The Library | The American Library Association Archives
Postcard advertisement for Oren Hooper's Sons, the Household Outfitters of Portland, Maine. Contains an image of a woman holding a book at a bookcase. Published by Grand Rapids Furniture Record Co.
Text on the card reads: The Library. Yours the home of the treasured books; Bound in russet and gold. To seeking minds their wealth is fraught with charm of the days of old. And rainy days may well be spent in sunlit fields of sentiment.
Text on the back reads: It won't be so very long now before the long evenings come and with them thoughts of comfort in the home, particularly in the library, den and living-room. You'll find here, in a walk through the store, many suggestions for making these rooms more comfortable, more cozy, more homelike than possibly they are now. Another thing, it's not a bit too early to begin thinking of stoves. You know our stove reputation.
Found in RS 97/1/65, Box 11