Title: Foster E. Mohrhardt Papers, 1964-1975

Arranged by subject (ALP, IBY, IFLA) and alphabetical by subject title thereunder
Biographical Note
Foster E. Mohrhardt was born in 1907 in Lansing, Michigan. In 1929 he received his B.A. from Michigan State University, and went on to receive a B.S. in Library Science from Columbia, and in 1933 received his M.A. from the University of Michigan. Mohrhardt served as the Librarian of Washington and Lee University from 1938-1946, excepting his wartime service, and as a visiting professor at Columbia's library school 1947-48. He then served as the Director of Library Services for the Veterans Administration 1948-1954. From 1954 to 1968, Mohrhardt served as the Director of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Library, which was renamed the National Agricultural Library (NAL) in 1962. Mohrhardt's accomplished tenure during his time at the NAL included leadership service in a number of professional organizations, including as President of the ALA 1867-68. He was also awarded the Order of the Rising Sun by the Japanese government in 1980 for his work in collaboration with Japan at conferences focusing on higher education, library development, and scientific publications exchange.
Vosper, R. (1986). "Foster E. Mohrhardt". In ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services. 3rd ed. (p. 580)