Institutional Libraries Correspondence | The American Library Association Archives
Digital copies of the correspondence of the Institutional Libraries Committee, created in 1923 to promote library service in institutions other than hospitals, especially in correctional institution and institutions for dependent children, contains annual reports (1941-47), prison libraries correspondence (1934-37, 1943-47), institutional newsletters, newsletters of the committee (1943-48) and a survey of prison libraries conducted by F. T. Rowan (1936-39), includes Round Table Meeting Reports, News Bulletins, and Correctional Education issues, inmates' letters and writings (1937-38), and correspondents include Raymond C. Lindquist, Anne E. Martin, Mildred L. Methuen and libraries of the ALA conference in Richmond (1936).
Administrative access to preservation, nearline, and access files are available to archives staff at:
Institution Libraries Committee
Institutions for Dependent Children
Library services to prisons
Prison Libraries