By Cara Bertram
Title: International Visitors List, 1926-1938
ID: 7/1/17
Primary Creator: International Relations Office (IRO)
Extent: 0.3 Cubic Feet
Arrangement: Original order; by group and alphabetical thereunder
Date Acquired: 00/00/1974
Subjects: International Librarianship, International Relations
Languages: English
List of international visitors to ALA Headquarters and conferences (1926-1938) transcribed from guest books and attendance lists, comprising of cards with the names, affiliations and notes about international librarians, educators, and representatives who attended ALA conferences and the ALA Headquarters building. It also includes listings from the Bodleian Library Commission (1930, 1934) and Cambridge Library Comission (1930).
List includes representatives from South Africa, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palestine, Peru, Poland, Russia, Salvador, Scoland, Siam, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Vatican City, Venezuela, and Yugoslavia.