Title: Books and Pamphlets, 1986, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1997
Administrative History
The Continuing Library Education Network and Exchange Round Table (CLENERT) was established by the American Library Association Council during the Association's Mid-Winter 1984 Convention in Washington, D.C. (1). The Round Table had been an independent organization of the same name since 1976 (2).
The organization has a two-part mission statement:
1. To provide equal access to continuing education opportunities available in sufficient quantity and quality over a substantial period of time to insure library and information personnel and organizations the competency to deliver quality library and information science service to all;
2. To create an awareness and a sense of need for continuing education of library personnel on the part of employees and individuals as a means of responding to societal and technological changes (3).
The Round Table's official publication is the CLENExchange (4).
The round table was renamed the Learning Round Table (LearnRT).
2-Publications (CLENExchange)
30-Continuing Library Education Network and Exchange
1. American Libraries 15, February 1984, p. 100.
2. American Libraries 7, March 1976, p. 162.
3. "By-Laws," CLENExchange 1, March 1976, p. 6.
4. John Hinkle, CLENE RT Newsletter, n.d., p. 2.