Search Results | The American Library Association Archives
Searching for Subject: Censorship
Records and Manuscripts
(48 Matches)
- Executive Board and Executive Director President
- Executive Board and Executive Director Legal Counsel
- Executive Board and Executive Director Executive Director
- David H. Clift Papers, 1951-72 2/4/24
- Subject File, 1904- 2/4/6
- Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) Director
- Speeches, 1968-2008 6/1/12
- Lawyers for Libraries, 1996-2012 6/1/15
- Banned Books Week File, 1980-2019 6/1/16
- Academic Freedom Group File, 1972-1982, 1998 6/1/17
- Judith Krug Papers, 1965-2009 6/1/20
- Barbara M. Jones Papers, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1986, 1997-2000, 2002-2004, 2008-2010, 2012-2014 6/1/21
- Censorship and Libraries Exhibit File, 1983-1988 6/1/40
- Children’s Internet Protection Act File, 1997-2005 6/1/41
- Correspondence File, 1967-1992, 1994-1998, 2000-2002, 2005-2006 6/1/5
- Office for Intellectual Freedom Subject File, 1961- 6/1/6
- Censorship Case Files, 1974-2006 6/1/8
- Statutes File, 1987-2007 6/1/9
- Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) Freedom To Read Foundation
- Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) Publications
- Newsletters, 1952-2012 6/3/10
- Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy, 2016-2017 6/3/11
- Posters, 1984-2015 6/3/12
- Audiovisual Materials, 1974-2009 6/3/13
- Reference File, 1944- 6/3/3
- Public Information Office (PIO) Directors Office
- Correspondence, 1929-76 12/1/5
- Public Information Office (PIO) Publications
- Washington Office Director
- American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Publications
- Newsletters, 1939-1998 20/3/10
- Public Library Association (PLA) Conferences
- Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) Executive Committee
- Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) Action Council
- Minutes, 1970-1972, 1992-2007 49/1/1
- Subject File, 1968-2007 49/1/5
- Intellectual Freedom Committee Secretary
- Intellectual Freedom Committee Chair
- Intellectual Freedom Committee Publications
- International Relations Committee Chair
- Affiliated and Associated Organizations Association for Library and Information Science Education
- Subject File, 1913-2013 85/2/6
- Affiliated and Associated Organizations Columbia University School of Library Service
- Personal Members Papers
Digital Images and Records
(23 Matches)
- Search image thumbnails (12 or more images found)
- Conferences of Intellectual Freedom Published Proceedings (Digital Surrogates)
- Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy (Digital Born)
- Judith Krug Papers (Born Digital Records), 1996-2008
- Meeting Minutes and Agendas, 2015 -
- Minutes (Digital Surrogates)
- Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records)
- OIF Reference File (Born Digital Records)
- OIF Speeches (Digital Surrogates)
- Patricia G. Schuman Papers (Born Digital & Digital Surrogates Records)
- PIO Audiovisual Material (Digital Surrogate)
- Reports (Born Digital and Digital Surrogates)
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