "La Tipica Polka"; J. Donigan, "El Turia" (Spanish Waltz) (Granada).
Herman V. yeager, "King of Good Fellows" (March and Two Step); Carl Tschopp, "Overture 'Venus'"; Unidentified, "Waltz of Hawaia" (Lesson No. 1); Richard Wagner, "Wedding March"; Genaro Codina, "Zacatecas" (March).
Consists of sheet music used for silent films. Items are in Hunleth Music Co. binders which were stamped with numbers and arranged in numerical order by the Hunleth Music Co., probably according to when the piece was received by Hunleth. That original order has been used.
Types of music include selections from larger symphonic and operatic works and individual compositions by both classical and contemporary composers. Descriptions of each piece include the Hunleth number; the title of each piece including the larger work, if any, from which it was taken; the composer; the arranger, orchestrator, or editor; and the most recent copyright date. Handwritten manuscripts are noted. Different musical pieces having the same Hunleth number are also listed and noted. Some pieces in Subseries 2 are from Jacobs' Orchestra Monthly.
Many items include full scores and parts for orchestral instruments. Nearly all items contain the score for piano and often conductor. Some items include only parts for small ensembles.
Subseries 1 and 2 were numbered and organized separately by the Hunleth Music Co. according to the physical size of the music.
No. 23: "Avalon," Neil Moret, arr. by J. Bodewalt Lampe (1910). No. 23: "Daddy, You've Been a Mother to Me," Fred Fisher, Charles N. Grant (1920). No. 24: "Beneath a Balcony," Jesse M. Winne (1916). No. 25: "Frolic of the Skeets," Howard Whitney Swope (1913). No. 25: "The Magic of Your Eyes," Arthur A. Penn, orch by George J. Trinkaus (1917). No. 26: "Idle Thoughts," Jos. Linder, arr. by W. H. Batchelor (1912). No. 27: "Coeur D'Alene," Arthur Wellesley, arr. by A. W. Hughes (1913). No. 28: "Swedish Processional March," Xaver Scharwenka, arr. by Otto Langey (1910). No. 28: "Oh! How She Could Yacki Hacki Wicki Wacki Woo (That's Love in Honolu)," Albert Von Tilzer, arr. by Ted Eastwood (1916). No. 30: "In the Tavern," Adolf Jensen, arr. by Otto Langey (1911). No. 31: "Air de Ballet," C. Chaminade, arr. by Ernest Gillet (1910).
Note: There are two pieces each listed as number 23, 25, and 28