ALA Executive Board at Hot Springs Conference | The American Library Association Archives
Photograph of the ALA Executive Board at the 1923 ALA Annual Conference at Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Attached description reads:
"45th annual conference of the American Library Association, Hotel Eastman, Hot Springs, Ark., April 23-28, 1923
"Executive Board of the American Library Association. Left to right
"Standing: George S. Godard, State librarian of Connecticut. Carl H. Milam, Secretary of the ALA, Chicago. HHB Meyer, Library of Congress. Julia Ideson, librarian Public Library, Houston, Texas. Edward D. Tweedell, Asst. Librarians the John Crerar Library, Chicago, Treasurer of the ALA. Carl B. Roden, Librarian, Public Library, Chicago. Sarah CN Bogle, Asst. Sec. ALA, Chicago; Charlmers Hadley, Librarian, Denver Public Library.
"Seated: Josephine A. Rathbone, Vice-Director School of Library Science, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY. George B. Utley, President of the ALA, Librarian Newberry Library, Chicago. Malcolm G. Wyer, Librarian, University Nebraska."
Found in RS: 99/1/14, Box 1, Folder: Annual Conferences - Hot Springs, Ark., 1923
Bogle, Sarah C. N.
Executive Board, ALA
Godard, George S.
Hadley, Chalmers
Ideson, Julia B.
Meyer, Herman H. B.
Milam, Carl H.
Rathbone, Josephine A.
Roden, Carl B.
Tweedell, Edward D.
Utley, George B.
Wyer, Malcom G.