Files of Adult Education Survey, a survey of adult education in public libraries and state library extension agencies of the United States, conducted by Director Helen H. Lyman, contains typewritten and taped minutes of meetings, general correspondence, background and source materials (surveys, publications, federal aid studies, Public Library Service Demonstration Bill studies, reading), tool materials, workshops and institutes from 1953-1959, survey and policy committee questionnaires, findings, subsidiary surveys, publications and publicity, reports, photographs, correspondence, budgets and related materials.
Proposed on March 19,1952, the survey procedure included an initial questionnaire to determine which libraries to survey, followed by a comprehensive questionnaire (October 1952), field visits to specific libraries (October 1952 to March 1953) and publication of results in a report (April 1952). The survey fund was administered by bye ALA executive secretary with functional and policy guidance from the Division of Public Libraries, the Adult Education Board, and the Ad Hoc Policy Committee, with a budget of $24,700.