Title: Correspondence and Minutes, 1969-1979, 1985, 1989-1997
Administrative History
The Committee on Standards was established at the Annual Meeting of June 22-28, 1969 (1).
The Committee is responsible for assisting ALA to improve and make consistent its procedures for developing and promulgating meaningful professional standards (2). The ultimate goal of the Association and this committee is the development of standards which will act as a powerful force for upgrading library services, resources, and facilities (3).
Working toward this goal, the committee shall:
1. develop an ALA policy statement and procedure manual for standards;
2. review and approve proposed statements for consistency;
3. review and approve the existing standards periodically;
4. determine the need for new standards and make recommendations;
5. coordinate the activities of standards committees in the units;
6. gather all standards published by ALA and other library organizations;
7. gather standards applicable to librarianship from nonlibrary organizations;
8. maintain information on the currency of all ALA standards and standards activities (4).
1. ALA Council, Minutes, 88th ALA Conference, June 22-28, 1969, pp. 70, 196.
2. ALA Handbook of Organization, 1984/85, p. 22.
3. Ibid., p. 22.
4. Ibid., p. 22-23.